1940 U.S. Federal Census of La Font, New Madrid, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > New Madrid County > 1940 Census of La Font

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdamBertha born about 1916
AdamBilly born about 1932
AdamGlen born about 1911
AdamLouis born about 1934
AdamsBobbie born about 1931
AdamsClaudine born about 1938
AdamsCletis born about 1916
AdamsCletis born about 1937
AdamsDixie Aborn about 1938
AdamsDonald Jborn about 1936
AdamsG Wborn about 1887
AdamsGeorge Lborn about 1934
AdamsGladys born about 1911
AdamsHattie born about 1899
AdamsJames born about 1916
AdamsJeas born about 1911
AdamsJohn Dborn about 1929
AdamsJr born about 1920
AdamsJuanita born about 1927
AdamsMarie born about 1919
AdamsMary Fborn about 1921
AdamsNelli born about 1914
AdamsNorma Juneborn about 1939
AdamsRichard born about 1935
AdamsWallace born about 1914
AdcockAllen born about 1901
AdcockAnna Kborn about 1925
AdcockFreda born about 1903
AdcockGenivieve born about 1926
AdcockLouise born about 1924
AdcockWilliam Bborn about 1931
AlbrightBernice born about 1935
AlbrightDorothia born about 1920
AlbrightFrances born about 1892
AlbrightFreddie Bborn about 1923
AlbrightHarvey born about 1888
AlbrightJohn born about 1911
AlbrightMary born about 1920
AlbrightRobert Lborn about 1926
AlexanderAnna Jborn about 1928
AlexanderAvon born about 1926
AlexanderCarolin born about 1939
AlexanderDoris born about 1938
AlexanderEula born about 1885
AlexanderFlossie born about 1898
AlexanderHelen born about 1925
AlexanderHenry born about 1888
AlexanderJ Wborn about 1913
AlexanderJim born about 1915
AlexanderJohn Wborn about 1882
AlexanderLillie Fborn about 1923
AlexanderMartha born about 1939
AlexanderOpal born about 1919
AlexanderSherman born about 1938
AllenDennis born about 1927
AllenE Eborn about 1890
AllenElba born about 1928
AllenEzra born about 1932
AllenHarold born about 1925
AllenIola born about 1919
AllenIola born about 1937
AllenLaven born about 1915
AllenLena born about 1907
AllenRaymond born about 1929
AllenRobert born about 1930
AllenWiliam born about 1923
AllerCharles born about 1929
AllerEarl born about 1927
AllerJake born about 1924
AllerLilian born about 1907
AllerLola born about 1932
AlleyMary Jborn about 1865
AlsobrookAnna born about 1888
AlsobrookAnna Marieborn about 1925
AlsobrookBarbara born about 1916
AlsobrookC Bborn about 1880
AlsobrookClarence born about 1914
AlsobrookWilliam Bborn about 1919
AndersonElsie born about 1902
AndersonErnest born about 1919
AndersonEvelyn born about 1926
AndersonGeorg Tborn about 1892
AndersonHattie born about 1880
AndersonJessie born about 1912
AndersonLloyd born about 1928
AndersonLola Maeborn about 1930
AndersonMargareth born about
AndersonMary born about 1906
AndersonMary Louiseborn about 1932
AndersonTheodore born about 1903
AndersonWiley born about 1923
AndersonWilliam Gborn about 1925
AnkersheildAuto Bborn about 1875
AnkersheildCora born about 1880
ApplewhiteAaron born about 1923
ArmstrongBetty Sueborn about 1937
ArmstrongConrmie born about 1893
ArmstrongJr born about 1936
ArmstrongLee born about 1884
ArmstrongLeslie born about 1914
ArmstrongMaxine born about 1932
AshBilly born about 1935
AshDallas born about 1911
AshHarold born about 1923
AshJerry born about 1937
AshJoe Rborn about 1932
AshLandell born about 1925
AshMagaline born about 1924
AshMinnie born about 1891
AshPaul born about 1934
AshReeba born about 1914
AshSam born about 1884
AsheMartha born about 1920
AsheMelvin born about 1913
AshmoreAnn born about 1935
AshmoreBarbara born about 1937
AshmoreClovis born about 1902
AshmoreJames Wilburnborn about 1928
AshmoreMaudie born about 1898
AtchleyDoyle born about 1913
AtchleyEdna born about 1919
AtkinsAvis born about 1902
AtkinsDealie Aborn about 1934
AtkinsDewey born about 1926
AtkinsEsther born about 1911
AtkinsJ D Jrborn about 1931
AtkinsJ Iborn about 1899
AtkinsJohn born about 1882
AtkinsKatinka Wilesborn about 1929
AtkinsLavoy Royborn about 1905
AtkinsLoranzo born about 1932
AtkinsMackie born about 1929
AtkinsMary born about 1890
AtkinsMinnie born about 1887
AtkinsOrland born about 1890
AtkinsValencia Franklinborn about 1927
AtkinsonAuttie born about 1904
AtkinsonVivian born about 1905
AtteberyClaud born about 1923
AtteberyGeorgia born about 1884
AtteberyJohn born about 1884
AtteberyRuth born about 1926
AveryArline born about 1910
AveryBobby Leeborn about 1938
AveryJ Hborn about 1887
AveryJames Eborn about 1936
AveryMargaret born about 1913
AveryRonald born about 1912
AverySam born about 1915
AveryWiletta born about 1915
AwanErnestine born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabcockConstance born about 1908
BabcockHarold born about 1903
BabcockLoretta born about 1927
BaileyLillian born about 1882
BaileyW Tborn about 1925
BakerAmer born about 1924
BakerBeatrice born about 1925
BakerBetty Francisborn about 1939
BakerDorothy born about 1937
BakerHaskell born about 1922
BakerHorace born about 1928
BakerJean born about 1934
BakerJohn born about 1918
BakerL Cborn about 1930
BakerLessie born about 1892
BakerMary born about 1924
BakerMay Belleborn about 1932
BakerNorma Rborn about 1933
BakerOrbia born about 1907
BaldwinDonna Lborn about 1938
BaldwinInez born about 1917
BaldwinMargaret born about 1927
BaldwinTommy born about 1939
BaldwinVirgil born about 1901
BallBooker Nanceborn about 1921
BarnesCharlie born about 1874
BartlettInes born about 1931
BartlettJessie born about 1890
BartlettJessie Jr born about 1930
BartlettLudia born about 1893
BartlettMarcella born about 1926
BartlettRuby born about 1923
BassAmos born about 1901
BassAmos Jr born about 1935
BassFrancis born about 1926
BassHester born about 1906
BatemanAlgea born about 1939
BatemanAlpha born about 1896
BatemanAnnie Maeborn about 1932
BatemanHattie born about 1903
BatemanMyrtle born about 1928
BatsonW Mborn about 1873
BayneAna born about 1930
BayneClara born about 1906
BayneEddie born about 1938
BayneEllis born about 1933
BayneJ Rborn about 1877
BayneJessie born about 1926
BeanchembBetty Louborn about 1933
BeanchembDorothy born about 1928
BeanchembGuy born about 1923
BeanchembJoe born about 1877
BeanchembJoe born about 1930
BeanchembKathelen born about 1922
BeanchembMartha born about 1891
BeanchembMaud born about 1918
BeaslerAlbert born about 1917
BeckDonald Rayborn about 1939
BeckEmil born about 1919
BeckJack born about 1937
BeckKatherine born about 1921
BeckLinda Leeborn about 1939
BeckRoy born about 1918
BeckViolet born about 1921
BeckWardena born about 1938
BeisElizabeth born about 1872
BeisEmiel born about 1871
BelchVernon born about 1911
BelchVirginia born about 1922
BellAddie born about 1885
BellCletis born about 1925
BellDonald Wborn about 1935
BellFrank born about 1910
BellJames born about 1921
BellLona born about 1885
BellMary born about 1910
BellNellie born about 1922
BellR Fborn about 1934
BellTom born about 1884
BellWillie born about 1902
BellWinifred born about 1916
BennettHarold born about 1931
BennettIda Maeborn about 1919
BennettKenneth born about 1928
BennettLorene born about 1922
BennettMarie born about 1927
BennettNola born about 1911
BennettParker born about 1909
BennettPauline born about 1924
BennettThomas born about 1926
BennettVirgil born about 1908
BerckEllerd born about 1907
BerckEthel Leeborn about 1936
BerckWillie born about 1907
BerryElla born about 1873
BerryIrene born about 1923
BerryJ Bborn about 1926
BerryJames born about 1925
BerryJessie born about 1903
BerryLaura born about 1905
BishopCora Lborn about 1871
BishopEddwin born about 1872
BitmanAlvin born about 1929
BitmanBilly born about 1933
BitmanBobby Jborn about 1936
BitmanJames born about 1924
BitmanK Aborn about 1896
BitmanLarry born about 1939
BitmanLoyd born about 1931
BitmanMurray born about 1927
BitmanShirley born about 1938
BitmanZula born about 1907
BivinsBetty Joeborn about 1932
BivinsCecil Nborn about 1936
BivinsCullen born about 1905
BivinsEmma Leeborn about 1931
BivinsG Wborn about 1924
BivinsJr born about 1929
BivinsLois born about 1908
BivinsPaul Wayneborn about 1939
BivinsRhoda Maeborn about 1926
BizzleJosephine born about 1927
BizzleMarvin born about 1930
BizzleNellie born about 1925
BizzleWis born about 1902
BlackmanFannie born about 1870
BlackwellVillis born about 1939
BlanchardJ Lborn about 1878
BlanchardJ L Jrborn about 1917
BlanchardMyrtle born about 1882
BlanchardRuby born about 1916
BlessingBilly born about 1919
BlessingMyrtle born about 1887
BlessingVirginia born about 1914
BobbBarney born about 1915
BobbBetty Louborn about 1936
BobbDonald born about 1936
BobbFlora born about 1915
BobbFloy born about 1910
BobbOpal born about 1932
BobbRoscoe born about 1912
BodineChauncey born about 1899
BodineEster born about 1899
BodineKenneth born about 1922
BodineRaymond born about 1908
BodineRobert born about 1921
BodineSalome born about 1928
BodineSam born about 1925
BohannerJohn Allenborn about 1931
BohannerJohn Dborn about 1907
BohannerMurray born about 1909
BondBetty Louborn about 1929
BowersDorothy born about 1928
BowersHerbert born about 1921
BowersJessie born about 1894
BowersJulia born about 1932
BowersMary Leeborn about 1923
BowersRandolph born about 1887
BowmanFay born about 1913
BoxleyAislee born about 1927
BozarthJohn born about 1868
BraceyAda Leeborn about 1930
BradleyAnnie born about 1880
BradleyEugene born about 1924
BradleyEunis born about 1914
BradleyGeneva born about 1935
BradleyJ Aborn about 1878
BradleyJerry born about 1939
BradleyJessie born about 1908
BradleyJr born about 1935
BradleyLucille born about 1918
BradleyMax born about 1907
BradleyNoah Francisborn about 1919
BradleySherman Jborn about 1939
BrewerA Pborn about 1910
BrewerAlbert born about 1908
BrewerArthur born about 1897
BrewerArthur born about 1924
BrewerBenjamin born about 1929
BrewerBrenda Jborn about 1940
BrewerCal born about 1902
BrewerCora born about 1877
BrewerDonald Pborn about 1936
BrewerEthel born about 1916
BrewerGertie born about 1901
BrewerIma Jeanborn about 1928
BrewerJr born about 1933
BrewerMarcil born about 1932
BrewerMarine born about 1926
BrewerMiriam born about 1915
BrewerPeggy born about 1934
BrewerRay Jeanborn about 1939
BrewerWillie born about 1907
BriasAlvidean born about 1932
BriasCharles born about 1938
BriasMelcenia born about 1933
BriasRichard born about 1908
BriasRuby born about 1912
BridgeCanvas Lborn about 1923
BridgeGeraldine born about 1938
BridgeJ Lborn about 1912
BriggArdell born about 1929
BrooksElmer born about 1924
BrooksIrmalene born about 1924
BrooksJessie born about 1927
BrooksL Cborn about 1923
BrooksMarion born about 1927
BrooksMattie born about 1907
BrooksSherman born about 1890
BrooksWillie Kborn about 1923
BroughtonHillary born about 1903
BroughtonLennie born about 1904
BrownAda Mborn about 1869
BrownAlien born about 1938
BrownAndrew born about 1900
BrownAnna Belleborn about 1880
BrownAvila born about 1925
BrownBobbie born about 1939
BrownCharles born about 1933
BrownClaud born about 1929
BrownCora Aborn about 1933
BrownDave born about 1889
BrownDee born about 1922
BrownDennis born about 1938
BrownEdith born about 1918
BrownEvernine born about 1923
BrownFrancis born about 1892
BrownFrankie born about 1899
BrownGeneva born about 1927
BrownHenry Leeborn about 1928
BrownImogene born about 1925
BrownJames born about 1915
BrownJeff born about 1884
BrownJessie born about 1900
BrownJoe born about 1911
BrownJoe Herbertborn about 1933
BrownLaura born about 1905
BrownLillian born about 1924
BrownLily born about 1870
BrownMammie born about 1901
BrownMarvin born about 1890
BrownMary Lborn about 1911
BrownMary Louborn about 1939
BrownMerlian born about 1926
BrownMildred born about 1919
BrownMyrtle born about 1898
BrownNealious born about 1881
BrownNealious Jr born about 1929
BrownPearline born about 1928
BrownR Jborn about 1919
BrownRosella born about 1932
BrownRufus born about 1927
BrownTom born about 1898
BrownW Lborn about 1913
BrownW Lborn about 1917
BrownW Oborn about 1893
BrownWalter born about 1936
BrownWillie born about 1902
BrownWillie born about 1910
BroyersBernice born about 1935
BroyersBonnie born about 1931
BroyersBrownie born about 1913
BroyersJoan born about 1939
BroyersL Rborn about 1906
