1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hot House, Cherokee, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Cherokee County > 1940 Census of Hot House

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenLarkin born about 1909
AllenPearl born about 1915
AllisonBen born about 1901
AllisonBetty Jeanborn about 1936
AllisonFrank born about 1931
AllisonJames born about 1933
AllisonKenneth born about 1934
AllisonMarie born about 1910
AllisonTommie born about 1938
AmburnCarl born about 1917
AmburnGarnett born about 1910
AmburnJohn Tborn about 1875
AmburnLaura born about 1888
AmburnLizzie born about 1898
AmburnLura born about 1927
AmburnMarie born about 1930
AmburnNaomi born about 1922
AmburnSam born about 1863
AmburnStella born about 1920
AmburnWilliam Hborn about 1869
AmburnWoodrow born about 1914
ArkAmanda born about 1887
ArkJohn born about 1881
ArkJunior born about 1926
ArkReathel born about 1921
ArpAnna Belleborn about 1934
ArpEthel born about 1911
ArpEugene born about 1908
ArpGenevia born about 1929
ArpHattie born about 1896
ArpHerdis born about 1924
ArpHoyt born about 1930
ArpHubert born about 1921
ArpJames born about 1932
ArpMae born about 1926
ArpMarie born about 1926
ArpRena born about 1932
ArpWalter Lborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAlfred born about 1901
BaileyAllen Lborn about 1906
BaileyBill born about 1939
BaileyBobby born about 1932
BaileyClaude born about 1915
BaileyFlora born about 1924
BaileyFrancis born about 1936
BaileyGladis born about 1919
BaileyHurdas born about 1934
BaileyLizzie born about 1882
BaileyMadie born about 1911
BaileyMartha born about 1865
BaileyMary born about 1918
BaileyRandal born about 1938
BallewArlene born about 1929
BallewBeulah born about 1920
BallewBilly born about 1936
BallewClaude born about 1922
BallewClearence born about 1921
BallewClyde Jborn about 1918
BallewDollie Maeborn about 1932
BallewElmer born about 1923
BallewElmer born about 1939
BallewEmma born about 1885
BallewEunice born about 1930
BallewFlorence born about 1907
BallewGalie born about 1898
BallewGlen born about 1926
BallewHoover born about 1928
BallewJaunita born about 1926
BallewLetha born about 1915
BallewMamie born about 1903
BallewMarie born about 1924
BallewMarion Lborn about 1883
BallewOscar Jborn about 1894
BallewPauline born about 1926
BallewRichard born about 1938
BallewShirley born about 1937
BallewSue born about 1936
BallewThelma born about 1930
BallewVadie born about 1895
BallewWilliam Mborn about 1898
BallewWillie Maeborn about 1927
BallewWindfred born about 1925
BandyArizonia born about 1913
BandyBertha born about 1889
BandyBillie Sueborn about 1939
BandyBobbie Jeanborn about 1936
BandyDoris born about 1930
BandyJoann born about 1938
BandyJohnnie born about 1921
BandyMadelyn born about 1932
BandyMildred born about 1927
BandyTomas Aborn about 1908
BandyWalter Aborn about 1906
BandyWillie born about 1907
BeaversAnie born about 1919
BeaversJames born about 1937
BeaversLuther born about 1910
BeaversRobert Hicksborn about 1939
BellAuthur Lborn about 1915
BellBertha born about 1932
BellCallie born about 1915
BellEdward born about 1938
BellElla born about 1937
BellEstell born about 1882
BellEzra born about 1917
BellHazel born about 1930
BellJames born about 1936
BellJohn Nborn about 1885
BellJohnnie Leeborn about 1939
BellKennith born about 1934
BellLeona born about 1916
BellOllie born about 1913
BellRubie born about 1934
BellWalter Jborn about 1919
BillGertidne born about 1902
BillLois born about 1936
BillLucina born about 1928
BillMarcus born about 1893
BillNolen born about 1924
BrooksBilly born about 1930
BrooksCardus born about 1921
BrooksCashie born about 1898
BrooksDella born about 1920
BrooksFrances born about 1924
BrooksGretta born about 1933
BrooksJohnnie born about 1915
BrooksMyrtle born about 1919
BrooksR Lborn about 1939
BrooksWalter Aborn about 1889
BrownArminda born about 1865
BrownAvery Eborn about 1903
BrownBuster born about 1920
BrownEllis born about 1885
BrownGeorge born about 1927
BrownHarold born about 1926
BrownJack born about 1913
BrownJeanete born about 1930
BrownJohn born about 1873
BrownJunior born about 1929
BrownLillian born about 1925
BrownNell born about 1903
BrownShirley born about 1916
BrownTommie Jeanborn about 1937
BruceAmos Oborn about 1916
BruceBertha born about 1921
BruceBonnie born about 1915
BruceEloise Janatteborn about 1939
BruceEverett Lborn about 1906
BruceFrank born about 1882
BruceFrank Juniorborn about 1939
BruceJewel born about 1926
BruceLaura born about 1882
BruceMarion born about 1914
BruceRalph Edwardborn about 1938
