Greenfield Genealogy (in Hillsborough County, NH)

USA (1,380,571) > New Hampshire (12,337) > Hillsborough County (2,011) > Greenfield (31)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Greenfield are also found through the Hillsborough County and New Hampshire pages.

Greenfield Birth Records

Greenfield Births 1896 Genealogy Trails online

Marriages, births, deaths (loose papers), 1851-1891 FamilySearch Library

Records of marriages, births, and deaths, 1857-1922 FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Cemetery Records

Cemeteries of Greenfield, Hillsborough Co., N.H., 1789-1939 FamilySearch Library

Fletcher Cemetery Find a Grave online

Greenfield, New Hampshire cemetery FamilySearch Library

Greenvale Cemetery Interment online

Greenvale Cemetery Billion Graves online

Greenvale Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Meeting House Cemetery Find a Grave online

Whittemore Cemetery Find a Grave online

Whittemore Cemetery Find a Grave online

Greenfield Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Greenfield, New Hampshire LDS Genealogy online

Greenfield Church Records

Greenfield, New Hampshire, Union Congregational Church records : series I, minutes, 1791-1969 FamilySearch Library

Greenfield City Directories

New Hampshire City Directories (includes Greenfield 1913) Ancestry online

Peterborough (New Hampshire) city directories FamilySearch Library

Southern New Hampshire directories FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Death Records

Greenfield Death Records: 1896 Genealogy Trails online

Marriages, births, deaths (loose papers), 1851-1891 FamilySearch Library

Records of marriages, births, and deaths, 1857-1922 FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Histories and Genealogies

A brief history of Greenfield, New Hampshire, 1791-1941 LDS Genealogy online

A brief history of Greenfield, New Hampshire, 1791-1941 Internet Archive online

Greenfield, New Hampshire : the story of a town, 1791-1976 FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Marriage Records

Certificates of marriage, 1872-1892 FamilySearch Library

Marriages, births, deaths (loose papers), 1851-1891 FamilySearch Library

Records of marriages, births, and deaths, 1857-1922 FamilySearch Library

Records of the intention of marriage, 1892-1933 FamilySearch Library

Greenfield Miscellaneous Records

Annual reports of the town officers of Greenfield, N.H., for the year ending 1852-1909 Internet Archive online

Annual reports of the town officers of Greenfield, N.H., for the year ending 1910-1919 LDS Genealogy online

Annual reports of the town officers of Greenfield, N.H., for the year ending 1910-1919 Internet Archive online

Greenfield School Records

Report of the superintending school committee, of the town of Greenfield, for the year ending Internet Archive online

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