1940 U.S. Federal Census of Moundville, Vernon, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Vernon County > 1940 Census of Moundville

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCharles Lborn about 1938
AdamsDonald Aborn about 1930
AdamsElizabeth Aborn about 1937
AdamsFlora Zborn about 1881
AdamsFrank Dborn about 1923
AdamsGenevieve Mborn about 1913
AdamsJoan Vborn about 1935
AdamsLewis Bborn about 1912
AdamsMarie Jborn about 1917
AdamsPaul Zborn about 1908
AdamsTimothy Kborn about 1879
AdamsViolet Pborn about 1920
AlhireEulalia Fborn about 1900
AlhireGeorge Dborn about 1874
AlhireMarion Hborn about 1933
AlhireRogter Wborn about 1936
AmesClaudie Mborn about 1895
AmesFred Pborn about 1865
AmesJohn Eborn about 1894
AshbaughCleora Mborn about 1897
AshbaughClyde Vborn about 1895
AshbaughEugene born about 1921
AshbaughFern born about 1882

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B Surnames

BabeeEmma Tborn about 1875
BabeeMariee Aborn about 1872
BaileyCharles Wborn about 1927
BaileyCora Mborn about 1876
BaileyJames Pborn about 1868
BaileyJohn Aborn about 1925
BaileyLillian Rborn about 1923
BaileyMargaret Mborn about 1897
BaileyPhillip Wborn about 1929
BaileyRiedesel Augustborn about 1862
BakerAlex Aborn about 1872
BakerAlice Vborn about 1875
BalesBertha Eborn about 1887
BalesBilly Mborn about 1920
BalesGoldie Mborn about 1917
BalesJean Oborn about 1936
BalesLeola Bborn about 1913
BalesOwen Fborn about 1914
BalesWilliam Jborn about 1877
BallFred Nborn about 1884
BanesBerry Lborn about 1910
BanesBetty Mborn about 1933
BanesCharles Eborn about 1927
BanesGeorge Lborn about 1905
BanesJackie Dborn about 1931
BanesJerry Lborn about 1938
BanesJess Mborn about 1910
BanesStrausy Eborn about 1903
BarnesAlice Vborn about 1901
BarnesClaude Eborn about 1925
BarnesDrustreis Eborn about 1922
BarnesEstelle Mborn about 1889
BarnesEzekel Zborn about 1861
BarnesHomer Rborn about 1922
BarnesJosephine Fborn about 1927
BarnesThomas Aborn about 1876
BarnesVirgel Bborn about 1900
BattsCarrie Aborn about 1881
BattsNeader born about 1859
BeckmonCarylon Rborn about 1873
BishipChas Eborn about 1909
BishopDrexil Iborn about 1905
BogartAlta Mborn about 1935
BogartCarie Hborn about 1930
BogartHarrison born about 1894
BogartLula Fborn about 1939
BogartMary Wborn about 1932
BogartOpal Hborn about 1911
BogartSarah Eborn about 1871
BogartWinford Cborn about 1928
BonetteAnnie Lborn about 1882
BonetteEdward Mborn about 1876
BonnettAnna Mborn about 1893
BonnettClarence Aborn about 1901
BonnettEvelyn Mborn about 1929
BonnettMildred Iborn about 1931
BottFrasnces Eborn about 1899
BottLyman Lborn about 1928
BottRosco Wborn about 1900
BowenFrancis Cborn about 1884
BowenIda Bborn about 1893
BowenLillie Bborn about 1884
BowenOliver Rborn about 1885
BrightDaisy Aborn about 1887
BrightOtto Rborn about 1877
BrooksAlice Aborn about 1879
BrounAnna Lborn about 1880
BrownAugusta Lborn about 1867
BrownBetty Sborn about 1932
BrownDavid Cborn about 1893
BrownHarold Eborn about 1924
BrownIsabell born about 1889
BrownJennie Oborn about 1907
BrownMable born about 1886
BrownMary Aborn about 1937
BrownRiley Wborn about 1896
BrownSusan Lborn about 1850
BrubakesJulia Bborn about 1895
BrubakesNeil Cborn about 1924
BrubakesWaldon Dborn about 1893
BuensythWilliam Hborn about 1890
BurgesAlvin Fborn about 1910
BurgesClarice Vborn about 1917
BurgesJommie Lborn about 1938
BurketCallie born about 1896
BurketEmma Rborn about 1905
BurketSarah Pborn about 1932
BurketWilliam Wborn about 1862
BurrisDavid Eborn about 1921
BurrisMaggie Bborn about 1873
ButlerElbert Jborn about 1885
ButlerElloyn Lborn about 1920
ButlerElva born about 1888
ButlerGolda Rborn about 1896
ButlerHomer Jborn about 1888
ButlerJackie born about 1926
ButlerLula Eborn about 1888
ButlerMinnie Pborn about 1887
ButlerPark Cborn about 1887
ButlerStanley Oborn about 1916
ButlerWilliam Sborn about 1883
ButterfieldBetty Jborn about 1939
ButterfieldBlaine born about 1930
ButterfieldBroohoie Bborn about 1902
ButterfieldCharles Y Aborn about 1898
ButterfieldClarica Eborn about 1875
ButterfieldEffie Mborn about 1892
ButterfieldEthel Wborn about 1920
ButterfieldJohn Sborn about 1916
ButterfieldLyndon Nborn about 1936
ButterfieldMarilyn Bborn about 1927
ButterfieldMax Lborn about 1925
ButterfieldRay Eborn about 1921
ButterfieldRuth Iborn about 1923
ButterfieldWalter Hborn about 1888
ButterfieldWilliam Eborn about 1929

