1940 U.S. Federal Census of Potter, Cheyenne, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Cheyenne County > 1940 Census of Potter

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AmesRena born about 1875
AndersonAdele Lborn about 1896
AndersonAndrew born about 1863
AndersonDorothy Mborn about 1922
AndersonEarl Gborn about 1917
AndersonEdgar Eborn about 1888
AndersonElsie born about 1858
AndersonErnest Mborn about 1896
AndersonJanice Mborn about 1933
AndersonMargaret Eborn about 1900
AndersonMatilda born about 1867
AndersonPeggy Louborn about 1939
AndersonRalph Eborn about 1924
AndersonVivian Mborn about 1919
AndersonWendell Eborn about 1935
ArnellAlfred born about 1887

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B Surnames

BaackClara born about 1881
BaackE Earlborn about 1916
BaackErnest born about 1879
BaackHerbert born about 1915
BarrettArthur born about 1918
BickelMarjorie born about 1920
BiggsClaude born about 1896
BiggsDonald born about 1920
BiggsMelba born about 1900
BradyClyde Jborn about 1904
BradyGladys born about 1915
BradyJill born about 1935
BradyJimmie born about 1938
BradyMary born about 1910
BradySandra born about 1939
BradyWalter born about 1906
BrehnWilliam born about 1892
BrottEdward born about 1869
BrowningElmer Jborn about 1882
BrowningEtta Fborn about 1882
BucksdorfDarlene Lborn about 1931
BucksdorfElmer Hborn about 1900
BucksdorfHelen born about 1905
BucksdorfJoan Hborn about 1939
BucksdorfNorma Jborn about 1935
BucksdorfRobert Leeborn about 1929
BucksdorfShirley Aborn about 1937
BucksdorfWayne Aborn about 1933
ButtenschonLena born about 1894
ButtenschonRudy born about 1895
ButtenschonRuth Annborn about 1939

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C Surnames

CarltonChristina born about 1862
CarltonEdna born about 1912
CarltonEmil born about 1864
ChallburgBetty born about 1882
ChallburgGeraldine born about 1927
ChallburgLola born about 1921
ChallburgMorris Gborn about 1881
ChampmanHerschell born about 1907
ChampmanJohn Aborn about 1914
ChristensenAnna born about 1879
ChristensenChrist born about 1879
ChristensenDonald born about 1938
ChristensenDorothy Mborn about 1933
ChristensenElla born about 1898
ChristensenFrost born about 1913
ChristensenNels Mborn about 1894
ChristensenNorma Jborn about 1936
ChristensenSarah born about 1914
ChristinsenCharles born about 1914
ChristinsenClareyce born about 1922
ConnellAllen Bborn about 1895
ConnellAnna born about 1870
ConnellJoan born about 1934
ConnellRhoda born about 1898
ConnellRichard born about 1930
CoulterDelores Cborn about 1925
CoulterGeorge Aborn about 1887
CoulterGeorge Aborn about 1929
CoulterJames born about 1916
CoulterMargaret Aborn about 1891
CoulterShirley born about 1915
CoulterSuzanne born about 1938
CoutrightHarry born about 1886
CoxAlva born about 1921
CoxClarence born about 1895
CoxOren born about 1919
CoxStella born about 1898
CoxWalter born about 1922

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D Surnames

DedicDaryle born about 1935
DedicRudolph born about 1909
DedicWilma born about 1912

E Surnames

EggersPauline born about 1901
EggersR Gborn about 1896
EnevoldsenCharlotte born about 1924
EnevoldsenD Fborn about 1897
EnevoldsenDonald born about 1926
EnevoldsenElla born about 1900
EricsonAlgot born about 1890
EricsonLeo born about 1938
EricsonTwila born about 1906
EricsonWayne born about 1928