BroyersLouis born about 1938
BruceDorothia born about 1919
BruceJ Aborn about 1919
BruceJean born about 1938
BrunerJanie born about 1890
BryantDella born about 1895
BryantI Iborn about 1895
BryantJames Lborn about 1931
BryantMae born about 1923
BryantVelma born about 1922
BryntGeorge born about 1919
BryntRichard born about 1922
BurdenRosie born about 1936
BurksDollie born about 1885
BurnsElla born about 1912
BurnsHenry born about 1910
BurpBoyd born about 1908
BurpCletis born about 1931
BurpDorothia Irma Jeanborn about 1927
BurpMilda born about 1910
BurtonBertie born about 1897
BurtonEarl born about 1920
BurtonHoward born about 1925
BurtonPaul born about 1928
BurtonPhyllis born about 1931
BurtonTalmadge born about 1938
BurtonW Hborn about 1878
BurtonWillie born about 1935
ButlerCharles born about 1937
ButlerFred born about 1896
ButlerHerman born about 1918
ButlerInfant born about 1940
ButlerJessie Iborn about 1929
ButlerJr born about 1931
ButlerJuanita born about 1930
ButlerLucille born about 1923
ButlerPearl born about 1900
BwoksMilenda born about 1878
BynoteMorris born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CakasckerJ Cborn about 1889
CakasckerMarie born about 1893
CaldwellDorothia born about 1926
CaldwellEthel born about 1932
CaldwellJames born about 1922
CaldwellNona born about 1898
CaldwellRobert born about 1892
CallDewayne born about 1935
CallDorothy born about 1921
CallGary Dborn about 1940
CallHelen born about 1917
CallJohn Tborn about 1875
CallLinwood born about 1914
CallPatricia Aborn about 1938
CallRonald born about 1939
CallTina born about 1883
CambronClaud born about 1897
CambronClaudine born about 1928
CambronEarl born about 1896
CambronFredrick born about 1927
CambronIda born about 1908
CambronLouise born about 1874
CambronLouise born about 1922
CambronSusie born about 1903
CameronAdell born about 1925
CameronCharles born about 1931
CameronJ Rborn about 1893
CameronMargie born about 1922
CameronNellie born about 1895
CameronRavi born about 1915
CameronRuth born about 1926
CampbellCarl born about 1922
CampbellCarlanna born about 1922
CampbellClaud born about 1932
CampbellDaisy born about 1895
CampbellDella born about 1926
CampbellDonald born about 1938
CampbellEva born about 1933
CampbellFloyd born about 1915
CampbellFrank born about 1854
CampbellFreeda born about 1940
CampbellGeraldine born about 1927
CampbellJack born about 1899
CampbellJr born about 1923
CampbellJr born about 1929
CampbellLee Royborn about 1875
CampbellLois born about 1930
CampbellLouise born about 1928
CampbellMary born about 1935
CampbellMary Jeanborn about 1927
CampbellOra born about 1902
CampbellPearl born about 1919
CampbellRosa Leeborn about 1878
CampbellSedire born about 1920
CampbellThad born about 1903
CampbellW Gborn about 1894
CandleAlfred born about 1908
CandleEdward born about 1932
CandleFrances born about 1935
CandleJames born about 1937
CandleKenneth born about 1933
CandleOra born about 1911
CarlonWoodroe born about 1919
CarsonCharles born about 1925
CarsonMyrtle born about 1897
CarsonRobert born about 1896
CarterEllen born about 1926
CarterJim born about 1890
CarterL Jborn about 1920
CarterMagaline born about 1905
CarterThelma born about 1936
CartesJeppie born about 1902
CarthanEizabeth born about 1930
CateFannie born about 1891
CateWillie born about 1902
CatheyDoyle Royborn about 1937
CaytonCecil born about 1928
ChambersBen born about 1901
ChambersDorathia born about 1939
ChambersIda born about 1911
ChambersKenneth born about 1933
ChambersLilie born about 1904
ChambersMarvin born about 1908
ChambersPearl born about 1931
CheeraMabel born about 1940
CheeraMary born about 1913
CheeraR Cborn about 1900
ChristopherBetty born about 1888
ChristopherC Dborn about 1927
ChristopherJ Wborn about 1885
ClantonAgnes born about 1919
ClantonBetty Jeanborn about 1939
ClantonBirdie Maeborn about 1922
ClantonDavid born about 1915
ClantonFelix born about 1918
ClantonJanie Maeborn about 1938
ClantonJohn Asaborn about 1919
ClantonJohn Asa Jrborn about 1940
ClantonLeonard born about 1910
ClantonLillie Maeborn about 1915
ClattBasil born about 1923
ClattGayland born about 1930
ClattLeon born about 1896
ClattMargarette born about 1935
ClattMelvin born about 1920
ClattNellie born about 1902
ClattVernis born about 1925
ClaytonCarl born about 1913
ClaytonDella Maeborn about 1920
ClaytonMaud born about 1896
ClaytonWilliam born about 1893
ClinesEva born about 1902
ClinesJohn born about 1882
ClinesLester born about 1916
ClinesRitha born about 1918
CobbAnto born about 1909
CobbEvelyn born about 1919
CobbJane born about 1935
CobbPatsy Sueborn about 1939
CobbsElvine born about 1917
CobbsEmma Janeborn about 1936
CoffeeLouis born about 1921
CoffeeMildred born about 1923
CogginsA Cborn about 1939
CogginsChristine born about 1934
CogginsIrene born about 1906
CogginsNadean born about 1932
CogginsO C Bborn about 1931
CogginsRobert born about 1887
ColemanCharleen born about 1925
ColemanCurtis Cborn about 1891
ColemanGeorg born about 1927
ColemanJohn born about 1884
ColemanJr born about 1929
ColemanLottie born about 1903
ColemanMeclina born about 1890
ColemanMyrtle born about 1923
ColemanRuth born about 1895
ColemanSeth born about 1898
CollJ Tborn about 1876
CollTina born about 1883
CollinsAmos born about 1932
CollinsArlie born about 1913
CollinsB born about 1885
CollinsCharley Rayborn about 1927
CollinsCharlie born about 1897
CollinsDorothia born about 1937
CollinsLeslie Lborn about 1905
CollinsM Hborn about 1922
CollinsMary Ruthborn about 1934
CollinsU born about 1877
CombsBarbara born about 1937
CombsDoyle born about 1936
CombsEmma born about 1921
CombsHenry born about 1912
CombsJess born about 1909
CombsJohn born about 1903
CombsMarie born about 1926
CombsMaxine born about 1935
CombsOpal born about 1912
ConnorDavid born about 1936
ConnorGeraldine born about 1921
ConnorLina born about 1899
ConnorMarilyn born about 1933
ConnorPatsy born about 1934
ConnorRobert born about 1896
ConnorRobert Jr born about 1921
ConnorSylvia born about 1904
ConnorW Eborn about 1887
CookCharles born about 1919
CookElla born about 1898
CookEugene born about 1921
CookHelen born about 1923
CookLouise born about 1928
CookNorma born about 1930
CotnerCharlene born about 1933
CotnerLois born about 1935
CotnerVelva born about 1917
CotnerW Mborn about 1912
CouchRosco born about 1914
CowgillAllen born about 1895
CowgillCornellis born about 1919
CowgillIla born about 1896
CowgillNeva Joeborn about 1926
CrawleyBetty born about 1930
CrawleyCorine born about 1898
CrawleyEdna born about 1928
CrawleyHerman born about 1896
CrawleyNorma born about 1936
CrawleyRobert Hborn about 1932
CrevoisnerGeorge born about 1924
CrevoisnerJ Wborn about 1926
CrevoisnerMartha born about 1887
CrevoisnerWalker born about 1881
CrittendonCarrie born about 1901
CrittendonCurtis born about 1895
CrittendonEdward born about 1921
CrittendonFranklin born about 1934
CrittendonJ Cborn about 1923
CrittendonJimmie Wborn about 1938
CrittendonLeeroy born about 1928
CrittendonLulu Fborn about 1932
CrittendonRuby born about 1926
CrookIvory born about 1919
CrowAda born about 1916
CrowGoldie born about 1913
CroweCharles born about 1928
CroweJocie born about 1889
CroweMarvin born about 1889
CroweMildred born about 1919
CummingsCarl born about 1918
CummingsJessie born about 1922
CurtisAlbert Lborn about 1936
CurtisAlberta born about 1931
CurtisAlice born about 1918
CurtisAlvita born about 1930
CurtisAnine born about 1917
CurtisBernetha born about 1937
CurtisBernice born about 1935
CurtisBert born about 1917
CurtisCalleen born about 1932
CurtisCarlos born about 1906
CurtisClaud born about 1934
CurtisCletis Rborn about 1936
CurtisClint born about 1936
CurtisDavid born about 1938
CurtisDella born about 1908
CurtisDokie born about 1901
CurtisE Aborn about 1902
CurtisEarl born about 1936
CurtisEdward born about 1928
CurtisEliza born about 1904
CurtisEmma Jborn about 1937
CurtisGilbert born about 1915
CurtisGoldie born about 1910
CurtisHelen born about 1926
CurtisHubbert born about 1932
CurtisHulen born about 1936
CurtisIrene born about 1917
CurtisIrene born about 1928
CurtisIrene born about 1932
CurtisJ Wborn about 1939
CurtisJames born about 1929
CurtisJosh born about 1877
CurtisLeslie born about 1912
CurtisLinda Maeborn about 1910
CurtisLonnie born about 1940
CurtisLyndel born about 1936
CurtisMartha Rborn about 1936
CurtisMary Bborn about 1924
CurtisMary Dborn about 1881
CurtisMarzene born about 1931
CurtisMilenda born about 1939
CurtisPauline born about 1927
CurtisR Wborn about 1930
CurtisRobert born about 1912
CurtisRobert Eborn about 1932
CurtisRuby born about 1911
CurtisRuby born about 1914
CurtisRuby born about 1926
CurtisRufus born about 1917
CurtisVermont born about 1933
CurtisVirgil born about 1900
CurtisVirginia born about 1921
CurtisVirginia born about 1930
CurtisWilliard born about 1930
CurtisWoodroe born about 1912
CurtissNate born about 1882
CutlerCharlie born about 1883
CutlerTish born about 1890
CutterBetty Jborn about 1932
CutterClara born about 1900
CutterEugene born about 1899
CutterJack born about 1928
CutterManuel born about 1924
CutterNadean born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleBeatrice born about 1894
DaleHenry born about 1892
DanielsDella born about 1894
DanielsJ Dborn about 1893
DatsonClaudie born about 1923
DatsonGeraldine born about 1930
DatsonJr born about 1925
DatsonMarvella born about 1934
DatsonRoy born about 1927
DauglasLoyd born about 1928
DauglasPauline born about 1925
DavidP Dborn about 1917
DavisAgnes born about 1929
DavisAuthor born about 1900
DavisBertie born about 1891
DavisBetty Louborn about 1939
DavisBilly born about 1933
DavisBuford born about 1927
DavisChristine born about 1939
DavisDoyle born about 1931
DavisEster born about 1923
DavisHelen born about 1879
DavisHelen born about 1925
DavisJ Fborn about 1873
DavisJoe born about 1905
DavisJohnnie born about 1930
DavisN R Aborn about 1934
DavisNudie born about 1908
DavisPeamie born about 1898
DavisVirginia Fborn about 1935
DavisW Jborn about 1882
DavisWilbourne born about 1927
DavisWillard born about 1926
DawsonDavid Allenborn about 1938
DayBilly born about 1936
DayBobby born about 1935
DayRaymond born about 1938
DeanAaron born about 1909
DeanDane born about 1847
DeanL Dborn about 1872
DeanLouis born about 1917
DeanSada born about 1919
DeanThomas born about 1913
DebononGrace born about 1912
DebononLeon born about 1939
DebononMelton born about 1932
DebononMorris born about 1935
DebononVirgil born about 1908
DelpBetty Jaceborn about 1933
DelpCarrean born about 1936
DelpGeorge born about 1906
DelpLattie born about 1907
DentonAllen born about 1923
DentonBilly born about 1928
DentonHenry Lborn about 1933
DentonKatherine born about 1926
DentonMayme born about 1906
DentonN A Jrborn about 1931
DentonNoble born about 1905
DicksonJess born about 1903
DockeryAlex born about 1888
DockeryGeorge born about 1936
DockeryGeorge Eborn about 1890
DockeryIda born about 1894
DockeryLouis born about 1926
DockeryMable born about 1932
DockeryMacel born about 1921
DockeryMonroe born about 1915
DockeryMyrtle born about 1889
DockeryNadine born about 1920
DoddJames born about 1922
DolanChristene born about 1933
DolanExia born about 1915
DolanJames Wborn about 1939
DolanJulia born about 1882
DolanLouis born about 1913
DolanMargaret born about 1924
DolanNicholas Iborn about 1902
DolanNoah Harrisonborn about 1921
DolanRoxie Louiseborn about 1925
DolanSibilene born about 1938
DolanThelma Maeborn about 1906
DolanWilliam Aborn about 1922
DonahueClatus born about 1935
DowdyA Eborn about 1891
DowdyCalvin born about 1916
DowdyCarrie born about 1897
DowdyDock born about 1898
DowdyHenry born about 1926
DowdyMamie born about 1901
DowdyOttie born about 1930
DowdyVirginia Leeborn about 1936
DowneyElmer born about 1904
DowneyLenward born about 1927
DowneyLeo born about 1924
DowneyLeslie born about 1935
DowneyLois born about 1930
DowneyLouise born about 1923
DowneyLowell Royborn about 1938
DowneyNoma born about 1906
DrakeArthur born about 1902
DrakeBessie Mborn about 1926
DrakeJohn Lborn about 1924
DrakeKatie born about 1909
DuboisDoris born about 1927
DuboisGeneva born about 1907
