1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lanes Creek, Union, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Union County > 1940 Census of Lanes Creek

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

Aldridge??? born about 1856
AldridgeAnnie born about 1895
AldridgeAnnie born about 1898
AldridgeBlair born about 1919
AldridgeCornelia born about 1924
AldridgeCurtis born about 1926
AldridgeDaniel born about 1927
AldridgeEarnest born about 1919
AldridgeEdith born about 1921
AldridgeEdward born about 1924
AldridgeEllar born about 1891
AldridgeEugene born about 1932
AldridgeFred born about 1911
AldridgeGeorge born about 1885
AldridgeGeorge born about 1889
AldridgeHarvey born about 1922
AldridgeJohnnie born about 1930
AldridgeJunie born about 1924
AldridgeLonnie born about 1891
AldridgeMaggie born about 1895
AldridgeMattie born about 1897
AldridgePatsy born about 1867
AldridgeRobert born about 1893
AldridgeSarah born about 1934
AldridgeTalomadge born about 1937
AldridgeTom born about 1922
AldridgeWalter born about 1918
AllenAlmeta born about 1905
AllenAthel born about 1922
AllenBryce born about 1924
AllenCharlie born about 1882
AllenOra born about 1891
Alsbrook??? born about 1927
AlsbrookCurtis born about 1936
AlsbrookEssie Leeborn about 1920
AlsbrookEunice born about 1925
AlsbrookJulia born about 1867
AlsbrookKate born about 1919
AlsbrookSam born about 1887
AlsbrookSarah born about 1893
AlsbrookShirley Gborn about 1939
AlsbrookSmiley born about 1915
ArantGeorge born about 1918
ArantIdamite born about 1882
ArantWard born about 1920
AschraftFred born about 1915
AshcraftAlbert born about 1853
AshcraftBeulah born about 1930
AshcraftEmma born about 1888
AshcraftEula born about 1930
AshcraftJohn Aborn about 1928
AshcraftL Mayborn about 1895
AustinCharles Aborn about 1938
Autrey??? born about 1881
Autrey??? born about 1917
AutreyCull Wborn about 1937
AutreyCull Jr born about 1925
AutreyErma born about 1922
AutreyGeorge born about 1884
AutreyJoe Aborn about 1919
AutreyLizzie born about 1888
AutreyLucy born about 1889
AutreyRuth born about 1917
Autry??? born about 1934
AutryBettie Jborn about 1935
AutryClyde born about 1894
AutryDora Maeborn about 1907
AutryE Lborn about 1928
AutryEdgar born about 1898
AutryFranklin born about 1937
AutryHeath born about 1926
AutryKatie Lborn about 1930
AutryRalph born about 1932
AutryRaymond Gborn about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

