1940 U.S. Federal Census of Garfield in Lincoln County, Lincoln, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Lincoln County > 1940 Census of Garfield in Lincoln County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesM SurnamesS Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesT Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonRobert born about 1922
AndreClark born about 1881
AndreDoyle Joanborn about 1937
AndreGerald Leonborn about 1935
AndreLillian Mborn about 1875
AndreMable E Jborn about 1917
AndreTheodore born about 1908
AubleFloy Elouiseborn about 1926
AubleFrances born about 1890
AubleMarion Maudborn about 1934
AubleMyron Eborn about 1892
AubleWendell Lynnborn about 1927

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C Surnames

ColemanDonald Cborn about 1914
ColemanEffie Eborn about 1915
ConnorReta born about 1917

F Surnames

FoxBenjamin born about 1928
FoxClara born about 1887
FoxCyrus born about 1846
FoxEdward Mborn about 1880
FoxEttie Joneborn about 1911
FoxGerald Deanborn about 1933
FoxRobert Leroyborn about 1931
FoxRoy Mborn about 1908
FurmanskiClement born about 1922
FurmanskiDora born about 1896
FurmanskiEsther born about 1928
FurmanskiGenevieve born about 1926
FurmanskiJohn born about 1931
FurmanskiJohn Aborn about 1893
FurmanskiRobert born about 1919

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G Surnames

GiftFloyd born about
GiftFrank born about 1877
GoodenowEdith Lborn about 1893
GoodenowHarry born about 1895
GoodenowJennie Jborn about 1870
GunterGarland born about 1912

H Surnames

HalouskaBertha Mayborn about 1909
HalouskaFrank born about 1906
HalouskaLorry Bborn about 1937
HalouskaMary Ileneborn about 1940
HalouskaTheodore Tborn about 1932
HeidMatt Vborn about 1900
HenryArthur Eborn about 1910
HenryBilly Joeborn about 1939
HenryCharlotte born about 1902
HenryGrace Eborn about 1913
HenryJames Wborn about 1866
HenryMary born about 1878
HenryWilliam born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JohnsonMartha Eborn about 1882
JohnsonOllie Lborn about 1884
JohnsonSamuel Rborn about 1889
JohnstonAugust Jamesborn about 1923
JohnstonFrancis Earlborn about 1925
JohnstonIda born about 1885
JohnstonRoy Hborn about 1887

M Surnames

ManweicterCharles born about 1867
MercierKathleen born about 1918
MercierRoy Vborn about 1911
MillerLizzie born about 1886
MillerMargaret born about 1927
MillerPete born about 1874
MooreAudrey born about 1921
MooreJ Royborn about 1894
MooreJohn born about 1926
MooreLyle born about 1929
MooreNash Jborn about 1895
MooreNoah Eborn about 1931
MooreRoy born about 1924
MooreSamuel born about 1922
MooreZelma Zborn about 1920

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N Surnames

NanselArdith Joyceborn about 1935
NanselDelmar Dborn about 1934
NanselLois Mborn about 1906
NanselLoyd Kborn about 1900
NanselLoyd Kborn about 1932
NanselRalph Aldenborn about 1938
NanselShirley Annborn about 1937
NanselThesa Patsyborn about 1930
NanselWayne Eborn about 1929
NuzumBertha born about 1886
NuzumBob born about 1928
NuzumDavid born about 1922
NuzumGordon born about 1920
NuzumHarry born about 1914
NuzumHelen born about 1910
NuzumJoe born about 1928
NuzumJoy born about 1929
NuzumLois born about 1931
NuzumNeal born about 1924
NuzumRay born about 1926
NuzunWill born about 1884

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O Surnames

OstromGlen born about 1918

P Surnames

PlattGuy Wborn about 1880
PlattHelen born about 1914
PlattJosie born about 1886

R Surnames

RickettsBeverly Tborn about 1931
RickettsRoy born about 1895
RickettsRuby Eborn about 1903
RickettsS Euphemaborn about 1929
RobinsonEdith Eborn about 1884
RobinsonHoward born about 1915
RobinsonOkay Nborn about 1875
RockwellBessie born about 1905
RockwellLola born about 1906
RockwellOville born about 1902
RockwellRuford born about 1934
RockwellVonna Jeanborn about 1932
RockwellWalter born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchlientzLe Verne born about 1917
SchlientzLeslie Gborn about 1914
SittlerEdward Cborn about 1920
SmithAura born about 1883
SmithBobbie Deeborn about 1924
SmithBonnie Leeborn about 1931
SmithCecil born about 1898
SmithDon Waldborn about 1922
SmithMark Lborn about 1873
SmithMax Charlesborn about 1932
SmithMyron Aborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TimmonsNathan born about 1936
TimmonsNelson born about 1903
TimmonsNorma born about 1916

W Surnames

WeedmanCurtis born about 1924
WeedmanLefa Kborn about 1892
WelchBetty Juneborn about 1926
WelchClara Bethborn about 1890
WelchDelbert Wborn about 1891

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