1940 U.S. Federal Census of Morgan, Mercer, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Mercer County > 1940 Census of Morgan

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AddisonFlorence born about 1855
AddisonRose born about 1884
AderGracie Edithborn about 1894
AderKeneth Pborn about 1925
AderOrlando born about 1880
AderRuth Maxineborn about 1935
AllenEdward Geneborn about 1922
AllenPearl Cborn about 1894
AllenSamuel Hborn about 1877
AlleyAudra Bborn about 1907
AlleyBetty Ruthborn about 1927
AlleyEadie Lborn about 1873
AlleyEdmond born about 1900
AlleyElla Lborn about 1890
AlleyEugene born about 1887
AlleyGlen Lborn about 1901
AlleyHarold born about 1897
AlleyJessie born about 1905
AlleyJessie Mborn about 1893
AlleyLeeroy born about 1898
AlleyLeonard Lborn about 1890
AlleyLettie Lborn about 1866
AlleyLouis born about 1873
AlleyMargaret Aborn about 1854
AlleyMary Jborn about 1869
AlleyMildred Lenoreborn about 1932
AlleyNina Dborn about 1905
AlleyPerry born about 1859
AlleyThomas Walterborn about 1928
AlleyWilliam Hborn about 1898
AllmettMandy born about 1873
AndersonBetty Leeborn about 1922
AndersonBeulah born about 1892
AndersonHarry Sborn about 1894
AndersonLee born about 1880
AndersonMabel born about 1920
AndrewsRoie Pborn about 1890
AndrewsThomas Hborn about 1878
ApplegateHarry born about 1895
ApplegateHelen born about 1918
ApplegateInez born about 1898
ApplegateKenneth born about 1921
ArgoGoldean born about 1913
ArgoWilliam born about 1917
ArneyBess born about 1887
ArneyFlorence Lborn about 1898
ArneyFloyd Jborn about 1887
ArneyG Williamborn about 1923
ArneyGilbert Kborn about 1897
ArneyGlen born about 1921
ArnoteJoe Rborn about 1911
ArnoteLarene Kborn about 1921
AshbrookLeah Wborn about 1883
AshcraftClella born about 1887
AshcraftLewis born about 1882
AshcraftMildred born about 1912
AshcraftRose born about 1879
AshcraftRussell born about 1905
AshcraftThelma Gborn about 1923
AshcraftTodd Vborn about 1879
AustenCornelia born about 1870
AustenUliscio Aborn about 1867
AustinEmmett born about 1888
AustinForest born about 1912
AustinJasper Lborn about 1887
AustinLilly Mborn about 1891
AustinMinnie born about 1879
AustinPhyllis born about 1938
AustinViola born about 1920
AxtellByron born about 1906
AxtellEvelyn Sborn about 1909
AxtellNorma Ruthborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAda Lborn about 1930
BaileyClara Eborn about 1937
BaileyDarrell Wborn about 1940
BaileyEdythe Wborn about 1902
BaileyGlen Mborn about 1901
BaileyJames born about 1928
BaileyKenneth Nborn about 1934
BaileyMinnie Cborn about 1870
BainLelbern born about 1871
BainLloyd born about 1914
BainVernie born about 1893
BakerBerdie born about 1878
BakerBilly Jborn about 1939
BakerElza born about 1906
BakerEmily born about 1919
BakerLoren born about 1914
BakerRosa born about 1910
BaldwinAdeline born about 1894
BaldwinCharly born about 1880
BaldwinClaud born about 1886
BaldwinElma Tborn about 1880
BaldwinHarry born about 1877
BaldwinLilly born about 1874
BalesAnnie born about 1906
BalesCaroline born about 1870
BalesMillard born about 1906
BalesPleasant Mborn about 1867
BalesRebecca Aborn about 1933
BallewBobby Lborn about 1924
BallewClinton Hborn about 1860
BallewJohn born about 1875
BallewMargaret born about 1922
BallewMarrill Cborn about 1878
BallewNora Eborn about 1878
BallewRetta born about 1888
BallewShirley born about 1920
BanksElsie born about 1888
BanksWilliam Lborn about 1884
BarberBetty Jeanborn about 1930
BarberElma born about 1914
BarberLeo born about 1913
BarberOlin Laneborn about 1933
BardwellBobby Jborn about 1938
BardwellDixel Gborn about 1932
BardwellEarnest Dborn about 1935
BardwellErnie Lborn about 1919
BardwellFred born about 1892
BardwellJohn born about 1872
BardwellMargaret born about 1897
BardwellNancy Lborn about 1929
BardwellRonald born about 1919
BarmerCharles born about 1900
BarmerRosie born about 1866
BarnesEdmond born about 1865
BartonBetty born about 1927
BaxterAlice Lborn about 1910
BayerBobbie Jeanborn about 1928
BayerFrancis Jr born about 1927
BayerJackie Deanborn about 1934
BayerVeta born about 1909
BeanByron Eborn about 1921
BeanCleo Cborn about 1901
BeanEldon born about 1922
BeanJosephine Bborn about 1921
BeanRay born about 1899
BedardFred born about 1871
BedardJulia Fborn about 1887
BeechnerHenry born about 1870
BeechnerIva Sborn about 1906
BeinAgil born about 1878
BerlinIrene born about 1894
BeverageBobby Deanborn about 1937
BeverageCalvin born about 1892
BeverageCharly born about 1871
BeverageCleavland born about 1912
BeverageDelbert Leeborn about 1934
BeverageFannie born about 1894
BeverageHarold Gborn about 1935
BeverageHoward Wborn about 1932
BeverageJames born about 1927
BeverageJennie Maeborn about 1886
BeverageJoe Edborn about 1932
BeverageKatheryn born about 1914
BeverageMable born about 1923
BeverageMary Charlinwborn about 1939
BienBetty Bellborn about 1924
BienC Herbertborn about 1896
BienCarrie Eborn about 1923
BienCharles Eborn about 1879
BienEarnest Gborn about 1920
BienK Berniceborn about 1927
BienMamie Lborn about 1887
BlackAllen born about 1914
BlackBlanch born about 1893
BlackDoc born about 1893
BlackEdna born about 1919
BlackLota born about 1896
BlackLyle born about 1921
BlackRalph born about 1924
BlackVirgil born about 1897
BlakelyMinnie born about 1866
BlakelyRobert born about 1922
BlakesleyBurl born about 1909
BlakesleyJackie Leeborn about 1935
BlakesleyMarchetta born about 1930
BlakesleyMarilyn born about 1930
BlakesleyMaxine born about 1927
BlakesleyMillisa born about 1875
BlakesleyOpal born about 1905
BlakesleyRussell born about 1907
BlakesleyVirgil born about 1909
BosleyClifford Jborn about 1887
BosleyIcelona born about 1883
BossFanney born about 1871
BottsCharlene born about 1923
BottsCornelia born about 1888
BottsIle Nborn about 1880
BottsR Paulborn about 1924
BottsThomas Fborn about 1939
BottsW Franklinborn about 1915
BoxleyAndy Bborn about 1888
BoxleyClara born about 1887
BoxleyThelma born about 1909
BoxleyVirgie born about 1888
BoxleyWilliam born about 1908
BoydAlvin born about 1889
BoydEmma born about 1863
BoydEthel born about 1889
BoydFred born about 1887
BoydGussie born about 1892
BoydJames born about 1930
BoyerFrancis born about 1907
BoyerMary born about 1920
BoyerPhillip born about 1939
BoyleSusie Aborn about 1866
BraffettMelvin born about 1898
BrananJames born about 1852
BrightC Wborn about 1927
BrightJackie Edwardborn about 1930
BrightJohn born about 1899
BrightKatherine born about 1900
BristowArthur Sborn about 1893
BristowG Benjaminborn about 1924
BristowGeorge Mborn about 1855
BristowMargaret Bborn about 1895
BristowRobert Bborn about 1919
BrittainCora born about 1919
BrittainFrancis born about 1919
BrittainFrancis Aborn about 1939
BronamWiley born about 1866
BrownAllen Bborn about 1926
BrownAnna Cborn about 1888
BrownBobbie Daleborn about 1933
BrownEnid born about 1912
BrownEthel Tborn about 1890
BrownGlen Cborn about 1892
BrownHelen Vetaborn about 1931
BrownJeanette Wborn about 1894
BrownMillard born about 1881
BrownRosena born about 1866
BrownSteve Tborn about 1885
BrownThelma Sueborn about 1935
BrunerVirginia born about 1916
BrunerWilliam Eborn about 1916
BryanAileen Eborn about 1910
BryanC Jeanettaborn about 1936
BryanLorraine born about 1907
BryanLoyd born about 1910
BryanOssie Tborn about 1913
BryanRachel Fborn about 1862
BryanRoger Eborn about 1934
BryanStella born about 1876
BryanWaldo born about 1906
BryanWilbur Wborn about 1907
BryaneMary born about 1920
BryaneRussell born about 1914
BryantSara Rborn about 1850
BuoyJames Mborn about 1894
BuoyMary born about 1897
BurenCharles Rborn about 1874
BurenHelen Hborn about 1908
BurenJ Wilburborn about 1908
BurenJames Hborn about 1933
BurenJohn W Jrborn about 1930
BurenMargaret Wborn about 1870
BurenMiller Wborn about 1916
BurenMyrtle born about 1886
BurkClifford born about 1915
BurkeMildred born about 1911
BushfieldAlma born about 1877
BushfieldWalter Mborn about 1876
ButcherDonald Rborn about 1925
ButcherGeorgia born about 1905
ButcherLawrance born about 1902
ButcherMarceline born about 1936
ButcherMary Fborn about 1857
ButcherMary Louiseborn about 1927

