South Mills Genealogy (in Camden County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Camden County (312) > South Mills (36)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to South Mills are also found through the Camden County and North Carolina pages.

South Mills Cemetery Records

Albertson Family plot near South Mills Find a Grave online

Cedar Branch Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cemetery records, South Mills, Camden County, North Carolina FamilySearch Library

Creekmoore Cemetery Find a Grave online

Etheridge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ferebee Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gregory Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Griffin Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hall Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hodges Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jones Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lemuel Sawyer Cemetery Find a Grave online

McCoy Cemetery Find a Grave online

McPherson & Jackson Cemetery Find a Grave online

McPherson Cemetery Find a Grave online

McPherson-Ferebee Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nash Family Cemetery (Lum Sawyer) Billion Graves online

New Burial Ground Find a Grave online

Pearce & Old Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pearce & Tatem Cemetery Find a Grave online

Powell Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pritchard Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sawyer Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sharon Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Smithson and McPherson Cemetery Find a Grave online

South Mills Cemetery Find a Grave online

South Mills Cemetery Cemetery Census online

Spence Cemetery Find a Grave online

Taylor Cemetery #2 Find a Grave online

W. S. Jones Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Whitehurst Cemetery Find a Grave online

Whitehurst Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

Zebedee Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

South Mills Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, South Mills, North Carolina LDS Genealogy online

South Mills Military Records

South Mills, a nearly forgotten battle (Witt, J. V.) FamilySearch Library

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