1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mullally, Harlan, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Harlan County > 1940 Census of Mullally

B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

B Surnames

BarnesJohn Dborn about 1873
BarnesMaud Hborn about 1878
BrughA Lorettaborn about 1909
BrughElla Aborn about 1917
BrughHerbert Marvinborn about 1939
BrughLouis Duaneborn about 1938
BrughLouis Hborn about 1909
BrughMaxine Lborn about 1935
BrughMollie born about 1863
BrughRoy Rborn about 1906
BylerBetty Leeborn about 1925
BylerE Francis Ednaborn about 1895
BylerIrva born about 1892
BylerJoseph Edwardborn about 1923

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C Surnames

CainElenor Mborn about 1922
CainFrances Mborn about 1924
CainFrancis Jborn about 1890
CainFrancis Jborn about 1927
CainGerald Lborn about 1935
CainJames Dborn about 1937
CainJames Lborn about 1917
CainMary Jborn about 1908
CainRobert Mborn about 1932
CainRonald Eborn about 1940
CainWilliam Lborn about 1930

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D Surnames

DavidsonLeota born about 1920
DobbersteinAnna born about 1891
DobbersteinStephen born about 1883
DobbersteinViola born about 1922

F Surnames

FischerEffie Aborn about 1900
FischerFreda born about 1891
FischerHarold Dborn about 1921
FischerJeanette Fborn about 1933
FischerJohn Mborn about 1898
FischerKarl Jborn about 1888
FischerKarl Jborn about 1931
FischerLester Mborn about 1923
FischerMay Ednaborn about 1923
FischerRobert Eborn about 1924
FrearCharley Sborn about 1867
FrearThrese Aborn about 1877
FritzEmma Aborn about 1881
FritzEthel born about 1920
FruhlingClarence Fborn about 1923
FruhlingLena Aborn about 1894
FruhlingRalph born about 1897

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G Surnames

GoedekenEthel Eborn about 1920
GoedekenMarilyn Bborn about 1940
GoedekenWalter Mborn about 1913
GoedkenEmma Eborn about 1887
GoedkenHenry Fborn about 1884
GosnellDessie Cborn about 1905
GosnellLaurence Lborn about 1901
GrafJoan Lborn about 1928
GrafLaurence Wborn about 1916
GrafRaymond born about 1919
GrafVivian Lborn about 1918

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H Surnames

HannaAmy Pborn about 1892
HannaDorothy born about 1923
HannaHarold Earlborn about 1931
HannaJames Sborn about 1870
HannaJimmie born about 1924
HannaNeta Fernborn about 1919
HannaRay born about 1927
HannaVivian born about 1921
HaussermannEarnest Hborn about 1914
HaussermannEldin Jborn about 1917
HaussermannJohn Jborn about 1887
HaussermannMinnie born about 1892
HaussermannPaul Rborn about 1919
HuntJames Aborn about 1895
HuntLily Aborn about 1901
HunterDavid born about 1875
HunterDelvin born about 1900
HunterElsie Fborn about 1891
HunterEtta Jborn about 1876
HunterFloyd Gborn about 1913
HunterForrest Lborn about 1928
HunterGrace Mborn about 1914
HunterJames Gborn about 1881
HunterJim Aborn about 1922
HunterLily born about 1908
HunterNellie Jborn about 1924

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J Surnames

JehrigClara born about 1886
JehrigDorothy Lborn about 1925
JehrigGeorge Aborn about 1913
JehrigHerman Aborn about 1918

K Surnames

KammererErma born about 1900
KammererFrancis born about 1918
KammererLouis born about 1901
KammererMarvin born about 1932
KaupAgatha Mborn about 1923
KaupFloyd Cborn about 1903
KaupHelen Lborn about 1906
KaupHerman Cborn about 1874
KaupLouise Mborn about 1882
KaupPhyllis Jborn about 1926
KerrClair Wborn about 1914
KerrEllen born about 1917
KnospAlbert Eborn about 1886
KnospDora born about 1892

