1940 U.S. Federal Census of Magnolia, Camden, New Jersey

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Jersey > Camden County > 1940 Census of Magnolia

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottHenry born about 1880
AbbottMargretta born about 1876
AdamsAudrey born about 1924
AdamsDavis Bborn about 1895
AdamsEarl born about 1919
AdamsEmerson born about 1918
AdamsFrank born about 1888
AdamsMartha born about 1896
AdamsRalph born about 1926
AhlgrenHoward born about 1906
AhlgrenNancy born about 1912
AllenAlice born about 1922
AllenDavid born about 1895
AllenDavid Jr born about 1925
AllenDorothy born about 1930
AllenFrancis born about 1920
AllenGlayds born about 1920
AllenIda born about 1866
AllenJames born about 1935
AllenJohn born about 1864
AllenJohn born about 1933
AllenJosephine born about 1908
AllenLotta born about 1887
AllenMildred born about 1922
AllenMyra born about 1896
AllenMyra born about 1930
AllenRaymond born about 1899
AllenRaymond Rjborn about 1921
AllenRuby born about 1901
AllenRuth born about 1932
AllenWalter born about 1887
AllenWilliam born about 1907
AllenWilliam Jr born about 1936
AmesAdelaide born about 1936
AmesJanet born about 1938
AmesJohn born about 1908
AmesKathryn born about 1910
AndersonClarence born about 1884
AndersonSarah Rborn about 1884
AndresonAlice born about 1919
AndresonBartramo born about 1916
ArnoCatherine born about 1872
ArnoCatherine born about 1926
ArnoFrank born about 1873
ArnoJane born about 1931
ArnoJennie born about 1927
ArnoJulia born about 1903
ArnoLeo born about 1898
ArnoLouis born about 1876
ArnoLouis born about 1929
ArnoLucy born about 1903
ArnoMary born about 1936
ArnoPaul born about 1905
ArnoRose born about 1915
ArnoldAnna born about 1920
ArnoldCurt born about 1893
ArnoldCurt Jr born about 1925
ArnoldEleanor born about 1922
ArnoldHans born about 1882
ArnoldLellia Rborn about 1928
ArnoldLillie born about 1895
ArnoldMildred born about 1923
ArnoldRobert born about 1933
AshbyEdward born about 1874
AshbyJames born about 1903
AshbyMartini born about 1884
AshwellJacob born about 1875
AshwellMarie born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BailyThelma born about 1909
BakerFred Rborn about 1882
BakerViola Rborn about 1882
BankerM Cborn about 1909
BarberCharles born about 1864
BartlingLe Roy born about 1910
BartlingLoretta born about 1939
BartlingMargaret born about 1915
BartlingMargaret born about 1937
BartonCharles born about 1914
BartonCora born about 1891
BartonDorothy born about 1934
BartonFred born about 1911
BartonGrace born about 1915
BartonJoseph born about 1935
BartonLita born about 1913
BartonMarie born about 1938
BascoveAnna born about 1915
BascoveBessey born about 1897
BascoveBethera born about 1919
BascoveIsrall born about 1895
BascoveLenard born about 1917
BascoveSelig born about 1925
BascoveSusan born about 1921
BassBarcolna born about 1875
BassElizabeth born about 1883
BattenAda born about 1872
BattenHarry born about 1869
BaxtonMary born about 1902
BaylieAimee born about 1884
BaylieAlma born about 1906
BaylieDothory born about 1918
BaylieWilliam Aborn about 1919
BaylieWilliam Pborn about 1880
BeansJoseph born about 1882
BeansMary born about 1880
BeerkircherClara born about 1911
BeerkircherJoan born about 1935
BeerkircherRonaldo born about 1939
BeerkircherWalter born about 1910
BellAda Lborn about 1883
BellAmelia born about 1898
BellBarbara born about 1927
BellCharlotte born about 1929
BellDaniel born about 1882
BellEmma Aborn about 1912
BellErnest born about 1919
BellLouis Cborn about 1882
BellMargaret born about 1916
BellMarie born about 1925
BellMarie born about 1939
BellMary born about 1866
BellMary born about 1873
BellWilliam born about 1893
BellWilliam born about 1917
BelzerJohn Aborn about 1862
BelzerMable Tborn about 1919
BelzerRobert born about 1918
BenderDeborah born about 1863
BenderFrank born about 1862
BenkesEugenia born about 1893
BenkesThomas Jborn about 1884
BernstromAlma born about 1929
BernstromChester born about 1919
BernstromClara born about 1895
