1940 U.S. Federal Census of Salt Fork, Saline, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Saline County > 1940 Census of Salt Fork

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDavid Lborn about 1867
AdamsLily Cborn about 1845
AdamsMattie Lborn about 1887
AdamsOlive Aborn about 1886
AdamsThomas Eborn about 1922
AlexanderRichard born about 1887
AllenPriscilla born about 1902
AllenRichard born about 1892
AlmanderLeonard born about 1886
ArthCatherine Eborn about 1921
ArthDonald Lborn about 1939
ArthJoseph Mborn about 1913

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B Surnames

BakerClara Lborn about 1891
BakerJune born about 1889
BakerJune Mborn about 1923
BarnettFredrick Aborn about 1885
BarnettIsabel born about 1871
BartelEverett born about 1916
BartelMildred born about 1918
BartelWilliam born about 1939
BartellDewey born about 1920
BartellEdna born about 1900
BartellFerd born about 1894
BartellLorrine born about 1929
BartellRobert born about 1932
BartellRosaline born about 1927
BartellWarren born about 1924
BartonRosa born about 1922
BentleyCharles Fborn about 1906
BentleyDaisy born about 1906
BraytonArthur Eborn about 1907
BraytonDorothy Lborn about 1911
BraytonRichard Lborn about 1932
BriceArchibald Aborn about 1883
BriceOphadelpus born about 1886
BriceVirginia born about 1911
BrooksLucille born about 1920
BrooksWilbur born about 1917
BrooksWillard born about 1914
BrooksWillis born about 1917
BrownFrank Dborn about 1902
BrownGenny born about 1866
BrownLewis born about 1915
BrownRufus born about 1909
BrowningRay born about 1912
BuckMeredith Gborn about 1915
BuckWinifred Lborn about 1920
BurkAdell born about 1909
BurkDorothy Bborn about 1930
BurkMarile born about 1931
BurkRobert Lborn about 1902
BurtonArvella Mborn about 1888
BurtonJohn Wborn about 1869
BurtonMittie Jborn about 1918
BurtonRebecca Lborn about 1915

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C Surnames

CarterWilliam born about 1928
ChambersCharles born about 1900
ChambersElsie born about 1901
ChambersElwood born about 1925
ChambersHelen born about 1932
ChambersJames born about 1858
ChambersJane Eborn about 1935
ChambersMary born about 1860
ChambersThomas born about 1884
ChapmanJohn Hborn about 1912
ClemonsAmos born about 1902
ClemonsBerla born about 1904
ClemonsBobby born about 1932
ClemonsWade born about 1930
ClemonsWarren born about 1927
Coates??? Fborn about 1902
CoatesAlice born about 1910
CoberkerArthur born about 1872
ConawayFrank Sborn about 1914
ConawayJewell Eborn about 1918
CrobarkerEmma born about 1876
CrobarkerLester Wborn about 1872
CrobarkerLorena born about 1915
CrobarkerMargerine born about 1934
CrobarkerMary Pborn about 1932
CrobarkerRobert Sborn about 1910
Crobarser??? born about 1913
CulbertsonElizabeth born about 1866

