1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union Grove, Iredell, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Iredell County > 1940 Census of Union Grove

A SurnamesI SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AlderferEarl born about 1895
AlderferHattie born about 1894
AlderferJoan born about 1935
AlexanderR Lborn about 1881
AlexanderRuth born about 1920
AlexanderUpha born about 1882

B Surnames

BarnetteCarolyn born about 1936
BarnetteCoyte born about 1906
BarnetteEvangeline born about 1934
BarnetteVirgie born about 1908
BenfieldCharlie born about 1909
BenfieldEdith born about 1938
BenfieldEssie born about 1901
BenfieldFern born about 1931
BenfieldGeneva born about 1930
BennetteCardin born about 1940
BennetteGrady born about 1920
BennetteLawrence born about 1924
BennetteLouise born about 1936
BennetteMary born about 1916
BennettePauline born about 1882
BennettePearlie born about 1894
BennetteRoy born about 1893
BennetteRoy born about 1911
BennetteTessie born about 1934
BennetteWilliam born about 1931
BillingsAda born about 1897
BillingsEldson born about 1925
BillingsGarnie born about 1916
BillingsHazel born about 1921
BillingsJ Cborn about 1890
BillingsJohn born about 1933
BillingsOla Maeborn about 1930
BillingsThomas born about 1927
BillingsTroy born about 1923
BinghamAnnabel born about 1922
BinghamE Aborn about 1892
BinghamE A Jrborn about 1924
BinghamGertrude born about 1920
BinghamSarah born about 1896
BlankenshipCharles born about 1927
BlankenshipCornela born about 1930
BlankenshipFay born about 1920
BlankenshipFlossy born about 1895
BlankenshipGrover born about 1886
BlankenshipLucy born about 1921
BlankenshipMary born about 1924
BlankenshipPaul born about 1922
BlankenshipQuinton born about 1862
BlankenshipRebecca born about 1866
BoggsA Hborn about 1901
BoggsAva born about 1900
BoggsMary Bellborn about 1931
BoggsSusan born about 1867
BoggsVilla born about 1927
BoggsWilliam born about 1934
BoylesB Jborn about 1939
BoylesBettie born about 1935
BoylesColonel born about 1906
BoylesEthel born about 1931
BoylesJohn born about 1925
BoylesJune born about 1929
BoylesLena born about 1905
BridgesDella born about 1890
BridgesFred born about 1924
BridgesGeorge born about 1873
BridgesLee born about 1896
BridgesParks born about 1927
BridgesSalon born about 1930
BridgesWbitha born about 1921
BrigmanJoe born about 1924
BrigmanJulima born about 1886
BrigmanRobert born about 1883
BrigmanStewe born about 1924
BrooksCleo born about 1900
BrooksErman born about 1931
BrooksHarrison born about 1900
BrownAnna born about 1920
BrownCharlie born about 1881
BrownDorothy born about 1931
BrownEthel born about 1906
BrownFred born about 1890
BrownGeorge born about 1887
BrownGeorgia Maeborn about 1926
BrownIsa born about 1883
BrownJoanna born about 1935
BrownJohn born about 1922
BrownLawrence born about 1933
BrownMabel born about 1913
BrownMamie born about 1904
BrownNellie born about 1916
BrownPaul born about 1909
BrownPerlie born about 1891
BrownPolly born about 1881
BrownR Lborn about 1903
BrownRalph born about 1934
BrownRobert born about 1915
BrownSallie born about 1870
BrownWalter born about 1876
BrownWilson born about 1922
BussellJunior born about 1922
ByersAda born about 1902
ByersAdrey Jr born about 1938
ByersArdrey born about 1918
ByersMary Bellborn about 1920
ByersRobert born about 1894
ByersWillimae born about 1939
ByrdDavid born about 1884
ByrdDenna born about 1895
ByrdRuth born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbelBruce born about 1901
CampbelJames born about 1893
CampbellAlma born about 1921
CampbellBryce born about 1929
CampbellBurl born about 1925
CampbellC Pborn about 1921
CampbellCarenilur born about 1926
CampbellCathleen born about 1930
CampbellCeleste born about 1918
CampbellClarence born about 1912
CampbellCoyne born about 1930
CampbellCursie born about 1938
CampbellCurtis born about 1927
CampbellDalton Pborn about 1936
CampbellDarlene born about 1938
CampbellDora born about 1896
CampbellEdith born about 1939
CampbellElaine born about 1936
CampbellEsther born about 1923
CampbellEvelyn born about 1873
CampbellEzra born about 1881
CampbellGeorge born about 1899
CampbellHelen born about 1920
CampbellHugh born about 1924
CampbellIda born about 1924
CampbellIson born about 1886
CampbellJ Madisonborn about 1896
CampbellJ Royborn about 1918
CampbellJack born about 1865
CampbellJack born about 1923
CampbellJackson born about 1913
CampbellJames Eborn about 1932
CampbellJanet born about 1933
CampbellJohn born about 1927
CampbellJohn Bborn about 1928
CampbellJohn Wborn about 1920
CampbellJohnie born about 1875
CampbellJulian Dborn about 1934
CampbellLeoldan born about 1916
CampbellLessie born about 1921
CampbellLonnie born about 1908
CampbellLuther born about 1931
CampbellMadie born about 1887
CampbellMagdalene born about 1929
CampbellMaggie born about 1921
CampbellMartha born about 1926
CampbellMartha Eborn about 1925
CampbellMartin born about 1884
CampbellMattie Cborn about 1891
CampbellMaudie born about 1900
CampbellMelvina born about 1938
CampbellNannie Bborn about 1902
CampbellNellie Ruthborn about 1938
CampbellOffie born about 1906
CampbellOike born about 1880
CampbellOliver born about 1926
CampbellPhilip born about 1940
CampbellRay born about 1927
CampbellRobert Aborn about 1928
CampbellSarah born about 1912
CampbellSilas born about 1900
CampbellThelma born about 1909
CampbellThurman born about 1928
CampbellW Dwightborn about 1923
CampbellWalt born about 1881
CampbellWanona born about 1931
CampbellWayne born about 1938
CampbellWhitha born about 1923
CampbellWilford born about 1923
CampbellWilliam born about 1936
CampbellWilliam Fborn about 1908
