1940 U.S. Federal Census of Quewhiffle, Hoke, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Hoke County > 1940 Census of Quewhiffle

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsFrank born about 1891
AlbrooksBertha Lborn about 1938
AlbrooksCarl born about 1914
AlbrooksGertrude Pborn about 1925
AlbrooksIda Mborn about 1910
AlbrooksMargarett born about 1934
AlbrooksRichard Cborn about 1936
AlbrooksThornt born about 1910
AlbrooksWalter born about 1931
AldregeHue born about 1912
AlexanderCharlotte born about 1890
AlexanderLorena born about 1932
AlexanderSpencer born about 1882
AlmondAlice born about 1912
AlmondDonald born about 1937
AlmondDoris born about 1916
AlmondErnest born about 1915
AlmondEstelle born about 1918
AlmondGareth born about 1936
AlmondGerome born about 1929
AlmondJ Aborn about 1891
AlmondLane born about 1919
AlmondM Cborn about 1907
AlmondMyrna born about 1933
AlmondNora born about 1897
AlmondRaymon born about 1912
AlmondWade born about 1922
AlmondWinifred born about 1931
AndersonBertha born about 1910
ArmstrongAnna Gborn about 1925
ArmstrongArch born about 1892
ArmstrongConelia born about 1895
ArmstrongDon born about 1920
ArmstrongDonnie Vborn about 1940
ArmstrongEula Maeborn about 1934
ArmstrongFlora Bellborn about 1891
ArmstrongJason born about 1899
ArmstrongJohn born about 1903
ArmstrongMaggie Lborn about 1927
ArmstrongMary born about 1905
ArmstrongStella born about 1919
ArmstrongWilliam Jborn about 1926
AustineWillie born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerCarolyn Lborn about 1938
BakerHenry born about 1900
BakerJack Lborn about 1930
BakerJames Rborn about 1936
BakerJasper Le born about 1932
BakerLullia Mborn about 1926
BakerMattie born about 1905
BakerMurry Aborn about 1934
BakerNeill Wborn about 1928
BaldenBelle born about 1909
BaldenChannie Maeborn about 1926
BaldenWillie born about 1908
BannettAmme born about 1914
BannettBobby born about 1934
BannettJohn born about 1910
BannettSamuel born about 1932
BantonAngus born about 1917
BantonAnna Bborn about 1922
BarberClarence Mborn about 1906
BarnardOrange born about 1863
BeallFrances born about 1915
BeallJames Lborn about 1887
BellIcey born about 1913
BellIvey born about 1913
BenanFrances born about 1922
BenanMayme born about 1893
BennettAdetha born about 1905
BethayClarence born about 1908
BethayEveline born about 1917
BethayMary born about 1867
BetheaAnna born about 1898
BetheaCurtis born about 1929
BetheaLula Mborn about 1922
BetheaMelvin born about 1938
BetheaPearl born about 1920
BetheaRosena born about 1924
BlueCharlott born about 1880
BlueCleveland born about 1914
BlueElla Dborn about 1938
BlueFannie born about 1900
BlueFloria born about 1877
BlueHenry Lborn about 1927
BlueJacob born about 1864
BlueJame Cborn about 1939
BlueJohn born about 1915
BlueLeo born about 1937
BlueNannie born about 1913
BlueWillie Rborn about 1890
BlytherAbraham born about 1907
BlytherAbraham Jr born about 1930
BlytherBettie Lborn about 1938
BlytherEddie born about 1934
BlytherHattie born about 1936
BlytherHattie Maryborn about 1911
BlytherJames born about 1916
BlytherWillie Jamesborn about 1932
BobbettA Tborn about 1899
BobbettCarol born about 1933
BobbettDavid born about 1926
BobbettJennie Sborn about 1931
BobbettKatherine born about 1929
BobbettMargaret born about 1924
BobbettNellie born about 1901
BobbettTalmage born about 1922
BoldenAileen born about 1916
BoldenCharles born about 1940
BoldenClaude born about 1917
BoldenElla born about 1914
BoldenEthel born about 1918
BoldenGlenn born about 1901
BoldenNeill born about 1921
BoldenWillie born about 1927
BooneConaway born about 1920
BostElizabeth born about 1907
BrabbleSyble born about 1901
BrookFast Carrieborn about 1880
BrownBarney born about 1921
BrownCarroll born about 1933
BrownCliff born about 1892
BrownDorthea Mborn about 1938
BrownEdward Neillborn about 1930
BrownEli born about 1913
BrownElizebeth born about 1878
BrownEllen born about 1861
BrownElsie Mborn about 1929
BrownErnest born about 1932
BrownFloyd Mborn about 1938
BrownFrank born about 1886
BrownGladis Pborn about 1936
BrownGrover born about 1918
BrownJames born about 1938
BrownLillian born about 1906
BrownLillian born about 1916
BrownLillie born about 1884
BrownM Cborn about 1877
BrownMalva Deanborn about 1933
BrownMargaret born about 1939
BrownNoah born about 1906
BrownR Cborn about 1934
BrownRobert Lborn about 1936
BrownRobert Leeborn about 1921
BrownSarah born about 1908
BrownThressie born about 1912
BrownVirgia born about 1924
BrownWilliam Fborn about 1927
BrownWillie born about 1940
BurchTempie born about 1904
BurchittAlyce born about 1917
BurkeAgreshaie born about 1937
BurkeAugusta born about 1921
BurkeBessie Maeborn about 1931
BurkeBin born about 1939
BurkeBoston born about 1912
BurkeErnest born about 1904
BurkeEthel Leeborn about 1926
BurkeFairley born about 1899
BurkeJoanne born about 1939
BurkeJunetta born about 1936
BurkeKattie born about 1882
BurkeLenard born about 1930
BurkeLessie born about 1901
BurkeLula Maeborn about 1914
BurkeMonroe born about 1916
BurkeMyrttle born about 1931
BurkeQuinesta born about 1924
BurkeThomas born about 1925
BurkeViola born about 1921
BurkeWaddel born about 1934
BurkeWill born about 1877
BurkeWillie born about 1922
ByrdFannie born about 1870
ByrdFlora Leeborn about 1926
ByrdJoe born about 1909
ByrdJunior born about 1915
ByrdLee born about 1920
ByrdLola born about 1940
ByrdLusetta born about 1922
ByrdMattie born about 1879
ByrdMinnie Dborn about 1924
ByrdNorman born about 1912
ByrdRebecca born about 1912
ByrdWilliam born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaleElane born about 1929
CaleHubart born about 1924
CaleJonah born about 1884
CaleLenora born about 1918
CaleLizzie born about 1888
CaleLoueise born about 1922
CaleMyrtle born about 1931
CalePaul born about 1927
CaleRuby born about 1934
CallawayLenard born about 1924
CallawayMaud born about 1903
CallawayRalph born about 1926
CallawayShelby born about 1939
CallawayShirley born about 1939
CallawayWaren born about 1921
CallawayWill born about 1900
CameronAggie born about 1891
CameronAlvin born about 1926
CameronAnnis born about 1910
CameronCaroline born about 1933
CameronElizabeth born about 1923
CameronEthel Leeborn about 1916
CameronFloyd Bborn about 1922
CameronGlimas born about 1932
CameronHarold born about 1915
CameronHerman born about 1918
CameronIris born about 1878
CameronJ Wborn about 1877
CameronJames born about 1876
CameronJohn born about 1874
CameronJohn Cborn about 1904
CameronKatie Bborn about 1902
CameronLillie Bborn about 1880
CameronMary Lborn about 1935
CameronNancy born about 1937
CameronNeill born about 1875
CameronPatsy Rborn about 1939
CameronPearla born about 1916
CameronRuby born about 1918
CameronTuretha born about 1928
CameronVerna born about 1907
CameronVerna born about 1938
CameronWilliam Hborn about 1920
CameronWilliam Wborn about 1913
CameronWillias Leeborn about 1930
CampbellClarence born about 1933
CampbellD Gborn about 1906
CampbellDella born about 1912
CampbellEdna born about 1939
CampbellEmma Jborn about 1935
CampbellEthel born about 1912
CampbellFrank born about 1911
CampbellGrant born about 1865
CampbellHick born about 1911
