1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lafayette, Nemaha, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Nemaha County > 1940 Census of Lafayette

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDonald born about 1929
AdamsEdna born about 1907
AdamsEthel born about 1899
AdamsHarry born about 1896
AdamsLuella born about 1907
AdamsLyle born about 1935
AdamsMarvin born about 1928
AdamsMary born about 1874
AdamsMary Elizabethborn about 1939
AdamsWalter born about 1899
AdamsWilliam born about 1909
AdcockElmer born about 1906
AdcockHilda born about 1915
AdcockJoseph Lborn about 1865
AdcockMarvin born about 1937
AdcockMinnie born about 1875
AdcockNadine born about 1939
AgeeC Phillipborn about 1929
AgeeDonna Leeborn about 1927
AgeeLoma born about 1906
AlbersIona born about 1919
AlbersRuloph born about 1916
AldrichCampbell born about 1904
AldrichMartha born about 1860
AlexanderJohn born about 1867
AlexanderKate born about 1869
AlkireAmbrose born about 1875
AlkireBillie born about 1937
AlkireEva born about 1902
AlkireIrvin born about 1922
AlkireJoe born about 1890
AlkireMadge born about 1928
AlkireMartha born about 1935
AlkireNoel born about 1925
AlkireRobert born about 1931
AlkireRuth born about 1924
AlkireYvetta born about 1897
AndersonBarbara born about 1935
AndersonCharles born about 1933
AndersonDorothy born about 1909
AndersonDorothy born about 1921
AndersonEverett born about 1920
AndersonGlen born about 1918
AndersonMaude born about 1897
AndersonOscar born about 1898
AndersonWillard born about 1906
AsaSylvan born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BadbergEvelyn born about 1915
BadbergGaylord born about 1926
BadbergHerman born about 1900
BadbergIrma born about 1919
BadbergLeola born about 1921
BadbergMabell born about 1900
BadbergMary Margaretborn about 1939
BadbergMerlyn born about 1923
BadbergMervin born about 1937
BadbergWalter born about 1915
BallIrvin Jborn about 1860
BallRachel Pborn about 1865
BarnesLarry Mborn about 1931
BarnesPatricia Aborn about 1931
BarnesShirley Leborn about 1929
BeasonArnold born about 1922
BeasonFlorine born about 1926
BeasonGerald born about 1929
BeasonJoe born about 1890
BeasonLydia born about 1892
BeasonOpal born about 1915
BeasonWilliam born about 1890
BeasonZoe born about 1891
BeattyEmma born about 1862
BennettClarence born about 1912
BennettCleo born about 1915
BennettGeorge born about 1872
BennettMinnie born about 1876
BergAlye born about 1894
BergAnna born about 1891
BergLaverne born about 1918
BergLena born about 1920
BergLoren born about 1922
BiereArnold born about 1913
BiereHerman born about 1910
BiereLeta born about 1918
BiereMinnie born about 1885
BiereWilliam born about 1882
BirkmanAugust born about 1905
BirkmanMarjery born about 1924
BirkmanSelma Cborn about 1889
BirkmannJeanette born about 1937
BirkmannJulia born about 1899
BirkmannMamie born about 1897
BirkmannMardell born about 1927
BishoffCarl born about 1885
BishoffEmma W Aborn about 1870
BishoffFrank born about 1888
BishoffJohn born about 1855
BishoffLena born about 1858
BishoffOpal born about 1914
BishoffRoland born about 1909
BlagdonBetty Maeborn about 1924
BlagdonClarence born about 1890
BlagdonLouise born about 1899
Boellstorff??? born about 1932
BoellstorffCharles born about 1903
BoellstorffDanny born about 1939
BoellstorffDouglas born about 1938
BoellstorffEmma born about 1873
BoellstorffFrancis born about 1937
BoellstorffHoward born about 1913
BoellstorffMildred born about 1908
BoellstorffOra born about 1906
BoellstorffOtto born about 1868
BoellstorffRosalie Annborn about 1934
BoellstorffRuth born about 1909
BohlingEarnest born about 1904
BohlingJean born about 1932
BohlingSenith born about 1905
BohlkenAlice Wborn about 1896
BohlkenEdna Mborn about 1921
BohlkenEllen Mborn about 1937
BohlkenFloyd Eborn about 1924
BohlkenGesha born about 1884
BohlkenHarm born about 1874
BohlkenHenry Jborn about 1886
BohlkenLucille born about 1913
BohlkenVern born about 1924
BohlkenWilliam born about 1912
BohlkenWilliam Jr born about 1940
BottcherClarence born about 1914
BottcherEdna born about 1907
BowenAlvie born about 1890
BowenCamilla born about 1866
BowenFrances born about 1919
BowenGeorge born about 1866
