1940 U.S. Federal Census of Shiloh in Iredell County, Iredell, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Iredell County > 1940 Census of Shiloh in Iredell County

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbrandhyDavid Gborn about 1932
AbrandhyGarvin Aborn about 1892
AdamsDaisy born about 1926
AdamsPauline born about 1929
AdamsRobert born about 1920
AhensatheyJulius born about 1855
AhensatheyMose Eborn about 1857
AlexanderAlice Mborn about 1888
AlexanderAnna Gborn about 1896
AlexanderAnnie born about 1913
AlexanderBerline Aborn about 1931
AlexanderBetty Rborn about 1928
AlexanderBillie Jborn about 1929
AlexanderClara Bborn about 1854
AlexanderClass Eborn about 1913
AlexanderE Jonesborn about 1885
AlexanderElaine born about 1923
AlexanderEster Jborn about 1896
AlexanderFleit born about 1918
AlexanderFlora born about 1913
AlexanderGeorge born about 1923
AlexanderJames Eborn about 1884
AlexanderJoe Bborn about 1928
AlexanderJoyce Aborn about 1939
AlexanderLeroy Hborn about 1905
AlexanderLewis born about 1921
AlexanderLon Mborn about 1874
AlexanderMary born about 1911
AlexanderMary Lborn about 1893
AlexanderMason born about 1930
AlexanderMildred Eborn about 1928
AlexanderParks Mborn about 1935
AlexanderPhilip born about 1925
AlexanderRichard Bborn about 1936
AlexanderRoss Dborn about 1920
AlexanderRuth born about 1910
AlexanderShelby Jborn about 1937
AlexanderSollie Eborn about 1874
AlexanderTester Aborn about 1885
AlexanderThomas Pborn about 1882
AlexanderTini Pborn about 1932
AlexanderTonny born about 1885
AlexanderWilbur Lborn about 1887
AlexanderWilliam Nborn about 1913
AlexanderYork Eborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarberCarl born about 1929
BarberChristine born about 1935
BarberGordon born about 1927
BarberPauline born about 1925
BarberRalph born about 1936
BarberRussell Bborn about 1894
BarberSarah born about 1905
BarberWilliam born about 1932
BartonLondon born about 1875
BeamDorothy born about 1929
BeamEllis Aborn about 1927
BeamForest born about 1923
BeamFrancis born about 1939
BeamFred Lborn about 1899
BeamMary born about 1905
BeattyDoris born about 1937
BeattyHoward born about 1912
BeattyLina born about 1912
BeattyNorman born about 1939
Beckham born about 1916
BeckhamBernice born about 1938
BellBoyce born about 1921
BellBruce born about 1935
BellCarol born about 1923
BellDonald Royborn about 1937
BellDorothy born about 1937
BellMary Evelynborn about 1929
BellOma born about 1898
BellWilliam Cborn about 1892
BenfieldAlma born about 1919
BenfieldAnnie Mborn about 1903
BenfieldAugusta born about 1926
BenfieldBarbara Aborn about 1938
BenfieldBessie born about 1888
BenfieldBeulah born about 1897
BenfieldBilly Eborn about 1929
BenfieldBoyd born about 1929
BenfieldCharlcie born about 1926
BenfieldCleo born about 1925
BenfieldClyde Mborn about 1928
BenfieldDoris Mborn about 1934
BenfieldDoyel born about 1922
BenfieldEmma Cborn about 1867
BenfieldErvin born about 1921
BenfieldEspy Rborn about 1913
BenfieldEspy R Jrborn about 1939
BenfieldEther Dborn about 1900
BenfieldEugene Cborn about 1920
BenfieldEuliella born about 1921
BenfieldFrassie born about 1895
BenfieldGearl born about 1917
BenfieldGeorge born about 1932
BenfieldGlenn born about 1921
BenfieldGordan born about 1934
BenfieldHal Gborn about 1930
BenfieldHarvey Sborn about 1884
BenfieldHazel born about 1928
BenfieldHenry born about 1907
BenfieldHoward born about 1890
BenfieldHubbert Lborn about 1905
BenfieldHubert Eborn about 1937
BenfieldIla born about 1908
BenfieldJ Dborn about 1931
BenfieldJake Hborn about 1876
BenfieldJim Rborn about 1916
BenfieldJoe born about 1932
BenfieldJohn Hborn about 1886
BenfieldLawson Dborn about 1861
BenfieldLorene born about 1919
BenfieldLucy born about 1896
BenfieldLucy born about 1931
BenfieldMagie Eborn about 1860
BenfieldMary born about 1895
BenfieldMary born about 1906
BenfieldNancy born about 1935
BenfieldNell Eborn about 1904
BenfieldNevada born about 1914
BenfieldPauline born about 1928
BenfieldPeggy Dborn about 1934
BenfieldRichard born about 1923
BenfieldRoe born about 1900
BenfieldRoss born about 1919
BenfieldRoy born about 1930
BenfieldRoy born about 1931
BenfieldRoy Wborn about 1898
BenfieldRoy Jr born about 1926
BenfieldS H S Jrborn about 1937
BenfieldSally Cborn about 1879
BenfieldTaylor Lborn about 1894
BenfieldTommy Rborn about 1937
BenfieldViola born about 1916
BenfieldWilliam Rborn about 1929
BennetWilliam Aborn about 1867
BennettPaul born about 1926
BlackDorothy born about 1921
BlackJ Dborn about 1873
BlackMary born about 1877
BlackWilliam born about 1921
BlankenshipJames Cborn about 1867
BobbsMary Lborn about 1874
BobbsWilliam Wborn about 1872
BocheimerFrances born about 1916
BoggsChester Kborn about 1910
BolickDaisy born about 1915
BolickEnrel born about 1911
BolickJames Dborn about 1907
BolickJames Rborn about 1936
BolickRuth Mborn about 1914
BossCharles Pborn about 1930
BossCharlie Mborn about 1880
BossDorthy Aborn about 1929
BossDorthy Wborn about 1934
BossEdith Eborn about 1926
BossFrancis Rborn about 1924
BossIla Mborn about 1920
BossInez born about 1919
BossJohnsie Bborn about 1934
BossLizzie Eborn about 1890
BossLouis Iborn about 1926
BossLula Aborn about 1889
BossManley Wborn about 1897
BossManley W Jrborn about 1937
BossMary Lborn about 1927
BossMildred Wborn about 1922
BossNelly Fborn about 1930
BossOma Lborn about 1896
BossRayford Wborn about 1932
BossRuth born about 1928
BossRuth Pborn about 1918
BossWilliam born about 1885
BostBuliah born about 1889
BostDora born about 1886
BostEvelyn born about 1919
BostFannie born about 1878
BostFranklin born about 1935
BostFred born about 1919
BostGertie Bellborn about 1927
BostGrier born about 1913
BostHarbert Sborn about 1888
BostJ Aborn about 1878
BostJ Cborn about 1881
BostJeraldine born about 1938
BostJohn Wborn about 1916
BostKay Francesborn about 1938
BostLouise born about 1931
BostMary Nealborn about 1916
BostNathan born about 1935
BostOla Maeborn about 1919
BostOrren born about 1912
BostRobert born about 1912
BostRolland born about 1923
BostS Rborn about 1903
BostThelma born about 1917
BostUna born about 1886
BostVirginia born about 1921
BostW Bborn about 1890
BostW Wborn about 1876
BradfordBettie born about 1937
BradfordHery Mborn about 1881
BradfordJames Aborn about 1888
BradfordJohn Bborn about 1878
BradfordLaura Kborn about 1927
BradfordMildred born about 1940
BradfordMrs Catherine born about 1851
BradfordWilliam born about 1911
BradfordWilliam born about 1935
BradfordWillie born about 1918
BradyBallie born about 1930
BradyCelesta born about 1923
BradyCharlie born about 1928
BradyDon Dborn about 1913
BradyEssar Dborn about 1876
BradyFrank born about 1921
BradyMary Cborn about 1932
BradyMary Eborn about 1910
BradySallie Hborn about 1887
BradyTrent born about 1925
BradyVirginia born about 1909
BramleyRobert born about 1921
BrownBobby Jborn about 1937
BrownCarl Eborn about 1925
BrownCarl Wborn about 1896
BrownDavis Cborn about 1926
BrownHelen born about 1918
BrownHoit Bborn about 1927
BrownJoe born about 1918
BrownMargaret Iborn about 1919
BrownMary Lborn about 1873
BrownMildred born about 1923
BrownVerma born about 1929
BrownVilma born about 1931
BrownWalter Pborn about 1874
BurnsAhle born about 1876
BurnsAnnie born about 1918
BurnsBelle born about 1878
BurnsBilly born about 1938
BurnsDessie born about 1913
BurnsJames Rborn about 1905
BurnsNancy Cborn about 1940
BurnsReevea born about 1913
ByersAnnie Bborn about 1890
ByersBrady Eborn about 1910
ByersClarence Wborn about 1913
ByersColeman born about 1926
ByersConnie Dborn about 1915
ByersCoyt born about 1934
ByersEarl born about 1930
ByersEmma born about 1883
ByersFrankie born about 1936
ByersGeorge Bborn about 1916
ByersJerry Fborn about 1931
ByersJim born about 1932
ByersJohn Hborn about 1888
ByersJohnie Lborn about 1928
ByersJulius Wborn about 1887
ByersKelley Jborn about 1923
ByersLee Rborn about 1900
ByersMable born about 1924
ByersMamie born about 1911
ByersMary Rborn about 1927
ByersNell Mborn about 1933
ByersNellie Annborn about 1939
ByersOliver Lborn about 1913
ByersRuth Dborn about 1920
ByersShirley Jborn about 1936
ByersThuman Lborn about 1938
ByersTlord Eborn about 1936
ByersZeb Dborn about 1919
ByresArchie Vborn about 1916
ByresCharlie Hborn about 1911
ByresCleo born about 1917
ByresDorothy born about 1939
ByresDoyte born about 1939
ByresFemia born about 1855
ByresHellen born about 1916
ByresHellen born about 1922
ByresJo Annborn about 1937
ByresMack born about 1917
ByresNancy born about 1937
ByresPeggy born about 1936
ByresVance born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellAlbert born about 1912
CampbellAnn born about 1911
CampbellAvery Cborn about 1881
CampbellBilly Rborn about 1935
CampbellCarl Eborn about 1924
CampbellCharlie Bborn about 1908
CampbellClyde born about 1925
CampbellDorris Gborn about 1922
CampbellDorris Lborn about 1931
CampbellEspie born about 1915
CampbellFrances born about 1926
CampbellJerry born about 1938
CampbellJessie born about 1915
CampbellJoyce born about 1936
CampbellLarry born about 1935
CampbellLe Roy born about 1903
CampbellLevina Jborn about 1883
CampbellMary Sborn about 1902
CampbellRoscoe born about 1899
CampbellShirley born about 1932
CampbellWilliam Gborn about 1938
CarkerAnna Mborn about 1931
CarkerMyrtle Mborn about 1910
CarkerThomas Cborn about 1887
CarriganBerlie born about 1890
CarterEspy Jborn about 1880
CarterFannie Mborn about 1874
CarterMinna born about 1884
CascadianFred Oborn about 1921
CascadianHubert Sborn about 1939
CascadianMaud Jborn about 1920
CashAnna Pborn about 1930
CashEveline Mborn about 1932
CashGales Wborn about 1908
CashJames Wborn about 1934
CashPolly Lborn about 1910
CashionBillie born about 1928
CashionBittie born about 1935
CashionBobbie born about 1938
CashionC Pborn about 1891
CashionCayte born about 1924
CashionCharles born about 1933
CashionH Pborn about 1862
CashionJoe born about 1925
CashionKate born about 1900
CashionLee born about 1885
CashionMartha born about 1925
CashionRalph born about 1922
CatesAnnie Loisborn about 1929
CatesClide born about 1919
CatesDoris born about 1934
CatesGladys born about 1927
CatesGlenn born about 1917
CatesIda Tborn about 1891
CatesJohn born about 1888
CatesReba born about 1932
CatesRoy born about 1925
CatesThomas born about 1921
CavelillCyrit Eborn about 1896
ChesterAnnie Lborn about 1888
ChesterEdward Bborn about 1883
ClarkAllen born about 1916
ClarkAvery born about 1914
ClarkBessie Jborn about 1906
ClarkCora Leeborn about 1891
ClarkDavid born about 1925
ClarkDupree Gborn about 1903
ClarkE Lucileborn about 1901
ClarkEdwin Mborn about 1939
ClarkEspy born about 1924
ClarkHal Wborn about 1909
ClarkKatheleen born about 1912
ClarkLee born about 1891
ClarkNathaniel born about 1927
ClarkNettie born about 1915
ClarkThomas Cborn about 1907
ClarkThomas Hborn about 1936
ClarkWade Hborn about 1869
ClaryArthur born about 1919
ClaryDona born about 1919
ClaryHettie born about 1885
ClaryRichard born about 1912
ClaryThomas Fborn about 1883
CliftonSallie Rborn about 1874
ClineCharlie Cborn about 1893
ClineJack born about 1926
ClineMyrtle born about 1902
ClineNancy born about 1922
ComptonMay born about 1868
ConnerHardevon born about 1879
ConnerMamie born about 1883
ConnerR Vborn about 1912
CookBetty born about 1924
CookClarence Mborn about 1906
CookDorthy born about 1928
CookGrace born about 1908
CookHarry born about 1935
CookJerry born about 1936
CookMamie born about 1891
CookMarie born about 1930
CookNellie born about 1932
CookPaul born about 1916
CookRay born about 1926
CookRobert born about 1887
CookTalmadge born about 1922
CookWade born about 1933
CookWalena born about 1934
CookWillard born about 1921
CoulterFlake Rborn about 1916
CoulterMaud Gborn about 1897
CoulterRobert Lborn about 1874
CrawfordBlake born about 1891
CrawfordBlanche born about 1911
CrawfordCary Lborn about 1893
CrawfordCatherine born about 1939
CrawfordDorthy Aborn about 1919
CrawfordEvie Eborn about 1917
CrawfordJ Lborn about 1939
CrawfordJames Wborn about 1923
CrawfordJoseph Lborn about 1915
CrawfordLeroy Rborn about 1894
CrawfordMildred Lborn about 1925
CrawfordMrs S Mborn about 1863
CrawfordNathan born about 1934
CrawfordRichard born about 1932
CrawfordWesley born about 1936
CrouchDoris born about 1937
CrouchFrancis born about 1918
CrouchHelen born about 1939
CrouchHoward Pborn about 1916
CrouseJames Fborn about 1931
CrouseLester Rborn about 1931
CrouseRuth Bborn about 1907
CrouseTommie Wborn about 1937

