1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ashland in Saunders County, Saunders, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Saunders County > 1940 Census of Ashland in Saunders County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdairDarwin Wborn about 1883
AdairGertrude Bborn about 1886
AdcockEarl Lborn about 1900
AdcockMay Jborn about 1903
AlconDella born about 1868
AlleyHarold born about 1919
AlleyLarry Wayneborn about 1939
AlleyRuth born about 1921
AlmyArdis born about 1898
AmesBertha Dborn about 1891
AmesJames Lborn about 1933
AmesWesley Jborn about 1930
AndersonAlbert born about 1898
AndersonBelle Mborn about 1909
AndersonDorothy Lborn about 1925
AndersonEdgar Jborn about 1895
AndersonGrace Jborn about 1885
AndersonHarry born about 1908
AndersonHattie born about 1870
AndersonHilda born about 1872
AndersonHoward Fborn about 1886
AndersonJack Jborn about 1931
AndersonKatherine born about 1917
AndersonKellup Eborn about 1898
AndersonMartha Lborn about 1897
AndersonOscar Rborn about 1903
AndersonRobert Pborn about 1920
ArmstrongEthyl Mborn about 1898
ArmstrongMax Cborn about 1925
ArnoldDoris Gborn about 1924
ArnoldOrrin Bborn about 1896
ArnoldPearl Eborn about 1900
ArnoldRobert born about 1923
ArnoldRodger Dborn about 1939
ArnoldWilliam Gborn about 1927
AtwoodBarbara Jborn about 1935
AtwoodClaire born about 1883
AtwoodConstance Jborn about 1938
AtwoodDorothy Jborn about 1939
AtwoodGeorge Hborn about 1922
AtwoodHerbert Cborn about 1912
AtwoodJosephine born about 1886
AtwoodKatherine Jborn about 1936
AtwoodMargot Kborn about 1915
AtwoodRobert Rborn about 1924
AugheAnna Eborn about 1900
AugheFred Oborn about 1878
AxtellAdney Eborn about 1904
AxtellEvelyn Jborn about 1904
AxtellJane Mborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BaileyDavid Sborn about 1902
BaileyEmma Jborn about 1879
BaileyEvelyn Jborn about 1923
BaileyLouis Rborn about 1883
BaileyMartha Jborn about 1881
BaileyMattie Lborn about 1887
BaileySamuel born about 1878
BaileyWilliam Pborn about 1879
BalderBenjamin Fborn about 1885
BalderElvera Mborn about 1884
BallCarole Sborn about 1940
BallFrancis Mborn about 1916
BallHariett Aborn about 1939
BallHarold Eborn about 1917
BallLawrence Dborn about 1907
BallMarlene Jborn about
BallMary Pborn about 1866
BallMaude Mborn about 1890
BallRonald Jborn about 1937
BallWilda Mborn about 1928
BallonEdward Lborn about 1916
BallonLon born about 1886
BallonOtis Mborn about 1885
BallouJessie Hborn about 1858
BargerDonald Rborn about 1916
BargerDonna Rayborn about 1925
BargerDorothy Jborn about 1914
BargerFern Lborn about 1920
BargerJohn Aborn about 1880
BargerLeah Rborn about 1882
BargerLily Lborn about 1886
BargerLucille Jborn about 1922
BargerMaxine Mborn about 1930
BargerVernon Pborn about 1919
BargerWilliam Jborn about 1928
BargerWilliam Lborn about 1876
BarnesCharles Eborn about 1904
BarnesChristin Oborn about 1940
BarnesCora Aborn about 1881
BarnesErnest Cborn about 1901
BarnesEvelyn Rborn about 1908
BarnesIda Cborn about 1900
BarnesKenneth Mborn about 1905
BarnesMax Oborn about 1931
BarnesRobert Lborn about 1929
BarnesRuby Bborn about 1904
BarnesRuth Eborn about 1935
BartaErma Bborn about 1893
BartaMarion Eborn about 1929
BartaRobert Lborn about 1919
BartaRudolph Hborn about 1892
BartaRudolph Jborn about 1923
BassByron Hborn about 1895
BassCharles Eborn about 1929
BassMary Aborn about 1897
BassMary Jborn about 1925
BatesGerold Rborn about 1926
BatesGladys Gborn about 1906
BatesShirley Nborn about 1933
BatesTim Hborn about 1902
BatesTim Jborn about 1927
BauersWilliam Fborn about 1863
BeckerEllery Wborn about 1877
BeckerNaomi Cborn about 1892
BeckerRobert Cborn about 1916
BennettMiranda Mborn about 1885
BennettT Porterborn about 1879
BentzingerElmer Cborn about 1914
BentzingerJeannette Mborn about 1939
BentzingerUral Lborn about 1917
BergerJw born about 1876
BergerZ Doraborn about 1894
BertisonAlice Eborn about 1880
BertisonMargaet Elaineborn about 1926
BertisonWm born about 1882
BettisonHarry Cborn about 1884
BillespieA Sborn about 1902
BillespieLeota born about 1898
BillespieRalph born about 1924
BillingsDibeell Wborn about 1897
BillingsGeorge Wborn about 1859
BillingsLassie Oborn about 1909
BillingsRomana born about 1936
BillingsRose Mborn about 1939
BirdsallBetty Bborn about 1926
BirdsallFlorence Eborn about 1905
BirdsallGene Wborn about 1930
BirdsallWilbur born about 1905
BishopAnne Mborn about 1885
BishopEdward Dborn about 1927
BishopErvel Hborn about 1913
BishopHarley Aborn about 1920
BishopHarley Hborn about 1883
BlackmanDoris born about 1920
BlackmanHelen born about 1916
BlackmanMaxene born about 1918
BlackmanNattie born about 1895
BlackmanW Cborn about 1891
BlairMable Aborn about 1879
BlissJessie Bborn about 1857
BoeselAugust Fborn about 1905
BoeselDonna Mborn about 1907
BoeselJoris Dborn about 1928
BolingJames Jborn about 1920
BolingJames Lborn about 1877
BolingJames Jr born about 1919
BolingRobert born about 1924
BollingDonald Gborn about 1933
BollingMerle Eborn about 1915
BollingMildred Fborn about 1911
BollingNelson Mborn about 1910
BollingRose Lborn about 1920
BombergerHelen born about 1913
BontzFred Wborn about 1878
BontzIda Mborn about 1876
BooherHarold Mborn about 1920
BooherWarren born about 1923
BooherWinnifred born about 1890
BoringAnna Pborn about 1904
BoringCarl Hborn about 1895
BoringGayle Lborn about 1935
BoringGlendora Mborn about 1926
BoringMarvin Cborn about 1924
BoringRobert Lborn about 1931
BoringSherman born about 1867
BoringWilliam Rborn about 1933
BowerEthel born about 1934
BowerEverett Gborn about 1920
BowerIna Ileneborn about 1930
BowerMary Lonborn about 1929
BowerMinnie Fborn about 1874
BowerRay Eborn about 1895
BowerRea Dborn about 1932
BowerViolet Mborn about 1896
BowersHoward born about 1915
BowersMarie born about 1893
BredahlAlice born about 1919
BreedonLeota Eborn about 1890
BreedonSamuel Cborn about 1868
BriningerEdna born about 1916
BriningerFrank Eborn about 1908
BriningerJean born about 1936
BriningerSharon born about 1939
BrodskyIda Bborn about 1870
BrokageDonna Lborn about 1932
BrokageDorothy Jborn about 1934
BrokageDorothy Kborn about 1911
BrokageEvelyn Dborn about 1931
BrokageWalter Fborn about 1908
BrothersGertrude born about 1886
BrothersWm born about 1884
BrownPearl Sborn about 1875
BryantChilton born about 1919
BryantIva Mborn about 1890
BryantJames Fborn about 1938
BryantJesse Cborn about 1883
BryantLoraine born about 1922
BryantWilliam Cborn about 1921
BuchananElda Mborn about 1919
BuchananLouis Rborn about 1910
BuckCatherine Dborn about 1932
BuckDona Ethel Mborn about 1893
BuckDonald Eborn about 1913
BuckElmer Eborn about 1890
BuckElmer Jborn about 1921
BuckHarold Gborn about 1918
BuckLuella Mborn about 1928
BuckMax Rborn about 1926
BuckinghamHarriet Lborn about 1923
BuckmasterClarence born about 1868
BullockMottier Cborn about 1877
BullockMyrtle Dborn about 1878
BumgardnerArchie Jborn about 1913
BumgardnerDessie Jborn about 1909
BurnhamCarol born about 1918
BurrBessie Lborn about 1891
BurrLillie Hborn about 1930
BurrMargarite Eborn about 1920
BurrMax Dborn about 1918
BurrOr born about 1885
BurrSharon Louborn about 1940
BurrThomas Wborn about 1922
BuscheClarence Pborn about 1895
BuscheElizabeth Aborn about 1926
BuscheIda Kborn about 1899
BushellJinnie born about 1877
BuskirkElizabeth born about 1873
BuskirkGene Dborn about 1935
BuskirkIona Zborn about 1911
BuskirkJames born about 1873
BuskirkJames Lborn about 1908
BuskirkJo Anne Cborn about 1938
BuskirkLarry Lborn about 1934
BuskirkMable Eborn about 1917
BuskirkPatricia Mborn about 1934
BuskirkWalter Cborn about 1907
BusterA Hborn about 1880
BusterNellie born about 1884
BusterStella born about 1910
ButlerCaroline Aborn about 1874
ButlerDwight Wborn about 1897
ButlerFreda Vborn about 1900
ButlerJohn Wborn about 1887
ButlerLa Vone E born about 1925
ButlerMax Eborn about 1921
ButlerRay Wborn about 1927
ButlerWillis Mborn about 1870

