1940 U.S. Federal Census of Parkville, Perquimans, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Perquimans County > 1940 Census of Parkville

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCharles born about 1916
AdamsCharlie Aborn about 1934
AdamsEmma Leeborn about 1935
AdamsJames born about 1916
AdamsPauline born about 1920
AdamsRezerman born about 1939
AdamsSamuel born about 1936
AdamsSarah born about 1918
ArchieCharlie born about 1886
ArchieEvangeline born about 1923
ArchieHattie born about 1905
ArchieHenretta born about 1901
ArchieIda Maeborn about 1927
ArchieIsiah born about 1921
ArchieJasher born about 1925
ArchieThomas Cborn about 1923
ArchieVirginia born about 1925
ArchieWillie born about 1900
Armstrong??? born about 1932
ArmstrongAnnie born about 1914
ArmstrongCharlie born about 1905
ArmstrongChristopher born about 1915
ArmstrongEdna born about 1915
ArmstrongErnest born about 1905
ArmstrongGeorge Cborn about 1860
ArmstrongGeorge Wborn about 1930
ArmstrongGracie born about 1916
ArmstrongIrvin born about 1907
ArmstrongJoseph born about 1936
ArmstrongLee Ernestborn about 1928
ArmstrongLizzen Leeborn about 1933
ArmstrongMary born about 1866
ArmstrongRuth Ellaborn about 1916
ArmstrongSherley born about 1938
ArmstrongSusan born about 1875
ArmstrongWilliam born about 1934
AsbellAnnie born about 1917
AsbellArchie Rborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaccusAdren born about 1929
BaccusGilbert born about 1936
BaccusJohnnie born about 1897
BaccusLeona born about 1923
BaccusLindsey born about 1926
BaccusMaggie born about 1902
BaccusMarvin born about 1938
BaccusOdell born about 1921
BagleyC Royborn about 1909
BagleyCharles Aborn about 1880
BagleyMartha born about 1879
BagleyMary Elizabethborn about 1916
BagleyNancy Amorelleborn about 1938
BagleyWilliam Lborn about 1913
BakerGertrude born about 1918
BakerHarison born about 1886
BakerHorace Jr born about 1928
BakerJessie born about 1920
BakerSallie Wborn about 1894
BakerSarah born about 1888
BarberCarl Nixonborn about 1939
BarberDurwood born about 1903
BarberDurwood Leighborn about 1930
BarberFrankie born about 1891
BarberHarry born about 1905
BarberJames Robertborn about 1930
BarberJoseph Kborn about 1934
BarberKenneth Rayborn about 1932
BarberLindsy Earlborn about 1933
BarberMary born about 1909
BarberMollie born about 1871
BarberRuth born about 1910
BarcliffAlverta born about 1929
BarcliffCharlie Hborn about 1891
BarcliffClintasa born about 1925
BarcliffClinton Wborn about 1902
BarcliffDella born about 1932
BarcliffDorothy born about 1933
BarcliffEdgar born about 1928
BarcliffFrancis born about 1926
BarcliffHarry born about 1924
BarcliffJames born about 1930
BarcliffLinwood born about 1924
BarcliffLlewellyn born about 1935
BarcliffLucile born about 1922
BarcliffMartha born about 1926
BarcliffMartha Eborn about 1886
BarcliffMary Belleborn about 1921
BarcliffPensey born about 1905
BarcliffRobert Sborn about 1920
BarcliffRosevett born about 1936
BarcliffSherman born about 1920
BarcliffThelma Tborn about 1929
BarcliffWilliam Cborn about 1884
BarcliffWilliam C Jrborn about 1922
BarcoSallie born about 1900
BarnardElla born about 1920
BarnardEnoch born about 1918
BarnardSolomon born about 1914
BarnardWillie born about 1910
BartletteBessie born about 1906
BartletteBradley born about 1934
BartletteJohn Aborn about 1904
BartletteLevinia Maieborn about 1928
BauksClem born about 1893
BauksPearlie born about 1895
BentonBarbara Annborn about 1935
BentonEssie born about 1908
BentonGeorge Eborn about 1903
BentonJ Marvinborn about 1902
BentonJohn Morionborn about 1939
BentonLloyd Eborn about 1928
BentonMary Elizabethborn about 1907
BillingsBeatrice born about 1924
BoweErnest born about 1931
BoweEssie born about 1902
BoweNathan born about 1900
BoweNathan Jr born about 1923
BoweRuth born about 1924
BoweSadie Maeborn about 1932
BownesCornelius born about 1870
BoyceMattie born about 1881
BoyceOffin born about 1883
BoydDavid born about 1933
BoydFannie born about 1907
BoydFannie Maeborn about 1932
BoydJames born about 1902
BoydMattie Cborn about 1938
BoydRosa Bellborn about 1930
BoydSidny born about 1937
BraggHelen born about 1918
BraggMatt born about 1913
BraggsKatie born about 1918
BraggsRobert born about 1913
BraggsRobert Jr born about 1939
BrightAddie born about 1880
BrightBeverly Hborn about 1934
BrightKelvin born about 1929
BrightLucy born about 1910
BrightLulu born about 1883
BrightMelvin born about 1907
BrightVance born about 1932
BrightWallace born about 1907
BrightWilber born about 1920
BrimNoah born about 1864
BrinkleyMartha born about 1880
BrooghtaPete born about 1935
BrotherN Bborn about 1861
BrothersEdith born about 1922
BroughtonThomas born about 1865
BrownBrant Aborn about 1915
BrownBrant Mborn about 1940
BrownEthel Mborn about 1911
BrownJessie born about 1899
BundyCalvin born about 1924
BundyFrancis born about 1920
BundyJohn Cborn about 1892
BundyJohn Cborn about 1922
BundyJulia born about 1898
BundyJulia Annborn about 1934
BundyWoodly born about 1919
BurkeAlbert born about 1930
BurkeAnna born about 1878
BurkeArtelia born about 1920
BurkeCallie born about 1902
BurkeCleveland born about 1926
BurkeEmma Maisborn about 1936
BurkeFloyd born about 1928
BurkeIralee born about 1932
BurkeIsaac Rborn about 1923
BurkeJames born about 1912
BurkeJames born about 1924
BurkeJohn born about 1927
BurkeJunior born about 1898
BurkeLaura born about 1900
BurkeLlossiebell born about 1935
BurkeLuke born about 1929
BurkeLydia born about 1915
BurkeObediah born about 1923
BurkeOffice born about 1901
BurkeRevis born about 1938
BurkeRuth born about 1917
BurkeThurman born about 1940
BurkeVivian born about 1935
BurkeWallace born about 1932
BurksRudolph born about 1922
BuskeAlice Vborn about 1901
ByrumArdell born about 1919
ByrumBettie born about 1878
ByrumClarence born about 1913
ByrumEva born about 1873
ByrumEva Leeborn about 1939
ByrumFrancis Eborn about 1940
ByrumIris born about 1919
ByrumJames Nborn about 1875
ByrumMildred born about 1931
ByrumOscar born about 1886
ByrumRaligh Leeborn about 1915
ByrumVirgie born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaddyEffie born about 1904
CaddyGeorge Sborn about 1900
CaddyMary Elizabethborn about 1922
CartwrightDelioa Mborn about 1875
CartwrightGeorge born about 1912
CartwrightHenry Eborn about 1882
CastonBooker Tborn about 1920
CastonHattie Aborn about 1882
CaytonElizabeth born about 1923
ChaffellAddie born about 1879
ChalkDennis born about 1918
ChalkGeorganna born about 1863
ChalkM Cookborn about 1896
ChalkMary Pearlborn about 1890
ChalkRuth Leonaborn about 1921
ChappellAudrey born about 1926
ChappellMable born about 1924
ChappellMaggie born about 1895
CheesonBruster born about 1911
CollinsEsther Leeborn about 1927
CollinsJohnnie Cborn about 1935
CooperEula born about 1911
CooperGrant born about 1908
CooperMinnie born about 1939
CopelandAlex born about 1873
CopelandBeanie born about 1892
CopelandEdd Dborn about 1869
CopelandEva born about 1875
CopelandGlannie born about 1913
CopelandHarritte born about 1878
CopelandHoward born about 1914
CopelandJames Eborn about 1885
CopelandJanet born about 1938
CopelandJessie Haroldborn about 1940
CopelandKatie born about 1881
CopelandLessie born about 1918
CopelandMack born about 1865
CopelandMax Ceniaborn about 1939
CopelandNathan Lborn about 1937
CopelandRichard born about 1903
CopelandRichard Cborn about 1934
CopelandWilliam Mborn about 1912
CortwrightDona born about 1881
CoustinSarah born about 1931
CraufordEula born about 1895
CraufordJohn Bborn about 1924
CraufordJohn Dborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaughtreyLarengo Bborn about 1882
DaughtreySarah born about 1904
DaughtreyWilson born about 1922
DavisLeon born about 1900
