1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fairview in Livingston County, Livingston, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Livingston County > 1940 Census of Fairview in Livingston County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AcreeJulian born about 1919
AlexanderC Aborn about 1920
AlexanderCharles born about 1922
AlexanderRuby Eborn about 1885
AlexanderW Aborn about 1876
AllenChester born about 1889
AndersonCarl born about 1909
AndersonGeorgia born about 1912
AndersonShirley Aborn about 1938
AppleberryAlviis born about 1921
AppleberryEdna born about 1894
AppleberryElla born about 1888
AppleberryErma Jborn about 1930
AppleberryGifford born about 1894
AppleberryHenry born about 1925
AppleberryJames Wborn about 1879
AppleberryJane born about 1933
AppleberryJohn born about 1881
AppleberryOllie born about 1881
AppleberryRoy Aborn about 1915
AthertonArthur born about 1880
AthertonCora born about 1886
AustineLaura born about 1882
AustineRoy born about 1879
AveryBernice born about 1903
AveryGerald Lborn about 1925
AveryHarry Hborn about 1900
AveryHarry H Jrborn about 1922
AveryPatrica Aborn about 1939
AyeSelina born about 1865

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B Surnames

BailyGeorge Eborn about 1895
BalesLouthisha born about 1871
BalesMaurice born about 1914
BalesNaomi born about 1918
BalesRoy born about 1906
BallenJames Lborn about 1905
BallenMartha Bborn about 1875
BanksEdward born about 1879
BanksElton born about 1914
BarnhartCarl Fborn about 1897
BarnhartDacelle born about 1933
BarnhartElizabeth born about 1920
BarnhartErcil born about 1922
BarnhartEtha Mborn about 1903
BarnhartFerril born about 1931
BarnhartFleda born about 1899
BarnhartFrancis Lborn about 1925
BarnhartFrank born about 1870
BarnhartGeorge born about 1879
BarnhartHoward born about 1918
BarnhartJacqueline born about
BarnhartMargie Eborn about 1925
BarnhartNona born about 1890
BarnhartNorma Lborn about 1927
BarnhartOra born about 1898
BarnhartPaul Hborn about 1895
BarnhartWilliam Cborn about 1893
BeauchampJ Wborn about 1870
BeeverArthur Aborn about 1882
BeeverBernard born about 1922
BeeverBoyd born about 1889
BeeverBuell born about 1922
BeeverByron born about 1931
BeeverDale born about 1904
BeeverDale Dborn about 1927
BeeverElizabeth Aborn about 1932
BeeverGoldie born about 1897
BeeverGrace born about 1900
BeeverHelen Fborn about 1924
BeeverJanice born about 1920
BeeverMaurice born about 1907
BeeverStanley born about 1901
BeeverStella born about 1892
BeeverSusie Bborn about 1884
BeeverVincent born about 1918
BeeverW Pborn about 1892
BeeverWallace born about 1926
BeeverWayne born about 1924
BeeverWilliam Jr born about 1928
BeeverWyone born about 1863
BennettBert born about 1886
BishopElizabeth born about 1874
BishopElmer Wborn about 1936
BishopHelen Fborn about 1935
BishopHoward born about 1929
BishopMina born about 1906
BishopWard Sborn about 1872
BishopWilliam born about 1904
BlakelyFairy born about 1895
BlakelyHunter born about 1894
BlakelyLarena born about 1920
BoegerRuth Idaborn about 1917
BowenLinnie born about 1899
BowenLouis born about 1890
BowesAnnie born about 1862
BowesFloyd Jborn about 1889
BowesFrancis born about 1920
BowesG Pborn about 1859
BowesHilda Jborn about 1930
BowesNellie born about 1895
BrittianJoseph Wborn about 1929
BrittianWilliam born about 1883
BrooksBert born about 1891
BrooksCharles Lborn about 1922
BrooksMary Mborn about 1894
BrownAlice Aborn about 1927
BrownClarence Oborn about 1897
BrownEva Lborn about 1899
BrownGary Rborn about 1937
BrownLonnie Lborn about 1933
BrownMary Fborn about 1928
BrownMary Gborn about 1932
BrownRex born about 1907
BrownWilmeth born about 1909
BrowningGladys born about 1902
BrowningJesse born about 1884
BrowningRex Sborn about 1905
BrowningSamuel Jborn about 1877
BrowningSpencer Aborn about 1875
BurgardClaud born about 1908
BurgardClaudia Mborn about 1935
BurgardFrankie Jborn about 1931
BurgardGoldie born about 1911
BurgardNora born about 1876
BurgardOlie born about 1874
BurgardS Hborn about 1853
BurtonAubrey born about 1904
BurtonHoward born about 1919
BurtonLena born about 1881
BurtonLura born about 1904
BurtonMont born about 1872
BurtonPearl born about 1917
BurtonR Jborn about 1891

