1940 U.S. Federal Census of Stove Creek, Cass, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Cass County > 1940 Census of Stove Creek

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

ActorAleen born about 1902
ActorJerry born about 1929
ActorJoan born about 1927
ActorLarnjance* born about 1932
ActorRobert born about 1904
ActorSharon Marieborn about 1940
AlbersAuguste born about 1903
AlbersBernice born about 1920
AlbersGelbert born about 1936
AlbersGerald born about 1934
AlbersLorenz born about 1890
AlbersRobert born about 1928
AldrickBess Streeterborn about 1881
AldrickRobert born about 1922
AleckHarold Eborn about 1916
AlfordA Jborn about 1872
AllenHarry Cborn about 1879
AllenHarry Lorantborn about 1922
AllenLaura Eborn about 1881
AllenMary Loisborn about 1924
AndrewsMary Mborn about 1868
ArnoldFrances born about 1927
ArnoldHarry born about 1891
ArnoldLena born about 1892
AtchisonElla born about 1890
AtchisonWilliam born about 1862
AtchisonWilliam Jr born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackemeyerAnna born about 1904
BackemeyerGerrald born about 1940
BackemeyerHarvey born about 1905
BackemeyerJesse born about 1910
BackemeyerMarie born about 1912
BackemeyerMerle born about 1937
BaileyEva born about 1865
BarberAlvin born about 1881
BarberEdna Vborn about 1880
BarnemeierAlice born about 1912
BarnemeierAnna born about 1884
BarnemeierChester born about 1915
BarnemeierClarence born about 1904
BarnemeierDavid born about 1922
BarnemeierEdwin born about 1883
BarnemeierEmil born about 1886
BarnemeierEsther born about 1890
BarnemeierGeorge born about 1905
BarnemeierGrace born about 1906
BarnemeierKenneth born about 1920
BarnemeierNettie born about 1921
BarnemeierNorman born about 1912
BarnemeierOmar born about 1915
BarnemeierPhyllis Leeborn about 1932
BarnemeierRonald born about 1929
BarnemeierViola born about 1909
BartaJames born about 1901
BartaJulia born about 1906
BarttettLydia born about 1855
BathwellJean Adairborn about 1926
BathwellMona born about 1895
BathwellNorval born about 1895
BeckAnna born about 1878
BeckLottie born about 1872
BeckW Harmondborn about 1870
BehrensEmma born about 1888
BehrensJohn born about 1879
BehrensRuth born about 1909
BlessingBeth born about 1936
BlessingCarol Annborn about 1939
BlessingCorene born about 1918
BlessingGeorge Jr born about 1915
BlessingGeorge Sr born about 1910
BlessingGrace born about 1885
BlessingRicahrd born about 1919
BockemeyerCharles born about 1935
BockemeyerEdwin born about 1908
BockemeyerJoan born about 1932
BockemeyerLavina born about 1910
BogenriefGeorge Wborn about 1870
BogenriefRay born about 1901
BornemeiaGladys born about 1906
BornemeiaHenry born about 1906
BornemeiaJerry born about 1932
BornemeiaVernon born about 1930
BornemeierEmma born about 1885
BornemeierIzora born about 1926
BornemeierMarjorie born about 1894
BornemeierPaul born about 1883
BornemeierRoscoe born about 1924
BorremeierAgusta born about 1880
BorremeierAugust born about 1877
BorremeierWillard born about 1910
BoxJohn born about 1896
BoxLillian born about 1896
BoxRuth born about 1921
BoydInez born about 1908
BoydMyron Fborn about 1909
BoylesElla born about 1865
BoylesThor born about 1894
BozAnna born about 1871
BozFrances born about 1908
BrakhageArlene born about 1926
BrakhageGeorge born about 1923
BrakhageHazel born about 1929
BrakhageMinnie born about 1881
BrakhageRay born about 1919
BrakhageRuby born about 1921
BrantLucinda born about 1877
BrauchmullerEarl born about 1930
BrauchmullerErnest born about 1906
BrauchmullerLois Jeanborn about 1932
BrauchmullerMadie born about 1902
BrighamVivian born about 1912
BrintonEvertt born about 1923
BrintonGeorge born about 1929
BrintonGeorge Lborn about 1877
BrintonLee born about 1912
BrintonLester born about 1905
BrintonLucy Aborn about 1887
BrintonOpal born about 1925
BrintzAlbert born about 1887
BrintzAlberta born about 1931
BrintzAnne Marieborn about 1922
BrintzOrilla born about 1888
BrochmanArthur born about 1911
BrochmanCarol Annborn about 1938
BrochmanEverett born about 1910
BrochmanMaybelle born about 1906
BrochmanMinnie born about 1871
BrockhoffAletha born about 1905
BrockhoffErvin born about 1932
BrockhoffHerman born about 1898
BrockhoffNorman born about 1937
BrockhoffRalph born about 1935
BrunkowVoline born about 1919
BuskirkDoto born about 1860
BuskirkMary born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CapwellHoward Fborn about 1881
CapwellPearl born about 1886
CarrollEllen born about 1888
CarrollFrances Bborn about 1919
ChristensonEsther born about 1910
ChristensonMarion Aborn about 1904
ChristensonWillard born about 1936
ChristianAlice Dborn about 1902
ChristianBellie Jeanborn about 1931
ChristianJuan Iborn about 1928
ChristianLeslie Dborn about 1902
ChristinsenJames born about 1854
ClappDoris born about 1899
ClappEvelyn born about 1923
ClappWillard born about 1880
ClarkMamie born about 1905
ClarkWilma Jeanborn about 1926
ClementsAlma born about 1889
ClementsBoyd born about 1925
ClementsByron born about 1865
ClementsDwight born about 1920
ClementsEmma born about 1894
ClementsGuy born about 1888
ClementsGuy Lborn about 1888
ClementsKirtl born about 1923
ClementsMarie born about 1898
ClementsMinnie Iborn about 1866
ClementsNorma Berylborn about 1927
ClementsOpal born about 1904
ClementsOrley born about 1894
ClementsV Gborn about 1898
CoatmanDorthea born about 1909
CoatmanGeorge born about 1906
CoatmanLodge born about 1935
CobbClara born about 1860
ColeJohn born about 1860
CookDavid born about 1927
CookEmmet born about 1893
CookJudith born about 1936
CookLe Roy born about 1913
CookMargaret born about 1925
CookMarjorie born about 1915
CookSharon born about 1938
CookSusan born about 1893
CookleyWillie born about 1925
CoonDan born about 1859
CoonElla born about 1867
CoonLee born about 1874
CoonNellie born about 1880
CornerOlive born about 1868
CostmanGrace born about 1883
CostmanW Wborn about 1880
CoygillLodge born about 1881
CoygillMyrtle born about 1885
CreamerClara born about 1861
CreamerJessie born about 1887
CreamerMaude born about 1883
CromwellEva born about 1870
CromwellLymon Aborn about 1895
CutterAgusta born about 1859