CampbellZoba born about 1885
CashBettie born about 1874
CashElizabeth born about 1932
CashFranklin born about 1939
CashJames born about 1891
CashNola born about 1902
CashSigman born about 1902
CashThomas born about 1928
CashWilliam born about 1926
CassAgnes born about 1926
CassBen born about 1933
CassHorace born about 1921
CassLyndoff born about 1866
CassMeridth born about 1925
CassModriel born about 1927
CassNancy born about 1932
CassPearl born about 1896
CassPearl born about 1930
ChildresElden born about 1922
ClaryMary born about 1922
ClaryMillie born about 1935
ClaryNancy born about 1893
ClaryNeute born about 1881
ClaryRanson born about 1915
ClarySandy born about 1931
CochLinnie born about 1894
CochWilliam Iborn about 1867
CookPearl born about 1904
CooperAlbert born about 1900
CooperElizabeth born about 1927
CooperJulie born about 1876
CooperNancy born about 1902
CortwrightAda born about 1904
CortwrightBessie born about 1930
CortwrightBorrow born about 1904
CortwrightJ Blainborn about 1895
CortwrightJames Bborn about 1935
CortwrightLaura born about 1861
CortwrightLou Rborn about 1929
CortwrightSibel born about 1932
CortwrightSousie Wborn about 1907
CowanClaud born about 1931
CowanDouglass born about 1938
CowanEdna born about 1910
CowanJarulene born about 1937
CowanLee Royborn about 1930
CowanRoy born about 1934
CraterAnnie born about 1912
CraterCartie born about 1915
CraterDaisy born about 1892
CraterEdward born about 1921
CraterEvelyn born about 1926
CraterGleen born about 1913
CraterJay Jborn about 1905
CraterMack born about 1933
CraterMamie born about 1903
CraterMartha born about 1879
CraterN Gborn about 1875
CraterOdena born about 1928
CraterRoss born about 1870
CraterThurman born about 1931
CraterW Jborn about 1880
CratesDoughton born about 1914
CratesMittie born about 1915
CrawfordAlbert born about 1871
CrawfordLuise born about 1872
CreasonAnna Bborn about 1918
CreasonEugene born about 1914
CreasonLillie born about 1880
CreasonThomas Sborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DakinsBettie Jborn about 1935
DakinsCharlie born about 1919
DakinsClifton born about 1893
DakinsEstelle born about 1918
DakinsJuniaus born about 1925
DakinsLena born about 1896
DakinsMckinley born about 1929
DakinsNettie born about 1922
DaltonBobby Jeanborn about 1934
DaltonBulah born about 1922
DaltonCary born about 1898
DaltonClarence born about 1911
DaltonClarence Jr born about 1938
DaltonDavid born about 1909
DaltonEsther born about 1915
DaltonGordan born about 1936
DaltonHenry born about 1869
DaltonJames born about 1890
DaltonJames born about 1934
DaltonJohn born about 1916
DaltonLouise born about 1919
DaltonLuther born about 1939
DaltonMaggie born about 1890
DaltonMaggie born about 1892
DaltonMary Bellborn about 1933
DaltonSherlie Maeborn about 1939
DaltonWard born about 1923
DaltonWinnie born about 1937
DanielsCeleste born about 1906
DanielsJames born about 1930
DanielsNorma born about 1934
DanielsPauline born about 1927
DayAmanda born about 1878
DayThomas born about 1895
DellingerBernice born about 1862
DenneyJane born about 1862
DenneyOctovia born about 1877
DishmanChina born about 1936
DishmanHarve born about 1891
DishmanJettie born about 1896
DobsonBen born about 1880
DobsonFrank born about 1887
DobsonHal born about 1921
DobsonJohn born about 1929
DobsonJoyce born about 1918
DobsonLois born about 1931
DobsonMax born about 1927
DobsonMay born about 1868
DobsonSylvia born about 1925
DobsonUtrtha born about 1889
DowellAide born about 1935
DowellBlanche born about 1885
DowellCatherine born about 1917
DowellClint born about 1892
DowellDwight born about 1930
DowellEstelle born about 1895
DowellEula born about 1927
DowellFlora Dellborn about 1907
DowellJames born about 1922
DowellJulia born about 1936
DowellLois born about 1930
DowellMargaret born about 1928
DowellMary born about 1908
DowellMildred born about 1932
DowellRalph born about 1911
DowellThelma born about 1915
DowellThomas born about 1905
DowellWilliam born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardsGordon born about 1926
EdwardsIrvin born about 1884
EdwardsJohn born about 1914
EdwardsLaura born about 1940
EdwardsMary born about 1919
EdwardsNina born about 1913

F Surnames

FeimsterMary born about 1903
FeimsterPeggy Anneborn about 1932
FeimsterSiby Coustoineborn about 1933
FeimsterWilliam born about 1902
FeimsterWilliam Jborn about 1935
FurgusonRodger born about 1903

G Surnames

GaitherMarie born about 1938
GoforthBettie Sueborn about 1939
GoforthDwight born about 1920
GoforthEmily born about 1898
GoforthEthel born about 1921
GoforthFaye born about 1925
GoforthKathleen born about 1922
GoforthRalph born about 1930
GoforthS Fborn about 1898
GoinsNancy born about 1923
GoodinBirgie born about 1930
GoodinClyde Cborn about 1910
GoodinEdgar born about 1896
GoodinEdgar born about 1935
GoodinGeneva born about 1908
GoodinJettie Maeborn about 1912
GoodinJohn born about 1913
GoodinJunior Fborn about 1931
GoodinLawrence born about 1924
GoodinMildred born about 1937
GoodinNannie born about 1927
GoodinNellie born about 1933
GoodinSadie born about 1928
GoodinViola born about 1906
GrantAttie born about 1896
GrantCalon born about 1935
GrantEarlie born about 1891
GrantEffie born about 1893
GrantEtta born about 1896
GrantFlorence born about 1922
GrantIrene born about 1922
GrantJames born about 1926
GrantJohn born about 1920
GrantJohn Wborn about 1882
GrantLuther born about 1924
GrantMarvin born about 1930
GrantRalph born about 1938
GrantRamon born about 1927
GrantRuth born about 1923
GrantSadie born about 1921
GrantViolet born about 1924
GregoryAlbert born about 1918
GregoryCarene born about 1926
GregoryIna born about 1928