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C Surnames

CallahanMary Aborn about 1906
CallahanRodger Jborn about 1935
CalvertAmasa Tborn about 1873
CalvertIda Pborn about 1880
CampbellAlbert Aborn about 1873
CampbellAlberta Jborn about 1937
CampbellArnold Bborn about 1931
CampbellBertha Cborn about 1886
CampbellDonald Gborn about 1924
CampbellDoris Lborn about 1923
CampbellEttie Vborn about 1877
CampbellGladys Iborn about 1903
CampbellHobert Cborn about 1925
CampbellHoward Gborn about 1901
CampbellJohn Hborn about 1929
CampbellMelvin Gborn about 1916
CampbellPatsy Aborn about 1939
CampbellRalph Wborn about 1871
CampbellThelma Mborn about 1923
CampbellTrixie born about 1928
CanadayDonald Cborn about 1921
CanadayOer Eborn about 1897
CanadayTilla Hborn about 1874
CanadayWilliam Cborn about 1874
CappsBen Hborn about 1888
CappsBen Jr born about 1933
CappsClarence Eborn about 1918
CappsDonald Lborn about 1929
CappsHarold Aborn about 1923
CappsJessie Bborn about 1898
CaprenterFloyd Aborn about 1909
CaprenterNona Lborn about 1931
CaprenterRuth Eborn about 1909
CarlotonLouis Pborn about 1920
CarlotonMary Jborn about 1926
CarpenterWillie Aborn about 1921
CatonElizabeth born about 1857
CelandLucy Pborn about 1878
ClarkAmenda Mborn about 1871
ClarkCarl Jborn about 1901
ClarkEva Sueborn about 1903
ClarkJoan Mborn about 1931
ClarkJohn Hborn about 1871
ClarkJohn Mborn about 1935
ClaypoolFlorence Fborn about 1888
ClaypoolGeorge Mborn about 1921
ClaypoolJonnie Tborn about 1930
ClaypoolThomas Wborn about 1875
CliffmanMartha Dborn about 1923
CliffmanMary Rborn about 1928
CliffmanOliver Cborn about 1900
CliffmanRoy Wborn about 1925
CliffmanRuby born about 1904
CliffmanWilliam Mborn about 1868
CocheNancy Kborn about 1889
CocheRobert Jborn about 1879
CoderWillie Cborn about 1924
CollansClaud born about 1906
CollansEugene Rborn about 1936
CollansLouise born about 1908
CollansRuby Lborn about 1929
CollemanFrancis Eborn about 1889
CollemanIda Lborn about 1891
CollemanJachop born about 1895
CollinsAbbie born about 1889
CollinsDaniel Pborn about 1932
CollinsDorthy Lborn about 1929
CollinsEva Lborn about 1926
CollinsFred Aborn about 1923
CollinsJesse born about 1881
ComstockNeil Hborn about 1920
ComstockNona Mborn about 1918
CouchBonnie Lborn about 1920
CouchWilliam Fborn about 1913
CramerClenton Rborn about 1931
CramerDonald Dborn about 1933
CramerDoris born about 1906
CramerFlora Mborn about 1930
CramerJohn born about 1900
CristClifford Eborn about 1933
CristDonald Dborn about 1939
CristEula born about 1896
CristHenry Pborn about 1893
CristHenry Jr born about 1923
CristIloe Rborn about 1926
CristRobert Jborn about 1935
CristWanetta Fborn about 1931
CrosbyJames Fborn about 1919
CruthersBlanch Vborn about 1886
CruthersClarence Aborn about 1882
CullesonEmma Fborn about 1892
CullesonSamuel Jborn about 1890
CummingsBetty Louborn about 1926
CummingsJames Hborn about 1929
CummingsLavinia Mborn about 1900
CummingsLavinia Mborn about 1923
CummingsMarshall Cborn about 1879
CummingsVirginia Nborn about 1923
CurrMissouri Bellborn about 1875
CurrRobert Wborn about 1871

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D Surnames

DaughertyEarl Wborn about 1902
DaughertyJohn Mborn about 1875
DaughertyMyrtle born about 1875
DavidAnn Eborn about 1874
DeleneyChas Lborn about 1892
DeleneyEmma Lborn about 1889
DeleneyJohn Fborn about 1930
DickeyChas Jborn about 1911
DickeyFrancis Iborn about 1939
DickeyRuth Mborn about 1915
DodgeCaroline Mborn about 1897
DodgeLouise Mborn about 1935
DodgeNorma Bborn about 1924
DonaldsonJohn Wborn about 1871
DonaldsonMary Lborn about 1874
DooresJohn Jborn about 1858
DooresSallie Uborn about 1873
DorrisEva Lborn about 1884
DorrisMaggie born about 1877
DorrisWilliam Wborn about 1874
DorseyAlice Lborn about 1901
DorseyArther Mborn about 1900
DorseyOra Mborn about 1918
DorseyOra Zborn about 1886
DorseyPauline born about 1919
DouglasJosephene Aborn about 1864
DoylCharles Lborn about 1871
DozierAdaline Eborn about 1870
DozierVictor Sborn about 1870
DunbarRichard S Eborn about 1857
DuncanAmelia Eborn about 1894
DuncanFlora Hborn about 1887
DuncanJoseph Iborn about 1891

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E Surnames

EadsJennie Mborn about 1902
EadsOrval Bborn about 1891
EatonDean Rborn about 1933
EatonElenor Lborn about 1924
EatonGeorge Bborn about 1894
EatonHarry Pborn about 1926
EatonLuella Pborn about 1897
EggermanFranklin Eborn about 1856
EllisFrank Pborn about 1877
EllisFred Wborn about 1905
EllisGweolyn Sborn about 1912
EllisIda Sborn about 1876
EllisJones Mary Eborn about 1856
EllisOpal Aborn about 1906
EmeyrEarl Nborn about 1902
EmeyrMary Eborn about 1918
EvansArlene born about 1938
EvansArtie Eborn about 1907
EvansDonald Dborn about 1932
EvansDora Mborn about 1873
EvansGerald Jr born about 1930
EvansHerbert Gborn about 1904
EvansNormagene born about 1927
EvansRoy Lborn about 1904
EvansVincel Mborn about 1925
EvensDarlene Pborn about 1934
EvensEstele Dborn about 1908
EvensGeorge Rborn about 1932
EvensLilly Lborn about 1909

