1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hough, New Madrid, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > New Madrid County > 1940 Census of Hough

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCharley Fborn about 1891
AdamsMammy born about 1891
AdamsMarsell born about 1913

B Surnames

BakerClarance born about 1914
BakerFlayed born about 1938
BakerViolet born about 1939
BanksAlbert born about 1933
BanksBetty Janeborn about 1939
BanksBradley born about 1882
BanksDale born about 1935
BanksDonnie born about 1896
BanksEmer Maeborn about 1900
BanksGeraldine born about 1926
BanksLeola born about 1932
BanksLucille born about 1926
BanksWalter born about 1889
BanksWilliam born about 1933
BayerTommy born about 1924
BezzesAuthor born about 1929
BezzesBilly born about 1931
BezzesOrville born about 1933
BezzesPaul born about 1926
BezzesTherman born about 1924
BezzesWilliam born about 1893
BlyzeAlcie born about 1931
BlyzeArnold born about 1933
BlyzeJames born about 1895
BlyzeJimmie born about 1935
BlyzeRuby born about 1902
BlyzesArivie born about 1937
BlyzesElmo born about 1918
BlyzesKethern born about 1936
BlyzesThelma born about 1918
BoldenAugst born about 1934
BoldenJunior born about 1926
BoldenLilly Maeborn about 1903
BoldenSamuel Aborn about 1895
BoldenVireginia born about 1927
BrownBartnett born about 1923
BrownFred born about 1909
BrownLucille born about 1919
BrownMargrett born about 1883
BrownOscar Bborn about 1883
BurgessDora Beelborn about 1934
BurgessLilly born about 1901
BurgessPaul born about 1902
ButterEthel born about 1891
ButterGeorge born about 1895
ButterJohn born about 1893
ButterVerlan born about 1923

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C Surnames

ClarkJimmie born about 1912
CloudEllen born about 1935
CloudJames born about 1933
CloudRalph born about 1916
CloudSefpha born about 1913
CobbRufus born about 1912
CodeBilly born about 1933
CodeEmma born about 1916
CodeRay Jenborn about
CodeRemmy born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisPerry born about 1895
DayAlvin born about 1936
DayCalvin born about 1923
DayCharles Cborn about 1917
DayDelyha born about 1918
DayFay Ieneborn about 1939
DayHenry born about 1910
DayJames born about 1920
DayRhode born about 1888
DayRossie born about 1920
DittoCletis born about 1915
DittoEdward born about 1930
DittoFannie born about 1891
DittoJohn born about 1884
DittoMarth Annborn about 1940
DittoPauline born about 1921
DittsPaul born about 1919
DittsRuth born about 1922
DouglasBetty born about 1931
DouglasIva born about 1916
DouglasLennard born about 1911
DouglasLindel born about 1933
DouglasVenita born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FlemingBetty born about 1935
FlemingEvelyn born about 1926
FlemingJewell born about 1938
FlemingMary born about 1911
FlemingMay Bellborn about 1928
FlemingModenia born about 1930
FlemingRuby born about 1934
FlemingW Bborn about 1904

G Surnames

GaudryAuthor Lborn about 1868
GivensCarl born about 1918
GivensCarl Jeneborn about 1939
GivensMable born about 1928
GivensMary born about 1923
GoreAla born about 1933
GoreAlfred born about 1927
GoreJimmy born about 1931
GoreMildred born about 1929
GorePauleene born about 1908
GoreRaymond born about 1902
GoreRichard born about 1936
GreerAlmestos born about 1938
GreerEarnest Jeneborn about
GreerFadene born about 1936
GreerFla Allenborn about 1935
GreerHarry born about 1908
GreerMelva Deaneborn about 1936
GreerMerender born about 1915
GreerOassie born about 1917
GreerOrville born about 1912
GreerTommy born about 1938
GriagbyRussell born about 1908
GrisphyRussell born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallA Jborn about 1934
HallJeaceal born about 1938
HallPancy born about 1908
HallRaymond born about 1909
HawkinsBilley born about 1913
HawkinsCharlen Willimsborn about 1939
HawkinsFlorence born about 1922
HenardAllen born about 1903
HenardVelva born about 1917
HenshawDousfus born about 1916
HenshawGireldine born about 1921
HenshawJohn born about 1919
HollingHarold born about 1934
HollingOdeal born about 1914
HollingStella born about 1914
HollingUyene born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesAlfred born about 1936
JamesEdward born about 1932
JamesHeler born about 1924
JamesLilly born about 1894
JamesRoscie born about 1926
JamesTom born about 1904
JamesWilliam born about 1927
JonesA Pborn about 1895
JonesAnes Glennborn about 1927
JonesCharles Dborn about 1924
JonesD Aborn about 1900
JonesJ Wborn about 1933
JonesNorman born about 1936

