Fairmont Genealogy (in Robeson County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Robeson County (969) > Fairmont (65)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Fairmont are also found through the Robeson County and North Carolina pages.

Cemetery Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Fairmont Cemetery Records

Aaron Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Andrews Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Annease Drive Praise and Worship Center Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ashley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ashley Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Atkinson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Atkinson Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ayers Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bass Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Britt Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bullock Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bullock Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bullock Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bullock Cemetery Find a Grave online

Byrd Cemetery Billion Graves online

Byrd Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chavis Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fairmont Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fairmont Memorial Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fairmont Memorial Park Find a Grave online

Floyd Memorial Cemetery Find a Grave online

Horne - Shepard Private Cemetery Find a Grave online

Inman-Griffin Cemetery Find a Grave online

Iona Indian Burial Ground Find a Grave online

James Gaddy Cemetery Find a Grave online

James Mack Locklear Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

James W. Bullock Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jenkins Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jesse Lee Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jesse Lee Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Lamb Cemetery Find a Grave online

Leggett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Marantha Garden Cemetery Find a Grave online

McDonald Church of God Cemetery Find a Grave online

Meredith Bullock Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Mill Branch Church Cemetery East Find a Grave online

Mill Branch Church Cemetery-West Find a Grave online

Miller Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Morgan Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mount Zion Freewill Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

New Bethel Holiness Methodist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pages Chapel Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Piney Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pleasant View Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Prevatt - Spivey Cemetery Find a Grave online

Prevatte Cemetery Find a Grave online

Proctorville Cemetery Billion Graves online

Reedy Branch Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rose Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rowell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sealey Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sealey Cemetery Billion Graves online

Spivey-Leath Cemetery Find a Grave online

Thomas and Rhodie Walters's Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Turner-Bass Private Cemetery Find a Grave online

Watson Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Worley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fairmont Histories and Genealogies

Fairmont Lodge, no. 528 A. F. and A. M., Fairmont, North Carolina : a brief history of Fairmont Lodge no. 528 A. F. & A. M, from May 1, 1903 to June 1, 1987 FamilySearch Library

The town of Fairmont : Old Time Farmers' Festival, August 8, 1987 ; sponsored in conjuction [sic] with the Robeson County Bi-Centennial Celebration FamilySearch Library

Fairmont Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Fairmont, Robeson County, North Carolina, 1918 Library of Congress online

Fairmont Newspapers and Obituaries

Fairmont Bugle 07/10/2014 to 08/26/2017 Genealogy Bank online

Fairmont Messenger 1941-1941 Newspapers.com online

Fairmont Times 1983-1983 Newspapers.com online

Times Messenger 1941-1941 Newspapers.com online

Fairmont School Records

Fairmont High School yearbook, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1996, 1997 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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