1940 U.S. Federal Census of Crabtree in Haywood County, Haywood, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Haywood County > 1940 Census of Crabtree in Haywood County

A SurnamesH SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AllenMary born about 1895
AllerBetty Joeborn about 1937
AllerDorthy born about 1927
AllerGeraldine born about 1933
AllerOrville born about 1904
AllerSara Leeborn about 1929
AllerSula born about 1907
AllerWilfred born about 1925
ArringtonBobby born about 1933
ArringtonDewey born about 1919
ArringtonHartsel born about 1933
ArringtonHelen born about 1938
ArringtonManson born about 1898
ArringtonMargaret born about 1924
ArringtonPatsy born about 1939
ArringtonTennie born about 1914
ArringtonWay born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BeasleyCarl born about 1922
BeasleyColeman born about 1924
BeasleyDouglas born about 1914
BeasleyGraham born about 1918
BeasleyIrean born about 1920
BeasleyJohn born about 1873
BeasleyKathryn born about 1938
BeasleyKenneth born about 1939
BeasleyLee born about 1908
BeasleyMinie born about 1892
BeasleyMyrtil born about 1925
BeaslyDella Mayborn about 1916
BeaslyFoundy born about 1900
BeaslyM Lborn about 1932
BeckAnna Louborn about 1926
BeckClingman born about 1902
BeckClingman Jr born about 1936
BeckErnest born about 1933
BeckGeorgia born about 1931
BeckMary Leeborn about 1905
BeckMay Burborn about 1923
BeckNapalion born about 1872
BeckR Aborn about 1929
BestAdaline born about 1939
BestAlpha born about 1927
BestBarbara Annborn about 1934
BestBennie born about 1929
BestBennie Louiseborn about 1938
BestBertie born about 1899
BestBetty born about 1921
BestBillie born about 1936
BestBobbie born about 1921
BestCarroll born about 1931
BestCecil born about 1901
BestCrawford born about 1895
BestDonald born about 1919
BestDortha born about 1919
BestEarl born about 1920
BestEdith born about 1917
BestEdna born about 1934
BestErnest born about 1926
BestEssie born about 1895
BestEva Lilyborn about 1922
BestGenease born about 1939
BestGeorge born about 1900
BestGlen Julianborn about 1939
BestHilda born about 1933
BestHoward born about 1912
BestHugh born about 1897
BestJack born about 1903
BestJames born about 1914
BestJames Autryborn about 1938
BestJeannie born about 1878
BestJerrold born about 1927
BestJimmie born about 1939
BestJoe born about 1918
BestJohn born about 1872
BestKennith born about 1931
BestLoger born about 1923
BestLuther born about 1898
BestMargaret born about 1912
BestMartha born about 1928
BestMary born about 1893
BestMax born about 1927
BestPaul born about 1917
BestPhil born about 1925
BestPink born about 1869
BestRay born about 1899
BestRuth born about 1901
BestSam born about 1929
BestSammie born about 1921
BestWillard born about 1916
BestWoodie born about 1932
BishopAda born about 1893
BishopBena born about 1868
BishopBillie born about 1928
BishopEva born about 1922
BishopFrances born about 1921
BishopJack born about 1936
BishopJerrie Leeborn about 1933
BishopPauline born about 1931
BishopR Cborn about 1888
BishopTucille born about 1925
BradhamElenor born about 1886
BradhamW Sborn about 1902
BradshawBobbie Jeanborn about 1938
BradshawGagie born about 1914
BradshawPeggie born about 1935
BradshawRubye born about 1915
BriantEdith born about 1923
BrownBlanche born about 1914
BrownBurrell born about 1888
BrownCarroll born about 1930
BrownDoyle born about 1937
BrownEdger born about 1928
BrownEstella born about 1895
BrownFrank born about 1913
BrownHelen born about 1928
BrownJery born about 1939
BrownMark born about 1935
BrownWanda born about 1937
BrownWilda born about 1930
BurgissGorge born about 1928
BurgissGrady born about 1930
BurgissHazel born about 1935
BurgissHolland born about 1890
BurgissNorman born about 1925
BurgissRobert born about 1921
BurgissSilly born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellDollie born about 1881
CaldwellJohnie born about 1906
CaldwellMattie born about 1914
CaldwellNanie born about 1863
CaldwellRobert born about 1910
CaldwellWiley born about 1883
CaldwellWiley born about 1915
CalemanAlice born about 1929
CalemanBennie born about 1926
CalemanJack born about 1923
CalemanLoy born about 1896
CalemanLoy Jr born about 1934
CalemanMary born about 1901
CanardNola born about 1909
ClarkAnan Mayborn about 1918
ClarkDora born about 1913
ClarkJaretta Maeborn about 1940
ClarkJewel born about 1936
ClarkJoseph born about 1918
ClarkLeona born about 1881
ClarkLillian born about 1922
ClarkLuer born about 1916
ClarkManson born about 1920
ClarkMary born about 1905
ClarkPaul born about 1926
ClarkRoy born about 1914
ClarkSilas born about 1890
ClockAzalee born about 1921
ColemanCora born about 1911