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C Surnames

CampbellArdelle Lborn about 1923
CampbellBlanche Jborn about 1917
CampbellCarleton born about 1939
CampbellDoris Mborn about 1936
CampbellEdwin born about 1883
CampbellEugene born about 1920
CampbellGlen Rborn about 1911
CampbellGlendora Mborn about 1935
CampbellGloria Jborn about 1938
CampbellGoldie Fborn about 1912
CampbellHarold Wborn about 1909
CampbellHershel born about 1921
CampbellIrene Lborn about 1920
CampbellJuanita born about 1928
CampbellLoretta Mborn about 1925
CampbellLula Aborn about 1915
CampbellPatrica Lborn about 1940
CampbellRaymond Eborn about 1907
CampbellRaymond Eborn about 1937
CampbellePauline Rborn about 1939
CarletonBertha Mborn about 1891
CarletonRon born about 1872
CarlsonAnna Marieborn about 1872
CarlsonGarry Lborn about 1938
CarlsonHarold born about 1913
CarlsonLillian Mborn about 1917
CarlsonPhillip Jborn about 1916
CarrElmer Eborn about 1876
CaseEmma born about 1857
ChamberlainDoris Aborn about 1927
ChamberlainEarl born about 1883
ChamberlainLeona Aborn about 1883
ChambersLulu Mborn about 1875
ChambersMirna Bborn about 1905
ChambersRussell Wborn about 1902
ChapmanClaude Cborn about 1872
ChapmanKatheryn Aborn about 1878
ChrischillesBeulah born about 1900
ChrischillesEdmund Rborn about 1897
ChurchillAnna Lborn about 1885
ChurchillGladys Cborn about 1902
ChurchillMarie Cborn about 1883
ChurchillRoy Eborn about 1900
ChurchillRoy Eborn about 1926
ChurchillSarah Eborn about 1853
ClarkBennett Hborn about 1924
ClarkBetty Lonborn about 1931
ClarkDeborah Bborn about 1870
ClarkEugene Eborn about 1894
ClarkEula Mborn about 1910
ClarkGlen Lborn about 1905
ClarkMable Mborn about 1908
ClarkMarie Mborn about 1897
ClarkMarilyn Dborn about 1930
ClarkWilliam Gborn about 1936
ClarkWilliam Oborn about 1909
ClineAlbert Bborn about 1871
ClineDanel Oborn about 1907
ClineDorothy Mborn about 1917
ClineMarvin Lborn about 1935
ClineSosan Jborn about 1875
ClouseMarie born about 1868
ClouseWalter Jborn about 1876
CochranHarold born about 1913
CochranJames Aborn about 1939
CochranJames Rborn about 1935
CochranJerry Eborn about 1937
CochranRachel Dborn about 1912
CoffinCharles Bborn about 1932
CoffinDonald Rborn about 1937
CoffinElizabeth Sborn about 1902
CoffinEugene Eborn about 1921
CoffinGlen Eborn about 1922
CoffinMary Eborn about 1926
CoffinMinnie Eborn about 1870
CoffinRobert Bborn about 1892
CoffinTheodore Hborn about 1930
CoffinWilliam Eborn about 1934
ColemanElmer Cborn about 1890
ColemanIvan born about 1924
ColemanMattie born about 1894
ConklinClara Vborn about 1935
ConklinDella Aborn about 1904
ConklinEdward Eborn about 1937
ConklinElmer Mborn about 1934
ConklinHenry born about 1896
ConklinJennie Mborn about 1937
ConklinRobert Jborn about 1938
ConklinViolet born about 1914
ConleeIleen born about 1918
CookCelia Mborn about 1889
CookMary born about 1867
CookRichard born about 1887
CookWilliam born about 1921
CopeHomer born about 1891
CoppinEugene born about 1921
CoreMary Eborn about 1851
CoyierThomas born about 1880
CraigCaroline Jborn about 1928
CraigDavid Cborn about 1860
CraigElmer Oborn about 1887
CraigMary Sborn about 1861
CraigMinnie Aborn about 1891
CummerHarriet Aborn about 1918
CummerSusie Bborn about 1891

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D Surnames

DaileyMary Aborn about 1880
DaileyThomas born about 1869
DaleClarence Mborn about 1893
DaleMartha born about 1898
DaminEzra born about 1915
DantineAmelia Sborn about 1875
DarstDonald Lborn about 1927
DarstGuilford Fborn about 1922
DarstGuilford Rborn about 1898
DarstRobert Eborn about 1925
DarstRuth Lborn about 1902
DavenportJames born about 1896
DawsonMax born about 1925
DeanAda Mborn about 1888
DeanEsther Lborn about 1918
DeanMargaret Eborn about 1921
DeanRalph Sborn about 1884
DeanRoy born about 1878
DeckFrank Eborn about 1873
DeckPearl born about 1876
DeckerAlice born about 1861
DeckerHarry born about 1914
DeletteCloyd Jborn about 1919
DeletteWilma Bborn about 1921
DeloskeMargaret Sborn about 1920
Detsauer Benjamin Aborn about 1902
DetsauerHattie Mborn about 1903
DetsauerLouis Rborn about 1896
DetsauerMollie Lborn about 1939
DickoverHazel Fborn about 1894
DickoverRoy born about 1892
DimmittAlice Nborn about 1909
DimmittJames Mborn about 1900
DimmittLeroy Aborn about 1929
DimmittLloyd Jborn about 1931
DimmittMarion Jborn about 1906
DimmittMerna Jborn about 1936
DimmittTheodore Eborn about 1932
DimmittVera Mborn about 1898
DoddsArdelle Mborn about 1922
DoddsJames Mborn about 1864
DoddsMyrtle Cborn about 1882
DoggettMaude Nborn about 1882
DoomMary Jborn about 1854
DrobeckAnna Aborn about 1893
DrobeckPrimus born about 1880
DuesAddie Bborn about 1870
DyerArthur Cborn about 1892
DyerZepha Eborn about 1892

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E Surnames

EasthamGerald Mborn about 1919
EasthamGrace Mborn about 1886
EasthamGrant Mborn about 1923
EasthamMaxine born about 1924
EastwoodPaula born about 1911
EatonBernard Pborn about 1936
EatonLeroy Fborn about 1930
EatonLillian Eborn about 1904
EatonPaul born about 1901
EatonPauline Rborn about 1925
EdgarGrace born about 1886
EdgarPark Lborn about 1888
EdstromCarblene Mborn about 1929
EdstromCollene Jborn about 1929
EdstromCora Sborn about 1910
EdstromLa Vaughn R born about 1934
EdstromVerna Fborn about 1930
EdwardsElsie Mborn about 1895
EdwardsErnest Oborn about 1920
EdwardsLoyd Jborn about 1922
EdwardsMarilyn Jborn about 1931
EhrenhardDorothea Aborn about 1909
EhrenhardErwen Cborn about 1884
EhrenhardEsther Mborn about 1887
EnglishGerald Aborn about 1927
EnglishRavern Zborn about 1896
EnglishSarah Eborn about 1915
EnglishVirginia Rborn about 1925
EppersonClara Eborn about 1888
EppersonEarla born about 1888
ErdeltDonna Jborn about 1935
ErdeltFrances Rborn about 1936
ErdeltNorma Lborn about 1939
ErdeltRobert Fborn about 1908
ErdeltSylvia Aborn about 1911
EricksonRuth born about 1919
EvansJames Wborn about 1907
EvansJennie Aborn about 1863
EvansLafe born about 1859
EvansLilla Lborn about 1904
EvansRaymond born about 1901
EwingFay Lborn about 1914
EwingHarold Lborn about 1933
EwingJames Dborn about 1935
EwingValgene born about 1931
EwingVernon Dborn about 1913