DavisMaggie born about 1892
DealEmma born about 1919
DealLena born about 1877
DealThomas born about 1887
DelaneyBlanche born about 1889
DelaneyJ Marionborn about 1910
DelaneyJoseph Lborn about 1880
DelaneyMary Belleborn about 1924
DillmanClara born about 1912
DillmanMack Mborn about 1913
DoermanElla born about 1866
DorsayWaverly born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasonAlberta born about 1909
EasonAlvin born about 1897
EasonAnnie Bellborn about 1927
EasonAnnie Naomiborn about 1932
EasonDora born about 1901
EasonDorothy born about 1922
EasonHake born about 1907
EasonIrene born about 1925
EasonIsabella Lborn about 1938
EasonMaggie born about 1922
EasonMoses born about 1923
ElliottAllen born about 1874
ElliottAmanda born about 1871
ElliottAnnie born about 1876
ElliottAnnie Eborn about 1929
ElliottAnnie Mborn about 1875
ElliottAnthony Bborn about 1893
ElliottCarlton born about 1933
ElliottCecil born about 1925
ElliottCharlie Lborn about 1939
ElliottFannie born about 1899
ElliottGeorge born about 1901
ElliottGertrude born about 1933
ElliottGladys born about 1897
ElliottHarrison born about 1890
ElliottHattie born about 1931
ElliottHelen Cborn about 1937
ElliottHilton born about 1918
ElliottHubert born about 1928
ElliottJames Rborn about 1935
ElliottJarvis born about 1927
ElliottJoseph born about 1925
ElliottJoseph Tborn about 1890
ElliottLaura born about 1917
ElliottLaura Eborn about 1940
ElliottLeon born about 1929
ElliottLillie born about 1901
ElliottLillie Maeborn about 1906
ElliottLilly Jamesborn about 1917
ElliottLouise born about 1870
ElliottLucy born about 1909
ElliottMarguerite born about 1926
ElliottMarie born about 1923
ElliottNorwood born about 1932
ElliottOliver born about 1915
ElliottOliver Cborn about 1900
ElliottPatricia Annborn about 1938
ElliottRay born about 1893
ElliottRoy Woodborn about 1931
ElliottSusie Eborn about 1912
ElliottThomas Pborn about 1939
ElliottVivian Eborn about 1935
ElliottWill born about 1924
ElliottWilliam Hborn about 1881
ElliottWilliam H Jrborn about 1930
ElliottWillis born about 1920
EllisAlexandra born about 1915
EllisGeorge Eborn about 1924
EllisJames Eborn about 1875
EllisJames Tborn about 1926
EllisJessie born about 1933
EllisMary born about 1876
EllisMattie Louborn about 1906
EllisSadie born about 1926
EllisSimon born about 1905
ElmoreEmmett Cborn about 1930
ElmoreStephen born about 1888
ElmoreStephen Jr born about 1926
EppsJanie born about 1850
EtheridgeRobert born about 1895
EtheridgeRobert Jr born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaremanAlma born about 1931
FaremanCarlton Rborn about 1939
FaremanCharlie Aborn about 1935
FaremanJames born about 1907
FaremanJames Jr born about 1937
FaremanLillian Bborn about 1934
FaremanMaggie born about 1913
FaremanMartha born about 1927
FeltonBertha born about 1920
FeltonBertha Leeborn about 1939
FeltonCarlton Oborn about 1940
FeltonCharles Eborn about 1933
FeltonJohn Oborn about 1918
FeltonLon born about 1913
FeltonLon Jr born about 1936
FeltonMilian born about 1917
FerrellAddie Maeborn about 1923
FerrellAlice born about 1911
FerrellAnnie born about 1938
FerrellClarence born about 1925
FerrellGeorge born about 1905
FerrellGracie born about 1913
FerrellJoseph Wborn about 1883
FerrellLouise born about 1927
FerrellNellie born about 1903
FerrellNellie Maeborn about 1939
FerrellRoxie born about 1880
FerrellSarah Eborn about 1936
FerrellWilliam born about 1900
FerrellWilliam born about 1923
FleetwoodAsher born about 1900
FommsHenrietta born about 1870
FommsWilliams born about 1865
ForemanIsaac born about 1907
FoxGwendolyn born about 1922
FoxRichard born about 1926
FranklinCharlie born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GillyMartha Mborn about 1856
GodfreyBessie born about 1904
GodfreyClarence Cborn about 1900
GodfreyClarence Jr born about 1935
GodfreyDoris born about 1928
GodfreyEdward born about 1923
GodfreyFlorence born about 1926
GodfreyMargaret born about 1925
GodfreyWilliam born about 1921
GodfreyWilson born about 1919
GodvinArchie born about 1897
GodvinArchie Jr born about 1939
GodvinBessie Leeborn about 1908
GodvinNorma Geneborn about 1933
GodwinCarol Sborn about 1913
GodwinClara Lborn about 1885
GodwinNanie born about 1874
GodwinSusie born about 1892
GodwinVercha born about 1917
GoodwinHelen born about 1927
GrambyJames born about 1913
GrambyMarion born about 1918
GrambyRosa Maeborn about 1939
GregoryEugene born about 1930
GregoryGeraldine born about 1932
GregoryLaura born about 1891
GregoryLeslie born about 1914
GregoryTom born about 1892
GriffanClement born about 1900
GriffanGeorge Thomasborn about 1930
GriffanGlennie born about 1900
GriffanMax Rborn about 1890
GriffinFerebee born about 1879
GriffinJohn Hborn about 1920
GrucyIcer born about 1894
GrucyJohn born about 1886

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H Surnames

HallAdelia Annborn about 1936
HallGeorge born about 1901
HallJames Tborn about 1932
HallJohn born about 1909
HallKennith born about 1935
HallMarjorie born about 1913
HallMyrtle born about 1910
HallNell Yvonneborn about 1939
HallStella Maeborn about 1930
HallSusan born about 1916
HallWilliam born about 1903
HalseyBessie born about 1929
HalseyClarence born about 1924
HalseyEddie born about 1927
HalseyFloyd born about 1938
HalseyJohnnie Leeborn about 1932
HalseyJohnnie Wborn about 1899
HalseyMargaret born about 1921
HalseyMattie born about 1901
HalseyWillis born about 1936
HardlePatience born about 1899
HardleSolomon born about 1888
HardleSolomon Jr born about 1922
HardyGalina born about 1905
HardyRoberta born about 1932
HardySarah Leeborn about 1930
HardyWelton born about 1928
HarrellAnna Bellborn about 1937
HarrellClara born about 1891
HarrellEdward born about 1913
HarrellEdward born about 1938
HarrellEdward Jr born about 1935
HarrellEthel born about 1912
HarrellGladys born about 1936
HarrellHattie born about 1919
HarrellHoward born about 1917
HarrellJohn Wborn about 1926
HarrellJoseph born about 1927
HarrellKatie born about 1885
HarrellLudvia born about 1925
HarrellMary born about 1872
HarrellRichard born about 1908
HarrellSylvia born about 1911
HarrellThomas born about 1877
HarrellThomas born about 1930
HarrellThomas Wborn about 1925
HarrellUlyss born about
HarrellWilliam Rborn about 1934
HarrellWillie born about 1885
HarrisBeatrice born about 1911
HarrisMary Eborn about 1936
HawkinsAlice born about 1895
HawkinsElla Maeborn about 1924
HawkinsHubert born about 1890
HawkinsWosselle born about 1927
HayesBump born about 1931
HayesHazel born about 1917
HayesLuther born about 1910
HayesThelma born about 1932
HeltonAnna Hborn about 1921
HeltonMary Eborn about 1919
HeltonRosa born about 1898
HendricksEmma born about 1863
HendricksJune Sueborn about 1900
HendricksMary Eborn about 1930
HendricksRetha Mborn about 1932
HendricksSadie Lborn about 1934
HendricksWilliam Mborn about 1897
HigginsBonnie Mborn about 1928
HigginsEva born about 1898
HigginsJohn Wborn about 1898
HigginsRalph Mborn about 1926
HillAlex born about 1903
HillEula born about 1909
HillGeorgetta born about 1939
HillGladys born about 1926
HillMelvin born about 1933
HillRichard born about 1931
HintonElla born about 1938
HintonHallie ???born about 1936
HintonJene Benborn about 1935
HintonOdessa born about 1910
HintonSherman born about 1910
HintonViola born about 1933
HobbsAllene born about 1932
HobbsLeslie born about 1928
HobbsLinwood Wborn about 1906
HobbsPeggie born about 1934
HobbsSarah born about 1901
HoflerLouis born about 1905
HolleyHattie born about 1917
HolleyMattie born about 1877
HollowellAlice Anneborn about 1931
HollowellArtie Maieborn about 1926
HollowellBernice born about 1930
HollowellClifton born about 1935
HollowellEarle born about 1900
HollowellElizabeth born about 1907