CampbellJames Aborn about 1929
CampbellJerry Leeborn about 1937
CampbellL Dborn about 1931
CampbellLeroy born about 1933
CampbellRuth born about 1937
CampbellViola born about 1915
CanadayNeill born about 1908
CanedyDan born about 1877
CarterAlbert born about 1910
CarterClaude born about 1906
CatesKatherine born about 1903
CathranCatherine born about 1928
CathranGertrude born about 1894
CathranJennie born about 1872
CathranL Rborn about 1894
CathranMarie born about 1934
CathranNemoria born about 1923
CathranRalph born about 1919
CathranRudolph born about 1925
CathranRuth born about 1921
CathranThelma born about 1930
CathranTibney born about 1932
ChabersJames born about 1921
ChambersBerlena born about 1918
ChambersCammy born about 1919
ChambersClaud Lborn about 1921
ChambersClide Hborn about 1937
ChambersClinton born about 1906
ChambersClinton Jr born about 1926
ChambersDeman born about 1919
ChambersElaine Eborn about 1932
ChambersElizabeth born about 1931
ChambersFrank born about 1875
ChambersFrank Jr born about 1903
ChambersGar born about 1926
ChambersHarry born about 1886
ChambersHazel Leeborn about 1923
ChambersMardell born about 1926
ChambersMary Fborn about 1925
ChambersMelvin Cborn about 1936
ChambersMinnie Bborn about 1896
ChambersMinnie Mborn about 1935
ChambersNancy born about 1895
ChambersPauline born about 1906
ChambersR Sborn about 1928
ChambersRathaw born about 1914
ChambersRichard Aborn about 1931
ChambersRobert born about 1927
ChambersRobert born about 1929
ChambersRobert Lborn about 1889
ChambersSammy born about 1918
ChambersVirginia born about 1922
ChambersWillie born about 1924
ChampbersClarence born about 1918
ChatmanT Cborn about 1913
ChesnuttJoseph Thomasborn about 1938
ChesnuttMary Eborn about 1915
ClarkEqulla born about 1918
ClarkMinnie Maeborn about 1909
ClarkVanna born about 1901
CloerHanah born about 1908
CloerNancy born about 1939
CloerP Rborn about 1905
CollinsMaud born about 1910
ColsonGrady Mborn about 1916
CooperAnnie born about 1893
CorbettBan Jr born about 1940
CorbettJames born about 1918
CorbettJames Iborn about 1938
CorbettLouise born about 1921
CorbettMamie born about 1920
CorbettMarie born about 1921
CorwellHazel Eborn about 1919
CovingtonAda born about 1875
CovingtonGrady born about 1901
CovingtonGrady Louiseborn about 1929
CovingtonWall born about 1902
CoxMonroe born about 1898
CoxTom Jborn about 1875
CranchBucilla born about 1922
CranchC Tborn about 1900
CranchC T Jrborn about 1925
CranchCora Leeborn about 1927
CranchErnest born about 1930
CranchHardin born about 1932
CranchInese born about 1904
CranchJ Cborn about 1880
CranchLafaett born about 1935
CranchLancy Lackborn about 1932
CranchMary Aborn about 1904
CranchMildred born about 1922
CrawWilliam born about 1937
CreedGlean born about 1916
CreedLillian born about 1935
CreedRamond born about 1913
CreedRay born about 1939
CreedWilborn born about 1937
CreminEthel born about 1918
CrismanLula born about 1921
CritentonJoseph Cborn about 1919
CroomHay Woodborn about 1905
CrowellHazel Eborn about 1919
CullerAlda born about 1931
CullerGlennie born about 1923
CullerMargaret born about 1925
CullerRuthe born about 1928
CurrieBilly Gborn about 1933
CurrieFrances Aborn about 1931
CurrieFrances Bborn about 1911
CurrieHugh Cborn about 1891
CurrieHugh E Jrborn about 1936
CurrieLillian born about 1920
CurrieMargaret born about 1933
CurrieMary born about 1917
CurrieRobert Kborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabbinCirlis Le born about 1930
DabbinDallie Mborn about 1918
DabbinEliza born about 1876
DabbinJessie Dborn about 1926
DabbinWilis Lborn about 1931
DabbinWilliam born about 1874
DabbinZephre born about 1914
DabinDannie born about 1915
DabinHenry born about 1881
DabinLujenus born about 1932
DabinRoxie born about 1888
DackeryAlex Pborn about 1938
DackeryEmma Lborn about 1923
DackeryErvin born about 1940
DackeryGeniva born about 1934
DackeryIsebella born about 1902
DackeryLillie born about 1915
DackeryMary Rborn about 1925
DavidNancy Ruthborn about 1919
DavisGarnie born about 1924
DavisGoldie born about 1928
DavisIda born about 1908
DavisJohn born about 1866
DavisL?alar born about 1910
DavisMable born about 1922
DavisMallie Leeborn about 1930
DavisMary Janeborn about 1872
DavisMary Ruthborn about 1933
DavisPauline born about 1932
DavisPhillip born about 1918
DavisSarah Eborn about 1939
DavisShelia Leeborn about 1940
DavisWalter born about 1902
DavisWillie born about 1927
DickersonAlice born about 1921
DickersonCharles Lborn about 1928
DickersonClarence born about 1909
DickersonErvin Wborn about 1925
DickersonHilda born about 1933
DickersonJames born about 1919
DickersonJames Sborn about 1893
DickersonMary Jborn about 1937
DickersonShirley Aborn about 1939
DickersonWilliam Hborn about 1935
DixonEmma Leeborn about 1925
DixonJack born about 1893
DixonJackie Bborn about 1927
DixonKattie Mborn about 1929
DixonLuther born about 1877
DixonMaude born about 1894
DixonWilliam Bborn about 1934
DobbinArthur born about 1907
DobbinArthur born about 1940
DobbinJames Farleyborn about 1935
DobbinJohn born about 1909
DobbinLetha born about 1909
DobbinWilliam Jasperborn about 1937
DobbinWillie Maeborn about 1910
DockeryAlonzo born about 1902
DockeryArthur born about 1908
DockeryCharles Danielborn about 1928
DockeryLeila born about 1909
DockeryLillie born about 1906
DockeryLougena born about 1938
DockeryLucy born about 1918
DockeryMaggie Willieborn about 1924
DockeryMamie born about 1937
DockeryRoosevelt born about 1904
DockeryStephen born about 1875
DowleyGarland born about 1911
DuckeryLillie born about 1931
DukeeCleaveland born about 1892
DukeeEd Douglasborn about 1923
DukeeFrancis born about 1935
DukeeGrover born about 1928
DukeeJames born about 1926
DukeeJane born about 1873
DukeeL Bborn about 1933
DukeeLouise born about 1932
DukeeM Juniorborn about 1936
DukeeMagaline born about 1930
DukeeMattie Lborn about 1902
DukeeNathaniel born about 1922
DukeePaul born about 1931
DukeeReese born about 1929
DukeeVelmorree born about 1939
DurenvilleMary born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasomHerman Fborn about 1903
EatesErnest born about 1907
EllisAlma born about 1915
EllisRay born about 1915
ErvingLonnie born about 1915
ErvingRoger born about 1911
EubanksAlfred Gborn about 1925
EubanksFloyd Lborn about 1893
EubanksJohn Mborn about 1933
EubanksMary Idaborn about 1900
EvansEthel Maeborn about 1925
EvansH Wborn about 1920
EvansHubert born about 1922
EvansPearl born about 1886
EvansRufus born about 1881
EvansSylvester born about 1923
EvansWalter born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FairleyArch born about 1918
FaulknerRuth born about 1915
FerrellF Fborn about 1861
FieldsCarroll born about 1936
FieldsDouglas born about 1896
FieldsEstelle born about 1939
FieldsFranklin born about 1934
FieldsHenry born about 1915
FieldsHenry born about 1927
FieldsJoella born about 1909
FlanneryFrances born about 1890
FlanneryJohn Wborn about 1888
FlemingMarguerite born about 1908
FlowersDaniel born about 1879
FlowersDora born about 1895
FlowersNezzie born about 1921
FordJoseph Bborn about 1916
FreemanFlorence born about 1861
FriersonPhloy born about 1915
FullerE Dborn about 1891
