1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hamlet, Richmond, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Richmond County > 1940 Census of Hamlet

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsMaude born about 1889
AdomAlbert born about 1872
AdomLutie born about 1881
AdomPrentice born about 1915
AllenCharles born about 1911
AllenDollie born about 1905
AllenEdward Jr born about 1925
AllenHelen Bborn about 1912
AllenSam Mayborn about 1927
AllenWilbur Eugeneborn about 1922
AllsbrooksVadie born about 1914
AlphinBuelah born about 1913
AltonCarrie born about 1903
AltonJohn Aborn about 1901
AltonRebecca born about 1936
ArnoldBerncie born about 1919
ArnoldCyrel born about 1924
ArnoldGuta born about 1896
ArnoldMarion born about 1932
ArnoldNorman born about 1934
ArnoldSilas Cborn about 1892
ArnoldValeria born about 1922
AshleyJoel Wborn about 1911
AshleyM Elizabethborn about 1915
AtkinsonC Hillborn about 1895
AtkinsonLiel born about 1893
AtkinsonLucy Jborn about 1870
AustinAddie born about 1877
AustinCarl born about 1904
AustinClarence born about 1916
AustinJessie Rborn about 1875
AustinMartin Cborn about 1883
AustinRosa born about 1884
AveretteMargaret born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackensonJames Eborn about 1884
BackensonMattie born about 1896
BaggasBlanch born about 1918
BaggasJ Sherrellborn about 1913
BagwellAnn born about 1912
BagwellEdna born about 1905
BagwellJohn Wborn about 1907
BagwellLola Gborn about 1888
BagwellWilliam H H Iiiborn about 1904
BagwellWilliam H H Jrborn about 1872
BaileyCollie born about 1892
BaileyTemaphy born about 1885
BailyGeorge born about 1900
BailyNancy Pborn about 1910
BakersonBen Lborn about 1890
BakersonJean born about 1930
BakersonJoan born about 1930
BakersonJulias born about 1925
BakersonSarah born about 1890
BaldwinPaton born about 1888
BallBeverly Wborn about 1919
BallBlanch Bborn about 1885
BallGeorge Wborn about 1884
BallinbergsLouis born about 1887
BallinbergsLouis Pborn about 1917
BallinbergsMaragrie born about 1893
BallinbergsSarabelle born about 1922
Bamberger born about 1903
BanabergerAnnie born about 1884
BanabergerEvlyne born about 1913
BanabergerHenery born about 1885
BankheadAtha born about 1908
BankheadErshine born about 1930
BankheadJ L Jrborn about 1914
BankheadJerry Loydborn about 1939
BankheadSally Maeborn about 1918
BankheadWalter born about 1894
BarberJanie born about 1906
BarherClyde born about 1898
BarherClyde Jr born about 1923
BarherEllen born about 1930
BarherFerna born about 1901
BarherJim born about 1921
BattleyA Jamesborn about 1935
BattleyGilbert Mborn about 1896
BattleyMyrtle Jborn about 1904
BauerfeldSam born about 1899
BaydeNancy born about 1925
BaydePeggy born about 1926
BazwellAgusta born about 1928
BazwellEmma born about 1883
BazwellThomas Gborn about 1877
BazwellWilliam H Hborn about 1841
Bean??? L Oborn about 1893
BeanJoe Dborn about 1893
BeanJoe D Jrborn about 1923
BeanMarilia Lborn about 1920
BeckClarence Aborn about 1917
BeckClarence Jr born about 1938
BeckHelen born about 1920
BegramJ Wborn about 1878
BegramNannie Lborn about 1875
BellElla born about 1895
BellGertrude born about 1929
BeltonJasie Maeborn about 1919
BeltonWillie Franklinborn about 1918
BenEly born about 1883
BenartJoel Cborn about 1900
BenartJoel Cborn about 1936
BenartMaryana born about 1933
BenartMyrtle born about 1906
BenburyEula Aborn about 1901
BenburyRobert born about 1890
BennetGerdie Bellborn about 1921
Bennet5tQuengell born about 1917
BennettJohnsie born about 1906
BennettJulia born about 1914
BentonJ Cborn about 1885
BentonMannie born about 1897
BerryMary Hborn about 1869
BetheaWillie born about 1912
BirminghamAnn born about 1930
BirminghamJohn born about 1891
BirminghamMaragry born about 1918
BirminghamMildred born about 1895
BlackElanor born about 1910
BlacklyMay born about 1892
BowdenJoe born about 1926
BowdenSam born about 1899
BowdenTennessee born about 1900
BowditelSula born about 1914
BowmanEugene born about 1908
BowmanJohn born about 1888
BowmanMamie born about 1887
BowmanMelvin Thomasborn about 1926
BowmanRobert Leeborn about 1938
BowmanWillie Maeborn about 1936
BowmanZannie Leeborn about 1910
BoydDaniel C Jrborn about 1918
BoydMichael born about 1939
BoydMrs M Gborn about 1866
BoydMyrtle Fayborn about 1921
BoydW Eborn about 1908
BradshawCharles Aborn about 1918
BradshawCharles Wborn about 1920
BradshawDaisy born about 1899
BradshawDonald Lborn about 1922
BradshawKatherine born about 1914
BranchOffie Cborn about 1885
BranchRina Dborn about 1893
BrannerHerbert born about 1916
BrannerIrene born about 1916
BrannerJulia born about 1938
BrantlyJohn Fborn about 1896
BrantlyLilly born about 1895
BrantlyOsar born about 1919
BrantlyPauline born about 1924
BrantlyRalph born about 1926
BraswellMary Aliceborn about 1891
BrewerAnnie Catherineborn about 1921
BrewerHazel Vborn about 1924
BrewerJohn Thomasborn about 1940
BrewerJoseph Bborn about 1885
BrewerMary Ellenborn about 1883
BrewerMary Eulaborn about 1921
BrittinhamElizabeth born about 1914
BrittinhamJim C Jrborn about 1910
BrownBetty Sborn about 1900
BrownCharles born about 1938
BrownCharles Rborn about 1921
BrownEmma born about 1866
BrownEstell born about 1914
BrownLare Sborn about 1895
BrownLore S Jrborn about 1927
BrownMargaret Annborn about 1935
BrownMaxine Rborn about 1937
BrownRuby Dorisborn about 1940
BrudesElizabeth Cborn about 1895
BrudesElizabeth Mborn about 1924
BrunBarbara born about 1937
BrunBasil born about 1907
BrunBertie Leeborn about 1910
BrunBrandy born about 1933
BrysonAnita born about 1936
BrysonHillery born about 1909
BrysonKenneth Eborn about 1913
BrysonKenneth Jr born about 1938
BrysonMary Eborn about 1920
BrysonMillicent born about 1916
BrysonMinnie born about 1889
BuchannonAlex born about 1934
BuchannonJ Allenborn about 1930
BuchannonMaggie born about 1911
BuelushEugene Cborn about 1906
BuelushMargaret Vborn about 1939
BuelushVirginia Mborn about 1913
BullardAnnie born about 1903
BullardBobbie born about 1938
BullardEvelyn born about 1931
BullardJean born about 1934
BulotaLottie born about 1901
BulotaSam born about 1894
BundyMarion born about 1895
BundyWinston Mborn about 1892
ButlerEmma born about 1898
ButlerEva Maryborn about 1933
ButtsJean born about 1929
ButtsMable born about 1901
ButtsVirginia born about 1925
ButtsWilliam Bborn about 1900
ButzmanAtha Tborn about 1893
ButzmanJoe Nborn about 1904
ButzmanMarie born about 1935
ByrdAmbaretti born about 1914
ByrdChristenbury Jborn about 1908
ByrdHerbert Wborn about 1917
ByrdSue Russborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadriceBeul born about 1905
CadriceJoan born about 1935
CadriceRay Jborn about 1901
CainCora born about 1912
CaldwellHarret born about 1878
CaleAlbertha born about 1935
CaleEmanuel born about 1914
CaleGrady born about 1920
CaleLouis Irwanborn about 1937
CaleMattie born about 1920
CalhonClarence born about 1910
CalhonShirley born about 1920
CambellFrances Eborn about 1903
CambellKatherine born about 1905
CameronJim born about 1851
CandellKatherine born about 1931
CarkJacklyn Fborn about 1936
CaroloAnnie Eborn about 1910
CarpenterFreda born about 1912
CarrLily Mayborn about 1905
CarrolBen Rborn about 1881
CarrolJack Pborn about 1925
CarrolJohnny Mborn about 1885
CarrolRobert Mborn about 1920
CarsisKay Florenceborn about 1934
CarterJ Edwardborn about 1880
CarterNancy born about 1911
CashionAdelaide born about 1914
CashionRobert born about 1913
CathyAlec born about 1915
CathyNancy Oborn about 1918
ChapmanHealy born about 1880
ChapmanMildred born about 1920
ChapmanSusan Mborn about 1895
CheekCornelia born about 1919
ClarkHenry Fborn about 1894
ClarkJessie Rborn about 1920
ClarkMinnie Aborn about 1891
ClodfetlerJohn born about 1886
ClodfetlerJohn born about 1918
ClodfetlerMary born about 1897
CloudPauline born about 1904
ClyburnBessie Lborn about 1917
ClyburnHape Hborn about 1923
ColeEverett born about 1915
ColeSally Mayborn about 1918
ColyerBetram E Jrborn about 1899
ColyerElloreane born about 1925
ColyerWilhilmina born about 1905
CookeJames born about 1904
CookeNancy born about 1905
CorningAnn Bborn about 1931
CorningAnna Pborn about 1908
CorningRobert Cborn about 1938
CorringLouis born about 1875
CorringMinnie Sborn about 1874
CorvingRobert Cborn about 1909
CotterAlice born about 1896
CotterOscar Wborn about 1891
CovingtonAda born about 1920
CovingtonAnn born about 1937
CovingtonBell born about 1935
CovingtonBetty born about 1931
CovingtonGladys born about 1923
CovingtonHattie Mborn about 1897
CovingtonHubert born about 1929
CovingtonJ Bborn about 1920
CovingtonLoyce born about 1927
CovingtonNed born about 1938
CovingtonRay born about 1933
CovingtonRobert born about 1925
CovingtonTed born about 1938
CovingtonWilliam Fborn about 1890
CowanJames Earlborn about 1914
CowanJames Earlborn about 1939
CowanSadie born about 1921
CowernAlbert Rborn about 1903
CowernAlbert R Jrborn about 1931
CowernCharles Eborn about 1937
CowernMary Eborn about 1905
CowinRuth born about 1912
CoxMamie born about 1919
CramellMargaret Eborn about 1893
CrawderInez born about 1903
CrousonLula born about 1868
CrowfordLeola born about 1910
CrumpBetty Sueborn about 1939
CrumpGeneva born about 1920
CrumpHardison born about 1913
CulbrichGrahm Mborn about 1908
CulbrichLou born about 1909
CumasMaude born about 1893
CummingsJoseph born about 1901
CunninghamSusie born about 1888
CurrieAileen born about 1915
CurrieDan Lborn about 1911
CurrieDan L Jrborn about 1939
CurrieEssie Bborn about 1884
CurrieSamuel Hborn about 1917
CurrieSamuel Sborn about 1876
CurryMae Loueborn about 1924

