1940 U.S. Federal Census of Peterborough, Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Hampshire > Hillsborough County > 1940 Census of Peterborough

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAgnes born about 1888
AbbottEdward born about 1868
AbbottFrancis born about 1924
AbbottWalter born about 1888
AielloConcetta born about 1895
AielloFrank born about 1939
AielloGeorge born about 1869
AielloVincent born about 1894
AielloVincentine born about 1924
AlexanderAnna Rborn about 1877
AlexanderJoseph Wborn about 1879
AlexanderMae Iborn about 1870
AllenJames born about 1863
AllenRhoda born about 1863
AmidsonMinnie Mrs born about 1875
AnableAnthony A Jrborn about 1926
AnableAnthony Mrs born about 1902
AnableJoan born about 1929
AndersonHelen Mborn about 1929
AndersonJames Robertborn about 1928
AndersonMinot Jborn about 1899
AndersonRichard Mborn about 1933
AndersonRuth Mborn about 1905
AntelLouis born about 1886
AppletonKatherine Dborn about 1900
AppletonScott Eborn about 1898
ArmstrongElias Bborn about 1884
ArmstrongJohn Pborn about 1917
ArmstrongLaurish Hborn about 1892
ArmstrongMalcomb born about 1919
AtkoczaitesAnthony born about 1922
AtkoczaitesJohn born about 1916
AtkoczaitesJoseph born about 1918
AtkoczaitesKatherine born about 1881
AtkoczaitesStanley born about 1920
AustinGentinella born about 1860
AveryAlbert Eborn about 1870
AyerBernard Fborn about 1913

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B Surnames

BaderMrs Mary born about 1869
BagleyEarl Cborn about 1898
BagleyFreda born about 1908
BagleyMarion Jborn about 1900
BaileyEdna born about 1912
BaileyEva born about 1885
BaileyHerbert born about 1908
BaileyLouis born about 1876
BaileyPhillip born about 1936
BaileyRonald born about 1938
BalchFrederick Hborn about 1878
BalchSadie born about 1880
BalconEmma Fborn about 1875
BaldineGuido Tborn about 1913
BaldwinCharles Aborn about 1867
BaldwinLeah Mborn about 1879
BaldwinPearl Eborn about 1921
BallardHorace Charlesborn about 1915
BallardJ Frederickborn about 1885
BallardLorenda born about 1924
BallardM Wborn about 1886
BallardMildred Wborn about 1915
BarbarDorothy born about 1907
BarbarEugene Lborn about 1904
BarberIda Mborn about 1873
BarbinAntoinette born about 1903
BarbinDonat born about 1904
BarbinInel born about 1931
BarbinMarch born about 1933
BarrettHedwig Jborn about 1910
BarrettMarie Eborn about 1931
BarryJ Antoineborn about 1891
BarryMarjorie Mborn about 1936
BarryMary Pborn about 1922
BarryMildred Dborn about 1899
BarryMorris Wborn about 1939
BarryMrs Margaret born about 1875
BarryNora born about 1902
BarryRobert born about 1918
BarryStella Mborn about 1930
BarryThomas born about 1914
BartonCharles Mrs born about 1874
BascomeEmo Eborn about 1867
BayleyBlanche born about 1882
BeardienAnnie born about 1876
BeardienAugustus born about 1875
BeardrewAlbert born about 1937
BeardrewCharles born about 1938
BeardrewElizabeth born about 1935
BeardrewJoseph born about 1915
BeardrewJoseph Jr born about 1934
BeardrewJosephine born about 1916
BelcherAdella born about 1881
BelcherFrank born about 1878
BellDoroth Lborn about 1928
BellDorothy Vborn about 1892
BellowsDorothy born about 1903
BellowsJohn born about 1900
BellowsMary born about 1929
BelsnyerHelen Rborn about 1917
BenderCharles born about 1877
BenderHelen Eborn about 1882
BergeronMarion Cborn about 1918
BernierSalias born about 1871
BertrandAndrew born about 1900
BertrandCora Mborn about 1877
BessettEdgar born about 1895
BeverstockFrank born about 1911
BeverstockRuth born about 1885
BigelowHomer born about 1872
BinghamArthur born about 1903
BirdCharles born about 1879
BishopLawrence born about 1921
BishopMrs Etta born about 1900
BissonAdelard born about 1919
BittlefieldHarold Tborn about 1892
BlackAbner born about 1932
BlackArlene born about 1900
BlackCharlotte born about 1927
BlackDorothy born about 1923
BlackMarjorie born about 1929
BlackPaul born about 1935
BlackPhillis born about 1924
BlackRoger born about 1900
BlackRoger born about 1938
BlairMrs Julia M born about 1877
BlaisdellAlberta born about 1886
BlaisdellArthur born about 1885
BlakeFrank Aborn about 1885
BlakeMabel born about 1878
BlodgettFlora born about 1862
BloodMary R Cborn about 1877
BocelleEdilina born about 1925
BocelleMagolda born about 1926
BocelleMay born about 1885
BocelleMichael born about 1882
BoindonDelia born about 1901
BoindonGeorge born about 1921
BoindonJohn born about 1886
BonnetteMargaret born about 1912
BookerDorothy Wborn about 1900
BookerRalph Wborn about 1901
BossEdith Bborn about 1888
BossJerry born about 1924
BossRobert Pborn about 1875
BossRobert P Jrborn about 1923
BouclisonLena Mborn about 1917
BouclisonRobert Fborn about 1918
BourgoineAlice born about 1907
BourgoineJoseph born about 1900
BourgoineJoseph Jr born about 1932
BourgoineLaurence born about 1926
BourgoineLeo born about 1927
BourgoinePaul born about 1929
BourgoineStella born about 1937
BoutwellEmma born about 1883
BoutwellFrancis Lborn about 1913
BowlerAnnie born about 1897
BowlerConstance Mborn about 1922
BowlerMarie Hborn about 1939
BowlerMaurice Nborn about 1929
BoyceAdeline born about 1871
BradleyErnest Hborn about 1891
BradleyNorma Hborn about 1926
BradleyTheodora Dborn about 1902
BragdonBessie Wborn about 1857
BragdonMrs Mary born about 1865
BrassardArthur born about 1870
BrassardCarol born about 1939
BrassardDerilda born about 1874
BrassardDolores born about 1928
BrassardErnest Aborn about 1906
BrassardIrene born about 1911
BrassardLillian born about 1909
BrassardLucienna born about 1912
BrassardMerilda born about 1911
BrassardPauline born about 1931
BrassardWilfred born about 1908
BrassardWilfred Jr born about 1933
BrennerBruce born about 1938
BrennerCharles born about 1873
BrennerClarence born about 1906
BrennerClarence Jr born about 1924
BrennerEvelyn born about 1906
BrennerGordon born about 1928
BrennerHarry born about 1913
BrennerMarceline born about 1914
BrennerNellie born about 1873
BrittonKitt Nborn about 1875
BrockwayEdmund born about 1882
BrockwayEva born about 1883
BrooksCarol born about 1935
BrooksElizabeth born about 1903
BrooksRobert born about 1901
BrownAline born about 1908
BrownAnthony born about 1936
BrownCharles Rborn about 1908
BruenoAdorf born about 1881
BrunnellAlden born about 1922
BrunnellJohn born about 1888
BrunnellLoren born about 1925
BrunnellMary born about 1901
BryantAnn born about 1893
BryerBertha Hborn about 1881
BryerWalter born about 1879
BuckeArline Aborn about 1916
BuckleyFredrick Aborn about 1913
BuckleyMargaret Aborn about 1940
BuckleyMarion Eborn about 1912
BuitJacqueline Rborn about 1925
BunceAngeline Jborn about 1908
BunceRonald Wborn about 1939
BunceWilliam Aborn about 1906
BunierIrene Mborn about 1921
BunierRobert Jborn about 1912
BunnerCristine Hborn about 1918
BunnerHazel Mborn about 1921
BurbankAlice Fborn about 1894
BurbankEarnest Cborn about 1892
BurbankRobert born about 1921
BurchsteadHarry born about 1889
BurchsteadMarie born about 1889
BurkeGeorge Hborn about 1875
BurkeHelen born about 1882
BurkeMary Eborn about 1878
BurkePatrick born about 1880
BurkeThomas Aborn about 1884
BurrageCharles born about 1922
BurrageDorothy Sborn about 1889
BurrageSara born about 1881
BurrisCharles Aborn about 1898
BurrisEvelyn Mborn about 1901
BuxterArthur Dborn about 1914
BuzzellEdward Aborn about 1875
BuzzellSola Cborn about 1875

