1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wauneta, Chase, Nebraska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nebraska > Chase County > 1940 Census of Wauneta

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbendacheinLuisa born about 1868
ActonHarry born about 1891
ActonJohn born about 1929
ActonKatie born about 1893
ActonRonald born about 1925
AlbeyIma born about 1909
AlbeyJohn born about 1940
AlbeyLeon born about 1909
AllenEmma born about 1862
AmbrookAndrew born about 1882
AndersonDale born about 1920
AndersonDonald born about 1926
AndersonDoris born about 1933
AndersonEdith born about 1928
AndersonFaye born about 1922
AndersonOlive born about 1892
AndersonRichard born about 1940
AndersonRobert born about 1930
AndersonRuby born about 1920
AndersonWayne born about 1916
ArnoldEmily born about 1902
ArnoldGeorge Aborn about 1893
ArnoldNa Denaborn about 1919
AtheyFeral* born about 1917
AtheyH Eborn about 1879
AtheyMarvin born about 1922
AtheyMary born about 1890
AtheyMina born about 1883

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B Surnames

BadmanEstel born about 1903
BadmanLacy born about 1937
BadmanRacquel born about 1903
BakerIrean born about 1915
BakerRose born about 1934
BallCharles born about 1915
BallGeorge born about 1914
BallWenona born about 1940
BarhamAanen born about 1899
BarhamDuane born about 1927
BarhamGenvieve born about 1925
BarhamNelson born about 1901
BarnesEmily born about 1902
BarnesLouther born about 1897
BaughmanAlbert born about 1903
BaughmanBennie born about 1907
BaughmanCleary* born about 1872
BaughmanGerold born about 1936
BaughmanJack born about 1937
BerryE Nborn about 1875
BirdCarmand born about 1929
BirdGlee born about 1921
BirdIda born about 1885
BirdLearned born about 1929
BirdWarren born about 1870
BodenanJohon born about 1876
BodenanLue born about 1877
BradleyH Rborn about 1898
BradleyNola born about 1904
BradleyRichard born about 1926
BradleyRobert born about 1924
BrannorBerge born about 1885
BrannorPeal born about 1890
BschoffMinne born about 1867
BurhamAlberta born about 1875
BurhamDiantha born about 1874
BurhamGordon born about 1896
BurhamGrace born about 1894
BurhamJim born about 1863
BurhamLawrence born about 1926
BurhamNancey born about 1924
BushBell born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarlsonCarl Robertborn about 1897
CarlsonJames Robertborn about 1940
CarlsonLuella born about 1899
CarlsonMinnie Ellenborn about 1928
CarlsonRoberta Lueborn about 1931
CarpenterColleen born about 1929
CarpenterElvaro born about 1897
CarpenterEster born about 1898
CarpenterIrene born about 1925
CarpenterMayene born about 1920
ChristnerJ Jborn about 1868
ChristnerMinne born about 1876
CochranFoy* born about 1907
CochranGeorge born about 1927
CochranHarrey born about 1902
CocklinRosa born about 1885
CocklinRoy born about 1886
CoenAlma born about 1922
CoenBetty born about 1935
CoenLottie born about 1893
CoenMurl born about 1894
CoenOrvel born about 1924
CoenPauel born about 1932
CoenRuth born about 1930
CollinsHenry born about 1856
ColmanBobby born about 1935
ColmanRuth born about 1912
ColmanSandra born about 1939
ColmanTom born about 1911
ColsonRose Marieborn about 1921
CooEdward born about 1888
CooNeily born about 1890
CounceAl born about 1899
CounceElsie born about 1899
CounceNora born about 1883
CowlesArnold born about 1911
CowlesDorsled born about 1937
CowlesMinnie born about 1910
CownieMary born about 1869
CoxDonald born about 1915
CoxFeolet born about 1920
CoxVirgene born about 1918
CramptonDorothy born about 1916
CramptonJesse born about 1899
CrandallLucille born about 1915
CrandallNomi born about 1938
CrandallPayllis born about 1937
CrandallTheron born about 1911
CrappsonHarvey born about 1910
CrappsonHarvey born about 1936
CrappsonIris born about 1916
CrappsonLarry born about 1939
CrappsonMyrtle born about 1934
CrapsonBilly born about 1940
CrapsonEdith born about 1919
CrapsonJ Bborn about 1939
CrapsonJones born about 1938
CrapsonRoy born about 1905
CrapsonRoy born about 1935
CrapsonThomas born about 1936
CrowellDelbert born about 1925
CrowellLeo born about 1886
CrowellMarilyn born about 1933
CrowellSpa born about 1888
CrowellVesta born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielsWillis born about 1934
DavisClear* born about 1905
DavisEdwin born about 1915
DavisErma born about 1914
DavisFauniel born about 1906
DavisSeta Lavonborn about 1925
DeckerCeleste born about 1890
DeckerCharlie born about 1908
DeckerDaryl born about 1936
DeckerIra born about 1881
DeckerMary born about 1866
DeckerRuth born about 1912
DeckerVern born about 1885
DeckerWalter Eborn about 1897
DeharbFlord born about 1889
DeharbHaene* born about 1926
DeharbJohn Annborn about 1932
DeharbLeand born about 1918
DeharbMarven born about 1923
DeharbMason born about 1921
DeharbNeily born about 1888
DeinengerAnna born about 1859
DeinengerGrodon Aborn about 1918
DeinengerWalter Aborn about 1886
DenickGilbert Fborn about 1890
DenickRuth born about 1907
DenkerIva born about 1925
DenkerMinne born about 1891
DennelDorise born about 1911
DennelElycn born about 1928
DennelLee born about 1904
DennelLee Jr born about 1929
DettonEdgar born about 1913
DettonHazel born about 1910
DickNellie born about 1881
DillehayDwight born about 1911
DillehayKaren Leeborn about 1939
DillehayThelma born about 1913
DonneAdam born about 1881
DonneAdda born about 1881
DonzeAlfred born about 1862
DonzeBen born about 1902
DonzeErma born about 1928
DonzeJanny born about 1903
DonzeMorie born about 1863
DuggerErick born about 1930
DuhmLizo born about 1880
DukerEnnis born about 1906
DukerMargret born about 1911
DunbarMaud born about 1883