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L Surnames

LairdArthur Pborn about 1940
LairdEileen Fborn about 1936
LairdJoseph Wborn about 1933
LairdKaehaleene born about 1930
LairdKate born about 1865
LairdLeo Pborn about 1932
LairdLoyd Jborn about 1934
LairdNora Aborn about 1894
LairdWilliam M Gborn about 1893
LutzeharmsEmma Pborn about 1880
LutzeharmsGlenn Wborn about 1890
LutzeharmsJohn born about 1875
LutzeharmsMarie born about 1915

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M Surnames

MarshallHarlan Bborn about 1869
MarshallIda Mborn about 1877
MurphyBernice Evelynborn about 1923
MurphyClifford Aborn about 1896
MurphyNorma Lborn about 1935
MurphyVelma Bborn about 1897

O Surnames

OttDallace Rborn about 1928
OttDonna Lborn about 1931
OttErvin Wborn about 1900
OttLola Maeborn about 1925
OttMildred Lborn about 1908
OttPatricia Sborn about 1938
OttRobert Aborn about 1888
OttTilla born about 1894

P Surnames

PayneJack Dborn about 1922
PayneKenneth Carlborn about 1913
PayneKenneth Jborn about 1886
PayneMerle Tborn about 1927
PayneMinnie Eborn about 1890

R Surnames

RebmanCarl Cborn about 1895
RebmanCharles born about 1871
RebmanEdgar Jborn about 1904
RebmanEdna Mborn about 1912
RebmanEdward Dborn about 1933
RebmanEsther born about 1901
RebmanGeorge born about 1898
RebmanHarry Leeborn about 1936
RebmanJerald Eborn about 1939
RebmanLeona Sborn about 1909
RebmanRastus Vborn about 1906
RebmanRufus born about 1905
RebmanTilla Aborn about 1874
RenzDaryl Mborn about 1924
RenzDoris Dborn about 1926
RenzHenry born about 1870
RenzIda Mabelborn about 1900
RenzJohannah born about 1876
RenzMartin Cborn about 1898
RenzMary Elaineborn about 1931
RenzMildred Mborn about 1922

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S Surnames

SavelyElla Mborn about 1906
SavelyLucille Nborn about 1939
SavelyRobert Tborn about 1935
SavelyTom born about 1903
ScheppertLeeanna born about 1929
ScheppertMinnie born about 1897
ScheppertW Haroldborn about 1925
ScheppertWalter born about 1897
SchippertBeatrice Lborn about 1908
SchippertDonald Lborn about 1936
SchippertEugene Jborn about 1901
SchippertFloyd Mborn about 1938
SchippertHenry Aborn about 1904
SchippertInez Rborn about 1909
SchippertJames Eborn about 1927
SchippertJohana born about 1870
SchippertJoyce Eborn about 1933
SchippertRosa born about 1893
SchippertVera Lborn about 1931
SchlbintzHenry born about 1882
SchluntzAugust born about 1888
SchluntzDexter born about 1919
SchluntzEva born about 1895
SchluntzHenry born about 1882
SchluntzPauline born about 1925
SchluntzWilliam born about 1917
SchluntzWilma born about 1933
SheltonAlvin Cborn about 1921
SheltonEvelyn born about 1925
SheltonMartha born about 1894
SheltonNorma born about 1923
SkilerEthel Eborn about 1888
SkilerWalter born about 1883
SkilesDale Dborn about 1930
SkilesHarold Sborn about 1906
SkilesLulu Gborn about 1890
SkilesLyle Aborn about 1931
SkilesMelvin Cborn about 1923
SkilesRosa Hborn about 1907
SkilesWilliam Carlosborn about 1881

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T Surnames

TeafordHazel Fborn about 1893
TeafordLoyd Wborn about 1926
TeafordWilliam Hborn about 1888

U Surnames

UplingerDavid Hborn about 1891

W Surnames

WaggonerBillie Bborn about 1932
WaggonerBobbette born about 1926
WaggonerChristel Mborn about 1908
WaggonerClarence Rborn about 1906
WaggonerMildred Fborn about 1905
WaggonerRoland Cborn about 1931
WaggonerVern Mborn about 1909

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