1940 U.S. Federal Census of North Salem, Linn, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Linn County > 1940 Census of North Salem

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAda born about 1912
AbbottAlton born about 1908
AbbottElma born about 1883
AbbottGeorge Wborn about 1867
AbbottJohn Waldenborn about 1928
AbbottMona born about 1937
AbbottSally born about 1894
AbbottWayne born about 1900
AlmondAllen born about 1927
AlmondBen born about 1899
AlmondEthel born about 1900
AlmondKeith born about 1923
AlmondKenneth born about 1925
AndersAlbert born about 1910
AndersEva born about 1919
AndersonJ Raymondborn about 1913
AndersonNeva Eleenborn about 1912
ArnoldEdward Lborn about 1859
ArnoldGenevie born about 1915
ArnoldGlen born about 1889
ArnoldHazel born about 1916
ArnoldIrma born about 1898
ArnoldMelissa Jborn about 1865
ArnoldNolan born about 1889
ArnoldVerna born about 1890
ArthurEunice born about 1882
ArthurRobert Aborn about 1881
AsherAllen born about 1897

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B Surnames

BaileyAlexander born about 1857
BaileyBernadine born about 1923
BaileyBernice born about 1919
BaileyClifford born about 1915
BaileyDean born about 1924
BaileyEddie born about 1929
BaileyEllis born about 1926
BaileyFaye born about 1902
BaileyFred Rborn about 1906
BaileyGeorge born about 1914
BaileyJohn born about 1885
BaileyLarry born about 1939
BaileyLaura born about 1885
BaileyMabel born about 1920
BaileyOrvis born about 1927
BaileyPearl Mborn about 1894
BaileyPhillip born about 1898
BaileyTurney born about 1889
BaileyVerla born about 1920
BaileyVersie born about 1905
BakerAlmeda born about 1873
BakerDorothy born about 1916
BakerPaul born about 1914
BallCalvin born about 1928
BallFaye born about 1897
BallRobert Tborn about 1885
BallWilliam Tborn about 1919
BarryVeda born about 1919
BaskettDonald born about 1936
BaskettGladys born about 1909
BaskettHubert born about 1911
BelzerBetty born about 1927
BelzerBilly born about 1929
BelzerClyde born about 1913
BelzerEileen born about 1924
BelzerFrank born about 1891
BelzerHarold born about 1932
BelzerJerry born about 1936
BelzerLarry born about 1939
BelzerMarlin born about 1922
BelzerMary born about 1934
BelzerMelissa born about 1893
BishopAda born about 1883
BishopCharles born about 1881
BishopGertrude born about 1919
BishopHenry Deanborn about 1922
BishopIvan born about 1925
BishopLucille born about 1921
BorronEarl born about 1889
BorronMyrtle born about 1887
BorronRaymond born about 1909
BoylesAgnes Vborn about 1882
BoylesHerbert Aborn about 1916
BoylesNolan Fborn about 1910
BrantnerBernie born about 1913
BrantnerCora born about 1876
BrantnerGeorge born about 1867
BrantnerJohn Leeborn about 1936
BrantnerLizzie born about 1876
BrantnerMildred born about 1917
BreckenridgeJohn Cborn about 1861
BrewerMargaret Abborn about 1860
BrookshireBelle born about 1869
BrookshireNewt born about 1865
BrowningEdith born about 1909
BrowningRaymond born about 1906
BrowningWilma born about 1933
BullCatharine born about 1924
BullWilliam Dborn about 1891
BunchCecil born about 1908
BunchChristena born about 1912
BunchDonald Vernborn about 1937
BunchJo Annborn about 1935
BunchMyrtle born about 1888
BunchNadine born about 1939
BunchWalter born about 1885
BurkholderBertha born about 1874
BurkholderWilliam Jborn about 1868