ColemanHarvey born about 1912
ColemanHerman born about 1928
ConnardBettie Ruthborn about 1935
ConnardBillie born about 1926
ConnardEb born about 1912
ConnardEdwin born about 1940
ConnardJeannie born about 1938
ConnardMable born about 1936
ConnardMaggie born about 1900
ConnardRon born about 1927
ConnardRuth born about 1934
ConnardSarah born about 1913
CooperLaurence born about 1939
CooperMary Lborn about 1938
CooperSarah born about 1916
CooperVergil born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DatsonHavard born about 1920
DatsonHilda born about 1929
DatsonIda born about 1871
DatsonIna born about 1904
DatsonLeonard born about 1894
DatsonLowell born about 1906
DatsonMare born about 1898
DavisBertha born about 1896
DavisBilly born about 1929
DavisCarslyle born about 1923
DavisDewey born about 1898
DavisEllen born about 1887
DavisEthel born about 1893
DavisHilda born about 1926
DavisJ Mborn about 1883
DavisJ Yborn about 1895
DavisJack born about 1927
DavisJames born about 1933
DavisJoe born about 1918
DavisJoe born about 1926
DavisMargaret born about 1924
DavisVernon born about 1888
DenningtonAlta born about 1936
DenningtonCharles born about 1930
DixonMrs Jala born about 1875
DotsonAner born about 1866
DownsAlvin born about 1906
DownsCollercy born about 1888
DownsFrankie born about 1916
DownsLawrence born about 1918
DownsR Gborn about 1930
DuncanDavid Joeborn about 1939
DuncanErnest Jr born about 1932
DuncanHerter Annborn about 1936
DuncanVerlea born about 1853

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

ElkinsDaya born about 1927
ElkinsMazie born about 1906
ElkinsRalph born about 1931

F Surnames

FayeJohn born about 1877
FergusonAda born about 1881
FergusonAda Annborn about 1923
FergusonAndy born about 1899
FergusonAnnette born about 1939
FergusonBen born about 1920
FergusonBetty Joeborn about 1930
FergusonBobbie born about 1922
FergusonBranford born about 1914
FergusonC Tborn about 1888
FergusonCarl born about 1919
FergusonCharles born about 1928
FergusonDennis Mayeborn about 1932
FergusonForest born about 1881
FergusonHelen born about 1933
FergusonIda Mayborn about 1905
FergusonIma born about 1881
FergusonJack born about 1923
FergusonJane born about 1927
FergusonJohn born about 1924
FergusonJoseph born about 1932
FergusonLawery born about 1905
FergusonLawery Jr born about 1930
FergusonLela born about 1888
FergusonLouise born about 1907
FergusonMargaret born about 1926
FergusonMartha born about 1927
FergusonMary born about 1890
FergusonMax born about 1925
FergusonMildred born about 1927
FergusonRobert born about 1879
FergusonRobert Leeborn about 1884
FergusonRuth born about 1884
FergusonRuth born about 1935
FergusonThomas Wborn about 1893
FergusonVirginia born about 1921
FergusonWayne born about 1929
FisherE Bborn about 1868
FrancisEllen born about 1859
FrancisGertrude born about 1884
FrancisGrover born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GereenHazel born about 1935
GereenMaybelle born about 1915
GereenTed born about 1905
GergusonAgusta born about 1911
GergusonAlbert born about 1911
GergusonJewel Dborn about 1937
GibsonJohnie born about 1935
GibsonLaurie born about 1904
GibsonPink born about 1900
GibsonTraver born about 1937
GilesCharles born about 1920
GilesGlen born about 1919
GilesGrace born about 1895
GilesJunior born about 1925
GilesOpal born about 1924
GilesVennice born about 1921
GilletLucille born about 1930
GillettWilliam born about 1924
GilletteAya born about 1882
GilletteElmer born about 1914
GilletteGerson born about 1919
GilletteJames born about 1939
GilletteJewel born about 1919
GilletteLatham born about 1923
GilletteMagger born about 1920
GillettePaul born about 1921
GilletteR Aborn about 1937
GilletteRuth born about 1939
GilletteTaylor Hborn about 1878
GilletteWalker born about 1916
GlanceEula Dborn about 1925
GlanceJohn born about 1922
GlanceMaggie born about 1891
GrastyCharles born about 1911
GrastyDavid born about 1939
GrastyHilliard born about 1935
GrastyMarie born about 1916
GrastyPaul born about 1933
GrayArlo born about 1927
GrayFrank born about 1925
GrayMyrtil born about 1907
GreenAddie born about 1873
GreenAgnes born about 1912
GreenAnna born about 1886
GreenAnna Lauraborn about 1933
GreenBlanch born about 1926
GreenBud born about 1932
GreenCharles born about 1930
GreenCharles born about 1935
GreenCurtis born about 1924
GreenDora born about 1871
GreenDoyce born about 1888
GreenEdgar born about 1931
GreenElizabeth born about 1920
GreenElmer born about 1908
GreenErnest born about 1930
GreenFlorence born about 1900
GreenGeneva born about 1906
GreenGeraldine born about 1938
GreenGun born about 1900
GreenIva Leeborn about 1927
