Knotts Island Genealogy (in Currituck County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Currituck County (445) > Knotts Island (37)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Knotts Island are also found through the Currituck County and North Carolina pages.

Knotts Island Cemetery Records

Alonzo Ansell Heir Property Find a Grave online

Alonzo Ansell heirs property Find a Grave online

Ansell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bonney & Litchfield cemetery Find a Grave online

Bonney cemetery #38 Find a Grave online

Brumley-Waterfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cemeteries of Knotts Island, North Carolina WorldCat

Claudia Capps Home Place Cemetery Find a Grave online

Claudia Capps Homeplace Cemetery Billion Graves online

Cooper Family Plots Find a Grave online

Cooper-Simpson Cemetery Billion Graves online

Cooper-Waterfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Donald Austin Yard Find a Grave online

Hazel Parker Cooper Find a Grave online

John N Moore Family Cemetery Billion Graves online

Jones Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jones cemetery # 41 Find a Grave online

Knotts Island Cemetery Find a Grave online

Knotts Island Cemetery Billion Graves online

Knotts Island Methodist Churchyard Find a Grave online

Knotts Island United Methodist Church Billion Graves online

Litchfield/Waterfield Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Cooper Cemetery Find a Grave online

Phoebe Waterfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sally Waterfield Property Find a Grave online

Simpson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Smith Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waterfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waterfield-Ballance Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waterfield-Beasley cemetery Find a Grave online

Waterfield-Ferrell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waterfield-Perkins cemetery Find a Grave online

White Cemetery Find a Grave online

White cemetery, Old knight Pt rd Find a Grave online

Whitehurst Cemetery(Knotts Island) Find a Grave online

Wicker Cemetery Find a Grave online

Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

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