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C Surnames

CaisseCecelia Rborn about 1918
CaisseDonolold Rborn about 1934
CaisseJemaine Aborn about 1913
CaisseLee Gborn about 1935
CaisseLeo Fborn about 1894
CampbellAlbert Eborn about 1880
CampbellAlice Tborn about 1879
CampbellLa Rue born about 1902
CarlingMaud born about 1895
CarllAlice born about 1883
CarllLaurence born about 1912
CarllRobert Fborn about 1879
CarllSilas born about 1885
CarlsonEdward born about 1881
CarlsonLeon born about 1915
CarlsonLillian born about 1881
CarlsonNorman born about 1920
CarpenterClaude born about 1939
CarpenterFrank born about 1915
CarpenterGertrude born about 1919
CarrollArthur Wborn about 1936
CarrollBarbara born about 1932
CarrollCharlotte born about 1906
CarrollElmer born about 1906
CarterCharles born about 1874
CaskingEdith born about 1915
CassBeyrl born about 1923
CassBurton Oborn about 1884
CassCelia Dborn about 1915
CassCelia Eborn about 1926
CassEarnest Cborn about 1925
CassEdith Fborn about 1923
CassEdna Jborn about 1863
CassEdward Lborn about 1929
CassEllen Mborn about 1921
CassElwin Bborn about 1911
CassEtta Mborn about 1887
CassGeorge Eborn about 1935
CassGeorge Gborn about 1860
CassGertrude Eborn about 1924
CassHarley born about 1926
CassHarly Gborn about 1918
CassHarriet Eborn about 1920
CassJanette Hborn about 1916
CassRuth Eborn about 1919
CastonEdith born about 1892
CavanaughAnn born about 1925
CavanaughEthel Mborn about 1897
CavanaughMatthew Pborn about 1897
ChasestArthur born about 1910
ChasestPhilip born about 1881
CheeneyHarriet Eborn about 1864
ChomardBarbra Jborn about 1931
ChomardManin Bborn about 1927
ClarkDavid born about 1934
ClarkElizabeth born about 1927
ClarkFerdi Mborn about 1880
ClarkGeorge Dborn about 1871
ClarkJohn born about 1906
ClarkMargaret born about 1906
ClarkMargarite born about 1896
ClarkMargerritte Aborn about 1892
ClarkMarsha born about 1937
ClarkNorma Gborn about 1936
ClarkPeter born about 1930
ClarkRobert Cborn about 1933
ClinJames born about 1897
ClintonBernice Aborn about 1915
ClintonHattie Mborn about 1874
ClukayGertrude born about 1895
ClukayHarry born about 1895
ClukeyFrank Eborn about 1872
CoburnAgnes born about 1871
CoffinGrace born about 1898
CoffinL Haroldborn about 1895
ConnellEdna born about 1895
ConnellMadeline born about 1918
ConnellPrucilla born about 1925
ConnellRita born about 1921
ConnellWilliam born about 1896
ConnellWilliam Jr born about 1922
CookCharles Wborn about 1882
CookCharles Wborn about 1922
CookMary Eborn about 1882
CooperArthur Sborn about 1910
CorbinAvery born about 1885
CorbinEmma born about 1892
CoteJohn born about 1882
CoteJoseph born about 1910
CoteLouis born about 1912
CoteMary born about 1882
CoulterRalph Iborn about 1934
CraginEdith Mborn about 1880
CraigMarlene born about 1936
CraigPeter born about 1875
CraigRuth Bborn about 1914
CraigThomas Jborn about 1903
CramElizabeth Sborn about 1885
CramGene Bborn about 1918
CramSidney Aborn about 1914
CrandellJohn born about 1895
CraneIda born about 1860
CrawfordFrank Aborn about 1893
CrookerDavid Wborn about 1916
CrookerIrene Jborn about 1916
CrowellGladys Eborn about 1901
CrowellMayne Fborn about 1938
CrowellPaul Eborn about 1928
CrowellPaul Fborn about 1899
CrowellRichard Hborn about 1940
CrowellSalley Aborn about 1935
CrowellShirely Aborn about 1932
CummingsAlthea Pborn about 1909
CummingsCharles born about 1892
CummingsDane Pborn about 1908
CummingsDiane Lborn about 1937
CummingsMae born about 1894
CummingsMarion born about 1891
CummingsPaul born about 1890
CummingsPauline born about 1922
CuninghamJohn Eborn about 1904
CuninghamRuth Fborn about 1908
CurtisEdie born about 1856
CushingFrank born about 1878
CutlerArviel Bborn about 1905
CutlerCharles Hborn about 1868
CutterBernard Aborn about 1938
CutterDoris born about 1912
CutterFlorence Maeborn about 1922
CutterGrace born about 1891
CutterHoward born about 1915
CutterOrlow born about 1890
CutterPhillip born about 1914
CuttlerMarion Eborn about 1915

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D Surnames

DartDwight born about 1897
DartMarlyn born about 1923
DartPauline Aborn about 1895
DartRichard Dborn about 1926
DartRobert Aborn about 1921
DartSylvia born about 1929
DavidsonCharlotte born about 1923
DavidsonMargaret born about 1890
DavidsonNorman born about 1920
DavisAlbert Cborn about 1876
DavisCharles Aborn about 1876
DavisEarnest born about 1920
DavisEva Mborn about 1885
DavisHelen born about 1926
DavisJames born about 1922
DavisKimlal born about 1881
DavisLawrence born about 1918
DavisMary Eborn about 1868
DavisNorman born about 1925
DavisRobert born about 1917
DayEva Wborn about 1903
DayGeorgina Lborn about 1927
DayMary Eborn about 1928
DayRichard Aborn about 1902
DayRichard A Jrborn about 1924
DayThomas Lborn about 1933
DeanArchie Hborn about 1877
DeanMabel Mborn about 1882
DenisonFlorence Hborn about 1876
DenisonWilliam Kborn about 1870
DerbyCarl Cborn about 1907
DerbyEva Mborn about 1872
DerbyJohn Wborn about 1874
DerbyMarjorie born about 1900
DerbyNaomi born about 1915
DerbyRobert Wborn about 1900
DerisierArmand born about 1921
DerisierCorma born about 1886
DerisierDonald born about 1923
DerisierIda born about 1912
DerisierJohn born about 1887
DerisierRainey born about 1925
DerisierVictor born about 1926
DeschenerRita Aborn about 1916
DickeyMarion born about 1881
DickeyWilliam Fborn about 1875
DodgeElmer Aborn about 1902
DodgeHelen Eborn about 1914
DodgeRichard Eborn about 1935
DodgeRussell Aborn about 1933
DolanEdna born about 1912
DolanJanice born about 1939
DolanMachel Cborn about 1937
DolanRichard Hborn about 1897
DolanRichard H Jrborn about 1939
DolanRose Mborn about 1915
DolanWilliam born about 1907
DolansAgnes Eborn about 1903
DolansDolores Aborn about 1931
DolansMorris Dborn about 1905
DoleDorothy born about 1919
DoleFletcher born about 1891
DoleLaura born about 1892
DonovanChristine born about 1902
DonovanDorothy born about 1927
DonovanFrances Jr born about 1929
DonovanFrancis born about 1900
DonovanFrancis born about 1902
DonovanMary Eborn about 1925
DonovanMildred born about 1899
DonovanPaul Vborn about 1896
DonovanPaul Jr born about 1933
DonovanRuth Jborn about 1930
DraneCarl Cborn about 1915
DraneElizabeth born about 1918
DraperDonald Nborn about 1934
DraperDorothy born about 1909
DraperRoy born about 1906
DriscollClara Mborn about 1893
DriscollEdward Cborn about 1879
DriscollKathrine Bborn about 1876
DubeAlfred born about 1906
DubeArmand born about 1936
DubeElizabeth born about 1909
DubeErnest born about 1874
DubeEva born about 1906
DubeFrances born about 1898
DubeFrederick born about 1939
DubeJoseph Mborn about 1893
DubeMarie Jborn about 1886
DubePaul born about 1905
DubreyRobert born about 1915
DuckerBarbra Eborn about 1930
DuckerF Robertborn about 1936
DuckerFrank Rborn about 1903
DuckerGertrude Eborn about 1906
DuckerPauline Fborn about 1932
DufuetteFred born about 1901
DugasFlorence born about 1905
DugasJohn born about 1903
DugasJohn Jr born about 1931
DurantFrank born about 1912
DurantIrene born about 1910
DurginMaud Rborn about 1884
DurginWarren Jborn about 1880