DuboisPauline born about 1926
DuboisWalter born about 1892
DuckworthJewel born about 1915
DukesHenry born about 1899
DukesJulia born about 1862
DukesSonny born about 1908
DulaneySophie born about 1888
DunklinWilford born about 1870
DunlopClyde born about 1904
DunlopDonald born about 1910
DunlopLewis Hborn about 1866
DunninganGracie Maeborn about 1933
DunninganRobert born about 1914
DunninganRobert Jr born about 1936
DunninganWillietta born about 1915
DurbinD Kborn about 1880
DurbinHelen born about 1921
DurbinMary born about 1907
DurrLily born about 1938
DyerFrancis born about 1860
DyerW Aborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EakerClara Eborn about 1884
EakerWm Frankborn about 1880
EatonMargaret born about 1883
EatonRoy born about 1885
EavensPearl born about 1894
EavensW Tborn about 1891
EawhomDawson born about 1905
EdgarErnest born about 1938
EdgarFloyd born about 1915
EdgarJoe born about 1913
EdgarLorene born about 1918
EdgarVictoria born about 1896
EdwardsBessie born about 1885
EdwardsJ Aborn about 1890
EdwardsW Aborn about 1886
EironsLester born about 1937
EironsTeretha born about 1922
EllisBernard born about 1928
EllisBeulah born about 1908
EllisCharles born about 1927
EllisClarence born about 1907
EllisEdie Vborn about 1934
EllisElizabeth born about 1931
EllisEther Linnborn about 1882
EllisEugene born about 1926
EllisEverett born about 1922
EllisEverette born about 1900
EllisGale born about 1936
EllisGertrude born about 1886
EllisGloria Annborn about 1932
EllisJames Jenneborn about 1932
EllisJoseph born about 1919
EllisL Lborn about 1891
EllisLeon born about 1916
EllisLydia born about 1904
EllisMarcia born about 1924
EllisPhilip born about 1925
EllisRaymond born about 1921
EllisSally Janeborn about 1929
EloittKatis born about 1890
EloittMonroe born about 1880
EppsCharles born about 1904
EppsElnoria born about 1905
EskridgeBelly Jeanborn about 1928
EskridgeWalter born about 1925
EssonBen Wborn about 1931
EssonClyde born about 1933
EssonGranville born about 1935
EssonRosie born about 1912
EssonWillie born about 1905
EvensJames born about 1936
EvensJimmie born about 1911
EvensLoretta born about 1933
EvensMelva born about 1939
EvensMyrtle born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarisTommy born about 1901
Fausett born about 1908
FausettAnabelle born about 1929
FausettFaris born about 1927
FausettHelen born about 1925
FausettJames born about
FausettLaverna born about 1924
FausettMae born about 1901
FausettPaul born about 1934
FausettRoy born about 1893
FausettRudolph born about 1918
FausetteBell born about 1872
FausetteBernice born about 1933
FausetteCharles born about 1928
FausetteDaisy born about 1901
FausetteEvelyn born about 1921
FausetteJames born about 1925
FausetteLagretta born about 1931
FausetteMarvin born about 1897
FausetteRandall born about 1939
FawlerKatherine born about 1920
FeltonCloud born about 1908
FeltonMary born about 1912
FeltonRooswelt born about 1933
FeltonRoy born about 1929
FerdBetty Juneborn about 1927
FerdCharlie born about 1916
FerdEd born about 1880
FerdMary born about 1918
FerdRushie born about 1885
FerdWilliam born about 1921
FerrillArtie born about 1905
FerrillBetty Rborn about 1937
FerrillCharlene born about 1935
FerrillDonald born about 1939
FerrillElizabeth born about 1905
FerrillImeldia born about 1925
FieldBilly Joeborn about 1935
FieldHiram born about 1911
FieldIdell born about 1916
FieldShirley Jeanborn about 1936
FieldsGrover born about 1913
FieldsGrover born about 1916
FieldsLillie Maeborn about 1919
FieldsLillie Maeborn about 1921
FieldsOllie born about 1885
FitzgerrelBilly Joeborn about 1937
FitzgerrelEarline born about 1932
FitzgerrelEmma Lborn about 1936
FitzgerrelMary Eborn about 1934
FitzgerrelNeoma born about 1913
FitzgerrelWalter born about 1909
FletcherAllice born about 1938
FletcherEarline born about 1922
FletcherRobert born about 1918
FletcherRosie born about 1890
FloydBelly Joeborn about 1928
FloydIrma Sueborn about 1933
FloydJ Wborn about 1905
FloydLucille born about 1910
FloydMary Ellenborn about 1940
FloydSara Louborn about 1935
FloydSylvia Joyborn about 1937
FordClitis Jeanborn about 1938
FordDonnald Aborn about 1935
FordEliza born about 1914
FordEmma born about 1915
FosterEd born about 1877
FosterLovey born about 1876
FragerEmma Lborn about 1913
FragerWilliam born about 1908
FragisEffie Bborn about 1937
FragisMary Fborn about 1936
FragisRuth Maeborn about 1939
FrazierAdelle born about 1930
FrazierClaude born about 1911
FrazierEdward born about 1940
FrazierEffie Bborn about 1937
FrazierEmmaline born about 1913
FrazierJessie Leeborn about 1938
FrazierMary Francisborn about 1935
FrazierMattie born about 1915
FrazierRuthie Maeborn about 1939
FrazierWilliam born about 1906
FredBen born about 1901
FredD Jr born about 1933
FredGlen born about 1921
FredJohn born about 1909
FredJohn Mborn about 1869
FredLeona born about 1906
FredMaggie born about 1875
FredMary born about 1935
FredRoberta born about 1937
FredWillie born about 1893
FrenchErnest born about 1910
FrenchMary born about 1916
FrenchPensy born about 1935
FromanBell born about 1876
FromenHelen born about 1930
FryBertha born about 1928
FryEugene born about 1932
FryGabe born about 1900
FryGeorgia born about 1908
FryJr born about 1931
FryMarie born about 1926
FurlongMart born about 1880
FurlongOtha born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarnerEssie born about 1919
GarnesH Sborn about 1882
GarnesJessie Bborn about 1881
GarrisonAlice born about 1920
GarrisonAuthor born about 1911
GarrisonHarley born about 1896
GarrisonSada born about 1901
GassClyde born about 1928
GassEugene born about 1931
GassGeorgia born about 1938
GassIcy born about 1935
GassInez born about 1935
GassJ Lborn about 1888
GassLouise born about 1920
GassNadean born about 1939
GassNora Bellborn about 1927
GassRosa born about 1898
GassWillard born about 1917
GastonBessie Mborn about 1937
GastonGeorge born about 1907
GastonJim born about 1890
GastonJim born about 1935
GastonRose Leeborn about 1917
GearinAlfred born about 1905
GearinClara born about 1908
GearinFreda born about 1939
GeeFannie born about 1859
GenaErben born about 1921
GenaGeorge born about 1925
GenaIda born about 1923
GenaIvan born about 1893
GenaIvan born about 1923
GenaLily born about 1897
GenaMarkie born about 1919
GilbertEssie born about 1902
GilbertGeorge born about 1933
GilbertGlen born about 1935
GilbertHerbert born about 1927
GilbertHurbert born about 1926
GilbertJ Dborn about 1892
GilbertJames born about 1922
GilbertLouise born about 1931
GilbertMinnie Leeborn about 1929
GilbertO Dborn about 1921
GilbertRuby born about 1937
GilbertShirley born about 1939
GillBobbie born about 1934
GilliamAllie born about 1884
GilliamBessie born about 1921
GilliamFred Jr born about 1928
GilliamHillary born about 1910
GilmoreCharles born about 1924
GilmoreFay born about 1926
GilmoreIva born about 1913
GilmoreKoger born about 1877
GilmoreNora born about 1882
GlassEssie born about 1885
GlassVan born about 1872
GloolyHamilton born about 1910
GloolyJames born about 1882
GloolyLeo born about 1915
GloverFlorence born about 1919
GloverWalter born about 1917
GodairClarence born about 1933
GodairDalton born about 1894
GodairHarold born about 1927
GodairJames born about 1931
GodairMaudie born about 1898
GodairMyrtle born about 1938
GodairReathel born about 1924
GodairRuth born about 1935
GodwoodL Fborn about 1882
GodwoodR Jborn about 1922
GoldenJeanette born about 1923
GoldenMary Jeanborn about 1940
GoldenWillard born about 1918
GoochOland born about 1926
GoochOra born about 1890
GoochStanley born about 1923
GoochVandever born about 1921
GoochW Cborn about 1887
GoodeAda born about 1876
GoodeAnna born about 1911
GoodeDorothia born about 1935
GoodeE Lborn about 1868
GoodeEdward born about 1940
GoodeElsie born about 1929
GoodeFrank born about 1905
GoodeFranklin born about 1933
GoodeLaroy born about 1926
GoodeMary born about 1938
GoodeRuth Aborn about 1931
GoodeWilliam born about 1894
GowanGilbert born about 1914
GowanWilliam Hborn about 1860
GrayBatly Sueborn about 1935
GrayBilly born about 1938
GrayD Wborn about 1928
GrayEvelene born about 1938
GrayMaline born about 1900
GrayMargie born about 1926
GrayMary born about 1930
GrayRaymond born about 1934
GrayRobert born about 1898
GraysonJoe born about 1878
GraysonNancy born about 1900
GreenAlberta born about 1923
GreenCharlie born about 1921
GreenCharlie Hborn about 1939
GreenJohn born about 1892
GreenLulu born about 1890
GreeneAlbert born about 1894
GreeneBilly born about 1939
GreeneBuelah born about 1895
GreeneDon born about 1913
GreeneDoris born about 1933
GreeneEarcel born about 1921
GreeneHelen born about 1926
GreeneJ Wborn about 1882
GreeneJoe born about 1928
GreeneJohn born about 1866
GreeneManda born about 1887
GreeneMelcena born about 1879
GreeneMinnie born about 1902
GreeneRobert born about 1924
GreenlawFred born about 1922
GreenlawWesley born about 1919
GrenthamJoe born about 1853
GreyAlrie born about 1898
GreyChester born about 1898
GreyFranklin Dborn about 1934
GreyRosy born about 1918
GreySline born about 1932
GreyWilliam born about 1909
GriffinBetty Jborn about 1930
GriffinCharles born about 1934
GriffinFlorence born about 1888
GriffinJames born about 1894
GriffinJr born about 1921
GriffinLorene born about 1901
GriffinLouis born about 1924
GriffinM Mborn about 1903
GriffinWilma born about 1926
GriffyCharles Eborn about 1887
GriffyClara born about 1892
GriffyClaud born about 1889
GriffyJohn Lborn about 1922
GriffyVerna born about 1933
GriffyVictor born about 1928
GriffyVictoria born about 1891
GriffyW Cborn about 1924
GrossHarvey born about 1876
GunbyCarter Leeborn about 1932
GunbyElsie born about 1903
GunbyHarrison born about 1892
GunbyHarrison Jr born about 1937
GunbyJ Cborn about 1935
GunbyLettie Annborn about 1939
GunbyWillie Leeborn about 1933
GunesJanie born about 1919
GunesLuther born about 1909
GunnAllen Tborn about 1895
GunnAna born about 1895
GunnCarl born about 1921
GunnG Wborn about 1920
GunnMartha born about 1925
GunnSherril born about 1924
GunnTyrone Jeanborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackneyAndrew born about 1928
HackneyEli born about 1899
HackneyJennie born about 1897
HackneyMary born about 1927
HackneyNapoleon born about 1930
HackneyPara Leeborn about 1935
HahnBertha born about 1884
HahnLawrence born about 1883
HaldawayLaura born about 1853
HaleArthru born about 1900
HaleEster born about 1930
HaleFloyd born about 1935
HaleHelen born about 1930
HaleMandy born about 1903
HaleVera born about 1932
HaleVester born about 1930
HaleWilliam Ladonborn about 1933
HallCarl born about 1921
HallGid born about 1864
HamiltonAndrew born about 1931
HamiltonLee born about 1910
HamptonAlvie born about 1897
HamptonAtis born about 1917
HamptonDelmer born about 1881
HamptonDonald born about 1939
HamptonElsie born about 1888
HamptonGeorgia born about 1937
HamptonGeraldine born about 1932
HamptonHarvey born about 1926
HamptonHerchell born about 1926
HamptonIma Jeanborn about 1928
HamptonJuanita born about 1924
HamptonMaggie born about 1904
HamptonMarcil born about 1931
HamptonMildred born about 1929
HamptonMonroe born about 1895
HamptonNancy born about 1865
HardinMargaret born about 1929
HargerrusselAlexander born about 1900
HargettBeulah born about 1884
HargettWill born about 1867
HarmonLeonard born about 1915
HarmonLucille born about 1922
HarpLawrence born about 1915
HarpNora born about 1878
HarpPearl born about 1911
HarpW Dborn about 1902
HarringtonDerothia born about 1931
HarringtonInez born about 1910
HarringtonJ Vborn about 1927
HarringtonMelvin Dborn about 1934
HarringtonUlyses born about 1930
HarrisAaron born about 1913
HarrisBenny born about 1872
HarrisCalvin born about 1901
HarrisCordia born about 1873
HarrisDashia born about 1911
HarrisJeremiah born about 1935
HarrisMary born about 1912
HarrisRebecca born about 1880
HarrisRuby Maeborn about 1936
HarrisonJulie Maeborn about 1919
HarrisonRobert born about 1904
HartBerta born about 1891
HartHenry born about 1887
HartJames born about 1920
HarveyFrank born about 1910
HarveyJuanita born about 1912
HatleyHerman born about 1917
HatleyIrene born about 1937
HatleyJessie born about 1916