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F Surnames

FailgenschukDavid born about 1934
FailgenschukDonna born about 1936
FailgenschukHarold born about 1930
FailgenschukJ Jborn about 1889
FailgenschukNaomi born about 1912
FailgenschukPatsy born about 1932
FailgenschukRichard born about 1939
FailgenschukRobert born about 1937
FiegenschockJohn born about 1918
FisherAnna Mborn about 1900
FisherEdward born about 1878
FisherEllis born about 1860
FisherEmma Eborn about 1873
FisherEva born about 1878
FisherHoward Jborn about 1893
FisherLeo Jborn about 1921
FisherLoren Hborn about 1928
FoskettGeorge born about 1887
FoustAgnes born about 1906
FoustCharles born about 1904
FrenchHoward born about 1876
FrickeHerman born about 1903
FrickeLeona born about 1902
FunkElsie Mborn about 1893

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G Surnames

GarradCarol Annborn about 1938
GarradDuane born about 1937
GarradGail born about 1912
GarradJanice born about 1939
GarradRegina born about 1915
GibbsMaxine born about 1916
GodingCora born about 1884
GodingLeota born about 1923
GodingLillian Lborn about 1927
GodingRay Fborn about 1920
GodingWilliam born about 1882
GriswaldCarl born about 1923
GrotheAnna Mborn about 1930
GrotheFred Aborn about 1923
GrotheGeorge Aborn about 1934
GrotheHenry Rborn about 1893
GrotheKenneth Eborn about 1939
GrotheMargaret Aborn about 1927
GrotheRobret Cborn about 1931
GrotheTheresa Aborn about 1900
GroverE Rborn about 1882
GroverGrace born about 1886
GundersonCarol Lborn about 1939
GundersonCharles born about 1880
GundersonDavid Aborn about 1938
GundersonDorothy Eborn about 1904
GundersonGary born about 1940
GundersonGeorge Cborn about 1904
GundersonGeorge Hborn about 1875
GundersonHelen born about 1918
GundersonLe Royborn about 1916
GundersonMabel born about 1895
GundersonMargaret Annborn about 1932
GundersonMary Eborn about 1931
GundersonWalter Eborn about 1894
GundersonWalter Eborn about 1936

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H Surnames

HadleyElba Rborn about 1879
HadleyHelene Rborn about 1887
HagemeisterAlice born about 1906
HagemeisterCharles born about 1904
HagemeisterCharlyn born about 1925
HagemeisterJeane born about 1928
HagemeisterKathryn born about 1922
HagemeisterLee born about 1905
HagemeisterMabel born about 1886
HagemeisterPatsy Ruthborn about 1934
HagemeisterPeggy Leeborn about 1939
HageneisterBilly Deanborn about 1936
HageneisterDean born about 1903
HageneisterJoa Annborn about 1933
HageneisterLois born about 1926
HageneisterVelma born about 1905
HamiltonMargaret born about 1918
HammersLois born about 1932
HammersLuella born about 1936
HammersMarvin born about 1939
HansenAnna born about 1881
HansenPeter born about 1876
HansenRose born about 1879
HansenWilliam born about 1875
HapmeisterRose born about 1880
HapmeisterWilliam born about 1877
HarmsBetty Louborn about 1929
HarmsFrieda born about 1890
HarmsenDoreen born about 1905
HarmsenHugo born about 1900
HeimerAlice Eborn about 1926
HeimerArchie Aborn about 1924
HeimerCharlotte Fborn about 1934
HeimerDaniel Jborn about 1930
HeimerEthel Jborn about 1906
HeimerJohn Mborn about 1899
HeimerSam Aborn about 1930
HeimerWalter Wborn about 1922
HendricksonMorris born about 1920
HendricksonRalph born about 1915
HenleeDarvin born about 1938
HenleeDonald born about 1932
HenleeR Mborn about 1914
HenleeRosetta born about 1915
HennandezCristobal born about 1890
HennandezMarguerite born about 1884
HenryClarence born about 1923
HenryMary born about 1898
HenryWalter born about 1888
HerboldsheimerAnna Mborn about 1894
HerboldsheimerBennie Bborn about 1924
HerboldsheimerCharles born about 1889
HerboldsheimerDale Dborn about 1922
HerboldsheimerKinley Kborn about 1920
HerboldsheimerViola Jborn about 1926
HermanBernice born about 1922
HermanElmer born about 1897
HermanJoy born about 1932
HermanRena born about 1902
HermanShirley born about 1929
HermansenBernard born about 1921
HermansenClara born about 1895
HermansenDouglas born about 1932
HermansenE Sborn about 1895
HermansenMary Bethborn about 1927
HicksCarol Mborn about 1926
HicksDonald Rborn about 1934
HicksEdgar Lborn about 1899
HicksElgin Oborn about 1921
HicksGeorge Wborn about 1870
HicksGertrude Eborn about 1898
HicksJune Eborn about 1924
HicksKenneth Gborn about 1923
HicksLyle Cborn about 1927
HicksMarjory Annborn about 1939
HicksOlive born about 1877
HicksPatty Jeanborn about 1936
HicksRuth Eborn about 1929
HildebrandAmos born about 1884
HildebrandAnna born about 1870
HillHillis born about 1862
HimmebrightCharles Eborn about 1871
HimmebrightFloyd born about 1904
HimmebrightIrene born about 1907
HimmebrightMarjorie Lborn about 1933
HimmebrightRamond Jborn about 1930
HimmebrightVanda Leeborn about 1939
HiteEdgar born about 1845
HiteEdgar born about 1894
HiteGuy Vborn about 1896
HiteMable Rborn about 1895
HollidayElmer born about 1912
HollidayHelen born about 1922
HomerLester Lborn about 1919
HorstClarence born about 1917
HorstDorothy born about 1909
HuffAnna Mborn about 1874
HuffElnora born about 1869

