1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sweetwater, Clay, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Clay County > 1940 Census of Sweetwater

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlleyIda born about 1901
AlleyLore born about 1928
AlleyMorris born about 1891
AndersonBoyd born about 1903
AndersonBuck born about 1873
AndersonCephus born about 1919
AndersonCharline born about 1935
AndersonClenie born about 1929
AndersonCline born about 1908
AndersonElbert born about 1909
AndersonEtta born about 1896
AndersonEugene born about 1923
AndersonEuline born about 1933
AndersonH Eborn about 1861
AndersonHarvey born about 1930
AndersonJanie born about 1917
AndersonKenneth born about 1932
AndersonLouise born about 1935
AndersonMay born about 1915
AndersonOra born about 1885
AndersonRichard born about 1923
AndersonWayne Lborn about 1895
AndersonWilliam born about 1938
ArrowoodClara born about 1924
ArrowoodTinnie born about 1890
AshleyFranklin Dborn about 1938
AshleyLarkin born about 1907
AshleyMabel born about 1915
AshleyVirginia born about 1861
AuberryBlonda born about 1932
AuberryC Andrewborn about 1892
AuberryCrawford born about 1899
AuberryEdith born about 1927
AuberryEmma born about 1903
AuberryFrancis born about 1925
AuberryHorace born about 1932
AuberryJc Jr born about 1932
AuberryKathryn born about 1923
AuberryLillie born about 1900
AuberryLouise born about 1861
AuberryVerene born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarlowCharlie born about 1916
BarlowGrady born about 1918
BarlowJ Hborn about 1877
BarlowKate born about 1912
BarlowMrs Rosa born about 1883
BradshawAlley born about 1921
BradshawClinton born about 1916
BradshawHazel born about 1925
BradshawRuby born about 1918
BradshawVincent born about 1918
BrendleBonnie born about 1927
BrendleCalvin Mborn about 1872
BrendleFlora born about 1924
BrendleFred born about 1930
BrendleHester born about 1909
BrendleJack born about 1934
BrendleLarm born about 1923
BrendleMamie born about 1903
BrendleMartha born about 1928
BrendleMay born about 1909
BrendleNancy born about 1869
BrendleNettie born about 1931
BrendleOpal born about 1929
BrendleTaylor born about 1903
BrendleVan born about 1893
BrewsterBerdie born about 1903
BrewsterCharley born about 1930
BrewsterHamon born about 1919
BrewsterWeley born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellHodge born about 1932
CampbellLester born about 1902
CampbellNellie born about 1908
CanupArthel born about 1939
CanupBlume born about 1920
CanupEliza born about 1897
CanupElla born about 1924
CanupEugene born about 1936
CanupMarvin born about 1930
CanupPearl born about 1926
CanupPerson born about 1899
CanupRay born about 1933
CanupRuby born about 1928
CarterTillman born about 1904
CarterVirginia born about 1880
CarterWilliam Mborn about 1871
ChanceAaron born about 1935
ChanceBettie born about 1938
ChanceBoyd born about 1928
ChanceChristine born about 1929
ChanceDeborras born about 1910
ChanceEvelyn born about 1918
ChanceEverett born about 1934
ChanceEzel born about 1881
ChanceGussie born about 1909
ChanceHoward born about 1931
ChanceJohn born about 1940
ChanceKenneth born about 1938
ChanceLena born about 1909
ChanceLois born about 1937
ChanceMerl born about 1906
ChanceNora born about 1883
ChanceRey born about 1933
ChanceSamuel born about 1904
CodyBessie born about 1914
CodyHoward born about 1914
CoffeyBessie Maeborn about 1919
CoffeyCoy born about 1910
CoffeyElla born about 1892
CoffeyFred born about 1919
CoffeyJayhue born about 1915
CoffeyJoe born about 1930
CoffeyLee born about 1924
CoffeyMaggie Leeborn about 1924
CoffeyR Bborn about 1922
CoffeyR Wborn about 1927
CoffeyRobert Hborn about 1891
CoffeyThomas Jborn about 1887
CoffeyUless born about 1917
CoffeyVera born about 1889
CoffeyWayne born about 1921
CoffeyWilliam born about 1931
ColdwellCarl born about 1888
ColdwellD Hborn about 1867
ColdwellD Hborn about 1921
ColdwellEtta Mayborn about 1917
ColdwellHazel born about 1919
ColdwellIowa born about 1922
ColdwellMyrtle born about 1882
ColdwellRoxanna born about 1889
ColeFloyd Eborn about 1880
ColeLodomey born about 1891
ComIrving born about 1924
CookFrances born about 1932
CookHoyt born about 1935
CookLawrence born about 1928
CookLela born about 1897
CookMargaret born about 1926
CookRuby born about 1923
CookW Arthurborn about 1876
CookWilburn born about 1925
CookWilfred born about 1930
CorvanAlfred Eborn about 1874
CorvanJulia born about 1884
CrispAlla Maeborn about 1935
CrispBettie born about 1935
CrispBobbie born about 1937
CrispEthel born about 1911
CrispEthel born about 1926
CrispEvalyn born about 1938
CrispFlorence born about 1902
CrispHarris born about 1933
CrispHenry born about 1939
CrispJoel Marieborn about 1932
CrispLloyd born about 1899
CrispRobert Eborn about 1907
CrispWilliam born about 1923
CunninghamCharles born about 1917
CunninghamCline born about 1924
CunninghamGarland born about 1927
CunninghamLucile born about 1921
CunninghamPaul born about 1895
CunninghamSallie born about 1884
CurtisBillie born about 1929
CurtisCamrock born about 1879
CurtisCharley born about 1915
CurtisDarl born about 1938
CurtisDonald born about 1938
CurtisFred born about 1899
CurtisHarold born about 1932
CurtisJames born about 1927
CurtisJohn born about 1904
CurtisLottie born about 1904
CurtisMrs F Mborn about 1876
CurtisOliver born about 1918
CurtisStella born about 1902
CurtisZella born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DorisLillie born about 1879
DorisOscar Aborn about 1879
DyerBessie born about 1924
DyerCarl born about 1922
DyerDavid born about 1940
DyerDeloris born about 1935
DyerFrancis born about 1931
DyerGeneva born about 1927
DyerHenry born about 1895
DyerJoseph born about 1916
DyerLarence born about 1917
DyerMaggie born about 1871
DyerMildred born about 1930
DyerNancy born about 1936
DyerNola born about 1901
DyerWilliard born about 1919