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F Surnames

FarebanksCarry Vborn about 1880
FauglerAmanda Cborn about 1892
FauglerEdward Aborn about 1924
FauglerErich born about 1890
FauglerThelma Lborn about 1926
FauglerWilma Mborn about 1929
FellerLeonald Pborn about 1925
FellerMary Lborn about 1862
FellerNellie Bborn about 1896
FellerOtto Eborn about 1884
FellerOwen Eborn about 1928
FellerWaldene Dborn about 1918
FletcherLouis Fborn about 1930
FolkBarbara Iborn about 1936
FolkHenrietta Cborn about 1910
FolkHerbert Cborn about 1910
FolkIda Lborn about 1934
FolknerBessie Aborn about 1923
FolknerDean Sborn about 1910
FolknerEv??line Eborn about 1888
FolknerEva Mborn about 1930
FolknerJohn Aborn about 1878
FolknerNadene Wborn about 1926
FolknerVerna Mborn about 1933
FordFloyd Jborn about 1926
FordFrank Nborn about 1930
FordLeah Dborn about 1891
FordSamuel Lborn about 1894
ForgeyBessie Mborn about 1888
ForgeyCharles born about 1878
ForgeyCharlott Vborn about 1920
ForgeyChas Lborn about 1939
ForgeyGlene Wborn about 1917
ForgeyGlenn Rborn about 1937
ForgeyGrace Iborn about 1938
ForgeyIrean Bborn about 1923
ForgeyLilla Mborn about 1928
FreedWilliam born about 1867
FreelEstelle Cborn about 1886
FreelWilliam Mborn about 1883
FunkMinnie born about 1864

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G Surnames

GabbeRosana Eborn about 1853
GartgnCatherin Nborn about 1915
GartgnRobert Nborn about 1938
GartgnWndel Eborn about 1916
GartonAddie Vborn about 1876
GartonHarold Dborn about 1919
GartonMable Eborn about 1890
GartonPhiligan Eborn about 1890
GarwoodBuford Cborn about 1911
GarwoodCharles Mborn about 1936
GarwoodLelaned Eborn about 1931
GarwoodMargie Cborn about 1934
GarwoodShirley Aborn about 1940
GarwoodThelma Aborn about 1911
GibsonArchie Cborn about 1891
GibsonDona Mborn about 1893
GibsonHoot Bborn about 1886
GinkensCecil Lborn about 1930
GinkensDorthy Dborn about 1933
GinkensHarry Mborn about 1895
GinkensLaura Bborn about 1907
GinkensMargret Wborn about 1926
GinkensRaymond Jborn about 1934
GinkensVelma Lborn about 1928
GinkensVirginia Rborn about 1924
GleisAda Iborn about 1878
GleisJohn Sborn about 1876
GordonChas Rborn about 1930
GordonClara Mborn about 1891
GordonHenry Aborn about 1922
GordonJohn Mborn about 1928
GordonOscar born about 1883
GreerDoris Dborn about 1938
GreerHarold Mborn about 1902
GreerHellen Aborn about 1907
GreerLorerence Eborn about 1931
GreerSteve Rborn about 1933
GreerWillard Dborn about 1932
GregoryJame Fborn about 1875
GregoryNellie Bborn about 1885
GriffinHenry Tborn about 1899
GriffinLittie Jborn about 1877
GriffinMarye Rborn about 1933
GriffinMildred Mborn about 1930
GriffinOrval Tborn about 1928
GrubbsJackie Lborn about 1932
GrubbsLula Mayborn about 1927
GrubbsMary Annborn about 1906
GrubbsMary Jr born about 1928
GrubbsSidney Jborn about 1866
GrubbsTommie Dborn about 1934
GuellifordAlice Lborn about 1917
GuellifordDonald Dborn about 1915
GullefordAlice Hborn about 1903
GullefordRoy Mborn about 1911
GullifordAlta Zborn about 1898
GullifordEarl Eborn about 1898
GullifordRichard Eborn about 1928
GullifordThelma Mborn about 1921
GullifordV Hborn about 1925