HatteyElla born about 1922
HatteyMarie born about 1908
HatteyMartin born about 1892
HauboldClaude born about 1928
HauboldEdward Eborn about 1888
HauboldFlorence born about 1911
HauboldFrank Frankborn about 1865
HauboldFrank Jr born about 1909
HauboldIva born about 1896
HauboldJeaunette born about 1932
HauboldJerniece born about 1933
HauboldJoe born about 1921
HauboldJohn born about 1897
HauboldLiela born about 1867
HauboldOlaf born about 1924
HauboldPaul Edwardborn about 1926
HauboldReed Emborn about 1916
HauboldSendia born about 1883
HawkinsC Tborn about 1905
HawkinsDaniel born about 1926
HawkinsDerriel born about 1931
HawkinsElsie born about 1907
HawkinsHattie born about 1868
HawkinsIrene born about 1920
HawkinsJames born about 1910
HawkinsJames Pborn about 1933
HawkinsJessie born about 1908
HawkinsJohn born about 1903
HawkinsLotus born about 1904
HawkinsLoyd born about 1902
HawkinsMary Eborn about 1866
HawkinsMary Lborn about 1931
HawkinsMetts born about 1921
HawkinsNell born about 1898
HawkinsOscar born about 1872
HayJean born about 1934
HayesChester born about 1912
HayesMary Fborn about 1921
HaygoodM Dixonborn about 1868
HayseClara born about 1903
HayseElmer born about 1909
HayseHarold born about 1932
HayseJack born about 1898
HayseJerry born about 1938
HayseJr born about 1924
HayseLois born about 1929
HayseMary born about 1877
HaywardAngline born about 1928
HaywardLila Maeborn about 1939
HaywardMyrtle born about 1910
HaywardWilliam born about 1905
HeathGeorge born about 1888
HedgesW Bborn about 1909
HensleyBeatrice born about 1929
HensleyBetty born about 1920
HensleyCorliss born about 1915
HensleyDokie born about 1897
HensleyGeniveve born about 1918
HensleyHarvel born about 1922
HensleyHenry born about 1926
HensleyMartin born about 1900
HensleyNancy Sueborn about 1936
HensleySeveilla born about 1916
HensonAaron born about 1907
HensonAllie born about 1888
HensonAlvin born about 1939
HensonBen born about 1914
HensonBurl born about 1932
HensonDoyle born about 1936
HensonElbert born about 1915
HensonElvis born about 1884
HensonHelen born about 1918
HensonHerbert born about 1938
HensonJ Aborn about 1885
HensonJimmie born about 1939
HensonJoe born about 1934
HensonJohnie born about 1913
HensonJr born about 1924
HensonLattie born about 1925
HensonPeggy born about 1935
HensonSarah born about 1913
HensonShaby born about 1881
HensonShirley born about 1937
HerleyArch born about 1894
HerleyClara Maeborn about 1935
HerleyDorothy born about 1933
HerleyKatherine born about 1897
HicksPauline born about 1929
HiggenbottonAlex born about 1903
HillGeorgia born about 1883
HillJoe born about 1873
HilliardAlvina born about 1888
HilliardColeb born about 1921
HilliardJuanita born about 1924
HilliardLaura born about 1926
HilliardMary born about 1929
HiltonAgnes born about 1920
HiltonEunice born about 1939
HiltonZollie born about 1916
HobbsDave born about 1874
HodgesCharles born about 1938
HodgesElvia born about 1920
HoggardAlbert Lborn about 1929
HoggardAlbert Wborn about 1885
HoggardAlma born about 1890
HoggardColleen Dborn about 1923
HoggardCoy born about 1927
HoggardGeneva born about 1933
HoggardQuincy born about 1929
HoggardRaymond born about 1911
HoggardRena born about 1899
HoggardRobert born about 1889
HoggardRussell born about 1937
HoggardVerida born about 1940
HoggardVirginia born about 1929
HoldawayConnie born about 1924
HoldawayHenry born about 1877
HoldawayNanny born about 1889
HoleCaroline born about 1857
HoleLonzo born about 1893
HoleMary born about 1887
HollandHarold born about 1930
HollandHazel born about 1902
HollandHulda Leeborn about 1922
HollandJimmie born about 1932
HollandJoe born about 1911
HollandLucille born about 1928
HollandRussell born about 1902
HollandsBenetta born about 1921
HollandsBertha Maeborn about 1936
HollandsCirola born about 1934
HollandsElvie born about 1928
HollandsEtta born about 1912
HollandsJames Jborn about 1908
HollandsLedora born about 1932
HollandsMary born about 1889
HollandsR B Jrborn about 1925
HollandsRosetta born about 1932
HollandsRubins born about 1869
HollandsVivian born about 1919
HollinsB Tborn about 1911
HollinsEmmitt Hborn about 1936
HollinsHollie Fborn about 1932
HollinsLottie born about 1916
HollinsRaymond born about 1939
HolmonLula born about 1892
HolmonMon born about 1887
HoltBobby Geneborn about 1936
HoltJames Cborn about 1927
HoltJoe born about 1933
HoltLucille born about 1910
HoltLula Maeborn about 1930
HoltOllie born about 1897
HoresArlie born about 1915
HoresAudra Neyborn about 1936
HoresCharles Wayneborn about 1939
HoresEvelyn born about 1921
HornClyniece born about 1925
HornFlavious born about 1918
HornHazel born about 1918
HornJames Gaitherborn about 1939
HornJesse Wborn about 1884
HornL Cborn about 1927
HornMarvin born about 1910
HornMattie born about 1890
HornThurman born about 1920
HornbargerBeulah born about 1896
HornbargerLozettie born about 1914
HornbargerLuther born about 1886
HornbargerLuther Jr born about 1922
HornbargerMary Ruthborn about 1935
HornbargerR Lborn about 1926
HornburgerBarbara born about 1939
HornburgerEvelyn born about 1919
HornburgerHazel born about 1930
HornburgerMarcell born about 1928
HornburgerMarvin born about 1926
HornburgerMerchell born about 1931
HornburgerNellie born about 1881
HornburgerW Fborn about 1895
HornburgerWilliam born about 1921
HornburgerWyvonne born about 1933
HosfordFannie born about 1903
HosfordLeonard born about 1885
HosfordVersie born about 1913
HosfordWorley born about 1916
HoskinsCarrine born about 1924
HoskinsFanny Jborn about 1936
HoskinsL Cborn about 1926
HoskinsManuel born about 1888
HoskinsO Cborn about 1922
HoskinsPearly born about 1903
HouseholderBillie Marieborn about 1934
HouseholderChristine born about 1915
HouseholderDoris Glendaborn about 1937
HouseholderEarl born about 1906
HouseholderJames Edwardborn about 1939
HouseholderLinn born about 1937
HouseholderMildred born about 1914
HouseholderOtha born about 1911
HouseholderSavanna born about 1885
HouseholderWill Tborn about 1880
Howard born about
HowardDoretha born about 1917
HowardKatherine born about 1938
HowellCharles born about 1931
HowellDelmer born about 1910
HowellDoris Jborn about 1935
HowellEdna born about 1930
HowellFloyd born about 1901
HowellHallie born about 1905
HowellLarene born about 1926
HowellLillie born about 1939
HowellLouise born about 1934
HowellReeva born about 1913
HowellVerney born about 1936
HowksAndy born about 1938
HowksBobbie Daleborn about 1934
HowksDoris born about 1927
HowksElvine born about 1906
HowksHerchell born about 1931
HowksMary Francesborn about 1940
HowksRobert Sborn about 1906
HowksSolly Annborn about 1936
HrdinWilliam Wborn about 1894
HuffCharles born about 1918
HuffDella born about 1914
HuffEddie born about 1890
HuffEstella born about 1896
HuffJohnie born about 1916
HulshofEmma born about 1902
HulshofFrancis born about 1929
HulshofHenry Bborn about 1894
HulshofJoseph born about 1933
HulshofMary Emmaborn about 1931
HulshofPaul born about 1934
HulshofRosemary born about 1939
HulshofVincent born about 1937
HunterBerta born about 1889
HunterDoris born about 1934
HunterE Eborn about 1883
HunterJack born about 1914
HunterRalph born about 1920
HunterRay born about 1927
HunterRoxie born about 1910
HunterThelbert born about 1914
HunterVirginia born about 1923
HurensHattie born about 1938
HurensMyrtes born about 1916
HurensWillie born about 1917
HurensWillie Jr born about 1939
HurleyBerthia born about 1905
HurleyClara born about 1897
HurleyEdward born about 1920
HurleyJenese born about 1928
HurleyJohn born about 1894
HurleyLionel born about 1917
HurleyNorma born about 1939
HurleyRobert born about 1897
HuskofGeneva born about 1916
HuskofGeorge born about 1903
HuskofJohn born about 1940
HuskofTony born about 1901
HydeAline born about 1929
HydeClotha born about 1933
HydeDoris born about 1935
HydeGerome Dborn about 1938
HydeHewey born about 1939
HydeIrene born about 1905
HydeLinnie born about 1926
HydeNoris born about 1935
HydeSamuel born about 1896
HydeSamuel Jr born about 1931
HydeWestley born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonArletta born about 1933
JacksonEva Maeborn about 1928
JacksonJackson born about 1916
JacksonJames born about 1904
JacksonJoanna born about 1888
JacksonNancy born about 1939
JacksonOradesta born about 1921
JacksonVermillion born about 1926
JamesD C Jrborn about 1930
JamesEdward Lborn about 1880
JamesEllen born about 1897
JamesFrank born about 1892
JamesMargaret born about 1889
JamesMary Hborn about 1928
JamesRobert Leeborn about 1932
JantIda Maeborn about 1928
JantMagnolia born about 1925
JantWill born about 1888
JefferiesBilly born about 1924
JefferiesCora born about 1893
JefferiesRobert born about 1890
Jefferson born about
JeffreyO Cborn about 1940
JeffreyRosa Leeborn about 1939
JeffreyRosetta born about 1922
JeffriesA Vborn about 1925
JeffriesBert born about 1898
JeffriesCollins born about 1926
JeffriesGenevieve born about 1931
JeffriesHarold born about 1934
JeffriesL Dborn about 1928
JeffriesMarion born about 1939
JeffriesMary born about 1936
JeffriesMay born about 1903
JeffriesMitchell born about 1922
JellyEarly Maeborn about 1930
JellyHezekiah born about 1923
JellyLouis born about 1929
JellyMager born about 1928
JohnsonAlice born about 1939
JohnsonAltee born about 1939
JohnsonAndrey born about 1893
JohnsonBen born about 1903
JohnsonBilly born about 1938
JohnsonBob Leeborn about 1937
JohnsonCamille born about 1924
JohnsonCharles born about 1936
JohnsonClaudie Bborn about 1934
JohnsonCyntha born about 1896
JohnsonDwayne born about 1938
JohnsonElsie Maeborn about 1938
JohnsonErnestine born about 1934
JohnsonEster born about 1917
JohnsonEstle born about 1923
JohnsonEva born about 1907
JohnsonG Aborn about 1910
JohnsonG Tborn about 1872
JohnsonGene born about 1924
JohnsonHenry born about 1899
JohnsonIma Jenaborn about 1920
JohnsonIola born about 1915
JohnsonIrma Jeanborn about 1933
JohnsonJ Vborn about 1902
JohnsonJohny Maeborn about 1919
JohnsonJones born about 1889
JohnsonJones Lee Wborn about 1931
JohnsonLillie Maeborn about 1938
JohnsonLucius born about 1909
JohnsonMabel born about 1897
JohnsonMaggie born about 1878
JohnsonMary born about 1903
JohnsonMary born about 1913
JohnsonMary Ellaborn about 1868
JohnsonNancy born about 1935
JohnsonO Bborn about 1898
JohnsonOphelia born about 1935
JohnsonOra Maeborn about 1926
JohnsonRebecca born about 1920
JohnsonRoy Eborn about 1936
JohnsonSarah born about 1892
JohnsonShirley Jborn about 1940
JohnsonSimdell born about 1912
JohnsonSolan born about 1917
JohnsonThomas born about 1866
JohnsonVelma born about 1911
JohnsonVester born about 1911
JohnsonW Jborn about 1936
JohnsonWillie born about 1910
JonesBeatrice born about 1924
JonesBernard born about 1916
JonesBlanche born about 1900
JonesCharlette born about 1903
JonesCharlie born about 1923
JonesEdd born about 1902
JonesEddie born about 1872
JonesElmer Jr born about 1934
JonesJames Wborn about 1939
JonesJesse born about 1893
JonesLaura Hborn about 1937
JonesMattie Leeborn about 1926
JonesOpal born about 1915
JonesRoberta born about 1895
JonesSke born about 1900
JonesSusie born about 1873
JonesWilliam born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeatonBell born about 1909
KeatonY Jborn about 1918
KelleyBud born about 1930
KelleyBuelah born about 1909
KelleyE Wborn about 1925
KelleyJocia born about 1891
KelleyJohnie born about 1901
KelleyKilirny born about 1881
KelleyLucille born about 1907
KelleyOwen born about 1927
KelleyRoy born about 1905
KellickC Mborn about 1916
KellickPauline born about 1917
KendallLena born about 1912
KendallWilliam born about 1899
KendellEdd born about 1882
KendellEmma born about 1870
KershawAnnie Bborn about 1900
KershawElizabeth born about 1939
KershawEugene born about 1890
KershawEugene born about 1936
KestnerAlta born about 1910
KestnerBilly born about 1932
KestnerBilly Geneborn about 1936
KestnerEan born about 1882
KestnerFranklin Dborn about 1933
KestnerGirtrude born about 1889
KestnerJohn born about 1909
KestnerUria born about 1928
KimballC Eborn about 1911
KimesA Wborn about 1935
KimesAlice born about 1883
KimesArthur born about 1896
KimesArthur Jr born about 1918
