1940 U.S. Federal Census of Banner in Avery County, Avery, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Avery County > 1940 Census of Banner in Avery County

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AldredgeGwen born about 1928
AldredgeHarold Jamesborn about 1939
AldredgeMack born about 1914
AldredgeMary Joyceborn about 1933
AldredgeMennie born about 1920
AldredgeParker born about 1939
AldredgeRandal born about 1931
AldredgeRuby born about 1924
AldredgeWaclaw born about 1893
AldridgeBettie born about 1930
AldridgeJimmie born about 1933
AldridgeMiriam born about 1933
AldridgeRuth born about 1929
AldridgeWaits born about 1932
AllenCharles born about 1928
AllenDonald born about 1932
AllenImogene born about 1930
AllenWayne born about 1927
AllinCaroline born about 1936
AndersonMiriam Lborn about 1908
AndrewsA Hborn about 1880
AndrewsAuburn born about 1912
AndrewsJ Gborn about 1881
AndrewsSadie born about 1876
AndrewsSallie born about 1877
AndrewsVirginia born about 1913
ArmerCay born about 1921
ArmerEdith born about 1921
ArnertMary born about 1896
ArnettAlma born about 1931
ArnettAnna Lonborn about 1935
ArnettCharley born about 1937
ArnettClyde born about 1924
ArnettEdna Earlborn about 1939
ArnettElizabeth born about 1926
ArnettFlaybelle born about 1928
ArnettFord born about 1934
ArnettHailey born about 1874
ArnettMannie born about 1899
ArnettMiller born about 1877
ArnettPaul born about 1928
ArnettRalph born about 1918
ArnettRonda born about 1937
ArnettRosalee born about 1934
ArnettRuth born about 1907
ArnettWalter born about 1896
ArnettWesley born about 1900
AustinOma born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BailiffDan born about 1866
BailiffDave born about 1875
BailiffDixon born about 1905
BailiffElla born about 1893
BailiffMary born about 1879
BairdClema born about 1916
BairdDexter born about 1912
BairdHarlean born about 1937
BairdLola born about 1939
BancomBrock born about 1911
BancomClonnie born about 1914
BancomHelen born about 1911
BancomMargaret born about 1912
BancomSene Eilenborn about 1939
BannerCarlyne born about 1922
BannerEva born about 1892
BannerGeneva born about 1924
BannerGlady born about 1901
BannerHelen born about 1930
BannerJean born about 1928
BannerLawrence born about 1900
BannerLawrence Jr born about 1928
BannerLewis born about 1890
BannerLula born about 1906
BannerMajorie born about 1936
BannerMargaret born about 1922
BannerMinnie born about 1880
BannerRichard born about 1932
BannerRobert Oborn about 1882
BannerRobert O Jborn about 1915
BannerThelma born about 1920
BannerTom born about 1923
BarlonHarrison born about 1893
BarrierBill born about 1928
BarrierKyle born about 1927
BellRichard born about 1931
BennerAlbert born about 1906
BennerAlice born about 1937
BennerEstelle born about 1904
BennerGaylord born about 1909
BennerJane Aborn about 1894
BennerSam born about 1901
BennettBessie born about 1894
BennettGrace born about 1925
BerryBalaam born about 1919
BerryEarl born about 1924
BerryEd born about 1922
BerryElois born about 1896
BerryEttie born about 1876
BerryEugene born about 1917
BerryGeorgia born about 1919
BerryGrace born about 1939
BerryHarold born about 1939
BerryLena Louiseborn about 1939
BerryLucille born about 1926
BerryMildred born about 1922
BerryMontey born about 1895
BerryStewart born about 1910
BerryVirginia born about 1919
BilgerHelen born about 1927
BlairBettie born about 1935
BlairBeulah born about 1910
BlairCharley born about 1904
BlairClaud born about 1930
BlairEmma born about 1872
BlairFred born about 1934
BlairHomer born about 1937
BlairJake born about 1914
BlairKenneth born about 1929
BlairLucy born about 1924
BlairMary born about 1908
BlairRosalie born about 1895
BlairScotty born about 1939
BlairStewart born about 1907
BlairWella Maeborn about 1920
BlairWise born about 1889
BlakeRosanna Aborn about 1913
BlamMildred born about 1922
BlamRobert born about 1919
BowsBessie Leeborn about 1925
BoydEthel born about 1917
BoydMargaret born about 1922
BradleyBetty born about 1875
BraswellWilliam born about 1924
BreedenLouis Warreborn about 1933
BrendonEarl born about 1887
BrendonFrances born about 1931
BrendonKenneth born about 1921
BrendonMollie born about 1890
BrendonRoy born about 1927
BrewerLydia born about 1861
BridgerDorthy born about 1914
BrooksMary born about 1929
BrooksSue born about 1934
Brotherton Wittborn about 1890
BrothertonEdith born about 1932
BrothertonLannie born about 1910
BrothertonNancy born about 1864
BrothertonR Fborn about 1864
BrothertonTom born about 1938
BrownBlanche born about 1916
BrownGeorge Wborn about 1852
BrownJames Aborn about 1910
BrownJames Jr born about 1939
BrownJanelle born about 1911
BrownLellie Shearerborn about 1870
BrownMablon born about 1869
BrownSarah born about 1937
BryanAnne born about 1910
BuckClinton born about 1875