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E Surnames

ElrodRoy born about 1916

F Surnames

FlemingsBarba Annaborn about 1939
FlemingsCora born about 1915
FlemingsDoretha born about 1934
FreemanDonald born about 1935
FreemanFrank born about 1925
FreemanHarry born about 1933
FreemanKathleen born about 1931
FreemanLou Jborn about 1899
FreemanMaria born about 1929
FreemanMary Janeborn about 1898
FreemanMaxine born about 1939
FreemanR Vborn about 1927
FreemanWillie Maeborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarrettBeulah born about 1880
GarrettDorothy born about 1930
GarrettFrancis born about 1923
GarrettFrank born about 1921
GarrettHazel born about 1927
GarrettJ Dellardborn about 1874
GarrettJoseph born about 1887
GarrettLetha born about 1937
GarrettLou born about 1894
GarrettMartha born about 1925
GarrettMyrtle born about 1919

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H Surnames

HensonDella born about 1910
HensonDoyal born about 1929
HensonElsa Mayborn about 1899
HensonLaura born about 1878
HensonThomas Aborn about 1870
HensonVerlon born about 1930
HensonWilliam born about 1887
HensonWillie born about 1930
HicksClyne born about 1939
HicksFarris born about 1915
HicksHarley born about 1911
HicksThomas Mborn about 1871
HicksVirginia Dorrisborn about 1937
HillBed Hborn about 1868
HillBruce born about 1928
HillCharles Jr born about 1938
HillCharley born about 1909
HillClaude born about 1901
HillDonald born about 1930
HillFrank born about 1907
HillGrace born about 1905
HillHazel born about 1909
HillJolene born about 1940
HillMaggie born about 1872
HillMaud born about 1898
HillRalph born about 1927
HillRegina born about 1934
HillRobert born about 1935
HillRuth born about 1918
HillTommie born about 1904
HortnessOlive born about 1921
HortnessWilliam Cborn about 1915
HowardFrank born about 1930
HowardJohn born about 1899