FullerFoy born about 1894
FullerWilliam born about 1874
FullerWilliam born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaddieEdward born about 1910
GaddieElhie Mborn about 1940
GaddieFrancis Iborn about 1936
GaddieJessie Bborn about 1914
GaddieWillie Pborn about 1931
GarberaEtta Leeborn about 1891
GarberaJ Cborn about 1885
GarberaJohn Tborn about 1922
GarbroughD Cborn about 1909
GarrettCarlton born about 1933
GarrettCollins born about 1932
GarrettE Tborn about 1908
GarrettEugene born about 1939
GarrettLilly born about 1908
GarrettManna born about 1929
GarrettMildred born about 1928
GarrettThaddus born about 1936
GarrettTheodra born about 1937
GentryHarold born about 1911
GilchristAddie born about 1932
GilchristAnna Mborn about 1925
GilchristEula Maeborn about 1915
GilchristHectra born about 1890
GilchristLeon born about 1903
GilchristLoys Lborn about 1934
GilchristThelma born about 1933
GilchristTommy born about 1931
GillespieAnnie Mborn about 1935
GillespieBertha born about 1905
GillespieClarence born about 1903
GillespieClarence Jr born about 1929
GillespieDavid born about 1937
GillespieHoward born about 1925
GillespieMary born about 1939
GillespieRolland born about 1932
GillespieRosie Leeborn about 1927
GilliamStacy born about 1870
GillisAnnie Maeborn about 1933
GillisBelle born about 1910
GillisBenjaman born about 1926
GillisBerthe born about 1928
GillisCatherine born about 1929
GillisFlora Bborn about 1888
GillisJames born about 1917
GillisJanos born about 1933
GillisJeneva born about 1915
GillisJunita born about 1938
GillisLeah born about 1928
GillisSolomon born about 1914
GillisSylvester born about 1924
GillisWillie born about 1921
GodwinAnna Eborn about 1892
GodwinGrover born about 1920
GodwinGrover Cborn about 1893
GodwinLouis born about 1929
GoldsmithGarnell born about 1906
GoldsmithLizzie born about 1906
GoldsmithW Jamesborn about 1929
GoldstanAlice Mborn about 1910
GoldstanAllan Mborn about 1929
GoldstanR Hborn about 1908
GoldstanRolland Jr born about 1934
GoodwanHelon born about 1931
GoodwanHenry born about 1925
GoodwanJean born about 1928
GoodwanJulia Eborn about 1895
GoodwanLaulise born about 1936
GoodwanWill born about 1894
GoodwanWillie born about 1923
GoodwinBessie born about 1907
GoodwinEarl born about 1918
GoodwinFannie born about 1921
GoodwinRoy born about 1892
GordonEugene Aborn about 1919
GordonHenry born about 1888
GordonMargie Aborn about 1925
GordonMittie Bborn about 1889
GrahamAda Lborn about 1933
GrahamAnnie Lborn about 1935
GrahamAnnie Lborn about 1936
GrahamBessie born about 1906
GrahamCharlotte born about 1900
GrahamClara born about 1907
GrahamEthel Mborn about 1931
GrahamHenry born about 1869
GrahamHenry Jborn about 1924
GrahamJanie born about 1909
GrahamJohn Cborn about 1937
GrahamJohn Dborn about 1927
GrahamJunior born about 1939
GrahamLaura Fborn about 1932
GrahamLillie born about 1901
GrahamLinger Jr born about 1936
GrahamLonnie born about 1927
GrahamMaggie born about 1861
GrahamMary born about 1919
GrahamMathew born about 1929
GrahamNezzie Leeborn about 1929
GrahamOdis born about 1934
GrahamRobert born about 1914
GrahamRobert born about 1938
GrahamSaddie born about 1935
GrahamWalter born about 1929
GrahamWilliam born about 1901
GrahamWilliam Jr born about 1931
GrahamWillie Edwardborn about 1933
GrayCyrus Lborn about 1913
GrayCyrus Lborn about 1940
GrayReavill born about 1913
GreenBettie Maeborn about 1936
GreenErnest born about 1914
GreenJulia born about 1916
GreenMartin Hborn about 1938
GrisamBernice born about 1930
GrisamBessie born about 1894
GrisamBobby born about 1932
GrisamCatherine born about 1924
GrisamDavid born about 1882
GrisamHarral Leeborn about 1933
GrisamL Dborn about 1920
GrisamRaylon born about 1925
GrisamVirginia born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HadleyBertha Mborn about 1925
HadleyIrving born about 1923
HaireEarl born about 1921
HaireFraisa born about 1928
HaireJulia born about 1889
HaireMargaret born about 1923
HaireMelvin born about 1930
HaireW Hborn about 1875
HalesRuth born about 1908
HallJoseph born about 1905
HaltAnnie born about 1936
HaltCharlotte born about 1926
HaltJunetta born about 1922
HaltPattsy Jborn about 1932
HaltRobbie born about 1903
HaltW Eborn about 1900
HamiltonJames born about 1882
HardesterFrank born about 1901
HardesterG Tborn about 1909
HardesterGladys born about 1915
HardesterGordon Fborn about 1873
HardesterJerry born about 1935
HardesterJulia born about 1905
HardesterNancy born about 1898
HareElizabeth born about 1916
HarperFrank Tborn about 1910
HarperGladys born about 1914
HarperHarriet born about 1939
HarperMargaret born about 1921
HarperSue born about 1937
HarrisAlec born about 1893
HarrisBen born about 1922
HarrisBenton born about 1922
HarrisBerton born about 1920
HarrisBessie born about 1910
HarrisClarence born about 1916
HarrisCurtis born about 1930
HarrisErnest born about 1928
HarrisEstelle born about 1916
HarrisEvelyn born about 1920
HarrisFlora born about 1888
HarrisFred born about 1886
HarrisGladys born about 1925
HarrisJack born about 1887
HarrisJames born about 1912
HarrisJohn Dborn about 1910
HarrisJule born about 1912
HarrisLizzie born about 1886
HarrisMary born about 1920
HarrisNora Leeborn about 1919
HarrisOphelia born about 1939
HarrisPaul born about 1924
HarrisRobert Leeborn about 1931
HarrisSadie born about 1927
HarthDonnie born about 1938
HarthMark born about 1912
HarthMark Jr born about 1931
HarthMatthew born about 1933
HarthNezzie born about 1914
HarthZona born about 1936
HathcockB Fborn about 1895
HathcockJohn born about 1923
HathcockRosa born about 1896
HaywoodBernice born about 1907
HeamsClara Gborn about 1926
HeamsHalbert Tborn about 1931
HeamsHenigan Lborn about 1930
HeamsJames born about 1904
HeamsJames Fborn about 1928
HeamsTessie born about 1903
HemgenBeulah born about 1935
HemgenCrawford born about 1933
HemgenEssie Mayborn about 1924
HemgenOdessa born about 1922
HemgenPecola Eborn about 1927
HemgenPinkey Jr born about 1923
HemgenRosetta born about 1904
HeniganLucy Aborn about 1875
HeniganPinkey born about 1873
HezekiahJoe born about 1900
HicksFred born about 1893
HillCarrie Belleborn about 1916
HillGeorge born about 1906
HillLouise born about 1934
HillLucille born about 1931
HillWaddell born about 1936
HillWill born about 1874
HiltonEldred born about 1924
HiltonLaurence born about 1925
HiltonMary born about 1899
HiltonMary Grayborn about 1926
HinsonRuth born about 1921
HodgesCanell born about 1916
HodgesDan Cborn about 1926
HodgesDonella born about 1916
HodgesF Hborn about 1886
HodgesFloyd Cborn about 1924
HodgesFolger born about 1928
HodgesFrank born about 1912
HodgesFrank born about 1933
HodgesGray born about 1936
HodgesJames born about 1914
HodgesJanie Maeborn about 1915
HodgesLora Eborn about 1888
HodgesRufus born about 1937
HodgesRuth Eborn about 1918
HodgesW Altonborn about 1935
HolesRuth born about
HollandBronson born about 1928
HollandElizabeth born about 1931
HollandFloyd born about 1922
HollandH Hborn about 1876
HollandJ Dborn about 1926
HollandJennie born about 1877
HollandL Vborn about 1899
HollandMack born about 1936
HollandRuth Lborn about 1924
HollandSamuel born about 1934
HollandVirginia Eborn about 1902
