1940 U.S. Federal Census of Golds Berry, Howell, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Howell County > 1940 Census of Golds Berry

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AbbeyAlbert Cborn about 1909
AbbeyBettie born about 1934
AbbeyBobby Dborn about 1933
AbbeyCharley Rborn about 1937
AbbeyGeorge Aborn about 1939
AbbeyIda born about 1910
AbbyBilly born about 1929
AbbyEmmett born about 1905
AbbyFrieda born about 1911
AbbyJack born about 1931
AbbyJimmie born about 1935
AbbyJoe born about 1937
AbbyMary born about 1933
AbbyPatricia born about 1939
AckersViolet born about 1910
AcklinAgnes born about 1901
AcklinArdey born about 1931
AcklinDavid born about 1904
AcklinNaomi Rborn about 1933
AhrensFern born about 1927
AhrensRalph Wborn about 1932
AlexanderBilly born about 1936
AlexanderCarolyn born about 1939
AlexanderEisel born about 1921
AlexanderElsie born about 1927
AlexanderGlen born about 1879
AlexanderJames Aborn about 1895
AlexanderMatilda Eborn about 1876
AlexanderMaxine born about 1919
AlexanderPhillis born about 1932
AlexanderRuby born about 1900
AlexanderVirginia born about 1939
AlexanderW Eborn about 1875
AllenAlice born about 1859
AllenAlmeda born about 1879
AllenBernice born about 1928
AllenCarolyn Jborn about 1938
AllenDale born about 1934
AllenDelores born about 1930
AllenDon born about 1936
AllenJack born about 1932
AllenJohn born about 1858
AllenJohn Sborn about 1939
AllenKathryn born about 1917
AllenLela born about 1909
AllenLetha born about 1920
AllenLuther born about 1912
AllenNorman Kborn about 1910
AllenPaul born about 1909
AllenRosalee born about 1939
AllenWalter born about 1904
AllenWilliam Gborn about 1915
AndersonAnna born about 1883
AndersonElex Jborn about 1876
AndersonFern born about 1919
AndersonGrace born about 1885
ArmstrongDavid born about 1916
ArmstrongEdith born about 1920
ArmstrongJohn Rborn about 1869
ArmstrongMayne born about 1886
ArmstrongPaul born about 1908
ArmstrongRuth born about 1914
ArnoldCharles born about 1867
ArnoldDan born about 1913
ArthurAllan Wborn about 1934
ArthurChester born about 1905
ArthurEdna born about 1882
ArthurJeanette born about 1914
ArthurJeannie born about 1933
ArthurLyle born about 1914
ArthurNancy Kborn about 1937
ArthurNida born about 1922
ArthurRuth born about 1905
AyersAlva born about 1911
AyersVerdis born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaherJorome born about 1879
BaherSarah born about 1890
BakerBlanch born about 1894
BakerEdith born about 1928
BaleEarl born about 1895
BalesChas Howardborn about 1930
BalesGladys born about 1904
BalesLawrence born about 1901
BalesLee Edwardborn about 1939
BalesShirley born about 1938
BalesTracy Rayborn about 1933
BalesWilma Juneborn about 1926
BankstonLorah Aborn about 1887
BankstonLorane Aborn about 1926
BankstonThomas Fborn about 1893
BankstonThomas F Jrborn about 1926
BartellsBarbara Jeanborn about 1937
BartellsGarnet born about 1904
BartellsHenry born about 1866
BartellsPeggy Louborn about 1931
BartellsWalter born about 1895
BartonCecil born about 1911
BartonGilroy born about 1918
BartonJ Tborn about 1885
BartonVirgie born about 1891
BaskettCharles born about 1887
BaskettMabel born about 1902
BayAlbert born about 1889
BayAlbert born about 1924
BayAlma born about 1918
BayBlaine born about 1918
BayCalvin born about 1927
BayJohn Wborn about 1872
BayKenneth born about 1929
BayMary born about 1926
BayMaxion Jborn about 1874
BayMinnie born about 1888
BayNolan born about 1922
BayRussell born about 1920
BaySarah Lborn about 1859
BayViolet born about 1892
BayWilma Lborn about 1931
BayerBernice born about 1930
BayerCecil born about 1924
BayerClarence born about 1897
BayerHelen born about 1928
BayerJames born about 1934
BayerLouise born about 1926
BayerLydia born about 1910
BeasonFannie Louborn about 1903
BeasonJohn Lborn about 1904
BeasonWilliam born about 1921
BeckGeorge born about 1878
BeckInez born about 1874
BeckerAlvin born about 1912
BeckerCelia born about 1880
BeckerEllen born about 1884
BeckerFlorence born about 1921
BeckerFloyd born about 1915
BeckerFred Aborn about 1881
BeckerGeorge born about 1921
BeckerGladys born about 1917
BeckerGlen born about 1913
BeckerGoldie born about 1926
BeckerHannah born about 1888
BeckerHenry Lborn about 1886
BeckerMary Ireneborn about 1921
BeckerMildred born about 1921
BeckettSarah Eborn about 1863
BeelerAslorne born about 1903
BeelerEugene born about 1932
BeelerGrace Ethelborn about 1904
BeelerJoy born about 1929
BeelerMerlin born about 1925
BeightolEdgar Eborn about 1874
BeightolKathryn born about 1880
BelenczukNaoma born about 1879
BelewIda born about 1882
BelewJohn Oborn about 1879
BellerArthur Hborn about 1892
BellerBilly Royborn about 1932
BellerCoy born about 1929
BellerDelma born about 1911
BellerEmma born about 1893
BellerJames born about 1913
BellerJoy born about 1924
BellerLuler Maeborn about 1936
BellerRalph born about 1916
BellerRoy born about 1925
BellerTroy born about 1926
BentonBill Mborn about 1927
BentonGeorge Wborn about 1874
BentonMyrtle born about 1877
BernhardMatilda born about 1899
BernhardOttmer born about 1890
BeterAnna born about 1881
BeterCharles Lborn about 1883
BeterSarah Eborn about 1861
BirgeBilly born about 1929
BirgeEloner Cborn about 1897
BirgeGenevive born about 1926
BirgeOllie born about 1898
BirgeRuby born about 1910
BlankenshipAlta born about 1904
BlankenshipJohn Tborn about 1939
BlankenshipLorene born about 1932
BlankenshipTom Fborn about 1901
BolegattArthur born about 1912
BolegattBilly Rayborn about 1939
BolegattGerald Leeborn about 1937
BolegattMarie born about 1915
BolerjackMyrtle born about 1917
BolerjackOliver born about 1885
BolerjackPearl born about 1890
BooneArchie born about 1904
BooneDarlene born about 1940
BooneEdward born about 1933
BooneElmer born about 1892
BooneEthel born about 1891
BooneFay born about 1924
BooneGene born about 1935
BooneKeith born about 1937
BooneLouise born about 1907
BooneMabel born about 1917
BooneMarlene born about 1938
BooneRude born about 1909
BowerJohn Mborn about 1858
BowerLouis Aborn about 1887
BoydCora Cborn about 1878
BoydRobert Lborn about 1867
BoydRuth born about 1921
BoydWilliam Bborn about 1919
BramhallNancy Eborn about 1872
BramhallWinfield born about 1859
BrauleyCharley Cborn about 1875
BrauleyMartin O Cborn about 1937
BrauleyVirginia Billborn about 1906
BrauleyVirginia F Wborn about 1936
BremmanMinnie born about 1888
BrewingtonClaireta born about 1932
BrewingtonCoin born about 1882
BrewingtonDouglas born about 1923
BrewingtonEarl born about 1908
BrewingtonOleta born about 1914
BrewingtonThomas Eborn about 1933
BrewingtonWill born about 1879
BrittonLaura Eborn about 1867
BrokawCecelia born about 1903
BrokawClarence Rborn about 1902
BronstonEffie born about 1878
BronstonWill Hborn about 1878
BrooksGoldie born about 1921
BrooksJohn Dborn about 1865
BrooksMary Rborn about 1875
BrookshierDonna Leeborn about 1937
BrookshierDorothy born about 1909