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I Surnames

IsimLora born about 1914
IsimTruman born about 1908

J Surnames

JohnsonErvin born about 1923
JohnsonGarnett born about 1920
JohnsonIvans born about 1898
JohnsonJoyce born about 1920
JohnsonJulia born about 1898
JohnsonLydia born about 1897
JohnsonMargie born about 1926
JohnsonNash born about 1890
JohnsonNash Jr born about 1934
JonesLizzie born about 1909
JonesOlena born about 1928
JonesR Cborn about 1904
JonesVirginia born about 1933

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K Surnames

KanceDoc born about 1880
KanceMrs S Dborn about 1873

L Surnames

LauseFlonnie born about 1918
LauseRobert born about 1918
LedfordA Gborn about 1881
LedfordBert born about 1884
LedfordFloyd Bborn about 1919
LedfordJudge born about 1871
LedfordLillie born about 1883
LedfordMary born about 1858
LoneyGidon Tborn about 1890
LoneyGrace born about 1926
LorinDollie born about 1881
LorinJessie born about 1897
LorinMrs Laura born about 1867
LorinOpal born about 1908
LorinVance born about 1876
LorinWillard born about 1906
LouceAltha born about 1903
LouceAnnie born about 1915
LouceBonnie born about 1906
LouceDeborras born about 1932
LouceDm born about 1934
LouceEarl born about 1902
LouceEdith born about 1932
LouceEffee Leeborn about 1921
LouceElveta born about 1925
LouceGaldys Lucileborn about 1939
LouceGlen born about 1906
LouceGwendal born about 1936
LouceHowe born about 1904
LouceKatie Joeborn about 1929
LouceKenneth born about 1937
LouceLeslie born about 1910
LouceLilley born about 1929
LouceMyrtle Oliveborn about 1940
LouceNeal born about 1912
LouceRobert born about 1926
LovinLizzie born about 1895
LovinMaggie born about 1885
LovinPhil born about 1848
LuckeyGeorge Bborn about 1903
LuckeyHelen born about 1932
LuckeyRosa born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MartinAline born about 1894
MartinDavis born about 1932
MartinEdna born about 1909
MartinErastus born about 1898
MartinGus born about 1913
MartinHarlie born about 1940
MartinHoward born about 1929
MartinIva born about 1926
MartinJames Lborn about 1927
MartinLenna born about 1898
MartinThomas born about 1884
MartinVerlin born about 1909
MartinVerlin Jr born about 1935
MartinWilliam Cborn about 1921
McCranyBillie born about 1935
McCranyDonald born about 1932
McCranyDorothy born about 1930
McCranyFred born about 1927
McCranyHarold born about 1926
McCranyLucile born about 1924
McCranyNora Louborn about 1937
McCranyRaymond born about 1940
McCranyTilda born about 1907
McCranyWalter born about 1931
McCranyWilliard born about 1903
McCroryEvelyn born about 1936
McCroryFrancis born about 1934
McCroryFrank born about 1911
McCroryJassie born about 1918
McCroryNathan born about 1914
McCroryOmie born about 1881
McCroryPheron born about 1917
McLernyClardis Bellborn about 1934
McLernyJames born about 1926
McLernyLorna born about 1914
McTaggartArval born about 1919
McTaggartCecil born about 1939
McTaggartDenne born about 1910
McTaggartDora born about 1896
McTaggartInez born about 1917
McTaggartJames born about 1888
McTaggartLouise born about 1937
McTaggartMarie born about 1927
McTaggartMarvin born about 1922
MillsEsther born about 1889
MillsHorace born about 1924
MillsJohn born about 1877
MillsopsJohnie Aborn about 1923
MorrisLaura born about 1895
MunkusBobbie born about 1937
MunkusCharles born about 1930
MunkusClyde born about 1924
MunkusEdgar born about 1922
MunkusJack born about 1920
MunkusLela born about 1892
MunkusPercival born about 1927
MunkusVera born about 1916