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C Surnames

CampbellAlberta born about 1905
CampbellBryan born about 1930
CampbellBurnett born about 1863
CampbellEarl born about 1905
CampbellMeta Carolieborn about 1927
CarmackCora born about 1891
CarmackEmaline born about 1862
CarriikerLeona born about 1918
CarriikerLoren born about 1917
CarriikerWanda Leeborn about 1939
CatteyMabel born about 1910
CatteyMarilyn born about 1935
CatteyRobert born about 1910
CatteyValeta born about 1931
ChaffeeCharles Judsonborn about 1868
ChaffeeElsie born about 1897
ChristianPerry born about 1892
ChristianVerlan born about 1918
ChristianVernice born about 1899
ClarkRuth born about 1921
CollinsBarbara born about 1926
CollinsCharlie born about 1901
CollinsGrace born about 1911
CoramCatharine born about 1891
CoramCharlie born about 1888
CoramDulca born about 1867
CoramElbert born about 1915
CoramEverett born about 1891
CoramFlo born about 1894
CoramHarold born about 1934
CoramIda Juneborn about 1927
CoramJunior Kiethborn about 1928
CoramLeonard Guyborn about 1913
CoramLester born about 1886
CoramMyrtle Claraborn about 1930
CoramNettie born about 1884
CoramRosa born about 1923
CoramThomas Aborn about 1879
CoramWilliam born about 1908
CoramWrenfred born about 1853
CordrayAlpha born about 1906
CordrayArlo born about 1917
CordrayBonnie born about 1924
CordrayCarol born about 1932
CordrayCharlie E Jrborn about 1887
CordrayDarrel Leeborn about 1939
CordrayDolores born about 1932
CordrayDoris born about 1913
CordrayElla born about 1859
CordrayEmerson born about 1907
CordrayEvelyn born about 1921
CordrayEvelyn born about 1930
CordrayFrances born about 1921
CordrayGregory born about 1939
CordrayHarold born about 1914
CordrayHarvey born about 1903
CordrayKeith born about 1925
CordrayKenneth born about 1926
CordrayLe Nellborn about 1934
CordrayLeila born about 1907
CordrayLloyd born about 1903
CordrayMatilda born about 1910
CordrayNora born about 1878
CordrayOra Mborn about 1880
CordrayOrin born about 1913
CordrayRobert born about 1931
CordrayRoy born about 1928
CordraySimpson born about 1868
CordrayVirgie born about 1926
CristCarolee born about 1931
CristFern born about 1908
CristJ Curtisborn about 1902
CristJames Vborn about 1933
CristPaul born about 1927
CristRussel Rborn about 1905
CristSarah born about 1904

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D Surnames

DavisAlfred born about 1884
DavisClara born about 1882
DavisEmma born about 1879
DavisOscar born about 1871
DemoryGlen born about 1911
DemoryPauline born about 1913
DeskinsAlma born about 1913
DeskinsAlva Mborn about 1891
DeskinsBetty Joborn about 1929
DeskinsByron born about 1914
DeskinsMary born about 1890
DorothySarah Cborn about 1864
DorothySherman Nborn about 1867
DorothyVarner Sborn about 1895

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E Surnames

EngbergBarbara born about 1933
EngbergCleva Maeborn about 1938
EngbergFred born about 1896
EngbergFreddie born about 1939
EngbergJohn born about 1934
EngbergRoy born about 1936
EngbergRuth born about 1914

F Surnames

FossElwood born about 1875
FossMae born about 1879
FranklinElsie born about 1908
FranklinMilton born about 1936
FranklinNelda born about 1934
FranklinSam born about 1905
FulkersonGracie Joanborn about 1931
FulkersonHobart Fborn about 1897
FulkersonImogene born about 1926
FulkersonRuth born about 1898
FultonLulu born about 1892
FultonMary born about 1874
FultonWillis Dborn about 1871

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G Surnames

GallKatie born about 1873
GallMike born about 1871
GallRoger Leeborn about 1927
GallRudolph born about 1902
GenningsDonald born about 1924
GenningsMae born about 1909
GenningsRoy born about 1887
GenningsSusie born about 1888
GoochEvelyn born about 1919
GoochGeorgia born about 1896
GoochLee born about 1886
GoochLeroy born about 1927
GoochLeslie born about 1920
GreenstreetEva born about 1904
GreenstreetFrankie born about 1908
GreenstreetLouise born about 1934
GreenstreetMaxine born about 1936
GreenstreetPearl born about 1940
GuyerCharlotte Jeanborn about 1937
GuyerKenneth born about 1914
GuyerShirley Annborn about 1936
GuyerWilma born about 1916