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D Surnames

DackeryMahalie born about 1917
DackeryThomas born about 1914
DarkinsWill born about 1898
DarvaElizabeth born about 1904
DavisAneta born about 1922
DavisCaroline Evonborn about 1939
DavisDollie Hillborn about 1912
DavisJim born about 1891
DavisLucy born about 1901
DavisM Rborn about 1913
DavisMaggie born about 1871
DawayElizha born about 1894
DawensJean born about 1905
DawkinsBobby Fayborn about 1933
DawkinsE G Jrborn about 1931
DawkinsE Lborn about 1893
DawkinsElisha Gborn about 1903
DawkinsMollie born about 1907
DawningSarah born about 1920
DearyB Tborn about 1912
DearyElizabeth born about 1915
DearyMaggie born about 1913
DearyNanie born about 1913
DearyWillie born about 1904
DeatonDennis born about 1914
DennisJohnie born about 1908
DennisMaie born about 1888
DenverE Roseborn about 1890
DickDava Agnesborn about 1890
DickRobert Hborn about 1926
DickW Bborn about 1923
DillengerEva born about 1882
DixonDianne Lborn about 1938
DixonGrace born about 1903
DixonHamel born about 1902
DixonRobert Hborn about 1940
DoverElizabeth born about 1910
DowellAnnie Pereborn about 1935
DowellLucile born about 1916
DowellRobert born about 1937
DukinsonAlma born about 1891
DukinsonB Wborn about 1891
DukinsonB W Iiiborn about 1915
Dunham??? born about 1939
DunhamJoan born about 1929
DunhamLinda born about 1908
DunhamNash born about 1931
DunhamRalph born about 1898

