1940 U.S. Federal Census of Polk in Ray County, Ray, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Ray County > 1940 Census of Polk in Ray County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsSusan Eborn about 1875
AinesMary Eborn about 1857
AkerMary Bborn about 1909
AkerMary Eborn about 1878
AlbrightAdia born about 1862
AlbrightCarl Jborn about 1911
AlbrightCarlos Oborn about 1879
AlbrightCarrie Lborn about 1888
AlbrightHelen Dborn about 1913
AlbrightJames Fborn about 1883
AlbrightJessie Bborn about 1879
AlbrightMarie born about 1905
AlbrightRita Mborn about 1939
AlbrightWoodford Eborn about 1907
AlexanderAnna Bborn about 1876
AlexanderDavid Wborn about 1868
AllenFaithyul Mborn about 1903
AllenGlady Mborn about 1925
AllenJohn born about 1899
AllenMildred Lborn about 1928
AllenMinerva Eborn about 1864
AllenWilliam Hborn about 1861
AllnutArnold Hborn about 1913
AllnutButler Dborn about 1881
AllnutDella Mborn about 1890
AllnutJoseph Cborn about 1873
AllnutKeith Eborn about 1936
AllnutPaul Rborn about 1915
AllnutVictor Lborn about 1939
ArrwoodGustusa Aborn about 1882
ArrwoodMallie Aborn about 1880
ArrwoodWalley Cborn about 1875
AtkinsArthur Aborn about 1927
AtkinsDonna Jborn about 1936
AtkinsFloyd Rborn about 1925
AtkinsJames Eborn about 1897
AtkinsJames Tborn about 1923
AtkinsJohn Hborn about 1928
AtkinsMarvin Lborn about 1934
AtkinsReta Fborn about 1932
AtkinsRuth Lborn about 1921
AtkinsTommy Fborn about 1901
AubreyJohn born about 1879
AubreyMyrtle Jborn about 1879

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B Surnames

BachrerAlna Fborn about 1902
BachrerClitus Eborn about 1899
BachrerGary Aborn about 1932
BaileyCharles Eborn about 1896
BaileyDora Mborn about 1933
BaileyEdith Lborn about 1921
BaileyEthel Fborn about 1937
BaileyHardy born about 1884
BaileyNoah born about 1888
BaileyNoah Fborn about 1929
BaileyO Pera Mborn about 1883
BaileyRalph Lborn about 1926
BaileyRobert Jborn about 1883
BaileyVernie Fborn about 1901
BalesJesse Hborn about 1888
BalesMary born about 1893
BalesMary Eborn about 1923
BalesVerna Pborn about 1895
BalesWalter Wborn about 1894
BallAlta Lborn about 1940
BallGeorge Wborn about 1883
BallJames Rborn about 1858
BallLena born about 1884
BallLillian Lborn about 1891
BallMary Bborn about 1904
BallWilliam Jborn about 1912
BarberBilly Dborn about 1929
BarberEmery Fborn about 1906
BarberPearl Lborn about 1908
BarberPhillis Jborn about 1934
BargmierCalene Fborn about 1916
BargmierJohn Wborn about 1903
BargmierRay Aborn about 1938
BarnesBobby Gborn about 1928
BarnesJ Cborn about 1924
BarnesKeith Kborn about 1930
BarnesLe Royborn about 1925
BarnesLeo Albertborn about 1904
BarnesLois born about 1906
BarnesMary Louborn about 1932
BarnettCharles Dborn about 1873
BarnettEdna Mborn about 1917
BarnettFrank Oborn about 1898
BarnettMary Fborn about 1923
BarnettRosie Bborn about 1891
BassettLillie Mborn about 1871
BassettWilliam Hborn about 1860
BatesSara Jborn about 1867
BattaglerFrancis born about 1877
BattaglerMargaret Aborn about 1921
BattaglerPearl Lborn about 1885
BerkinsClarice Rborn about 1894
BerkinsJess born about 1892
BertLillian Jborn about 1879
BillardBetty born about 1928
BillardDorothy Rborn about 1916
BillardEdward Wborn about 1910
BillardElizabeth Mborn about 1918
BillardIsabelle born about 1891
BillardJohn born about 1879
BillardJohn Hborn about 1915
BillardJoseph born about 1920
BillardLaona Fborn about 1938
BillardLola Jborn about 1925
BisheeMamie born about 1902
BisheeOlin Dborn about 1900
BlackAlma Eborn about 1882
BlackWilliam Aborn about 1882
BogartMary Jborn about 1855
BoltonDaisy Jborn about 1919
BoltonGrover Wborn about 1890
BoltonMartha Mborn about 1871
BoltonRobert Wborn about 1911
BoltonRoberta Jborn about 1938
BoltonTeddy Gborn about 1939
BoltonVarel Rborn about 1939
BoltonWilliam Bborn about 1868
BoothRobert Gborn about 1867
BorgmierEthel Mborn about 1906
BorgmierEudara born about 1866
BorgmierEva Wborn about 1926
BorgmierGeorge Hborn about 1858
BorgmierLewis Eborn about 1897
BorgmierNorma Jborn about 1925
BoswellGeraldine born about 1924
BoswellIva Lborn about 1891
BoswellJames Fborn about 1888
BowersAgnes Pborn about 1930
BowersColona Aborn about 1870
BowersJoseph born about 1869
BowersLena Aborn about 1904
BowersOkel Jborn about 1902
BoydDavid Wborn about 1925
BoydMarguerite born about 1919
BrackCharles Wborn about 1918
BrackMary Lborn about 1922
BrasseaDamenk born about 1888
BrasseaJames Eborn about 1927
BrasseaKathrine born about 1905
BrasseaLucille born about 1922
BrasseaMarie born about 1926
BrasseaPeter born about 1892
BridgerDuane Lborn about 1939
BridgerIlla born about 1883
BridgerRex Eborn about 1908
BridgerRexena Rborn about 1934
BridgerTwyla Dborn about 1908
BridgesBert born about 1895
BridgesDorothy Rborn about 1920
BridgesElsie Nborn about 1896
BridgesKenneth Nborn about 1917
BrightFred born about 1882
BrightMaude Lborn about 1885
BrightMyrna Lborn about 1912
BrightVan Hborn about 1906
BrimerAndy Dborn about 1891
BrinmanmanAnthony born about 1852
BrooksEarnest Lborn about 1901
BrooksMyrtle Bborn about 1900
BrooksThomas Jr born about 1922
BrownAaron born about 1864
BrownBertha Bborn about 1889
BrownClastine Gborn about 1905
BrownEugene born about 1926
BrownEverett Lborn about 1904
BrownGeorge Rborn about 1869
BrownNellie Aborn about 1879
BrownNoble Nborn about 1924
BrownPauline born about 1907
BrownRowland Lborn about 1888
BrownShirley Aborn about 1931
BurgessDavid Oborn about 1935
BurgessJohn Gborn about 1932
BurgessJohn Lborn about 1884
BurgessStella Eborn about 1895
BuscemiBernice Hborn about 1927
BuscemiJoseph Dborn about 1897
BuscemiJoseph Tborn about 1930
BuscemiLena Hborn about 1904
BushAlice Labborn about 1924
BushAnna Bborn about 1888
BushCharles Dborn about 1891
BushDelbert Lborn about 1922
BushEllen Sborn about 1859
BushGuy Dborn about 1886
BushHarley Eborn about 1899
BushHazel Lborn about 1922
BushJames Cborn about 1919
BushKenneth Cborn about 1927
BushMaxine Eborn about 1916
BushRay Mborn about 1921
BushRobert Lborn about 1916
BushViola Mborn about 1892
BushWalter Hborn about 1881
BushWalter Hborn about 1911
BushWalter Wborn about 1933
ByrdDonald born about 1932
ByrdJohn Wborn about 1861
ByrdLaura Eborn about 1883