BuckEstella born about 1915
BuckLillian born about 1933
BuckMildred born about 1940
BuckRay born about 1909
BumgarnerHelen born about 1930
BumgarnerHower born about 1935
BumgarnerJerry born about 1936
BumgarnerJune born about 1934
BumgarnerLois born about 1939
BumgarnerLorena born about 1911
BumgarnerMary born about 1876
BumgarnerMary Sueborn about 1932
BumgarnerRay born about 1906
BunchBarbara born about 1933
BunchGeorge Hborn about 1908
BunchMartha Annborn about 1937
BunchRuth born about 1908
BunnerPaul born about 1901
BurdLedfnd born about 1926
BurdWilton born about 1930
BurdinAdraine born about 1936
BurdinPaul born about 1934
BurlingCharles Wayneborn about 1934
BurlingJeanette born about 1912
BurnDemps born about 1922
BurnFloyd born about 1919
BurnOlen born about 1899
BurwardHarlon born about 1895
BurwoodFaye born about 1922
BurwoodSaidie born about 1895
BurwoodVance born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallowanBeatrice born about 1936
CallowanCasper born about 1922
CallowanElsie born about 1939
CallowanLeo born about 1911
CallowanLeo born about 1933
CallowanPansy born about 1931
CallowanVertie born about 1911
CallowayDennis born about 1939
CallowayDouglas born about 1913
CallowayEmma born about 1889
CallowayHenderson born about 1885
CallowayLois born about 1936
CallowayThelma born about 1914
CallowayVersie born about 1933
CampbellBillie born about 1928
CampbellJohn Powellborn about 1931
CannonAnnie born about 1908
CannonCharles born about 1926
CannonClarence born about 1932
CannonDorthy born about 1928
CannonMildred born about 1929
CannonPaul born about 1933
CannonSammie born about 1936
CannonWill born about 1905
CarderDorothy born about 1929
CaronFrank born about 1914
CaronJohn born about 1919
CaronLois born about 1939
CaronMackie born about 1920
CarpenterAnnie born about 1921
CarpenterHubert born about 1918
CarrierPatsy born about 1934
CarverC Jborn about 1935
CarverGeorge born about 1917
CarverPearl born about 1912
CarverRobert born about 1934
CarverRuby born about 1931
CarvisDora born about 1880
ChappellBilly born about 1936
ChappellDock born about 1907
ChappellEllen born about 1907
ChappellErnest born about 1935
ChappellFrances born about 1928
ChappellFrank born about 1871
ChappellLula born about 1903
ChappellMargaret born about 1926
ChappellMary born about 1900
ChappellPaul born about 1902
ChappellRay born about 1903
ChappellRilla born about 1872
ChappellRuby born about 1932
ChappellWilma born about 1925
ChristensenMary born about 1908
ChurchAda born about 1923
ClarkBowie born about 1861
CoakBarney born about 1930
CoakCharles born about 1885
CoakClaude born about 1927
CoakDonald born about 1923
CoakFloyd born about 1932
CoakHarley born about 1925
CoakRoger born about 1920
CoakSarah born about 1888
CoffeyEvelyn born about 1932
CoffeyFred born about 1903
CoffeyHelen born about 1934
CoffeyHerman born about 1934
CoffeyJames born about 1930
CoffeyJemmie born about 1910
CoffeyMuriel born about 1928
ColeEdward born about 1915
ColeMartha born about 1918
CookClyde born about 1911
CookHattie born about 1886
CookIlo born about 1928
CookJay born about 1926
CookRobert Lborn about 1881
CooperGeorge born about 1934
CooperR Jamesborn about 1931
CooperWilma born about 1928
CorbranBillie born about 1934
CorderGertrude born about 1927
CorderMilmer Leeborn about 1923
CorellMary born about 1921
CouchJerry born about 1933
CraverHelen born about 1939
CraverJoe born about 1912
CraverWilma born about 1916
CrawfordBitty Louiseborn about 1939
CrawfordCecil born about 1938
CrawfordElmer born about 1915
CrawfordHorace born about 1914
CrawfordKanawha born about 1889
CrawfordPearl born about 1895
CrawfordRuth born about 1917
CrawfordSammie born about 1929
CrumblyWalter born about 1929
CulverLaritta born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisAvery born about 1911
DavisBeatrice born about 1938
DavisBen born about 1878
DavisCorabelle born about 1930
DavisElla Maeborn about 1939
DavisEllen born about 1934
DavisFlossie born about 1899
DavisFred born about 1932
DavisHerbert born about 1928
DavisIva Deanborn about 1931
DavisJames born about 1921
DavisJohn born about 1905
DavisKenneth born about 1933
DavisLate born about 1878
DavisLoretta born about 1882
DavisManchu born about 1903
DavisManilla born about 1915
DavisMary Janeborn about 1888
DavisMildred born about 1924
DavisNellie born about 1916
DavisPauline born about 1936
DavisVirgil born about 1902
DavisWenston born about 1937
DenaDonald born about 1936
DenaErnest born about 1909
DenaGene born about 1940
DenaMyrtle born about 1913
DenaOpal born about 1938
DenaPaul born about 1937
DenaVerna Leeborn about 1933
DeneyBynum born about 1920
DeneyElvin born about 1923
DeneyFlora born about 1894
DeneyFulton born about 1889
DeneyJohn born about 1933
DeneyVirginia born about 1925
DobbinBynum born about 1898