BrookshierHenry born about 1926
BrookshierMarion born about 1940
BrookshierWard born about 1900
BrosswellCarl born about 1927
BrosswellErnest born about 1921
BrosswellMayme Ellenborn about 1935
BrosswellPatience born about 1904
BrosswellWallace born about 1894
BrothertonDave born about 1875
BrothertonJennie born about 1881
BrownElla born about 1902
BrownFannie born about 1857
BrownRobert Eborn about 1878
BrownWm Aborn about 1895
BryanByrtle Eborn about 1896
BryanDavid F Abborn about 1922
BryanFrank Mborn about 1896
BuchananDora Cborn about 1872
BuchananJames Mborn about 1876
BuckleyEdward born about 1916
BuckleyFrank born about 1881
BucknisCharles born about 1898
BucknisIva born about 1904
BucknisLislie born about 1927
BuffJewell Lborn about 1917
BuffShirley Annborn about 1936
BuffVirgil born about 1915
BurgerEarl born about 1915
BurgerElsie born about 1920
BurnettDonald born about 1933
BurnsBilly born about 1939
BurnsBobby Jackborn about 1937
BurnsEddie born about 1912
BurnsEvelyn born about 1917
BurtonArlie born about 1890
BurtonThomas born about 1872
ButmanJustian born about 1901
ButmanNevada born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellDarrell born about 1925
CaldwellJohn born about 1884
CampbellAndrew born about 1911
CampbellBetty Lborn about 1881
CampbellBetty Sueborn about 1939
CampbellClarence born about 1909
CampbellClyde born about 1904
CampbellDonald born about 1926
CampbellDora born about 1911
CampbellEdward Lborn about 1885
CampbellHelen born about 1913
CampbellNorma Jeanborn about 1935
CampbellR Wborn about 1865
CampbellRebecca born about 1888
CampbellRobert born about 1874
CampbellRonald born about 1931
CampbellRosa born about 1866
CampbellSippy born about 1869
CampbellWillo born about 1879
CanlyleLeroy born about 1866
CastleBilly Geneborn about 1937
CastleBobby born about 1930
CastleEmeu born about 1906
CastleGoldia born about 1912
ChambersAnna born about 1879
ChambersAnna Leeborn about 1919
ChambersSam Pborn about 1873
ChambersWilbur Fborn about 1878
CharlesBeverly born about 1939
CharlesIna born about 1920
CharlesPalestine born about 1909
CharlesRoy Hborn about 1892
CharlesVivian born about 1937
CharlesW Wborn about 1918
CharlesWillis born about 1916
CharlesWilma born about 1924
ChowningChas Sr born about 1873
ChowningClara born about 1878
ChristianBeretha born about 1922
ChristianEffie Maeborn about 1927
ChristianJames Rborn about 1883
ChristianMae born about 1888
ChurchEffie Mborn about 1872
ClarkCharlotte born about 1889
ClarkGeorge Wborn about 1920
ClarkLawrence born about 1883
ClarkMadge born about 1923
ClemmonsBevene born about 1907
ClemmonsVictor Eborn about 1892
ClevelandFrances born about 1862
CliftonDora born about 1899
CliftonJohn born about 1893
CliftonJunior born about 1923
CliftonMary Jewellborn about 1921
ColeMay born about 1872
ColeSamuel born about 1860
ColterEugene born about 1920
CondonJohn Wborn about 1887
ConlateadAddie Jborn about 1873
ConnerFred born about 1904
ConnerJoe born about 1917
ConnerJoe Annborn about 1935
ConnerLeatha born about 1917
ConnerRobert Joeborn about 1937
ConnerSylvia born about 1919
CookBilly born about 1939
CookDon born about 1937
CookMaxine born about 1919
CookRay born about 1914
CooperAnna born about 1915
CooperEsther born about 1936
CooperJanet born about 1939
CooperPatricia born about 1935
CormerHenry born about 1887
CormerJune born about 1922
CormerMertie born about 1883
CoslyEaster born about 1921
CottinghamJennie Mborn about 1884
CottinghamWill Wborn about 1879
CoxClarence born about 1870
CoxEliza born about 1873
CoxH Luellaborn about 1874
CoxJames Aborn about 1867
CoxLeona born about 1905
CoxRachel Mborn about 1875
CrandallCaroline Mborn about 1870
CrandallCharles Fborn about 1868
CrankBilly Geneborn about 1927
CrankJames Sborn about 1872
CraukCahrley born about 1883
CrawfordEsther born about 1921
CrawfordRobert born about 1920
CriderElsie born about 1904
CriderFranklin born about 1922
CriderJames born about 1898
CripeBert born about 1903
CripeDoris born about 1931
CripeElmira born about 1927
CripeEva born about 1904
CronnellAgnes born about 1894
CronnellOliver born about 1922
CulpepperEmma born about 1872
CulpepperJohn Bborn about 1915
CulpepperOnie born about 1867
CulpepperRandolph born about 1873
CulpepperRobert Cborn about 1870
CurryAmnada Fborn about 1867
CurtisNettie born about 1859
CurtisRobert Eborn about 1921
CurtisRube born about 1890
CurtrightCharley Cborn about 1893
CurtrightJune born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DamonJessie born about 1883
DarlingBernice born about 1927
DarlingDollas Eborn about 1904
DarlingGeo Oborn about 1897
DarlingKatherine born about 1925
DarlingVanie born about 1928
DaveyAnn Graceborn about 1890
DavidEdward Rborn about 1886
DavidEugene born about 1928
DavidEvelyn born about 1929
DavidLloyd born about 1933
DavidMildred born about 1918
DavidNina Bborn about 1892
DavidWayne born about 1931
DavidsonFlorence born about 1886
DavidsonGrant born about 1880
DavidsonJohn born about 1917
DavidsonMurry born about 1923
DavidsonVirginia born about 1927
DavisBarbara born about 1934
DavisBeulah born about 1901
DavisCarrie born about 1887
DavisErnice born about 1920
DavisMargaret born about 1931
DavisRewben born about 1890
DavisRobert born about 1874
DavisVelma born about 1938
DavisVeral born about 1919
DawsonRuby born about 1908
DawsonWilliam Eborn about 1898
DayLondon Tborn about 1883
DaySadie Hborn about 1883
DeboardJasper born about 1883
DeboeardAda born about 1917
DeboeardBeverly born about 1937
DeboeardHerschel born about 1911
DeboeardPauline born about 1935
DeckardElaine born about 1930
DeckardJohn Jborn about 1938
DeckardJuy born about 1901
DeckardMaxine born about 1926
DeckardRuby born about 1906
DellingJohn Fborn about 1936
DellingRissie born about 1897
DellingVerda Lborn about 1930
DellingWilliam Lborn about 1894
DellingWilma Leeborn about 1926
DemonetClaude born about 1880
DemonetLottie born about 1896
DerksDelmar Rborn about 1923
DerksGerrel Jborn about 1927
DerksHarold Deanborn about 1935
DerksKenneth Leeborn about 1925
DerksMainard born about 1929
DerksMalcolm born about 1931
DerksNorma Jeanborn about 1933
DerksRoss Lborn about 1881
DesgranzesElizabeth born about 1870
DesgranzesOliver born about 1894
DodsonRuth born about 1926
DonahoneGeo born about 1922
DonaldsonDonald born about 1894
DonaldsonMalinda born about 1893
DoneyClaud Eborn about 1912
DorisBertha Jameborn about 1929
DorisEva Marieborn about 1924
DorisGrace born about 1901
DorisLucille born about 1927
DorisVirginia Leeborn about 1936
DorisWalter born about 1898
DoughertyHattie born about 1887
DouglasBurney born about 1917
DuatimJoe born about 1906
DubwigMae born about 1904
DubwigMaxine born about 1923
DubwigOlive born about 1928
DubwigWilliam born about 1895
DubwigWilliam born about 1924
DuncanAlden born about 1915
DuncanArthur born about 1894
DuncanDedewayne born about 1927
DuncanEmma born about 1879
DuncanHelen born about 1912