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C Surnames

CalvertNormal Cborn about 1907
CampbellBilly Mborn about 1914
CampbellElizabeth born about 1875
CampbellGeorge born about 1861
CampbellJunior born about 1923
CampbellLuther born about 1922
CampbellN Aliceborn about 1869
CampbellThomas Mborn about 1909
CampbellW Jborn about 1874
CarterAlta born about 1891
CarterT Dborn about 1877
CaseyRose born about 1876
ChaneyEmily Jborn about 1918
ChristisonSteven born about 1863
ClarkChester born about 1861
ClarkJames born about 1884
ClarkLouisa born about 1861
CloseCharles born about 1901
CloseSusie born about 1860
ColliverEarl born about 1903
ColliverGladys born about 1902
ColliverKenneth born about 1929
ColliverLouise born about 1933
ColliverWayne born about 1935
ColterAlbert Wborn about 1926
ColterDoris born about 1918
ColterEdna born about 1875
ColterGerald Aborn about 1927
ColterJoyce Lborn about 1937
ColterNorma Lborn about 1936
ColterVirgil born about 1916
ColterWilliam Hborn about 1870
CondronJames Eborn about 1933
CondronJames Lborn about 1868
CondronJohn Mborn about 1933
CondronKirby born about 1896
CondronLessie born about 1870
CondronMary Eborn about 1926
CondronMildred born about 1890
CondronPerry Mborn about 1926
CondronRalph Wborn about 1923
CondronReva Aborn about 1924
CondronRoger Sborn about 1924
CondronRuby born about 1904
CondronS Mborn about 1873
CondronSamuel M Jrborn about 1930
CondronWalter born about 1929
CondronWalter Eborn about 1922
CondronWilliam Pborn about 1914
CookEdward born about 1879
CookLou born about 1875
CooperAlpha Aborn about 1882
CooperJohn Nborn about 1879
CrackenbergerFred born about 1908
CrackenbergerFred Dborn about 1937
CrackenbergerMildred born about 1913
CrankNellie Hborn about 1914
CummingsIona born about 1928
CummingsJohn born about 1887
CummingsLena born about 1895
CummingsRaymond born about 1923
CunninghamAlvin born about 1926
CunninghamClyta Mborn about 1887
CunninghamIra born about 1901
CunninghamIvan born about 1932
CunninghamJoseph Jborn about 1886
CunninghamRoger born about 1924
CunninghamSusie born about 1898
CutshallElwood born about 1899
CutshallNaomi born about 1919
CutshallShirley Lborn about 1939

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D Surnames

DavenportAlva born about 1905
DavenportCurtis born about 1909
DavenportEarl born about 1900
DavenportEdward born about 1870
DavenportElvin born about 1927
DavenportJohn born about 1894
DavenportNona born about 1889
DavenportRaymond born about 1936
DavenportVeda Mborn about 1931
DavenportWillard born about 1924
DinsmoreEllen born about 1938
DinsmoreJerry Lborn about 1936
DinsmoreLucille born about 1911
DinsmorePaul born about 1911
DissmoreJohn Nborn about 1940
DissmoreJohns Sborn about 1916
DissmoreMaxine born about 1917
DossEarl Wborn about 1884
DossHenry Hborn about 1918
DossJames Bborn about 1925
DossKenneth Eborn about 1928
DossMyrtle born about 1891
DowellE Williamborn about 1870
DrakeAlice born about 1894
DrakeBettie Lborn about 1872
DrakeC Mborn about 1868
DrakeDorothy born about 1928
DunlapWilliam Hborn about 1847
DurnilDorothy born about 1915
DurnilGlenn born about 1912
DurnilHoward Lborn about 1935
DurnilMarvin Lborn about 1933
DurnilPhyllis Iborn about 1939

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E Surnames

EsterbrookFrancis born about 1928
EsterbrookGeorge Lborn about 1897
EsterbrookJessie Lborn about 1879
EsterbrookJohn Ghborn about 1850
EsterbrookLena Mborn about 1896
EsterbrookMary Aborn about 1854
EsterbrookRichard born about 1932
EsterbrookStanford born about 1923