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C Surnames

CallenClarence Wborn about 1890
CallenEldon Nborn about 1939
CallenErnest born about 1919
CallenLottie Bborn about 1919
CallenMary born about 1895
CalvertCharles born about 1878
CalvertJohn born about 1865
CalvertMary Sborn about 1879
CalvertRose born about 1876
CampbellEdward Leeborn about 1939
CampbellEthel Louiseborn about 1933
CampbellHarry born about 1911
CampbellHilah born about 1870
CampbellHilah born about 1919
CampbellJohn Jr born about 1909
CampbellMinnie born about 1895
CampbellRuth born about 1913
CampbellVeneva Deeborn about 1911
CampbellWilliam born about 1895
CampbellWilliam Jr born about 1930
CarlyleDanial born about 1924
CarlyleGladys born about 1901
CarlyleH Hborn about 1903
CarrollDewey born about 1899
CarrollDonald Eborn about 1929
CarrollDonna Leeborn about 1931
CarrollRuby born about 1909
CarrollThomas Earlborn about 1933
CartmillReo born about 1920
CasteelAlice Leeborn about 1918
CasteelBeverly Janeborn about 1937
CasteelC Eugeneborn about 1913
CasteelCara Bborn about 1882
CasteelCarolyn Dborn about 1913
CasteelCurtis born about 1911
CasteelGussie Cborn about 1912
CasteelHerbert Cborn about 1876
CasteelHerbert C Jrborn about 1923
CasteelJames Eborn about 1925
CasteelJerry Rborn about 1935
CasteelOrville Cborn about 1873
CasteelRichard born about 1912
CasteelRoberta Louborn about 1920
CayleClarisca Aborn about 1870
CheeneyAustin born about 1885
CheeneyFloud born about 1899
CheeneyFranklin born about 1936
CheeneyFred born about 1933
CheeneyGeorgia born about 1928
CheeneyLawrence born about 1931
CheeneyMary Ellenborn about 1926
CheeneyNoel born about 1939
ChipleyBertha born about 1908
ChipleyWilliam Lborn about 1898
CiscoEdna Mborn about 1899
CiscoThomas Earlborn about 1926
CiscoWilliams Vanborn about 1931
ClarkBarbara Coleenborn about 1938
ClarkBessie Marieborn about 1931
ClarkBill born about 1924
ClarkEdna Charlineborn about 1932
ClarkEllen born about 1921
ClarkEmett Leeborn about 1929
ClarkEmett Sr born about 1906
ClarkEula born about 1922
ClarkEva Janeborn about 1930
ClarkEvelyn Paulineborn about 1932
ClarkFrank born about 1890
ClarkFreddie Sborn about 1934
ClarkGarnett Etoilborn about 1931
ClarkGrace born about 1895
ClarkJoe born about 1894
ClarkJoe Annborn about 1935
ClarkLaffayette born about 1927
ClarkLula Maryborn about 1900
ClarkMary born about 1895
ClarkNancy Ireneborn about 1931
ClarkNellie Jeanborn about 1933
ClarkNoel Harveyborn about 1939
ClarkNola Mayborn about 1929
ClarkRosa Mayborn about 1874
ClarkSamuel Sborn about 1889
ClarkTom born about 1920
ClarkWilmer Hborn about 1893
CleetonEldridge Mborn about 1886
CleetonMary Fborn about 1904
ClemenssOtis born about 1876
ClementsHenry Oborn about 1859
ClementsMadlinn born about 1868
CliftonBilly Wborn about 1921
ClingensmithArnold born about 1915
ClingensmithHarry Eborn about 1886
ClingensmithMinnie Jborn about 1887
ClodfellerLula born about 1879
CockrellAlta Sborn about 1878
CockrellEthlyn born about 1877
CockrellHellen Roeborn about 1913
CockrellRobert Jborn about 1879
CollenDonnie Leeborn about 1939
CollenHarold Eborn about 1938
CollenHarrold born about 1914
CollenHelen Raeborn about 1920
CollenPhyllis born about 1916
CollenRichard born about 1916
CollenRichard Eugeneborn about 1938
ColleneeJohn Wborn about 1913
ColleneeMary born about 1913
ColleneePaul born about 1935
CollingsEmma born about 1872
CollingsFrank born about 1868
CollingsFred born about 1899
CollingsJean born about 1926
CollingsL Carolynborn about 1933
CollingsLola born about 1900
CollingsPauline born about 1914
CollingsWilliam born about 1913
CommingsWm Rayborn about 1882
ConstableAvis born about 1910
ConstableBertha born about 1883
ConstableCarrie Mborn about 1860
ConstableCharles Wborn about 1883
ConstableEmery born about 1881
ConstableEthel born about 1887
ConstableEvelyn born about 1916
ConstableFrona born about 1886
ConstableGarland born about 1908
ConstableHarry born about 1917
ConstableHelen Ireneborn about 1928
ConstableJoe born about 1888
ConstableLois born about 1931
ConstableLonnie born about 1896
ConstableMargaret Annborn about 1928
ConstableMargie born about 1910
ConstableMarion Jborn about 1932
ConstableMary Lborn about 1925
ConstablePauline born about 1932
ConstablePhillis Varineborn about 1935
ConstableVernon Bellborn about 1930
ConstableWilliam Eborn about 1906
ConstableWilliam Leeborn about 1937
ConstableWinton Dborn about 1930
ConstableZelma born about 1906
ConstobleEarl born about 1893
ConstobleFerrell born about 1917
ConstobleIna born about 1897
CookEarl born about 1880
CoonBessie born about 1891
CoonBilly born about 1930
CoonClaire Cborn about 1923
CoonDaisy Bborn about 1929
CoonEddith Rborn about 1876
CoonEdward Nborn about 1925
CoonErma Mborn about 1927
CoonFonnie* Wborn about 1930
CoonGeorge Mborn about 1919
CoonJake born about 1868
CoonLara born about 1876
CoonLouie born about 1904
CoonLyle Eborn about 1899
CoonM Waldoborn about 1874
CoonMartha born about 1861
CoonMaurice born about
CoonOpal Jborn about 1907
CoonPatty Sborn about 1932
CoonPerry Pborn about 1890
CoonRaymond Cborn about 1902
CoonRichard born about 1933
CoonRichard Hborn about 1922
CoonRosie Mborn about 1932
CoowDale born about 1903
CoowDubie* Dborn about 1928
CoowHazel born about 1903
CotterllEdward born about 1902
CotterllHazel born about 1905
CotterllLouise Eborn about 1936
CotterllMargarte born about 1937
CotterllMary Aborn about 1868
CotterllRuth born about 1932
CottrellAlta born about 1908
CottrellRichard born about 1904
CoveyDo? born about 1926
CoveyHattie born about 1873
CoveyLawrence born about 1928
CoveyLeora Fborn about 1898
CoveyLeuis Rborn about 1940
CoveyLoyd born about 1897
CoveyMarie born about 1905
CoveyMonjoie born about 1900
CoveyPhidelia born about 1912
CoxAlbert Hborn about 1885
CoxBetty Jborn about 1932
CoxDaisy born about 1887
CoxDan born about 1875
CoxDollie born about 1859
CoxEstella born about 1879
CoxFranklin Dborn about 1934
CoxHelen born about 1925
CoxLary Lborn about 1940
CoxLloyd born about 1913
CoxLouise born about 1927
CoxMadge Mborn about 1893
CoxMary born about 1902
CoxMildred born about 1912
CoxMyra born about 1910
CoxOlva born about 1903
CoxOrville born about 1892
CoxPolly born about 1923
CoxWill Tborn about 1878
CoxZilla born about 1868
CpchelEvelyn born about 1918
CraigCarolyn born about 1920
CraigClaire born about 1922
CraigLou Mborn about 1899
CraigMadelyn born about 1924
CraigSam Jborn about 1896
CravensGrover Cborn about 1887
CrossAdella born about 1865
CrossJohn Wborn about 1854
CrutcherEarl born about 1908
CurtisLabern born about 1913
CurtisMary Eborn about 1861
CurtisSunshine born about 1919

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D Surnames

DavenportAlice born about 1875
DavenportLillian born about 1908
DavenportNevah born about 1900
DavisCharley born about 1862
DavisCordellia born about 1874
DavisDavid born about 1895
DavisE L Juniorborn about 1920
DavisElmer Lborn about 1897
DavisGrace born about 1905
DavisHelen Lborn about 1924
DavisLilly born about 1862
DavisM Fernborn about 1900
DavisMina born about 1873
DavisRonald Lborn about 1928
DavisonAllen Claudeborn about 1938
DavisonFrances born about 1915
DavisonKathryn Eborn about 1910
DavisonLewis born about 1912
DavisonLoretta Joanborn about 1935
DavisonRichard Eborn about 1912
DerryCora Mborn about 1930
DerryFloyd born about 1904
DerryForest born about 1915
DerryFrancis Hborn about 1898
DerryHazel Rborn about 1899
DerryJames Fborn about 1932
DerryMargaret Jborn about 1876
DerryOlin born about 1901
DerryU Grantborn about 1868
DerryVelma born about 1905
DerryVerleen born about 1909
DevoirElvarene born about 1915
DevoirJame Pborn about 1910
DevoirPhillip Jamesborn about 1935
DixonL N Jrborn about 1921
DixonLouis Nborn about 1891
DixonOla Lborn about 1890
DixonRalph Jborn about 1925
DobbinsOkey Gborn about 1878
DodsonElton Tborn about 1882
DodsonMaude Eborn about 1890
DonelsonBertha Eborn about 1900
DonelsonBilly Jborn about 1922
DonelsonDean born about 1929
DonelsonGlendoris born about 1935
DonelsonHomer Eborn about 1899
DonelsonPauline born about 1932
DonelsonShirley born about 1939
DonelsonWalker born about 1927
DoubleBarbara Sueborn about 1940
DoubleGrant born about 1865
DoubleLaura born about 1871
DoubleO Clateborn about 1904
DoublePatricia Annborn about 1939
DoubleRosalie Pborn about 1913
DoubleWilliam born about 1896
DougherJohn born about 1874
DowneyCecyle born about 1892
DowneyLewis Lborn about 1892
DragooEdward born about 1870
DragooKena born about 1882
DragooLeonard born about 1897
DragooLillian born about 1900
DubleFlora born about 1871
DubleLester Dborn about 1863
DuffieldNorma Ireneborn about 1939
DuffieldThelma Tborn about 1918
DullEmily born about 1884
DureeJames Mborn about 1872
DykesBertha born about 1886
DykesBessie Mborn about 1884
DykesEmmett born about 1905
DykesEsther born about 1918
DykesFreddie Rayborn about 1929
DykesGearld Youngborn about 1917
DykesGenevieve born about 1892
DykesGrace born about 1910
DykesHellen born about 1926
DykesJ Walterborn about 1882
DykesJames Dborn about 1926
DykesLenore Rborn about 1918
DykesLeonard Hborn about 1893
DykesMarceline born about 1921
DykesNona Aborn about 1901
DykesOlin born about 1889
DykesRiley born about 1856
DykesShirley Elaineborn about 1931
DykisHarry born about 1904
DykisJame Richardborn about 1931
DykisJulia Koyborn about 1939
DykisKatherine born about 1907

