1940 U.S. Federal Census of Magnolia, Duplin, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Duplin County > 1940 Census of Magnolia

A SurnamesH SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AldermanMaggie born about 1872
AldermanMary born about 1868
AshfullyAnnie Maeborn about 1919
AshfullyJoe born about 1916

B Surnames

BakerAllie Lborn about 1909
BakerAlma born about 1917
BakerAlsie born about 1901
BakerAlvin born about 1924
BakerAnnie Dborn about 1873
BakerAustin born about 1933
BakerClara Mborn about 1927
BakerDoris born about 1928
BakerEarle born about 1937
BakerEster born about 1926
BakerFranklin born about 1930
BakerJacob Fborn about 1902
BakerJessie Hborn about 1901
BakerJoseph born about 1919
BakerJoseph Hborn about 1866
BakerMable born about 1936
BakerMargle Tborn about 1929
BakerNellie Hborn about 1882
BakerNellie Mborn about 1912
BakerNorwood born about 1924
BardenEdith born about 1900
BardenEl??? born about 1916
BardenFrancel born about 1928
BardenMarion born about 1923
BardenMary born about 1895
BardenMary Sborn about 1934
BardenRichard born about 1890
BardenWillie Jborn about 1898
BarnettLess born about 1876
BarnettMarth A Mborn about 1871
BarrLouise Kborn about 1907
BarrPaul born about 1895
BaskJames born about 1909
BaskLottie Mborn about 1916
BaskRoy born about 1938
BassLouise born about 1900
BassWesslie born about 1893
BattsDuan born about 1938
BattsJanice born about 1939
BattsJohn Aborn about 1868
BattsLeslie born about 1900
BattsMaude born about 1914
BattsNellie Bborn about 1904
BattsShelton born about 1908
BeasleyCharles Aborn about 1934
BeasleyEarl Jborn about 1903
BeasleyEarl Mborn about 1938
BeasleyEthel Eborn about 1905
BeasleyLon ???born about 1878
BeasleyMartha Eborn about 1913
BeasleyMary Aborn about 1883
BeasleyMary Kborn about 1936
BeasleyMattie born about 1883
BeasleyMattie born about 1888
BeasleyWilliam Gborn about 1909
BeattyLena Jborn about 1869
BellClydia Eborn about 1895
BellGeorge Fborn about 1922
BellGeorge Mborn about 1888
BellLewis Dborn about 1925
BellWalter Eborn about 1928
BestFrank born about 1885
BestJoyce born about 1935
BestRena born about 1889
BestSe??? born about 1929
BethiaFrank born about 1903
BethiaFrank born about 1939
BethiaMary Aborn about 1881
BethiaMildred born about 1919
BetteTerlie Dborn about 1936
BishopAlton Rborn about 1934
BishopBertha born about 1912
BishopCarrie Eborn about 1883
BishopDavid Aborn about 1935
BishopDavid Rborn about 1915
BishopDorthy Kborn about 1932
BishopGrover born about 1890
BishopIdell born about 1915
BishopIrene born about 1873
BishopJames Henryborn about 1905
BishopJames Wborn about 1940
BishopJohn Cborn about 1908
BishopJohn Oborn about 1883
BishopOwen Sborn about 1909
BishopWilliam Rborn about 1870
BishopWilma Gborn about 1939
BlanchardBosco?? Gborn about 1887
BlanchardHattie Hborn about 1870
BlanchardJames Gborn about 1920
BlanchardKatherine Aborn about 1938
BlanchardListon Fborn about 1917
BlanchardLula born about 1920
BlanchardMargaret born about 1927
BlanchardSallie born about 1887
BlanchardWilliam Gborn about 1915
BlandCharles Vborn about 1937
BlandJames born about 1894
BlandJames Oborn about 1930
BlandJesse Cborn about 1937
BlandL??? Fborn about 1936
BlandMaggie born about 1910
BlandMaggie Rborn about 1933
BlandRosa Mborn about 1939
BlantonEdgar Fborn about 1876
BodgenArelia born about 1925
BodgenBertrend born about 1936
BodgenCharles Tborn about 1938
BodgenJames Hborn about 1931
BodgenJohn Hborn about 1904
BodgenMacy Lborn about 1908
BodgenMacy Lborn about 1933
BodgenMagie Sborn about 1939
BodgenMarjorie born about 1934
BodgenVernett born about 1926
BodgenWilliam born about 1928
BonumHazel born about 1917
BonumMary Eborn about 1877
BonumNathan ???born about 1902
BonumNathan Wborn about 1860
BonumThomas Cborn about 1936
BooneBetty Eborn about 1935
BooneClark born about 1902
BooneErnest Hborn about 1894
BooneHenry Kborn about 1938
BooneJames born about 1912
BooneLloyd Qborn about 1939
BooneMarind* Jborn about 1911
BooneMartha Aborn about 1913
BooneSara Eborn about 1933
BooneWillie Gborn about 1928
BorneElbert Rborn about 1922
BorneHubert Lborn about 1933
BorneLilly Mborn about 1928
BorneLouise born about 1925
BorneMaglean born about 1936
BorneMary Jborn about 1861
BornePreston Oborn about 1920
BorneRaymond Gborn about 1901
BorneShirley Gborn about 1938
BorneSudie born about 1903
BornerBe?lu? Bborn about 1934
BornerCharlie born about 1895
BornerKing Aborn about 1934
BornerMary born about 1901
BornhillHayes born about 1902
BornhillJames Cborn about 1930
BornhillLouise born about 1911
BornhillMclean born about 1938
BornhillRuby Mborn about 1935
BornhillWillie Hborn about 1933
BosticAdolph born about 1924
BosticMarlow born about 1921
BosticMelza born about 1922
BosticMilton born about 1926
BosticWarren Lborn about 1897
BosticWilma born about 1898
BoswellBettie Cborn about 1936
BoswellCharles Eborn about 1934
BoswellLaura Eborn about 1908
BoswellWilliam Lborn about 1930
BouseAde Sborn about 1887
BouseArchey Lborn about 1921
BouseElmore born about 1923
BowdenAnna Pborn about 1931
BowdenCisroe born about 1898
BowdenGladys born about 1900
BowdenHerbert born about 1933
BowdenJames born about 1935
BowdenLone Eborn about 1924
BowdenMary Hborn about 1922
BowdenMary Tborn about 1939
BowdenRivers born about 1921
BowdenSingletary born about 1894
BowdenVernela born about 1924
BowdenVernon born about 1929
BowdenWillie born about 1920
Bradshaw??? Aborn about 1868
BradshawArley Fborn about 1915
BradshawBaphne born about 1925
BradshawBobby Jborn about 1939
BradshawClara born about 1913
BradshawCynthia Cborn about 1932
BradshawDary Dborn about 1908
BradshawDonald Rborn about 1936
BradshawElsie Dborn about 1929
BradshawEva Eborn about 1892
BradshawEva Mborn about 1911
BradshawHarfard born about 1922
BradshawIcey Mborn about 1883
BradshawJennie born about 1895
BradshawJesse Jborn about 1932
BradshawJoseph born about 1918
BradshawMarvin born about 1892
BradshawMarvin Fborn about 1919
BradshawMelva Iborn about 1916
BradshawMildred Aborn about 1932
BradshawNernnie Lborn about 1892
BradshawOma born about 1898
BradshawOwen Gborn about 1898
BradshawR?? born about 1923
BradshawSamuel Tborn about 1878
BradshawSherlie Mborn about 1934
BradshawWilliam ???born about 1934
BradshawWilliam Wborn about 1900
BradshawWilliam W Jrborn about 1932
BriceBettt Lborn about 1939
BriceClara Lborn about 1909
BriceEdwin Cborn about 1905
BrightArletha born about 1927
BrightArm??? born about 1922
BrightCa???e born about 1924
BrightCar???y born about 1927
BrightCleeve born about 1888
BrightErnest born about 1921
BrightFrancis born about 1886
BrightIdella born about 1884
BrightJoe born about 1884
BrightLena born about 1893
BrightPearl born about 1886
BrightStacy born about 1920
BrockL Dborn about 1902
BrooksBessie born about 1922
BrooksElenor Gborn about 1938
BrooksJohn Dborn about 1914
BrooksL Robertborn about 1885
BrooksLillian Pborn about 1918
BrooksLula born about 1885
BrooksMaebell born about 1917
BrooksMinnie born about 1874
BrooksNorman born about 1909
BrooksWilbert born about 1910
BrooksWilbert Eborn about 1939
BrooksWilliam born about 1902
BrownAlvak Lborn about 1892
BrownEdith born about 1930
BrownEmma Kborn about 1933
BrownGarland Lborn about 1934
BrownHilda Bborn about 1936
BrownLayton Eborn about 1895
BrownLillie Mborn about 1901
BrownLinwood Aborn about 1928
BrownMary Hborn about 1925
