1940 U.S. Federal Census of Tenmile, Macon, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Macon County > 1940 Census of Tenmile

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsHarlen Charlesborn about 1916
AdkinsImogene born about 1921
AlbrightClarence born about 1902
AlbrightEdna Daleborn about 1901
ArcherAlma Graceborn about 1891
ArcherEmma born about 1861

B Surnames

BakerArma Claudeborn about 1894
BakerAthel Eborn about 1886
BakerClaude Walterborn about 1927
BakerHarold born about 1907
BakerJohn Rainesborn about 1916
BakerLetha Pearlborn about 1898
BakerMadelyn Joyceborn about 1935
BakerMadge Louborn about 1932
BakerMargie Deanborn about 1936
BakerMartha Evonneborn about 1919
BakerNadine Allineborn about 1903
BakerSetha Josephineborn about 1909
BakerSophronia born about 1864
BakerSusie Ellenborn about 1893
BakerW Lowellborn about 1910
BakerWilliam Bartonborn about 1923
BakerWilliam Monroeborn about 1922
BakerWillie Jborn about 1884
BarkAugusta born about 1868
BarkEarnest born about 1891
BarkPearlie Sborn about 1896
BarkRoy Fredborn about 1901
BarnesKilije born about 1883
BarnesMertie born about 1886
BarnesSamuel Fborn about 1874
BaskettAlen Fborn about 1909
BaskettIna Maeborn about 1939
BaskettIrene Maeborn about 1935
BaskettIval Marieborn about 1933
BaskettIvan Francisborn about 1937
BaskettNellie born about 1912
BealmeeMatthew Almerborn about 1867
BelcherMarvin born about 1870
BellAlma born about 1910
BellDonna Louborn about 1932
BellIvah Opalborn about 1907
BellLorce Wmborn about 1905
BellNoel Aaronborn about 1902
BenderAgnes Loreneborn about 1899
BenderLonnie Adoyborn about 1897
BenderLonnie Milburnborn about 1920
BenderMelvin Hershalborn about 1921
BentleyClara Annborn about 1888
BentleyFlora Marieborn about 1939
BentleyFlorence Marieborn about 1913
BentleyJessie Jborn about 1876
BentleyRay Vincelborn about 1913
BentleyWilliam Mborn about 1917
BergerGuy Dborn about 1891
BergerLoraine born about 1894
BerryGlenn Percyborn about 1914
BerryThelma born about 1914
BilbyGeo Purdyborn about 1923
BorkEdith born about 1903
BorkElmer Cborn about 1906
BorkKenneth born about 1928
BorkMary Evelynborn about 1930
BrownGeo Sborn about 1866
BrownRaymond Aborn about 1906
BrownRose Ellaborn about 1876
BrownStella Mildredborn about 1912
BrowningBobby Dawssonborn about 1928
BrowningF Murlborn about 1895
BrowningJaniel Thomasborn about 1931
BrowningJoan Adahborn about 1905
BuchananBobby Glennborn about 1924
BuchananInus Bessieborn about 1880
BuchananJames Eborn about 1878

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C Surnames

CampbellGladys Zeniaborn about 1908
CampbellJohn Arnoldborn about 1933
CampbellJohn Hborn about 1907
CampbellWilliam Hollisborn about 1930
CasonB Fayborn about 1893
CasonHellen Fayborn about 1929
CasonSerelda born about 1896
ClarkGobie Myrtleborn about 1887
ClarkMilton Davenportborn about 1885
ClaypoolAuthor Cambreborn about 1908
ClaypoolIna Mayborn about 1906
ClaypoolJerry born about 1885
ClaypoolMattie born about 1888
ColyAlbert born about 1869
CombsAlice Ednaborn about 1894
CombsEverett Bborn about 1862
CombsFay Mauriceborn about 1933
CombsJosephine Aborn about 1872
CombsLonnie Eborn about 1893
CombsPatsy Annborn about 1937
CombsPaul Edwardborn about 1926
CombsRose Marieborn about 1929
CookAuthor born about 1886
CookBenjamin Franklinborn about 1890
CookCharlie born about 1872
CookEimone Claaisborn about 1891
CookFarlan Daleborn about 1938
CookJaunita Fernborn about 1924
CookJohn Wborn about 1882
CookLizzie born about 1897
CookMalissa born about 1903
CookOtis Sborn about 1904
CookSydia Eborn about 1875
CookThomas Henryborn about 1882
CoperhouerAllie born about 1892
CoperhouerCharlotte Annborn about 1926
CoperhouerMelvin Greggborn about 1931
CoperhouerRobert Leeborn about 1890
CrailDolores born about 1902
CrailWardell Tarrorborn about 1928
CravenJames Hborn about 1891
CravenMarjorie Joanborn about 1925
CravenSollie Edithborn about 1895
CreekmanIrma Maeborn about 1881
CreekmanWilliam Dborn about 1878
CrosbyElizabeth Johannaborn about 1930
CrosbyEverett Leroyborn about 1928
CrosbyNellie Myrtleborn about 1908
CrosbyRoy Whilmanborn about 1902
CroskaryDora Francesborn about 1906
CroskaryThomas Jborn about 1886
CrowellMae born about 1863
CuppBillie Gailborn about 1934
CuppCarole Joyceborn about 1938
CuppDallas Sborn about 1911
CuppElsie Sananeborn about 1915
CuppLeroy Charlesborn about 1908
CuppVerdun Juliaborn about 1913