BruceRobert Leeborn about 1934
BruceVirginia Ruthborn about 1936
BryantEdna born about 1910
BryantEmogene born about 1939
BryantGussie born about 1879
BryantHoyt born about 1914
BryantJohn born about 1917
BryantJoseph Mborn about 1874
BryantWade Jborn about 1909
BurgerAmnica born about 1901
BurgerBetty born about 1929
BurgerEddie Joeborn about 1932
BurgerFred born about 1907
BurgerJaunetta born about 1931
BurgerJeanette born about 1931
BurgerKenneth born about 1935
BurgerLou born about 1907
BurgerMarlone born about 1932
BurgerSarah Annborn about 1861
BurgerThomas Hborn about 1891
BurgerWayland born about 1923
BurgessBill born about 1924
BurgessHenry born about 1901
BurgessInez born about 1923
BurgessMartha born about 1888
BurgessPauline born about 1917
BurgessWade born about 1926
BurgessWayne born about 1919
BurgessWilliam Aborn about 1877
BurnsDesma born about 1918
BurnsIrene born about 1936
BurnsKenneth born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellAlden born about 1869
CaldwellBrown born about 1917
CaldwellGenell born about 1926
CaldwellKenneth born about 1922
CaldwellMargertte born about 1884
CarterErvin born about 1919
CarterEtheail born about 1921
CarterLeona born about 1919
CarterLoretta born about 1937
CarterRosia born about 1889
CarterStella born about 1888
CarterViola born about 1915
CartesDanathia born about 1933
CartesDennis born about 1935
CartesEdna born about 1909
CartesRandall born about 1929
CartesRoger born about 1937
CartesStella born about 1914
CaylorAlvin born about 1926
CaylorClaud born about 1913
CaylorErnest Pborn about 1905
CaylorEstell born about 1932
CaylorJames born about 1937
CaylorJohn Wborn about 1903
CaylorLillen Rayborn about 1939
CaylorMaude Leeborn about 1918
CaylorMildred born about 1931
CaylorMyrtle born about 1901
CaylorPeggy Jewelborn about 1928
CaylorRubie born about 1911
CaylorWilburn born about 1930
ChachramHenry born about 1926
ChachramMiner born about 1898
ChachramPink Fborn about 1884
ChachramRubie born about 1924
ChastainBilly born about 1935
ChastainDoris born about 1932
ChastainEdith born about 1902
ChastainFloyde born about 1934
ChastainFredrick born about 1928
ChastainLuther born about 1905
ChastainMuriel born about 1930
ChastainOscar born about 1909
ChastainPhiliip Hborn about 1874
ChastainRaena born about 1931
ChastainVenus born about 1933
ChastainVirginia born about 1882
ClareBilly born about 1933
ClareDoris born about 1935
ClareEdith born about 1909
ClareEvelyn born about 1938
ClareLorane born about 1929
ClareLouise born about 1931
ClareOscar Cborn about 1893
ClareSam born about 1924
CloreBetty Sueborn about 1930
CloreCecil born about 1921
CloreClaude Dborn about 1909
CloreJosephine born about 1939
CloseBobby born about 1931
CloseHelen born about 1928
CloseJoe born about 1939
CloseLucille born about 1926
CloseRobert born about 1903
CloseRubie born about 1907
CochranArlen born about 1928
CochranEllen born about 1907
CochranHelen born about 1933
CochranJames Eborn about 1906
CochranLillie born about 1930
CochranLoyde born about 1926
CochranRead born about 1935
ColeAbe Lborn about 1884
ColeAlvin Jborn about 1907
ColeBarbara Geneborn about 1936
ColeBenny born about 1940
ColeCanal born about 1933
ColeDennis Tborn about 1910
ColeEdwin born about 1934
ColeFloyd born about 1932
ColeFrances born about 1915
ColeFredick born about 1930
ColeGerald born about 1932
ColeGuinda Louborn about 1937
ColeIda Louborn about 1906
ColeJack born about 1931
ColeJane born about 1928
ColeJerry born about 1938
ColeJohn Nborn about 1904
ColeJohnnie Maeborn about 1934
ColeLe Royborn about 1938
ColeLelan born about 1936
ColeLester born about 1902
ColeLizzie born about 1884
ColeLou born about 1883
ColeMadie born about 1909
ColeMarie born about 1917
ColeOra born about 1906
ColeTomas Hborn about 1877
CollinsGrace born about 1915
CollinsLouise born about 1939
CollinsPaul born about 1933
CollinsRobert born about 1940
CollinsRoy born about 1937
CollinsWade born about 1910
CookCalvin born about 1931
CookCana born about 1891
CookEdith born about 1910
CookEmma Leeborn about 1935
CookJohn Cborn about 1884
CookKenneth born about 1930
CookMarvin born about 1929
CookNoah Wborn about 1907
CookParks born about 1934
CookWinfred born about 1928
CoxHomer Mborn about 1898
CoxMarzella born about 1928
CoxMorris born about 1939
CoxWillie born about 1909
CrossGeorgie born about 1857
CrossJohn born about 1867
CurtisBarabara Annborn about 1933
CurtisBetty Ruthborn about 1938
CurtisCarvis born about 1911
CurtisDon Richardborn about 1940
CurtisInfant born about 1940
CurtisJames born about 1940
CurtisLeonna born about 1921