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I Surnames

IvensonBetty born about 1932
IvensonClara born about 1913
IvensonElgie born about 1927
IvensonFloyd born about 1925
IvensonGerotie born about 1924
IvensonThomas born about 1893

J Surnames

JacksenAngela born about 1865
JacksenEmma born about 1861
JacksenN born about 1863
JacobsenCarl born about 1880
JacobsenJennie born about 1890
JacobyKathryn born about 1928
JensenDarrell Lborn about 1930
JensenGeorge Lborn about 1906
JensenHoward Lborn about 1908
JensenJoseph born about 1881
JensenJoseph Jr born about 1920
JensenLois Lborn about 1924
JensenMaude Mborn about 1888
JensenRex Dborn about 1927
JensenWalter Vborn about 1922
JensenWilbur Cborn about 1910
JessopClarence Jborn about 1926
JessopHazel Vborn about 1904
JessopJohn Aborn about 1899
JessopMarie Lborn about 1934
JessopMary Eborn about 1937
JessopVerl Cborn about 1923
JessopViola Lborn about 1928
JessopVirginia born about 1927
JohnsonByron born about 1921
JohnsonC Vborn about 1875
JohnsonCecile Bborn about 1898
JohnsonClarence born about 1893
JohnsonClifford Dborn about 1925
JohnsonEdith born about 1899
JohnsonEllen born about 1866
JohnsonHerbert Dborn about 1897
JohnsonJoseph Aborn about 1888
JohnsonLester Fborn about 1931
JohnsonLulu born about 1896
JohnsonMarjorie born about 1927
JohnsonRobert Jborn about 1925
JohnsonSyretha born about 1893
JohnsonWillomine Eborn about 1923
JurlpeBruce Dborn about 1927
JurlpeDennis Wborn about 1933
JurlpeDorris Rborn about 1907
JurlpeJanice Lborn about 1931
JurlpeJoyce Rborn about 1930
JurlpeLloyd Aborn about 1904
JurlpeLloyd Aborn about 1936
JurlpeStanley Rborn about 1929

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K Surnames

KaderliBarbara born about 1930
KaderliC Cborn about 1892
KaderliEdwin born about 1927
KaderliKenneth born about 1924
KaderliRuby born about 1896
KauneHenry born about 1864
KauneMinnie born about 1868
KeinRowley born about 1907

