USA (1,380,571) > Missouri (47,412) > Franklin County (785) > Washington (70)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Washington are also found through the Franklin County and Missouri pages.
Cemetery Records | Church Records | Death Records | Histories and Genealogies | Map Records | Military Records | Minority Records | Newspapers and Obituaries | School Records |
Ascension Cemetery and Mausoleum Find a Grave
Bassora Cemetery Find a Grave
Bassora Cemetery Billion Graves
Bell Cemetery Find a Grave
Brown Family Find a Grave
Bunge Family Find a Grave
Cantley Cemetery Find a Grave
Cole Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Goode Cemetery Find a Grave
Holtgrewe Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery Find a Grave
Johnson-Caldwell Cemetery Find a Grave
Kohmueller Cemetery Find a Grave
McCallister Burying Grounds Find a Grave
Newport Cemetery Find a Grave
Presbyterian Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Francis Borgia Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Francis Borgia Cemetery Billion Graves
Saint Peter's Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Peter's U.C.C. Columbarium Find a Grave
Sappington Family Find a Grave
Sunbridge Cemetery Billion Graves
Todd Family Find a Grave
Washington United Methodist Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Wildey Cemetery Find a Grave
XII Gates Memorial Gardens Billion Graves
Church records of St. Peter's United Church of Christ, Washington, Missouri, 1855-2004 FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1838-1993 (Catholic Church. St. Francis Borgia's (Washington, Missouri)) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1958-1993 (Catholic Church. Our Lady of Lourdes (Washington, Missouri)) FamilySearch Library
Records (microform) 1831-1894, Baptist Church of Christ called Providence on Big River (Washington, Mo.). Archive Grid
A history of Washington, Missouri FamilySearch Library
History of Washington, Missouri to the Civil War : an outline history FamilySearch Library
Bird's eye view map of the city of Washington, Franklin County, Missouri 1869. Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Washington, Franklin County, Missouri, April 1893 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Washington, Franklin County, Missouri, January 1916 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Washington, Franklin County, Missouri, June 1898 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Washington, Franklin County, Missouri, September 1908 Library of Congress
Washington 1869 Bird's Eye View Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry
Washington, Missouri -- the Civil War years FamilySearch Library
The German Americans in the Washington Missouri area FamilySearch Library
Deutsche Welt 1889-1889
Die Washingtoner Post 11/17/1870 to 11/14/1878 Genealogy Bank
Die Washingtoner Post 1870-1896
Franklin County Gazette 1860-1860
Franklin County Observer 1869-1942
Obituaries, Washington, Missourian, 1983- WorldCat
Washington Citizen 1905-1939; 1943-1946 Missouri Digital Newspaper Project
Washington Citizen 1905-1965
Washington Journal 1895-1895
Washington Missourian 1939-1964
Washington Republican 1890-1890
Offline Newspapers for WashingtonAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Buyer's Guide. (Washington, Mo.) 1932-1940 Franklin County Observer. (Washington, Mo.) 1861-1926 OrzeE Polski. (Washington, Franklin County, Mo.) 1870-1870s Washington Citizen. (Washington, Franklin County, Mo.) 1905-1984 Washington Journal. (Washington, Mo.) 1892-1899 Washington Missourian. (Washington, Mo.) 1926-Current Washington Republican. (Washington, Mo.) 1888-1890 |
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