HollowellErnest Cborn about 1890
HollowellHerman Vborn about 1902
HollowellJennie Rborn about 1891
HollowellJoel born about 1905
HollowellJoel Jr born about 1931
HollowellJohn Earleborn about 1936
HollowellLessie born about 1903
HollowellMinnie Leeborn about 1932
HollowellNannie born about 1909
HollowellOlive Bborn about 1908
HollowellSallie born about 1888
HollowellThelma born about 1899
HollowellThomas Fborn about 1929
HollowellWillie Fborn about 1895
HollowellWillie Gborn about 1898
HollowellWillie Jborn about 1933
HollyJulia Annborn about 1883
HowellMarjorie Whiteborn about 1923
HowellMary Ruthborn about 1907
HowellVernon born about 1898
HughesGeorge Wborn about 1901
HughesIva Maieborn about 1929
HughesJohn Adrenborn about 1935
HughesJulia Fayeborn about 1940
HughesJulia Mborn about 1910
HughesJulian Wallaceborn about 1931
HughesSarah Marieborn about 1926
HumphlettAdeline born about 1861
HumphlettGaldys born about 1913
HumphlettWalter born about 1910
HumphlettWalter Jr born about 1934
HunterCharlie born about 1890
HunterCharlie Jr born about 1918
HunterEssie born about 1902
HunterEsther born about 1930
HunterJohn born about 1880
HunterLillie Maeborn about 1922
HunterMelvin born about 1936
HunterOlivia born about 1932
HunterRufus born about 1920
HunterSarah born about 1932
HunterSusie born about 1924
HurddsCelestia born about 1913
HurddsHarold born about 1913
HurdleBarbara Annborn about 1934
HurdleBillie born about 1923
HurdleCharles born about 1896
HurdleDaryl born about 1926
HurdleDella born about 1887
HurdleEdna Earleborn about 1930
HurdleEllis born about 1915
HurdleElner Geneborn about 1929
HurdleElner Glennborn about 1930
HurdleElsberry born about 1906
HurdleEstella born about 1919
HurdleEugene born about 1930
HurdleFloyd born about 1932
HurdleGeorge W Srborn about 1878
HurdleGloria Fayeborn about 1936
HurdleHattie Pearlborn about 1898
HurdleHenry Clayborn about 1937
HurdleHoward born about 1912
HurdleHubert Dborn about 1886
HurdleJackie born about 1939
HurdleJames Wborn about 1914
HurdleJames W Jrborn about 1939
HurdleJohn Wborn about 1906
HurdleKathleen born about 1935
HurdleLillian Leeborn about 1928
HurdleMaggie Iborn about 1900
HurdleMargaret Annborn about 1912
HurdleMary born about 1893
HurdleMary born about 1919
HurdleMather Mborn about 1928
HurdleNathan born about 1906
HurdleNelson born about 1896
HurdlePatsy Nixonborn about 1933
HurdlePink born about 1902
HurdleQuinton born about 1900
HurdleRobert Wborn about 1916
HurdleRothie born about 1922
HurdleSallie Tborn about 1908
HurdleSarah born about 1886
HurdleSherley born about 1924
HurdleWilliard born about 1912
HurtEva Gborn about 1885
HurtJames Eborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonCatherine born about 1869
JacksonErvin born about 1910
JacksonErvin Jr born about 1936
JacksonEthel born about 1920
JacksonJames Louiseborn about 1939
JacksonJosie born about 1914
JacksonLaula born about 1938
JacksonRobert born about 1940
Jacock??? born about 1924
JacockAlberta born about 1930
JacockElla Mayborn about 1928
JacockJessie born about 1926
JacockPhayflutwood born about 1925
JacockSudie born about 1900
JacocksJohnathan born about 1889
JamesDavid born about 1929
JamesFlorence born about 1935
JamesJohn Thomasborn about 1930
JamesLemiah born about 1922
JamesMable born about 1927
JenningsArelura born about 1923
JenningsCleophus born about 1927
JenningsCora born about 1895
JenningsDallas born about 1934
JenningsEdd Leeborn about 1916
JenningsElwood born about 1924
JenningsEugene born about 1925
JenningsEunice born about 1916
JenningsFloyd born about 1920
JenningsHerbert born about 1888
JenningsLarence born about 1921
JenningsLenard born about 1918
JenningsMacciel born about 1927
JenningsMelvin born about 1929
JenningsRogers born about 1932
JenningsRoxie born about 1925
JenningsSallie born about 1893
JenningsSallie born about 1932
JenningsSamuel Eborn about 1937
JenningsSanford born about 1887
JenningsSanford Jr born about 1938
JenningsWallace born about 1919
JohnsonA Rosettaborn about 1928
JohnsonCalvin born about 1931
JohnsonCharlie Hborn about 1923
JohnsonCharlis Jr born about 1938
JohnsonCharlotte Jeanborn about 1934
JohnsonClifton Lborn about 1930
JohnsonCora born about 1935
JohnsonDennis born about 1890
JohnsonEthel born about 1907
JohnsonEther Marieborn about 1926
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1932
JohnsonGeorge born about 1911
JohnsonGeorge Eborn about 1936
JohnsonGeorge Jr born about 1936
JohnsonHilton born about 1918
JohnsonHoward Eborn about 1938
JohnsonJack born about 1935
JohnsonJames born about 1896
JohnsonJames born about 1927
JohnsonJoseph born about 1929
JohnsonJulia born about 1904
JohnsonKate born about 1912
JohnsonKatrina born about 1933
JohnsonLinwood born about 1937
JohnsonMable Leeborn about 1929
JohnsonMamie born about 1922
JohnsonMargaret born about 1931
JohnsonMattie Lborn about 1936
JohnsonMillian Cborn about 1936
JohnsonMinnie born about 1932
JohnsonNeppie born about 1901
JohnsonRufus born about 1921
JohnsonSophia born about 1924
JohnsonSusan Mborn about 1921
JohnsonThomas Aborn about 1931
JohnsonVernice born about 1928
JohnsonWilliam born about 1900
JohnsonWillie Lborn about 1938
JommingeGeorge Jborn about 1894
JonesAda born about 1882
JonesAlmaz born about 1894
JonesArdery born about 1938
JonesArentha born about 1922
JonesBeanna born about 1901
JonesBillie Gborn about 1931
JonesClifton born about 1935
JonesCora born about 1906
JonesDaniel born about 1870
JonesDelois born about 1934
JonesDorothy born about 1926
JonesEddie born about 1900
JonesEmma born about 1920
JonesEunice born about 1939
JonesEva born about 1876
JonesHerbert born about 1936
JonesHester born about 1902
JonesJames born about 1882
JonesJohn born about 1870
JonesKelly born about 1936
JonesLilah born about 1881
JonesLouise born about 1932
JonesMarie born about 1902
JonesMarjorie born about 1929
JonesMary born about 1880
JonesMattie born about 1928
JonesMinnie born about 1899
JonesMinnie born about 1929
JonesMoses born about 1896
JonesNaomi born about 1932
JonesReginold Jr born about 1930
JonesReyinold Dborn about 1902
JonesRosetta born about 1868
JonesRosevelt born about 1916
JonesRuth born about 1927
JonesSherlie born about 1937
JonesThelma born about 1924
JonesWiley born about 1922
JonesWilliam born about 1864
JonesWilliam Bborn about 1925
JonesWinnie born about 1929
JordanAlexander born about 1866
JordanAnna born about 1897
JordanB Franklinborn about 1909
JordanBeatrice born about 1879
JordanDonna Rayborn about 1938
JordanDorothy Margaretborn about 1932
JordanEdna born about 1917
JordanIda born about 1867
JordanIda born about 1877
JordanJames Elbertborn about 1902
JordanJohn born about 1862
JordanJohnnie born about 1924
JordanKenneth born about 1919
JordanM Gertrudeborn about 1890
JordanMargaret born about 1880
JordanMargaret born about 1910
JordanMargaret born about 1920
JordanMary Catherineborn about 1930
JordanMary Leeborn about 1898
JordanMilton Eborn about 1924
JordanMinnie born about 1898
JordanNancy born about 1901
JordanNathan Cborn about 1875
JordanR Benjamamborn about 1882
JordanRaymond Sborn about 1911
JordanRaymond S Jrborn about 1940
JordanWilliam Bborn about 1896
JordanWilliam Eborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KiebyBessie Louiseborn about 1908
KiebyHenry born about 1900
KiebyRoy Edgarborn about 1930

L Surnames

LambA Marieborn about 1939
LambAllie born about 1912
LambCarol born about 1933
LambEmily born about 1915
LambHattie born about 1939
LambLatie born about 1931
LambLouis born about 1898
LambLouis Royborn about 1922
LambLuther born about 1916
LambMaxie born about 1935
LaneAlbert born about 1864
LaneAlethia born about 1897
LaneAlice Bborn about 1931