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E Surnames

EgleNole born about 1917
EleNellie born about 1908
EleOra born about 1897
EllisonEd born about 1874
EllisonStealla born about 1879
EmerickFrank born about 1881
EmerickGeorgea born about 1885
EngelAdolf born about 1896
EngelElnor born about 1928
EngelEmma born about 1917
EngelErma born about 1925
EngelMemse* born about 1897
EnglnEdna born about 1922
EnglnRichard born about 1919
EnspakoAlvin born about 1934
EnspakoDonald born about 1928
EnspakoMildred born about 1927
EnspakoNorma born about 1931
EnspakoRobert born about 1938
EnspakoSusie born about 1899
EnspakoTheo born about 1893
EnspakoWayne born about 1924
EretsbookDorthy born about 1917
EricksonLoyd born about 1919
EricksonThelma born about 1924

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F Surnames

FanningCleo born about 1903
FanningEster born about 1908
FanningHal born about 1898
FanningLorlin born about 1937
FanningMack born about 1939
FanningRichard born about 1935
FatzzeroldElovde* born about 1911
FatzzeroldRichard born about 1909
FatzzeroldRichard born about 1939
FergesonJoe born about 1867
FergsonElise born about 1919
FergsonJohn born about 1861
FergsonO??sear born about 1900
FergsonSarah born about 1861
FestHoward born about 1898
FraierBurnell born about 1914
FraierT Elenorborn about 1888
FrenchDorse born about 1931
FrenchEarl born about 1897
FrenchForest born about 1925
FrenchJackey born about 1936
FrenchJane born about 1934
FrenchLona born about 1909
FrenchVignea born about 1927
FrenchWanne born about 1928
FyeElmas born about 1862
FyeNellie born about 1877

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G Surnames

GangnonFauniel born about 1916
GangwerLilin born about 1917
GeckerLoyed born about 1910
GegarmoEarl born about 1896
GegarmoMargaret born about 1928
GerilBarbara born about 1893
GerilClido born about 1926
GerilFrank born about 1929
GerilJohefine born about 1933
GerilMick born about 1895
GerilMick Jr born about 1922
GerilSophie born about 1919
GoodmanJane born about 1852
GormanDonald born about 1939
GormanMorise born about 1916
GormanNora born about 1918
GrammLouis Aborn about 1894
GrammLowell born about 1925
GrammMae born about 1895
GrammMiriam born about 1931
GreenBlanche born about 1870
GreenBreta born about 1913
GreenJohn born about 1889
GreenMerle born about 1890
GreenWeley born about 1912
GregoryStella born about 1876
GremmLillie born about 1867
GriestCharles born about 1875
GrovertC Lborn about 1911

