1940 U.S. Federal Census of Grove, Madison, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Madison County > 1940 Census of Grove

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCharlie born about 1864
AdamsEdna Bborn about 1868
AustinDonald born about 1931
AustinElizabeth born about 1893
AustinHarold born about 1906
AustinJoyce born about 1933
AustinKelly born about 1890
AustinLeola born about 1910
AustinMabel born about 1923
AustinWayne born about 1929

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B Surnames

BaldozierJaunita born about 1920
BlackGlenn born about 1916
BlackMyrtle born about 1893
BlackNina born about 1912
BlackWalter born about 1884
BoyerDale born about 1921
BoyerDean born about 1934
BoyerFred born about 1888
BoyerJennie born about 1893
BoyerKeith born about 1924
BrashDonald born about 1921
BrashHarley born about 1915
BrashJoseph Jborn about 1884
BrashMary born about 1892
BrashRosa born about 1889
BrashRoyal born about 1916
BrashV Jborn about 1891
BroganCharlie born about 1889
BrownAda born about 1879
BurnhamMel born about 1866
ButlerAdilia born about 1889
ButlerJohn born about 1933
ButlerRalph born about 1893

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C Surnames

CatronPauline born about 1922
CollinsE Tborn about 1888
CollinsEverett born about 1920
CollinsGenevive born about 1929
CollinsIda Maeborn about 1897
CollinsLogene born about 1925
CollinsRuby Maeborn about 1931
CollinsWoodrow born about 1924
CroxenArlene born about 1929
CroxenDale born about 1927
CroxenLavona born about 1924
CroxenMillie born about 1904
CroxenOpal born about 1931
CroxenWayne born about 1939

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D Surnames

DahlCharles born about 1938
DahlEunice born about 1927
DahlJune born about 1931
DahlLeona born about 1900
DahlRobert born about 1934
DahlWalter born about 1895
DecampDavid born about 1917
DecampLoraaine born about 1916
DecampRosemary born about 1939

F Surnames

FeldmannEldell born about 1937
FeldmannHenry born about 1904
FeldmannPauline born about 1909
FichterEldon born about 1932
FichterErwin born about 1936
FichterEvodine born about 1908
FichterJennie born about 1864
FichterJudson born about 1903
FichterRaymond born about 1890
FiehnCharls Aborn about 1907
FiehnInez born about 1912
FiehnMarillford born about 1933
FilmerJohn born about 1874
FilmerLeonard born about 1915
FilmerMary born about 1883
FossHarold born about 1914
FossHenry born about 1890
FossIrene born about 1919
FossJanet born about 1922
FossMadge born about 1894
FossNorman born about 1919

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G Surnames

GecampMargaret born about 1906
GecampRoland born about 1903
GenakouxAdren born about 1922
GlennElizabeth born about 1883
GlennLeslie born about 1910
GobblemanHomer born about 1915
GrantHelen born about 1917
GrantRichard born about 1939
GrantWillis born about 1912
GreenCharls Hborn about 1898
GreenJoyce born about 1925
GreenMae born about 1903
GreenMary Leeborn about 1927
GrubbCarl born about 1904
GrubbJessie Cborn about 1880
GrubbMildred born about 1904
GrubbWilly Aborn about 1867
GuynetteGrubb born about 1933

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H Surnames

HanksA Cborn about 1878
HanksOlga born about 1882
HansenAlice born about 1903
HansenElmer Kborn about 1903
HariocksDale born about 1920
HariocksJohn born about 1894
HariocksMerle born about 1922
HariocksRuth born about 1897
HarmsEmma born about 1896
HarmsEwald born about 1919
HarmsLa Verne born about 1926
HarmsReinhold born about 1891
HarriocksBird born about 1884
HarriocksJean born about 1919
HarriocksRichard Dborn about 1880
HigbeeA Aborn about 1882
HigbeeAubrey born about 1885
HoffmanBertha born about 1882
HoffmanHerman born about 1875
HogsettBelle born about 1897
HogsettDonroe born about 1922
HogsettJessie Gborn about 1897
HogsettMinette born about 1923
HornArlyce born about 1935
HornEdna born about 1906
HornGeorge born about 1913
HornLennie born about 1910
HornLeonard born about 1903
HuelleAllen born about 1935
HuelleDelores born about 1938
HuelleDonald born about 1937
HuelleHenrietta born about 1907
HuelleMarian born about 1928
HuelleNorma born about 1934
HuelleVernon born about 1930
HuelleWindell born about 1903