DuncanJame Eborn about 1931
DuncanJames Rborn about 1877
DuncanJohn born about 1891
DuncanJoseph born about 1921
DuncanLanna born about 1894
DuncanLillian Aborn about 1863
DuncanMaud born about 1890
DuncanMinnie born about 1904
DuncanNannie born about 1873
DuncanOscar born about 1904
DuncanSeldon born about 1922
DuncanTruciel born about 1916
DuncanWayne born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlsDonny Geneborn about 1932
EarlsEdna born about 1912
EarlsEve Loreneborn about 1939
EarlsWeston born about 1907
EdwardsDon born about 1916
EdwardsLoren Cborn about 1884
EdwardsLucy born about 1895
ElginBetty Colleenborn about 1934
ElginDonald born about 1932
ElginGlen born about 1912
ElginIva born about 1903
ElginJames Wborn about 1874
ElginLeslie born about 1906
ElginSarah born about 1880
EllisEarl born about 1892
EllisHarold born about 1934
EllisJunior born about 1925
EllisLeola born about 1927
EllisLeona born about 1930
EllisLillie born about 1895
EllisMartha born about 1861
EllisTheador born about 1932
EllisWilfred born about 1939
EllisonAileen born about 1924
EllisonBeatrice Maeborn about 1937
EllisonDoris Juneborn about 1939
EllisonElbert born about 1910
EllisonEmma born about 1921
EllisonGoldie Maeborn about 1921
EllisonLewis born about 1877
EllisonStella born about 1887
ElsnerAlice born about 1856
EngleAda born about 1907
EngleJoseph Cborn about 1925
EnglePauline born about 1928
EngleWilliam born about 1901
EppersonBettie Cborn about 1925
EppersonDon Cborn about 1930
EppersonFlorence born about 1893
EppersonJeanne born about 1922
EppersonJohn Cborn about 1886
EppersonJohn Cborn about 1927
EppersonThela born about 1922
EppersonThelma born about 1924
EppersonWilliam Fborn about 1916
EricksonAgnes born about 1919
EricksonArville Leeborn about 1937
EricksonClarence born about 1915
EricksonDavid born about 1888
EricksonElla born about 1889
EstesEverett Jr born about 1915
EstesGordon born about 1916
EvansArlie born about 1912
EvansLilly born about 1911
EvensArchie born about 1908
EvensCyntha born about 1882
EvensLonge born about 1885
EvensMaxine born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarranAgnes born about 1876
FarranJack born about 1930
FarranLin Culer Eborn about 1889
FarranNellie born about 1892
FarranVada born about 1881
FarrarEthel born about 1902
FarrarFannie born about 1876
FarrarIrene born about 1931
FarrarJames Aborn about 1937
FarrarLester born about 1902
FautsHenry born about 1870
FehrDorothy Ireneborn about 1926
FehrEmily Virginiaborn about 1876
FehrErnest born about 1884
FehrLillian Maeborn about 1932
FehrTillie Francisborn about 1930
FergusonCecil born about 1917
FergusonLu Edithborn about 1918
FergusonWilliam Cborn about 1939
FerrellThomas Eborn about 1871
FindleyEthel born about 1932
FindleyHarry born about 1926
FindleyJohn born about 1927
FindleyKatie born about 1889
FisherCharles born about 1856
FlaggeWalter Sborn about 1879
FloodAlice Annborn about 1938
FloodBertha Mborn about 1894
FloodDonald born about 1930
FloodEdith born about 1910
FloodEvelyn born about 1904
FloodHarry Tborn about 1897
FloodHazel Leeborn about 1933
FloodHoward born about 1921
FloodKarleen born about 1931
FloodLee Wborn about 1892
FloodMildred born about 1925
FloodMorgan born about 1905
FloodMorgan Wborn about 1934
FloodPearl born about 1898
FloodRobert born about 1904
FloodRuth Helenborn about 1929
FloodThelma Leeborn about 1924
FordAlma born about 1910
FordBeulah Nborn about 1933
FordJames born about 1936
FordJohn Tborn about 1880
FordLawrence Eborn about 1931
FordShirley Annborn about 1939
FowlerCarl born about 1917
FowlerEdith born about 1898
FowlerHarry born about 1891
FowlerJanice born about 1939
FowlerRalph born about 1922
FowlerRuby born about 1917
FowlerVelma born about 1924
FrankBessie born about 1904
FrankGeorge born about 1929
FrankKatherine Lavengeborn about 1934
FrankMaxine born about 1925
FrankN Rborn about 1899
FreemanCharles born about 1892
FreemanCorrinne born about 1920
FreemanFlorence born about 1890
FriendBilly born about 1930
FriendJery born about 1933
FriendJoe Danborn about 1936
FriendJosephine born about 1894
FriendSouereign born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GageEstel Eborn about 1918
GageMary Fborn about 1888
GalleyGeorge Wborn about 1856
GalleyLetha born about 1866
GallowaySarah Hborn about 1873
GamesFay born about 1913
GamesJerry born about 1936
GamesMare Aborn about 1904
Garrett born about 1919
GarrettAlfred born about 1871
GarrettBetty Louborn about 1940
GarrettClifford born about 1916
GarrettDavid born about 1939
GarrettE Washingtonborn about 1872
GarrettEffie born about 1874
GarrettMartha Eborn about 1916
GarrettRay born about 1920
GarrettSarah born about 1908
GarrettSloon born about 1901
GautteGeorge Dborn about 1934
GautteIrene Lborn about 1901
GillanEmma born about 1861
GimpelEdward born about 1915
GimpelMarion born about 1922
GimpleAlbert born about 1874
GimpleGeorge born about 1906
GindlespergerJohn born about 1881
GlassDayne born about 1936
GlassGerald born about 1939
GlassMarvaline born about 1933
GlassMarvin born about 1910
GlassMyrtle born about 1915
GlassRegina born about 1931
GohlWilbur born about 1925
GonstineEdna born about 1898
GonstineHarry born about 1926
GoodLaura born about 1909
GoodWalter born about 1894
GoodmanLucile born about 1924
GordonAnnabelle born about 1932
GordonFloyd born about 1922
GordonHoward born about 1927
GordonLeonard born about 1939
GordonRaymond born about 1920
GordonSusie born about 1900
GoreDon Fborn about 1922
GoreJenevieve Fborn about 1901
GottmanHenry born about 1859
GottmanMary Maeborn about 1918
GottmanMaude born about 1885
GowRobert born about 1906
GransOcil born about 1917
GransRalph born about 1932
GransZelphia Maeborn about 1934
GrantCrystal born about 1912
GrantJames born about 1896
GrantMary Louborn about 1931
GravesDauglas born about 1921
GravesJames Wborn about 1887
GravesKate born about 1889
GrayOsa born about 1902
GrayThelma born about 1927
GrayVera Maeborn about 1924
GrayVirginia Nborn about 1931
GrayWilliam Dborn about 1890
GraybillFern born about 1887
GreenEli born about 1865
GreenEmma born about 1870
GreenEthel born about 1920
GriffinFern born about 1918
GriffinIrene born about 1926
GriffinLloyd born about 1892
GriffinRuby born about 1927
GriffinRuth born about 1920
GriffinVirginia born about 1924
GroomHannah born about 1875
GrossJohn Wborn about 1854
GustafsonBetty born about 1937
GustafsonHenry born about 1894
GustafsonJohn born about 1922
GustafsonLee born about 1931
GustafsonSigne born about 1895
GutscherBilly born about 1924
GutscherBobby born about 1932
GutscherCryrtal born about 1937
GutscherEarl born about 1921
GutscherEmmerson born about 1881
GutscherEugene born about 1929
GutscherHarold born about 1934
GutscherIona born about 1922
GutscherJames born about 1939
GutscherNellie born about 1898
GutscherZola born about 1926
GuttkeGeorge born about 1937
GuttkeKingsley born about 1907