BowenIcy born about 1897
BoyerCharles born about 1925
BoyerChester born about 1924
BoyerEtha born about 1885
BoyerGeorge born about 1871
BoyerGeorge Aborn about 1923
BrayEmma born about 1886
BrayFred born about 1884
BrayLenorad born about 1918
BrisseyEverett born about 1920
BrisseyRobert Bborn about 1884
BrisseyRose born about 1884
BrokensCarl born about 1886
BrokensHenry Jr born about 1898
BrokensJohn Dborn about 1923
BrokensKate born about 1890
BrokensMartha born about 1901
BrokensMildred born about 1918
BrokensOtho born about 1909
BrokensRuby born about 1920
BrownDorothy born about 1926
BrownGeorge born about 1864
BrownLillian born about 1873
BrownLucy Eborn about 1867
BrownRuth born about 1923
BrownVictoria born about 1868
BruceCharles born about 1878
BruceJoaie born about 1885
BruceLucille born about 1928
BrunsLeila born about 1903
BrunsMarlyn born about 1926
BrunsRobert Leeborn about 1929
BrunsRudolph Pborn about 1898
BuckridgeCora born about 1874
BuckridgeThomas born about 1868
BusackerDelphus born about 1891
BusackerHarold born about 1916
BusackerHelen born about 1926
BusackerJune born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaneArvine born about 1909
CaneClara born about 1909
CaneNancy born about 1934
CaneSamuel born about 1939
CarmenCharles born about 1871
CarmenClementine born about 1875
CarmenConnie born about
CarmenJames born about 1938
CarmenMamie born about 1909
CarmenRoy born about 1910
CarsonSamuel born about 1873
CasperLuella born about 1925
CasperMary Lborn about 1881
CasperThomas born about 1886
ChardEarnest born about 1881
ChildersLaura born about 1868
ChristyAnn born about 1902
ChristyChandler born about 1902
ChristyClaire born about 1892
ChristyEvelyn born about 1912
ChristyFloyd born about 1900
ChristyGeorge born about 1864
ChristyHarold born about 1937
ChristyHattie born about 1866
ChristyMargaret born about 1935
ChristyMillie born about 1894
ClappCharles born about 1870
ClarkDewey born about 1899
ClarkEloise born about 1905
ClarkJoe born about 1860
ClarkLaura born about 1869
ClarkLavern born about 1924
ClarkLeslie born about 1904
ClarkMargaret born about 1922
ClarkMargaret born about 1930
ClarkMary born about 1873
ClarkOrval born about 1926
ClarkPerry born about 1873
ClarkWilmer born about 1916
ClerickSteven born about 1905
CollinsC Troyborn about 1895
CollinsEmma born about 1901
CollinsFern born about 1901
CollinsGlen born about 1901
CollinsVirginia born about 1927
CookClifford born about 1924
CookDonald born about 1921
CookDoris born about 1926
CookEthel born about 1904
CookWilliam born about 1884
CurtisBobby born about 1933
CurtisDale born about 1905
CurtisDoris born about 1931
CurtisGladys born about 1913
CurtisLoren born about 1936
CurtisPatricia born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaughertyAmber born about 1931
DaughertyArthur born about 1894
DaughertyElizabeth born about 1898
DaughertyFern born about 1929
DaughertyKarlene born about 1935
DaughertyMary Belleborn about 1925
DaughertyRobert born about 1932
DaughertyRuth born about 1927
DavisArtelia born about 1877
DavisEdgar Cborn about 1869
DemarestClaude born about 1879
DemarestElla born about 1883
DemarestFrank Cborn about 1908
DemarestHarry born about 1914
DepueA C Jrborn about 1903
DepueLillie born about 1907
DeublerAmelia born about 1866
DeublerArvine born about 1936
DeublerC Reesborn about 1863
DeublerClara born about 1909
DeublerConrad born about 1903
DeublerEmma born about 1900
DeublerJanet born about 1939
DeublerJanice born about 1939
DickersonAngalce born about 1925
DickersonClyte born about 1902
DickersonDaniel Deanborn about 1933
DickersonDonald born about 1929
DickersonElizabeth born about 1875
DickersonIrma born about 1902
DickersonJames born about 1908
DickersonJanet born about 1931
DickersonRuth born about 1908
DickersonSally born about 1935
DonzeBarbara born about 1939
DonzeDon born about 1933
DonzeEdmond born about 1911
DonzeEunice born about 1905
DonzeMaxine born about 1917
DonzeWilbur born about 1897
DouglasJames born about 1858
DrewelDelbert born about 1932
DrewelDorothy born about 1928
DrewelEdward born about 1898
DrewelFlora born about 1911
DrewelFred born about 1900
DrewelFritz born about 1866
DrewelGeorge born about 1912