BrownMary Susanborn about 1935
BrownNella Fborn about 1938
BrownPatsy Rborn about 1939
BrownRuth born about 1911
Brown1Charles Hborn about 1938
Brown1Dasie Bborn about 1909
Brown1John Hborn about 1892
Brown1Virgie Gborn about 1939
Brown1Walter Hborn about 1932
Brown1Willie Jborn about 1927
BryantDalphus born about 1880
BryantElly born about 1884
BryantGeorge Wborn about 1937
BryantJakie born about 1916
BryantKatherine born about 1935
BryantLillian born about 1925
BryantLorena born about 1915
BryantMary Gborn about 1927
BryantMary Jborn about 1875
BryantMary Rosonborn about 1926
BryantMathew born about 1906
BryantOphelia born about 1906
BryantRena born about 1884
BryantS??? born about 1918
BryantSova born about 1876
BurtonRobert Wborn about 1871
ByrdBenjamin Fborn about 1907
ByrdDavid Oborn about 1924
ByrdFrank born about 1913
ByrdIrene Cborn about 1912
ByrdLouis Fborn about 1870
ByrdMary Fborn about 1880
ByrdSusan Fborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CakerAddie Bborn about 1906
CakerLottie born about 1914
CarbbuthDewey Jborn about 1928
CarbbuthEliza Cborn about 1907
CarbbuthGladys Jborn about 1939
CarbbuthGoldie Mborn about 1924
CarbbuthHarvey Gborn about 1899
CarbbuthMargret Oborn about 1930
CarbbuthWilliam Gborn about 1933
CarltonAda Eborn about 1877
CarltonAllie Lborn about 1915
CarltonAna born about 1895
CarltonAnnette born about 1914
CarltonB Nborn about 1920
CarltonCadzo Pborn about 1933
CarltonCarrol Jborn about 1934
CarltonDorch born about 1926
CarltonEdward Eborn about 1921
CarltonEfferson born about 1901
CarltonEldon born about 1905
CarltonElizabeth born about 1922
CarltonElme Dborn about 1922
CarltonEmma born about 1903
CarltonEmma Jborn about 1924
CarltonEugene Rborn about 1905
CarltonFlora born about 1900
CarltonGeorge Fborn about 1917
CarltonHarry born about 1916
CarltonHenry Tborn about 1894
CarltonIda Cborn about 1919
CarltonIla born about 1913
CarltonJames born about 1887
CarltonJohn Mborn about 1918
CarltonKeith born about 1931
CarltonLillie Bborn about 1914
CarltonLoretta Dborn about 1934
CarltonMargaret Hborn about 1937
CarltonMargie Sborn about 1894
CarltonMarie born about 1934
CarltonMary Mborn about 1897
CarltonMathew Jborn about 1870
CarltonMildred Eborn about 1927
CarltonNancy Vborn about 1925
CarltonOliver Sborn about 1896
CarltonOsca born about 1874
CarltonPearly born about 1905
CarltonPheobe born about 1932
CarltonRamsom Rborn about 1922
CarltonRoberta born about 1926
CarltonRosa Maeborn about 1921
CarltonRose Ellenborn about 1876
CarltonRuby born about 1930
CarltonRuth Mborn about 1920
CarltonRuth Vborn about 1930
CarltonWillie Gborn about 1910
CarltonWillie Gborn about 1930
CarrAlma Eborn about 1912
CarrAubery born about 1938
CarrBerta Mborn about 1921
CarrBessie Wborn about 1904
CarrCrawford born about 1933
CarrElbert born about 1923
CarrElma Lborn about 1930
CarrEster H Pborn about 1934
CarrFaith Aborn about 1939
CarrFrancis* Lborn about 1930
CarrFred born about 1889
CarrGraham born about 1910
CarrH Aborn about 1925
CarrHattie Jborn about 1889
CarrHattie Rborn about 1906
CarrHuby born about 1920
CarrIsaac born about 1887
CarrJames born about 1904
CarrJames Oborn about 1931
CarrJanice born about 1936
CarrJimen born about 1903
CarrJohn born about 1883
CarrJohn Rborn about 1893
CarrJohnie Bborn about 1923
CarrLaura Bborn about 1932
CarrLeroy born about 1918
CarrLimi?el born about 1934
CarrLonnie Mborn about 1928
CarrMallie born about 1885
CarrMarlow born about 1925
CarrMaxine born about 1935
CarrNellie born about 1891
CarrRayfus Jr born about 1930
CarrRobert born about 1903
CarrRobert Eborn about 1926
CarrWilliam born about 1926
CarrWillie Eborn about 1928
CarrWillie Jborn about 1924
CarrWillis born about 1873
CarrollEunice Mborn about 1934
CarrollFrankie born about 1906
CarrollJohn Dborn about 1937
CarrollNiva Leeborn about 1936
CarrollThomas Nborn about 1900
CasteenAlvin Jr born about 1910
CasteenBertie born about 1922
CasteenBeulah Fborn about 1887
CasteenEffie born about 1929
CasteenNellie Nborn about 1917
CasteenNorman born about 1923
CasteenSam Wborn about 1886
CasteenThelma Lborn about 1920
CasteenVirginia born about 1925
CasteenWilliam born about 1913
CasteenWilton born about 1927
CavanughCarlayne born about 1927
CavanughCyrus Wborn about 1903
CavanughJulius Rborn about 1923
CavanughMelrose born about 1931
CavanughMelvene born about 1929
CavanughVera born about 1907
Chestnutt?moloy born about 1917
ChestnuttAlma Eborn about 1922
ChestnuttAlma Oborn about 1937
ChestnuttAnnet Jborn about 1939
ChestnuttArthur born about 1919
ChestnuttBarbra Cborn about 1888
ChestnuttCaldonia Eborn about 1866
ChestnuttCecil Eborn about 1882
ChestnuttCharlott Aborn about 1887
ChestnuttClemon Oborn about 1914
ChestnuttDavis born about 1926
ChestnuttE??? born about 1918
ChestnuttEdward Lborn about 1917
ChestnuttEffie born about 1895
ChestnuttEmma Mborn about 1871
ChestnuttFitzhugh born about 1939
ChestnuttFranklin Hborn about 1934
ChestnuttGrover Cborn about 1895
ChestnuttHattie born about 1929
ChestnuttHoward born about 1933
ChestnuttHubert born about 1913
ChestnuttIsabella born about 1883
ChestnuttJohn Kborn about 1876
ChestnuttJudd Rborn about 1898
ChestnuttKatherine born about 1923
ChestnuttLonell born about 1936
ChestnuttLonnie born about 1893
ChestnuttMabel born about 1917
ChestnuttMacey Iborn about 1921
ChestnuttMary Tborn about 1906
ChestnuttMildred born about 1918
ChestnuttN Marieborn about 1918
ChestnuttNorwood born about 1924
ChestnuttPheobia Lborn about 1937
ChestnuttRay born about 1928
ChestnuttRep born about 1883
ChestnuttSaddie born about 1891
ChestnuttSidney Jborn about 1926
ChestnuttWilliam Pborn about 1886
ChestnuttWillie Eborn about 1934
ClementLucille born about 1921
ColliesRoland Eborn about 1915
CoxAnn Eborn about 1861
CoxMary born about 1875
CromAnnie Fborn about 1897
CromAnnie Wborn about 1896
CromOswald Aborn about 1924
CromRichard Lborn about 1899
CroomA Mayeborn about 1897
CroomCecil Eborn about 1864
CroomDaisie Nborn about 1876
CroomJohn Rborn about 1894
CroomL Louiseborn about 1897
CroomLeah Bborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaewChancy Lborn about 1885
DaewDollie Maeborn about 1915
DaewMary born about 1922
DaewNancy Sborn about 1884
DaewNancy Sborn about 1920
DailDelilah born about 1886
DailLeslie Dborn about 1886
DailLeslie Dborn about 1924
DailMartha Cborn about 1920
DailMerle born about 1921
DakesAtlas Aborn about 1904
DakesAtlas Jborn about 1937
DakesEthel Mborn about 1910
DakesLena Cborn about 1929
DakesNellie Lborn about 1934
DaveEdna Dborn about 1918
DaveEmma Lborn about 1920
DaveJim Hborn about 1891
DaveJohn Wborn about 1878
DaveMagnolia born about 1891
DavisDelois born about 1938
DavisMargie born about 1868
DewittAnnie Maeborn about 1914
DewittAnnie Rborn about 1938
DewittDavid Eborn about 1935
DewittDora Lborn about 1934
DewittJo Thomasborn about 1930
DewittKatie born about 1877
DewittRetha Maeborn about 1931
DewittThomas born about 1907
DixonClara born about 1912
DixonFrancis born about 1883
DixonIda born about 1895
DixonOdell born about 1922
DixonPaul Lborn about 1918
DixonRobert born about 1885
DixonRosa Bborn about 1919
DixonWillie born about 1924
DixonWillie Lborn about 1912
DrewAddie Kborn about 1876
DrewAlice Kborn about 1926
DrewAllen Eborn about 1924
DrewAmila* Dborn about 1938
DrewAnna Jborn about 1933
DrewEddie Sborn about 1892