DobbinPearl born about 1888
DockeryBessie born about 1920
DoffeyBeddie born about 1880
DoffeyCharles born about 1874
DolingerPearl born about 1921
DoughertyHelen born about 1920
DowdyHugh born about 1914
DraughnBlanche born about 1905
DraughnDavid born about 1918
DraughnDelia born about 1878
DraughnEliza born about 1892
DraughnHenry born about 1884
DraughnLarry born about 1911
DraughnMary born about 1892
DraughnMary Francesborn about 1937
DraughnRoby born about 1935
DraughnWilliam born about 1932
DunnGleneva born about 1930
DunnL Jimmieborn about 1933
DunnMary Louborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarpLewis born about 1929
EdwardsJosephine born about 1904
EggereEdward born about 1916
EllerBen born about 1912
EllerBenjamin Jr born about 1939
EllerDare born about 1915
EllerEarle born about 1903
EllerErnest born about 1900
EllerJohn Henryborn about 1924
EllerLola born about 1906
EllerPeggy Annborn about 1938
EllerSam born about 1904
EllerSam Jr born about 1927
EppersonLaura Maeborn about 1919
ErwinBessie born about 1887
ErwinCharley born about 1907
ErwinDean born about 1938
ErwinFrances born about 1917
ErwinJohn born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarringtonWave born about 1920
FeildsTommie born about 1935
FinsonJames born about 1916
FlemingRoberts born about 1919
FordNeealy born about 1898
FranciscoGrace born about 1916
FranklinGeneva born about 1920
FurstMarybeth born about 1903

G Surnames

GardnerDorethy born about 1931
GardnerJean born about 1933
GardnerNellie born about 1905
GardnerWilliam born about 1925
GarlandBertha born about 1929
GarlandNola born about 1931
GaultneyDayton born about 1899
GaultneyEd born about 1893
GaultneyFaye born about 1874
GaultneyGlen born about 1929
GaultneyGrace born about 1893
GaultneyLeatha born about 1873
GaultneyLouise born about 1932
GaultneyMattie born about 1908
GaultneyMaxine born about 1918
GaultneyRalph born about 1916
GellespieJennie born about 1888
GentryGeorge born about 1928
GentryMotelle born about 1930
GentryPolyanna born about 1929
GertonMildred born about 1921
GherLula born about 1893
GibbsClarence born about 1924
GilliamArlo born about 1936
GilliamCecil born about 1939
GilliamClara born about 1927
GilliamClaude born about 1901
GilliamClaudia born about 1932
GilliamCornell born about 1908
GilliamI Jborn about 1931
GilliamJeff born about 1867
GilliamLillie born about 1912
GilliamLouise born about 1929
GilliamSallie born about 1911
GobbleViolet born about 1921
GoforthBenjamin born about 1901
GoforthBilly born about 1932
GoforthBobby born about 1934
GoforthEstelle born about 1909
GoforthHelen born about 1938
GorrellGeorge born about 1931
GorrellMaragret born about 1927
GorrellMary Lackerborn about 1925
GorrellMau Ellenborn about 1929
GreenAnnie born about 1904
GreenBert born about 1867
GreenClyde born about 1897
GreenEdith born about 1924
GreenOdilene born about 1927
GreerChester born about 1923
GreerClinton born about 1865
GreerDay born about 1925
GreerLee born about 1901
GreerSam born about 1913
GrillsMary Kateborn about 1920
GrillsNellie Effieborn about 1922
GuerAnnie born about 1925
GuerDena born about 1893
GuerFud born about 1927
GuerJohnnie born about 1932
GuerWilliam born about 1923
GuignardAnna born about 1883
GuignardCharles born about 1923
GuignardJames born about 1875
GuignardJohn born about 1915
GuignardLewis born about 1915
GuyBob born about 1894
GuyBonita born about 1935
GuyCarson born about 1924
GuyCrathie born about 1895
GuyElizabeth born about 1926
GwynAda born about 1917
GwynBeckie born about 1876
GwynClayton born about 1939
GwynDan born about 1917
GwynDeb born about 1870
GwynEstella born about 1912
GwynKenneth born about 1937
GwynRobert born about 1935
GwynRoosevelt born about 1907
GwynRuth born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagamanEleanor born about 1916
HagamanRalph born about 1916
HalcombGladys born about 1900
HallLaura born about 1903
HandyAileen born about 1921
HardenCharity born about 1871
HarmonDolphus born about 1894
HarmonJunior born about 1936
HarmonLe Roy born about 1931
HarmonLena born about 1909
HarmonRosie born about 1928
HarmonSadie born about 1925
HarneyEmma born about 1858
HarneyEthel born about 1886
HarneyEthel born about 1928
HarneyFannie born about 1920
HarneyFleta born about 1925
HarneyFrank born about 1883
HarneyGeneva born about 1939
HarneyHarrison born about 1890
HarneyHarrison Jr born about 1927
HarneyLydie born about 1885
HarneyMaude born about 1917
HarneyMildred born about 1924
HarneySolomon born about 1922
HarneyTom born about 1922
HaveyEmily born about 1917
HawkeShirley born about 1914
HeilmanFank Aborn about 1916
HendersonSherman born about 1911
HodgesAlma born about 1924
HodgesArlene born about 1916
HodgesAudry born about 1928
HodgesBetty born about 1934
HodgesBob born about 1913