GreenJames Robertborn about 1940
GreenJohn born about 1913
GreenLeather born about 1922
GreenMary born about 1925
GreenMinnie born about 1902
GreenOllie Belleborn about 1917
GreenOpal born about 1932
GreenRaymond Leeborn about 1935
GreenRixin born about 1867
GreenRobert born about 1886
GreenRoy born about 1928
GreenRuby born about 1924
GreenSallie born about 1884
GreenSamuel born about 1891
GreenSela Belleborn about 1911
GreenSizsley born about 1913
GreenTalitha born about 1892
GreenThomas Lborn about 1868
GreenTolf born about 1915
GreenTolf Jr born about 1936
GreenWilburn born about 1913
GreenWilla Mayeborn about 1910
GreeneSally born about 1861
GregoryChristine born about 1922
GregoryGilbert born about 1919
GriffinArthur born about 1898
GriffinDewey born about 1931
GriffinGertrude born about 1912
GriffinNora Sueborn about 1930
GriffinRuby born about 1926
GrippinFloyd born about 1908
GrippinNellie born about 1890
GrippinSidney born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaineyBertha born about 1937
HaineyBobby Geanborn about 1939
HaineyErnest born about 1935
HaineySelma born about 1913
HaineyVaughn born about 1916
HallAlline born about 1936
HallGertrude born about 1919
HallVernon born about 1922
HallefieldRoy born about 1924
Haney??? born about 1872
HaneyAmos born about 1918
HaneyBillie born about 1931
HaneyConall born about 1940
HaneyDaryl born about 1922
HaneyDillard born about 1908
HaneyDonald born about 1924
HaneyDoris born about 1933
HaneyEarl born about 1934
HaneyEdna Mayeborn about 1935
HaneyErin born about 1924
HaneyFred born about 1912
HaneyFrench born about 1916
HaneyGarner born about 1928
HaneyGeraldine born about 1937
HaneyGlen born about 1926
HaneyGlen born about 1927
HaneyGrace born about 1918
HaneyHershel born about 1935
HaneyHilda born about 1932
HaneyHomer born about 1902
HaneyIva born about 1900
HaneyJ Lborn about 1933
HaneyJack born about 1925
HaneyJames born about 1916
HaneyJohn born about 1871
HaneyJunior born about 1938
HaneyLilly born about 1908
HaneyLizzie born about 1898
HaneyLois born about 1927
HaneyLucille born about 1929
HaneyMaggie born about 1912
HaneyMargaret born about 1872
HaneyMazaline born about 1932
HaneyPearl born about 1919
HaneyPolly born about 1918
HaneyRay born about 1923
HaneyRoxie Maryborn about 1939
HaneySherman born about 1891
HaneySynthia born about 1871
HaneyVenson born about 1915
HaneyVivian born about 1934
HaneyWade born about 1933
HaneyWeaver born about 1898
HanezErvin born about 1872
HanezHardy born about 1890
HanezHattie born about 1922
HanezHoward born about 1940
HanezJulie born about 1874
HanezRichard born about 1911
HanezRixie born about 1892
HanezRobert Dborn about 1913
HannahBen born about 1920
HannahBennie Leeborn about 1938
HannahCharles born about 1938
HannahDavid Leeborn about 1940
HannahFrank born about 1920
HannahFrank Eborn about 1932
HannahFred born about 1906
HannahJessie Mayeborn about 1920
HannahKyle born about 1939
HannahLeroy born about 1929
HannahPawl born about 1926
HannahRuth born about 1920
HannahTammie born about 1938
HannahZella born about 1906
HanzAndrew born about 1930
HanzEdward born about 1922
HanzErvin Leeborn about 1928
HanzGertrude born about 1924
HanzJ Cborn about 1898
HanzJ Cborn about 1932
HanzMarshall born about 1926
HanzMary born about 1902
HawkinsA Dborn about 1914
HawkinsAdaline born about 1899
HawkinsRobert born about 1898
HawkinsRobert Jr born about 1924
HeadCharles born about 1906
HeadJohn born about 1934
HeadLassie born about 1909
HeadMary Louborn about 1939
HeadPaul born about 1937
HeadVelmer born about 1930
HendersonDonald born about 1920
HendersonErnestine born about 1936
HendersonEunice born about 1919
HendersonJames born about 1910
HendersonMabel born about 1915
HendersonMary born about 1924
HendersonOttis born about 1918
HendersonValarie born about 1937
HensonMillard born about 1930
HicksAnnie born about 1921
HicksDatis born about 1895
HicksEllie born about 1893
HicksMabel born about 1936
HicksReeves born about 1940
HicksRidley born about 1922
HicksValarie born about 1925
HicksVergie born about 1917
HighfieldP Hborn about 1858
HillAndrew born about 1935
HillBobbie Jeanborn about 1934
HillBobby born about 1938
HillCarrie Mayborn about 1918
HillCharles born about 1870
HillCharles Jr born about 1910
HillDean born about 1938
HillEddie born about 1929
HillEdwin born about 1914
HillEldie Louiseborn about 1936
HillGeraldine born about 1939
HillHelen Luthborn about 1938
HillJames born about 1922
HillJohnnie Vanceborn about 1940
HillJuanisha born about 1934
HillLily born about 1875
HillLucy born about 1918
HillMay Billeborn about 1908
HillMyrtle born about 1916
HillRachell born about 1880
HillSamuel born about 1915