KimesBilly Cborn about 1932
KimesDon Jr born about 1934
KimesEffie born about 1913
KimesEula born about 1905
KimesFrank born about 1908
KimesHartzell born about 1904
KimesIda Mayborn about 1915
KimesJohn born about 1900
KimesLottie Maeborn about 1922
KimesMarguerita born about 1916
KimesMary Eborn about 1854
KimesMary Jborn about 1931
KimesMary Lowborn about 1924
KimesPearl born about 1900
KimesShap born about 1913
KimesSherman born about 1933
KimesThelma Nborn about 1910
KimesViolet Sueborn about 1939
KimesWill born about 1875
KimesWilla born about 1911
KingJ Tborn about 1884
KingMary Francesborn about 1921
KingRobert born about 1911
KingRobert Jr born about 1937
KingSofa born about 1895
KingThelma born about 1916
KingstonFrankie born about 1926
KingstonGertrude born about 1929
KitchelMack born about 1882
KitchelRachel born about 1888
KleinLena born about 1877
KleinLouis born about 1903
KlipfelCharles born about 1920
KlipfelJoe Lborn about 1918
KlipfelJohn born about 1883
KlipfelMary Eborn about 1916
KlipfelMary Jborn about 1884
KlipfelNoah born about 1917
KlipfelRaymond born about 1907
KlipfelViola born about 1922
KnucklesElee born about 1874
KnucklesEliza born about 1905
KnucklesJulia born about 1913
KnucklesMartha born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaceyClarence born about 1925
LaceyClyte born about 1927
LaceyEdgar born about 1898
LaceyJoe born about 1930
LaceyWilliam born about 1933
LafarneyEthel born about 1920
LafarneyPhinerd born about 1920
LaferneyBill born about 1915
LaferneyClyde born about 1932
LaferneyColleen born about 1934
LaferneyDarline born about 1936
LaferneyEdd born about 1897
LaferneyEvelyn born about 1909
LaferneyHenry born about 1902
LaferneyLizzie born about 1875
LaferneyMary born about 1935
LaferneyRichard born about 1926
LaferneySam born about 1873
LaferneyViola born about 1924
LafontBuddy born about 1869
LafontLisa born about 1888
LafortPruett born about 1882
LairdAda Jborn about 1932
LairdBertie born about 1908
LairdCharles born about 1927
LairdCliffoed born about 1903
LairdJoan born about 1935
LairdLouis born about 1925
LampkinEdward born about 1914
LampkinElzemer born about 1917
LampkinOdie Leeborn about 1934
LaneAicinona born about 1887
LaneBarbara born about 1939
LaneBirda born about 1891
LaneEarl born about 1917
LaneGeraldine born about 1919
LaneHerbert born about 1908
LaneMarie born about 1917
LaneNorman born about 1937
LaneThomas born about 1939
LaneyBertha born about 1887
LaneyErnestine born about 1937
LaneyEugene born about 1869
LaneyRichard born about 1935
LankfordAmna born about 1907
LankfordBurl born about 1911
LankfordJanet Sueborn about 1940
LapeJess born about 1870
LascimFrank born about 1859
LascimLattie born about 1865
LasterBob born about 1878
LasterCarolin born about 1937
LasterFayetta born about 1931
LasterLuther born about 1933
LasterMattie born about 1881
LastersClara born about 1893
LastersHarley born about 1890
LaswonGladys born about
LaswonVelma Lborn about
LatheyFred born about 1907
LatheyLouise born about 1928
LatheyPearl born about 1907
LatimarLois born about 1920
LatimarOscar born about 1915
LatimerA Jborn about 1858
LatimerAaron Leeborn about 1922
LatimerCharlette born about 1922
LatimerCharlie born about 1917
LatimerDavid born about 1936
LatimerElmer born about 1895
LatimerEva born about 1887
LatimerGeraldine born about 1925
LatimerHenry born about 1919
LatimerHoward born about 1891
LatimerJack born about 1925
LatimerJerry born about 1933
LatimerLena born about 1892
LatimerLoyd Eddborn about 1931
LatimerMargaret born about 1924
LatimerMargaret Eborn about 1863
LatimerMinnie born about 1890
LatimerMyron born about 1907
LatimerPeggy Janeborn about 1928
LatimerR Aborn about 1882
LatimerVerba born about 1897
LatimerVerna born about 1907
LatimerW Cborn about 1862
LavinsAlma Jeanborn about 1926
LavinsBob born about 1895
LavinsGeorge born about 1890
LavinsJ Kborn about 1925
LavinsLiddie born about 1901
LavinsNarvel born about 1922
LavinsRoy born about 1919
LavinsVera born about 1891
LawsLer born about 1909
LawsMildred born about 1922
LawsonBilly born about 1923
LawsonE Jborn about 1925
LawsonMarshall born about 1886
LawsonRoxie born about 1893
LeasuraMacia born about 1922
LeasuraTomas born about 1895
LeeBarbara Eborn about 1939
LeeHelen born about 1923
LeeTommy Bborn about 1919
LelbetterBilly Jborn about 1931
LelbetterCharline born about 1933
LelbetterDoyle born about 1936
LelbetterErnest born about 1910
LelbetterFrancis born about 1912
LeonS born about 1921
LeonVirginia born about 1926
LesieurEmma born about 1857
LesieurPhils born about 1892
LewisAndrew born about 1891
LewisGertie Leeborn about 1903
LewisJoy born about 1932
LewisLloyd born about 1900
LewisMonnie born about 1927
LewisMyrtle born about 1893
LewisOtibe born about 1921
LewisSue born about 1938
LiipscombBurne born about 1884
LiipscombCaron born about 1900
LiipscombHarold born about 1919
LiipscombJ Aborn about 1874
LilesClela born about 1886
LilesClyde born about 1876
LilianAngel born about 1907
LindsayElilzabeth born about 1877
LindsayJessie born about 1922
LindseyCharlie born about 1911
LindseyGeneva born about 1914
LindseyJ Mborn about 1939
LingEmma born about 1881
LiptonBurl born about 1875
LittleElmarie born about 1939
LittleOpal born about 1917
LittleThomas born about 1905
LittleThomas born about 1940
LittlesBonnie Sueborn about 1929
LittlesFlorence born about 1884
LittlesJack born about 1915
LitzelfelnerFrank born about 1887
LitzelfelnerWinnie born about 1892
LivingstonAllen born about 1905
LivingstonAnna born about 1875
LivingstonClament born about 1902
LivingstonGladys born about 1925
LivingstonJames born about 1864
LivingstonJo born about
LivingstonNapoleon born about
LivingstonNapoleon born about 1920
LivingstonVelma born about 1923
LivingstoneAbra Leeborn about 1929
LivingstoneBernice born about 1907
LivingstoneCorinne born about 1927
LivingstoneCurtis born about 1897
LivingstoneJ Cborn about 1931
LondonCylvester born about 1939
LondonHenry born about 1918
LondonPriscilla born about 1921
LongWillie born about 1908
LovinsBailey born about 1889
LovinsDerrel born about 1935
LovinsDorothy born about 1912
LovinsG Mborn about 1870
LovinsG Wborn about 1925
LovinsHarley born about 1933
LovinsHolly born about 1900
LovinsKathleen born about 1939
LovinsMary born about 1870
LovinsRichard born about 1923
LovinsRobert born about 1922
LovinsVela born about 1908
LovinsVerann born about 1927
LowIda born about 1878
LowRobert born about 1877
LowWilliam born about 1871
LoweryArlie born about 1938
LoweryCora born about 1912
LoweryT Rborn about 1936
LoweryTed born about 1906
LowrayH Lborn about 1880
LowrayHarold born about 1917
LowrayJames born about 1932
LowrayJewel born about 1927
LowrayLige born about 1894
LowrayLula born about 1882
LowrayMarie born about 1930
LowrayNed born about 1924
LowrayWayland born about 1913
LucasLaura born about 1903
LuckusFlosie born about 1908
LuckusGeneva born about 1922
LuckusJohn born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaathisDorothy born about 1921
MaathisElla born about 1904
MaathisHenry born about 1895
MackWoodrow born about 1913
MaconBertha born about 1909
MaconGuy born about 1908
MaddonCatherine born about 1905
MaddonCathleen born about 1939
MaddonClara born about 1939
MaddonEdward born about 1924
MaddonIllean born about 1931
MaddonJames born about 1934
MaddonJerome born about 1901
MaddonJerome Jr born about 1929
MaddonJohnny born about 1936
MaddonMelia born about 1927
MaharAlma born about 1903
MaharBill born about 1921
MaharJack born about 1923
MaharPaul born about 1896
ManeesB Fborn about 1921
ManeesRobert Edmondborn about 1939
ManeesRuth Leeborn about 1923
MarrAlfred born about 1928
MarrBen Hurborn about 1936
MarrChristine born about 1934
MarrJohn born about 1889
MarrJohn Jr born about 1920
MarrMarie born about 1931
MarrMary born about 1894
MarrR Jborn about 1921
MarrSarah born about 1929
MarshallAaron Vborn about 1927
MarshallAlma born about 1910
MarshallDolly Maeborn about 1928
MarshallDorothy born about 1930
MarshallEthel born about 1905
MarshallTom born about 1902
MarshallTommie born about 1925
MarshallWelton born about 1903
MartinAlfred born about 1901
MartinGeorge born about 1920
MartinLuther born about 1899
MartinOmie born about 1904
MartinPearlie Maeborn about 1922
MassZelma born about 1939
MathisAndrew born about 1923
MathisCharles Henryborn about 1938
MathisDave born about 1895
MathisLee born about 1920
MathisLucille born about 1936
MathisMary Leaborn about 1934
MatthewGeorge born about 1876
MayhanClifford born about 1928
MayhanMay born about 1925
MayhanRichard born about 1923
MaysJames born about 1920
McAdosBonnie born about 1920
McAdosJohn born about 1916
McAnalleyAnna born about 1903
McAnalleyDona born about 1928
McAnalleyL Bborn about 1924
McAnalleyLouis born about 1902
McAnalleyLowell born about 1936
McAnalleyMadestal born about 1933
McAnalleyMillie Jborn about 1926
McAnalleyPatsy Aborn about 1931
McAnalleyShirley Sborn about 1938
McCallEddie Leeborn about 1937
McCallHouston born about 1919
McCallHouston Jr born about 1936
McCallLizza born about 1918
McConnelJim born about 1868
McCoolA Cborn about 1905
McCoolAndrey born about 1932
McCoolChristine born about 1937
McCoolClarence born about 1934
McCoolDurwood born about 1913
McCoolGlen born about 1938
McCoolH Wborn about 1903
McCoolHarold born about 1930
McCoolHazel born about 1912
McCoolIma Jeanborn about 1936
McCoolInora born about 1908
McCoolLorene born about 1931
McCoolLucille born about 1935
McCoolLuther born about 1922
McCoolRosa Leeborn about 1916
McCoolWayne born about 1933
McCordRetta born about 1916
McCoyJames born about 1927
McCravenAdah born about 1889
McCravenAlvin born about 1927
McCravenClaude born about 1887
McCravenClaude Cborn about 1918
McGaryAna born about 1925
McGaryCorinne born about 1939
McGaryElvira born about 1916
McGaryFredrich Sterlingborn about 1938
McGaryHarold Davidborn about 1936
McGaryJohnny born about 1930
McGaryLorene born about 1935
McGaryThomas born about 1911
McGeeFreeda born about 1920
McGeeJ Oborn about 1929
McGeeJesse born about 1926
McGeeJoyce born about 1938
McGeeLeonard born about 1917
McGeeMildred born about 1939
McGeeMoris born about 1918
McGeeSally born about 1896
McGeeWill born about 1886
McGillBetty Jborn about 1930
McGillDonnie born about 1938
McGillLeona born about 1910
McGillLillie Maeborn about 1936
McGillLouis born about 1934
McGillMona born about 1933
McGouCarl born about 1922
McGouScott born about 1923
McIntoshGeorge born about 1888
McIntoshMary Evelynborn about 1930
McIntoshMary Rborn about 1896
McIntoshMildred born about 1926
McIntoshWayne born about 1933
McKenneyCarrie Luluborn about 1895
McKenneyPatric born about 1881
McKneeleyC Wborn about 1882
McKneeleyDolly born about 1927
McKneeleyMaud born about 1885
McMillianEdna born about 1917
McMullinS Lborn about 1889
McMullinW Jborn about 1898
McMullinsW Sborn about 1863
McNeelyC Wborn about 1929
McNeelyDamaris born about 1931
McNeelyK Nborn about 1911
McNeelyVerna born about 1911
McPeakEugenie born about 1916
McPeakJasper born about 1909
McPeakMargie Louiseborn about 1935
McPeakWede born about 1939
McQueenAline born about 1931
McQueenBob born about 1915
McQueenGeraldine born about 1930
McQueenJ Cborn about 1883
McQueenJames Carolborn about 1936
McQueenLeo born about 1905
McQueenLucille born about 1921
McQueenRuby born about 1909
McQueenShelby Jeanborn about 1940
McQueenStella born about 1898
McQueenVelma Joyceborn about 1938
McSparinDavid born about 1887
McSparinMinnie born about 1895
McSparinPauline born about 1927
MeatteElmer born about 1891
MeatteJohn Bborn about 1875
MeatteLaura born about 1867
MeatteSally born about 1883
MettsEva born about 1885
MettsJ Bborn about 1878
MilesRobert born about 1923
MillerOphia Lborn about 1919
MillsWillie born about 1891
MinehartBill born about 1918
MinehartChristine born about 1926
MinehartLaurence born about 1924
MinehartMinnie born about 1885
MinehartPhineas born about 1884
MinesAugust born about 1883
MinesJames born about 1910
MinesJohnie born about 1939
MinesLacey born about 1911
MinesStella born about 1918
MisouriaAlice born about 1928
MisouriaClaria born about 1898