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K Surnames

KindleyRobert born about 1923

L Surnames

LaptonHershell born about 1910
LaptonJunior born about 1933
LaptonLuciel born about 1908
LaptonVirginia born about 1928
LewisAnn born about 1884
LewisMarshell born about 1904
LewisMassie born about 1922
LewisMatthews born about 1902
LewisMilton Lborn about 1875
LewisSamuel born about 1906
LinnsenBenny born about 1934
LinnsenJ Wborn about 1924
LinnsenLissy born about 1906
LinnsenOrvill born about 1936
LinnsenRaymond born about 1905
LinnsenRoy Leeborn about 1926
LoftenAlvin born about 1932
LoftenImogine born about 1937
LoftenRobby Ireneborn about 1910
LoftenRobert born about 1934
LoftenRudy born about 1911
LucieHerman born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarkeredLygi born about 1888
MartinClarance born about
MartinDeke born about 1883
MartinLucie born about 1882
MartinWarren born about 1921
MattisCherley born about 1890
MattisEarnest Leeborn about 1931
MattisJ Wborn about 1928
MattisMage born about 1922
MattisMarchel born about 1902
MattisMildred born about 1939
MayesR Eborn about 1870
McCormickC Eborn about 1895
McCormickLutie born about 1922
McCormickMae born about 1919
McCormickMyrtle born about 1891
McGillBarbra Joeborn about 1939
McGillMarie born about 1915
McGillPasty Ruthborn about 1934
McGillRichard Leeborn about 1937
McGillWallace born about 1912
McMaboralCorea born about 1880
McMaboralGeorge born about 1875
McMikleBernice born about 1901
McMikleEldoroe born about 1920
McMikleElgin born about 1926
McMikleJ Hborn about 1868
McMikleJohn born about 1924
McMikleLeola born about 1931
McMikleMargaret born about 1923
McMikleSally born about 1901
MillerFloid born about 1938
MillerMartha born about 1918
MillerRobert born about 1909
MitchenAlfred born about 1905
MorganAddie born about 1919
MorganBob born about 1898
MorganCrovia born about 1898
MorganElanoe born about 1920
MorganElgin born about 1926
MorganEllen Sueborn about 1937
MorganGeorge born about 1894
MorganGladid born about 1920
MorganJ Rborn about 1905
MorganJoan born about 1924
MorganJoseph born about 1935
MorganKathern born about 1938
MorganLeola born about 1931
MorganMargret born about 1923
MorganMescho born about 1922
MorganOna born about 1907
MorganRobert born about 1919
MorganS Mborn about 1871
MorganSally born about 1901
MorganWallace born about 1918
MorganWilliam born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NobleCarl born about 1920
NobleJoe born about 1938
NobleJohn born about 1898
NobleLaura born about 1925
NobleMinney born about
NobleRobert born about 1922
NobleRoselle born about 1929
NorthernJohn born about 1885
NorthernRou born about 1926
NorthernW Remmyborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceEliz born about 1886
PaceJue born about 1927
PaceSamuel born about 1886
PennerLuther born about 1897
PepperBessie born about 1909
PepperBlance born about 1902
PepperClarance born about 1901
PepperClifford born about 1919
PepperEveleen born about 1928
PepperHaroe born about 1886
PepperHelen born about 1927
PepperJunita born about 1926
PepperLilly born about 1929
PepperMurleene born about 1926
PepperPansy born about 1929
PepperRedney born about 1931
PepperSherley born about 1938
PepperTommy born about 1938
PepperW Hborn about 1924
PeridoreAlfred born about 1904
PeridoreAndrew Cborn about 1913
PeridoreBillie born about
PeridoreBilly Joeborn about 1939
PeridoreBob born about 1907
PeridoreDore Leeborn about 1938
PeridoreGenevia born about 1936
PeridoreHelen born about 1920
PeridoreHelen born about 1929
PeridoreJames born about 1932
PeridoreJoe born about 1864
PeridoreLevsey born about 1935
PeridoreLila born about 1912
PeridoreLoid born about 1929
PeridoreLois born about 1940
PeridoreMary born about 1909
PeridoreMary Rue Aborn about 1938
PeridoreRussell born about 1932
PeridoreShirley born about 1936