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E Surnames

EasterHembree J Hborn about 1891
EasterIvy born about 1888
EasterLeonard born about 1889
EasterViola born about 1892
EdwardsAlta Wborn about 1893
EdwardsBilly born about 1920
EdwardsClyde born about 1917
EdwardsWilliam* Gborn about 1921
EllisVera born about 1895
ElseyEldon Cborn about 1903
ElseyJames born about 1883
ElseyWilma Sborn about 1904
EmeryAddie born about 1854
EmmackDavid Wborn about 1878
EmmonsBob born about 1931
EmmonsEarnest born about 1893
EmmonsJessie born about 1921
EmmonsJunior born about 1919
EmmonsMadean born about 1929
EmmonsMadie born about 1893
EmmonsPernecia born about 1926
EmmonsZoe born about 1925
EmmonsZora born about 1923
EowanElmer born about 1885
EvansGarce born about 1895
EvarittAurilla Aborn about 1872
EvarittBetty Maeborn about 1930
EvarittLillie Mborn about 1903
EvarittR Kellyborn about 1901
EvarittRobert Eborn about 1877
EvensFrances born about 1880
EvorittElizabeth born about 1909
EvorittElna Ruthborn about 1922
EvorittForrest Eborn about 1919
EvorittGuy Eborn about 1897
EvorittGuy Earlborn about 1932
EvorittMargaret Eborn about 1921
EwingAda born about 1889
EwingLoyd Sborn about 1886

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F Surnames

FadkeCharley Hborn about 1887
FadkeStella born about 1868
FaerGlen Wborn about 1920
FaerH?tli?d born about 1874
FaerHerbert born about 1925
FaerJames Hborn about 1892
FaerLola born about 1897
FaerRobert born about 1914
FaerShel? born about 1865
FairleyGulley Lborn about 1889
FairleySally Sborn about 1896
FaulknersJame Mborn about 1867
FaulknersLottie born about 1866
FaxMarton Jborn about 1889
FaxMonte Bborn about 1891
Fears?tetha born about 1898
FearsAlvin Eborn about 1899
FearsGerald Datyborn about 1924
FearsKathleen born about 1925
FinneyEmma born about 1878
FinneyEveriott born about 1901
FinneyRoxie born about 1908
FosteEstelle born about 1893
FosterAlvin born about 1894
FosterAnnah born about 1904
FosterPeggy Jborn about 1930
FrankE Louiseborn about 1902
FrankEdward L Jrborn about 1927
FrankJohn Eborn about 1929
FrankSamuel Hborn about 1933
FrankWilliam Dborn about 1931
FranklinBillie Leeborn about 1932
FranklinC Alvinborn about 1895
FranklinChesley born about 1878
FranklinGoldie born about 1899
FranklinLouise born about 1880
FranklinOda Sborn about 1895
FranklinSilvie born about 1902
FranklinWilma born about 1912
FrenchDewey born about 1900
FrenchHelen Jborn about 1931
FrenchJames Lborn about 1928
FrenchJoseph born about 1932
FrenchJoseph Mborn about 1860
FrenchVerna born about 1902
FrenshSeth born about 1865
FullerAlbert born about 1909
FullerFrances born about 1909
FullerHubert born about 1903
FullerJohn Eborn about 1938
FullerJustine Eborn about 1868
FullerMattie Eborn about 1869
FullerRoberta Rborn about 1937
FullertonGeorge born about 1866
FultonHarry Kborn about 1897

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G Surnames

GammetDale born about 1902
GammetLeila Iborn about 1905
GammetWilliam Rayborn about 1928
GannonCarl born about 1881
GarlandBeulah born about 1897
GarlandColynn born about 1928
GarlandRoswell born about 1897
GarriottBetty Fayborn about 1928
GaulCordelia born about 1862
GaulJ Williamborn about 1852
GearhartGussie born about 1876
GentryAllen born about 1908
GentryCatherine born about 1915
GentryClifford born about 1913
GentryMary Lborn about 1857
GentryMaxine born about 1918
GentryMillrd born about 1883
GeorgeAbner Billborn about 1862
GeorgeCinda born about 1891
GeorgeClara Mborn about 1882
GeorgeClay born about 1896
GeorgeCliff born about 1892
GeorgeDon born about 1882
GeorgeDon Jr born about 1920
GeorgeE Daleborn about 1923
GeorgeForrest born about 1918
GeorgeGanelle born about 1924
GeorgeGuy born about 1880
GeorgeHarold born about 1923
GeorgeHenry Cborn about 1862
GeorgeIda born about 1866
GeorgeJ Abnerborn about 1879
GeorgeLetha Bborn about 1913
GeorgeLewis born about 1918
GeorgeMuriel born about 1903
GeorgeOlin born about 1898
GeorgePearl born about 1898
GeorgeVera born about 1915
GeorgeWayne born about 1925
GerredAudrey born about 1920
GerredGlen born about 1917
GibbsonRoy born about 1910
GibsonEvelyn born about 1918
GildnerLoe Mborn about 1888
GilletteDella born about 1908
GilletteLester born about 1906
GirdnerHarry Oborn about 1881
GirdnerKing Eborn about 1904
GirdnerMary Eborn about 1883
GlareDrathy Oborn about 1921
GlareWilbur Hborn about 1917
GoddardBobbie Jeanborn about 1934
GoddardJames Oborn about 1868
GoddardLaura Bborn about 1874
GoffIrene born about 1914
GoffRaymond born about 1910
GoffneyNora Leeborn about 1891
GoinBetty born about 1934
GoinFern born about 1904
GoinGay Dborn about 1894
GoinGuy Bborn about 1894
GoinHubert born about 1922
GoinJoseph born about 1928
GoinJoyce born about 1930
GoinMabel Mborn about 1897
GoinsJean born about 1888
GoodinLulu born about 1880
GoodinMar?alee born about 1920
GoodinW Tborn about 1915
GoodknightEdward born about 1917
GoodknightGertrude born about 1891
GoodknightMargie Lborn about 1910
GoodknightShirley Lborn about 1937
GoodknightW??? born about 1911
GoodknightWalter Eborn about 1889
GoodknightWalter Jr born about 1928
GoodknightWayne born about 1931
GormanBetty born about 1921
GormanElizabeth born about 1854
GrantJerome Rborn about 1928
GrantKenneth Rborn about 1906
GrantVirgie Mborn about 1909
GrantVirginia Cborn about 1939
GraulsEvelyn Lborn about 1893
GraulsJakie Bborn about 1887
GraulsLouise born about 1908
GreenHelen born about 1930
GreenRichard born about 1927
GregoryBessie born about 1886
GregoryRussell Lborn about 1917
GregoryS Ottoborn about 1879
GriffeyJames Nborn about 1871
GriffinEffie born about 1884
GriffinLawerence born about 1920
GriffinMildred born about 1912
GriffinPearl born about 1892
GriffinThelma born about 1916
GriffinThomas born about 1877
GriffithMamie Fborn about 1891
GriffithPowell Cborn about 1920
GriffithRalph Eborn about 1889
GriggsbyFrances born about 1901
GriggsbyLoyd born about 1900
GrimmIvan born about 1880
GrimmeFaye Mcborn about 1900
GrinaCameron Iborn about 1914
GrupeBonnie Louiseborn about 1895
GrupeFred Louisborn about 1891
GummGerald born about 1924
GumpFlorence Jeanborn about 1927
GumpFrank Iborn about 1890
GumpGertrude born about 1915
GumpJackie Deanborn about 1930
GumpJosephine Pborn about 1889
GumpMarion born about 1922
GumpRome Hborn about 1913