HodgesCarrie born about 1895
HodgesCharley born about 1889
HodgesCoza born about 1938
HodgesDally born about 1893
HodgesDouglas born about 1929
HodgesFay born about 1934
HodgesFlorence born about 1901
HodgesFloyd born about 1933
HodgesFrank born about 1921
HodgesFred born about 1925
HodgesHabel Wayneborn about 1939
HodgesHazel born about 1922
HodgesHomer born about 1912
HodgesIra born about 1892
HodgesJack born about 1930
HodgesJae born about 1919
HodgesJim born about 1920
HodgesLester born about 1913
HodgesMargaret born about 1935
HodgesMildred born about 1932
HodgesNora born about 1932
HodgesNorma born about 1923
HodgesOtis born about 1926
HodgesPaul born about 1917
HodgesRoby born about 1891
HodgesRonald born about 1924
HodgesRosie born about 1913
HodgesRoss born about 1887
HodgesSallie born about 1869
HodgesTate born about 1926
HodgesThelma Jeanborn about 1935
HodgesTixie born about 1899
HodgesWanda born about 1930
HodgesWillard born about 1896
HolderbyEvelyn born about 1916
HornerAlice born about 1888
HornerEdith born about 1925
HorneyAnnie Maeborn about 1910
HorneyJae born about 1939
HorneyJohn Frankborn about 1936
HorneyLucille born about 1932
HorneyMarion born about 1907
HorneyWilma born about 1938
HoustonAda born about 1891
HoustonBetty Janeborn about 1937
HoustonCordie born about 1911
HoustonEarl born about 1909
HoustonSam born about 1877
HowellBetty born about 1932
HowellCarolyn born about 1939
HowellClarence born about 1910
HowellEthel born about 1930
HowellFred born about 1905
HowellGarry born about 1934
HowellJoyce born about 1937
HowellKatherine born about 1934
HowellMary born about 1939
HowellPansy born about 1909
HowellRuth born about 1915
HowellSam born about 1881
HowellStella born about 1885
HudsonElisabeth born about 1875
HughesCathryn born about 1916
HughesFin Jr born about 1913
HunterErma born about 1920
HurttMary born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IsaacsAnnie born about 1932
IsaacsVirginia born about 1929

J Surnames

JamesMargaret born about 1897
JenningsEdward born about 1910
JenningsFrederick born about 1937
JenningsKatherine born about 1932
JenningsMary Evelynborn about 1935
JenningsRobert Douglasborn about 1861
JenningsRobert Eborn about 1933
JenningsRuth born about 1913
JenningsWilliam born about 1938
JohnstonClarence born about 1915
JonesDoris born about 1926
JonesLee born about 1926
JonesPaul born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KateMinnie born about 1876
KateWalter born about 1864
KinchAnne born about 1935
KinchBobby born about 1934
KinchNancy born about 1914
KinchRay born about 1938

L Surnames

LackenJeno born about 1888
LackenSarah born about 1901
LaffertyEckert born about 1937
LaffertyErnest Lborn about 1909
LaffertySallie born about 1916
LaffertySara Louiseborn about 1938
LaneLloyd born about 1932
LawrenceAlverta born about 1929
LawrenceBessie born about 1897
LawrenceClay born about 1892
LawrenceDare born about 1917
LawrenceFaellen born about 1906
LawrenceGoldie born about 1922
LawrenceJames born about 1932
LawrenceMary Aliceborn about 1924
LawrencePauline born about 1909
LawrenceRuby born about 1923
LawrenceThelma born about 1927
LawrenceTheodore born about 1920
LawrenceWilla Jeanborn about 1934
LeeCay born about 1929
LeeColidge born about 1925
LeeHomer born about 1931
LeeIra born about 1922
LeeLilly born about 1933
LeeLora born about 1892
LeeParis born about 1927
LeeRobert Eborn about 1937
LeeSim born about 1887
LeeVickie born about 1919
LeeWeb born about 1920
LeftwichBillie born about 1932
LeftwichMarion born about 1930
LeransonEarl born about 1931
LeransonJim born about 1889
LeransonLucille born about 1913
LisenbyJohn born about 1932
LoneteCordie born about 1897
LoneteLamer born about 1925
LoneteNora Leeborn about 1929
LoweBettie born about 1866
LoweBlanche born about 1870
LoweCarol born about 1940
LoweChester born about 1896
LoweElsie born about 1899
LoweElsie born about 1929
LoweFairie Belleborn about 1906
LoweFannie born about 1892
LoweFlora born about 1901
LoweFrances born about 1923
LoweFred born about 1925
LoweJack born about 1935
LoweJune born about 1922
LoweKathleen born about 1926
LoweLeo Lborn about 1901
LoweLeo Jr born about 1929
LoweMae born about 1892
LoweMary Vborn about 1890
LoweRobert born about 1924
LoweRobert Lborn about 1862
LoweRuth born about 1887
LoweTom born about 1931
Lunaford born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackerelJennie born about 1917
MackerelJohn born about 1913
MackerelJohn Jborn about 1936
MalcombElizabeth Aborn about 1881
MalcombWilliam Dborn about 1864
MarshallFrank born about 1872
MathersonArchie born about 1938
MathersonJames born about 1933
MathersonRussel born about 1914
MathersonRussell Jr born about 1935
MathersonRuth born about 1917
MatthewsDora Jeanborn about 1924
McCloudAnnie born about 1896
