1940 U.S. Federal Census of London, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Hampshire > Merrimack County > 1940 Census of London

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAddie Jborn about 1870
AdamsGeorge Lborn about 1868
AllenCharles Aborn about 1856
AllenFred Aborn about 1884
AndersonArthur Tborn about 1884
AndersonMargaret Cborn about 1891
AnnisE Beatriceborn about 1910
AnnisHelen Lborn about 1892
AnnisHerman Lborn about 1894
AnnisLester born about 1932
AnnisLillian Mborn about 1933
AnnisS Francisborn about 1930
ArlinTrue Fborn about 1865
AshlandAndrew Jborn about 1937
AshlandCollen Lborn about 1930
AshlandDonald born about 1932
AshlandHelen Mborn about 1910
AshlandLeon born about 1896
AshlandLoys Eborn about 1900
AshlandLoys Jr born about 1934
AshlandNorman Jborn about 1935
AshlandOla Lborn about 1905
AshlandRichard Rborn about 1935
AshlandRodney Jborn about 1906
AshlandViolet Mborn about 1912
AshlandWilliam Wborn about 1939
AubeRose Eborn about 1866

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B Surnames

BachelderAlbert Bborn about 1915
BachelderClarence Wborn about 1912
BachelderJohn Eborn about 1870
BatchelderLester Pborn about 1916
BatchelderOlive E Sborn about 1870
BatchelderOlive Gborn about 1884
BatchelderOtis Sborn about 1874
BatchelderWalter Jborn about 1910
BeebeJudith Aborn about 1939
BennettAustin Cborn about 1911
BennettBarbara born about 1935
BennettBernice Aborn about 1925
BennettDoris Eborn about 1923
BennettGordon Eborn about 1924
BennettHarry born about 1880
BennettJames Oborn about 1922
BennettLillie Rborn about 1903
BennettLouise Mborn about 1937
BennettMarion Cborn about 1892
BennettMarion Pborn about 1908
BennettMuriel Eborn about 1929
BennettOliver Eborn about 1903
BennettOliver E Jrborn about 1932
BennettPhilip Aborn about 1939
BennettRalph Cborn about 1924
BennettRaymond Bborn about 1928
BennettVirginia Jborn about 1928
BergstromAlma Oborn about 1871
BergstromCarl Aborn about 1871
BissellLillian Fborn about 1890
BissellMelvin Wborn about 1889
BlackburnRobert born about 1880
BlaisellRobert born about 1891
BlakeBernice Bborn about 1924
BlakeClaude Bborn about 1916
BlakeFred Aborn about 1930
BlakeL Ruthborn about 1927
BlakeLucy Cborn about 1886
BohlBertha born about 1900
BohlEritz Fborn about 1905
BohlFredy Jborn about 1937
BohlMax Fritzborn about 1939
BondMargie Gborn about 1875
BondWaldo Sborn about 1908
BrassawCarol Lborn about 1925
BrassawCurtis Eborn about 1900
BrassawCurtis Jr born about 1931
BrassawDoris Lborn about 1905
BrassawDorothy Pborn about 1930
BrassawEleanor Mborn about 1927
BrassawJames Wborn about 1933
BrassawWallace Gborn about 1935
BridgeJohn born about 1917
BrownAddie Eborn about 1889
BrownAnna Dborn about 1907
BrownCora Aborn about 1866
BrownEdith Lborn about 1879
BrownGeorge Bborn about 1891
BrownMargaret Eborn about 1890
BrownMerlin Eborn about 1914
BrownPercy Rborn about 1887
BrownRuth Fborn about 1917
BrownWarren Aborn about 1937
BrownWm Hborn about 1880
BryneLeighton Wborn about 1909
BurleyCarl Gborn about 1898
BurttOwen Gborn about 1922
BuzzellA Forestborn about 1905
BuzzellEarnest Sborn about 1911
BuzzellJacqueline Lborn about 1936
BuzzellMarguerite born about 1910
BuzzellMarjorie Eborn about 1910