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D Surnames

DagenhartAddie Gborn about 1874
DagenhartBaby Lborn about 1934
DagenhartBetty Lborn about 1930
DagenhartBilly Tborn about 1936
DagenhartCarl born about 1898
DagenhartCary Cborn about 1897
DagenhartCatherine Jborn about 1929
DagenhartCharles Dborn about 1882
DagenhartCharles Fborn about 1936
DagenhartClara born about 1895
DagenhartClyde Sborn about 1902
DagenhartClyde Jr born about 1926
DagenhartColeman Rborn about 1922
DagenhartDavid born about 1923
DagenhartDorothy born about 1924
DagenhartDorthy Lborn about 1924
DagenhartEdith Cborn about 1915
DagenhartEllis Wborn about 1929
DagenhartEstelle born about 1921
DagenhartEverett Wborn about 1910
DagenhartHarold born about 1926
DagenhartHarold Wborn about 1940
DagenhartHerman born about 1922
DagenhartHilda born about 1931
DagenhartIda Lborn about 1881
DagenhartJimmie born about 1931
DagenhartJohn Hborn about 1926
DagenhartKay Fborn about 1934
DagenhartLorence Mborn about 1900
DagenhartMary born about 1898
DagenhartMary Lborn about 1923
DagenhartMary Rborn about 1930
DagenhartMay born about 1905
DagenhartMelvin born about 1919
DagenhartMildred born about 1922
DagenhartNeal born about 1882
DagenhartNellie Bborn about 1901
DagenhartOllie Mborn about 1902
DagenhartRoyce born about 1935
DagenhartRuth born about 1920
DagenhartWilliam Eborn about 1912
DapwbertJulia born about 1872
DapwbertRiley born about 1875
DavidsonAda born about 1869
DavidsonFink Owenborn about 1903
DavidsonWilliam Eborn about 1856
DealAnaleen born about 1919
DealBertha born about 1895
DealCharles Cborn about 1892
DealClarence Eborn about 1919
DealCleo born about 1903
DealCoite born about 1930
DealDonald Eborn about 1921
DealDorothy born about 1922
DealDorthy Jborn about 1930
DealEspy Aborn about 1931
DealEthel born about 1892
DealFoy Aborn about 1895
DealFranklin Pborn about 1926
DealFred Jr born about 1933
DealFroile born about 1924
DealGarke born about 1926
DealGeorge born about 1897
DealGertrude Hallborn about 1894
DealHal born about 1909
DealHarold born about 1929
DealHarriett born about 1902
DealHelen born about 1921
DealJ Bborn about 1935
DealJ Cborn about 1921
DealJames Eborn about 1930
DealJane born about 1932
DealJennrose born about 1915
DealKathleen born about 1936
DealL Aborn about 1928
DealLoneure born about 1930
DealLouise born about 1932
DealMae born about 1887
DealMarion born about 1932
DealMarjorie Mborn about 1923
DealMartha Aborn about 1877
DealMary Gborn about 1934
DealMaudie Gborn about 1884
DealMildred born about 1912
DealMildred born about 1924
DealMrs Louis born about 1870
DealMrs Sallie born about 1871
DealOscar born about 1893
DealPatsey Jborn about 1929
DealPaul born about 1921
DealPauline Hborn about 1921
DealRobert Cborn about 1873
DealRoland Jborn about 1908
DealRoy Eborn about 1893
DealSarah Eborn about 1930
DealSumma Nborn about 1909
DealThelma born about 1925
DealTranne? Mborn about 1935
DealVera Cborn about 1938
DealVera Iborn about 1902
DealWade born about 1933
DealWane Gborn about 1927
DealWilliam Bborn about 1869
DealZulah Nborn about 1909
DellingerCharles Rborn about 1869
DellingerDan Dborn about 1919
DellingerEffie born about 1880
DellingerMellie born about 1919
DellingerRobert born about 1939
DennisonMinnie born about 1883
DennisonWessley born about 1883
DillingerBessie born about 1891
DouglasCicero Kborn about 1882
DowdyCollie Mborn about 1881
DrumBud born about 1901
DrumCaroline born about 1859
DrumFred Eborn about 1925
DrumGee Oborn about 1890
DrumJ Dborn about 1923
DrumJim Lborn about 1924
DrumLoid Wborn about 1929
DrumMinny Bborn about 1889
DrumPerry Cborn about 1933
DrumRoy born about 1926
DrumwrightFrancis born about 1862
DuttonIda Mborn about 1889
DuttonJohn Aborn about 1929
DuttonMark Dborn about 1935
DuttonMary Cborn about 1919
DuttonNaomi Lborn about 1932
DuttonPaul Rborn about 1928
DuttonRebecca born about 1926
DuttonSarah Eborn about 1924
DuttonVirginia Cborn about 1922
DuttonWade Hborn about 1890
DyragaryErvin born about 1903
DyragaryEster born about 1906
DyragaryJ Bborn about 1925
DyragaryLavan born about 1926