McCloudAnnie Sueborn about 1923
McCloudEvelyn born about 1926
McCloudMary Saraborn about 1928
McCloudNancy Louborn about 1923
McCloudTine born about 1899
McCourryRuth born about 1915
McCoyAnnie Glenborn about 1895
McCoyJoe born about 1918
McCrakenSara Aborn about 1917
McGuireBeatrice born about 1922
McGuireDavid born about 1933
McGuireErnest born about 1907
McGuireFlorence born about 1898
McGuireHershel born about 1921
McGuireJack born about 1917
McGuireJoe Annborn about 1939
McGuireLuther born about 1898
McLeanHardy born about 1893
MichaelBarbara Annborn about 1938
MichaelFrost born about 1900
MitchellAlbert born about 1923
MitchellBessie born about 1901
MitchellFred born about 1931
MitchellGurney born about 1916
MitchellJ Bborn about 1938
MitchellMatilda born about 1897
MitchellMaxine born about 1928
MitchellNancy born about 1863
MitchellRoby born about 1890
MoehlmanJames born about 1928
MooreJulia Borisborn about 1923
MorrisonCarlyne born about 1924
MorrisonGeorge born about 1923
MorrowLois born about 1930
MortonLucy Hallborn about 1876
MurryCharles born about 1933
MurryElizabeth born about 1902
MurryMarion born about 1901
MurryMarion Jr born about 1929
MusickDora born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealMary Ruthborn about 1927
NealMildred Naomiborn about 1926
NormanAllen born about 1933
NormanAnnie Maeborn about 1915
NormanCharles born about 1935
NormanClaud born about 1915
NormanFrances born about 1926
NormanHenry born about 1909
NormanHerbert born about 1898
NormanJettie born about 1921
NormanNina born about 1937
NormanThelma born about 1927
NormensArthur born about 1884
NormensEllen born about 1883
NormensNellie born about 1924
NormensRoy born about 1920
NorrisVirginia born about 1923
NorwoodAddie born about 1894
NorwoodAlma born about 1920
NorwoodArnold born about 1937
NorwoodArvel born about 1904
NorwoodBernice born about 1906
NorwoodBeulah born about 1917
NorwoodBlane born about 1914
NorwoodBryon born about 1938
NorwoodBuster born about 1937
NorwoodChester born about 1910
NorwoodChester Jr born about 1933
NorwoodClaude born about 1919
NorwoodConnie born about 1891
NorwoodDorthey born about 1939
NorwoodEdna born about 1916
NorwoodElsie Ireneborn about 1934
NorwoodErneste born about 1927
NorwoodFrances born about 1931
NorwoodFred born about 1898
NorwoodHarlon born about 1918
NorwoodHoyt born about 1933
NorwoodIda Maeborn about 1932
NorwoodJ Bborn about 1919
NorwoodJake born about 1868
NorwoodLena born about 1907
NorwoodLewis born about 1937
NorwoodLois Jeanborn about 1935
NorwoodLonnie born about 1913
NorwoodLucille born about 1932
NorwoodLudie born about 1912
NorwoodLula born about 1885
NorwoodLydie born about 1866
NorwoodMae born about 1919
NorwoodMary Estherborn about 1931
NorwoodNellie born about 1903
NorwoodOpal Juneborn about 1935
NorwoodPearl born about 1911
NorwoodRobert born about 1937
NorwoodRoby born about 1924
NorwoodRuth born about 1920
NorwoodSallie born about 1900
NorwoodSam born about 1915
NorwoodVaner born about 1915
NorwoodWaller born about 1936
NorwoodWalter born about 1894
NorwoodWesley born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OllesFrances Jeanborn about 1934
OllesMinnie born about 1914
OwensBuford born about 1916
OwensClaude born about 1926
OwensFaye born about 1923
OwensGay born about 1924
OwensGrace born about 1921
OwensJennie born about 1894
OwensJohn born about 1926
OwensLena born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PainterAnnie born about 1882
PainterClara born about 1913
PainterClarissa born about 1937
PainterCozy Maeborn about 1936
PainterElose born about 1939
PainterReed born about 1880
PainterRoby born about 1910
PearsonAlice born about 1890
PerryAnnie Belleborn about 1904
PerryBelle born about 1905
PerryBerthella born about 1914
PerryBoyd born about 1937
PerryCarl born about 1904
PerryCharles Edwardborn about 1936
PerryCharlotte born about 1928
PerryEd born about 1907
PerryFarley born about 1915
PerryFloyd born about 1930
PerryFrank Hborn about 1903
PerryGuy Hortonborn about 1931
PerryHal born about 1938
PerryJoe Burnsborn about 1932
PerryLena born about 1922
PerryMary Annborn about 1850
PerryMaude born about 1911
PerryPolly born about 1880
PerrySid born about 1871
PerrySnow born about 1920
PerryStanton born about 1919
PerryThomas born about 1883
PhillipsBeatrice born about 1925
PierceBobbie born about 1925
PierceJoe born about 1939
PierceThomas born about 1940
PilkinsonWesley born about 1924
PoponJohn Wborn about 1914
PottsBayden born about 1939
PottsBelle born about 1891
PottsBetty born about 1937
PottsBeulah born about 1917
PottsBland born about 1921
PottsClara born about 1922
PottsClaude born about 1920
PottsGurney born about 1911
PottsIra born about 1894
PottsJames born about 1939
PottsJohn born about 1925
PottsM Dborn about 1887
PottsMack born about 1915