MisouriaJ Rborn about 1933
MisouriaJohn born about 1872
MisouriaL Eborn about 1930
MisouriaLeretha born about 1932
MisouriaMary born about 1875
MisouriaR Dborn about 1934
MisouriaSammy born about 1936
MitchellWalter born about 1891
MizeHarland born about 1915
MizeJ Aborn about 1887
MizeJames Clydeborn about 1936
MizeJames Eborn about 1923
MizeJessie Leeborn about 1940
MizeJohn Wayneborn about 1937
MizeMaude born about 1911
MizeNora born about 1918
MizeWilliam Earlborn about 1939
MonroeJames born about 1903
MonroeJannie born about 1900
MonroeLula Bellborn about 1933
MonroeRejenia born about 1936
MooreAnna Maeborn about 1918
MooreEarline born about 1922
MooreEdward born about 1927
MooreEmma Jborn about 1935
MooreFlorence born about 1903
MooreFlossie born about 1939
MooreFloyd born about 1939
MooreGlen born about 1918
MooreHelen born about 1924
MooreJames born about 1875
MooreJames Eborn about 1888
MooreJames Rborn about 1937
MooreJames Wborn about 1915
MooreJohn Hborn about 1891
MooreJohnie born about 1935
MooreKate born about 1912
MooreLouis born about 1934
MooreMary Francisborn about 1911
MooreMattie born about 1901
MooreSusie born about 1926
MooreThelma Lborn about 1933
MooreWilford born about 1918
MoormanAneita born about 1937
MoormanFrancis born about 1919
MoormanGeorge born about 1912
MooseyBeatrice born about 1919
MooseyHerbert born about 1912
MooseyMary born about 1939
MorbyElsie born about 1896
MorbyJames born about 1892
MoreheadMatilda born about 1867
MorganAlma Jeanborn about 1937
MorganAmis Leeborn about 1922
MorganBammer born about 1882
MorganBetty Jborn about 1932
MorganBill born about 1934
MorganCamille born about 1919
MorganCatherine born about 1915
MorganCharles Bborn about 1939
MorganClorena born about 1933
MorganDick Leeborn about 1895
MorganEffie born about 1884
MorganFrank born about 1909
MorganFrankie born about 1935
MorganGeneva born about 1926
MorganGeorge born about 1914
MorganHarold born about 1918
MorganJessie born about 1939
MorganJeter born about 1898
MorganJoan born about 1934
MorganJuanita born about 1937
MorganL Cborn about 1926
MorganLily born about 1905
MorganLucille born about 1924
MorganLula Maeborn about 1916
MorganMattie born about 1868
MorganOnetia born about 1939
MorganQuita born about 1933
MorganRichard born about 1939
MorganSam born about 1931
MorganShirley born about 1925
MorganVirgil born about 1927
MorganVivian born about 1921
MorganW Lborn about 1876
MorganWicker born about 1911
MorganWilliam born about 1870
MorrisHazel Mborn about 1937
MorrisJr born about 1935
MorrisLiza Maeborn about 1933
MorrisLucille born about 1931
MorrisNorma Lborn about 1938
MorrisPaul born about 1914
MorrisPauline born about 1933
MorrisTennie born about 1917
MullinsArthur born about 1900
MullinsJessie born about 1910
MullinsLe Roy born about 1927
MungulJohn born about 1858
MungulSue born about 1867
MurphyGeorge born about 1883
MyersJimmie born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NanncyBarbara born about 1938
NanncyCalvin born about 1930
NanncyClassie born about 1920
NanncyE Sborn about 1884
NanncyEster born about 1922
NanncyEugene born about 1919
NanncyHattie born about 1887
NanncyHomer born about 1907
NanncyKenneth born about 1940
NanncyLoyd born about 1920
NanncyRaina born about 1909
NanncyShirley born about 1938
NanncyWillard born about 1928
NanncyWilma born about 1928
NealJames born about 1899
NealSarah born about 1917
NearnsGeorge born about 1923
NeelBeulah born about 1912
NeelGeorge born about 1873
NeelHenry born about 1906
NeeleyLisa born about 1874
NeglerClara born about 1903
NeglerJohn born about 1898
NeglerJohn Allenborn about 1933
NeglerMildred born about 1927
NeglerPeggy Sueborn about 1930
NelsonAlice born about 1896
NelsonBetty born about 1933
NelsonDonald born about 1929
NelsonElmer born about 1925
NelsonJohn O Dborn about 1923
NelsonJr born about 1921
NelsonMary born about 1931
NelsonRaymond born about 1894
NelsonShirley born about 1935
NetiaScabey born about 1939
NewberryEdith born about 1916
NewberryErnest born about 1912
NewberryNorma Fayborn about 1939
NewtonAline born about 1917
NewtonAltha born about 1921
NewtonArchie born about 1907
NewtonAuthor born about 1915
NewtonBetty Aborn about 1938
NewtonBetty Jeanborn about 1938
NewtonClifford born about 1906
NewtonDorothia born about 1937
NewtonDoyle born about 1940
NewtonEdith born about 1919
NewtonEstle born about 1913
NewtonGeorge born about 1910
NewtonH Lborn about 1878
NewtonHattie born about 1919
NewtonJr born about 1938
NewtonJuanita born about 1935
NewtonLeamon born about 1929
NewtonLeeroy born about 1936
NewtonLonnie born about 1916
NewtonLucille born about 1914
NewtonM Bborn about 1882
NewtonMelvin born about 1917
NewtonMelvin Jr born about 1939
NewtonMildred Jborn about 1939
NewtonOpal born about 1923
NewtonR Lborn about 1922
NewtonShirley born about 1940
NewtonWillard born about 1937
NicholsBetty born about 1932
NicksonAlta born about 1917
NicksonB Wborn about 1900
NicksonBobbie Lborn about 1935
NipperAnna born about 1909
NipperEva Juneborn about 1933
NipperJohn Allenborn about 1931
NipperMary Aliceborn about 1928
NipperRuth Lynetteborn about 1934
NipperW Rborn about 1907
NoahCalvin born about 1929
NoahJames born about 1935
NoahVera born about 1905
NopieCarl Wayneborn about 1937
NopieLara born about 1933
NopieMack born about 1908
NopieMagaline born about 1915
NopieRichard Rborn about 1939
NormanAvon born about 1933
NormanMannie born about 1896
NormanNina born about 1927
NormanRobert born about 1926
NormanRosie born about 1922
NormanWm born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObannonCharlie born about 1878
ObannonSally born about 1870
OconosConnie born about 1907
OconosFrank born about 1893
OkeaneBetty Joeborn about 1925
OkeaneDonald born about 1931
OkeaneHoward born about 1903
OkeaneMabel born about 1923
OkeaneNelda born about 1937
OkeaneThelma born about 1908
OkeaneWillie born about 1928
OldsHester born about 1905
OliverAnna Leeborn about 1924
OliverJames born about 1929
OliverRellie born about 1899
OwensBill born about 1909
OwensCalvin born about 1926
OwensDonald born about 1938
OwensEliza born about 1900
OwensLeola born about 1938
OwensLouise born about 1917
OwensNoone born about 1927
OwensVivian born about 1924
OwensWilitta born about 1934
OwensWilliam born about 1893
OwensWillie Joeborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackViolet born about 1924
PardonA Bborn about 1898
PardonAltie born about 1901
PardonBillie born about 1931
PardonBobby born about 1933
PardonCarl born about 1927
PardonCharles Dwaynborn about 1939
PardonEmmett born about 1904
PardonEugene born about 1930
PardonFlossie born about 1934
PardonIrvin born about 1921
PardonJoe born about 1924
PardonJoe Franklinborn about 1936
PardonJuanita born about 1932
PardonMary Kateborn about 1922
PardonMarzell born about 1922
PardonMaxine born about 1931
PardonPauline born about 1911
PardonRudy born about 1930
PardonVannie born about 1900
PardonVirginia born about 1927
PardonVonrey born about 1929
PardonWill born about 1898
ParkerOrna born about 1897
ParksD Aborn about 1883
ParksDon born about 1933
ParksEdith born about 1909
ParksElmer born about 1904
ParksEmma Jeanborn about 1933
ParksExie born about 1912
ParksFrank born about 1882
ParksGib born about 1921
ParksHelen born about 1933
ParksJoe born about 1869
ParksJohnette born about 1931
ParksJr born about 1928
ParksLaymon born about 1937
ParksLeonard born about 1935
ParksMary born about 1888
ParksMontferd born about 1938
ParksPaul born about 1922
ParksPearl born about 1892
ParksRalph born about 1922
ParksSherrion born about 1931
ParksW Rborn about 1889
ParksWahana born about 1929
ParksWinford born about 1937
ParksWyvonne born about 1935
PatinsonArsula born about 1921
PattersonBill born about 1931
PattersonHenry born about 1925
PattersonJim born about 1886
PattersonLician born about 1909
PattersonMae born about 1892
PattersonMat born about 1930
PattersonRaymond born about 1923
PayneDorothia born about 1921
PayneJ Lborn about 1913
PemeltonRobert born about 1856
PengraftPearl born about 1917
PenmnCharles Aborn about 1921
PenmnHazel Eborn about 1894
PenmnThos Aborn about 1885
PennWillie born about 1898
PerkinsJames born about 1907
PeteEarl born about 1910
PeteElizabeth born about 1917
PhelpsBilly Jborn about 1935
PhelpsG Wborn about 1927
PhelpsGeraldine born about 1925
PhelpsHarold born about 1932
PhelpsMandie born about 1907
PhelpsP Cborn about 1901
PhillipsEugene born about 1934
PhillipsIvy born about 1906
PhillipsJames Louisborn about 1931
PhillipsJamy Cborn about 1924
PhillipsJohn born about 1935
PhillipsLee born about 1899
PhillipsMarie born about 1926
PhillipsMaude born about 1903
PhillipsNancy born about 1937
PhillipsRosa Leeborn about 1928
PikeyAlfred born about 1935
PikeyAlice born about 1938
PikeyArthur born about 1884
PikeyBarbara Loisborn about 1939
PikeyBrenda born about 1939
PikeyCecil born about 1912
PikeyCharles Jr born about 1916
PikeyCharlie born about 1892
PikeyClaude born about 1923
PikeyCleo born about 1916
PikeyCora Lborn about 1890
PikeyCordelia born about 1918
PikeyCornelius born about 1919
PikeyDoris born about 1917
PikeyEthel born about 1921
PikeyEugene born about 1920
PikeyFreddie born about 1907
PikeyHelen born about 1925
PikeyJames born about 1936
PikeyMargareta born about 1935
PikeyMary Lilianborn about 1917
PikeyMat born about 1890
PikeyMaude born about 1894
PikeyMorris born about 1916
PikeyNadean born about 1940
PikeyNorma born about 1938
PikeyPaul born about 1916
PikeyPhyllis Agnesborn about 1939
PikeyRay born about 1914
PikeyReeba Dborn about 1939
PikeyReuben born about 1926
PikeySam born about 1858
PikeyStella born about 1914
PikeyTheodore born about 1888
PikeyVelma born about 1920
PikeyVerney born about 1916
PikeyWilla Jeanborn about 1937
PinnWilliam born about 1902
PinorLillian born about 1917
PlunnmerEverett born about 1919
PopeEddie born about 1929
PopeEthel born about 1923
PopeGoldine born about 1925
PopeLaura born about 1881
PopeR Wborn about 1872
PopeRobert born about 1920
PoppinsRuby born about 1917
PowellAdelle born about 1909
PowellDale born about 1935
PowellDorothy born about 1933
PowellEli born about 1919
PowellHoward born about 1906
PowellMargie born about 1930
PrattAnetta born about 1936
PrattClaude born about 1934
PrattEdgar born about 1931
PrattJ Mborn about 1879
PrattMildred born about 1920
PrattMurdie born about 1895
PrattNarcisus born about 1926
PriceAllen born about 1919
PriceAlmon born about 1913
PriceBetty born about 1918
PriceDelmer born about 1923
PriceDonald Aborn about 1935
PriceElmer born about 1923
PriceGeorge born about 1926
PriceJames born about 1887
PriceJames Tborn about 1938
PriceJessie born about 1916
PriceJewel born about 1913
PriceJoe Ruthborn about 1937
PriceLorene born about 1912
PriceLowell born about 1889
PriceMary Louborn about 1939
PriceSibert Lborn about 1907
PrideCharles born about 1934
PrideCora born about 1902
PrideFrank born about 1896
PrideWilliam born about 1925
PrinceA Lborn about 1904
PrinceAaron born about 1919
PrinceDoris Aborn about 1938
PrinceGertie born about 1918
PrinceHildred born about 1913
PrinceMarjorie born about 1921
PrincePreston born about 1937
PrinceVirgil born about 1918
PrudeAlma born about 1934
PrudeArvie Robertborn about 1936
PrudeEster born about 1937
PrudeFlora born about 1916
PrudeKati Maeborn about 1939
PrudeMyrtle born about 1931
PrudeSolon born about 1933
PrudeWillie Dborn about 1900
PuckettAndy born about 1875
PuckettBetty Joeborn about 1936
PuckettCatherine born about 1916
PuckettMarshell born about 1905
PurcellIda born about 1883
PurcellJunot born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RagsdaleBertis born about 1882
RagsdaleBill born about 1919
RagsdaleR Lborn about 1872
RainsMartha Jborn about 1870
RainsW Mborn about 1869
RainwaterBeanton born about 1917
RainwaterCyntha born about 1880
RainwaterRoleigh born about 1910
RainwatersI Mborn about 1887
RainwatersLillian born about 1886
RandolphB Lborn about 1874
RandolphDixie born about 1920
RandolphElvina born about 1912
RandolphEmma born about 1891
RandolphShirley born about 1908
RandolphWilbert born about 1921
RankinsAlma born about 1936