GuttkeThelma born about 1913
GuttkeWalter born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaldenJohn Wborn about 1874
HaldenLuella born about 1884
HaldenLynn born about 1911
HaldenMarilyn born about 1939
HaldenVirgil Allenborn about 1936
HaldenVirginia born about 1913
HallingshodFreeman born about 1919
HallingshodThersa born about 1922
HalvellAmos Leeborn about 1913
HamerDelbert Lborn about 1894
HamerDixie born about 1929
HamerEvelyn born about 1918
HamerIva born about 1892
HamerLloyd born about 1921
HamerMartha born about 1867
HamerWilbur born about 1933
HamerWilma born about 1923
HamiltonHelen born about 1914
HamiltonLuther born about 1874
HamiltonRachel born about 1886
HamiltonWilliam Mborn about 1914
HamptonCora Eborn about 1865
HannaClara Maeborn about 1933
HannaF.Loyd Leeborn about 1932
HannaLetha born about 1910
HannaPauline born about 1927
HannaRobert Dborn about 1904
HannaShirley Annaborn about 1939
HanstonDaisy born about 1919
HappyRalph born about 1918
HarbrillaEtta Janeborn about 1901
HarbrillaPeter Rborn about 1901
HargravesRachel Cborn about 1880
HargravesWilliam Rborn about 1877
HargrovesElsie Mborn about 1910
HargrovesThomas Fborn about 1903
HargusBernice born about 1913
HargusFroney born about 1871
HargusHazel born about 1912
HarrisFine Eborn about 1888
HarrisNora born about 1891
HarrisonAnnie Cborn about 1882
HarrisonEdwin Eborn about 1901
HarrisonGoldie born about 1913
HarrisonImogene born about 1904
HarrisonJames born about 1910
HarrisonJimmie Hborn about 1937
HarrisonRuth Helenborn about 1925
HarrisonTruell Milesborn about 1933
HarrisonWilliams Jborn about 1872
HartfieldCarroll Gborn about 1926
HartfieldCloe born about 1903
HartfieldCloe Jr born about 1925
HartfieldMildred born about 1904
HarverEdward born about 1915
HarverEdward Lborn about 1939
HarverEmogene born about 1920
HarvillGeorge Dborn about 1867
HatfieldAlonzo born about 1878
HatfieldGordon born about 1934
HatfieldLawanda born about 1938
HatfieldMaty Cborn about 1877
HatfieldMelvin born about 1932
HatfieldMeredith born about 1909
HatfieldMyrtle born about 1919
HatfieldRoy Bborn about 1904
HatfieldSteve born about 1908
HatfieldVernon born about 1937
HathawayDelphine born about 1923
HathawayElsie Marieborn about 1926
HathawayHubert born about 1922
HathawayNowal born about 1928
HathawayRosa Mayborn about 1929
HathawayWilbur born about 1878
HattenAnna born about 1864
HaunCecil born about 1896
HaunJenevieve born about 1931
HaunLela born about 1897
HaunRay born about 1934
HayesAlbert Fborn about 1890
HayesAnna Mborn about 1902
HayesJack Lborn about 1926
HayesRuth born about 1922
HeadErnest Oborn about 1878
HeadMate Lborn about 1890
HeatonHarry Wborn about 1878
HeatonNanne born about 1872
HeatonSnow born about 1870
HelderErmaline born about 1926
HelderJohn born about 1900
HelderLessie born about 1902
HenricksHerbert born about 1918
HenryBarbara Leeborn about 1935
HenryBernice Sueborn about 1937
HenryDorothy Ruthborn about 1926
HenryFrancis born about 1899
HenryJudson Dborn about 1880
HenryJudson D Jrborn about 1922
HenryLeona Galeborn about 1939
HenryLinda Jayborn about 1939
HenryRolland Bingborn about 1928
HenryThelma born about 1912
HergesheimerBlaanch born about 1912
HergesheimerChester born about 1909
HergesheimerDale Eborn about 1936
HergesheimerEmma born about 1883
HergesheimerIrma born about 1939
HergesheimerIvan born about 1933
HergesheimerWayne born about 1937
HergesheinnerArthur born about 1906
HergesheinnerBonnie born about 1915
HergesheinnerDee born about 1936
HergesheinnerFlorence born about 1932
HergesheinnerIda born about 1938
HergesheinnerLloyd born about 1939
HergesheinnerThomas born about 1933
HerndonEarnestine born about 1870
HerndonJohn Wborn about 1870
HibnerAnna born about 1877
HibnerDelphine born about 1900
HiggenbotherHormun born about 1895
HightowerBeulah born about 1906
HightowerErnest Eulysborn about 1927
HightowerGenevieve born about 1929
HightowerJames born about 1903
HightowerJesse Leeborn about 1934
HightowerR Jborn about 1924
HillAgnes Russellborn about 1925
HillFloyd Hborn about 1894
HoldenAdolph born about 1911
HoldenEmily born about 1913
HoldenEvelyn born about 1907
HoldenFred born about 1912
HoldenJerry born about 1936
HoldenMyrtle born about 1910
HoldenRosemary born about 1931
HoldenWebb born about 1906
HoldenWesley born about 1937
HoldensCarolyn born about 1939
HoldensMarn born about 1917
HoldensVeda born about 1916
HolmerJoseph Rborn about 1872
HolmerMary Janeborn about 1874
HolmesBen Rborn about 1893
HolmesMildred born about 1901
HolmesStreba born about 1921
HooperLester born about 1875
HooperLester Bborn about 1911
HooperZoolome born about 1880
HooverAddie born about 1878
HooverArlene born about 1913
HooverDelcie born about 1911
HooverOwen born about 1906
HortLucien Eborn about 1873
HortMinnie born about 1880
HosenltonLance born about 1880
HoskinAlvin born about 1918
HoskinEileen born about 1920
HouseBetty born about 1921
HouseClyde born about 1917
HouseCora born about 1918
HouseDonald born about 1933
HouseEdgar born about 1909
HouseEdna born about 1927
HouseEmma born about 1923
HouseEptha born about 1889
HouseGerome born about 1929
HouseOpal born about 1911
HousePauline born about 1921
HouseSue born about 1939
HouseW Fborn about 1875
HouseWayne born about 1930
HoweMyrtle born about 1886
HowePhillip Jborn about 1880
HubbellHugha born about 1881
HubbellLottie born about 1877
HudronCharles Dborn about 1928
HudronFannie born about 1895
HuffCharles Hborn about 1892
HuffDoyle born about 1934
HuffFloyd born about 1923
HuffMary Bethborn about 1938
HuffMelvin born about 1929
HuffNellie born about 1898
HuffRosa Leeborn about 1931
HughesAda born about 1935
HughesLois born about 1937
HugnesMaud born about 1874
HumphreyHarry born about 1916
HumphreyKelly born about 1905
HumphreyLewis Mborn about 1879
HumphreyMaggie born about 1892
HumphreySol Sborn about 1882
HumphreySophronia born about 1855
HuntAlma Jemborn about 1924
HuntBeulah born about 1911
HuntChristopher Cborn about 1863
HuntDoren born about 1933
HuntEdna born about 1918
HuntElvin Bborn about 1881
HuntEsther born about 1927
HuntFranklin born about 1918
HuntIra born about 1909
HuntJoseph born about 1869
HuntRuth Bborn about 1890
HuntVara born about 1866
HuntonBevely Surborn about 1938
HuntonEleanor Dborn about 1905
HuntonGoldie born about 1906
HyattHugh born about 1901
HyattMarie born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

Ingram born about 1851
IngramFrank born about 1871
IshellCalvin born about 1921
IshellJimmy born about 1925

J Surnames

JacksonArdith born about 1929
JacksonJeanette born about 1925
JacksonMabel born about 1902
JacksonPhyllis born about 1926
JacksonRallan Eborn about 1895
JohnsonCleer born about 1891
JohnsonCora born about 1889
JohnsonDale born about 1924
JohnsonElmer born about 1914
JohnsonH Cborn about 1886
JohnsonJennette born about 1922
JohnsonJoe Hborn about 1875
JohnsonKyly born about 1930
JohnsonMalisa born about 1863