Baker??? born about 1890
BakerBascom born about 1923
BakerBerman born about 1924
BakerBoyce born about 1926
BakerClara born about 1894
BakerEli Dborn about 1879
BakerMrs Vashtiborn about 1862
BakerRaymond Rborn about 1887
BakerSherwood born about 1932
BakerZeb born about 1922
Bales??? born about 1924
BalesBilly born about 1929
BalesBlanch Aborn about 1891
BalesCarl Eborn about 1922
BalesElizabeth born about 1934
BalesRalph born about 1936
Baucom??? born about 1897
BaucomAndrew born about 1917
BaucomBilly born about 1925
BaucomD Maeborn about 1912
BaucomFloyd born about 1902
BaucomHarold born about 1922
BaucomHarry born about 1917
BaucomHerom born about 1863
BaucomJack born about 1910
BaucomJulia born about 1869
BaucomKeith born about 1907
BaucomLeola born about 1927
BaucomMary born about 1892
BaucomMerton born about 1907
BaucomNell Hborn about 1912
BaucomOla Tborn about 1886
BaucomRalph born about 1922
BaucomReece born about 1920
BaucomV C Jrborn about 1924
BaucomVictor born about 1879
BaucomWalter Kborn about 1940
BaucomWillie Cborn about 1889
BelkJames Pborn about 1887
BelkLessie Fborn about 1888
BelkMary Jborn about 1855
BelkSadie Wborn about 1888
BelkWillie born about 1899
Biggers??? born about 1883
BiggersBilly born about 1920
BiggersMargaret born about 1922
BiggersRuth born about 1925
BiggersSarah Mborn about 1897
BlockreyLindon born about 1923
BlountEssie born about 1901
BlountGeorge born about 1921
BlountRaymond born about 1872
BlountRobert born about 1919
BlountTiny born about 1922
BowmanDavid born about 1919
BowmanEsther born about 1905
BowmanHenry born about 1902
BowmanMary Ellenborn about 1932
BowmanPatricia born about 1925
BrileyVictoria born about 1890
BrooksBetty Rborn about 1931
BrooksKathryn born about 1901
BrooksLoyd Tborn about 1901
BrooksMartha Fborn about 1929
BrooksMartha Jborn about 1870
BrooksOdessa born about 1908
BrooksR Harytonborn about 1865
BrownBennie born about 1938
BrownEthel born about 1920
BrownFlorence born about 1936
BrownWaddell born about 1905
BrownWillie Hborn about 1939
Burgess??? born about 1915
Burgess??? born about 1917
BurgessBetty Lborn about
BurgessFred Wborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallinsAllen Vborn about 1912
CallinsEdwin Aborn about 1872
CallinsKate born about 1884
CallinsKathleen born about 1912
CallinsRobert Allenborn about 1939
CarelockDella born about 1884
CarelockR Elmaborn about 1870
CarrieEunice born about 1910
CaudleElma born about 1929
CaudleMartha Mayborn about 1878
CaudleRosa Belleborn about 1923
CaudleThelma born about 1929
CaudleW Harryborn about 1875
ChambersClarence born about 1934
ChambersCromwell born about 1913
ChambersDeoncos born about 1922
ChambersElia born about 1892
ChambersElia Jr born about 1927
ChambersGeorgia Leeborn about 1937
ChambersGertrude born about 1919
ChambersHallie Maeborn about 1938
ChambersHannah born about 1895
ChambersJames born about 1938
ChambersJohn born about 1882
ChambersMandy born about 1919
ChambersPatricia born about 1915
ChambersPearl born about 1885
ChambersSarah born about 1893
ChambersSylvester born about 1889
ChambersWalter born about 1925
Clark??? born about 1926
Clark??? born about 1927
ClarkAdan Leeborn about 1934
ClarkAddie Mayborn about 1924
ClarkCharlie born about 1910
ClarkClensdall born about 1931
ClarkConnie born about 1907
ClarkCora born about 1928
ClarkFloyd born about 1934
ClarkHarry born about 1874
ClarkJ Cborn about 1938
ClarkJ Prestonborn about 1905
ClarkJames born about 1924
ClarkKatie Mayborn about 1937
ClarkLeona born about 1909
ClarkLevarn born about 1929
ClarkMary born about 1933
ClarkRobert born about 1925
ClarkWilliam Lborn about 1931
Clontz??? born about 1932
ClontzBanks born about 1924
ClontzDora Cborn about 1889
ClontzEdward born about 1927
ClontzHeath born about 1922
ClontzJohnny born about 1930
ClontzSmogere born about 1928
ClontzVirginia born about 1925
ClontzWilliam Wborn about 1878
Collins??? born about 1910
CollinsAlline born about 1914
CollinsBettie born about 1937
CollinsBillie born about 1927
CollinsBoyce born about 1931
CollinsDorothy Mborn about 1929
CollinsE Rayborn about 1911
CollinsElizabeth born about 1933
CollinsEllison Lborn about 1873
CollinsHenry born about 1907
CollinsJudith born about 1940
CollinsLaura born about 1883
CollinsLessie born about 1909
CollinsMarie Rborn about 1938
CollinsRoger born about 1935
CollinsTommy born about 1937
CollinsVera Wborn about 1918
CorringtonSam born about 1924
Covington??? born about 1909
CovingtonEllie born about 1892
CovingtonElsie born about 1920
CovingtonGladys born about 1933
CovingtonKenneth born about 1937
CovingtonMary born about 1896
CoxCarrie born about 1906
CoxLaura born about 1878
CoxLuther Fborn about 1876
CressMettie Tborn about 1876
CressWade born about 1878
CrestInfant born about 1928
CrestMary Leeborn about 1922
CrowderAder born about 1880
CrowderArdie Jeanborn about 1939
CrowderEthel Mborn about 1918
CrowderFrancis born about 1931
CrowderGladys born about 1938
CrowderJack born about 1911
CrowderL Mborn about 1933
CrowderLevan born about 1920
CrowderMary Janeborn about 1938
CrowderVera Mayborn about 1913
CurleeLonnie Dborn about 1909
CurleeMargaret born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisMary Layborn about 1915
DeeseAda born about 1914
DeeseBasil born about 1914
DeeseCurtis born about 1910
DeeseDeffie born about 1883
DeeseGeorge born about 1919
DeeseJames born about 1925
DeeseMaudeina born about 1939
DeeseRichard born about 1881
Donahue??? born about 1910
DonahueBilly born about 1934
DonahueClaude born about 1917
DonahueDoris born about 1926
DonahueEarl born about 1928
DonahueEdison born about 1930
DonahueHenry born about 1905
DonahueJames born about 1874
DonahueJulia born about 1874
DonahueKeith born about 1931
DonahueLila born about 1917
DonahueMarrie born about 1898
DonahueMax born about 1932
DonahueVerla born about 1912
DonahueWayne born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardsBilly born about 1928
EdwardsClara Mayborn about 1888
EdwardsDoris born about 1925
EdwardsHeath born about 1923
EdwardsJanice Eborn about 1933
EdwardsJohnny born about 1929
EdwardsLouis Eborn about 1891
EdwardsMattie Louborn about 1931
EdwardsVera born about 1926
EdwardsWalter born about 1879
EdwardsWilson born about 1885
EzzellAnnie born about 1885
EzzellThomas born about 1874

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F Surnames

FaulknerCharlie born about 1925
FaulknerRobert born about 1927
ForbesDora born about 1878
ForbesJohn born about 1866
FunderburkAndrew born about 1907
FunderburkBess born about 1894
FunderburkFrank born about 1883
FunderburkFrank Jr born about 1921
FunderburkIrena born about 1939