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D Surnames

DavisFrank Mborn about 1868
DavisGertrude born about 1885
DavisL Vborn about 1874
DavisRuth Aborn about 1876
DeanBeulah Aborn about 1908
DeanDoris born about 1934
DeanEarl Joyborn about 1930
DeanFrank born about 1904
DeanFrank R Jrborn about 1927
DeanRalph born about 1937
DehningHenry Pborn about 1862
DehningUrlricka* Fborn about 1861
DelesdarnierLaura born about 1872
DennisMalva born about 1883
DennisR Nborn about 1887
DennisWanda born about 1924
DennisWellington born about 1920
DorrJessie born about 1884
DorrMargaret born about 1915
DorrNeal born about 1912
DorrRalph born about 1884
DouglasGeroege Gborn about 1864
DouglasMattie born about 1867
DreamerClara Cborn about 1874
DreamerJohn Cborn about 1865
DrumMartha born about 1855

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E Surnames

EarnestEd born about 1875
EarnestRohda born about 1880
EbelerDolores born about 1931
EbelerErma born about 1926
EbelerErnest Fborn about 1902
EbelerEunice born about 1933
EbelerMabel born about 1906
EbelerPhyllis born about 1938
EidenmillerGeorge born about 1894
EidenmillerGladys born about 1900
EidenmillerJoyce Olaborn about 1938
EidenmillerMarlene born about 1933
ElliottDonald born about 1927
ElliottEarl born about 1886
ElliottEffie born about 1891
ElliottLee Earlborn about 1922
ElliottRuth Jeanborn about 1932
EngelikingDora born about 1908
EngelikingFred born about 1903
EngelikingMinnie born about 1900
EngelkingAlice born about 1932
EngelkingFlorence born about 1896
EngelkingHerman born about 1891
EnterlineDaryle born about 1931
EnterlineDavid born about 1926
EnterlineDove born about 1894
EnterlineEdna born about 1894
EnterlineEdward born about 1922
ErilandMerle Evelynborn about 1919
ErilandMerle Vborn about 1893
ErilandPaul Raymondborn about 1924
ErilandRaymond born about 1887