HoneycuttJack born about 1889
HooperMary Lborn about 1897
HooperRobert Mborn about 1895
HooperRobert Jr born about 1925
HorowitzIsaac born about 1907
HorowitzMargaret born about 1907
HoughBobby born about 1929
HoughDenver born about 1924
HoughDenver Rborn about 1900
HoughJack born about 1932
HoughJoanne born about 1937
HoughSarah born about 1900
HowardHazel born about 1921
HowardLucille born about 1914
HudsonAmie born about 1910
HuffFannie Sborn about 1916
HuffKattie Leeborn about 1937
HuffO Nborn about 1913
HuffRoy Cborn about 1938
HunsuckerLois born about 1914
HunsuckerRoy born about 1914
HusseyArthur born about 1926
HusseyE Hborn about 1898
HusseyGeneva born about 1930
HusseyHalen born about 1928
HusseyHazel born about 1940
HusseyLessie Aborn about 1901
HusseyRamond born about 1936
HusseyRichard born about 1932
HusseyRolland born about 1934
HutchesonIsaak born about 1912
HutchesonRoberta born about 1914

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I Surnames

IsraelIrene born about 1915
IsraelO Bborn about 1897

J Surnames

JacksonAnnie born about 1938
JacksonBessie born about 1885
JacksonHenry born about 1920
JacksonInfant born about 1939
JacksonJoseph Jborn about 1930
JacksonMargaret born about 1932
JacksonMary Nborn about 1936
JacksonNoah born about 1907
JacksonNoah Jr born about 1933
JacksonRosana born about 1929
JacksonSam born about 1880
JacksonZara born about 1911
JainerJeine born about 1937
JainerLeona born about 1917
JainerRix born about 1899
JamesRichard born about 1904
JanesBettie Ellenborn about 1934
JanesCleonia born about 1903
JanesD Nborn about 1904
JanesDavid Jr born about 1932
JanesGrace born about 1928
JanesShelby Jeanborn about 1938
JewellEdward born about 1923
JohnsonAlfonza born about 1922
JohnsonAngus born about 1936
JohnsonArchie born about 1906
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1916
JohnsonCambell born about 1934
JohnsonCarie Bellborn about 1934
JohnsonChester Bellborn about 1920
JohnsonColman born about 1908
JohnsonE Dborn about 1894
JohnsonFarmer born about 1921
JohnsonFrida born about 1917
JohnsonGeorge born about 1912
JohnsonGeorge born about 1913
JohnsonGeorge Nborn about 1936
JohnsonGeorge Sborn about 1939
JohnsonHaley born about 1891
JohnsonHaley Tborn about 1927
JohnsonHattie born about 1914
JohnsonJames Dborn about 1938
JohnsonJames Hborn about 1939
JohnsonJim Aborn about 1932
JohnsonLois Nborn about 1940
JohnsonLouis born about 1920
JohnsonMarjorie W??born about 1925
JohnsonMary born about 1898
JohnsonMary born about 1908
JohnsonMerolyn born about 1930
JohnsonMyrtle born about 1894
JohnsonOllie born about 1867
JohnsonRobert born about 1938
JohnsonWilliam born about 1934
JonesAlbert born about 1916
JonesAlex born about 1896
JonesAlton born about 1919
JonesAnna born about 1876
JonesAnna Loisborn about 1932
JonesBlanche Mborn about 1930
JonesBuddie born about 1927
JonesCarson born about 1911
JonesCattie born about 1867
JonesClaude born about 1912
JonesCleveland born about 1920
JonesClifton born about 1924
JonesDemus born about 1922
JonesDolores born about 1938
JonesDorothy born about 1934
JonesEdna born about 1910
JonesElma born about 1936
JonesFlora Jeanetteborn about 1939
JonesGertrude born about 1922
JonesHarriet born about 1928
JonesHattie Belleborn about 1939
JonesHester born about 1915
JonesHester Bborn about 1936
JonesHester Pborn about 1939
JonesHorace born about 1918
JonesJames born about 1921
JonesJames Dborn about 1940
JonesJohn Cborn about 1938
JonesJunior born about 1937
JonesLois born about 1890
JonesMaggie born about 1906
JonesMaggie born about 1912
JonesMallie born about 1917
JonesMarvin born about 1926
JonesMary born about 1926
JonesMay Helenborn about 1936
JonesPalice born about 1920
JonesPauline born about 1918
JonesPennell born about 1918
JonesPolice born about 1920
JonesRachel born about 1924
JonesRay Aborn about 1891
JonesRichard born about 1924
JonesRobert born about 1921
JonesRussell born about 1912
JonesRuthie Maeborn about 1937
JonesSarah born about 1918
JonesSenella born about 1915
JonesSilvester born about 1939
JonesVirgil born about 1892
JonesVirginia born about 1936
JonesWilbert Leeborn about 1935
JonesWilliam born about 1939
JonesWillie Oborn about 1932
JonesYvonne born about 1939
JoyEva Mborn about 1922
JoyMary Mborn about 1936
JoyRichard born about 1919
JoyRosa Leeborn about 1939
JoyceEarley Maeborn about 1911
JoyceHattie born about 1904
JoyceRainy born about 1875
JoyceSam born about 1906
JoynerHazel born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KearnsAlama born about 1921
KearnsAllie born about 1938
KearnsBessie born about 1937
KearnsClara born about 1927
KearnsDora born about 1901
KearnsDora born about 1928
KearnsErnest born about 1933
KearnsKattie born about 1926
KearnsMartha born about 1925
KearnsMary Wborn about 1931
KearnsMatthew born about 1923
KearnsThelma born about 1934
KearnsViola born about 1930
KellyBlanche born about 1909
KellyClara Mborn about 1933
KellyJohn Wborn about 1937
KellyLena born about 1901
KellyThelma born about 1939
KernsLoys born about 1916
KingBula born about 1925
KingJohn Dborn about 1923
KingLester born about 1906
KingLouis born about 1929
KingMary born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambBlanche born about 1920
LambEmma Leeborn about 1912
LambErnest born about 1918
LambEthel born about 1919
LambF Lborn about 1884
LambIna Rborn about 1925
LambMaggie born about 1886
LancasterClara Mborn about 1932
LancasterFleta born about 1910
LancasterGeorge Wborn about 1902
LancasterGeorge W Lborn about 1927
LancasterJohn Kborn about 1929
LancasterLeon Eborn about 1931
LatanG Wborn about 1890
LatanGeorge Hborn about 1931
LatanHarold born about 1922
LatanMartin born about 1925
LatanMary born about 1896
LaughinghouseGeorge Mborn about 1871
LaviDannia born about 1900
LaviJohn born about 1899
LaweryCarrie born about 1931
LaweryFleming born about 1924
LeachAlice born about 1917
LeachGeorge born about 1916
LeachJ C Jrborn about 1938
LeacomaLacy Hborn about 1903
LeacomaMarion born about 1935
LeacomaMartha born about 1912
LeslieDora born about 1891
LeslieJohn Tborn about 1915
LidesOpal born about 1915
LidesRavon born about 1936
LillyDaniel born about 1860
LinkhamEmma born about 1913
LinkhamRoger born about 1914
LittleAlex born about 1910
LittleCurtires born about 1934
LittleDora Leeborn about 1927
LittleErnest born about 1931
LittleHenry born about 1889
LittleHenry Jr born about 1921
LittleMary born about 1919
LittlePartheania born about 1934
LittleT born about 1902
LittleVirginia born about 1882
LochlearEleanor Mborn about 1932
LochlearEthie born about 1906
LochlearFerman born about 1928
LochlearGertha Mborn about 1934
LochlearJoseph born about 1930
LochlearRichmond born about 1900
LochlearZillie born about 1926
LoveAngus born about 1883
LoveEfird born about 1923
LoveHallian born about 1888
LoydAlice born about 1890
LoydJoe Tborn about 1925
LoydLamb born about 1882
LoydSam born about 1923
LucasEdith born about 1922
LucasFloyd born about 1917
LucasHoward born about 1919
LucasJ Rborn about 1877
LucasLoretta born about 1882
LuckCannie Mborn about 1933
LuckGlenn born about 1910
LuckOming born about 1937
LuckVenetta born about 1935
LuckViola born about 1912