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D Surnames

DannerDoris Fernborn about 1924
DannerElwin Geraldborn about 1909
DannerHoward Paulborn about 1927
DannerJeremiah Wendellborn about 1914
DannerJoseph Edwinborn about 1881
DannerPearl Anthonyborn about 1916
DannerYulu Rachelborn about 1889
DannesAnna Pearlborn about 1904
DannesEdwin Bartonborn about 1908
DannesReba Fernborn about 1937
DannesRichard Deanborn about 1934
DavisElizabeth Virginiaborn about 1872
DeanJ Harrisonborn about 1893
DeanMary Aletaborn about 1897
DickedroofEmma born about 1886
DickedroofJames Aborn about 1857
DickedroofTressa born about 1865
DoggettAbsolom Hborn about 1871
DouglasClyde Hubertborn about 1905
DouglasGarold Deanborn about 1928
DouglasHazel Marieborn about 1931
DouglasMae Maryborn about 1908
DouglassGertie Maeborn about 1882
DouglassThomas Lborn about 1877

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F Surnames

FaughtCleo Wayneborn about 1931
FaughtFinis Adelborn about 1934
FaughtGlenn born about 1907
FaughtJuanita Ireneborn about 1911
FaughtLois Evonneborn about 1935
FettersEstella Busterborn about 1881
FettersH Lewisborn about 1916
FettersHarry Lborn about 1875
FinkCarl Albertborn about 1929
FinkDaisy Florenceborn about 1900
FinkEllen Louiseborn about 1932
FinkFlorence Ndineborn about 1934
FinkHoward Leroyborn about 1933
FinkLouis Aborn about 1868
FinkRuth Marieborn about 1937
FinneyGrace Annaborn about 1887
FosterAnna Janniceborn about 1933
FosterGrace Mayborn about 1911
FosterJesse born about 1908
FosterVirgil Deeborn about 1936
FrayAnnie Graceborn about 1900
FrayWillard Hustonborn about 1894
FuclueMaggie born about 1875
FuclueWilliam Nanborn about 1871
FullerAmelia born about 1873
FullerJohn Sr born about 1871
FullerJohnie born about 1907
FullerRuth Cannaborn about 1907

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G Surnames

GallamoreBlanch Laurenceborn about 1914
GallamoreDorthy Annborn about 1932
GallamoreFaye Louiseborn about 1937
GallamoreJaunita Clareborn about 1935
GallamoreLeo Eborn about 1907
GallamoreWillard Leoborn about 1937
GilmanFloyd born about 1883
GilmanGeorge Annborn about 1886
GipsonRoscoe born about 1911
GordonSowren Ottoborn about 1884
GordonVesta Graceborn about 1901
GordonWinettie Mborn about 1861
GravesHoward Chesterborn about 1913
GriffinCharley Tborn about 1873
GriffinEluizabeth Ellenborn about 1900
GriffinLula Eborn about 1873
GriffinMatilda born about 1872
GwinnerEffie born about 1896
GwinnerHoward Fborn about 1892
GwinnerJohn Hborn about 1884
GwinnerPearl Edithborn about 1886
GwinnerThelma Kborn about 1922
GwinnerVrigil Vborn about 1917