PeridoreWanda born about 1933
PoolAne Jamesborn about 1926
PoolCliffton born about 1919
PoolIwa born about 1922
PoolJessie born about 1892
PoolWill born about 1886
PoseyCharley born about 1887
PoseyFreidie born about 1927
PoseyHarold born about 1937
PoseyJunior born about 1924
PoseyPelieese born about
PoseySucie born about 1897
PritchettDarley Jamesborn about 1929
PritchettFlirt Minwardborn about 1928
PritchettHarley born about 1899
PritchettHenryadda born about 1934
PritchettLinny Upeneborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RayAud born about 1916
RayMarie born about 1926
RedferingChristeen born about 1919
RedferingChristeen born about 1920
RedferingDornie born about 1883
RedferingDorrett born about 1939
RedferingEd born about 1914
RedferingRaymond born about 1916
RedferingRaymond Joeborn about 1938
RedferingRonald born about 1930
RedferingSarce born about 1922
RedferingWilliam born about 1881
RenFrank born about 1920
RenGracie born about 1928
RenLouis born about 1888
RenLouise born about 1933
RenMary Francisborn about 1938
RenMenny born about 1898
RenPauleen born about 1930
RichardHazel born about 1925
RileyEdna born about 1925
RileyElla born about 1907
RileyGeorge born about 1921
RileyOliver born about 1897
RileyOrlie born about 1924
RileyWiley born about 1927
RobertsElvelyn born about 1935
RobertsJeriese born about 1937
RobertsLouis born about 1912
RobertsPauline born about 1915
RouchClifton born about 1924
RouchHarley born about 1919
RouchJ Dborn about 1922
RouchJohn born about 1890
RouchMary born about 1934
RouchRichard born about 1931
RouchRossie born about 1900
RouchRufus born about 1926
RouchWalter born about 1920
RouchWillie Maeborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SeatsAuthor born about 1907
SeatsEarl born about 1926
SeatsLuille born about 1910
SextonHarry born about 1939
SextonJoe born about 1885
SextonRossie born about 1937
SilvertonJen born about 1938
SilvertonLawrence born about 1901
SilvertonLeola born about 1908
SilvertonLilly Joeborn about 1930
SmithAlbert born about 1910
SmithBeatrice born about 1918
SmithCecil born about 1919
SmithCecill born about 1883
SmithIone born about 1938
SmithJalmey born about 1920
SmithJessie born about 1926
SmithJoe born about 1902
SmithLavert born about 1922
SmithMunhaw born about 1923
SmithRuby born about 1929
StaffordClifford born about 1938
StaffordDallas born about 1917
StaffordJames born about 1939
StaffordMildred born about 1921
StoutHazel born about 1918
StoutJames born about 1937
StoutJewell born about 1908
StoutJewell Jr born about 1940
SuitsFranks born about 1902
SuitsGene born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorDelorise born about 1932
TaylorEmmie Louborn about 1929
TaylorEssie born about 1896
TaylorHampton born about 1921
TaylorJammy Luborn about 1926
TaylorKeath born about 1924
TaylorNewton born about 1895
ThompsonAgene born about 1933
ThompsonArthur born about 1884
ThompsonAuthor born about 1930
ThompsonChristola born about 1924
ThompsonJames born about 1929
ThompsonMarry born about 1900
ThompsonNeddie born about 1895
ThompsonNeddy born about 1922
ThompsonRuby born about 1928
ThompsonWilliam born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalterC Dborn about 1925
WalterDave born about 1891
WalterEdith born about 1902
WalterJames born about 1881
WalterJames born about 1929
WandersClevian born about 1929
WandersCleydes born about 1901
WandersMarie born about 1925
WandersMary born about 1906
WandersRuth born about 1927
WandersVergil born about 1932
WheatleyArthor born about 1938
WheatleyEd born about 1905
WheatleyLovern born about 1936
WheatleyMarie born about 1919
WiddowsClaude born about 1883
WiddowsClaude born about 1929
WiddowsFlorence born about 1894
WiddowsOneal born about 1932
WiddowsRalph born about 1920
WilliamsJohn born about 1873

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