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F Surnames

FalkeHenry born about 1882
FalkeHerbert born about 1917
FalkeLe Royborn about 1928
FalkeMeta Cborn about 1899
FawlerCorliss Aborn about 1921
FawlerEzra Dborn about 1882
FawlerMary Hborn about 1877
FawlerThekla born about 1887
FawlerWilliam Aborn about 1860
FerrierIrene Mborn about 1878
FerrierJames Fborn about 1863
FischerCarl Hborn about 1912
FischerJeanine born about 1937
FischerJudith born about 1939
FischerRuth Rborn about 1912
FletcherBenjmin Nborn about 1880
FletcherJessie Mborn about 1882
FoleyMary born about 1876
FoleyThomas Fborn about 1874
FolsomCarl Wborn about 1913
FolsomCharlie Hborn about 1871
FolsomClara Hborn about 1874
FolsomClarence born about 1910
FolsomDonna Rborn about 1933
FolsomGary Eborn about 1939
FolsomGloria Lborn about 1932
FolsomGuy Oborn about 1877
FolsomHarlow born about 1898
FolsomJoann Rborn about 1934
FolsomKenneth Eborn about 1933
FolsomLula Mborn about 1911
FolsomMildred Gborn about 1901
FolsomMyrtle Sborn about 1914
FolsomNellie Tborn about 1887
FolsomNora Dborn about 1883
FolsomPhilip Wborn about 1876
FolsomRonnie Gborn about 1937
FolsomSandra Kborn about 1938
FosterLee born about 1913
FoxEarl Wborn about 1915
FoxEthel Mborn about 1879
FrankDaisy Eborn about 1884
FrewinJack Lborn about 1936
FrewinJames Lborn about 1898
FrewinMary Aborn about 1902
FrickeEdwin Aborn about 1890
FrickeFrances Gborn about 1934
FrickeLouise Wborn about 1897
FrickeRobert Hborn about 1932
FritchBessie Bborn about 1920
FritchEdith Rborn about 1890
FritchFrank Rborn about 1892
FritchJames born about 1876
FritchLois Aborn about 1938
FritchOscar Gborn about 1886
FritchPeggie Lborn about 1925
FritchThelma Gborn about 1914

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G Surnames

GadeCharles Cborn about 1905
GadeDolores Mborn about 1931
GadeEleanor Eborn about 1915
GadeGeorge Jborn about 1912
GadeGeorge Jborn about 1932
GadeLeda Mborn about 1905
GadeRobert Rborn about 1937
GalichDorothy Mborn about 1914
GalichJack Lborn about 1935
GaudreaultEli born about 1893
GaudreaultErma born about 1897
GaudreaultGloria born about 1931
GaudreaultHyacinth born about 1920
GerdesAlie born about 1904
GermanDeuton Cborn about 1886
GermanViola Lborn about 1890
GetzschmanHarvey Lborn about 1906
GetzschmanSina Sborn about 1916
GibsonArthur Wborn about 1876
GilbertBeulah Eborn about 1915
GilbertCarol Mborn about 1935
GilbertDonald Mborn about 1908
GilbertEdwin Sborn about 1904
GilbertErvin Cborn about 1914
GilbertLona Mborn about 1877
GilbertMargie Aborn about 1886
GilbertMarlene Aborn about 1939
GilbertRichard Aborn about 1913
GilbertRuth Vborn about 1919
GilbertWilliam Rborn about 1856
GilesCharles Eborn about 1897
GilmoreErnestine born about 1911
GilmoreFrancis Lborn about 1923
GilmoreJean Lborn about 1918
GilmoreLenora Vborn about 1921
GilmoreMaude Lborn about 1884
GilmorePatrica Cborn about 1926
GishMargaret born about 1871
GishZachariah born about 1869
GlynnRichard Pborn about 1926
GodfreyClayton Eborn about 1905
GodfreyJoan Lborn about 1939
GodfreySophia Jborn about 1914
GoffClifton Mborn about 1911
GoffDelores Lborn about 1933
GoffElmer born about 1916
GoffFrancis Eborn about 1888
GoffKenneth Mborn about 1932
GoffLeonard born about 1921
GoffMary Kborn about 1914
GoldsmithCharley Gborn about 1871
GoodfellowClara Eborn about 1890
GoodfellowHulda Lborn about 1924
GoodfellowJames Jborn about 1927
GordonEmma born about 1867
GordonLila Lborn about 1913
GordonWilliam Lborn about 1914
GrahamJessie Loisborn about 1890
GrahamKate born about 1873
GrahamRobert Bborn about 1885
GraingerJohn Hborn about 1861
GraingerMary Aborn about 1865
GraingerNeale Fborn about 1889
GrandstromJack Oborn about 1922
GravesBetty born about 1927
GravesDeva born about 1902
GravesEmma Jborn about 1887
GravesGenelle born about 1929
GravesHod born about 1876
GravesJeanette born about 1916
GravesNancy born about 1889
GravesWallace Wborn about 1874
GrayCora Eborn about 1878
GrebeLewellen Dborn about 1872
GrebeVeda Mborn about 1877
GreenCharles born about 1869
GreenGrace Mborn about 1916
GrunslitBart Aborn about 1882
GrunslitEthel Kborn about 1888
GustafsonEdward Cborn about 1892
GustafsonEsther Aborn about 1901
GustafsonRuth Mborn about 1929

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H Surnames

HackneyAddie born about 1880
HackneyCurtis Pborn about 1876
HackneyRuth Eborn about 1901
HagemanEdna born about 1898
HallArmild Jborn about 1918
HallBuelah born about 1901
HallDeward Gborn about 1912
HallDoris Cborn about 1925
HallElmer born about 1897
HallErsel Lborn about 1923
HallEunice Lborn about 1927
HallGarsney Bborn about 1869
HallLeon Eborn about 1931
HallMable Lborn about 1890
HallMattie Oborn about 1882
HallMaude Aborn about 1890
HallOmer born about 1887
HallOscar Sborn about 1856
HallRichard born about 1924
HamesEdward Fborn about 1863
HammondAnna Jborn about 1897
HammondThomas born about 1886
HankinsCarry born about 1863
HankinsFerne Fborn about 1900
HankinsJ Wborn about 1880
HankinsMinnie Dborn about 1878
HankinsRoy Eborn about 1922
HanschelHelen Lborn about 1919
HanschelIrvin Rborn about 1918
HanschelKenneth Rborn about 1939
HanschelLois Aborn about 1940
HarmonGeorge Wborn about 1868
HarmonJennie Mborn about 1877
HarmonLewis Aborn about 1875
HarmonSadie Eborn about 1879
HarnsbergerCarl Wborn about 1920
HarnsbergerDorothy born about 1930
HarnsbergerErnest born about 1895
HarnsbergerLillian born about 1897
HarnsbergerMary Rborn about 1903
HarnsbergerRichard Sborn about 1922
HarnsbergerWilliam born about 1928
HarresRosa born about 1871
HarrisElmer born about 1867
HarrisMarie born about 1902
HarrisOrval Fborn about 1865
HarrisRalph born about 1908
HastingsBinna Aborn about 1872
HaswellAlbert Lborn about 1891
HaswellClara Cborn about 1899
HaswellEthel Mborn about 1892
HaswellFloyd Eborn about 1902
HaswellHarlee Dborn about 1917
HaswellHarold Gborn about 1929
HaswellIla Mborn about 1922
HaswellRichard Dborn about 1933
HatfieldLily Mborn about 1865
HauschildClara Aborn about 1885
HauschildMargaret Eborn about 1926
HauschildRaymond born about 1922
HauschildWilliam Hborn about 1891
HayesLeo Gborn about 1887
HayesLeona Hborn about 1891
HayesRuth Lborn about 1922
HeastonCharlotte Mborn about 1895
HeastonGeorge Eborn about 1891
HelzerEdward Jborn about 1899
HelzerEdward Jborn about 1923
HelzerGrace Mborn about 1906
HelzerLester Fborn about 1925
HendrixCharles Aborn about 1910
HendrixDan Lborn about 1886
HendrixDaniel Lborn about 1924
HendrixDoris Jborn about 1932
HendrixElmo Wborn about 1927
HendrixElsie Gailborn about 1936
HendrixEmmagail born about 1926
HendrixErnest Wborn about 1892
HendrixErwin Gborn about 1915
HendrixJosephine Aborn about 1922
HendrixKenneth Bborn about 1938
HendrixMyra born about 1868
HendrixNaoma Jborn about 1898
HendrixNorman Wborn about 1923
HendrixVirginia born about 1926
HenryFlora Mborn about 1874
HenryFrank Mborn about 1872
HenryHerman Cborn about 1911
HenryHoward Hborn about 1905
HenryLillian Mborn about 1885
HenryLillie born about 1881
HepworthFern Bborn about 1899
HepworthLewellyn Gborn about 1903
HepworthRichard Cborn about 1931
HepworthRobert Eborn about 1928
HickelGertie Bborn about 1885
HickelSol Dborn about 1885
HighshoeEarl Rborn about 1890
HighshoeEmma Hborn about 1885
HighshoeErnest Cborn about 1887
HighshoeLena Mborn about 1895
HighshoePatsy Jborn about 1935
HighshoeRaymond Gborn about 1918
HighshoeRolph Lborn about 1924
HighshoeShirley Lborn about 1920
HinesPearl Mborn about 1894
HodgenEloise Vborn about 1903
HodgenWayne born about 1923
HoffmanClara Aborn about 1872
HoffmanEdward born about 1877
HoffmanGeorge Mborn about 1923
HoffmanGretchen Kborn about 1892
HoffmanHarvey born about 1892
HoffmanHester Aborn about 1871
HoffmanIda Jborn about 1920
HoffmanViola born about 1890
HolkaJohn Aborn about 1888
HolkaWilma Eborn about 1891
HollingerRose born about 1886
HollingerSamuel Gborn about 1878
HolmesAlice Eborn about 1898
HolmesAlice Mborn about 1921
HolmesAlvin Nborn about 1895
HolmesAlvin Nborn about 1924
HolsingerMinnie Aborn about 1878
HookFrederick Hborn about 1915
HookMary Eborn about 1923
HookRaymond Kborn about 1917
HookRosa Mborn about 1884
HookWalter Hborn about 1880
HookerAvis Juneborn about 1939
HookerBetty Jeanborn about 1933
HookerClifford born about 1914
HookerEd born about 1900
HookerGeorge born about 1896
HookerJoe born about 1881
HookerLeona born about 1912
HookerLulu Aborn about 1905
HookerMax born about 1899
HookerZeenn born about 1921
HowardMinnette born about 1875
HradskyFrank born about 1907
HurstClaude Eborn about 1935
HurstDaisy born about 1880
HurstEarle Rborn about 1901
HurstEugene born about 1869
HurstLula Nborn about 1909
HurstMarris born about 1913
HurstViolet Aborn about 1937