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E Surnames

EastmanAlice born about 1867
EastmanElizabeth born about 1917
EastmanFern born about 1917
EastmanFrancis Wborn about 1915
EastmanFrancis Jr born about 1937
EastmanGeneva Cborn about 1917
EastmanGeorge born about 1918
EastmanHarold born about 1910
EastmanIrving Rborn about 1906
EastmanLouise born about 1885
EastmanLouise born about 1920
EastmanManasoh Pborn about 1891
EastmanMarilyn Eborn about 1923
EastmanNellie Nborn about 1891
EastmanRaymond Fborn about 1938
EastmanRuby born about 1916
EastmanSylvia Pborn about 1937
EastmanWalter Rborn about 1882
EastmanWilliam born about 1867
EavesAlice born about 1895
EavesAnnie Tborn about 1895
EavesBarbara born about 1919
EavesLaura born about 1916
EavesNancy born about 1935
EavesNorlan Dborn about 1889
EdwardsMarjorie born about 1915
EganCharlotte born about 1923
EganGeorge Kborn about 1897
EganMargaret Aborn about 1937
EganMary Jborn about 1907
EganSadie Mborn about 1895
EhrlerCharlotte born about 1916
EhrlerMrs Josce born about 1890
ElliottMary Lborn about 1880
EllsworthGertrude Mborn about 1881
EllsworthWilliam Cborn about 1884
EmeryAntoinette born about 1903
EmeryBeatrice born about 1920
EmeryDoris born about 1933
EmeryFrank born about 1915
EmeryGeorge born about 1899
EmeryHenry born about 1929
EmeryIrene born about 1924
EmeryJoseph born about 1911
EmeryLaura born about 1899
EmeryMargaret born about 1910
EmeryPatricia born about 1933
EmeryPeter born about 1886
EmeryRita born about 1926
EmeryRobert born about 1930
EmeryRose born about 1918
EmeryWilliam born about 1888
EmmonsArthur born about 1887
EmmonsEvelyn born about 1916
EmmonsOra born about 1887
EmondBeatrice born about 1920
EmondLionel born about 1914
EmondNancy born about 1939
EstrabrookWilliam born about 1900
EvansCharles born about 1883
EvansDean Aborn about 1940
EvansGeorge Aborn about 1902
EvansGrace born about 1888
EvansJohn Gborn about 1936
EvansLucy Dborn about 1906

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F Surnames

FachmGrace Mborn about 1915
FachmLinnea Mborn about 1936
FactinRobert born about 1916
FactinRuth born about 1913
FarhmErline Lborn about 1939
FarhmLona Aborn about 1908
FarhmMarlyn Mborn about 1930
FarnsworthClarence Hborn about 1886
FarnsworthErnest Cborn about 1887
FarranHelen Lborn about 1859
FarrarMary Lborn about 1868
Farrell born about 1898
FarrellThomas born about 1895
FelchEvelyn born about 1917
FenerterShirley born about 1921
FenertyEthel Mborn about 1890
FenertyHerbert born about 1886
FickelAlice Hborn about 1868
FieldDanna Hborn about 1883
FieldElizabeth born about 1883
FieldForrest born about 1856
FieldHelen Bborn about 1874
FieldNathalee Mborn about 1908
FishAlfred Eborn about 1876
FishCarl born about 1910
FittsAlice Cborn about 1876
FitzgeraldAnsil born about 1904
FitzgeraldBernice born about 1900
FitzgeraldJosephine born about 1881
FitzgeraldLouis born about 1883
FlaggMargaret Bborn about 1894
FlaggNettie Aborn about 1871
FlaggOrrik born about 1864
FloodeJennie Hborn about 1888
FloodeRoy Wborn about 1884
FlynnBlanche Aborn about 1900
FlynnCristine Mborn about 1901
FlynnHenry Lborn about 1902
FlynnRobert Pborn about 1928
FlynnSherman Cborn about 1900
FlynnSherman Fborn about 1923
FooteAlbert Aborn about 1874
FooteMary Jborn about 1875
FooteSarah Rborn about 1898
ForbesDouglas Jborn about 1930
ForbesEarnest Fborn about 1902
ForbesFrances Eborn about 1928
ForbesHarriett Eborn about 1903
ForkinOtto Eborn about 1881
ForkinSelma Mborn about 1904
FortuneJames born about 1854
FossHelen Sborn about 1913
FosterAdie Mborn about 1872
FosterFrank Bborn about 1878
FowmierDeraire born about 1878
FoxGeorge born about 1915
FranceHarry born about 1878
FranceRathyns born about 1884
FredericksonIda born about 1877
FrostMrs Winnie born about 1873
FurlongKathrine Eborn about 1927

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G Surnames

GaigerGeorge born about 1935
GarnhaseGeorge Aborn about 1890
GarnhaseGerald Eborn about 1928
GarnhaseHelen Eborn about 1924
GarnhaseNellie Hborn about 1890
GaskiGrace born about 1895
GaskiJack born about 1893
GaskiJoseph born about 1921
GaskiStella born about 1918
GassettMartha Aborn about 1867
GatesEdith Bborn about 1916
GaugAlma Fborn about 1877
GaugArchille E Jborn about 1868
GauthierAnna born about 1879
GauthierArmand born about 1913
GauthierHenry born about 1885
GauthierRoland born about 1916
GautrenerMichael born about 1882
GayBernard Cborn about 1922
GeatheFlora Aborn about 1879
GeddesAlice Mborn about 1917
GeddesRosa born about 1887
GeigerM Lucilleborn about 1916
GibersonMyrtle born about 1910
GilbertGladys born about 1909
GilbertHorace born about 1911
GilbertKatherine born about 1913
GilbertMary born about 1872
GilbertStephen born about 1939
GilcrestDale born about 1939
GilcrestGwenith born about 1914
GilcrestHerbert born about 1896
GilcristFlora born about 1873
GilcristFred Sborn about 1865
GilmanEdward born about 1885
GilmanLaura born about 1896
GirculMarie Dborn about 1921
GoenCharles born about 1905
GoenMary born about 1876
GoenThelma born about 1905
GoodwinDoris born about 1899
GoodwinLloyd born about 1896
GoyetteArthur Eborn about 1888
GoyetteHazel Nborn about 1898
GrantBertrice Hborn about 1905
GrantMarjorie Aborn about 1909
GrayhamGrace Lborn about 1898
GreenDonald Sborn about 1903
GreenMyra born about 1867
GreenieElla born about 1888
GreenieEugene born about 1878
GreenwoodGladys born about 1894
GrimesAlfred born about 1910
GrimesAnn Mborn about 1849
GrimesDorothy born about 1911
GrimesEthel born about 1880
GrimesHattie Pborn about 1856
GuardinAnna Aborn about 1887
GuinardClara born about 1905
GuinardGeorge born about 1899
GuinardJean born about 1938
GuinardPhillip born about 1930
GuinardRoger born about 1932
GuinardThomas born about 1927
GuinarelLouis Pborn about 1899