DrewElma Mborn about 1903
DrewEula Bborn about 1934
DrewGaither Cborn about 1913
DrewJames Rborn about 1936
DrewJames Vborn about 1931
DrewJennie Tborn about 1893
DrewJohn Eborn about 1931
DrewJohn Wborn about 1876
DrewJr Lession Fborn about 1928
DrewKatie Jborn about 1909
DrewLellie Bborn about 1903
DrewLena Cborn about 1889
DrewLeslie Jborn about 1928
DrewLucian Cborn about 1861
DrewLucian Fborn about 1907
DrewLula born about 1904
DrewLula Mborn about 1930
DrewMargaret born about 1871
DrewMary ???born about 1933
DrewNancy Aborn about 1932
DrewRachel Sborn about 1936
DrewRobert Tborn about 1935
DrewRose Marieborn about 1938
DunChristine born about 1927
DunEmma Jborn about 1889
DunLeroy born about 1924
DunLloyd Jborn about 1915
DunOscar Dborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardsAlmena Nborn about 1903
EdwardsCora Bborn about 1898
EdwardsEhel Bborn about 1891
EdwardsGeorge ???born about 1895
EdwardsGeorge Aborn about 1924
EdwardsLizzie Gborn about 1884
EllisAr??tha Mborn about 1895
EllisSivie Cborn about 1886
ElwellCharlie Rborn about 1925
ElwellEddie J Jrborn about 1921
ElwellEddie J Srborn about 1888
ElwellMargaret Aborn about 1901
ElwellMargret Eborn about 1922
ElwellMary Fborn about 1924
ElwellWeida Mborn about 1927
EvansAnnie Eborn about 1917
EvansBen Fborn about 1888
EvansClaude born about 1882
EvansDavis born about 1928
EvansElla Mborn about 1898
EvansGladys born about 1926
EvansPauline born about 1934
EvansThurman born about 1922
EvansWilliam Eborn about 1922
EveretteAnn Mborn about 1859
EveretteCalvin born about 1859
EzzellAlmon born about 1926
EzzellAnnie Mborn about 1900
EzzellBobby Jborn about 1939
EzzellClyde born about 1887
EzzellDasie Jborn about 1905
EzzellDonnell Sborn about 1921
EzzellEdith Rborn about 1939
EzzellEthel born about 1919
EzzellEugene born about 1933
EzzellEva Vborn about 1893
EzzellHarold Cborn about 1916
EzzellJame Eborn about 1924
EzzellKattie Lborn about 1879
EzzellLennie Eborn about 1918
EzzellLois Gborn about 1923
EzzellLoubie Jborn about 1915
EzzellMacy Pborn about 1929
EzzellMartha Iborn about 1920
EzzellMaurice Aborn about 1896
EzzellOshe? Lborn about 1879
EzzellPearly Jborn about 1888
EzzellRamon born about 1906
EzzellWanda Mborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaisonCalvin born about 1889
FaisonCalvin Jr born about 1924
FaisonEstell born about 1933
FaisonJames Eborn about 1921
FaisonJessie Lborn about 1936
FaisonLillie Mborn about 1894
FaisonLucille born about 1921
FaisonMamie Eborn about 1896
FaisonMarion Aborn about 1923
FaisonMildred Lborn about 1933
FaisonPaul born about 1926
FerrellJames Hborn about 1916
FerrellJoe born about 1883
FerrellLennie Eborn about 1886
FerrellLoyd born about 1913
FountainAvie born about 1922
FountainRoy Rborn about 1920
Frederick??? Louiseborn about 1904
Frederick??? Wborn about 1852
FrederickBernice Wborn about 1901
FrederickElla Mborn about 1914
FrederickEmily born about 1933
FrederickGa?haw born about 1912
FrederickHarold Dborn about
FrederickIsh?? Dborn about 1910
FrederickJ Jborn about 1901
FrederickJewell born about 1927
FrederickJohn Cborn about 1934
FrederickLillie Mborn about 1928
FrederickLucille born about 1929
FrederickMargaret Lborn about 1916
FrederickMargaret Lborn about 1937
FrederickMyra born about 1906
FrederickNaydeene born about 1937
FrederickRaymond born about 1931
FrederickRuth Bborn about 1935
FrederickSallie born about 1876
FrederickWilliam Dborn about 1932
FussellBertie born about 1913
FussellBetty Bborn about 1933
FussellEuegene born about 1938
FussellLucian Hborn about 1910
FussellMargaret born about 1909
FussellVirginia born about 1911

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G Surnames

GallapieMary Jborn about 1913
GallapieThomas born about 1909
GallapieWillie Eborn about 1939
GardenAnnabel born about 1888
GardenFrancil born about 1926
GardenFrank Nborn about 1881
GautierHubert born about 1906
GautierSudie born about 1913
GavinEdwin Wborn about 1878
GavinMary Jborn about 1881
GavinMinnie Bborn about 1888
GavinRobert Fborn about 1906
GaylorAddie Vborn about 1900
GaylorAlice Gborn about 1929
GaylorAlton born about 1890
GaylorBettie Hborn about 1922
GaylorDonal Fborn about 1931
GaylorElvin Lborn about 1931
GaylorEmma born about 1899
GaylorGladys Mborn about 1938
GaylorHenry Bborn about 1891
GaylorJames Hborn about 1899
GaylorJames Rborn about 1926
GaylorVictoria Wborn about 1842
GaylorWade Hborn about 1933
GaylorWells Lborn about 1924
GellispeGus born about 1888
GillespeCornelius born about 1919
GillespeDaisy born about 1922
GillispeJames Eborn about 1938
GillispeJerry born about 1871
GillispeJohn Edborn about 1927
GillispeJonie Mborn about 1937
GillispeLilly Bborn about 1894
GillispeMae Lborn about 1921
GillispeNellie born about 1921
GillispeNoah born about 1870
GillispePhillip born about 1923
GillispeRichard Eborn about 1933
GillispeRosa Mborn about 1926
GillispeRuby Wborn about 1930
GillispeRufus born about 1919
GillispeWilliam Cborn about 1940
GillispeWillie Dborn about 1929
GlaspiaAnnie Bborn about 1918
GlaspiaWalter Lborn about 1916
GlaspieFred Cborn about 1939
GlaspieIrene born about 1918
GlaspieJames Rborn about 1914
GlaspieJames Jr born about 1937
GlaspieLorne born about 1935
GrahamBettie Mborn about 1921
GrahamBobby Eborn about 1937
GrahamCharo born about 1922
GrahamDennis born about 1920
GrahamErnest born about 1892
GrahamJesse born about 1916
GrahamLeroy born about 1916
GrahamLessie Bborn about 1923
GrahamMartha Lborn about 1903
GrahamThomas born about 1923
GrahamWilliam born about 1924
GrahamWillie Mborn about 1927
GroverBoney Wborn about 1885
GroverEdna Eborn about 1932
GroverKatherine born about 1928
GroverLena born about 1918
GroverLouise born about 1923
GroverMargie born about 1887
GroverPerry born about 1920
GroverWalter Cborn about 1919
GroverWinnie born about 1922
GrovesRossie Mborn about 1890
GrovesVernon Eborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

Hall??? Aborn about 1933
HallAlice Fborn about 1929
HallAnne born about 1935
HallAnnie Eborn about 1868
HallAnnie Eborn about 1914
HallBlanch Lborn about 1898
HallCalvin born about 1908
HallCaroline born about 1869
HallCharlie Hborn about 1889
HallDennis born about 1895
HallErnest born about 1935
HallEtta Maeborn about 1933
HallFaison born about 1934
HallFlora Aborn about 1909
HallFrances Nborn about 1930
HallGeorge Fborn about 1940
HallGo??lon born about 1929
HallGracie born about 1931
HallHelen Eborn about 1933
HallHenry Hborn about 1901
HallIrene born about 1931
HallJames Lborn about 1931
HallJemery born about 1909
HallJoe Qborn about 1904
HallJohn Lborn about 1898
HallJr Joe born about 1930
HallJulia Aborn about 1909
HallLe Roy born about 1939
HallLouis born about 1927
HallMary Kborn about 1927
HallMary Uborn about 1935
HallMittie born about 1869
HallRebecca born about 1936
HallRosalie born about 1928
HallRosalie Bborn about 1904
HallRose Lborn about 1936
HallRovene born about 1930
HallRoy born about 1905
HallSusan Mborn about 1938
HallSusan Tborn about 1910
HallWilliam Tborn about 1866
HallemanJoseph Cborn about 1916
HallemanLellie Mborn about 1915
HallemanMorison Lborn about 1938
HancheyChancey Eborn about 1879
HancheyCora Eborn about 1879
HancheyE Ettaborn about 1920
HancheyJames Rborn about 1921
HancheySarah Oborn about 1887
HaneyLeroy born about 1920
HaneySara born about 1917
HarteMary Nborn about 1891
HatcherLizzie born about 1881