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H Surnames

HagusChauncey born about 1858
HardingerBen born about 1875
HarlBirdie Mborn about 1887
HarlLeonard born about 1918
HarlRoy born about 1885
HeadCarrie born about 1871
HeadChloe born about 1893
HeadDuane born about 1927
HeadEldon born about 1918
HeadElla born about 1877
HeadFrank born about 1891
HeadGeorge Wborn about 1857
HeadIrene born about 1923
HeadJess Jborn about 1891
HeadJohn Eborn about 1887
HeadKermit born about 1924
HeadLarraine born about 1927
HeadMattie born about 1872
HeadOren born about 1918
HeadRitta born about 1891
HeadSarah Eborn about 1862
HelmsCharlie born about 1879
HelmsCurt born about 1912
HelmsPearl born about 1887
HelmsRuth born about 1918
HillDarlene born about 1939
HillElmer born about 1885
HillForrest born about 1930
HillGerald born about 1917
HillGeraldine born about 1938
HillNellie born about 1922
HillOlevia born about 1892
HillOrison born about 1915
HoseltonBlanche born about 1881
HoseltonElby born about 1908
HoseltonIva born about 1912
HoseltonJanell Oborn about 1933
HoseltonJerald born about 1930
HoseltonJohn born about 1878
HoseltonLinley born about 1932
HoseltonLyle born about 1928
HoseltonMax born about 1937
HoseltonOscar born about 1902
HoseltonVelma born about 1908
HoweCurt born about 1912

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J Surnames

JenningsEllis born about 1910
JenningsFay born about 1897
JenningsGracie born about 1897
JenningsIrene born about 1910
JenningsLois born about 1921
JenningsOren born about 1919
JenningsReva born about 1930
JenningsVernon born about 1928
JonesElizabeth born about 1907
JonesWilliam Lborn about 1855

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K Surnames

KingSarah Aborn about 1861
KirkBurt Eborn about 1882
KirkRosa born about 1876
KruseAmanda born about 1885
KruseDoris born about 1921
KruseHenry born about 1883
KruseMarcella born about 1923

L Surnames

LambertAllen born about 1920
LambertAlpha born about 1908
LambertBertha Aborn about 1894
LambertBobby Deanborn about 1932
LambertDelores born about 1924
LambertEd born about 1877
LambertEthel born about 1887
LambertEverett born about 1895
LambertGeorgie born about 1903
LambertHarold born about 1925
LambertHarry Mborn about 1906
LambertHenry Wborn about 1889
LambertInez born about 1924
LambertLouise born about 1926
LambertMattie born about 1907
LambertReba Maeborn about 1924
LongJunior born about 1936
LongLeona born about 1934
LongwellEvelyn born about 1924
LongwellJesse born about 1919
LongwellJohn Tborn about 1889
LongwellKitty born about 1894
LongwellMargaret born about 1919

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M Surnames

MaxwellDean born about 1923
MaxwellMabel born about 1902
MaxwellRoy born about 1894
McCollumArleen born about 1925
McCollumBurnam born about 1912
McCollumCharles Edwardborn about 1940
McCollumDarlene born about 1920
McCollumDean born about 1928
McCollumEarl born about 1899
McCollumEdgar born about 1917
McCollumFaith born about 1899
McCollumGeorge Williamborn about 1922
McCollumGeraldine born about 1933
McCollumIda Fborn about 1873
McCollumIleene born about 1926
McCollumIna born about 1912
McCollumJames born about 1930
McCollumJames Waiteborn about 1935
McCollumJohn born about 1928
McCollumJohn Oborn about 1868
McCollumJunice Ruthborn about 1938
McCollumMary born about 1859
McCollumMinnie born about 1871
McCollumNaomi born about 1909
McCollumNeal born about 1930
McCollumNorman born about 1931
McCollumOtis born about 1894
McCollumRamah born about 1904
McCollumRaymond born about 1908
McCollumRobert Jborn about 1861
McCollumRonald Francisborn about 1937
McCollumRoscoe Glenborn about 1940
McCollumRuth born about 1898
McCollumShannon born about 1869
McCollumTed born about 1903
McCollumVirginia born about 1940
McCollumWaneta born about 1915
McCollumWaverly Annborn about 1933
McConnellDean born about 1924
McConnellDwain born about 1922
McConnellEverett born about 1894
McConnellEverett Jr born about 1921
McConnellOlive born about 1900
McDannaldLavina born about 1859
McDannaldLois Marieborn about 1931
McDannaldNorman born about 1903
McDannaldRonald born about 1928
McDannaldRuby born about 1925
McDannaldWilma born about 1922
MilburnArt born about 1884
MilburnMaggie born about 1885
MilhoanGeorge born about 1888
MilhoanMyrtle born about 1894
MilhoanNona born about 1901
MilhoanOkey born about 1892
MilhoanRuth born about 1925
MillsAlma born about 1934
MillsCosie born about 1898
MillsEdna born about 1926
MillsEugene born about 1928
MillsFern born about 1924
MillsFranklin Dborn about 1936
MillsHomer Abborn about 1922
MillsLeona born about 1932
MillsOrville born about 1895
MinorAnita born about 1939
MinorDon Aborn about 1884
MinorGenevieve born about 1920
MinorGladys born about 1918
MinorKenneth born about 1928
MinorMae born about 1889
MinorMarjorie born about 1923
MinorNora Jborn about 1895
MinorRandall born about 1911
MinorVernie Cborn about 1925
MinorWilliam Pborn about 1881
MitchellBessie born about 1898
MitchellDoris born about 1927
MitchellLeon born about 1899
MitchellLeonard born about 1925
MitchellViola born about 1921
MoffittBruce born about 1934
MoffittDon born about 1904
MoffittVera born about 1908
MontgomeryGeorge born about 1872
MontgomeryMatilda born about 1866
MooreBasil born about 1927
MooreClay born about 1890
MooreEnid born about 1892
MooreEugene born about 1894
MooreGerald born about 1912
MooreOpal born about 1904
MooreVelma born about 1917
MorganMary Kborn about 1860
MottJeff born about 1872
MottOra born about 1882