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H Surnames

HackneyAgnes Mborn about 1906
HackneyAnnie Eborn about 1900
HackneyBillie Lborn about 1932
HackneyCora born about 1873
HackneyDonald Lborn about 1933
HackneyEner Pborn about 1898
HackneyHarvey Jborn about 1903
HackneyJoe Nborn about 1911
HackneyJoseph Eborn about 1930
HackneyRobert Pborn about 1928
HallLewgrine born about 1931
HallRoy Lborn about 1927
HammondMinnie Hborn about 1877
HarkayderEddy Mborn about 1896
HarkayderEthel Dborn about 1897
HarkseaderAmy born about 1861
HartmanCharley born about 1887
HartmanIda Jborn about 1891
HartsfieldCora Iborn about 1921
HartsfieldEleth Mborn about 1877
HartsfieldEster Aborn about 1919
HartsfieldJames Gborn about 1915
HartsfieldKeneth Rborn about 1939
HartsfieldMaxine Fborn about 1921
HartzfieldJessie Eborn about 1907
HartzfieldJessie Lborn about 1930
HartzfieldJoseph Cborn about 1932
HartzfieldNeva Jborn about 1910
HarvesteekDarline Jborn about 1874
HarvesteekLindell Jborn about 1864
HawkinBilly Cborn about 1937
HawkinEarnest Bborn about 1894
HawkinNoble Fborn about 1901
HawkinsFred Wborn about 1886
HawkinsSiealy Iborn about 1888
HaynesDale Leeborn about 1937
HaynesEarl Mborn about 1934
HaynesEdwin Rborn about 1929
HaynesElsie Mborn about 1923
HaynesHarry Fborn about 1895
HaynesHarry F Jrborn about 1926
HaynesLeo Fborn about 1935
HaynesRaymond Oborn about 1932
HaynesRobert Dborn about 1939
HaynesSylvia Eborn about 1903
HaynesVelma Eborn about 1922
HaynesVirgil Dborn about 1921
HeitsCharlotte Lborn about 1902
HeitsSamuel Aborn about 1897
HeitzArchie Mborn about 1906
HeitzBernice Lborn about 1930
HeitzBobby Jborn about 1934
HeitzCharles Fborn about 1938
HeitzDeloris Wborn about 1927
HeitzEdwin Cborn about 1928
HeitzGeorgie Lborn about 1930
HeitzLester Tborn about 1932
HeitzPaul Lborn about 1935
HeitzRuby Pborn about 1906
HeitzSamuel Lborn about 1929
HeitzTedd Tborn about 1904
HeitzThelma Lborn about 1929
HeitzWinnie Mborn about 1909
HewetteChas born about 1866
HewetteDora Jborn about 1873
HewetteGeorge Dborn about 1896
HewetteHazel Mborn about 1907
HickmanBerta Mborn about 1934
HickmanClyde Wborn about 1896
HickmanClyde Wborn about 1940
HickmanDouglas born about 1925
HickmanHerbert Sborn about 1921
HickmanJanie Jborn about 1929
HickmanLydian Lborn about 1898
HickmanMark Mborn about 1923
HickmanMartha Lborn about 1927
HickmanMary Mborn about 1917
HickmanShirley Gborn about 1932
HindsCanada Cborn about 1872
HindsClifford Dborn about 1886
HindsClifford Lborn about 1918
HindsJulia Aborn about 1888
HindsLuther Nborn about 1925
HindsMary Mborn about 1920
HindsRachel Bborn about 1853
HindsRuth Lborn about 1922
HinkeIda Rborn about 1871
HinkeWilliam Eborn about 1893
HobsonAda Mborn about 1891
HobsonCarl Aborn about 1887
HobsonCarl Dborn about 1935
HobsonDole Rborn about 1932
HobsonJune Gborn about 1926
HoffmanChas Cborn about 1874
HollandBeverly Jborn about 1935
HollandBobbie Lborn about 1931
HollandCarrie Gborn about 1886
HollandFloyd E Eborn about 1906
HollandFomesh Lborn about 1884
HollandGladys born about 1907
HollandGloadys Nborn about 1914
HollandGraclyn Fborn about
HollandLynn Mborn about 1934
HollandPhillis Mborn about 1939
HollandVermon Lborn about 1908
HollandWanetta Jborn about 1937
HolzworthChester Rborn about 1934
HolzworthGould Cborn about 1897
HolzworthJunetta Mborn about 1938
HolzworthMable Lborn about 1917
HolzworthRoger Nborn about 1936
HopeBell Aborn about 1889
HopeWilliam Tborn about 1889
HopperFloyd Lborn about 1921
HornainClarence Sborn about 1891
HornainGenevieve Iborn about 1922
HornainSadie Mborn about 1906
HornainVernon Lborn about 1919
HornainWilliam born about 1887
HorneckerLeota Mborn about 1912
HorneckerWodd??w born about 1913
HortonMildred Gborn about 1917
HoughlandAmanda Mborn about 1870
HoughlandJohn Wborn about 1862
HouserAlford born about 1903
HouserAlphena born about 1926
HouserCharles Mborn about 1932
HouserLeahneld Jborn about 1925
HouserLou Lborn about 1903
HowardBermad Lborn about 1896
HowardBernice Eborn about 1933
HowardEvelyn Dborn about 1939
HowardPansie Oborn about 1908
HowardRaymond Cborn about 1929
HowardRobert Sborn about 1935
HunterMyrtle Hborn about 1882
HunterPhill Cborn about 1876

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I Surnames

IrwinAnna Iborn about 1923
IrwinElla Fborn about 1889
IrwinErma Lborn about 1916
IrwinHerbert Aborn about 1913
IrwinPeggy Yborn about 1938
IrwinRobert Dborn about 1925
IrwinRobert Lborn about 1888

J Surnames

JamesAmy Lborn about 1914
JamesCathniel Aborn about 1873
JamesCora Eborn about 1878
JamesDesmo Rborn about 1934
JamesJohn Eborn about 1907
JamesRose Mary Jborn about 1933
JamesShirley Jborn about 1935
JohnstonBrooks Kborn about 1904
JohnstonBurton Gborn about 1933
JohnstonElizabeth born about 1908
JohnstonEvelyn Vborn about 1934
JohnstonJames Lborn about 1931
JohnstonJohn Sborn about 1929
JohnstonSarah Rborn about 1862
JohnstonUlah born about 1888
JonesAdam Hborn about 1928
JonesAlbert born about 1862
JonesAnna Wborn about 1902
JonesDolie Eborn about 1912
JonesEarl Rborn about 1906
JonesEmma Vborn about 1870
JonesEvelyn Uborn about 1938
JonesFrancis born about 1931
JonesGeorge Eborn about 1921
JonesHazel born about 1904
JonesIra Nborn about 1906
JonesIva Mborn about 1910
JonesJames Aborn about 1901
JonesLesel Mborn about 1919
JonesLoretta Jborn about 1933
JonesLuther Hborn about 1913
JonesMammie Lborn about 1935
JonesMarie Eborn about 1929
JonesMartha Aborn about 1937
JonesMyrtle Aborn about 1933
JonesOpal Jborn about 1926
JonesRobert Lborn about 1928
JonesRoy Lborn about 1930
JonesSadie Lborn about 1875
JonesWanda Mborn about 1924
JonesWillma Mborn about 1939

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K Surnames

KastenCharlet Aborn about 1887
KastenPaul Eborn about 1918
KastenRudolph Cborn about 1889
KillgoreDavid Lborn about 1925
KillgoreLee Dborn about 1882
KillgoreSarah Jborn about 1890
KillgoreYvonne Aborn about 1918
KnowlesBillie Lborn about 1937
KnowlesChas Lborn about 1910
KnowlesKathleen Jborn about 1912
KnowltonBruce Lborn about 1898
KnowltonClara Mborn about 1896
KnowltonEvelyn born about 1932
KnowltonHarold Bborn about 1920
KnowltonIrean Bborn about 1923
KnowltonVernon Eborn about 1926
KosterClara Cborn about 1858
KuhlmanAlbert Gborn about 1896
KuhlmanEmma Lborn about 1895
KuhlmanEmma Mborn about 1890
KuhlmanErma Mborn about 1888
KuhlmanFred Jborn about 1919
KuhlmanGeorge Fborn about 1929
KuhlmanGeorge Hborn about 1890
KuhmanCas?? born about 1902
KuhmanWinnie Fborn about 1866