F Surnames

FieldsMilton born about 1897
FinkDella Mborn about 1890
FinkEdward Wborn about 1867
FinkEffie Vborn about 1869
FinkJoyce born about 1923
FinkLeland born about 1891
FinkLois born about 1920
FleetwoodCora born about 1884
FleetwoodJohn born about 1887
FrizzellDale Wborn about 1937
FrizzellGeneviene born about 1905
FrizzellHarley born about 1906
FrizzellHazel born about 1922
FrizzellHelen Lborn about 1939
FrizzellMyrtle born about 1885
FrizzellPete born about 1876
FullertonJames born about 1919
FullertonJessie born about 1880
FullertonMartha born about 1872
FullertonMiles born about 1875
FullertonPauline born about 1912
FullertonRobert Eborn about 1867
FullertonVan Dborn about 1874

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G Surnames

GibbonsAmy born about 1861
GoffDonna born about 1928
GoffEstol born about 1906
GoffFred Mborn about 1883
GoffLeila born about 1906
GoffMargaret Aborn about 1888
GoffMartha Aborn about 1856
GoffPeggy born about 1932
GoffWilma born about 1918
GrayDorothy Mborn about 1929
GrayEarl born about 1898
GrayKeith Lborn about 1931
GrayMae born about 1911
GrayNorma born about 1921
GrayT Cleoborn about 1912
GriggsFrancis Lborn about 1865
GriggsNora born about 1876
GwinArthur Cborn about 1903
GwinBetty Lborn about 1940
GwinClark born about 1873
GwinEvelyn Fborn about 1938
GwinLou Cborn about 1874
GwinMary born about 1911

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H Surnames

HackettClaude Aborn about 1901
HackettFaye born about 1928
HackettFern born about 1928
HackettGranville Cborn about 1923
HackettJames Dborn about 1925
HackettVirginia born about 1896
HarkinsAlice born about 1916
HarkinsEverett born about 1940
HarkinsMaurice born about 1901
HarkinsMilo born about 1936
HarkinsMina born about 1937
HarkinsSherman born about 1939
HartenstineOrtie born about 1891
HartenstineRoy born about 1886
HawkinsCora Eborn about 1908
HawkinsHarlind born about 1899
HawkinsHarold Jborn about 1908
HawkinsPermelia born about 1862
HaynesBeverly Iborn about 1933
HaynesEdith born about 1887
HaynesJohn Eborn about 1935
HaynesKatie Iborn about 1909
HaynesNettie born about 1866
HaynesRobert Eborn about 1857
HaynesWillis born about 1913
HaysBernadine born about 1930
HaysBessie Lborn about 1927
HaysDorothy born about 1934
HaysEdward born about 1931
HaysW Altonborn about 1933
HessenflowLilbert born about 1892
HiddenJerry Cborn about 1864
HiddenNancy born about 1866
HillCharlie born about 1898
HillHenry born about 1869
HillKenneth Cborn about 1933
HillLawrence born about 1907
HillNellie born about 1909
HillNora Aborn about 1872
HiningerEdith born about 1893
HiningerIrene born about 1920
HiningerWesley born about 1890
HoffmanMary Eborn about 1864
HoltEugene born about 1904
HoltGrace born about 1901
HoltHarold born about 1928
HoltLois Jborn about 1926
HookNellie born about 1906
HookOvid born about 1900
HookRoberta born about 1935
HookWallace born about 1924
HordDavid born about 1924
HordHarvey born about 1888
HordRuth Eborn about 1895
HortenstineMontgomery born about 1875
HortenstineSusan born about 1853
HouseAlbert born about 1904
HouseJune Vborn about 1929
HouseLarene Eborn about 1927
HouseVerlee born about 1907
HoytBert Aborn about 1896
HoytBetty Jborn about 1935
HoytClara born about 1869
HoytKate born about 1888
HoytMinnie Mborn about 1896
HoytMyron Pborn about 1925
HoytOtis Allenborn about 1921
HoytSamuel born about 1860
HudsonMarion born about 1904
HudsonMellissa born about 1884
HudsonS Nborn about 1876
HuffmanClifford born about 1908
HuffmanDoris Jborn about 1931
HuffmanDorothy born about 1931
HuffmanEsther born about 1911
HuffmanMildred born about 1911
HuffmanVesta Aborn about 1937
HuffmanVestol born about 1913
HuggAllie Dborn about 1900
HuggAquilla Fborn about 1888
HuggClara born about 1875
HuggHenry Tborn about 1878
HughesCharles Lborn about 1923
HughesHarry born about 1888
HughesLillia Cborn about 1930
HughesMary born about 1896

