1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Hampshire > Strafford County > 1940 Census of Lee

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAlice Mborn about 1901
AllenCarol born about 1938
AllenKenneth born about 1930
AllenRussell Rborn about 1907
AllenWilliam born about 1939
AllynSarah Eborn about 1851
AngellGuy Wborn about 1900
AngellLawrence born about 1928
AngellMargaret Vborn about 1900
AnneanGeorge born about 1927
ArchambeaultEmile born about 1882
ArchambeaultFelix born about 1919
ArchambeaultFrancis born about 1926
ArchambeaultWalter born about 1924

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B Surnames

BaillargeonG??? born about 1892
BaillargeonIrene born about 1920
BaillargeonLouise born about 1922
BaillergeonClaixte born about 1897
BallArthur born about 1892
BallBlanche born about 1895
BallGeorge Wborn about 1929
BallHarold born about 1924
BallMarlene born about 1933
BarnsGertrude born about 1898
BartlettDavid Bborn about 1876
BartlettEdna Bborn about 1877
BartlettOscar Sborn about 1920
BatemanA Woodburyborn about 1930
BatemanArthur born about 1884
BatemanCecil born about 1936
BatemanJohn Wborn about 1931
BatemanLaura born about 1902
BatemanRichard Jborn about 1932
BatemanRita born about 1932
BatemanVincent born about 1935
BeaudetteBertha born about 1919
BeaudetteCarol Anneborn about 1939
BeaudetteReve born about 1916
BennettCharles Dborn about 1933
BennettGeorge Aborn about 1892
BennettInez Eborn about 1897
BennettJames Aborn about 1936
BenoitAnna born about 1896
BenoitGeorge born about 1898
BenoitGeorge Jr born about 1926
BenoitMaurice born about 1932
BerzunzaJulius born about 1896
BerzunzaMary Dborn about 1914
BishopJanie born about 1867
BishopJohn Dborn about 1867
BlankGertrude born about 1888
BlankRay Wborn about 1885
BloomBessie born about 1926
BloomClayton born about 1915
BloomEdgerton Uborn about 1886
BloomFlorence Hborn about 1887
BloomLeona Aborn about 1917
BloomVirginia born about 1929
BullGertrudes born about 1871
BullSteples born about 1875
BurleighHarriette Gborn about 1904
BurleighJanet Lborn about 1937
BurleighWilbur Lborn about 1890

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C Surnames

CalderellFlorence Fborn about 1885
CalderellFrank Oborn about 1880
CalderellMadeline Lborn about 1918
CalderellMartha Aborn about 1857
CalderellWinston Fborn about 1915
CanneyAlfred born about 1911
CanneyBarbara born about 1939
CanneyElizabeth born about 1922
CanneyJerome born about 1911
CanneyJerome Jr born about 1938
CarpenterMary Eborn about 1882
CarpenterWilliam born about 1881
CartenterHarold born about 1933
CartenterRita born about 1930
CastleJerry born about 1935
CechettiCarlo born about 1938
CechettiEder born about 1917
CechettiOlive born about 1916
ChalmersDaun born about 1930
ChaneyChas Wborn about 1866
ChaneyIda born about 1864
ChildMargeret born about 1852
CilleyEmma Lborn about 1867
CilleyHerbert Jborn about 1871
ClarkErnest born about 1920
ClarkJohn born about 1857
ClarkViolas born about 1923
ClayFrank born about 1883
ConleyEdward Pborn about 1870
ConleyGrace Aborn about 1882
ConlonJohn born about 1879
CookAlbert born about 1939
CookErnest born about 1924
CookEva born about 1880
CookJohn born about 1910
CookJohn born about 1937
CookJoseph born about 1938
CookJoshua Mborn about 1878
CookLouise born about 1919
CorsonFlora Eborn about 1872
CoteAlfred born about 1901
CoteAlfred Jr born about 1922
CoteAlice born about 1896
CoteRaymond born about 1924
CoteRita born about 1920
CoutueVictor born about 1867
CrossDonald born about 1914
CrossHarriet born about 1913
CrossSandra born about 1935
CurrierDoris Eborn about 1933
CurrierJohn Aborn about 1911
CurrierJohn A Jrborn about 1934
CurrierJohn Hborn about 1865
CurrierMildred Mborn about 1914
CurrierVernon born about 1916