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L Surnames

LamkeGeorge Jborn about 1892
LamkeGeorge Jborn about 1928
LamkeRuby Bborn about 1903
LamkeVictor Lborn about 1930
LamkeViola Fborn about 1925
LeddbetterCharles born about 1870
LeddbetterLucy Eborn about 1871
LimonDauphene Eborn about 1917
LimonDouglas Lborn about 1938
LimonPaul Lborn about 1914
LinnDixie Leeborn about 1920
LinnElla Fborn about 1902
LinnSterling Pborn about 1881
LinthicumAmira Jborn about 1866
LkoudChas Oborn about 1868
LkoudEvalyn Mborn about 1880
LogostonElla Mborn about 1917
LogostonKatherine Jborn about 1938
LogostonLouis Wborn about 1915
LogstonEugene Rborn about 1935
LogstonJessey Bborn about 1937
LogstonRuth Mborn about 1916
LongElsie Mborn about 1932
LongEugene Eborn about 1927
LongGladys Lborn about 1907
LongThelma Aborn about 1926
LongWilliam Jborn about 1896
LongaereGuss Mborn about 1880
LongaereTilora born about 1883
LongaereWilliam Tborn about 1873
LucasBula Rborn about 1891

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M Surnames

MahanAlberta Aborn about 1898
MahanAndrew Jborn about 1889
MaletzLester born about 1916
MarshJanice Kborn about 1940
MarshJeanette Jborn about 1940
MarshRaymond Bborn about 1907
MarshThelma Mborn about 1910
MartinBen Hborn about 1866
MartinBeruadine Jborn about 1927
MartinCharles Lborn about 1936
MartinElla Fborn about 1894
MartinEuel Jborn about 1897
MartinHattie Lborn about 1904
MartinIna Rborn about 1929
MartinJohn Bborn about 1874
MartinLevie Tborn about 1863
MartinLillie Mborn about 1927
MartinLora Lborn about 1867
MartinLouis Dborn about 1894
MartinLouis Eborn about 1932
MartinNancy Eborn about 1856
MartinWinie Eborn about 1870
MashburnFloyd Rborn about 1903
MashburnOra Aborn about 1905
MashburnStanley Gborn about 1929
MashburnWilma Jborn about 1931
MashburnWinfred Cborn about 1927
McConcailBert Bborn about 1897
McConcailKeith Rborn about 1926
McConcailMadelyn Rborn about 1931
McConcailMarilyn Gborn about 1934
McConcailMarvin Vborn about 1924
McConcailWilma Fborn about 1902
McDonaldGertrude born about 1884
McDonaldRay Tborn about 1881
McDowellBertha Lborn about 1873
McFarlandAudra Mborn about 1905
McFarlandIva Lborn about 1931
McFarlandRuth Eborn about 1936
McFarlandThomas Cborn about 1939
McFarlandThomas Pborn about 1903
McFarlandWilliam Hborn about
McKenzieElla born about 1876
McKenzieWilliam Wborn about 1873
McKinneyAnna Aborn about 1897
McKinneyEdwin Aborn about 1925
McKinneyEvelyn Jborn about 1938
McKinneyGeorge Lborn about 1930
McKinneyJoseph Rborn about 1872
McKinneyRandolph Jborn about 1922
McKinneyRoy Lborn about 1939
McWilliamsAlbert born about 1916
MeadowsJames Tborn about 1871
MellJessie Aborn about 1922
MellJohn Lborn about 1909
MellLucy Lborn about 1872
MellMyrtle Lborn about 1905
MiddletonArline Lborn about 1928
MiddletonClyde Wborn about 1922
MiddletonDale Wborn about 1930
MiddletonEdger Lborn about 1894
MiddletonFloy Fborn about 1900
MiddletonHarold Bborn about 1919
MillerHelen Rborn about 1937
MillerJuane Lborn about 1928
MillerRuth Cborn about 1908
MillerThomas Lborn about 1903
MischeArther Wborn about 1921
MischeBan S Sborn about 1877
MischeBarbara Aborn about 1937
MischeHenry Hborn about 1870
MischeIla Lborn about 1898
MischeMildred Fborn about 1912
MischeNeva Lborn about 1931
MischeRobert Fborn about 1909
MischeWilma Aborn about 1928
MitchelEldon Jborn about 1923
MitchelMelvin Lborn about 1926
MonneyhanDottie Mborn about 1874
MonneyhanThomas Rborn about 1866
MooneyhanMyrl Mborn about 1910
MooneyhanOlen Rborn about 1906
MooneyhanThomas Ottoborn about 1939
MooreAndrew Wborn about 1866
MooreBetty Fborn about 1935
MooreCarl Eborn about 1927
MooreElmer Lborn about 1911
MooreGerold Pborn about 1926
MooreHarold born about 1924
MooreHarry Aborn about 1903
MooreLetha Eborn about 1905
MooreLottie Jborn about 1889
MooreLouise Jborn about 1934
MooreOna Pborn about 1920
MooreOra Eborn about 1912
MooreRobert Eborn about 1939
MooreVera Fborn about 1917
MooreWilliam Tborn about 1937
MorrisonCharles Wborn about 1860
MorrisonJennie Sborn about 1873
MulkeyClyde Bborn about 1884
MullaniDorothy Rborn about 1925
MullaniFlorence Lborn about 1904
MullaniWilliam Jborn about 1901
MullanyThomas Eborn about 1890

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N Surnames

NaffzigerMarie Sborn about 1887
NashFrank born about 1873
NashJessie Eborn about 1876
NewEdna Mborn about 1927
NewElsie Mborn about 1902
NewHoward Lborn about 1926
NewJosephine Rborn about 1923
NewKenneth Eborn about 1920
NewLidia Jborn about 1937
NewLorene Mborn about 1931
NewLydia Jborn about 1937
NewWalter Lborn about 1899
NoalAnna Lborn about 1878
NoelGeraldine Rborn about 1926
NoelKarl Fborn about 1889
NoelLiddia Eborn about 1889
NoelMarjorie Mborn about 1919
NoelMillie Cent Aborn about 1921
NoelNormand Lborn about 1932
NunezAlgeniam Mborn about 1933
NunezFrancis Eborn about 1929
NunezFrank born about 1901
NunezMarguerita Vborn about 1935
NunezMary Eborn about 1913
NunezMary Lborn about 1934
NunezRobert Jborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OsburnGrace Eborn about 1887
OtooleBetrice Bborn about 1908
OtooleLary Lborn about 1935
OtoolePatricia Sborn about 1937
OtooleVerne born about 1906
OverstreetDown Jr born about 1929
OverstreetJerald Deeborn about 1931
OverstreetJones Mborn about 1910
OverstreetRamona Cborn about 1933
OverstreetVivian Mborn about 1913
OverstreetWanda Nborn about 1934