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H Surnames

HalconGuy born about 1916
HalconLorena born about 1919
HalterN Fborn about 1872
HamiltonBoby born about 1925
HamiltonEdyth born about 1893
HamiltonLesley born about 1888
HammelGlodis born about 1910
HammelKenneth born about 1940
HammelRichard born about 1938
HammelRobert born about 1906
HammelRobert born about 1933
HancookEthel born about 1903
HancookMargaret Mayborn about 1928
HandcockGeorge born about 1899
HandelNora Eborn about 1897
HandelRose Mborn about 1891
HaniltonCroal born about 1910
HaniltonMary born about 1913
HaniltonMavin born about 1939
HaniltonRay born about 1933
HaniltonRobert born about 1934
HaniltonRodney born about 1937
HansenAnn Mborn about 1887
HansenHansel Lborn about 1890
HarchelroadElizabeth born about 1899
HarchelroadGene born about 1929
HarchelroadHarvey born about 1899
HarchelroadSandra born about 1932
HarmsBernard born about 1914
HarmsPhyllis born about 1920
HarmsPhyllis Janborn about 1928
HarrisBetty born about 1939
HarrisDoris born about 1923
HarrisElmer born about 1917
HartzerCharline born about 1873
HartzerLe Roy born about 1913
HarveyBonita born about 1931
HarveyDonald born about 1937
HarveyDuncan born about 1899
HarveyErna born about 1911
HarveyFrank born about 1909
HarveyMaren born about 1896
HarveyMary Lawborn about 1938
HarveyRodney born about 1933
HarveyTheda Bellborn about 1935
HatchDonald born about 1923
HatchEdith born about 1930
HatchElmer born about 1899
HatchElmer Jaqborn about 1921
HatchFrank born about 1926
HatchRachel born about 1903
HaywardEthel born about 1922
HaywardMarlyn born about 1921
HicivnClyde born about 1908
HicivnJames born about 1882
HicivnMarion Eborn about 1885
HicivnMelvin born about 1914
HicivnVern born about 1910
HigleyMaude born about 1888
HigleyWard born about 1883
HocrardIra born about 1896
HocrardIra Joborn about 1935
HocrardJewell born about 1923
HocrardJohaey* born about 1925
HocrardLilly born about 1904
HocrardSlarley born about 1928
HoffAmil born about 1893
HoffClara born about 1893
HoffClyde born about 1924
HoffEllyn born about 1928
HoffHomer born about 1916
HolbeinAnn born about 1915
HoldervgAlice born about 1869
HoltzKatheryn born about 1937
HoltzMarion born about 1913
HoltzRonald born about 1940
HoltzTed born about 1910
HoonE Hborn about 1880
HoonLojza born about 1868
HubbardBasil born about 1914
HubbardClide born about 1911
HubbardDoris born about 1914
HubbardHelena born about 1915
HummelMorris born about 1863
HungateFlorence born about 1910
HungateSuzanne born about 1936
HungateVernon born about 1904
HusenAlta born about 1913
HusenJimmy Farasborn about 1939
HusenWilliam born about 1899

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I Surnames

IallemanA Rborn about 1906
IallemanBonne Jeanborn about 1925
IiorenAnne born about 1892
IiorenBernice born about 1919
IiorenCarl born about 1884
IiorenCharlotte born about 1918
IiorenVirginia born about 1924

J Surnames

JohnsonArthur born about 1868
JohnsonEmma born about 1902
JohnsonRhea Kayborn about 1936
JohnsonRobert born about 1932
JohnsonVergil born about 1901
JohnstonBernice born about 1895
JohnstonChrles born about 1876
JohnstonFlorance born about 1877
JohnstonJames born about 1923
JohnstonJoahus born about 1895
JonesAnna born about 1921
JonesBarbar Annborn about 1939
JonesC Rborn about 1873
JonesCheston born about 1919
JonesClarnece born about 1908
JonesEugene born about 1915
JonesFlorence born about 1877
JonesGloria Jeanborn about 1940
JonesJames Fborn about 1875
JonesJr born about 1937
JonesMargret born about 1884
JonesRuby born about 1909
JorgensonJennette born about 1918
JusselBardan* born about 1918
JusselBill born about 1929
JusselBilly born about 1935
JusselBona Galeborn about 1937
JusselBud born about 1913
JusselCliford born about 1919
JusselDon born about 1932
JusselElizabeth born about 1900
JusselJohuf born about 1884
JusselKay born about 1939
JusselLe Roy born about 1927
JusselMartha born about 1922
JusselRaymond born about 1924
JusselRichard born about 1939