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F Surnames

FellowsAsa born about 1857
FellowsBessie born about 1882
FellowsFloyd born about 1916
FellowsJanice born about 1925
FentimanAlice born about 1860
FergusonCharles born about 1874
FintelBetty born about 1928
FintelEmma born about 1892
FintelHomer born about 1885
FintelJean born about 1926
FintelJohn born about 1924
FischerCorrine born about 1920
FischerFrances born about 1922
FischerRobert born about 1930
FischerRose born about 1896
FischerWilliam born about 1894
FleishmanClara born about 1922
FleishmanClarence born about 1917
FleishmanEdna born about 1915
FleishmanEldon born about 1929
FleishmanFred born about 1885
FleishmanMinnie born about 1881
FleishmanOtto born about 1887
FleishmanPearl born about 1923
FleishmanVerl born about 1917
FleishmanWalter born about 1925
FleshmanHelen born about 1897
FleshmanHerman born about 1894
FranzenaClarence born about 1906
FranzenaElla born about 1920
FranzenaJean Ellenborn about 1939
FranzenaJoyce La Roseborn about 1940
FredenburgClara born about 1901
FredenburgDonald born about 1901
FrisbeeFannie born about 1878
FrisherKaye Jeanborn about 1940
FrisherMilan Jackborn about 1937
FrisherMilo born about 1909
FrisherRuth born about 1911

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G Surnames

GardnerFern born about 1916
GardnerHugh Normanborn about 1939
GerhardArlene born about 1933
GerhardClaude born about 1903
GerhardJanice born about 1934
GerhardLila born about 1935
GerhardNola born about 1905
GillettHattie Mayborn about 1866
GoldenEdgar born about 1935
GoldenNoll born about 1909
GonzalesEmily born about 1893
GonzalesJohn Pborn about 1859
GonzalesNellie born about 1874
GrantIda born about 1859
GreeneDella born about 1891
GreeneHarry born about 1890
GreeneInez born about 1885
GreenePhyllis born about 1919
GreeneRalph born about 1885
GreeneShirley born about 1920
GroteMartha born about 1873
GroteWilliam born about 1869
GustinFrank born about 1869
GustinJulia born about 1859
GustinMelinda born about 1870

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H Surnames

HalksEmil born about 1890
HallAlice born about 1919
HallDoris born about 1919
HallEdwin Kborn about 1888
HallElmer born about 1886
HallEmile Jborn about 1869
HallGeorge Kborn about 1865
HallJerald born about 1923
HallJimmey born about 1933
HallJohn born about 1938
HallMargaret born about 1913
HallMyrl born about 1890
HallOlive born about 1909
HallRobert Tedborn about 1940
HallRuth born about 1894
HallShirely born about 1936
HallTed born about 1913
HallWillard born about 1919
HallenbeckCecil born about 1923
HallenbeckDonald born about 1914
HallenbeckErnest born about 1888
HallenbeckMac born about 1890
HallenbeckVictor born about 1928
HallenbeckViolet born about 1926
HalpsMartha born about 1901
HalpsWilliam born about 1896
HansenEldra born about 1937
HansenEvelyn born about 1918
HansenWilliam born about 1916
HarleyIda born about 1869
HarnesbergerAmelia born about 1856
HartonEarl born about 1888
HartonLeo born about 1865
HartonOlive born about 1895
HattleClarine born about 1913
HattleNollan born about 1909
HattleNora born about 1871
HattleWilliam born about 1863
HawkinsElza Mborn about 1911
HawkinsHazel born about 1908
HayAlma born about 1910
HayJohn born about 1903
HayesBerverley born about 1927
HayesCreda born about 1901
HayesDouglas born about 1925
HayesGertrude born about 1876
HayesJohn Henryborn about 1930
HayesLeland Jborn about 1899
HayesMarylin born about 1932
HayesViola born about 1873
HayesYvonne born about 1920
HazenJean born about 1935
HazenPaul Gborn about 1896
HazenSarah Mborn about 1898
HensonAnna born about 1898
HensonEdgar born about 1919
HensonHobert born about 1896
HermannLorilla Bborn about 1876
HermannLouis Jborn about 1878
HickmanSusan born about 1874
HillBob born about 1923
HillBoyd born about 1922
HillClara born about 1892
HillEtta born about 1889
HillGrover born about 1887
HillHarley born about 1924
HillJim born about 1926
HillMary born about 1929
HillVernon born about 1893
HoffmanAmy born about 1892
HoffmanFrank born about 1881
HollenbeckDarlene born about 1923
HollenbeckLaura born about 1883
HollenbeckLewis Hborn about 1882
HooverClyde born about 1883
HooverMartha born about 1895
HuffmanMinnie born about 1897
HuffmanRoberta born about 1927
HuffmanWilliam born about 1891
HulfishHenrietta born about 1870
HulfishHerbert born about 1905
HulfishPaul born about 1910
HulfishW Mborn about 1866