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E Surnames

EagleMrs Jermie born about 1874
EdingerDavid Aborn about 1916
EliottBunn Kborn about 1913
EliottCharles Mborn about 1883
EliottEffie Mborn about 1887
ElliottAllen born about 1927
ElliottBertha born about 1892
ElliottBnotle Joeborn about 1898
ElliottClarence born about 1892
ElliottFinley born about 1930
ElliottFrank Jborn about 1924
ElliottGrice born about 1928
ElliottHoit Aborn about 1925
ElliottHorlie born about 1927
ElliottHoyt born about 1925
ElliottJack born about 1932
ElliottJohn Fborn about 1876
ElliottJoseph born about 1922
ElliottMamie born about 1901
ElliottMargret Lborn about 1921
ElliottMary Eborn about 1891
ElliottMary Louborn about 1925
ElliottPaul Eborn about 1916
ElliottRobert Lborn about 1913
ElliottRuby Mborn about 1918
ElliottSamuel born about 1939
EllisIda born about 1896
EllisJanis born about 1881
EllisLeonard born about 1919
EllisMary born about 1917
EllisP Leonardborn about 1919
EllisRoy born about 1922
EllisThomas born about 1924

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F Surnames

FalbrightCarolyn born about 1938
FalbrightEdmora born about 1901
FalbrightElgenia born about 1926
FalbrightEsteline born about 1926
FalbrightFay born about 1933
FalbrightHoyle born about 1930
FalbrightHylda born about 1932
FalbrightLois born about 1928
FalbrightLouise born about 1935
FalbrightWalter born about 1897
ForsythMrs Addie born about 1870
ForsytheAda Mborn about 1914
ForsytheLealul born about 1932
ForsytheWilliam Lborn about 1911
FoxAnn born about 1927
FoxAnnie Lborn about 1921
FoxBalah Mborn about 1902
FoxBeauford born about 1935
FoxBertha born about 1892
FoxBoyce born about 1935
FoxCatherine born about 1917
FoxCharlie Fborn about 1892
FoxClara Cborn about 1902
FoxClaud born about 1925
FoxDalis born about 1907
FoxDennis born about 1937
FoxDewey born about 1932
FoxDorthy born about 1937
FoxEarl Jr born about 1926
FoxEsther born about 1917
FoxEvelena born about 1930
FoxFrancis Sborn about 1925
FoxGeorge Fborn about 1935
FoxGeorgie Rborn about 1934
FoxHenry born about 1934
FoxHobert Eborn about 1924
FoxHoward born about 1922
FoxJimmie born about 1937
FoxJohn Dborn about 1904
FoxJohn Rborn about 1932
FoxKeneth Mborn about 1930
FoxMarshel Hborn about 1937
FoxMary Aborn about 1926
FoxNeal born about 1927
FoxQuince Mborn about 1874
FoxR Lborn about 1933
FoxRalph born about 1915
FoxRobert born about 1920
FoxRobert Eborn about 1891
FoxRoss born about 1917
FoxShelby Jborn about 1939
FoxWillie Vborn about 1897
FrakerAlfert Eborn about 1916
FrakerRuth Eborn about 1920
FrakerWanda Lborn about 1939
FreezeCarrie Lborn about 1881
FreezeElizabeth born about 1920
FreezeH Aborn about 1880
FreezeJohn Gborn about 1878
FreezeLinn born about 1914
FreezeMyrtle born about 1890
FreezePhyllis born about 1935
FreezeRalph born about 1923
FreezeRossie born about 1930
FroatsJohn Aborn about 1926
FroatsLouis born about 1930
FroatsSlonie born about 1933
FroatsWhitfield born about 1927
FryCleo born about 1889
FryeFlossie born about 1894
FryeHal Dborn about 1892
FryeIrene born about 1924
FryeJennie born about 1888
FryeSttis Fborn about 1893

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G Surnames

GabelBarbara born about 1936
GabelEadeath born about 1915
GabelEvell Rborn about 1908
GantBeulah born about 1897
GantFrieda born about 1924
GantGwendolyn born about 1920
GantHedloy Gborn about 1924
GantHerman born about 1921
GantJohn Sborn about 1898
GantMartin Lborn about 1884
GantMax Rborn about 1927
GantMay Aborn about 1865
GantMegelle born about 1899
GantMrs Maud born about 1895
GantSarah Jborn about 1868
GantThelma born about 1922
GanttGeorge born about 1893
GapeRufus born about 1923
GapeSummie born about 1925
GerneySarrah Iborn about 1861
GibsonEugene born about 1920
GibsonGlenn born about 1926
GibsonGrace born about 1896
GibsonJoseph Rborn about 1897
GibsonPauline born about 1923
GibsonRalph born about 1932
GibsonRobert born about 1931
GilbertC Lborn about 1930
GilbertCloud born about 1900
GilbertEssor born about 1898
GilbertHenry Lborn about 1862
GilbertMary born about 1902
GilbertSusan born about 1869
GobleCarl Hborn about 1939
GobleCharles Wborn about 1888
GobleCody born about 1937
GobleHatty Wborn about 1863
GobleHazel Iborn about 1930
GobleIrene born about 1919
GobleJames Hborn about 1903
GobleJames Mborn about 1897
GobleJamis Rborn about 1934
GobleJohn born about 1863
GobleJohny Kborn about 1918
GobleKatheleen born about 1921
GobleLena Aborn about 1897
GobleLois Nborn about 1924
GobleLorene Pborn about 1927
GobleNinan Maeborn about 1922
GoblePansey born about 1931
GobleStella born about 1896
GoodmanDoris born about 1938
GoodmanIla born about 1914
GoodmanJune born about 1937
GoodmanRoss born about 1940
GoodmanVirgil born about 1914
GrayColine born about 1937
GrayEloise born about 1922
GrayInez born about 1926
GrayLeon born about 1927
GrayLois born about 1924
GrayLoverna born about 1939
GrayMargie born about 1930
GrayMrs Rachel born about 1904
GrayPhilis born about 1939
GrayReid born about 1932
GreenJohn Iborn about 1925
GrimesBryant born about 1898
GrimesFrank born about 1863
GuyLillie born about 1860

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H Surnames

HacketterSadie born about 1916
HaglerDan born about 1923
HaglerEtter born about 1886
HaglerJames Pborn about 1875
HallarCarmen born about 1919
HallarL H Jrborn about 1921
HallerBennie Fborn about 1927
HallerEugene born about 1923
HallerJohn Lborn about 1929
HallerLawrence born about 1894
HallerLillie born about 1896
HallerRuth born about 1917
HarbertMrs Robert Cborn about 1911
HarbertRobert Fborn about 1934
HarbertShirley Anneborn about 1937
HarbertSilvia Billborn about 1939
HarrisArlene born about 1925
HarrisBen born about 1920
HarrisCharles Hborn about 1887
HarrisClide Hborn about 1922
HarrisHelen born about 1923
HarrisLena born about 1890
HarrisRoy Eborn about 1918
HartHal born about 1916
HartHarwell born about 1937
HartHattie born about 1939
HartRuth born about 1916
HartSilas born about 1875
HendrenMary Eborn about 1917
HendrenTravis Eborn about 1917
HicksGeorge Wborn about 1920
HigsonBonna born about 1938
HigsonBrison Lborn about 1902
HigsonGayan born about 1939
HigsonVoda born about 1917
HilderbrandAliney Eborn about 1906
HilderbrandCharles born about 1932
HilderbrandDasie born about 1903
HilderbrandEugene born about 1929
HinesEtta Mborn about 1877
HoffmanAnnie born about 1904
HoffmanMor?? Hborn about 1910
HokeBertha Eborn about 1904
HokeBrsay Iborn about 1903
HokeCarold Cborn about 1915
HokeCatherine born about 1913
HokeEmma Aborn about 1880
HokeFrod Jborn about 1913
HokeG Benborn about 1901
HokeGladis Aborn about 1926
HokeGuy Eborn about 1900
HokeHazelina born about 1928
HokeHellen Eborn about 1921
HokeL Bborn about 1903
HokeLester Eborn about 1902
HokeLily Jborn about 1878
HokePaul Eborn about 1923
HokeSylvia Lborn about 1937
HokeSylvie born about 1939
HollerJames born about 1928
HollerJerry born about 1932
HollerLevin Wborn about 1895
HollerLouis Tborn about 1871
HollerManetta born about 1924
HollerMargaret Lborn about 1873
HollerNell born about 1899
HollerTate born about 1927
HollerWilliam born about 1923
HomerLeona born about 1906
Hoover??? born about 1928
HooverAddie born about 1923
HooverColine born about 1932
HooverCorte born about 1925
HooverDorris Cborn about 1933
HooverDwight born about 1928
HooverEuelene Eborn about 1925
HooverEula Hborn about 1903
HooverEunice Wborn about 1898
HooverEva Nborn about 1918
HooverGilbert born about 1932
HooverGilmen born about 1936
HooverGray born about 1931
HooverHerman Oborn about 1900
HooverHilda born about 1934
HooverJeroy born about 1897
HooverLee Jborn about 1893
HooverLemeal Cborn about 1895
HooverLemeal C Jrborn about 1937
HooverMable Pborn about 1905
HooverMalinda Eborn about 1897
HooverMargie born about 1938
HooverMary Hborn about 1923
HooverMildred born about 1929
HooverMinnie born about 1898
HooverMrs Q Aborn about 1866
HooverNeomi Eborn about 1923
HooverNorman Fborn about 1930
HooverOhhelia born about 1936
HooverPaul Jborn about 1918
HooverRalph Mborn about 1909
HooverRoy Lborn about 1923
HooverRuth Eborn about 1928
HooverSadie born about 1921
HooverSrrly born about 1904
HooverSudia Mayborn about 1919
HooverTroy born about 1926
HooverVoight born about 1932
HooverWade Mborn about 1892
HooverWilliam born about 1888
HosclawCallie born about 1889
HosclawRobert Hborn about 1881
HumpeClide born about 1913
HumpeJ Cborn about 1920
HumpeJohn Thomasborn about 1930
HumpeMaggie born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngoldEllen Lborn about 1865
IseinhourClarence born about 1911
IseinhourEthel Aborn about 1907
IseinhourJoice Mborn about 1937
IseinhourKermit born about 1939
IseinhourSilva Aborn about 1940