GregoryL Hborn about 1915
GregoryLena born about 1888
GregoryLilly born about 1923
GregoryMadge born about 1923
GregoryMart Gunborn about 1922
GregoryPauline born about 1929
GregoryRuby born about 1921
GregorySophia born about 1926
GregoryVance born about 1921
GregoryW Aborn about 1882
GregoryWilliam born about 1870
GregoryWillie Maeborn about 1924
GriffithSarah born about 1876
GriffithWilliam born about 1871
GwattneyBarbara born about 1933
GwattneyClay born about 1905
GwattneyElizabeth born about 1938
GwattneyMabel born about 1914
GwattneyShirley born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallersSamuel born about 1925
HardingChrystal born about 1906
HarrisBettie born about 1937
HarrisEli born about 1875
HarrisEvelyn born about 1916
HarrisGeorge born about 1905
HarrisLinda born about 1876
HarrisMaud born about 1875
HarrisMinnie born about 1882
HarrisRobert Allenborn about 1912
HarrisWillie Fborn about 1877
HarrisZebela born about 1903
HaskinsBen born about 1930
HaskinsMillicent born about 1927
HaskinsPattie Jborn about 1900
HemrichAlice born about 1878
HemrichFrank born about 1916
HemrichNina born about 1904
HemrichRay born about 1920
HendersonAlice born about 1935
HendersonAlmond born about 1923
HendersonBobby Jborn about 1931
HendersonC Cborn about 1889
HendersonDailie born about 1917
HendersonDempey Lborn about 1923
HendersonDenoll born about 1923
HendersonDexter Dborn about 1926
HendersonDuane born about 1932
HendersonEdith born about 1936
HendersonEllar Mborn about 1905
HendersonEvelyn born about 1930
HendersonFoda born about 1927
HendersonFrances born about 1930
HendersonGilbert born about 1929
HendersonGrace born about 1911
HendersonGurney born about 1930
HendersonHouston born about 1897
HendersonJames born about 1881
HendersonJohn born about 1936
HendersonJosie born about 1899
HendersonLucy born about 1936
HendersonLuelle born about 1876
HendersonMaie born about 1903
HendersonMaie born about 1914
HendersonMarie born about 1938
HendersonMarvin born about 1925
HendersonMax born about 1938
HendersonMull born about 1927
HendersonMyra born about 1921
HendersonNancy born about 1881
HendersonNettie born about 1940
HendersonOvadeen born about 1934
HendersonPreston born about 1930
HendersonR Jborn about 1936
HendersonRalph born about 1928
HendersonRalph Cborn about 1930
HendersonRene born about 1892
HendersonRetta born about 1899
HendersonRex Dborn about 1934
HendersonRoma born about 1918
HendersonRuth born about 1905
HendersonRuth born about 1926
HendersonShirley born about 1900
HendersonStaley born about 1895
HendersonSybillee born about 1928
HendersonT Cborn about 1903
HendersonThomas born about 1926
HendersonTroy Aborn about 1928
HendersonVera born about 1903
HendersonWesley born about 1865
HendersonWiley born about 1933
HendersonWilliam born about 1926
HeplerArlie born about 1886
HeplerHoward born about 1914
HeplerMary born about 1887
HolbrookArchie Lborn about 1919
HolbrookBirtha Jborn about 1896
HolbrookG C Jrborn about 1926
HolbrookGeorge Eborn about 1886
HolbrookHellen Gborn about 1923
HolbrookJohn Aborn about 1928
HolcombAlice born about 1912
HolcombAndrew Fborn about 1880
HolcombClarence Iborn about 1906
HolcombForest Lborn about 1912
HolcombGustie Sborn about 1912
HolcombLillie born about 1879
HolcombMamie born about 1906
HolcombMary born about 1903
HolcombMary Eborn about 1932
HolcombMaxine Vborn about 1935
HolcombPaul born about 1921
HolcombRoy born about 1914
HolcombThomas Cborn about 1912
HolcombTommie Jeanborn about 1937
HollandBlanche born about 1893
HollandCarroll born about 1919
HollandClifford born about 1912
HollandCue born about 1918
HollandDelia Maeborn about 1913
HollandDora born about 1877
HollandGladys born about 1926
HollandHerbert born about 1930
HollandJames born about 1939
HollandJay born about 1883
HollandLaura born about 1927
HollandLectar Maeborn about 1917
HollandLenette born about 1936
HollandLura born about 1927
HollandMidford born about 1934
HollandPerry born about 1939
HollandQuince born about 1878
HollandR Bborn about 1921
HollemanEd born about 1925
HolmesBertha born about 1887
HolmesBessie born about 1881
HolmesClarence born about 1885
HolmesClarence Fborn about 1923
HolmesClay born about 1919
HolmesCliff born about 1919
HolmesDee born about 1928
HolmesDoak born about 1916
HolmesEdget born about 1935
HolmesElla born about 1897
HolmesFlake born about 1908
HolmesFrank born about 1907
HolmesLola born about 1926
HolmesMary born about 1922
HolmesNova born about 1878
HolmesRhoda born about 1925
HolmesRobinette born about 1930
HolmesRose born about 1924
HolmesSue born about 1901
HootsBettie born about 1930
HootsBobby born about 1928
HootsCarolyn born about 1939
HootsCatherine born about 1935
HootsCharles born about 1937
HootsClara born about 1931
HootsIda born about 1900
HootsJames born about 1883
HootsNancy born about 1890
HootsPattie born about 1940
HootsSarah Nellborn about 1934
HoustonCharlie born about 1915
HoustonFrank born about 1930
HoustonGeorgia born about 1910
HowardClaude born about 1891
HowardClaudette born about 1936
HowardJohn born about 1926
HowardLynn born about 1928
HowardMyrtle born about 1899
HowardWilliam born about 1922
HuieCowan born about 1914
HuieEdna born about 1919
HuieElmer born about 1940
HuieEugene born about 1932
HuieEva born about 1888
HuieFlake born about 1879
HuieGale born about 1935
HuieHoyt born about 1912
HuieHoyuce born about 1937
HuieIda born about 1938
HuieJohn born about 1937
HuieLela born about 1878
HuieNora born about 1877
HuieSam born about 1874
HuieSarah born about 1916
HuieWayne born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrelandAnna born about 1922
IrelandBobbie born about 1939