G Surnames

GrantAlbert born about 1876
GrantAndrew born about 1926
GrantElsie born about 1923
GrantSam born about 1924
GrantSanford born about 1917
Greene??? born about 1899
GreeneBeulah born about 1901
GreeneVivian born about 1923
Griffin??? born about 1918
Griffin??? born about 1932
Griffin??? born about 1937
GriffinAlice born about 1902
GriffinBernie Cborn about 1887
GriffinBetty born about 1930
GriffinBilly born about 1934
GriffinBilly Parksborn about 1932
GriffinBlake born about 1902
GriffinBoyce born about 1937
GriffinBoyce Hborn about 1902
GriffinBruce born about 1904
GriffinCharles born about 1934
GriffinClayton born about 1881
GriffinDella born about 1877
GriffinDella Mborn about 1923
GriffinDorothy born about 1925
GriffinDorothy Jborn about 1930
GriffinEager Lborn about 1899
GriffinEarl Mborn about 1926
GriffinEdmond born about 1884
GriffinElizabeth Aborn about 1936
GriffinEllavan born about 1939
GriffinEmma Rborn about 1939
GriffinGoel born about 1928
GriffinH Rayborn about 1905
GriffinHazel born about 1929
GriffinHerman born about 1925
GriffinHettie born about 1905
GriffinHoyt born about 1923
GriffinJames Sborn about 1870
GriffinKate Eborn about 1901
GriffinKathleen born about 1918
GriffinKathryn born about 1933
GriffinLeo born about 1906
GriffinLoise born about 1886
GriffinLottie born about 1913
GriffinM Titusborn about 1910
GriffinMarie Bborn about 1931
GriffinMarion born about 1940
GriffinNannie born about 1886
GriffinRachel born about 1939
GriffinRay born about 1939
GriffinRomnie born about 1937
GriffinRosa Leeborn about 1914
GriffinRosie born about 1883
GriffinRuby born about 1904
GriffinRuby born about 1924
GriffinRueben born about 1908
GriffinRuth born about 1908
GriffinRuth born about 1911
GriffinTroy J Rborn about 1914
GriffinTyra Eborn about 1900
GriffinVirginia born about 1917
GriffinWard born about 1924
GriffinWilson born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagginsCyr??? born about 1910
HagginsElsie born about 1915
HaiferEthel Mborn about 1934
HaiferMary Eborn about 1929
Hailey??? born about 1928
HaileyA Zborn about 1938
HaileyAron born about 1940
HaileyAzilee born about 1932
HaileyBarbara born about 1932
HaileyBetty born about 1937
HaileyBilly born about 1937
HaileyBonnie Deanborn about 1936
HaileyChristine born about 1914
HaileyClaymon born about 1930
HaileyDorothy Leeborn about 1935
HaileyFred born about 1900
HaileyHazel born about 1934
HaileyJasper born about 1925
HaileyJonithan born about 1933
HaileyLetha Mayborn about 1930
HaileyOla born about 1906
HaileyRobert born about 1927
HaileyRuby born about 1923
HaileyRuth Annborn about 1929
HaileyV Parksborn about 1934
HamiltonKate born about 1874
HamiltonLora born about 1910
HargettBillie born about 1922
HargettDian born about 1934
HargettGeraldine born about 1924
HargettJ Pborn about 1919
HargettJ Pressborn about 1895
HargettJack born about 1926
HargettMaggie born about 1916
HargettMary born about 1901
HargettMax born about 1935
HargettRoy Wborn about
HarleyKenneth born about 1921
HarleyVerge born about 1891
HarrellCharlie Tborn about 1876
HarrellConnie born about 1901
HarrellEva born about 1911
HarrellFred Jborn about 1895
HarrellHallie born about 1909
HarrellHenry born about 1907
HarrellJoe born about 1903
HarrellLouie born about 1911
HarrellMary born about 1893
HarrellMinnie born about 1874
HarrellPeggy Joborn about 1937
HarrellVirginia born about 1930
HarringtonArmenti born about 1884
HarringtonDewitt born about 1918
HarringtonWilliam born about 1876
Harty??? born about 1940
HartyArdine born about 1938
HartyClaude born about 1916
HartyDora born about 1915
HartyRosie Mborn about 1936
HastyEffison born about 1905
HastyMolly born about 1878
HastyStephen born about 1910
HastyWilliam Dborn about 1905
HawardDewitt born about 1931
HawardEd born about 1894
HawardMarjorie born about 1934
HawardMi??il born about 1895
HawardRuby born about 1928
HawardWilliam born about 1926
HayworthR Earlborn about 1912
HayworthWilda Wborn about 1915
HelenaAlexander born about 1908
HelenaJ Wborn about 1932
HelenaJeny Royborn about 1937
HelenaSallie born about 1906
HelmeGeorge Rayborn about 1939
HelmeJim Cborn about 1920
HelmeOdessa born about 1919
Helms??? born about 1878
Helms??? born about 1880
Helms??? Jborn about 1875
Helms??? Mayborn about 1921
HelmsAlice born about 1921
HelmsAngle born about 1923
HelmsAnnie born about 1894
HelmsAnnie born about 1905
HelmsBetty Leeborn about 1926
HelmsBilly born about 1925
HelmsBilly Donborn about 1938
HelmsCarl born about 1916
HelmsCarol born about 1936
HelmsCarolyn Lborn about 1937
HelmsCecil born about 1939
HelmsCharlie born about 1886
HelmsCharlie born about 1916
HelmsCurtis born about 1910