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H Surnames

HafeliAmelia born about 1867
HafeliCasmir born about 1866
HajeliGeorge Pborn about 1916
HajeliHazel Mborn about 1921
HajeliMary Aborn about 1894
HallBenjamin Lborn about 1871
HamroyFrank born about 1877
HancockFlorence born about 1904
HannonBarbra Gborn about 1934
HannonFlorence born about 1896
HannonJohn Rborn about 1889
HarlowFrank Jborn about 1924
HarlowSadie Mborn about 1896
HarringtonCharles Wborn about 1874
HarringtonMamie born about 1910
HarringtonVeila Tborn about 1877
HarrisDonald born about 1917
HarrisDorothy born about 1909
HarrisDouglas born about 1917
HarrisEthel Kborn about 1890
HarrisEugene born about 1922
HarrisJohn born about 1934
HarrisJudith born about 1934
HarrisMason Kborn about 1914
HarrisNewcombe born about 1920
HarrisNewett born about 1885
HarrisVernon born about 1911
HarrisWayland born about 1933
HarveyMrs Felvang born about 1874
HarwoodMrs Barbara born about 1920
HaskinsLillie born about 1871
HawkinsCora born about 1870
HeathEva born about 1888
HeathEverett born about 1882
HeathNewell born about 1909
HemphillAnna born about 1882
HemphillGeorge born about 1913
HemphillGeorge Wborn about 1878
HewittDelphine born about 1906
HillCarrie Bborn about 1876
HillClara Bborn about 1866
HillEvelyn Dborn about 1905
HillEverette born about 1906
HillHerman born about 1917
HillSheldon born about 1914
HillWilliam Fborn about 1869
HoldenJames born about 1894
HoldenJohn Hborn about 1919
HoldenMary born about 1895
HolliskerGorginnina born about 1878
HolloranAdeline Bborn about 1878
HolloranMatthew Hborn about 1877
HoltAlgie born about 1883
HoltHelmi born about 1917
HoltMina born about 1887
HoodKathleen born about 1876
HooperMary Fborn about 1905
HopkinsClyde born about 1913
HopkinsMadeline born about 1913
HopkinsWayne born about 1937
HoulihanHelen Kborn about 1910
HuckinsFrank born about 1890
HughesAgnes born about 1851
HuntArthur Cborn about 1914
HuntEileen born about 1897
HuntMary Cborn about 1869
HunterLenora born about 1878
HurdLaura born about 1884
HurdSusie Cborn about 1858
HurdWilliam Tborn about 1885
HuseryAnchea Eborn about 1923
HuseryGuy Sborn about 1882
HuseryOlive Nborn about 1894
HutchinsonDennis born about 1880
HutchinsonDonald born about 1939
HutchinsonJames Aborn about 1910
HutchinsonJeanette born about 1915
HutchinsonRonald born about 1939
HutchinsonTeresa Mborn about 1880

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I Surnames

IngelestromCarl Iborn about 1935
IngelestromIvar Oborn about 1893
IngelestromRuth Mborn about 1893
IrvinJohn Wborn about 1888

J Surnames

JacksonEsther born about 1891
JacksonFannie Rborn about 1864
JacksonPhilip Mborn about 1919
JacksonRobert Tborn about 1862
JacomeDavid Sborn about 1897
JacquesArthur born about 1891
JacquesMelvina born about 1878
JangaDenedetts Aborn about 1931
JangaJohn born about 1905
JangaVirginia Bborn about 1907
JarestClayton Eborn about 1929
JarestClifford Kborn about 1924
JarestEva born about 1901
JarestHorace Aborn about 1926
JarestHoward born about 1922
JarestOctave Jborn about 1919
JarestRemey Cborn about 1899
JarestWilliam Rborn about 1920
JarvisDorothy Mborn about 1923
JarvisElizabeth born about 1892
JeausJoseph Mborn about 1921
JefferiesDavid born about 1939
JefferiesGeorge born about 1911
JefferiesJoseph born about 1882
JefferiesKatherine born about 1914
JefferiesMrs Emma born about 1878
JessopAlwilda Cborn about 1911
JessopDeborah Lborn about 1939
JessopLionel Jborn about 1905
JessopPamela Cborn about 1937
JillisonAnnie Cborn about 1877
JillisonCharles Wborn about 1871
JohnsonCarey born about 1912
JohnsonCecil born about 1867
JohnsonDanno Dborn about 1878
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1920
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1919
JohnsonL Laurelborn about 1909
JohnsonMary Aborn about 1886
JohnstonAlbert born about 1878
JohnstonHoward born about 1918
JohnstonJosephine born about 1913
JohnstonLaura born about 1885
JohnstonMary born about 1910
JohnstonThomas born about 1912
JonesCora Mborn about 1871
JonesEben born about 1855
JonesEngeline born about 1916
JonesWebber born about 1920
JoudryNorine born about 1921
JurosaAntony born about 1898