J Surnames

JamesLydia Lborn about 1937
JamesMargaret born about 1915
JamesPeggy Aborn about 1934
JamesRobert Jborn about 1939
JamesWoodrow Wborn about 1915
JenkinsAlleen born about 1936
JenkinsAllen born about 1934
JenkinsBernice born about 1924
JenkinsBetty Lborn about 1927
JenkinsBoyal born about 1928
JenkinsCarolyn born about 1935
JenkinsCarter Rborn about 1874
JenkinsEva born about 1906
JenkinsFaines Rborn about 1901
JenkinsHelen born about 1922
JenkinsHilda born about 1926
JenkinsJoe Mborn about 1929
JenkinsJohn born about 1931
JenkinsJohnsie born about 1885
JenkinsLewis born about 1937
JenkinsLynn born about 1930
JohnsonAd born about 1888
JohnsonAnnie born about 1928
JohnsonBerl born about 1926
JohnsonBetty Iborn about 1933
JohnsonBoyce born about 1885
JohnsonCary Lborn about 1932
JohnsonCharles born about 1932
JohnsonEarn born about 1886
JohnsonEdrath born about 1930
JohnsonEmily born about 1939
JohnsonErastus Rborn about 1925
JohnsonEueline born about 1936
JohnsonForn born about 1911
JohnsonFrancis Lborn about 1869
JohnsonGenerd Lborn about 1902
JohnsonGurney Wborn about 1926
JohnsonHerbert born about 1929
JohnsonHoward born about 1900
JohnsonIda Jborn about 1885
JohnsonJames born about 1924
JohnsonJannie born about 1906
JohnsonJoe born about 1930
JohnsonJohn Pborn about 1921
JohnsonJraillia born about 1902
JohnsonJulius born about 1934
JohnsonJune born about 1926
JohnsonKathleen born about 1924
JohnsonLeo Pborn about 1920
JohnsonLeroy born about 1921
JohnsonLurla Mborn about 1909
JohnsonMacie born about 1916
JohnsonMarjorie born about 1911
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1925
JohnsonMollie Mborn about 1893
JohnsonMrs A Wborn about 1879
JohnsonOla Aborn about 1876
JohnsonOs born about 1910
JohnsonPressly born about 1916
JohnsonR Cborn about 1936
JohnsonRalph Aborn about 1901
JohnsonRobert Wborn about 1930
JohnsonRoss born about 1910
JohnsonRuby born about 1929
JohnsonRufus Cborn about 1890
JohnsonRussel born about 1925
JohnsonSherly Lborn about 1923
JohnsonShirley born about 1938
JohnsonSlzlla Aborn about 1862
JohnsonTerry Hborn about 1895
JohnsonTilden Hborn about 1918
JohnsonVictoria born about 1895
JohnsonWiley Tborn about 1878
JonesAnnie Bellborn about 1906
JonesGwendolyn born about 1933
JonesMarvin born about 1903
JonesRoy born about 1939
JonesWillis born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaleCloise born about 1916
KaleJ Cborn about 1880
KaleLaura born about 1882