LaneAnnie born about 1890
LaneBarbara Rborn about 1938
LaneBenjaman Fborn about 1900
LaneBessie Annborn about 1925
LaneBlanche Raeborn about 1929
LaneBuleah born about 1924
LaneBuleah born about 1928
LaneCalvin born about 1924
LaneCarey born about 1923
LaneCharlotte born about 1876
LaneClara Maeborn about 1930
LaneClyde born about 1934
LaneClyde Leeborn about 1938
LaneDoris born about 1927
LaneElihu born about 1906
LaneElizabeth born about 1904
LaneElizabeth born about 1928
LaneElizabeth Annborn about 1874
LaneElsbery born about 1899
LaneEmmet born about 1930
LaneEreman born about 1917
LaneErtie born about 1925
LaneEthel Maeborn about 1901
LaneEunice born about 1913
LaneEvelyn born about 1909
LaneEvelyn born about 1910
LaneEvelyn born about 1939
LaneGarland born about 1906
LaneGeorge born about 1893
LaneGrant born about 1914
LaneHelen born about 1927
LaneHenretta Jborn about 1927
LaneHenry Allenborn about 1900
LaneHoward born about 1925
LaneJadie born about 1890
LaneJadie born about 1937
LaneJames Cborn about 1880
LaneJimmy born about 1933
LaneJohn Mborn about 1894
LaneJohnnie Wborn about 1902
LaneJudson Lborn about 1877
LaneJulia born about 1925
LaneKatie Rborn about 1886
LaneLellie born about 1932
LaneLloyd born about 1926
LaneLola born about 1906
LaneLouis born about 1903
LaneLula born about 1882
LaneMaggie Eborn about 1922
LaneMathew born about 1931
LaneMildred born about 1912
LaneMilton born about 1922
LaneMinnie born about 1908
LaneNonie Louborn about 1935
LaneOtis born about 1900
LaneOtis born about 1921
LanePreston born about 1931
LaneQueene born about 1907
LaneRebecca born about 1872
LaneRoy born about 1909
LaneRuby born about 1922
LaneSarah Vborn about 1883
LaneSelma Dborn about 1936
LaneSpergeon born about 1921
LaneWilford born about 1919
LaneWill born about 1875
LaneWillis Eborn about 1923
LaneWilson born about 1862
LarenceEvelyn born about 1932
LarenceFlossie Lborn about 1927
LarenceHarold born about 1929
LarenceJosuah Rborn about 1877
LarenceJulia Dborn about 1906
LarenceNaomi born about 1937
LarenceRosa born about 1930
LarenceTerressa Mborn about 1935
LaydenClyde Jborn about 1901
LaydenEffie Maeborn about 1891
LaydenHarriett Lborn about 1929
LaydenIola born about 1894
LaydenOliver born about 1888
LaydenOliver Maeborn about 1921
LaydenOliver Jr born about 1921
LaydenRobert Tborn about 1870
LewisCallie born about 1909
LewisCarl born about 1925
LewisDoris born about 1921
LewisMaude born about 1885
LewisMildred Annborn about 1936
LewisTalmadge born about 1908
LewisWilliam born about 1879
LightfootCassie born about 1882
LightfootCharlie born about 1899
LightfootEula Mborn about 1928
LightfootGeorge born about 1880
LightfootGeorge born about 1924
LightfootMelvin born about 1925
LightfootRosa born about 1901
LightfortAlberta born about 1926
LightfortAlphonso born about 1912
LightfortAustralia born about 1924
LightfortBeulah Maeborn about 1939
LightfortBuleah born about 1911
LightfortCharlie born about 1922
LightfortCurtis born about 1933
LightfortEdna born about 1936
LightfortEvelyn born about 1936
LightfortJoe born about 1885
LightfortLeroy born about 1934
LightfortMillie born about 1888
LilleyAlbert H Eborn about 1928
LilleyCharlie Hborn about 1924
LilleyElizabeth born about 1926
LilleyErnest born about 1895
LilleyJohnie Jborn about 1922
LilleyMelvin born about 1933
LilleySarah Bborn about 1903
LilleyWalter born about 1921
LilleyWilliam Grantborn about 1929
LillyAbraham born about 1863
LimphlettClaudie born about 1916
LittlejohnRebecca born about 1901
LizhlfootEmma born about 1918
LizhlfootHerman born about 1917
LizhlfootHerman Jr born about 1939
LizhlfootMazzie born about 1936
LongFloyd born about 1929
LongHorace born about 1903
LongMyrtle born about 1901
LongNittie Leoborn about 1936
LoweAllen born about 1928
LoweBruce born about 1936
LoweDavid Larenceborn about 1934
LoweElsie born about 1915
LoweHerman born about 1934
LoweJames Lborn about 1895
LoweLucy born about 1902
LoweMerritt born about 1898
LoweRosa born about 1930
LoweThomas Edwardborn about 1936
LoweWalton born about 1908
LoweWilliam born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabinCaroline born about 1859
MackentireFrank born about 1877
MackentireJames born about 1916
MadreBill born about 1927
MadreCharlie Hborn about 1866
MadreElizabeth born about 1868
MadreElvine born about 1863
MadreHazel born about 1922
MadreHenry Aborn about 1896
MadreMary Estellborn about 1889
MadreMattie born about 1903
MadreReber born about 1926
MadreyEdward born about 1925
MadreyHorace born about 1884
MadreyLillie Maeborn about 1895
MansfieldClarence born about 1930
MansfieldMinnie born about 1902
MansfieldNovella born about 1924
MansfieldOscar born about 1888
MansfieldOscar Jr born about 1934
MartinArchie Mborn about 1930
MartinEdward born about 1924
MartinJacob Hborn about 1876
MartinMary born about 1888
MartinOvella born about 1922
MasonE???? born about 1926
MasonFlorida Maeborn about 1930
MasonRaymond born about 1936
MasonRoberta born about 1910
MathewsCharles Eborn about 1907
MathewsDaisy Kborn about 1921
MathewsDaisy Maieborn about 1887
MathewsDonald Richardborn about 1935
MathewsEdward born about 1877
MathewsHazel born about 1921
MathewsIda born about 1912
MathewsJake born about 1896
MathewsLisle born about 1898
MathewsLloyd born about 1915
MathewsMaggie born about 1877
MathewsMarie born about 1915
MathewsMildred Mborn about 1877
MathewsNathan born about 1912
MathewsNell Whiteborn about 1919
MathewsRichard Edwardborn about 1939
MathewsSamuel born about 1873
MathewsWalter Eborn about 1882
MathewsWalter E Jrborn about 1925
MausfieldAnnie Nborn about 1907
MausfieldEdgar Rayborn about 1930
MausfieldErma Kborn about 1928
MausfieldEugene Nborn about 1939
MausfieldSyble Fborn about 1935
MausfieldThomas Edwardborn about 1932
MausfieldWilliam Mborn about 1900
MausfieldWilliam Jr born about 1926
McKinleyHerbert born about 1939
MeadsErnest born about 1899
MeadsPanilla born about 1900
MebaneBernice born about 1919
MebaneEthel Lborn about 1927
MebaneFredrick Dborn about 1924
MebaneKatie born about 1893
MebaneMadison born about 1886
MebaneMadison Eborn about 1922
MebaneVivian Eborn about 1932
MebaneWeldon born about 1916
MeldonJimmie born about 1918
MethewsBetty Annborn about 1936
MethewsJulian born about 1909
MethewsMable born about 1908
MillerAlethia born about 1860
MillerAnn born about 1923
MillerArlene born about 1937
MillerBarbara Annborn about 1939
MillerBenjaman Hborn about 1934
MillerBessie born about 1893
MillerBryant born about 1900
MillerCharles Eborn about 1935
MillerClara born about 1926
MillerClofus born about 1939
MillerDavid born about 1874
MillerDoris born about 1926
MillerEffie born about 1904
MillerEllis Mborn about 1890
MillerElmer born about 1891
MillerEmanuel born about 1923
MillerEmma Jeanborn about 1934
MillerEthel born about 1915
MillerEthel Vborn about 1930
MillerFrancetta born about 1932
MillerGaynell born about 1929
MillerGeorge born about 1930
MillerHazel born about 1910
MillerHazel Bborn about 1930
MillerJ Henryborn about 1922
MillerJ Kellyborn about 1879
MillerJ Kelly Jrborn about 1931
MillerJames Hborn about 1860
MillerJonathan born about 1865
MillerJulia Mborn about 1890
MillerJunior Bborn about 1908
MillerMamie born about 1878
MillerMargaret born about 1907
MillerMargaret born about 1931
MillerMary born about 1873
MillerOdessa born about 1934
MillerRobert born about 1926
MillerRudolph born about 1926
MillerSarah born about 1892
MillerVera born about 1878
MillerWilliam Eborn about 1906
MillerWilliam E Jrborn about 1936
MillieWm born about 1861
MitchellFrances born about 1937
ModlinAlene born about 1940
ModlinAnnie Cborn about 1910
ModlinBarbara born about 1936
ModlinBuleah born about 1910
ModlinCecil born about 1894