JohnsonMaud born about 1908
JohnsonNorman Jeanborn about 1926
JohnsonWilliam born about 1920
JonesAdah Bborn about 1898
JonesCalvin Bborn about 1881
JonesFlorence Mborn about 1889
JonesGelroy Sborn about 1858
JonesJohn Lborn about 1892
JonesMirtie born about 1885
JonesNanny born about 1878
JonesWm Dborn about 1868
JustisAgnes born about 1895
JustisCarolyn born about 1939
JustisHenry born about 1926
JustisJames Gborn about 1893
JustisMargie born about 1921
JustisMary born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KelgoreElla born about 1922
KelleyFred Eborn about 1888
KelleyLenora born about 1883
KingGeorge born about 1919
KingMae born about 1875
KingWilliam born about 1858
KnightC Roy Revborn about 1897
KnightChas Marshallborn about 1927
KnightViolet born about 1901
KnoxKittie Vborn about 1868
KnoxWilliam Eborn about 1869
KoonceMary Jborn about 1874
KrebsBillie Cborn about 1903
KrebsGeorge Jborn about 1908
KundeIna born about 1904
KundeJack born about 1930
KundeRobert born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LagrangeLottie born about 1889
LagsdonDorothy born about 1932
LagsdonJames born about 1934
LagsdonLonna born about 1910
LandamanMonquie Lborn about 1867
LandamanPermi Mayborn about 1889
LandisCleta born about 1910
LandisJames born about 1895
LandisJames Daleborn about 1939
LandisLea born about 1936
LandisMarilyn born about 1933
LawyerDaniel Lborn about 1893
LawyerGlen born about 1928
LawyerIda born about 1903
LawyerLarry born about 1934
LebaronEugene born about 1926
LebaronFrank born about 1902
LebaronJames born about 1924
LebaronMyrtle born about 1903
LebaronThelma born about 1928
LebaronTroy born about 1934
LedbetterDortha born about 1920
LedbetterRalph born about 1916
LedbetterTheodore Eborn about 1939
LedhettiHarriet born about 1864
LedhettiRichard Eborn about 1864
LeeEva born about 1883
LeeMary Jborn about 1897
LeeRose Bisginiaborn about 1935
LegrondNewton born about 1879
LelaronErnest born about 1871
LelaronMinnie born about 1882
LemonGay born about 1939
LemonGeorge born about 1930
LemonMary born about 1913
LemonRichard born about 1931
LemonRoger born about 1934
LemonWarren born about 1905
LemondDavid Lborn about 1871
LeonardArchie born about 1921
LeonardChas Fborn about 1873
LeonardElbert born about 1919
LeonardHarold born about 1923
LeonardRosetta born about 1863
LeonardWilliam Jborn about 1901
LeonardWillie born about 1898
LittlebridgeHarriet Rborn about 1865
LittlebridgePike Wborn about 1872
LockhartJohn Aborn about 1891
LockhartMary Aborn about 1867
LoggtonJames born about 1905
LogsdenBeulah born about 1921
LogsdenHeln Oborn about 1939
LogsdenRay born about 1915
LoydWilma born about 1919
LucasJack born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MagnessLydia born about 1865
MarkhamMargaret born about 1926
MarkhamMary born about 1925
MarkhamPauline born about 1932
MarkhamRebecca born about 1893
MarshallEva born about 1897
MarshallFrancis born about 1925
MarshallGiles Ernestborn about 1931
MarshallLois born about 1928
MarshallRudolph Gborn about 1888
MartinHenry born about 1877
MartinHugh Gborn about 1913
MartinMable born about 1916
MartinMaggie Maeborn about 1881
MartinRoy Wborn about 1883
MartinWinifred Mrs born about 1887
MatheFlorine born about 1917
McAdamsDavid born about 1927
McAdamsEarl born about 1898
McAdamsElmer born about 1929
McAdamsIona born about 1931
McAdamsJoel Abborn about 1922
McAdamsLucile born about 1902
McAdamsLucy born about 1933
McAnnallyRena born about 1887
McCallAustin born about 1879
McCallBea born about 1891
McCallBlas born about 1912
McCallFloyd born about 1914
McCallisterEllis born about 1902
McCallisterJuendolynn born about 1912
McCartyJames born about 1881
McCartyLeroy Aborn about 1883
McClardDolores born about 1929
McClardEvelyn born about 1931
McClardHarry Eborn about 1900
McClardHarry E Jrborn about 1927
McClardHelen born about 1933
McClardMarguerite born about 1905
McClellonVirgie born about 1919
McConnelMary born about 1890
McConnelVernie born about 1922
McConnelVirgil born about 1926
McConnelWilliam Hborn about 1895
McCoyTim born about 1885
McCubbinPete born about 1867
McCurthanBuck born about 1914
McCurthanCluda born about 1910
McCutchenLeona born about 1917
McCutchenPatricia born about 1935
McDowellAlbert Cborn about 1875
McDowellBetty Leeborn about 1932
McDowellBlanch born about 1891
McDowellLucy born about 1871
McDowellRosa Luborn about 1929
McFarlandJohn Jborn about 1898
McFarlandJohn Jborn about 1934
McFarlandRuth born about 1900
McGrathEthel born about 1887
McGrathEvle born about 1898
McGrathFrank Jborn about 1872
McGrathLucile born about 1926
McKeeWilliam Cborn about 1863
McKeeWilliam Rborn about 1914
McMahanHelen born about 1912
McNewLandy born about 1862
MeisetrAnnie born about 1867
MetcalfHazel Fborn about 1890
MetcalfWalter Pborn about 1872
MichaekCharles born about 1873
MichaekLulu born about 1887
MickinsClarence born about 1896
MickinsCody born about 1933
MickinsJack born about 1921
MickinsJune born about 1926
MickinsNavella born about 1896
MillayAlice born about 1929
MillayBilly Joeborn about 1936
MillayFlorence born about 1926
MillayKerth born about 1925
MillayMildred born about 1903
MillayStory born about 1923
MillayWilford Fborn about 1899
MillerAlbert born about 1883
MillerAlonzo born about 1886
MillerChester born about 1912
MillerClarence born about 1928
MillerEdna born about 1919
MillerGrace born about 1918
MillerInez born about 1931
MillerLilly born about 1893
MillerMinnie Eborn about 1882
MillerOrville Leeborn about 1925
MillerRoy born about 1914
MillsHenry born about 1924
MinerDora born about 1877
MinerDorothy Aborn about 1910
MinerRoscoe born about 1910
MinerSara Annborn about 1937
MinerWilliam born about 1867
MitchellAlbert born about 1909
MitchellCurtis born about 1898
MitchellEffie born about 1913
MitchellElla Maeborn about 1940
MitchellEsther born about 1931
MitchellGilbert Tborn about 1935
MitchellIrwin born about 1927
MitchellJames Aborn about 1931
MitchellJessie born about 1904
MitchellLaura born about 1877
MitchellLillian born about 1936
MitchellLoverne born about 1927
MitchellMary born about 1939
MitchellRalph born about 1925
MitchellRuthene born about 1934
MonsonGladys born about 1909
MonsonJoe born about 1934
MonsonJune Annborn about 1934
MonsonLeo born about 1908
MooreAnna Maryborn about 1920
MooreDonald Deeborn about 1939
MooreFannie born about 1910
MooreHenry Jborn about 1873
MooreJames born about 1923
MooreOsta born about 1890
MooreRedith born about 1919
MooreRobert born about 1917
MooreThomas Wborn about 1924
MooreWillis Eugeneborn about 1938
MorganNina born about 1876
MorganRobert Wborn about 1926
MorisWilma born about 1918
MorrowFranklin born about 1923
MorrowFred born about 1928
MorrowNorman born about 1925
MorrowStella born about 1920
MorrowStella Maeborn about 1904
MorrowThomas born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaylorMary Cborn about 1866
NelsonAlta born about 1916