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E Surnames

EasonEthel born about 1903
EasonJ Mborn about 1890
EasonJames Hborn about 1926
EasonMary Aborn about 1923
EasonMary Barbaraborn about 1939
EasonRuby born about 1897
EasonW Cborn about 1891
EasonW C Jrborn about 1920
EastlingEdmond Lborn about 1898
EastlingEward Rborn about 1926
EastlingMannie born about 1908
EastlingWilliam born about 1930
EdwardsAlma born about 1902
EdwardsAlton Bborn about 1912
EdwardsAnnie born about 1913
EdwardsAra Dborn about 1882
EdwardsCharles born about 1939
EdwardsFanny born about 1891
EdwardsJarvis born about 1885
EdwardsLula born about 1884
EdwardsNancy born about 1930
EdwardsTon Mborn about 1910
ElberkeAgnes born about 1911
ElisKarl Dborn about 1893
ElisOllie born about 1893
ElliotJulia born about 1889
ElliotLily Maeborn about 1918
ElliotThomas born about 1874
EllisAna born about 1925
EsterlinGeorge Haroldborn about 1924
EsterlinJames Jr born about 1933
EsterlinRoy Leeborn about 1928
EsterlinViola born about 1908
EstingAnn born about 1939
EstingClardette born about 1936
EstingGladys Aborn about 1912
EstingJ Cloudborn about 1904
EvansJames born about 1906
EvansJames born about 1926
EvansVelva born about 1915
EvansWaddel born about 1925
EveretteDawkins born about 1917
EveretteRosa born about 1915

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F Surnames

FairleyJette Bessborn about 1909
FairleyMartha born about 1918
FarbisJerry born about 1935
FarbisLouis born about 1915
FarbisS Mborn about 1913
FarmerBelton Gborn about 1903
FarmerBilly born about 1933
FarmerMary born about 1912
FarmerMollie Bellborn about 1928
FergusonJeff born about 1900
FetnerBen born about 1934
FetnerBilly born about 1922
FetnerCharles born about 1897
FetnerCharles born about 1923
FetnerElizabeth born about 1901
FetnerJohn Eborn about 1925
FetnerLena born about 1903
FetnerMartha born about 1857
FetnerRichard born about 1925
FetnerRoss born about 1889
FidlerAnna Luluborn about 1919
FieldsMary born about 1885
FlowersCharlie Belleborn about 1923
FlowersHattie born about 1903
FlowersSam Lborn about 1897
FrankWatts born about 1911
FranklinEthel born about 1922
FreemanC Mitchelborn about 1917
FreemanCherie born about 1935
FreemanClayton born about 1923
FreemanEggleston born about 1914
FreemanEsther born about 1931
FreemanHattie born about 1889
FreemanJohn Wborn about 1900
FreemanMarjorie born about 1915
FreemanMattie born about 1901
FreemanO'dell born about 1916
FreemanPurdie Lborn about 1889
FunderburkBulah Maeborn about 1932
FunderburkLarene born about 1920
FunderburkRuby Leeborn about 1935
FunderburkThelma born about 1908

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G Surnames

GaddyAllen born about 1913
GaddyHazel Dborn about 1914
GaineyEarl Nborn about 1917
GaineyMary Leeborn about 1918
GaineyNancy Lorettaborn about 1938
GaineyWilliam Tborn about 1935
GallmanCaroline born about 1935
GallmanEarline born about 1931
GallmanJohn Wallaceborn about 1927
GallmanKatie Leeborn about 1925
GallmanSally born about 1913
GallmanWalter Jamesborn about 1938
GardnerAnnie Mauborn about 1893
GardnerElla born about 1926
GardnerHallie born about 1924
GardnerJames Cborn about 1922
GarrisonCarolyn born about 1938
GarrisonEvelyn born about 1908
GarrisonRalph Bborn about 1908
GartlettCharles Gborn about 1938
GartlettDoris born about 1920
GartlettJohn Bborn about 1914
GartlettRowland Bborn about 1936
GartlettTeddy Arnoldborn about
GasqueJoe born about 1920
GastonCahrlie born about 1906
GastonCharlie Jr born about 1940
GastonLouise born about 1916
GibbonsAlberta Sborn about 1914
GibbonsCharles born about 1912
GibbonsHelen born about 1895
GibbonsHelen born about 1920
GibbonsHenery Eborn about 1910
GibbonsHenery Iii born about 1939
GibbonsHenry Eborn about 1874
GibbonsJohn P Iiiborn about 1939
GibbonsJohn P Jrborn about 1909
GibbonsLemuel born about 1922
GibbonsLemuel Hborn about 1883
GibbonsMargaret born about 1872
GibbonsMary Eborn about 1909
GibbonsNancy born about 1937
GibbonsStephen born about 1915
GibbonsVirginia Aborn about 1937
Gibson born about 1897
GibsonBeverley born about 1935
GibsonClayton Mborn about 1887
GibsonCora born about 1908
GibsonE Tborn about 1894
GibsonHarold born about 1919
GibsonLenora born about 1903
GibsonLillian born about 1890
GibsonLucile born about 1920
GibsonMelvar born about 1898
GlassDena Sborn about 1903
GlassGeorge Jborn about 1935
GlassJames Hborn about 1892
GobbleElsie born about 1917
GobbleHarold Fborn about 1911
GoodwinLaura born about 1900
GordonEllen born about 1908
GordonJ Robertborn about 1939
GordonMary Sborn about 1865
GordonTallie born about 1917
GordonW Stwartborn about 1906
GradyJones Harroldborn about 1934
GrahamEdith born about 1924
GrahamJohn Pborn about 1876
GrahamLydia born about 1896
GrahamNeil born about 1932
GrahamPhillip born about 1911
GrahamVirginia Wborn about 1882
GrahamWillie born about 1896
GrantW Cborn about 1936
GreeneRosa Maeborn about 1926
GregsonCatherine born about 1926
GregsonLevergne Mborn about 1904
GregsonMildred born about 1908
GregsonSarah Tborn about 1936
GulledgeNancy born about 1905