ModlinGrant born about 1907
ModlinGrant Jr born about 1933
ModlinHazel born about 1913
ModlinHubert Jeanborn about 1938
ModlinJames born about 1933
ModlinJoyce born about 1932
ModlinLaura Jborn about 1936
ModlinMark born about 1903
ModlinMattie born about 1913
ModlinMccoy born about 1936
ModlinMildred born about 1931
ModlinOliver born about 1906
ModlinWilhilma born about 1935
ModlinWilliam born about 1909
ModlinWilliam Jr born about 1938
ModlineElizabeth born about 1931
ModlineGeorge Nilsonborn about 1936
ModlineHelen Louiseborn about 1934
ModlineJames Edwardborn about 1908
ModlineJames Edward Jrborn about 1932
ModlineOdessa born about 1929
ModlineThadus born about 1909
Moore??? born about 1936
MooreAlbert Eugeneborn about 1939
MooreAlex born about 1939
MooreAlton born about 1913
MooreAndrew born about 1911
MooreBettie born about 1883
MooreBraverly born about 1923
MooreCedric born about 1924
MooreCharlie Edwardborn about 1932
MooreClaude born about 1920
MooreClaude Jr born about 1940
MooreDavid born about 1912
MooreDavid Jr born about 1932
MooreElizabeth born about 1931
MooreFaster Fborn about 1904
MooreGeorge born about 1920
MooreGrady Leeborn about 1926
MooreGrizzielle born about 1899
MooreJoe born about 1900
MooreJohn born about 1919
MooreJohnnie Leeborn about 1938
MooreLenora born about 1913
MooreMarie born about 1916
MooreMattie Leeborn about 1937
MooreMildred Leighborn about 1934
MooreOna born about 1915
MooreRoseetta born about 1907
MooreRoy born about 1940
MooreRuth Mborn about 1922
MooreSpence born about 1925
MooreThomas born about 1934
MooreWilliam born about 1880
MooreWillie Matherborn about 1930
MooreWilman Otisborn about 1928
MorganAddie Ruthborn about 1922
MorganArabelle Kborn about 1881
MorganDoris Geneborn about 1939
MorganErnest Eborn about 1919
MorganErnest Wborn about 1880
MorganEula Mborn about 1885
MorganEula Mborn about 1927
MorganGladys born about 1917
MorganHazel born about 1913
MorganJ Prestonborn about 1933
MorganJames Cborn about 1911
MorganLouise born about 1922
MorganRobert Aborn about 1925
MorganSeth Markborn about 1936
MorganSheldon born about 1918
MorganThomas Eborn about 1883
MorganWallace Hborn about 1915
MorganWilliam Fborn about 1885
MoseWalter born about 1863
MurryJohn born about 1872
MurryOlia born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewboldAnnie born about 1900
NewboldJames Wborn about 1920
NewboldRaymond born about 1900
NewbyElmira born about 1890
NewbyRosewell born about 1910
NixonCarlton born about 1928
NixonCora born about 1911
NixonDona born about 1884
NixonDorothy born about 1929
NixonEdward born about 1916
NixonElizabeth born about 1912
NixonGarton born about 1922
NixonHelen born about 1874
NixonHillary born about 1923
NixonHillis born about
NixonIrwin born about 1912
NixonJunior born about 1931
NixonKelly born about 1898
NixonLela Eborn about 1875
NixonLula born about 1892
NixonLuther born about 1891
NixonMalcon born about 1913
NixonMamie born about 1907
NixonMari Bborn about 1880
NixonMinnie born about 1910
NixonOtha born about 1914
NixonPearl born about 1909
NixonRoger born about 1939
NixonSam born about 1908
NixonThomas born about 1920
NixonThomas Wborn about 1883
NixonWill born about 1898
NormanIda Vborn about 1911
NormanJessie born about 1910
NormanJessie Leeborn about 1937
NowellNonie born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OrmonAddie Maeborn about 1916
OrmonArthur born about 1901
OrmonHattie Roseborn about 1906
OrmonHenry born about 1932
OrmonJames born about 1933
OrmonJanie born about 1933
OrmonJessie born about 1930
OrmonLillie Belleborn about 1928
OrmonLinwood born about 1936
OrmonMathew born about 1939
OrmonSarah born about 1935
OvermanAlice born about 1878
OvertonBeulah born about 1924
OvertonCassie Louiseborn about 1938
OvertonDoris born about 1931
OvertonElizabeth born about 1885
OvertonFaye born about 1935
OvertonGraham born about 1934
OvertonHazel born about 1926
OvertonIsaac born about 1901
OvertonIsiah born about 1923
OvertonJames born about 1915
OvertonJames Louisborn about 1936
OvertonJessie born about 1905
OvertonJessie born about 1929
OvertonJohn Lborn about 1860
OvertonJulian born about 1930
OvertonLessella born about 1907
OvertonMarjorie born about 1926
OvertonMary Emmaborn about 1926
OvertonMary Ruthborn about 1920
OvertonMillian Oliverborn about 1934
OvertonRobert born about 1932
OvertonRosa Leeborn about 1924
OvertonSherman Sborn about 1929
OvertonThelma born about 1915
OvertonViola born about 1871
OvertonWill Mborn about 1895
OvertonWillis Fborn about 1928
OwensAlice Virginiaborn about 1940
OwensCarl born about 1930
OwensCarlton born about 1930
OwensDorothy born about 1924
OwensElla Christeneborn about 1939
OwensIrene born about 1926
OwensJ Bborn about 1932
OwensJoy Fayeborn about 1939
OwensLaura born about 1890
OwensLloyd born about 1922
OwensMary born about 1900
OwensMay Louiseborn about 1935
OwensMayaman born about 1920
OwensNellie born about 1922
OwensRobert born about 1923
OwensWilber born about 1918
OwensWillie Wborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerCharlie born about 1897
ParkerCharlie born about 1927
ParkerCharlie Wborn about 1873
ParkerClarine born about 1924
ParkerGaizelle born about 1923
ParkerGeorge Wborn about 1932
ParkerHattie born about 1904
ParkerHattie Pearlborn about 1925
ParkerJames born about 1928
ParkerJosephes born about 1934
ParkerLillie born about 1930
ParkerLinwood born about 1936
ParkerMary born about 1938
ParkerMattie born about 1922
ParkerMattie Eborn about 1888
ParkerWillie born about 1926
PennAnnie born about 1906
PerryArchie born about 1911
PerryArthur Mborn about 1939
PerryC Jacksonborn about 1936
PerryCalvin born about 1912
PerryCalvin Aborn about 1939
PerryClarence born about 1917
PerryDaisy born about 1880
PerryDella born about 1871
PerryDoris born about 1932
PerryDoris born about 1934
PerryDorothy born about 1919
PerryElihu born about 1917
PerryElizabeth born about 1916
PerryEssie Maeborn about 1922
PerryEsther born about 1883
PerryEsther born about 1920
PerryGeorge born about 1912
PerryGeorgia Rborn about 1936
PerryGloria Eborn about 1940
PerryHarlie born about 1933
PerryHazel Simpsonborn about 1916
PerryHelen born about 1913
PerryHelen Emilyborn about 1935
PerryJames born about 1905
PerryJames born about 1916
PerryJames Eborn about 1940
PerryJames Hborn about 1887
PerryJames Jr born about 1935
PerryJessie born about 1919
PerryJessie Eborn about 1888
PerryJoe born about 1915
PerryJohn Wborn about 1934
PerryJoseph Eborn about 1873
PerryLarence born about 1916
PerryLena Cborn about 1886
PerryLester born about 1937
PerryLevi born about 1870
PerryLillie Bellborn about 1938
PerryLouise born about 1904
PerryMadeline born about 1924
PerryMadgie born about 1917
PerryMag Ophiliaborn about 1926
PerryMaggie born about 1875
PerryMary born about 1902
PerryMary Janeborn about 1871
PerryMary Vborn about 1871
PerryMattie born about 1888
PerryMay born about 1908
PerryMercy born about 1914
PerryMinnie born about 1912
PerryNaomi born about 1913
PerryNathaniel Dborn about 1879
PerryRobert born about 1874
PerrySydney Mborn about 1913
PerryWilmer born about 1911
PettifootPompey born about 1879
PettyDorothy Maeborn about 1933
PettyGeorge Dborn about 1935
PettyHattie Pearlborn about 1938
PettyIrene born about 1917
PettyJames Eborn about 1936
PettyJohn Andersonborn about 1897
PettyMary Ellaborn about 1930
PettySam born about 1880
PettySarah born about 1886
PhelpsJoseph Wborn about 1876
PhelpsMarion born about 1922
PhelpsRossettie born about 1875
PhilipsEarl born about 1920
PhilipsEdie Maieborn about 1935
PhilipsElbert born about 1936
PhilipsElla born about 1917
PhilipsJessie born about 1923
PhilipsJohnnie born about 1912
PhilipsViola born about 1935