DrewelHenry born about 1916
DrewelLena born about 1869
DrewelLenard born about 1937
DrewelLeona born about 1905
DrewelOmer born about 1904
DrewelRuby born about 1916
DrewelSophia born about 1896
DryerAlice born about 1903
DryerDorothy born about 1935
DryerFloyd born about 1900
DryerRamona born about 1929
DueyD Jborn about 1918
DueyDonna Galeborn about 1935
DueyEvelyn born about 1912
DueyFloyd born about 1875
DueyLucille born about 1921
DueyOlive born about 1881
DueyVernon born about 1911
DupueA C Srborn about 1853
DupueEmma born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdmondsCarol born about 1937
EdmondsCharles born about 1908
EdmondsCharles Dborn about 1933
EdmondsDelores born about 1935
EdmondsDorothy born about 1934
EdmondsElisha Jborn about 1904
EdmondsEthel born about 1898
EdmondsGoldie born about 1913
EdmondsJohn Eborn about 1886
EdmondsLester born about 1937
EdmondsMabel born about 1914
EdmondsNorman born about 1939
EdmondsOliver born about 1911
EdmondsPeggy Joyceborn about 1933
EdmondsViola born about 1876
EkhoffJ Rborn about 1890
EkhoffLeona born about 1895
EllerElla born about 1863
EvansGladys born about 1903
EvansLara born about 1914
EvansMarvin born about 1914
EvansRolland born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FahrenholzAnna born about 1897
FahrenholzGretze born about 1875
FahrenholzHenry born about 1876
FahrenholzLeta born about 1913
FahrenholzMabell born about 1921
FischelJerold Rborn about 1931
FischelJohn Dborn about 1931
FischelLenorad born about 1904
FischelLorena born about 1929
FischelRandall born about 1935
FischelRuth born about 1904
FloryBasil born about 1898
FloryCleason born about 1866
FloryHattie born about 1872
FloryIrene born about 1911
FloryJacqueline born about 1934
FloryMarlene born about 1932
ForbesSarah born about 1871
ForneyVirgil born about 1921
FrazierBetty Maeborn about 1934
FrazierLouise born about 1915
FrericksFannie born about 1899
FrericksMargaret born about 1935
FrericksMarion born about 1928
FrericksMartin born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabusBlanche born about 1869
GadekinAlida born about 1928
GadekinArnold born about 1919
GadekinBen born about 1891
GadekinBenjamin born about 1923
GadekinGretchen born about 1897
GadekinJohn born about 1896
GadekinLucille born about 1922
GadekinMatilda born about 1897
GagnebinJulia born about 1873
GauchatAugust born about 1896
GauchatAugust Jr born about 1920
GauchatBlanche born about 1937
GauchatC Lborn about 1856
GauchatCharles born about 1894
GauchatColleen born about 1928
GauchatDaniel born about 1937
GauchatDoris born about 1931
GauchatEdward born about 1934
GauchatElreda born about 1905
GauchatFred born about 1883
GauchatFred Louisborn about 1935
GauchatFreida born about 1895
GauchatGladys born about 1925
GauchatHenrietta born about 1895
GauchatHenry born about 1901
GauchatJanet born about 1930
GauchatLaura born about 1922
GauchatLenarad born about 1931
GauchatLenarod born about 1894
GauchatLloyd born about 1929
GauchatMabell born about 1901
GauchatMarvin born about 1924
GauchatPaul born about 1893
GauchatRosa Leeborn about 1927
GauchatSophia born about 1869
GauchatSophia born about 1902
GeorgesAlbert born about 1910
GeorgesBertha born about 1885
GeorgesEmma born about 1906
GeorgesGeorge born about 1877
GeorgesIrvin born about 1919
GeorgesLucille born about 1921
GeorgesValda born about 1923
GilbertElsie born about 1887
GilbertGus born about 1883
GilbertHarriet Annborn about 1913
GilbertWinton born about 1914
GillispieEmma born about 1906
GillispieLeroy born about 1923
GillispieLois born about 1925
GillispieMay born about 1873
GillispieMildred born about 1939
GillispieReva Jeanborn about 1931
GillispieRosalie born about 1934
GillispieRoy born about 1896
GlassmeyerElla born about 1907
GlassmeyerRichard born about 1906
GoddisBessie born about 1911
GoddisCarrie Louiseborn about 1940
GoddisGlennie born about 1939
GoddisMark born about 1904
GoddisMark Jr born about 1932
GoeringAlvin born about 1907
GoeringCarol Jeanborn about 1939
GoeringEsther born about 1913
GoeringJoyce Elaineborn about 1936
GoeringLena born about 1884
GoeringMarlene born about 1934
GowerLibbie born about 1865
GrahamClara Eborn about 1888