HaucheyBlanch born about 1913
HaucheyHoward born about 1909
HaucheyWilliam Cborn about 1939
HauseAnnie born about 1877
HeathLennie born about 1886
HeathPerry Jborn about 1873
HellyLizzie Eborn about 1876
HellySamuel Tborn about 1871
HenanMary born about 1874
HermanLouise born about 1921
HermanRobert Mcborn about 1912
HerringBeattrice born about 1910
HerringCenora born about 1932
HerringClarance Mborn about 1929
HerringEldora born about 1930
HerringEunice born about 1923
HerringGeorge Eborn about 1921
HerringHazel born about 1926
HerringInell born about 1939
HerringIrene born about 1932
HerringJames Fborn about 1933
HerringJerry Kborn about 1933
HerringJoe Lborn about 1936
HerringJohn Hborn about 1881
HerringJohn Wborn about 1935
HerringJonny born about 1912
HerringKilly born about 1935
HerringLuther Mborn about 1912
HerringMagie born about 1897
HerringMary Aborn about 1880
HerringMary Cborn about 1938
HerringMinnie Eborn about 1927
HerringThomas Aborn about 1930
HerringThomas Sborn about 1895
HerringWilliam Cborn about 1904
HetcherEvelyn Gborn about 1931
HetcherJarvis born about 1903
HetcherJesse Rborn about 1927
HetcherJr Jarvis born about 1925
HetcherRosa Bborn about 1928
HetcherRosa Jborn about 1909
HillJohn Nborn about 1927
HollandClarence Wborn about 1908
HollandDavid born about 1939
HollandJo Annborn about 1937
HollandMary Eborn about 1912
HollingsWorth Edward Lborn about 1918
HolmerElizabeth Hborn about 1933
HolmerHellen Bborn about 1924
HolmerMary Jborn about 1931
HolmesJohn born about 1875
HolmesMary born about 1869
HolmesTe??? born about 1921
HolmesVeste born about 1915
HoltCora born about 1906
HoltRobert born about 1902
HoltSallie born about 1873
HorneBettie F Jrborn about 1903
HorneBettie F Srborn about 1871
HorneJacob Nborn about 1896
HorneJessie Cborn about 1892
HorneNorwood Cborn about 1922
HoucheyJoyce Aborn about 1940
HoucheyMary ???born about 1918
HoucheyRayford born about 1911
HoucheyRayford Wborn about 1938
HoustonEdgar born about 1877
HoustonJames Dborn about 1921
HoustonJeanette born about 1930
HoustonJosephine born about 1888
HowardFiley Fborn about 1877
HowardJanah Gborn about 1878
HowardJessie Jborn about 1870
HowardLorena born about 1870
HowardRobert born about 1898
HowardRobert ???born about 1933
HowardSadie born about 1900
HowardWilliam Jborn about 1928
HullsVestelen born about 1939
Hunter??? Hborn about 1904
HunterAllice Bborn about 1877
HunterAllice Gborn about 1910
HunterJimmie born about 1936
HunterJohn Fborn about 1912
HunterLorrain born about 1928
HunterMalcy born about 1907
HunterShelton Bborn about 1878
HunterSlulton B Jrborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesAnna born about 1888
JamesAutts born about 1928
JamesBacker Iborn about 1931
JamesCharlie Hborn about 1927
JamesEva Lborn about 1925
JamesGus born about 1893
JamesJohn Aborn about 1932
JamesMarvin born about 1905
JamesMaryland born about 1926
JamesNoah Hborn about 1893
JamesNoah Jr born about 1936
JamesSalle Lborn about 1892
JamesThomas born about 1919
JamesThurman born about 1920
JamesWilliam born about 1925
JamesWillie Aborn about 1938
JamesWinford born about 1907
Johnson??? born about 1914
JohnsonAllen born about 1931
JohnsonAnna Fborn about 1911
JohnsonAr??cus Jborn about 1900
JohnsonArthela born about 1938
JohnsonBertie Hborn about 1901
JohnsonBetty Jborn about 1935
JohnsonClarence Bborn about 1901
JohnsonCora born about 1900
JohnsonDalas Eborn about 1921
JohnsonEdna Sborn about 1912
JohnsonEdward born about 1929
JohnsonEldora Lborn about 1913
JohnsonFred Wborn about 1892
JohnsonGraham born about 1939
JohnsonJames Tborn about 1937
JohnsonJohn born about 1917
JohnsonKenneth born about 1924
JohnsonLewellyn born about 1915
JohnsonLou Tborn about 1939
JohnsonLuciel born about 1899
JohnsonMagie Gborn about 1905
JohnsonMary Tborn about 1931
JohnsonMattie Bborn about 1873
JohnsonMattie Fborn about 1933
JohnsonOsca Cborn about 1874
JohnsonSherwood Aborn about 1938
JohnsonSusan Fborn about 1867
JohnsonThomas born about 1909
JohnsonWilliam Bborn about 1938
JohnsonWillie Gborn about 1926
JohnsonWillie Mborn about 1934
JohnsonWilma Gborn about 1936
JonesCarol Rborn about 1938
JonesCarrie Eborn about 1911
JonesDalas Eborn about 1936
JonesDalas Fborn about 1910
JonesJoyce Aborn about 1935
JoyceAudrey born about 1902
JoyceBettie Mborn about 1924
JoyceCharles Vborn about 1927
JoyceCharlie Vborn about 1902
JoynesCr??? Cborn about 1860
JoynesMinnie born about 1897
JoynesRaymon born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarsDorthy Aborn about 1936
KarsElizabeth born about 1910
KarsElizabeth Oborn about 1938
KarsHaywppd born about 1905
KarsIda Lborn about 1940
KarsRichard born about 1914
KelleyHudson Gborn about 1923
KelleyWilliam Kborn about 1925
KellyAdellia Aborn about 1937
KellyMajor Jborn about 1914
KellyMary Lborn about 1912
KellyNellie Sborn about 1935
KennedyBessie born about 1910
KennedyBurl born about 1909
KennedyRoy Eborn about 1936
KennedyShirley Jborn about 1938
KennedyWilliam Eborn about 1930
KingAlice Cborn about 1923
KingBernard Cborn about 1916
KingElanor Fborn about 1932
KingErnest Cborn about 1921
KingGeorge Bborn about 1879
KingGeorge B Jrborn about 1918
KingLuby Hborn about 1884
KingMaude Mborn about 1885
KingPearl Eborn about 1890
KnowlesMelvin born about 1921
KornegyBr??tus born about 1926
KornegyCollie born about 1927
KornegyDasie born about 1919
KornegyEva born about 1897
KornegyJessie born about 1919
KornegyMildred born about 1924
KornegyRaymon born about 1922
KornegyRichard Hborn about 1892
KornegyWilliam born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambAnnie Lborn about 1936
LambJohn Hborn about 1938
LambJohn Rborn about 1915
LambMary born about 1916
LambRosa Lborn about 1934
LambertIda born about 1876
LambertJulius born about 1877
LaneAlton Tborn about 1935
LaneBooker born about 1901
LaneJerry Dborn about 1933
LaneRaleigh born about 1896
LaneRuby Fborn about 1921
LaneSusie Cborn about 1937
LanierHosen Lborn about 1881
LanierHosen Wborn about 1925
LanierIssac Lborn about 1875
LanierLaura Aborn about 1885
LawinAd??ah born about 1906
LawinAda Mborn about 1904
LawinBilly Rborn about 1938
LawinCalvin Lborn about 1934
LawinHerbert born about 1930
LawinJr Aslmah born about 1927
LawinMa??? Annborn about 1939
LawinMarie born about 1932
LawinPearly born about 1928
LeeAlex Wborn about 1917
LeeErnest Lborn about 1908
LeeFannie Lborn about 1918
LeeFannie Lborn about 1919
LeeGeorge Hborn about 1920
LeeLena born about 1875
LeeLewis born about 1905
LeeLillian Lborn about 1933
LeeMaggie born about 1880
LeeMargaret born about 1919
LeeMorris Dborn about 1932
LeePearline born about 1922
LeeShirley Mborn about 1938
LeeWilliam Fborn about 1935
LenoirElizabeth born about 1924
LenoirEmily born about 1930
LenoirFrankie born about 1926
LenoirJesse Lborn about 1892
LenoirJo Jesse Lborn about 1928
LenoirJoyce born about 1933
LenoirLenn Cborn about 1936
LenoirMartha Eborn about 1905
LenoirPeggy Rborn about 1939
LeonardGeneva born about 1910
LucasAnnie Eborn about 1899
LucasOuida Mborn about 1921
LurettMary Pborn about 1919
LurettRobert Wborn about 1916
LurettRosa Cborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MainonEtl?? Lborn about 1913
MainonIdella born about 1868
MainonJames Wborn about 1906
MainonJoseph Aborn about 1902
MainonWilliam Eborn about 1924
MalpassAnnie Bborn about 1919
MalpassClarence Pborn about 1914