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C Surnames

CampbellCharles Oborn about 1885
CampbellGladys born about 1899
CampbellHattie Mborn about 1916
CampbellHellen Mborn about 1928
CampbellJames Aborn about 1899
CampbellLoretta Sborn about 1931
CampbellMatilla Fborn about 1895
CampbellMyrtle Lborn about 1888
CampbellPaul Edwinborn about 1922
CampbellSara Ellenborn about 1907
CampbellVerne Sborn about 1915
CampbellVirgil Mborn about 1894
CarothersJoseph born about 1878
CarpenterCharles Lborn about 1887
CarpenterSavannah Lborn about 1887
CaseboltElizabeth Dborn about 1891
CaseboltRobert Rborn about 1888
CatesCharles Vborn about 1918
CatesJohn Wborn about 1927
CatesMary Mborn about 1906
CatesThomas Aborn about 1896
CathcartCarl Mborn about 1938
CathcartDonald Eborn about 1936
CathcartMaxine born about 1915
CathcartMuriel Mborn about 1908
CathcartTommy Gborn about 1934
CathcartVirginia Mborn about 1928
CathcartWilliam born about 1897
CaylorCharles Eborn about 1920
CaylorClifford Lborn about 1923
CaylorEdith Lborn about 1898
CaylorFred Eborn about 1899
CaylorHarley Mborn about 1927
CaylorHarvey Mborn about 1929
CaylorIda Mborn about 1924
CaylorMuriel Aborn about 1926
ChambliaCharles born about 1889
ChambliaMyrtle born about 1895
CimaJames born about 1901
CimaMary born about 1907
ClarkCarl Oborn about 1907
ClarkCharles Rborn about 1878
ClarkClara Mborn about 1886
ClarkRobert Eborn about 1914
ClarkRuthe Cborn about 1921
Clevenger??? Cborn about 1874
ClevengerAndrew Mborn about 1913
ClevengerCara Lborn about 1921
ClevengerCecil Hborn about 1914
ClevengerCharles Wborn about 1923
ClevengerEstell Pborn about 1913
ClevengerEstill Jborn about 1914
ClevengerEugene born about 1917
ClevengerForest Cborn about 1911
ClevengerGarnett Lborn about 1914
ClevengerHomer Lborn about 1888
ClevengerJasper Oborn about 1919
ClevengerJesse Jborn about 1885
ClevengerJohn Mborn about 1878
ClevengerJohn Jr born about 1930
ClevengerLarry Dborn about 1937
ClevengerLeeroy Eborn about 1939
ClevengerMary Mborn about 1917
ClevengerMaurice Jborn about 1915
ClevengerMinnie Eborn about 1871
ClevengerMinnie Fborn about 1883
ClevengerMyrtle Mborn about 1892
ClevengerOva Mborn about 1904
ClevengerPearl Gborn about 1919
ClevengerRuth born about 1918
ClevengerSara Jborn about 1855
ClevengerThomas Jborn about 1911
ClevengerTony Wborn about 1938
ClevengerViola Vborn about 1919
ClevengerWilliam Aborn about 1878
ClevengerWilliam Hborn about 1908
CoffmanHarold Dborn about 1924
CoffmanHarold Lborn about 1928
CoffmanHelen Mborn about 1903
CoffmanJake Lborn about 1866
CoffmanJohn Hborn about 1901
CoffmanLucy Aborn about 1867
CoffmanNeva Mborn about 1906
CoffmanRobert Mborn about 1925
CoffmanRobert Rborn about 1895
CoffmanThadieus Dborn about 1924
ColemanEsther Hborn about 1912
ColemanForrest Bborn about 1899
CooperCalvin Cborn about 1929
CooperCharles Rborn about 1898
CooperClarence Cborn about 1884
CooperDeliah Aborn about 1878
CooperEdith Bborn about 1921
CooperFlay Aborn about 1886
CooperJohn Eborn about 1873
CooperRuth Aborn about 1890
CopenhaverAlfred born about 1893
CopenhaverDallas Bborn about 1919
CopenhaverPearl Mborn about 1897
CoxArchie born about 1898
CoxCharles Wborn about 1871
CoxEarl born about 1892
CoxEdward Wborn about 1937
CoxGail Bborn about 1923
CoxHarriet Cborn about 1863
CoxIda born about 1891
CoxJames Aborn about 1923
CoxJohn Cborn about 1862
CoxLynn Mborn about 1928
CoxMary Eborn about 1900
CoxOpal Gborn about 1901
CoxRouel Gborn about 1900
CraigMargaret Vborn about 1926
CraigThomas Lborn about 1923
CravensAddie Eborn about 1907
CravensElwood Dborn about 1902
CrawleyCara Lborn about 1871
CrawleyCharles Wborn about 1880
CrawleyEarnest born about 1922
CrawleyEffie Lborn about 1886
CrawleyEllis Jborn about 1889
CrawleyHarry Sborn about 1920
CrawleyJean Dborn about 1923
CrawleyJohn Cborn about 1867
CrawleyKatie Jborn about 1890
CrawleyLindsay B Jrborn about 1938
CrawleyLindsey Bborn about 1916
CrawleyMargaret Cborn about 1911
CrawleyMargaret Mborn about 1872
CrawleyRachel Wborn about 1917
CrawleyRele Vborn about 1902
CrawleySalley Mborn about 1861
CrawleyVernon Bborn about 1932
CrawleyVernon Eborn about 1911
CrawleyVirgil Sborn about 1897
CreasonFlorence Fborn about 1878
CreasonJames Dborn about 1870
CreasonJewel Wborn about 1907
CrenshawBertha Dborn about 1884
CrenshawGranville Tborn about 1902
CrenshawWanda Eborn about 1901
CrosleyFern born about 1931
CrossleyJames Hborn about 1887
CrossleyJames Lborn about 1922
CrossleyLuther Mborn about 1925
CrosswhiteAlva Wborn about 1891
CrosswhiteBertha Lborn about 1905
CrosswhiteMary Gborn about 1923
CrowleyAddie Bborn about 1892
CrowleyBert Mborn about 1890
CrowleyBetty Lborn about 1936
CrowleyBetty Mborn about 1924
CrowleyBilly Mborn about 1936
CrowleyDonald Mborn about 1928
CrowleyEvalina Cborn about 1853
CrowleyFrancis Lborn about 1911
CrowleyGrover Cborn about 1887
CrowleyGrover Gborn about 1924
CrowleyHarriet born about 1882
CrowleyJoyce Lborn about 1927
CrowleyWilliam Dborn about 1881
CutterFaith Eborn about 1922
CutterPaul Rborn about 1916
CutterRuth Jborn about 1924
CutterWilliam Iborn about 1889