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K Surnames

KakasKathrine Wborn about 1910
KapelaAnna born about 1926
KapelaFanny born about 1897
KapelaFanny born about 1922
KapelaJohn born about 1925
KearnsViolet born about 1917
KempBessie Mborn about 1881
KempEdwin Gborn about 1879
KempGordon born about 1925
KempVada Mborn about 1902
KendallCharles Pborn about 1871
KendallGeorge Mborn about 1902
KendallJennie Mborn about 1869
KendallKate Sborn about 1903
KennedyAnne born about 1868
KidderJed born about 1861
KidderNellie born about 1865
KingHubert J Jrborn about 1907
KnightArlene born about 1929
KnightBernice born about 1900
KnightCharlotte born about 1921
KnightFrederick born about 1930
KnightGeorge born about 1904
KnightHerbert Eborn about 1889
KnightInez Mborn about 1887
KnightMilan born about 1928
KnightRobert Lborn about 1921
KnowlesElizabeth Lborn about 1879
KnowlesFrancis born about 1913
KnowlesJohn born about 1937
KnowlesNancy born about 1939
KnowlesRuby born about 1918
KropPauline Aborn about 1923
KuhnJulia born about 1897
KyyesKarl Sborn about 1879
KyyesViolet Bborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabierAnna Dborn about 1936
LabierEva Rborn about 1911
LabierHomer Jborn about 1901
LabierIrin born about 1927
LabierNorman born about 1928
LabierRonald born about 1937
LacrosseBerryl born about 1925
LacrosseDavid born about 1890
LacrosseJoseph born about 1870
LacrosseMary born about 1871
LacrosseMelisse born about 1892
LafareJoseph born about 1850
LaflammeeFrank born about 1897
LaflammeeLillian born about 1926
LaflanneEunice born about 1921
LaflannieConstance Aborn about 1933
LaflannieFrank born about 1904
LaflannieMichael Jborn about 1907
LafleurAlbion born about 1906
LafleurDoris born about 1906
LafleurLee born about 1933
LafountainFannie born about 1882
LafountainFrank born about 1878
LafountainTheresa Aborn about 1938
LagasseEva born about 1922
LagassieRaymond born about 1911
LakeFrank born about 1889
LaldwellWilliam Aborn about 1867
LambMary Eborn about 1907
LambNellie Aborn about 1880
LambRalph Hborn about 1876
LambertEdward born about 1905
LambertEdward Jr born about 1928
LambertHenry born about 1920
LambertMarion born about 1908
LambertRuth born about 1907
LammiGloria Jborn about 1940
LammiRita Mborn about 1914
LanaderLillian Jborn about 1864
LaneDr Wilder born about 1912
LaneJames Eborn about 1913
LaneMary Hborn about 1878
LanePatricia born about 1916
LaneRuth Fborn about 1911
LarrabeeCharles born about 1873
LarrabeeGertrude born about 1873
LatibireAlma born about 1895
LatibireEpolinaire born about 1887
LaughtonCatherine Cborn about 1916
LauthierHenry Jr born about 1909
LauthierMarion born about 1917
LavoieAlfred born about 1914
LavoieCaroline born about 1890
LavoieEdmund born about 1923
LavoieEmile born about 1925
LavoieEvelyn born about 1916
LavoieJoseph born about 1881
LavoieJoseph born about 1927
LavoieLionel born about 1929
LavoiePaul born about 1937
LavoieRichard born about 1939
LawrenceAlice Mborn about 1900
LawrenceGeorge Dborn about 1895
LawrenceGeorge P Jrborn about 1922
LawrenceGrace Aborn about 1928
LawrenceHoward Aborn about 1924
LawrenceThomas Sborn about 1935
LawrenceWallace Fborn about 1937
LebbiLeo born about 1883
LebeerHarvey born about 1900
LedgerAdele born about 1898
LedgerEdward born about 1912
LedgerEmile born about 1919
LedgerEva born about 1927
LedgerIrene born about 1936
LedgerLeo born about 1924
LedgerRita born about 1933
LedgerTheophile born about 1884
LefareJohn born about 1907
LegerDorothy Eborn about 1934
LeverFrances born about 1896
LeverMarion born about 1920
LeverPeack M Ellenborn about 1867
LeverSamuel born about 1893
LindermanWilda Jborn about 1894
LindseyDoris born about 1903
LindseyIrving born about 1908
LiscordNellie Wborn about 1871
LivingstonElizabeth Jborn about 1880
LivingstonElizabeth Sborn about 1911
LivingstonMary Jborn about 1939
LivingstonRobert Jborn about 1910
LobackiEdward born about 1925
LodgeMarion Bborn about 1882
LoiselleJoseph born about 1884
LongleyAlice Bborn about 1876
LongleyExilda born about 1890
LongleyHerbert Mborn about 1889
LongleyJames Aborn about 1872
LongleyMartha Rborn about 1900
LongleyMary Iborn about 1916
LongoalConrad born about 1937
LongoalElsia born about 1913
LongoalLudger born about 1914
LongvalCarmilia born about 1873
LordAlice born about 1900
LordArthur born about 1900
LordArthur Hborn about 1902
LordEdith Mborn about 1900
LordHenry Cborn about 1891
LordMary Cborn about 1868
LordNorman born about 1925
LounsberyBuri Lborn about 1912
LounsbreyLincoln Rborn about 1888
LounsbreyMay Bborn about 1890
LouryAnne born about 1872
LouryPatrick born about 1874
LoveRhodessa born about 1909
LoweCharlotte Fborn about 1907
LoweHanson Fborn about 1914
LoweJ Lesterborn about 1902
LoweJennie Eborn about 1915
LoweThomas born about 1934
LoyetteAlfred born about 1892
LoyetteArthur born about 1926
LoyetteRaymond born about 1923
LoyetteRichard born about 1928
LoyetteRita born about 1930
LoyetteRose born about 1902
LoyetteVernon born about 1925
LucierArchie born about 1866
LucierArchie Jborn about 1906
LucierArchie Jr born about 1931
LucierEdwina Mborn about 1907
LucierStella born about 1927
LundstedtGertrude Cborn about 1915
LuntFrancis Wborn about 1872
LuntHaniel Pborn about 1875
LussierAlfred born about 1909
LussierAlfred Jborn about 1925
LussierBelle Aborn about 1905
LussierClara born about 1912
LussierDonat Jborn about 1926
LussierElsie Dborn about 1935
LussierEvelyn born about 1939
LussierGeorge Rborn about 1936
LussierHenry Jborn about 1901
LussierIda Mborn about 1929
LussierIrene Mborn about 1924
LussierRose Mborn about 1937
LussierTeresa born about 1934
LyonsAdine born about 1906
LyonsGlen born about 1907
LyonsJean born about 1934
LyonsMarion born about 1909
LyonsWarren born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacallisterLucy Aborn about 1866
MaddenBridgett born about 1861
MaddenMargaret born about 1887
MaddenWilliam born about 1886
MaddinKatie born about 1867
MadenAgnes born about 1902
MadenDorothy born about 1925
MadenWalter born about 1903
MaglisBeana Mborn about 1898
MaglisHarold Cborn about 1902
MahoneyJoseph born about 1870
MaileDorothy Bborn about 1936
MainCloise born about 1918
MainJaretta born about 1920
MainRobert Eborn about 1922
MainkenneyAnn born about 1933
MainkenneyHarry born about 1903
MainkenneyHelen born about 1903
MainkenneyTeresa born about 1930
MalloyEllen Mborn about 1922
MarbleElla born about 1861
MarceanAnne Eborn about 1936
MarceanArchie Nborn about 1915
MarceanCarolyn Mborn about 1921
MarceanNepoleon born about 1882
MarceanRobert Hborn about 1935
MarinWilliam Fborn about 1917
MarquetteAlphonnine born about 1866
MarquetteArthur born about 1902
MarquetteLouis born about 1867
MarsdenJennie born about 1889
MartelFrancis born about 1938
MartelFred born about 1883
MartelLouise Mborn about 1906
MartelLydia born about 1886
MartelPeter born about 1931
MartelPeter Mborn about 1908
MartinAlfred Eborn about 1909
MasonHoward Oborn about 1890
MasseAlbert Jborn about 1913
McCarthyDorothy Mborn about 1920
McCarthyJames Eborn about 1877
McCarthySara Mborn about 1879
McDonaldAlbert Jborn about 1882
McDonaldElsie Mborn about 1913
McDonaldHannah born about 1879
McDonaldHerbert Aborn about 1907
McDonaldRobert Jborn about 1910
McDowellFrank Lborn about 1873
McDufferBeatrice Eborn about 1910
McGillvaryRobert Fborn about 1868
McKeeEuginia Aborn about 1893
McKeeJames Eborn about 1887
McKeeJames E Jrborn about 1917
McKeeMary Aborn about 1922
McKeePeter Oborn about 1924
McNeilArthur born about 1885
McQueElinor born about 1919
McQuillianJoseph born about 1886
McQuillianOtis born about 1917
McQuillianVictoria born about 1887
McQuillionNorris Jborn about 1912
McQuillionRegina Mborn about 1917
MercierArlene Mborn about 1919
MercierDaisey Nborn about 1890
MercierForest Cborn about 1887
MerrillGertrude M Hborn about 1891
MerrillLeonard Aborn about 1891
MichandMuriel born about 1916
MichandPoland born about 1918
MieleFred Lborn about 1889
MilderForman Pborn about 1912
MilderLouise Eborn about 1917