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H Surnames

HallBilly Georgeborn about 1937
HallCalvin Cborn about 1939
HallEulah born about 1911
HallGeorge born about 1905
HallIda Mborn about 1869
HallKenneth Deanborn about 1940
HallLevi Cborn about 1867
HallWilliam Jborn about 1903
HallersSusie born about 1870
HamiltonArtir born about 1881
HamiltonBetty born about 1923
HamiltonGlen born about 1909
HamiltonJackie Deanborn about 1937
HamiltonJean born about 1914
HamiltonMargaret born about 1880
HamiltonWade Pborn about 1876
HammondLawrence born about 1926
HammondLorene born about 1929
HammondMartha born about 1904
HammondOmar born about 1901
HampshireDona Nellborn about 1927
HampshireErma born about 1887
HampshireGus born about 1870
HampshireMarjorie born about 1923
HardinStewart Rborn about 1883
HardinTula Wborn about 1886
HardyHonora Hborn about 1870
HarkinsBarbara born about 1933
HarnAsa born about 1861
HarnLilly Mborn about 1865
HarperGladys born about 1904
HarperNorma Jeanborn about 1931
HarringtonEdna born about 1916
HarringtonEdward born about 1882
HarringtonFred born about 1902
HarrisHelen Rborn about 1921
HarrisVena Bborn about 1884
HarrisWilliam Aborn about 1879
HarrisWilliam Jr born about 1916
HarrisonAnnie born about 1882
HartAlice born about 1870
HartAvanelle born about 1931
HartCharlene born about 1924
HartHall born about 1933
HartJames Leeborn about 1939
HartMarjorie born about 1921
HartNellie Cborn about 1900
HartRaymond born about 1927
HartWilliam born about 1936
HaskettA Mulvinaborn about 1881
HaskettConnie Lborn about 1880
HaskettJohn Aborn about 1856
HassDora Lborn about 1877
HassHarry born about 1876
HaukArchie born about 1899
HaukEugene Normanborn about 1910
HaukIrene born about 1864
HaukLester born about 1906
HaukLucille born about 1914
HawkesNancy Janeborn about 1918
HerefordAlice born about 1871
HerefordCharles Aborn about 1867
HerifordAlvin born about 1883
HerifordJoseph Sborn about 1879
HerringtonEdward born about 1899
HerringtonFlora Dellaborn about 1927
HerringtonHazel born about 1906
HerringtonHerbert Leeborn about 1939
HerringtonHerbert Rborn about 1899
HerringtonIra* Dborn about 1889
HerringtonNellie born about 1882
HerringtonOpal Dborn about 1919
HickmanAmanda Jborn about 1865
HickmanCarlos born about 1898
HickmanCecile Wborn about 1896
HickmanHelen Phyllisborn about 1927
HickmanJack Cborn about 1894
HickmanJames Hborn about 1891
HickmanMabel born about 1892
HickmanNina Janeborn about 1925
HickmanNina Leeborn about 1903
HickmanSylvia born about 1900
HigginsCora born about 1868
HigginsDarcy born about 1893
HigginsDonal Rborn about 1909
HigginsHester born about 1907
HigginsMaude born about 1895
HigginsRichard born about 1922
HillBarbara Jeanborn about 1936
HillBilly Joeborn about 1934
HillBlanche born about 1915
HillEstella born about 1888
HillLeslie Eborn about 1885
HillLeslie E Jrborn about 1924
HillSheila born about 1919
HillThais born about 1912
HinkleZeanus born about 1878
HoakCharles born about 1927
HoakGladys Oborn about 1901
HoakLaffeyette born about 1910
HoakLery Maeborn about 1934
HoakW Davidborn about 1930
HobbsCleo born about 1919
HobbsMattie born about 1868
HobbsMaude born about 1869
HobbsOhmer born about 1905
HobbsWilliam Rborn about 1939
HolmeBeatrice born about 1899
HolmeJesse born about 1893
HolmesAmanda born about 1865
HolmesEllen born about 1916
HolmesGuy Bborn about 1904
HolmesMary born about 1919
HolmesMay born about 1879
HolmesNora Mayborn about 1938
HolmesOna Gborn about 1905
HolmesPriscilla Aborn about 1936
HolmesRex born about 1905
HolmesVernon born about 1914
HolmesWalter born about 1910
HolmesWilma born about 1912
HoltFrances born about 1919
HoltFrances Dborn about 1937
HoltGarl born about 1916
HoltIsiac Hborn about 1872
HoltOlin Dborn about 1939
HoltSusie Mborn about 1851
HonnEarnest born about 1870
HooverAvanelle Cborn about 1920
HooverBetty born about 1923
HooverByron born about 1906
HooverDonna Raeborn about 1937
HooverEdna Mborn about 1906
HooverLon Wborn about 1881
HooverMable born about 1886
HooverR Wayneborn about 1934
HooverWesley Wborn about 1919
HooverWm Wayneborn about 1938
HopperFred Aborn about 1893
HopperGrace Eborn about 1894
HopperMary Sborn about 1923
HopperNancy Ellenborn about 1859
HopperWilla Deanborn about 1928
HornAlma Sborn about 1902
HornBilly Marieborn about 1939
HornElfred born about 1900
HornMary Helenborn about 1936
HoskinsFrank born about 1920
HoskinsHiram born about 1862
HoskinsNishes born about 1888
HouhPatty born about 1933
HoukAndrew born about 1888
HoukArchie Eborn about 1921
HoukArthur Eborn about 1924
HoukArthur Vborn about 1915
HoukCleo born about 1922
HoukGretchen born about 1926
HoukMary Jborn about 1891
HoukMatilda born about 1891
HoukPerry Jborn about 1933
HoukRoy born about 1891
HouserA Violetborn about 1904
HouserJohn Fborn about 1862
HouserJohn Noelborn about 1918
HouserLelah Jborn about 1890
HouserNorma born about 1914
HouserRosetta born about 1866
HubbardChastine born about 1919
HubbardElbert born about 1916
HubbardEula born about 1892
HubmanJames born about 1868
HunterEvelyn born about 1909
HunterMinerva born about 1877
HunterRalph born about 1908
HunterRobert born about 1923
HunterWilliam Mborn about 1876
HurtFannie Pborn about 1874
HurtGlenn born about 1901
HustonAlice Lucileborn about 1922
HustonLulu Mborn about 1896
HustonRalph Aborn about 1891
HutchinsonOttis born about 1895
HutchinsonTharman born about 1901
HydeBen Cborn about 1876
HydeIra Bborn about 1894
HydeIra Ben Iiiborn about 1929
HydeJeania born about 1931
HydeJessie born about 1880
HydeLarene Fborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JenkinsEstella born about 1883
JobeAnna Leeborn about 1927
JobeBetty Louiseborn about 1931
JobeChristena born about 1909
JobeDillon born about 1906
JobeMarylyn Elaineborn about 1938
JobeNorma Jeanborn about 1928
JohnElizabeth born about 1923
JohnEmma Louiseborn about 1926
JohnHarry born about 1901
JohnHelen Margaretborn about 1932
JohnMarie born about 1898
JohnsonEdith born about 1881
JohnsonGrover Cborn about 1885
JohnsonHazel born about 1900
JohnsonWm Hborn about 1856
JonesLawerence Pborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KauffmanAnna Maeborn about 1929
KauffmanC Edwardborn about 1872
KauffmanCara born about 1876
KauffmanDouglas Jborn about 1938
KauffmanE Eugeneborn about 1929
KauffmanEdna Bellborn about 1915
KauffmanElba Cborn about 1900
KauffmanElmer Eborn about 1895
KauffmanEvalyn Jborn about 1935
KauffmanGeneva born about 1871
KauffmanHenry Gborn about 1938
KauffmanJ Frankborn about 1937
KauffmanJ Gradyborn about 1898
KauffmanLeo Gborn about 1900
KauffmanLoretta Maxineborn about 1938
KauffmanM Louiseborn about 1927
KauffmanMargaret Aborn about 1926
KauffmanMarion born about 1903
KauffmanMary Aborn about 1877
KauffmanMary Eborn about 1923
KauffmanNoel born about 1904
KauffmanOrville born about 1896
KauffmanPauline born about 1902
KauffmanR Edwardborn about 1899
KauffmanRay Dborn about 1911
KauffmanRhoda born about 1882
KauffmanRobert Gborn about 1933
KauffmanRuby Kborn about 1907
KauffmanRussel Deanborn about 1933
KauffmanRuth Gborn about 1900
KauffmanSunshine born about 1907
KauffmanThomas Eborn about 1931
KauffmanThomas Fborn about 1870
KauffmanW Earlborn about 1917
KauffmanWilbur born about 1906
KauffmanWilliam Jborn about 1930
KauffmanWm Eborn about 1875
KelleyArda Cborn about 1868
KelleyGenevieve Hborn about 1915
KelleyOscar born about 1911
KelleyRichard Taylorborn about 1934
KelleyRobert Taylorborn about 1934
KellyAlexander Pborn about 1882
KellyAlexander Ii born about 1910
KellyAlexander Iii born about 1934
KellyHarley born about 1891
KellyHelen Mborn about 1914
KellyJoe Annborn about 1936
KellyJulia Hborn about 1884
KellyMatilda born about 1869
KendellDavid Dborn about 1875
KertteyAlbert born about 1867
KesslerFred born about 1851
KestersonBilly born about 1924
KestersonEsma Jborn about 1901
KestersonFlorence born about 1906
KestersonGeorge E Jrborn about 1922
KestersonGeorge Wborn about 1882