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K Surnames

KanostFloasie born about 1885
KanostNeva born about 1925
KarthauserLucey born about 1903
KarthauserP Oborn about 1890
KathFern born about 1920
KeeCora born about 1872
KellieCarrie born about 1892
KellieFred born about 1884
KenneyCathleen born about 1927
KenneyEthel born about 1900
KenneyRobert born about 1928
KenneyWilliam born about 1889
KetlerCarl born about 1883
KetlerRoberta born about 1880
KittJesse born about 1890
KittJoshsepine born about 1918
KittOmer born about 1881
KlenoHilda born about 1909
KlenoMilton born about 1904
KlenoNeil born about 1934
KlenoWanda born about 1931
KnipperAlven born about 1906
KnipperBerneta born about 1938
KnipperDonita born about 1938
KnipperEldon born about 1934
KnipperMine born about 1909
KnipperSherley born about 1939
KnotwellBetta Jeanborn about 1927
KnotwellClara born about 1899
KnotwellEster Annborn about 1929
KnotwellOtis born about 1900
KnotwellOtis Jr born about 1923
KoonPhillip born about 1914
KrausnickAbthe born about 1889
KrausnickAgatha born about 1912
KrausnickEdth born about 1894
KrausnickElma born about 1886
KrausnickEmil born about 1858
KrausnickMyra born about 1925
KrausnickVern born about 1922

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L Surnames

LamarHarry born about 1904
LamarOpal born about 1899
LaneAudry born about 1937
LaneClepholt* born about 1932
LaneGeorca* born about 1934
LaneMary born about 1894
LaneRichard born about 1893
LewisBeaty born about 1932
LewisCoffie born about 1901
LewisEvea born about 1907
LewisMary born about 1864
LewisMay born about 1928
LewisOwen born about 1905
LewisRex born about 1925
LewisRodger born about 1927
LinesCarns born about 1920
LinesForest born about 1881
LinesGennie born about 1893
LittrelJames born about 1874
LittrelMary born about 1873
LouchGeorge born about 1921
LouchGlendene born about 1924
LouchRuth born about 1898

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M Surnames

MaddenEugene born about 1937
MaddenEva born about 1901
MaddenGlen born about 1896
MaddenJackson born about 1933
MaefieldBetty born about 1921
MaefieldRaymond born about 1919
MalleckLeota born about 1873
ManfieldBert born about 1894
ManfieldDorth Elisaborn about 1930
ManfieldEdna born about 1889
ManfieldEmma Jeanborn about 1926
MashekSylvia born about 1908
MathesMarrion born about 1922
McBrideElzie born about 1916
McBrideGeorge born about 1869
McBrideHarvey Georgeborn about 1929
McBrideJames born about 1908
McBrideMary Ellanborn about 1931
McBrideNellie Lborn about 1917
McCallunFrank born about 1865
McCartneyA Eborn about 1878
McCartneyRosa Pborn about 1883
McCollemNacey born about 1883
McCollemRay born about 1875
McCollinsBruce born about 1909
McCollumFreedom born about 1879
McCollumOrley born about 1877
McDonaldDella born about 1905
McDonaldNorman born about 1902
McDonaldSherley born about 1924
McEluecsGeorge born about 1877
McEluecsMary born about 1878
McGillenLeta born about 1894
McGoodenGeorge born about 1881
McGrathC Mborn about 1863
McMullenSarah born about 1862
MerrellHerbert born about 1872
MetcalfCora Lborn about 1877
MetcalfMargret Cborn about 1932
MillerElizabeth born about 1878
MillerIsaac born about 1876
MillerMillered born about 1871
MolinnPerry born about 1878
MoodyClifford Cborn about 1910
MoodyElbert born about 1879
MoodyMary Ettaborn about 1937
MoodyOnna born about 1881
MoodyRonnie Deanborn about 1935
MoodyStphen born about 1873
MoodyVelma born about 1916
MoodyWoodrow born about 1915
MoonMargrat born about 1874
MoonWilliam born about 1866
MorrisonErnest born about 1890
MorrisonSherley born about 1927
MorrisonWeda born about 1925
MoultonE Sborn about 1860