IrelandDock born about 1886
IrelandDora born about 1914
IrelandFred born about 1916
IrelandGeorge born about 1865
IrelandHenry born about 1899
IrelandJack born about 1932
IrelandJannice born about 1938
IrelandJoy born about 1926
IrelandJune born about 1916
IrelandMamie born about 1918
IrelandMiles born about 1937
IrelandNobie born about 1924
IrelandRodger born about 1934
IrelandRoy born about 1910
IrelandSabie born about 1874
IrelandTroy born about 1911
IrelandZelola born about 1928
IvinsCecil born about 1930
IvinsClifford born about 1928
IvinsEulis born about 1927
IvinsIowa born about 1915
IvinsMarshall born about 1935
IvinsMinnie born about 1919
IvinsPearl born about 1887
IvinsRoy born about 1924
IvinsSanford born about 1921
IvinsWill born about 1882
IvinsWilliam born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JarvisEdna born about 1928
JarvisEzell born about 1931
JarvisLester born about 1926
JarvisMarvin born about 1921
JarvisMollie born about 1894
JarvisNina born about 1921
JenkinsRosie Lborn about 1938
JenkinsRuby born about 1913
JenkinsWalter Eborn about 1908
JenningsDavie born about 1875
JenningsJames Tborn about 1873
JenningsLois born about 1908
JohnsonAlma born about 1932
JohnsonAubrey born about 1912
JohnsonBenjamin born about 1923
JohnsonCatherine born about 1851
JohnsonClay born about 1909
JohnsonClay born about 1924
JohnsonDorothy born about 1930
JohnsonErby born about 1931
JohnsonGarnie Vborn about 1873
JohnsonGrace born about 1892
JohnsonHelen born about 1926
JohnsonHenry born about 1922
JohnsonJewell born about 1900
JohnsonJohn Sborn about 1900
JohnsonJosephine born about 1923
JohnsonLonnie born about 1889
JohnsonLucille born about 1928
JohnsonLufelia born about 1888
JohnsonMary born about 1878
JohnsonMary born about 1921
JohnsonMary born about 1932
JohnsonNaomi born about 1895
JohnsonPattie Sueborn about 1939
JohnsonPaul born about 1933
JohnsonReuben born about 1887
JohnsonReuben Jr born about 1928
JohnsonRex born about 1920
JohnsonRichard born about 1927
JohnsonRuby born about 1927
JohnsonRuth born about 1927
JohnsonSarah born about 1937
JohnsonStella born about 1924
JohnsonVirginia born about 1929
JonesDavid born about 1936
JonesEdward born about 1931
JonesPaul born about 1907
JonesPaulette born about 1929
JonesSwannie born about 1903
JonesViolet born about 1933
JordanCarl born about 1925
JordanFloy Nborn about 1930
JordanJames Mborn about 1923
JordanJames Rborn about 1880
JordanJoe Kborn about 1934
JordanLeola born about 1902
JoseyFanny born about 1917
JoseyHilda born about 1939
JoseyWilliam born about 1911
JoyMrs J F born about 1869
JoynerBilly Royborn about 1938
JoynerBobby Groyborn about 1938
JoynerNellie Eborn about 1914
JurneyArcile born about 1926
JurneyJack born about 1924
JurneyJames born about 1930
JurneyJames born about 1939
JurneyKatie born about 1920
JurneyLawrince born about 1916
JurneyLillian born about 1866
JurneyMargaret born about 1928
JurneyMaurice born about 1885
JurneyMozelle born about 1916
JurneyNannie born about 1865
JurneyP Wborn about 1862
JurneyPearl born about 1887
JurneySallie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeeslerAlta born about 1907
KeeslerHomer born about 1905
KeeslerNancy born about 1939
KinkleyJ Nborn about 1874
KinkleyMinnie born about 1880
KnightBobbie born about 1933
KnightDean born about 1931
KnightElsie born about 1938
KnightJohn born about 1861
KnightLessie born about 1912
KnightMarshall born about 1930
KnightMillard born about 1904
KnightMinnie born about 1883
KnightOline born about 1904
KnightOma born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertAdell born about 1936
LambertBuford born about 1934
LambertDonald born about 1937
LambertEd born about 1912
LambertGrace born about 1904
LambertJurell born about 1936
LambertL W Jrborn about 1927
LambertLeavangdn born about 1928
LambertLuin born about 1902
LambertMerica born about 1909
LambertSarah born about 1859
LawsonClifford born about 1922
LinkBertha born about 1902
LinkEveleen born about 1931
LinkJ Mborn about 1901
LinkJohn born about 1924
LinkPerry born about 1937
LinkRamon born about 1938
LinkVance born about 1926
LittleBarbosan born about 1935
LittleH Cborn about 1904
LittleJoy Marieborn about 1933
LittleLoretta Janeborn about 1938
LittleMary born about 1907
LonsfordAddie born about 1885
LoweAlbert born about 1898
LoweNellie Faeborn about 1926
LoweNola born about 1903
LoweRex born about 1922
LoweRichard born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadisonC Eborn about 1893
MadisonC Mborn about 1862
MadisonElwanda born about 1922
MadisonIna Bborn about 1893
MadisonLoula born about 1927
MadisonOdina born about 1917
MadisonT Jborn about 1868
MadisonThomas born about 1934
MadisonWeisner born about 1933
MadisonWill born about 1860
MahaffeyAlbert Dborn about 1934
MahaffeyBertha Annborn about 1937
MahaffeyCleve Lborn about 1892
MahaffeyEstell born about 1921
MahaffeyGeorge Fborn about 1926
MahaffeyMary Leginiaborn about 1931
MahaffeyMitchell Cborn about 1920
MahaffeyPauline Sborn about 1921
MahaffeyPerl Aborn about 1890
MahaffeyRoy Johnborn about 1929
MahalbeyAlnora born about 1915
MahalbeyClusie born about 1889
MahalbeyElbert born about 1927
MahalbeyGaither born about 1918
MahalbeyGollia born about 1921
MahalbeyJoe born about 1889
MahalbeyLena born about 1925
MahalbeyMartin born about 1923
MahalbeyVeanna born about 1916
MahalbeyZemmia born about 1920
MaleyCarl born about 1891
MaleyJacob born about 1927
MaleyLois born about 1922
MaleyNell born about 1919
MaleyNona born about 1894
MaleyOscar born about 1924
MaleyRolan born about 1920
MarlesDora born about 1872
MarlesJames born about 1883
MatthewsHarold born about 1940