MalpassMary Eborn about 1924
MalpassMary Nborn about 1890
MalpassRose Sborn about 1938
MathewDoris Aborn about 1936
MathewElizabeth born about 1935
MathewFisher born about 1912
MathewJohn Rborn about 1909
MathewLevy Jborn about 1939
MathewManley born about 1934
MathewSadie Lborn about 1930
MathewsAlice born about 1903
MathewsAlice Nborn about 1930
MathewsAnnie born about 1911
MathewsArchie Lborn about 1897
MathewsArchie Wborn about 1928
MathewsBobby Fborn about 1938
MathewsChristine born about 1932
MathewsClara Pborn about 1900
MathewsClude Aborn about 1930
MathewsColen born about 1934
MathewsDavid Cborn about 1885
MathewsDavid Sborn about 1875
MathewsDorthy Mborn about 1926
MathewsEdith born about 1887
MathewsEdith Jborn about 1940
MathewsEdna born about 1927
MathewsEdna Gborn about 1934
MathewsEster Mborn about 1926
MathewsEveline Gborn about 1932
MathewsFannie Lborn about 1892
MathewsGeorge Pborn about 1920
MathewsGoldie Dborn about 1936
MathewsHazel Fborn about 1930
MathewsHelen born about 1927
MathewsInez born about 1925
MathewsJ Pborn about 1923
MathewsJames Mcborn about 1924
MathewsJesse Jborn about 1893
MathewsJo Joeborn about 1922
MathewsJoe born about 1875
MathewsJudge Wborn about 1926
MathewsJunior born about 1937
MathewsJunior Bborn about 1940
MathewsKatherine born about 1939
MathewsLavem born about 1929
MathewsLena born about 1934
MathewsLouise Kborn about 1895
MathewsMarion Hborn about 1936
MathewsMary Aborn about 1926
MathewsMary Fborn about 1863
MathewsMinnie Pborn about 1921
MathewsMyrtle born about 1925
MathewsNorwood born about 1926
MathewsOla Mborn about 1929
MathewsRuby Gborn about 1930
MathewsRudolph born about 1926
MathewsSherman born about 1918
MathewsSudie Jr born about 1878
MathewsSusie Bborn about 1913
MathewsTucy Jr born about 1924
MathewsViola born about 1928
MathewsWilliam Fborn about 1900
MathewsWilliam Hborn about 1924
MathewsWilliam Tborn about 1932
MathewsWillie Eborn about 1932
MathisBlings Cborn about 1936
MathisGarfield Jr born about 1934
MathisGertha Lborn about 1914
MathisJarvis Cborn about 1939
MathisRobert Cborn about 1938
MathisWilliam Qborn about 1912
MatthewsBertha Lborn about 1881
MatthewsBertha Mborn about 1924
MatthewsJames Lborn about 1881
MatthewsMable Wborn about 1922
MatthisHarry Gborn about 1901
MatthisHennetta born about 1870
MaxwellDasie Jborn about 1887
MaxwellRuth Oborn about 1921
MaxwellWalter born about 1884
MaxwellWalter Gborn about 1928
McCloughElla born about 1881
McCloughHattie born about 1920
McCloughJim born about 1868
McCloughMalichie* born about 1916
McCoyCora Aborn about 1888
McCoyJohnie Jborn about 1920
McGeeJames born about 1880
McGeeJenne Gsborn about 1918
McGeeLessie born about 1880
McKennedyAnnie Eborn about 1925
McKennedyColumbus born about 1874
McKennedyJesse born about 1920
McKennedyJoseph born about 1922
McKennedyNorwood born about 1928
McKennedyPhoebe born about 1930
McKennedySara born about 1896
McKennedyWalter born about 1923
McLeodEvander Jborn about 1936
McLeodGeorge Fborn about 1911
McLeodJannie born about 1916
McLeodJohnson born about 1885
McLeodSusan Mborn about 1900
McLeodThomas Eborn about 1938
McLeodWillie Bborn about 1931
McLeveyLosie born about 1922
McMillianDorthy Bborn about 1936
McMillianHazel Lborn about 1938
McMillianMamie Bborn about 1912
McMillianWilliam Eborn about 1913
McMillianWillie Mborn about 1925
MelvinClara Mborn about 1930
MelvinNellie Gborn about 1933
MelvinStella born about 1894
MerrimanJim born about 1902
MerrittAddie Aborn about 1902
MerrittAlene born about 1939
MerrittAlonzia Tborn about 1877
MerrittAudrey Mborn about 1920
MerrittBennie Cborn about 1912
MerrittBettie born about 1939
MerrittCarie Eborn about 1934
MerrittClude born about 1936
MerrittCrestan Dborn about 1914
MerrittDavid Jborn about 1902
MerrittDelois born about 1931
MerrittDora Lborn about 1912
MerrittEthel Lborn about 1926
MerrittFred Fborn about 1923
MerrittHaywood Cborn about 1918
MerrittHelen born about 1916
MerrittHerter Pborn about 1938
MerrittJames Aborn about 1933
MerrittJames Kborn about 1911
MerrittJannie Eborn about 1910
MerrittJessie Bborn about 1882
MerrittJudith Dborn about 1939
MerrittKathlen born about 1931
MerrittLaura Eborn about 1897
MerrittLessie Cborn about 1929
MerrittMarley Cborn about 1937
MerrittMary Eborn about 1903
MerrittMary Eborn about 1913
MerrittMary Hborn about 1936
MerrittMattie Eborn about 1919
MerrittPercy Jborn about 1924
MerrittRobert Sborn about 1938
MerrittRonald Dborn about 1936
MerrittSherly born about 1937
MerrittThomas Eborn about 1937
MerrittVivian born about 1914
MerrittWilliam Eborn about 1904
MerrittWilliam Jborn about 1898
MerrittWilliam Lborn about 1881
MiddletonElizabeth born about 1938
MiddletonHubert born about 1934
MiddletonIrish Jborn about 1937
MiddletonMad??line born about 1932
MiddletonRuth born about 1913
Moore?enner born about 1910
MooreAnna born about 1885
MooreAnna born about 1890
MooreAnnie Pborn about 1940
MooreArgie Lborn about 1930
MooreCharlton Cborn about 1860
MooreChristine born about 1938
MooreErnest born about 1914
MooreErnest born about 1929
MooreEvelyn Mborn about 1927
MooreIrish born about 1880
MooreIvory born about 1908
MooreIvory Jborn about 1934
MooreJames born about 1920
MooreJessie born about 1895
MooreLucy Mborn about 1920
MooreMartha born about 1910
MooreMary born about 1884
MooreMathew born about 1915
MooreOlivia born about 1911
MooreRichard Aborn about 1932
MooreSaddie born about 1913
MooreSallie born about 1904
MooreWilliam Aborn about 1922
MooreWillie Rborn about 1936
MurittSarah Cborn about 1869
MurphyAnnie Bborn about 1890
MurphyBertha born about 1892
MurphyDaisey Eborn about 1927
MurphyEatella born about 1886
MurphyEdna Fborn about 1927
MurphyEdward Dborn about 1872
MurphyErwin Eborn about 1920
MurphyFrelle? Eborn about 1930
MurphyGaston Gborn about 1919
MurphyGeorge Fborn about 1922
MurphyHenry Tborn about 1887
MurphyIley born about 1924
MurphyIlie Wborn about 1924
MurphyJames Tborn about 1936
MurphyJohn Aborn about 1889
MurphyJr Frank born about 1935
MurphyLeon born about 1891
MurphyPatsy Cborn about 1935
MurphyRachel Bborn about 1894
MurphyRossa Bborn about 1921
MurphySudie Cborn about 1923
MurphyTempie Vborn about 1923
MurrayGeorge Vborn about 1920
MurrayMajor Mborn about 1878
MurrayMartha Jborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NathewsCarl Jr born about 1910
NathewsHolden born about 1915
NathewsJulia born about 1890
NathewsLouise born about 1910
NathewsRobert born about 1868
NathewsWilliam Cborn about 1916
Newkirk??? born about 1921
NewkirkAddie Lborn about 1939
NewkirkAlice born about 1868
NewkirkAlphe Lborn about 1932
NewkirkAmelia Lborn about 1927
NewkirkAnnie Jborn about 1900
NewkirkAnnie Rborn about 1929
NewkirkAu?lora* born about 1938
NewkirkBessie born about 1893
NewkirkBetty Sborn about 1874
NewkirkCharlie born about 1880
NewkirkCleo Pborn about 1934
NewkirkEleanor Mborn about 1927
NewkirkElizabeth born about 1924
NewkirkEmma born about 1890
NewkirkEmma Lborn about 1935
NewkirkErath Maeborn about 1926
NewkirkEster born about 1938
NewkirkEunice Eborn about
NewkirkFai??? Fborn about 1878
NewkirkFannie Bborn about 1882
NewkirkGeorge Aborn about 1936
NewkirkGeorge Hborn about 1911
NewkirkHoward Mborn about 1924
NewkirkJames Henryborn about 1892
NewkirkJames Lborn about 1922
NewkirkJanie Bborn about 1932
NewkirkJesse Wborn about 1900
NewkirkJohn Hborn about 1886