HelmsDaigy born about 1903
HelmsDaisy born about 1919
HelmsDoris Jborn about 1933
HelmsDoris Lborn about 1940
HelmsEdna born about 1929
HelmsEmma Eborn about 1901
HelmsEthel born about 1925
HelmsFrank Mayborn about 1881
HelmsGeraldine born about 1939
HelmsGilmer born about 1903
HelmsH Juniorborn about 1924
HelmsHenry Mborn about 1874
HelmsHorace born about 1895
HelmsIrene born about 1890
HelmsJack born about 1923
HelmsJoan born about 1939
HelmsJoe Annborn about 1937
HelmsJohnnie born about 1927
HelmsKemp born about 1936
HelmsLillie born about 1878
HelmsLily Aborn about 1886
HelmsLouise born about 1920
HelmsM Bartleyborn about 1902
HelmsMatt born about 1930
HelmsMuriel born about 1928
HelmsNell born about 1920
HelmsOdessa born about 1895
HelmsReece born about 1920
HelmsRosa born about 1917
HelmsRuby born about 1918
HelmsT Mackborn about 1937
HelmsTed born about 1933
HelmsTom born about 1918
HelmsVallie born about 1922
HelmsW Oscarborn about 1884
HelmsWalter born about 1913
HelmsWhiteford born about 1917
HeltonCurtis born about 1919
HeltonEdgar born about 1924
HeltonEli born about 1882
HeltonKate born about 1911
HeltonMollie born about 1894
HeltonPeggy Lborn about 1939
HendleyElizabeth born about 1861
HerronArthur born about 1922
HerterDavie Aborn about 1862
HerterJane born about 1867
HerterLillian born about 1904
Hildreth??? born about 1897
Hildreth??? born about 1931
HildrethAddie born about 1901
HildrethAlma Leeborn about 1937
HildrethClay born about 1929
HildrethMaybelle born about 1928
HillBrady born about 1902
HillDoris Jeanborn about 1938
HillHilda Vonborn about 1933
HillLecia born about 1917
HillMartha Tborn about 1869
HillerRalph Mborn about 1870
HiltonAnna born about 1890
HiltonColumbus born about 1927
HiltonEthel born about 1921
HiltonHazel born about 1919
HiltonLee born about 1880
HiltonMagie born about 1925
HiltonSelven born about 1929
HiltonWesley born about 1926
Hinson??? Jborn about 1894
HinsonAda born about 1903
HinsonCharlena born about 1917
HinsonCornelia born about 1864
HinsonDoris Kborn about 1919
HinsonEdith born about 1909
HinsonEdward born about 1912
HinsonEllen born about 1931
HinsonExcell Eborn about 1911
HinsonHattie born about 1880
HinsonJack ???born about 1939
HinsonJohn Sborn about 1876
HinsonLee born about 1910
HinsonLevy born about 1904
HinsonLois born about 1924
HinsonMary Eborn about 1910
HinsonMary Eborn about 1934
HinsonSam Joeborn about 1936
Holshouser??? born about 1921
Holshouser??? born about 1933
HolshouserEmma born about 1898
HolshouserFloyd born about 1931
HolshouserHelen Fayeborn about 1939
HolshouserLois born about 1923
HolshouserLola born about 1925
HolshouserMadean born about 1936
HolshouserMargaret born about 1929
HolshouserW Conradborn about 1903
HoughEssie born about 1899
HoughJames born about 1897
Howard??? born about 1925
HowardHert??ll born about 1869
HowardMary born about 1879
Hubbard??? born about 1917
HubbardClarence born about 1934
HubbardClementine born about 1928
HubbardEdward born about 1930
HubbardEmma born about 1916
HubbardJ Bborn about
HubberdHattie Jeoborn about 1912
HubberdJames Fborn about 1936
HubberdJohn Mborn about 1932
HubberdLiza Rborn about 1937
HubberdMargaret Eborn about 1939
HubberdThomas Hborn about 1934
Huggins??? born about 1907
HugginsAnnie Nborn about 1928
HugginsCharles Lborn about 1933
HugginsEdith Mborn about 1924
HugginsEugene born about 1887
HugginsHenry Wborn about 1917
HugginsJ Leeborn about 1889
HugginsKate born about 1907
HugginsLester Pborn about 1878
HugginsLillian born about 1891
HugginsM Francesborn about 1937
HugginsMae Vborn about 1894
HugginsMary born about 1918
HugginsNora Lborn about 1881
HugginsRobert born about 1936
Hunter??? born about 1916
HunterBaxter born about 1926
HunterErvin born about 1922
HunterJames born about 1921
HunterJim born about 1877
Huntley??? born about 1871
Huntley??? born about 1910
Huntley??? born about 1933
HuntleyArchie Dborn about 1937
HuntleyArthur Annborn about 1874
HuntleyArtie born about 1938
HuntleyBynum born about 1929
HuntleyCarrie born about 1926
HuntleyCharlie born about 1885
HuntleyClaude Sborn about 1902
HuntleyEmma born about 1895
HuntleyJ Cborn about 1924
HuntleyJames Wborn about 1924
HuntleyKemp Nborn about 1937
HuntleyL Cborn about 1927
HuntleyL Malconborn about 1934
HuntleyLena born about 1890
HuntleyLeroy born about 1923
HuntleyLewis born about 1924
HuntleyLouise born about 1924
HuntleyMary Eborn about 1932
HuntleyMaud born about 1923
HuntleyOra Leeborn about 1927
HuntleyOsilane born about 1930
HuntleySadie born about 1902
HuntleyVera born about 1934
HuntleyWilliam born about 1928
HuppindAtha born about 1896
HuppindJohn Bborn about 1876