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N Surnames

NerrialBarba born about 1932
NerrialDella born about 1913
NerrialDickey born about 1939
NerrialJoyce born about 1934
NerrialMarilyn born about 1937
NerrialTherren born about 1909
NesmithCloyd born about 1899
NesmithIrma born about 1901
NesmithJoyce born about 1932
NesmithShirley born about 1929
NesmithVal Jeanborn about 1930
Neverve??? born about 1899
NeverveArline born about 1925
NeverveBilly born about 1931
NeverveCecelia born about 1916
NeverveEdward born about 1914
NeverveEthel born about 1894
NeverveGlenda born about 1934
NeverveJohn born about 1936
NeverveLamonte* born about 1927
NormanAnna born about 1899
NormanBetty born about 1924
NormanClare born about 1939
NormanFernan born about 1927
NormanFrank born about 1898
NormanJimmey born about 1935
NormanLyles born about 1931
NormanMarcella born about 1923
NormanWindel born about 1930

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O Surnames

OchaFrank born about 1874
OchaWillie born about 1882
OhmieHerman born about 1914
OliverDella born about 1877
OliverJohn Aborn about 1870
OlmstedCarolyn born about 1922
OlmstedDonald born about 1899
OlmstedMaud born about 1869
OlmstedMinnie born about 1895
OlmstedRoyal born about 1888
OmhaJanca born about 1937
OmhaMarvin born about 1932
OmhaReak born about 1909
OmhaVirgle born about 1930
OsmeraJaney born about 1870

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P Surnames

PannengEliza born about 1867
ParsonChester born about 1899
ParsonOhel born about 1923
ParsonOlea born about 1902
PenceStella born about 1874
PersonArba Eborn about 1884
PersonAusta born about 1859
PersonBruce born about 1921
PersonJay Aborn about 1887
PertsonLouise born about 1872
PertsonPerter born about 1863
PfleemBiruta* born about 1918
PfleemL Aborn about 1916
PfleemLloyd Jr born about 1938
PierceGary Leeborn about 1933
PierceJesse born about 1900
PierceLoren Daleborn about 1932
PierceLucille born about 1905
PollyBeulah born about 1918
PollyEva born about 1917
PollyLe Roy born about 1885
PollyMargaret born about 1886
PollyRobert born about 1916
PollyRussel born about 1914
PuorlyMabel born about 1883
PuorlyRaymond born about 1920
PuorlyWilliam born about 1890
PuorlyWilliam Jamesborn about 1918
PurdyBenl? born about 1920
PurdyClide born about 1915
PurdyEarl born about 1887
PurdyGuy born about 1922
PurdyMorles* born about 1939
PutnamEthel born about 1909
PutnamHerman born about 1898

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R Surnames

RansdellGrutde* born about 1874
RansdellNona Mborn about 1873
ReevesByron born about 1902
ReevesDoris born about 1924
ReevesStella born about 1901
ReslerBruce born about 1913
ReslerGreta born about 1891
RiderEugene born about 1929
RiderFrank Eborn about 1900
RiderKenneth born about 1933
RiderMaryan born about 1901
RobertsonDoris born about 1902
RobertsonVirgil born about 1907
RodmanHarry born about 1938
RodmanHue born about 1902
RodmanJuelly born about 1910
RodmanMonte born about 1940
RolenteneProyce Ealinaborn about 1929
RolleySore? Jborn about 1863
Rosa??? born about 1881
RosaMila Wborn about 1880
RudesilDonna Fayborn about 1929
RudesilEarl Kentborn about 1939
RudesilEbert Earlborn about 1897
RudesilFay born about 1899
Ryan? ?born about 1880
RyanEthel born about 1887
RyanMary born about 1859
RyanMary Bborn about 1913
RyanWillis born about 1916