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D Surnames

DanielC Blencoweborn about 1939
DanielDouglas Sborn about 1937
DanielFlorence Rborn about 1905
DanielFrancis Hborn about 1904
DaultonMyrtle Mborn about 1898
DaultonSteel Wborn about 1898
DavisAnna Lborn about 1927
DavisBess born about 1877
DavisCharles Rborn about 1929
DavisHarry Vborn about 1898
DavisMary Aborn about 1910
DavisMary Mborn about 1932
DavisRaymond born about 1908
DavisRuth Aborn about 1904
DeckerFran Lborn about 1920
DeckerFrances Lborn about 1929
DeckerGrace Mborn about 1883
DeckerLucille Cborn about 1926
DeckerOtis Wborn about 1887
DeckerRussell Rborn about 1917
DeeneyBilly Gborn about 1936
DeeneyEdith Lborn about 1930
DeeneyFay Aborn about 1934
DeeneyLeona Jborn about 1910
DeeneyLoretta Jborn about 1932
DeeneyWilliam Lborn about 1910
DentonAlva Jr born about 1908
DentonHazel Gborn about 1913
DentonJo Annborn about 1938
DentonJoel Rborn about 1869
DentonJulia Fborn about 1876
DentonMay Mborn about 1880
DentonRobert Jborn about 1909
DillmanEliza born about 1861
DillmanIda born about 1898
DillmanWilliam born about 1892
DixonClara Gborn about 1883
DixonEldon Eborn about 1919
DixonElnora Bborn about 1917
DixonEmery Jborn about 1885
DixonHershal Jborn about 1918
DixonMarshall Fborn about 1915
DoakAllen born about 1909
DooleyClifford Eborn about 1911
DooleyDonald Lborn about 1922
DooleyFern Aborn about 1915
DooleyHarven Lborn about 1884
DooleyJosephine Aborn about 1888
DooleyRuth Nborn about 1930
DouglasEldon Rborn about 1902
DouglasVera born about 1908
DouglassAustin Cborn about 1926
DouglassGeorgia Lborn about 1882
DouglassJames Mborn about 1876
DrewClarance Lborn about 1916
DrewClarance Lborn about 1940
DrewDonald Lborn about 1938
DrewEmma Lborn about 1918
DrewRichard Lborn about 1936
DrummondRobert born about 1885
DuncanCharles born about 1889
DuncanHoward Wborn about 1924
DwyerJohn Vborn about 1874
DykesAlbert Cborn about 1894
DykesEthel Vborn about 1894

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E Surnames

EarnestCharles Eborn about 1869
EbertsEdna Lborn about 1877
ElliottEthemell born about 1933
ElliottEvone Dborn about 1939
ElliottLawell Cborn about 1936
ElliottNellie Lborn about 1907
ElliottRandall Vborn about 1931
ElliottSara Jborn about 1875
ElliottVerna Tborn about 1907
ElmareGeorge born about 1909
EstillLawrence Dborn about 1900
EstillMary Pborn about 1902
EstillWilla Geneborn about 1925
EstillWilliam Gborn about 1860
EvansErma born about 1927
EvansJames born about 1924
EvansLewis Fborn about 1892
EvansNellie Eborn about 1893

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F Surnames

FawlerDorothy Jborn about 1924
FawlerFoy born about 1895
FawlerFrancis Pborn about 1927
FawlerGeorgeann born about 1900
FawlerVirginia Lborn about 1921
FieldsArtist born about 1926
FieldsJessie Mborn about 1885
FieldsMary Oborn about 1920
FieldsWilbur Wborn about 1928
FieldsWilliam Mborn about 1875
FisherBlanche born about 1906
FisherHarlene born about 1928
FisherJosephine born about 1925
FisherOrval Lborn about 1895
FordGlenda Sborn about 1936
FordHerbert Jborn about 1913
FordMargaret Eborn about 1939
FordMarie Lborn about 1914
FordMarjorie Mborn about 1911
FordPaul Fborn about 1908
FosterBetty Aborn about 1922
FosterFranklin Lborn about 1915
FowlerLutie Lborn about 1876
FrazierMary Gborn about 1911
FrazierPaul Hborn about 1910
FritzEdward born about 1869

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G Surnames

GabbertJees Dborn about 1861
GabbertJennie Mborn about 1871
GantJenettie born about 1882
GantWilliam Gborn about 1885
GarhamAda Mborn about 1891
GarhamArthur Oborn about 1897
GarhamClarance Wborn about 1895
GarhamDicie Eborn about 1892
GarhamDorothy Jborn about 1926
GarhamEarnest born about 1898
GarhamEdna Jborn about 1904
GarhamEthel Mborn about 1936
GarhamGrace born about 1896
GarhamJames Mborn about 1868
GarhamJesse Wborn about 1892
GarhamKathrine Lborn about 1930
GarhamLillie Mborn about 1872
GarhamLoretta Gborn about 1864
GarhamLuther Aborn about 1886
GarhamRay Cborn about 1890
GarhamThornton born about 1870
GatesLon born about 1885
GauldenEarnest Gborn about 1926
GauldonMabel Cborn about 1894
GaylardScott Lborn about 1860
GeorgeWilliam Cborn about 1916
GiccomettiJoseph born about 1881
GilbyAnnabelle born about 1928
GilbyErma Aborn about 1907
GilbyJoseph Wborn about 1904
GilmareLulu Fborn about 1890
GlennBetty Aborn about 1930
GlennDavid Jborn about 1938
GlennHelen Mborn about 1909
GlennMichael born about 1940
GlennPatricia Sborn about 1935
GlennRaymond Cborn about 1916
GlennRichard Wborn about 1919
GlennRobert Eborn about 1910
GlennRobert E Jayborn about 1933
GlennRobert E Srborn about 1879
GlennSally Bborn about 1876
GlennViola Bborn about 1881
GoldsburyCharles Hborn about 1865
GoldsburyJohn Rborn about 1878
GoldsburyLillie Mborn about 1883
GoldsburyLula born about 1884
GoldsburyOrval born about 1886
GoodmanBert Vborn about 1931
GoodmanFayelta Leeborn about 1939
GoodmanHelen Eborn about 1908
GoodmanJean Aborn about 1938
GoodmanJoella Mborn about 1895
GoodmanLillian Fborn about 1888
GoodmanRalph Oborn about 1927
GoodmanSamuel Lborn about 1882
GoodmanThomas Lborn about 1859
GoodmanValentine Hborn about 1892
GoodmanVelena Hborn about 1929
GoodwinFern Eborn about 1918
GoodwinRezella born about 1909
GoodyessAndrew Eborn about 1868
GoodyessLilian Eborn about 1879
GrantRosetta born about 1881
GrantWilliam Rborn about 1880
GrassKenneth Lborn about 1926
GrassMattie Fborn about 1876
GreenAlmeta Mborn about 1902
GreenBeverly Jborn about 1938
GreenBillie Rborn about 1940
GreenCecil Aborn about 1913
GreenCharles Eborn about 1915
GreenClaudius Wborn about 1911
GreenDan Rborn about 1913
GreenDonald born about 1917
GreenEarnest Rborn about 1929
GreenEna Lborn about 1890
GreenErma Fborn about 1929
GreenEstelle Lborn about 1918
GreenEvanell born about 1923
GreenGeorge Lborn about 1905
GreenGeorge L Jrborn about 1938
GreenHelen Mborn about 1909
GreenIda Mborn about 1933
GreenJackie Lborn about 1938
GreenJames Aborn about 1874
GreenJames Dborn about 1939
GreenJames Lborn about 1925
GreenJames Pborn about 1936
GreenJames Sborn about 1869
GreenMartha Tborn about 1894
GreenMary Fborn about 1917
GreenMaud Sborn about 1881
GreenMerle Eborn about 1920
GreenMinnie Fborn about 1878
GreenNadine Eborn about 1925
GreenPatty Pborn about 1934
GreenPearl Mborn about 1884
GreenPerley Lborn about 1902
GreenRalph Lborn about 1912
GreenSusan Oborn about 1871
GreenThomas Jborn about 1882
GreenViola Jborn about 1880
GreenVivia Jborn about 1916
GreenleeConstance Sborn about 1938
GreenleeJames Wborn about 1914
GreenleeMarene Bborn about 1912
GreenleePatricia Aborn about 1936
GreenleesAlice Rborn about 1880
GreenleesGeorge Rborn about 1880
GreenleesGladys Mborn about 1922
GreenwaltElijah Pborn about 1867
GrenCaletta Mborn about 1936
GrenDoward Eborn about 1911
GrenErma Lborn about 1919
GroomCharles Eborn about 1881
GroshongFrances Fborn about 1924
GroshongWilliam Hborn about 1882
GroveBetty Lborn about 1928
GroveBobby Rborn about 1932
GroveEunice Aborn about 1900
GroveRaymond Jborn about 1897
GulleyAlbert Sborn about 1886
GulleyElla born about 1897
GulleyElvira born about 1864
GulleyEugene Cborn about 1927
GulleyGertrude Wborn about 1921
GulleyJames born about 1887
GulleyKelley Bborn about 1910
GulleyLavita Rborn about 1923
GulleyOlen born about 1918
GulleyOscar Hborn about 1889
GulleyRay Bborn about 1916
GulleyRosetta born about 1876
GulleySara Aborn about 1887
GureinFrank Gborn about 1884
GureinMary Cborn about 1883
GureinMary Pborn about 1918
GuyCharles born about 1867
GuyMinervia Eborn about 1879