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H Surnames

HaleGeo Eugeneborn about 1916
HaleJuncela Fernborn about 1937
HaleMayorie Ellenborn about 1920
HalePatricia Annborn about 1939
HallJames born about 1914
HallRosa born about 1875
HarlungAnna Lauraborn about 1931
HarlungBergene born about 1898
HarlungClifford Eugeneborn about 1928
HarlungOpal born about 1904
HarlungRobert Franklinborn about 1934
HartingDora born about 1863
HartingHenry Sborn about 1864
HartungEdgar Gborn about 1891
HartungFreda Barbaraborn about 1895
HartungHawey born about 1928
HartungHazel Marieborn about 1934
HartungHoward Prestonborn about 1926
HartungJames Albertborn about 1892
HartungJames Juniorborn about 1924
HartungJohn Aborn about 1920
HartungMartha Maeborn about 1932
HartungMary Sueborn about 1926
HartungTessa Lorineborn about 1902
HeadWalter born about 1881
HiblerHenry Leeborn about 1868
HiblerMary Elizabethborn about 1872
HillEmma born about 1894
HillEva born about 1924
HillHenry Davisborn about 1871
HirlingerDarrell Fborn about 1911
HirlingerKatheryn Isabelborn about 1916
HirlingerLarry Dwainborn about 1938
HirlingerVirginia Gertrudeborn about 1937
HuettBertha born about 1878
HuettNorman Manleyborn about 1876
HuettSudia Janeborn about 1868
HuettWilliam Gborn about 1868
HuttonCharlie Mitchelborn about 1879

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J Surnames

JensonAnna Louborn about 1919
JensonIra Marieborn about 1899
JensonPaul born about 1922
JensonPaul Vivianborn about 1893
JensonRuth Marieborn about 1928
JohnsonBettie born about 1881
JohnsonOata born about 1879
JonesLawrence born about 1897
JonesLula Pearlborn about 1883
JonesMae born about 1898
JonesWaldron Bborn about 1902
JordanLou Ettaborn about 1929
JordanLynn Irvinborn about 1903
JordanWilta Ellenborn about 1902

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K Surnames

KasterLevi born about 1867
KeelBarbara Louborn about 1939
KeelLola Maeborn about 1914
KeelLowell Gborn about 1907
KeelMarjorie Lyeborn about 1932
KirkFay born about 1922
KohnbergerAlice Bellborn about 1885
KohnbergerCharley born about 1869

M Surnames

MaconWayne born about 1924
ManningBelly Jeanborn about 1925
ManningMinnie born about 1901
ManningRussel Daleborn about 1927
ManningWilber Mborn about 1900
MasseyCharley born about 1881
MasseyEunice Elizabethborn about 1901
MasseyFannie Scottborn about 1887
MasseyJ Cborn about 1931
MasseyJohn Walterborn about 1909
MasseyLyla Maplesborn about 1907
MasseyRichard Leeborn about 1939
MathewsIda Mayborn about 1874
MathewsRuby born about 1904
MathewsThomas born about 1882
McAjceCassie Vangelineborn about 1925
McAjceJessie Catheryneborn about 1893
McAjceReligh Cborn about 1894
McDanielJohn Williamborn about 1872
McDanielVinnie born about 1876
MeimerChris Mborn about 1914
MeimerChris Stowborn about 1938
MeimerEula Lavonborn about 1920
MeimerVonna Joborn about 1938
MeyerBeulah born about 1906
MeyerRaymond born about 1900
MillerAlbert Johnborn about 1905
MillerFlorence Opalborn about 1907
MillerJulius born about 1862
MillerLucy Mayborn about 1882
MillerN Elizabethborn about 1870
MillerOkie Lairdborn about 1884
MishlerIva Maudborn about 1884
MishlerJoseph born about 1876
MitchellSelia Bellborn about 1885
MittsAkal Percyborn about 1911
MittsBobby Leeborn about 1936
MittsGlenn Allanborn about 1938
MittsJo Ettaborn about 1932
MittsMildred Katherineborn about 1904
MittsNeva Jennetteborn about 1915
MittsWillie Mborn about 1895
MontgomeryHoward Eborn about 1914
MontgomeryKatherine born about 1890
MontgomeryPatricia Kborn about 1939
MontgomeryRichard Pborn about 1925
MontgomeryRolla Rborn about 1886
MontgomeryRuth Katherineborn about 1922
MorrisB Frankborn about 1873
MorrisMable Florence Roseborn about 1878
MounceCarrie Elizabethborn about 1875
MounceEdward Dborn about 1871
MurphyAllan Robertborn about 1919
MurphyGeo Hadleyborn about 1885
MurphyGwendola Esterborn about 1928
MurphyHarold Edwardborn about 1924
MurphyHugh Allenborn about 1888
MurphyOliver Edleyborn about 1921
MurphyVirgie Berniceborn about 1922
MurphyWillard Galeborn about 1930
MurrEarl Fborn about 1889
MurrVada Mborn about 1894