Pierce??? Maeborn about 1921
PierceArthur born about 1884
PierceBarbara Annborn about 1935
PierceCharlie Hborn about 1900
PierceClarence born about 1912
PierceCurtis born about 1938
PierceDaisy Mborn about 1881
PierceEthel born about 1883
PierceJames born about 1922
PierceJohn Rborn about 1870
PierceLauren Belleborn about 1921
PierceLeonard born about 1917
PierceLeonard Ernestborn about 1939
PierceMaranga born about 1912
PierceMargaret born about 1914
PierceNina born about 1889
PierceNina Maeborn about 1923
PierceR Stanleyborn about 1937
PierceRuth born about 1909
PierceSelma Louiseborn about 1926
PierceWillie born about 1907
PierceWillie Hborn about 1868
PikeBenjaman Fborn about 1887
PikeBessie Maeborn about 1924
PikeDavid born about 1919
PikeHazel born about 1917
PikeJ Westleyborn about 1913
PikeJohnnie M Jrborn about 1896
PikeLila Maeborn about 1900
PikeLovy born about 1919
PikeMaratha born about 1890
PikeMargarett Wborn about 1916
PikeMaryolyn Leeborn about 1937
PikeMildred born about 1928
PikeNellie Mborn about 1921
PriceArline born about 1926
PriceEmma born about 1902
PriceGeorge born about 1892
PriceMllie born about 1895
PriceWilmer born about 1923
ProctorAnne Elizabethborn about 1931
ProctorClinton born about 1882
ProctorDaisy Mayborn about 1920
ProctorEvelyn born about 1911
ProctorHaywood born about 1905
ProctorRachel born about 1883
ProctorRufus born about 1913
PurvisAlvenia born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReddickAlphonso born about 1912
ReddickCarlton Jborn about 1936
ReddickHurbert born about 1928
ReddickJames Aborn about 1938
ReddickJeniettie born about 1935
ReddickKatie born about 1906
ReddickLee born about 1905
ReddickLucile born about 1927
ReddickMartha born about 1918
ReddickMary Janeborn about 1924
ReddickNellie born about 1923
ReddickSue Lborn about 1899
ReddickSusianna born about 1926
ReddickSusie Bellborn about 1932
ReddickWalter born about 1935
ReddickWilliam born about 1896
ReddickWilliam born about 1922
ReddickWilliam Hborn about 1925
ReddickWillie Maeborn about 1931
ReedRoy born about 1915
ReedWill born about 1919
ReidAlonza born about 1880
ReidAlonza Jr born about 1927
ReidElizabeth born about 1926
RembleElla born about 1911
RiddickAlice Vborn about 1860
RiddickAndrey born about 1888
RiddickBenjaman born about 1923
RiddickCharlie born about 1919
RiddickCicero born about 1898
RiddickClarine born about 1911
RiddickCleveland born about 1928
RiddickDeordany born about 1912
RiddickDorothy Aborn about 1940
RiddickElbert born about 1872
RiddickElisha born about 1888
RiddickEliza born about 1920
RiddickElla born about 1880
RiddickFred born about 1922
RiddickGrizzelle born about 1877
RiddickHenry born about 1898
RiddickHenry born about 1923
RiddickHoward born about 1924
RiddickHur Willieborn about 1887
RiddickJanet born about 1933
RiddickJeraldine born about 1935
RiddickJoe born about 1892
RiddickJohn Bborn about 1883
RiddickJohnson B Jrborn about 1939
RiddickJoseph Mborn about 1936
RiddickJosephus born about 1921
RiddickLouis born about 1935
RiddickLuzenia born about 1875
RiddickMartha born about 1914
RiddickMary born about 1898
RiddickMary born about 1903
RiddickMary Eligaborn about 1913
RiddickMary Elizabethborn about 1938
RiddickMathew born about 1915
RiddickMathew born about 1921
RiddickMathew born about 1922
RiddickNixon born about 1902
RiddickNora born about 1886
RiddickNora Leeborn about 1923
RiddickOdessa Leeborn about 1931
RiddickPearl born about 1917
RiddickPearlie born about 1928
RiddickTommie born about 1939
RiddickWalter born about 1927
RiddickWilliam born about 1926
RiddickWilliam Bborn about 1921
RiddickWilliam Rborn about 1938
RiddickWillie born about 1917
RightfootAlice Louiseborn about 1939
RightfootElsie Maeborn about 1937
RightfootRobert born about 1918
RightfootViola born about 1919
RoachAlice born about 1900
RoachAllen born about 1931
RoachGeorge Tborn about 1896
RoachGeorge T Jrborn about 1940
RoachJohn Rborn about 1870
RoachStephen born about 1864
RoachSusan Cborn about 1871
RoachWilliam born about 1924
RobertsonMillard born about 1925
RobertsonW Jasperborn about 1927
RogersonDola Fborn about 1919
RogersonEarl Elliottborn about 1931
RogersonFlorence born about 1928
RogersonIdonia born about 1896
RogersonIsaac born about 1923
RogersonJessie born about 1925
RogersonJessie Davidborn about 1904
RogersonJohn Aborn about 1891
RogersonJohnny born about 1928
RogersonLaura born about 1905
RogersonLillian born about 1894
RogersonMattie born about 1908
RogersonPearlie born about 1927
RogersonThomas Gborn about 1925
RogersonWilliam born about 1930
RogersonWilliam Dborn about 1888
RogersonWilliam Mborn about 1922
RoochAmy Vanborn about 1934
RoochAudrey born about 1908
RoochJ Vawborn about 1901
RountrieAlice Vborn about 1910
RountrieWillie born about 1906
RumberEdna born about 1924
RumberHattie born about 1927
RumberOnella born about 1926
RumberPearl born about 1907
RumberWilliam born about 1901
RumbleAlice Oborn about 1935
RumbleElton born about 1912
RumbleElton born about 1940
RumbleJames Mborn about 1939
RumbleLinwood born about 1934
RumbleOra born about 1936
RumbleVanella Eborn about 1911
RumseyCarey born about 1882
RumseyCary Jr born about 1920
RumseyJanet born about 1926
RumseyLucile Tborn about 1892
RussellBarbara Gborn about 1938
RussellCrofton born about 1914
RussellFletcher born about 1897
RussellGracie born about 1902
RussellIona born about 1920
RussellLindsey born about 1917
RussellMitty Jeanborn about 1932
RussellOlden born about 1928
RussellRichard born about 1897
RussellSarah born about 1912
RussellSherley Annaborn about 1938
RussellThomas born about 1927
RussellWilma born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SallingsLaura born about 1892
SallingsRobert born about 1876
SallingsRoscoe Cborn about 1920
SallingsTimothy born about 1922
SangerBarbara Leighborn about 1937
SangerMason born about 1916
SangerRuby Leighborn about 1918
SangerThomas Martinborn about 1939
SarogerMary Annborn about 1939
SattonErnest born about 1906
SattonLucile born about 1906
SattonRoy born about 1923
SaugerCharlie born about 1872
SawyerBelial Maieborn about 1908
SawyerCecil Hemanborn about 1897
SawyerElner Maieborn about 1927
SawyerGeorge Eborn about 1935
SawyerJohn Rborn about 1871
SawyerJohn Jr born about 1937
SawyerJohnnie born about 1908
SawyerTiney born about 1874
SawyerWillie born about 1912
ScaffHilrey Jborn about 1930
ScaffJames Hborn about 1874
ScaffSallie born about 1901
SimpsonJohnnie born about 1891
Skinner??? born about 1906
SkinnerCalvin born about 1933
SkinnerCarry born about 1933
SkinnerEdmond Bluntborn about 1928
SkinnerElizabeth Hopkinsborn about 1940
SkinnerElizabeth Maieborn about 1915
SkinnerEmily Griffinborn about 1931
SkinnerFrank Bborn about 1917
SkinnerJohnnie Eborn about 1928
SkinnerJosuah Bborn about 1937
SkinnerMary Eborn about 1926
SkinnerMary Gborn about 1903
SkinnerRosa born about 1913
SkinnerRosa born about 1935
SkinnerSallie born about 1892
SkinnerVirginia born about 1930
SkumerCharlie born about 1919
SkumerJoe Willieborn about 1940
SkumerMatresa born about 1923
SmithAdren Jborn about 1901
SmithAdren Jr born about 1925
SmithAlbert Jborn about 1929
SmithCharles Cborn about 1937
SmithClara born about 1927
SmithElla born about 1875
SmithErma born about 1916
SmithEthel Oborn about 1922
SmithEula born about 1930
SmithFred born about 1911
SmithGrace Mborn about 1917
SmithHaywood born about 1905
SmithHazel born about 1913
SmithHilda born about 1922
SmithJ Eugene Lborn about 1918
SmithJames Mborn about 1873
SmithJeniva born about 1899
SmithJessie born about 1906
SmithJohn Hborn about 1940
SmithJohnny born about 1918
SmithLouis Aborn about 1888
SmithLouis Nborn about 1917
SmithMarth Graceborn about 1904