L Surnames

LackeyCarrie born about 1899
LackeyGrace born about 1910
LackeyHarold born about 1920
LackeyJames born about 1892
LackeyJelia born about 1929
LackeyLily Mayborn about 1890
LackeyMarion born about 1925
LackeyOwen Wborn about 1912
LackeyRoland born about 1933
LackeySarah Eborn about 1864
LackeyShirley Eborn about 1936
LackeyWilliam Lborn about 1890
LambertFrancis born about 1914
LammelAnnie Mborn about 1895
LammelLouise born about 1928
LammelPaul born about 1923
LammelRoby born about 1933
LammelRoy born about 1927
LawrenceAdolphus born about 1876
LawrenceAlice born about 1872
LentzGarfield born about 1923
LentzJ D Jrborn about 1928
LentzJacob Dborn about 1884
LentzJulia Lborn about 1931
LentzSophia born about 1894
LentzWalter Rborn about 1918
LewisDan Jr born about 1930
LewisDannie born about 1909
LewisEdna born about 1913
LewisMarceil born about 1933
LewisMary Jborn about 1936
LittleAnn Aborn about 1925
LittleBrita Eborn about 1892
LittleLois Lborn about 1927
LittleLola Iborn about 1868
LittleNancy Jborn about 1936
LittleRowell Eborn about 1866
LittleRoy Pborn about 1892
LittleRoy Jr born about 1929
LittleShirley Lborn about 1922
LockeyCarl born about 1899
LockeyFrank born about 1937
LockeyGalton born about 1868
LockeyHelen born about 1904
LockeyMartha born about 1869
LockeyMary born about 1902
LoydFred born about 1894
LoydMaude born about 1898
LoydRuth born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackintgJohn born about 1929
MaloneBertha Aborn about 1896
MaloneBirtie Eborn about 1893
MaloneDorthy Pborn about 1923
MaloneEula Mborn about 1922
MaloneLee Rborn about 1898
MaloneTommy Eborn about 1919
MartinClarence born about 1938
MartinDelais born about 1936
MartinEverett born about 1910
MartinTrease born about 1905
MasseyBettie born about 1932
MasseyBruce born about 1935
MasseyDale born about 1938
MasseyDavie Aborn about 1868
MasseyEmett Sborn about 1910
MasseyEmolois born about 1929
MasseyGeorge Eborn about 1893
MasseyHoyt born about 1914
MasseyIvan born about 1909
MasseyJerry born about 1934
MasseyLarry born about 1932
MasseyLeon born about 1925
MasseyLillian Iborn about 1905
MasseyLona born about 1896
MasseyPhyllis born about 1936
MasseyWilliam born about 1923
MasseyWilliam Aborn about 1868
MasseyWillie born about 1895
MayberryBessie Jborn about 1896
MayberryCharles born about 1937
MayberryEarnest born about 1910
MayberryElizabeth born about 1921
MayberryElnora born about 1920
MayberryFrancis born about 1924
MayberryHenry born about 1918
MayberryIdonna born about 1880
MayberryJacqueline born about 1930
MayberryJames Cborn about 1886
MayberryJohn born about 1939
MayberryJuanita born about 1917
MayberryLonnie Gborn about 1937
MayberryPhyllis born about 1939
MayberryReice Mborn about 1888
MayberryRobert Lborn about 1917
MayberryRuby Kborn about 1920
MayberryWorth born about 1936
MayfieldAddie born about 1922
MayfieldCarlen born about 1910
MayfieldClaud born about 1910
MayfieldClifton born about 1917
MayfieldClinton born about 1915
MayfieldCorine born about 1933
MayfieldCormeberg born about 1931
MayfieldDorthy Mborn about 1929
MayfieldEarline born about 1919
MayfieldGeorge born about 1907
MayfieldGeorge Jr born about 1936
MayfieldGrace born about 1916
MayfieldIda Mborn about 1890
MayfieldJames Dborn about 1927
MayfieldLouis born about 1928
MayfieldLouise born about 1908
MayfieldMary Lborn about 1938
MayfieldNettie born about 1919
MayfieldOwens born about 1882
MayfieldRobert Lborn about 1935
MayfieldRonard born about 1922
MayfieldViola born about 1926
MayonCharles born about 1909
MayonEstherlean born about 1933
MayonGladys born about 1916
MayonJohn Hborn about 1934
McClungeAnna born about 1909
McClungeReuben born about 1892
McDowellEula born about 1885
McDowellRanan born about 1888
McLainClair born about 1920
McLainJ C Jrborn about 1927
McLainJefferson born about 1892
McLainNellie born about 1896
McLainWayne born about 1918
McLelandAdeline born about 1900
McLelandMrs Carie E born about 1895
McLellandAnderson born about 1918
McLellandAnnie born about 1905
McLellandAuther Lborn about 1919
McLellandEmma Lborn about 1934
McLellandHenry born about 1916
McLellandHenry Jr born about 1937
McLellandIve born about 1869
McLellandMargartte born about 1919
McLellandMary born about 1889
McLellandMary born about 1925
McLellandSam born about 1901
McLellandWilliam born about 1883
McNeelyBilly Eborn about 1931
McNeelyBlake Sborn about 1937
McNeelyEula Mborn about 1908
McNeelyHarold Wborn about 1912
McNeelyJohn Cborn about 1873
McNeelyJohny Lborn about 1928
McNeelyM Janieborn about 1903
McNeelyMaud Iborn about 1913
McNeelyMinnie Mborn about 1875
McNeelyRichard Pborn about 1937
McNeelyThomas Eborn about 1906
McNullyCarrald born about 1929
McNullyFossie born about 1894
McNullyJeane born about 1925
McNullyLouise born about 1920
McNullyRalph Rborn about 1896
McWhirterEnwright born about 1923
McWhirterL Bborn about 1911
McWhirterLula born about 1883
McWhirterPearl born about 1925
MilhollandClark Hborn about 1921
MilhollandEvert Dborn about 1915
MilhollandLessi Lborn about 1888
MilhollandMarion born about 1924
MilhollandRobert Eborn about 1890
MillerAnnie Kborn about 1911
MillerBeatrice Hborn about 1926
MillerBillie Cborn about 1933
MillerBobby born about 1934
MillerCandas Eborn about 1886
MillerCarl Eborn about 1911
MillerCarl Jborn about 1931
MillerCarrie Bborn about 1921
MillerCecil Eborn about 1904
MillerCharles Dborn about 1882
MillerCharlie Rborn about 1887
MillerClara Iborn about 1920
MillerCleo born about 1915
MillerColeman Rborn about 1920
MillerDent born about 1934
MillerEarsell born about 1925
MillerEauice born about 1913
MillerEdd born about 1899
MillerEstille Mborn about 1909
MillerEugene Fborn about 1910
MillerEusibia Sborn about 1939
MillerEvanell born about 1910
MillerForest Eborn about 1933
MillerFrankie Aborn about 1929
MillerFrankie Lborn about 1907
MillerHariet Eborn about 1879
MillerHazel Lborn about 1922
MillerHellen born about 1926
MillerHellen Lborn about 1912
MillerHenry born about 1918
MillerHubert Eborn about 1918
MillerInfant born about 1940
MillerJack Pborn about 1937
MillerJaice born about 1936
MillerJames Eborn about 1862
MillerJames Sborn about 1895
MillerJane Eborn about 1937
MillerJewell Bborn about 1927
MillerJimmie born about 1931
MillerJohn Gborn about 1879
MillerJohn Pborn about 1912
MillerJoyce Eborn about 1936
MillerJune born about 1925
MillerLee Sborn about 1920
MillerLillian born about 1899
MillerLola born about 1881
MillerLucile born about 1920
MillerMaggie born about 1870
MillerMaggie born about 1898
MillerMary Lborn about 1921
MillerMay Lborn about 1922
MillerNancy born about 1928
MillerPaul Hborn about 1916
MillerPaul Mborn about 1927
MillerPeggie Mborn about 1934
MillerRay Eborn about 1912
MillerReginald born about 1929
MillerRosa Lborn about 1899
MillerRoss Eborn about 1902
MillerRoss Hborn about 1913
MillerRoy born about 1919
MillerRoy born about 1927
MillerRoy Aborn about 1924
MillerRuth born about 1939
MillerSadell Fborn about 1935
MillerShelby born about 1936
MillerSudie born about 1927
MillerThelma born about 1932
MillerThomas born about 1869
MillerThomas Eborn about 1890
MillerTroy Lborn about 1924
MillerUravel born about 1929
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1902
MillerWilliam H Jrborn about 1928
MillerWillie born about 1912
MillerWoodrow born about 1917
MillerZoe born about 1905
MillesFred Rborn about 1910
MillesJanis Lborn about 1935
MillesMyrtle Gborn about 1911
MillmanAnnie Lborn about 1929
MillmanBertha Eborn about 1925
MillmanBeulah born about 1901
MillmanChristine born about 1934
MillmanClarence born about 1931
MillmanCricie Mborn about 1899
MillmanEutrella born about 1936
MillmanFrancis Cborn about 1921
MillmanFrancis Mborn about 1897
MillmanGeraldine born about 1928
MillmanHoward born about 1924
MillmanJonnie Pborn about 1923
MillmanLola born about 1898
MillmanMaddie Mborn about 1930
MillmanMary Cborn about 1926
MillmanMary Hborn about 1927
MillmanPortil born about 1918
MitchelBeatrice Cborn about 1919
MitchelBertha Sborn about 1900
MitchelJ Cliftonborn about 1926
MitchelRobert Lborn about 1918
MondayJames Jborn about 1939
MondayJames Pborn about 1920
MondayLevinda Nborn about 1920
MooreAnnie Rosborn about 1934
MooreBacter Eborn about 1934
MooreBettie born about 1931
MooreBetty Cborn about 1931
MooreBilly born about 1925
MooreCarl Jr born about 1932
MooreCorall born about 1932
MooreDart Cborn about 1921
MooreDenie born about 1910
MooreDorothy born about 1933
MooreElizabeth Cborn about 1882
MooreElnora born about 1904
MooreEugene born about 1913
MooreGeorge Dborn about 1868
MooreGrace born about 1900
MooreGrover Sborn about 1914
MooreHarry Bborn about 1896
MooreHazel Lenoneborn about 1903
MooreJames Fborn about 1904
MooreJames Rborn about 1939
MooreJames Sborn about 1855
MooreJames Wborn about 1878
MooreJay Cborn about 1897
MooreLetcher Tborn about 1902
MooreLucille born about 1936
MooreMarie Tborn about 1933
MooreMartha born about 1937
MooreMartha Jborn about 1881
MooreMary born about 1906
MooreMary Fborn about 1937
MooreMary Nellborn about 1930
MooreMiss Ruby Paulineborn about 1920
MooreMrs B Fborn about 1907
MooreMrs Carl born about 1911
MooreMrs J Clarkborn about 1868
MooreMrs Lizzie born about 1861
MooreNannie Rborn about 1886
MooreRachel born about 1918
MooreRoy born about 1926
MooreSilas Mborn about 1876
MooreVera born about 1913
MooreVillma Eborn about 1908
MooreZula Rborn about 1909
MooslElizabeth born about 1864
MoothBessie Mayborn about 1897
MoothBilly born about 1928
MoothHarold born about 1924
MoothJames Fborn about 1872
MoothMack born about 1928
MorniaGeorge born about 1923
MorraurHarold born about 1923
MorraurKeneth born about 1925
MorraurLillie born about 1898
MorraurRoy born about 1927
MorraurSamuel Mborn about 1897
MorraurTress?? born about 1931
Morrison??? born about 1939
MorrisonAlma Lborn about 1921
MorrisonAnna born about 1931
MorrisonAnnie Lborn about 1919
MorrisonBettie Rborn about 1935
MorrisonBillie born about 1932
MorrisonBlake born about 1906
MorrisonBlake Jr born about 1926
MorrisonBoyd born about 1927
MorrisonC Grayborn about 1882
MorrisonCaleane born about 1928
MorrisonCandis born about 1872
MorrisonCatherine born about 1916
MorrisonCatherine Jborn about 1914
MorrisonCenie Bellborn about 1874
MorrisonCharles born about 1881
MorrisonCharles born about 1929
MorrisonChase Bborn about 1909
MorrisonClauyel born about 1922
MorrisonClinton Hborn about 1926
MorrisonClorine born about 1923
MorrisonClyde born about 1932
MorrisonColin born about 1913
MorrisonColine born about 1913
MorrisonCoralind born about 1935
MorrisonCornelia born about 1883
MorrisonDert Cborn about 1912
MorrisonDorana born about 1865
MorrisonDu?? Mborn about 1898
MorrisonEddie born about 1934
MorrisonEdna born about 1902
MorrisonElizebeth born about 1925
MorrisonElla born about 1875
MorrisonEmma Jborn about 1933
MorrisonEvala born about 1910
MorrisonEvelyn born about 1922
MorrisonEverett born about 1929
MorrisonFoy born about 1896
MorrisonFrances born about 1927
MorrisonFrancis born about 1923
MorrisonFrancis born about 1932
MorrisonFred Pborn about 1900
MorrisonFurrel born about 1931
MorrisonGrace born about 1907
MorrisonGuy Lborn about 1932
MorrisonHazel born about 1915
MorrisonHoyt Mborn about 1890
MorrisonIda born about 1897
MorrisonIsabel born about 1931
MorrisonJ Lanborn about 1888
MorrisonJames born about 1910
MorrisonJames born about 1918
MorrisonJames born about 1922
MorrisonJames Cborn about 1935
MorrisonJimmy born about 1937
MorrisonJoe Rborn about 1923
MorrisonJohn born about 1868
MorrisonJohn Mborn about 1915
MorrisonJohn Pborn about 1900
MorrisonJune born about 1936
MorrisonKathryne born about 1913
MorrisonKinnard born about 1917
MorrisonLee born about 1896
MorrisonLee born about 1898
MorrisonLela born about 1919
MorrisonLeonard born about 1914
MorrisonLetha born about 1913
MorrisonLilian Iborn about 1910
MorrisonLizzie born about 1892
MorrisonLois born about 1909
MorrisonLola Mborn about 1931
MorrisonLucille born about 1919
MorrisonLula born about 1887
MorrisonMaggie born about 1890
MorrisonMargaret born about 1926
MorrisonMargaret born about 1934
MorrisonMarjorie born about 1925
MorrisonMartha Nellborn about 1930
MorrisonMary born about 1927
MorrisonMary Archieborn about 1879
MorrisonMary Lborn about 1936
MorrisonMattie born about 1890
MorrisonMax born about 1935
MorrisonMeck Wborn about 1910
MorrisonMildred born about 1927
MorrisonMildred born about 1928
MorrisonMrs Martha born about 1850
MorrisonNathan Bborn about 1939
MorrisonNeuana born about 1931
MorrisonO Cborn about 1921
MorrisonOla born about 1894
MorrisonOma born about 1921
MorrisonOscar born about 1911
MorrisonPearl born about 1927
MorrisonPearl Eborn about 1893
MorrisonPhyllis born about 1933
MorrisonPlas born about 1887
MorrisonReba born about 1925
MorrisonRobert born about 1911
MorrisonRobert born about 1923
MorrisonRoscoe born about 1916
MorrisonRoss Gborn about 1921
MorrisonRoy Pborn about 1893
MorrisonRuth born about 1927
MorrisonSelmae born about 1913
MorrisonShelly born about 1907
MorrisonShirley born about 1935
MorrisonSilbert Ralphborn about 1896
MorrisonWarren born about 1939
MorrisonWatt born about 1921
MorrisonWilliam born about 1928
MorrisonWilliam Eborn about 1880
MorrisonWillie born about 1905
MorrisonWillie born about 1930
MorrisonWoodrow born about 1915
MorrowCaroll Eborn about 1921
MorrowCharlene born about 1929
MorrowCharles Aborn about 1898
MorrowCharles Bborn about 1892
MorrowCharline born about 1922
MorrowCub Mborn about 1872
MorrowDoyle Nborn about 1932
MorrowDwight Dborn about 1937
MorrowEccles Eborn about 1917
MorrowEdwin Wborn about 1934
MorrowEmily Vborn about 1932
MorrowErma Oborn about 1905
MorrowEthel born about 1902
MorrowEthel Jborn about 1886
MorrowFred Mborn about 1929
MorrowGeorge Bborn about 1922
MorrowGertrude born about 1915
MorrowGlenn born about 1899
MorrowHalbert Fborn about 1911
MorrowHoward Cborn about 1936
MorrowHoyle Mborn about 1901
MorrowIla Dborn about 1909
MorrowJ Gborn about 1926
MorrowJay Mborn about 1905
MorrowJohn Dborn about 1934
MorrowJunius Aborn about 1871
MorrowKatherine Vborn about 1923
MorrowLary born about 1932
MorrowMargaret born about 1927
MorrowMarshal born about 1897
MorrowMartha Aborn about 1862
MorrowMary Lborn about 1924
MorrowMary Lborn about 1931
MorrowMattie Eborn about 1881
MorrowMax Bborn about 1929
MorrowMurphy born about 1920
MorrowNanna Mborn about 1894
MorrowNona Mborn about 1901
MorrowRichard Cborn about 1897
MorrowRichard Gborn about 1919
MorrowRuth Iborn about 1908
MorrowShirley born about 1937
MorrowShula Mborn about 1927
MorrowThomas Vborn about 1922
MorrowThurman Lborn about 1939
MorrowTipton Pborn about 1879
MorrowTom Nborn about 1906
MorrowViola born about 1876
MorrowWilliam Bborn about 1902
MorseThomas Wborn about 1924
MossonJule born about 1925
MossonMrs Birtie born about 1900
MyersHarlene Fayeborn about 1939
MyersViolet Jborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