NelsonChas Rborn about 1861
NelsonChester born about 1915
NelsonJacob born about 1902
NelsonJesse born about 1879
NelsonViola Fernborn about 1938
NobleLeonard Lborn about 1933
NobleMinnie born about 1910
NobleRoy Bborn about 1906
NobleWayne Eborn about 1937
NottieAlbert Cborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverEmma born about 1855
OwensCarl born about 1928
OwensLewis born about 1895
OwensNaomi Jeansborn about 1940
OwensOpal born about 1920
OwensRobert Lborn about 1913
OwensVirginia born about 1895

P Surnames

PaceOra born about 1873
PacePal born about 1871
PacePat born about 1896
PadgettAlta born about 1891
PadgettBetty Jeanborn about 1928
PadgettCarolyn born about 1935
PadgettClinton born about 1908
PadgettEddie born about 1935
PadgettRalph Eborn about 1913
PadgettRuth born about 1907
PadgettT Eborn about 1890
PadgettThomas born about 1930
PadgettVivian born about 1913
PadgettWillette born about 1918
PageLillian Kborn about 1877
ParkChester born about 1902
ParkHattie born about 1901
ParkJames Lloydborn about 1928
ParkMary Helenborn about 1930
ParkMaude born about 1885
ParkW Cborn about 1877
ParksEleanor born about 1916
ParksPaul born about 1922
ParksVerna born about 1887
ParksW Jborn about 1883
ParsonDonald born about 1928
ParsonElvina born about 1894
ParsonHarold born about 1926
ParsonRobert born about 1934
ParsonVirgil born about 1929
ParsonWilbur born about 1891
ParsonZela Maxborn about 1932
PartneyEd born about 1887
PartneyEdward born about 1922
PartneyFlorella born about 1878
PartneyFred Divaneborn about 1938
PartneyMargaret born about 1865
PartneyRussell born about 1914
PartneyThelma born about 1921
PaschallEmily Mayborn about 1940
PaschallThelma born about 1915
PaschallUrban born about 1883
PaschallUrban Clydeborn about 1939
PattersonCharles born about 1893
PattersonMinnie born about 1892
PattsArthur born about 1896
PattsArthur born about 1925
PattsBarbara Ellenborn about 1930
PattsDorothy born about 1906
PattsIsaac born about 1923
PattsJoe Lborn about 1928
PayneArthur born about 1914
PayneArthur Hborn about 1884
PayneDorothy born about 1904
PayneEdgar born about 1918
PayneHarold born about 1922
PayneMargaret born about 1921
PayneMartha Cborn about 1876
PayneNala born about 1881
PaynePaul born about 1905
PaynePearl born about 1915
PayneRonald Lborn about 1939
PayneWilliam Mborn about 1873
PearceElton Hborn about 1884
PearceLillie born about 1893
PearsonIris born about 1914
PearsonJames Nborn about 1870
PearsonLois Iborn about 1917
PearsonLois Lborn about 1881
PeasleyAllan born about 1917
PenningerDoris born about 1919
PenningerGrace born about 1896
PenningerJames born about 1925
PenningerJoe born about 1929
PenningerMary Adelineborn about 1926
PenningerRalph born about 1894
PenningerRalph Jborn about 1922
PenningerShirley born about 1935
PenningerWill Jborn about 1882
PenningerWilliam born about 1923
PetersonLilly born about 1887
PhillipsAileen born about 1926
PhillipsAndrew Eborn about 1891
PhillipsHarold Kingborn about 1930
PhippsAlice born about 1932
PhippsAnnalee born about 1937
PhippsBarbara Fayborn about 1937
PhippsBernita Mayborn about 1931
PhippsBobby Jaeborn about 1934
PhippsClara born about 1929
PhippsClyda born about 1911
PhippsCora born about 1913
PhippsDick born about 1911
PhippsDorsie born about 1906
PhippsEldon born about 1939
PhippsErnestine born about 1935
PhippsEster born about 1869
PhippsHenry born about 1903
PhippsJames Thomasborn about 1933
PhippsMildred born about 1925
PhippsNora born about 1905
PhippsOlive Ireneborn about 1939
PhippsParker born about 1876
PhippsRalph born about 1935
PhippsRobert born about 1908
PhippsRosie Lborn about 1873
PhippsStella born about 1904
PhippsTim born about 1900
PhippsVenice born about 1929
PhippsVernice born about 1927
PhippsWilber born about 1923
PhippsWilda Fayborn about 1931
PickinpaughEarl Jborn about 1885
PickinpaughSarah born about 1851
PierceMarguerite born about 1920
PimlottCary born about 1903
PimlottGary Maxborn about 1939
PimlottLyle born about 1901
PimlottNola born about 1917
PliceLula born about 1887
PliceMiney Bborn about 1886
PolkBessie Sarahborn about 1885
PolkDorothy born about 1925
PolkJames born about 1915
PolkJohn Rborn about 1873
PolkMerry Galeborn about 1922
PolkTheodore born about 1918
PolkWm Eborn about 1872
PoorIda born about 1869
PopeIra Eborn about 1875
PopeRobert Sborn about 1901
PorterEdward born about 1917
PorterLaben Cborn about 1890
PorterNellie born about 1892
PortwoodDe Lano born about 1892
PortwoodMarjorie born about 1899
PottsDorothy born about 1914
PottsFrank born about 1880
PottsJohn Rborn about 1936
PottsRichard born about 1902
PottsRosa born about 1888
PriceIda born about 1926
PriceVictoria born about 1894
PursleyRobert born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaetzGeorge born about 1888
RamseyerGeneva born about 1923
RamseyerRay born about 1893
RamseyerRoy born about 1930
RandalphDaphine born about 1938
RandalphRuby born about 1918
RickAndrew Jborn about 1872
RickMaud Pborn about 1882
RidingerGeorge Wborn about 1861
RidingerLillie Bborn about 1865
RieyleEarl born about 1920
RieyleHarold born about 1923
RieyleJames born about 1934
RieyleJoe born about 1928
RieyleJohanna born about 1932
RieyleLaurd born about 1901
RieyleLogan born about 1939
RieyleLogan Jborn about 1887
RieyleMargaret born about 1937
RieyleTheodore born about 1927
RieyleWaneta born about 1925
RinehartAnna born about 1872
RinehartJay born about 1871
RipperFoster born about 1883
RipperTrudie born about 1885
RitchieMaude born about 1898
RitchiePorter Mborn about 1888
RoadtJosiah born about 1869
RobbinsBetty born about 1924
RobbinsGary born about 1930
RobbinsHary born about 1892
RobbinsJane born about 1931
RobbinsJerry born about 1934
RobbinsLillian born about 1902
RobbinsMildred born about 1871
RobbinsOpal Marieborn about 1898
RobinsonBertha Mborn about 1888
RobinsonHugh born about 1915
RobinsonWm Fborn about 1886
RockwellEdith born about 1911
RockwellEdwin born about 1920
RockwellGeorge Dborn about 1876
RodgersS Eborn about 1867
RoggenseerGustave born about 1889
RoggenseerJessie born about 1901
RoggenseerWanda Juneborn about 1927
RoggenseerWimona born about 1930
RooksGeorge Wborn about 1889
RooksLuda born about 1894
RosaBertha born about 1874
RosaCharles Cborn about 1868
RoseVeleria Aborn about 1879
RoseWilliam Eborn about 1876
RosierErving born about 1888
RosierVertia born about 1889
RossDonald Eugeneborn about 1936
RossFloriella born about 1869
RossFrancis Marieborn about 1938
RossGarnett Marieborn about 1919
RossWilbur born about 1907
RouseStanley born about 1920
RouseWeaver born about 1890
RowlettChas Mborn about 1939
RowlettLester born about 1916
RowlettMaxine born about 1922
RussellBert born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScalesJames born about 1909
ScatsDale born about 1924
ScatsRose born about 1927
ScharffFrank born about 1883
ScharffMarjorie born about 1926
ScharffMatilda born about 1891