CurtisLonzo born about 1914
CurtisLoyde born about 1914
CurtisPraise born about 1918
CurtisRubie Leeborn about 1939
CurtisRuth Helenborn about 1936
CurtisViola born about 1876
CurtisWillie born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisAugust Pborn about 1884
DavisBetty Louborn about 1928
DavisBirdie born about 1902
DavisFred Aborn about 1897
DavisHelen Juneborn about 1925
DavisJenice born about 1932
DavisNellie born about 1893
DavisRobert born about 1923
DayneClemie born about 1881
DayneHoward born about 1925
DayneInez born about 1921
DaynePledger born about 1880
DeanAuthurine born about 1930
DeanBobby born about 1936
DeanGene born about 1934
DeanHazel born about 1910
DeanHerman Hborn about 1917
DeanJunior born about 1932
DeanLoretta born about 1938
DeanVera Sueborn about 1939
DentonBetty Jeanborn about 1929
DentonBill born about 1928
DentonBob born about 1929
DentonDoyle born about 1932
DentonElven Jborn about 1916
DentonJeweleen born about 1939
DentonJoe Bborn about 1905
DentonLee born about 1887
DentonLena born about 1919
DentonNora born about 1908
DentonRaynell born about 1931
DentonRolan born about 1921
DentonYvonne born about 1938
DilbeckDorthy born about 1933
DilbeckFlorence born about 1908
DilbeckHarold born about 1928
DilbeckHelen born about 1931
DilbeckInez born about 1929
DilbeckReed born about 1938
DilbeckRoy born about 1935
DilbeckThelma born about 1939
DilbeckWalter born about 1903
DillardAlbert born about 1922
DillardAnna Belleborn about 1928
DillardArtie born about 1919
DillardBilly born about 1931
DillardBobby Nellborn about 1935
DillardDorthey Maeborn about 1930
DillardEarl born about 1916
DillardEmmary Sborn about 1897
DillardHallie born about 1923
DillardHomer born about 1939
DillardJaunita born about 1924
DillardLandon born about 1937
DillardNellie born about 1900
DillsCardia born about 1883
DonaldsonAddie born about 1886
DonaldsonJames Eborn about 1873
DuvallJ Morganborn about 1868
DuvallMary born about 1890
DuvallNellie born about 1912
DuvallNorman born about 1932
DuvallOliver born about 1910
DuvallShelby Jeanborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

ElradEvelyn born about 1922
ElradT Jborn about 1940
ElrodArthur Aborn about 1911
ElrodCassie born about 1888
ElrodClifford born about 1922
ElrodDennis born about 1924
ElrodDewey born about 1930
ElrodJanie born about 1911
ElrodPearley born about 1889
ElrodReathel born about 1927
ElrodWaychel born about 1933
EnsbergEdwin born about 1922
EnsbergFlorence born about 1891
EnsbergJohn born about 1919
EnsbergLonnie born about 1925
EnsbergSamuel Hborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FairBilly born about 1930
FairChandler born about 1934
FairsClayton born about 1876
FairsMartha born about 1887
ForristerCharles born about 1933
ForristerColumbus Cborn about 1886
ForristerEstell born about 1911
ForristerHelen Ruthborn about 1935
ForristerJewel born about 1921
ForristerLester Sborn about 1919
ForristerSadie born about 1915
ForristerWillard Gborn about 1917
ForristerWindell born about 1925
FortnerC Jborn about 1914
FortnerCharlie born about 1886
FortnerEdith born about 1921
FortnerRuth born about 1934
FortnerSadie born about 1928
FortnerSusie born about 1900
FortnerWillard born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaddisAlfred born about 1921
GaddisArtie born about 1926
GaddisBarbara Annborn about 1937
GaddisClyde born about 1920
GaddisDoris born about 1930
GaddisEdna Maeborn about 1938
GaddisErnest born about 1923
GaddisFannie born about 1902
GaddisHarvey Aborn about 1890
GaddisHelen born about 1930
GaddisHoward born about 1921
GaddisJack born about 1926
GaddisLassie born about 1910
GaddisLoraine born about 1932
GaddisLouise born about 1930
GaddisMargrette born about 1925
GaddisMarie born about 1931
GaddisMarshall born about 1902
GaddisMinnie born about 1895
GaddisPaul born about 1933
GaddisRay born about 1936
GaddisSilvey Jborn about 1892
GaddisWade born about 1936
GaddisWillie Maeborn about 1923
GaddisWisdom born about 1919
GarrenJohn Mborn about 1850
GarrenJosephine born about 1880
GarrenSarah Mborn about 1860
GarrenWilliam Lborn about 1879
GibbsAlma born about 1907
GibbsNorman born about 1939
GibbsRay born about 1905
GibbsTheodore born about 1935
GibbsUlamae born about 1932
GladsonCarl born about 1908
GladsonClyde born about 1913
GladsonGuta born about 1919
GladsonPalace born about 1886
GladsonRay born about 1923
GladsonRosandia born about 1858
GoldenAtos born about 1933
GoldenBessie born about 1905
GoldenClayton born about 1886
GoldenCordia born about 1879
GoldenDessma born about 1926
GoldenEarl born about 1938