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I Surnames

IngrahamMaxine Mborn about 1920
IngrahamPhyllis Jborn about 1938
IngrahamSam Jborn about 1904

J Surnames

JacksonAaron Dborn about 1886
JacksonIva Tborn about 1917
JacksonLoyd Vborn about 1910
JacksonPatricia Lborn about 1933
JacksonShirley Mborn about 1935
JardeneRose born about 1874
JardineMatilda Bborn about 1879
JarmanArthur Fborn about 1900
JarmanLaura Eborn about 1875
JarmanMary Kborn about 1905
JarmanMary Lborn about 1928
JefferyW Sborn about 1865
JohnsonAlfred born about 1855
JohnsonAlvin Rborn about 1928
JohnsonCharlene Jborn about 1932
JohnsonCharles Eborn about 1891
JohnsonCharles Mborn about 1928
JohnsonClyde Vborn about 1885
JohnsonDoris Fborn about 1932
JohnsonEd Cborn about 1886
JohnsonElmer Aborn about 1904
JohnsonHarry Lborn about 1896
JohnsonInez born about 1894
JohnsonJoyce Aborn about 1939
JohnsonLelia born about 1907
JohnsonLewis Fborn about 1876
JohnsonMarjorie Jborn about 1910
JohnsonMelvin Eborn about 1910
JohnsonMerna Jborn about 1891
JohnsonNorma Jborn about 1935
JohnsonRuth Aborn about 1926
JohnsonRuth Eborn about 1911
JohnsonRuth Louiseborn about 1934
JohnsonSharon Lborn about 1935
JohnsonVelma Rborn about 1904
JohnstonLouise born about 1885
JonesAnn Mborn about 1929
JonesArnold Wborn about 1921
JonesDenice Eborn about 1927
JonesGrace Mborn about 1897
JonesGreta Eborn about 1895
JonesJames born about 1925
JonesJesse Wborn about 1892
JonesJesse Wborn about 1923
JonesMargaret Eborn about 1931
JonesRobert born about 1923
JuddsAmanda born about 1901
JuddsJames Mborn about 1936
JuddsLois Lborn about 1927
JuddsNorman Dborn about 1929
JuddsRaymond Eborn about 1928
JuddsRobert born about 1897
JuddsRobert Gborn about 1935
JuddsRoberta Mborn about 1920
JuddsWayne Aborn about 1932
JudyEsther Jborn about 1897
JudyJack Lborn about 1922
JudyMyers Lborn about 1894
JumperEdith Mborn about 1883
JumperEdward Mborn about 1883
JumperHarriette Eborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KammererBlanche Eborn about 1907
KammererCharles Jborn about 1914
KammererHenry born about 1872
KammererLois Oborn about 1916
KammererSonja Cborn about 1938
KammererTena born about 1871
KeedyEarl Wborn about 1889
KeedyHattie Jborn about 1893
KeetleAlice born about 1914
KeetleElizabeth Janeborn about 1935
KeetleJohn Hborn about 1872
KeetleMary Aborn about 1884
KeetleRollin Francisborn about 1938
KeetleZlenn born about 1900
KellyElmer Fborn about 1926
KellyJohn Jborn about 1923
KellyLoyd Jborn about 1928
KennedyArline Mborn about 1931
KennedyCharles Eborn about 1901
KennedyDoyle Eborn about 1927
KennedyHilda Mborn about 1904
KephartClifford Fborn about 1905
KephartOlma Lborn about 1879
KephartThelma Mborn about 1911
KephartWilliam Fborn about 1879
KettleChas Dborn about 1874
KiddleMargaret Mborn about 1884
KiesAlexander Hborn about 1905
KiesArlys Aborn about 1940
KiesJoan born about 1928
KiesLucille born about 1917
KiesMarilyn born about 1938
KingJohn Aborn about 1864
KingLaura Mborn about 1864
KingWilliam Aborn about 1868
KirkpatrickCharles Fborn about 1858
KittrellBetty Jborn about 1923
KittrellDouglas born about 1898
KittrellGerald Dborn about 1926
KittrellLoyd born about 1934
KittrellLyle Fborn about 1929
KittrellRuth Eborn about 1897
KnaupElsie born about 1918
KnutsonEdgar Hborn about 1908
KnutsonRudolph Aborn about 1899
KollOren born about 1911
KuhlEdward Mborn about 1883
KuhlHelen born about 1915
KuhlJosephine born about 1917
KuhlPearl Sborn about 1883
KuhlRella Mborn about 1925
KuhlRichard Cborn about 1926
KuhnAlma Jborn about 1932
KuhnEllen Lborn about 1929
KuhnFlorence Lborn about 1913
KuhnPerry born about 1911
KuhnPerry Lborn about 1930
KuserCora Aborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LancasterHarold Wborn about 1918
LancasterJarves Eborn about 1892
LancasterLaura Fborn about 1897
LancasterMarjorie Mborn about 1921
LandrithLottie Aborn about 1878
LaneCharley Hborn about 1903
LaneEsther Aborn about 1910
LarsonAlberta Mborn about 1908
LarsonChester Lborn about 1935
LarsonClifford Lborn about 1912
LarsonMax Rborn about 1940
LarsonMaxine Eborn about 1913
LarsonSwan Jborn about 1894
LashelleEdith Eborn about 1888
LashelleRobert Aborn about 1879
LauAlice Mborn about 1930
LauCharles Hborn about 1893
LauHarold Wborn about 1923
LauLeora Rborn about 1922
LauRaymond Hborn about 1925
LaughlinBarbara Cborn about 1907
LaughlinIliff Mborn about 1895
LaughlinJoseph Cborn about 1871
LaughlinLewis Lborn about 1889
LaughlinNancy Gborn about 1875
LaughlinOscar Cborn about 1900
LaughlinWayne Oborn about 1930
LauneAllyn Fborn about 1934
LauneCharlene Fborn about 1926
LauneCharles Bborn about 1898
LauneCharles Rborn about 1930
LauneDean born about 1936
LauneJoy Lborn about 1924
LauneMary Lborn about 1927
LauneMary Mborn about 1903
LaveyBernice Hborn about 1899
LeardBeulah Mborn about 1894
LeardRobert Dborn about 1890
LedwithCaroline Fborn about 1883
LemmarkOscar born about 1876
LemonHelen Eborn about 1871
LernesWilliam Aborn about 1908
LewisAlan born about 1933
LewisB Nborn about 1874
LewisBarbara born about 1929
LewisBetty Jborn about 1928
LewisCarl born about 1927
LewisClare Jborn about 1937
LewisErma Aborn about 1905
LewisGlen Eborn about 1900
LewisHattie born about 1876
LewisHenry born about 1905
LewisJacquilyn born about 1931
LewisMary Lborn about 1924
LewisOwen Cborn about 1926
LewisVerona Mborn about 1908
LienHelen Mborn about 1904
LienMillard Hborn about 1906
LindMargaret born about 1893
LindOscar born about 1893
LindfieldDelbert Lborn about 1877
LindfieldJanet born about 1854
LiseGarold Pborn about 1888
LiseMinnie born about 1870
LittleBennett Lborn about 1910
LittleClara Jborn about 1868
LittleJohn Sborn about 1867
LiversAdah Dborn about 1934
LiversDallas Sborn about 1910
LiversRomona Lborn about 1913
LiversValah Cborn about 1935
LivingstonBeverley Jborn about 1939
LivingstonCarol Mborn about 1932
LivingstonEarl born about 1902
LivingstonGladys Mborn about 1903
LivingstonNadyne born about 1929
LivingstonRonald Eborn about 1936
LivingstonSherley Aborn about 1927
LongErma Mborn about 1910
LongJames born about 1907
LoofeCora Dborn about 1884
LoofeG Williamborn about 1875
LoofeMarion Rborn about 1922
LucasEtta Mborn about 1870
LuttonClaude Dborn about 1884
LuttonDee born about 1916
LuttonJessie Bborn about 1890
LuttonKatherine Jborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MahargCharles Wborn about 1869
MallerAbraham Bborn about 1867
MannGeorge Eborn about 1883
MansfeldeSylvia Aborn about 1875
ManshfeldeAlice born about 1884
ManshfeldeDuty born about 1872
MarcusAlvin Mborn about 1924
MarcusEarl Eborn about 1933
MarcusIsrael Mborn about 1892
MarcusMorton Bborn about 1928
MarcusRose Jborn about 1894
MarcyClara Lborn about 1923
MarcyFlorence Hborn about 1890
MarcyHarry Kborn about 1929
MarcyHelene Mborn about 1924
MarcyJanice Aborn about 1926
MarcyJennie Mborn about 1868
MarcyKenneth Jborn about 1936
MarcyMarilyn Dborn about 1927
MarshallElla Mborn about 1872
MarshellHazel Mborn about 1921
MarshellOrvile Vborn about 1918
MarshellRester Eborn about 1887
MarshellRuth Eborn about 1933
MarshellSusie Jborn about 1902
MartinFloyd Lborn about 1901
MartinGeorge Eborn about 1858
MartinLady Eborn about 1907
MartinLula Mborn about 1903
MartinMary Aborn about 1924
MartinNancy Sborn about 1858
MartinPauline Rborn about 1909
MasonGeorge Fborn about 1891
MasonLaura Fborn about 1862
MasonMargaret Fborn about 1918
MasonReta born about 1896
MasonRobert Aborn about 1896
MasonWilliam Fborn about 1919
MatthewsLula Bborn about 1874
MayMay Lborn about 1895
MayMyron Vborn about 1895
MaysChancy Eborn about 1893
MaysDaniel Eborn about 1925