ScharffPearl born about 1930
ScottBessie born about 1901
ScottCaroline born about 1910
ScottElaine born about 1905
ScottElmer born about 1913
ScottHarry born about 1878
ScottJohn Eborn about 1897
SeirhaughElizabeth born about 1883
SeirhaughGeorge born about 1884
SellsDarline born about 1926
SellsDavid born about 1855
SellsDavid born about 1932
SellsFate born about 1908
SellsLillian born about 1880
SellsLillian born about 1934
SellsNancy born about 1935
SellsPearl born about 1912
SewerGeorge Mborn about 1862
SewerUrd born about 1872
ShaferAlbert born about 1865
SharpAlbert Lyleborn about 1933
SharpArthur Eborn about 1897
SharpBillie born about 1931
SharpChester born about 1903
SharpClifford born about 1910
SharpCora born about 1879
SharpDonald born about 1926
SharpEarl born about 1895
SharpHoward born about 1926
SharpIrene born about 1902
SharpJames born about 1923
SharpJoseph born about 1899
SharpNike born about 1933
SharpViola born about 1930
SharpWanda born about 1928
SharpWinaford born about 1908
SheetzAllie born about 1902
SheetzLucile born about 1915
SheetzLuella born about 1935
ShinnClay Bborn about 1889
ShinnElsie Maeborn about 1891
ShippeyGeorge Eborn about 1886
ShippeyPearl Mborn about 1897
ShortForest born about 1907
ShortForrest Jborn about 1928
ShortJoe born about 1929
ShortMattie born about 1908
ShortesCharles born about 1939
ShortesLyle born about 1910
ShortesMildred born about 1916
ShowersBeverly Jeamerborn about 1935
ShowersCharles Mborn about 1875
ShowersEsta Oralborn about 1874
ShueyDonald Austinborn about 1932
ShueyErnest born about 1909
ShueyIrene born about 1912
ShueyRichard Eborn about 1940
ShueyShirley Annborn about 1938
ShyAlonzo born about 1892
ShyFlorence born about 1873
ShyGrace born about 1919
ShyRobert born about 1871
ShyRussell born about 1910
SiglerEarl born about 1910
SiglerEva born about 1913
SiglerHubert born about 1937
SiglerKeith born about 1934
SimmonHoward born about 1910
SimmonLillian born about 1901
SimpsonErmon born about 1905
SimpsonEsther born about 1931
SimpsonGoldie born about 1905
SimpsonMerlin born about 1927
SimpsonPaul born about 1933
SmallEmma Fborn about 1877
SmallFrank born about 1874
SmalleyJimmy Dborn about 1929
SmithAdrian born about 1924
SmithArley Rayborn about 1933
SmithBert born about 1883
SmithBlanche born about 1890
SmithCinda born about 1884
SmithDarlene born about 1927
SmithEldred born about 1916
SmithEthel born about 1913
SmithEthel born about 1916
SmithFerrell born about 1914
SmithFrank born about 1924
SmithFranklin born about 1935
SmithFred Hborn about 1884
SmithGlenn Aborn about 1920
SmithGlodyn born about 1920
SmithHazel born about 1923
SmithHester born about 1890
SmithIda Bborn about 1864
SmithIda Mborn about 1873
SmithIrene born about 1914
SmithIrene born about 1922
SmithJames born about 1925
SmithJames Wborn about 1919
SmithJoan Lborn about 1936
SmithKatie born about 1867
SmithLee born about 1887
SmithLloyd born about 1911
SmithLuther Hborn about 1912
SmithMarvin born about 1912
SmithMary Annborn about 1856
SmithMildred Aborn about 1917
SmithMilton born about 1886
SmithNaomi born about 1939
SmithNwal born about 1922
SmithOra born about 1876
SmithOwen Leeborn about 1936
SmithRalph born about 1921
SmithRaymond born about 1913
SmithReva born about 1909
SmithRobert born about 1937
SmithRoy born about 1919
SmithShirley Ireneborn about 1940
SmithVeda born about 1928
SmithVirdie born about 1887
SmithViregie born about 1912
SmithVivian born about 1917
SmithWahneta born about 1930
SmithWattie born about 1893
SmithWilliam born about 1880
SmothermanAveril born about 1907
SmothermanLuther Wborn about 1860
SmothermanPaul born about 1907
SmothermanVelma born about 1935
SmothermanVera born about 1933
SmothermanViolet born about 1934
SmothrermanLa Verna born about 1935
SmothrermanLeonard born about 1896
SmothrermanLilly born about 1903
SmuthermanEdwin born about 1919
SmuthermanForest born about 1924
SmuthermanJohn Wborn about 1889
SmuthermanSylvia born about 1892
SouthMortimer born about 1861
SpacekJohn born about 1870
SpacekJosephine born about 1923
SpacekPauline born about 1908
SparksChester born about 1920
SparksMargaret born about 1924
SpecherAlvin born about 1876
SpecherElsie born about 1891
Spence3elmer Bborn about 1881
SpenceAmy born about 1902
SpenceChas Aborn about 1923
SpenceElmer Dborn about 1925
SpenceMildred Eborn about 1928
SpenceRalph Rborn about 1931
SpingerMaggie born about 1879
SprengeGeorge Rborn about 1900
SpringerRay born about 1900
SpringerVerna born about 1900
StalowsBetty Louborn about 1936
StalowsEdgar Lborn about 1914
StalowsLula born about 1911
StanbraughCecil born about 1928
StanbraughPaul Geneborn about 1931
StemperRaymond born about 1920
StemperShank born about 1929
StephensElmer Eborn about 1878
StephensJohn born about 1920
StephensJosie born about 1881
StevensBertha born about 1895
StevensRobert Jborn about 1922
StevensThomas Aborn about 1890
StevensonBilly born about 1921
StevensonDoris born about 1923
StevensonGuy born about 1896
StevensonGuyle Deanborn about 1940
StevensonVeva born about 1900
StittEulalia born about 1922
StokeSarah born about 1871
StowerAnna born about 1881
StowerEugene Lborn about 1874
StrongBartha born about 1903
StrongDoris Eborn about 1925
StrongJames Fborn about 1883
SullimaElva born about 1897
SullimaRuth born about 1913
SuneyClara born about 1910
SuneyMartha Leeborn about 1939
SuneySanny born about 1934
SwannDora Wborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackettAubrey born about 1897
TackettFloyd born about 1900
TackettJackie born about 1928
TackettNedra born about 1929
TateAlice born about 1918
TateBonnie Eborn about 1888
TateDwane born about 1930
TateEugene born about 1927
TateEverett born about 1890
TateGertrude born about 1887
TateGlen born about 1923
TateJulia born about 1894
TaylorAvvie born about 1890
TaylorBertha born about 1900
TaylorEsco born about 1916
TaylorJim born about 1895
TaylorLois born about 1904
TaylorMurphy born about 1887
TerrellH E Drborn about 1877
TerrellJanice born about 1920
TerrellMary born about 1882
TervillCorlos Rborn about 1880
TervillMinnie Cborn about 1880
ThomasBarbara Janeborn about 1937
ThomasClyde born about 1913
ThomasGerald Leeborn about 1940
ThomasLouise born about 1939
ThomasLucile born about 1916
ThomasNorman born about 1935
ThomasonGeorge born about 1878
ThomasonJane born about 1862
ThomasonMary born about 1882
ThomasonRay born about 1913
ThompsonFern born about 1899
ThompsonJohn Rborn about 1934
ThompsonJos Fborn about 1862
ThompsonMary Lenaborn about 1939
ThompsonMaureen born about 1932
ThompsonR Kborn about 1897
ThompsonRosanna born about 1929
ThompsonSadie born about 1881
ThomsonBobby born about 1933
ThomsonCay born about 1915
ThomsonCinda born about 1894
ThomsonDavid Cborn about 1888
ThomsonFrancis born about 1922
ThomsonHoward born about 1921
ThomsonJeans born about 1925
ThomsonMarjorie Aborn about 1918
ToddCarl born about 1924
ToddDudley Dborn about 1940