GoldenEddie born about 1939
GoldenErvin born about 1929
GoldenEsma born about 1926
GoldenFlorence born about 1904
GoldenHarley born about 1884
GoldenHarold Ezllborn about 1937
GoldenJames born about 1922
GoldenJoseph Jborn about 1893
GoldenJunior born about 1926
GoldenMary Janeborn about 1920
GoldenMitchell born about 1911
GoldenMyrtle born about 1923
GoldenSterling born about 1940
GoldenThomas born about 1883
GuentherAnna Loisborn about 1925
GuentherGeorge born about 1885
GuentherHelen Ruthborn about 1928
GuentherJosephine born about 1937
GuentherJunior born about 1931
GuentherMargaret born about 1934
GuentherVada born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallowayGeorge born about 1884
HallowayHattie born about 1889
HallowayHubert born about 1924
HallowayHubert born about 1933
HallowayMamie born about 1929
HallowayMinnie born about 1900
HamptonSarah Annborn about 1871
HancockBillie Jeanborn about 1928
HancockBuffard born about 1925
HancockDonnie born about 1937
HancockEarl born about 1911
HancockGiriam born about 1930
HancockHelen born about 1939
HancockLucy born about 1919
HancockMae born about 1892
HancockMary Janeborn about 1865
HancockOla born about 1906
HancockWilburn born about 1914
HancockWilliam born about 1888
HardingCecil born about 1931
HardingErnest born about 1888
HardingInez born about 1925
HardingIrene born about 1933
HardingLeona born about 1927
HardingRhoda born about 1898
HardingWinfred born about 1929
HarrisAdele born about 1924
HarrisAma Belleborn about 1921
HarrisAnmas born about 1897
HarrisBen Hborn about 1880
HarrisBetty Ruthborn about 1930
HarrisCarnerious born about 1920
HarrisCashidge born about 1926
HarrisDafus born about 1857
HarrisDixie born about 1893
HarrisDuell born about 1928
HarrisErnest born about 1933
HarrisEverett born about 1918
HarrisFred born about 1933
HarrisGeorge Wborn about 1890
HarrisHazel born about 1924
HarrisIdar born about 1891
HarrisJim born about 1889
HarrisJunior born about 1937
HarrisJunitia born about 1922
HarrisLonzo born about 1887
HarrisLuther born about 1929
HarrisMaude born about 1891
HarrisOllie born about 1896
HarrisPaul born about 1932
HarrisRarlo born about 1922
HarrisRosevelt Bborn about 1923
HarrisRosezillia born about 1882
HarrisRoy born about 1925
HarrisTroy born about 1930
HarrisVesta born about 1928
HawkinsAmbus born about 1925
HawkinsBobbie born about 1934
HawkinsLena born about 1900
HawkinsRay born about 1926
HawkinsWinston born about 1924
HayesVirginia born about 1930
HeltonBen born about 1887
HeltonBobbie Jeanborn about 1939
HeltonCalvin born about 1929
HeltonDennis born about 1923
HeltonDorthy born about 1927
HeltonEdgar born about 1911
HeltonEdna born about 1921
HeltonErvin born about 1920
HeltonEtta born about 1891
HeltonFloyde born about 1917
HeltonGrady born about 1917
HeltonHelen born about 1917
HeltonLoretta born about 1935
HeltonMary born about 1888
HeltonMyrtle born about 1913
HeltonOneta born about 1933
HeltonPauline born about 1922
HeltonTomas born about 1873
HeltonVelda born about 1925
HeltonVelma born about 1922
HeltonVerdie born about 1924
HeltonWindell born about 1919
HembenBobby born about 1938
HembenValerie born about 1920
HensonAda born about 1913
HensonCarl born about 1894
HensonClyde born about 1917
HensonDarlene born about 1932
HensonDellia born about 1863
HensonEdgar born about 1911
HensonElla born about 1912
HensonErnest born about 1910
HensonFrances born about 1934
HensonHarley born about 1933
HensonHelen born about 1928
HensonHenson born about 1940
HensonHomer born about 1928
HensonJames born about 1937
HensonJimmie Lueborn about 1937
HensonJoseph Tborn about 1858
HensonLouise born about 1935
HensonLucille born about 1930
HensonOllie born about 1894
HensonOpal born about 1934
HensonR Fredborn about 1925
HensonRay born about 1930
HensonW Cborn about 1930
HiddenAda born about 1911
HiddenGerald born about 1938
HiddenHomer Jborn about 1907
HiddenLarry born about 1933
HiddenNoel born about 1939
HiddenWindell born about 1932
HodgeAthelene born about 1913
HodgeLeonard Dborn about 1939
HurstElmer born about 1919
HurstHattie born about 1880
HurstOllie born about 1899
HyattGary born about 1935
HyattJulius Rborn about 1899
HyattMartha born about 1883
HyattMary Joeborn about 1925
HyattTommy born about 1919
HydeHorace born about 1884
HydeOllie born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JenkinsAnna Belleborn about 1922
JenkinsD Wborn about 1939
JenkinsDavid born about 1934
JenkinsElbert Eborn about 1876
JenkinsElla born about 1887
JenkinsElmer born about 1929
JenkinsEugene born about 1926
JenkinsEverett born about 1923
