Harkers Island Genealogy (in Carteret County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Carteret County (604) > Harkers Island (19)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Harkers Island are also found through the Carteret County and North Carolina pages.

Harkers Island Cemetery Records

Angeline Willis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Armecia Lewis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cemetery records of Harkers Island, Carteret County, North Carolina FamilySearch Library

Fulford Willis Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gaskill Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Guthrie Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

John Willis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nelson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Harker Cemetery on the Point Find a Grave online

Old Red Hill Cemetery Billion Graves online

Piner Gillikin Cemetery Find a Grave online

Polly Ann Davis Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Red Hill Find a Grave online

Tom Salter Cemetery Find a Grave online

Vergie Mae Cemetery Find a Grave online

Yeomans Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harkers Island Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Harkers Island, North Carolina LDS Genealogy online

Harkers Island Church Records

Record of members, [1899]-1941 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Harker's Island Branch (North Carolina)) FamilySearch Library

Strengthened by the storm : the coming of the Mormons to Harkers Island, North Carolina, 1897-1909 FamilySearch Library

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