MatthewsHoward born about 1918
MatthewsLutelld born about 1922
McAllesRoma Iborn about 1871
McAllesTurner Fborn about 1874
McCannBenny Leeborn about 1938
McCannCarlie born about 1934
McCannEdna Maeborn about 1936
McCannElsie born about 1900
McCannHubert born about 1931
McCannMarie born about 1924
McCannR Dborn about 1898
McCannR D Jrborn about 1927
McCannReuben born about 1929
McCannWorth born about 1922
MillerCharles born about 1911
MillerM Eborn about 1871
MillsapsHildred born about 1927
MillsapsIda born about 1898
MitchellAlda born about 1914
MitchellAlfred born about 1913
MitchellAllen born about 1922
MitchellAlton born about 1938
MitchellAnna born about 1866
MitchellArthur born about 1907
MitchellClara Mborn about 1923
MitchellClarence born about 1927
MitchellClyde born about 1907
MitchellClyde born about 1935
MitchellCody born about 1928
MitchellDelia born about 1890
MitchellDovie born about 1889
MitchellDwight born about 1930
MitchellEva born about 1911
MitchellFannie born about 1854
MitchellG Fborn about 1849
MitchellGarleen born about 1928
MitchellGaston born about 1879
MitchellGrover Rborn about 1886
MitchellGusta born about 1882
MitchellIna born about 1902
MitchellJack born about 1936
MitchellJames born about 1933
MitchellKenneth born about 1910
MitchellLarry born about 1935
MitchellLee born about 1872
MitchellLillian born about 1932
MitchellLonie born about 1875
MitchellLowel born about 1940
MitchellMelba born about 1924
MitchellMinnie born about 1896
MitchellPaul born about 1927
MitchellPete born about 1887
MitchellR Aborn about 1879
MitchellRuby born about 1924
MitchellSallie born about 1888
MitchellSilas born about 1929
MitchellTroy born about 1880
MoneyPearl born about 1892
MoneyRoy born about 1915
MooreRobert born about 1919
MooseCharlie born about 1887
MooseClaudine born about 1927
MooseCora born about 1901
MooseEvelyn born about 1922
MooseFrank born about 1923
MooseJessie born about 1924
MooseJohn born about 1881
MooseJohn Rborn about 1926
MooseMamie born about 1890
MooseRalph born about 1927
MooseRichard born about 1938
MooseRobert born about 1923
MooseVirgie born about 1936
MullieArpie born about 1883
MullieIsabelle born about 1885
MullisCary born about 1879
MullisCaterene born about 1932
MullisCelia born about 1906
MullisEdna born about 1898
MullisEthel born about 1913
MullisFloy born about 1906
MullisFrancis born about 1923
MullisGraham born about 1915
MullisJackson born about 1928
MullisJames born about 1930
MullisJohn Wborn about 1861
MullisKatie born about 1874
MullisMaggie born about 1880
MullisMary born about 1918
MullisMary born about 1921
MullisMinnie born about 1889
MullisOla born about 1925
MullisPaul born about 1928
MullisPauline born about 1923
MullisRichard born about 1884
MullisRose born about 1904
MullisSusan born about 1873
MullisTommy born about 1900
MullisW Cborn about 1870
MullisWashington born about 1905
MullisWiley born about 1888
MullisWilliam born about 1877
MurdockJ Hborn about 1907
MurdockMillard born about 1938
MurdockRuby born about 1918
MyrerCurt born about 1861
MyrerJames born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NicholsonBettie born about 1936
NicholsonDwight born about 1929
NicholsonHugh born about 1932
NicholsonLuther born about 1939
NicholsonMyrtle born about 1934
NicholsonSwana born about 1922
NicholsonTroy born about 1931
NicholsonViola born about 1908
NicholsonW Cborn about 1919
NicholsonWalter born about 1888
NicklesonRuth born about 1928
NisbitA Wborn about 1905
NisbitClara born about 1906
NormanBenjamin born about 1937
NormanElwanda born about 1929
NormanJoseph born about 1926
NormanSarah born about 1895
NormanThomas born about 1894
NormanThomas born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadgetteDewie born about 1913
PadgetteJennie born about 1889
PadgetteJohn born about 1878
PadgetteMary born about 1915
PadgetteWillie born about 1915
ParkerAlma born about 1937
ParkerDavid born about 1935
ParkerJohn Aborn about 1872
ParkerJulia born about 1876
ParkerKatie born about 1940
ParkerMary born about 1912
ParkerMary Eborn about 1933
ParkerRayford born about 1911
ParksGusta born about 1872
PatersonBobie born about 1936
PatersonEva born about 1872
PatersonHoove born about 1929
PatersonHunter born about 1906
PatersonNathan born about 1931
PatersonOssie Maeborn about 1928
PatersonSarah born about 1905
PeacockCarribell born about 1902
PendergrassAnmowel born about 1936
PendergrassFlo born about 1918
PendergrassGeorge born about 1913
PendergrassHarry Leeborn about 1938
PendergrassR Gborn about 1939
PharrBuford born about 1927
PharrC Wborn about 1890
PharrC W Jrborn about 1921
PharrCarlie born about 1913
PharrDelbert born about 1936
PharrDorothy born about 1939
PharrEstelle born about 1919
PharrEthel born about 1929
PharrFred born about 1893
PharrGusley born about 1907
PharrMamie born about 1890
PharrMary born about 1916
PharrMaynard born about 1924
PharrRobert born about 1916
PolkAdgene born about 1927
PolkHenry born about 1886
PolkIda born about 1912
PolkMattie born about 1931
PolkObie born about 1930
PowersBen born about 1927
PowersBernice born about 1921
PowersFred born about 1931
PowersJ Mborn about 1885
PowersMary born about 1891
PowersRonald born about 1933
PowersTroy born about 1919
PrivetteCarlos born about 1906
PrivetteDennie born about 1905
PrivetteEuris born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandlemanBobby born about 1936
RandlemanCarbet born about 1934
RandlemanErvin born about 1904
RandlemanGenette born about 1932
RandlemanLouise born about 1929
RandlemanMildred born about 1928
RandlemanMyrtle born about 1907
RashBristol born about 1920
RashCinda born about 1870
RashEugenia born about 1897