BernstromElizabeth born about 1925
BernstromGuf born about 1894
BernstromGuy Jr born about 1926
BernstromHoward born about 1921
BernstromJohn born about 1940
BernstromRuth born about 1933
BesserArthur Fborn about 1884
BesserArthur Jr born about 1910
BesserEmma born about 1890
BesserThomas Bborn about 1920
BewerWilliam born about 1930
BlackAgnes born about 1878
BlackMary born about 1913
BlaveAngelina born about 1908
BlaveBarbara born about 1934
BlaveHorace born about 1905
BlaveNancy born about 1932
BoehmsFelix born about 1881
BoehmsLena born about 1887
BorovkoffJean born about 1935
BorovkoffRuth born about 1910
BorovkoffWalter born about 1911
BortonJean Mborn about 1937
BoswellDorothea born about 1896
BoswellThomas born about 1887
BouenAgnes born about 1922
BouenAnthony born about 1922
BouenElizabeth born about 1929
BouenGladys born about 1926
BouenHarry born about 1932
BouenHarry Cborn about 1900
BouenMarion born about 1921
BouenMary born about 1901
BouenRobert born about 1933
BowersEdward born about 1938
BowersEleanor born about 1902
BowersLester born about 1900
BowersRae born about 1934
BowersRobert born about 1935
BowhenChester born about 1897
BowhenElizabeth born about 1905
BraunDonald born about 1937
BretthauerDorothy born about 1916
BretthauerDothery born about 1916
BretthauerEmanuel born about 1914
BretthauerEmanuel born about 1915
BretzMildred born about 1898
BretzWilliam born about 1891
BridgeBarry born about 1939
BridgeEthel born about 1906
BridgeGeorge L Iiiborn about 1932
BridgeGeorge L Srborn about 1880
BridgeJane born about 1935
BridgeLewis Jr born about 1908
BridgeLottie Aborn about 1883
BrillEmily born about 1881
BrillJesse born about 1883
BroadwaterEdith Sborn about 1914
BroadwaterGeorge Jborn about 1885
BroadwaterJennie born about 1888
BrodwaterFlorence born about 1908
BrodwaterIssac born about 1880
BrodwaterRonald born about 1936
BrodwaterWilliam born about 1907
BrodwaterWilliam Wborn about 1932
BromleyAnna born about 1923
BromleyEdward born about 1898
BromleyJohn born about 1925
BrooksAlbert born about 1889
BrooksJoseph born about 1925
BrooksKathryn born about 1893
BrooksMarie born about 1924
BrownDorothy born about 1928
BrownElizabeth born about 1917
BrownEnslaw born about 1926
BrownHelen born about 1912
BrownLaura born about 1931
BrownMaria born about 1893
BrownSarah born about 1921
BrownWalter Cborn about 1888
BrownWilliam born about 1910
BryantEdna born about 1922
BryantEmily born about 1900
BryantJanet born about 1940
BryantRobert born about 1887
BryantRobert Jr born about 1923
BundickCapecola born about 1870
BundyJames Nborn about 1926
BundyLouise Lborn about 1929
BundyMary born about 1896
BundyMary Eborn about 1923
BundySamuel born about 1897
BundySamuel Mborn about 1921
BundySusan Pborn about 1932
ByleyAnthony born about 1927
ByleyJames born about 1917
ByleyJennie born about 1885
ByleyJohn born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallawayArmanda born about 1906
CallawayCharles born about 1928
CallawayCharles born about 1934
CallawayHarry born about 1926
CallawayHarry born about 1932
CallawayHetsos born about 1901
CallawayManda born about 1930
CallawaySteven born about 1901
CalvinElmer born about 1907
CalvinEmma born about 1886
CalvinWm born about 1881
CampbellAnna born about 1909
CampbellMargaret born about 1880
CampbellWm born about 1904
CarlEdward born about 1920
CarlFred born about 1899
CarlFred Jr born about 1922
CarlHarry born about 1919
CarlJoan born about 1927
CarlRaymond born about 1937
CarlThelma born about 1929
CarlVerna born about 1899
CarmpAdelena born about 1882
CarmpAndrew Dborn about 1882
CarmpKatherine born about 1916
CarmpMartin born about 1921
CarringtonBeatrice born about 1881
CarringtonBeatrice born about 1906
CavalleroCharles born about 1879
CavalleroFrances born about 1925
CavalleroMary born about 1912
CavalleroSaddie born about 1860
ChandlerAlice born about 1926
ChandlerElmer born about 1913
ChandlerElmer Jr born about 1933
ChandlerFred born about 1887
ChandlerRebecca born about 1888
ChandlerRebecca born about 1924