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H Surnames

HalcombBernice Dborn about 1913
HalcombCharles Gborn about 1909
HaleElla Jborn about 1875
HaleJohn Hborn about 1874
HaleLaverne born about 1905
HaleMarinee Jborn about 1926
HaleNada Lborn about 1910
HaleWilliam Sborn about 1924
HalmanJames Aborn about 1926
HalmanLeta Mborn about 1935
HaltAllene Eborn about 1918
HaltBernard Aborn about 1902
HaltDayton Bborn about 1934
HaltFern born about 1911
HaltGlen Dborn about 1905
HaltHarold Wborn about 1938
HaltLauralyn Lborn about 1932
HaltRalph Dborn about 1911
HaltRaymond Eborn about 1911
HaltVendah Rborn about 1916
HankinsThomas born about 1884
HanoverSara Jborn about 1862
HarkinsOscar Wborn about 1882
HarkinsStella Jborn about 1892
HarperBertha Wborn about 1911
HarperClyde Mborn about 1909
HarperWilma born about 1936
HartmanEdna Fborn about 1914
HartmanElma Bborn about 1904
HartmanHarold Eborn about 1936
HartmanJoel Cborn about 1897
HartmanJohn Bborn about 1931
HartmanJohn Cborn about 1871
HartmanLamard Eborn about 1878
HartmanRallie Eborn about 1895
HartmanRobert Wborn about 1936
HartmanTheodore Rborn about 1911
HartmanWalter Fborn about 1899
HartmanWinifred Mborn about 1894
HartmannMargaret Jborn about 1875
HayesMyra Jborn about 1892
HayesWilliam Fborn about 1885
HendersonHerbert Eborn about 1925
HendersonPaul G Jborn about 1907
HenryFrank Aborn about 1875
HenryJenny Mborn about 1875
HigginbathanMary Eborn about 1870
HigginbathanMurphy Mikeborn about 1897
HigginbathanSamuel Lborn about 1869
HightowerMattie Jborn about 1900
HightowerRobert Eborn about 1897
HillCarlos Sborn about 1903
HillDelbert Nborn about 1909
HillDonald Lborn about 1937
HillGilbert Gborn about 1898
HillJohn Cborn about 1938
HillJohn Wborn about 1863
HillKeith Wborn about 1924
HillKenneth Fborn about 1918
HillMabel born about 1898
HillMarie Mborn about 1921
HillMina Mborn about 1908
HillNora Eborn about 1880
HilleryDavid born about 1884
HilleryWillie Bborn about 1888
HolmanAnna Lborn about 1930
HolmanBetty Fborn about 1939
HolmanBulah Jborn about 1890
HolmanCharles Pborn about 1888
HolmanClifford born about 1895
HolmanEdna Mborn about 1911
HolmanEdward Jborn about 1881
HolmanElmer born about 1887
HolmanGertrude Jborn about 1902
HolmanHardy born about 1869
HolmanHazel Mborn about 1919
HolmanIda Eborn about 1924
HolmanJames Rborn about 1933
HolmanLillian Jborn about 1892
HolmanLyndon Jborn about 1888
HolmanSylvester born about 1892
HolmanWilliam born about 1894
HolmanWilliam born about 1909
HoltDonald Lborn about 1935
HoltJack Hborn about 1928
HoltLindell Jborn about 1903
HoltLorena born about 1918
HoltWallace J Gborn about 1936
HoltzclawBetty born about 1924
HoltzclawEunice Aborn about 1910
HoltzclawJames Aborn about 1873
HoltzclawJuanita Sborn about 1934
HoltzclawMary Rborn about 1930
HoltzclawMillis Mborn about 1890
HoltzclawRay Lborn about 1890
HoltzclawRice born about 1910
HoltzlawBernice born about 1917
HoltzlawBilly Dborn about 1939
HoltzlawBobby Oborn about 1936
HoltzlawCharles Wborn about 1904
HoltzlawGeorge Wborn about 1871
HoltzlawMary Jborn about 1875
HughesAlice Labborn about 1904
HughesCharles Gborn about 1895
HughesCharles Gborn about 1929
HughesHelen Lborn about 1925
HuntArthur Aborn about 1883
HuntDella Mborn about 1884
HuntDenis Vborn about 1873
HuntFlora Jborn about 1886
HuntJanause Mborn about 1917
HuntNora Eborn about 1886
HurdJames Rborn about 1855
HurdJohn Wborn about 1878
HustonFranklin born about 1930
HustonRosetta Fborn about 1923
HyderGordon Aborn about 1914
HyderOna Aborn about 1888
HyderPaul Eborn about 1888

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I Surnames

IngramAlma Bborn about 1908
IngramGeorge Lborn about 1904
IngramPatsy Dborn about 1935
InmanElizabeth born about 1874
InmanWilliam born about 1870
IruchettiAnna born about 1876