JenkinsHettie born about 1897
JenkinsHoyt born about 1922
JenkinsHubert born about 1926
JenkinsKenneth born about 1937
JenkinsLonzo born about 1885
JenkinsLuella born about 1910
JenkinsThelma born about 1929
JenkinsWilslow born about 1890
JenkinsWinfred born about 1920
JohnsonAllie born about 1896
JohnsonDavid born about 1937
JohnsonE Lborn about 1904
JohnsonEdna born about 1919
JohnsonHansel born about 1916
JohnsonJess Pborn about 1919
JohnsonJunior Leeborn about 1939
JohnsonLester Lborn about 1920
JohnsonMary Louborn about 1940
JohnsonNorris born about 1935
JohnsonOla Gayborn about 1932
JohnsonRobbie born about 1927
JohnsonRosa born about 1873
JohnsonRuth born about 1922
JohnsonRuth born about 1929
JohnsonThomas Tborn about 1873
JonesArlene born about 1931
JonesBobby born about 1939
JonesDewey Gborn about 1900
JonesDorthy Leeborn about 1928
JonesElsie born about 1929
JonesErvin born about 1901
JonesErvin born about 1936
JonesEthel born about 1923
JonesEthel born about 1924
JonesFrancis born about 1936
JonesGeorge born about 1925
JonesHicks Dorthyborn about 1907
JonesHomer born about 1927
JonesLaura born about 1906
JonesNora born about 1931
JonesOra born about 1931
JonesRuth born about 1923
JonesRuth born about 1935
JonesSadie Maeborn about 1934
JonesSarah born about 1900
JonesSherman born about 1927
JonesShirley born about 1939
JonesSue born about 1930
JonesViola born about 1926
JonesWasley Cborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeltonEthel born about 1893
KeltonGlen born about 1920
KeltonWeldon born about 1918
KeltonWesley Jborn about 1882
KimseyAnderson born about 1930
KimseyAnna born about 1896
KimseyClearance born about 1925
KimseyHelen born about 1919
KimseyTrainer born about 1891
KimseyWillard born about 1927
KimseyWilma born about 1933
KingAgnes born about 1927
KingAlbert born about 1902
KingAnna Maeborn about 1928
KingFluny born about 1939
KingIcie born about 1905
KingLorena born about 1934
KingMable born about 1937
KingPeggy Janeborn about 1930
KingWalter born about 1932
KingWindell born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LedfordAlawayne born about 1934
LedfordAlbert born about 1907
LedfordAlfred born about 1910
LedfordAllene born about 1924
LedfordBetty Jeanborn about 1933
LedfordBobby born about 1936
LedfordBurneice born about 1938
LedfordCarl born about 1919
LedfordCarrie born about 1901
LedfordCharline born about 1939
LedfordEdward born about 1933
LedfordElva born about 1918
LedfordElvin born about 1923
LedfordErnest Wborn about 1917
LedfordFrances born about 1934
LedfordGerald born about 1931
LedfordHarold born about 1936
LedfordHarold born about 1939
LedfordHattie born about 1915
LedfordHaven born about 1929
LedfordHazel born about 1927
LedfordHelen born about 1935
LedfordHoyet born about 1934
LedfordImogene born about 1938
LedfordJ Bborn about 1931
LedfordJimmie born about 1939
LedfordJimmie Mborn about 1915
LedfordJunior born about 1939
LedfordLela born about 1902
LedfordLester born about 1913
LedfordMargret born about 1877
LedfordMarion born about 1913
LedfordMary Maeborn about 1878
LedfordMaryann Leneborn about 1935
LedfordNames born about 1910
LedfordRoy born about 1934
LedfordTheodore Bborn about 1895
LedfordWayne born about 1929
LedtardBennie Sueborn about 1935
LedtardBilly born about 1925
LedtardCora born about 1905
LedtardDona Leeborn about 1931
LedtardEugene born about 1939
LedtardGeneva born about 1921
LedtardGeorge Mborn about 1911
LedtardHugh Leeborn about 1937
LedtardJunior born about 1928
LedtardRowanda born about 1933
LeelushisLizzie born about 1883
LeelushisMarion born about 1878
LefeversDewey born about 1938
LefeversElsie born about 1914
LefeversEthmus born about 1901
LefeversGillman born about 1880
LefeversJewel Deanborn about 1935
LefeversLandon born about 1936
LefeversLula born about 1904
LefeversMax born about 1938
LefeversTheodore born about 1909
LefeversTomas Mborn about 1885
LefeversViola born about 1914
LefeversWayne born about 1923
LefeversWilliam born about 1880
LefeversWilliam born about 1888
LefeversWilma born about 1935
LidfordAlvin born about 1895
LidfordCuba Leeborn about 1928
LidfordDelmer born about 1901
LidfordDewitt born about 1922
LidfordDon born about 1925
LidfordFlorentine born about 1928
LidfordIda Maeborn about 1940
LidfordJohnell born about 1938
LidfordJunior born about 1926
LidfordMary Sueborn about 1923
LidfordVahida born about 1930
LidfordVivian born about 1932
LidfordWilliam born about 1934
LowdermickEarl born about 1914
LowdermickElla born about 1919
LowdermickJack born about 1938
LowdermickJunior born about 1935