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J Surnames

JeffriesCarl born about 1936
JeffriesElwin born about 1931
JeffriesJewell Lborn about 1899
JeffriesLeroy born about 1927
JeffriesRay born about 1933
JeffriesWinifred born about 1898
JohnsonFloyd born about 1909
JohnsonLawerence Eborn about 1931
JohnsonLois Aborn about 1932
JohnsonPearl born about 1905
JonesAnnie born about 1924
JonesGomer born about 1929
JonesJohn Mborn about 1921
JonesLouis Eborn about 1926
JonesMary Fborn about 1932
JonesNancy Lborn about 1938
JonesRoy born about 1925
JonesRuth born about 1901
JonesS Jborn about 1885

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K Surnames

KelleyAlice Jborn about 1866
KelleyD Jborn about 1865
KernsGeorge Cborn about 1876
KernsMabel Aborn about 1877
KerrAnna born about 1878
KerrCarl born about 1934
KerrDora born about 1867
KerrEdith Lborn about 1881
KerrElmer Fborn about 1880
KerrGeorge born about 1871
KerrJ Cborn about 1855
KerrJames Mborn about 1929
KerrMary born about 1905
KerrStanford born about 1932
KerrWilliam Cborn about 1879
KimberHarry Earlborn about 1930
KimberHarry Jborn about 1895
KimberHazel Vinitaborn about 1927
KimberJohn Wborn about 1866
KimberLaura born about 1870
KimberNellie Oborn about 1897
KissickDonald born about 1931
KissickHoward born about 1925
KissickLee born about 1923
KissickLloyd born about 1922
KissickNellie born about 1890
KissickOrrin born about 1885
KnottBetty Jborn about 1929
KnottDoris Lborn about 1931
KnottJames born about 1863
KnottMary born about 1869
KnottMay born about 1909
KnottOliver Bborn about 1860
KnottRoy born about 1900

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L Surnames

LeeNorma born about 1921
LeeT Edwardborn about 1913
LeislerBilly Pborn about 1919
LeislerE Susanborn about 1921
LeislerKatherine born about 1934
LeislerTina born about 1888
LeislerWilliam Hborn about 1885
LewisEdna Aborn about 1928
LewisGeorge born about 1878
LewisSarah Kborn about 1923
LintonClark Cborn about 1889
LintonDaisy Sborn about 1890
LintonDelmah born about 1908
LintonEdward born about 1887
LintonEva born about 1883
LintonF Lborn about 1889
LintonLee born about 1909
LintonMalinda born about 1849
LintonMargaret born about 1863
LintonNettie Fborn about 1890
LintonT Geilborn about 1881
LinvilleBertha born about 1902
LinvilleIrl born about 1896
LinvilleRuth born about 1926
LisenbyDorothy born about 1915
LisenbyRobert born about 1938
LisenbyWilliam born about 1913
LivingstonEdith born about 1905
LivingstonEleanor born about 1936
LivingstonHoward born about 1902
LivingstonIris born about 1912
LivingstonMaurice born about 1899
LoganElnora born about 1901
LoganPeter Nborn about 1898
LudwigAnthony Cborn about 1886
LudwigDonald Eborn about 1929
LudwigMary Eborn about 1892
LudwigMary Kborn about 1923
LulligAlbert born about 1884
LulligEdith born about 1891
LulligMildred born about 1920
LulligRaymond born about 1923

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M Surnames

ManningEmma born about 1894
ManningFrank born about 1880
MartinAnna born about 1886
MartinClaude Lborn about 1922
MartinDavid Aborn about 1875
MartinFred Wborn about 1881
MartinLuther born about 1867
MartinMary Iborn about 1878
MartinNina born about 1909
MasonFreda born about 1917
MasonGayle Lborn about 1937
MathewsC Dwaineborn about 1940
MathewsClaude born about 1909
MathewsElla Lborn about 1935
MathewsMarguerita born about 1911
MayCharles Eborn about 1866
MayLizzie Hborn about 1874
McCollomPearl born about 1872
McCollomRobbie born about 1868
McCruchenBernice born about 1919
McCruchenOrbria born about 1937
McDowellDoris Iborn about 1930
McDowellEarl born about 1908
McDowellMarilyn born about 1932
McDowellOda Eborn about 1910
McDowellRobert born about
McMillenEthel born about 1889
McMillenPaul born about 1923
McMillenWilliam Lborn about 1886
MetznerEsther born about 1907
MetznerGwendolyn born about 1936
MillerHenry born about 1865
MitchellAlva born about 1887
MitchellBuell Fborn about 1914
MitchellBuford born about 1917
MitchellCarolyn born about 1916
MitchellG Mborn about 1871
MitchellHarold born about 1920
MitchellOtis born about 1910
MitchellPearl born about 1913
MitchellRex born about 1911
MosierEula Aborn about 1887
MosierJohn Jborn about 1879
MurdockBonnie born about 1932
MurdockMarie born about 1910