NewkirkJoseph Wborn about 1929
NewkirkKatherine Aborn about 1924
NewkirkLeatha Mborn about 1933
NewkirkLillie Rborn about 1915
NewkirkLloyd born about 1898
NewkirkLucian Wborn about 1894
NewkirkLucille born about 1930
NewkirkMaggie Lborn about 1938
NewkirkMaly Hborn about 1932
NewkirkMargaret born about 1922
NewkirkMathew Cborn about 1934
NewkirkMattie born about 1880
NewkirkMcclemie born about 1895
NewkirkMennie born about 1914
NewkirkNancy born about 1886
NewkirkNathan born about 1875
NewkirkRichard born about 1936
NewkirkSara Jr born about 1904
NewkirkStoker Wborn about 1869
NewkirkTimothy born about 1915
NewkirkVann born about 1913
NewkirkWillie Sborn about 1933
NewkrikJohn born about 1917
NewkrikNagalina* born about 1920
NewkrikRobert born about 1918
NicholasClyde born about 1913
NicholasGertrude born about 1933
NicholasLe Roy born about 1939
NicholsonEaster Mborn about 1934
NicholsonHenry Jborn about 1930
NicholsonJames Bborn about 1931
NicholsonRayford born about 1883
NicholsonSara born about 1893
NickelsonAllie Dborn about 1933
NickelsonBernice born about 1936
NickelsonElla Mborn about 1934
NickelsonHarry Sborn about 1939
NickelsonJames Henryborn about 1937
NickelsonLiza Iborn about 1912
NickelsonNathan born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerAnna Fborn about 1889
ParkerDorthy Mborn about 1916
ParkerEvelyn Dborn about 1935
ParkerHerman born about 1912
ParkerInez born about 1889
ParkerJohn born about 1896
ParkerJoseph born about 1868
ParkerMary Cborn about 1923
ParkerSudie born about 1896
ParkerVictor Qborn about 1936
ParkerWosten Vborn about 1889
PatterLawrence Lborn about 1904
PatterLela born about 1905
PatterRoy Mborn about 1935
PayneAnnie Cborn about 1887
PayneEffie born about 1920
PayneJohn Rborn about 1905
PayneWilliam Dborn about 1938
PayneWilliam Mborn about 1902
PearsallBernice born about 1917
PearsallBertha born about 1910
PearsallBetty Mborn about 1932
PearsallHercules born about 1939
PearsallHermain born about 1926
PearsallJ???ious born about 1910
PearsallJosephine born about 1894
PearsallKatie Kborn about 1922
PearsallRichard Cborn about 1934
PerishDillis born about 1869
PerishErnest born about 1910
PersellElwood born about 1933
PersellEssie born about 1916
PersellEugene born about 1925
PersellFremon born about 1929
PersellHenry born about 1888
PersellLouie born about 1919
PersellMabel born about 1922
PersellMary Rborn about 1890
PersellWilbert born about 1926
PeteresonWilliam Lborn about 1939
PetersonClarence Cborn about 1923
PetersonJim Gborn about 1934
PetersonNettie born about 1890
PetersonPaul born about 1937
PetersonRay born about 1922
PettersonCristopher Cborn about 1875
PettersonHellen born about 1875
PhillipsEssie born about 1923
PhillipsSara Kborn about 1881
PhillipsWeaver born about 1890
PickettAnnie Mborn about 1928
PickettMarjorie Mborn about 1904
PickettMose born about 1920
PickettNorman Tborn about 1900
PickettO'berry born about 1928
PickettRudolph born about 1927
PickettSara born about 1901
PickettWilliam Fborn about 1933
PickettWillie Jborn about 1925
PigfordDavid born about 1925
PigfordEnoch born about 1922
PigfordJesse Lborn about 1926
PigfordJonathan born about 1924
PigfordLa?ceny born about 1920
PigfordLissie Wborn about 1888
PigfordPauline born about 1929
PigfordSamuel Oborn about 1890
PippinElizabeth born about 1904
PippinHerman Lborn about 1897
PopeA Gertrudeborn about 1912
PopeA Sherleyborn about 1922
PopeAllen Bborn about 1923
PopeAnnie Lborn about 1897
PopeBeverley Rborn about 1928
PopeCatherine born about 1927
PopeClarence Mborn about 1906
PopeDaphare Mborn about 1927
PopeEllie Rborn about 1896
PopeElma Mborn about 1920
PopeEssie born about 1901
PopeFloyd Eborn about 1900
PopeHarold Mborn about 1925
PopeHerbert Cborn about 1928
PopeHubert Dborn about 1924
PopeIra Jborn about 1923
PopeJohnnie Jborn about 1921
PopeL Fayborn about 1926
PopeLloyd E Jrborn about 1923
PopeMary Eborn about 1867
PopeMilton Cborn about 1887
PopeNellie Mborn about 1890
PopeNorma Gborn about 1933
PopeRosa Mborn about 1902
PopeSam Eborn about 1898
PopeVirginia Aborn about 1925
PotterAllen born about 1925
PotterCollie born about 1900
PotterEstell born about 1920
PotterHenry born about 1923
PotterMattie born about 1888
PotterNed born about 1917
PotterNed Bborn about 1940
PotterNettie Jborn about 1939
PotterParley born about 1896
PowellCharles Eborn about 1940
PowellCharles Lborn about 1933
PowellCharlie Aborn about 1926
PowellClaude ???born about 1895
PowellEva Eborn about 1907
PowellEva K Jborn about 1927
PowellJames Hborn about 1924
PowellJohn Gborn about 1929
PowellJr Remus Sborn about 1930
PowellLeslie Oborn about 1934
PowellLessie Jborn about 1869
PowellLinward born about 1927
PowellMellana* born about 1901
PowellNorma Lborn about 1925
PowellReneus* Sborn about 1892
PowellStanley born about 1917
PowellSudie Cborn about 1931
PowellThelma born about 1916
PowellWilliam Aborn about 1914
PriceAnna Lborn about 1934
PriceEula Bborn about 1897
PriceGeorge Rborn about 1910
PriceGrace Rborn about 1908
PriceJennie Bborn about 1930
PriceJohn Fborn about 1928
PriceLouise born about 1922
PriceNovie Rborn about 1939
PriceRobert Leeborn about 1895
PriceRobert Wborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QueenDavid born about 1897
Quinn?apline Cborn about 1937
QuinnAlton born about 1931
QuinnAve? born about 1894
QuinnBilly Gborn about 1934
QuinnCarrie Mborn about 1920
QuinnElezie born about 1897
QuinnElizabeth born about 1922
QuinnElvira born about 1871
QuinnEssie born about 1908
QuinnFrankland D Rborn about 1934
QuinnGerald Hborn about 1934
QuinnGurman Rborn about 1922
QuinnHenry born about 1894
QuinnJames born about 1902
QuinnJames Eborn about 1934
QuinnJim born about 1913
QuinnLeslie Lborn about 1936
QuinnLouis born about 1910
QuinnLucy Aborn about 1932
QuinnMary Lborn about 1883
QuinnMelrose born about 1928
QuinnNorman born about 1926
QuinnPhelix Eborn about 1939
QuinnRay Bborn about 1919
QuinnRobert Fborn about 1887
QuinnRochel born about 1877
QuinnRuth born about 1912
QuinnThomas born about 1925
QuinnVe?lia born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RachleyBessie Lborn about 1897
RachleyCharles Hborn about 1916
RachleyGlenda Wborn about 1923
RachleyHarold born about 1921
RachleyJohn Lborn about 1890
RaefieldAddie Bborn about 1889
RaefieldErnest born about 1888
RaefieldJames Eborn about 1920
RaefieldWilliam Hborn about 1925
RassCharlie born about 1907
RassFlorence born about 1911
RegesterAganes born about 1885
RegesterAlbert ???born about 1897
RegesterBettie Lborn about 1922
RegesterEllie Mborn about 1898
RegesterMattie Bborn about 1925
RegesterRobert Fborn about 1928
RegesterThomas Gborn about 1920
RhodesAshley born about 1921
RhodesCrier? born about 1929
RhodesDe Witt born about 1923
RhodesFay Cborn about 1933
RhodesGeorgeana born about 1895
RhodesHazel born about 1935
RhodesHelen born about 1927
RhodesJames Wborn about 1931
RhodesLeon Mborn about 1936
RhodesLucian born about 1922
RhodesLuther born about 1896
RhodesMargie born about 1904
RhodesMary born about 1868
RhodesMetis Mborn about 1938
RhodesMollie born about 1892
RhodesNed born about 1940
RhodesRuth Eborn about 1925
RhodesWillie born about 1904
RobinsonBetty born about 1880
RobinsonBovey born about 1895
RobinsonCatherine Eborn about 1927
RobinsonEddie Mborn about 1927
RobinsonEffie Jborn about 1861
RobinsonElizabeth born about 1919