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J Surnames

JenkinsAddie Leeborn about 1913
JenkinsBetty Jeanborn about 1930
JenkinsDarel born about 1938
JenkinsDon born about 1938
JenkinsJoel born about 1935
JenkinsLetha born about 1922
JenkinsLois born about 1927
JenkinsMalcom born about 1892
JenkinsPauline born about 1925
JenkinsRalph born about 1936
JenkinsRuby born about 1919
JenkinsVirgie born about 1900
JenkinsWilma born about 1933
JenkinsWinfred born about 1915
JeromeAlma born about 1898
JeromeDoris Jborn about 1932
JeromeE Les Aborn about 1894
JeromeEmmett Eborn about 1927
JeromeHazel born about 1918
JeromeJuanita born about 1922
JeromeMinnie Jborn about 1930
JeromeShirley Aborn about 1935
JonesA Bruceborn about 1931
JonesEtta born about 1912
JonesFannie Rborn about 1935
JonesHorace born about 1906
JonesHoward Lborn about 1939
JonesJ Haroldborn about 1934
JonesJohn Allineborn about 1921
JonesJohn Gborn about 1895
JonesLessie Lborn about 1939
JonesMartha Fborn about 1930
JonesRuby Sborn about 1905
JonesW Dorisborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KentAnila born about 1935
KentAnnie Maeborn about 1918
KentBobbie Jeanborn about 1939
KentElla Bborn about 1921
KentErnest born about 1900
KentHattie born about 1904
KentLottie Bborn about 1939
KentMadge born about 1916
KentMae Pborn about 1934
KentMary Leneborn about 1939
KentVerla Maeborn about 1935
KentWilbert born about 1940
KiserJames Mborn about 1869
KiserPearl born about 1883
KiserWillis Lborn about 1933
KnightEdward born about 1885
KnightMartha Lborn about 1890
KnightRuth born about 1918
KnottsGeorge born about 1920
KnottsNellie born about 1917

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L Surnames

LeeCharles born about 1935
LeeClora born about 1924
LeeElizabeth born about 1937
LeeLayven born about 1913
LeeLois born about 1915
LeeMargie born about 1890
LeeRobert born about 1939
LeeTheo born about 1919
LeeWalter born about 1889
LeeWarren born about 1925
LittleMary Eborn about 1889
LittleMitchel born about 1924
LittleSam Pborn about 1872
LoveEdward born about 1915
LoweryR Lborn about 1932
LowreyThomas born about 1892

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M Surnames

MaplasLoyd Cborn about 1912
Mar??? born about 1936
MarClendon Annborn about 1904
MarElizabeth born about 1933
MarMary Rborn about 1926
MarOllie Mborn about 1929
Marek??? Mayborn about 1925
MarekEthel Leeborn about 1938
MarekHarley born about 1894
MarekJessie born about 1901
MarekLeola born about 1930
MarekLola born about 1920
MarekLonnie born about 1922
MarekMary Ruthborn about 1933
MarekRom?ie born about 1928
MarekRosa Leeborn about 1923
MarekVer?e Maeborn about 1935
MarekWilliam born about 1935
MargelJohnath born about 1885
MargelJulia born about 1894
Martin??? born about 1922
MartinA born about 1902
MartinAllie born about 1916
MartinEva born about 1919
MartinJulius born about 1874
MartinJulius Jr born about 1921
MartinMollie born about 1877
MaserDora born about 1876
MaserGeorge W Sborn about 1862
McBrideEmmett born about 1905
McGeeCornelia born about 1911
McGeeHelen born about 1927
McGeeJane born about 1935
McGeeM Cborn about 1939
McGeeRoy born about 1910
McManusFannie born about 1869
McManusGail born about 1930
McManusJim born about 1912
McManusJohn Dborn about 1866
McManusJohnnie Leeborn about 1923
McManusLessie Dborn about 1901
McManusRuth born about 1928
McManusSandra born about 1938
McNeelyHelen Bellborn about 1917
MeigsLouise born about 1919
MeigsThomas Jborn about 1875
Mills??? born about 1922
MillsAlice born about 1903
MillsArsh born about 1899
MillsBenjamin Fborn about 1859
MillsBetty born about 1934
MillsBilly born about 1932
MillsChristine born about 1934
MillsElise born about 1926
MillsEthel born about 1924
MillsFrank born about 1925
MillsGay born about 1886
MillsGrover born about 1883
MillsGrover Ronnieborn about 1924
MillsHenry born about 1927
MillsHer?ley born about 1898
MillsHerbert born about 1930
MillsJ Dborn about 1922
MillsJ Wborn about 1931
MillsLela born about 1897
MillsMargaret born about 1930
MillsMildred born about 1932
MillsNorman born about 1890
MillsOllie born about 1913
MillsPauline born about 1937
MillsRetha born about 1928
MillsRobert born about 1929
MillsRoy born about 1935
MillsSallie born about 1904
MillsSle?dora born about 1935
MillsVerla born about 1927
MillsWorth born about 1937
MooreDorothy born about 1917
MooreEvelyn born about 1938
MooreJ ???born about 1882
MooreJ M Jrborn about 1921
MooreJohn Hborn about 1911
MooreMinnie born about 1883
MooreVirginia born about 1924
MorganOla born about 1870
MorganWilf Tborn about 1871
MorrisJohn Dborn about 1940
MorrisPeggy born about 1936
MorrisRuby born about 1914
MorrisSam born about 1910
MorrisSamuel Jr born about 1938
MoserCharles born about 1935
MoserJ Frankborn about 1905
MoserKate born about 1912
MoserNeil born about 1932
MosseBettie born about 1873
MosseJames Cborn about 1874
Mullis??? born about 1928
Mullis??? born about 1930
Mullis??? Eborn about 1895
MullisCalvin born about 1887
MullisF Eborn about 1924
MullisJ Cborn about 1924
MullisJohn Bborn about 1927
MullisLee born about 1937
MullisNell born about 1933
MullisPat born about 1939
MullisRuth born about 1920
MyersCaroline born about 1873
MyersVester born about 1913