RankinsCallun born about 1930
RankinsGladys born about 1939
RankinsIda born about 1887
RankinsJames born about 1877
RankinsJohn born about 1908
RankinsJohn Jr born about 1932
RankinsMildred born about 1933
RankinsRunie born about 1911
RayBobby born about 1927
RayCarlwayne born about 1930
RayCharles born about 1924
RayCleamon born about 1933
RayCristine born about 1924
RayDaisy born about 1901
RayErnest born about 1900
RayGeorge born about 1901
RayGlen born about 1939
RayJ Bborn about 1923
RayMaxine born about 1936
RayNadean born about 1930
RayNonna Louborn about 1936
RayViolet born about 1906
ReedCharles born about 1939
ReedIda born about 1900
ReedJames born about 1900
ReevesArthur born about 1912
ReevesFanny born about 1871
RenoEdna Maeborn about 1928
RenoFreddie born about 1933
RenoRaymond born about 1931
RenoRudy Connborn about 1937
RevellBilly born about 1930
RevellBlanche born about 1904
RevellDennis born about 1900
RevellWanda born about 1925
ReynoldsCarl born about 1921
RiceGlady born about 1913
RiceJoe born about 1919
RichardDoyle Geneborn about 1940
RichardEula Maeborn about 1921
RichardGeorge born about 1901
RichardRichard born about 1926
RichardShirley Marieborn about 1938
RichardsonBarry born about 1936
RichardsonHelen born about 1920
RichardsonJr born about 1918
RichardsonMartha Lborn about 1876
RichardsonMary born about 1903
RichardsonWalter born about 1898
RileyRosa Leeborn about 1936
RinggenbergMae born about 1886
RobbinsJ Wborn about 1925
RobbinsLee born about 1906
RobbinsLouise born about 1919
RobbinsLoyd born about 1926
RobbinsOpal born about 1916
RobbinsTommy born about 1923
RobbinsVernon born about 1937
RobbinsWillie born about 1901
RobbinsonArdnies born about 1914
RobbinsonIsac born about 1939
RobbinsonLe Atta born about 1935
RobbinsonLesie Bborn about 1937
RobbinsonLillie born about 1915
RobbinsonMae Eborn about 1931
RobbinsonSada Mborn about 1933
RobbinsonSuetta born about 1887
RobbinsonWalter born about 1881
RobbisonHoward born about 1892
RobbisonJohnie born about 1932
RobbisonMac born about 1933
RobbisonNelli born about 1897
RobbisonNorma Lborn about 1930
RobertsBessie born about 1928
RobertsBill born about 1899
RobertsCarl born about 1932
RobertsCecil born about 1925
RobertsDema born about 1899
RobertsEdna born about 1928
RobertsEmma born about 1891
RobertsEverett born about 1932
RobertsFrancis born about 1928
RobertsFrank born about 1918
RobertsG Wborn about 1924
RobertsGeorge born about 1884
RobertsHarley born about 1894
RobertsHarold born about 1929
RobertsHelen born about 1935
RobertsJewel born about 1930
RobertsJoseph born about 1938
RobertsLee born about 1905
RobertsLouis born about 1923
RobertsOpal born about 1922
RobertsOpal born about 1925
RobertsPansy born about 1937
RobertsPhyliss born about 1939
RobertsRose born about 1934
RobertsSinia born about 1894
RobertsTommy born about 1932
RobertsWillie born about 1921
RobinsonAmon born about 1917
RobinsonBessie born about 1929
RobinsonChester born about 1925
RobinsonEdna born about 1934
RobinsonGay born about 1931
RobinsonGeorgia born about 1923
RobinsonJeffie born about 1896
RobinsonJoe Eborn about 1893
RobinsonJohn born about 1879
RobinsonLester born about 1927
RobinsonNeil born about 1879
RoeAda born about 1859
RogersArlean born about 1912
RogersBonnie born about 1908
RogersDavid born about 1895
RogersGeorge born about 1900
RogersLula born about 1899
RogersLydia born about 1937
RogersMary Aliceborn about 1934
RogersRoy born about 1914
RogersSabra Annborn about 1938
RogersTommie Wborn about 1932
RogersWilliam born about 1930
RollingsDale born about 1916
RollingsRuby born about 1916
RollinsG Wborn about 1927
RollinsJessie Bborn about 1930
RosaVerbal born about 1921
RossBelle born about 1861
RossEarl born about 1932
RossHattie born about 1935
RossMary born about 1911
RossRobert Leeborn about 1930
RossRosetta born about 1938
RossRuby Lborn about 1937
RossTom born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaalwaechterBrenda Annborn about 1940
SaalwaechterCleo born about 1915
SaalwaechterJunita born about 1921
SandersBen born about 1911
SandersBennie born about 1887
SandersBetty born about 1932
SandersBilly Joeborn about 1938
SandersClester born about 1922
SandersDorothia born about 1924
SandersGrace born about 1939
SandersH Cborn about 1875
SandersJames born about 1929
SandersLulu born about 1915
SandersMarcel born about 1919
SandersMartha born about 1935
SandersNancy born about 1939
SandersNorma Jborn about 1935
SandersNorman born about 1909
SandersRalph born about 1937
SandersRuby born about 1917
SandersSelton born about 1904
SandersWilson born about 1936
SandersWoodroe born about 1920
SandthuffRobert born about 1904
SandthuffRuby born about 1898
SavatAdelia born about 1920
SavatAnglus born about 1922
SavatCamill born about 1881
SavatJuanita born about 1926
SavatLonnie born about 1915
SavatRosa born about 1886
SavatWilliam born about 1917
SchofferComeletta born about 1933
SchofferIda born about 1873
SchofferJ Wborn about 1908
SchofferJ W Jrborn about 1929
SchofferLorene born about 1915
SchofferShirley born about 1936
SchoolfieldNezzie born about 1880
SchoolfieldR Tborn about 1872
ScobeyBobbie born about 1931
ScobeyClarence born about 1901
ScobeyGrace born about 1909
ScobeyHomer born about 1906
ScobeyLillie born about 1880
ScobeyMania born about 1936
ScobeyRonald born about 1937
ScobeyW Aborn about 1928
ScobeyWill born about 1872
SextonHowey born about 1916
SextonJo Lborn about 1923
SextonJr born about 1926
SextonLarry Eddborn about 1929
SextonMargaret Roseborn about 1931
SextonMartha born about 1903
SextonMary Lilianborn about 1928
SextonO Metaborn about 1924
ShackefordEathel born about 1910
ShackefordFrank born about 1904
ShackefordKenneth born about 1932
ShackefordLorene born about 1929
ShackefordWinford born about 1934
SharkeyCharles born about 1938
SharkeyChester born about 1921
SharkeyEmma Jborn about 1919
SharkeyLafayette born about 1939
SherrodBernice born about 1926
SherrodElease born about 1928
SherrodIda born about 1894
SherrodJohn born about 1890
SherrodJohn Rborn about 1932
SherrodMarjorie born about 1927
SherrodMary born about 1924
ShirdyBertha born about 1908
ShultzJames born about 1938
ShultzLetcher born about 1906
ShultzOmar born about 1916
ShultzRuth born about 1917
ShultzSue born about 1939
SilmonCarrie born about 1900
SilmonIona Jborn about 1932
SilmonJoe Wborn about 1936
SilmonLacy born about 1924
SilmonPreston born about 1902
SilmonPreston Jr born about 1934
SimmonsBeatrice born about 1915
SimmonsChristine born about 1917
SimmonsJ Cborn about 1918
SimmonsJohn born about 1887
SimmonsLillie born about 1892
SimmonsLois born about 1926
SimmonsMarvin born about 1913
SimmonsNoris born about 1905
SimmonsShirley born about 1935
SimmonsTerry born about 1939
SinderMarcel born about
SinderSelton born about
SissonChester born about 1923
SissonDorotha Maeborn about 1928
SissonEddie born about 1933
SissonEvelyn Louborn about 1940
SissonFreddie born about 1933
SissonJames born about 1900
SissonJames Jr born about 1922
SissonJimmie born about 1903
SissonJuanita born about 1924
SissonOra born about 1926
SissonRoy Leeborn about 1939
SissonSylvester born about 1921
SissonWillie Morisborn about 1937
SlagglaJohn born about 1893
SlagglaMary Bborn about 1910
SlossCladine born about 1926
SlossClay born about 1884
SlossDoyle born about 1929
SlossEvelyn born about 1904
SlossMac born about 1939
SmithA Jborn about 1902
SmithAllen born about 1924
SmithAthell born about 1910
SmithBertha born about 1907
SmithBill born about 1912
SmithBuford born about 1936
SmithCarl born about 1935
SmithCarlton born about 1928
SmithClarence born about 1937
SmithD Mborn about 1887
SmithDorothy born about 1926
SmithE Wborn about 1930
SmithFlesta Bborn about 1933
SmithFlorence born about 1909
SmithFrank Sborn about 1907
SmithIma Janeborn about 1932
SmithJ Wborn about 1879
SmithJames born about 1893
SmithJames born about 1934
SmithLaddis born about 1919
SmithLeeroy born about 1906
SmithMarion born about 1922
SmithMary born about 1885
SmithMary born about 1937
SmithMinnie Leeborn about 1897
SmithNathan born about 1892
SmithOlie Bborn about 1891
SmithOpal born about 1929
SmithPauline born about 1923
SmithPauline born about 1928
SmithR Lborn about 1934
SmithRoy born about 1932
SmithSherril born about 1921
SmithSommie born about 1927
SmithThelma born about 1916
SmithWalter born about 1922
SmytheBetty Jeanborn about 1933
SmytheBurl born about 1931
SmytheErnest born about 1892
SmytheMattie born about 1913
SneedViola born about 1911
SneedWilliam born about 1901
SneralingMildred born about 1933
SnipesEmma born about 1861
SnyderAlvin born about 1904
SnyderEva born about 1890
SouthDollie born about 1920
SovatBarbara Sborn about 1937
SovatJ Williamborn about 1939
SovatLeonard born about 1908
SovatPearl born about 1912
SovatRaymond born about 1933
SovatRosa Aborn about 1935
SpringerCasper born about 1919
SpringerDot born about 1911
SpringerLeo born about 1908
SpringerMattie born about 1891
SpringerOrsville born about 1915
SpringerPearl born about 1919
StaffordBessie born about 1904
StaffordJimmie born about 1895
StaggsBonnie born about 1920
StaggsGuy born about 1917
StaggsNina born about 1939
StallingAline born about 1925
StallingCharles born about 1927
StallingCharlie born about 1870
StallingCorda born about 1891
StallingDonald born about 1936
StallingsArbie born about 1900
StallingsEula born about 1903
StallingsHarold born about 1929
StallingsJimmie born about 1933
StallingsRoy born about 1927
StanfieldAcie born about 1917
StanfieldBarbara Aborn about 1939
StanfieldElla born about 1923
StanfieldG Cborn about 1925
StanfieldGladys born about 1921
StanfieldM Cborn about 1895
StanfieldMarviel born about 1940
StanleyEdward born about 1934
StanleyEsther born about 1917
StanleyHarris born about 1912
StanleyJack born about 1936
StanleyPatircia born about 1939
StanleyPatsie born about 1937
StaubynEmma born about 1863
StaubynHughletta born about 1921
StaubynLee born about 1880
StephensEddee Maeborn about 1912
StephensEunice born about 1912
StephensJ Gborn about 1902
StephensThomas born about 1914
StevensAlbert born about 1901
StevensBetty Louborn about 1924
StevensBilly Rayborn about 1931
StevensElmer born about 1919
StevensEverett born about 1912
StevensJohn born about 1921
StevensJune Wadeborn about 1925
StevensKenneth born about 1926
StevensL Eborn about 1876
StevensL Vborn about 1880
StevensL W Jrborn about 1923
StevensMargeret born about 1919
StevensMartha born about 1892
StevensMary Bellborn about 1906
StevensRegaima born about 1914
StevensThelma born about 1914
StewardCullin born about 1894
StewardEdward Leeborn about 1936
StewardMildred born about 1926
StewartCloe born about 1924
StewartE Sborn about 1873
StewartLaura born about 1869
StewartRae born about 1939
StewartRosa born about 1880
StoreyHarley born about 1911
StoverClyde born about 1909
StoverCornise born about 1933
StoverGrace born about 1927
StoverMartin born about 1881
StoverNettie born about 1929
StoverOlie born about 1912
StubblefieldLuther born about 1883
StubblefieldMary born about 1891
StubblefieldNadene born about 1926
StudieL Dborn about 1926
SwapshireBessie born about 1928
SwapshireCurtiss born about 1933
SwapshireHenry born about 1893
SwapshireIda born about 1897
SwapshireIdell born about 1926
SwapshireJ Tborn about 1923
SwapshireLouise born about 1930
SwapshireMyrtle born about 1935
SwilleyBelva born about 1923
SwilleyBryan born about 1897
SwilleyBryan Jr born about 1927
SwilleyBryanie born about 1935
SwilleyCady born about 1892
SwilleyCady Jr born about 1922
SwilleyCuba born about 1928
SwilleyDonald Leeborn about 1939
SwilleyGeorgia Louiseborn about 1934
SwilleyHarold born about 1913
SwilleyJ Kborn about 1931
SwilleyJohn Williamborn about 1932
SwilleyLena born about 1905
SwilleyMac born about 1885
SwilleyMary born about 1931
SwilleyMary Emmaborn about 1924
SwilleyMary Leeborn about 1905
SwilleyMcdonald born about 1924
SwilleyMozart born about 1921
SwilleyNeva born about 1925
SwilleySally born about 1890
SwilleyVermont born about 1916
SwimmsCarl born about 1921
SwimmsLeonard born about 1924