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D Surnames

DarbyAlvin Lborn about 1930
DarbyCalvin Wborn about 1930
DarbyHarold Jborn about 1936
DarbyHarry born about 1906
DarbyHarry Eborn about 1929
DarbyRobert Lborn about 1933
DarbyVerna born about 1913
DavisAnnis Lborn about 1927
DavisCharles Bborn about 1872
DavisJoseph Bborn about 1873
DavisSmith Bborn about 1902
DavisWilliam Gborn about 1910
DdowdEula Iborn about 1903
DdowdJames born about 1890
DdowdRobert Sborn about 1924
DdowdVernice Eborn about 1926
DdowdWilliam Bborn about 1934
DeerAmie Eborn about 1920
DeerGeorge Hborn about 1919
DeerGeorgia Aborn about 1940
DehnOtto Gborn about 1903
DennisCecil Wayneborn about 1937
DennisHera Jborn about 1894
DennisJohn A Jrborn about 1891
DennisJohn A Jrborn about 1918
DennisKenneth Cborn about 1925
DennisLena Iborn about 1933
DennisLester Cborn about 1922
DesmonaJack born about 1920
DhielDonald Jborn about 1931
DhielGeorge Fborn about 1921
DhielJohn Aborn about 1933
DhielKatherine Tborn about 1892
DhielLeo L Jrborn about 1919
DhielLeo L Srborn about 1890
DhielLouis Aborn about 1929
DhielMary Lborn about 1925
DialJames Hborn about 1913
DialMinnie Mborn about 1938
DialRuth Aborn about 1939
DialVirgie Rborn about 1913
DorrisEmmaline Hborn about 1902
DorrisJoseph Bborn about 1907
DorrisJoseph Wborn about 1929
DorrisLillian Lborn about 1928
DorrisMary Jborn about 1904
DorrisNora Aborn about 1935
DorrisSamuel Sborn about 1898
DorrisSamuel Sborn about 1932
DorrisThomas Wborn about 1933
DorrisWare Aborn about 1924
DuncanHarriet Iborn about 1901
DuncanNathaniel Cborn about 1902
DuncanRalph Sborn about 1933
DuncanRandall Cborn about 1926
DyeNancy born about 1916
DyeRaymond born about 1915
DyerCare born about 1895
DyerCharles Eborn about 1893
DyerEarl Eborn about 1917

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E Surnames

EllisElizabeth Aborn about 1931
EllisLermie born about 1886
EllisMary Kborn about 1923
EllisRobert Lborn about 1926
EllisRosie Mborn about 1905
EnglandBobby Jborn about 1931
EnglandLloyd Aborn about 1910
EnglandLloyd Dborn about 1934
EnglandLouise Bborn about 1911
EvansGlady Bborn about 1889
EvansJohn Rborn about 1878
EvergeBeatrice born about 1923
EvergeGeorge Wborn about 1916

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F Surnames

FallElizabeth Aborn about 1866
FitzgeraldLillian Mborn about 1907
FitzgeraldRichard born about 1907
FliffLouise born about 1936

G Surnames

GarrisonClaude born about 1923
GarrisonLucy Aborn about 1888
GarrisonVernon born about 1930
GarrisonWilliam Dborn about 1886
GarsonKenneth Pborn about 1930
GarsonLaura Mborn about 1864
GarsonPaul Kborn about 1902
GarsonViolet Mborn about 1903
GarsonVirginia Jborn about 1935
GeagleClara Eborn about 1901
GeagleClara Eborn about 1926
GeagleEdward Dborn about 1931
GeagleJerry Jborn about 1932
GeagleMatt Hborn about 1900
GeagleMatt Hborn about 1927
GhormWillington born about 1939
GirtonDavid Aborn about 1898
GirtonJanita Gborn about 1931
GirtonMaggie Mborn about 1902
GirtonRhoda Mborn about 1928
GirtonRobert Wborn about 1930
GreenFrank born about 1867
GreenMittie born about 1876
GrelandNellie Bborn about 1918

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H Surnames

HackerAma Eborn about 1915
HackerMaxine born about 1935
HackerOma born about 1905
HackerPaul Eborn about 1934
HallBerkeley Sborn about 1906
HallBerkeliy Jborn about 1935
HallMarceline Hborn about 1909
HallWalton Craudordborn about 1900
HamlinEarl born about 1922
HanesDonald Lborn about 1939
HanesJohn Tborn about 1937
HanesMay Lborn about 1906
HanesThomas Bborn about 1901
HanesTina Bborn about 1875
HanesWilliam Lborn about 1872
HansonEarl Tborn about 1897
HansonEllwyn Leeearlborn about 1924
HansonLytha Leeborn about 1892
HarveyCharlie Hborn about 1887
HarveyNora Bborn about 1890
HarveyRalph Cborn about 1921
HawkinsCatherine born about 1914
HawkinsOrville Fborn about 1899
HawkinsWilliam Eborn about 1899
HeckmanJohn Hborn about 1880
HeckmanMargaret Cborn about 1887
HeyesEli Cborn about 1918
HeyesMinnie Bborn about 1889
HeyesRichard Aborn about 1882
HightowerGrover born about 1895
HightowerJulia Aborn about 1864
HightowerRichard born about 1891
HightowerWilliam born about 1898
HintonElise Rborn about 1905
HintonElisha Fborn about 1865
HintonEmma Eborn about 1873
HintonGeorge Wborn about 1909
HintonKatheleen born about 1904
HintonMary Jborn about 1914
HolderCharles Fborn about 1925
HolderKatie born about 1892
HolderRaymond Aborn about 1893
HollandBarbara Aborn about 1940
HollandElla Mborn about 1923
HollandKenneth born about 1915
HordlJoseph Jborn about 1905
HulandIda Mborn about 1913
HulandPercy Hborn about 1913
HumphfreyCharles born about 1938
HumphfreyLouise born about 1916
HumphfreyTom Lborn about 1901
HumphfreyWilliam Lborn about 1935
HutchersonAnna Kborn about 1910
HutchersonBetty Jaenborn about 1933
HutchersonLeland born about 1908