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H Surnames

HaldermanAlley born about 1890
HaldermanMannie born about 1897
HaldermanRobert born about 1916
HalezLucille born about 1904
HalezVernon born about 1901
HallEmry Dborn about 1899
HallShirley born about 1931
HallSue born about 1897
HammondEllanor born about 1917
HannahLuke born about 1902
HannahVonnie Pborn about 1904
HargettGlen born about 1906
HargettMitchell Gborn about 1934
HargettRuth born about 1915
HarleyJohn born about 1901
HaroldSam born about 1898
HarrilCarl Cborn about 1891
HarrilCharles born about 1928
HarrilEthell Bborn about 1900
HarrilLarry born about 1932
HarrilMarion born about 1925
HarrilWilliam born about 1920
HarrilZoe born about 1923
HarringtonEloise born about 1927
HarringtonLula born about 1867
HarringtonLundie born about 1905
HarringtonRalph born about 1903
HarrisEstella born about 1896
HarrisFlorence born about 1897
HarrisJessie Wborn about 1899
HarrisLuther Bborn about 1887
HarrisRuth born about 1927
HarrisThomas born about 1896
HarrisTom Wborn about 1895
HarrisTom W Jrborn about 1922
HartgroveAllen born about 1927
HartgroveEdward born about 1916
HartgroveElizabeth born about 1887
HartgroveJoe born about 1919
HartgroveMary born about 1925
HartgrovePaul born about 1923
HartgroveWilliam born about 1912
HatchElizabeth Hborn about 1879
HatchLouisa born about 1909
HatcherMartin born about 1936
HatcherMartin Aborn about 1893
HatcherNora born about 1907
HatcherRebecca born about 1933
HatcherSusan born about 1938
HazanElizabeth Dborn about 1913
HazanJoe Bborn about 1913
HazanMary Eborn about 1939
HendleyElsie Fborn about 1912
HendleyHarold born about 1935
HendricksGeorge Fborn about 1931
HendricksGeorge Mborn about 1890
HendricksJames Sborn about 1934
HendricksMarvin Tborn about 1936
HendricksNell born about 1899
HerndonClifford born about 1902
HerndonClifford Jr born about 1927
HerndonJames Royborn about 1938
HerndonMilton Leeborn about 1936
HerndonQueenie born about 1906
HerndonRobert Eugeneborn about 1933
HerndonVirginia Annborn about 1940
HerndonWilliam Davidborn about 1929
HickmanElizabeth born about 1914
HickmanEva born about 1891
HickmanWalter Hughesborn about 1924
HillBerdie born about 1874
HillBillie Bolborn about 1921
HillEdith born about 1900
HillJohn Lborn about 1895
HillLillian born about 1926
HillLilly born about 1912
HillLouise born about 1932
HillWilliam born about 1898
HillburnAnnie born about 1889
HillburnTom born about 1913
HilmoClaude born about 1910
HogesElizabeth born about 1935
HogesLala born about 1917
HogesVernon born about 1932
HollandCarl born about 1904
HollandFrances born about 1909
HoselayHelen born about 1915
HouseRichard born about 1918
HowardBruno born about 1889
HowardHenery Hborn about 1888
HowellCarrie Aborn about 1935
HowellElizabeth born about 1938
HowellMariana born about 1937
HowellVirginia born about 1909
HowellWilliam Iborn about 1904
HubbardBlanche born about 1878
HubbardCatherine born about 1927
HubbardFrancis born about 1885
HubbardFrancis born about 1903
HubbardGeorge born about 1937
HubbardHoward born about 1899
HubbardMarie born about 1925
HuchabenBen Fborn about 1911
HuchabenEunice born about 1916
HudnellClaud Cborn about 1890
HudnellElizabeth born about 1924
HudnellJean born about 1920
HudnellMaragret born about 1890
HudsonAnna born about 1902
HudsonLouis born about 1926
HuffEdwin Pborn about 1919
HuffOra Oliveborn about 1920
HughDonald Cborn about 1919
HughHoward Hborn about 1891
HughRutha Mborn about 1886
HugheletArthor born about 1928
HugheletElizabeth born about 1901
HugheletGilbert born about 1926
HugheletMargaret born about 1910
HurstDaisy born about 1895
HurstEdwin born about 1918
HurstGeorges born about 1924
HurstLiva Lborn about 1920
HurstMary Hborn about 1921
HushandsCarrie born about 1889
HushandsLawrence Dborn about 1888
HutchinsElizabeth Lborn about 1938
HutchinsLily born about 1933
HutchinsLouise born about 1916
HutchinsRobert born about 1935
HutchinsW Leroyborn about 1915

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I Surnames

IngramDorothy Leeborn about 1938
IngramElizabeth born about 1923
IngramEvalina born about 1921
IngramFlora born about 1894
IngramHal Bborn about 1897
IngramHal B Jrborn about 1929
IngramLander born about 1892
IngramLavder Jr born about 1916
IngramLonestr born about 1918
IngramMelvin born about 1925
IngramRonie born about 1894
IngramSarah born about 1895
IveyCharles Mborn about 1881
IveyHazil born about 1920
IveyLora born about 1882
IveyNancy born about 1923

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J Surnames

JamesEmly Langborn about 1890
JamesJannet born about 1924
JamesLillian Dborn about 1888
JamesWilliam born about 1886
JamesWilliam Aborn about 1893
JamesWilliam Dborn about 1917
JohnsonCatherine born about 1921
JohnsonM Ellenborn about 1906
JohnsonThorn Mborn about 1924
JohnsonVirginia born about 1898
JohnsonWade Cborn about 1893
JohnsonWade C Jrborn about 1917
JohnsonWilliam Lborn about 1923
JohnstonAlice born about 1887
JohnstonFloyd born about 1934
JohnstonJosephine born about 1918
JohnstonMitchell born about 1914
JohnstonMitchell Jr born about 1932
JohnstonSadie Arangeborn about 1906
JohnstonW Edborn about 1906
JohnstonWilliam Hborn about 1905
JonesAnn born about 1920
JonesBaxter born about 1891
JonesJennie born about 1894
JonesJulia Cborn about 1883
JonesMargret born about 1916
JonesMattie born about 1905
JordanElizabeth born about 1912
JordanGertrude born about 1901
JordanJohn born about 1876
JordanMorris born about 1902
JordonL Granesborn about 1883
JordonRose born about 1923
JowersFred born about 1903

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K Surnames

KellyGladys born about 1922
KellyRuth Leaborn about 1900
KellySidney Jborn about 1891
KellySidney Jr born about 1925
KempAnnie born about 1917
KempWillie born about 1907
KennyBruce born about 1907
KilloughElizabeth born about 1923
KilloughMary Mborn about 1896
KilloughWilliam born about 1894
KilloughWilliam Mborn about 1928
KingOliver born about 1912
KingOlivia born about 1904
KingRosa Hborn about 1881
KyzerAnna Mborn about 1932
KyzerHubert Mborn about 1897
KyzerIda Rborn about 1894
KyzerMildred Pborn about 1928