KestersonJennie born about 1869
KestersonJoe Donborn about 1926
KestersonLaura born about 1867
KestersonMonty Bellborn about 1929
KestersonSa?riro Hborn about 1861
KestersonVera born about 1908
KestersonWalter Jr born about 1927
KestersonWalter Sr born about 1901
KestersonWilbur Eborn about 1892
KeuhnA Fernborn about 1918
KeuhnJ Ottoborn about 1886
KeuhnJohn Fredrickborn about 1933
KeuhnRose Lborn about 1886
KeuhnWilliam Gborn about 1921
KimisonForest born about 1902
KimisonGrace born about 1904
KimisonLyle born about 1929
KimisonVeda born about 1925
KimisonVesta born about 1922
KimisonWynne born about 1933
KingAnna born about 1888
KingArvon Aborn about 1890
KingBarbara Eborn about 1899
KingCarole Annborn about 1937
KingChester Sborn about 1903
KingDonald born about 1924
KingEdward born about 1939
KingF Edwardborn about 1933
KingFreddie Lborn about 1907
KingJane born about 1916
KingJohn Jewelborn about 1905
KingKerleton born about 1940
KingLaban Cborn about 1878
KingMargaret Leeborn about 1940
KingMartha born about 1916
KingOpal born about 1900
KingOwen born about 1916
KingRosa born about 1877
KingRuth Marieborn about 1937
KingThelma born about 1915
KingViola born about 1924
KingWilma Ruthborn about 1936
KitchinColey born about 1887
KochHerbert Lborn about 1910
KochMary Eborn about 1916
KulleyBud born about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaddGrace Cborn about 1898
LaddJ Bertramborn about 1924
LaddJulius Dborn about 1898
LamarJoann born about 1933
LamarJoe Edborn about 1908
LamarJohn Robertborn about 1930
LamarVirginia Cborn about 1906
LamarWarren Mcborn about 1938
LambertBilly Cborn about 1924
LambertCleon born about 1898
LambertDavid Rayborn about 1891
LambertE Madelynborn about 1936
LambertElizabeth born about 1879
LambertElnada Cborn about 1904
LambertFred Aborn about 1883
LambertKenneth Eborn about 1927
LambertMargie Roseborn about 1921
LambertMartha born about 1858
LambertMyrtle Aborn about 1886
LambertPaul Deanborn about 1934
LambertWinton Eborn about 1919
LanderErma Bborn about 1882
LanderGeorge Wborn about 1870
LanderSidney born about 1913
LaneOlive Maeborn about 1883
LaneRichard Jborn about 1927
LathropCarolyn born about 1896
LathropHelen born about 1920
LathropLyle Lborn about 1893
LathropLyle Jr born about 1919
LaughlinAnna born about 1886
LaughlinHerley born about 1879
LaurenceDoris Eborn about 1936
LaurenceEdith born about 1909
LaurenceElmer Dborn about 1939
LaurenceFred born about 1886
LawsAmy born about 1889
LawsOrley born about 1884
LawsRuth born about 1895
LawsWilliam born about 1878
LeaftyBarbara Jborn about 1938
LeaftyDeleta born about 1918
LeaftyGeorge Wborn about 1865
LeaftyHarry Wborn about 1910
LeaftyIda Mayborn about 1868
LeonardBetty Louborn about 1930
LeonardLang born about 1896
LeonardLang Jr born about 1933
LeonardLucile born about 1917
LeonardMary Susannaborn about 1929
LeonardNancy Janeborn about 1937
LeonardPorter born about 1913
LeonardPorter Leeborn about 1938
LeonardVesta born about 1905
LewickTheodore born about 1878
LewisAlma Cborn about 1915
LewisAnnie born about 1848
LewisEdna born about 1909
LewisGrant born about 1869
LewisMable Raeborn about 1939
LewisMaxine born about 1921
LewisRay born about 1911
LewisRobert born about 1923
LewisVernon born about 1892
LewisVernon Jr born about 1920
LieuallenBertha born about 1880
LieuallenGladys Gborn about 1870
LieuallenJames Aborn about 1868
LimaAmma born about 1879
LimaEli born about 1875
LindseyArch Mborn about 1864
LindseyCharles Fborn about 1895
LindseyClarence born about 1893
LindseyDon born about 1869
LindseyDora born about 1867
LindseyGussie Aborn about 1873
LindseyJoe Wborn about 1864
LindseyMary Hallborn about 1899
LindseyMissouri born about 1868
LindseyPhyllis Lborn about 1922
LindseyStella born about 1877
LinseyPearl born about 1894
LittleCecile Eborn about 1910
LittleEugene born about 1930
LittleJoetta born about 1932
LittleViolet born about 1911
LoganJake born about 1885
LoganMartha Fborn about 1863
LomaxAimil born about 1873
LomaxJay Cborn about 1870
LoutzenhiserEmma born about 1859
LoutzenhiserFred Deanborn about 1922
LoutzenhiserMarjorie born about 1897
LoutzenhiserWilliam born about 1877
LowryAmanda born about 1867
LowryChloe born about 1899
LowryFrank born about 1884
LowryPhronia born about 1875
LowsAnna born about 1890
LowsBessie born about 1887
LowsBetty Janeborn about 1920
LowsClarence Jborn about 1887
LowsLaura born about 1908
LowsLinne Rayborn about 1926
LowsLouisa Cborn about 1863
LowsMable born about 1888
LowsMaggie born about 1870
LowsOva born about 1903
LowsRobert Leeborn about 1929
LowsRoy Sborn about 1886
LowsThomas born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaggartCharles born about 1864
MahoffyEmma born about 1866
MallinsHarvey born about 1895
MallinsOna Rborn about 1896
ManuelBuford born about 1865
MapelAnna born about 1854
MarriotArthur born about 1871
MarriotForrest born about 1907
MarrisMable born about 1895
MarrisWilbur Deanborn about 1919
MartinBessie born about 1878
MartinCarolene born about 1909
MartinEdward born about 1914
MartinFlorence born about 1903
MartinGeorge Bborn about 1927
MartinGerald Nborn about 1897
MartinGrace born about 1917
MartinHarriet born about 1874
MartinHenry Jborn about 1867
MartinIvan Hborn about 1912
MartinJudith Marieborn about 1939
MartinNeal Dborn about 1893
MartinNura Cborn about 1873
MartinRuth Mborn about 1930
MartinVirginia Gborn about 1925
MartinVivian born about 1917
MasonEdna Eborn about 1927
MasonElma Mborn about 1922
MasonElsie Mborn about 1902
MasonJames Hborn about 1875
MasonMinnie Rborn about 1877
MasonOrville Gborn about 1900
MassAlma Cborn about 1903
MassAlta Mborn about 1908
MassCarl born about 1895
MassElizabeth Dborn about 1896
MassErastus born about 1893
MassLavona born about 1912
MassOlin Edwardborn about 1935
MassTwila Joyeborn about 1927
MassWhitney Aborn about 1898
MastinClifford born about 1924
MattesonBilly Jborn about 1933
MattesonFrank born about 1900
MattesonMargaret born about 1905
MauerJo Annaborn about 1896
MauerKathryn born about 1925
MauerLewis born about 1932
MauerMarjorie born about 1929
MaxwellLennax born about 1889
MaxwellLonnie born about 1891
MayCleo Mborn about 1890
MayElizabeth born about 1855
MayLuceen Eborn about 1882
McCawCarrie born about 1891
McCawMary Aborn about 1861
McClarenElson born about 1888
McCloudBobby born about 1923
McCloudElsie born about 1887
McCloudJames born about 1848
McCrackenDoc Judsonborn about 1931
McCrackenDonald Daleborn about 1937
McCrackenGeorge born about 1902
McCrackenKeneth Deeborn about 1934
McCrackenOkema Menjyon*born about 1935
McCrackenVera born about 1906
McCrackenVera Laydenaborn about 1939
McDonaldIsabell born about 1869
McDonaldJerome born about 1898
McDonaldVelda Hborn about 1914
McElhaneyCora born about 1885
McHargueAllie born about 1892
McHargueAnna Lborn about 1901
McHargueC Wborn about 1915
McHargueHattie Cborn about 1879
McHargueJ Carmenborn about 1894
McHargueJunior Cborn about 1935
McHargueLige born about 1885
McHargueLucille born about 1926
McHargueOpal born about 1901
McHargueRobert Eborn about 1923
McHargueWilla Lborn about 1920
McHargueWilma Rborn about 1929
McHargueWoodrow born about 1931
McKeeAnna born about 1871
McKeeGrace born about 1891
McKimGrace Cborn about 1896
McKimRay born about 1893
McKinneyClara Ednaborn about 1893
McKinneyEdna Bborn about 1932
McKinneyEverett Eborn about 1888
McKinneyKenneth Eborn about 1934
McKinneyWilbur Lborn about 1931
McLainFrances Mborn about 1907
McLainJames Earlborn about 1906
McLainMary Gladysborn about 1925
McMahonAda born about 1871
McReynoldsAddie born about 1886
McReynoldsDonald Lborn about 1925
McReynoldsEugene born about 1920
McReynoldsJames Eborn about 1883
MellemanArminta born about 1869
MellemanLoleta born about 1910
MellemanPirk born about 1861
MellemanTheodora born about 1914
MercerJohn Hborn about 1908
MercerShirley Bborn about 1914
MetzzarEva Sborn about 1894
MetzzarWalter Aborn about 1894
MillerBarbara Jborn about 1933