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J Surnames

JacksonAaron born about 1917
JacksonBulah born about 1870
JacksonFlorence born about 1918
JacksonJames Rborn about 1927
JacksonJosephine born about 1929
JacksonNallie born about 1894
JacksonThomas born about 1872
JacobyElizabeth born about 1914
JacobyElizabeth Nborn about 1873
JacobyHenry Jborn about 1908
JacobyLawrence Aborn about 1880
JacobyLawrence A Jrborn about 1912
JeffersEppie Dborn about 1888
JeffersNellie Hborn about 1895
JefferssHerbert Vborn about 1876
JefferssNellie Mborn about 1888
JefferssRebecca Kborn about 1939
JefferssRobert Vborn about 1913
JointerHenry Jborn about 1925
JointerHuston Hborn about 1895
JointerHuston H Jrborn about 1922
JointerJoe Nborn about 1923
JointerKatie Mborn about 1896
JointerRoy Fborn about 1926
JointerWilliam Rborn about 1928
JonesFlossie Mborn about 1923
JonesJames Lborn about 1907
JonesJames Lborn about 1931
JonesVernon born about 1929

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K Surnames

KennedtMa Lborn about 1874
KennedtRichard Lborn about 1911
KingElsie Mborn about 1921
KingGeneva Wborn about 1893
KingGeorge Rborn about 1924
KingIzzie Mborn about 1865
KingJone K Jrborn about 1895
KingJune Kborn about 1859
KingSimon Rborn about 1893

L Surnames

LarJ Hlenborn about
LarrsonKatherine Mborn about 1921
LarrsonLaura born about 1918
LarrsonRoy Lborn about 1892
LarrsonSusan Mborn about 1895
Lawrence??? born about 1895
LawrenceClarence Lborn about 1924
LawrenceJoe Rborn about 1930
LawrenceJosephine Mborn about 1904
LawrenceLester born about 1882
LawrenceLouise Vborn about 1926
LawrencePearl Aborn about 1928
LawrenceStanley Iborn about 1899
LawrenceWilliams born about 1931
LawsonEffie born about 1877
LawsonJohn Nborn about 1872
LaxonMabel born about 1902
LaxonOliver Jborn about 1891
LaxsonDonald Jborn about 1939
LaxsonRonald Dborn about 1939
LaxsonWilliam Oborn about 1921
LeatonBarbara born about 1919
LeatonBeatrice born about 1904
LeatonBessie born about 1883
LeatonCharles Hborn about 1866
LeatonJohn Rborn about 1914
LeatonJohn Tborn about 1876
LeatonVirgil Gborn about 1902
LewisJulie born about 1890
LewisRichard Aborn about 1888
LewisRobert born about 1935