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L Surnames

LackeyBlake Pborn about 1911
LackeyFred born about 1910
LambithEdith born about 1916
LandAgusta born about 1904
LandJane Pborn about 1912
LandJohn Wborn about 1912
LandJohn Wborn about 1938
LandMay born about 1881
LandVirginia born about 1904
LandWilliam Rborn about 1878
LandWilliam Rborn about 1917
LandfearBen Wborn about 1882
LandfearElanor born about 1896
LandfearJacquline born about 1926
LaneHoward Vborn about 1902
LanzaterMarie born about 1896
LasenterBernice Gborn about 1898
LasenterBrooks born about 1876
LaurenceHarry Eborn about 1912
LaurenceHarry Wborn about 1939
LaurenceRuby born about 1917
LeakJohn born about 1870
LearJ Alickborn about 1920
LearJames Fborn about 1940
LearMildred born about 1919
LeblancheBertha born about 1881
LegrandAllsey Aborn about 1895
LegrandCharles Aborn about 1927
LegrandMaurice born about 1905
LegrandNash born about 1891
LegrandNash Jr born about 1925
LegrandNathan Wborn about 1891
LegrandNathan W Jrborn about 1924
LegrandPatricia born about 1933
LeighJessie Cborn about 1889
LeighLettie born about 1887
LemmondIsabelle born about 1872
LetterIla Lborn about 1885
LevineAlvin born about 1926
LevineFrankie born about 1939
LevineGladys born about 1903
LevineJoe born about 1898
LevineLunis born about 1934
LevineSherry born about 1929
LewisCatheline Dborn about 1912
LewisEdna Eborn about 1923
LewisF Authorborn about 1879
LewisFred Bborn about 1896
LewisLaraine born about 1904
LewisLinda born about 1880
LewisSandra Jborn about 1936
LilesEddie born about 1912
LilesIda born about 1903
LilesJames Jr born about 1930
LilesJim born about 1910
ListherburgBlanch born about 1921
ListherburgEdward Rborn about 1890
ListherburgJean born about 1927
ListherburgJulia born about 1892
ListherburgMarie born about 1919
LitterCharles Jr born about 1938
LitterCharlie born about 1905
LitterEmma Lborn about 1903
LitterNorma Hborn about 1884
LittleC Lamarborn about 1910
LittleD Virginiaborn about 1938
LittleGeorgia Eborn about 1909
Lizziex born about 1896
LizziexLoyd born about 1920
LizziexMildred born about 1928
LizziexRalph born about 1922
LongBillie born about 1927
LongJohn Bborn about 1899
LongMay born about 1902
LongPett Sborn about 1895
LongSusan born about 1875

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M Surnames

MaareCharlotte Eborn about 1900
MaareLouis Dborn about 1899
ManassLexie born about 1920
MargarBertha born about 1903
MargarG Vanceborn about 1899
MargarLaura born about 1931
MargarVance born about 1929
MarrisBetty Jeanborn about 1930
MarrisMary Ellenborn about 1932
MarrisonBeatrice born about 1915
MarrisonBobby Jeanborn about 1939
MarrisonElla Annborn about 1937
MarrisonRobert born about 1916
MarrisonSylvester born about 1912
MarrisonVivian born about 1919
MarrisonWillie born about 1921
MarshJ T Jrborn about 1930
MarshPenelope born about 1898
MasseyElanor born about 1920
MasseyHilliard Cborn about 1919
MassingerEdith born about 1906
MassingerJames Hborn about 1933
MassingerJohn Mborn about 1903
MassingerJohn M Jrborn about 1929
MassingerShirley Annborn about 1931
MassingillFlorence born about 1920
MassyRuby born about 1895
MaullbyAnnie Bellborn about 1891
MaullbyDorothy born about 1928
MaullbyFrank Sborn about 1890
MaullbyFrank Jr born about 1924
MaullbyJames born about 1926
MaullbyJohn Ronaldborn about 1933
MaullbyRobert born about 1922
MazoBessie born about 1929
MazoCatherine born about 1929
MazoMamie born about 1925
MazoMary born about 1936
McBrideCarry born about 1917
McCallEddie born about 1914
McCallFrances born about 1918
McCallManzella born about 1939
McCodelenEdith born about 1907
McCodelenJulia born about 1871
McCodelenWilliam born about 1902
McCrightAlice born about 1891
McCrightChalmus born about 1881
McDonaldAnnie Rborn about 1903
McDonaldArlene born about 1933
McDonaldBertha born about 1916
McDonaldJ Murphyborn about 1884
McDonaldJimmy born about 1919
McDonaldPearl born about 1900
McDonoldJim born about 1888
McDuffieEverett born about 1917
McDuffieJames Aleekborn about 1939
McDuffieJames Lborn about 1914
McDuffieLaurence born about 1906
McDuffieSally born about 1876
McDuffieSarah Cborn about 1921
McDugaldArchie born about 1890
McDugaldGladys born about 1896
McEachernDannie Mayborn about 1918
McEachernMaceo Dborn about 1908
McEachernMay born about 1891
McEachernVela born about 1913
McEashinGladys born about 1895
McElderryGeorge Tborn about 1889
McElderryMary Aborn about 1926
McElderryNeil born about 1895
McEuemAnnie born about 1886
McEuemThomas Oborn about 1884
McGeeEdward born about 1923
McGeeEsther born about 1894
McGeeLaydie born about 1921
McGeeLoucy Eborn about 1892
McGillBessie born about 1885
McGillJim Wborn about 1875
McGirtAlice Louiseborn about 1919
McGirtBobbie born about 1926
McGirtBurnell Sborn about 1924
McGirtJohn Wborn about 1929
McGirtPauline born about 1902
McGirtZ Vanceborn about 1899
McGirtZebalon Jr born about 1922
McKeithanEvelyn born about 1908
McKeithanJack born about 1939
McKeithanLonnie born about 1909
McKengieEmma born about 1895
McKengieJohn born about 1891
McKengieMildred born about 1923
McKenosAnn Eborn about 1913
McKenzieMaragret Cborn about 1900
McKenzieWilliam Cborn about 1895
McLauchinDaisy born about 1877
McLauchinJohn born about 1875
McLawhoraHelen born about 1898
McLeanBeatrice born about 1896
McLeanEd born about 1894
McLillanAlbert Cborn about 1898
McLillanMacollum born about 1931
McLillanRebecca born about 1893
McLureSusie born about 1887
McManusAnnie born about 1926
McManusElizabeth born about 1928
McManusFlorence born about 1931
McManusHubert born about 1934
McManusHubert Cborn about 1883
McManusNell born about 1922
McManusSarah born about 1887
McMullerAileen born about 1914
McMullerNancy born about 1937
McMullerRobert born about 1913
McMullerSue born about 1938
McMullerWallace born about 1939
McNairDuncan born about 1917
MeddisClyde Hborn about 1891
MeddisFrank born about 1932
MeddisHughlet Cborn about 1917
MeddisJack born about 1930
MeddisJean born about 1930
MeddisJules born about 1923
MeddisMildred Hborn about 1900
MeddisNeil Graceborn about 1939
MeltonCarl born about 1910
MeltonGrace born about 1912
MeridictWilliam born about 1902
MilburnWebster born about 1903
MilhamAgnes born about 1905
MilhamClaude born about 1907
MilhamClaudia born about 1887
MilhamNancy born about 1934
MilhanCharles born about 1930
MilhanClaude born about 1932
MilhanEunice Bborn about 1906
MilhanMildred born about 1926
MilhanRichard Bborn about 1905
MilhanRichard Bborn about 1928
MillerConnie born about 1898
MillerEarl Mborn about 1902
MillerEarl Pborn about 1927
MillerGayle born about 1923
MillerHazil Dborn about 1902
MillerPaul Mborn about 1898
MillerSarah Eborn about 1930
MillikenAnnie Leeborn about 1921
MillikenBranson born about 1883
MillikenCharlie born about 1926
MillikenEva Maeborn about 1917
MillikenFannie Maeborn about 1893
MillikenFrancis Jr born about 1924
MillikenJames Jerryborn about 1929
MillikenThelma Ruthborn about 1919
MilliskeanKate Wborn about 1891
MillrJack born about 1912
MillrJeanne born about 1919
MitchellJohn born about 1914
MitchellJohn Earlborn about 1938
MitchellMaragret born about 1910
MitchellMaragret Carborn about 1937
MonroeJoe Mborn about 1926
MonroeJohn Hborn about 1923
MonroeMargarite born about 1896
MonroeThoma Gborn about 1921
MonroeThomas Gborn about 1894
MooreJames born about 1911
MooreLee born about 1925
MooreMargaret born about 1915
MorganEvan born about 1920
MorrisonJames born about 1917
MuddE Ireneborn about 1931
MuddElizabeth Bborn about 1912
MuddFelecity Annborn about 1936
MuddJuanita born about 1923
MuddLuther Mborn about 1908
MuddMary Aliceborn about 1933
MumfrodSam born about 1909
MunsellPaul Lborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonAlice Thomasborn about 1897
NelsonH Fletcherborn about 1888
NelsonHelen Marchetaborn about 1931
NewtonLucias born about 1893
NewtonManly born about 1903
NewtonNettie born about 1907
NicholsonAlice Mborn about 1926
NicholsonMarly Wborn about 1886
NicholsonMay Wborn about 1897
NicklesonFlorence born about 1925
NorrisCarolyn born about 1938
NorrisJoe Wborn about 1933
NorrisSarah Wborn about 1900
NorrisWilliam Eborn about 1892
NorrisWilliam Eborn about 1935
NumyerSallie born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OalesBeatris born about 1921
ObrienHelen born about 1868
ObrienJasper Pborn about 1887
ObrienNancy Hborn about 1933
ObrienVerdie born about 1899
OliveLelia Mborn about 1888
OliveMalle Eborn about 1916
OliveWilliam Rborn about 1890
OnealHelen born about 1909