CharmanAbbert born about 1875
CharmanCatherine born about 1878
CharmanCharles born about 1875
CharmanFrances born about 1902
CharmanKathryn born about 1903
CharmanLara Bborn about 1876
CheesemanAnna born about 1862
CheesemanCharles born about 1884
CheesemanEdward born about 1909
CheesemanHoward born about 1873
CheesemanLillian Fborn about 1871
CheesemanMargret born about 1887
CheesmanFreda born about 1911
CheesmanGeorge born about 1907
CheesmanGeorge Jr born about 1933
CheesmanMabel born about 1930
CheesmanRaymond born about 1931
ChristopherClarence born about 1897
ChristopherElfrida born about 1897
ChristopherGeorge born about 1925
ChristopherJohn Sborn about 1920
ChristopherJoseph born about 1932
ChristopherMargaret born about 1923
ChristopherMarion born about 1928
ChristopherSarah born about 1930
ClappFlorence born about 1911
ClappFrank born about 1878
ClappMarie born about 1915
ClappRose born about 1890
ClarkCharles born about 1871
ClermontElenor born about 1919
ClermontHelen born about 1915
ClermontMargaret born about 1884
ClermontRobert born about 1921
ColesMary Fborn about 1882
ColesOmar born about 1881
ConoverElmer born about 1929
ConoverJennie born about 1901
ConoverJennie Fborn about 1921
ConoverTob born about 1898
CookDaisy born about 1930
CookDaisy Aborn about 1898
CookJohn born about 1898
CookJohn Jr born about 1923
CookNancy born about 1938
CookThomas born about 1933
CooperCarolyn born about 1920
CooperIrwin born about 1916
CooperJames Mborn about 1885
CooperLucy Hborn about 1887
CooperMarilyn born about 1923
CoxMary born about 1865
CroigAgnes born about 1868
CrossleyAlmpa Sborn about 1868
CrossleyMilton Gborn about 1894
CunnighamBlanch born about 1899
CunnighamEdward born about 1897
CunnighamEdwin Pborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DacciaioAngelo born about 1914
DacciaioConnie born about 1938
DacciaioMary born about 1914
DacciaioMary Tborn about 1935
DaldEdna born about 1906
DaldFrank born about 1899
DaldFrank Jr born about 1929
DamicoAlanda born about 1918
DamicoAnthony born about 1926
DamicoAntoinen born about 1888
DamicoElizabeth born about 1910
DamicoFrank born about 1884
DamicoFrank born about 1927
DamicoGaetama born about 1921
DamicoHarry born about 1915
DamicoHelen born about 1939
DamicoJosephine born about 1919
DamicoMary born about 1917
DamicoPeter born about 1925
DamicoPhilip born about 1911
DamicoSamuel born about 1913
DamicoSontina born about 1923
DamicoVirginia born about 1915
DamicoWilliam born about 1922
DanfieldAnita born about 1938
DanfieldAnna born about 1917
DanfieldJames born about 1912
DanfieldRaymond born about 1924
DatesWilbur born about 1875
DauroCarrie born about 1885
DauroEdward Rborn about 1923
DauroHarry Cborn about 1920
DauroMarion born about 1911
DavisAnn Mayborn about 1939
DavisBeverly born about 1911
DavisEdna born about 1924
DavisFrances born about 1898
DavisGeorge Wborn about 1896
DavisLee born about 1936
DavisNorman born about 1927
DavisPaul born about 1931
DavisRaymond born about 1929
DavisStella born about 1901
DayHelen born about 1882
DayMunay born about 1881
DeanBetty born about 1927
DeanElleas born about 1883
DeanHarry born about 1883
DeanHarry Aborn about 1922
DegraffFannie born about 1880
DegraffWilliam born about 1864
DelgessoAchiles born about 1927
DelgessoAngeline born about 1929
DelgessoCarmen born about 1926
DelgessoJoseph born about 1896
DelgessoLena born about 1904
DelgessoMartha born about 1925
DelgessoTheresa born about 1930
DevacoRocco born about 1896
DickersonNora born about 1881
DietzCatherine born about 1909
DietzMarie born about 1931
DietzRenata born about 1890
DietzThomas born about 1904
DietzThomas born about 1929
DietzWilliam born about 1930
DigbyEleanor born about 1923
DoherytyMary Fborn about 1896
DoherytyRoy born about 1890
DoherytyRoy Jr born about 1922
DoldBarbara born about 1930
DoldGeorge born about 1908
DoldLillian born about 1910
DomzHelen born about 1913
DomzRaymond born about 1910
DorolderDorothy born about 1843
DorsamGeorge Aborn about 1882