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D Surnames

DavisCharles born about 1866
DavisClare Eborn about 1909
DavisDonald J Lborn about 1908
DavisDonna Mborn about 1939
DavisMinnie Gborn about 1887
DavisRobert born about 1926
DayCharles Eborn about 1904
DayEdward born about 1937
DayVola born about 1906
DemerrittAlbert Fborn about 1917
DemerrittJacob Dborn about 1867
DemerrittLeonard born about 1929
DemerrittRalph born about 1922
DenierrittGeorge Bborn about 1866
DenierrittGeorge Nborn about 1891
DiewDonald born about 1936
DonneArthur born about 1880
DonovanEmily born about 1915
DonovanJohn born about 1915
DudleyGeorge Aborn about 1861
DudleyGrace Bborn about 1868
DunnIda Mborn about 1872
DunnLouis Rborn about 1854
DurginCarol Eborn about 1934
DurginGertrude born about 1908
DurginR Carelyborn about 1909
DurgusAlfred Cborn about 1877
DurgusNella Jborn about 1883

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E Surnames

EllisonChester Fborn about 1875
EllisonClara born about 1863

F Surnames

FarrellEdward Cborn about 1882
FergusonChs Aborn about 1872
FergusonGeorge Wborn about 1910
FergusonGeorgia born about 1882
FernaldClarence Lborn about 1876
FernaldEdith Lborn about 1882
FerryElsa born about 1904
FerryGuy Mborn about 1898
FerryGuy M Jrborn about 1937
FerryJeaneette born about 1935
FisherJ Henryborn about 1898
FiskElaine born about 1939
FiskIrene Bborn about 1908
FiskJ Wilsonborn about 1895
FoberMartha Eborn about 1896
FoggE Kennethborn about 1906
FoggE Kenneth Jrborn about 1925
FoggEdith Wborn about 1906
FrenchJohn born about 1891

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G Surnames

GagneBernadette born about 1896
GagneWilfred born about 1894
GarouxHenry born about 1885
GarrityAllan Rborn about 1931
GarrityBertha Kborn about 1908
GarrityEllsworth Mborn about 1895
GarrityEllsworth M Jrborn about 1928
GarrityMarjorie Eborn about 1937
GarrityMarry Bellborn about 1874
GarrityMary Eborn about 1900
GarrityMauice Nborn about 1939
GeroRaymond born about 1909
GoochCharlotte born about 1937
GoochIrene born about 1914
GoochOscar born about 1912

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H Surnames

HaleyGertrude Eborn about 1885
HaleyHerman Pborn about 1882
HallClifford born about 1903
HallElaine born about 1929
HallGeorgie born about 1903
HallJudith born about 1938
HallLeon born about 1922
HeathCarl born about 1928
HeathCarroll born about 1932
HeathCharlotte born about 1932
HeathClyde born about 1926
HeathGertrude Aborn about 1914
HershelJohn born about 1890
HillAris Mborn about 1919
HillBeverly Rborn about 1939
HillCarl Rborn about 1910
HillCarrie Gborn about 1873
HillHorace Gborn about 1868
HillNorman born about 1912
HittGeo Gborn about 1868
HittLura born about 1865
HobbsCharles born about 1931
HobbsCharles Gborn about 1892
HobbsDavid born about 1932
HobbsFrank born about 1926
HobbsJohn born about 1927
HobbsMiriam born about 1934
HobbsWinifred born about 1900
HopinsWilliam born about 1922
HowesEdna Mborn about 1912
HowesHorace Fborn about 1913
HowesHorace F Jrborn about 1935
HowesJoan Eborn about 1937
HustonFredrick Wborn about 1882

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J Surnames

JacksonDonald born about 1935
JacksonMyles born about 1939
JamesCharles born about 1914
JamesEdna Lborn about 1897
JamesHattie born about 1866
JamesHester born about 1916
JamesLorest Cborn about 1896
JamesShirley Mborn about 1936
JennisAllyes born about 1926
JennisCharles born about 1922
JennisEdward born about 1929
JennisGeorge born about 1927
JennisHarold Jr born about 1919
JennisLewis born about 1924
JennisRichard born about 1931
JennisRobert born about 1934
JennisRoger born about 1930
JennisRussell born about 1928
JennisSarah Eborn about 1897
JennisonWm Sborn about 1869
JhonsonWalter Gborn about 1918
JohnstonCharles born about 1920
JohnstonEdward born about 1899
JohnstonHelen born about 1934
JohnstonLaura born about 1938
JohnstonMary Eborn about 1894
JonesKatherine born about 1897