J Surnames

JacksonHelen Mborn about 1915
JacksonPhillis born about 1937
JamesAlbert Cborn about 1894
JamesArthur born about 1860
JamesBetty Jborn about 1927
JamesBonnie Jborn about 1936
JamesCharles Wborn about 1894
JamesCornelia Jborn about 1871
JamesGladys Jborn about 1905
JamesJohn Aborn about 1854
JamesLula Mborn about 1891
JamesWilliam Mborn about 1891
JarmanDorothy Fborn about 1924
JarmanLindell Kborn about 1922
JarmanMary Eborn about 1899
JarmanWallace Aborn about 1894
JarrettCharles Jborn about 1914
JarrettLouise born about 1922
JenningsBenjamin Wborn about 1860
JenningsLuttie Mborn about 1878
JenningsMelissa Pborn about 1866
JohnsonJohn born about 1893
JonesCharles Mborn about 1873
JonesConnie Lborn about 1939
JonesDora Nborn about 1881
JonesErwin Sborn about 1915
JonesJohn Cborn about 1866
JonesMary Aborn about 1870
JonesNoah born about 1866
JonesWilma Nborn about 1916

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K Surnames

KarbHerman born about 1879
KarbMarie born about 1873
KarrJ Mborn about 1921
KarrLena Mborn about 1900
KautlerBetty Fborn about 1932
KautlerCardy Mborn about 1892
KautlerEdward Hborn about 1885
KautlerEdwin Jborn about 1921
KautlerGlen born about 1923
KautlerJae Vborn about 1927
KautlerKathlean Fborn about 1925
KellerHarness born about 1892
KennedyCleta Fborn about 1908
KennedyLee Lborn about 1906
KetchumDallas Eborn about 1932
KetchumEdna Lborn about 1916
KetchumJerry Dborn about 1939
KetchumJoseph Wborn about 1909
KetchumJoseph Wborn about 1935
KidenellHenry Eborn about 1869
KidenellJames Rborn about 1902
KindesAnna Fborn about 1926
KindesCarl Wborn about 1932
KindesCharles Aborn about 1894
KindesGrace Dborn about 1902
KindesJoyce Vborn about 1928
KingAnna Gborn about 1900
KingAnna Sborn about 1935
KingAnnie born about 1881
KingBetty Jborn about 1927
KingBlanche Eborn about 1899
KingCarrie Lborn about 1928
KingClarence E Jrborn about 1931
KingClearance Eborn about 1899
KingDelbert Eborn about 1922
KingEarnest Cborn about 1939
KingEdward Mborn about 1888
KingEldon Lborn about 1925
KingElsie Mborn about 1906
KingEva Mborn about 1927
KingGeorge born about 1881
KingHerbert Eborn about 1926
KingKelley Lborn about 1903
KingMildred Gborn about 1935
KingMobe born about 1890
KingVernon Cborn about 1924
KingWilma Mborn about 1924
KirbyClarence Cborn about 1917
KirbyClarence Wborn about 1940
KirbyElmer Dborn about 1888
KirbyJuanita born about 1923
KnutterBessie Jborn about 1933
KnutterCharlott Sborn about 1934
KnutterElsie Jborn about 1895
KnutterFern Lborn about 1915
KnutterHelen Mborn about 1914
KnutterJames Wborn about 1866
KnutterLoyd Mborn about 1913
KnutterRalph Wborn about 1910
KnutterVerna born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LallanAllan born about 1911
LambAlbert Wborn about 1877
LambElmer Eborn about 1905
LambEverett Eborn about 1912
LambMabel Dborn about 1914
LambMarvin Jborn about 1920
LambWilliam Tborn about 1869
LebaldHattie born about 1878
LebaldPerry Lborn about 1862
LeboldAlbert Rborn about 1892
LeboldCharles Wborn about 1927
LeboldGeorgia Dborn about 1901
LeboldNettie Aborn about 1870
LeeGrace Fborn about 1920
LeeJohn Wborn about 1899
LeeKenneth Mborn about 1915
LeeKenneth Wborn about 1939
LeeRay Mborn about 1902
LeeTally Mborn about 1864
LewisAlbert born about 1881
LewisAnnie Jborn about 1875
LewisArchie Dborn about 1896
LewisEdith Mborn about 1900
LewisEric born about 1925
LewisJohn born about 1929
LewisLawrence born about 1918
LewisNoah born about 1872
LewisRaymond born about 1913
LextonGeorge Jborn about 1898
LextonJefferson Gborn about 1923
LextonVelma Cborn about 1902
LiemkulerDeane born about 1910
LinvilleJess Bborn about 1871
LinvilleSylvia born about 1879
LloydDella Lborn about 1870
LloydGuy Cborn about 1904
LloydThelma Kborn about 1906
LoganFlaice Fborn about 1887
LoganHorace Mborn about 1881
LoganJoseph born about 1883
LoganWanda Jborn about 1927
LoneyVashti Jborn about 1927
LoneyWilliam Jborn about 1888
LymanJames Bborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaddenAdal Sborn about 1869
MaddenGeorge born about 1857
MadduxGuretha Mborn about 1894
MadduxJames Gborn about 1885
MadduxOverton Jborn about 1926
MansoEthel Bborn about 1881
MansoThomas Eborn about 1877
MarleyBonnie Mborn about 1934
MarleyEstes Oborn about 1898
MarleyLee Rborn about 1897
MarleyOpal Lborn about 1925
MarrowEddie Aborn about 1935
MarrowEvelyn Aborn about 1911
MarrowJoe Wborn about 1912
MarrowKatie Bborn about 1889
MarrowMabel Aborn about 1885
MarrowPeggy Aborn about 1937
MarrowRobert Wborn about 1924
MarrowRoy Eborn about 1889
MarrowWilliam Rborn about 1921
MathewsDaniel W Xborn about 1865
MathewsZerelda Aborn about 1866
MaxwellWilliam Mborn about 1892
MayabbHarvey Eborn about 1896
MayabbHerbert born about 1926
MayabbVelma Sborn about 1900
McAdamsMahala Jborn about 1867
McAdamsOllie Aborn about 1859
McAuerryCarl Jborn about 1917
McAuerryRose Jborn about 1922
McCammonEthel born about 1913
McCammonJ Wborn about 1905
McColloughBilly Dborn about 1939
McColloughBruce born about 1912
McColloughEdna Jborn about 1917
McColloughJoe Hborn about 1904
McColloughMartha Cborn about 1907
McColloughRobert Jborn about 1939
McCownClaude born about 1878
McCubbinPearl Lborn about 1926
McCubbinRosie Eborn about 1888
McCubbinTommie Eborn about 1916
McDanielDean Rborn about 1935
McDanielEarl Jborn about 1938
McDanielEdith Fborn about 1931
McDanielFrances born about 1910
McDanielHoward born about 1909
McDanielMary Annborn about 1939
McDanielWilbur Lborn about 1933
McDonaldCrystal Mborn about 1886
McDonaldGrover Cborn about 1884
McGregoryRay born about 1901
McGuernJohn Hborn about 1898
McGuernPearl Mborn about 1899
McKawaBeatrice born about 1914
McKawaBertha Eborn about 1895
McKawaDutch Eborn about 1881
McKawaJanice Mborn about 1927
McKawaOlive Gborn about 1919
McKawnCarl born about 1939
McKeeBlanche Oborn about 1896
McKeeDorothy Eborn about 1925
McKeeElla Mborn about 1873
McKeeJohn Sborn about 1921
McKeeJohn Wborn about 1896
McKeeNellie born about 1871
McKeePaul Hborn about 1923
McQuerryEverett Hborn about 1917
McQuerryMarie Mborn about 1920
McReynoldsCassie Mborn about 1902
McReynoldsWilliam Aborn about 1922
McReynoldsWilliam Dborn about 1901
MedleyArthur born about 1905
MedleyEarl Lborn about 1934
MedleyGlen Eborn about 1932
MedleyHarold Lborn about 1931
MedleyLois Aborn about 1936
MedleyMarian Rborn about 1940
MedleyRichard born about 1937
MedleyScenie Aborn about 1907
MellingCharles Bborn about 1876
MellingRobert born about 1914
MellingTeddie born about 1919
MellonEugene born about 1893
MellonPaul born about 1921
MellonRobert Eborn about 1922
MillerJo Wborn about 1895
MillerJoanne born about 1919
MillerJohn T Jrborn about 1930
MillerTruman Gborn about 1893
MillesIda Mborn about 1872
MillesJohn Gborn about 1867
ModdueBenton born about 1902
ModduxDonald Rborn about 1933
ModduxOpal Mborn about 1902
ModduxRowena Mborn about 1931
ModleyEula Fborn about 1928
ModleyHomer Hborn about 1923
ModleyJean Aborn about 1933
ModleyLuther born about 1899
ModleyNellie born about 1924
ModleyPhoebe born about 1904
ModleyReta Jborn about 1927
MoffittElmer Tborn about 1883
MoffittNoake Aborn about 1879
MonroeHelen Jborn about 1920
MonroeJack Wborn about 1921
MonroeJerry Lborn about 1919
MonroeJunita Lborn about 1897
MooreMollie Eborn about 1874
MoteMaggie Lborn about 1891
MullinArabel born about 1904
MullinMargaret Aborn about 1939
MullinRobert Rborn about 1929
MullinVernon born about 1902
MullinVirginia Wborn about 1940
MunnFelix born about 1881
MunnThomas Aborn about 1876
MurphyGertrude born about 1891
MurrayNora Aborn about 1880
MyersEdna Lborn about 1906
MyersJames Hborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NicholsonRosco Nborn about 1921
NicholsonWilliam born about 1880
NickelsonEdna Mborn about 1888
NickelsonMary Bborn about 1861
NormanGrace born about 1886
NormanMae Kborn about 1881
NormanMary Fborn about 1893
NormanOpal born about 1882
NorrisAlta Mborn about 1927
NorrisBurnis born about 1900
NorrisCharles Eborn about 1926
NorrisDicy Aborn about 1904
NorrisDora Jborn about 1872
NorrisHarry born about 1873
NorrisShirley Aborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdellArlo Hborn about 1913
OdellEdith Vborn about 1915
OdellFrench Hborn about 1889
OdellRoann born about 1864
OlsenElma Eborn about 1875
OneillEdwin Gborn about 1889