DorsamSusan born about 1883
DoughtyEarl Rborn about 1893
DoughtyEdna Mborn about 1894
DoughtyRobert born about 1933
DoyleElla Vborn about 1878
DoyleJames born about 1901
DoyleThomas Jborn about 1888
DreyerArthur born about 1909
DreyerArthur Jr born about 1936
DreyerThelma born about 1915
DreyerThelma born about 1935
DrightEmna born about 1870
DrumondDothoy born about 1920
DrumondMary born about 1895
DrumondWilliam born about 1894
DrumondWilliam Cborn about 1934
DueschMargaret born about 1911
DueschTheodore Wborn about 1912
DuthieCharles born about 1873
DyerHenry Aborn about 1907
DyerMarion born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EadlineAnna born about 1899
EadlineLoud born about 1897
EhresmannEdna born about 1890
EhresmannHarry born about 1884
EhresmannMadeline born about 1920
EllisLelie born about 1877
EllisSteward born about 1938
EllisWilliam born about 1877
EndersCharles born about 1914
EndersLydia born about 1888
EndersMax born about 1888
EndersMildred born about 1930
EngleGladys born about 1900
EngleLeon Bborn about 1895
EngleLeon Jr born about 1926
EnglerGeorge born about 1890
EnglerMyrtle born about 1890
EulerEvelyne born about 1929
EulerGuilema born about 1881
EulerHoratio born about 1877
EulerMargaret born about 1910
EulerThomas born about 1910
EulerThomas Jr born about 1935

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F Surnames

FairbanksCarol born about 1936
FairbanksCharls born about 1906
FairbanksElzabeth born about 1933
FairbanksLouise born about 1908
FarmerHarrison born about 1897
FinleyMary Jborn about 1866
FlaggAlma born about 1934
FlaggGaynor born about 1928
FlaggHerman born about 1897
FlaggInez Bborn about 1923
FlaggIrene born about 1897
FlaggLucinda born about 1926
FlaggMae born about 1921
FlaggMary Annborn about 1920
FlaggWilhelmina born about 1925
FordAllen born about 1925
FordAlvin born about 1934
FordBernice born about 1932
FordBertha born about 1931
FordDoloris born about 1939
FordGertrude born about 1909
FordOliver born about 1907
FordOliver born about 1928
FordRaymond born about 1929
FordWilliam born about 1933
ForemanForeman born about 1928
FormerRoland born about 1913
FormerRuth born about 1917
FraizerFrank born about 1890
FrantzM Kborn about 1901
FrassGeorge Fborn about 1876
FrassWilliam Aborn about 1865
FremillerLouis born about 1878
FusselEwood born about 1938
FusselJames born about 1940
FusselRaymond born about 1936
FusselVirginia born about 1913
FusselWalter born about 1902
FusselWalter Jr born about 1931

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G Surnames

GainerGeorge born about 1912
GainerMary Lborn about 1908
GallawayGarman Fredborn about 1894
GallawayJohn born about 1872
GallawayJohn Cborn about 1936
GallawayKatherine born about 1872
GallawayMarion born about 1898
GallawayRichard born about 1927
GarrisonElmer Bborn about 1910
GarrisonEmma Gborn about 1918
GartonHelen Eborn about 1904
GartonRussell Cborn about 1900
GartonRussell Jr born about 1926
GerhardPaul Hborn about 1909
GertonClara born about 1871
GibbsFlorence born about 1913
GibbsWalter born about 1912
GilmoreCatherine born about 1924
GilmoreCharles born about 1879
GilmoreMargaret born about 1888
GilmoreMargaret born about 1926
GohagonEleanor born about 1915
GohagonWilliam born about 1914
GohagonWilliam Jr born about 1939
GorczynEthel Mborn about 1902
GraeffBell born about 1889
GraeffBetty born about 1922
GraeffBradrods born about 1912
GraeffEdward Hborn about 1885
GraeffFrances born about 1912
GraeffHarry born about 1889
GraeffHenry born about 1923
GraeffIda Maeborn about 1885
GraeffRobert born about 1917
GrahamCarolyn born about 1930
GrahamEdith born about 1875
GrahamJ Albertborn about 1916
GrahamJohn born about 1902
GrahamMarie born about 1903
GrahamThomas Aborn about 1872
GrahamWilliam born about 1873
GranesCora Lborn about 1914
GranesRalph born about 1937
GranesRobert Lborn about 1934
GranesSamuel born about 1911
GranesSamuel born about 1936
GranesVivian born about 1939
GranesWilma Mborn about 1930
GrassDoris born about 1924