L Surnames

LaffertyLettie Jborn about 1872
LaffertyLewis born about 1869
LarsonAmy Annborn about 1925
LarsonAmy Jborn about 1903
LarsonAnna Cborn about 1861
LarsonBoyd Mborn about 1932
LarsonCalvin Cborn about 1931
LarsonCarl Jborn about 1903
LarsonEllan Jborn about 1935
LarsonGeorge Dborn about 1900
LarsonJeanne Vborn about 1937
LarsonJoyce Aborn about 1927
LarsonLila Dborn about 1905
LarsonLoran Nborn about 1930
LarsonMerrill Mborn about 1938
LarsonSherrill Mborn about 1938
LarsonWayne Sborn about 1932
LeafdaleEmil born about 1881
LeafdaleNeil born about 1927
LeafdaleR Emmaborn about 1924
LeafdalesCecelia born about 1852
LeafdalesMartin born about 1849
LightHomer born about 1893
LightLouise Eborn about 1889
LovellDewey Sborn about 1897
LovellDixie Jborn about 1938
LovellMary Jborn about 1934
LovellMaxine Mborn about 1911

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M Surnames

MacadamFlorence born about 1892
MacadamHarriett born about 1923
MacadamRoderick born about 1920
MacadamRoy born about 1892
MaddenDwain Rborn about 1929
MaddenElizabeth Jborn about 1938
MaddenHoward Jborn about 1906
MaddenJoseph Hborn about 1939
MaddenJoyce Eborn about 1936
MaddenLucy Jborn about 1931
MaddenNora Eborn about 1909
MaddenRoland Rborn about 1934
MangelsFlora Eborn about 1906
MangelsRose Mborn about 1934
MangelsWilliam Mborn about 1901
MathewsonKate Lborn about 1904
MathewsonLeota Rborn about 1927
MathewsonMax Aborn about 1930
MathewsonRodney Gborn about 1925
MathewsonWarren Dborn about 1899
MathewsonWendell Wborn about 1924
McAdamJennie born about 1857
McLaughlinEmmaline born about 1909
McMillanArchie born about 1889
McMillanFlora born about 1893
McMillanJeanne born about 1932
McMillanJosie born about 1914
McMillanMarvin born about 1924
McMillanT Lborn about 1915
MeesterHelen born about 1913
MeesterMarlene born about 1939
MeesterMelvin born about 1916
MerecheimElsie born about 1896
MerecheimKenneth born about 1925
MerecheimRalph born about 1895
MoenchCarolyn born about 1918
MoenchElmer born about 1909
MoenchFern born about 1897
MoenchHenry born about 1883
MoenchHerman born about 1887
MoenchHilda born about 1923
MoenchIda born about 1884
MorfeldBessie born about 1893
MorfeldEugene Rborn about 1921
MorfeldGeraldine Aborn about 1923
MorfeldJoseph Bborn about 1886
MorfeldMartin Bborn about 1892
MorfeldRaymond Lborn about 1920
MorfeldSarah Lborn about 1896
MornchDonna Mborn about 1939
MornchDoril Lborn about 1917
MornchJohn Gborn about 1921
MornchMartin born about 1915
MorrowAlice born about 1908
MusilDella Mborn about 1898
MusilJoseph Sborn about 1898
MusilLumirr Jborn about 1920
MusilMadeline Mborn about 1921
MusilNorma Jborn about 1929
MusilRoland Fborn about 1923
MusilWillard Sborn about 1918
MyeraDwain born about 1939
MyeraLoren Vborn about 1912
MyeraMarjorie born about 1918
MyersBessie born about 1897
MyersC Leonardborn about 1937
MyersDonna Leeborn about 1930
MyersFrieda Louborn about 1933
MyersJohn born about 1870
MyersJulia born about 1925
MyersMartin Eborn about 1870
MyersMary Eborn about 1885
MyersRichard Sborn about 1891

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N Surnames

NeamanAmelia born about 1871
NeamanCharles born about 1867
NeilsonAlbert Fborn about 1891
NeilsonArvin Bborn about 1917
NeilsonEarl Hborn about 1919
NeilsonSigrid Mborn about 1890
NelsonAlice Cborn about 1926
NelsonAndrew born about 1885
NelsonAugust born about 1868
NelsonChanney Lborn about 1910
NelsonCharles Wborn about 1906
NelsonClyde born about 1912
NelsonDelores Kborn about 1923
NelsonEdith born about 1909
NelsonEleanor born about 1925
NelsonEllora born about 1922
NelsonEmil born about 1896
NelsonEstle born about 1911
NelsonGertrude Mxborn about 1875
NelsonJohn born about 1876
NelsonJoseph born about 1894
NelsonKermit Lborn about 1919
NelsonLola born about 1890
NelsonLorraine Vborn about 1920
NelsonMaggie Mborn about 1884
NelsonMary born about 1875
NelsonMary born about 1883
NelsonMary Cborn about 1890
NelsonOle Cborn about 1883
NelsonParker born about 1922
NelsonRebecca born about 1878
NelsonRobin born about 1939
NelsonShirley Aborn about 1935
NelsonStuart born about 1917
NelsonVivian born about 1930
NelsonWalter born about 1915
NelsonWarren Jborn about 1921
NelsonWinnie Lborn about 1887