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N Surnames

NeffAgnes Emelineborn about 1899
NeffCharley Glennborn about 1878
NeffErvin Leroyborn about 1937
NeffEva Lenaborn about 1878
NeffTony Olenborn about 1895
NelsonBobby Leeborn about 1937
NelsonCharles Albertborn about 1924
NelsonHarold Lloydborn about 1931
NelsonIda Maeborn about 1905
NelsonJames Calvinborn about 1926
NelsonMark Joeborn about 1901
NickellEverett Cborn about 1889
NickellJoyce Leeborn about 1890
NortonCharles Williamborn about 1932
NortonDecema born about 1890
NortonGlenn Rborn about 1910
NortonJane born about 1928
NortonJoan born about 1927
NortonLee Aborn about 1888
NortonMarjorie Aliceborn about 1911

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O Surnames

OliverCharlie born about 1892
OliverDorthey Aliceborn about 1920
OliverHarlie born about 1896
OliverJohn Wborn about 1854
OliverLizzie born about 1867
OliverLizzie Jeanneborn about 1923
OliverMarjorie Fayborn about 1905
OliverMaud Ioneborn about 1894
OliverOla born about 1907
OliverS Fborn about 1916
OliverTuckes Leonborn about 1903
OliverW Frankborn about 1885
OliverWilliam Howardborn about 1918

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P Surnames

PalmerDale Sherwinborn about 1916
PalmerLucille Rubyborn about 1916
PalmerSarah Janeborn about 1856
PalmerVirgil Lamoineborn about 1919
PalmerWilliam Everettborn about 1938
ParsonsLebie born about 1906
PeterDonald Jasperborn about 1927
PeterEugene Marionborn about 1921
PeterGeorgie Maeborn about 1894
PeterHellen Francesborn about 1931
PeterInon Geneborn about 1930
PeterJames Willardborn about 1926
PeterJoseph Jessborn about 1883
PeterMary Juanitaborn about 1923
PeterRichard Leonborn about 1933
PetersCharlie born about 1877
PetersEstella born about 1875
PetersonJohn Perryborn about 1893
PetreBetty Louborn about 1934
PetreDonald Wadeborn about 1937
PetreGeo Williamborn about 1912
PetreGilbert Warrenborn about 1921
PetreGladys Marieborn about 1914
PetreJuanita born about 1913
PetreKenneth Paulborn about 1913
PetreMarjorie Annborn about 1939
PetreSavern born about 1910
PetreWoodrow Louellborn about 1914
PhillipsClarence Arthurborn about 1919
PhillipsJohn Danielborn about 1870
PhillipsSadie Mayborn about 1878
PorterAaron born about 1902
PorterImo Geneborn about 1918
PorterJohn Alborn about 1915
PorterMildred born about 1907
PurdyGeo Sborn about 1849

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R Surnames

RichardsonAlah Altaborn about 1888
RichardsonErnest Aborn about 1888
RichardsonHame born about 1861
RichardsonMartha Anloneborn about 1864
RichardsonMartha Catherineborn about 1931
RichardsonMinnie Rosellaborn about 1889
RichardsonW Jasperborn about 1888
RichersonAlice Fborn about 1895
RichersonEarl Rborn about 1894
RichersonEarlene born about 1925
RichersonGordon born about 1915
RichersonHubert born about 1920
RomyneGordon Aborn about 1909
RomyneJane born about 1939
RomyneMaurine born about 1911
RytherIda born about 1876
RytherJasper born about 1903