GrassElwood Cborn about 1893
GrassMary born about 1895
GrassRose Maryborn about 1917
GrayAlbert born about 1937
GreenCharles born about 1929
GreenFrances born about 1892
GreenSarah born about 1900
GreenWilliam born about 1890
GrellaBertha born about 1887
GriffensElizabeth born about 1887
GriffensRolland born about 1884
GroeffConrad born about 1889
GroeffDonald born about 1923
GroeffDouglas born about 1927
GroeffMarguerite born about 1889
GroeffMarie born about 1918
GuyJohn born about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaefnerBetty born about 1922
HaefnerHarry born about 1888
HaefnerHarry Jr born about 1924
HaefnerNellie born about 1885
HahnAnna born about 1905
HahnCharles born about 1930
HahnDonald born about 1936
HahnGladys born about 1928
HahnIrene born about 1934
HahnPatricia born about 1938
HahnThomas born about 1899
HainrookGeorge born about 1905
HainrookGladys born about 1938
HainrookGladys Lborn about 1913
HainrookHelen born about 1864
HalbrookBessie born about 1871
HalbrookWalter born about 1871
HaleAlfred born about 1876
HaleMargaret born about 1881
HalemanHarret born about 1894
HalemanHarriet born about 1894
HalemanHarry Mborn about 1894
HalemanHarry Mborn about 1895
HallAlice born about 1872
HallClayton born about 1925
HallLeonard born about 1906
HallMary born about 1924
HallRaymond born about 1921
HallVance born about 1869
HamellAlice Aborn about 1919
HamellCatherine born about 1888
HamellCharles Hborn about 1884
HamellHoward Wborn about 1912
HankinsMary born about 1931
HarbyCharles Pborn about 1893
HarbyMargaret born about 1918
HarbyRachel born about 1898
HarbyRachel Lborn about 1919
HardingAlice born about 1901
HardingDavid born about 1937
HardingLaura born about 1889
HardingOtto born about 1899
HarleyEmma born about 1886
HarleyHarold born about 1919
HarleyJosiah born about 1882
HarleySue born about 1914
HarperEdward born about 1919
HarperElizabeth born about 1929
HarperEvelyn born about 1901
HarperEvelyn born about 1922
HarperGeorge born about 1896
HarrisJeasey born about 1936
HarrisLauretha born about 1916
HarrisLegretta born about 1934
HarrisMarion born about 1939
HarrisRufus born about 1938
HarrisWilliam born about 1903
HaymanEstelle born about 1928
HaymanJoan born about 1925
HaymanMabel born about 1905
HaymanOliver born about 1900
HennesseyAnna born about 1894
HennesseyElizabeth born about 1925
HennesseyJames born about 1887
HennesseyJames born about 1922
HennesseyJohn born about 1926
HensellJohn Wborn about 1937
HensellRobert Eborn about 1934
HensellRobert Wborn about 1907
HensellRoberta born about 1938
HensellRuth Dborn about 1909
HensellStanley born about 1935
HensellTheodore born about 1940
HensellWilliam born about 1931
HensonCharles born about 1929
HensonGeorge born about 1895
HensonLeon born about 1878
HensonLottie born about 1876
HensonMary born about 1902
HerrodJohn Wborn about 1883
HerrodMargaret born about 1886
HerrodRuth Maryborn about 1930
HessAllena born about 1882
HessArville born about 1911
HessCarol born about 1938
HessClarence born about 1880
HessMarie born about 1916
HickmanGertrude born about 1901
HickmanLois born about 1925
HickmanMarion born about 1931
HickmanPaul Sborn about 1901
HicksVincent born about 1877
HightowerClifford born about 1920
HightowerJones born about 1879
HightowerLula born about 1888
HightwoerCharles born about 1914
HightwoerCharles Jr born about 1932
HightwoerEvelyn born about 1940
HightwoerLouise born about 1914
HockmaBetty born about 1922
HockmaElizabeth born about 1886
HockmaHoward born about 1886
HockmaJoseph born about 1918
HockmaSarah born about 1920
HoffmanAnnie born about 1889
HoffmanBlanche born about 1917
HoffmanClarence born about 1884
HoffmanElmer Iborn about 1910
HoffmanMildred born about 1940
HoffmanPhyllis born about 1938
HoffmanRaymond born about 1918
HoffmanWilliam born about 1861
HogermanLillian born about 1898
HogetArthur born about 1936
HogetBernice born about 1915
HogetKenneth born about 1916
HohnFrederick born about 1898
HohnHarry Gborn about 1894
HohnNettie born about 1872