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N Surnames

NesterJeff Dborn about 1862
NesterLizzie born about 1866
NowakCarl born about 1896
NowakEd born about 1903
NowakJoe born about 1898
NowakMary born about 1888
NowakOra born about 1894

O Surnames

ObermanCarl born about 1878
ObermanLizzie born about 1888
ObermanTracy born about 1871
OverstreetArthur born about 1888
OverstreetCeola born about 1930
OverstreetEudena born about 1922
OverstreetGrace born about 1866
OverstreetHarry born about 1905
OverstreetIsabel born about 1929
OverstreetJaunita born about 1933
OverstreetJimmie born about 1931
OverstreetLloyd born about 1928
OverstreetNellie born about 1899
OverstreetNettie born about 1890
OverstreetRice born about 1896
OverstreetRoger born about 1930
OverstreetSusie born about 1892
OverstreetSylvia born about 1909
OverstreetWalter born about 1886
OverstreetWilliam Arthurborn about 1934
OwenLon Richardborn about 1938
OwenMary born about 1917

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P Surnames

PamperlCarl born about 1903
PamperlDorothy born about 1919
PamperlFrank born about 1865
PamperlGladys born about 1914
PamperlJuanita Pearlborn about 1939
PamperlLorene born about 1921
PamperlLucille born about 1923
PamperlMatilda born about 1881
PamperlRoy born about 1912
PatrickGeorge born about 1870
PeavlerAlma born about 1911
PeavlerBobbie Leeborn about 1934
PeavlerCarl born about 1903
PeavlerClyta born about 1924
PeavlerDarlene born about 1929
PeavlerEmma born about 1881
PeavlerHerman Allenborn about 1929
PeavlerLafe born about 1864
PeavlerLela born about 1882
PeavlerLeo born about 1901
PeavlerLorene born about 1925
PeavlerNova Fborn about 1888
PeavlerPansy born about 1894
PeavlerPinkny born about 1868
PeavlerVerna born about 1907
PeavlerVerna born about 1913
PeavlerWilliam Mborn about 1866
PeperHerbert born about 1891
PeperHerbert Leroyborn about 1938
PeperOtto Fborn about 1877
PeperTheresa born about 1897

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R Surnames

RathHannah born about 1848
RatliffEarl Cliffordborn about 1922
RatliffEthel born about 1889
RatliffNaomi Maeborn about 1924
RatliffRiley Lborn about 1893
RauerConnie born about 1880
RauerCurt born about 1915
RauerDean born about 1933
RauerFrank born about 1874
RauerHelen born about 1914
RauerJohn born about 1872
RauerLuther born about 1910
RauerMaggie born about 1878
RauerMyrtle born about 1916
RauerPauline born about 1919
RauerRay born about 1910
RauerShirley born about 1938
ReedClyde born about 1888
ReedRuth born about 1919
RiddleDewey born about 1900
RiddleEldon born about 1922
RiddleGeraldine born about 1930
RiddleJohn Benvilleborn about 1928
RiddleLavena born about 1900
RiddleLois born about 1924
RiddleLola born about 1900
RiddleMaxine born about 1924
RiddleOral born about 1898
RiedlFrances born about 1906
RiedlGeorge born about 1898
RiedlLawrence born about 1870
RiedlMinnie born about 1880
RiedlSteven born about 1868
RulonBillie Dborn about 1925
RulonWilliam Lborn about 1876