MillerBetty born about 1892
MillerBetty Jborn about 1926
MillerBonnie Leeborn about 1916
MillerE Louiseborn about 1928
MillerEmma Lborn about 1870
MillerErnest born about 1889
MillerEsther Aborn about 1902
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1862
MillerGlendaris born about 1925
MillerHarry born about 1891
MillerHarry born about 1925
MillerHelen Juneborn about 1932
MillerLeon Oborn about 1900
MillerLois born about 1899
MillerMartha Aborn about 1866
MillerMatilda born about 1861
MillerOttie born about 1889
MillerRichard born about 1926
MillerRufus Gborn about 1905
MillerVelda Eborn about 1901
MillerVernon born about 1913
MillerW Edwardborn about 1869
MillerWalter Rborn about 1902
MitchelBess born about 1892
MitchelJames born about 1876
MitchelMary Aborn about 1914
MitchelWilliam Aborn about 1914
MobeL B Juniorborn about 1922
MobeLuther Bborn about 1897
MobeMabel Lborn about 1901
MobeMollie Rborn about 1873
MobeRachel born about 1910
MobeWilliam born about 1912
MoodJessie born about 1878
MoorFannie born about 1882
MoorFrank born about 1877
MoorLoren born about 1911
MooreAnna born about 1898
MooreArba born about 1908
MooreArthur Billyborn about 1928
MooreBenny Turnerborn about 1937
MooreBess Maeborn about 1916
MooreBetty born about 1926
MooreCarolyn Annborn about 1939
MooreDale Rborn about 1922
MooreDallas born about 1917
MooreDavid Wborn about 1916
MooreDella born about 1894
MooreDolares born about 1920
MooreDonnie Jborn about 1938
MooreEarldean born about 1919
MooreElla born about 1919
MooreEthel Mborn about 1884
MooreFredaq Mborn about 1926
MooreGeorge Mborn about 1889
MooreGeorge Jr born about 1925
MooreGlen born about 1915
MooreGlendoris born about 1930
MooreHarry born about 1907
MooreHudson born about 1921
MooreIrene born about 1928
MooreJohnnie Bborn about 1911
MooreK Marieborn about 1923
MooreKenneth Leeborn about 1934
MooreKing Dborn about 1926
MooreL Deweyborn about 1899
MooreLinda Francesborn about 1939
MooreLorettas* born about 1936
MooreMabel born about 1890
MooreMarilyn Jborn about 1939
MooreMarjorie Lborn about 1930
MooreMary Lowborn about 1929
MooreNaomi Eborn about 1899
MooreOlive Fborn about 1938
MoorePearl born about 1897
MooreRichard born about 1922
MooreRobert Dborn about 1909
MooreRuby born about 1912
MooreRuby born about 1920
MooreRuth born about 1904
MooreRuth born about 1912
MooreSilvia born about 1910
MooreThelma Gborn about 1921
MooreTheodore born about 1907
MooreVirgil Fborn about 1902
MooreVirginia born about 1917
MooreWalter Dborn about 1895
MooreWood Mullinaxborn about 1936
MoorheadDottie Jeanborn about 1933
MoorheadGrace born about 1909
MoorheadL Vernborn about 1907
MoorheadLorry Deanborn about 1939
MorinEliza born about 1865
MossCarl born about 1909
MossGoldie born about 1911
MossJoe Mborn about 1940
MossNoel born about 1892
MossRoberta born about 1912
MossRonald Lborn about 1938
MossRueben born about 1885
MotherspawDossie born about 1881
MotherspawJacob born about 1878
MullinCora Amborn about 1923
MullinJame Leeroyborn about 1939
MullinJoseph Hborn about 1918
MullinaxClara born about 1872
MullinaxGeorge Tborn about 1863
MullinaxMary born about 1882
MullinsAddie Bborn about 1885
MullinsCharles Eborn about 1909
MullinsElmer born about 1884
MullinsHarriett Mborn about 1927
MullinsJimmie Noelborn about 1930
MullinsMariam Sborn about 1917
MullinsRichard Jackborn about 1919
MullinsWillard born about 1916
MullinsWynne Eborn about 1905
MulvaniaAlbert born about 1915
MulvaniaDella born about 1885
MulvaniaDenver born about 1924
MulvaniaEliza born about 1856
MulvaniaJohn born about 1871
MulvaniaRebecca born about 1862
MulvaniaRussel born about 1905
MulvaniaVirgil born about 1913
MundagRichard born about 1860
MundellJohn Wborn about 1861
MundellLenard Jborn about 1908
MundellMartha Aborn about 1869
MurrayBilly Hughborn about 1928
MurrayBobby Jeanborn about 1934
MurrayHallie born about 1904
MurrayPhyllis born about 1931
MurrayS H Jrborn about 1924
MurraySilvia Hborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeedlesWilliam born about 1923
NeillHelen Connborn about 1917
NeillW Hamptonborn about 1916
NeldsonCharles Mborn about 1876
NeldsonClaribel born about 1923
NeldsonJames Rborn about 1918
NeldsonJeanette born about 1873
NelsonBetty born about 1927
NelsonBobby born about 1929
NelsonDan born about 1936
NelsonFrank born about 1871
NelsonMargaret Tborn about 1912
NelsonMary born about 1861
NelsonMary Aborn about 1934
NelsonMollie born about 1938
NelsonOlin born about 1910
NelsonOllie born about 1875
NelsonOllie Maeborn about 1930
NelsonOrian born about 1895
NelsonPeggy born about 1926
NelsonRichard born about 1933
NelsonRosa born about 1903
NelsonRuna born about 1924
NelsonVelma born about 1939
NelsonVictor Oborn about 1939
NelvaniaAlbert born about 1874
NiccumColeen Dborn about 1925
NiccumDaphene born about 1927
NicholsCharles Eborn about 1881
NicholsEva born about 1889
NicholsMary Eborn about 1879
NicholsMaxine born about 1919
NicholsN Jborn about 1916
NicholsPark Cborn about 1887
NicholsRex Gborn about 1921
NicholsWilliam Mborn about 1865
NighDru born about 1869
NordykeEmmett born about 1876
NordykeJohn Aborn about 1875
NordykeMaude Mborn about 1875
NudelesHellen born about 1901
NudelesM Aborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObanionClara Janeborn about 1931
ObanionDella Mayborn about 1938
ObanionDoris born about 1907
ObanionFairl born about 1925
ObanionLorena Maeborn about 1927
ObanionPhillis Fayborn about 1933
ObermyerMary born about 1924
ObriantHubert born about 1885
ObriantZelma born about 1891
OgleCecil Eborn about 1913
OgleDennis Dborn about 1917
OgleDora Eborn about 1875
OgleEva Loreneborn about 1932
OgleJo Annborn about 1939
OgleJoseph Bborn about 1868
OgleJoseph Cborn about 1936
OgleLorene born about 1915
OgleMary Nborn about 1913
OhairJohn Hborn about 1885
OhairZella born about 1886
OilerDora born about 1884
OliphantCardia Eborn about 1896
OliphantGlen Cborn about 1895
OliphantRobert Eborn about 1923
OnealEdwin Eborn about 1918
OnealMarjorie born about 1913
OrmsbyChristopher born about 1866
OrmsbyFlorence born about 1906
OrmsbyFlorence Annborn about 1930
OrmsbyIduma born about 1881
OrmsbyJames Lborn about 1868
OrmsbyJohn Wborn about 1888
OrmsbyMarchetta born about 1924
OrmsbyMark Jr born about 1934
OrmsbyRota Lborn about 1870
OrndorffBilly Rayborn about 1937
OrndorffCharles born about 1932
OrndorffDonna Leeborn about 1927
OrndorffGlen born about 1933
OrndorffGoldie born about 1916
OrndorffGussie born about 1904
OrndorffLulu Bellborn about 1939
OrndorffMammie born about 1893
OrndorffMineard born about 1913
OrndorffN Eugeneborn about 1937
OrndorffOral Oborn about 1906
OrndorffPhillips Jamesborn about 1939
OrndorffPhillis born about 1935
OrndorffRoma Fernborn about 1933
OrndorffShirley Annborn about 1931
OryDillard born about 1907
OsbornCarda born about 1895
OsbornGerrald born about 1922
OsbornHomer born about 1893
OswaltEdward born about 1883
OswaltElna born about 1939
OswaltGlenn born about 1902
OswaltJuanita born about 1934
OswaltLaverne born about 1931
OswaltMarilyn born about 1936
OswaltNorma born about 1933
OswaltPearl born about 1903
OswaltWenton born about 1928
OvertonBetty Louborn about 1936
OvertonCharles Gborn about 1898
OvertonCharles Jackborn about 1933
OvertonGully born about 1896
OvertonLillian born about 1921
OvertonMarilyn Lborn about 1930
OvertonMarrill Jborn about 1926
OvertonMartha Jborn about 1926
OvertonOsie born about 1899
OvertonRichard Lborn about 1923
OvertonRobert Rborn about 1921
OvertonVeda Lborn about 1901
OvertonWilliam Bborn about 1935
OwenArthur born about 1880
OwenArthur Billyborn about 1919
OwenBelle born about 1883
OwenCharles born about 1877
OwenEliza born about 1870
OwenEthel born about 1887
OwenFoster born about 1913
OwenHelen born about 1924
OwenJunior born about 1920
OwenLouie born about 1875
OwenRetta Fowlyborn about 1877
OwenRuby born about 1917
OwenTurner born about 1911
OwenVictor born about 1915
OwenWilliam born about 1871