LyleSidney Rborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackinsDosaie born about 1938
MackinsHenry born about 1913
MackinsMargaret born about 1939
MackinsNazzie born about 1916
MackinsNettie born about 1938
MalloyBetty Sueborn about 1936
MalloyGeorge born about 1928
MalloyIrene born about 1934
MalloyLena born about 1907
MalloyMay Hurleyborn about 1930
MalloyPersis born about 1927
MalloySallie born about 1915
MalloyVerdell born about 1931
MalloyWillie Princeborn about 1905
MalloyWillie Princeborn about 1939
ManlyAaron born about 1921
MannMaude born about 1891
ManningsWillie born about 1920
MarchardRalph born about 1912
MareThomas born about 1909
MareadyFannie Ruthborn about 1922
MareadyJohn Sborn about 1889
MarksCatherine born about 1896
MarksLeopold born about 1898
MarshallCarol born about 1938
MarshallDuke born about 1931
MarshallJanie born about 1908
MarshallM Dukeborn about 1899
MartinRobert born about 1911
MartinWilliam born about 1865
MathewsHelen born about 1920
MathewsJ Wborn about 1875
MathewsJannie born about 1881
MathewsUlfa born about 1914
MattewBetty Lonborn about 1935
MattewJames born about 1906
MattewRoca?? born about 1910
MaultsbyJohn Leonardborn about 1923
MaultsbyLee Wborn about 1904
MaultsbyMargaret born about 1907
MaynorIsiah born about 1863
MaynorW Jborn about 1888
MaysAnna born about 1894
MaysBernie born about 1933
MaysImagene born about 1936
MaysJ Bborn about 1889
MaysLeverne born about 1938
MaysMarshall born about 1918
MaysMildred born about 1931
MaysOpal born about 1921
MaysThelma born about 1924
McAdamsMartha Annborn about 1881
McAnultyI Eborn about 1871
McAnultyI E Jrborn about 1919
McAnultyJoseph born about 1922
McAnultyMary Cborn about 1883
McAnultySadie Lonborn about 1915
McCahillCalvin born about 1866
McCainIrene born about 1925
McCainJane Toddborn about 1929
McCainJohn Lewisborn about 1928
McCainPaul born about 1922
McCainPaul Pborn about 1885
McCainSadie born about 1894
McCainSarah Louiseborn about 1919
McCallBeatrice born about 1930
McCallEstella born about 1910
McCallJohn Bborn about 1938
McCallMartha Janeborn about 1928
McCallMinnie Leeborn about 1926
McCallRobert Leeborn about 1935
McCallRoxie Maeborn about 1934
McCallRufus born about 1904
McCallRufus Jr born about 1936
McCayGeorge born about 1911
McCayRufus born about 1936
McCaySallie Maeborn about 1915
McCoyBoyse born about 1911
McCoyEli born about 1920
McCoyJohn born about 1909
McCoySarah born about 1910
McCoySarah Louiseborn about 1922
McCrimmonAnnie born about 1868
McCrimmonElizebeth born about 1909
McCrimmonHarvy born about 1918
McCrimmonHenry Leeborn about 1928
McCrimmonMarshal born about 1902
McCrimmonRetha Maeborn about 1924
McCrimmonVergia Mborn about 1932
McCrimmonWalter born about 1930
McCrimmonWalter Leeborn about 1927
McCrinnonAddie Maeborn about 1907
McCrinnonBin born about 1885
McCrinnonBin Jr born about 1931
McCrinnonGeorge Dborn about 1937
McCrinnonJames Aborn about 1939
McCrinnonLila Maeborn about 1928
McCrinnonMagrine born about 1935
McCrinnonRobert Leeborn about 1933
McCrinnonWillie born about 1925
McDonaldDavid Tborn about 1933
McDonaldFrances born about 1915
McDonaldGerlie Leeborn about 1927
McDonaldGuenden born about 1939
McDonaldHarry born about 1911
McDonaldHattie Mborn about 1934
McDonaldHenry born about 1891
McDonaldHenry born about 1912
McDonaldJames Cborn about 1925
McDonaldJohn Hborn about 1923
McDonaldLaurine born about 1936
McDonaldMaggie born about 1898
McDonaldMarion Cborn about 1935
McDonaldMary born about 1867
McDonaldOlivia born about 1937
McDonaldRosie born about 1913
McDonaldSuretha Dborn about 1930
McDonaldThelma born about 1939
McDonaldWillie Hborn about 1937
McDuffieIda born about 1902
McDuffieLurena born about 1926
McEachernWilliam Cborn about 1877
McFadgenAddie born about 1893
McFadgenAgnes Niellborn about 1918
McFadgenJohn Tomborn about 1895
McFadgenMary born about 1858
McFadgenMellie born about 1891
McFadgenNille born about 1890
McFadgenW Lborn about 1857
McFadgenWilliam Lborn about 1927
McGheeDallas born about 1882
McGheeEva Sborn about 1905
McGilvaryAnna Mborn about 1927
McGilvaryGeorgianna born about 1900
McGilvaryJames Hborn about 1899
McGilvaryJohn Robertborn about 1929
McGilvaryLannie born about 1933
McGilvaryWalter Jamesborn about 1926
McGilvaryWilley Nborn about 1932
McGregarAgustine born about 1932
McGregarAlvester born about 1929
McGregarAnnie born about 1900
McGregarCarrie Leeborn about 1934
McGregarClarence born about 1908
McGregarEdesan Dborn about 1939
McGregarElsie born about 1911
McGregarHalenia born about 1930
McGregarLawrence born about 1921
McGregarLee Mborn about 1932
McGregarLettie born about 1908
McGregarLuler born about 1873
McGregarMaxine born about 1932
McGregarNettie Mborn about 1928
McGregarNorman born about 1905
McGregarNorman Jr born about 1936
McGregarRobert Tborn about 1938
McGregarRubynell born about 1934
McGregarStanley born about 1911
McGregarVirginia born about 1928
McGregarWilliam Jamesborn about 1926
McGregarWillie Cborn about 1924
McGregarWm born about 1899
McGregorElease born about 1927
McGregorGilbert born about 1899
McGregorGilbert Jr born about 1929
McGregorMary Helenborn about 1933
McGregorRosa Leeborn about 1909
McKayHerbert Jr born about 1930
McKayIda born about 1887
McKayIke Cborn about 1877
McKinnanLinard born about 1918
McLainJohn Eborn about 1904
McLauchlinAaron born about 1912
McLauchlinChauncy born about 1916
McLauchlinCornie Bborn about 1936
McLauchlinCurtis Lborn about 1930
McLauchlinJames Aborn about 1933
McLauchlinJennie born about 1921
McLauchlinJohn Dborn about 1908
McLauchlinJohn Edwardborn about 1938
McLauchlinNola born about 1912
McLaurinAlec born about 1917
McLaurinCeleste born about 1926
McLaurinIris born about 1939
McLaurinJames born about 1906
McLaurinJames born about 1912
McLaurinJames born about 1932
McLaurinJennie Bborn about 1930
McLaurinMaizie born about 1909
McLaurinMary born about 1920
McLaurinMary Lborn about 1938
McLaurinThomas born about 1908
McLaurnJohn Rborn about 1873
McLayAlvestar born about 1920
McLayAnna Bborn about 1912
McLayGuss born about 1910
McLayHarison Jr born about 1939
McLayJohn Aborn about 1936
McLayM Cborn about 1932
McLayPathenia born about 1930
McLaySammy Iborn about 1929
McLayWillie Dborn about 1934
McLeandElliot born about 1893
McLeandIna born about 1904
McLeandJane Carrieborn about 1932
McLeodAnna Loisborn about 1922
McLeodBen born about 1921
McLeodBob born about 1923
McLeodCharlie born about 1903
McLeodConnie born about 1906
McLeodEvelyn born about 1919
McLeodJames born about 1919
McLeodJim born about 1874
McLeodJosephine born about 1925
McLeodJunior born about 1931
McLeodRussell born about 1915
McLeonMartha born about 1904
McMillanAlex born about 1928
McMillanAnnie born about 1936
McMillanArlena born about 1924
McMillanBertharene born about 1930
McMillanCamelia born about 1922
McMillanCathrene born about 1936
McMillanChannie born about 1892
McMillanCora Leeborn about 1925
McMillanDorris born about 1938
McMillanHerman Sborn about 1934
McMillanJames born about 1928
McMillanJennie Bborn about 1932
McMillanJimmie born about 1895
McMillanJohn born about 1938
McMillanLesslie Lborn about 1916
McMillanLetha born about 1930