GrahamDoris born about 1924
GrahamJ Rborn about 1885
GrahamJesse Dborn about 1931
GrahamWanda born about 1922
GravattAnna born about 1896
GreenCurtis born about 1872
GreenDelores born about 1917
GreenEdgar born about 1913
GreenElla born about 1891
GreenHelen born about 1918
GreenJames born about 1923
GreenJane born about 1876
GreenJohn born about 1886
GreenMarie born about 1930
GreenMarvin born about 1928
GreenRaymond born about 1916
GreenVerna Maeborn about 1926
GrimesJoesph born about 1887
GrimesVesta born about 1887
GrovattGladys born about 1901
GrovattLenore born about 1925
GrovattRobert born about 1927
GrovattWorth born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HabigMary born about 1863
HagemilelrGerald born about 1933
HagemilelrLarry born about 1935
HagemilelrPhillip born about 1895
HagemilelrPhyllis born about 1928
HagemilelrRosella born about 1902
HaggardAlta born about 1891
HaggardAlta born about 1932
HaggardArletha born about 1924
HaggardClaud born about 1912
HaggardDoyle born about 1930
HaggardEva born about 1908
HaggardLeroy born about 1930
HaggardMaxine born about 1927
HaggardRalph born about 1910
HaggardSyble born about 1919
HaggardWilliam born about 1937
HahnC Jborn about 1873
HahnCarl born about 1896
HahnLawrence born about 1910
HahnLouise born about 1875
HahnRalph born about 1903
HahnRonald Ralphborn about 1939
HahnRuth born about 1913
HahnTheresa born about 1907
HahnWillis born about 1919
HallJennie born about 1871
HallWilliam born about 1871
HanelineDavidson born about 1907
HanelineDonald born about 1918
HanelineDorothy born about 1925
HanelineEldon born about 1916
HanelineEvelyn born about 1905
HanelineHally born about 1899
HanelineHarry born about 1897
HanelineHenry born about 1893
HanelineJoy born about 1912
HanelineLenorad born about 1923
HanelineMae born about 1892
HanelineMae born about 1914
HanelineMarjorie born about 1921
HanelineMartha Belleborn about 1919
HanelineReva born about 1924
HanelineWanda born about 1923
HankinsJalsha born about 1876
HankinsLizzie born about 1878
HankinsMinnie born about 1912
HansenMary born about 1882
HarmonAnna born about 1879
HarmonHarold born about 1901
HarmonT Wborn about 1878
HarmonWayne born about 1904
HarmsHannah born about 1889
HarmsLena born about 1934
HarmsThomas born about 1922
HarmsU Jborn about 1887
HarmsVernon born about 1913
HarmsVirginia born about 1919
HarmsWilliam born about 1924
HarphamBetty born about 1922
HarphamDollye born about 1932
HarphamJohn born about 1894
HarphamLester born about 1928
HarphamMillie born about 1895
HarphomMaria born about 1862
HarrisEunice born about 1930
HarrisLois born about 1894
HauptmanArthur born about 1880
HauptmanEverett born about 1913
HauptmanMaude born about 1883
HaushGenevieve born about 1907
HaushGeraldine born about 1928
HaushJoseph born about 1932
HayesArlington born about 1908
HayesC Cborn about 1880
HayesConnie Rayborn about 1939
HayesDoris born about 1931
HayesGerald born about 1933
HayesIrene born about 1920
HayesJean born about 1925
HayesLloyd born about 1924
HayesMaude born about 1885
HayesMelvin born about 1930
HayesNathan born about 1920
HayesPearl born about 1906
HegelbachEdward born about 1918
HegelbackGeorge born about 1879
HegelbackHenry born about 1868
HeinkeHelen born about 1916
HeinkeMartin born about 1912
HeinkeRichard born about 1938
HendricksCelia born about 1873
HendricksRussell born about 1909
HerreFred born about 1917
HoustonLouie born about 1868
HowleyAnna born about 1869
HowleyBetty Jeanborn about 1924
HowleyCharles born about 1898
HowleyConnie Raeborn about 1938
HowleyDorothy born about 1898
HowleyDwight born about 1927
HowleyFloydean born about 1921
HowleyGerald born about 1922
HowleyInez born about 1901
HowleyJ William Jrborn about 1920
HowleyJenene born about 1938
HowleyJohn Wborn about 1890
HowleyLeland born about 1922
HowleyLloyd born about 1928
HowleyNorma born about 1932
HowleyRichard born about 1924
HubbardEd Gborn about 1881
HubbardGlenn born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IhrigElizabeth born about 1875
IhrigFred born about 1898
IhrigFreida born about 1900
IhrigGeorge born about 1868
IhrigMartha born about 1896
IhrigWilhemia* born about 1903
IhrigWilliam born about 1895