MaysDonald Hborn about 1927
MaysFlorence Eborn about 1916
MaysLeta Mborn about 1923
MaysMyrtle Aborn about 1895
MaysRichard Lborn about 1931
MaysRuth Hborn about 1929
MaysSadie Eborn about 1870
McCarnsCharles Hborn about 1905
McCarnsHenry Jborn about 1873
McCarnsMary Aborn about 1873
McCartneyAlta Cborn about 1896
McCartneyBarbara Gborn about 1927
McCartneyJackie born about 1930
McCartneyMary Eborn about 1882
McCoyHarold born about 1916
McDanielClarence Rborn about 1902
McDanielDale Cborn about 1929
McDanielDorothy Jborn about 1908
McDanielKenneth Lborn about 1934
McDanielWilliam Jborn about 1937
McDowelNelson born about 1859
McDowellGeraldine Mborn about 1924
McFarlandElmer Mborn about 1883
McFarlandJennie Rborn about 1887
McGinleyEmrett Jborn about 1874
McMurrenThomas Jborn about 1889
McVeyBetty Joborn about 1926
McVeyHazel born about 1911
McVeyHelen born about 1920
MeadeTheodosia Bborn about 1868
MeadeWilbur Lborn about 1908
MeansLewis Wborn about 1884
MeansMartha Wborn about 1877
MeeceElizabeth Bborn about 1867
MeffordGeorge Gborn about 1873
MeffordLynn Kborn about 1921
MeffordSteven Eborn about 1885
MeisingerElmer Hborn about 1888
MeisingerLucy Mborn about 1896
MerrimanJames Gborn about 1880
MerrimanPearl Eborn about 1887
MertinFlorence Bborn about 1884
MertinMerle Kborn about 1912
MertinRuth born about 1916
MeyersMarguerite Mborn about 1907
MeyersWilliam Cborn about 1900
MeyersWilliam Mborn about 1934
MiclaskiAlbert Rborn about 1882
MiclaskiMargaret Rborn about 1920
MiclaskiRosie born about 1881
MillerE born about 1898
MillerEdna Nborn about 1907
MillerElsie born about 1896
MillerJoy Pborn about 1892
MillerKenneth born about 1931
MillerMargie Fborn about 1916
MillerOrthur Rborn about 1903
MillerRolph born about 1927
MoffitEmma born about 1878
MoffitEmma born about 1901
MoffitOrville born about 1906
MoffittBernadine born about 1931
MoffittHarvey Jborn about 1904
MoffittOlive born about 1895
MolineLarry Lborn about 1938
MooreAndrew Oborn about 1891
MooreEthel Mborn about 1890
MooreJulia Aborn about 1871
MoranDora Eborn about 1923
MoranDoris Cborn about 1923
MoranErnest Lborn about 1884
MoranMable Aborn about 1887
MorronGeorge Wborn about 1877
MorronMinnie Mborn about 1886
MorrowLillian Mborn about 1923
MorrowRobert Hborn about 1915
MosherHazel Gborn about 1903
MossAnnie Bborn about 1868
MossClaire Sborn about 1893
MossJoseph Lborn about 1925
MossJoseph Mborn about 1858
MossMarilyn Jborn about 1928
MottDonald Jborn about 1895
MottFlorence Rborn about 1936
MottJohn Hborn about 1938
MottVera Eborn about 1918
MowerHortense Sborn about 1877
MowrerAmanda born about 1857
MullerJoseph born about 1885
MullerLola Fborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NarberCharles Lborn about 1878
NarberEmma Bborn about 1874
NayerBarbara Lborn about 1927
NayerEdward born about 1887
NayerEdward Eborn about 1923
NayerMabel born about 1890
NayerMary Eborn about 1925
NelsonMarion Eborn about 1915
NevilleIrene born about 1919
NewshamGladys Aborn about 1903
NewshamMerna Bborn about 1928
NewshamNoble Dborn about 1899
NewshamRuth Aborn about 1932
NicholsJames Oborn about 1858
NicholsJosephine born about 1874
NolandHorace Vborn about 1906
NorrisBion Hborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienJohn Jborn about 1893
ObrienMargaret Aborn about 1894
ObrienMaxine Mborn about 1924
OlesenHelen Eborn about 1913
OlesenJulius born about 1875
OlesenLillie Eborn about 1876
OlesenRichard Nborn about 1912
OlesenRuth Kborn about 1913
OliverElla born about 1864
OlsonAugusta born about 1875
OlsonFlora Lborn about 1904
OlsonHarold Dborn about 1924
OlsonMildred Eborn about 1902
OlsonNancy Gborn about 1934
OlsonOscar born about 1873
OlsonOtto Gborn about 1898
OlsonPaul Gborn about 1905
OsburnClarence Cborn about 1905
OsbwinClyde born about 1899
OsbwinCora Dborn about 1870
OsbwinVirgil Aborn about 1904
OssenkopAnna Mborn about 1920
OssenkopEdward Wborn about 1918
OtteEva Sborn about 1897
OtteHenry Jborn about 1892
OtteIla Mborn about 1929
OtteJesse Hborn about 1919
OvertonJesse Cborn about 1871
OvertonLarry Cborn about 1939
OvertonRuth Eborn about 1917
OwenIla Lborn about 1904
OwenIvan Eborn about 1907
OwenRobert Eborn about 1926
OwensBeverly Jborn about 1937
OwensLowell Eborn about 1939
OwensOpal Lborn about 1914
OwensOrie Cborn about 1909
OwensPatrica Lborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackerJohn Mborn about 1884
PackerMable Eborn about 1890
PackerVirginia Eborn about 1921
PanzerCarl Hborn about 1895
PanzerHelen Vborn about 1897
PanzerRuth Eborn about 1925
ParkhillHanna Mborn about 1857
ParrishHarley Eborn about 1900
ParrishMargaret Wborn about 1903
PatteeBarbara Aborn about 1919
PatteeJennie born about 1888
PaulusCarole born about 1917
PershingAllen Hborn about 1883
PershingClara Lborn about 1886
PershingDorothy Jborn about 1923
PershingEileen Eborn about 1927
PershingMaxine Cborn about 1919
PershingRosemary born about 1925
PetersonClarence Lborn about 1904
PetersonDorothy Aborn about 1926
PetersonFlorence Lborn about 1905
PetersonHarold Wborn about 1932
PetersonHazel Vborn about 1910
PetersonJoseph Mborn about 1910
PetersonMary Louiseborn about 1924
PetersonMelvin born about 1896
PetersonOscar Fborn about 1867
PetersonPeter Aborn about 1866
PhymoleBenjamin Fborn about 1874
PhymoleMaggie born about 1872
PiersolMyrtle born about 1874
PikeAndry Aborn about 1914
PikeBonita Rborn about 1940
PikeDavid Hborn about 1911
PikeDorothy Eborn about 1921
PikeFannie Fborn about 1887
PikeFrances Eborn about 1924
PikeGeorge Wborn about 1913
PikeGerold Eborn about 1938
PikeGertrude Gborn about 1917
PikeMardell Jborn about 1935
PikePearl Nborn about 1915
PikeRichard Dborn about 1933
PikeRobert Mborn about 1936
PikeWilbur Fborn about 1877
PilfordClyde Cborn about 1915
PilfordDoris Jborn about 1921
PilfordHarold Mborn about 1919
PilfordLula Bborn about 1925
PilfordMarvin Lborn about 1923
PiperElizabeth born about 1861
PittsRaymond Wborn about 1920
PitzerDoris Eborn about 1929
PitzerEugene Gborn about 1923
PitzerGuy Aborn about 1898
PitzerWinifred Bborn about 1895
PlaceGorman Johnborn about 1858
PlaceJames born about 1864
PolakElizabeth born about 1904
PolakJoseph Jborn about 1907
PolakWallace Jamesborn about 1937
PollardGail Hborn about 1914
PollardGrace Cborn about 1888
PollardKeith born about 1935
PollardKenneth born about 1938
PollardNeva born about 1915
PollardThomas Dborn about 1879
PopeFrank born about 1916
PopeLouis Albertborn about 1889
PopeLydia Mborn about 1894
PorterGraham Rborn about 1898
PorterMildred Aborn about 1905
PorterRichard Lborn about 1932
PotterFlorence Eborn about 1893
PotterJohn Lborn about 1900
PrestonClayton Jborn about 1907
PrestonElizabeth Mborn about 1911
PrestonGilbert Mborn about 1936
PrestonJames Cborn about 1940
PriceForest Aborn about 1900
PriceIola Lborn about 1903
PriceMary Aborn about 1864
PritchardClara born about 1885
PritchardWilliam Tborn about 1872
ProctorArt born about 1884
ProctorBetty Janeborn about 1926
ProctorClarice Aborn about 1899
ProctorEsther born about 1901
ProctorHelen born about 1919
ProctorJack Kennethborn about 1929
ProctorJerry Leeborn about 1935
ProctorLois Annborn about 1927
ProctorMarjorie Louiseborn about 1931
ProctorPaul Hborn about 1930
ProctorPauline Hborn about 1930
ProctorPleasant Hborn about 1901
ProctorRonald Arthurborn about 1940
PurceDelores Eborn about 1924
PurceDonna Rborn about 1934
PurceHorace Oborn about 1898
PurceMyrtle Sborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuickEmil born about 1871
QuickKeith born about 1920
QuickKenneth born about 1920
QuickPhyllis born about 1923
QuickSadie born about 1878