RashEunice born about 1915
RashEvedene born about 1935
RashGurney born about 1909
RashJ Bborn about 1939
RashJ Wborn about 1884
RashJ W Jrborn about 1922
RashJames Bborn about 1916
RashJeff born about 1907
RashJohn born about 1872
RashL Paulineborn about 1918
RashLavone born about 1936
RashLenda Vborn about 1880
RashMamie born about 1913
RashMarie born about 1936
RashMary born about 1883
RashOline born about 1922
RashOvadine born about 1932
RashRaeford born about 1935
RashRobert born about 1896
RashRodger born about 1925
RashSilas Kborn about 1876
RashWanona born about 1924
RedmanAltalee born about 1923
RedmanAsilee born about 1931
RedmanBeatrice born about 1937
RedmanBobby born about 1933
RedmanBranson born about 1871
RedmanDallas born about 1912
RedmanDoris born about 1881
RedmanDorothy born about 1939
RedmanElizabeth born about 1922
RedmanElva born about 1909
RedmanEnos born about 1905
RedmanHarry born about 1928
RedmanKate born about 1884
RedmanLaura born about 1935
RedmanRobert born about 1929
RedmanVania born about 1907
RedmanVirgil born about 1908
RedmanW Hborn about 1888
ReeceLewis born about 1926
ReeceMargie born about 1925
ReeceNancy born about 1906
ReidAnnie Leeborn about 1921
ReidBobbie Anndborn about 1933
ReidBuford born about 1938
ReidClaud born about 1911
ReidClint born about 1899
ReidCommie born about 1914
ReidCurt born about 1920
ReidDelet born about 1933
ReidEliza born about 1877
ReidEmily born about 1935
ReidFay born about 1935
ReidGeorge born about 1915
ReidGeraldine born about 1931
ReidHerman born about 1936
ReidIram Gborn about 1868
ReidJack born about 1912
ReidJennie born about 1907
ReidJessie born about 1905
ReidLeona born about 1898
ReidLouis born about 1933
ReidLucile born about 1927
ReidLucy born about 1916
ReidLula born about 1910
ReidMay born about 1899
ReidMyrl born about 1927
ReidNellie born about 1936
ReidPattie born about 1930
ReidRamon born about 1930
ReidRobert born about 1908
ReidSpencer born about 1904
ReidSylva born about 1938
ReidViolet born about 1921
ReidWilliam Aborn about 1940
ReidWilson born about 1885
ReinhardHoward born about 1918
ReinhardLena born about 1918
RobbinsEarl born about 1895
RobbinsFlorence born about 1923
RobbinsIla born about 1901
RobbinsMargaret born about 1929
RobbinsNoah born about 1935
RobertsonClarie born about 1905
RobertsonEdgar born about 1878
RobertsonEmma born about 1905
RobertsonJohn Rborn about 1930
RobertsonMartha born about 1876
RobertsonPearl born about 1882
RobertsonRuth born about 1911
RobertsonVernon born about 1906
RobertsonVictoria born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaleEmma born about 1883
ShareDoris born about 1937
ShareJunior born about 1931
ShareMary born about 1939
ShareSina born about 1909
ShareTheodore Rborn about 1909
SharpeAllie born about 1871
SharpeBillie born about 1923
SharpeDent born about 1919
SharpeDorsa born about 1884
SharpeEarnest born about 1889
SharpeEsther born about 1924
SharpeEugenia born about 1932
SharpeFern born about 1920
SharpeFlossie born about 1928
SharpeJames born about 1882
SharpeJames Wborn about 1884
SharpeJohn born about 1887
SharpeJohn Rayborn about 1917
SharpeKeener born about 1934
SharpeLena born about 1894
SharpeMartha Eborn about 1878
SharpeMyrtle born about 1886
SharpeMyrtle born about 1926
SharpeSigmora born about 1917
SharpeStamie born about 1900
SharpeW Pressborn about 1871
SharpeWaldo born about 1928
SharpeWill P Jrborn about 1879
ShawBlaine born about 1924
ShawEugene born about 1923
ShawHarold born about 1927
ShawHuie born about 1913
ShawIna born about 1888
ShawR Cborn about 1884
ShoemakerBetty born about 1903
ShoemakerCleo born about 1920
ShoemakerDessa born about 1888
ShoemakerElle born about 1887
ShoemakerLamuel born about 1912
ShoemakerLois born about 1933
ShoemakerManuel born about 1914
ShoemakerMarjorie born about 1925
ShoemakerMartha Leeborn about 1937
ShoemakerP Wborn about 1882
ShoemakerSanford born about 1875
ShuflerRamon born about 1921
SloanCardia born about 1898
SloanColleen born about 1930
SloanDarman born about 1906
SloanDoile born about 1925
SloanElizabeth born about 1910
SloanEloise born about 1908
SloanJames born about 1922
SloanJohn born about 1907
SloanKenneth born about 1933
SloanLilly born about 1879
SloanLoverne born about 1932
SloanMarie born about 1926
SloanMaynard born about 1937
SloanNewland born about 1930
SloanRamon born about 1895
SloanVelma born about 1917
SloanWeisner born about 1919
SmithCllve born about 1893
SmithEmma born about 1881
SmithM Cborn about 1894
SmithMary born about 1887
SnowAubra born about 1923
SnowCecil born about 1926
SnowElma born about 1906
SnowLee Royborn about 1930
SnowRodger born about 1933
SnowTina born about 1935
SnowWinfield born about 1900
SpaneHazel born about 1922
SpaneHerman born about 1929
SpaneRalph born about 1924
SpaneRuby born about 1924
SpaneRuth born about 1927
SpaneTreva born about 1899
SpaneVirginia born about 1935
SpaneWanda born about 1936
SpeaksAlice born about 1898
SpeaksAlvin born about 1888
SpeaksConnie born about 1902
SpeaksEd born about 1926
SpeaksEloise born about 1919
SpeaksEloise born about 1933
SpeaksEstell born about 1931
SpeaksGeorgia born about 1887
SpeaksHarry born about 1924
SpeaksHilda Maeborn about 1929
SpeaksJ Aborn about 1875
SpeaksJames born about 1917
SpeaksJames born about 1927
SpeaksLillian born about 1927
SpeaksLizzie born about 1900
SpeaksLula born about 1922
SpeaksMae born about 1927
SpeaksMamie born about 1910
SpeaksMozie born about 1923
SpeaksOtho Leeborn about 1936
SpeaksRoy born about 1920
SpeaksRoy born about 1929
SpeaksS Hborn about 1913
SpeaksSylvester born about 1875
SpeaksTreva born about 1917
SpeaksW Wborn about 1884