HillWallice born about 1916
HillWilliam born about 1936
HippsCora born about 1888
HoglandAlbert born about 1934
HoglandEdith born about 1923
HoglandEthel born about 1922
HoglandFred born about 1891
HoglandGeraldine born about 1936
HoglandHazel born about 1931
HoglandJerrie born about 1939
HoglandKathleen born about 1937
HoglandMaine born about 1891
HoglandManson born about 1890
HoglandMary born about 1915
HoglandMiley born about 1897
HoglandRoy born about 1928
HoglandTed born about 1936
HoglandVernie born about 1912
HoglandWilliam born about 1907
HoglandZemory born about 1914
HoltCarlton born about 1927
HoltHenry Homerborn about 1894
HoltRichlyn born about 1922
HoltZeila born about 1898
HoneycuttDoe born about 1915
HoneycuttLizzie born about 1918
HoneycuttWilma born about 1925
HowardEugene born about 1933
HozlandArthur born about 1940
HozlandErnest born about 1938
HozlandLucy born about 1918
HozlandNohli born about 1912
HughsAlbert born about 1922
HughsAlma born about 1924
HughsCal born about 1891
HughsCenie born about 1890
HughsJ Dborn about 1926
HughsLizzie born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

ImmanCharlie born about 1881
ImmanJames born about 1914
ImmanLillian born about 1933
ImmanLorange born about 1917
ImmanNora born about 1896
ImmanSamuel born about 1918
InmanDarnell born about 1929
InmanGeorge born about 1879
InmanLilly born about 1900

J Surnames

JalleyGeraldine born about 1938
JalleyLillian born about 1920
JalleyShirley born about 1939
JalleyThomas born about 1924
JalleyWeaver born about 1918
JamesAlice born about 1927
JamesBen Aborn about 1899
JamesBobbie Ruthborn about 1932
JamesBud born about 1910
JamesCarroll born about 1919
JamesCora Mayeborn about 1933
JamesDavid born about 1925
JamesDe Witte born about 1933
JamesDoris born about 1934
JamesElizabeth Annborn about 1937
JamesEllen born about 1932
JamesJ Bborn about 1879
JamesJ B Jrborn about 1925
JamesJack born about 1925
JamesLucy born about 1932
JamesLydie born about 1893
JamesMannie born about 1899
JamesMargaret born about 1928
JamesMyrgil born about 1912
JamesPhyllis born about 1930
JamesR Lborn about 1889
JamesRay born about 1937
JamesRoclisle born about 1923
JamesSara Francesborn about 1927
JamesSarah born about 1924
JamesStella Janeborn about 1939
JanesClark born about 1911
JanesMaggie born about 1866
JolleyBetty born about 1931
JolleyGeorgie born about 1923
JolleyGilbert born about 1896
JolleyJunior born about 1929
JolleyLetha born about 1925
JolleyMaggie born about 1901
JolleyTeddy born about 1933
JonesBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
JonesBetty Louborn about 1937
JonesBilly born about 1935
JonesCarl born about 1937
JonesCarra Leeborn about 1931
JonesChancy Cborn about 1896
JonesFlora born about 1906
JonesGilbert born about 1923
JonesGreen born about 1880
JonesJames Hborn about 1892
JonesJessie born about 1903
JonesRachel born about 1872
JonesRalph born about 1927
JonesRuth Marieborn about 1933
JonesWilliam Mayborn about 1925
JusticeElvina born about 1894
JusticeFrances born about 1888
JusticeFuller Aborn about 1881
JusticeKathryn born about 1914
JusticeRichard born about 1893
JustinArter born about 1900
JustinBennie Sueborn about 1937
JustinBetty Joeborn about 1932
JustinBonnie born about 1929
JustinCarl born about 1920
JustinCharles born about 1924
JustinFannie born about 1927
JustinGeorge born about 1921
JustinGlendon born about 1930
JustinHazel born about 1927
JustinHugh born about 1936
JustinJunior born about 1934
JustinMarion born about 1932
JustinOnual born about 1934
JustinRobert born about 1901
JustinThomas Craiyborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeatGlen Dborn about
KeatJuan born about 1912
KeatOlliver born about 1935
KeatShirley Jeanborn about 1937
KeatSpencer born about 1934
KeatVeril born about 1918
KeatWillie Mayborn about 1936
KeeverLoyd born about 1925
KingBranton born about 1906
KingNova born about 1905
KinslandBally Annborn about 1934
KinslandBeatrice born about 1930
KinslandBetty Joeborn about 1932
KinslandDellie born about 1877
KinslandDoris born about 1935
KinslandDorthy Leanborn about 1936
KinslandEthel born about 1911
KinslandFannie born about 1936
KinslandFlora born about 1910
KinslandG Lborn about 1932
KinslandGarret Jr born about 1932
KinslandGordon born about 1902
KinslandHerman born about 1891
KinslandJarvis born about 1902
KinslandJessie born about 1907
KinslandJohn born about 1855
KinslandLonnie Jborn about 1882
KinslandLouise born about 1926
KinslandMargaret born about 1937
KinslandMarie born about 1928
KinslandMary Cborn about 1856
KinslandMyrtil born about 1915
KinslandN Yborn about 1932
KinslandReba born about 1930