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C Surnames

CameronChristian born about 1911
CateBarbara Jborn about 1939
CateCharley Hborn about 1932
CateDonald Jborn about 1934
CateEarl Wborn about 1883
CateEarl W Jrborn about 1926
CateEdith Pborn about 1931
CateEffie Lborn about 1876
CateHiram Wborn about 1904
CateIda Mborn about 1885
CateJames Tborn about 1917
CateJessie Mborn about 1908
CateJohn Oborn about 1911
CateJohn O Jrborn about 1934
CateLara Aborn about 1853
CateMildred Mborn about 1915
CateVirginia Mborn about 1924
CeteViola Mborn about 1910
ChamberlainArline born about 1936
ChamberlainBertha born about 1867
ChamberlainGladys Lborn about 1906
ChamberlainJessica born about 1939
ChamberlainLeon Cborn about 1901
ChamberlainLester Aborn about 1905
ChamberlainMarion born about 1924
ChamberlianMary Jborn about 1857
ChandlerGeorge Eborn about 1880
ChandlerGrace Aborn about 1879
ChapmanMary born about 1895
CheneyRobert Eborn about 1928
ChesleyAdneyram Cborn about 1900
ChesleyCarol Aborn about 1939
ChesleyElen B Lborn about 1884
ChesleyGeorgia Eborn about 1934
ChesleyGeorgia Lborn about 1898
ChesleyMae Mborn about 1884
ChesleyMuriel Mborn about 1924
ChesleySarah Jborn about 1932
ClaggBarbara born about 1926
ClaggIsabelle born about 1890
ClaggIsabelle Wborn about 1921
ClaggJ Newtonborn about 1913
ClaggJohn Hborn about 1879
ClaggNorman Gborn about 1919
ClappNellie Rborn about 1884
ClappWm Aborn about 1881
ClarkDorothy Mborn about 1928
ClarkJosephine born about 1900
ClarkLeon Lborn about 1900
CoachIda born about 1872
CockranJerry Eborn about 1888
CockranRose Jborn about 1889
CollinsJean Mborn about 1925
CooperAnabelle Mborn about 1913
CooperGeorge Eborn about 1929
CooperLoyd Cborn about 1932
CooperMarjorie Rborn about 1934
CooperPhillis Jborn about 1937
CorlissC Stanleyborn about 1923
CorlissEdwar Cborn about 1918
CorlissHelen Gborn about 1883
CraginHelen Mborn about 1911
CraginJoane Hborn about 1938
CraginJohn Aborn about 1936
CraginJoseph Sborn about 1907
CraginRay Sborn about 1933
CummingsGeorge Wborn about 1926
CummingsRena Jborn about 1906
CummingsVirginia born about 1931
CurriesClayton Lborn about 1905
CurriesDoris born about 1906
CurriesEthel Cborn about 1880
CutterRichard Eborn about 1937
CutterRuth Sborn about 1919

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D Surnames

DalessioPaul Johnborn about 1917
DawsonJoseph Cborn about 1895
DawsonMary Cborn about 1891
DawsonRobert Mborn about 1934
DeanA Florenceborn about 1881
DeanWaldo Lborn about 1878
DeforestCatherine Fborn about 1883
DelonoAnnah Aborn about 1877
DelonoCharles Gborn about 1907
DelonoCharles Rborn about 1932
DelonoGeorge Eborn about 1868
DelonoJohn Fborn about 1935
DelonoLetticia Dborn about 1912
DelonoPatricia Aborn about 1937
DelonoRoland Dborn about 1939
DepreyAlice Mborn about 1912
DerbyClinton Hborn about 1888
DerbyIrene Eborn about 1908
DirthCatherine born about 1889
DirthCatherine Lborn about 1927
DirthClaude Eborn about 1915
DirthFred Jborn about 1886
DirthGeorge Wborn about 1871
DirthHarriet Mborn about 1925
DirthKenneth Dborn about 1921
DowAdeline born about 1856
DowDorothy Rborn about 1911
DowElla Hborn about 1857
DowEverett Oborn about 1905
DowLois Lborn about 1937
DowMyrtle Lborn about 1935
DowRoger Nborn about 1934
DowesArthur Aborn about 1907
DowesCora Lborn about 1912
DowesJohn Eborn about 1934
DowesPatricia Aborn about 1939
DownesAndrew born about 1935
DownesDorothy Gborn about 1905
DownesHarlon born about 1905
DubsisJames Bborn about
DuckleyC Westleyborn about 1869
DuckleyMary born about 1871
Dumont??? Dborn about 1913
DumontCarol Eborn about 1932
DumontCarroll Bborn about 1910
DumontEmma Sborn about 1873
DumontF Bartonborn about 1873
DumontMarilyn Dborn about 1938
DumontNancy Jborn about 1934
DumontPatricia Aborn about 1935
DumontRobert born about 1939