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M Surnames

MariumEwen born about 1884
MariumLouise born about 1918
McCallisterGeorgia Lborn about 1920
McCallisterKatherine born about 1891
McCallisterVic Hborn about 1882
McCoyJoseph Wborn about 1913
McGrawHarry born about 1904
McGrawIda born about 1901
McLoyAtta born about 1916
McLoyAubrey born about 1921
McLoyGeorge born about 1890
McLoyLouise born about 1883
McLoyRoy born about 1911
MoldenArtha Mborn about 1909
MoldenFrank born about 1895
MoldenJohn Rborn about 1928
MoldenMarjorie born about 1929
MoldenNancy born about 1931
MontgomerySmith born about 1867
MooreAnna born about 1929
MooreArma born about 1892
MooreClyde born about 1899
MooreEarl born about 1924
MooreEarl Tborn about 1931
MooreFred Hborn about 1922
MooreGerald Cborn about 1920
MooreHazel born about 1936
MooreHoward born about 1933
MooreJohn Rborn about 1926
MooreJoseph B Jrborn about 1919
MooreJoseph B Srborn about 1891
MooreMarie born about 1926
MooreMie born about 1899
MooreRay Eborn about 1929
MoorisMolly Eborn about 1866
MorelanArnet Jborn about 1905
MorelanBirkie Bborn about 1908
MorelanCharles Kborn about 1939
MorelanHarold Eborn about 1937
MorelanLillian Mborn about 1936
MorelanRoy Nborn about 1931
MorelanSarah Mborn about 1929
MorelanStella Iborn about 1933
MorrisJohn Hborn about 1882
MorrisKatie Lborn about 1891
MorrisThomas Jborn about 1890
MurphyEmmett born about 1901
MurphySally born about 1871

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N Surnames

NewellAdelia Vborn about 1869
NewellWilliam Hborn about 1867
NicholsLarundia born about 1874
NicholsLomie Hborn about 1883
NormanEvelyn born about 1928
NormanJessie Bborn about 1897
NormanVincent born about 1926
NormanWilliam Bborn about 1900

O Surnames

OhowellJames born about 1889
OhowellNancy Bborn about 1867

P Surnames

PaceBertha Jborn about 1898
PaceElizabeth born about 1885
PaceGeorge Wborn about 1883
PaceNettie Aborn about 1890
PaceRichard Cborn about 1920
PaceRoss Fborn about 1893
PaceWilliam Oborn about 1887
PaceWilliam Pborn about 1930
PaceWilma Aborn about 1930
PannellLoula Jborn about 1873
PattersonDoma Deeborn about 1933
PattersonGeorge M Jrborn about 1911
PattersonGeorgina born about 1938
PattersonMary Vborn about 1911
PerdueClyde born about 1891
PerdueJessie born about 1910
PointerFrances Fborn about 1931
PointerJames Kborn about 1936
PointerJohn Laneborn about 1935
PointerKatie Mborn about 1930
PointerTeddy Tborn about 1938
PulleyAddie born about 1859
PurrettBertha Mborn about 1879
PurrettJesse Mborn about 1873

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R Surnames

RainesCaroline Qborn about 1934
RainesJames Wborn about 1938
RainesLeroy Lborn about 1936
RainesLinnie Bborn about 1906
RainesWilliam Lborn about 1896
RichardsonHugh born about 1887
RichardsonLouise born about 1872
RichardsonRobert born about 1870
RigginsMattie born about 1875
RitcnieAgnes Mborn about 1882
RondolphElwood Jborn about 1920
RondolphEva Mborn about 1881
RondolphPreston Jborn about 1879

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S Surnames

ScheigerJohn born about 1869
ScheigerMary born about 1874
SelfLelain born about 1919
SelfMartha Sborn about 1924
ShamonEdward Bborn about 1873
ShannonBlanche born about 1884
ShannonJohn Kborn about 1876
ShansonShirely Aborn about 1933
ShansonVirginia Lborn about 1909
ShansonWalter Fborn about 1909
Sharmon??? Mborn about 1889
SharmonAmelia Nborn about 1872
SharmonElise Pborn about 1889
SharmonJohn Cborn about 1929
SharmonMabel born about 1924
SharmonMary Cborn about 1891
SharmonRobert Lborn about 1920
ShinabargerCharles born about 1914
SimmonsClaude born about 1912
SimsClara Eborn about 1896
SimsJohn Mborn about 1935
SimsWilliam Rborn about 1895
SmithAllie Aborn about 1885
SmithAm Rborn about 1938
SmithKatherine Eborn about 1908
SmithLucy Vborn about 1877
SmithMargaret Mborn about 1909
SmithThomas Aborn about 1906
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1874
SnodyAlbert born about 1886
SnyderCecil Mborn about 1894
SnyderElizabeth Mborn about 1860
SpearsFrancis Eborn about 1905
SpearsWilly born about 1909
SpeitzreFrank born about 1882
SpeitzreNancy Eborn about 1880
SpreitzerLewis Jborn about 1896
SpreitzerMarie Cborn about 1927
SpreitzerMarjorie Bborn about 1933
SpreitzerMary Fborn about 1907
SpreitzerMehrn Fborn about 1939
SpreitzerRaymond Lborn about 1929
SpreitzerShirely Annborn about 1935
SpriggElbert Gborn about 1937
SpriggElbert Mborn about 1914
SpriggEmma Fborn about 1915
SteeieEias Lborn about 1873
SteeieEthel Mborn about 1883