McMillanLula born about 1917
McMillanNathaniel born about 1917
McMillanNathanill born about 1939
McMillanNora born about 1905
McMillanPauline born about 1920
McMillanPearly Mborn about 1918
McMillanStreeter born about 1893
McMillanTommy Lborn about 1926
McMillanWillie Wborn about 1924
McMillenAlice born about 1853
McMillonMerlissia born about 1915
McMillonWillie Leeborn about 1919
McNairCharlie born about 1917
McNairClaire born about 1920
McNairMozella born about 1923
McNairSallie born about 1922
McNairWillie born about 1913
McNealyT Cborn about 1915
McNealyWillie Leeborn about 1919
McNealyWillie Tborn about 1935
McNeillAnnie Belleborn about 1933
McNeillCharley born about 1890
McNeillEldon born about 1924
McNeillFonsetta born about 1923
McNeillFrances born about 1890
McNeillGeorge born about 1917
McNeillGeorge born about 1936
McNeillHattie born about 1909
McNeillHenrietta born about 1920
McNeillHugh born about 1925
McNeillJean born about 1935
McNeillJim born about 1922
McNeillJohn Allenborn about 1917
McNeillJohn Hborn about 1923
McNeillLary born about 1904
McNeillLee Royborn about 1921
McNeillLee Royborn about 1934
McNeillLena born about 1896
McNeillLou Berthaborn about 1937
McNeillLucy born about 1919
McNeillMartha Bborn about 1925
McNeillMary born about 1918
McNeillMary Evaborn about 1937
McNeillPearlie Maeborn about 1934
McNeillPleaser born about 1917
McNeillRetha Maeborn about 1931
McNeillSallie Lueborn about 1933
McNeillTherlow born about 1930
McNeillVernice born about 1928
McNeillWill born about 1884
McNeilsChristine born about 1905
McNeilsJae born about 1910
McNeilsMinnie born about 1926
McNiellA Vborn about 1891
McNiellA V Jrborn about 1934
McNiellAnnie born about 1903
McNiellBenjamin Fborn about 1937
McNiellJames Wborn about 1935
McPhatteBell born about 1888
McPhatteLochlin born about 1880
McPhatteWilson born about 1928
McPhatterAlex born about 1911
McPhatterAnnie Maeborn about 1930
McPhatterCall Cborn about 1867
McPhatterCarrie Leeborn about 1928
McPhatterClyde Cborn about 1936
McPhatterDavid born about 1927
McPhatterEdward born about 1916
McPhatterErnest born about 1909
McPhatterErnest Cborn about 1932
McPhatterEstelle born about 1937
McPhatterHattie Pborn about 1939
McPhatterHenry born about 1886
McPhatterJames Harveyborn about 1932
McPhatterJoanna born about 1902
McPhatterJohn Henryborn about 1935
McPhatterLena born about 1910
McPhatterMartha Annborn about 1934
McPhatterMozella born about 1931
McPhatterPatrick born about 1910
McPhaulColeatha born about 1921
McPhaulFrances born about 1939
McPhaulJoe born about 1916
McPhaulJoseph born about 1939
McRaeFrank born about 1911
McRaeGladys born about 1919
McRaeJoe born about 1887
McRaeMann born about 1913
McRaeMary born about 1895
McRayHattie born about 1898
MengalElma born about 1920
MengalHuegh born about 1925
MengalJohn born about 1894
MengalLee Royborn about 1926
MengalLillie born about 1903
MengalMary Mborn about 1940
MillanLexie born about 1887
MillanMinnie born about 1891
MillanOdell born about 1921
MillanTalmage born about 1923
MillsJames born about 1923
MillsRobert born about 1925
MitchellCarcy born about 1922
MitchellGarland Leeborn about 1934
MitchellGarvin Rayborn about 1938
MitchellLeroy born about 1912
MitchellLucille born about 1918
MitchellVirginia Mborn about 1918
MonroeAnnie born about 1915
MonroeAnnie Tborn about 1935
MonroeFlossie born about 1912
MonroeJunior born about 1915
MonroeKissiah born about 1900
MonroeLaura born about 1887
MonroeRussell born about 1912
MorrisonAllen Jr born about 1939
MorrisonBeatrice born about 1936
MorrisonCharlie born about 1899
MorrisonCharlie Eborn about 1927
MorrisonElizabeth born about 1934
MorrisonEthel born about 1902
MorrisonEugene born about 1926
MorrisonGertrude born about 1905
MorrisonJohn Fborn about 1931
MorrisonQueenester born about 1928
MorrisonRufus born about 1926
MorrisonWillie born about 1933
MossAlberta born about 1913
MossAvery Mborn about 1904
MossAvey Mborn about 1904
MossCharley born about 1864
MossClarence Mborn about 1903
MossD Lborn about 1886
MossEalese born about 1933
MossEdith born about 1924
MossFreedie born about 1933
MossHubert born about 1920
MossIler born about 1928
MossLee born about 1908
MossMable born about 1923
MossRonald born about 1926
MossRuth Averyborn about 1940
MossSarah Lborn about 1891
MossZeb born about 1931
MuchisonRuth born about 1921
MurphyAlvester born about 1933
MurphyBeaulah born about 1927
MurphyClayton born about 1929
MurphyDanel born about 1931
MurphyEveline born about 1935
MurphyGracie born about 1926
MurphyJames born about 1913
MurphyJames Oborn about 1927
MurphyJoe born about 1889
MurphyLacy born about 1925
MurphyLula born about 1902
MurphyLuther born about 1897
MurphyMary Florenceborn about 1902
MurphyPrince born about 1921
MurphyThurman born about 1933
MurphyWilbert born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NicolasElizebeth born about 1893
NicolasI Lborn about 1875
NixonAla born about 1905
NixonBetty Lanborn about 1932
NixonDouglas born about 1926
NixonH B Jrborn about 1930
NixonHursel born about 1901
NixonJames born about 1924
NixonLucille born about 1928
NixonWillie born about 1922
NorrisLone born about 1915
NunnVernice born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObesterCarlyon Iborn about 1938
ObesterDortha Iborn about 1936
ObesterMattie Lborn about 1914
ObesterO Bborn about 1905
ObirdyFountain born about 1913
ObrianElizabeth born about 1908
ObriantAllie born about 1897
ObriantOtto born about 1893
OxendineHattie born about 1872

P Surnames

PageMary born about 1921
PaquetJoseph Tborn about 1916
ParksByron born about 1911
ParksCatherine born about 1931
ParksCharles born about 1916
ParksHerbert born about 1926
ParksJulia born about 1929
ParksLillie Leoborn about 1927
ParksLouise born about 1919
ParksMarshall born about 1933
ParksNannie born about 1875
ParksR W Jrborn about 1928
ParksRobert Lborn about 1936
ParksRobert Wborn about 1878
ParksStanley Mborn about 1912
ParksThelma born about 1923
ParksWilda born about 1913
ParksWilliam Gborn about 1939
PattersonEunice born about 1925
PattersonMinnie born about 1926
PattersonMinnnie Maeborn about 1912
PattersonNathan born about 1928
PeaceTemple born about 1910
PendergranHattie born about 1865
PendergrassCharlie Aborn about 1927
PendergrassJohn Mborn about 1889
PendergrassLottie Mborn about 1923
PendergrassMamie Eborn about 1921
PendergrassMaud Mborn about 1891
PennyJames born about 1912
PerkinsBeatrice born about 1914
PerkinsBobbie born about 1939
PerkinsCarlyle born about 1907
PerkinsDanson born about 1937
PerkinsErnest born about 1927
PerkinsHenry born about 1933
PerkinsVester born about 1931
PerosaAlton Maeborn about 1921
PerryJanice born about 1926
PerryLexie born about 1906
PerryRobert born about 1930
PerryRobert Sborn about 1904
PersonCandy born about 1932
PersonElla born about 1899
PersonJessie Cborn about 1926
PersonMeartie born about 1921
PersonQuincy born about 1894
PersonRetha born about 1925
PersonThelma born about 1937
PersonWanetta born about 1935
PersonWillie Sborn about 1928
PetersonClarence born about 1899
PettigrewLomus born about 1894
PichlerEdith born about 1910
PichlerEdwin born about 1911
PichlerEdwin Gborn about 1934