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E Surnames

EastmanBeza Lborn about 1880
EastmanBlanche Dborn about 1885
EastmanG Jennetteborn about 1921
EastmanJennette Gborn about 1880
EastmanLawrence Lborn about 1913
EastmanLeona Mborn about 1925
EastmanRodney Lborn about 1937
EastmanVerona Mborn about 1914
EdmundsAddie Mborn about 1872
EdmundsHoward Fborn about 1912
EdmundsHoward Jr born about 1936
EdmundsHoward Jr born about 1936
EdmundsJohn Sborn about 1883
EdmundsMary Eborn about 1883
EmondFlornce born about 1883

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F Surnames

FerrinHerman Eborn about 1884
FiffieldArthur Cborn about 1880
FiffieldSusie Mborn about 1881
FlondersEsther born about 1929
FlondersFloyd Fborn about 1927
FlondersGeorge Eborn about 1928
FlondersRhuna born about 1890
FlondersRobert Jborn about 1931
FooteBarbara Cborn about 1938
FooteMercedes Mborn about 1906
FooteSarah Eborn about 1868
FooteWarner Kborn about 1927
FooteWarren Wborn about 1901
FooteWestley Rborn about 1925
ForstJohn Wborn about 1910
FosterEllen Gborn about 1920
FosterRaymond Wborn about 1918
French??? Bborn about 1899
FrenchEleanor Dborn about 1926
FrenchFlorence Rborn about 1905
FrenchRaymond Eborn about 1931
FrenchRichard Eborn about 1936
FrenchRobert Dborn about 1934
FrostArthur Lborn about 1925
FrostEmma Lborn about 1896
FrostIra Sborn about 1887
FrostRichard Jborn about 1918

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G Surnames

GageBenyomin Eborn about 1871
GageCedric Aborn about 1926
GageEverett Gborn about 1929
GageGeorge Eborn about 1928
GageSarah Aborn about 1899
GeraldEmma Rborn about 1881
GeraldWm Fborn about 1869
GibsonAnnie born about 1867
GibsonAnnie Mborn about 1866
GleasonArthur Cborn about 1879
GrahamNancy Jborn about 1880
GreenAlice Gborn about 1877
GreenArchie Mborn about 1899
GreenBeulah Eborn about 1910
GreenElmer Rborn about 1926
GreenJohn Kborn about 1907
GreenJohn Sborn about 1862
GreenJoy Dborn about 1936
GreenJoy Hborn about 1904
GreenMaurice Gborn about 1930
GreenShirley Aborn about 1939
GreeneAlbert Lborn about 1861
GreeneAlden Dborn about 1871
GreeneAnnie Vborn about 1883
GreeneDoris Rborn about 1932
GreeneEmily born about 1865
GreeneFlorence Mborn about 1926
GreeneFrank Cborn about 1894
GreeneGladys Mborn about 1895
GreeneHarvey Lborn about 1928
GreeneHorace Dborn about 1924
GreeneLester Fborn about 1894
GreeneRalph Lborn about 1920
GreeneScott Hborn about 1879
GreenwoodNorman Fborn about 1921
GuideeringGuy born about 1906