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N Surnames

NashAnnie Maeborn about 1897
NashDavid born about 1929
NashEldess born about 1926
NashHeath born about 1931
NashHelen born about 1934
NashRaymond Lborn about 1896
NashVerla born about 1925
Nelton??? born about 1911
NeltonErling born about 1933
NeltonMabel born about 1937

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O Surnames

OrsHelen Fayeborn about 1913

P Surnames

ParkerBeth Eborn about 1934
ParkerBilly born about 1922
ParkerFred born about 1926
ParkerHamilton born about 1910
ParkerHenry born about 1883
ParkerKate born about 1886
ParkerKatharine Aborn about 1935
ParkerMax Fborn about 1918
ParkerMyrtle born about 1920
ParkerStayford born about 1891
ParkerVivian born about 1913
PerryAlberta born about 1915
PerryAron born about 1923
PerryAron born about 1930
PerryDavid born about 1905
PerryDora born about 1917
PerryJames born about 1919
PerryJonathan born about 1921
PerryLily born about 1885
PerryMary born about 1913
PerryWill Tborn about 1889
Phifer??? born about 1893
PhiferEllen born about 1854
PhiferEthel born about 1922
PhiferHurley born about 1895
PhiferHurley Jr born about 1921
PhiferJ Cborn about 1926
PhiferJames born about 1916
PhiferLela born about 1900
PhiferMax born about 1931
PhiferRonnie born about 1928
PhiferRuby born about 1924
PhiferSherley born about 1937
PhillipsAmy born about 1892
PhillipsCharles born about 1927
PhillipsMyrtle born about 1928
PierceAnnie born about 1898
PierceEvelyn born about 1916
PierceHarold born about 1918
PierceRoland born about 1923
PierceThomas born about 1892
PierceVera born about 1921
PiggHall born about 1925
PiggHueston born about 1919
PiggJames born about 1931
PiggJess Mborn about 1888
PiggMildred born about 1923
PiggOllie born about 1898
PiggVann born about 1920
PlylerDeggie born about 1931
PlylerFrancis born about 1927
PlylerJohn born about 1905
PlylerJohn Fborn about 1933
PlylerMary born about 1911
Pope??? born about 1939
Pope??? Leeborn about 1868
PopeAddie born about 1876
PopeAnnie Pborn about 1926
PopeArce Cborn about 1876
PopeArce Jr born about 1925
PopeBessie born about 1911
PopeBessie born about 1933
PopeBetty Joyceborn about 1937
PopeCecil born about 1937
PopeClifford born about 1931
PopeDonald Leeborn about 1933
PopeEarl born about 1936
PopeEdmond born about 1906
PopeElla Jeanborn about 1933
PopeEmeley born about 1875
PopeEmma born about 1904
PopeEreel born about 1928
PopeEugenia born about 1929
PopeEula born about 1908
PopeFred born about 1927
PopeGeorgie born about 1925
PopeGorg born about 1939
PopeJames Dborn about 1903
PopeJames Dborn about 1915
PopeJessie born about 1912
PopeJulias born about 1893
PopeKatherine born about 1887
PopeLouise born about 1935
PopeLoyd born about 1935
PopeLula born about 1901
PopeLuther born about 1907
PopeMeggie born about 1899
PopeMildred born about 1916
PopeMildred born about 1932
PopeMorris born about 1938
PopeNathan born about 1938
PopePaul born about 1909
PopePearl born about 1897
PopeR Jborn about 1930
PopeRemalle born about 1929
PopeRoy born about 1909
PopeShirley born about 1936
PopeStanley born about 1940
PopeVernice born about 1912
PopeVirgie born about 1927
PopeVivie born about 1931
PopeWinfred born about 1923
PopeYates born about 1934
PorterClementine born about 1879
Presley??? born about 1924
PresleyCarrie born about 1895
PresleyClayton born about 1932
PresleyFaye born about 1927
PresleyMary Deanborn about 1922
PresleyRonald born about 1936
PressleyLouise born about 1922
PressleyPayne Hborn about 1922
PressonGed Bborn about 1876
PressonSarah born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaveHeath born about 1931
ReapArge Jr born about 1930
ReapEthel born about 1911
ReapLucile born about 1939
ReapLucy born about 1928
Redfearn??? born about 1887
RedfearnAnna Rborn about 1924
RedfearnBeatrice born about 1915
RedfearnBetha born about 1891
RedfearnCorrie born about 1874
RedfearnFrankie born about 1899
RedfearnJoseph born about 1911
RedfearnLea??ra born about 1918
RedfearnLucy born about 1922
RedfearnRobert born about 1893
RedfearnRoy ???born about 1872
RedfearnWillie born about 1936
RedfernHubert born about 1937
ReglerEdgar born about 1920
ReglerEdward born about 1932
ReglerMarshal born about 1912
ReglerMay born about 1922
ReglerPauline born about 1891
ReglerWilliam born about 1925
RellinaHenry Leeborn about 1919
RichardsonLeonard born about 1902
RinesHenry born about 1909
RinesJeff born about 1878
RinesLee born about 1877
RinesLee born about 1905
Robinson??? born about 1893