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J Surnames

JamesBarbara born about 1931
JamesDorothy born about 1911
JamesGloria born about 1933
JamesMaggie born about 1896
JamesMary born about 1873
JamesRoma born about 1937
JamesS Rborn about 1873
JamesSam born about 1906
JenkinsAlbert born about 1881
JenkinsGlenn born about 1919
JenkinsNellie born about 1883
JohnsonDonald born about 1931
JohnsonFebia born about 1905
JohnsonFrank born about 1873
JohnsonHarry born about 1902
JohnsonMarjorie born about 1929
JonesZ Lborn about 1859

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K Surnames

KarabelAnneta born about 1891
KarabelDorothy born about 1914
KarabelGeorge born about 1888
KarabelRobert born about 1921
KassmanDonald born about 1923
KassmanHenry born about 1887
KassmanHenry Jr born about 1916
KassmanLaureine born about 1927
KassmanLois born about 1936
KassmanMary born about 1893
KilmerArchie born about 1908
KilmerCalburn born about 1883
KilmerMaude born about 1882
KilmerMinnie born about 1915
KilmerRobert born about 1934
KinneBernice born about 1899
KinneEvelyn born about 1921
KinneJeanette born about 1926
KinneMelvin born about 1896
KinneMerlynne born about 1924
KleemerAlphons born about 1912
KleemerDorlene born about 1939
KleemerJerome born about 1940
KleemerRosemond born about 1915
KleemerWalter born about 1938
KleiderDelores born about 1920
KleiderDonald born about 1938
KleiderFred born about 1909
KleiderJohn Cborn about 1881
KleiderMary born about 1886
KleiderMary born about 1912
KleiderPhyllis born about 1932
KleiderRuth Annborn about 1933
KoenigAnna born about 1896
KoenigRuth born about 1933
KoenigWilliam born about 1888
KohlAlbert born about 1868
KohlBertha born about 1890
KohlE Hborn about 1890
KohlEmory Jr born about 1924
KohlIrvin born about 1915
KohlLouisa born about 1874
KucharAlvin born about 1912
KucharCharls born about 1887
KucharElizabeth born about 1888
KucharGary born about 1938
KucharLenora born about 1915
KucharWillard born about 1920
KucharWillis born about 1920
KunzHerman born about 1879
KunzMarvin born about 1913
KunzMinnie born about 1887
KunzOllive born about 1883
KunzRuth born about 1917
KunzVelesta born about 1920
KunzW Jborn about 1908

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L Surnames

LarsonL Wborn about 1890
LarsonLois born about 1918
LarsonMarian born about 1921
LarsonSadie born about 1889
LenzCarl born about 1896
LenzDonna Belleborn about 1930
LenzDorothy born about 1899
LenzLoren born about 1924
LenzVera born about 1925
LindahlDouglas born about 1927
LindahlFred born about 1900
LindahlJoan born about 1930
LindahlMyrtle born about 1905
LongClara born about 1913
LongWalter born about 1911
LulonB Aborn about 1890
LulonClara born about 1886
LulonJohm Mborn about 1855
LulonWaldon born about 1917
LulowFreeda born about 1924
LulowJerry born about 1938
LulowJohn Hborn about 1911
LulowKatharine born about 1890
LulowMalter born about 1887
LulowMartha born about 1927
LulowVesta born about 1911
LyallElbert born about 1891
LyallHarold born about 1930
LyallHelen born about 1927
LyallJames born about 1921
LyallLura born about 1891
LyallRoy born about 1920
LyallWilma born about 1934

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M Surnames

MaleneClarence born about 1915
MaleneJulia born about 1915
MaleneLarry born about 1940
ManteyMabel born about 1906
ManteyWilliam born about 1904
MarrClinton born about 1886
MarrClinton Jr born about 1930
MarrGertie born about 1897
MarrMax born about 1934
McMurtryBessie born about 1906
McMurtryCarl born about 1920
MozerLa Verne born about 1934
MozerLorine born about 1910
MozerMaynard born about 1937
MozerOrland born about 1935
MozerWilliam born about 1899
MufflyCharles born about 1921
MufflyEdith born about 1909
MufflyFrank born about 1863
MufflyGeorge born about 1877
MufflyLota born about 1914
MufflyManie born about 1878
MundtRuby born about 1914
MundtWayne born about 1913
MungerIvan born about 1922
MurrayAlice born about 1881
MurrayGutchen born about 1923
MurrayHarriet born about 1911
MurrayJames born about 1914