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I Surnames

IronsAxie Jborn about 1878
IronsRueben born about 1875

J Surnames

JamesEd born about 1877
JamesJash born about 1866
JamesNina born about 1891
JamesRobert Rborn about 1923
JamesSidney Rborn about 1886
JamesWilliam Eborn about 1919
JohnBeatrice born about 1878
JohnRosemary born about 1903
JohnTheodore born about 1924
JohnWilliam born about 1872
JonesArnold born about 1921
JulianMarjorie born about 1917
JulianOrville born about 1915

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K Surnames

KennedyDerrell born about 1902
KennedyMary born about 1905
KennedyWilliam Dborn about 1939
KingJoe born about 1898
KlemmeBlanche born about 1909
KlemmeLeonard born about 1904
KrallLaura born about 1880
KrallLeola born about 1910
KrallSamuel born about 1884
KrantzAnna born about 1901
KrantzBetty born about 1923
KrantzCarol Annborn about 1939
KrantzEdwin born about 1896
KrantzLoren born about 1926
KrauseArlin born about 1924
KrauseMary born about 1902
KrauseRalph born about 1902
KriseCarolyn born about 1891
KriseWilliam born about 1891
KuchnEugene born about 1928
KuchnHattie born about 1890
KuchnHerman born about 1888
KuchnOpal born about 1918
KuchnPearl born about 1925
KuchnRichard born about 1917
KungElsie Capeborn about 1901
KungJohn born about 1866
KungLouisa born about 1868
KunzAdele born about 1924
KunzAlbert Willborn about 1889
KunzAmelia born about 1866
KunzBobby born about 1931
KunzCollene born about 1929
KunzD Cborn about 1861
KunzDale born about 1938
KunzDella born about 1910
KunzDoloris born about 1923
KunzEarl born about 1902
KunzEleanore born about 1917
KunzElla born about 1900
KunzEmma born about 1895
KunzEmma Jeanborn about 1931
KunzFred Hborn about 1867
KunzGeorge born about 1889
KunzGrace born about 1926
KunzHarlan born about 1923
KunzHelen born about 1912
KunzIrene born about 1932
KunzIrvin born about 1922
KunzJanice born about 1934
KunzL Hborn about 1883
KunzLoretta Jeanborn about 1930
KunzLouisa born about 1879
KunzMary born about 1885
KunzMinnie born about 1891
KunzMollie born about 1873
KunzMyrl born about 1919
KunzMyron born about 1913
KunzNora born about 1880
KunzRalph born about 1897
KunzRoy born about 1904
KunzShirely born about 1936
KunzStella born about 1886
KunzVena born about 1909

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L Surnames

LangharstAlice born about 1871
LangharstEthel born about 1898
LangharstL Fborn about 1867
LaunerDe Lass born about 1924
LaunerJames born about 1877
LaunerMary born about 1889
LeanMary Eborn about 1864
LeanRay born about 1888
LeeSilas born about 1876
LengElda born about 1897
LengGeorge born about 1889
LengGeraldine born about 1919
LengOrville born about 1921
LinderCora born about 1871
LinderDoris born about 1902
LinderHarry born about 1901
ListonHazel born about 1890
ListonHoward born about 1921
ListonO Eborn about 1884
LockeThomas born about 1872
LorenzEmma born about 1878
LorenzFrank Wborn about 1870
LyleLucy born about 1876
LyonEverett born about 1889
LyonRalph born about 1893
LyonSarah Janeborn about 1854
LytleJames Cborn about 1907
LytleLucile born about 1903