LowdermilkGlen born about 1927

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M Surnames

MakersonErmon born about 1931
MakersonFloyd born about 1939
MakersonGeastrune born about 1937
MakersonIra born about 1896
MakersonLena born about 1906
MakersonMable born about 1933
MakersonNorman born about 1930
MasonClidy born about 1911
MasonEsta born about 1885
MasonJohn born about 1873
MasonOla born about 1938
MasonThelma born about 1914
MasonWarren born about 1921
McAllisterDora born about 1906
McAllisterEllen born about 1885
McAllisterEmogene born about 1920
McAllisterEssie born about 1898
McAllisterJohn Mborn about 1884
McAllisterJohn Mborn about 1933
McAllisterLeonard Lborn about 1894
McAllisterMary Geneborn about 1935
McAllisterRichard born about 1919
McAllisterWinston born about 1921
McFreeBeula born about 1915
McFreeDillard born about 1904
McFreeDoris born about 1935
McFreeGeorge born about 1858
McFreeLois born about 1939
McFreeMaxie born about 1937
McFreeMildred born about 1934
McGillCharles born about 1911
McGillHester born about 1913
McHamCarl born about 1918
McHamDorthey born about 1925
McHamDorthey Florenceborn about 1939
McHamIrene born about 1925
McHamJames Lborn about 1916
McPhersonAmos born about 1939
McPhersonBonnie Ruthborn about 1932
McPhersonDale Lenaborn about 1936
McPhersonIvell born about 1903
MonteithAllie born about 1912
MonteithDorthy Leeborn about 1937
MonteithHarry born about 1912
MontgomeryAster born about 1930
MontgomeryBufford born about 1927
MontgomeryJosie born about 1898
MontgomeryKenneth born about 1934
MontgomeryMatney born about 1898
MontgomeryRubie born about 1917
MontgomerySusie Maeborn about 1856
MontgomeryT Wasleyborn about 1889
MooreCarolyn born about 1938
MooreDoris born about 1932
MooreHarold born about 1934
MooreHugh born about 1936
MooreJames born about 1917
MooreJames Eborn about 1902
MooreJanie born about 1902
MooreJean born about 1931
MooreJohn born about 1923
MooreMyrtle born about 1892
MooreTroy born about 1929
MooreWinfred born about 1925
MorganInez born about 1910
MorganJames Cborn about 1910
MorganJames Rborn about 1881
MorganJohnnie born about 1935
MorganJunior born about 1932
MorganNora born about 1882
MorrowDoris born about 1936
MorrowMyrth born about 1902
MorrowRalph Mborn about 1895
MundyBass born about 1910
MundyBertha born about 1920
MundyCassie born about 1901
MundyEarl born about 1911
MundyElizbeth born about 1894
MundyElsie born about 1912
MundyFlorence born about 1912
MundyHattie born about 1914
MundyHomer born about 1901
MundyIdris born about 1915
MundyJ E Jrborn about 1923
MundyJames Edwardborn about 1891
MundyJim born about 1872
MundyJimmie born about 1939
MundyJohnnie born about 1940
MundyJunior born about 1932
MundyLuther born about 1917
MundyMary born about 1872
MundyMary born about 1919
MundyPayton born about 1884
MundyRandon born about 1927
MundyZara born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewmanCecil born about 1918
NewmanCelia born about 1903
NewmanEdgar born about 1919
NewmanElla born about 1881
NewmanEulin born about 1926
NewmanGeneva born about 1921
NewmanHattie born about 1899
NewmanHattie born about 1930
NewmanHazel born about 1939
NewmanJ Lborn about 1931
NewmanJames Wborn about 1868
NewmanJerry born about 1936
NewmanJohn Mborn about 1861
NewmanLorenzo born about 1890
NewmanLouise born about 1935
NewmanLoyde Tborn about 1894
NewmanMargerie born about 1929
NewmanMary Bborn about 1893
NewmanMaxwell born about 1928
NewmanRandle born about 1937
NewmanRosa Leeborn about 1925
NewmanT L Jrborn about 1925
NewmanWillie Lborn about 1886
NixBarbara born about 1931
NixBilly born about 1928
NixDennis born about 1922
NixDorthy born about 1923
NixFranklin born about 1935
NixJohn Rborn about 1901
NixMamie born about 1905
NixMinnie born about 1882
NixRobert born about 1916
NixVanett born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomCecil born about 1922
OdomDennis born about 1931
OdomEstelle born about 1903
OdomFranklin born about 1940
OdomJ Rborn about 1929
OdomKatherine born about 1927
OdomKenneth born about 1934
OdomLassie born about 1936
OdomMarshall born about 1900

P Surnames

PanterApuline born about 1926
PanterCarl born about 1928
PanterEdward born about 1932
PanterFloyde born about 1923
PanterJohn born about 1902
PanterNancey born about 1900
PanterNorman born about 1935
PattersonEarl Wborn about 1908
PattersonEva born about 1912
PattersonJohnny Hborn about 1928
PayneAda born about 1893
PayneAddie born about 1888
PayneBetty Louborn about 1926
PayneBilly Geneborn about 1929
PayneBobby born about 1932
PayneCalvin born about 1921
PayneEarl Tborn about 1912