Nash??? born about 1939
NashBetty born about 1912
NashBilly Rborn about 1939
NashChristine born about 1918
NashDavid born about 1930
NashDorris Mborn about 1934
NashEsther Vborn about 1887
NashEvalina born about 1919
NashFrancis Lborn about 1934
NashGeorge Wborn about 1882
NashJ Dborn about 1884
NashJames Wborn about 1877
NashLarry Wborn about 1936
NashLonnie Gborn about 1895
NashMartha Jborn about 1926
NashMary born about 1876
NashMary born about 1907
NashNona Mborn about 1900
NashOleta born about 1925
NashPnyor born about 1905
NashSallie Mborn about 1886
NashStephen Wborn about 1913
NashTherry Downeborn about 1935
NicholsonEva born about 1916
NicholsonEverett born about 1907
NicholsonMrs May born about 1884
NixcoAnnie born about 1927
NixcoLilie born about 1937
NixcoMaggie born about 1932
NixcoMarjorie born about 1934
NixcoNathanial born about 1924
NixcoNeoma born about 1903
NixcoPauline born about 1939
NixcoT L Jesborn about 1920
NixcoTheodoro Lborn about 1900
NixcoW Fborn about 1929
NorrisonE Gborn about 1927
NorrisonReba Mborn about 1907
NorrisonShirley Aborn about 1935
NullBinkie born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdwaltAnnie Belleborn about 1897
OdwaltCullen born about 1895
OdwaltEvelyn born about 1922
OdwaltSherill born about 1920
OswaltAmie Lborn about 1906
OswaltJames Wborn about 1882
OswaltMartha Jborn about 1866
OswaltTanny Bborn about 1885