P Surnames

PaeHarton born about 1919
PaindexterD Nborn about 1887
PaitMary born about 1892
PaitPattie Aborn about 1937
PaitRichard born about 1920
PaitRobert born about 1925
PaitWilliam born about 1918
PaitWilliam Dborn about 1890
PanleHarry born about 1918
PanleNeil born about 1919
ParhamAlbert Sborn about 1902
ParhamBlanche born about 1902
ParhamPatty born about 1929
ParkerDavid born about 1891
ParkerDavid Jr born about 1933
ParkerIda born about 1900
ParkerJoshua born about 1934
ParkerLydia born about 1916
ParkerNeomi born about 1939
ParkerRuth born about 1927
ParkerWillie Walterborn about 1913
ParmanWalter Lborn about 1884
PashalMaie born about 1863
PatrickBelven born about 1920
PatrickLane A Jrborn about 1918
PatrickLane Wborn about 1883
PatterAnnie Maeborn about 1932
PatterLaura born about 1915
PatterWilliam Jr born about 1911
PealBelton Jborn about 1888
PealHoward Bborn about 1925
PealMary born about 1893
PealRobert Cborn about 1934
PealWilliam Dborn about 1922
PeeleDorothy Annborn about 1936
PeeleEtta Rborn about 1935
PeeleJanie born about 1913
PeeleJohn Wborn about 1905
PeeleMartha Lborn about 1933
PeeleMildred Cborn about 1931
PembertonMattie born about 1910
PercyI Dilleborn about 1890
PercyMarvin born about 1885
PercyMarvin Jr born about 1920
PhillipBen born about 1885
PhillipsFlora born about 1898
PhillipsFrank Nborn about 1890
PhillipsMary born about 1917
PhillipsTreva born about 1919
PitmanJackson Leeborn about 1897
PitmanJohn Lee Jrborn about 1925
PitmanLouise born about 1906
PitmanWilliam born about 1929
PittardMaragret born about 1890
PolkAddie Lborn about 1890
PolkTed Pborn about 1886
PolkTed P Jrborn about 1929
PowersAllen Gborn about 1890
PowersAnnie Carborn about 1920
PowersCharles born about 1916
PowersMaragret born about 1894
PowersSusie Bborn about 1892
PowersWalter Eborn about 1930
PowersWilliam Hborn about 1895
PrattHattie born about 1900
PrattLevander born about 1916
PrattLizzie born about 1915
PrattMarie born about 1917
PreedenHenery born about 1924
PreedenLemid born about 1921
PreedenLenard born about 1892
PreedenNora born about 1893
PresorellAlison Gborn about 1882
PresorellRoberta born about 1887
PresorellWillie born about 1920
PressnellBehemiah born about 1910
PressnellHazel born about 1915
PrevatteJ D Jrborn about 1933
PrevatteJames Dborn about 1911
PrevatteNina born about 1936
PrevatteRuby born about 1917
PromusAlice Sborn about 1912
PromusMartin born about 1914
PulaGeorge born about 1865
PulaRosa born about 1905
PuleSarah born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuerryAlex born about 1923
QuerryElizabeth born about 1892
QuerryElizabeth born about 1930
QuerryLayde Mborn about 1882
QuerryMaragret born about 1934
QuickMildred born about 1926
QuinnJ Bborn about 1912
QuinnJ P Mrsborn about 1892
QuinnLouis born about 1926
QuinnRobert Bborn about 1923
QuinnVivian Mborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RahenetteAlma born about 1896
RahenetteHelen born about 1924
RaleyHoward born about 1896
RaleyJoyce born about 1898
RallinHenery born about 1855
RallinKate born about 1901
RattiffAlberta born about 1907
RayBlanch born about 1895
RayallLester Sborn about 1898
RayallRebecca born about 1903
RayallRebecca Eborn about 1926
ReavesAlbert born about 1896
ReavesAlice born about 1924
ReavesFavette born about 1897
ReavesHenery born about 1931
ReavesMary Eborn about 1927
RedAnnie born about 1901
RedJames born about 1923
ReeseCleo born about 1897
ReeseDoris born about 1923
ReeseJ Bborn about 1894
ReeseJ B Jrborn about 1921
Richardson??? born about 1905
RichardsonFred Leeborn about 1906
RichardsonSally born about 1870
RileyJerry born about 1890
RileyJohn Henryborn about 1918
RobersonCharles Cborn about 1873
RobersonLillian born about 1885
RobinsonJessie born about 1892
RobinsonNathaniel born about 1919
RobinsonRuth born about 1918
RobinsonSammy born about 1923
RosenbergerChristine born about 1882
RossAmbrose Aborn about 1882
RossAnnie born about 1916
RossHerman born about 1927
RossPatricia born about 1886
RossPaul born about 1906
RossVirgie Maeborn about 1929
RossWyatt born about 1912
RoystonChet born about 1905
RoystonVirginia born about 1904
RozersMaude born about 1922
RudisillEva born about 1880
RudisillJohn Aborn about 1876
RuseJimmy born about 1913
RuseLillian born about 1897
RuseNannie born about 1874
RuseWilliam Tborn about 1868
RusselElla Eborn about 1885
RusselJosephine born about 1923
RusselLena born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamellJames Eborn about 1874
SamellMatta Hborn about 1886
SamersCarolyne born about 1935
SamersCharles born about 1940
SamersJames Rborn about 1938
SamersNaville born about 1915
SamersRobert Pborn about 1904
ScarboroAlice Cborn about 1899
ScarboroBernard Cborn about 1925
ScarboroHenry Hborn about 1921
ScarboroM Cborn about 1899
ScarboroWilliam Jr born about 1920
ScattyEdith born about 1917
ScattyLeonard Eborn about 1916
SchwarzGertrude Aborn about 1901
SchwarzPhillip Jborn about 1900
ScurryGeorge Cborn about 1897
ScurryGeorge C Jrborn about 1927
ScurryLillian Fborn about 1928
ScurryThelma born about 1920
ScurryThelma Pborn about 1899
ShawCalon born about 1892
ShawCrystal born about 1923
ShawJack born about 1921
ShawPearl born about 1894
SheltonBilly born about 1937
SheltonCaraline born about 1938
SheltonJames Dborn about 1910
SheltonLouis born about 1907
SheltonShirley Annborn about 1933