RobinsonErnestine born about 1927
RobinsonJames Rborn about 1928
RobinsonJohn Rborn about 1935
RobinsonLula born about 1883
RobinsonMae Lborn about 1903
RobinsonMary Eborn about 1935
RobinsonMettie born about 1907
RobinsonNancy Eborn about 1932
RobinsonRachel Aborn about 1925
RobinsonStanley Jborn about 1895
RobinsonWalter born about 1896
RobinsonWalton Lborn about 1930
RobisnonEdna Gborn about 1934
RobisnonEdna Rborn about 1915
RobisnonJames Eborn about 1917
RobisnonJohnny Rborn about 1935
RogersAllie born about 1889
RogersTheodora Mborn about 1886
RouseAnnie Hborn about 1897
RouseDavid Jborn about 1919
RouseEthel born about 1928
RouseFelton Gborn about 1923
RouseGennle born about 1922
RouseGertrude Eborn about 1917
RouseHarry Sborn about 1925
RouseHelen born about 1925
RouseHubert Sborn about 1909
RouseJacob Eborn about 1874
RouseJoseph Hborn about 1916
RouseJoseph Wborn about 1939
RouseJr Richard born about 1920
RouseKatherine born about 1921
RouseMittie born about 1873
RouseRau??? Kborn about 1917
RouseRichard born about 1897
RouseSallie Kborn about 1894
RouseWalter Dborn about 1889
RouseWalter Wborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersonAnnie born about 1898
SandersonBaxter born about 1931
SandersonBobby born about 1930
SandersonEmma Jborn about 1938
SandersonFrankie born about 1935
SandersonHazel born about 1933
SandersonHerman born about 1925
SandersonHugh Fborn about 1935
SandersonIle born about 1867
SandersonJohnnie Wborn about 1923
SandersonLena Eborn about 1920
SandersonLeonard ???born about 1887
SandersonLeonard Mcborn about 1920
SandersonMamie Nborn about 1890
SandersonRalman* born about 1897
SandersonRobert Oborn about 1927
SandersonRomus Wborn about 1927
SandersonRuth born about 1925
SavageAsborne Bborn about 1927
SavageAsper born about 1937
SavageCharlie Hborn about 1920
SavageCharlie Wborn about 1890
SavageHelen born about 1929
SavageLillie born about 1900
SavageLuther Jborn about 1935
SavageManford born about 1937
SavageMarie born about 1918
SavageNorflet born about 1924
SavageRoy born about 1922
SavageVadie Dborn about 1939
SavageWalter Dborn about 1921
ScottFrak Dborn about 1852
SellersJannie Rborn about 1934
SellersLuther Rborn about 1889
SellersRoscoe born about 1936
SellersRosita born about 1913
SellersWill Lborn about 1937
SepellJames Dborn about 1931
SepellLula Dborn about 1903
SepellSusie Lborn about 1927
SessomsA Frncisborn about 1932
SessomsCatherine Gborn about 1930
SessomsClarence Rborn about 1939
SessomsJunior B Jrborn about 1922
SessomsJunior B Srborn about 1898
SessomsMary Eborn about 1899
SessomsPhilip Eborn about 1930
ShawAlberta born about 1920
Sheffield??? Bborn about 1898
SheffieldAnnie Bborn about 1885
SheffieldBetty Sr born about 1928
SheffieldEdwin Fborn about 1919
SheffieldElizabeth Aborn about 1939
SheffieldEllen Cborn about 1933
SheffieldEva Ellenborn about 1900
SheffieldFlorence Oborn about 1908
SheffieldGertrude born about 1920
SheffieldJoe Eborn about 1902
SheffieldLeland Dborn about 1888
SheffieldLeland Hborn about 1924
SheffieldMary Bborn about 1924
SheffieldShelby Dborn about 1938
SillsMartin Dborn about 1899
SimmonsEstelle born about 1912
SimmonsHenry Fborn about 1930
SimmonsHerbert born about 1901
SimmonsHerbert Lborn about 1938
SimmonsLilly Mborn about 1935
SimmonsMinnie Lborn about 1932
SmithAlbert Aborn about 1926
SmithJames Aborn about 1895
SmithJames Pborn about 1922
SmithJessie Sborn about 1930
SmithJohn Hborn about 1928
SmithJohn Wborn about 1930
SmithJonas born about 1889
SmithLillie Bborn about 1896
SmithMattie Fborn about 1883
SmithMavil Hborn about 1920
SmithMontgomery Gborn about 1883
SmithOliver Oborn about 1923
SmithRobert Rborn about 1925
SmithSallie born about 1890
SoutherlandAlton Jborn about 1911
SoutherlandAnna born about 1870
SoutherlandAnnie Bborn about 1904
SoutherlandAnnie Rborn about 1931
SoutherlandAston Tborn about 1939
SoutherlandBeatrice born about 1923
SoutherlandDempsey born about 1928
SoutherlandDorthy born about 1924
SoutherlandElizabeth born about 1934
SoutherlandEnoch Wborn about 1939
SoutherlandFrank born about 1875
SoutherlandHelen Eborn about 1936
SoutherlandJackson born about 1918
SoutherlandJohn born about 1866
SoutherlandKlinie born about 1925
SoutherlandLila Mborn about 1910
SoutherlandLuella born about 1880
SoutherlandMarchie born about 1906
SoutherlandMarchie Mborn about 1938
SoutherlandRebecca Jborn about 1916
SoutherlandRobert Mborn about 1938
SoutherlandSidbe???y born about 1927
SoutherlandThelma born about 1929
SouthlandJohn Lborn about 1867
SouthlandMinnie Wborn about 1867
SpearmanCornelius born about 1891
SpearmanGurnie born about 1919
SpearmanJames born about 1913
SpearmanLessie Mborn about 1917
SpearmanLuetter born about 1915
SpearmanSue Nborn about 1935
StandfordClaude Bborn about 1929
StanfordClaude Bborn about 1898
StanfordNancie born about 1898
StanleyEffie Kborn about 1921
StanleyJimmie born about 1938
StanleyLuther born about 1913
StokerAbner born about 1934
StokerEdward Wborn about 1855
StokerHeddie born about 1897
StokerJames Eborn about 1916
StokerJames Sborn about 1869
StokerLillues born about 1914
StokerSamuel Wborn about 1905
StokerW???ick Cborn about 1896
StricklandAnnie Nborn about 1928
StricklandCharlie Jr born about 1930
StricklandForest Mborn about 1888
StricklandForest Mborn about 1925
StricklandJohnie Wborn about 1932
StricklandMary Wborn about 1933
StricklandNeil Aborn about 1866
StricklandRobert Lborn about 1936
StricklandSallie born about 1887
StricklandThora Rborn about 1894
StricklandUnity J Zborn about 1894
SullivanMary Eborn about 1885
SummelinBissie ???born about 1918
SummelinFlorence born about 1886
SummelinFrancis Iborn about 1919
SummelinLonnie Rborn about 1882
SummelinViolet Mborn about 1935
SuttonMartha Oborn about 1885
SwainsonLloyd born about 1915
SwainsonNancy born about 1883
SwinsonSilvia born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackerHenrietta Gborn about 1935
TaylorAnna Wborn about 1890
TaylorArgie born about 1903
TaylorChancey Wborn about 1878
TaylorCharlie born about 1928
TaylorDeliah born about 1934
TaylorEmma Fborn about 1875
TaylorErnest Iborn about 1892
TaylorGaly Wborn about 1935
TaylorJohn Hborn about 1911
TaylorJoy Cborn about 1933
TaylorKenith born about 1901
TaylorKenith Jr born about 1928
TaylorLenuel Eborn about 1925
TaylorMalcom Lborn about 1923
TaylorSmithie Aborn about 1920
TaylorVivian Mborn about 1903
TaylorWilliam Fborn about 1917
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1874
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1906
ThontonIva born about 1905
ThontonSudie born about 1908
TocherJulian Eborn about 1895
TocherLillie Fborn about 1897
TocherMary Cborn about 1868
TocherMathew Jborn about 1887
TocherMiriam Aborn about 1924
TocherPaul Eborn about 1919
TocherRobert Gborn about 1905
TocherVictor Jborn about 1933
TorranceDavid Lborn about 1909
TorranceElizabeth born about 1914
TorranceEllis born about 1907
TorranceEllis Rborn about 1934
TorranceGeorgia Aborn about 1939
TorranceGrace Eborn about 1936
TorranceLucille born about 1918
TorranceRomie born about 1939
TorranceThomas Gborn about 1934
TorranceThomas Kborn about 1938
TucherArline Nborn about 1916
TucherEllen Sborn about 1939
TucherJames ??? Jrborn about 1917
TucherSallie Mborn about 1888
TuckerAlma Cborn about 1921
TuckerBarbara Cborn about 1936
TuckerBettie Mborn about 1909