KinslandRuth born about 1924
KinslandRuth born about 1925
KinslandW Hborn about 1895
KinslandWay born about 1937
KinslandWilfred born about 1934
KirkpatrickAddie born about 1879
KirkpatrickGeorge Marshallborn about 1939
KirkpatrickGeraldine born about 1917
KirkpatrickKeturah born about 1876
KirkpatrickMarshall born about 1906
KirkpatrickSamson born about 1869
KirkpatrickThomas Wborn about 1875
KirkpatrickWilliam born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LathboneElizabeth born about 1924
LathboneHarlie born about 1919
LathboneHerman born about 1900
LathboneMary born about 1922
LathboneOtter born about 1892
LedfordAlline born about 1931
LedfordClarance born about 1930
LedfordDora born about 1910
LedfordHugh born about 1933
LedfordLoyd born about 1903
LedfordPaulina born about 1927
LinerBruce born about 1936
LinerEarline born about 1921
LinerHubert Jr born about 1939
LinerJane born about 1915
LinerMarian born about 1865
LinerMinnie born about 1881
LinerPatrica Carolborn about 1937
LouieHary born about 1934
LouieJo Annborn about 1937
LouieLillian born about 1897
LouieLinda born about 1939
LouieOtis Jr born about 1928
LouieWilliam born about 1926
LoweBilly Joeborn about 1937
LoweEarl born about 1935
LoweEdith born about 1922
LoweFrank born about 1932
LoweJack born about 1928
LoweJess born about 1900
LoweKennith born about 1930
LoweLizzie born about 1898
LoweMildred born about 1926
LoweRobert Dborn about 1924
LutherHilda born about 1902
LutherJohn born about 1933
LutherRobert born about 1934
LutherRussell born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MalandBinnie Mayeborn about 1899
MalandLattie Ellenborn about 1926
MalandLucille born about 1922
MalandPauline born about 1919
MalandTammie born about 1896
MalandThomasine born about 1930
MassieArlin born about 1871
MassieC Mborn about 1896
MassieCharlie born about 1926
MassieHenry Carlborn about 1938
MassieHilda Fayeborn about 1933
MassieJ Mborn about 1868
MassieJoseph born about 1922
MassieLois born about 1928
MassieNaomi born about 1933
MassieRena born about 1892
MassieRetodd born about 1919
MassieRubye born about 1923
MathewsCharles born about 1880
McCorsonHenry born about 1918
McCrackenAnnie born about 1891
McCrackenAzalee born about 1939
McCrackenBelle born about 1875
McCrackenBlake born about 1904
McCrackenClaude born about 1900
McCrackenDortha Roseborn about 1936
McCrackenDoyle born about 1929
McCrackenElton born about 1869
McCrackenEssie born about 1894
McCrackenEvelyn born about 1901
McCrackenEvelyn born about 1936
McCrackenGaines born about 1913
McCrackenGeogie born about 1926
McCrackenHaran born about 1878
McCrackenHerman born about 1877
McCrackenHorace born about 1878
McCrackenLendan born about 1931
McCrackenLewis born about 1934
McCrackenLois born about 1934
McCrackenLucy born about 1924
McCrackenMary Sueborn about 1939
McCrackenMinnie born about 1875
McCrackenMora born about 1908
McCrackenNora born about 1905
McCrackenP Jborn about 1867
McCrackenPatsy born about 1936
McCrackenRobert Aborn about 1937
McCrackenRuby born about 1916
McCrackenSamul born about 1938
McCrackenSlema born about 1927
McCrackenTamrim born about 1913
McCrackenTaylor born about 1926
McCrackenTroy born about 1921
McCrackenWallace born about 1902
McCrackenWalter born about 1929
McCrackerAdaline born about 1873
McCrackerAlice born about 1867
McCrackerClymer born about 1894
McCrackerEthel born about 1895
McCrackerPickney Rborn about 1873
McCrackerVergil born about 1861
McCraigBenton born about 1933
McCraigDoris born about 1932
McCraigGardner born about 1930
McCraigJennings born about 1898
McCraigKathryn born about 1925
McCraigLucille born about 1901
McCraigSamuel born about 1923
McCrakenEllen born about 1864
McCrakenWaldo born about 1887
McCrockenBelle born about 1875
McCrockenJosephine born about 1929
McCrockenMila Dborn about 1891
McCroyCallie born about 1861
McCroyGaliel born about 1899
McElroyClinlan born about 1910
McElroyDonald born about 1933
McElroyEdgar born about 1933
McElroyEllen born about 1937
McElroyGuy Mborn about 1904
McElroyJoe born about 1935
McElroyMaggie born about 1911
McElroyManson born about 1893
McElroyMary born about 1912
McElroyWayne born about 1898
MedfordBillie Kborn about 1930
MedfordCornilia Suborn about 1923
MedfordEssie born about 1891
MedfordFrank born about 1892
MedfordHillary born about 1926
MedfordJack born about 1913
MedfordLena Mayborn about 1921
MedfordMattie born about 1898
MedfordPeggie born about 1931
MenerJoe born about 1860
MenerNed born about 1909
MenerRobert Leeborn about 1866
MenerSam born about 1874
MenerSara born about 1905
MenerWag born about 1911
Messer??? born about 1920
Messer??? born about 1925
MesserBeatrice born about 1904