SwimmsLizzie born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaskerLeroy born about 1904
TaskerMary born about 1909
TateJanice born about 1926
TaylorBennie born about 1881
TaylorBertie Leeborn about 1936
TaylorBob born about 1912
TaylorBobbie born about 1937
TaylorCharlie born about 1923
TaylorJoan born about 1938
TaylorJosephine born about 1875
TaylorLittie born about 1918
TaylorLorene born about 1928
TaylorLouise born about 1903
TaylorMattie born about 1928
TaylorMinnie Leeborn about 1934
TaylorOdell born about 1932
TaylorSam born about 1881
TaylorSilas born about 1919
TettiletonHeden born about 1920
TettiletonRose born about 1885
ThomasColine born about 1902
ThomasDon born about 1930
ThomasFred born about 1921
ThomasFreddie born about 1933
ThomasJerry born about 1936
ThomasMaggie born about 1938
ThomasSarah born about 1908
ThomasSusie Amnaborn about 1931
ThompsonBen Jr born about 1937
ThompsonJ Lborn about 1925
ThompsonJ Tborn about 1928
ThompsonNora Leeborn about 1931
ThompsonOra Leeborn about 1936
ThompsonRose Leeborn about 1934
ThompsonWillis born about 1939
ThorntonArnold born about 1909
ThorntonBernice born about 1934
ThorntonBertha born about 1886
ThorntonBetty Joborn about 1933
ThorntonBobby Royborn about 1939
ThorntonFay born about 1902
ThorntonHeram born about 1870
ThorntonJ Hborn about 1881
ThorntonJessie born about 1916
ThorntonJimmie born about 1938
ThorntonJohnie born about 1936
ThorntonNora born about 1916
ThorntonOpal born about 1911
ThorntonRoy born about 1912
TierceAdis born about 1938
TierceLivina born about 1920
TillAdas born about 1891
TillEdna born about 1922
TillElbert born about 1919
TillFred Mborn about 1891
TillMyrtle born about 1924
TimsCarl born about 1921
TimsClark born about 1937
TimsClyde born about 1888
TimsJames born about 1927
TimsJennie Leeborn about 1922
TimsMartha Eborn about 1868
TimsMary born about 1880
TimsMary Clardborn about 1895
TimsWinford born about 1903
TindellBessie born about 1888
TindellDaniel born about 1925
TindellDon Aborn about 1922
TomerDorothia born about 1923
TomerJack born about 1920
TottyJoe born about 1935
TottyMargaret born about 1913
TottyU Gborn about 1919
TottyV Sborn about 1908
TottyWynette born about 1934
TownsEd born about 1898
TownsFred born about 1927
TownsRalph born about 1935
TownsRolman born about 1933
TownsRosa born about 1902
TownsRutha born about 1931
TownsVernay born about 1928
TownsendAlfred born about 1923
TownsendBickie born about 1893
TownsendBonnie born about 1934
TownsendConnie born about 1939
TownsendDonnie born about 1931
TownsendIsac born about 1929
TownsendJackie born about 1939
TownsendJohn born about 1891
TownsendMillard born about 1915
TownsendMinnie born about 1921
TownsendMutrel born about 1926
TranklerBilly Johnborn about 1929
TranklerMarie born about 1924
TranklerMildred born about 1920
TranklerMinnie born about 1892
TranklerW Jborn about 1895
TravisEugene born about 1904
TravisEugene Jr born about 1927
TravisLeon born about 1930
TravisMary born about 1906
TravisMella born about 1934
TravisRichard born about 1938
TravisVernon born about 1924
TravisWanda born about 1931
TreeceDona born about 1893
TreeceFay born about 1927
TreeceFred born about 1923
TreecePhillip born about 1920
TroopsBobby Jborn about 1926
TroopsEugene born about 1933
TroopsFrances born about 1928
TroopsJerry Tborn about 1939
TroopsJim born about 1910
TroopsMary born about 1930
TroopsThelma born about 1913
TroopsWilma born about 1938
TruceAnna Kborn about 1937
TruceBilly Pborn about 1936
TruceKatherine born about 1915
TrucePaul born about 1912
TruceRaymond Lborn about 1939
TurnerBrownie born about 1930
TurnerC Eborn about 1891
TurnerDe Lois born about 1922
TurnerDonald born about 1939
TurnerFrances born about 1936
TurnerGertrude born about 1896
TurnerGlen born about 1939
TurnerJanette born about 1934
TurnerJean born about 1934
TurnerMarvin born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlmerCharlene born about 1940
UlmerCona born about 1918
UlmerMarion born about 1918

V Surnames

VaseltonAlma born about 1915
VaseltonArch born about 1913
VaseltonBessie born about 1895
VaseltonBetty Jborn about 1923
VaseltonCastola born about 1924
VaseltonCharles born about 1927
VaseltonGerald born about 1938
VaseltonLogan born about 1874
VirginBarbara Allenborn about 1939
VirginHazel born about 1922
VirginWilliam born about 1938
VowersJoe born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddleAlda born about 1918
WaddleEdward born about 1914
WaddleGeorge born about 1867
WaddleLawrine born about 1920
WaddleThomas Waddle Jrborn about 1938
WaddlesIda Maeborn about 1894
WaddlesTom born about 1888
WadeNowell born about 1899
WagnerRuth born about 1933
WakefieldAugusta born about 1917
WakefieldDavid born about 1935
WakefieldLeroy born about 1939
WakefieldWillie born about 1907
WallaceAndrew born about 1894
WallaceLulu born about 1884
WarrenDorothia born about 1939
WarrenEdith born about 1926
WarrenEulys born about 1919
WarrenFrankie born about 1934
WarrenJoe born about 1932
WarrenMaggie born about 1902
WarrenPauline born about 1929
WarrenSherman born about 1900
WarrenWillis born about 1925
WashingtonBarber born about 1921
WashingtonElla Maiborn about 1940
WashingtonGeorge born about 1888
WashingtonIda born about 1885
WashingtonJohn Wesleyborn about 1927
WashingtonL Cborn about 1929
WashingtonLovey born about 1923
WashingtonMagnetta born about 1905
WashingtonMartha born about 1934
WashingtonMay Ollieborn about 1932
WashingtonMinard born about 1870
WaskaEllie born about 1885
WaskaJ Wborn about 1879
WatsonAlma Jborn about 1939
WatsonAlmeta born about 1934
WatsonClara Mborn about 1936
WatsonErnest Kborn about 1940
WatsonFoster born about 1923
WatsonGracie born about 1912
WatsonHarry born about 1901
WeaksEllie born about 1885
WeaksJ Wborn about 1879
WelchanceJ Dborn about 1909
WelchanceJames born about 1935
WelchanceJulia born about 1882
WelchanceLillie born about 1917
WelchanceMammie born about 1891
WelchanceMary Jborn about 1938
WelchanceW Fborn about 1869
WestArchie born about 1924
WestElla born about 1917
WestFrank born about 1920
WestMorris born about 1890
WestNeill born about 1895
WestRooswelt born about 1914
WestU Cborn about 1933
WestmolandBilly Jborn about 1933
WestmolandDelmer born about 1904
WestmolandJohn born about 1878
WestmolandJulia born about 1915
WestmolandZella born about 1878
WhaleyEtehel born about 1909
WhaleyLouise born about 1923
WhaleyWillard born about 1938
WheelerAlice born about 1914
WheelerAlice born about 1921
WheelerIssac born about 1928
WheelerLizzie born about 1924
WheelerRobert born about 1930
WheelerSam born about 1892
WheelerSam Jr born about 1926
WheelerSylvester born about 1933
WhiteBarbara born about 1939
WhiteCharles born about 1885
WhiteCharles born about 1919
WhiteCharles born about 1930
WhiteClaud born about 1929
WhiteDonald born about 1929
WhiteDorothia born about 1926
WhiteJewel born about 1922
WhiteJewel Fayborn about 1926
WhiteJohn born about 1921
WhiteLilian born about 1931
WhiteLillie Maeborn about 1903
WhiteLucille born about 1913
WhiteLucinda born about 1888
WhiteLyndon born about 1907
WhiteMary Eborn about 1935
WhitePeggy born about 1933
WhiteReatha born about 1910
WhiteReba born about 1931
WhiteRuba born about 1932
WhiteTom born about 1882
WhiteVelma born about 1914
WhiteWilliam born about 1910
WhiteWm born about 1914
WhitenerAudrey born about 1937
WhitenerB born about 1903
WhitenerBarbara born about 1932
WhitenerDorothia born about 1937
WhitenerElizabeth born about 1929
WhitenerLois born about 1925
WhitenerManuel born about 1923
WhitenerPearl born about 1904
WhitenerPenay Joyborn about 1936
WhitenerT Cborn about 1927
WhitleyCecil born about 1905
WhitleyJr born about 1927
WhitleyLorenza born about 1933
WhitleyLucille born about 1909
WhitleyMolly born about 1936
WhitleyRaymond born about 1938
WhitlowFrancis born about 1907
WhitlowIsacie born about 1919
WhitlowMary Ruthborn about 1937
WhittleyEmma Jeanborn about 1936
WhittleyHarold born about 1939
WidnerDavid born about 1934
WidnerHazel born about 1929
WidnerJohn Wborn about 1887
WidnerJohnson born about 1918
WidnerKittie born about 1889
WidnerLeeroy born about 1923
WidnerLorene born about 1920
WidnerWanna born about 1919
WilbanksAlice born about 1914
WilbanksBilly born about 1938
WilbanksRoger born about 1910
WilbanksTommie born about 1932
WildernessGeorgia Maeborn about 1939
WildernessLady Bborn about 1914
WildernessPeter born about 1907
WildernessRosa Leeborn about 1935
WildernessSammy Leeborn about 1930
WileyLula Bborn about 1881
WilkinsAlphonzo born about 1861
WilliamAllie born about 1865
WilliamBessie Maeborn about 1939
WilliamJames born about 1934
WilliamsA Wborn about 1927
WilliamsAlex born about 1905
WilliamsAlly Bborn about 1894
WilliamsBernice born about 1934
WilliamsCharles Tborn about 1937
WilliamsCharlie born about 1915
WilliamsClvesta born about 1937
WilliamsDarline born about 1928
WilliamsDudley born about 1865
WilliamsFrank born about 1928
WilliamsGeneva born about 1929
WilliamsGeorge born about 1930
WilliamsHattie Bborn about 1914
WilliamsHattie Maeborn about 1939
WilliamsJames born about 1927
WilliamsJames born about 1937
WilliamsJanet born about 1938
WilliamsJulia born about 1934
WilliamsLeila Maeborn about 1935
WilliamsLeonard born about 1937
WilliamsLeroy born about 1895
WilliamsLithamil born about 1915
WilliamsLulu Mborn about 1896
WilliamsMacel born about 1922
WilliamsMarshall born about 1890
WilliamsMary born about 1865
WilliamsMary born about 1879
WilliamsMary born about 1892
WilliamsNora born about 1907
WilliamsPauline born about 1918
WilliamsSam born about 1897
WilliamsSamella born about 1923
WilliamsSarah born about 1915
WilliamsShelby Jeanborn about 1940
WilliamsShirley Jborn about 1938
WilliamsVirginia born about 1919
WilliamsViva born about 1901
WillisAlec born about 1885
WillisExie born about 1929
WillisFred born about 1892
WillisLucinda born about 1905
WillisRuth born about 1924
WilsonAlbert born about 1931
WilsonBessie born about 1917
WilsonCynthia born about 1888
WilsonInez born about 1913
WilsonJoe born about 1885
WilsonKenneth born about 1930
WilsonLeroy born about 1897
WilsonLester born about 1924
WilsonLuia born about 1892
WilsonMary born about 1914
WilsonPerry born about 1937
WilsonRay born about 1900
WilsonShirley born about 1936
WilsonWilliam born about 1931
WilsonWillie born about 1909
WilsonWilline born about 1939
WilsonWoodroe born about 1912
WilsonWoodroe born about 1915
WindlassAlex born about 1940
WindlassClinn born about 1931
WindlassEarlie born about 1914
WindlassFrank born about 1932
WindlassNoah born about 1938
WindlassRean born about 1911
WindlassRose born about 1936
WinnAlbert born about 1885
WinnJuanita born about 1931
WinnM Bborn about 1900
WinnWillie born about 1895
WinterJ Zborn about 1928
WinterRuby born about 1923
WinterRuth born about 1926
WinterSarah Cborn about 1897
WisdomCelia born about 1890
WisdomWill born about 1884
WoodFrancis born about 1889
WoodGus born about 1881
WoodsHelen born about 1924
WoodsHenry born about 1916
WoodsJohn born about 1885
WoodsJohn born about 1917
WoodsThelma born about 1904
WoodyErnest born about 1900
WoodyIrene born about 1902
WratherD Cborn about 1905
WratherJ Kborn about 1913
WratherJuanita born about 1923
WratherViolet born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YearyIly born about 1892
YearyJ Pborn about 1882
YearyReo born about 1930
YoungC Cmborn about 1933
YoungElvis born about 1922
YoungEstelle born about 1923
YoungFlorence born about 1888
YoungFlorida born about 1908
YoungGeorge born about 1894
YoungGeorge Jr born about 1940
YoungIda Leeborn about 1929
YoungJr born about 1924
YoungLester born about 1917
YoungLuther born about 1885
YoungMary born about 1938
YoungMrs C Lborn about 1882
YoungNeely born about 1936
YoungRiley born about 1882
YoungSamuel born about 1932
YoungerBetty born about 1939
YoungerBilly born about 1939
YoungerBobbie Rborn about 1938
YoungerC Rborn about 1909
YoungerDe Louis born about 1920
YoungerJ Cborn about 1892
YoungerJr born about 1933
YoungerMillard born about 1910
YoungerPatsy Jborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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