J Surnames

JeanneretAnna Louiseborn about 1939
JeanneretGeorge born about 1936
JeanneretGerald Rayborn about 1939
JeanneretHenry born about 1908
JeanneretMarvin born about 1933
JeanneretMillie Sborn about 1907
JeanneretNorma born about 1931
JeanneretPaul born about 1900
JeanneretPaul Jr born about 1929
JeanneretRichard born about 1927
JeanneretRose Eileenborn about 1937
JeanneretRuth born about 1934
JenningsBernice born about 1924
JenningsClaire born about 1901
JenningsDoris born about 1930
JenningsJames born about 1894
JenningsNorna born about 1933
JewellAnna born about 1888
JewellBessie born about 1915
JewellEverrett born about 1915
JewellGlen born about 1893
JonesCharlene born about 1931
JonesJerald born about 1930

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K Surnames

KappleA Dborn about 1935
KappleAdolph born about 1899
KappleCleo Guilenborn about 1932
KappleGladys born about 1898
KeenJohn born about 1892
KeenJosephine born about 1894
KeithleyEsther Maryborn about 1928
KeithleyLucy born about 1893
KeithleyM Clintonborn about 1890
KeithleyRex born about 1932
KennedyCarol Joanborn about 1940
KennedyFloyd born about 1906
KennedyRuth born about 1909
KermoadeArthur born about 1924
KermoodeRuth born about 1923
KnockeElla born about 1864
KnockeLee born about 1906
KnockeMorris born about 1902
KohrsAlbert born about 1872
KohrsAlice born about 1904
KohrsBetty born about 1938
KohrsElizabeth born about 1879
KohrsHerman born about 1902
KohrsKeith born about 1933
KohrsRichard born about 1915
KohrsSterling born about 1937
KohrsWilbert born about 1918

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L Surnames

LambeletAlcide born about 1906
LambeletAugust born about 1874
LambeletEdmond born about 1908
LambeletEugene born about 1874
LambeletMatilda born about 1886
LambeletWoodrow born about 1920
LangAnna born about 1888
LangClarence born about 1923
LangIrvin born about 1919
LangPeter born about 1888
LareConnie born about 1934
LareMaxine born about 1926
LareMorris born about 1892
LareNellie born about 1896
LavigneHenry born about 1867
LavigneMary born about 1868
LeismanAmelia born about 1892
LeismanJake born about 1881
LientzDonald born about 1925
LientzSylvia born about 1906
LindseyArta born about 1926
LindseyElbert born about 1900
LindseyLydia born about 1905
LindseyPatricia born about 1928
LittleEverett Tborn about 1903
LittleViola born about 1910
LockwoodBarbara born about 1937
LockwoodBernice born about 1913
LockwoodBess born about 1907
LockwoodC Peterborn about 1881
LockwoodCharles Aborn about 1879
LockwoodClarence born about 1894
LockwoodEdna born about 1882
LockwoodEllen born about 1857
LockwoodFred born about 1913
LockwoodJames Hborn about 1871
LockwoodRachel born about 1879
LoweEmma born about 1895
LoweEugene born about 1896
LoweVirginia born about 1925
LozeronAdell born about 1875
LuzczmannLois born about 1913
LuzczmannOtto born about 1914
LyonsBurl born about 1900
LyonsDuene born about 1922
LyonsFairy born about 1900
LyonsJoyce born about 1925