PicklerDwight born about 1914
PicklerHugh born about 1923
PicklerJoan born about 1933
PicklerLillie born about 1891
PicklerMargaret born about 1927
PicklerMax born about 1921
PicklerRachel born about 1918
PicklerRay born about 1887
PicklerTurner born about 1876
PittmanJ Jborn about 1904
PittmanKatherin born about 1932
PittmanLela born about 1907
PlumnerDorothy Leeborn about 1921
PlumnerEva Maeborn about 1922
PlumnerHenry born about 1889
PlumnerJames Pborn about 1927
PlumnerRalph Gborn about 1919
PlumnerVirginia born about 1889
PlumnerVirginia Hborn about 1917
PlumnerWilliam Eborn about 1924
PoplinGrayson Wborn about 1910
PowellCallie born about 1905
PowellCallie Lborn about 1934
PowellFannie Pborn about 1908
PowellFranklin Rborn about 1937
PowellGordon born about 1930
PowellJames Cborn about 1940
PowellMary born about 1910
PowellWalter born about 1932
PriceMary Ellenborn about 1920
PriestMyrtle born about 1920
PurcellGlin born about 1891
PurcellJacob born about 1886
PurcellJohn Cborn about 1932
PursellMary born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnVerdie born about 1920

R Surnames

RaperAnnie Rborn about 1917
RaperJohn Aborn about 1922
RaperJudge born about 1880
RaperMilton Rborn about 1919
RaperRachel born about 1883
RayAlbert born about 1924
RayAlice born about 1932
RayAnnie Lborn about 1936
RayArthur born about 1905
RayCattie born about 1902
RayDan born about 1888
RayEliza born about 1900
RayEliza born about 1911
RayElla born about 1906
RayEunice born about 1927
RayFrancis born about 1937
RayFrank born about 1922
RayGeorge born about 1924
RayGrady born about 1921
RayGussie Maeborn about 1914
RayJames Rborn about 1940
RayJerry born about 1915
RayJohn Willieborn about 1935
RayJohnnie born about 1921
RayJosephine born about 1900
RayJunior born about 1926
RayLena Mborn about 1935
RayLeroy born about 1936
RayLula Maeborn about 1934
RayMaggie Leeborn about 1929
RayMaron Eborn about 1922
RayMary born about 1913
RayMary Cborn about 1933
RayMary Leeborn about 1930
RayMary Mborn about 1935
RayMillie born about 1875
RayNorma born about 1919
RayPeter Dborn about 1926
RayRobert Leeborn about 1939
RayRuffa Mayborn about 1938
RayTom born about 1873
RayViola born about 1915
RayWill born about 1895
RayWillie born about 1919
RayWillie Lborn about 1931
RayWillie Lborn about 1938
ReganPhoeba born about 1900
RiceClarence born about 1910
RichardsRaymond born about 1912
RichardsonDally born about 1920
RichardsonDolly born about 1920
RichardsonJaunita born about 1920
RileyE Mborn about 1876
RileyJohn born about 1939
RileyKermit born about 1916
RileyKermit Jr born about 1937
RileyMabel born about 1917
RobersonIsaak born about 1917
RobersonR Jackborn about 1920
RobersonWilliam born about 1913
RobertsonAlvin born about 1922
RobertsonDoris born about 1913
RobertsonI Tborn about 1888
RobertsonRoberta born about 1888
RobisonFranklin born about 1938
RobisonIsiah born about 1918
RobisonIsiah Jr born about 1940
RobisonJanie born about 1921
RobisonJimmie born about 1939
RockleyEda born about 1901
RogerDora born about 1927
RogerJames Aborn about 1924
RogerLena born about 1919
RogerMary born about 1905
RogerPecola born about 1938
RogerRosetta born about 1922
RogersonLula born about 1915
RorieEunice born about 1919
RorieFloyd born about 1918
RossBetty Aborn about 1928
RossBirtha Maeborn about 1939
RossDaniel born about 1912
RossDavid born about 1936
RossDuglas Tborn about 1938
RossEssie Maeborn about 1934
RossHellen born about 1936
RossJames born about 1906
RossJames born about 1937
RossJohn Dborn about 1915
RossJohn D Jrborn about 1937
RossLoueise born about 1918
RossMallie Wborn about 1933
RossMary Lborn about 1901
RossPauline born about 1918
RossRobert Aborn about 1923
RossRobert Cborn about 1926
RoyalMargaret born about 1920
RubyAnn born about 1902
RubyCarl born about 1901
RubyLougene born about 1925
RuddJohn born about 1873
RushMartha born about 1870
RussellCharley born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersEthel born about 1900
SatterwhiteE Bborn about 1895
SatterwhiteHarold Lborn about 1908
SatterwhiteMillie born about 1916
SatterwhiteRichard born about 1937
SatterwhiteSue born about 1894
SchokerFrank Gborn about 1920
SchokerGeorge born about 1871
SchokerMissouria born about 1880
ScottLessie born about 1910
ScottRichard born about 1905
SeafordAlbert born about 1907
SeafordAlvin born about 1918
SeafordCora Iborn about 1882
SeafordCyrus born about 1880
SeafordEugene born about 1920
SeafordJohnnie born about 1918
SeafordMary born about 1911
SeafordTom Aborn about 1940
SealsFloyd born about 1919
SealsNellie born about 1919
SessomsAuther born about 1939
SessomsClarence Jborn about 1936
SessomsJames born about 1907
SessomsMary born about 1910
ShawJames Hborn about 1933
ShawLawrence Jr born about 1940
ShawNora born about 1873
ShawOra born about 1918
ShawSam born about 1914
ShawVera born about 1918
ShawWilson born about 1917
ShepardEverett Hborn about 1911
ShepardKenneth born about 1938
ShepardOra born about 1918
ShepardSarah born about 1874
ShepardYvonne born about 1936
SheridanMaggie born about 1920
SidburyJames born about 1906
SiderJack born about 1910
SiderPaul born about 1921
SidesAlvin born about 1926
SidesCristene born about 1932
SidesFlorence born about 1929
SidesJerry born about 1936
SidesMartin born about 1900
SidesRea born about 1934
SidesSussie born about 1907
SilverblatLouis Eborn about 1928
SimmonAlex Zborn about 1923
SimmonBilly Lborn about 1936
SimmonClyde born about 1916
SimmonGlenn born about 1928
SimmonMandy born about 1895
SimmonMary Eborn about 1921
SimmonNorman born about 1890
SimmonRuby born about 1925
SimmonsJames Eborn about 1939
SimmonsLula born about 1902
SimmonsNamoni born about 1938
SimmonsPink born about 1887
SimmonsPink Jr born about 1934
SimmonsRuth Eborn about 1937
SincalirMargaret Cborn about 1901
SincalirMargaret Joanborn about 1934
SincalirShirley Janeborn about 1926
SincalirTom Cborn about 1893
SincalirTom Clarkborn about 1923
SinclairAnna Gborn about 1925
SinclairBud born about 1901
SinclairEmanzine born about 1926
SinclairEthel Leeborn about 1922
SinclairGertrude born about 1937
SinclairJames Edwardborn about 1940
SinclairLee Hborn about 1928
SinclairLiza born about 1907
SinclairMildred born about 1928
SinclairN Fborn about 1891
SinclairVirnes Neillborn about 1922
SipfleAlice Maeborn about 1936
SipfleBertha born about 1907
SipfleBillie born about 1928
SipfleJake born about 1869
SipflePatsy Ruthborn about 1930
SipfleW Taylorborn about 1908
SkeenCaroline born about 1939
SkeenFrances born about 1918
SkeenLeo Bborn about 1912
SmallWillie born about 1895
SmithAlex born about 1901
SmithAlex Aborn about 1938
SmithBerta born about 1927
SmithChanie Lanborn about 1930
SmithDaniel born about 1922
SmithEdward Cborn about 1929
SmithEliza born about 1890
SmithEmma Rborn about 1932
SmithErdene born about 1936
SmithFrank born about 1923
SmithGraham born about 1905
SmithJack born about 1925
SmithJames Aborn about 1909
SmithJesse born about 1916
SmithJim Wborn about 1927
SmithJoe Leeborn about 1940
SmithJulie Mborn about 1928
SmithKathleen born about 1913
SmithLeroy born about 1918
SmithLottie born about 1905
SmithLouis Eborn about 1924