RobinsonAline born about 1931
RobinsonAndrena born about 1922
RobinsonCarl born about 1919
RobinsonCarlie Leeborn about 1928
RobinsonCharlie born about 1887
RobinsonDaisy Maeborn about 1925
RobinsonDelia Mayborn about 1895
RobinsonElizabeth born about 1922
RobinsonEugene born about 1919
RobinsonHazel Leeborn about 1932
RobinsonIrene born about 1929
RobinsonJames born about 1922
RobinsonJessie born about 1885
RobinsonJoh??lee born about 1936
RobinsonJohn Henryborn about 1930
RobinsonJosephia born about 1934
RobinsonLea?dy born about 1923
RobinsonMargaret born about 1925
RobinsonMaria born about 1917
RobinsonMilton born about 1924
RobinsonPat born about 1873
RobinsonRobert born about 1921
RobinsonSallie born about 1890
RobinsonTessie born about 1912
RobinsonThomas Jr born about 1936
RobinsonWillie born about 1926
RogasAnnie born about 1913
RogasJames Fborn about 1911
RogasMary Lborn about 1936
RogersAddie born about 1867
RogersConnie born about 1906
RogersEdmond born about 1896
RogersJeanette born about 1918
RogersPearl Pborn about 1883
RogersVann Bborn about 1917
RogersVirginia born about 1881
RogersVivian Eborn about 1939
RollinsCalvin Lborn about 1913
RollinsJerry Cborn about 1937
RollinsJohn Eborn about 1885
RollinsPhyllis Eborn about 1939
RollinsVera Mborn about 1915
RopersMary born about 1892
RopersWilson born about 1875
RorieAlin born about 1910
RorieElaine born about 1936
RorieEmmett born about 1923
RorieGary born about 1939
RorieHerbert born about 1938
RorieJulia born about 1881
RorieMary born about 1873
RoriePeggy born about 1926
RorieRupert Wborn about 1880
RorieRuth born about 1915
RosieGertrude born about 1893
RosieHarold Bborn about 1928
RosieJohn Bborn about 1890
RosieJohn Jr born about 1926
RosieRalph Jborn about 1918
RosieVera born about 1924
RuchingCharlie Cborn about 1876
RuchingMaratta Vborn about 1878
RushingAnnie born about 1893
RushingBilly Kborn about 1926
RushingBoscan born about 1890
RushingBryce born about 1915
RushingBryce Aborn about 1887
RushingC Charlesborn about 1923
RushingClarence born about 1931
RushingGeorge Aborn about 1918
RushingLeola born about 1890
RushingLouise born about 1925
RushingNell born about 1936
RushingPauline born about 1921
RushingRobert born about 1928
RushingWade born about 1932
RutsyGeorgia born about 1920
RutsyMaurice born about 1939
RutsyWade born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SelyClaude born about 1920
Siker??? Hborn about 1884
SikerLily born about 1886
SimpsonJack born about 1913
SimpsonLilly born about 1907
SimsAllen born about 1938
SimsClara born about 1935
SimsErcel born about 1932
SimsGeneva born about 1925
SimsHoward born about 1925
SimsJoel born about 1929
SimsMinnie born about 1907
SimsWilliam born about 1886
SmallEleise born about 1923
SmallJ Wadeborn about 1898
SmallMildred born about 1929
SmallOna born about 1899
SmallWade Jborn about 1920
Smith??? Jborn about 1889
SmithAnnie Leeborn about 1924
SmithBell Rborn about 1894
SmithBilly ???born about 1935
SmithEula born about 1917
SmithFannie born about 1895
SmithJames born about 1908
SmithJohn Jborn about 1873
SmithKatherine born about 1934
SmithLois born about 1914
SmithMargaret Annborn about 1934
SmithMark born about 1888
SmithMartha born about 1928
SmithMartha Mellborn about 1922
SmithMarvin born about 1924
SmithMary born about 1928
SmithMaxine born about 1937
SmithNeil born about 1926
SmithSallie born about 1891
SmithSammie born about 1930
SmithSteve born about 1911
SmithWarren born about 1939
SneadAnnie Maeborn about 1938
SneadClegg born about 1906
SneadFrancis born about 1907
SneadMaurice born about 1926
SneedAlvin born about 1931
SneedCarol born about 1936
SneedH Calvinborn about 1938
SneedJ Calvinborn about 1863
SneedMettie Eborn about 1881
SneedMildred born about 1916
SneedRuth born about 1939
SneedVann born about 1912
SneedW Dborn about 1933
SnipesBobbie Joeborn about 1935
SnipesClaude born about 1908
SnipesEunice born about 1915
SnipesMartin born about 1875
SnipesMinnie born about 1874
SnipesShirley born about 1937
SnyderE Rufusborn about 1872
SnyderSusan Eborn about 1869
Starnes??? born about 1888
StarnesBerdie born about 1917
StarnesBert born about 1881
StarnesFannie born about 1919
StarnesGeorge born about 1936
StarnesJohnnie born about 1929
StarnesMary Eborn about 1924
StarnesMiner born about 1931
StatonAllene born about 1914
StatonJohn Sborn about 1908
StatonMinnie born about 1913
StatonRaymond born about 1913
StegallBernice Fborn about 1940
StegallBetty Jeanborn about 1931
StegallEffie Bborn about 1909
