USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Yancey County (979) > Ramseytown (27)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Ramseytown are also found through the Yancey County and North Carolina pages.
Band Mill Cemetery Find a Grave
Band Mill Cemetery US Gen Web Archives
Bennett Cemetery Find a Grave
Bennett Cemetery Find a Grave
Bennett-Barnett Cemetery US Gen Web Archives
Byrd Cemetery Find a Grave
Cooper Ledford Cemetery Find a Grave
Cox-Hensley Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Elbert Peterson Cemetery Find a Grave
Hannum-Byrd Cemetery US Gen Web Archives
Johnson Cemetery - Piney Hill Rd US Gen Web Archives
Ledford Cemetery Find a Grave
McCurry Hensley Tipton Cemetery Find a Grave
Miller Hill Cemetery Find a Grave
Perry Adkins Cemetery Find a Grave
Phillips Hampton Cemetery Find a Grave
Robert W. Higgins Cemetery Find a Grave
Robert W. Higgins Cemetery US Gen Web Archives
Whitson Cemetery Find a Grave
Whitson Cemetery Find a Grave
Whitson Cemetery Find a Grave
Whitson Cemetery - Bent Creek Rd US Gen Web Archives
Whitson Cemetery - Will Higgins Road US Gen Web Archives
Wilson Adkins Cemetery Find a Grave
Wilson Adkins Family Cemetery US Gen Web Archives
Federal Census of 1940, Ramseytown, North Carolina LDS Genealogy
Ramseytown Deaths, 1913-1924 US Gen Web Archives
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