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S Surnames

SartorHenry Bborn about 1876
SattmanAgnes born about 1877
SattmanAndrew born about 1907
SattmanCarl born about 1918
SattmanDora born about 1912
SattmanLeo born about 1922
SattmanMildred born about 1930
SimpsonAmy born about 1926
SimpsonAra born about 1893
SimpsonCara Leeborn about 1931
SimpsonCharles born about 1923
SimpsonFoster born about 1933
SimpsonIna Geneborn about 1924
SimpsonIvis Marieborn about 1918
SimpsonLaverne born about 1923
SimpsonLeota born about 1926
SimpsonLuther born about 1896
SimpsonOrpha born about 1894
SimpsonRoy born about 1893
SmithArlo born about 1915
SmithBertha Eborn about 1879
SmithBobby born about 1933
SmithCharles Eborn about 1936
SmithCharles Mborn about 1881
SmithCharlie Mborn about 1909
SmithDonald born about 1926
SmithElla born about 1878
SmithEmma born about 1881
SmithFern born about 1902
SmithFrank born about 1872
SmithJohn Rborn about 1870
SmithLeonard born about 1924
SmithMae born about 1885
SmithRuby born about 1917
SmithThomas Mborn about 1881
SorgeErnest born about 1911
SorgeFern born about 1911
SpencerDonna born about 1933
StanfieldBernice born about 1914
StanfieldRayma Carolynborn about 1939
StanfieldRaymond born about 1914
SteeleEtta Maeborn about 1921
StoneAgnes born about 1911
StoneEldon born about 1931
StoneLyle born about 1906
StoneMary Aborn about 1876
StoneMollie born about 1869
StoneWilliam Wborn about 1870
SwisegoodEthel born about 1905
SwisegoodFloyd born about 1903
SwisegoodGoldie Eloiesborn about 1925
SwisegoodHelen born about 1919
SwisegoodJames born about 1864
SwisegoodMax Woodsonborn about 1939

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T Surnames

TallmanClarence Lborn about 1877
TallmanClarnce L Jrborn about 1920
TallmanJacob Wborn about 1908
TallmanOra Mborn about 1883
TaylorFrances born about 1908
ThomasForrest Lborn about 1883
ThomasMaple Maeborn about 1896
ThudiumBraden born about 1909
ThudiumElwood born about 1877
ThudiumGary born about 1936
ThudiumMellie Eborn about 1881
ThudiumOrville Aborn about 1905
ThudiumRichard Jborn about 1919
ThudiumVern born about 1928
TrippArthur born about 1894
TrippEthel born about 1897
TurnerAlice born about 1908
TurnerBetty born about 1934
TurnerClinton born about 1938
TurnerDon born about 1905
TurnerMaggie born about 1880
TurnerMary Louborn about 1939
TurnerWilliam born about 1871

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W Surnames

WallaceClifford born about 1921
WallaceGladys born about 1938
WallaceLorene born about 1920
WaltersJane born about 1857
WaltersWayne born about 1899
WareClifford born about 1921
WareClyde born about 1928
WareDale born about 1899
WareEllis born about 1918
WareHomer born about 1868
WareIna born about 1935
WareIsabelle born about 1919
WareLarry Edgarborn about 1931
WareNettie born about 1896
WareReva born about 1925
WareRichard born about 1931
WareVelma born about 1910
WareWard Hborn about 1894
WareWendell born about 1932
WatsonArthur born about 1882
WatsonClifford born about 1923
WatsonDiamond born about 1916
WatsonDrue born about 1917
WatsonDrury born about 1862
WatsonEdward born about 1915
WatsonGrace born about 1888
WatsonJohn born about 1919
WatsonLon born about 1887
WatsonMarie born about 1932
WatsonMinerva Eborn about 1886
WatsonWalter born about 1917
WestAnna Belleborn about 1914
WestEugene born about 1933
WestHelen Annborn about 1937
WestfallFloy born about 1890
WestfallRoy born about 1922
WillsonPatty Raborn about 1929
WilsonHerbert Lborn about 1890
WilsonMyrtle born about 1893
WoodEverett born about 1916
WoodHelen born about 1924
WoodRomanza born about 1940
WoodsGail born about 1920
WoodsMabel born about 1922
WyattEligah born about 1890
WyattEva born about 1908
WyattFlossie born about 1886
WyattJohn born about 1869
WyattMarion born about 1912
WyattMaxine born about 1912
WyattOrville born about 1909
WyattRichard Leeborn about 1930

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Y Surnames

YochimCarl born about 1881
YochimDarrell Leeborn about 1935
YochimFloyd born about 1913
YochimOrville born about 1910
YochimRuby born about 1915
YochimSylvia born about 1912
YochimVie born about 1892
YochimWilma Roseborn about 1937

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