ShepherdMack born about 1896
ShiteAddie born about 1893
ShiteEvelyn born about 1923
ShiteJ H Jrborn about 1920
ShiteL Hborn about 1882
ShollCecelia Belleborn about 1936
ShollElaine born about 1917
ShollMallie born about 1871
ShollMargret Roseborn about 1938
ShollPaul born about 1914
ShollPaul Vincentborn about 1935
SimpsonHarold born about 1914
SingleterryEstell born about 1914
SingletonAgutus born about 1919
SingletonEugene born about 1921
SingletonLillian born about 1898
SingletonS Eugeneborn about 1898
SkartrageHarriet born about 1938
SkartrageJohn Fborn about 1907
SkartrageJulia born about 1908
SmithAlfred Eborn about 1931
SmithArthor P Jrborn about 1926
SmithAthor Dborn about 1899
SmithBetty Sueborn about 1936
SmithBeulah Leeborn about 1932
SmithCharles Rborn about 1928
SmithDoris born about 1938
SmithDoris Eborn about 1931
SmithEarl Tborn about 1938
SmithElizah born about 1887
SmithEloise born about 1893
SmithEmagene born about 1933
SmithFannie Eborn about 1912
SmithFrancis Annborn about 1929
SmithFrank born about 1910
SmithHerbert Wborn about 1892
SmithHerbert Wborn about 1921
SmithIrene Bborn about 1902
SmithJ Bborn about 1885
SmithJ B Jrborn about 1923
SmithJames Eborn about 1908
SmithJean born about 1930
SmithJoe born about 1934
SmithJulia born about 1900
SmithJulia born about 1922
SmithKatherine Eborn about 1921
SmithLeroy born about 1918
SmithLizzy Mayborn about 1893
SmithM Leroyborn about 1928
SmithMack Sborn about 1891
SmithMayala born about 1900
SmithMyrtle born about 1908
SmithNaylon Eborn about 1934
SmithOra born about 1899
SmithRuby Mayborn about 1912
SmithShirley born about 1933
SmithThelma born about 1926
SmithVester Sborn about 1910
SmithW Aborn about 1925
SniarsElleen Bborn about 1879
SniarsL Jborn about 1878
SniarsRichard Dborn about 1918
SnipesClinton Tborn about 1910
SnipesLillian Wborn about 1911
SpeddonHadaway Hborn about 1880
SpeddonMary born about 1882
SpencerAlmeto Mborn about 1904
SpencerArlivia born about 1929
SpencerArnie Cborn about 1935
SpencerCarrol Eborn about 1883
SpencerEdith born about 1926
SpencerLynwood born about 1912
SpencerMary born about 1923
SpencerRobert born about 1925
SpencerWalter born about 1881
SpencerWalter born about 1921
SpencerWillie born about 1901
SprayFlossie born about 1902
SpuneCharles Hborn about 1875
SpuneJulia born about 1879
StampLauellen born about 1933
SteelBetty Leeborn about 1938
SteelEdith Louborn about 1935
SteelLenara born about 1906
SteelRobert born about 1906
StevensonWalter born about 1902
StitchNiely Fborn about 1877
StorkDavid Aborn about 1937
StorkMarvin Jr born about 1927
StorkRobert Bborn about 1933
StraupeDora Mborn about 1923
StraupeNellie Jborn about 1921
StrecklanTanning born about 1900
StreetAnna Graceborn about 1875
StreetOsea Bborn about 1867
StricklandGladys born about 1913
StricklandWilliam Lborn about 1868
StrochSarah Jborn about 1900
StrochT Marrionborn about 1899
StroupMaragret born about 1909
StrucklandBilly Eborn about 1937
StrucklandHarry Wborn about 1931
StrucklandHazel Maeborn about 1929
StrucklandKattie born about 1909
StubberfieldFrances born about 1936
StubberfieldNeill born about 1908
StubberfieldRobert born about 1906
StubberfieldRobert born about 1930
StubbsLuther born about 1889
StubbsMarie born about 1894
StubbsSara born about 1921
StubbsWilliam born about 1902
StucksSherley Maeborn about 1937
StullaMeriam born about 1914
StullaPreston Aborn about 1913
SuitsBetty Hborn about 1934
SuitsCharles Rborn about 1910
SuitsDonald Jborn about 1933
SuitsJohanna born about 1910
SuttonCarrie born about 1875
SuttonMell Cborn about 1915
SuttonO Williamborn about 1915
SuymourAshely born about 1901
SuymourMary Hborn about 1906
SwaimCharles born about 1901
SwaimLauratta born about 1901
SylusMyrtle born about 1882
SylusRuth born about 1918
SylusVance born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallwartC Johnborn about 1896
TallwartC John Jrborn about 1922
TallwartLou born about 1896
TamuelsDorothy born about 1918
TamuelsJim born about 1916
TaylorElizabeth born about 1908
TaylorMary born about 1921
TaylorRobert Sborn about 1918
TeagueCharles Hborn about 1874
TeagueMittie Kborn about 1874
TennantBelly born about 1926
TennantD Almaborn about 1920
TennantErnest Cborn about 1886
TennantJesse Eborn about 1913
TennantJimmy born about 1939
TennantMittie born about 1884
TerryMinnie Bborn about 1892
TerryPattie born about 1870
TerryVirginia born about 1921
TerryWilliam Cborn about 1883
TerryWilliam C Jrborn about 1916
ThilmontAnna born about 1892
ThilmontFrank born about 1887
ThilmontMary Cborn about 1929
ThomasClarence born about 1911
ThompsonBeyant Jr born about 1935
ThompsonBryant born about 1903
ThompsonEdith born about 1915
ThompsonEdith Vborn about 1935
ThompsonJoan born about 1936
ThompsonJoe Wborn about 1901
ThompsonJu W Jrborn about 1910
ThompsonLenne born about 1900
ThompsonLily Maeborn about 1910
ThompsonMary Gborn about 1925
ThompsonMary Hborn about 1911
ThompsonWilliam born about 1912
ThorpDaniel Wborn about 1892
ThorpLaura born about 1893
ThorpLaura Bborn about 1927
ThorpMary Bborn about 1924
TielmanRena born about 1893
TreemanBetty born about 1931
TreemanJoe born about 1937
TreemanLerca born about 1925
TreemanMartin born about 1936
TreemanMary born about 1934
TurnerHarvy Wborn about 1926
TurnerMaggie born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtterJ Tomborn about 1884