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O Surnames

OeltgenAnton born about 1890
OeltgenBessie born about 1896
OeltgenBetty Jeanborn about 1934
OeltgenDelmer born about 1926
OeltgenVernon born about 1939
OliveriusFrank born about 1909
OliveriusMabel born about 1916
OlsenFern Gborn about 1915
OlsenGerald Cborn about 1939
OlsenGunhardt Cborn about 1907
OlsenSharon Wborn about 1936
OlsonEmma Cborn about 1862

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P Surnames

PaulatJohn born about 1873
PaulatKate born about 1877
PeblerInez born about 1911
PeblerPaul born about 1910
PeblerPaul Eugeneborn about 1933
PhelpsRobert Sborn about 1918
PhillipsBerriilee Beeborn about 1927

R Surnames

RaminezJose born about 1888
RansomAlice born about 1901
RansomGeorge born about 1898
RichardLyal born about 1917
RobertsonBrett Mborn about 1939
RobertsonLillian born about 1898
RobertsonMildrd born about 1922
RobertsonRalph born about 1893
RohfingMinnie born about 1903
RoobEdward born about 1863
RoseKenneth Lborn about 1912
RoseLynda Leeborn about 1938
RoseThelma Lborn about 1914
RosenthalAmelia born about 1910
RosenthalDolores Mborn about 1936
RosenthalHenry born about 1906
RosenthalHenry Cborn about 1930
RosenthalHerman Hborn about 1919
RosenthalKenneth Lborn about 1928
RosenthalTheodore born about 1932
RossArchibald born about 1874
RossEmma Lborn about 1875
RushmanAdeline Mborn about 1887
RushmanHans born about 1879
RushmanNorman Jborn about 1922

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S Surnames

SandersAnna born about 1872
SandersBurdette born about 1933
SandersJeanette born about 1936
ScheeleHerbert born about 1916
SchmidtDonald Lborn about 1937
SchmidtHenry born about 1912
SchmidtKatherine Eborn about 1912
SchrearHenry born about 1876
SchwartzClayton born about 1929
SchwartzDonald born about 1928
SchwartzGenevieve born about 1925
SchwartzJames born about 1937
SchwartzJoe Pborn about 1888
SchwartzKenneth born about 1923
SchwartzLawrence Aborn about 1893
SchwartzMolanie born about 1898
SeyfangJohn born about 1869
SeyfangMinnie born about 1872
ShawCharles Mborn about 1866
ShawEsther born about 1910
SheetsAlbina born about 1884
SheetsBilly born about 1930
SheetsHoward born about 1922
SheetsWilliam Cborn about 1878
SheldonGeorgia Leeborn about 1928
SheldonMary born about 1879
SlamaEthel born about 1890
SlamaWilliam born about 1891
SleethGeorgia born about 1926
SleethHazel born about 1893
SleethPatricia born about 1924
SloanOlive born about 1881
SloanWilliam Tborn about 1870
SlocombLulu born about 1908
SlocombRaymond born about 1901
SmithAugust born about 1885
SmithAugusta Mborn about 1897
SmithCharles Eborn about 1889
SmithGladys Mborn about 1919
SmithJoyce born about 1912
SmithMarrjory Aborn about 1930
SmithSophie born about 1885
SmithWallace born about 1927
SnyderStella born about 1886
SnyderW Rborn about 1875
SnyderWilliam born about 1923
SparksHattie born about 1924
SparksJohn born about 1884
SparksLaura born about 1884
SparksMarie born about 1887
SparksVirginia born about 1926
SparksWilliam born about 1882
SpellmanAnn born about 1909
SpellmanBilly born about 1934
SpellmanJimmie born about 1936
SpellmanMarvan born about 1904
SpellmanMarvan Jr born about 1932
StainbrookFrank born about 1897
StanekIrene born about 1913
StanekJames Wborn about 1911
StanekJimmy Wborn about 1939
StantonCharles born about 1876
StantonEmma born about 1887
StinesEthel born about 1896
StinesEvan born about 1880
StinesHarold born about 1932
StinesJanne born about 1933
StinesKenneth born about 1928
StinesMaxine born about 1935
StinesMerle born about 1927
StinesMyanard born about 1921
StinesRuth born about 1926
StormbergDolores Rborn about 1923
StormbergDonald Hborn about 1925
StormbergEugene Fborn about 1928
StormbergLeroy Gborn about 1922
StormbergMarie born about 1896
StormbergMaxine Cborn about 1929
StormbergViola Mborn about 1926
StuartLucy born about 1863