MilderRuth Mborn about 1913
MilderWillian born about 1913
MillerAlbert Cborn about 1917
MillerAlbert C Jrborn about 1940
MillerEmma Lborn about 1900
MillerFlora Fborn about 1887
MillerMarion Eborn about 1919
MillerNellie born about 1867
MillerVictor Eborn about 1896
MitchelWalter Hborn about 1886
MitchellElizabeth born about 1858
MoccesteeMinnie Gborn about 1881
MooreEffie Mborn about 1885
MooreEllen born about 1848
MooreFrank Eborn about 1878
MooreHenry Dborn about 1881
MooreRachael Cborn about 1919
MooreRichard born about 1915
MooreWilliam Hborn about 1882
MoranPaul born about 1866
MoranWalter born about 1925
MoriartyBridget born about 1872
MoriartyMargaret born about 1911
MoriartyMary born about 1909
MoriartyThomas born about 1881
MorinAlfred born about 1879
MorinMalvena born about 1883
MorinNapoleon born about 1876
MorrisMrs Lillian born about 1878
MorseElizabeth Aborn about 1871
MorseJoesph Aborn about 1871
MosesDoman Lborn about 1892
MosesLouise Mborn about 1922
MosesMalcome Rborn about 1919
MosesNellie Mborn about 1899
MullaveyCharlotte born about 1923
MullaveyEdna born about 1879
MullaveyMargaret born about 1902
MulstayHenry born about 1923
MunhallNellie Mborn about 1868
MunketterickSusie born about 1868
MurphyAlice Gborn about 1884
MurphyBernard Dborn about 1885
MurphyBertha born about 1875
MurphyBertha Aborn about 1897
MurphyJohn Jborn about 1905
MurphyJohn Jr born about 1939
MurphyLawrence Eborn about 1909
MurphyMary born about 1936
MurphyMildred born about 1915
MurrayBlanche Fborn about 1906
MurrayDuncan Dborn about 1877
MurrayEmma Tborn about 1883
MurrayJoanna Mborn about 1918
MurrayJohn Wborn about 1904
MurrayJulia Bborn about 1920
MurrayLauren Dborn about 1885
MurrayMargarete Aborn about 1922
MurrayMargarite Mborn about 1882
MurrayRobert Eborn about 1935
MurrayRoger born about 1939
MurtellChester Aborn about 1885
MurtellLottie Aborn about 1885
MyhaverArnold Cborn about 1938
MyhaverBernice Rborn about 1927
MyhaverBertha Aborn about 1922
MyhaverBruce Tborn about 1940
MyhaverDonald born about 1932
MyhaverEleanor Jborn about 1935
MyhaverElwin Lborn about 1924
MyhaverEvelyn born about 1929
MyhaverFaith Cborn about 1937
MyhaverFrederick born about 1937
MyhaverGeorge born about 1903
MyhaverGordon Mborn about 1930
MyhaverHarold Cborn about 1898
MyhaverIsabel born about 1904
MyhaverJean born about 1935
MyhaverJohn born about 1931
MyhaverLennord Pborn about 1932
MyhaverMarion Fborn about 1905
MyhaverMary Cborn about 1932
MyhaverMaud Bborn about 1897
MyhaverPhyllis Hborn about 1934
MyhaverRobert Gborn about 1918
MyhaverRollin Hborn about 1920
MyhaverWesley Pborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaglieCora Eborn about 1878
NaglieDella Mborn about 1875
NaglieFrancis born about 1875
NaglieHelen born about 1923
NaglieJames Cborn about 1873
NaglieMary born about 1924
NaglieMrs Helen born about 1900
NaglishEarl Hborn about 1906
NaglishJenny Mborn about 1903
NaladeCharles born about 1878
NaladeEmma born about 1884
NashlandClifford born about 1905
NashlandIsabel Lborn about 1909
NaylorIrma born about 1885
NaylorJohn born about 1885
NaylorJohn born about 1920
NaylorJoseph born about 1908
NelsonAnna Maeborn about 1921
NelsonDonald Eborn about 1931
NelsonDorothy Eborn about 1904
NelsonEdwin Nborn about 1902
NelsonJoan born about 1927
NelsonRobert Eborn about 1936
NichoalsKatie Fborn about 1875
NicholsGertrude Lborn about 1878
NicholsMarion born about 1889
NicholsNadine born about 1923
NicholsNancy born about 1920
NicholsWarren born about 1889
NichorsCoca Bborn about 1880
NickersonMary Cborn about 1881
NickersonWalter Lborn about 1874
NickolsPauline Aborn about 1901
NickolsWilliam Robertborn about 1899
NorwoodEdwin born about 1904
NorwoodGladys born about 1911
NoyesAnna Mborn about 1871
NoyesCharlotte Rborn about 1903
NoyesFrederick Aborn about 1927
NoyesHarold Eborn about 1898
NoyesRichard Aborn about 1924
NutterJosephine born about 1918
NutterLaurence born about 1938
NutterRichard born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienClifford born about 1888
ObrienGloria born about 1921
OconnorCharles Gborn about 1895
OconnorCharles Jr born about 1922
OconnorFlorence born about 1900
OconnorRichard born about 1927
OmalleyNellie born about 1892
OmalleyWalter Hborn about 1911
OneilBlanche Dborn about 1904
OneilEdward Mborn about 1900
OsbornMrs Nettie born about 1870
OtenDelia Nborn about 1896
OtenJames Kborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackardAnn born about 1938
PackardEunice Aborn about 1907
PackardPatricia born about 1935
PackardWalter Sborn about 1900
PageCharlotte born about 1917
PagnetBasil Bborn about 1917
PagnetDankee born about 1939
PagnetDonald Gborn about 1915
PagnetDonald G Jrborn about 1933
PagnetHelen Tborn about 1916
PagnetVirginia Mborn about 1915
PaigeNorman born about 1912
PaquetArthur born about 1862
PaquetClara born about 1876
PaquetEmily Bborn about 1909
PaquetGaster Eborn about 1887
PaquetLee born about 1913
PaquetLydia Mborn about 1891
PaquetNellie born about 1889
PaquetRobert Eborn about 1911
PaquetRobert Jborn about 1882
ParkerArthur Hborn about 1887
ParkerCharles Eborn about 1868
ParkerChester Sborn about 1902
ParkerChester S Jrborn about 1923
ParkerDoris Bborn about 1904
ParkerFletcher Lborn about 1907
ParkerFlora Bborn about 1867
ParkerFrank Jborn about 1907
ParkerFrank Sborn about 1861
ParkerGrace Aborn about 1872
ParkerJames Wborn about 1930
ParkerKenneth Cborn about 1921
ParkerMina Eborn about 1899
ParkerPearl Mborn about 1914
ParkerShirely Eborn about 1935
ParkhurstAbbott born about 1904
ParkhurstAlice Aborn about 1879
ParkhurstCharles Gborn about 1875
ParkhurstDonald born about 1910
ParkhurstDorothy born about 1910
ParkhurstElizabeth Mborn about 1896
ParkhurstEvelyn Yborn about 1914
ParkhurstRichard Wborn about 1915
ParkhurstRoland born about 1934
ParrottElizabeth Jborn about 1936
ParrottFrances Mborn about 1908
ParrottMadline Lborn about 1915
ParrottRobert Hborn about 1912
ParrottRobert H Jrborn about 1934
ParrottWilliam Rborn about 1939
PaulAlfred born about 1939
PaulFrancis Sborn about 1916
PaulWilliam Aborn about 1874
PavlukCaroline Mborn about 1893
PavlukDanian born about 1892
PeaqueRosa born about 1857
PearsonJohn Vborn about 1902
PearsonRobert Cborn about 1927
PearsonRuth Tborn about 1902
PeirceMarian born about 1886
PeirceOwel Bborn about 1886
PelkeyEdmund Jborn about 1883
PelkeyLillian Mborn about 1884
PelletierRoss born about 1912
PenceBeland Hborn about 1914
PenceDavid Kborn about 1939
PenceJ Morrisonborn about 1936
PenceRuth Gborn about 1911
PerkinsMyra Tborn about 1865
PerryJohn born about 1893
PerryPearl born about 1893
PerryPhillip born about 1932
PesarczykAgnes born about 1914
PesarczykSophie born about 1918
PetersAshford born about 1908
PetersJoan born about 1929
PetersMuriel born about 1908
PetersStanley born about 1928
PetleyAlbina born about 1874
PewowayzkGrace Mborn about 1907
PewowayzkTheadore Pborn about 1913
PhelpsLester Wborn about 1909
PhelpsMildred Cborn about 1909
PhelpsNorman Pborn about 1931
PhelpsRichard Wborn about 1933
PhilipsAlice Bborn about 1875
PhilipsFrederick born about 1871
PhillipsCharlotte Iborn about 1922
PicardAlbert Jborn about 1907
PicardAnnette Lborn about 1909
PicardJoan Aborn about 1937
PickfordCharles born about 1902
PickfordJames born about 1929
PickfordJosephine born about 1909
PickfordRuth born about 1934
PierseDora Iborn about 1894
PierseHarry Sborn about 1900
PierseIda Mborn about 1864
PioliFred born about 1918
PioliLepold born about 1884
PioliSusie born about 1883
PirceBeatrice Eborn about 1911
PittsJohn Eborn about 1911
PlummerGertrude Mborn about 1905
PoppleAlbert Cborn about 1896
PotenaudeBernice born about 1935
PotenaudeCecelia born about 1927
PotenaudeHarriet born about 1921
PotenaudeMadelne born about 1928
PotenaudeSidney born about 1905
PowleCarrie Pborn about 1858
PrattIrving Jborn about 1880
PrattLouis Gborn about 1896
PriceElizabeth born about 1916
PriceNancy born about 1938
PriceRichard born about 1913
PrinceEllsworth born about 1903
PrinceHazel born about 1903