V Surnames

VaughaKenneth born about 1933
VaughaLillian born about 1907
VaughaOllie born about 1928
VaughaRawlin born about 1928
VaughaVernon Gborn about 1904
VaughaVernon Jr born about 1930
VaughaWilliam Cborn about 1924
VaughnAlton Rborn about 1882
VaughnLattie born about 1886

W Surnames

WaddelBirgie Maeborn about 1917
WaddelCarry Maeborn about 1940
WaddelCharlie born about 1937
WaddelGertrude born about 1929
WaddelRobert born about 1916
WadellGeorge born about 1890
WallClifton Lborn about 1927
WallGlara Sborn about 1926
WallJohn born about 1905
WallJohn Jr born about 1936
WallPatty born about 1910
WallWillie Mayborn about 1908
WallaceJohn born about 1901
WallellAndrew born about 1935
WallellJames born about 1914
WallellRuby born about 1917
WaltonD Edwardborn about 1898
WaltonDorathy born about 1930
WaltonDouglas born about 1935
WaltonJames born about 1932
WaltonRub born about 1908
WardHister Leeborn about 1938
WardJames Edwardborn about 1934
WareEmma Jborn about 1885
WareJohn born about 1873
WarrJohn Wborn about 1897
WarrJohn Wborn about 1922
WarrMarjorie born about 1934
WarrMinnie Aborn about 1903
WarrMinnie Wborn about 1919
WarrWilliam Eborn about 1924
WatsonWilliam born about 1917
WaysonRobert Bborn about 1862
WebbLela Mayborn about 1918
WellsThomas Pborn about 1886
WellsVerla Aborn about 1890
WestCare born about 1915
WestcottEffie Reedborn about 1900
WheelerDouglas born about 1927
WheelerSally born about 1895
WhisenhuntLucy born about 1894
WhisenhuntR Eborn about 1896
WhisenhuntRuby born about 1917
WhiteAlbert born about 1926
WhiteBeatrice born about 1891
WhiteEmma born about 1911
WhiteJune born about 1928
WhiteNelson born about 1925
WhiteRussel born about 1922
WhiteWalter born about 1923
WhitlockJohn Wborn about 1905
WhitlockMary Pborn about 1914
WigfallMary born about 1905
WigginsElla born about 1887
WigginsJ Bborn about 1880
WigginsJ Rborn about 1920
WikonBell born about 1905
WikonMary born about 1911
WilkersonLouis Cborn about 1908
WilkersonLouis E Jrborn about 1935
WilkersonPatrica born about 1937
WilkersonRosalind born about 1919
WilliamanBious born about 1923
WilliamanBious Wborn about 1890
WilliamanJohn born about 1925
WilliamanMildred born about 1900
WilsonAnnie Graceborn about 1937
WilsonBeatrice born about 1924
WilsonBetty Leeborn about 1929
WilsonCarrie born about 1902
WilsonDorathy born about 1935
WilsonLendsay born about 1930
WilsonLom born about 1880
WilsonM D Lborn about 1886
WilsonMarguus born about 1927
WilsonTruddie born about 1893
WintzC Sborn about 1890
WintzRichard born about 1924
WintzRuby born about 1900
WireVivian born about 1921
WiseCarol born about 1919
WiseEula born about 1933
WiseJames Rborn about 1908
WiseMarie born about 1910
WiseMarie born about 1934
WiseRobert Bborn about 1898
WitherspoonB Clydeborn about 1905
WitherspoonBeatrice born about 1906
WitherspoonDanie Jeanborn about 1928
WitherspoonDannie born about 1910
WitherspoonGeorgia Annborn about 1873
WitherspoonJohn Pborn about 1902
WitherspoonJohn P Jrborn about 1931
WitherspoonKenneth Lborn about 1933
WolfConela born about 1917
WomarkMargaret born about 1910
WontenCarabelle born about 1891
WontenNeil born about 1922
WontenWilton born about 1880
WoodDavid Mborn about 1898
WoodDavid M Jrborn about 1925
WoodEilen Gborn about 1904
WoodLyn born about 1884
WoodOscar born about 1875
WoodWilliam born about 1929
WoodardCharles Wborn about 1890
WoodardD Greelyborn about 1873
WoodardF Gladysborn about 1924
WoodardFlora Cborn about 1890
WoodardMonte born about 1897
WoodardPauline born about 1919
WoodardVirginia born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaterDoctor born about 1885
YatesElizabeth born about 1910
YatesHattie born about 1876
YorkAlice born about 1898

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