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H Surnames

HackettFred Jborn about 1917
HackettJames Wborn about 1882
HackettMamie Bborn about 1877
HainesAlice Mborn about 1903
HainesRobert Cborn about 1921
HainesThomas Cborn about 1900
HallChesley Bborn about 1921
HallMartha Jborn about 1902
HallRobert Fborn about 1924
HallSamuel Bborn about 1897
HansonAnna Fborn about 1916
HansonAnna Rborn about 1888
HansonF Henryborn about 1911
HansonJohn Aborn about 1935
HansonJohn Fborn about 1887
HardyAlbert Mborn about 1911
HardyElmer born about 1931
HardyJean Eborn about 1915
HarringtonJohn born about 1891
HarrisonBertha born about 1915
HarrisonJohn Cborn about 1913
HarrisonWm Gborn about 1915
HarveyAlice Uborn about 1862
HaskellMinnie Mborn about 1877
HaywardChesley born about 1908
HaywardEdna Lborn about 1918
HaywardMattie Jborn about 1876
HaywardRonald Nborn about 1939
HaywardWalter Fborn about 1871
HaywardWalter Fborn about 1912
HeathMabel Rborn about 1876
HeathRussell Jborn about 1916
HigginsJohn Jborn about 1883
HillAbbie Eborn about 1876
HillAlice Aborn about 1908
HillAnnie Bborn about 1892
HillArchie Lborn about 1877
HillCharles Wborn about 1884
HillCora Bborn about 1882
HillCora Eborn about 1912
HillEllena Pborn about 1931
HillFred Sborn about 1910
HillHarry Sborn about 1904
HillIda Mborn about 1893
HillJ Swettborn about 1873
HillJohn Sborn about 1935
HillJudith Aborn about
HillLeonard Sborn about 1908
HillMartha Aborn about 1934
HillMary Eborn about 1938
HillOrville Fborn about 1878
HillPauline born about 1911
HillRaymond Eborn about 1917
HillRuth Eborn about 1933
HillSamuel Oborn about 1885
HillSandra born about 1939
HillWm Eborn about 1887
HilliardAbbie Mborn about 1873
HilliardGeorge Mborn about 1870
HilliardLeslie Wborn about 1893
HoamEdward born about 1917
HogarClarence Aborn about 1884
HogarLucy Rborn about 1888
HogarRuth Hborn about 1912
HowlandEvelyn Eborn about 1920
HowlandMary Aborn about 1878
HowlandMaurice Eborn about 1939
HowlandMaurice Mborn about 1917
HowlandScott Wborn about 1881
HuntBetty Cborn about 1929
HuntFlorence Eborn about 1899
HuntHomer Fborn about 1925
HuntJohn Rborn about 1934
HuntRussell Gborn about 1927
HuntShirley Aborn about 1936
HustonJames Sborn about 1869

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J Surnames

JackerWalter Fborn about 1872
JenkinsEverett Kborn about 1891
JenkinsEverett K Jrborn about 1918
JenkinsEverett Pborn about 1870
JenkinsLaura born about 1890
JenkinsWarren Mborn about 1922
JennessAlvin born about 1919
JohnsonCharlotte born about 1932
JohnsonFrank Sborn about 1917
JohnsonRalph born about 1929
JohnsonRonald born about 1933
JohnsonRose born about 1930

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K Surnames

KayJames Jborn about 1917
KeatonBertha Kborn about 1896
KellomGladys Nborn about 1894
KelsoJane born about 1877
KelsoThomas born about 1881
KelsonBarbara Cborn about 1911
KelsonBilly born about 1939
KelsonJanice born about 1886
KelsonLewis born about 1908
KelsonRomana born about 1933
KendallClara Fborn about 1867
KendallElena Bborn about 1903
KendallHarold Eborn about 1899
KendallJohn Sborn about 1886
KenneyBetty Aborn about 1938
KenneyByron Bborn about 1934
KenneyC Langdonborn about 1917
KenneyDonald Rborn about 1929
KenneyEllen Mborn about 1875
KenneyEmma Jborn about 1893
KenneyIrene Sborn about 1896
KenneyJacquelyn Dborn about 1937
KenneyJoe Fborn about 1893
KenneyJohn Lborn about 1937
KenneyJohn Rborn about 1911
KenneyKathleen Aborn about 1915
KenneyPauline Cborn about 1932
KenneyRorrest Bborn about 1887
KenneyViolet Jborn about 1920
KenneyWarren Bborn about 1921
KennyHelen Nborn about 1886
KnightBenjamin Cborn about 1883

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L Surnames

LaberAlberta born about 1924
LabonteHomer Fborn about 1892
LaddBetty Aborn about 1925
LaddEsther Eborn about 1899
LaddLevi Kborn about 1901
LaddLevi Jr born about 1927
LaddM Paulineborn about 1933
LaddMary Eborn about 1923
LakeAdelaid Lborn about 1876
LakeAlida Jborn about 1863
LakeJulius Bborn about 1878
LampronArthur Wborn about 1927
LampronBruce Hborn about 1939
LampronEmma Rborn about 1895
LampronFred Cborn about 1893
LampronMildred Pborn about 1909
LampronPaul Eborn about 1904
LampronPaul E Jrborn about 1931
LampronShirley Wborn about 1937
LampronWalter Rborn about 1924
LampsonHelen born about 1923
LandersSamuel Eborn about 1921
LapierreAlbert Gborn about 1907
LapierreAlbert Jr born about 1930
LapierreDorothy born about 1928
LapierreFrancis born about 1931
LapierreOra born about 1923
LawrenceChristopher Cborn about 1923
LawrenceIrena born about 1886
LawrenceIrving born about 1891
LawrenceRaymond Jborn about 1918
LeavettSusie Mborn about 1849
LeclairAlice born about 1923
LibbySara Dborn about 1864
LindburgMildred born about 1914
LouringGloria Bborn about 1924
LouringM Inezborn about 1893
LouringRosse Cborn about 1891
LovejoyAlva Mborn about 1911
LovejoyBarbara Aborn about 1939
LovejoyEdward Lborn about 1910
LoveringFrank Oborn about 1863
LoweHelen Mborn about 1910
LowellFranklin Wborn about 1927
LucasWm Fborn about 1911