PottsMaxine born about 1936
PottsMinnie born about 1909
PottsPaul born about 1936
PottsPauline born about 1937
PoundsArontz Algborn about 1891
PoundsCara born about 1904
PoundsDavid Edisonborn about 1897
PoundsRobert Earlborn about 1926
PresnellArlie born about 1929
PresnellJerold born about 1931
PresnellLeonard born about 1907
PresnellWilma born about 1911
PreswoodAgnes born about 1926
PreswoodDella born about 1896
PreswoodDenton born about 1925
PreswoodDorthy Jeanborn about 1932
PreswoodErnest born about 1893
PreswoodGlen born about 1923
PreswoodJohnnie born about 1930
PrickettEd born about 1899
PritchetDorothy born about 1916
PritchettBryan born about 1912
PritchettErleen born about 1906
PritchettLeo Kborn about 1908
PritchettMae Kborn about 1881
PritchettMary Louiseborn about 1916
ProffettChessie born about 1897
ProffettHarry Lborn about 1896
ProffettHarry Jr born about 1925
ProffettPatsy born about 1930
PruettBertie born about 1926
PuckettBeulah born about 1903
PuckettBill born about 1926
PuckettCarrie born about 1898
PuckettCharles born about 1923
PuckettChester born about 1939
PuckettFrank born about 1932
PuckettGram born about 1888
PuckettGram Jr born about 1926
PuckettIris born about 1911
PuckettJames born about 1908
PuckettJames born about 1931
PuckettJessie born about 1892
PuckettLawson born about 1937
PuckettLeona born about 1896
PuckettLillian born about 1930
PuckettMacwell born about 1934
PuckettMaggie born about 1888
PuckettMostella born about 1905
PuckettPauline born about 1922
PuckettRuth born about 1925
PuckettWayne born about 1933
PuckettWilliam Lborn about 1895
PuckettWilliam Jr born about 1930
PussaVictor born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RameyJane Lborn about 1925
RamseyAndrew born about 1936
RamseyBeatrice born about 1928
RamseyBessie Jeneborn about 1936
RamseyBetty born about 1935
RamseyBeulah born about 1929
RamseyBill born about 1930
RamseyBobby born about 1935
RamseyBoyd born about 1932
RamseyDoris Jeanborn about 1940
RamseyEd born about 1901
RamseyEdith born about 1934
RamseyElma born about 1900
RamseyEmma born about 1903
RamseyFloyd born about 1933
RamseyFred born about 1928
RamseyGulin Meeborn about 1924
RamseyHazel Leeborn about 1939
RamseyHelen born about 1936
RamseyJane born about 1862
RamseyJohn born about 1919
RamseyJulia born about 1897
RamseyKenneth born about 1935
RamseyLawrence born about 1902
RamseyLester born about 1921
RamseyLoyd born about 1933
RamseyMack born about 1926
RamseyMack born about 1934
RamseyMargaret Annborn about 1939
RamseyMildred born about 1930
RamseyNellie born about 1910
RamseyNeoma born about 1897
RamseyPolly born about 1909
RamseyRuss born about 1927
RamseyRuth born about 1926
RamseySidney born about 1896
RamseyTed born about 1922
RamseyThelma born about 1932
RamseyWalter born about 1904
RamseyWayne born about 1939
RamseyWill born about 1888
RamseyWilma born about 1938
ReddleGlen born about 1928
ReddleHazel born about 1913
ReddleLuther born about 1906
ReddleMary Loisborn about 1931
ReedLega born about 1854
RidderDon born about 1895
RidderDon Jr born about 1923
RidderLe Ray born about 1917
RidderMargaret born about 1928
RidderOrpha born about 1900
RidderRobert born about 1921
RiddleAnna Belleborn about 1928
RiddleClementine born about 1866
RiddleDave born about 1867
RiddleJohn born about 1903
RiddleLeatha born about 1906
RiddleRuth born about 1937
RiddleSara born about 1920
RiddleWilla Jeanborn about 1926
RobbinsVerginia born about 1919
RobinsonEdna born about 1919
RodmanJohn Martinborn about 1929
RogersAlma born about 1916
RoseCoy born about 1931
RoseGlen born about 1935
RoweFlora born about 1912
RoweMary Janeborn about 1934
RoweSamuel Hborn about 1898
RuaneBillie Juneborn about 1937
RuaneGene born about 1915
RuaneLowis born about 1920
RuaneMaxine born about 1939
RubardDennis born about 1939
RubardLester born about 1915
RubardRuth born about 1918
RubsonDoris born about 1912
RubsonHaskel born about 1935
RubsonHomer born about 1938
RubsonJoyce born about 1933
RubsonTate born about 1913
RupardAgnes born about 1925
RupardCharley born about 1939
RupardClay born about 1922
RupardJames born about 1892
RupardKate born about 1922
RupardMack born about 1919
RupardMargaret born about 1935
RupardRilla born about 1893
RupardSnow born about 1923
RussellJane Bborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalmonsWilliam born about 1931
ShellCallie Cborn about 1866
ShellJames Cborn about 1866
ShepherdRuth born about 1921
ShoemakerAnita born about 1925
ShoemakerDorcas born about 1895
ShoemakerDoyle born about 1932
ShoemakerEarl born about 1924
ShoemakerErnest born about 1922
ShoemakerFranceslene born about 1927
ShoemakerGlady born about 1924
ShoemakerJames born about 1898
ShoemakerJames born about 1928
ShoemakerJet born about 1897
ShoemakerOrd born about 1921