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N Surnames

NobleArchie born about 1909
NobleArchie Lborn about 1937
NobleBernice born about 1917
NobleColonel born about 1883
NobleHazel Oborn about 1939
NobleOlive born about 1883

O Surnames

OreillyTressa born about 1871
OsgoodBilly Lborn about 1932
OsgoodEarl Rborn about 1924
OsgoodEliza born about 1906
OsgoodElizabeth Aborn about 1934
OsgoodJames Rborn about 1899
OsgoodLois Jborn about 1923
OxfordEffie born about 1887
OxfordGeneva born about 1912
OxfordGeorge born about 1884
OxfordHarold born about 1923
OxfordRonald born about 1919

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P Surnames

ParisGoldie born about 1905
ParisLawrence born about 1907
PattersonLina born about 1878
PaulCatherine born about 1905
PaulHerbert born about 1901
PaulPhyllis Fborn about 1927
PearsonEdgar Fborn about 1885
PearsonMary Lborn about 1928
PearsonNellie Mborn about 1893
PennigtonDaisy born about 1894
PennigtonDare born about 1906
PennigtonZear born about 1875
PerryBetty Lborn about 1929
PerryHazel born about 1923
PerryJ Macborn about 1894
PerryJoe Rborn about 1931
PerryLeroy born about 1929
PerryMary born about 1896
PerryPaul born about 1927
PerryRolla born about 1900
PerryWayne born about 1922
PlummerLoyd born about 1887
PlummerSarah born about 1894
PlummerThomas Sborn about 1932
PowellAlvin Wborn about 1929
PowellAnanias Wborn about 1886
PowellCharles born about 1924
PowellCharles born about 1925
PowellFannie Oborn about 1890
PowellFrances born about 1922
PowellMary born about 1920
PriceFannie Bborn about 1875

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R Surnames

RichardsonBessie born about 1870
RickenbrodeAnnie born about 1861
RickenbrodeF Wborn about 1861
RickenbrodeGary born about 1939
RickenbrodeGordon Kborn about 1932
RickenbrodeHelen born about 1909
RickenbrodeHolton Rborn about 1903
RoathDe Loisborn about 1925
RoathKenneth born about 1922
RoathMargaret born about 1900
RoathVirdo born about 1896
RobertsElzieda* Lborn about 1896
RobinsonDaisy born about 1875
RobinsonRichard born about 1881
RogersNewton Mborn about 1861
RoneyHenry born about 1901
RoneyJames Eborn about 1939
RoneyLouise born about 1920
RossAlbert Mborn about 1868
RossBarbara Jborn about 1935
RossBetty Lborn about 1932
RossClyde born about 1910
RossEdna born about 1888
RossHelen born about 1923
RossLola born about 1914
RossLowell born about 1925
RossPhylliss Jborn about 1939
RossWilliam Aborn about 1933