PrinceHelene born about 1929
PrinceMary Ellenborn about 1936
PritchardFred Eborn about 1869
PritchardLaura born about 1851
ProvencherLoretta Mborn about 1914
PutneyAmie born about 1869
PutneyAndrew born about 1907
PutneyCharlotte born about 1907
PutneyLeroy born about 1929
PutneyRichard born about 1932
PutneyRuth born about 1935
PuzysbukCharles Iborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabideauAmos born about 1911
RabideauIda born about 1917
RabideauJoan born about 1934
RabideauJoyce born about 1936
RabideauPearl born about 1935
RaineyDiana Zborn about 1887
RaineyDonald born about 1885
RamseyCathrine born about 1880
RamseyEdward born about 1866
RamseyGeorge Mborn about 1898
RamseyJohn Lborn about 1938
RamseyJohn Mborn about 1890
RamseyMargarete Hborn about 1897
RamseyMinna Eborn about 1927
RamseyMinnie Eborn about 1902
RamseyMrs Nellie born about 1867
RamseyRosalind Jborn about 1931
RamseyWilliam Hborn about 1893
RamseyWilliam H Jrborn about 1923
RasckeEsther Eborn about 1907
RasckeWallance Eborn about 1891
RauschClara Eborn about 1894
RaymsFred born about 1885
ReenanBryan born about 1921
ReenanHelen born about 1895
ReenanKathleen born about 1923
ReenanMartin Jborn about 1892
ReenanMartin Jborn about 1917
ReenanPatricia born about 1929
ReenanPatrick born about 1867
ReenanRuth born about 1927
ReynoldsMabelle born about 1880
RiceBenjaman Mborn about 1903
RiceBenjamin Mborn about 1903
RiceBenjamin M Jrborn about 1931
RiceBenjamin M Jrborn about 1931
RiceJudith born about 1935
RiceJudith born about 1935
RiceRoselle Mborn about 1930
RiceRoselle Maryborn about 1930
RiceRoselle Wborn about 1905
RiceRoselle Wallborn about 1905
RichardsonEmma born about 1871
RickerElizabeth Pborn about 1911
RobbinsDouglas Aborn about 1917
RobbinsElizabeth born about 1847
RobbinsElizabeth Cborn about 1914
RobbinsEthel Eborn about 1897
RobbinsGlennie Rborn about 1925
RobbinsRalph Eborn about 1932
RobbinsRichard Wborn about 1933
RobbinsRoy Eborn about 1924
RobbinsShirley Lborn about 1922
RobbinsWalter Eborn about 1910
RobertsGeorge Dborn about 1900
RobertsGeorge Eborn about 1922
RobertsGertrude born about 1904
RobertsHugh born about 1924
RobertsonAnna born about 1899
RobertsonBarbara born about 1923
RobertsonBernice born about 1911
RobertsonBertha born about 1878
RobertsonHarold born about 1903
RobertsonMeriam born about 1925
RobichandDella born about 1892
RobichandEugene born about 1915
RobichandFrances born about 1916
RobichandJoseph Aborn about 1913
RobichandOtis born about 1889
RobichandRuth Rborn about 1915
RobinsonAlbert born about 1929
RobinsonAnne born about 1922
RobinsonDonald born about 1925
RobinsonGeorge born about 1897
RobinsonHerbert born about 1928
RobneanThomas Dborn about 1919
RockfordDavid Jborn about 1894
RockfordDavid Mborn about 1931
RockfordDorris born about 1903
RootKatherine Gborn about 1885
RosaHarry Wborn about 1887
RosaLilly Bborn about 1865
RosaViola Bborn about 1891
RoskelaIda born about 1921
RossiAngelo born about 1899
RossiMildred born about 1915
RoyceMrs Clara born about 1877
RundlettArnold born about 1892
RundlettDonald born about 1921
RundlettLouise born about 1924
RundlettMarion born about 1901
RundlettPriscilla born about 1932
RussellBenjamin Fborn about 1876
RussellIsabel Mborn about 1919
RussellSarah Kborn about 1883
RyanAnna Sborn about 1900
RyanDora born about 1895
RyanFrank Nborn about 1896
RyanFrank N Jrborn about 1938
RyanMary Jborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaffordEsther Lborn about 1916
SalamyPaul born about 1921
SanbornChurline Eborn about 1911
SanbornClayton Cborn about 1907
SanbornRobert Cborn about 1931
SandersEdith born about 1916
SandersHarold born about 1915
SandersMrs Minnie born about 1875
SandersThomas Wborn about 1873
SandfordRuth Fborn about 1921
SanterreMary Aborn about 1874
SanterreSilva born about 1884
SauziaAlfred Wborn about 1918
SauziaIrene Mborn about 1916
SavardLeon Tborn about 1916
SavoieGertrude born about 1915
SavoieLean born about 1937
SavoieWilliam born about 1907
SavoieYvonne born about 1934
SawyerOlin born about 1926
SchofieldMrs William born about 1869
ScottMary Louborn about 1928
SeaverGertrude born about 1921
SeccombeMary born about 1876
SeneschalErnest born about 1926
SeneschalGeorge born about 1923
SeneschalJeanette born about 1921
SeneschalKatherine born about 1925
SeneschalMary Eborn about 1886
SheddFrank Eborn about 1919
SheldonCora Lborn about 1887
SheldonEarl born about 1919
SheldonJannette Mborn about 1916
SheldonPearl born about 1870
SheldonSarah Eborn about 1872
SheldonWestly Eborn about 1910
ShieldsRalph Wborn about 1887
ShultzAnn born about 1936
ShultzEarl born about 1904
ShultzHelen born about 1905
ShultzJohn Rborn about 1889
ShultzThomas born about 1933
SilvaAnna born about 1907
SilvaSteven born about 1904
SilveloSilivo born about 1890
SimpsonCharles Eborn about 1867
SimpsonRichard Eborn about 1908
SlackMary born about 1851
SmfantAdine Mborn about 1914
SmfantEdwin Fborn about 1913
SmithAlexandre born about 1865
SmithAnnie born about 1883
SmithArvilla Hborn about 1918
SmithClaire Daskiell Ellegoodborn about 1887
SmithDonald born about 1922
SmithEdgar born about 1919
SmithEdna born about 1915
SmithEdward born about 1920
SmithElizabeth born about 1886
SmithEstelle born about 1911
SmithEtta Mborn about 1871
SmithFlora born about 1921
SmithFlorence born about 1889
SmithFlorence born about 1922
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1887
SmithHarold born about 1927
SmithHarry Aborn about 1897
SmithHelen Aborn about 1869
SmithIda Maeborn about 1914
SmithIrvin Wborn about 1914
SmithIsabelle born about 1901
SmithJames Fborn about 1885
SmithJohn born about 1917
SmithLillian Eborn about 1928
SmithMargaret born about 1920
SmithMary born about 1912
SmithMrs Arthur Pborn about 1873
SmithPatrica born about 1940
SmithRita born about 1914
SmithRosie born about 1882
SmithSamuel born about 1885
SmithWarren born about 1912
SnowBeatrice Wborn about 1891
SnowFred Yborn about 1890
SouniaEstella Fborn about 1885
SouniaWilfred Jborn about 1884
SpauldingFlorence Mborn about 1891
SpauldingWallace Mborn about 1902
SpringbuldJoesph Mborn about 1917
SquirerBarbara J Wborn about 1919
StaceyChristine born about 1919
StaickweatherCharles Dborn about 1932
StaickweatherDaisy Lborn about 1917
StaickweatherGeorge Oborn about 1916
StaickweatherGeorge O Jrborn about 1939
StaughellinDaniel Aborn about 1929
StaughellinNorma Aborn about 1927
StaughellinPauline born about 1902
StaughellinPeter born about 1900
StebbinsCarrie Aborn about 1867
StellaGinconio born about 1888
StevensA Lesterborn about 1917
StevensBessie Fborn about 1874
StevensPearl born about 1917
StevensSamuel Mborn about 1869
StromgrenAlbert born about 1916
StromgrenElise Pborn about 1918
StromgrenGeorge Aborn about 1892
StromgrenRichard Bborn about 1923
StromgrenWilliam Pborn about 1932
SullivanAlberta born about 1918
SullivanBarbara born about 1939
SullivanBarbra Aborn about 1930
SullivanBeverly Eborn about 1931
SullivanDaniel Jborn about 1914
SullivanEllen Pborn about 1903
SullivanNorma Jborn about 1933
SullivanRoger Fborn about 1906
SumnerAlson born about 1921
SumnerCynthia Mborn about 1935
SumnerHerbert born about 1897
SumnerMae Aborn about 1902
SumnerMaurice born about 1926
SumnerWilliam Aborn about 1866
SutcliffeDennis Oborn about 1917
SutcliffeHerbert Aborn about 1919
SutcliffeJane born about 1894
SutcliffeMichael Aborn about 1940
SutcliffeViola Cborn about 1920
SutcliffeWalter born about 1892
SweeneyAda Mborn about 1901
SweeneyAndrew born about 1878
SweeneyAnna born about 1905
SweeneyEva Mborn about 1890
SweeneyFred Cborn about 1861
SweeneyFrederick Iborn about 1890
SweeneyGertrude Mborn about 1880
SweeneyIsreal born about 1911
SweeneyJames Bborn about 1887
SweeneyJohn Jborn about 1896
SweeneyLily born about 1920
SweeneyLucinda born about 1861
SweeneyNerd born about 1914
SweeneyRichard Cborn about 1930
SweeneyRoger Eborn about 1932
SweeneyRoy born about 1910
SweeneyRoy Cborn about 1897
SweeneyValeda Mborn about 1928
SweeneyWalter born about 1921

