Lucama Genealogy (in Wilson County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Wilson County (698) > Lucama (45)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Lucama are also found through the Wilson County and North Carolina pages.

Lucama Cemetery Records

Albert Lamm Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bailey Cemetery Find a Grave online

Barnes Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Barnes Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bass/Lamm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Becky Pate Cemetery Find a Grave online

Calvin B. Capps Cemetery Find a Grave online

Crumpler Cemetery (Crossroads Twp.) Find a Grave online

Davis Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fate-Watson Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

H.W. Pittman Cemetery (Spring Hill Twp.) Find a Grave online

Hawley Cemetery ( Cross Roads Twp. ) Find a Grave online

Henry Keen Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hinnant Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hinnant-Murray Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Howell Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

J. R. Watson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lamm, (J.T.) Cemetery (Cross Roads Twp.) Find a Grave online

Lamm-Moore Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lucama Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lucas Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mary Grove Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Matthews Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mercer Cemetery Find a Grave online

Newsome Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nordan-Evans Cemetery Find a Grave online

Perry Ferrell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Raper Cemetery Find a Grave online

Renfrow Cemetery Find a Grave online

Reuben Watson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Spring Hill Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stephen Lamm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stephen W. Barnes Find a Grave online

Talton Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Thomas Bass Cemetery Find a Grave online

Tomlinson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Tomlinson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Upper Black Creek Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Vick Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waddell Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Walter Rowe Cemetery Find a Grave online

Watson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lucama School Records

Lucama High School - What Knot Yearbook (Lucama, NC), 1948, 1954 E Yearbook online

Lucama High School yearbook, 1948, 1954 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Lucama High School, What Knot [1948] Digital NC online

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