P Surnames

PapeCharles Wborn about 1869
PapeLunda Mborn about 1910
ParkerAllison born about 1930
ParkerAnna born about 1924
ParkerC A Jrborn about 1927
ParkerC Abborn about 1850
ParkerErem Leeborn about 1924
ParkerFanny Rborn about 1872
ParkerIna Mborn about 1920
ParkerJohn Eborn about 1935
ParkerJohn Lborn about 1885
ParkerRowell born about 1915
ParkerWade born about 1914
ParkerWalter Aborn about 1871
ParkerWilliam Dborn about 1932
ParksAnnie Lborn about 1918
PattersonAlice Mborn about 1930
PattersonAlma born about 1908
PattersonCorrine Sborn about 1905
PattersonEvelyn born about 1907
PattersonHoward Rborn about 1903
PattersonJames Fborn about 1936
PattersonJohn Nborn about 1878
PattersonLewis born about 1905
PattersonMable born about 1920
PattersonMargaret born about 1920
PattersonMartha Jborn about 1927
PattersonMary Eborn about 1918
PattersonMattie Lborn about 1878
PattersonRobert Lborn about 1926
PayneAlfred born about 1934
PayneBertha born about 1911
PayneCharlie born about 1920
PayneClarence born about 1898
PayneGlenn born about 1938
PayneJoe Annborn about 1936
PayneWilliam born about 1931
PelinDaisy born about 1916
PelinFannie born about 1879
PelinJames Nborn about 1880
PenceMrs W Dborn about 1880
PenceRobert Oborn about 1921
PerkingIda born about 1874
PerkingJ Rborn about 1872
PerkingMildred born about 1906
PerkingWilson born about 1912
PharrDennis Mborn about 1915
PharrMargaret Sborn about 1920
PharrPhilip Aborn about 1939
PhiferLaura born about 1900
PierceCarold born about 1935
PierceHazel born about 1922
PierceJ Lucyborn about 1875
PierceJerry born about 1938
PierceLillian born about 1903
PierceMagdalene born about 1926
PierceRobert born about 1924
PierceRoy Cborn about 1900
PierceRoy Jr born about 1927
PierceSallie born about 1874
PierceSally born about 1933
PlattHarry born about 1896
PlattIra born about 1856
PopeAudry Lborn about 1923
PopeBessie Jborn about 1882
PopeBettie Nborn about 1933
PopeBichel Fborn about 1915
PopeBoyd born about 1914
PopeBrice Eborn about 1925
PopeCarl Eborn about 1922
PopeCatherine Eborn about 1924
PopeCharles Aborn about 1885
PopeCharlie Eborn about 1912
PopeCoit Lborn about 1926
PopeDorthy Bborn about 1928
PopeEarnest Rborn about 1893
PopeEarnest Wborn about 1929
PopeEdwarda Tborn about 1936
PopeElgie Mborn about 1927
PopeHall Bborn about 1918
PopeHubert Lborn about 1936
PopeIda Lborn about 1932
PopeIda Mborn about 1884
PopeJanie Mborn about 1908
PopeJanie Mborn about 1913
PopeJohn Fborn about 1873
PopeJohn Henryborn about 1936
PopeKatie born about 1919
PopeLary Hborn about 1936
PopeLaura Jborn about 1873
PopeLelia Eborn about 1882
PopeLelis Pearlborn about 1939
PopeLida Eborn about 1928
PopeLinden Aborn about 1880
PopeLinden Cborn about 1927
PopeMadren born about 1919
PopeMargaret Eborn about 1921
PopeMarjorie born about 1924
PopeMartin Lborn about 1918
PopeMoffat Gborn about 1902
PopeOlen Rborn about 1903
PopePrice Jborn about 1919
PopeRoy Jborn about 1930
PopeShirley Lborn about 1938
PopeWilber Aborn about 1910
PopeWillard Mborn about 1916
PopeWilliam Aborn about 1936
PopeZula Oborn about 1927
PrattCharles Wborn about 1888
PrattMary Cborn about 1906
PreaclyEula Pborn about 1906
PreaclyPaul Bborn about 1939
PreaclyWilliam Fborn about 1932
PreaclyWilliam Mborn about 1903
PriceCynthia born about 1902
PriceLenord born about 1882
PriceLinburgh born about 1935
PrivetteEprrian Vborn about 1880
PrivetteMaud Lborn about 1883
PutmanMary Lborn about 1903
PutmanTom Pborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReaseLucile born about 1906
ReaseWillie Dborn about 1906
ReedForrest born about 1924
ReedWitt Ruthborn about 1898
ReepBertie born about 1896
ReepBlake born about 1925
ReepEarl born about 1932
ReepGeorge born about 1920
ReepGlenn born about 1927
ReepHassill born about 1930
ReepHenry born about 1937
ReepJ Rborn about 1922
ReepJoe born about 1934
ReepSidney born about 1894
ReidCharles Hborn about 1884
ReidColeman born about 1922
ReidElizabeth born about 1897
ReidGeorge Pborn about 1894
ReidMary Francesborn about 1924
ReidMildred born about 1932
ReiseCrawford Hborn about 1888
ReiseGladis Gborn about 1924
ReiseHellen Mborn about 1922
ReiseMagie Lborn about 1895
RentonBilly born about 1931
RentonJewell born about 1939
RentonLee born about 1933
ReynoldNell born about 1913
ReynoldsGuy Jborn about 1920
RhyneClara born about 1910
RhyneEugene born about 1935
RhyneHarold born about 1932
RhyneHazel born about 1934
RhyneJohn Bborn about 1879
RhyneJohn B Jrborn about 1938
RhyneMary Hborn about 1936
RiggCharles born about 1928
RiggElizabeth born about 1933
RiggGeorge Eborn about 1890
RiggGladyce born about 1908
RiggIma Florenceborn about 1866
RimmerDora born about 1929
RimmerEdith Cborn about 1922
RimmerEva Nborn about 1910
RimmerGlenn born about 1901
RimmerGrier Bborn about 1916
RimmerLessie Vborn about 1895
RimmerMary born about 1938
RimmerNorma Dborn about 1936
RimmerPatricia born about 1934
RimmerSam born about 1864
RimmerZell Oborn about 1887
RinehardtBertha born about 1898
RinehardtDavid born about 1894
RinehardtDavid Jr born about 1921
RinehardtFrances born about 1929
RinehardtHerman born about 1923
RitchieMartha born about 1919
RiversLeo Aborn about 1902
RiversMary Lborn about 1902
RosemanAlma born about 1871
RosemanJewell born about 1930
RosemanJoe born about 1935
RosemanMorris born about 1932
RosemanQuay born about 1937
RosemanRoss born about 1914
RosemanSadie born about 1913
RumpleJ Mborn about 1888
RumpleKathleen born about 1918
RumpleRoy Leeborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SahusysGeorge born about 1905
SahusysRosa born about 1912
SatzerAnna born about 1885
SatzerEadeath born about 1922
SatzerWilliam Tborn about 1880
ScheldHerbert Wborn about 1909
ScheldHerbert W Jrborn about 1939
ScheldMary Dborn about 1912
ScottCathrine born about 1937
ScottCharles born about 1930
ScottDorothy born about 1934
ScottFrank born about 1933
ScottGarvitt born about 1915
ScottJames born about 1921
ScottJanie Mayborn about 1923
ScottJessie Leeborn about 1925
ScottJoelions born about 1910
ScottJohn Jr born about 1930
ScottJoy Lynborn about 1900
ScottJoyce born about 1938
ScottJuanita born about 1939
ScottJulino born about 1910
ScottLizzie born about 1917
ScottLoyd born about 1937
ScottMary Nellborn about 1928
ScottNina Bborn about 1918
SegersRalph born about 1922
SegersWillie Dborn about 1923
SellersEdgar Jr born about 1928
SellersFrank Bborn about 1935
SellersJoe Tborn about 1929
SellersMrs Annelou born about 1897
SellersShirley Rborn about 1932
SetzerCharlie Rborn about 1917
SetzerHenry Jborn about 1892
SetzerHermet born about 1935
SetzerJames Hborn about 1937
SetzerJeanette born about 1935
SetzerLorretta born about 1928
SetzerMamie Iborn about 1915
SetzerMattie Eborn about 1889
SetzerPatricia born about 1937
SharpeBetty Jborn about 1929
SharpeChester Dborn about 1892
SharpeChlal born about 1909
SharpeDelores born about 1934
SharpeDoris born about 1933
SharpeEarnest born about 1932
SharpeEsthel born about 1908
SharpeFrank born about 1938
SharpeGeneva born about 1931
SharpeHoite born about 1933
SharpeHugh Eborn about 1907
SharpeIviy Jborn about 1898
SharpeJ Dborn about 1928
SharpeJack born about 1929
SharpeJames Fborn about 1908
SharpeJanie Mborn about 1904
SharpeJanny born about 1940
SharpeJoice born about 1938
SharpeJunior born about 1923
SharpeLola born about 1894
SharpeMargaret born about 1927
SharpePeggy born about 1935
SharpeRayford born about 1925
SharpeRella born about 1927
SharpeRena Jborn about 1935
SharpeShirley Aborn about 1936
SherrillAgurta Lborn about 1894
SherrillBerth born about 1910
SherrillBettie born about 1914
SherrillDaniel Pborn about 1920
SherrillFlora born about 1886
SherrillGladis Iborn about 1921
SherrillHazel Lborn about 1919
SherrillJohn Wborn about 1910
SherrillJoseph Dborn about 1880
SherrillLonnie born about 1878
SherrillLuther Kborn about 1913
SherrillLynn born about 1897
SherrillMartha Eborn about 1881
SherrillMary Aborn about 1921
SherrillMildred Mborn about 1908
SherrillNancy born about 1909
SherrillOatis Oborn about 1917
SherrillWalter born about 1900
SherrillWalter Eborn about 1889
SherrillWalter E Jrborn about 1920
ShirrillDarry born about 1925
ShirrillDupee born about 1922
ShirrillEdward Dborn about 1883
ShirrillJoyce born about 1927
ShirrillVally born about 1917
ShoemakerDorthy Jborn about 1930
ShoemakerHollen Mborn about 1925
ShoemakerJoan Lborn about 1931
ShoemakerLily Lborn about 1924
ShoemakerNotoka Zborn about 1901
ShoemakerTroy Gborn about 1893
ShookBerlie Lborn about 1891
ShookBillie Dborn about 1935
ShookCull Mborn about 1872
ShookElsie Eborn about 1908
ShookEva Cborn about 1905
ShookFarrel born about 1927
ShookGladys Lborn about 1929
ShookGlenn Jborn about 1921
ShookGrover Sborn about 1893
ShookHenry Cborn about 1933
ShookJames Cborn about 1909
ShookJennie Bborn about 1874
ShookJennie Dborn about 1938
ShookJohn Cborn about 1928
ShookKatie Lborn about 1925
ShookWalter Mborn about 1902
ShufordJohn born about 1912
ShumakerJack born about 1936
ShumakerMrs Nellie born about 1907
SigmonBetty Gborn about 1932
SigmonCleo Eborn about 1917
SigmonClyde born about 1902
SigmonEvelyn born about 1929
SigmonGrace Aborn about 1905
SigmonHall Rborn about 1938
SigmonMary Vborn about 1925
SigmonRosa Jborn about 1882
SigmonRoy Mborn about 1917
SigmonShirley Aborn about 1936
SigmondArthur born about 1924
SigmondCora born about 1891
SigmondEdna born about 1910
SigmondFloyd born about 1915
SigmondFrancis born about 1919
SigmondGeith born about 1930
SigmondGeorge born about 1913
SigmondHoover born about 1933
SigmondJ Mborn about 1933
SigmondJames Iborn about 1882
SigmondJohn Pborn about 1903
SigmondLola Rborn about 1929
SigmondRena Pborn about 1926
SigmondWilliam born about 1936
SilgerClinton born about 1926
SilgerEsteline born about 1927
SilgerEthel Mborn about 1901
SilgerHenry Cborn about 1901
SilgerLila Annborn about 1929
SilgerLorine born about 1932
SipeEssie Lborn about 1908
SipeFay born about 1928
SipeGarry born about 1939
SipeJimmie born about 1931
SipeKeneth born about 1933
SipeLola born about 1935
SipeLorense born about 1929
SipeLovern born about 1929
SipeMary Lborn about 1924
SipeMildred born about 1926
SipeRichard born about 1932
SipeRoss Aborn about 1898
SipeWalter Jborn about 1897
SipeWinnie born about 1905
SipoeBilly Jborn about 1934
SipoeErnest Mborn about 1894
SipoeGrellie Lborn about 1904
SipoeMary Sborn about 1927
SiversAllen born about 1884
SiversSallie born about 1885
SmithAlilee born about 1930
SmithBlanch born about 1923
SmithCarry born about 1886
SmithEarline born about 1920
SmithEva Mborn about 1900
SmithLewis Dborn about 1876
SmithLouie Eborn about 1934
SmithMalista born about 1858
SmithMollie Nborn about 1876
SmithNewton Mborn about 1871
SmithThomas Eborn about 1899
SmithWilliam Mborn about 1874
SomersMartha Jborn about 1870
SomersRob Jborn about 1865
SoteTresa born about 1903
StampsBanny born about 1937
StampsBernice born about 1926
StampsBilly Rborn about 1937
StampsCharline Aborn about 1933
StampsEunice born about 1940
StampsJasper Rborn about 1887
StampsNina born about 1908
StampsRobert Lborn about 1936
SteelGertrude Tborn about 1906
SteelGrace Cborn about 1896
SteelJohn Eborn about 1895
SteelNathan Dborn about 1903
SteelNathan D Jrborn about 1936
SteelRuth Eborn about 1919
SteelTanny Mborn about 1920
SteelVirminia Vborn about 1869
StevensonBessie Eborn about 1884
StevensonCarl Bborn about 1903
StevensonEthel born about 1904
StevensonIna born about 1917
StevensonMarcelle born about 1921
StevensonMargaret Eborn about 1916
StevensonMarjorie born about 1933
StevensonMartha Ellenborn about 1930
StevensonMass born about 1932
StevensonMs Vertieborn about 1884
StevensonNellie Mborn about 1903
StevensonRolly Dborn about 1908
StevensonWilliam Hborn about 1920
StewartAda born about 1931
StewartAddie Bborn about 1875
StewartArchie Bborn about 1922
StewartAtwell born about 1921
StewartBilly Jborn about 1932
StewartBilly Lborn about 1926
StewartCarman Iborn about 1912
StewartCatherine born about 1917
StewartCecil Lborn about 1909
StewartCecil Jr born about 1936
StewartCharles Aborn about 1875
StewartCharles Rborn about 1875
StewartChester Lborn about 1923
StewartClea born about 1907
StewartCoite Rborn about 1932
StewartConrad Eborn about 1909
StewartConrad E Jrborn about 1939
StewartDavie Lborn about 1910
StewartDolly born about 1935
StewartDoris born about 1928
StewartDorothy born about 1922
StewartEarl Lborn about 1922
StewartElla born about 1898
StewartEllen born about 1893
StewartEugene born about 1906
StewartEvelyn born about 1921
StewartFlora born about 1902
StewartFrancis born about 1923
StewartG Aborn about 1897
StewartG Wborn about 1926
StewartGeorge Wborn about 1888
StewartGeorge Wborn about 1915
StewartGeorgia born about 1932
StewartGrace Eborn about 1911
StewartHaroldine born about 1938
StewartHartey born about 1920
StewartHazel born about 1919
StewartHenry Gborn about 1899
StewartIda Mborn about 1888
StewartJacqueline born about 1930
StewartJames born about 1909
StewartJanny born about 1919
StewartJerry Aborn about 1932
StewartJoe Rborn about 1939
StewartKenneth born about 1934
StewartLillian Tborn about 1917
StewartLola Cborn about 1884
StewartLouis Nborn about 1937
StewartLucy Mborn about 1891
StewartM Bartonborn about 1895
StewartM Barton Jrborn about 1924
StewartMabel born about 1919
StewartMarcia born about 1934
StewartMargaret born about 1921
StewartMargaret born about 1929
StewartMargrette Jborn about 1920
StewartMarjorie born about 1929
StewartMary Jborn about 1870
StewartMary Rborn about 1917
StewartMay born about 1915
StewartMury Bborn about 1907
StewartNancy Lborn about 1931
StewartNewell born about 1921
StewartOscar born about 1924
StewartParks born about 1919
StewartPaul born about 1927
StewartPreston born about 1889
StewartPriscilla Aborn about 1937
StewartRichard Cborn about 1915
StewartRobert Hborn about 1909
StewartRosa Jborn about 1885
StewartRosa Rborn about 1931
StewartSallie born about 1914
StewartSamuel Jborn about 1876
StewartSamuel Jr born about 1924
StewartSarah born about 1927
StewartSusan born about 1856
StewartTom Lborn about 1890
StewartVeotal Cborn about 1935
StewartVernon Cborn about 1907
StewartViolet born about 1923
StewartWayne born about 1937
StewartWelma born about 1937
StewartWillis Lborn about 1921
StewartWoodrow born about 1912
StewartYvonne born about 1929
StikeleatherAlice Lborn about 1883
StikeleatherArcher born about 1919
StikeleatherC Eborn about 1898
StikeleatherCalvin born about 1884
StikeleatherCharles born about 1924
StikeleatherDavid born about 1933
StikeleatherDorothy born about 1921
StikeleatherFay born about 1924
StikeleatherGladys born about 1929
StikeleatherHolton born about 1916
StikeleatherJ Bborn about 1929
StikeleatherJames Wborn about 1915
StikeleatherLenoir born about 1917
StikeleatherMaude born about 1901
StikeleatherMerta born about 1894
StikeleatherRachel born about 1922
StikeleatherThaduas born about 1939
StikeleatherVirginia Rborn about 1921
StikeleatherWilliam Eborn about 1875
StroudCecil Hborn about 1927
StroudCharles Hborn about 1929
StroudEdd Rborn about 1931
StroudJames Aborn about 1924
StroudKeneth Wborn about 1935
StroudMartha Eborn about 1933
StroudNina Mborn about 1900
StroudRobert Jborn about 1938
StroudRobert Wborn about 1894
StroudThelma Mborn about 1926
SummersAlver born about 1869
SummersEtta born about 1875
SummersFlake born about 1916
SummersJim born about 1912
SummersL Neillborn about 1922
SummersMrs Annie born about 1882
SummersRosa born about 1900
SummersRoy born about 1919
SummersRoy born about 1920
SummersWilliam Reidborn about 1924
SumterMiss Cathryne born about 1877
SumterMiss Mollie born about 1871
SumterMiss Salle born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TatumAlice born about 1896
TatumClayton born about 1918
TatumEtta born about 1887
TatumFred born about 1890
TatumFred Jr born about 1930
TatumJohn born about 1884
TatumJohn Rborn about 1924
TatumLeanda born about 1920
TatumLeroy born about 1938
TatumThomas born about 1926
TeagueClyde born about 1905
TeasterDele born about 1925
TeasterGathard born about 1914
TeasterLeo born about 1919
TeasterNell born about 1922
TeasterNell born about 1935
TeasterRalph born about 1921
TharpeClaudie Bborn about 1925
TharpeGeorge Eborn about 1893
TharpeRoy Lborn about 1923
TharpeTlorsy Bborn about 1896
ThomasCurlee Sborn about 1921
ThomasMarry born about 1865
ThomasMary Eborn about 1925
ThomasMckinley born about 1905
ThomasN Effieborn about 1895
ThomasRoby Wborn about 1888
ThomasWanda Bborn about 1927
ThreattAmanda born about 1874
ThreattCollie born about 1885
ThreattFred born about 1912
ThreattJoe Rborn about 1874
ThreattNelson Georgeborn about 1885
ThreattRuby born about 1909
ThreatteFlord born about 1910
ThreatteOdell Lborn about 1919
ThreatteStella Vborn about 1913
TickerGlenn born about 1923
TravisStella Oborn about 1910
TravisZella Mborn about 1878
TroutmanClarence Aborn about 1901
TroutmanGladys Mborn about 1922
TroutmanHerman Lborn about 1920
TroutmanVada Lborn about 1900
TuckerEmma Lborn about 1887
TuckerMabel Vborn about 1918
TuckerRufus Cborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodCarrie Dborn about 1915
UnderwoodDavid born about 1912