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K Surnames

KenistonAnna born about 1906
KenistonRobert Lborn about 1908
KenistonRobert Jr born about 1933
KnightThomas born about 1890
KozaFrancis born about 1916

L Surnames

LadouteGeorge Gborn about 1869
LadouteMarianna born about 1902
LadouteWilliam born about 1902
LamsonDella Rborn about 1904
LamsonTheodore born about 1908
LayneDexter Wborn about 1904
LayneHelen Lborn about 1902
LayneMabel Wborn about 1877
LaynePauline Lborn about 1911
LebeauAlfred Lborn about 1879
LebeauAlfred Jr born about 1903
LebeauArmand Oborn about 1939
LebeauClarice born about 1884
LeeAnna Lborn about 1870
LeeWilliam Hborn about 1872
LeslieEdward born about 1918
LibbettsEthel Cborn about 1887
LorreAlomo Wborn about 1866
LucelairViolet born about 1925
LuttleLewis born about 1922
LuttleLois born about 1919
LuttleLouise Eborn about 1914

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M Surnames

MacdonaldAlece Sborn about 1881
MacdonaldAnnie Dborn about 1882
MacdonaldGeorge Wborn about 1902
MacdonaldHagh Wborn about 1908
MacdonaldHelen Dborn about 1912
MacdonaldHoward Mborn about 1936
MacdonaldJoan Bborn about 1937
MagonigleJohn born about 1889
MaierDelvyn born about 1914
MaierDiane born about 1939
MaierPauline born about 1913
MaierPenelope born about 1940
MallenThomas born about 1910
MariottiCatherine born about 1925
MariottiEdna born about 1893
MariottiEdward Aborn about 1919
MariottiJane born about 1934
MariottiRobert Dborn about 1923
MartinEarl born about 1920
MasonCarrie born about 1877
MasonCatherine born about 1915
MasonWoodruff born about 1877
McEachernLorraine born about 1928
McEachernMarion born about 1929
McHersonLloyd born about 1921
McLauglinAgnes born about 1904
McLauglinAlicia born about 1927
McLauglinCornelius born about 1922
McLauglinDaniel born about 1901
McLauglinDaniel Lborn about 1921
McLauglinJoanna born about 1924
McLauglinPatricia born about 1929
MenterErnest Wborn about 1887
MenterEverett Georgeborn about 1940
MenterEverett Pborn about 1917
MenterFlorence Mborn about 1891
MenterGertrude born about 1917
MenterGilman born about 1918
MenterGrace born about 1922
MenterVirginia Mborn about 1913
MillikenClara Aborn about 1856
MillikenHenry Wborn about 1854
MillsCharles born about 1915
MillsEllen born about 1917
MillsRichard born about 1939
MocjplsBeatrice born about 1920
MocjplsBlanche born about 1926
MocjplsGeorge born about 1894
MocjplsGeorge born about 1924
MocjplsMalina born about 1895
MocjplsRita born about 1922
MooreHerold Lborn about 1895
MooreMinne Aborn about 1895
MoriartyCecelia born about 1916
MoriartyDavid Nborn about 1939
MoriartyJoseph Bborn about 1917
MoriartyJoseph Jr born about 1938
MunroeRaymond Lborn about 1899
MunroeRaymond L Jrborn about 1934
MunroeRuth Kborn about 1900

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N Surnames

NelsonNellie born about 1880
NicholsAda born about 1929
NicholsEdwin born about 1933
NicholsEva born about 1927
NicholsLeon born about 1930
NicholsRose Marieborn about 1932
NobleIsola born about 1884

P Surnames

PageMared Jborn about 1874
PalmerFlora born about 1911
PalmerFlora Mborn about 1935
PalmerHubert born about 1906
PalmerRodford born about 1931
PalmerRoger born about 1937
PaulOscar born about 1898
PhalenAudrey Fborn about 1927
PhalenGeorge Bborn about 1923
PhalenJames Hborn about 1894
PhalenJanet Lborn about 1935
PhalenMary Aborn about 1898
PhalenRodney Gborn about 1930
PiperAnnie Bborn about 1892
PiperCharles Aborn about 1892
PiperJohn Hborn about 1865
PiperMyra born about 1926
PiperSusie Wborn about 1865
PlumerBertha Nborn about 1888
PlumerEleanor born about 1913
PlumerGene Eborn about 1927
PlumerGeorge Wborn about 1910
PlumerJames born about 1938
PlumerJoseph born about 1938
PlumerWalter Mborn about 1885
PlumserMarion born about 1917
PlumserSally Annborn about 1939
PlumserStanley born about 1916
PriceEdward Lborn about 1873
PriceEleanor born about 1896