MesserBetty born about 1924
MesserD Eborn about 1864
MesserDoris Annborn about 1938
MesserDorthie born about 1931
MesserEdith born about 1919
MesserEdna born about 1919
MesserEffie born about 1881
MesserElizabeth born about 1927
MesserForest born about 1880
MesserFranklin born about 1912
MesserGeneva born about 1929
MesserGuy born about 1904
MesserJane born about 1863
MesserLinda born about 1935
MesserMary born about 1890
MesserOrville born about 1925
MesserPatrica Annborn about 1939
MesserPink born about 1858
MesserRex born about 1915
MesserRoy born about 1923
MesserSallie born about 1895
MesserSibyl born about 1927
MesserT Cborn about 1890
MesserWelch born about 1904
MesserWilliam Rborn about 1884
MesserWilma born about 1908
MesserWorth born about 1928
MihanerLillie born about 1856
MooneyMattie born about 1885
MooreClarence born about 1932
MooreClyton born about 1930
MooreEthel born about 1914
MooreF Mborn about 1853
MooreJohn born about 1909
MooreJunior born about 1934
MooreLaurence born about 1936
MooreLizzie born about 1885
MooreOliver born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NalandAnnie born about 1935
NalandArlin born about 1874
NalandBeauford born about 1912
NalandCharles born about 1929
NalandCharlie born about 1876
NalandDartha Leeborn about 1932
NalandGrady born about 1896
NalandHauez Eveneborn about 1928
NalandHelen born about 1923
NalandHomer born about 1938
NalandHoward born about 1925
NalandJack born about 1923
NalandJack born about 1927
NalandJessie born about 1905
NalandJohn born about 1865
NalandJuanita born about 1931
NalandKate born about 1910
NalandLanna born about 1877
NalandMargaret born about 1910
NalandMary born about 1908
NalandMonroe born about 1907
NalandSamuel Rborn about 1907
NalandSusie born about 1907
NalandThomas born about 1932
NalandW Aborn about 1896
NelandFred born about 1903
NelandFredrick born about 1932
NelandMargie born about 1908
NelandSue Carolynborn about 1934
NelsonAlbert born about 1870
NerrinBayer born about 1914
NerrinGerrald born about 1939
NerrinJ Bborn about 1934
NerrinMaye born about 1915
NeshittBerle Fborn about 1918
NienMaud Myrtelborn about 1887
NienWilliam Hborn about 1881
NolandCherles Rayborn about 1934
NolandMolly born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObermanBertie born about 1916
ObermanMary Nborn about 1940
ObermanRoscoe born about 1912
OvermanAdbur born about 1910
OvermanBertha born about 1916
OvermanBob born about 1871
OvermanDennis born about 1937
OvermanFaye born about 1934
OvermanFrankie Mayeborn about 1938
OvermanGeorge born about 1924
OvermanGladys born about 1911
OvermanGracie born about 1910
OvermanHerman born about 1880
OvermanHester born about 1882
OvermanJeddie Joeborn about 1932
OvermanLaraine born about 1932
OvermanMarie born about 1935
OvermanMarvin born about 1938
OvermanMattie born about 1890
OvermanPauline born about 1930
OvermanRay born about 1906
OvermanRiley born about 1930
OvermanRuth born about 1936
OvermanTrudie born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackettElanor born about 1914
PackettFannie born about 1913
PackettGeorge born about 1890
PackettJosephine born about 1932
PackettLeona born about 1895
PackettLuther born about 1857
PackettMadalon born about 1932
PackettPiggie born about 1936
PackettR Lborn about 1938
PackettRichard born about 1890
PalmerEmily born about 1917
PalmerFannie born about 1894
PalmerG C Jrborn about 1921
PalmerGlen Cborn about 1889
PalmerJoseph Hborn about 1919
ParksElsie born about 1862
ParksLee born about 1925
ParksLen born about 1874
ParksPansie born about 1930
ParksSallie born about 1890
PressinellClifford born about 1918
PressinellErnest born about 1910
PressinellEthel born about 1911
PressinellHugh born about 1937
PressinellLela born about 1935
PressinellRannell born about 1939
PressnellBeckey born about 1900
PressnellBertha born about 1928
PressnellHobert born about 1897
PressnellJosephine born about 1936
PressnellLouise born about 1938
PressnellMamie born about 1926
PressnellRoxie born about 1931
PressnellRuby Mayeborn about 1934
PressnellSarah born about 1922
PriceFrancis born about 1914
PriceGlen born about 1905
PriceJ Dborn about 1932
PriceRubye born about 1928
PutmanAlfred born about 1935
PutmanClanton born about 1929
PutmanFred born about 1896
PutmanGlen born about 1940
PutmanRuby born about 1931
PutmanSara Janeborn about 1909
PutnamCallie born about 1923
PutnamCharlie born about 1908
PutnamFannie born about 1925
PutnamGeneral born about 1918
PutnamJeneva born about 1936
PutnamJoe born about 1928
PutnamJule born about 1935
PutnamLiddie born about 1889
PutnamLou born about 1923
PutnamLuda born about 1915