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P Surnames

PapeBessie Mborn about 1897
PapeCharles Eborn about 1870
PapeEdna Mborn about 1929
PapeGlen Rborn about 1931
PapeHenry E Eborn about 1900
ParsonDonald born about 1930
ParsonHarold born about 1936
ParsonJessie born about 1907
ParsonOliver Hborn about 1898
PayneBessie Lborn about 1898
PayneGeorgia Mborn about 1935
PayneHarrison Fborn about 1891
PayneHelen Eborn about 1926
PayneWilliam Hborn about 1934
PerrinCharles Wborn about 1933
PerrinEanda Mborn about 1931
PerrinElmer Jborn about 1897
PerrinGeorge Eborn about 1904
PerrinMary Lborn about 1866
PerrinRobert Lborn about 1939
PerrinRuby Mborn about 1913
PerrinVerna born about 1907
PettersHarold born about 1889
PettitSarah Eborn about 1887
PhilipsHazel Fborn about 1915
PhilipsJohn Eborn about 1938
PhilipsLeonard Eborn about 1910
PhillipsEva born about 1870
PiersonAlma Cborn about 1896
PiersonNoah Rborn about 1896
PiersonOrvel Eborn about 1919
PiersonOwen Lborn about 1917
PiersonWanda Mborn about 1928
PippenAnna Mborn about 1921
PippenFrank Gborn about 1908
PippenFrank Jborn about 1939
PippenGracie Aborn about 1938
PittsBerchie born about 1887
PittsKenneth born about 1928
PittsOrie born about 1923
PoastJohn Eborn about 1914
PoastJohn Lborn about 1939
PoastNeva Cborn about 1918
PryorMary Hborn about 1872
PryorWilliam S Sborn about 1871
PryorWilliam Wborn about 1914

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R Surnames

RRichard Aborn about 1939
ReamMary Lborn about 1861
ReedMary Eborn about 1865
ReedPharow Rborn about 1860
RickettsBlanche Bborn about 1917
RickettsCarl Wilberborn about 1933
RickettsHarry Aborn about 1899
RickettsHarry Aborn about 1923
RickettsIrean Mborn about 1925
RickettsJerry Dborn about 1939
RickettsPatsy Pborn about 1935
RickettsPaul Lborn about 1917
RickettsReland Mborn about 1900
RiedeselPhillip Kborn about 1861
RobertsonGoldie Mborn about 1896
RobertsonLa Dene Mborn about 1924
RobertsonWilbert Tborn about 1892
RockleyAvery Cborn about 1907
RockleyGlen Mborn about 1934
RockleyNeil Mborn about 1934
RockleyShirley Nborn about 1936
RockleyVelma Pborn about 1909
RodsbaughHarry Bborn about 1898
RodsbaughMary Jborn about 1922
RondallEthel Vborn about 1895
RondallOwen Bborn about 1891
RoseJr Leeborn about 1927
RoseNancie Aborn about 1895
RoseWilliam Fborn about 1901
RoseberryChas born about 1878
RountreeCharles Vborn about 1890
RountreeRozella born about 1907
RupleGertrude Mborn about 1896
RupleRobert Fborn about 1927
RupleRoy Oborn about 1889
RupleThomas Gborn about 1934

