Pinetops Genealogy (in Edgecombe County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Edgecombe County (872) > Pinetops (50)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Pinetops are also found through the Edgecombe County and North Carolina pages.

Cemetery Records Church Records Histories and Genealogies School Records

Pinetops Cemetery Records

Albert Thomas Varnell Family Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Albert Varnell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Atkinson-Walston-Phillips Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bullock Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bullock/Calhoun Cemetery Find a Grave online

Carver Park Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dancy Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Drake Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dunn Family Find a Grave online

Dupree Farm Find a Grave online

Forbes Reason Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gardner-Moore Find a Grave online

Gardner-Webb Cemetery Find a Grave online

Griffin Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harris-Spain Find a Grave online

Hines/Bulluck Find a Grave online

John Lancaster Cemetery Find a Grave online

Joseph Baker Jackson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Joshua Taylor Cemetery Find a Grave online

Little Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mercer Farm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mosley-Cummings Find a Grave online

Old Sparta Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Phillips Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pinetops Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Pineview Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pineview Cemetery Billion Graves online

Pollard Cemetery Find a Grave online

Tolson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Vines Cemetery Find a Grave online

Webb Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wiggins Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wiggins Family Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

Williams Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Pinetops Church Records

Lower Town Primitive Baptist Church (Pinetops, N.C.) records (microform) 1938-1975 Archive Grid

Lower Town Primitive Baptist Church (Pinetops, N.C.) records, 1938-1975 Digital Public Library of America online

Pinetops Baptist Church (Pinetops, N.C.) records (microform) 1921-1974 Archive Grid

Pinetops Baptist Church (Pinetops, N.C.) records, 1921-1974 Digital Public Library of America online

Pinetops Histories and Genealogies

From pine tops to Pinetops : the first one hundred years FamilySearch Library

Pinetops School Records

Filter By Year:

Carver High School - Eagle Yearbook (Pinetops, NC), 1964 E Yearbook online

Carver High School yearbook, 1964 Classmates online

Carver High School yearbook, 1964 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Carver High School yearbook, 1964 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

G.W. Carver High School (Pinetops, N.C.), The Eagle [1964] Digital NC online

South Edgecombe High School - Maccripine Yearbook (Pinetops, NC), 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1968, 1969, 1970 E Yearbook online

South Edgecombe High School yearbook, 1953, 1954, 1955 Classmates online

South Edgecombe High School yearbook, 1953, 1954, 1955 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

South Edgecombe High School yearbook, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

South Edgecombe High School, The Maccripine [1954-1959, 1968-1970] Digital NC online

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