ToddFrank born about 1888
ToddIrene born about 1915
ToddLucy born about 1892
ToddMarvin Bborn about 1916
ToiplettEva Jamborn about 1893
ToiplettGilbert born about 1921
ToiplettRichel born about 1918
ToiplettWilliam born about 1885
TompkinsAnna born about 1872
TranbargerEller born about 1875
TranbargerGuy born about 1904
TranbargerJohn born about 1939
TranbargerLilburn born about 1934
TranbargerPansy born about 1912
TriplettAlice born about 1936
TriplettAurley born about 1933
TriplettBarbara born about 1934
TriplettBert born about 1897
TriplettBetty born about 1937
TriplettBill born about 1939
TriplettEloiss born about 1863
TriplettGrace born about 1903
TriplettJohn born about 1933
TriplettMarie born about 1861
TriplettOllie born about 1915
TriplettRoberta born about 1931
TriplettTony born about 1901
TriplettZola Fayborn about 1929
TrontmanDaniel born about 1924
TrontmanGreene born about 1926
TrowerFinis Mborn about 1904
TrowerJohn Wborn about 1865
TunnellJosiah Rborn about 1862
TunnellLula born about 1882
TurnerCluda Maneborn about 1932
TurnerJ Karl Jrborn about 1926
TurnerKarl Jborn about 1896
TurnerLaura Aborn about 1871
TurnerLois Jborn about 1906
TurnerSadie Annaborn about 1930
TylerFlorence born about 1884
TylerJasper born about 1883
TylerWayne born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlothJoe born about 1865
UlothLaura Mborn about 1868

V Surnames

VanburenHarriet born about 1923
VanburenMary born about 1901
VanburenRichard born about 1880
Vance5rodney born about 1939
VanceArtie born about 1913
VanceBarbara born about 1937
VanceDoris born about 1922
VanceFred born about 1918
VanceGlen born about 1920
VanceIra born about 1914
VanceJene born about 1918
VanceJohn born about 1877
VanceJosie born about 1886
VanceTed born about 1940
VanwinkerBuleah born about 1923
VanwinkerDorothy born about 1925
VanwinkerJewell born about 1930
VanwinkerLeo born about 1928
VanwinkleBradie born about 1886
VanwinkleElma born about 1888
VersonPete born about 1863
VickersRalph born about 1917
VickersShirley born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerBertha born about 1925
WalkerClyde Edithborn about 1887
WalkerDoyne born about 1925
WalkerEarl born about 1894
WalkerGrace born about 1898
WalkerIrene born about 1933
WalkerJohn Lborn about 1876
WalkerJunita born about 1923
WalkerLawrence born about 1917
WalkerLeon born about 1937
WalkerMax born about 1938
WalkerMaxwell born about 1935
WalkerMayne born about 1919
WalkerNellie born about 1895
WalkerNewell born about 1927
WalkerNorman born about 1939
WalkerPhyllis born about 1922
WalkerRuly Juneborn about 1928
WalkerTom Nborn about 1858
WalkerW Lborn about 1887
WalkerWilliam born about 1931
WaltonJoseph born about 1919
WattElla born about 1871
WattGeorge Fborn about 1864
WearFrank born about 1920
WeaverCarl born about 1934
WeaverCecil born about 1898
WeaverCharles Cborn about 1878
WeaverCharley born about 1872
WeaverDolly born about 1877
WeaverFred born about 1904
WeaverJennie born about 1891
WeaverRichard born about 1916
WebbAbe Mayborn about 1915
WebbJames Bborn about 1895
WebbJoe Elaineborn about 1923
WebbJoyce Loraineborn about 1931
WebbMary Ellisborn about 1862
WebbMildred born about 1913
WebbMyrtle born about 1905
WebbPaul born about 1914
WebbRachel born about 1882
WebbRoy born about 1903
WebbSam born about 1877
WebbWilliam born about 1938
WeldonEthel born about 1873
WeldonRobert Aborn about 1865
WellerAlma born about 1928
WellerAnna born about 1886
WellerBurley Rborn about 1898
WellerCharley born about 1900
WellerDean born about 1926
WellerFern born about 1924
WellerGuy Richardborn about 1938
WellerMarie born about 1917
WellerMay born about 1902
WellerWalter born about 1888
WellerWilson born about 1855
WestBilly born about 1935
WestBobby born about 1934
WestCharles born about 1932
WestDonald born about 1920
WestElsie born about 1915
WestHarrison born about 1889
WestHerbert born about 1928
WestJannie born about 1939
WestLester born about 1938
WestMildred born about 1930
WhelchelColin born about 1911
WhilchelElla born about 1881
WhitbeyClarence born about 1933
WhitbeyFern born about 1939
WhitbeyGayle born about 1913
WhitbeyJesse born about 1913
WhitbeyMargie born about 1937
WhiteLulu Eborn about 1870
WhiteWilliam Tborn about 1866
WickeyAhin Eborn about 1886
WickeyJella born about 1907
WickeyMattie Francisborn about 1921
WickeyMelvin born about 1931
WilbanksCoy born about 1916
WilbanksEsther born about 1920
WilbanksEugene born about 1923
WilbanksIrene born about 1906
WilbanksRonald Daleborn about 1939
WilesArnold Dborn about 1877
WillbanksNaomi born about 1897
WillbanksOtto born about 1893
WillbanksRoy Dborn about 1932
WillbanksSallie born about 1884
WillbanksT Lborn about 1879
WillbanksVelma born about 1923
WilleyChristine born about 1908
WilleyJenney Louborn about 1929
WilleyMary Sueborn about 1925
WilleyRuby Paulineborn about 1932
WilliamsBilly born about 1939
WilliamsElma born about 1917
WilliamsElmira born about 1865
WilliamsEsther born about 1888
WilliamsEsther Maeborn about 1929
WilliamsHarry Lborn about 1890
WilliamsHenry Leroy Jrborn about 1927
WilliamsLeroy born about 1887
WilliamsLorin Aborn about 1863
WilliamsLouise born about 1918
WilliamsLydia born about 1900
WilliamsMorgan born about 1916
WilliamsThomas Wborn about 1858
WilliamsVirginia Leeborn about 1932
WilliamsonSarah born about 1873
WilsonArthur Mborn about 1868
WilsonBertha born about 1892
WilsonBurna born about 1907
WilsonCarl born about 1932
WilsonErnest born about 1918
WilsonJames born about 1934
WilsonMartha born about 1935
WinnighamGeorge Wborn about 1863
WoodsonDan born about 1882
WoodsonHattie born about 1894
WoodsonLouise Douglasborn about 1931
WoodsonSkeezix born about 1924
WrightAlton born about 1894
WrightElla born about 1900
WrightEndora born about 1875
WrightEquilla born about 1930
WrightEugene born about 1923
WrightGeneva born about 1919
WrightJosie born about 1893
WrightPatrie Rborn about 1935
WrightPaul born about 1919
WrightPaul born about 1927
WrightPaul Jborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YankeeHazel born about 1907
YankeeLois born about 1935
YankeeLyle born about 1909
YarberBetty Jeanborn about 1931
YarberBilly Rayborn about 1931
YarberFerrell born about 1922
YarberG Rborn about 1883
YarberHoward born about 1910
YarberJack born about 1926
YarberJames Eugeneborn about 1938
YarberJerry Maxborn about 1939
YarberJoyve Leeborn about 1933
YarberLeo born about 1924
YarberMax Eugeneborn about 1929
YarberMaxine born about 1916
YarberMinnie born about 1901
YarberRena born about 1890
YarberRose born about 1910
YarberSilora born about 1923
YarberWade born about 1898
YarberWayne born about 1922
YarberWelyn Marieborn about 1920
YonkeeGlen born about 1918
YostWilliam born about 1873
YoungGerald born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZiegleeHomer born about 1890
ZiegleeMaude born about 1893

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