PutnamOran Leeborn about 1917
PutnamRaeritta born about 1939
PutnamTilda born about 1938
PutnamVergie born about 1934
PutnamWill born about 1898
PutnamWilliam born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaineyHugh born about 1870
RaineyLillie born about 1880
RaineyThomas born about 1922
RallinsBinnunege born about 1939
RallinsColombus born about 1884
RallinsLettie born about 1907
RallinsOryell born about 1935
RallinsRosalee born about 1926
RallinsRoxie born about 1929
RallinsRuby born about 1931
RathboneAlton born about 1919
RathboneAnna Mayeborn about 1918
RathboneHenry born about 1937
RathboneJohn born about 1916
RathboneJuanita born about 1935
RathboneKatheryn born about 1940
RathboneLucille born about 1920
RectorAndy born about 1920
RectorBobbie born about 1892
RectorDoris born about 1933
RectorHayden born about 1896
RectorMarion born about 1930
RectorMercer born about 1922
RectorNathan born about 1926
RectorNovella born about 1938
RectorStella Mayborn about 1928
ReeversBurden born about 1883
ReeversCraig born about 1913
ReeversElizabeth born about 1886
ReeversM B Jrborn about 1926
RobinsonHarding born about 1923
RobinsonMartha born about 1859
RobinsonTip born about 1869
RogersAdaline born about 1920
RogersBetty born about 1925
RogersBly born about 1891
RogersBob Fborn about 1882
RogersBoone born about 1884
RogersCarrie born about 1915
RogersChristine born about 1923
RogersDavid born about 1929
RogersEdwin born about 1927
RogersElizabeth born about 1921
RogersEva Janeborn about 1922
RogersGeorge born about 1920
RogersHazel born about 1919
RogersHershel born about 1916
RogersHugh born about 1906
RogersJack born about 1918
RogersJessie Boonborn about 1911
RogersJohn born about 1875
RogersJohn born about 1920
RogersLee Vborn about 1869
RogersLorena born about 1914
RogersLouise born about 1913
RogersManees born about 1895
RogersMary born about 1880
RogersRussel born about 1918
RogersTaylor born about 1924
RosaCharles born about 1924
RosaHilliard born about 1896
RosaJulius born about 1925
RosaMay born about 1927
RosaSillie born about 1888
RoyMaggie born about 1863
RussellEugene born about 1917
RussnellBertha born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SanfordA Jborn about 1865
SanfordAudrey born about 1931
SanfordElsie born about 1911
SanfordFarrell born about 1933
SanfordFrances born about 1936
SanfordGilmer born about 1900
SanfordHaroly born about 1911
SanfordHilda born about 1940
SanfordKate born about 1873
SanfordLaraine born about 1938
SanfordLeala born about 1901
SanfordLean born about 1927
SanfordLilly Jeneborn about 1935
SanfordLush born about 1879
SanfordMaggie born about 1886
SanfordMandy born about 1872
SanfordMary born about 1913
SanfordMax Gardnerborn about 1939
SanfordNoah born about 1910
SanfordPaul born about 1912
SanfordPaul born about 1926
SanfordRuby born about 1925
SanfordWilma born about 1934
SeaFaiedy born about 1905
SeaSarah born about 1872
SeayFanny born about 1902
SeayH Eborn about 1892
SlapludBillie born about 1938
SlapludBobbie born about 1936
SlapludInfant born about 1940
SlapludLaura born about 1914
SlapludVaugha born about 1913
SmartCordie born about 1897
SmartDavid born about 1924
SmartEllis born about 1900
SmartFrank born about 1940
SmartJoseph born about 1920
SmartPawl born about 1934
SmartSarah born about 1885
SmartSilas born about 1874
SmithBarbara Anaborn about 1938
SmithBobbie born about 1933
SmithBulah born about 1932
SmithCharles born about 1937
SmithCharlie born about 1921
SmithClyde born about 1925
SmithConall born about 1936
SmithDatha born about 1932
SmithDoris born about 1926
SmithEarl born about 1927
SmithEdith born about 1929
SmithEdward born about 1926
SmithEmaline born about 1938
SmithErnest born about 1924
SmithEvelyn born about 1924
SmithGarland born about 1900
SmithH Bborn about 1895
SmithHubert born about 1896
SmithHugh born about 1924
SmithJ Gborn about 1926
SmithJeannette born about 1939
SmithJunior born about 1935
SmithLee born about 1915
SmithLizzie born about 1900
SmithLoris born about 1901
SmithLula born about 1917
SmithMarie born about 1919
SmithMay born about 1924
SmithMaye born about 1896
SmithMyrtil born about 1901
SmithMyrtil born about 1928
SmithOla Belleborn about 1921
SmithPawnee born about 1920
SmithQuan born about 1937
SmithRobert born about 1928
SmithRoy born about 1910
SmithRuth born about 1929
SmithShirley born about 1937
SmithTeddie Joborn about 1932
SmithThurman born about 1915
SmithWayne born about 1933
SmithWillie born about 1916
SmithWinfield born about 1895
SoutherlandAnna Mayborn about 1918
SoutherlandBlanche born about 1928
SoutherlandJames born about 1939
SoutherlandJim born about 1891
SoutherlandRuth born about 1935