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M Surnames

MacomberLois born about 1920
ManroseEdith born about 1898
ManroseMelvin born about 1926
MarcellusBelle born about 1862
MarchandRachael born about 1887
MarchantAlfred born about 1906
MarchantAlma born about 1930
MarchantBessie born about 1908
MarchantCharles born about 1932
MarchantDorothy born about 1938
MarchantEvelyn born about 1940
MarchantLloyd born about 1928
MarshallLizzie born about 1865
MaxeyMay born about 1922
MaxeyWilbur born about 1873
McGarrahanThomas born about 1880
McInichDorothy born about 1924
McInichHuett born about 1891
McInichMinnie born about 1885
McKnightEthel born about 1899
McKnightFred born about 1895
McKnightJohn born about 1862
McKnightLester born about 1925
McNultyHilda born about 1913
McNultyWalter born about 1912
MeyerDale born about 1926
MeyerDelbert born about 1913
MeyerElla born about 1914
MeyerElmer Eborn about 1895
MeyerEnid born about 1914
MeyerIrene born about 1896
MeyerJohn born about 1903
MeyerJohn born about 1934
MeyerKaren born about 1936
MeyerRobert born about 1921
MeyerRodney born about 1940
MeyerSandra born about 1938
MeyerVictor born about 1923
MeyersBetty born about 1937
MeyersByron born about 1932
MeyersJoyce born about 1927
MeyersRose born about 1905
MeyersWalter born about 1900
MichelEsther born about 1914
MichelFerd born about 1887
MichelMatilda born about 1889
MichelWalter born about 1916
MigotLeon born about 1876
MillerGrant born about 1912
MillerHelen born about 1922
MillerSereno born about 1868
MinerAmelia born about 1879
MinerJohn born about 1865
MolgardGordon born about 1929
MolgardGrace born about 1894
MolgardHans born about 1893
MonroseMary born about 1879
MonroseThomas Dborn about 1872
MorrisBetty Louborn about 1935
MorrisDora born about 1903
MorrisFaye Marieborn about 1932
MorrisJohn born about 1900
MorrisKenneth born about 1926
MorrisLarry born about 1938
MorrisMelvin born about 1930
MorrisMerle born about 1928
MorrisMyrtle born about 1928
MorrisVerda born about 1925
MoxeyIrvin born about 1908
MucgodsiAlvin* Aborn about 1887

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N Surnames

NanceLeona born about 1892
NancePurl born about 1886
NavrkalChristine born about 1905
NavrkalDonald born about 1930
NavrkalFrank born about 1904
NavrkalLenorad born about 1934
NavrkalThomas born about 1937
NeddenriepAnna born about 1894
NeddenriepDale born about 1923
NeddenriepGlenn born about 1917
NeddenriepHelen born about 1930
NeddenriepMartin born about 1887
NeddenriepVernon born about 1925
NeimanDean born about 1921
NeimanDella born about 1884
NeimanFred born about 1878
NewboldtBen born about 1900
NewboldtJane born about 1924
NewboldtMerwyn born about 1933
NewboldtMildred born about 1906
NicholsLloyd born about 1904
NicholsMary born about 1907
NicholsMaude born about 1873
NicholsR Hborn about 1870
NiedermeyerDarlene born about 1931
NiedermeyerLouis born about 1883
NiedermeyerLouis Jr born about 1920
NiedermeyerMary born about 1892
NincehleserEd born about 1884
NincehleserEdith born about 1887
NincehleserJohn born about 1930
NincehleserMargaret born about 1923
NincehleserVerne born about 1913
NortonClayton born about 1923
NortonHugh born about 1866
NortonIllma born about 1885
NortonLois born about 1926
NortonMyron born about 1929
NortonVera born about 1889
NortonWilliam Hborn about 1909
NowackGlenn born about 1930
NowackHenry born about 1901
NowackIlene born about 1906
NowackRobert born about 1934

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O Surnames

OetjenAlvin born about 1907
OetjenDean born about 1920
OetjenEdward born about 1914
OetjenHenry born about 1876
OetjenMinnie born about 1882
OetjenSterling born about 1924
OsborneDenis born about 1932
OsborneMerlyn born about 1909
OsborneMerlyn Robbborn about 1937
OsborneVirginia born about 1909
OwensAustin born about 1895
OwensDeward born about 1921
OwensElla born about 1897
OwensJanice Leeborn about 1933
OwensKenneth born about 1938
OwensPhyllis born about 1928
OwensWilliam born about 1880

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P Surnames

ParkerBlanche born about 1894
ParkerWalter born about 1880
PetersDeanne born about 1938
PetersDon Edwardborn about 1934
PetersEd Gborn about 1901
PetersElda S Mborn about 1905
PetersEvelyn born about 1914
PetersFrank born about 1908
PetersGerald Bborn about 1935
PetersPhyllis Jeanborn about 1939
PetersRichard Leeborn about
PetersonArnold born about 1906
PetersonDuane born about 1938
PetersonErvin born about 1900
PetersonJacqueline born about 1927
PetersonLeland born about 1923
PetersonLena born about 1907
PetersonLidia born about 1898
PetersonMargy born about 1926
PetersonRaymond born about 1922
PiperDoris Jeanborn about 1935
PiperFredrick born about 1909
PiperMarion born about 1931
PiperVelma born about 1912
PiperVera Juneborn about 1937
PixleyLouisa born about 1880
PixleyZede born about 1869
PotardLouis born about 1894
PotardMary born about 1892
ProppAlex born about 1896
ProppCarroll born about 1926
ProppElmer born about 1925
ProppLoa born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuanteElizabeth born about 1928
QuanteFrank born about 1873
QuanteFrank Jr born about 1918
QuanteLawrence born about 1901
QuanteNettie born about 1873
QuanteNettie Kayborn about 1938
QuanteVere born about 1900