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S Surnames

SallemanEvia born about 1908
SandmanVirgil born about 1917
ScrivenEthel born about 1915
ScrivenJanice born about 1939
ScrivenRay born about 1913
ScrivensMyrtea born about 1891
ServenAlbert born about 1910
ServenMabel born about 1911
SheblyMarvin born about 1913
SheblyMary born about 1919
SheltonAlvah born about 1899
SheltonMary born about 1900
SkeltonFlora born about 1871
SkeltonJasper born about 1863
SkeltonJune born about 1921
SkeltonWinfield born about 1920
SmithBerth born about 1870
SmithFrance born about 1911
SmithGeorge born about 1859
SmithHea Annborn about 1930
SmithLeland born about 1893
SmithLeonard born about 1912
SmithMarlene Kayborn about 1939
SmithMelton born about 1904
SmithTom born about 1901
SmithVegnea born about 1924
SmithVelma born about 1914
SmithViva Jeanborn about 1921
SmithWane born about 1923
SmithWilletto born about 1901
SnederDelpha born about 1932
SnederEvelyn born about 1913
SnyderEdward born about 1880
SnyderMary born about 1884
SpidellJ Wborn about 1867
SringerRichard born about 1913
SteggsKattie born about 1882
SteinbergHattie born about 1917
StennetteBora born about 1939
StennetteFram born about 1915
StennetteHoward born about 1916
StennetteJess born about 1891
StennetteLaura born about 1892
StennetteWanda born about 1936
StevensMarvin born about 1927
StewartEugene born about 1903
StewartJanice born about 1934
StewartMary born about 1907
StewartMary Annborn about 1927
StockAlma born about 1895
StockMary born about 1859
StockSt Clairborn about 1859
StockTom Jborn about 1888
SwatzelBessie born about 1895
SwatzelClaude born about 1896
SwatzelDarrel born about 1927
SwatzelGareth born about 1924

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T Surnames

TaylorIda born about 1866
TepleyAnney born about 1924
TepleyJack born about 1882
TepleyLeonard born about 1922
TepleyMary born about 1892
TerryAnna born about 1870
TerryBulh* born about 1905
TerryClinton born about 1928
TerryDale born about 1930
TerryHariet born about 1864
TerryJene born about 1932
TerryKenneth born about 1936
TerryNorman born about 1904
TerryNorra born about 1934
TheobaldBertha born about 1876
ThompsonColleen born about 1934
ThompsonDelbert born about 1905
ThompsonEunice born about 1911
ThompsonHetta born about 1910
ThompsonJeantte born about 1938
ThompsonTed born about 1910
ThomsonCharlotte born about 1865
TompkinsDean born about 1920
TompkinsLyle born about 1915
TremelyAem born about 1896
TremelyEdith born about 1902
TremelyEvelyn born about 1929
TrogelFebie born about 1863
TropelAlice born about 1888
TropelDean born about 1926
TropelJohn born about 1871
TropelNona born about 1925
TrosbachA Jborn about 1891
TrosbachAlice born about 1939
TrosbachPhebe born about 1914
TrosbachRose born about 1864
TroxelFurman born about 1905
TurnerFlorence born about 1915

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V Surnames

VancleaveAnna born about 1909
VancleaveAudre born about 1880
VancleaveE Fborn about 1856
VancleaveE Fborn about 1922
VanpeltCharles born about 1874
VanpeltLulu born about 1886

W Surnames

WadeBethene born about 1921
WadeEthel born about 1893
WadeFloyd Cborn about 1915
WadeGerold born about 1917
WadeHoland Cborn about 1891
WadeJanice born about 1939
WadeMelbin Cborn about 1914
WadeRuth born about 1917
WahlingEmil Cborn about 1915
WalkerAlice born about 1890
WalkerAnna Bellborn about 1926
WalkerArlene born about 1910
WalkerChara born about 1907
WalkerD?m? Ruthborn about 1927
WalkerDwight born about 1931
WalkerFrancis born about 1936
WalkerFrank born about 1894
WalkerLyle born about 1934
WalkerMary born about 1887
WalkerO Eborn about 1886
WalkerRoger born about 1924
WalkerVergils born about 1932
WardScott Dborn about 1878
WedgerCarl born about 1891
WedgerEvea born about 1892
WedgerGlen born about 1938
WedgerHearld born about 1928
WedgerMarlon born about 1933
WedgerOrvel born about 1926
WedgerPercey Deanborn about 1939
WhitlingArbham born about 1855
WilburCatherine born about 1915
WileyAda born about 1866
WileyE Fborn about 1864
WillseyDeboran born about 1892
WillseyDelburn Jr born about 1920
WillseyIrene born about 1897
WillseyMaxine born about 1924
WillseyVerlene born about 1927
WoodsideBertha born about 1912
WoorheesClaire born about 1904
WoorheesE Rborn about 1901
WoorheesMarilyn born about 1928
WoorheesSharon born about 1932

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Z Surnames

ZarecorBarbara born about 1934
ZarecorDale born about 1928
ZarecorDean born about 1926
ZarecorDenico born about 1932
ZarecorDonald born about 1931
ZarecorElla born about 1905
ZarecorEthel born about 1929
ZarecorHersthel born about 1935
ZarecorJimmey born about 1939
ZarecorKenneth born about 1938
ZarecorWilbert born about 1937
ZeeglerVelma born about 1914

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