HohnTheresa born about 1896
HoldemanMary born about 1879
HoldemanRoland born about 1901
HoldmanOllie born about 1905
HoldmanRoland Lborn about 1933
HollawayAnna Eborn about 1881
HollawayEdward born about 1907
HollawayEllis born about 1926
HollawayHerbert born about 1917
HollawayHorace born about 1910
HollawayLeonard born about 1889
HollawayRalpph born about 1927
HollawayRubert born about 1923
HollawayWilbur born about 1915
HonovanAnna born about 1932
HonovanEleanor born about 1908
HonovanJoseph born about 1904
HonovanMary born about 1928
HopkinJohn Wborn about 1898
HorayClarence born about 1897
HorayEdith Mborn about 1898
HorayFrank Sborn about 1916
HorayHarry Wborn about 1929
HorayLillian born about 1889
HoreyElla born about 1875
HoreyHarry born about 1875
HortzLucy Mborn about 1879
HortzWilliam Jr born about 1877
HoseyElizabeth born about 1926
HoseyHarold born about 1905
HoseyJosephine born about 1905
HoseyKathleen born about 1928
HuggHarry born about 1882
HuggsWilliam born about 1872
HuntDorothy born about 1925
HuntJohn born about 1936
HuntJohn Aborn about 1858
HuntKathryn born about 1926
HuntMabel born about 1903
HuntWalter born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAllen Eborn about 1935
JacksonAnna born about 1890
JacksonBessie born about 1881
JacksonCarl born about 1886
JacksonEdna Mborn about 1912
JacksonEllen born about 1913
JacksonFlorence born about 1912
JacksonGeorge born about 1939
JacksonGeorge Jborn about 1890
JacksonGladys born about 1918
JacksonIda Mborn about 1882
JacksonJames born about 1883
JacksonJohn Jborn about 1909
JacksonJohn J Jrborn about 1938
JacksonKate Fborn about 1869
JacksonMitchell born about 1907
JacksonPeter Aborn about 1877
JacksonRonald born about 1939
JacksonSarah born about 1920
JacksonVincent born about 1936
JacksonWilliam born about 1870
JacksonWilliam born about 1907
JacobsAgnes born about 1872
JacobsIsadore born about 1878
JacobsMary Eborn about 1883
JacobsRoger born about 1870
JamesonJames born about 1911
JamesonJohn born about 1939
JamesonMagaret born about 1911
JenkinsCarrington Wborn about 1908
JenkinsCarrington Jr born about 1935
JenkinsCoole born about 1937
JenkinsGertrude born about 1915
JohnsoElizabeth born about 1926
JohnsoEmma born about 1898
JohnsoHarry born about 1897
JohnsoHarry Jr born about 1921
JohnsonAlberta born about 1892
JohnsonCharles born about 1925
JohnsonCharlotte born about 1895
JohnsonChristian born about 1893
JohnsonEdwin born about 1918
JohnsonGeorgs born about 1921
JohnsonHarry born about 1888
JohnsonHelen born about 1939
JohnsonLaurence Wborn about 1887
JohnsonLillian Fborn about 1890
JohnsonLoretta born about 1901
JohnsonLoretta born about 1931
JohnsonLorraine born about 1935
JohnsonMaude born about 1900
JohnsonThomas born about 1896
JohnsonWard born about 1899
JonesJosephine born about 1880
JonesWakinson born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaperBerta born about 1892
KavisRobert born about 1866
KeetleyMary Jborn about 1875
KeetleyMildred born about 1914
KeetleyWilliam Hborn about 1870
KellisonJames born about 1861
KellyAlexander born about 1868
KellyHanna born about 1870
KellyMildred born about 1905
KentEthel Mborn about 1913
KentIsaiah born about 1887
KentLester Wborn about 1918
KentMuriel Lborn about 1914
KentMyrtle born about 1891
KingCharles born about 1876
KingMartha born about 1881
KintonCharles born about 1898
KintonHanna born about 1899
KirchesBetty born about 1922
KirchesCharles born about 1921
KirchesElwood born about 1918
KirchesHazel born about 1900
KirchesHazel Annborn about 1939
KirchesMargaret born about 1921
KitselmanGeorge born about 1886
KitselmanLydia born about 1889
KoscamskiAgnes born about 1912
KoscamskiCatherine born about 1901
KoscamskiSteve born about 1875
KramerMinnie born about 1868
KroftMary born about 1850
KroftViola born about 1879
KroftWilhemina born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LandinEugene born about 1888
LandinEvelyn born about 1904
LapeirrieFrank born about 1865
LapeyFerdnand born about 1886
LapeyLouise born about 1886