P Surnames

PallardDessie Mborn about 1881
PallardElla Cborn about 1873
PallockGeorgia Mborn about 1903
ParkerArletta Jborn about 1934
ParkerElmo born about 1907
ParkerJohn born about 1875
ParkerJohn Sborn about 1939
ParkerLiddie Jborn about 1872
ParkerNellie Pborn about 1920
ParkinsJames born about 1875
ParmanMason Aborn about 1876
ParrackBonnie Lborn about 1938
ParrackFannie Mborn about 1920
ParrackLawrence Rborn about 1913
PartinLouise Eborn about 1920
PartinWilliam Fborn about 1908
PerryBilly Jborn about 1933
PerryGlocia Cborn about 1915
PerryRobert Eborn about 1930
PerryRobert Sborn about 1896
PerryRonald Gborn about 1939
PetermanIvan Bborn about 1880
PetermanOda Hborn about 1881
PetreeBelly Jborn about 1930
PetreeBeulah born about 1914
PetreeJean Pborn about 1931
PetreeLaveta Eborn about 1906
PetreeLee born about 1906
PetreeLorrain Eborn about 1928
PetreeOla Hborn about 1906
PhillipsFaye born about 1916
PhillipsKate Cborn about 1876
PhillipsOlive Aborn about 1874
PollandAlma Cborn about 1922
PollandElizabeth Nborn about 1883
PollandJoe Bborn about 1917
PollandLova Jborn about 1938
PollardRobert Oborn about 1923
PorterBarbara Annborn about 1936
PorterBetty born about 1931
PorterClyde born about 1905
PorterEdith born about 1907
PorterJames born about 1927
PorterRobert born about 1925
PrestoneEvelyn Lborn about 1912
PrestoneWayne Wborn about 1905
PryanSara Aborn about 1850

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinitoMicheletti born about 1880