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M Surnames

MacfieldIrving born about 1914
MackinzieSelina born about 1853
MacrillisEstelle born about 1862
MagnonAlfred born about 1873
MagnonLoise Mborn about 1880
ManchesterHazel Rborn about 1909
ManchesterLeon Wborn about 1907
MarstonAlice Hborn about 1898
MarstonAlice Lborn about 1906
MarstonArthur Jborn about 1928
MarstonArthur Kborn about 1870
MarstonCaleb Tborn about 1901
MarstonEleanor Eborn about 1924
MarstonFlossie Bborn about 1878
MarstonJoan born about 1932
MarstonJohn Cborn about 1899
MarstonRalph Lborn about 1929
MarstonShirley Eborn about 1931
Maxfield??? Mborn about 1929
MaxfieldAmy Fborn about 1910
MaxfieldEdwin Hborn about 1937
MaxfieldHarry Jr born about 1921
MaxfieldHattie Mborn about 1886
MaxfieldHorace born about 1926
MaxfieldJanet Hborn about 1932
MaxfieldJoseph born about 1918
MaxfieldMary Eborn about 1917
MaxfieldPaula Aborn about 1938
MaxfieldRalph Fborn about 1936
MaxfieldRalph Hborn about 1908
MaxfieldWilbur Cborn about 1909
MaxfieldWilbur C Jrborn about 1937
MaynardBessie Eborn about 1881
MaynardClarence born about 1908
MaynardClarence Jr born about 1933
MaynardGrace born about 1908
MaynardHelen Eborn about 1910
MaynardNorman Lborn about 1920
MaynardRoy Wborn about 1883
McCoyHelen Eborn about 1894
McCoyHerbert Bborn about 1921
McElroyAlbert born about 1882
McInnisLeslie Bborn about 1920
McInnisNancy born about 1939
McInnisPhilipp Dborn about 1916
McKayEugene Fborn about 1896
McKenzieMildred Cborn about 1894
McKenzieWm Rborn about 1887
McKerleyAlta Bborn about 1898
McKerleyJames Wborn about 1880
McKerleyJohn Rborn about 1900
McLaughlinJohn Cborn about 1875
McLaughlinMary Bborn about 1880
McLaughlinRichard born about 1920
McLorenFreda Gborn about 1903
McLorenFulton Jborn about 1901
McLorenIrma Jborn about 1927
McLorenRobert Fborn about 1925
McMonIrving Fborn about 1900
McNaught born about 1887
MedlockBlanch born about 1906
MedlockJoyce born about 1940
MedlockW Joyceborn about 1909
MelcombAnnie born about 1868
MelcombWillie Eborn about 1877
MerrillCharles Lborn about 1871
MerrillClarence Cborn about 1886
MerrillDavid Lborn about 1939
MerrillElizabeth Mborn about 1904
MerrillElizabeth Mborn about 1930
MerrillElsie Aborn about 1928
MerrillFlorence Mborn about 1893
MerrillGeorginna Eborn about 1937
MerrillHoward Eborn about 1897
MerrillJames Oborn about 1887
MerrillJennie Jborn about 1932
MerrillJoseph Lborn about 1936
MerrillKarl Eborn about 1935
MerrillLewis born about 1888
MerrillLottie Cborn about 1904
MerrillMarjorie Aborn about 1923
MerrillMartha Eborn about 1873
MerrillMaurice Cborn about 1917
MerrillPaul Mborn about 1931
MerrillRalph Dborn about 1920
MinorClarence Hborn about 1937
MinorElna Rborn about 1917
MinorLevi Cborn about 1911
MinorWalter Pborn about 1939
MinordArchie Dborn about 1917
MinordMadelyn Eborn about 1921
MinordOlive Lborn about 1916
MitchellAnnie Wborn about 1874
MitchellWilliam Hborn about 1869
MontgomeryJames Hborn about 1909
MontgomeryMelda born about 1911
MoodyCarl Oborn about 1938
MoodyEdna Mborn about 1925
MoodyElsie Aborn about 1912
MoodyNidoria born about 1936
MoodyWalter Hborn about 1873
MooreBarbara Mborn about 1926
MooreEleanor Jborn about 1937
MooreEmerson Eborn about 1931
MooreInez born about 1889
MooreIsadore Jborn about 1907
MooreK Richardborn about 1935
MooreKarl Cborn about 1885
MooreLewis Dborn about 1907
MooreLloyd Oborn about 1912
MooreLouis D Jrborn about 1928
MooreMary Aborn about 1858
MooreMurel Eborn about 1914
MoorePhyllis Aborn about 1920
MooreRonald Kborn about 1932
MooreWendell Aborn about 1923
MorganCorinne born about 1923
MorganE Donaldborn about 1920
MorganEthel Mborn about 1900
MorganKenneth born about 1925
MorganParker Gborn about 1897
MorganPatricia born about 1931
MorganPriscilla born about 1932
MorissAllan born about 1866
MorissEva Vborn about 1900
MorissShirley born about 1930
MorseEdgar Aborn about
MorseMay Mborn about 1885
MorseRichard Kborn about 1929
MorshFrank born about 1895
MorstonCharles Kborn about 1875
MorstonEtta Cborn about 1849
MosesA Ernestineborn about 1931
MosesLois Mborn about 1934
MosesLois Vborn about 1905
MosesMalcolm Hborn about 1899
MosesMary born about 1875
MurphyPeter Pborn about 1886