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S Surnames

SaathoffAlbert Hborn about 1939
SaathoffAnna Mborn about 1899
SaathoffElmer Mborn about 1923
SaathoffEvelyn Mborn about 1928
SaathoffGeorge Hborn about 1901
SaathoffJohn Tborn about 1899
SaathoffNancie Bborn about 1918
SaathopBen Jborn about 1868
SaathopBetty Louborn about 1938
SaathopJohn Fborn about 1898
SaathopMary Sueborn about 1935
SaathopRuth Lborn about 1908
SealeyAllice born about 1932
SeatgoffenryAnna Aborn about 1869
SeatgoffenryJ born about 1902
SeatgoffenryLouise Hborn about 1902
SeatgoffenryRebekah Lborn about 1913
SeathoftFrank Rborn about 1904
SeathoftFrankie Lborn about 1938
SeathoftViola Cborn about 1915
SelimEdward A Sborn about 1884
SelimElsie Bborn about 1895
SelinDorthy Mborn about 1906
SelinElmer Cborn about 1888
SelinElmer Cborn about 1939
SelinHarold Mborn about 1939
SevernoMary Mborn about 1871
ShaneBetty Jborn about 1923
ShaneBillie Jborn about 1926
ShaneRuby Aborn about 1887
ShanholsterJess Eborn about 1878
ShanholsterSarah Eborn about 1849
ShanholtzerJohn Rborn about 1862
ShanholtzerNanie Eborn about 1869
ShanmonGeraldine born about 1928
ShanmonLynwood born about 1894
ShanmonMargrett Mborn about 1893
ShausholsterEleve Wborn about 1892
ShausholsterEthel Mborn about 1899
ShausholsterPhillip Gborn about 1858
ShausholsterVirginia Bborn about 1894
ShawBoyd Rborn about 1910
ShawClara Aborn about 1886
ShawHazel Iborn about 1923
ShawHetty Mayborn about 1918
ShawKennon Rborn about 1936
ShawMarion Aborn about 1879
ShawVivian Fborn about 1926
ShawWynona Mborn about 1915
ShearburnDe Von born about 1929
ShearburnErma Mborn about 1910
ShearburnGayle Eborn about 1935
ShearburnJoe Nellborn about 1933
ShearburnKarin Rborn about 1939
ShearburnLe Earl born about 1908
ShearburnMaggie Jborn about 1869
ShearburnMarie Fborn about 1907
ShearburnMarolyn Rborn about 1932
ShearburnMelvin Eborn about 1905
ShearburnMerle Hborn about 1912
ShearburnNorma Dborn about 1917
SheerburnElmer Yborn about 1864
ShieldsArchie Rborn about 1904
ShieldsBen Dborn about 1872
ShieldsJackie Rborn about 1937
ShieldsLizzie Sborn about 1877
ShieldsLourine Vborn about 1919
ShieldsMary Rborn about 1926
ShieldsMilber Tborn about 1907
ShieldsRalph Lborn about 1917
ShieldsRobert Dborn about 1929
ShieldsVirginia Leeborn about 1939
ShitworthGloria Jborn about 1931
ShitworthOswald Jborn about 1906
ShitworthPauline Bborn about 1909
ShookMargrette Mborn about 1891
ShookWilliam Eborn about 1875
ShortCatherine Pborn about 1891
ShortDonald Eborn about 1932
ShortErma Gborn about 1940
ShortFred Eborn about 1922
ShortHarry Aborn about 1922
ShortHoward Dborn about 1936
ShortKathleen Jborn about 1927
ShortKathryn Dborn about 1936
ShortKattie Aborn about 1896
ShortLiel Wborn about 1885
ShortMyrle Lborn about 1931
ShortVere born about 1919
ShortVern born about 1919
ShortWarren Aborn about 1925
ShortWinford Lborn about 1934
ShowIra born about 1906
ShowIva Cborn about 1912
ShowLa Vern born about 1935
ShowLe Von born about 1933
ShowSally born about 1939
ShrewsberyFrank born about 1908
ShrewsberyHelen D born about 1914
ShrimplinElla Fborn about 1874
ShrimplinEthel Lborn about 1894
ShrimplinEthel Yborn about 1923
ShrimplinIrean Aborn about 1907
ShrimplinJames Gborn about 1895
ShrimplinMary Kborn about 1935
ShrimplinMrion Wborn about 1901
ShrimplinWilliam Mborn about 1866
ShrimplinWilliam Mborn about 1931
ShuttersBeverly Sborn about 1938
ShuttersCarl Dborn about 1936
ShuttersDaisy Lborn about 1919
ShuttersGeorge Hborn about 1915
ShuttersMarilyn Mborn about 1939
SleethRobert born about 1875
SmithArlene Dborn about 1934
SmithBen born about 1878
SmithCora Bborn about 1866
SmithDonald Jborn about 1925
SmithDora Aborn about 1896
SmithGrant Mborn about 1894
SmithHaorld Gborn about 1923
SmithJacob Nborn about 1874
SmithJessie Eborn about 1910
SmithJoe Wborn about 1912
SmithLula Gborn about 1873
SmithMary Aborn about 1879
SmithOlive Jborn about 1893
SmithRuby Aborn about 1917
SmithSteven Wborn about 1864
SmithVernon Jborn about 1914
SmithWilliam Dborn about 1930
SmithWilliam Jborn about 1938
SmthLorane Rborn about 1920
SmthSamuel Jborn about 1910
SmthSamuel Wborn about
SnyderCarl Dborn about 1938
SnyderDonald Lborn about 1935
SnyderFlorence born about 1922
SnyderHarvey Eborn about 1931
SnyderHarvey Tborn about 1903
SnyderMable Mborn about 1904
SnyderMable Mborn about 1927
SpillmanCarl Aborn about 1925
SpillmanDavid Lborn about 1885
SpillmanLizzie Lborn about 1895
StacyChas Fborn about 1867
StacyMichel born about 1866
StarkMary Aborn about 1894
StarkRichard Lborn about 1889
StoffenAllice Mborn about 1873
StoffenElmer Aborn about 1874
StolyBetty Jborn about 1935
StolyLura Jborn about 1894
StolyMary Jborn about 1931
StolyMaurice Aborn about 1894
SwartzAlice Lborn about 1915
SwartzBertie Eborn about 1916
SwartzBilly Lborn about 1935
SwartzDavid Aborn about 1933
SwartzEdna Mborn about 1940
SwartzEdward Wborn about 1881
SwartzEllen Cborn about 1919
SwartzEthel Mborn about 1937
SwartzIda Mborn about 1882
SwartzJessie Mborn about 1928
SwartzLoranze Cborn about 1913
SwartzMaddine Bborn about 1936
SwartzPatty Dborn about 1939
SwordCarl Wborn about 1912
SwordRaymond Cborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorArtie Fborn about 1882
TaylorBertie Eborn about 1884
TaylorDonna Bborn about 1934
TaylorHarold Rborn about 1901
TaylorHarold Rborn about 1926
TaylorIona Wborn about 1921
TaylorJohn Rborn about 1937
TaylorMay Aborn about 1926
TaylorWilla Mborn about 1932
TaylorZella Mayborn about 1903
TerpeningSarah Eborn about 1856
ThomaBernice Aborn about 1914
ThomaDelores Aborn about 1936
ThomaJoan Dborn about 1933
ThomaPaul Eborn about 1911
ThomasAnna born about 1884
ThomasBenjamin Fborn about 1873
ThomasDorthire Vborn about 1934
ThomasHettie Eborn about 1900
ThomasMuriel Lborn about 1905
ThomasNorman Aborn about 1918
ThomasRalph Eborn about 1926
ThomasTeddy Jborn about 1932
ThomasThelma Mborn about 1922
ThomasWilliam Aborn about 1899
ThomasWilliam Fborn about 1924
ThompsonAgnes Lborn about 1908
ThompsonAnna Mayborn about 1922
ThompsonCharley Mborn about 1877
ThompsonClarence Aborn about 1874
ThompsonCora Eborn about 1896
ThompsonDarrel Lborn about 1915
ThompsonDella Jborn about 1893
ThompsonDorothy Dborn about 1924
ThompsonEarnest Rborn about 1927
ThompsonEarnest Tborn about 1894
ThompsonElmer Lborn about 1883
ThompsonElzie Jborn about 1904
ThompsonJohn Eborn about 1920
ThompsonLouis Eborn about 1921
ThompsonMarie born about 1927
ThompsonMarvin Lborn about 1922
ThompsonMattie Mborn about 1882
ThompsonPark Bborn about 1882
ThompsonPearl Nborn about 1885
ThompsonRonald Lborn about 1938
ThompsonVirgie Mborn about 1919
ThorntonDorothy Lborn about 1938
ThorntonGeorge Eborn about 1936
TotmanBurell Wborn about 1921
TotmanDavid Hborn about 1896
TotmanEva born about 1932
TotmanEvelyn born about 1930
TotmanHenry Aborn about
TotmanLulla Aborn about 1936
TotmanMary Lborn about 1928
TotmanPaul Eborn about 1923
TotmanRosella Eborn about 1910
TotmanVirginia Pborn about 1934
TowensonCora Jborn about 1873
TowensonRaymond Dborn about 1923
TowensonWilliam Eborn about 1873
TownerGertrude Sborn about 1888
TownerRoy Mborn about 1884
TownleyIda Bellborn about 1863
TroutCozine Sborn about 1899
TroutEllen born about 1868
TroutPetter Gborn about 1862
TruldRita Iborn about 1926
TurnerCrestine born about 1915
TurnerOlive Hborn about 1912
TurnerRex Wborn about 1935
TwiggAlois Lborn about 1935
TwiggJohn Jr W born about 1910
TwiggKarmin Kborn about 1937
TwiggVera Aborn about 1914
TylorGeorge Fborn about 1878
TylorRosa Gborn about 1880
TyreMary Tborn about 1876