LathropeMable born about 1885
LathropeWilliam born about 1885
LaurenceEdward born about 1866
LeachLillian born about 1908
LeachThomas Gborn about 1907
LeekSarah born about 1905
LeetzCharles Bborn about 1923
LeetzDaisy Lborn about 1889
LeetzOscar Bborn about 1891
LevyRuby born about 1923
LindleyJohn Hborn about 1878
LindleyLouis born about 1910
LindleyMary born about 1881
LockhartElizabeth Cborn about 1872
LohmeyerLouise born about 1857
LooneyAda Jborn about 1938
LooneyAgnes born about 1914
LooneyMary Aborn about 1935
LopezMarion born about 1907
LopezMatilda born about 1888
LornachJoseph born about 1865
LoveMargaret born about 1854
LovingAddison born about 1903
LovingGeneva Rborn about 1913
LovingLeon born about 1930
LuckinAnna Lborn about 1902
LuckinArline Dborn about 1928
LuckinRodman born about 1927
LuckinWilliam born about 1900
LyonAnna born about 1915
LyonLeslie born about 1874
LyonLeslie born about 1914
LyonMarie born about 1938
LyonOrpha born about 1889
LyonsCatherine born about 1922
LyonsEmily born about 1904
LyonsGilbert born about 1928
LyonsLe Roy born about 1899
LyonsLe Roy Jr born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaeGoreie Eiebellborn about 1858
MaeJames Bborn about 1895
MaeMary born about 1897
MahlCarolyn born about 1929
MahlClara born about 1901
MahlJohn born about 1901
MahlJohn Jrhborn about 1935
MahlJoseph born about 1879
MahlJoseph born about 1927
MahlMary born about 1880
MahlThelma born about 1923
ManniasWilliam born about 1856
MarkartCastopher born about 1899
MarkartEdward born about 1938
MarkartFlorence born about 1915
MarkartFrancis born about 1933
MarkartPearl born about 1897
MarquartEmma born about 1895
MarquartJacob born about 1888
MarrowGeorge Hborn about 1925
MarrowHazel Nborn about 1890
MarrowWilliam born about 1883
MarshallAnna born about 1885
MarshallArthur born about 1896
MarshallGrace born about 1908
MarshallHarry born about 1872
MarshallJennie born about 1888
MarshallJohn born about 1883
MarshallMable born about 1897
MarshallMarvin born about 1921
MarshallRobert born about 1919
MartinEmma born about 1871
MartinSamuel born about 1873
MathernAlfred born about 1905
MathernChristine born about 1915
MathisPearl born about 1907
MathisRobert born about 1903
MaxwellBetty born about 1894
MaxwellDrewell born about 1928
MaxwellEmma born about 1885
MaxwellFlorence born about 1860
MaxwellFrank born about 1863
MayAlice Mborn about 1889
McAllisterAlbert born about 1924
McAllisterElwood born about 1900
McAllisterElwood Jr born about 1923
McAllisterRichard born about 1935
McAllisterRobert born about 1927
McAllisterSadie Rborn about 1898
McAllisterSussie Pborn about 1869
McDadeSarah born about 1876
McDonaldLemuel born about 1885
McDonaldLydia born about 1858
McKvainLouisa born about 1872
McNallyWilliam born about 1874
MeeheizJeannette born about 1908
MentasAlbert born about 1912
MentasElsie born about 1912
MettinElizabeth born about 1916
MettinLouis Lborn about 1914
MettinLouis Wborn about 1876
MetzArthor born about 1887
MetzFrances born about 1916
MetzMannie born about 1887
MetzWilliam born about 1910
MetzWoodram born about 1915
MetzgerFrances born about 1880
MezzerBenjamin born about 1910
MezzerBenjamin Iiborn about 1938
MezzerFlorence born about 1912
MezzerMildred born about 1935
MezzerSara born about 1875
MilesAllen Dborn about 1910
MilesAllen D Jrborn about 1936
MilesAnne born about 1909
MilesBartram Iiiborn about 1935
MilesBertram born about 1885
MilesBertram S Jrborn about 1908
MilesHarry born about 1916
MilesHelen born about 1889
MilesMabel Mborn about 1912
MillerAnna born about 1916
MillerAnna Bborn about 1891
MillerAntoinette born about 1931
MillerAugusta born about 1898
MillerAugusta born about 1939
MillerClordie born about 1868
MillerDothory born about 1929
MillerElizabeth born about 1879
MillerElla Aborn about 1883
MillerEthel born about 1925
MillerFrances born about 1913
MillerFrank born about 1887
MillerFrank born about 1921
MillerGeorge born about 1930
MillerGeorge Aborn about 1902