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S Surnames

SaundersVirgil born about 1928
SchaffnerEdith born about 1885
SchaffnerGlenn born about 1912
SchaffnerGoffrey born about 1875
SeidelDelia born about 1886
SeidelEdward born about 1885
ShieldsOpie born about 1867
ShieldsRobert born about 1860
ShipleyAlleyne born about 1919
ShipleyBarbara Aborn about 1938
ShipleyJanis Fborn about 1940
ShipleyJay born about 1880
ShipleyJewell born about 1919
ShipleyJudith Kborn about 1935
ShipleyMary Eborn about 1881
ShipleyRalph born about 1915
ShipleyReva born about 1922
ShipleyWilliam Jborn about 1936
ShippArnold Wborn about 1937
ShippBetty Jborn about 1935
ShippCarl Lborn about 1920
ShippCarl Tborn about 1894
ShippChester born about 1918
ShippD Delbertborn about 1916
ShippDonna Fborn about 1939
ShippDorothea born about 1917
ShippFrancis Eborn about 1891
ShippJulia born about 1917
ShippLois Jborn about 1929
ShippMae born about 1892
ShippOrrville born about 1921
ShippTamara Lborn about 1939
ShippW Mborn about 1915
ShippWalter born about 1911
SicklerAndy born about 1936
SicklerArthur Aborn about 1883
SicklerArthur Jborn about 1920
SicklerBilly born about 1929
SicklerBobby born about 1932
SicklerDonald born about 1922
SicklerGoldie born about 1900
SidersLula born about 1884
SidersM Jborn about 1879
SmithBuell born about 1918
SmithEdward born about 1874
SmithHelen born about 1918
SmithLucille born about 1922
SmithLula born about 1885
SmithMartha born about 1924
SmithSherman born about 1920
SniderBobbie born about 1936
SniderCarl born about 1925
SniderDonald born about 1933
SniderFred born about 1895
SniderGeneva born about 1930
SniderHelen born about 1935
SniderMelvin born about 1926
SniderRoxie born about 1898
SniderVelma born about 1928
SnyderCharles born about 1931
SnyderDora born about 1899
SnyderGuy born about 1892
SnyderHelen born about 1925
SnyderPaul born about 1922
SparksElmer born about 1867
SteeleEsther born about 1911
SteeleFrancis Mborn about 1910
SteeleJohn Tborn about 1938
SteeleKatie Lborn about 1870
SteelePaul Wborn about 1940
SteeleW Dborn about 1877
StewartWillard Fborn about 1903
StrangRalph born about 1898
StubbsNiney Iborn about 1894
SummerL Dborn about 1898

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T Surnames

TerrillFlorence Vborn about 1901
TerrillWillis Eborn about 1879
ThomasBobby born about 1939
ThomasFloyd born about 1898
ThomasJunior born about 1932
ThomasMary born about 1900
ThomasMaxine born about 1927
ThomasWilliam born about 1930

W Surnames

WadeArnol born about 1899
WadeEliza born about 1860
WaryEva born about 1868
WaryW Lborn about 1862
WellsParria Lborn about 1861
WheelbargerAllie Eborn about 1878
WheelbargerAllie Jr born about 1912
WheelbargerEdward born about 1911
WheelbargerErnest Eborn about 1906
WheelbargerGrace born about 1914
WheelbargerMartha Sborn about 1876
WheelbargerRichard born about 1934
WheelbargerRussell Eborn about 1917
WheelerAletha born about 1903
WheelerCharles Lborn about 1928
WheelerCharles Wborn about 1871
WheelerGertrude born about 1916
WheelerHomer born about 1911
WheelerIda born about 1877
WheelerJewell born about 1906
WhitacreBerdene born about 1918
WhitedDwight Lborn about 1939
WhitedHugh born about 1899
WhitedLuther Rborn about 1903
WhitedMildred born about 1914
WhitesideBessie Aborn about 1901
WhitesideDale Cborn about 1931
WhitesideEarl Fborn about 1900
WhitesideEdward born about 1874
WhitesideEffie born about 1893
WhitesideVirginia Lborn about 1928
WhitesideWesley Eborn about 1933
WhitleyDeborah born about 1877
WhitleyRichard Mborn about 1872
WilkisonRaymond born about 1901
WilkisonVera born about 1901
WilliamIva Nborn about 1927
WilliamLois born about 1891
WilliamWalter born about 1878
WilliamsBilly born about 1928
WilliamsClarence born about 1913
WilliamsEileen born about 1925
WilliamsElaine born about 1925
WilliamsEverett born about 1930
WilliamsJ Nborn about 1886
WilliamsJaunita born about 1923
WilliamsLula born about 1893
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1934
WilliamsMaude born about 1890
WilliamsW Jborn about 1886
WilsonBeatrice born about 1885
WilsonC Wborn about 1880
WimmerGertrude born about 1889
WimmerHenderson born about 1861
WimmerMarian Vborn about 1866
WinfreyJohn born about 1869
WolfeDell born about 1892
WolfeFred born about 1887
WolfeGene born about 1923
WolfeRoy born about 1881
WrightA Eborn about 1873
WrightBlanche born about 1893
WrightFaye born about 1923
WrightHallie born about 1875
WrightHelen born about 1924
WrightJune born about 1933
WrightJunior born about 1928
WrightRoy born about 1896

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Z Surnames

ZirkleElizabeth born about 1867
ZirkleElla born about 1869
ZirkleLeon born about 1919
ZumbroD L Fborn about 1873
ZumbroJane Eborn about 1874

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