R Surnames

RahlCarl born about 1891
RahlCarlene born about 1924
RahlEarnest born about 1921
RahlFern born about 1929
RahlGeraldine born about 1927
RahlLeona born about 1932
RahlRose born about 1901
RainwaterJessie Cborn about 1892
RainwaterJohn Aborn about 1880
RainwaterMary Eborn about 1927
RandallFred Oborn about 1901
RanesCharles born about 1882
RanesHelen born about 1915
RanesHoward born about 1925
RanesLoyd born about 1912
RanesLoyd Jr born about 1938
RanesMarlieta Mborn about 1936
RanesPearl born about 1889
RanesRichard born about 1927
RapeRobert born about 1857
RarrackHiram Nborn about 1910
RarrackJack Dborn about 1940
RarrackRuth Aborn about 1917
ReberGeorge Aborn about 1874
ReinekeGeneva Cborn about 1906
ReinekeJames Eborn about 1926
ReinekeOrvis Gborn about 1928
ReinekeWalter born about 1900
ReinekeWalter Kborn about 1931
RenceCathrine Sborn about 1856
ReppersOrville born about 1914
ReyburnElizabeth Eborn about 1886
ReyburnHarry born about 1907
RhodusAlberta Fborn about 1929
RhodusGeorge Aborn about 1893
RhodusIzetta born about 1923
RhodusRosie Aborn about 1892
RhodusTheda Gborn about 1894
RhodusThomas Eborn about 1898
RiddleLota born about 1906
RiggsSamuel Rborn about 1864
RiggsSara Jborn about 1867
RippyJames Sborn about 1884
RippyKay Wborn about 1890
RobertsBuelah born about 1886
RobertsHoward Lborn about 1887
RobertsLyman Eborn about 1884
RobertsRosa Dborn about 1886
RobertsRosie Aborn about 1880
RobertsVernon Lborn about 1925
RobertsVirgil Jborn about 1880
RobertsWilliam Lborn about 1866
RobinsonCharles Wborn about 1883
RobinsonEdna Mborn about 1929
RobinsonGertrude M Dborn about 1884
RobinsonMillan born about 1925
RockElva Fborn about 1888
RockRaymond Aborn about 1884
RodgerIsaac Hborn about 1864
RoneyRuth Bborn about 1902
RoneySusan Kborn about 1868
RooneyJohn Hborn about 1898
RussellDonald Gborn about 1932
RussellFlorence Mborn about 1911
RussellGlene Vborn about 1902
RussellHattie Mborn about 1893
RussellJames Eborn about 1884
RussellKathlyn Jborn about 1922
RussellLena Mborn about 1906
RussellLewis Dborn about 1909
RussellMary Mborn about 1880
RussellShirley Dborn about 1936
RyanEmma born about 1902
RyanJohn born about 1890
RyanMary Eborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalmonsSybille Lborn about 1857
SalmonsWilliam Pborn about 1872
SappJane Gborn about 1910
SappJoyce born about 1932
ScabeeCrystal Pborn about 1925
ScabeeDewey Cborn about 1899
ScabeeEarl Eborn about 1929
ScabeeGoldie Fborn about 1922
ScabeeMary Eborn about 1934
ScabeeRaxie Eborn about 1901
ScabeeRaymond Cborn about 1920
ScabeeWilma Jborn about 1932
SchoolingRobert Eborn about 1924
ScobeeAlliene Vborn about 1917
ScobeeBessie Oborn about 1898
ScobeeCarl Eborn about 1897
ScobeeCharles Lborn about 1928
ScobeeEmogene born about 1924
ScobeeGerald Dborn about 1918
ScobeeJackie Jborn about 1927
ScobeeJunior Bborn about 1920
ScobeeRosen Cborn about 1923
ScottFrank Wborn about 1884
ScottMinnie Aborn about 1881
ScottNell Rborn about 1888
SextonLauna Eborn about 1853
ShadesBetty Jborn about 1938
ShadesHelen Jborn about 1913
ShadesWilliam Aborn about 1911
ShadesWilliam A Jrborn about 1934
ShanksClyde Eborn about 1911
ShanksMaurine born about 1918
SharpArch Eborn about 1887
SharpBryan Wborn about 1917
SharpEarl Hborn about 1912
SharpEstill Rborn about 1925
SharpGlenn Jborn about 1920
SharpIva Nborn about 1927
SharpLela Cborn about 1916
SharpLester Lborn about 1910
SharpMary Fborn about 1917
SharpMaurene born about 1906
SharpMelba Jborn about 1939
SharpRaymond Eborn about 1932
SharpRetha Mborn about 1905
SharpRobert Cborn about 1903
SharpThelma Aborn about 1923
SharpWilma Aborn about 1910
SharyCordia born about 1859
ShawHettie Mborn about 1883
ShawJesse Hborn about 1882
ShearerCharles Gborn about 1900
ShearerNaomi born about 1905
ShearerRobert born about 1924
ShearerVirginia born about 1927
SheltonKe??? born about 1922
ShepardLulu Vborn about 1888
ShephardMary Eborn about 1877
ShephardOnnan Aborn about 1881
ShieldsCharles Wborn about 1875
ShieldsGoldie Pborn about 1915
ShieldsMary Mborn about 1911
ShouseCarrie Rborn about 1878
ShouseEdwin born about 1876
SimsAnnie Wborn about 1898
SimsCarl born about 1899
SimsKenneth Cborn about 1927
SimsNorma Leeborn about 1932
SkinnerBilly Fborn about 1926
SkinnerHarold Eborn about 1923
SkinnerHelen Mborn about 1928
SkinnerLoyd Aborn about 1897
SkinnerRonald Wborn about 1931
SkinnerRuby Mborn about 1901
SloanGeorgia Cborn about 1898
SloanHelen Lborn about 1926
SloanJames Lborn about 1922
SloanJim Aborn about 1893
SloanOmar Mborn about 1935
SloanWilliam Sborn about 1914
SmeadAda born about 1895
SmeadEllis born about 1879
SmithAline Lborn about 1926
SmithAllen Gborn about 1901
SmithAnna Mborn about 1891
SmithAnnabelle born about 1928
SmithArchie Dborn about 1890
SmithCarrie Cborn about 1875
SmithCarrie Vborn about 1881
SmithDale Fborn about 1938
SmithDelbert born about 1916
SmithEarnest Aborn about 1911
SmithEdna Mborn about 1895
SmithEugene Jborn about 1922
SmithFred Mborn about 1907
SmithGerald Fborn about 1923
SmithGertie Mborn about 1903
SmithHarold Eborn about 1939
SmithHelen Rborn about 1908
SmithJames Bborn about 1935
SmithJames Oborn about 1933
SmithJames Sborn about 1892
SmithJoann born about 1873
SmithJuliet Lborn about 1890
SmithKelley born about 1871
SmithLena born about 1868
SmithLouise Mborn about 1925
SmithLucy Vborn about 1906
SmithLyle Aborn about 1933
SmithMarvin Hborn about 1928
SmithMaude Bborn about 1866
SmithMinnie Mborn about 1916
SmithOscar Fborn about 1926
SmithRaymond Pborn about 1931
SmithRhodus Pborn about 1881
SmithRiley born about 1877
SmithRiley Cborn about 1915
SmithRobert Lborn about 1930
SmithVirgil Mborn about 1897
SouthwickJesse Bborn about 1881
SouthwickLaura Kborn about 1882
SouthwickMurl Wborn about 1916
SouthwickVirginia Mborn about 1918
StarostkaJoseph born about 1889
StephensonGaldia Bborn about 1887
StewartLawrence Hborn about 1924
StewartR born about 1900
StewartWilma Fborn about 1921
StilfieldAvanell born about 1907
StilfieldLoyd Rborn about 1896
StilfieldLoyd R Jrborn about 1930
StjohnArathur born about 1931
StjohnBilly born about 1925
StjohnBobby Jborn about 1939
StjohnCarl born about 1917
StjohnDelass born about 1870
StjohnDonald born about 1929
StjohnDora born about 1893
StjohnDora Lborn about 1934
StjohnJacobx Sborn about 1913
StjohnJames born about 1922
StjohnLouise born about 1918
StjohnMary Eborn about 1939
StjohnNorma born about 1921
StjohnPatrica Mborn about 1938
StjohnRuben born about 1867
StjohnSamuel born about 1920
StjohnSamuel Sborn about 1873
StjohnWilliam born about 1876
StockardAudrey Fborn about 1906
StockardIda Jborn about 1870
StockardJohn Rborn about 1925
StockardPaul Eborn about 1906
StockardRichard Hborn about 1891
StockardVella born about 1888
StocktonJohn Bborn about 1855
StocktonOma Lborn about 1870
StockwellBetty Fborn about 1931
StockwellCecila born about 1891
StockwellFrank Lborn about 1936
StockwellMartha Jborn about 1916
StockwellRaymond Dborn about 1934
StonesonWilliam Cborn about 1914
StonumAlma Lborn about 1915
StonumElwin Cborn about 1861
StonumRobert Aborn about 1940
StonumRobert Cborn about 1913
StoutAlberta Oborn about 1923
StoutBarbara Aborn about 1883
StoutCharles Eborn about 1910
SullivanWilliam born about 1886
SummersElta Lborn about 1890
SummersJohn Wborn about 1888
SummersLeverne born about 1921
SummersMary Eborn about 1879
SummersSaphronia born about 1860
SummersValentine born about 1857
SwaffordJohn Mborn about 1862
SwaffordMary Eborn about 1923
SwaffordOctavia born about 1867
SwaffordThomas Dborn about 1935
SwaffordThomas Wborn about 1916
SwindlerGeorge Dborn about 1910
SwindlerKenneth Dborn about 1939
SwindlerRuth Lborn about 1921
SwindlerWanda Lborn about 1937
SwitzerLa Donna Eborn about 1917
SwopeEarl Cborn about 1908
SwopeGary Eborn about 1937
SwopeGlen Dborn about 1931
SwopeMarie Sborn about 1912
SwopeNellie Mborn about 1923
SwopeWilliam Aborn about 1913
SwyderBobby Jborn about 1930
SwyderDaniel Lborn about 1908
SwyderDaniel L Jrborn about 1928
SwyderJessie Mborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaggartBessie Lborn about 1889
TaggartBlenn Dborn about 1915
TaggartMary Eborn about 1886
TaggartMary Lborn about 1919
TaggartRawena Eborn about 1919
TaggartThomas Aborn about 1886
TaylorEldon Eborn about 1928
TaylorErma Jborn about 1925
TaylorFrank born about 1916
TaylorJames Jborn about 1922
TaylorJames Rborn about 1931
TaylorJerry Sborn about 1892
TaylorJohn Pborn about 1887
TaylorLawrence Eborn about 1914
TaylorLeo Mborn about 1920
TaylorMarvin Jborn about 1918
TaylorMary Kborn about 1933
TaylorPansy Pborn about 1895
TaylorPeggy Mborn about 1936
TaylorRex Dborn about 1922
TaylorTommy Jborn about 1930
TaylorVerda Dborn about 1890
TeagardenDean Dborn about 1930
TeagardenGeorge Wborn about 1892
TeagardenJames Eborn about 1927
TeagardenMabel Gborn about 1895
TeatesBenjamin born about 1855
TeatesBetty Lborn about 1926
TeatesRay Eborn about 1900
TeatesRuth Eborn about 1903
TeegardenArthur Dborn about 1899
TeegardenDorothy Rborn about 1922
TeegardenEarnest Wborn about 1935
TeegardenGuy Wborn about 1924
TeegardenJames Aborn about 1939
TeegardenJerry Mborn about 1935
TeegardenJohn Tborn about 1910
TeegardenJuanita Mborn about 1933
TeegardenLouise Eborn about 1862
TeegardenLucy born about 1905
TeegardenMarilyn Lborn about 1936
TeegardenMarjorie Mborn about 1930
TeegardenMary Aborn about 1913
TeegardenMary Eborn about 1903
TeegardenParcy Gborn about 1931
TeegardenPleasant Fborn about 1880
TeegardenRonald Wborn about 1938
TeegardenWilliam Hborn about 1920
ThomasJ Wborn about 1924
ThomasJessie born about 1898
ThomasRadder born about 1928
ThomasTony born about 1895
ThomasWinifred born about 1926
ThompsonBulah Bborn about 1911
ThompsonDorothy Mborn about 1928
ThompsonFred Oborn about 1906
ThompsonHorace born about 1859
ThompsonJoseph Gborn about 1881
ThompsonLeon S Fborn about 1931
ThompsonMaude born about 1878
ThomsonGene Mborn about 1926
ThomsonGladys Eborn about 1903
ThomsonHelen Lborn about 1932
ThomsonJae Wborn about 1888
ThomsonJulia Aborn about 1856
ThomsonMary Rborn about 1930
ThomsonMelvin Cborn about 1902
ThomsonRay Mborn about 1928
ThomsonReba Vborn about 1907
ThomsonRobert Fborn about 1876
ThomsonVirginia Dborn about 1933
TitusAbraham Eborn about 1884
TitusBlanche Lborn about 1903
TitusPaul Eborn about 1918
TitusVirgil Eborn about 1905
TrantClyde Sborn about 1904
TrantHazel Dborn about 1905
TrantRamona Mborn about 1926
TrantTruman Jborn about 1924
TraskeWilliam Aborn about 1860
TraylerCecil Fborn about 1901
TraylerEugene Eborn about 1923
TraylerFrancis Mborn about 1860
TraylerSara Eborn about 1869
TroutHugh Rborn about 1911
TroutSally Oborn about 1912
TrueIva Cborn about 1884
TuggleFlorence Vborn about 1894
TuggleWillis Cborn about 1893
TurnerFlora born about 1885
TurnerNannie Bborn about 1863
TurnerNell born about 1889