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N Surnames

NewellWilliam born about 1907
NewtonDorothy Fborn about 1917
NewtonJohn Gborn about 1908
NewtonRobert born about 1939
NorwoodReginald born about 1891

O Surnames

OlsenCharles Fborn about 1928
OlsenFred Cborn about 1891
OrdwayCora Mborn about 1900
OrdwayDoris Eborn about 1909
OrdwayEarl Rborn about 1899
OrdwayEdward Sborn about 1869
OrdwayNancy Leeborn about 1938
OrdwayPerley Mborn about 1895
OrdwayRobert Pborn about 1930
OrdwayWm Sborn about 1876
OsborneDavid Lborn about 1937
OsborneDorothy Vborn about 1923
OsborneJ Russellborn about 1925
OsborneJohn Fborn about 1894
OsborneKenneth Nborn about 1929
OsborneMary born about 1927
OsbornePricilla Aborn about 1932
OsborneRachel Eborn about 1931
OsborneRena Pborn about 1898
OsgoodAbraham Lborn about 1865
OsgoodAlice Mborn about 1917
OsgoodMabel born about 1862
OsgoodWm Mborn about 1913

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P Surnames

PageRoyal Lborn about 1916
PaigeChester Fborn about 1896
PaigeWalter Eborn about 1873
PalmerRussell Fborn about 1911
PalmerRuth Sborn about 1914
ParkerCharles Hborn about 1874
ParkerClyde Rborn about 1898
ParkerEvalyn Lborn about 1904
ParkerKatie Wborn about 1858
ParkerMyrtle Oborn about 1896
ParmenterHarry Wborn about 1893
ParmenterMartha born about 1891
PaulIna born about 1921
PaulsonEdgar Pborn about 1896
PaulsonInes Mborn about 1897
PaulsonRobert Eborn about 1927
PearlAlice Jborn about 1892
PearlBernard Jborn about 1926
PearlCecil Vborn about 1922
PearlCharles Aborn about 1885
PearlE Cormelitaborn about 1916
PearlEvelyn Mborn about 1921
PearlGertrude Bborn about 1883
PearlJohn Wborn about 1875
PearlJune Cborn about 1939
PearlKenneth Cborn about 1919
PearlLeonard Sborn about 1879
PearlNola Hborn about 1895
PearlRodney Rborn about 1937
PearlRuth born about 1914
PearlSusie Rborn about 1878
PearlV Raymondborn about 1915
PearlVictor Cborn about 1883
PearlZilla Nborn about 1886
PerkinsAlice Mborn about 1886
PerkinsFlora Jborn about 1913
PerkinsJosephine Eborn about 1918
PerkinsMartha Jborn about 1939
PerkinsPatricia Lborn about 1937
PerkinsRobert Eborn about 1913
PerkinsWm Pborn about 1878
PerryAlice Pborn about 1910
PerryGertrude Mborn about 1937
PerryLaurence Wborn about 1908
PerryRichard Lborn about 1933
PetersElizabeth born about 1894
PhelpsFredrick Wborn about 1877
PhelpsMatilda born about 1882
PisterPhilip born about 1878
PitmanAlbert Hborn about 1920
PitmanDona Aborn about 1916
PitmanEva Dborn about 1910
PitmanMargaret Mborn about 1890
PitmanSamuel Fborn about 1881
PowellGeorgia Lborn about 1865
PresbyFrank born about 1883