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S Surnames

ScottFrank Harissonborn about 1890
ScottIrene born about 1893
SharpEtta born about 1883
ShayerRubie born about 1905
ShippCecil Altaborn about 1899
ShippFern Malineborn about 1922
ShippHomer Claudborn about 1896
ShippMary Fayeborn about 1927
SimmonsFlorence Lillieborn about 1879
SimmonsFred Sborn about 1890
SimmonsStella Evaborn about 1882
SimmonsWill born about 1873
SnellingBetty Joborn about 1929
SnellingCornelius born about 1900
SnellingCornelius Joeborn about 1938
SnellingHallie Malissaborn about 1908
StowCharley Sandersborn about 1902
StowJack Owenborn about 1932
StowLucy Maudeborn about 1883
StowNona Jaunitaborn about 1929
StowRowena Bellborn about 1901
StrightBernice born about 1925
StrightEarnest Mborn about 1885
StrightLeona Mayborn about 1884
StuckMuriel Eborn about 1915
StuckRoy Fborn about 1913

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T Surnames

TateAna Mindaborn about 1909
TateClara Aliceborn about 1904
TateDonald Maeborn about 1936
TateLena Maeborn about 1927
TateRoy Simpsonborn about 1903
TateTolman born about 1905
TateWilliam Leeborn about 1928
TaylorGeo Eborn about 1886
ThompsonBetty Sueborn about 1925
ThompsonSophwnu born about 1885
TroegerBelly Jeneborn about 1938
TroegerEdward born about 1897
TroegerMary Aliceborn about 1925
TroegerMary Ellenborn about 1902
TullerDonald Fayeborn about 1934
TullerMarion Oscarborn about 1895
TullerMary Evelynborn about 1939
TullerMinnie Augustaborn about 1896
TullerNettie born about 1872
TullerNoble Kennethborn about 1912
TullerOscar Earnestborn about 1932
TullerRuth Evelynborn about 1911
TullerUllysses Grantborn about 1867

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V Surnames

VanhoutanJames Tborn about 1877
VanhoutanSadie Belleborn about 1882

W Surnames

WalkerAlna born about 1893
WalkerAlvin Daleborn about 1930
WalkerClaude Russellborn about 1919
WalkerEdgar Royborn about 1925
WalkerEdith Maeborn about 1898
WalkerGeo Fborn about 1880
WalkerImo Hborn about 1908
WalkerLillian Edithborn about 1903
WalkerMary Elizabethborn about 1927
WalkerNeva Aborn about 1885
WalkerRay Alstonborn about 1892
WalkerWilma Jeanneborn about 1930
WalterLester Cavonborn about 1929
WeberJoseph Edwardborn about 1913
WeberRuth Annaborn about 1919
WellsBess born about 1921
WellsDon Morrisborn about 1929
WellsEsther Morrisborn about 1893
WellsJoanna born about 1924
WellsMaua Joyceborn about 1926
WellsRichard Wrightborn about 1917
WellsRoy born about 1873
WellsUngille Graceborn about 1932
WhiteDaniel Webesterborn about 1894
WhiteDaniel Webster Jrborn about 1920
WhiteEarleen born about 1915
WhiteElsie Maeborn about 1895
WhiteEthel Grishamborn about 1885
WhiteGusham born about 1911
WhiteHattie Janeborn about 1848
WhiteLeah Altheaborn about 1890
WhiteLinn Howellborn about 1912
WhiteMack born about 1883
WhiteMack Crawfordborn about 1939
WhiteMary Jeanborn about 1926
WhiteVirginia Leeborn about 1922
WhiteVivian Maeborn about 1923
WhiteWillie C Jrborn about 1886
WhiteWilma Graceborn about 1934
WigrinsElnora Joanborn about 1930
WigrinsEthel Marieborn about 1932
WigrinsLeroy born about 1927
WigrinsOrville Henryborn about 1921
WigrinsPearl Berthaborn about 1899
WigrinsRichard Wallaceborn about 1939
WigrinsWallace born about 1883
WrightArelious born about 1874
WrightFrank born about 1907
WrightMattie Fborn about 1874
WrightPancy Modelinborn about 1914

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Y Surnames

YnmanCharlie Hborn about 1870
YoungFlora Ellenborn about 1928
YoungFrankie Georgeborn about 1891
YoungOscar Fborn about 1888
YsetreJohn Auberyborn about 1918
YsetreKatheryn Fayeborn about 1918

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