ShoemakerThursa born about 1880
ShoemakerWillard born about 1889
ShoemakerWire born about 1877
ShomakerAlma born about 1917
ShomakerAnnie born about 1899
ShomakerHomer born about 1918
ShomakerJoe born about 1899
ShookAudrey born about 1930
ShookBradley born about 1933
ShookEmal born about 1939
ShookHonda born about 1927
ShookHoyle born about 1896
ShookJames Dborn about 1865
ShookJimmie born about 1932
ShookLarry born about 1936
ShookMildred born about 1923
ShookPauline born about 1925
ShookRuth born about 1902
ShookSallie born about 1854
ShookZer born about 1921
ShorkBent born about 1910
ShorkBolson born about 1886
ShorkCharles born about 1886
ShorkChester born about 1922
ShorkEmma born about 1913
ShorkEula born about 1922
ShorkFaye born about 1914
ShorkFloyd born about 1920
ShorkJohn Henryborn about 1936
ShorkLilly born about 1928
ShorkMattie born about 1887
ShorkMinnie born about 1886
ShorkMyrtle born about 1922
ShorkRoy born about 1931
ShorkSvales born about 1934
ShorkVester born about 1919
SilverNina born about 1921
SmithAdam born about 1916
SmithAnnie born about 1925
SmithBlanche born about 1906
SmithBucky born about 1934
SmithCallie born about 1875
SmithCharley born about 1929
SmithDaisey born about 1927
SmithDark born about 1916
SmithEdith born about 1913
SmithEllen born about 1871
SmithEssie born about 1910
SmithEugene born about 1931
SmithEva born about 1916
SmithFrank born about 1923
SmithFred born about 1924
SmithGeorge born about 1908
SmithHanry born about 1929
SmithHazel born about 1915
SmithHerman born about 1932
SmithJ Bborn about 1936
SmithJack born about 1916
SmithJack born about 1924
SmithJames Sborn about 1870
SmithJeroe born about 1930
SmithLouise born about 1933
SmithLula Annborn about 1939
SmithLunda born about 1892
SmithLura born about 1889
SmithMabel born about 1921
SmithMary born about 1927
SmithOllie Belleborn about 1908
SmithOtta born about 1904
SmithPaul born about 1920
SmithPaul born about 1937
SmithPaul Jr born about 1940
SmithRichard born about 1882
SmithRose born about 1881
SmithRoy born about 1905
SmithRuth born about 1916
SmithSallie born about 1938
SmithSidney born about 1911
SmithTom born about 1899
SmithTom born about 1911
SmithWise born about 1897
SobarzoCollie born about 1903
StaffordBarbara born about 1935
StaffordMargaret born about 1930
StaffordMilton born about 1929
StaffordRoger born about 1932
StaffordVirginia born about 1931
StanleyAnn born about 1908
StanleyBertha born about 1892
StanleyBilly born about 1930
StanleyClara Jborn about 1908
StanleyIrene born about 1927
StanleyRuth born about 1914
StarrEdgar born about 1926
StarrReba born about 1928
SterlingAlison Bborn about 1879
StevensonLcuile born about 1917
StevensonMary Maeborn about 1919
StewartJene born about 1852
StinsonFrank Hborn about 1880
StinsonLillian born about 1887
StoreyDouglas born about 1930
StoreyForrest born about 1928
StoreyImojean born about 1933
StoreyJames born about 1923
StoreyJoyce born about 1936
StoreyTexie Mborn about 1902
StoreyWilliam born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateMaude born about 1888
TateRuth born about 1918
TateWilliam Cborn about 1886
TaylorClyde born about 1930
TaylorFrancis Kborn about 1866
TaylorLouise born about 1931
TesterBasil born about 1912
TesterCharles born about 1918
TesterDaisy born about 1923
TesterDoris born about 1917
TesterFrance born about 1916
TesterPauline born about 1939
TesterRay born about 1937
TesterRobert born about 1926
TesterRoby born about 1880
TesterSignora born about 1887
ThompsonHelen born about 1921
TownsedAddie born about 1881
TownsedArthur born about 1905
TownsedEllen born about 1902
TownsedLawson born about 1876
TownsendAda born about 1921
TownsendAlbert born about 1933
TownsendAlice born about 1888
TownsendAllie born about 1904
TownsendAlons born about 1887
TownsendArnold born about 1932
TownsendBetty born about 1937
TownsendBetty born about 1939
TownsendBlanche born about 1913
TownsendBlanche born about 1917
TownsendBynum born about 1910
TownsendBynum Jr born about 1937
TownsendCalton born about 1875
TownsendCarl born about 1915
TownsendCarolyn born about 1940
TownsendCarson born about 1921
TownsendCharles born about 1915
TownsendCharley born about 1885
TownsendCharlotte born about 1919
TownsendChaster born about 1918
TownsendClarence born about 1911
TownsendClyde born about 1913
TownsendConrad born about 1899
TownsendDale born about 1939
TownsendDavid born about 1934
TownsendDayle born about 1931
TownsendDayton born about 1938
TownsendDella born about 1896
TownsendEdith Dorryborn about 1924
TownsendEdna born about 1936
TownsendElsie Fayborn about 1932
TownsendErnest born about 1904
TownsendErnestine born about 1938
TownsendEssie born about 1894
TownsendEthel born about 1935
TownsendEugene born about 1932
TownsendFinley born about 1871