R Surnames

RagerAgnes born about 1898
RagerEmma Jborn about 1861
RagerJesse born about 1898
RagerLeona Mborn about 1922
RagerWilliam Mborn about 1859
RailsbackJohn born about 1856
RamseyAntonia born about 1875
RamseyJames born about 1869
ReasonerHelen born about 1923
ReddickAnne Eborn about 1892
ReddickLester Wborn about 1892
ReeceEugene Kborn about 1923
ReeceFreida Mborn about 1896
ReeceJack Wborn about 1926
ReeceLucille born about 1916
ReeceOscar Jborn about 1891
ReecePhilip Rborn about 1893
RellerDonald Lborn about 1936
RellerGifford Gborn about 1914
RellerMary Jborn about 1939
RellerViola Lborn about 1918
RensLouise born about 1866
RensSolomon Nborn about 1856
RichardsClarence born about 1883
RichardsClifford born about 1908
RichardsWinona Jborn about 1902
RichardsonDonna Jborn about 1928
RichardsonHanna Jborn about 1900
RichardsonHarvey Lborn about 1894
RichardsonMinnie born about 1869
RichardsonShirley Jborn about 1928
RichardsonWilliam Eborn about 1868
RiebeArthur Cborn about 1884
RiebeHelen Mborn about 1922
RiebeMarie Lborn about 1884
RisenCharles Bborn about 1935
RisenDavid Cborn about 1910
RisenGerald Lborn about 1937
RisenJanice Lborn about 1916
RishelElmer Hborn about 1915
RishelHerman Cborn about 1885
RishelSelma born about 1888
RishelWayne born about 1923
RissmanJulius born about 1872
RoatBetty Jborn about 1933
RoatHarold Bborn about 1927
RoatHelen Eborn about 1929
RoatJackie Dborn about 1936
RoatJunior Lborn about 1931
RoatMerle Cborn about 1925
RoatRuth Jborn about 1907
RoatSandra Kborn about 1939
RobinsonArthur born about 1890
RobinsonArthur Eborn about 1929
RobinsonDonald Hborn about 1897
RobinsonDonald Lborn about 1929
RobinsonJane Eborn about 1935
RobinsonLyle Cborn about 1922
RobinsonOra Aborn about 1897
RobinsonSusie Lborn about 1900
RobinsonWarren Dborn about 1921
RobinsonWilma Mborn about 1926
RobleEarl born about 1893
RobleeRhodie born about 1918
RodgersWilliam born about 1888
RogersClara Elmiraborn about 1867
RogersEd born about 1873
RogersFrancis Le Royborn about 1909
RoikesForest Lborn about 1901
RoikesGlendora Gborn about 1906
RoikesPhyllis Eborn about 1927
RoikesRobert Fborn about 1933
RoikesShirley Lborn about 1931
RomseySarah Aborn about 1870
RootAlta Cborn about 1869
RootDave Lborn about 1899
RootDefaine Mborn about 1931
RootDonald Eborn about 1933
RootDoris Marionborn about 1929
RootDorothy Lborn about 1929
RootDwight born about 1927
RootFloyd Cborn about 1926
RootGerold Eborn about 1937
RootHerbert born about 1925
RootIda Jborn about 1899
RootJanice Dborn about 1937
RootLarry Lborn about 1939
RootLeslie Mborn about 1892
RootLois Gborn about 1933
RootMelvin Hborn about 1919
RootOpal Gborn about 1922
RootPhyllis Jborn about 1934
RootRonald Rborn about 1938
RootVernon Lborn about 1921
RootViolet Lborn about 1909
RoperHarry Aborn about 1908
RoperLouise born about 1915
RoperVerna Mborn about 1935
RothmeierGeorge Jborn about 1913
RubergBurcha Eborn about 1888
RubergCarl Wborn about 1885
RubergLeona Mborn about 1916
RubergNorman Cborn about 1912
RungDale Eborn about 1924
RungFarrel Gborn about 1921
RungLelia Bborn about 1898
RussellArthur Rborn about 1915
RussellBlanche Bborn about 1909
RussellCarl Vborn about 1883
RussellCarl Vborn about 1913
RussellDonna Jborn about 1923
RussellEmma Jborn about 1868
RussellGeorge Aborn about 1919
RussellGwendolyn born about 1933
RussellMyrtle Lborn about 1889
RussellRichard born about 1933
RussellRoy Wborn about 1908
RussellWilliam Rborn about 1927
RutledgeAlice Mborn about 1905
RutledgeLowise Rborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SackettEleanor Vborn about 1904
SackettHarry Eborn about 1932
SackettIrene Eborn about 1923
SackettJosephine Eborn about 1926
SackettLavern Aborn about 1930
SackettLeland Sborn about 1928
SackettMarion Mborn about 1934
SackettRay Eborn about 1892
SackettRichard Fborn about 1936
SackettRonald Wborn about 1939
SanbergEsther Eborn about 1885
SanbergOscar Rborn about 1875
SandersBeverley Jborn about 1931
SandersCharles Dborn about 1937
SandersEva Lborn about 1910
SandersFlorence Rborn about 1876
SandersHarvey Eborn about 1911
SandersMary Dborn about 1861
SandersNellie Eborn about 1884
SandersW Fborn about 1884
SandstromLotys Mborn about 1923
SaylorsCharles Aborn about 1922
SaylorsMabel Mborn about 1896
SaylorsPrice Aborn about 1879
SchindlerFrances born about 1901
SchindlerMary Mborn about 1922
SchindlerRobert Fborn about 1924
SchnirlCharles born about 1888
SchroederMinnie Sborn about 1866
SchroederRussel born about 1899
SchrumCarson born about 1882
SchrumGeorge Fborn about 1913
SchrumHarrold Lborn about 1914
SchulDelores Fborn about 1939
SchulEldon Lborn about 1937
SchulEmil Hborn about 1914
SchulJunior Eborn about 1938
SchulNorma Vborn about 1919
SchuldtHerman Wborn about 1907
SchuldtMargaretha born about 1904
SchuleCarl Wborn about 1929
SchuleClara Aborn about 1891
SchuleGoldie Mborn about 1926
SchuleHermna Aborn about 1887
SchuleMerle Lborn about 1921
SchuleMildred Jborn about 1918
SchuleVernon Fborn about 1924
SchutleHelen Pborn about 1900
SchutleRonald Bborn about 1933
SchutleRueben born about 1892
SchwartzEsther Vborn about 1905
SchwartzHarry Bborn about 1895
SchwartzHarry Gborn about 1928
SchwartzKeith Eborn about 1934
SchwenkAgnes Dborn about 1916
SchwenkAlmeda Mborn about 1937
SchwenkIda Fborn about 1935
SchwenkJohn Cborn about 1852
SchwenkWilliam Cborn about 1939
ScottAnna Eborn about 1897
ScottArthur Eborn about 1897
ScottDonald Sborn about 1933
ScottElizabeth Aborn about 1903
ScottEunice Aborn about 1932
ScottJanice Dborn about 1932
ScottJohn Aborn about 1888
ScottJohn Wborn about 1931
ScottLynn Gborn about 1924
ScottRosie Aborn about 1870
ScottWilliam Cborn about 1864
SedwellMiller born about 1915
SedwellSylvia Mborn about 1905
SemingtonGeorge born about 1863
SemingtonJennie born about 1870
SengerAnton Jborn about 1854
SengerEmma Jborn about 1855
ShermanAdelia born about 1898
ShermanDorothy born about 1920
ShermanEleonor Eborn about 1895
ShermanEmma Eborn about 1864
ShermanJeanine born about 1939
ShermanJohn Hborn about 1852
ShermanKenneth born about 1915
ShermanLucie Lborn about 1928