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M Surnames

MaireJosiah born about 1862
MarshallHarry born about 1881
MarshallHelen Aborn about 1861
MarshallPaul born about 1860
MarshallVay born about 1885
MartinBonnie born about 1921
MartinCarol Annborn about 1938
MartinDavid born about 1916
MartinSandra Sueborn about 1939
McBrideEva Maeborn about 1881
McBrideSarah born about 1855
McCartneyEdwin born about 1918
McCartneyMary born about 1921
McCartneyNannie born about 1880
McCaryEthel born about 1893
McCaryMarion Fborn about 1891
McFallAnna born about 1867
McFallIda born about 1877
McGillDoris born about 1887
McGillGuy born about 1884
McKimErnest born about 1905
McKimHelice born about 1905
McLaughlinDale born about 1922
McLaughlinHoward born about 1916
McLaughlinLenard born about 1888
McLaughlinMary born about 1933
McLaughlinRobert born about 1927
McLaughlinStella born about 1893
MellerBess born about 1890
MellerEdith born about 1915
MellerJoyce Elaineborn about 1939
MellerMeryle born about 1909
MellerSkyle born about 1884
MendenhallBath Janetborn about 1933
MendenhallEldon born about 1907
MendenhallInez born about 1911
MendenhallLucy born about 1910
MendenhallMarilyn Jeanborn about 1939
MendenhallMorris born about 1919
MendonhallMabel born about 1908
MendonhallTressie born about 1886
MendonhallWilliam born about 1877
MeyerArthur born about 1909
MeyerLavonne born about 1936
MeyerMinnie born about 1912
MeyerRonald Jeanborn about 1939
MillerAlex born about 1862
MillerAlice born about 1887
MillerAlton born about 1878
MillerBarbara born about 1931
MillerDonna Mayborn about 1939
MillerDorothy born about 1908
MillerEarl born about 1924
MillerEd born about 1883
MillerEdith born about 1888
MillerEdna born about 1890
MillerEllis born about 1883
MillerFrances born about 1909
MillerGlenn born about 1921
MillerGustie born about 1880
MillerHazel born about 1908
MillerJanice Fayeborn about 1934
MillerJasie born about 1866
MillerJay born about 1905
MillerLloyd born about 1888
MillerMarjorie born about 1929
MillerMary born about 1865
MillerMelvin born about 1902
MillerOrval born about 1906
MillerR Jborn about 1886
MillerSkyle Jr born about 1908
MillerVerna born about 1918
MillerVirgil born about 1927
MonningHenry born about 1883
MonningRachael born about 1928
MonningRuth born about 1891
MoomeyGeorge born about 1890
MoomeyGrace born about 1887
MuenchauLillie born about 1903
MuenchauLydia born about 1862

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N Surnames

NickelCarrie born about 1881
NickelCharles born about 1939
NickelLavern born about 1909
NickelPeter born about 1883
NickelWilma born about 1914
NorrisNoma born about 1895
NorrisVirginia born about 1870
NorrisWatson born about 1910

O Surnames

OehlerkingLila born about 1933
OehlerkingVera born about 1913
OehlerkingWalter born about 1906
OehlerkingWalter Jr born about 1934
OhmaEllen born about 1860
OhmsClarence born about 1885
OhmsLucy born about 1888
OlsonVerena born about 1881
OstertagBertha born about 1867
OttanAnna born about 1892
OttanGlenn born about 1918
OttanHilda born about 1921
OttanPaul born about 1928
OttanRobert born about 1887