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P Surnames

PalmerGeneva born about 1919
PalmerJ Dborn about 1922
PalmerJesse born about 1886
PalmerMinnia born about 1892
PalmerMrs W Rborn about 1867
PalmerPaul born about 1925
PalmerWeldon born about 1918
PattersonLillian born about 1918

R Surnames

RaschCharley Rborn about 1867
RaschHarseltine born about 1873
RaschJesse born about 1926
RoachAlba born about 1916
RoachAnna Leeborn about 1936
RoachCharley born about 1939
RoachChristene born about 1925
RoachDorothy born about 1932
RoachEdward born about 1938
RoachFrank born about 1907
RoachHattie born about 1904
RoachJaunita born about 1928
RoachLewis born about 1899
RoachLora born about 1926
RoachLucile born about 1933
RoachMamie born about 1904
RoachMary born about 1900
RoachMildred born about 1927
RoachRuth born about 1930
RoachSam Cborn about 1911
RoachSamuel born about 1939
RoachThomas born about 1936
RoachTonnie born about 1929
RoachVan born about 1904
RoachWilliam born about 1931
RobinsonHester born about 1921
RobinsonJesse born about 1918
RogersBetty Ruthborn about 1939
RogersEva born about 1932
RogersJohn Aborn about 1867
RogersLewis born about 1923
RogersMargaret born about 1876
RogersMay born about 1905
RogersRoy born about 1936
RogersStella born about 1924
RogersThomas born about 1901
RogersWess born about 1900
RogersWilla born about 1926
RoxterGlen born about 1911
RoxterHomer born about 1935
RoxterThelma born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaagleAmanda Aliceborn about 1914
SandersAlbert born about 1931
SandersDayton born about 1939
SandersFloyd born about 1926
SandersHorace born about 1929
SandersLeonard born about 1937
SandersLuther born about 1897
SandersLydia born about 1924
SandersMina born about 1898
SandersNina born about 1934
SandersVastal born about 1921
SandersonJames born about 1923
SandersonLouis born about 1933
SandersonMrs Ila born about 1900
SandersonRay born about 1925
SandersonRuth born about 1928
SheltonAmine born about 1872
SheltonJohn Hborn about 1867
SmithBettie Sueborn about 1934
SmithBetty Jeanborn about 1938
SmithCharley born about 1902
SmithCharley born about 1911
SmithEllen born about 1925
SmithEtta born about 1872
SmithGlen born about 1910
SmithGrover born about 1923
SmithJoan born about 1936
SmithLucile born about 1914
SmithLula born about 1912
SmithMae born about 1911
SmithMary born about 1904
SmithMary Helenborn about 1939
SmithMax born about 1931
SmithMrs Rev born about 1875
SmithRichard born about 1936
StewartClyde born about 1919
StewartJane born about 1895
StewartNed born about 1926
StewartNovella born about 1928
StewartRachel born about 1924
StewartW Andrewborn about 1890
StomeyMay born about 1898
StoneyArthur born about 1926
StoneyEugene born about 1934
StoneyKate born about 1929
StoneyLeonder born about 1875
StrattonWalter born about 1890
SwansonAlice born about 1919
SwansonEdgar born about 1916
SwansonElza born about 1891
SwansonEverett born about 1926
SwansonGeorge Mborn about 1874
SwansonLula Maeborn about 1913
SwansonLuther born about 1910
SwansonPearl born about 1916
SwansonRalph born about 1935
SwansonRoger born about 1938
SwansonRoy born about 1930

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T Surnames

TeemsEd born about 1859
TurnerArtie born about 1880
TurnerBervy born about 1883
TurnerJohn born about 1853

V Surnames

VoylesA Dborn about 1887
VoylesEd born about 1919
VoylesHubert born about 1930
VoylesIra born about 1928
VoylesLiza born about 1890
VoylesSherman born about 1921

W Surnames

WaldroupMrs Sarah born about 1854
WykeAndrew born about 1910
WykeEdna born about 1914
WykeEugene born about 1938

Y Surnames

YatesBennie born about 1906
YatesCarolyn born about 1935
YatesEthel born about 1915
YatesEugene born about 1932
YatesHomer born about 1939
YatesHonnie born about 1911
YatesRuby Maeborn about 1934

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