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T Surnames

TaylorAlice Mborn about 1895
TaylorAllie born about 1921
TaylorCharles Cborn about 1891
TaylorCharles C Jrborn about 1921
TaylorElsie Aborn about 1919
TaylorNelle Mborn about 1922
TaylorRaymond born about 1915
ThomasCharles Wborn about 1886
ThomasFlora Eborn about 1896
ThomasJames Eborn about 1889
ThomasJames E Jrborn about 1927
ThomasMary Cborn about 1923
ThomasOlive Eborn about 1893
ThomasWilma Cborn about 1919
ThorpeKatherine Jborn about 1868
ThorpeMildred Bborn about 1906
TichenorAnnie Lborn about 1884
TichenorHarold Aborn about 1922
TichenorJames Lborn about 1870
TichenorWilliam Lborn about 1924
TrelandAnna Rborn about 1922
TrentAnna Bborn about 1893

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V Surnames

VertsJack Kborn about 1934
VertsMattie Kborn about 1907
VertsNed Hborn about 1907
VietsEllonore born about 1915
VoglAnna born about 1876
VoglAnna born about 1918
VoglElizabeth born about 1916
VoglGabriel born about 1869
VoglJohn born about 1922

W Surnames

WagehyGeorge Mborn about 1882
WagehyJames Lborn about 1890
WakerJosephine born about 1867
WakerWilliam Hborn about 1867
WakerWilliam H Jrborn about 1912
WalkAllie Fborn about 1936
WalkCharles Rborn about 1938
WalkDavid Jborn about 1909
WalkHelen Rborn about 1913
WalkerAnna Maryborn about 1936
WalkerDevina born about 1935
WalkerFanny Mborn about 1909
WalkerJames born about 1929
WalkerLacille born about 1927
WalkerLeonard Cborn about 1898
WalkerMary born about 1932
WalkerRalph born about 1934
WalkerRobert born about 1930
WalkerThelma Sborn about 1938
WhiteNorville Rborn about 1871
WhitockRichard Aborn about 1927
WilkersonEarl born about 1910
WilkersonGrace born about 1905
WilkersonJessie Aborn about 1878
WilkersonJoseph Fborn about 1903
WilkersonJosephine born about 1913
WilkersonLloyd Aborn about 1879
WilkersonVerna born about 1915
WillsAlfred born about 1857
WillsDorothy born about 1927
WillsFanny born about 1866
WillsLaura Mborn about 1920
WillsLouise born about 1895
WillsMelvin born about 1929
WillsWillington born about 1890
WilsonAmbrose born about 1894
WilsonElla Fborn about 1900
WilsonGeorge Sborn about 1905
WilsonHelen born about 1908
WilsonHenry Hborn about 1930
WilsonJohn Fborn about 1871
WilsonNell Janeborn about 1929
WilsonRobert Fborn about 1932
WissEunice born about 1902
WissFred Hborn about 1904
WissNorma Lborn about 1929
WissPatsy Jborn about 1934
WissShirley Sborn about 1937
Wolle??? Aborn about 1868
WolleNora Cborn about 1876
WoodsmallJames Aborn about 1896
WoodsmallJames Bborn about 1931
WoodsmallUna Mborn about 1908

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