R Surnames

RedfernAnna born about 1876
ReedMarion born about 1885
RhinehartEmma born about 1875
RhinehartWesley born about 1876
RhinehartWilliam born about 1913
RichardsonCarrie born about 1875
RichardsonTelbert Lborn about 1878
RichterJohn born about 1881
RileyCalvin born about 1933
RileyJanet born about 1935
RileyMarie born about 1915
RileyTillie born about 1937
RinneWilliam born about 1881
RinnieLouis born about 1890
RinnieRaymond born about 1920
RinnieTillie born about 1888
RippleAnna born about 1906
RippleDonnabelle born about 1937
RippleJohn born about 1903
RippleLois Maeborn about 1934
RitterArlene born about 1911
RitterClaudia Dellborn about 1934
RitterConstance Leeborn about 1936
RitterHerbert born about 1908
RobertsonDarwin born about 1922
RobertsonLeah born about 1903
RobertsonMary Laverneborn about 1925
RobesonArthur born about 1928
RockemannAnna born about 1891
RockemannCleo born about 1903
RockemannEsther born about 1924
RockemannFred born about 1891
RockemannGlenn born about 1930
RockemannLuetta born about 1937
RoggeStella born about 1917
RotterBertha born about 1893
RotterEarnest born about 1897
RotterJoseph born about 1881
RotterOra born about 1894
RotterRaymond born about 1920
RotterVerda Maeborn about 1924
RueEthel born about
RueStella born about 1902
RutledgeCarroll born about 1906
RutledgeCora born about 1906
RutledgeDora born about 1874
RutledgeEunice born about 1897
RutledgeEverett born about 1895
RutledgeGeorge born about 1867
RutledgeGeorge born about 1921
RutledgeHelen born about 1925
RutledgeJessie born about 1900
RutledgeJohn Carrollborn about 1936
RutledgeL Merrellborn about 1898
RutledgeLester born about 1927
RutledgeMarion born about 1929
RutledgeMarvin born about 1923
RutledgeNorma Jeanborn about 1931
RutledgeShirley Annborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaalCora born about 1883
SaalFrank born about 1880
SappCora born about 1873
SappRichard born about 1912
SchaeferArdyth born about 1929
SchaeferAugust born about 1877
SchaeferAugust Jr born about 1903
SchaeferDora born about 1879
SchaeferHarold born about 1913
SchaeferJane born about 1878
SchaeferKaren Kayborn about 1939
SchaeferMea born about 1908
SchaeferRoger born about 1937
SchaeferRudolph born about 1880
SchaeferThomas born about 1934
SchlangeEdith born about 1905
SchlangeEimer born about 1926
SchlangeFred born about 1897
SchlangeWilbur born about 1927
SchmidtDwain born about 1928
SchmidtFrank born about 1903
SchmidtTillie born about 1901
SchmidtVergil born about 1931
SchmuckerIvol born about 1918
SchmuckerMadeline born about 1917
SchnuckerG Jborn about 1882
SchnuckerVada born about 1893
SchraderArthur born about 1908
SchraderMinnie born about 1870
SchreferLloyd born about 1905
SchreferLucille born about 1914
SchrimsherEmma Lborn about 1870
SchrimsherFrank born about 1912
SchroderCarl born about 1907
SchroderLula born about 1904
SearsBetty born about 1924
SearsHarold born about 1891
SearsIrene born about 1901
SearsMilford born about 1922
ShaeferLaverne born about 1916
SheeleyGlen born about 1917
SieberEthel born about 1913
SimpsonAlbert born about 1918
SimpsonMaxine born about 1920
SimpsonPatricia Annborn about 1939
SimpsonRobert Williamborn about
SitzmannDonald born about 1935
SitzmannFredrick born about 1932
SitzmannKenneth born about 1938
SitzmannLawrence born about 1905
SitzmannLeona born about 1910
SitzmannRobert born about 1930
SitzmannRonald born about 1935
SmayAustin born about 1936
SmayFlorence born about 1877
SmayIna born about 1908
SmayKenneth born about 1907
SmedleyEdda born about 1874
SmedleyGeorge born about 1933
SmedleyGeorge Wborn about 1899
SmedleyMarilyn born about 1925
SmedleyMillie born about 1898
SmedleyOra born about 1869
SmedleyRose Leeborn about 1930
SmithAda born about 1901
SmithCelia born about 1855
SmithDonnabelle born about 1921
SmithElla born about 1860
SmithFaye born about 1923
SmithIrma born about 1896
SmithJames born about 1883
SmithJohn born about 1860
SmithLillie born about 1898
SmithRoyal born about 1887
SmithSusan born about 1873
SnodgrassAnna Lauraborn about 1919
SnodgrassCarletta born about 1890
SnodgrassDale born about 1923
SnodgrassEdward born about 1921
SnodgrassEugene born about 1927
SnodgrassKenneth Leslieborn about 1939
SnodgrassLeslie born about 1917
SnodgrassOmar born about 1881
SouthAlice Eborn about 1860
SouthDonald born about 1921
SouthDonald Rayborn about 1939
SouthFranciana born about 1916
SouthIrvin Eborn about 1913
SouthLenora Eborn about 1887
SouthLeo Lborn about 1903
SouthVernon Dborn about 1911
SouthWilliam Lborn about 1872
StappenbeckClara born about 1893
StappenbeckPaul Rborn about 1886
StappenbeckRichard born about 1917
StevensEd born about 1875
StevensRobert born about 1877
StevensTom born about 1871
StitesAlma born about 1897
StitesEd born about 1873
StitesF Cborn about 1886
StitesLauriene born about 1921
StitesMinnie born about 1896
StitesStella born about 1895
StrangeCalvin born about 1915
StrangeCalvin Deanborn about 1939
StrangeG Wborn about 1852
StrangeGertrude born about 1896
StrangeJeweldean born about 1922
StrangeJohn born about 1889
StrangeMarjorie born about 1931
StrangeNora Maeborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TeegardenFlorence born about 1911
TeegardenHoward born about 1932
TeegardenIlene born about 1929
TeegardenJonas born about 1877
TeegardenLorena born about 1879
TeegardenRolland born about 1904
ThomasClemma born about 1896