ShermanMattie Aborn about 1867
ShermanMiller born about 1893
ShermanPaul born about 1924
ShermanRonald born about 1919
ShieldaB Fborn about 1870
ShieldsJessie Jborn about 1915
ShieldsLyman Vborn about 1912
ShieldsVirginia Gborn about 1937
SiemsenBertha Fborn about 1879
SiemsenFlorence born about 1920
SiemsenJacob Rborn about 1873
SiemsenLeon born about 1910
SimekWoodrow born about 1919
SimsDonald Kborn about 1923
SimsFrankie Wborn about 1937
SimsGerald Eborn about 1925
SimsJess Dborn about 1890
SimsJessie Dborn about 1935
SimsMaude Eborn about 1896
SimsRobert Rborn about 1929
SimsSusan born about 1932
SipeCharles Lborn about 1939
SipeMable Lborn about 1920
SipeWalter Wborn about 1917
SmithArthur Oborn about 1890
SmithBertha Oborn about 1890
SmithBetty Jborn about 1928
SmithCel Eborn about 1863
SmithClaude Cborn about 1894
SmithClyde born about 1890
SmithDan Lborn about 1922
SmithDean Aborn about 1908
SmithDianne Jborn about 1940
SmithDonald born about 1915
SmithDuane born about 1936
SmithErma Jborn about 1895
SmithFlorence Eborn about 1907
SmithFred born about 1886
SmithGeraldine Eborn about 1932
SmithHazel born about 1915
SmithJames Wborn about 1907
SmithJeffery born about 1850
SmithJohn Eborn about 1883
SmithJulia Gborn about 1881
SmithLarry born about 1938
SmithMabel Mborn about 1900
SmithMary Jborn about 1888
SmithMary Lborn about 1924
SmithMerna Dborn about 1927
SmithRobert Dborn about 1936
SmithRoxie Dborn about 1857
SmithRuth Oborn about 1912
SmithWinfield Sborn about 1865
SnodgrassAnna Mborn about 1903
SnodgrassClarence Jborn about 1890
SnodgrassGeorge Nborn about 1866
SnodgrassGeorge Nborn about 1935
SnodgrassSarah Hborn about 1868
SohlBlanche Bborn about 1902
SohlInez Mborn about 1895
SohlLa Vey born about 1926
SohlShirley born about 1924
SohlTheodore Jborn about 1901
SpechDorothy Jborn about 1904
SpechEthel born about 1876
SpechFred born about 1871
SpechJohn Hborn about 1902
SpechRichard Jborn about 1926
SpechWilliard Jborn about 1931
SquiresClifford Pborn about 1900
SquiresJames Cborn about 1936
SquiresJohn Aborn about 1919
SquiresMarjorie Aborn about 1929
SquiresMary Aborn about 1875
SquiresMearl Mborn about 1900
SquiresMearl Mborn about 1928
SquiresRose Joborn about 1931
SquiresThomas Gborn about 1933
StanbaughElizabeth born about 1919
StanbaughHerbert Hborn about 1890
StanbaughKeith Eborn about 1937
StanbaughMildred Jborn about 1900
StanbaughWilliam Hborn about 1933
StanderAgnes Tborn about 1912
StanderEdwin Lborn about 1937
StanderRobert Mborn about 1908
StandesEliza Mborn about 1873
StandesHenry born about 1864
StanleyAdelbert Bborn about 1870
StanleyAdelbert Dborn about 1901
StanleyBeth Louiseborn about 1931
StanleyMary born about 1913
StanleyRose born about 1873
StednitzClyde Fborn about 1908
StednitzOpal Lborn about 1911
SteeleFred born about 1882
SteeleLucy Aborn about 1885
StegerFrank Jborn about 1911
SteinhausAlma Lborn about 1921
SteinhausEmit Fborn about 1889
SteinhausJames Lborn about 1919
SteinhausJohn Eborn about 1917
SteinhausPearl born about 1888
StevensonLeonard Bborn about 1882
StevensonLois Claisborn about 1935
StewartBarbara Lborn about 1935
StewartBlanche born about 1886
StewartMons born about 1881
StickneyClyde born about 1929
StickneyFred Cborn about 1910
StickneyGlen born about 1939
StickneyGrant born about 1866
StickneyMable born about 1908
StickneyMack born about 1908
StickneyMary born about 1876
StickneyNorma Jborn about 1923
StootsberryClyde Tborn about 1906
StootsberryFrank born about 1874
StootsberryIla Lborn about 1904
StootsberryJames born about 1849
StrahanJames Vborn about 1939
StrodeClyde Wborn about 1918
StrodeGrover Cborn about 1885
StrodeHarold Gborn about 1915
StrodeHarold Jborn about 1936
StrodeMary Aborn about 1889
StrodeRobert Bborn about 1938
StrodeRuby Jborn about 1919
SturdevantVirgil Mborn about 1865
SutlonFrank Eborn about 1862
SutlonMedia Pborn about 1872
SuttonLillian Jborn about 1880
SweenAlice Jborn about 1900
SweenBetty Jborn about 1922
SweenDonald Aborn about 1924
SweenEdgar Aborn about 1891
SwerdfergerCharles Mborn about 1883
SwerdfergerMabel Mborn about 1888
SylvesterHattie Eborn about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorBrule Bborn about 1905
TaylorFern Nborn about 1905
TaylorsIda Aborn about 1917
TaylorsJoseph Rborn about 1883
TaylorsPaul Cborn about 1916
ThiessenCatherine born about 1932
ThiessenCatherine Bborn about 1907
ThiessenMarcella Jborn about 1931
ThiessenMary Jborn about 1935
ThiessenOrval Dborn about 1906
ThompsonBenjamin Dborn about 1863
ThompsonOlga Pborn about 1877
ThurstonNela born about 1878
ThurstonNora Clarkborn about 1885
TibbensDorothy Fborn about 1932
TibbensLenora Fborn about 1909
TibbensMarilyn Lborn about 1930
TibbensWilbert Bborn about 1929
TibbensWilbur Hborn about 1907
TibbensWilliam Eborn about 1882
TiedtkeAllen born about 1906
TiedtkeCarol Lowborn about 1939
TiedtkeDean born about 1933
TiedtkeViola born about 1910
TillmanBessie Oborn about 1907
TillmanBetty Jborn about 1935
TillmanErnest Kborn about 1929
ToddAlonzo Eborn about 1863
ToddArdis born about 1905
ToddClella born about 1934
ToddColvin born about 1936
ToddDrema born about 1929
ToddGlenn born about 1937
ToddHarlow born about 1931
ToddHarold born about 1933
ToddJennie Aborn about 1874
ToddMabel born about 1874
ToddMary born about 1933
ToddNorma born about 1939
ToddRaymond born about 1904
ToddRichard Bborn about 1905
ToddSarah Lborn about 1900
ToddThomas Eborn about 1867
TotterJames Gborn about 1881
TraderCharles Rborn about 1900
TraderElsie Lborn about 1902
TraderEvelyn Aborn about 1915
TraderFrank Aborn about 1909
TraderJerry Fborn about 1935
TraderJohn Rborn about 1902
TraderLoraine Sborn about 1922
TraderViola born about 1882
TraderWm born about 1874
TrunkenbolzEvelyn Eborn about 1922
TrunkenbolzGeorge Hborn about 1897
TrunkenbolzLaura Eborn about 1900
TrunkenbolzRuth Gborn about 1923
TubbsEdith Hborn about 1892
TubbsLeory Oborn about 1891
TubbsRobert Eborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UrbanAnna Eborn about 1873
UsherFrancis Hborn about 1920
UsherGeorge Eborn about 1882
UsherGrace Mborn about 1887