SpeaksWail born about 1915
SpeeceFred born about 1906
SpeecePalmedee born about 1939
SpeeceReb born about 1927
SpeeceSusie born about 1907
SteeleCarry born about 1868
SteeleJohn born about 1866
SteeleNattie born about 1930
SteeleWilliam born about 1935
SteelmanElsie Aborn about 1909
SteelmanHarnel Mborn about 1934
SteelmanLois Eborn about 1937
SteelmanLola Bborn about 1914
SteelmanOlin Mborn about 1939
SteelmanWarne Rborn about 1935
StevensonBessie born about 1918
SummersEdna born about 1920
SummersPeggy born about 1938
SummersWilliam born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TempletonA Bborn about 1889
TempletonAddie born about 1892
TempletonAllen born about 1900
TempletonAmanda born about 1869
TempletonAnna Leeborn about 1920
TempletonBertha born about 1895
TempletonBessie born about 1898
TempletonBettie Sueborn about 1940
TempletonC Cborn about 1868
TempletonC C Jrborn about 1890
TempletonCallia born about 1920
TempletonCalvin born about 1924
TempletonCharlis Aborn about 1933
TempletonClark born about 1918
TempletonClide born about 1939
TempletonClyde born about 1902
TempletonClyde born about 1904
TempletonEdgar born about 1895
TempletonEdnar Roseborn about 1937
TempletonEffie born about 1908
TempletonEmily born about 1930
TempletonEmmalou born about 1924
TempletonEula born about 1925
TempletonEva born about 1894
TempletonFanny born about 1892
TempletonFanny born about 1893
TempletonFern born about 1926
TempletonFlora born about 1897
TempletonFlora Maeborn about 1924
TempletonFlorence born about 1923
TempletonFrancis born about 1882
TempletonFred born about 1914
TempletonGertrude born about 1886
TempletonGlenn born about 1893
TempletonGrady born about 1935
TempletonGwendoline born about 1929
TempletonGwynchlin born about 1928
TempletonHenry born about 1903
TempletonHuie born about 1886
TempletonIna born about 1897
TempletonJ Cborn about 1882
TempletonJ Monroeborn about 1875
TempletonJack born about 1926
TempletonJames born about 1921
TempletonJames born about 1925
TempletonJames born about 1939
TempletonJanie born about 1889
TempletonJimmie born about 1929
TempletonJoe born about 1935
TempletonJoel born about 1936
TempletonL Parksborn about 1895
TempletonLaura born about 1860
TempletonLawrence born about 1936
TempletonLee born about 1881
TempletonLeonard born about 1893
TempletonLois born about 1931
TempletonLonnie born about 1915
TempletonLottie born about 1905
TempletonLucile born about 1921
TempletonLucy born about 1917
TempletonLula born about 1918
TempletonLunelle born about 1934
TempletonLynn born about 1928
TempletonMaggie born about 1917
TempletonMansey born about 1898
TempletonMargaret born about 1940
TempletonMartha born about 1935
TempletonMary born about 1927
TempletonMary Bborn about 1883
TempletonMary Fborn about 1901
TempletonMary Gborn about 1872
TempletonMary Rborn about 1922
TempletonMaurice born about 1933
TempletonMaxine born about 1926
TempletonMildred born about 1930
TempletonMinnie born about 1920
TempletonMozelle born about 1917
TempletonMyra born about 1925
TempletonMyrl born about 1922
TempletonNaomi born about 1904
TempletonNerrin born about 1907
TempletonNorma Eborn about 1939
TempletonNylene born about 1939
TempletonO Lborn about 1871
TempletonPhilip born about 1938
TempletonR Sborn about 1880
TempletonRalph born about 1931
TempletonRaymon Lborn about 1926
TempletonRobert born about 1918
TempletonRoy born about 1919
TempletonRuby born about 1905
TempletonSir born about 1858
TempletonStanford born about 1916
TempletonStella Mborn about 1935
TempletonWalter born about 1884
TempletonWilfred born about 1928
TempletonWilliam born about 1934
TharpeEunice born about 1910
TharpeHarold born about 1917
TibbertJess Jborn about 1912
TibbertKay born about 1940
TibbertThomas born about 1936
TibbertVelma born about 1914
TomlinKay born about 1935
TomlinTommy Iborn about 1930
TrivettBernice born about 1916
TrivettEvie born about 1929
TrivettGeorlina born about 1940
TrivettJ Glennborn about 1913
TrivettJohn Cborn about 1877
TrivettLevy Eborn about 1907
TrivettMary born about 1881
TrivettNioma born about 1939
TrivettSlinia born about 1939
TrivettVera born about 1911
TrivettWilliam born about 1936
TrivettWillie Mborn about 1920
TrivetteAnna born about 1917
TrivetteBettie born about 1934
TrivetteCarl born about 1935
TrivetteClay born about 1929
TrivetteCleo born about 1909
TrivetteCoetta born about 1906
TrivetteDella born about 1882
TrivetteDewey born about 1905
TrivetteDwight born about 1931
TrivetteEffie born about 1905
TrivetteFanny born about 1883
TrivetteFrank born about 1932
TrivetteGreel born about 1938
TrivetteIrene born about 1903
TrivetteJohn born about 1914
TrivetteLeaner born about 1905
TrivetteLottie born about 1926
TrivetteMarie born about 1929
TrivetteMartha born about 1924
TrivetteMary born about 1928
TrivetteNathan born about 1878
TrivetteNellie born about 1926
TrivetteOline born about 1919
TrivettePaul born about 1932
TrivettePinkney born about 1873
TrivettePurr born about 1902
TrivetteThomas born about 1922
TrivetteVarne born about 1925
TrivetteW Cborn about 1904
TrivetteWilliam born about 1930
TurnerEdgar born about 1911
TurnerEdmond born about 1935
TurnerMarjorie born about 1937
TurnerStella born about 1905
TutterrowAlice born about 1883
TutterrowEdward born about 1925
TutterrowEliza born about 1857
TutterrowEugene born about 1929
TutterrowIra born about 1923
TutterrowWilburn born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmpletonCarl born about 1924
UmpletonNancy born about 1926
UmpletonSallie born about 1890

V Surnames

VanhoyA Yborn about 1910
VanhoyAda born about 1897
VanhoyAnna born about 1915
VanhoyColice born about 1883