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P Surnames

PainterEva born about 1879
ParkerA Eborn about 1890
ParkerAltha born about 1912
ParkerJaunita born about 1902
ParkerJohn Charlesborn about 1940
ParkerLois Maeborn about 1936
ParkerRose Marieborn about 1932
ParkerWanda Leeborn about 1931
ParkerWilma Fayeborn about 1938
PattonMary Kirtleyborn about 1918
PattonR Deenborn about 1912
PattonRobert Deenborn about 1939
PeaceEd Bborn about 1880
PeacePearl born about 1900
PearsonAmy Jeanborn about 1923
PearsonE Sheltonborn about 1924
PearsonEva Lborn about 1920
PearsonHarold Rborn about 1918
PearsonJohn Wborn about 1879
PearsonMary Aborn about 1888
PearsonMary Annborn about 1925
PerkinsDonald Leeborn about 1920
PerksCharley Hborn about 1863
PerksEllen born about 1864
PerryEthel Maeborn about 1884
PerryJohn Mborn about 1877
PhillipsCalvin born about 1870
PhillipsDona born about 1876
PhillipsDoris Ellaborn about 1933
PhillipsEarshal Lborn about 1902
PhillipsEarshall Billyborn about 1927
PhillipsFlay Dellaborn about 1904
PhillipsFrank born about 1877
PhillipsFredrick born about 1932
PhillipsHellen born about 1909
PhillipsJackie Wayneborn about 1927
PhillipsLaura born about 1879
PhillipsLouise born about 1910
PhillipsMartha Fborn about 1852
PhillipsMartha Jborn about 1927
PhillipsMont Jborn about 1906
PhillipsPatricia born about 1940
PhillipsPeggy Joyceborn about 1930
PhillipsR Delbertborn about 1881
PhillipsRobert Leeborn about 1929
PhillipsRosa born about 1891
PhillipsWayne born about 1903
PickensEthel Aborn about 1884
PickensWilliam Rborn about 1878
PickettAmanda born about 1868
PickettElda born about 1884
PickettWendell Jborn about 1922
PittmanGilbert born about 1860
PittmanLaura born about 1869
PixlerFloral Hborn about 1891
PixlerFrank born about 1887
PixlerJack born about 1925
PixlerLucy Jborn about 1866
PixlerM Ruthborn about 1913
PixlerW Graysonborn about 1918
PollardBobby Jborn about 1927
PollardClarie born about 1891
PollardGoldie Mborn about 1925
PollardHoward Aborn about 1900
PollardHoward Lborn about 1936
PollardJame Eborn about 1885
PollardKylee Dborn about 1926
PollardL Gborn about 1922
PollardMary born about 1864
PollardPete born about 1894
PollardRex Dborn about 1931
PollardSusie Aborn about 1905
PollardThelma Lborn about 1930
PollardThelma Mborn about 1939
PollardWilbur Leeborn about 1928
PollardWilliam born about 1924
PollardWindell Lborn about 1933
PolstonAddie born about 1885
PolstonFreddie Eborn about 1914
PolstonJ Roscoeborn about 1881
PowellEva Mborn about 1866
PowellJohn Eborn about 1874
PowellLaura Fayeborn about 1899
PowellLucylee born about 1911
PowellPaul born about 1907
PowerSarah born about 1881
PratherCarl born about 1918
PriceAnna Eborn about 1879
PriceDorthy Cliftborn about 1906
PriceJames Sborn about 1904
PriceJames Stephenborn about 1932
PriceJames Wborn about 1901
PriceJean born about 1908
PriceMary Annborn about 1933
PricePatricia Annborn about 1938
PricePaul Patrickborn about 1937
PriceWilliam Cborn about 1938
PrichardZillch born about 1876
PrinceLeonard Fborn about 1900
PrinePhoebe Tborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaderVelma Lborn about 1899
RaderWinefred Jeanborn about 1939
RainesCarrie born about 1877
RainesClyde born about 1873
RainesEugene born about 1917
RamerAlva born about 1887
RamerBetty Marieborn about 1929
RamerLucy born about 1892
ReevesAlma born about 1874
ReevesCharles Cborn about 1869
ReevesMinnie Cborn about 1881
RenfroBonnie born about 1894
RenfroConnie Louiseborn about 1939
RenfroLee Aborn about 1911
RenfroRaymond born about 1916
RenfroShirley born about 1919
ReufusAudrey born about 1910
ReufusCharles Aborn about 1883
ReufusHarold born about 1910
ReufusJerry Lborn about 1939
ReufusJohn Wborn about 1936
ReufusLulu born about 1887
RhoadesBert born about 1878
RhoadesBilly Wborn about 1937
RhoadesEva born about 1882
RhoadesHelen born about 1938
RhoadesIrene born about 1914
RhoadesOmer born about 1909
RhoadesPaul born about 1934
RickettD Maxineborn about 1918
RickettVe??h Mborn about 1915
RiggsCharles born about 1920
RobbinsJohn Tborn about 1896
RobbinsMartha Francesborn about 1927
RobbinsRella born about 1896
RobertsBetty born about 1926
RobertsDelbert born about 1925
RobertsGeraldine born about 1927
RobertsJohnny born about 1900
RobertsNellie Lborn about 1924
RobertsShirley born about 1904
RobinsonBertha Pborn about 1885
RobinsonClara Mborn about 1883
RobinsonJ Bertonborn about 1880
RobinsonOdin Clayborn about 1915
RobinsonWilliam born about 1876
RockholdEtta born about 1883
RockholdRalph born about 1886
RockholdT Louiseborn about 1925
RogersBetty born about 1925
RogersCarh born about 1878
RogersEldon born about 1912
RogersGeorgia Aborn about 1873
RogersJunior born about 1919
RogersLucy Mborn about 1919
RogersZella born about 1888
RoglreFred born about 1907
RoglreNattian born about 1878
RoglreNeice born about 1888
RossCharles born about 1925
RossClaude born about 1889
RossDoyle born about 1904
RossEdgar Arthurborn about 1877
RossJean born about 1927
RossMae Mborn about 1917
RossOpal born about 1904
RossRetta born about 1875
RouseE Clydeborn about 1879
RouseMaggie Maeborn about 1889
RouseSylvia born about 1906
RoyLucinda Jborn about 1851
RushArtemas Mborn about 1898
RushFlorence Sborn about 1904
RushtonCharlene born about 1925
RushtonGladys born about 1923
RushtonHazel born about 1902
RushtonHelen Louiseborn about 1939
RushtonJohn Oborn about 1874
RushtonMargaret born about 1871
RushtonRuth born about 1921
RushtonVirgil born about 1917
RushtonVivian born about 1921
RussellBert Bborn about 1910
RussellBertha Mborn about 1890
RussellBetty Joeborn about 1934
RussellEarl born about 1918
RussellEverett born about 1889
RussellGenevieve born about 1913
RussellJoe Eynnborn about 1913
RussellJoyce Leeborn about 1935
RussellMadge born about 1916
RussellMaxine born about 1925
RussellR Bborn about 1925
RussellRollie Dborn about 1887
RussellRuth born about 1934
RuthAlbert born about 1916
RuthAlma Cborn about 1887
RuthCharley born about 1907
RuthDavid born about 1921
RuthEdla born about 1897
RuthElmer born about 1894
RuthEmra Rborn about 1878
RuthErnest born about 1924
RuthFrank born about 1904
RuthGarnett Pborn about 1921
RuthJack born about 1928
RuthJames Earlborn about 1927
RuthJennie born about 1876
RuthLarry born about 1937
RuthMarshall born about 1875
RuthMary Sborn about 1908
RuthMildred Jeanborn about 1917
RuthOpal born about 1908
RutherfordJane born about 1925
RutherfordJunior born about 1931
RutledgeBertha born about 1885
RutledgeBillie Ralphborn about 1931
RutledgeFred born about 1923
RutledgeJames born about 1881
RutledgeJames Jr born about 1924
RutledgeLige born about 1882
RutledgeLucy born about 1884
RutledgeMargaret born about 1918
RutledgeMary Annborn about 1905
RutledgeNaomi Gborn about 1929
RutledgeRay Edwardborn about 1921
RutledgeRebecca Ruthborn about 1939
RutledgeRuby born about 1912
RutledgeWilliam born about 1906
RutnamHallis born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SafarikeBessie born about 1888
SafarikeJoe F Jborn about 1883
SandlinEdgar Allenborn about 1934
SandlinFrances born about 1909
SandlinVernon born about 1906
SawgerJuanita born about 1910
SchaolerJame Cliffordborn about 1940
ScheerzDonald Hborn about 1928
SchoolerClifford born about 1914
SchoolerMary Cborn about 1920
SchulerLois born about 1883
ScottBetty born about 1925
ScottCharles born about 1920
ScottJames Hborn about 1868
ScottJay Hborn about 1906
ScottNancy Leeborn about 1930
ScottNellie born about 1882
ScottO Dborn about 1875
ScottSue Vborn about 1909
SeeleyBarbara Jeanborn about 1932
SeeleyBetty Jeanborn about 1927
SeeleyBobbie Deanborn about 1927
SeeleyCatherine born about 1910
SeeleyEdgar Oborn about 1881
SeeleyElsie born about 1890
SeeleyJoe Ettaborn about 1932
SeeleyJudith Annborn about 1939
SeeleyMurlen born about 1891
SeeleyOmer born about 1877
SeeleyOrville Lee Jrborn about 1935
SeeleyOvid born about 1904
SeeleyRose born about 1909
ShafferBarbara Aborn about 1937
ShafferCharles born about 1897
ShafferJimmy born about 1926
ShafferLaura born about 1909
ShafferMary Leeborn about 1935
ShafferMary Louborn about 1934
ShafferMax born about 1928
ShafferSylvia born about 1906
ShafferVernon born about 1905
ShandreEarl born about 1918
ShandreHelen Graceborn about 1922
ShannonDebo born about 1866
ShearerAda Fborn about 1888
ShearerJames Bborn about 1883
SheldonElla Cborn about 1877
SheltonEdna born about 1900
SheltonFrank born about 1894
SheltonKathleen born about 1919
ShewArthur born about 1925
ShewDavid born about 1919
ShewElizabeth born about 1894
ShewFrances Vborn about 1922
ShewJ Bborn about 1923
ShewJulia born about 1932
ShewMaxine born about 1921
ShewPaul born about 1892
ShipleyJohn Rborn about 1901
ShipleyJohn Wborn about 1939
ShipleyKatheryne born about 1907
ShipmanIva born about 1909
ShoffnerCharles Hborn about 1896
ShoffnerClara Bborn about 1900
ShookJoe born about 1884
ShookOra born about 1889
ShowadterKate born about 1871
ShowadterMarion born about 1863
SiegelJames Bborn about 1926
SiegelMary Vborn about 1892
SiegelMarybeth born about 1928
SiegelOscar Sborn about 1916
SiegelRalph Mborn about 1885
SimmsBertha Wborn about 1919
SimmsJoe Eborn about 1911
SimonsAl Eborn about 1871
SimonsJessie born about 1873
SiresCreed Cborn about 1881
SiresLow Bborn about 1918
SiresMarjorie born about 1913
SiresMildred born about 1918
SlephenyGeorge born about 1914
SlephenyNormal born about 1934
SlephenyRubard born about 1936
SlephenySherley Aborn about 1939
SlephenySylvia born about 1916
SlocbmanEarl born about 1908
SlocbmanEvertt born about 1861
SlocbmanGrace born about 1882
SmalleyLucinda Aborn about 1849
SmartOlive Graceborn about 1932
SmartThelma Sborn about 1901
SmithB Lborn about 1868
SmithDonald Rborn about 1935
SmithDrilla born about 1873
SmithEarl Deanborn about 1939
SmithFlorence born about 1907
SmithGladys born about 1908
SmithGloria Sueborn about 1937
SmithGrover Oborn about 1893
SmithHenry born about 1907
SmithJean Hornborn about 1894
SmithJennie Lborn about 1869
SmithJohn Wborn about 1932
SmithLloyd born about 1898
SmithMae born about 1918
SmithMary Iborn about 1857
SmithNoel born about 1908
SmithNova Iborn about 1908
SmithRay born about 1905
SmithRobert born about 1917
SmithRobert born about 1929
SmithRuby born about 1910
SmithRuth born about 1925
SmithStewart born about 1869
SmithTheadore born about 1905
SmithTheodore Jr born about 1937
SmithVera born about 1900
SmothersVernie Jr born about 1911
SnyderBessie Eborn about 1897
SnyderBessie Mborn about 1925
SnyderCleo born about 1883
SnyderErnest born about 1893
SnyderEtta Mborn about 1899
SnyderGlenn born about 1907
SnyderHarlen born about 1901
SnyderNeil Deanborn about 1932
SnyderNorma Mborn about 1924
SnyderOtho born about 1895
SnyderSara Jborn about 1866
SolelFrancis born about 1875