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R Surnames

RaymondSelvia born about 1919
ReddyCatherine born about 1935
ReddyCatherine Gborn about 1909
ReddyCharlotte Aborn about 1929
ReddySamuel born about 1906
ReddySamuel Jr born about 1930
RiceAlden born about 1923
RiceEllen Bborn about 1924
RiceGeorge Aborn about 1929
RiceJanet Wborn about 1930
RiceJohn Hborn about 1900
RiceJohn H Jrborn about 1927
RiceRichard Gborn about 1935
RiceRuby Lborn about 1926
RiceRuth Bborn about 1931
RiceUna Eborn about 1904
RichardsonClarence Aborn about 1894
RichardsonEdna born about 1905
RichardsonGene born about 1928
RichardsonJoan born about 1928
RichardsonM Ireneborn about 1894
RichardsonWinifred Mborn about 1919
RickerElizabeth Aborn about 1928
RickerEthelyn Mborn about 1899
RickerHarold Fborn about 1897
RickerHarold F Jrborn about 1924
RickerLois Mborn about 1935
RickerMarion Lborn about 1926
RickerPauline Eborn about 1923
RobinsonAlice Gborn about 1914
RobinsonBeatrice Lborn about 1903
RobinsonBeverly Hborn about 1927
RobinsonPhilip Sborn about 1915
RobinsonT Westleyborn about 1903
RogersArthur Wborn about 1879
RogersFrank Jborn about 1883
RogersFred Aborn about 1861
RogersGladys born about 1896
RoyceGeorge Mborn about 1885