TuckerEmma Oborn about 1920
TuckerHerbert Gborn about 1930
TuckerHubert Eborn about 1917
TuckerJames P Srborn about 1891
TuckerLela Sborn about 1923
TuckerMargret Eborn about 1926
TuckerMathew Tborn about 1899
TuckerSybil Oborn about 1930
TuckerWilliam Tborn about 1925
TudwellH Florenceborn about 1890
TudwellHenry Cborn about 1880
TurnerBurt born about 1878
TurnerCindia* born about 1896
TurnerDaisey born about 1921
TurnerDonnel Mborn about 1928
TurnerGeorge Wborn about 1878
TurnerGuy Jborn about 1925
TurnerHazel born about 1919
TurnerIsiah born about 1936
TurnerJannie born about 1899
TurnerJoe Aborn about 1882
TurnerLeffel Aborn about 1924
TurnerLeffel Gborn about 1895
TurnerMiriam Tborn about 1934
TurnerRaymond born about 1923
TurnerRichard Lborn about 1922
TurnerRoss Pborn about 1934
TurnerRuby Eborn about 1930
TurnerSara Lborn about 1928
TurnerStella born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UsherAlice born about 1898
UsherArmond Mborn about 1903
UsherBetty Bborn about 1924
UsherCharlie Jborn about 1929
UsherEdwin Hborn about 1933
UsherFrancis born about 1923
UsherHallie Rborn about 1931
UsherHoward Lborn about 1939
UsherIii Armondborn about 1936
UsherKelber Bborn about 1935
UsherLeo Cborn about 1894
UsherLucinda Cborn about 1937
UsherMae Dborn about 1922
UsherMarvin Cborn about 1927
UsherMary Cborn about 1916
UsherMary Fborn about 1935
UsherRuby Cborn about 1919
UsherWilliam Gborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValenCharlie Bborn about 1893
ValenEdwin born about 1887
ValenKatherine born about 1924
ValenL Haywoodborn about 1891
ValenMary Tborn about 1882
VannAlma born about 1930
VannAnnie Mborn about 1910
VannArnold Kborn about 1904
VannDorthea born about 1932
VannEdner Gborn about
VannEverette born about 1929
VannFlorence born about 1882
VannGeorge Vborn about 1919
VannHosca* born about 1922
VannJacob born about 1936
VannLillie Aborn about 1901
VannLucie born about 1854
VannLue Bborn about 1928
VannMaegauld born about 1927
VannPaul born about 1902
VannPaul Jr born about 1938
VannPreston born about 1884
VannPreston born about 1929
VannUlus Mborn about 1925
VannWilliam Pborn about 1914
VawFlorence Eborn about 1934
VawJames Hborn about 1940
VawJannie Bborn about 1914
VawLubie Iborn about 1911
VawLubie Lborn about 1938
VawMary Oborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallaceEverlena born about 1919
WallaceLizzie Lborn about 1939
WallaceRandolph born about 1939
WartersHermen Eborn about 1908
WartersHilda Jborn about 1940
WartersKatie born about 1881
WartersVirginia born about 1910
WashingtonFred born about 1915
WatersMae Pborn about 1915
WatersMurdeo Fborn about 1917
WellsAlice Cborn about 1935
WellsAlma Cborn about 1921
WellsAndrew born about 1916
WellsRobert Dborn about 1854
WellsVera born about 1914
WestAlbert Eborn about 1924
WestAnnie born about 1902
WestArchey Dborn about 1861
WestAurelia Jborn about 1900
WestConnie Cborn about 1871
WestJ Leslieborn about 1927
WestJacklyn Aborn about 1940
WestJohn Wborn about 1868
WestLouis Cborn about 1920
WestNancy Jborn about 1937
WestOttis born about 1926
WestPercy Hborn about 1931
WestRuby Cborn about 1932
WestS Ruthborn about 1922
WhaleyDavid Fborn about 1882
WhaleyJohnnie Wborn about 1917
WhaleyMary Iborn about 1912
WhaleyPaul born about 1925
WhaleyWarren Lborn about 1922
WheleyMildred Hborn about 1914
WheleyNorma Jborn about 1937
WheleyPeggie Qborn about 1940
WheleySolomon Sborn about 1914
WhiteheadAnderson born about 1891
WhiteheadAnderson Oborn about 1931
WhiteheadElbert Oborn about 1926
WhiteheadFlorence Oborn about 1925
WhiteheadJames Oborn about 1929
WhiteheadLloyd Mborn about 1908
WhiteheadMattie Oborn about 1936
WhiteheadRoy Oborn about 1934
WhiteheadRuth Oborn about 1927
WhiteheadWillie Jborn about 1906
WiggsDorothy Eborn about 1918
WiggsJean Eborn about 1939
WiggsRex born about 1917
WilkinsArlene Eborn about 1928
WilkinsJosephine Eborn about 1900
WilkinsJulian Mborn about 1931
WilkinsKezziah Fborn about 1866
WilkinsMary Eborn about 1905
WilkinsMary Sborn about 1909
WilkinsRobert Dborn about 1904
WilliamsAlbert Wborn about 1921
WilliamsAlvin born about 1930
WilliamsAmos Eborn about 1901
WilliamsAnnie born about 1905
WilliamsBertha born about 1887
WilliamsCornelius born about 1898
WilliamsEarly born about 1928
WilliamsEdna born about 1926
WilliamsEldon born about 1928
WilliamsEmerson born about 1895
WilliamsEmma Aborn about 1926
WilliamsErnest Kborn about 1931
WilliamsEstelle born about 1936
WilliamsEthel Mborn about 1926
WilliamsEvelena born about 1920
WilliamsFate born about 1879
WilliamsFrancis born about 1891
WilliamsFred Dborn about 1898
WilliamsGloria born about 1931
WilliamsGoldie Mborn about 1933
WilliamsHarrison born about 1924
WilliamsHenry born about 1887
WilliamsHerbert born about 1922
WilliamsIrene born about 1922
WilliamsIrene Aborn about 1901
WilliamsIris born about 1938
WilliamsJames born about 1925
WilliamsJames Mborn about 1905
WilliamsJoe Lborn about 1939
WilliamsJohn Aborn about 1918
WilliamsJr Emerson born about 1934
WilliamsKate born about 1936
WilliamsLeona born about 1923
WilliamsLois born about 1927
WilliamsLouis Tborn about 1931
WilliamsLouise born about 1924
WilliamsMaggie born about 1899
WilliamsMargaret born about 1926
WilliamsMary Cborn about 1900
WilliamsMattie born about 1901
WilliamsMinnie Lborn about 1937
WilliamsPearl born about 1904
WilliamsPearl born about 1910
WilliamsPearl Eborn about 1891
WilliamsPolly born about 1864
WilliamsRegina born about 1935
WilliamsSaddie Bborn about 1934
WilliamsSamuel Eborn about 1925
WilliamsSara Jborn about 1926
WilliamsWillie Fborn about 1922
WilliamsWillie Maeborn about 1922
WilliamsZeddie born about 1929
WilmaBerkley Bborn about 1885
WilmaEleanor Aborn about 1922
WilmaHoma Hborn about 1916
WilmaJean Cborn about 1922
WilmaKenneth Eborn about 1929
WilmaLila Fborn about 1895
WilmaRobert Bborn about 1924
WilsonAlberta born about 1890
WilsonAmanda born about 1926
WilsonArzola born about 1923
WilsonBertha Lborn about 1922
WilsonBetty Jborn about 1935
WilsonBizzell Dborn about 1934
WilsonCecil Rborn about 1875
WilsonDainey Mborn about 1902
WilsonDevone born about 1912
WilsonDonland born about 1924
WilsonEbon Cborn about 1891
WilsonEdna Eborn about 1933
WilsonEffie born about 1912
WilsonElla born about 1894
WilsonEvlyn Fborn about 1918
WilsonExel born about 1931
WilsonFrancis Cborn about 1917
WilsonGordon Dborn about 1922
WilsonHellen Mborn about 1923
WilsonHellen Oborn about 1922
WilsonHerman Gborn about 1929
WilsonJames born about 1923
WilsonJames Dborn about 1936
WilsonJohn Aborn about 1885
WilsonLennie born about 1891
WilsonLeon Fborn about 1879
WilsonLula Mborn about 1888
WilsonMaggie Iborn about 1926
WilsonMary Eborn about 1930
WilsonOphlia born about 1919
WilsonRalph Hborn about 1891
WilsonRebecca born about 1879
WilsonRoland Cborn about 1907
WilsonRose Annaborn about 1931
WilsonRpobert Cborn about 1925
WilsonSarah Fborn about 1852
WilsonThersa Gborn about 1922
WilsonVernon Dborn about 1912
WilsonVivian born about 1924
WilsonWilliam Eborn about 1939
WilsonWilliam Fborn about 1929
WilsonWilliam Rborn about 1879
WilsonWoodrow Wborn about 1914
WoodcockGlista born about 1913
WoodcockGrace born about 1933
WoodcockJuanita Wborn about 1930
WoodcockLuther Rborn about 1866
WoodcockSallie Aborn about 1875
WoodcockWilliam Wkborn about 1908

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