SmithMathew born about 1917
SmithMozell born about 1923
SmithNelson Jborn about 1891
SmithNeppie Mborn about 1905
SmithNeppie Maudeborn about 1852
SmithPaul born about 1928
SmithRoxie Aborn about 1891
SmithRoy Wborn about 1910
SmithRuby Jborn about 1923
SmithSarah born about 1908
SmithWarren Wborn about 1875
SottouCourtney born about 1878
SpellmanBeatrice born about 1905
SpellmanDara born about 1880
SpellmanEdmond born about 1905
SpellmanEllen born about 1885
SpellmanJames born about 1938
SpellmanJessie born about 1937
SpellmanJohn born about 1887
SpellmanJunior born about 1930
SpellmanLinwood born about 1919
SpellmanMary Fborn about 1928
SpellmanMelvin born about 1936
SpellmanOliver born about 1912
SpellmanPufus Jamesborn about 1922
SpellmanSallie born about 1917
SpellmanSella Maeborn about 1934
SpenceAnna Marthaborn about 1920
SpenceClarence Lborn about 1932
SpenceElijah Earlborn about 1917
SpenceElizah born about 1888
SpenceJames Eborn about 1909
SpenceJames E Jrborn about 1930
SpenceLanie Bborn about 1922
SpenceMaggie Lborn about 1893
SpenceMaggie Maeborn about 1935
SpenceMary Elizabethborn about 1940
SpenceMinnie born about 1912
SpenceSylvia Maeborn about 1920
SpenceWilliam Hborn about 1934
StalingsEva born about 1889
StalingsSimon born about 1920
StallingsAster Pborn about 1882
StallingsBetty born about 1910
StallingsEmmitt born about 1911
StallingsErnest Kborn about 1936
StallingsHenry Hborn about 1906
StallingsJ Vichborn about 1875
StallingsJack born about 1905
StallingsJeraldine born about 1914
StallingsLeah born about 1883
StallingsOdell born about 1918
StallingsPearl born about 1882
StallingsVick born about 1918
StallingsWillie born about 1912
StantonAnnie Mborn about 1886
StantonEvelyn Annborn about 1938
StantonJanie born about 1908
StantonKay Whileborn about 1935
StantonMarie born about 1924
StantonRuth born about 1916
StantonW Jesse Jrborn about 1911
StantonW Raumondborn about 1903
StantonWillis Jborn about 1876
StevensonBessie born about 1903
StevensonErnest Rborn about 1902
StevensonPreston Rborn about 1935
StevensonRobert Lborn about 1926
StewartPersey born about 1899
StewartPersey born about 1926
StewartVallie born about 1899
StorySusan born about 1877
StoryTom Cborn about 1867
StoryTom C Jrborn about 1914
SummerEmily Annborn about 1936
SummerNellie born about 1895
SuttonAlice born about 1935
SuttonElla Dollborn about 1930
SuttonElwo??? born about 1925
SuttonFloyd born about 1902
SuttonFloyd born about 1928
SuttonGladys Dborn about 1912
SuttonHattie Vborn about 1930
SuttonHaywood born about 1938
SuttonLinwood born about 1924
SuttonMarie born about 1921
SuttonRosie born about 1907
SymonsAnnie Eborn about 1905
SymonsChristofer Cborn about 1873
SymonsEllie Hborn about 1894
SymonsErnest born about 1908
SymonsFaye Rayborn about 1932
SymonsHoward Cborn about 1926
SymonsHughie F Srborn about 1863
SymonsHughus F Jrborn about 1900
SymonsLena born about 1875
SymonsLydia born about 1910
SymonsMae Emmaborn about 1894
SymonsMargaret born about 1934
SymonsSallie born about 1872
SymonsSarah Elizabethborn about 1879
SymonsSylvia Jeanborn about 1937
SymonsWilliam Wborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TadlockJessie Tborn about 1884
TadlockJulian born about 1926
TadlockMargaret born about 1922
TadlockRuth born about 1929
TadlockSue born about 1897
TalsonLouise born about 1889
TalsonWilliam born about 1884
TalsonWilliam Hborn about 1928
TawyerJohnnie born about 1916
TawyerSusie born about 1910
TemfhlettThomas Wborn about 1874
TerrellAlice born about 1920
TerrellDorothy Estherborn about 1940
TerrellToney born about 1912
TerttleEldon born about 1916
TerttleMarie born about 1914
ThomasGladys born about 1938
ThomasJoseph born about 1882
ThomasLottie born about 1885
ThomasMary Lborn about 1876
ThomasMercer born about 1907
ThomasPercy born about 1926
TillettEunice born about 1920
TillettEunice Rborn about 1936
TillettLauretta born about 1935
TillettMilton born about 1920
TillettWilber born about 1911
TolsonDavid born about 1916
TolsonJohnnie Royborn about 1934
TolsonLillian born about 1917
TolsonMildred born about 1936
TommsElla Mborn about 1929
TommsLinwood born about 1916
TommsMargaret born about 1920
ToweOtelia born about 1870
TruebloodAbey Mborn about 1934
TruebloodAllie Mborn about 1919
TruebloodBertie Gborn about 1903
TruebloodBetty Louborn about 1933
TruebloodCallie Maeborn about 1925
TruebloodCarolyn born about 1930
TruebloodClenton N Jrborn about 1926
TruebloodCleo born about 1927
TruebloodClinton Nborn about 1898
TruebloodDavid born about 1899
TruebloodDoris Lborn about 1922
TruebloodDorothy Maeborn about 1922
TruebloodErvin born about 1910
TruebloodEvelyn Vborn about 1917
TruebloodEvie born about 1888
TruebloodGenevia born about 1919
TruebloodGeorge born about 1914
TruebloodGeorge Wborn about 1894
TruebloodGeorge Jr born about 1938
TruebloodGraham Eborn about 1914
TruebloodHelen born about 1915
TruebloodHelen born about 1917
TruebloodHernetta Lborn about 1886
TruebloodJack born about 1935
TruebloodJames Eborn about 1924
TruebloodJames Mborn about 1939
TruebloodJames Sborn about 1873
TruebloodJoan born about 1932
TruebloodKatherine born about 1913
TruebloodLessie Vborn about 1938
TruebloodLinval born about 1925
TruebloodMadison born about 1878
TruebloodMargaret Jborn about 1920
TruebloodMarie born about 1928
TruebloodMary Mborn about 1922
TruebloodMary Susanborn about 1866
TruebloodMildred Bborn about 1930
TruebloodMonon born about 1939
TruebloodNathan born about 1911
TruebloodPercy Jborn about 1903
TruebloodPhilip Mborn about 1939
TruebloodPhillis born about 1938
TruebloodRaymond born about 1911
TruebloodSallie born about 1916
TruebloodTimothy Cborn about 1898
TruebloodTommie born about 1901
TruebloodVergie born about 1907
TruebloodWadford Sborn about 1926
TruebloodWalter born about 1922
TruebloodWilliam born about 1928
TurnerAlfred born about 1857
TurnerArietta born about 1857
TurnersHarrison born about 1882
TurnersRosie born about 1884
TwineDella Wborn about 1882
TwineMilford Rayborn about 1924
TwineOscar born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmphlettAndrey born about 1915
UmphlettCharlie born about 1908
UmphlettCharlie Morganborn about 1938
UmphlettEvelyn born about 1918
UmphlettImogene born about 1913
UmphlettMyrtle born about 1905
UmphlettThomas Edwardborn about 1933

W Surnames

WalkerAgeline born about 1916
WalkerBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
WalkerCornelius born about 1888
WalkerLee Ernestborn about 1913
WalkerLizzie born about 1888
WardAlonzo Hborn about 1922
WardBessie born about 1895
WardBessie Jborn about 1921
WardBetty born about 1876
WardBrittish born about 1891
WardDella Fayeborn about 1939
WardDillard born about 1934
WardElizabeth born about 1925
WardElmer born about 1899
WardFlora Louiseborn about 1927
WardG Maeborn about 1911
WardGladys born about 1914
WardHerbert Lborn about 1888
WardJames Eborn about 1929
WardLinwood born about 1902
WardLoretta Annborn about 1936
WardMarjorie born about 1930
WardMary born about 1906
WardMary Vernonborn about 1935
WardMattie born about 1903
WardNellie born about 1899
WardNellie Maeborn about 1918
WardRoy born about 1929
WardThomas Dborn about 1891
WardVernon born about 1904
WarrenDick born about 1900
WelchLucreta born about 1888
WelchPat born about 1880
WheilbeoElsberry born about 1877
WheilbeoEvelyn born about 1928
WheilbeoLuther born about 1912
WheilbeoMargaret born about 1922
WheilbeoOla born about 1886
WheilbeoOld Begneborn about 1926
WhidbeeAlice born about 1918
WhidbeeAnnie Hborn about 1919
WhidbeeBeatrice born about 1931
WhidbeeCalvin born about 1935
WhidbeeCarlton born about 1911
WhidbeeCharlie born about 1910
WhidbeeElizabeth born about 1928
WhidbeeElla Louiseborn about 1934