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U Surnames

UpburyElla Mborn about 1868
UttJeff born about 1861
UttJesse Cborn about 1886
UttNina Mborn about 1899
UttVelma Vborn about 1910
UttVerna Nborn about 1897

V Surnames

VangreendesAline Lborn about 1933
VangreendesCharles Wborn about 1900
VangreendesLucy Bborn about 1867
VangreendesVirginia born about 1905
VantrumpJoe Wborn about 1933
VantrumpJohn born about 1859
VantrumpMary Aborn about 1931
VantrumpMilles Aborn about 1905
VantrumpWilma Mborn about 1904
VaughnBobby Dborn about 1940
VaughnDeemin Lborn about 1937
VaughnDwight Gborn about 1935
VaughnHalladine born about 1926
VaughnHoward Leeborn about 1928
VaughnMaryline Cborn about 1915
VaughnMaude Oborn about 1892
VaughnNoble Gborn about 1913
VaughnNorma Fborn about 1935
VaughnWallie Cborn about 1887
ViolettNora Aborn about 1870
ViolettThomas Bborn about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerDoris Kborn about 1939
WalkerElsie Mborn about 1913
WalkerEmil Fborn about 1913
WallaceBetty Jborn about 1931
WallaceBobby Eborn about 1929
WallaceDonald Lborn about 1927
WallaceJesse Dborn about 1901
WallaceJoy Lborn about 1936
WallaceLena Fborn about 1907
WarmseeyEdna born about 1927
WarmsleyAlva Aborn about 1924
WarmsleyCora born about 1888
WarmsleyEdna Bborn about 1927
WarmsleyJohn Wborn about 1878
WatersFreda Kborn about 1917
WatersJames Lborn about 1908
WatersMille born about 1870
WatersPatsy born about 1937
WatersRichard born about 1873
WatersThomas born about 1915
WatersTommy born about 1939
WatersVivian born about 1914
WatkinsMargaret born about 1864
WatsonDelbert Wborn about 1910
WatsonEliza born about 1884
WatsonRichard born about 1920
WatsonWilliam Mborn about 1867
WeymouthIsabelle born about 1861
WeymouthWilliam born about 1871
WheetJesse born about 1874
WheetLucy Jborn about 1876
WhitsettEdith Aborn about 1892
WhitsettMefford Eborn about 1887
WilhedlonChristine Lborn about 1928
WilhedlonDonald Eborn about 1926
WilhedlonEdward Jborn about 1923
WilhedlonHelen Lborn about 1894
WilhedlonMaxine Jborn about 1928
WilhedlonWilliam born about 1909
WilliamsFlora Cborn about 1871
WilliamsGeorgia Eborn about 1898
WilliamsIke Tborn about 1864
WilliamsMabel born about 1909
WilliamsThomas Mborn about 1892
WilliamsonHelen Rborn about 1903
WilliamsonThomas Dborn about 1900
WilsonEdgar Fborn about 1916
WilsonFrances Mborn about 1922
WilsonParry Jborn about 1865
WingerFrances Aborn about 1857
WiseIva Fborn about 1911
WiseNettie born about 1878
WiseWilliam Hborn about 1863
WoodsSally Jborn about 1866
WyattZura born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesChristopher Cborn about 1871

Z Surnames

ZimmermanFred born about 1882
ZimmermanMina Mborn about 1900

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