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S Surnames

SaltmarshAlbert born about 1875
SaltmarshSeth Lborn about 1861
SanbornAlbin Jborn about 1908
SanbornAnnie Jborn about 1868
SanbornBernice Jborn about 1911
SanbornElizabeth Mborn about 1936
SanbornJennie Eborn about 1876
SanbornJoan Bborn about 1933
SanbornJohn Albinborn about 1938
SanbornRuth Aborn about 1909
SargantJohn Wborn about 1864
SargentAtis Gborn about 1873
SargentAusta Wborn about 1871
SeeleyAgnis Vborn about 1917
SeeleyAngus Rborn about 1916
SeeleyEdward Eborn about 1891
SeeleyMarie Aborn about 1939
SelveyJohn Jborn about 1887
ShattuckHarry Wborn about 1899
ShawClifton born about 1924
SleeperAnnie Eborn about 1867
SleeperEdwin Hborn about 1867
SleeperEdwin Wborn about 1936
SleeperLouise Jborn about 1911
SleeperMarion Lborn about 1932
SleeperWallace Lborn about 1909
Smith??? Pborn about 1887
SmithA Elizabethborn about 1920
SmithAddie Lborn about 1899
SmithArchie born about 1939
SmithArthur Hborn about 1892
SmithBarbara Fborn about 1932
SmithBenjamin born about 1908
SmithBruce Cborn about 1939
SmithCarol Eborn about 1937
SmithClara Eborn about 1932
SmithClyde born about 1918
SmithCrofton Jborn about 1922
SmithDavid Lborn about 1935
SmithDorothy Vborn about 1915
SmithElizabeth Lborn about 1926
SmithEllen Mborn about 1866
SmithEmmet Fborn about 1887
SmithFlora Mborn about 1877
SmithFord Cborn about 1884
SmithGeneva born about 1917
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1877
SmithGeorgia Bborn about 1889
SmithGerald Bborn about 1911
SmithGordon Rborn about 1938
SmithHarold Vborn about 1914
SmithHarrison Cborn about 1919
SmithInis Mborn about 1892
SmithKatherine Sborn about 1897
SmithKimberley Fborn about 1935
SmithLeon Albertborn about 1913
SmithLeroy Aborn about 1920
SmithLois born about 1916
SmithMarjorie Fborn about 1911
SmithMary Jborn about 1916
SmithMicheal Bborn about 1937
SmithMildred Wborn about 1913
SmithMyra Sborn about 1890
SmithNathan Pborn about 1915
SmithOscar Gborn about 1877
SmithPatricia Dborn about 1921
SmithPauline Jborn about 1929
SmithRichard Mborn about 1935
SmithRita Lborn about 1926
SmithRobert Eborn about 1922
SmithRobert Lborn about 1891
SmithWayne Sborn about 1923
SmithWilson born about 1937
SolomonsonJohn born about 1876
SpoonerBertrand Lborn about 1899
SpoonerBertrand Jr born about 1925
SpoonerLaura Nborn about 1930
SpoonerMillie Vborn about 1901
SpoonerMuriel Vborn about 1923
StevensBertha Lborn about 1866
StevensChester Rborn about 1887
StevensFlossie Bborn about 1890
StevensNewell Rborn about 1925
StoneBeatrice Eborn about 1925
StoneBoman born about 1910
StoneCarol Aborn about 1939
StoneDoris Aborn about 1915
StoneGeorge Sborn about 1914
StoneGladys Mborn about 1900
StoneGlenn Nborn about 1939
StoneHenry Lborn about 1889
StoneJohn Rborn about 1936
StoneRobert Fborn about 1939
StoneRuth Aborn about 1915
StoneSherwood Sborn about 1938
StoresArlene Uborn about 1922
StoresArnold Eborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallmanGrant born about 1879
TibbettsEsther Eborn about 1936
TibbettsGladys Eborn about 1917
TibbettsPricilla born about 1940
TibbettsRoberta Vborn about 1939
TibbettsSidney Lborn about 1877
TibbettsSidney Lborn about 1913
TorkerAlice Mborn about 1936
TowleAlbert Eborn about 1921
TowleBurt Eborn about 1864
TowleCaroll Rborn about 1935
TowleDennis Aborn about 1937
TowleDiana Mborn about 1939
TowleElizabeth Aborn about 1939
TowleElizabeth Jborn about 1900
TowleElliott Lborn about 1930
TowleHarry Lborn about 1922
TowleHerman Aborn about 1892
TowleHerman A Jrborn about 1927
TowleJohn Hborn about 1932
TowleLillie Eborn about 1871
TowleMargaret Lborn about 1928
TowleMary Gborn about 1910
TowleNancy Ruthborn about 1940
TowleRobert Lborn about 1902
TowleShirley Jborn about 1933
TrueClara Dborn about 1862
TrueWilfred Jborn about 1898
TrulsonAlma Cborn about 1891
TrulsonO Conradborn about 1933
TrulsonOlof born about 1906
TurcotteAntoinette born about 1894
TurcotteArthur Gborn about 1888
TyfordHarry Sborn about 1898
TyfordValina Mborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughnHarding Dborn about 1865

W Surnames

WalchAngie Sborn about 1893
WalchFranklin Eborn about 1893
WalkerArialena Tborn about 1881
WalkerJohn Hborn about 1874
WarrenClayton Eborn about 1920
WaughBessie Eborn about 1868
WaughHenry Rborn about 1868
WaymouthD Emilyborn about 1929
WaymouthDorothy born about 1894
WaymouthFrancis Eborn about 1935
WaymouthGeorge Wborn about 1893
WelchCharles born about 1866
WelchCharles Jr born about 1923
WelchGertrude born about 1927
WelchJosephine Dborn about 1894
WelchWilliam Fborn about 1918
WellsEdd born about 1915
WellsLucina Jborn about 1868
WelshEdward born about 1929
WescottJohn Hborn about 1922
WestBlanche Eborn about 1896
WestgateEarnest Bborn about 1888
WestgateHelen Fborn about 1892
WheelerDoddridge Rborn about 1905
WheelerM Helenborn about 1908
WheelerRobert Dborn about 1938
WheelerWesley Rborn about 1937
WhitehouseSarah Aborn about 1870
WigginEliza Aborn about 1863
WigginWillie Wborn about 1868
WinslowFrank Lborn about 1868
WoodwardOscar Hborn about 1880
WoodwardOscar H Jrborn about 1915
WoodwardSara Wborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesEarnest Sborn about 1902
YatesMay Rborn about 1898
YorkMorrel born about 1858
YoungAlfred Bborn about 1895
YoungRose born about 1893

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