StameyClifford born about 1912
StameyEula Jaeborn about 1937
StameyJenneva born about 1916
StangDillard born about 1900
StangDouglas born about 1931
StangErnest born about 1936
StangFrances born about 1927
StangMargaret born about 1934
StangNettie born about 1910
SunerNalie born about 1930
SutherHilda born about 1902
SutherJohn born about 1932
SutherRobert born about 1934
SutherRussell born about 1927
SuttlesHester born about 1853
SuttonBobbie born about 1934
SuttonCarl born about 1894
SuttonCarl born about 1924
SuttonCharles born about 1924
SuttonEmma born about 1901
SuttonFrank born about 1939
SuttonGenevieve born about 1929
SuttonJa Annborn about 1935
SuttonJanie born about 1914
SuttonJoe born about 1898
SuttonJunior born about 1930
SuttonLawrence born about 1926
SuttonMarian born about 1937
SuttonMary Annborn about 1937
SuttonRay born about 1933
SuttonRobert born about 1935
SuttonRoy born about 1928
SuttonRuth born about 1926
SuttonT Lborn about 1900
SuttonWeldon born about 1862
SuttonZona born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThampeenBoon born about 1918
ThampeenLois born about 1919
ThomasonHarvey Robertaborn about 1922
ThomasonRobert Lancasterborn about 1939
ThompsonLourie born about 1920
ThompsonMallie born about 1933
ThompsonMark born about 1876
ThompsonMazie born about 1920
ThompsonRobert born about 1912
ThompsonTildie born about 1878
TiptonBoyd born about 1912
TiptonPauline born about 1922
TowelsCharles Cborn about 1939
TowelsClinton born about 1910
TowelsFrank born about 1913
TowelsMaxine born about 1921
TowelsMinnie born about 1872
TowelsThomas Lborn about
TranthamArthur born about 1916
TranthamHattie Mayeborn about 1936
TranthamHoward born about 1939
TranthamJennie born about 1901
TranthamJoe born about 1934
TranthamLawson born about 1896
TranthamLilly born about 1918
TranthamLucious born about 1931
TranthamMartha born about 1866
TranthamPaul born about 1928
TranthamRichard born about 1938
TranthamRobert born about 1922
TranthamRoy born about 1920
TranthamShuman Aborn about 1869
TranthamVirginia born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerAlbert Cborn about 1866
WalkerBetty Louborn about 1939
WalkerElaine born about 1938
WalkerEthel born about 1907
WalkerHugh born about 1908
WalkerJack born about 1939
WalkerJoseph born about 1938
WalkerKennith born about 1923
WalkerMary born about 1873
WalkerMathia born about 1857
WalkerMattie born about 1868
WalkerMaxin born about 1917
WalkerRobert Leeborn about 1864
WalkerTed born about 1906
WarleyAlbert born about 1928
WarleyAlice born about 1926
WarleyAnna born about 1896
WarleyCharles born about 1867
WarleyEssie born about 1934
WarleyGreen born about 1936
WarleyIda Mayborn about 1931
WarleyJohn born about 1922
WarleyRachel born about 1936
WarleyWillie born about 1939
WellsHerbert born about 1896
WellsKatheryn born about 1930
WellsKeller born about 1932
WellsKermit born about 1924
WellsWinnie born about 1898
WesternBillie born about 1929
WesternCatherine born about 1908
WesternCraig born about 1920
WesternJames born about 1924
WesternOtha born about 1921
WesternPhillis born about 1929
WesternRachel born about 1906
WhiteThomas born about 1882
WhittedAlma born about 1898
WhittedCollie born about 1898
WhittedCollie Jr born about 1923
WhittedGlen born about 1925
WhittedHomer born about 1920
WhittedRoy born about 1929
WilliamBelva born about 1916
WilliamEmma Katherynborn about 1938
WilliamEmmit born about 1917
WilsonGrayson born about 1896
WilsonHilda Mborn about 1929
WilsonJessie born about 1893
WilsonJohn Dborn about 1929
WilsonJosephine born about 1937
WilsonLouise born about 1917
WilsonMagaret born about 1926
WilsonMary born about 1922
WilsonNelse born about 1867
WilsonShirley Annborn about 1939
WilsonTroy born about 1917
WilsonVirginia born about 1924
WilsonWilliam born about 1931
WisserGeraldine born about 1928
WisserGrady born about 1900
WisserJessie born about 1906
WoodWalker Eborn about 1921
WoodsEdward born about 1935
WoodsHarold born about 1939
WoodsHattie born about 1906
WoodsJames born about 1937
WoodsL Lborn about 1915
WoodsNavella born about 1933
WrightBertha born about 1908
WrightClaud born about 1928
WrightJames born about 1935
WrightLee born about 1898
WrightLowery born about 1939
WrightMary born about 1930
WrightRobert born about 1926
WrightWayne born about 1937
WrightWillian born about 1932
WyattSillie born about 1886
WyattSteve born about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZorbaughAubrey born about 1930
ZorbaughDortha born about 1926
ZorbaughFannie born about 1882
ZorbaughMacrae born about 1898
ZorbaughMax born about 1932

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