1940 U.S. Federal Census of Smyrna in Carteret County, Carteret, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Carteret County > 1940 Census of Smyrna in Carteret County

B SurnamesH SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesP Surnames
G SurnamesR Surnames

B Surnames

BellEmma born about 1898
BellLillie Tborn about 1871
BosemanElizabeth born about 1907
BosemanJessie born about 1907
BrownMinnie born about 1882
BrymerFrank born about 1906
BrymerGladys born about 1910
BrymerKerford born about 1931

C Surnames

ChadwickAdelaide born about 1899
ChadwickEloise born about 1926
ChadwickVivian Aborn about 1895
CowardAnna Eborn about 1919

D Surnames

DavisA Cooperborn about 1879
DavisAllen Gborn about 1925
DavisBlanche born about 1887
DavisClement born about 1881
DavisDonnie Gborn about 1905
DavisDonnie Grayborn about 1934
DavisEarl Vborn about 1916
DavisElla born about 1880
DavisFannie born about 1902
DavisGeorge Wborn about 1875
DavisJohn Bborn about 1882
DavisJoshua Jborn about 1868
DavisLester Gborn about 1928
DavisLottie born about 1858
DavisMaggie Eborn about 1874
DavisMarguerite born about 1931
DavisPeggy Lakeborn about 1937
DavisR E Lborn about 1867
DavisReta Gborn about 1910
DavisRoland born about 1899
DavisS Gborn about 1902

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F Surnames

FulcherChristine born about 1915
FulcherDora born about 1906
FulcherEldon Eborn about 1882
FulcherFarrow Mborn about 1885
FulcherLena born about 1884
FulcherMelvina born about 1886

G Surnames

GaskillE Lborn about 1910
GillikinBettie born about 1938
GillikinDallas born about 1931
GillikinElijah Bborn about 1939
GillikinElmer born about 1910
GillikinHilda born about 1898
GillikinHilda Maeborn about 1921
GillikinIra Donaldborn about 1926
GillikinLela born about 1919
GillikinLester born about 1920
GillikinLonnie born about 1898
GillikinLucile born about 1924
GillikinLucile Gborn about 1925
GillikinMattie born about 1903
GillikinNellie born about 1906
GillikinNimon born about 1904
GillikinPolly born about 1924
GillikinRoy Allenborn about 1927
GillikinVilma Jborn about 1929
GillikinWilliam Cborn about 1940
GuthrieLonnie Aborn about 1934
GuthrieVera Mborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HancockAnnie Rborn about 1871
HancockGeorge born about 1897
HancockHerbert born about 1872
HancockMaggie born about 1874
HeadyEdith born about 1920
HeadyHarry Nealborn about 1914
HeadyRuth born about 1893
HillAnnie Lborn about 1891
HillGertrude born about 1913
HillGuion born about 1912
HillGuion Bruceborn about 1936
HillHenry Mborn about 1885
HillKathleen born about 1925
HillRogina Mrs born about 1933