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P Surnames

PanshaLucille born about 1920
PanshaRosa born about 1885
PanshaRynard born about 1885
ParishDona Veeborn about 1927
ParishDonald born about 1906
ParishJessie born about 1906
ParishJohn Wendellborn about 1933
ParishLemuel born about 1878
ParishLenord born about 1886
ParishLoran born about 1868
ParishMarianna born about 1931
ParishRalph Wesleyborn about 1935
ParsellMargaret born about 1892
ParsellRoy born about 1890
PentermanEd Hborn about 1881
PentermanGolden born about 1911
PentermanHerman Gborn about 1878
PentermanKate born about 1881
PentermanMorris born about 1913
PentermanSylvia born about 1890
PhillipsMary Jborn about 1918
PhillipsSharon born about 1939
PhillipsVincent Gborn about 1919
PlybonGrace born about 1877
PlybonWalter born about 1875
PrattArlo born about 1901
PrattEugene born about 1927
PrattFred born about 1895
PrattMarian born about 1930
PrattRichard born about 1928
PrattSadie born about 1895
PrattVera born about 1904
PrestonClifford born about 1905
PrestonDwane born about 1937
PrestonElmer born about 1864
PrestonG Rborn about 1898
PrestonGladys Mborn about 1908
PrestonIrene born about 1912
PrestonLseter born about 1906
PulecFrank born about 1890
PulecMollie born about 1890

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Q Surnames

QuellhorstAlfa born about 1887
QuellhorstArvelle born about 1886
QuellhorstBryce born about 1921
QuellhorstPearl born about 1926

R Surnames

ReberAlva born about 1908
ReberDe Vee born about 1931
ReberGerald born about 1905
ReberGerald Jr born about 1928
ReberShirely born about 1926
ReedFestes Allenborn about 1870
ReikeEmile born about 1864
ReikeHenry born about 1868
ReikeLena born about 1886
RhodenNeva born about 1883
RhodenRoy born about 1884
RichMartin born about 1904
RoberBert born about 1876
RoberLillie born about 1878
RopersArlene born about 1940
RopersElmer born about 1912
RopersHelen born about 1914
RosemanEleta born about 1913
RosemanJacqueline born about 1939
RosemanRoy born about 1915
RosenawEdward born about 1883
RosenawLester born about 1921
RosenawLouise born about 1844
RosenawMary born about 1887
RosenkoetterAdolph born about 1868
RosenkoetterAugusta born about 1879
RosenkoetterEmma born about 1875
RosenkoetterMinnie Bborn about 1886
RosenowEmil born about 1890
RosenowHattie born about 1894
RueterClarence born about 1917
RueterRuth born about 1919
RugheJulia Jeanborn about 1914