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N Surnames

NelsonAnna born about 1896
NelsonAnnette born about 1931
NelsonCarl born about 1895
NelsonDelores born about 1921
NelsonDonna Belleborn about 1926
NelsonErich born about 1886
NelsonJoan born about 1935
NelsonMarvin born about 1924
NelsonMary born about 1893
NelsonMaxine born about 1932
NelsonOrville born about 1922
NelsonRoy born about 1923
NelsonWilfred born about 1929
NovatneyAngela born about 1899
NovatneyAnna born about 1855
NovatneyDorothey born about 1936
NovatneyFrank born about 1887
NovatneyFrankie born about 1935
NovatneyMichal born about 1877
NovatneyRobert born about 1933
NyeAnna born about 1890
NyeE Hborn about 1883

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O Surnames

OberMalinda born about 1911
OberTheodore born about 1906
OdeyGuy born about 1898
OdeyIvan born about 1924
OdeyRose born about 1902
OsbornBarbara born about 1936
OsbornFielden born about 1903
OsbornLucille born about 1905
OsbornPerry born about 1932
OwensAgnes born about 1914
OwensArdelle born about 1935
OwensEldon born about 1932
OwensJeannette born about 1934
OwensMerle born about 1911

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P Surnames

PetersenEarl born about 1895
PetersenLa Vern born about 1926
PetersenMarjeane born about 1933
PetersenOlive born about 1897
PetersenRonald born about 1924
PierceDonna Marieborn about 1934
PierceHerbert born about 1909
PierceLorene born about 1938
PierceMyrtle born about 1911
PierceRufus born about 1886
PittackClifford born about 1928
PittackHerman born about 1892
PittackLyle born about 1931
PittackMartha born about 1881
PittackRaymond born about 1925
PrenosAlbert born about 1890
PrenosGilmer born about 1923

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R Surnames

RahdeAlice born about 1937
RahdeEdith born about 1938
RahdeEdna born about 1915
RahdeMarcus born about 1914
ReikofskiEileen born about 1923
ReikofskiErvin Jborn about 1917
ReikofskiEvelyn born about 1916
ReuggeClifford born about 1931
ReuggeLawrence born about 1902
ReuggeMargaret born about 1912
ReuggeMildred born about 1935
ReutzIrene born about 1889
ReutzLois born about 1929
ReutzWilliam born about 1888
RichGeorge born about 1871
RichLida born about 1874
RiekofskiCaroline born about 1896
RiekofskiDe Ette born about 1935
RiekofskiEarnest born about 1890
RiekofskiGereldine born about 1926
RiekofskiJulia born about 1897
RiekofskiLeota born about 1928
RiekofskiLo Geneborn about 1930
RiekofskiLovell born about 1932
RiekofskiR Eborn about 1893
RoewealPauline born about 1895
RoewealRobert born about 1936
RoewealRuben born about 1915
RoewertArla Layborn about 1937
RoewertArland Jr born about 1932
RoewertArnold born about 1910
RoewertHelen born about 1907
RoewertSharon Kayborn about 1938
RusselCharls Eborn about 1859
RusselMinerva born about 1872
RyanAddie born about 1904
RyanEugene born about 1923
RyanFredrick born about 1923
RyanHarold born about 1928
RyanHazel born about 1925
RyanJames Eborn about 1861
RyanMarvin born about 1933
RyanMira Bborn about 1864
RyanRay born about 1898