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T Surnames

TankEmiel Wborn about 1889
TankEmma Dborn about 1895
TankLeona Jborn about 1930
TankLoyal Jborn about 1918
TannerC Rborn about 1902
TannerEldon born about 1927
TannerElla born about 1903
TannerNeil born about 1935
TebrinkeBetty born about 1925
TebrinkeEarl born about 1900
TebrinkeLaura born about 1933
TebrinkeNell born about 1901
TeneyckDavod born about 1866
ThayerIva Aborn about 1891
ThayerJames Sborn about 1925
TheisAugust born about 1904
TheisDavid born about 1938
TheisDonald born about 1925
TheisElvin born about 1936
TheisMyrene born about 1929
TheisVivian born about 1909
TheisWayne born about 1932
TheisWilma born about 1927
ThermanChristean born about 1902
ThermanChristian Bborn about 1937
ThermanMildred Mborn about 1911
ThermanVerma Eborn about 1939
ThirlwallA S Sborn about 1869
ThorstensenClifton Pborn about 1922
ThorstensenNellie Eborn about 1900
ThorstensenNels born about 1863
ThorstensenPalmer Jborn about 1895
ThorstensenVirignia Eborn about 1919
TreinenDoris Gborn about 1920
TurnerCarolyn born about 1916
TurnerJohn Wborn about 1937
TurnerStanley born about 1939
TurnerWayne born about 1940
TurnerWilliam born about 1901

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V Surnames

VaughanDarlene born about 1896
VaughanF Wborn about 1888
VealBernice born about 1913

W Surnames

WarnerBeatrice born about 1883
WarnerHarriet born about 1926
WarnerHarry born about 1882
WarnerHarry Jr born about 1929
WatermanCaroline born about 1884
WatermanCharles Fborn about 1868
WellsHarry born about 1876
WheelerElvin born about 1920
WheelerErvin born about 1914
WheelerEugene born about 1917
WheelerEunice born about 1886
WheelerHelen born about 1917
WheelerLeonard born about 1912
WheelerLoren born about 1888
WheelerSharon born about 1938
WhiteVernon born about 1919
WhitneyGeorge Jborn about 1893
WhitneyJames Jborn about 1924
WhitneyZella Mborn about 1893
WickhartIvy Cborn about 1937
WickhartJerrell Rborn about 1933
WickhartRaymond Hborn about 1905
WickhartViolet Fborn about 1904
WickstromAlma Cborn about 1892
WickstromLa Verne Cborn about 1916
WickstromSam born about 1890
WieghorstBernace Hborn about 1906
WieghorstEdward Rborn about 1901
WieghorstElba Hborn about 1930
WieghorstLeslie Hborn about 1902
WieghorstMark Cborn about 1930
WieghorstRuby Jborn about 1903
WieghorstWarren Aborn about 1928
WiekhorstFerd born about 1871
WiekhorstKatherine born about 1889
WillaMattie born about 1914
WillaWillard born about 1914
WilsonHarry Aborn about 1921
WinkelmannElvin born about 1920
WinnEdwin born about 1913
WinnOpal born about 1916
WintkenFrank Gborn about 1880
WintkenMaria born about 1883

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