TownsendFinley Jr born about 1932
TownsendFlody born about 1933
TownsendFud born about 1914
TownsendGenna born about 1908
TownsendGladys born about 1920
TownsendGrace Fayborn about 1940
TownsendGurney born about 1903
TownsendGuy born about 1939
TownsendHattie born about 1879
TownsendHelen born about 1931
TownsendHenry born about 1920
TownsendHomer born about 1938
TownsendIvan born about 1919
TownsendJames born about 1933
TownsendJennie born about 1913
TownsendJim born about 1856
TownsendJim Lborn about 1876
TownsendJoan born about 1936
TownsendJoe born about 1907
TownsendJohnnie born about 1896
TownsendJohnson born about 1934
TownsendKayes born about 1937
TownsendLarkin born about 1940
TownsendLeonora born about 1911
TownsendLewis born about 1913
TownsendLewis born about 1940
TownsendLorene born about 1920
TownsendLucindia born about 1908
TownsendLucy born about 1915
TownsendLucy born about 1929
TownsendLydie born about 1880
TownsendMabel born about 1929
TownsendMargaret born about 1927
TownsendMary born about 1909
TownsendMary born about 1919
TownsendMary Francesborn about 1932
TownsendMildred born about 1918
TownsendMildred born about 1931
TownsendMildred Florenceborn about 1934
TownsendMyra born about 1903
TownsendNeoma born about 1897
TownsendOnie born about 1918
TownsendOphia born about 1908
TownsendParke born about 1909
TownsendPaul born about 1937
TownsendPaunce born about 1934
TownsendRalph born about 1918
TownsendRobert born about 1925
TownsendRoby born about 1883
TownsendRosa born about 1939
TownsendRuby born about 1929
TownsendSarah born about 1859
TownsendSelie born about 1927
TownsendSpencer born about 1936
TownsendStella born about 1896
TownsendTate born about 1923
TownsendVivian born about 1935
TownsendWill born about 1890
TownsendWillard born about 1939
TownsendWillis born about 1938
TreadwayJ Cborn about 1926
TreadwayWilliam born about 1923
TuftsAnna Loisborn about 1927
TuftsEdgar Hborn about 1900
TuftsEdgar Jr born about 1930
TuftsEuginia born about 1908
TutleBessie Hborn about 1874
TutleMargaret born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UrnettAgne born about 1911
UrnettFrances born about 1936
UrnettGrant born about 1934
UrnettJohn born about 1871
UrnettMary born about 1873
UrnettWyle born about 1906

V Surnames

VancawnDouglas born about 1909
VancawnWilhelma born about 1910
VanceAvis born about 1916
VanceElizabeth born about 1877
VanceLucy born about 1906
VinronKatherine born about 1918
VoncanonAlleen born about 1917
VoncanonCarolyn born about 1921
VoncanonCharles born about 1915
VoncanonCharles Jborn about 1938
VoncanonHenry born about 1881
VoncanonJacob Fredborn about 1931
VoncanonLue born about 1887
VoncanonMaggie born about 1900
VoncanonRuth born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerJoe born about 1901
WagnerNellie born about 1905
WagnerNellie born about 1933
WardEmma born about 1911
WardFerd born about 1933
WardHubert born about 1936
WardLeter born about 1930
WardMartha born about 1929
WardMary born about 1928
WardPauline born about 1930
WardRoy born about 1906
WardSara born about 1908
WardWrez born about 1900
WestAmerican Annborn about 1864
WestHarvey born about 1859
WhiteheadGeorge born about 1893
WhiteheadMable born about 1898
WhitesellCharles born about 1902
WhitesellMary born about 1904
WhittingtonBobby born about 1935
WhittingtonCarlene born about
WhittingtonCharley born about 1917
WhittingtonClaude born about 1876
WhittingtonCoolidge born about 1925
WhittingtonEmma born about 1921
WhittingtonFrances born about 1938
WhittingtonHardie born about 1921
WhittingtonMarshal born about 1933
WhittingtonPauline born about 1940
WhittingtonSarah born about 1890
WhittingtonStella born about 1910
WhittingtonTate born about 1931
WhittingtonTortore born about 1938
WhittingtonVirginia born about 1922
WilliamJimmie born about 1926
WilliamPaul born about 1923
WilliamPowell born about 1896
WilliamRuth born about 1896
WilsonRebecca born about 1920
WisemanBen Hborn about 1889
WisemanBen Haydenborn about 1922
WisemanEdna born about 1893
WisemanHarry born about 1923
WisemanJanonta born about 1918
WisemanPeggy Annborn about 1937
WoodsDaniel born about 1912
WoodsDon born about 1933
WoodsJoyce born about 1931
WoodsKyle born about 1935
WoodsMax born about 1939
WoodsOllie born about 1913
WoodsPhyllis born about 1936
WootenAlbert born about 1915
WootenCarl born about 1928
WootenGeneva born about 1939
WootenGurney born about 1917
WootenLuther born about 1925
WootenMaude born about 1922
WootenMonarkey born about 1896
WootenRuben born about 1895
WrightJames Wayneborn about 1939
WrightJerry born about 1934
WrightLola born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YettonElizabeth born about 1917
YettonSamuel Aborn about 1916
YoungHolston born about 1887

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