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L Surnames

LawrenceCarlie born about 1921
LawrenceElizabeth born about 1885
LawrenceHenry born about 1887
LawrenceLorraine born about 1923
LawrenceWanda Gborn about 1939
LawrenceWillie Cborn about 1910
LeffersAgnes born about 1918
LewisCarita born about 1913
LewisClem Nborn about 1913
LewisEdith born about 1871
LewisJames Wborn about 1863
LewisLaura born about 1881
LewisMerle born about 1914
LewisNannie born about 1877
LewisRupert born about 1905
LewisSherwood born about 1937
LewisSylvia born about 1932
LewisTravis born about 1934
LewisVilma born about 1939
LynchBarbara Eborn about 1937
LynchCecil born about 1928
LynchDe Vant Mborn about 1934
LynchDoris born about 1923
LynchHarry born about 1907
LynchHazel Fborn about 1938
LynchJ Hborn about 1881
LynchJacqueline Tborn about 1936
LynchJames Eborn about 1910
LynchJanis Eborn about 1928
LynchJunie born about 1890
LynchMelva born about 1916
LynchMurray born about 1876
LynchNelie born about 1911
LynchVerna Lborn about 1907
LynchVirginia born about 1878
LynchWilliam Dborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarshB Wborn about 1890
MarshBlanche born about 1893
MarshChas Aborn about 1920
MarshLila born about 1921
MasonAdelaide born about 1910
MasonBettina Annborn about 1935
MasonGordon born about 1907
MasonGuion born about 1915
MasonHilda born about 1919
MasonPhilip born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PakeAlise Gborn about 1919
PakeDorothy born about 1914
PakeLaurie born about 1938
PakeLessie Mborn about 1903
PakeNina born about 1891
PakeRandolph born about 1879
PakeRoyce born about 1937
PakeShirley born about 1900
PakeW Gborn about 1896
PinerA Tborn about 1873
PinerArchie born about 1915
PinerBertha born about 1918
PinerBertie born about 1891
PinerBessie born about 1882
PinerBurgess born about 1932
PinerCarrie born about 1900
PinerCharles Lborn about 1923
PinerClinton born about 1927
PinerCora born about 1906
PinerDennis born about 1929
PinerDolly born about 1894
PinerEdwin Gborn about 1921
PinerEllsworth born about 1927
PinerElvin born about 1922
PinerEthel born about 1914
PinerFrank born about 1931
PinerGeorge born about 1904
PinerGeorgia born about 1905
PinerHarvey born about 1887
PinerHenry Oborn about 1870
PinerHomer Sborn about 1873
PinerHorace born about 1928
PinerHugh Tborn about 1886
PinerIris born about 1924
PinerJames Lborn about 1915
PinerJessie born about 1895
PinerJoe born about 1915
PinerKathryn born about 1933
PinerKenneth born about 1924
PinerLaura born about 1872
PinerLeslie born about 1891
PinerLila born about 1891
PinerLloyd born about 1921
PinerLola born about 1897
PinerM Cborn about 1880
PinerMaggie Cborn about 1887
PinerMollie born about 1930
PinerNancy Carolineborn about 1862
PinerNora born about 1909
PinerReginia born about 1882
PinerRena Dborn about 1900
PinerRudolph born about 1887
PinerRussell Wborn about 1867
PinerSabra Dborn about 1866
PinerViola born about 1893
PinerWarren born about 1888
PotterAlma Gborn about 1897
PotterThomas Hborn about 1929
PotterThos Tborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RobinsonEdward born about 1924
RobinsonErnest born about 1926
RobinsonEtta born about 1928

S Surnames

SalterJames Tborn about 1874
SalterJulia born about 1867
SavistonChesley born about 1938
SavistonLetha born about 1911
SavistonPatricia born about 1931
SchellArden born about 1929
SimmonsRuby born about 1913
SimpsonBerkley born about 1906
SimpsonBertie born about 1906
SimpsonGuion B Jrborn about 1937
SimpsonIrene born about 1881
SimpsonJackie Aborn about 1936
SimpsonMildred Wborn about 1931
SimpsonRose Benborn about 1910
SmithElizabeth born about 1882
SmithLaura Gborn about 1875
SmithMarjorie Louiseborn about 1934
SmithNettie born about 1902
SmithW Lborn about 1880
SmithWilliam Mborn about 1937

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T Surnames

TaylorAlma born about 1888
TaylorB Fborn about 1871
TaylorGrace born about 1900
TaylorHarold born about 1900
TaylorMildred born about 1929
TillArthur born about 1928
TillKathryn born about 1896
TownsendJackie born about 1933
TownsendMaudie born about 1908
TownsendO Tborn about 1907