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V Surnames

VermillianJr born about 1930

W Surnames

WalkerEmily Cborn about 1862
WalkerJames Hborn about 1864
WallaceElizabeth Eborn about 1934
WallaceHowared born about 1899
WallaceJames Mborn about 1879
WallaceMammie born about 1889
WallaceMary Annborn about 1929
WallaceOlive Aborn about 1890
WallaceRobert Hborn about 1928
WaltzJacob born about 1861
WaltzJohn Wborn about 1909
WaltzLydia Lborn about 1878
WardEarnest Cborn about 1879
WardWinnifred born about 1883
WeaverHoward Hborn about 1910
WeaverJohn Rborn about 1936
WeaverRuby Iborn about 1916
WeaverSarah Fborn about 1938
WebberHenry Fborn about 1872
WebberRosa Mborn about 1876
WebbesClarence Dborn about 1906
WebbesSallie Jborn about 1878
WelandChas Aborn about 1871
WhiteworthEdna Aborn about 1914
WhiteworthHerbert Cborn about 1910
WhittingtonCarolyn Aborn about 1928
WhittingtonElmer Oborn about 1865
WhittingtonMay Lborn about 1875
WhittingtonRuth Mborn about 1915
WhitworthGail Oborn about 1931
WhitworthGary Aborn about 1939
WhitworthIda born about 1885
WhitworthJacob Wborn about 1882
WhitworthMable Rborn about 1912
WhitworthOmar Cborn about 1910
WhitworthPatsy Annborn about 1933
WhitworthRandolll Jborn about 1919
WileyClara Eborn about 1928
WileyCora Jborn about 1875
WileyEdd Fborn about 1873
WileyRobert Wborn about 1870
WilkersBeverly Aborn about 1936
WilkersDonald Lborn about 1928
WilkersFred Tborn about 1901
WilkersJuannetta Jborn about 1930
WilkersMadge Eborn about 1909
WilkierAlber Mborn about 1870
WilkierChas W Sborn about 1864
WilkinsDarrel Mborn about 1931
WilkinsDoglas Eborn about 1935
WilkinsIva Lborn about 1907
WilkinsLeonard Tborn about 1906
WilkinsLynetta Dborn about 1939
WillersDale Jborn about 1929
WillersEva Aborn about 1911
WillersHenry Jborn about 1906
WillersJohn Dborn about 1872
WillersMartha born about 1903
WillersSopha born about 1880
WilleyArie Aborn about 1903
WilleyLabon Mborn about 1926
WilleyMildred Bborn about 1904
WilliamsDogulas Cborn about 1896
WilliamsGean Dborn about 1930
WilliamsGladie Aborn about 1897
WilliamsHazel Mborn about 1933
WilliamsIris Fborn about 1926
WilliamsJoice Eborn about 1939
WilliamsLowell Lborn about 1935
WilliamsRichard Kborn about 1937
WilliamsRobert Lborn about 1879
WilliamsVesta Cborn about 1884
WilliamsonWillie born about 1875
WillsonHoward Mborn about 1869
WillsonLillie Eborn about 1879
WilsonEulsta Dborn about 1920
WingadeBarnes Iborn about 1899
WingadeLorinda Gborn about 1878
WingadeRalph born about 1868
WingadeRobert Mborn about 1920
WonderlayBessie Mborn about 1933
WonderlayBetty Jborn about 1931
WonderlayCharles Fborn about 1934
WonderlayDorothy Mborn about 1913
WonderlayGeorge Cborn about 1906
WoodfieldMyrtle Cborn about 1889
WoodsLillie Bborn about 1908
WoodsNorma Rborn about 1938
WoodsRalph Eborn about 1895
WoodsRalph Lborn about 1935
WorksnanCharles Fborn about 1922
WorksnanFred Hborn about 1882
WorksnanMarie Eborn about 1928
WorsleyAlford Vborn about 1872
WorsleyEmma Jborn about 1875

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Y Surnames

YakleyBertie Eborn about 1892
YakleyBettie Jborn about 1928
YakleyJohn Aborn about 1933
YakleyJohn Lborn about 1890
YakleyRandal Lborn about 1919
YoungGeorge Aborn about 1915
YoungGeorge Aborn about 1939
YoungJay Deeborn about 1923
YoungJessie Eborn about 1876
YoungJones Sborn about 1920
YoungLe Rue born about 1929
YoungVivian Aborn about 1919
YoungWilliam Dborn about 1878
YoungWilliam Tborn about 1872
YoungZelpha Aborn about 1885

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