V Surnames

VandevortAlma born about 1904
VandevortDonald born about 1928
VandevortEdgar born about 1939
VandevortElla born about 1882
VandevortHarry born about 1927
VandevortMargaret Annborn about 1929
VandevortRaymond born about 1903
VetterEva born about 1908

W Surnames

WademanLoretta born about 1924
WagnerCharles Eborn about 1883
WagnerDonald born about 1926
WagnerDoris born about 1927
WagnerEmma born about 1883
WagnerErhart born about 1890
WagnerMamie born about 1893
WakelinBoyd born about 1935
WakelinElmer born about 1894
WakelinMildred born about 1895
WallerAnn born about 1864
WallerLeroy born about 1917
WallerZelda born about 1917
WatsonBeverly born about 1922
WeberGertrude born about 1904
WeberJames born about 1929
WeberWayne Eugeneborn about 1936
WeberWilliam born about 1900
WestJennie born about 1867
WestSamuel born about 1857
WhitmanDean born about 1897
WhitmanEdith born about 1875
WhitmanFrank born about 1869
WhitmanMamie born about 1898
WhitmanRichard born about 1933
WilkieDavid born about 1878
WilkieHarvey born about 1914
WilkieMabel Mborn about 1883
WilliamsonEddie born about 1876
WilliamsonFrank born about 1910
WilliamsonFrank Jr born about 1937
WilliamsonJohn Edwardborn about 1940
WilliamsonMary born about 1876
WilliamsonMary Belleborn about 1932
WilliamsonMildred born about 1914
WilliamsonRose Marieborn about 1935
WittlerArlene born about 1927
WittlerFreida born about 1900
WittlerHerman born about 1894
WittlerLa Vern born about 1923
WittlerMarlyn born about 1920
WoerlenAdolph born about 1894
WoerlenAllan born about 1932
WoerlenDelores born about 1931
WoerlenElla born about 1902
WoerlenGeorge born about 1896
WoerlenInez born about 1932
WoerlenIrene born about 1939
WoerlenMinnie born about 1897
WoestAlbert born about 1891
WoestMilda born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YontEdwin Cborn about 1869
YontEstella born about 1875
YoungAllie Eborn about 1867
YoungArdys born about 1907
YoungEllsworth born about 1902
YoungEmma born about 1871
YoungFern born about 1901
YoungFred born about 1861
YoungLanny born about 1936
YoungMarta born about 1933
YoungMusetta born about 1882
YoungPeter born about 1859
YoungSidney Bborn about 1881
YoungWorth Bborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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