SmithNathaniel born about 1927
SmithOllie born about 1910
SmithOllie Eborn about 1935
SmithPauline born about 1920
SmithPhilis born about 1896
SmithQuincy born about 1898
SmithRobert Vborn about 1938
SmithWillie Jr born about 1931
SmoakAlbert born about 1922
SmoakLeatte born about 1921
SmoakMary Aborn about 1932
SmoakR Aborn about 1895
SmoakRomie Eborn about 1898
SpainPauline born about 1921
SpiggleEvelyn born about 1903
StancilRalph born about 1902
StandbackIsiah born about 1929
StandbackRobert Jr born about 1927
StatawayDannie born about 1920
StatawayFlorence born about 1900
StatawayJames born about 1922
StognesMelvin born about 1908
StralkerBettie Lborn about 1933
StralkerGladdis born about 1926
StralkerNorah Belleborn about 1902
StralkerR Dborn about 1899
StralkerRalph born about 1930
StralkerRobert born about 1924
StralkerRubbie born about 1928
StratherBarbara born about 1937
StratherBennie Lborn about 1899
StratherCharles born about 1930
StratherElsie born about 1924
StratherJ Wborn about 1876
StratherKattie Leeborn about 1919
StratherLay Mborn about 1923
StratherLee born about 1914
StratherLoueise Fborn about 1922
StratherM Cborn about 1898
StratherMinnie Lborn about 1882
StratherRobert Lborn about 1920
StudivantJames born about 1919
SwanJim born about 1899
SwansonFred Aborn about 1900
SykesLillian born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaggertNaomi born about 1916
TallyDaniel born about 1924
TallyDaniel Fborn about 1896
TallyGwendolyn born about 1932
TallyJohn Nealborn about 1928
TallyMary Lillyborn about 1897
TallyNaomi born about 1921
TallyPolly born about 1926
TappA Bborn about 1887
TappLuther born about 1905
TappSusan Iborn about 1876
TarryMarry born about 1875
TaylorVerble born about 1920
ThomasCharles born about 1933
ThomasCharles Dborn about 1902
ThomasDorothy born about 1905
ThomasFloyd born about 1925
ThomasJulia born about 1940
ThomasLewis born about 1914
ThomasRaymond born about 1940
ThomasonCathrine born about 1939
ThomasonDavid Lborn about 1917
ThomasonDavid Jr born about 1937
ThomasonFlora Cborn about 1916
ThomasonJerry born about 1938
ThomasonWilliam Tborn about 1935
ThompsonArial born about 1908
ThompsonClaude born about 1936
ThompsonElizebeth born about 1930
ThompsonFrancis Lborn about 1872
ThompsonFrank born about 1919
ThompsonHattie born about 1910
ThompsonHazel born about 1932
ThompsonJ Cborn about 1877
ThompsonLouise born about 1922
ThompsonMary born about 1926
ThompsonMm born about 1896
ThompsonMozelle born about 1931
ThompsonR Wborn about 1902
ThompsonRandal born about 1928
ThompsonRuth born about 1929
ThompsonSallie born about 1926
ThompsonStella born about 1895
ThompsonYovone born about 1938
ThornbergIrene born about 1919
ThornbergWalter Mborn about 1914
ThornbergWalter Jr born about 1938
ThornburgBryan Hborn about 1922
ThornburgJohn Nborn about 1910
ThornburgLoma born about 1883
ThornburgWalter Lborn about 1881
ThorntonBrooks born about 1890
ThorntonRosia born about 1895
ThorntonRualph born about 1934
TimberlakeHarry born about 1921
ToomerCarrie born about 1891
TurnerGeneva born about 1922
TurnerKanea born about 1911
TurnerMarie born about 1929
TurnerRichard born about 1926
TurnogeHattie born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VampleJ T Jrborn about 1936
VampleJessie born about 1933
VanhoyBaby born about 1939
VanhoyBetty Jeanborn about 1933
VanhoyCecil born about 1932
VanhoyEmma born about 1909
VanhoyGeorge Dborn about 1906
VanhoyGeraldine born about 1936
VanhoyGerlie born about 1914
VanhoyJ Eborn about 1910
VanhoyJerry born about 1930
VanhoyLamelle born about 1927
VanhoyLillie born about 1911
VanhoyNaomi born about 1928
VanhoyNorah born about 1926
VanhoyR Jborn about 1873
VanhoyRoy born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeBessie born about 1900
WadeGeorge born about 1915
WagstaffCarrie born about 1895
WaldenEd born about 1880
WaldenJunior born about 1917
WaldenSt?odie born about 1916
WallElane born about 1926
WallErnest born about 1885
WallJay born about 1902
WallRebecca born about 1861
WallaceLester born about 1926
WallceEarl born about 1934
WallceEdward born about 1926
WallceJack born about 1924
WallceJames born about 1934
WallceLaura Bellborn about 1903
WallceLuceil born about 1922
WallceMarsell born about 1930
WallceMarvin born about 1927
WallceRobert born about 1932
WalshGlen born about 1908
WatsonBenzulla born about 1926
WatsonHackie born about 1898
WatsonIna born about 1912
WatsonJames born about 1924
WatsonJane born about 1865
WatsonJohn Eborn about 1928
WatsonJohn Nborn about 1910
WatsonLila born about 1908
WatsonMaggie Lborn about 1939
WebbClarence Aborn about 1919
WebbCora born about 1921
WebbFranklin Dborn about 1933
WebbIda Leeborn about 1922
WebbJohn Aborn about 1891
WebbJohn A Jrborn about 1927
WebbMary born about 1917
WebbRuban Hborn about 1920
WebbSallie Lborn about 1890
WebbWilliam Oborn about 1918
WhartonFrances born about 1912
WhartonRichard born about 1909
WhilleySadye born about 1898
WhitakerLouise born about 1919
WhitcheadWinnifred born about 1921
WhitcombJane Fborn about 1911
WhiteAlka born about 1921
WhiteBelle born about 1882
WhitleySadye born about 1898
WhittedRay born about 1903
WikeGeorge born about 1905
WikeMargie born about 1935
WikeMaud born about 1910
WikeOthah born about 1938
WikeRobert born about 1930
WikeRosa born about 1932
WilderBettie Pearleborn about 1934
WilderMary Mborn about 1930
WilderPearle born about 1909
WilderT Fborn about 1904
WilkinsGordon born about 1913
WillamsThomas born about 1900
WilliamsDan born about 1871
WilliamsDuncan born about 1913
WilliamsEstella born about 1912
WilliamsGrener born about 1881
WilliamsKing Dborn about 1912
WilliamsLeslie born about 1919
WilliamsLorean born about 1912
WilliamsLula Belleborn about 1910
WilliamsMargaret born about 1936
WilliamsPaul born about 1900
WilliamsWesley born about 1911
WilliamsonEddie born about 1914
WilsonC Rborn about 1906
WilsonDella born about 1902
WilsonFranklin Aborn about 1940
WilsonG Cborn about 1921
WilsonG C Srborn about 1877
WilsonLeavie born about 1906
WilsonMargaret born about 1882
WilsonMargaret Eborn about 1936
WilsonPaul born about 1910
WilsonPeggie born about 1922
WilsonRaymond Eborn about 1934
WilsonWoodrow born about 1923
WinecoffEdgar Aborn about 1901
WinecoffLee born about 1916
WombleJ Bborn about 1893
WombleJames B Jrborn about 1921
WombleLena born about 1895
WombleMildred born about 1922
WoodJoy born about 1922
WoodL Cborn about 1886
WoodLany born about 1895
WoodardJames Lborn about 1910
WoodardMargaret born about 1882
WoodsJoan born about 1880
WrightA Bborn about 1915
WrightAlexander born about 1930
WrightAnnie born about 1927
WrightEli born about 1903
WrightElla Wborn about 1928
WrightEwan born about 1938
WrightGertrude born about 1932
WrightGuinnie born about 1894
WrightHenry Lborn about 1937
WrightJames born about 1909
WrightJohn Cborn about 1929
WrightJohn Eborn about 1935
WrightLeila born about 1921
WrightMary born about 1918
WrightPreston Jr born about 1939
WrightVirgie born about 1913
WrightW Tborn about 1940
WrightWillie Jamesborn about 1937
WrightWillie Mborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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