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W Surnames

WadeAlice born about 1910
WadeBrady born about 1909
WadeClara Fayborn about 1935
WadeClayton born about 1918
WadeDarrell born about 1922
WadeDouglas born about 1937
WadeEarl Cborn about 1899
WadeEdna Lborn about 1935
WadeEileen born about 1913
WadeEleanor born about 1931
WadeElizabeth born about 1922
WadeElmo Tborn about 1886
WadeElwood born about 1936
WadeEmily born about 1896
WadeEuclid born about 1925
WadeGlorie Dborn about 1938
WadeHazel born about 1931
WadeIredell born about 1912
WadeJames Mborn about 1884
WadeJames Wborn about 1877
WadeJanet born about 1935
WadeJohnnie born about 1885
WadeJoyce born about 1928
WadeJuanita born about 1918
WadeLeigh born about 1915
WadeLeslie born about 1912
WadeLewis Lborn about 1849
WadeLillian born about 1896
WadeLouise born about 1906
WadeLydia born about 1881
WadeMadeline born about 1887
WadeMamie born about 1887
WadeMartha born about 1916
WadeMary Georgeborn about 1912
WadeNina Jborn about 1885
WadePauline born about 1895
WadeRobert born about 1932
WadeRosalie born about 1921
WadeRuth Mborn about 1938
WadeThomas born about 1928
WadeTom Wborn about 1939
WadeVivian born about 1909
WadeWalter born about 1914
WadeWilbun Lborn about 1887
WaltonArthur Rborn about 1914
WaltonElizabeth born about 1922
WaltonThos Arthurborn about 1940
WhitehurstCarrie born about 1884
WhitehurstChas Eborn about 1878
WilliamsLallan born about 1918
WillieEdith born about 1922
WillieJessie Tborn about 1918
WillisA Vborn about 1865
WillisAgnes born about 1895
WillisAgnew born about 1895
WillisAlbert Bborn about 1878
WillisAlonzo Jborn about 1876
WillisAnnie Evelynborn about 1924
WillisArtillie Wborn about 1866
WillisBertram born about 1915
WillisBetty Janeborn about 1936
WillisBlanche born about 1887
WillisC Lborn about 1884
WillisCecil born about 1930
WillisCharlie Lborn about 1878
WillisClyde Mrs born about 1894
WillisDonald Bborn about 1926
WillisDoris Pborn about 1908
WillisDorothy born about 1920
WillisEdna Mborn about 1910
WillisEdward Hborn about 1932
WillisElla born about 1882
WillisElmer Dborn about 1906
WillisEmma Sborn about 1868
WillisEthel born about 1905
WillisEugene Aborn about 1888
WillisEula born about 1880
WillisEula Leeborn about 1875
WillisEunice born about 1896
WillisEva born about 1900
WillisEverett born about 1888
WillisFulford born about 1891
WillisGerald born about 1926
WillisGertie born about 1896
WillisGilbert Fborn about 1881
WillisGladys born about 1924
WillisGladys Dborn about 1917
WillisGlenda born about 1934
WillisGloria born about 1931
WillisGus born about 1855
WillisGuy born about 1908
WillisHardy born about 1921
WillisHarvey Lborn about 1911
WillisHeaden born about 1912
WillisHenry Jborn about 1884
WillisHenry Lborn about 1875
WillisHilton born about 1930
WillisIda born about 1897
WillisInez born about 1929
WillisIon born about 1883
WillisIra born about 1906
WillisIra Thomasborn about 1916
WillisIrene born about 1889
WillisIrvin born about 1870
WillisIva born about 1900
WillisJack Gilbertborn about 1930
WillisJames Rborn about 1923
WillisJanis Pearlborn about 1930
WillisJeanette Gborn about 1937
WillisJimmy Hborn about 1937
WillisJohn born about 1865
WillisKenneth born about 1915
WillisLaurie Fborn about 1935
WillisLela born about 1917
WillisLessie born about 1894
WillisLillian born about 1899
WillisLillie Dborn about 1888
WillisLillie Maeborn about 1904
WillisLucile born about 1920
WillisLucy born about 1925
WillisLula Mborn about 1907
WillisLuther Mborn about 1899
WillisMamie born about 1886
WillisMargaret born about 1928
WillisMarie born about 1901
WillisMarvin Cborn about 1905
WillisMary born about 1912
WillisMary Jborn about 1869
WillisMary Leontineborn about 1921
WillisMary Rborn about 1916
WillisMelissa born about 1872
WillisMildred born about 1915
WillisNancy Jborn about 1937
WillisNancy Kborn about 1864
WillisOleta born about 1929
WillisOlive born about 1877
WillisOlive Aborn about 1875
WillisPearl born about 1907
WillisPolly born about 1925
WillisPreston born about 1923
WillisRalph born about 1931
WillisRaymond Oborn about 1939
WillisRobert born about 1912
WillisRoy born about 1901
WillisRuby born about 1901
WillisRuth born about 1923
WillisStacy born about 1892
WillisStephen Bborn about 1922
WillisThelma Loisborn about 1928
WillisTheresa born about 1921
WillisThos Cborn about 1885
WillisTravis born about 1925
WillisTroy born about 1893
WillisTroy Jr born about 1924
WillisVann born about 1886
WillisVarina born about 1938
WillisVelda born about 1935
WillisVerta born about 1931
WillisViola born about 1909
WillisVivian born about 1897
WillisW Gborn about 1907
WillisWalter Hborn about 1891
WillisWesley born about 1912
WillisWillard born about 1916
WillisWilliam Aborn about 1911
WillisWilliam Fborn about 1901
WillisWillie G Jrborn about 1931
WillisWillie Michaelborn about 1940

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