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T Surnames

TanseyAnna born about 1906
TanseyEugene born about 1934
TanseyJohn born about 1903
TanseyJohn born about 1928
TanseyJoseph born about 1931
TaylorBeth Fborn about 1889
TaylorCarl Lborn about 1909
TeieciraLouis born about 1905
TeieciraPearl born about 1911
TenneyForest Fborn about 1912
TenneyMartha Aborn about 1939
TenneyPearl Eborn about 1913
TerepletonMary Eborn about 1848
TheimannEdna Hborn about 1887
TheimannSmith Pborn about 1885
TheimannSmith P Jrborn about 1920
ThibeaultElsie born about 1905
ThibeaultOlivine born about 1874
ThibeaultWilliam Jborn about 1906
ThomasAlfred born about 1913
ThomasFlorence Bborn about 1913
ThomasJennie born about 1924
ThomasNelle Mborn about 1877
ThomasRita Mborn about 1922
ThomasWilliam Mborn about 1885
ThornMarion born about 1902
TinneyIna Mborn about 1879
ToneriEmil born about 1890
ToneriMary born about 1885
TowleErvin born about 1886
TowleEster born about 1915
TowleEva born about 1890
TowleVernon born about 1908
TownsendBeryl born about 1936
TownsendClara Mborn about 1877
TownsendErnest born about 1881
TownsendFred Cborn about 1872
TownsendGladys Mborn about 1896
TownsendRichard Sborn about 1930
TownsendSophrania born about 1880
TownsendThayer Sborn about 1891
TownsendThayer Jr born about 1925
TrayGeorge born about 1910
TrudelleLena Aborn about 1921
TrufantEdward Fborn about 1879
TrufantJulia Fborn about 1903
TrufantRussel Eborn about 1904
TryonAgnes born about 1894
TryonGeorge born about 1890
TubbsFlora Tborn about 1863
TuttleGeorge Eborn about 1890
TuttleJoan Hborn about 1924
TuttleNorman born about 1930
TuttleRubie Eborn about 1891
TweedieAlice Jborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodLeslie born about 1914

V Surnames

VaillaincourtAnnette born about 1909
VaillaincourtGeorge born about 1938
VaillaincourtLervielle born about 1900
VaillaincourtOmar born about 1936
ValadaGeorge born about 1912
ValadaLeora born about 1917
ValadeAlbert born about 1911
ValadeAlbert Jr born about 1939
ValadeEunice born about 1918
ValentiMarcollo Wborn about 1890
ValentiMary born about 1899
ValentiRuth Fborn about 1905
ValentiSeverino born about 1899
VallancourtChristine born about 1939
VallancourtJessie born about 1920
VallancourtSalveste born about 1916
ValliancourtGermaine born about 1939
VarneyEdith Lborn about 1876
VaughanArthur Cborn about 1883
VaughanMargarete Tborn about 1890
VaughanRobert Cborn about 1922
VoseBessie Aborn about 1885
VoseEdward born about 1881
VoseFrancis Eborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadlyEster born about 1876
WadlyJames born about 1872
WagnerJoesphe Bborn about 1915
WaileAngelyn Gborn about 1901
WaileElenanor Gborn about 1912
WaileFred Pborn about 1899
WaileGrace Hborn about 1876
WaileJames Eborn about 1896
WalbridgeCarey Aborn about 1883
WalbridgeElia Bborn about 1882
WalbridgeIrene Mborn about 1892
WalbridgeMargaret born about 1934
WalbridgeMarion born about 1917
WalbridgeRobert Eborn about 1889
WalbridgeWallace born about 1931
WalkerArlene Aborn about 1920
WalkerLloyd Aborn about 1917
WalkerStanley Lborn about 1937
WallaceFlorence born about 1911
WallaceGail born about 1936
WallaceHarry born about 1895
WallaceJennie born about 1894
WallaceJohn born about 1913
WallaceKatherine born about 1876
WallaceMichael born about 1879
WallingMary born about 1924
WarrenCharles Jborn about 1885
WarrenElizabeth Sborn about 1915
WarrenMarie Eborn about 1891
WarrenPhilip born about 1879
WatkinsElinor born about 1925
WaughGeorge born about 1900
WaughGeorgia born about 1904
WaughJordan Fborn about 1930
WeatherbeeMrs Annie born about 1868
WebbBruce Cborn about 1930
WebbFrederick born about 1904
WebbFrederick Mrs born about 1904
WebbWayne Dborn about 1930
WeeksAbbie Mborn about 1863
WeeksCarl Hborn about 1904
WeeksCharles born about 1866
WeeksLeora Jborn about 1894
WeeksMable Gborn about 1897
WeeksWilliam born about 1886
WellsCharles born about 1917
WellsFlora born about 1880
WellsGeorge born about 1879
WellsWalter born about 1919
WestonBruce Dborn about 1933
WestonKathrine Mborn about 1899
WestonRoger Aborn about 1900
WestphelClarence Aborn about 1905
WethackerBarbara Mborn about 1927
WethackerDaniel Hborn about 1924
WethackerKenneth Bborn about 1897
WethackerKenneth B Jrborn about 1922
WethackerMalcolm Fborn about 1929
WethackerSabra Eborn about 1901
WheelerEva Lborn about 1884
WheelerJohn Rborn about 1919
WheelerMargarete Eborn about 1939
WheelerMason Pborn about 1917
WheelerMorris Jborn about 1880
WheelerRaymond Gborn about 1914
WheelerRoger Eborn about 1937
WhippleGladys Mborn about 1888
WhitcombPercy born about 1916
WhiteErnest born about 1879
WhiteEugene born about 1878
WhiteFayetta born about 1909
WhiteFred Mborn about 1868
WhiteLouise born about 1879
WhiteMargarete Cborn about 1870
WhiteMay born about 1875
WhitePearl born about 1875
WhiteRalph born about 1919
WhiteRita born about 1919
WhiteWaldron born about 1910
WhiteWarren born about 1921
WhitneyCarl Cborn about 1903
WhitneyCarl Jr born about 1931
WhitneyIrene born about 1911
WhitneyRobert born about 1932
WickhamMrs Milard born about 1905
WickhamWilliam born about 1931
WigginsMrs Mary born about 1871
WilderDavid born about 1939
WilderEdith born about 1915
WilderMarshall born about 1912
WilkinsGeorge born about 1867
WillardEva born about 1887
WillardMrs Fanny born about 1868
WilliamsArline born about 1919
WilliamsBetty Aborn about 1936
WilliamsEmma born about 1887
WilliamsGaylord Jborn about 1912
WilliamsMary born about 1912
WilliamsMary born about 1939
WilliamsPearl Rborn about 1909
WilliamsRuth born about 1939
WilliamsSam born about 1885
WilliamsSidney born about 1911
WilliamsWarren born about 1916
WilliamsZelma born about 1898
WillisAdele Cborn about 1877
WillisGladys Eborn about 1903
WillisHoward Gborn about 1902
WillisThelma Aborn about 1935
WilsonAlbert born about 1898
WilsonBernice Mborn about 1893
WilsonElsie born about 1927
WilsonErwil born about 1925
WilsonMildred born about 1904
WilsonOdie born about 1890
WilsonS Forrestborn about 1893
WilsonWalter Pborn about 1870
WitheyJames Pborn about 1924
WitheyJohn Rborn about 1927
WizaAlbert born about 1899
WoodardEleanor Lborn about 1939
WoodardHarriet Fborn about 1913
WoodardThomas Mborn about 1911
WoodardThomas M Jrborn about 1936
WoodsEmma Mborn about 1898
WoodsMrs Mary born about 1869
WoodwardEdward born about 1913
WoodwardJoseph Mborn about 1880
WoodwardMaria Jborn about 1878
WoodwardTainet born about 1919
WrightAnna Wborn about 1883
WrightEdward Sborn about 1881
WrightHarry born about 1894
WrightRuth born about 1893
WymanEarl Wborn about 1896
WymanFlorence Mborn about 1883
WymanJanet Mborn about 1935
WymanJennie Cborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesNorma Pborn about 1919
YoungRuth Eborn about 1922

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