PayneElva born about 1916
PayneFaye born about 1918
PayneHarold born about 1915
PayneJames Hborn about 1888
PayneJohn Miltonborn about 1873
PayneKatherine born about 1939
PaynePauline born about 1924
PeakEmmer born about 1888
PeakFrances born about 1928
PeakHazel born about 1925
PeakLe Royborn about 1933
PeakMaggie born about 1931
PeakNancy born about 1886
PeakRosie born about 1907
PeakWilliam Hborn about 1882
PhillipsDonald born about 1938
PhillipsElla born about 1905
PhillipsIrene born about 1926
PhillipsJames born about 1936
PhillipsMadyline born about 1929
PhillipsRay born about 1931
PhillipsRoy born about 1933
PhillipsWilliam Tborn about 1909
PinaBetty born about 1937
PinaCleo born about 1909
PinaDorthy born about 1930
PinaGeneva born about 1939
PinaHorace born about 1906
PinaHoytt born about 1926
PinaJunior born about 1932
PinaLoyde born about 1928
PinaRubie born about 1934
PostellEarl born about 1921
PostellEdna born about 1924
PostellEllen born about 1903
PostellJ Lborn about 1939
PostellLoyde born about 1900
PostellMarie born about 1933
PostellTyoung born about 1930
PresswoodBertha born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RearleyBill born about 1916
RearleyElla born about 1890
RearleyHurshel Pborn about 1887
RearleyMarshall born about 1922
RearleyMarvin born about 1929
RoachAnie born about 1890
RoachElijah born about 1885
RobertsAlbert born about 1916
RobertsEdna born about 1912
RobertsGustie born about 1880
RobertsJess born about 1880
RobertsLouis born about 1914
RobertsMary Janeborn about 1937
RobertsReath Maeborn about 1939
RodgersJimmie born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ShieldsEmmary born about 1911
ShieldsGertie born about 1913
ShieldsRandlon born about 1935
ShularCora born about 1909
SimondCarl Jborn about 1890
SimondJ Cborn about 1921
SimondJean born about 1932
SimondKenneth born about 1927
SimondMary Francesborn about 1924
SimondRoy Joeborn about 1930
SimondsAlvin Rborn about 1909
SimondsAndrew Jborn about 1884
SimondsAnna Maeborn about 1913
SimondsArlington born about 1914
SimondsBillie Janeborn about 1930
SimondsBobbie born about 1934
SimondsBuffard born about 1932
SimondsCarl Eborn about 1910
SimondsCharles born about 1935
SimondsClark Hborn about 1920
SimondsClerence born about 1917
SimondsDaisy born about 1928
SimondsDixie born about 1937
SimondsDolores born about 1933
SimondsDonald born about 1936
SimondsDonnie born about 1934
SimondsDorthy born about 1922
SimondsEdrie born about 1934
SimondsEffie born about 1904
SimondsElbert Jborn about 1900
SimondsErvin born about 1911
SimondsEverett born about 1923
SimondsGene born about 1936
SimondsHarold born about 1938
SimondsHazel born about 1929
SimondsImogene born about 1925
SimondsInfant born about 1939
SimondsJack born about 1933
SimondsJimmie Louborn about 1936
SimondsJimmie Ruthborn about 1934
SimondsJoan born about 1940
SimondsJohn Henryborn about 1880
SimondsJohn Rborn about 1861
SimondsJoseph Aborn about 1858
SimondsJosie born about 1890
SimondsJoyce born about 1926
SimondsJune born about 1939
SimondsJunior born about 1932
SimondsKenneth born about 1927
SimondsLenore born about 1933
SimondsLester born about 1925
SimondsLizzie born about 1888
SimondsLola born about 1904
SimondsLorena born about 1925
SimondsLoretta born about 1924
SimondsLottie born about 1914
SimondsLouis born about 1925
SimondsLouise born about 1930
SimondsLouise born about 1938
SimondsLoyde born about 1921
SimondsLucille born about 1936
SimondsLula Maeborn about 1923
SimondsMarie born about 1930
SimondsMartin Jborn about 1891
SimondsMary Annborn about 1932
SimondsMaude born about 1901
SimondsMaxie born about 1918
SimondsMinnie born about 1905
SimondsMinnie born about 1921
SimondsMyrtle born about 1915
SimondsOra born about 1901
SimondsOscar born about 1895
SimondsPatricia born about 1930
SimondsPearl born about 1894
SimondsPearl born about 1912
SimondsPearley born about 1920
SimondsPeggie born about 1937
SimondsRay born about 1923
SimondsRobert born about 1900
SimondsRosa born about 1868
SimondsRuby born about 1918
SimondsRudean born about 1937
SimondsSarah Janeborn about 1863
SimondsSherman Tborn about 1868
SimondsShirley born about 1931
SimondsTroy born about 1930
SimondsVera born about 1919
SimondsWaldo Hborn about 1911
SimondsWeldon born about 1928
SimondsWinfred born about 1921
StandridgeGrace born about 1922
StandridgeJames Mborn about 1868
StandridgeLee Royborn about 1939
StandridgeLizzie born about 1871
StandridgeWilliam born about 1908
StanfieldAlma born about 1934
StanfieldBetty Sueborn about 1939
StanfieldGary Windellborn about 1940