StegallNeil Eborn about 1903
StegallRuth born about 1933
Sturdivant??? Tborn about 1919
SturdivantFaye born about 1900
SturdivantJames born about 1853
SturdivantMae Eborn about 1938
SturdivantMamie Lborn about 1920
SturdivantWillie Eborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TadlockBridie born about 1920
TadlockBruce born about 1925
TadlockCarol born about 1939
TadlockElizabeth born about 1924
TadlockGlenn born about 1940
TadlockHenry Lborn about 1900
TadlockHenry Jr born about 1927
TadlockJane Wborn about 1933
TadlockJanie Lborn about 1934
TadlockLee born about 1916
TadlockLola born about 1902
TadlockMabel born about 1919
TadlockOla born about 1892
TadlockRobert Vborn about 1937
TadlockSidney born about 1930
TadlockWille born about 1894
TannerDaisy born about 1893
TannerJames Gborn about 1927
TarletonBessie born about 1899
TarletonBetty Jo Aborn about 1935
TarletonJean born about 1927
TarletonJohn born about 1895
TartBarbara born about 1929
TartCurtis born about 1930
TartLee born about 1932
TartOllie born about 1900
TartPreston Jr born about 1927
TaylorCarl born about 1910
TaylorDelaine born about 1937
TaylorFrancis born about 1916
TaylorSherold born about 1939
TealEdna born about 1880
TealThomas born about 1871
Thomas??? Wborn about 1907
Thomas??llin Mborn about 1939
ThomasDorthy born about 1925
ThomasGladys born about 1912
ThomasGlenn born about 1936
ThomasGuy Rborn about 1887
ThomasHenry Wborn about 1912
ThomasHoyle Jborn about 1907
ThomasIva Leoborn about 1916
ThomasJerry born about 1937
ThomasJohnnie Leeborn about 1938
ThomasMary Tborn about 1932
ThomasMaurice born about 1939
ThomasMildred born about 1916
ThomasPaul born about 1909
ThomasRosalie born about 1895
ThomasWayne Mborn about 1934
ThomasWilliam Wborn about 1930
ThomasZeb Mborn about 1922
ThompsonFrancis born about 1859
ThreattMinor born about 1914
ThreattRuth born about 1916
ThreattShirley Maeborn about 1938
TotiBernice born about 1938
TotiBernie Maeborn about 1915
TotiBeulah Mborn about 1932
TotiJames born about 1931
TotiJohnnie Jr born about 1936
TotiMary Leneborn about 1935
TrecottAda born about 1935
TrecottCarrie born about 1895
TrecottEustaline born about 1924
TrecottEvan born about 1927
TrecottMarvin born about 1933
TrecottRay born about 1925
TrecottRemers born about 1885
TrecottSam born about 1930
TrecottVertie born about 1927
TrullEmmett born about 1911
TrullJ Vernonborn about 1875
TrullRena born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldenBonnie Leeborn about 1933
WaldenDoris Jeanborn about 1937
WaldenE Juniorborn about 1921
WaldenIra Jr born about 1927
WaldenJack born about 1923
WaldenLouise born about 1935
WaldenMinnie born about 1907
WaldenRaymond born about 1917
WaldenThelma born about 1930
WalkerAlma Cborn about 1939
WalkerEnoch Pborn about 1917
WalkerWilma born about 1923
WallaceBurke born about 1914
WallaceDorothy born about 1919
WallaceFaye Nellborn about 1939
Walters??? born about 1906
WaltersEthel born about 1906
Watson??? born about 1908
WatsonNellie Mborn about 1930
WatsonPhyllis Aborn about 1939
WatsonSarah Annborn about 1906
WebbCarol born about 1929
WebbEugene Hborn about 1892
WebbIda born about 1896
WebbIrma born about 1932
WebbLydia Rborn about 1862
WebbMyron born about 1927
WebbNorma born about 1923
WhiteAlger born about 1921
WhiteBelle born about 1874
WhiteBookunt born about 1927
WhiteCrawford born about 1930
WhiteEarl born about 1924
WhiteEthel born about 1922
WhiteFrancis born about 1926
WhiteGeorge born about 1889
WhiteManie born about 1934
WhiteSally born about 1891
WhiteWallace born about 1929
WilliamsDavid born about 1923
WilliamsEdna born about 1916
WilliamsEffie Nellborn about 1926
WilliamsEva born about 1899
WilliamsFairley born about 1890
WilliamsGeneva born about 1895
WilliamsGeorge born about 1927
WilliamsHazelene born about 1922
WilliamsJoe Edborn about 1934
WilliamsJohn born about 1919
WilliamsMattie Maeborn about 1930
WilliamsNorma Leeborn about 1920
WilliamsOlen born about 1931
WilliamsThomas born about 1889
WilliamsThomas Jborn about 1923
WrightAda born about 1924
WrightAngie born about 1929
WrightBessie born about 1906
WrightFlora born about 1922
WrightHarrison born about 1922
WrightJunior born about 1922
WrightKate Leeborn about 1937
WrightMary Dorisborn about 1935
WrightOla born about 1939
WrightVern born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YandleCarolyn born about 1937
YandleGerry born about 1935
YandleMary born about 1911
YandleRay Aborn about 1908

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