V Surnames

VallierAlexander born about 1861
VallierCora Bborn about 1869
VallierEmma born about 1861
VallierHattie born about 1895
VallierMarie born about 1929
VallierMerle born about 1891
VanceAlta born about 1907
VanceCorrine born about 1928
VanceHerbert born about 1902
VanceLa Vore born about 1931
VandemanArthur Lborn about 1905
VandemanClarence Wborn about 1908
VandemanEula Mborn about 1917
VandemanFrederick Dborn about 1939
VandemanGerald Rborn about 1915
VandemanJames Cborn about 1936
VandemanMargaret Jborn about 1882
VandemanRobert Lborn about 1934
VandemanWilliam Dborn about 1937
VavrinaLouis born about 1914
VavrinaMary born about 1915
VavrinaMervyn born about 1939
VeonHarry Aborn about 1924
VeskerneCharles Cborn about 1886
VeskerneMary Vborn about 1886
VoslerBeverly Aborn about 1937
VoslerChester Wborn about 1888
VoslerHazel Eborn about 1900
VoslerLorene Mborn about 1927
VoslerMargaret Eborn about 1915
VoslerMargaret Kborn about 1940
VoslerMary Aborn about 1878
VoslerRuth Eborn about 1930
VoslerThelma Ellen Eborn about 1929
VoslerTheodore Pborn about 1904
VossAgnes Fborn about 1898
VossJohn Fborn about 1894
VossLa Vern R born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagerLee Sborn about 1911
WagerSally Aborn about 1913
WagnerBarbara Nborn about 1929
WagnerDavy Lborn about 1935
WagnerDouglas Eborn about 1934
WagnerEmil born about 1902
WagnerErnest Mborn about 1903
WagnerEverett Oborn about 1927
WagnerGerold Lborn about 1933
WagnerGlen Eborn about 1930
WagnerHelen Jborn about 1906
WagnerJesse Aborn about 1877
WagnerLa Von M born about 1925
WagnerLouis Jborn about 1929
WagnerLucille Gborn about 1925
WagnerMorris Wborn about 1918
WagnerNeda Jborn about 1875
WagnerRay Cborn about 1912
WagnerRose Bborn about 1877
WagnerRosena Cborn about 1906
WagnerRuby Eborn about 1904
WagnerTena born about 1877
WagnerVan Aborn about 1939
WagnerViolet Eborn about 1913
WagnerWallie Aborn about 1902
WagnesDonald Gborn about 1920
WagnesDorothy Aborn about 1921
WagnesEdward Jborn about 1912
WagnesEdward Jborn about 1940
WagnesPearl Bborn about 1916
WallaceLonnie born about 1916
WallenEarl Mborn about 1883
WallenMary Mborn about 1880
WalshDorothy born about 1913
WalshGladys Fborn about 1895
WalshJohn Pborn about 1889
WaltonCharles Nborn about 1879
WaltonPearl born about 1882
WarbrittonFrances Mborn about 1900
WarbrittonGlen Lborn about 1920
WarbrittonIda Dborn about 1922
WarbrittonJack Wborn about 1925
WarbrittonJames Aborn about 1933
WarbrittonRalph Rborn about 1897
WarbrittonRobert Lborn about 1919
WarbrittonWilliam Cborn about 1930
WardLawrence Eborn about 1884
WardSteven Fborn about 1880
WardripGayle Eborn about 1915
WardripMargaret Eborn about 1891
WardripMarton Oborn about 1893
WardripMaxine Mborn about 1918
WashburnBernice Oborn about 1899
WashburnCarrie Rborn about 1872
WashburnDelmer Lborn about 1938
WashburnDonald Rborn about 1923
WashburnGeorge born about 1857
WashburnGuilford Gborn about 1934
WashburnOtis Gborn about 1900
WashburnRay Dborn about 1893
WatsonAda Jborn about 1917
WatsonRichard Eborn about 1917
WaybrightJosephine born about 1869
WaynerAbbie Eborn about 1886
WaynerDavid born about 1881
WaynerSarah born about 1895
WeaverClifford Rborn about 1914
WeaverRoll Wborn about 1882
WeddellElizabeth Lborn about 1873
WeeksSylvia Aborn about 1873
WelchBessie Eborn about 1893
WelchBetty Gborn about 1923
WelchCharles Eborn about 1880
WelchClifton Fborn about 1911
WelchCurtis Nborn about 1916
WelchEdith Mborn about 1899
WelchEldon Jborn about 1919
WelchIola Jborn about 1917
WelchJunior Bborn about 1921
WelchLeon Rborn about 1929
WelchMax Bborn about 1931
WelchPhyllis Jborn about 1925
WelchRobert Rborn about 1901
WelchRonald born about 1933
WelchWayne Wborn about 1918
WeldonEgbert born about 1850
WeldonSilas Aborn about 1857
WeldonWilda Mborn about 1863
WellsHarry Eborn about 1894
WellsMargie Lborn about 1899
WeltonCharles born about 1900
WeltonDoris born about 1906
WeltonEarl Aborn about 1896
WeltonElmer born about 1908
WeltonMary Aborn about 1905
WeltonNellie Mborn about 1867
WeltonPeter Wborn about 1902
WeltonSarah Tborn about 1889
WestenbargerEmma born about 1869
WestenbargerFrank Cborn about 1857
WesverJessie Mborn about 1886
WesverWilliam Rborn about 1882
WesverWilliam Rborn about 1919
WhippleFlorence Aborn about 1879
WickwireAlfred Jborn about 1920
WickwireAndrew Jborn about 1924
WickwireDale Fborn about 1922
WickwireEverett Lborn about 1933
WickwireGeorgia Eborn about 1921
WickwireJanice Bborn about 1934
WickwireLeland Aborn about 1893
WickwireLyle Dborn about 1926
WickwireMildred Fborn about 1922
WickwireRay Eborn about 1916
WickwireRichard Lborn about 1936
WickwireSandra Sborn about 1939
WickwireSarah Hborn about 1895
WiggenhornCarl Hborn about 1915
WiggenhornEdwin Cborn about 1866
WiggenhornErnest born about 1878
WiggenhornEugenia born about 1860
WiggenhornMay Dborn about 1865
WiggenhornMay Jborn about 1917
WildBetty Dborn about 1924
WildCarolee Eborn about 1926
WildDale Eborn about 1922
WildElmer Cborn about 1890
WildPaul Tborn about 1928
WildRebecca Mborn about 1904
WildRuby Mborn about 1934
WilliamsCharles Aborn about 1918
WilliamsDeloris born about 1923
WilliamsHelen born about 1900
WilliamsRuby Aborn about 1917
WillsAlice born about 1933
WillsCare born about 1932
WillsCass Eborn about 1870
WillsEdwin born about 1907
WillsRuth born about 1913
WilsonDoyne Eborn about 1893
WilsonLee born about 1918
WilsonMattie Jborn about 1858
WilsonWilliam Eborn about 1861
WimerPearl Oborn about 1881
WinansHattie Mborn about 1894
WingettElza born about 1901
WingettHazel Lborn about 1906
WionMabel born about 1912
WionVernon born about 1915
WistromDorothy Aborn about 1922
WistromIla Fborn about 1927
WistromLola Aborn about 1894
WistromMarjorie Hborn about 1921
WistromWilmer born about 1879
WlaschinCharles Jborn about 1908
WlaschinMarcella Aborn about 1934
WlaschinMaude Mborn about 1913
WlaschinWilliam Cborn about 1932
WoitzelFrieda born about 1906
WolfeCarl Gborn about 1898
WolfeHedwige Mborn about 1907
WollenClaude Cborn about 1889
WollenErnest Kborn about 1924
WollenHazel Jborn about 1903
WollenHelen Lborn about 1902
WollenIrene Gborn about 1921
WollenKeith Aborn about 1934
WollenMay born about 1908
WollenMilton Gborn about 1918
WollenMilton Lborn about 1899
WollenPearl Lborn about 1921
WollenRexford Gborn about 1896
WollenRichard Lborn about 1936
WollenVivian Mborn about 1902
WoodLorraine born about 1911
WoodRussell born about 1901
WoodfordDosia born about 1880
WoodruffHarry born about 1870
WoodruffNota Mborn about 1878
WoodruffWilliam Dborn about 1878
WoodwardCarl Lborn about 1929
WoodwardFrank Sborn about 1884
WoodwardPearl Rborn about 1891
WrightClarence born about 1872
WrightLarry Gborn about 1931
WrightLorraine Mborn about 1928
WrightPhyllis Fborn about 1907
WrightRiley Uborn about 1899
WstrupAlfred Cborn about 1888
WstrupFrancis born about 1894
WstrupRobert Aborn about 1928

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Y Surnames

YochimCharles Lborn about 1891
YochimNettie Bborn about 1870
YochimRalph Bborn about 1920
YoungDerold Lborn about 1935
YoungDonald born about 1925
YoungEdna Mborn about 1917
YoungGertrude born about 1899
YoungOtis born about 1909
YoungPatricia born about 1932
YoungShirley born about 1930
YoungVerna born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZamzonHenrietta Wborn about 1868
ZarwoskJoseph Lborn about 1884
ZeigenbeinAlva Wborn about 1891
ZeigenbeinEthel Eborn about 1893
ZeigenbeinFern Lborn about 1922
ZeigenbeinJosephine Mborn about 1911
ZeigenbeinOscar Hborn about 1899
ZeiglerCora Aborn about 1886
ZeiglerDonald Wborn about 1920
ZeiglerGuy born about 1886
ZeiglerMary Aborn about 1923
ZornJoan Eborn about 1931
ZornMarcia Lborn about 1934
ZornSherley Aborn about 1909
ZornWilbert Lborn about 1906

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