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S Surnames

SalmonAgnes born about 1909
SalmonJanice born about 1937
SalmonWallace born about 1903
SchinckElwood born about 1930
SchinckFrederick born about 1906
SchinckGrace born about 1902
SchinckLee born about 1938
SchinckLois born about 1935
SchlachtDennis born about 1937
SchlachtHilton born about 1924
SchlachtMartha born about 1901
SchlachtO Eborn about 1897
SchlachtRichard born about 1921
SchlotzhauerAnna born about 1903
SchlotzhauerCarl born about 1934
SchlotzhauerEarnest born about 1892
SchmidEvelyn born about 1894
SchmidJerome born about 1930
SchmidJoseph born about 1925
SchmidLouis Fborn about 1891
SchmidMary born about 1929
SchmidRigene born about 1922
SchmidtAnna born about 1888
SchmidtElmer born about 1928
SchmidtHelen born about 1923
SchmidtMax born about 1883
SchmidtOtto born about 1926
SchultzeG Aborn about 1898
SchultzeGary born about 1936
SchultzeJoyce born about 1928
SchultzeLavaughan born about 1924
SchultzeSelma born about 1905
SchulzAlden born about 1927
SchulzCarl born about 1910
SchulzDarrell born about 1937
SchulzGeraldine born about 1937
SchulzLaurene born about 1915
SchulzLois born about 1930
SchulzMary born about 1900
SchulzMaynard born about 1925
SchulzNolan born about 1934
SchulzRichard born about 1933
SchulzW Jborn about 1897
SchulzeAlbert born about 1893
SchulzeAnna born about 1894
SchulzeBetty born about 1929
SchulzeDorlene born about 1925
SchulzeDorothy born about 1919
SchulzeEarl born about 1924
SchulzeFrances born about 1927
SchulzeHenry born about 1891
SchulzeHenry born about 1918
SchulzeLillian born about 1901
SchurmanDorrel born about 1929
SchurmanGilbert born about 1900
SchurmanJames born about 1932
SchurmanRuth born about 1909
SchuttAlvin born about 1920
SchuttCarol born about 1938
SchuttElla born about 1894
SchuttFred born about 1891
SchuttMarvin born about 1924
SlocumJessie born about 1897
SlocumW Aborn about 1894
SmithRalph born about 1894
SonneFredrick born about 1938
SonneHerman born about 1912
SonneSuey born about 1916
StuartDuane born about 1920
StuartDwight born about 1922
StuartEarl born about 1888
StuartGertrude born about 1891
StuartImogene born about 1926
StuartJoan born about 1928
StuartPatrica born about 1935
StuartRobert born about 1924
StuckwischEd born about 1898
StuckwischMae born about 1905
SuckstorfHarold born about 1917
SuckstorfRoger born about 1940
SuckstorfViolet born about 1919
SuetzerMary born about 1868
SwitzerDwayne born about 1925
SwitzerErna born about 1917
SwitzerGertrude born about 1897
SwitzerRalph born about 1897
SwitzerReed born about 1923
SwitzerRoss born about 1932

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T Surnames

ThrasherBetty born about 1921
ThrasherC Rborn about 1890
ThrasherClara born about 1891

V Surnames

ValentineAnna born about 1906
ValentineArthur born about 1917
ValentineAug born about 1874
ValentineHelen born about 1926
ValentineLouie born about 1900
ValentineMaggie born about 1882
VallbrechtWilliam born about 1869
VolkHenry born about 1906
VolkHenry Jr born about 1929
VolkMartha born about 1907
VolkSherry born about 1936

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W Surnames

WagnerClarence born about 1923
WagnerEarlene born about 1917
WagnerEmma born about 1874
WagnerJulius born about 1867
WagnerJulius Jr born about 1917
WagnerMartha born about 1917
WakleyBernice born about 1905
WakleyNancy born about 1933
WarnekeFrieda born about 1912
WarnekeLewis Wborn about 1910
WarnekeMarlene born about 1935
WarnekeShirley Annborn about 1939
WauerFrank born about 1874
WauerLattie born about 1879
WauerMamie born about 1909
WauerWaur born about 1907
WeertElna born about 1936
WeertElsie born about 1905
WeertJoan born about 1937
WeertJohn born about 1902
WeinbergerBernice born about 1927
WeinbergerClarence born about 1917
WeinbergerCletus born about 1923
WeinbergerElla born about 1885
WeinbergerVictor born about 1883
WertsEliza born about 1864
WertsWalter born about 1863
WietingEmma born about 1903
WietingFred born about 1901
WietingLa Donna born about 1928
WietingLe Ora born about 1932
WohlfeilAnna born about 1894
WohlfeilDale born about 1925
WohlfeilIrene born about 1928
WohlfeilLois born about 1931
WohlfeilOtto born about 1893

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