WhidbeeElsberry born about 1914
WhidbeeEssie Maeborn about 1929
WhidbeeGeorge Rborn about 1891
WhidbeeGertrude born about 1938
WhidbeeHazel Mborn about 1939
WhidbeeHoward born about
WhidbeeIsaac born about 1911
WhidbeeIsaac born about 1924
WhidbeeJohnnie born about 1895
WhidbeeJonas born about 1933
WhidbeeKatherine born about 1920
WhidbeeLizzie born about 1904
WhidbeeLulu born about 1923
WhidbeeMaggie born about 1929
WhidbeeMartha born about 1900
WhidbeeMary Belleborn about 1938
WhidbeeMary Janeborn about 1924
WhidbeeMattie born about 1895
WhidbeeMaude Leeborn about 1931
WhidbeeNathanal born about 1900
WhidbeeNathanal Jr born about 1927
WhidbeeNelson born about 1935
WhidbeeOtha Artieborn about 1933
WhidbeeSarah born about 1922
WhidbeeThurman born about 1939
WhidbeeWiley born about 1926
WhidbeeWiley born about 1932
WhidbeeWilletta born about 1913
WhidberGeorge Bborn about 1880
WhitaCharlie born about 1937
WhitaElner Jamesborn about 1931
WhitaEmmett born about 1904
WhitaEthel Maieborn about 1926
WhitaHelen Marieborn about 1930
WhitaJeanie Andersonborn about 1931
WhitaJosuah born about 1928
WhitaOzell born about 1905
WhiteAddie Mborn about 1912
WhiteAlbert born about 1909
WhiteAlbert Eborn about 1934
WhiteAlcesta born about 1919
WhiteAlfred born about 1890
WhiteAlfred Aborn about 1923
WhiteAlfred Wborn about 1875
WhiteAllie born about 1889
WhiteAlphonso Jr born about 1882
WhiteAndrew born about 1918
WhiteAndrew Eborn about 1890
WhiteAnnie born about 1880
WhiteAnnie born about 1888
WhiteAnnie born about 1921
WhiteAnnie Vborn about 1920
WhiteBenton born about 1919
WhiteBertha Eborn about 1915
WhiteBobby born about 1935
WhiteCelia Mborn about 1937
WhiteCharlie Aborn about 1935
WhiteCharlie Oborn about 1935
WhiteClande Dborn about 1901
WhiteClarence born about 1929
WhiteClarence Bborn about 1880
WhiteClayton born about 1899
WhiteClyde Mborn about 1903
WhiteClyde M Jrborn about 1936
WhiteCora born about 1902
WhiteDempsey born about 1923
WhiteDona born about 1899
WhiteDorothy Fayeborn about 1928
WhiteDorothy Leeborn about 1938
WhiteDorothy Maeborn about 1931
WhiteEdna Maeborn about 1907
WhiteElbert Sborn about 1935
WhiteElihue Hborn about 1898
WhiteEliza born about 1880
WhiteElizabeth born about 1924
WhiteElizabeth Jborn about 1936
WhiteElizah born about 1910
WhiteEmily Rebeccaborn about 1937
WhiteEmmie born about 1910
WhiteEmmie Mborn about 1934
WhiteEsther born about 1919
WhiteEula born about 1923
WhiteFrancis born about 1902
WhiteGeorge Millerborn about 1922
WhiteGeorge Robertborn about 1936
WhiteGrizzie born about 1901
WhiteHale born about 1906
WhiteHaywood Jborn about 1910
WhiteHazel Brightborn about 1916
WhiteHead Berthaborn about 1895
WhiteHelen born about 1915
WhiteHelen born about 1922
WhiteHurbert born about 1924
WhiteJame Horaceborn about 1939
WhiteJames born about 1927
WhiteJames born about 1931
WhiteJames Cborn about 1874
WhiteJames Cborn about 1933
WhiteJames Davidborn about 1886
WhiteJames Eborn about 1933
WhiteJames Hborn about 1921
WhiteJerry Wayneborn about 1938
WhiteJessie born about 1925
WhiteJoe born about 1897
WhiteJohn born about 1881
WhiteJohn born about 1927
WhiteJoseph Nborn about 1922
WhiteLessie born about 1918
WhiteLettia Lborn about 1894
WhiteLillian Louiseborn about 1939
WhiteLizzie born about 1887
WhiteLizzie Mborn about 1890
WhiteLucile born about 1914
WhiteLula Lborn about 1938
WhiteMargaret Annborn about 1871
WhiteMargaret Elvinborn about 1940
WhiteMargaret Virginiaborn about 1912
WhiteMarie born about 1921
WhiteMarvin born about 1910
WhiteMary born about 1885
WhiteMary Alethiaborn about 1892
WhiteMary Eborn about 1878
WhiteMary Eborn about 1935
WhiteMary Elizabethborn about 1916
WhiteMary Elizabethborn about 1931
WhiteMary Ellenborn about 1904
WhiteMary Jborn about 1890
WhiteMary Sueborn about 1903
WhiteMathew Mborn about 1937
WhiteMattie Dborn about 1933
WhiteMilton Eddieborn about 1939
WhiteMinnie born about 1919
WhiteNellie born about 1923
WhiteOscar born about 1915
WhiteRobert born about 1914
WhiteRuth Leeborn about 1922
WhiteShelton born about 1924
WhiteStewart born about 1918
WhiteSydney born about 1913
WhiteT Shetonborn about 1910
WhiteT Silasborn about 1878
WhiteThomas born about 1891
WhiteThomas Eborn about 1861
WhiteThomas Hborn about 1913
WhiteWellington born about 1912
WhiteWilliam Eborn about 1898
WhiteWilliam Jr born about 1923
WhiteWillliam born about 1931
WhitehurstArchie Cborn about 1936
WhitehurstBetty Jeneborn about 1936
WhitehurstCarius born about 1934
WhitehurstCarus born about 1916
WhitehurstCatherine born about 1928
WhitehurstDora Maeborn about 1928
WhitehurstEldon born about 1919
WhitehurstElla born about 1917
WhitehurstElla Louiseborn about 1932
WhitehurstEssie born about
WhitehurstFerebee born about 1912
WhitehurstGeorge born about 1908
WhitehurstGeorge born about 1929
WhitehurstGeorge Jr born about 1934
WhitehurstGladys Eborn about 1937
WhitehurstJames born about 1915
WhitehurstJohnnie born about 1907
WhitehurstJohnnie Jr born about 1935
WhitehurstMaline born about 1912
WhitehurstMinnie born about 1901
WhitehurstOcie Maeborn about 1940
WhitehurstOdell born about 1931
WhitehurstPaul born about 1939
WhitehurstPreston born about 1910
WhitehurstRobert born about 1901
WhitehurstWilbert born about 1915
WhitesCarolyn born about 1938
WhitesElsworth born about 1912
WhitesLassie Maieborn about 1939
WhitesVergie born about 1910
WigginsAubie born about 1915
WigginsCharlie born about 1912
WigginsCourtney born about 1921
WigginsEdith born about 1913
WigginsEthel born about 1932
WigginsHardy born about 1895
WigginsHarold born about 1920
WigginsHattie born about 1925
WigginsHorace born about 1927
WigginsJean born about 1939
WigginsJoan born about 1939
WigginsMary Leeborn about 1896
WigginsPauline born about 1929
WigginsPercy born about 1921
WigginsSarah born about 1931
WigginsSherly born about 1932
WigginsWerner born about 1923
WilderIda born about 1891
WilliamsAlphonso born about 1909
WilliamsClaude born about 1905
WilliamsKinz Aborn about 1904
WilliamsMyrtle born about 1914
WilliamsMyrtle Gordonborn about 1936
WilliamsWillie Yborn about 1907
WinslowAlethia Maeborn about 1933
WinslowAlfred Hborn about 1938
WinslowAllen Jborn about 1871
WinslowAlonzo R Jrborn about 1903
WinslowClara Bborn about 1914
WinslowDennis Pborn about 1911
WinslowDoris born about 1914
WinslowEsther Loisborn about 1914
WinslowFrank born about 1915
WinslowFranklin born about 1935
WinslowFred Sborn about 1908
WinslowHelen born about 1908
WinslowJoseph born about 1900
WinslowLelia Leighborn about 1932
WinslowLessie born about 1906
WinslowLucy Maieborn about 1936
WinslowMadie Leeborn about 1926
WinslowMargaret born about 1916
WinslowMarie born about 1921
WinslowMarshal Aborn about 1936
WinslowMary Belleborn about 1914
WinslowMattie born about 1866
WinslowMattie born about 1927
WinslowMinnie Leighborn about 1877
WinslowMinnie Leighborn about 1920
WinslowRoger Alvinborn about 1936
WinslowWatson born about 1880
WoodardBernice born about 1922
WoodardBlanchie born about 1915
WoodardGlovrious Sborn about 1933
WoodardMaggie born about 1901
WoodardWilliam born about 1895
WoodardWillie born about 1915
WoodardWillie Jr born about 1935
WyziusGracie born about 1903
WyziusGracie Maeborn about 1926
WyziusJames born about 1936
WyziusJohn born about 1929
WyziusLucile born about 1924
WyziusNestus Jborn about 1903
WyziusPhilander born about 1923
WyziusSarah born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YetterAlleene born about 1929
YetterJoseph Dborn about 1899
YetterLillie Maeborn about 1906
YetterMollie Leeborn about 1936

Z Surnames

ZacheryEvelyn born about 1913
ZacheryGene Carltanborn about 1939
ZacheryNathan born about 1908

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