StanfieldMartha born about 1912
StanfieldPaul born about 1912
StanfieldR Tborn about 1937
StanfieldRex born about 1933
StanfieldRobert born about 1932
StilisBillie Lueborn about 1934
StilisCharles born about 1903
StilisJ Wborn about 1932
StilisWillie born about 1906
StillisEdith born about 1938
StillisGurley Aborn about 1900
StillisKeith born about 1930
StillisKennith born about 1935
StillisMaggie Leaborn about 1917
StillisMyrtle born about 1928
StillisReoma born about 1932
StillisWinfred born about 1925
StuartEva born about 1916
StuartGeorge Wborn about 1914
StuartKeener born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TankerskyGenet born about 1923
TankerskyJames born about 1919
TaylorAndrew born about 1907
TaylorBilly born about 1938
TaylorCoolidge born about 1927
TaylorErnest born about 1922
TaylorIea born about 1928
TaylorJimmie born about 1936
TaylorMamie born about 1913
TaylorRay born about 1933
TaylorWillard born about 1924
TaylorWinston born about 1933
TilsonAllie born about 1888
TilsonFlorence born about 1892
TilsonHardie born about 1891
TilsonOllie Maeborn about 1923
TilsonOscar born about 1887
TilsonWilma born about 1927
TownsendCharles born about 1936
TownsendChristine born about 1929
TownsendDarine born about 1940
TownsendDora born about 1907
TownsendFurd born about 1908
TownsendMaxine born about 1931
TranthamAlvin born about 1935
TranthamClyde born about 1926
TranthamEdith born about 1920
TranthamElmer born about 1929
TranthamElmer born about 1930
TranthamFred born about 1905
TranthamGarril born about 1924
TranthamGeorge born about 1900
TranthamGeorge Lueborn about 1927
TranthamGertie born about 1886
TranthamHoytt born about 1939
TranthamJames born about 1940
TranthamJohn born about 1892
TranthamLela born about 1919
TranthamLida born about 1868
TranthamLucille born about 1937
TranthamMary born about 1905
TranthamMay Bellborn about 1919
TranthamPauline born about 1940
TranthamSherman born about 1868
TranthamWilma born about 1928
TranthamWindfred born about 1932
TranthamZilla born about 1889
TrusloveRandle born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodGordon born about 1903
UnderwoodJ Lborn about 1935
UnderwoodLeal Leanborn about 1905
UnderwoodSarah Janeborn about 1939

V Surnames

VernerLuther Aborn about 1889
VernerOllie born about 1894
VernerWinnie born about 1924
VesnerEdith born about 1928
VesnerEthel born about 1900
VesnerHoytt born about 1924
VesnerJimmie born about 1939
VesnerLeonard born about 1903
VesnerLoyde born about 1930
VesnerMarry born about 1926
VesnerMarvin born about 1922
VesnerMildred born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerArnold born about 1929
WalkerBelle born about 1908
WalkerBlanche born about 1927
WalkerCloyce born about 1934
WalkerHarvey born about 1931
WalkerHenry born about 1939
WalkerNorma born about 1936
WalkerPoley born about 1887
WallaceAda born about 1890
WallaceBessie born about 1919
WallaceCarl born about 1927
WallaceCarylon born about 1939
WallaceEdna born about 1918
WallaceEdward Jborn about 1894
WallaceFranklin born about 1934
WallaceHallis born about 1914
WallaceHarold born about 1929
WallaceHershell born about 1906
WallaceHillard born about 1930
WallaceJ Hborn about 1925
WallaceKiser born about 1879
WallaceLizzie born about 1867
WallaceMamie born about 1893
WallaceRobert Lborn about 1890
WallaceSallie born about 1867
WallaceTommie born about 1932
WallaceWilma born about 1923
WeeseCarlina born about 1855
WestmorelandArnold Lee Royborn about 1940
WestmorelandBetty Annborn about 1940
WestmorelandEarl Jborn about 1914
WestmorelandEdith born about 1911
WestmorelandElfia born about 1894
WestmorelandJacqueline born about 1936
WestmorelandJoe Lynnborn about 1934
WestmorelandJohn born about 1911
WestmorelandKay Lenarborn about 1932
WestmorelandRae Francisborn about 1932
WestmorelandSarah born about 1916
WestmorelandShelby Jeanborn about 1938
WestmorelandSusie born about 1936
WestmorelandTullie born about 1889
WestmorelandViola born about 1913
WestmorelandWalter Cborn about 1912
WestmorelandWinston born about 1935
WhiteRuby born about 1921
WhitenerClifton born about 1925
WhitenerEllis born about 1911
WhitenerEmille born about 1923
WhitenerFred born about 1882
WhitenerMattie born about 1890
WhitenerRay born about 1927
WhitenerRobert born about 1915
WhitenerRuth born about 1934
WinthrowAda born about 1908
WinthrowLenard born about 1913
WithrowAnna born about 1921
WithrowEarl born about 1921
WithrowEdna born about 1916
WithrowWinfred born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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