V Surnames

VaurdockBertha Maeborn about 1902
VaurdockWill Jborn about 1886

W Surnames

WalkerDave born about 1926
WalkerDonnie born about 1938
WalkerFrank born about 1922
WalkerGarth born about 1932
WalkerGeorge Wborn about 1893
WalkerGlenn born about 1928
WalkerHarry Dborn about 1905
WalkerHettie born about 1894
WalkerJohn Aborn about 1867
WalkerJohn Dborn about 1932
WalkerLonnie born about 1938
WalkerMary born about 1924
WalkerMary Fborn about 1909
WalkerMay Cborn about 1874
WalkerPhilipp born about 1918
WalkerRuth born about 1905
WalkerTred Eborn about 1936
WallaceAllie born about 1908
WallaceElbe born about 1932
WallaceElla Mborn about 1924
WallaceJames Fborn about 1894
WallaceJoseph born about 1929
WallaceMack born about 1925
WallaceMargaret born about 1926
WallaceMinnie born about 1935
WallaceWalter born about 1923
WarrenRoby born about 1866
WassonCharlie born about 1936
WassonElois born about 1922
WassonEspy born about 1916
WassonEverett born about 1896
WassonGracie Bellborn about 1929
WassonIrene born about 1933
WassonLouise born about 1874
WassonMary Bellborn about 1939
WassonMorrison Cloverborn about 1930
WassonNellie born about 1927
WassonOla born about 1900
WassonPaul Jr born about 1940
WattsForest born about 1918
WattsJohn Sborn about 1882
WattsLouis born about 1912
WattsLula born about 1919
WattsMarie born about 1925
WattsMary Eborn about 1939
WattsMildred born about 1920
WattsRoy born about 1924
WattsSamuel born about 1914
WattsThomas born about 1912
WattsZelma born about 1927
WaughAddie Lborn about 1878
WaughAnnie born about 1917
WaughBertie Eborn about 1920
WaughBilly Dborn about 1936
WaughBurett born about 1890
WaughCamilla Bborn about 1924
WaughCharles Aborn about 1892
WaughCharlie Lborn about 1873
WaughCisera Aborn about 1884
WaughDaisy Gborn about 1903
WaughDesolie Mborn about 1927
WaughDillard born about 1919
WaughDonald born about 1938
WaughDorothy born about 1924
WaughEma Aborn about 1887
WaughEmma born about 1900
WaughErnest born about 1921
WaughEsinie Hborn about 1909
WaughEula Mborn about 1916
WaughFrank born about 1926
WaughFrank Wborn about 1935
WaughFred born about 1930
WaughGoyce born about 1922
WaughGurney born about 1894
WaughHarley Lborn about 1902
WaughHarry born about 1925
WaughHenry Jborn about 1879
WaughJ Cborn about 1928
WaughJack Mborn about 1933
WaughJames Pborn about 1891
WaughJames Pborn about 1940
WaughJannette Lborn about 1936
WaughJennie born about 1912
WaughJerry born about 1940
WaughJimmie Lborn about 1933
WaughJohn Pborn about 1925
WaughJoy Cborn about 1916
WaughKatheline born about 1920
WaughLena born about 1896
WaughLentz Aborn about 1938
WaughLoine Rborn about 1939
WaughLois Nborn about 1930
WaughLucile born about 1917
WaughLucile born about 1927
WaughLula born about 1911
WaughMacie born about 1901
WaughMame born about 1890
WaughMartha Jborn about 1933
WaughMarvin born about 1882
WaughMarvin born about 1932
WaughMary born about 1929
WaughMary Eborn about 1878
WaughMary Jborn about 1933
WaughMay Oborn about 1881
WaughPaul born about 1923
WaughPearl born about 1932
WaughRay born about 1929
WaughRosa Cborn about 1906
WaughRoy Mborn about 1917
WaughRuby Eborn about 1922
WaughRuby Jborn about 1920
WaughRuby Paulineborn about 1926
WaughShirley born about 1936
WaughSmiley Eborn about 1911
WaughThomas born about 1921
WaughTom born about 1922
WaughVoda born about 1936
WaughWalter born about 1910
WaughWayne born about 1924
WaughWilburn Fborn about 1916
WaughWilliam Dborn about 1914
WaughWilliam Mborn about 1906
WebberCharles Hborn about 1934
WebberDavid Hborn about 1892
WebberEsther Gborn about 1902
WellmanOlive born about 1934
WellmanWade Jr born about 1937
WhiteAlberta born about 1936
WhiteCeleslinia born about 1923
WhiteCharlie born about 1922
WhiteConnie born about 1928
WhiteFlossie born about 1897
WhiteJohn Wborn about 1924
WhiteLizzie born about 1897
WhiteMargie born about 1934
WhiteNadine born about 1936
WhiteNorma born about 1938
WhiteRalph Lborn about 1926
WhiteRufis Gborn about 1897
WhiteTom born about 1887
WhiteVirginia born about 1937
WikeBirta born about 1915
WikeDaniel Sborn about 1916
WikeFlorence born about 1926
WikeFloyd born about 1929
WikeJohn born about 1935
WikeNeane born about 1903
WikeRalph Cborn about 1903
WilkilJack born about 1921
WilkinsAllice born about 1890
WilkinsMays born about 1913
WilkinsSally born about 1922
WilkinsTomy born about 1875
WillhelmGlenn Wborn about 1910
WillhelmGrover Cborn about 1917
WillhelmLola Mborn about 1877
WillhelmPalmer Wborn about 1898
WillhiteEugenia born about 1926
WillhiteMary Lborn about 1924
WillmanAustin Jborn about 1893
WillmanJonsie Vborn about 1916
WillmanMame born about 1927
WillmanNona Lborn about 1913
WillmanOla Jborn about 1895
WilsonDonald born about 1926
WilsonElizabeth Rborn about 1883
WilsonJohn born about 1854
WilsonRobert Lborn about 1883
WintersElizabth Fborn about 1922
WintersEunice born about 1910
WintersJames Fborn about 1877
WintersJames Pborn about 1905
WintersRosa Eborn about 1880
WitherspoonDiollie born about 1922
WitherspoonEdd Eborn about 1905
WitherspoonGen born about 1928
WitherspoonJ B Jrborn about 1939
WitherspoonJ Battonborn about 1894
WitherspoonSallie born about 1899
WitherspoonWilliam born about 1897
WoodsideLois born about 1907
WoodsideMartha Juneborn about 1870
WoodsideThomas Wborn about 1872
WootenAnnie Bellborn about 1935
WootenBessie born about 1902
WootenBilly born about 1939
WootenCalernan Jr born about 1937
WootenCarroll born about 1924
WootenHarold born about 1929
WootenHenry Cborn about 1905
WootenJ Pborn about 1926
WootenMartha born about 1922
WootenMay born about 1904
WootenMckinley born about 1901
WootenPauline born about 1924
WootenWilliam born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesDavid born about 1922
YatesEarnest Cborn about 1879
YatesFlossie Mborn about 1895
YatesLydia born about 1915
YorkEvelyn Pborn about 1930
YorkFarry Mborn about 1932
YorkJay Lborn about 1899
YorkLarry Sborn about 1921
YorkLawrence Lborn about 1921
YorkRobert Aborn about 1925
YorkRuby Mborn about 1899

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