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S Surnames

SchickCharles born about 1915
SchickElsie born about 1910
SchickFlora born about 1886
SchickFrances Mayborn about 1934
SchickFud born about 1901
SchickJunior born about 1913
SchickNora born about 1903
SchickNorma Jeanborn about 1931
SchickWilliam born about 1888
SchlankerCalista born about 1913
SchlankerClarence born about 1882
SchlankerDoris Jeanborn about 1924
SchlankerEleanore born about 1927
SchlankerHazel born about 1892
SchlankerMabel born about 1896
SchlankerMarine born about 1930
SchlankerNorma born about 1933
SchlankerShirley born about 1928
SchlankerWilliam born about 1883
SchlictemeierBeryl Burdetborn about 1938
SchlictemeierBeverly born about 1934
SchlictemeierGladys born about 1904
SchlictemeierRonald born about 1902
SchlictemeierRonald born about 1929
SchneiderHelen born about 1906
SchneiderKarl Aborn about 1899
SchrienVelma born about 1916
SeikerAnn born about 1925
SeikerAnna born about 1899
SeikerEdward born about 1894
SeikerFrancis born about 1931
SeikerKatherine born about 1921
SeikerMary born about 1893
SeikerMary born about 1923
SeikerMinnie born about 1869
SeikerVincent born about 1928
SeikersAlbert born about 1892
SeikersBarbara born about 1892
ShaeferElizabeth born about 1899
ShaemakerArthur born about 1919
ShaemakerErnest born about 1889
ShaemakerOpal Ardeneborn about 1929
ShaemakerOra born about 1890
ShaemakerRobert born about 1923
ShephardEdwin born about 1871
ShephardFannie born about 1872
ShreneDelia born about 1895
ShreneElmer Jborn about 1898
ShreneEmma born about 1867
ShreneGenevieve born about 1931
ShreneJane born about 1925
ShreneMaryndell* born about 1929
ShreneOpal born about 1905
ShreneRalph born about 1894
ShreneRussell born about 1922
ShreneWarren born about 1929
SkeenEtta born about 1871
SmithJessie born about 1913
SmithMark born about 1911
SoulekBetty Juneborn about 1933
SoulekDean Daleborn about 1932
SpenceFrances born about 1918
SpohnCharles born about 1872
SpohnKarolyn Kayborn about 1939
SpohnLa Mayne born about 1913
SpohnLa Rac born about 1916
StageHerman Aborn about 1887
StageLucy born about 1890
StageMinnie born about 1893
StageOpal born about 1924
StageOtto born about 1884
StantonJay Bborn about 1891
StantonMary born about 1905
StarkEldon Nborn about 1902
StarkFreda born about 1907
StarkGerry born about 1930
StarkJoann born about 1931
StarkPatricia born about 1927
StegeHoward born about 1915
StegeMary born about 1890
StegeMyrtle born about 1915
StegeWilliam born about 1884
SternerDorothy born about 1924
SternerJake born about 1890
SternerJohn born about 1913
SternerMabel born about 1916
SternerMarjorie born about 1922
SternerRay born about 1920
SternerVernon born about 1894
StevensBarbara born about 1932
StevensCalvin born about 1925
StevensDollie born about 1893
StevensE Hborn about 1907
StevensEunice born about 1912
StevensFrederic Hborn about 1892
StevensLucille born about 1924
StevensPhyllis born about 1927
StevensRosemary born about 1935
StevensRuth born about 1921
StewartsRita born about 1908
StewartsWillis born about 1901
StokesJohn Tborn about 1867
StolhmanArnold born about 1912
StolhmanCharlotte born about 1910
StrabelEthel born about 1892
StrabelHarold born about 1916
StrabelWilliam born about 1885
SumnerBergil Eborn about 1886
SumnerBetty born about 1918
SumnerHelen born about 1894
SumnerMary Aliceborn about 1922
SutherlandLaura born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallottTessie Aborn about 1871
TaylorJ Lborn about 1867
TaylorMaude born about 1883
TaylorThomas born about 1907
TheishmanAddie Bborn about 1882
TheishmanWilliam Mborn about 1889
ThimganMaude born about 1882
ThimganOpal born about 1912
ThimganRoland born about 1911
ThimganTheodore born about 1874
TiponCyrus born about 1888
TiponJennie born about 1864
TotmanC Rborn about 1905
TotmanNaomi born about 1906
TotmanNed Primleyborn about 1940
TurnerOscar born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VogtHenry born about 1888
VogtHoward born about 1920
VogtLucille born about 1924
VogtRosa born about 1885

W Surnames

WadeJ Cborn about 1866
WallingerMartha born about 1860
WeigertChristine born about 1866
WeisheitFred born about 1903
WeisheitSelma born about 1909
WelsonDolly born about 1873
WelsonHarry born about 1868
WendtDorothy Jeanborn about 1929
WendtElsie born about 1902
WendtHenry born about 1898
WendtMarion born about 1933
WestCharles born about 1880
WestFloyd born about 1916
WestKenneth born about 1913
WestMaude born about 1884
WestfallCecil born about 1921
WestfallHenry Fborn about 1913
WestfallJoyce Elanieborn about 1939
WestfallLuella born about 1915
WestfallVirginia Leeborn about 1938
WeyersEddie born about 1908
WeyersSelma born about 1915
WidickDon born about 1923
WidickLessie born about 1896
WidickMinnie born about 1872
WidickOrval born about 1893
WidickWilla born about 1928
WilkensAda born about 1887
WilkensFred born about 1887
WilkensLeona born about 1925
WilkensWillard born about 1920
WillettWaldo born about 1884
WilliamsEdoith born about 1932
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1920
WilliamsHarriet born about 1919
WilliamsHarry born about 1876
WilliamsMary born about 1878
WilliamsMichael Jborn about 1884
WilliamsRoy Paulborn about 1927
WilliamsWalker born about 1924
WillsBetty Louiseborn about 1932
WillsFrancis Jborn about 1902
WillsRobert Francisborn about 1937
WillsRuth Lborn about 1905
WoodAlice born about 1873
WoodCharles born about 1872
WoodGertrude Eborn about 1923
WoodGrace born about 1892
WoodMabel born about 1885
WoodMinton Vborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZumbrunnClara born about 1885

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