SolelFrank born about 1882
SolelGrace born about 1879
SparhrDoyle born about 1921
SparhrFern born about 1923
SparhrRaymond Hborn about 1940
SparkeAra born about 1878
SparkeMaude born about 1885
SparkeWinton born about 1919
SparksAbner born about 1897
SparksAbner Jr born about 1926
SparksAdeline born about 1899
SparksArthur born about 1893
SparksBell born about 1866
SparksBessie Lborn about 1929
SparksBetty Leeborn about 1934
SparksBilly born about 1931
SparksCarl born about 1920
SparksCharly born about 1892
SparksClifford Hborn about 1901
SparksDarrel born about 1925
SparksDelbert Aborn about 1864
SparksDonald born about 1927
SparksDorothy born about 1918
SparksEarnest born about 1920
SparksEdward born about 1935
SparksEllen Jeanineborn about 1935
SparksEthel Maeborn about 1936
SparksEula Mborn about 1931
SparksEverett Wayneborn about 1930
SparksFlorence born about 1938
SparksFred Deanborn about 1934
SparksGeorge Cborn about 1892
SparksGeorgia born about 1922
SparksGrace born about 1909
SparksGully born about 1914
SparksHarold born about 1923
SparksHazzletine born about 1870
SparksHellen Maeborn about 1932
SparksInez born about 1911
SparksJ Glennborn about 1909
SparksJaunita born about 1921
SparksJoan Marieborn about 1939
SparksJohn Tborn about 1873
SparksJoseph Jborn about 1927
SparksJunior born about 1933
SparksLester born about 1917
SparksMargaret Louiseborn about 1934
SparksMarjorie born about 1913
SparksMartha Bellborn about 1921
SparksNan born about 1868
SparksNathan born about 1918
SparksOlin born about 1922
SparksOral Ramonaborn about 1893
SparksOrville born about 1892
SparksPeggy Louiseborn about 1940
SparksPhillip Aborn about 1939
SparksRobert born about 1914
SparksRoy Allenborn about 1929
SparksSara Jborn about 1939
SparksShirley born about 1938
SparksSol born about 1871
SparksStella born about 1893
SparksStella Mborn about 1883
SparksSusanna born about 1869
SparksSylva born about 1896
SparksThelma Sborn about 1914
SparksVelda Faeborn about 1939
SparksVeta born about 1895
SparksWayne Earlborn about 1930
SpencerMinnie born about 1875
SpencerOlive Lborn about 1876
SpencerPrice Hborn about 1897
SquiresMinnie born about 1870
SquiresU Grantborn about 1865
StacyEmmett born about 1869
StacyErnest born about 1930
StacyEugene Eborn about 1909
StacyJo Anneborn about 1929
StacyMama Mborn about 1936
StacyOllie born about 1872
StacyOpal born about 1909
StacyRatio born about 1881
StacyRuth Cborn about 1912
StaffOpal Gborn about 1880
StanleyBertha Lborn about 1892
StanleyBessie born about 1880
StanleyHarve Jborn about 1891
SteckmanBlanch born about 1887
StevensonDon born about 1886
StevensonMable born about 1891
StilesMary Aborn about 1865
StocklasBetty born about 1923
StocklasCharles Jr born about 1925
StocklasE Shermanborn about 1898
StocklasGladys born about 1901
StocklosLucille born about 1902
StocklosOrley born about 1892
StoffregenAlbert Cborn about 1894
StoffregenAlberta born about 1926
StoffregenDeloris born about 1924
StoffregenLloyd born about 1926
StoffregenPauline born about 1895
StoffregenWanda born about 1928
StokerAuldean born about 1915
StokerDorris born about 1915
StokerWayne Aborn about 1939
StoryHattie born about 1886
StoryRaymond born about 1879
StoryRuth born about 1920
StottlemyreBertha born about 1901
StottlemyreClifford born about 1895
StottlemyreDoris born about 1915
StottlemyreLeon born about 1925
StottlemyreVerginia born about 1921
StottlemyreWilla Leeborn about 1932
StoutFred born about 1896
StoutLois Lborn about 1926
StoutPhyllis born about 1918
StoutSusie born about 1898
StoutTwila Maeborn about 1920
StudebakerHelen Tborn about 1914
StudebakerLloyd Cborn about 1909
SummersEmma born about 1885
SummersJames Cborn about 1883
SummertAlfred Fborn about 1885
SummertAlice born about 1888
SwansonLeona born about 1868
SwinglesGeorge Cborn about 1906
SwinglesHelen born about 1924
SwinglesNorma born about 1926
SwinglesVaye born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThogmartinBilly Jeanborn about 1934
ThogmartinBobbie Aborn about 1935
ThogmartinEdna born about 1889
ThogmartinEli born about 1866
ThogmartinElvira born about 1913
ThogmartinGarret Gborn about 1872
ThogmartinGeorge born about 1877
ThogmartinHarold born about 1914
ThogmartinJerry born about 1882
ThogmartinLeeroy born about 1937
ThogmartinMargaret born about 1922
ThogmartinMartha Dborn about 1922
ThogmartinMary born about 1875
ThogmartinOliver born about 1862
ThogmartinQuincy born about 1896
ThogmartinRussell Deanborn about 1939
ThogmartinStella born about 1893
ThogmartinTheo born about 1914
ThogmartinWayne born about 1911
ThomasRiley born about 1885
ThompsonBen Hborn about 1916
ThompsonDoris born about 1900
ThompsonErda Sborn about 1905
ThompsonFrancis Mborn about 1861
ThompsonJames born about 1854
ThompsonLeila born about 1886
ThompsonMandy born about 1862
ThompsonMary Annborn about 1921
ThompsonO Rittborn about 1879
ThompsonPhyllis born about 1931
ThompsonRichard born about 1904
ThompsonRuby born about 1922
ThompsonWilliam born about 1890
ThompsonWilliam born about 1918
ToffJamdes Walterborn about 1927
TollerRetha born about 1888
TorreyDudley born about 1926
TorreyJunior born about 1939
TorreyK??th born about 1915
TorreyLeotta born about 1918
TorreyOrvin born about 1884
TorreyRose Eborn about 1885
TorreySamuel born about 1940
TreasureEsta born about 1908
TuckerJames Rborn about 1899
TuckerMary born about 1899
TuttleEmmett Eborn about 1899
TuttleSadie Cborn about 1896
TysorBarbara Ellenborn about 1931
TysorMonna born about 1902
TysorWilliam born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanderpoolElla born about 1888
VanderpoolEthel born about 1906
VanderpoolHelen Jeanborn about 1930
VanderpoolKenneth Lborn about 1930
VanderpoolRuby born about 1925
VanderpoolRuth born about 1915
VanderpoolVirgil born about 1923
VanderpoolVirginia born about 1923
VanderpoolWilliam Mborn about 1869
VanderpoolWilma Sborn about 1928
VandersliceJoe Danborn about 1904
VandersliceMary born about 1872
VanvactorBilly born about 1925
VanvactorBobby born about 1934
VanvactorCharles born about 1932
VanvactorCharlie born about 1905
VanvactorDorothy born about 1904
VanvactorElaine born about 1927
VanvactorMartin born about 1907
VinzantBernard born about 1920
VinzantBernard Gborn about 1938
VinzantEva Leeborn about 1922
VinzantReta Jeanneborn about 1940
VirdenEmmett born about 1877
VirdenJennie Rborn about 1860
VirdenMallie born about 1882
VirdenVivian born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WahburnAlva born about 1881
WahburnBert born about 1920
WahburnElla born about 1880
WaidCora Mborn about 1886
WaidJoel Bborn about 1869
WallardBert born about 1899
WallardDibey* born about 1939
WallardOpal born about 1908
WalshM Louiseborn about 1924
WalshWalter Eborn about 1898
WardFrank born about 1857
WardFred born about 1883
WardJulia born about 1865
WardMae Louiseborn about 1925
WarleyHazel born about 1897
WarleyJack born about 1924
WashburnForrest born about 1918
WatkinsFlorence born about 1881
WatsonAnna born about 1876
WaymanBell born about 1920
WaymanColeman born about 1878
WaymanEdward born about 1875
WaymanFred born about 1878
WaymanGrady born about 1917
WaymanHenry Rborn about 1849
WaymanHerbert Sborn about 1873
WaymanInez Eborn about 1888
WaymanJessie born about 1916
WeaverHarry born about 1906
WeaverHelen Oborn about 1927
WeaverMabel born about 1906
WeaverMarvin born about 1925
WeaverOpal Jborn about 1908
WeaverPaul Aborn about 1907
WebsterAlva born about 1896
WebsterGoldie born about 1902
WebsterVivian born about 1921
WeddleAurthur born about 1885
WestC Ralphborn about 1895
WestDon Mborn about 1923
WestMarquis Rborn about 1929
WestNeta born about 1894
WhiteGladys born about 1905
WhiteLoyd born about 1893
WhiteW Hborn about 1906
WidnerAhelma born about 1927
WidnerArthur born about 1935
WidnerElsie Aborn about 1899
WidnerHenry born about 1928
WidnerIda Mableborn about 1921
WidnerJosephine born about 1932
WidnerMary Lborn about 1937
WidnerTipton Hborn about 1886
WidnerWayne born about 1924
WigginsBert Eugeneborn about 1920
WigginsBonnie born about 1893
WigginsGary born about 1915
WigginsKeneth Deanborn about 1932
WigginsM???wel born about 1917
WigginsMary Annborn about 1935
WigginsMillie born about 1921
WigginsNorma Jeanborn about 1929
WigginsPauline born about 1910
WigginsPerry born about 1913
WigginsPowell born about 1910
WigginsRafe born about 1881
WigginsRalph Eborn about 1908
WigginsStella born about 1890
WigginsW Ottoborn about 1886
WilcoxEldon Dborn about 1916
WilcoxElla Wborn about 1882
WilcoxEthel born about 1883
WilcoxEvalyn born about 1912
WilcoxFred born about 1879
WilcoxJame Bborn about 1888
WilcoxMary Wborn about 1891
WilcoxRobert Eldonborn about 1939
WilcoxVirginia born about 1918
WilcoxWilbur Jborn about 1913
WillardJimmie born about 1926
WilliamsGrace Fborn about 1871
WilliamsNellie born about 1875
WilliamsSherman Gborn about 1867
WilliamsWilliam born about 1874
WilsonAlma born about 1908
WilsonAnnabell born about 1923
WilsonArthur Hborn about 1878
WilsonClayton born about 1930
WilsonDewey Aborn about 1934
WilsonEarl born about 1898
WilsonEtta born about 1870
WilsonEula Mborn about 1909
WilsonFrances Mborn about 1914
WilsonH Flemingborn about 1921
WilsonHudson Fborn about 1894
WilsonLaura Mborn about 1894
WilsonLloyd Lborn about 1928
WilsonMaggie Pborn about 1892
WilsonMartha born about 1922
WilsonMary Eborn about 1882
WilsonNeill Eborn about 1886
WilsonOgle born about 1927
WilsonRobert Eborn about 1909
WilsonRobert Leeborn about 1933
WilsonVeach Sborn about 1906
WilsonVirginia born about 1932
WilsonWendell Lborn about 1938
WinderBessie Mborn about 1922
WinderHarry born about 1895
WinderJessei born about 1895
WiseJane born about 1875
WoodsHarriet Poeborn about 1909
WoodsIda born about 1878
WoodsJ Howardborn about 1903
WoodsJames Hborn about 1934
WoodsJoe born about 1912
WoodsLee Bedfordborn about 1937
WoodsMarguerite born about 1911
WoodsOrley born about 1877
WoodsRussell born about 1927
WoodwardKenneth born about 1919
WoodwardLela Roseborn about 1929
WoodwardPhynetta born about 1920
WoodwardRoxie born about 1901
WoodwardWalter Cborn about 1898
WooldridgeJohn Bborn about 1919
WrightClarence born about 1935
WrightDella born about 1890
WrightElizabeth born about 1871
WrightEugene born about 1923
WrightFrances born about 1911
WrightJohn Hborn about 1866
WrightJohn Sborn about 1910
WrightMamie born about 1897
WrightO Janeborn about 1914
WrightRebecca Janeborn about 1934
WyattArz?y born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesBess born about 1891
YatesLuther born about 1911
YoungFred born about 1878
YoungGertrude born about 1913
YoungLearay born about 1915
YoungLois born about 1919
YoungMildred born about 1912
YoungNorma born about 1920

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