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R Surnames

RaeAlec born about 1870
RaeHelen born about 1877
RaeJohn born about 1913
RandallSarah Aborn about 1933
RandallShirley born about 1894
RellyStella born about 1919
RobertsBailey born about 1934
RobertsClayton born about 1909
RobertsClayton Jr born about 1932
RobertsMildred Gborn about 1908
RobertsonAlma born about 1920
RobertsonEdward Wborn about 1916
RobertsonGenevieve born about 1939
RunnellsLouise born about 1930
RyanFrank born about 1866
RyanMary born about 1860

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S Surnames

SaengerAlice born about 1926
SaengerDorothy born about 1932
SaengerEugene Hborn about 1905
SaengerHelen born about 1909
SaengerJoan Vborn about 1937
SaengerJohn born about 1928
SaengerLena born about 1929
SaengerMargaret born about 1939
SaengerNancy born about 1938
SandersElizabeth Lborn about 1926
SandersMarion Gborn about 1896
SandersRobert Cborn about 1896
SherburneSeib Wborn about 1873
ShusonCharles Hborn about 1878
ShusonPauline Mborn about 1912
ShusonWinifred Iborn about 1878
SimmonsRay born about 1875
SmithAlice born about 1932
SmithCarl Fborn about 1913
SmithCassie born about 1877
SmithCharles born about 1934
SmithClyde born about 1917
SmithGeo Dborn about 1883
SmithGeorge Lborn about 1930
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1895
SmithGladys born about 1905
SmithGladys Tborn about 1919
SmithHarry born about 1866
SmithLeola born about 1924
SmithMargaret born about 1926
SmithNellie Aborn about 1898
SmithNellie Fborn about 1868
SmithPauline born about 1939
SmithRobert born about 1937
SmithRuth born about 1925
SmithShirley born about 1935
SmithViola born about 1908
SmithWm Aborn about 1888
SnellNehemiah born about 1898
SnowGladys born about 1907
StcyeJohn born about 1877
StimpsonAlbert Aborn about 1895
StroutClara born about 1930
StroutEmma born about 1890
StroutJohn born about 1889
StroutMary born about 1924

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T Surnames

TecceDorothy Aborn about 1928
TecceJessie born about 1891
TeccePasguale born about 1894
ThompsonArthur Jborn about 1872
ThompsonEthel Dborn about 1884
ThompsonGertrude born about 1879
ThompsonHelen born about 1921
ThompsonHelen Jborn about 1899
ThompsonHenry born about 1880
ThompsonLucile Mborn about 1917
ThompsonMarcie Oborn about 1920
ThurstonJ Graceborn about 1882
TowneTheodore born about 1920
TuttleMary Lborn about 1879
TuttleWillys born about 1878
TylerJassie Cborn about 1859
TylerL Cartlandborn about 1894

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W Surnames

WalkerJames Bborn about 1876
WalkerLulu Bborn about 1878
WatermanAlen Aborn about 1879
WatermanHelen Aborn about 1876
WelchMabel Eborn about 1876
WelchWalter Eborn about 1879
WellsAnnie born about 1900
WellsWm Hborn about 1895
WheelerAlice born about 1905
WheelerHerbert Aborn about 1905
WheelerNatalie Hborn about 1927
WhitehouseHarrey born about 1895
WhitehouseJosie born about 1891
WhitehouseNorman born about 1917
WigginArthur Oborn about 1890
WigginCharles Cborn about 1918
WigginHelen born about 1887
WigginHerbert Lborn about 1915
WilkieArthur born about 1876
WilkieIvie born about 1878
WilleyCharles born about 1899
WilleyGwendolyn born about 1930
WilsonBarbara Aborn about 1938
WilsonConstance Lborn about 1936
WilsonJennie born about 1908
WilsonNancy Jborn about 1939
WilsonStanley born about 1906
WinstonKenneth Bborn about 1899

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Y Surnames

YatesEdward born about 1883
YatesEva born about 1888
YorkAda Pborn about 1890
YorkFred Cborn about 1934
YorkFrederick Pborn about 1929
YorkJean Dborn about 1930
YorkMary Bborn about 1854

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