VanhoyEthel born about 1920
VanhoyHasper born about 1922
VanhoyHazel born about 1919
VanhoyHenry born about 1888
VanhoyHoward born about 1912
VanhoyLela born about 1920
VanhoyMabel born about 1929
VanhoyPierce born about 1918
VanhoyRobert born about 1925
VanhoySidney born about 1939
VanhoySteve born about 1939
VanhoySylvia born about 1939
VanhoyWoodrow born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerBirdie born about 1939
WalkerDorothy born about 1939
WalkerGales born about 1914
WalkerJohn born about 1938
WalkerLula born about 1902
WalkerMary born about 1873
WalkerPearl born about 1915
WalkerShirley born about 1937
WalkerSpencer born about 1905
WalkerStella born about 1913
WallEva born about 1928
WallEvert born about 1925
WallFlora born about 1894
WallFrances born about 1935
WallLula born about 1918
WallPansy born about 1931
WallR Jborn about 1881
WallRoy born about 1922
WallShirley born about 1938
WallaceAllice born about 1868
WallaceAndrew born about 1898
WallaceDwight born about 1937
WallaceEugenia born about 1888
WallaceFredie born about 1910
WallaceHenry born about 1931
WallaceJunita born about 1928
WallaceNellie born about 1940
WallaceRaymon Dborn about 1887
WallaceRuby born about 1922
WallaceRuth born about 1925
WallaceVestal born about 1919
WallaceViola born about 1901
WeisnerAlista born about 1932
WeisnerArlo born about 1934
WeisnerBurgess born about 1935
WeisnerFoda born about 1902
WeisnerFranklin born about 1928
WeisnerLillian born about 1911
WeisnerNoel born about 1936
WeisnerR Cborn about 1896
WeisnerRamon born about 1899
WeisnerRoy Jborn about 1926
WeisnerRylan born about 1929
WhiteAgnes born about 1938
WhiteAlice born about 1882
WhiteAnna born about 1878
WhiteAnna Maeborn about 1925
WhiteCarmie born about 1923
WhiteClaud born about 1908
WhiteDortha born about 1888
WhiteF Aborn about 1874
WhiteFred born about 1919
WhiteGaston born about 1890
WhiteGay born about 1919
WhiteHazel born about 1921
WhiteIrene born about 1918
WhiteJ Eborn about 1870
WhiteJ Tborn about 1930
WhiteJames born about 1923
WhiteLillian born about 1925
WhiteLois born about 1914
WhiteLon born about 1881
WhiteLucy born about 1911
WhiteMarie born about 1921
WhiteOather born about 1932
WhitePauline born about 1927
WhitePhebe born about 1896
WhiteRay born about 1935
WhiteS B Jrborn about 1929
WhiteStamie born about 1890
WhiteThomas born about 1935
WhiteW Cborn about 1875
WhiteWilliam born about 1926
WhitlockDallas born about 1887
WhitlockJ Averyborn about 1896
WhitlockLeola Mborn about 1929
WhitlockPearl born about 1902
WilliamsBennie born about 1918
WilliamsFlossie born about 1920
WilliamsHazel born about 1916
WilliamsHowell born about 1925
WilliamsJ Cborn about 1921
WilliamsJeff born about 1926
WilliamsJohn born about 1930
WilliamsLela born about 1877
WilliamsLovie born about 1924
WilliamsMinnie born about 1937
WilliamsOllie born about 1903
WilliamsRoby born about 1915
WilliamsRonal born about 1940
WilliamsRoy Leeborn about 1936
WilliamsRuby born about 1922
WilliamsThurman born about 1940
WilliamsVallie born about 1916
WindsorDallace born about 1895
WoodJ Jborn about 1912
WoodPatsie born about 1932
WoodPearl born about 1912
WootenAlbert born about 1925
WootenAttsie born about 1888
WootenBessie born about 1893
WootenBobbie born about 1935
WootenClay born about 1917
WootenClloe born about 1888
WootenDenver born about 1914
WootenEsther born about 1921
WootenEvrly born about 1928
WootenFlake born about 1936
WootenGertrude born about 1930
WootenJack born about 1926
WootenJames born about 1879
WootenJaunita born about 1934
WootenKenneth born about 1929
WootenLewis born about 1884
WootenMaraha born about 1885
WootenMarvin born about 1887
WootenMary born about 1906
WootenMary Leeborn about 1923
WootenNancy born about 1932
WootenNaomi born about 1920
WootenParks born about 1925
WootenStella born about 1926
WootenThelma born about 1916
WootenThomas born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarkAmelia born about 1876
YarkCleo born about 1927
YarkClifton born about 1933
YarkClyde born about 1905
YarkDavid born about 1940
YarkDoris born about 1934
YarkDuritte born about 1909
YarkHubert born about 1909
YarkJack born about 1933
YarkJaunita born about 1935
YarkJenette born about 1940
YarkJohn born about 1937
YarkJunior born about 1926
YarkLee born about 1892
YarkLillian born about 1926
YarkLonnie born about 1928
YarkMae born about 1936
YarkMaggie Leeborn about 1908
YarkMarie born about 1938
YarkMary born about 1935
YarkMattie born about 1894
YarkMinnie born about 1917
YarkNellie born about 1932
YarkRanson born about 1894
YarkRoy born about 1924
YarkRuby born about 1927
YarkSylvia born about 1938
YarkTabitha born about 1909
YarkThomas born about 1869
YarkViola born about 1910
YorkA Berniceborn about 1920
YorkAda born about 1872
YorkAron born about 1872
YorkBessie born about 1895
YorkC Davidborn about 1938
YorkC Rborn about 1886
YorkClodia Mborn about 1916
YorkDwight born about 1926
YorkElla born about 1875
YorkFlake born about 1918
YorkFrank born about 1918
YorkHal born about 1918
YorkHariet born about 1871
YorkHoward born about 1921
YorkIvah born about 1888
YorkJ Cailborn about 1918
YorkJ Gborn about 1875
YorkJames born about 1914
YorkJoe born about 1936
YorkJohn Tborn about 1884
YorkLilla born about 1890
YorkLois born about 1928
YorkLucile born about 1921
YorkMary born about 1883
YorkPhilis born about 1930
YorkRodger born about 1915
YorkRoy born about 1917
YorkRubin Dborn about 1939
YorkRuby born about 1910
YorkRuth born about 1928
YorkSam born about 1882
YorkWade born about 1904
YorkWilma born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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