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1900
MillerGladys Cborn about 1907
MillerGrace Mborn about 1900
MillerHarold born about 1899
MillerHarold Jr born about 1928
MillerHarry born about 1927
MillerJames born about 1925
MillerJohn Jborn about 1884
MillerMargaret born about 1892
MillerRaymond born about 1927
MillerRebecca born about 1904
MillerRuthedge born about 1869
MillerSylvester born about 1923
MillerWilliam born about 1880
MitchellJohn born about 1926
MoneyAlma Mborn about 1925
MoneyElizabeth born about 1905
MoneyElizabeth Jborn about 1930
MoneyJoseph Jborn about 1902
MoneyJoseph Jr born about 1924
MontogomeyAlexander born about 1874
MontogomeyEdward born about 1904
MontogomeyMable born about 1908
MontogomeyMary born about 1874
MooreAlice Mborn about 1920
MooreClifford born about 1915
MooreMary Aborn about 1890
MooreRoscoe Lborn about 1889
MooreSpencer Cborn about 1922
MooreWalter born about 1910
MorrisHarry born about 1888
MorrisJean born about 1891
MorrisNellie born about 1880
MorrisWilliam born about 1879
MorrisonCatherine born about 1939
MorrisonElizabeth born about 1916
MorrisonJohn born about 1864
MorzAllen born about 1910
MorzJoan born about 1915
MorzJoan born about 1939
MoulderCharles Cborn about 1905
MoulderElla born about 1881
MoulderHelen born about 1908
MullenBlanche born about 1918
MullenHugh born about 1914
MunichBarton born about 1893
MunichMarion born about 1897
MyersBernice born about 1924
MyersCalyton born about 1926
MyersDolores born about 1931
MyersHarry born about 1876
MyersHarry born about 1919
MyersHazel born about 1899
MyersLourence born about 1928
MyersMary born about 1876
MyersRoy born about 1896
MyersRoy Jr born about 1922
MyrickMary born about 1913
MyrickSusan born about 1933
MyrickWilliam born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonElizabeth born about 1905
NelsonWalter born about 1905
NeutzeAbbert Fborn about 1879
NeutzeJosephine born about 1854
NewlinFrances born about 1929
NewlinHarold born about 1904
NewlinJoan born about 1933
NewlinRegina born about 1911
NoppBarbara born about 1936
NoppEdmund born about 1909
NoppRuth born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OaugleyCharles born about 1912
OaugleyJennie born about 1880
ObrienEdward Lborn about 1859
ObrienEdward Mborn about 1890
ObrienEmily born about 1895
ObrienEvelyne born about 1921
ObrienLawrence born about 1918
ObrienRonald born about 1900
OrugleyBetty born about 1921
OrugleyCharles born about 1901
OrugleyCharles born about 1924
OrugleyDona born about 1932
OrugleyElmer born about 1926
OrugleyKenny born about 1936
OrugleyMyrtle born about 1903
OrugleyRobert born about 1929
OrugleyTerry born about 1938
OverbeckEarl born about 1882
OverbeckEarl born about 1924
OverbeckElsie born about 1895
OverbeckEmil born about 1931
OverbeckEvelyn born about 1923
OverbeckHenrietta born about 1927
OverbeckJerry born about 1933
OverbeckJohn born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PabotAnne born about 1874
PaceRalph born about 1891
PaceRalph Jr born about 1921
PaceRose born about 1890
PalmerLewi Rborn about 1917
PalmerLydia Eborn about 1918
PalmerPaul Jborn about 1917
PanebranceAnthony born about 1921
PanebranceL born about 1886
PanebrancePeter born about 1915
PanebranceVita born about 1887
PanebranceVoto born about 1912
PasqualeConnie born about 1898
PasqualeJennie born about 1933
PasqualeMary born about 1924
PasqualePete born about 1898
PasqualeRita born about 1931
PasqualeRudolph born about 1923
PatrelleAchellie born about 1878
PatrelleAnna born about 1913
PattonAnnie born about 1897
PattonDorothy Aborn about 1920
PattonSamuel Wborn about 1897
PattonWalter Jborn about 1888
PattonWarren born about 1921
PaulingHenry born about 1929
PaulingJosephine born about 1902
PaulingRobert born about 1902
PaulsonHoward born about 1927
PaulsonMarie born about 1906
PaulsonMarie Tborn about 1932
PaulsonRobert born about 1929
PaulsonSamuel born about 1904
PeacockMargaret born about 1920
PeacockMary born about 1887
PearsellCharles born about 1892
PearsellFlora born about 1892
PerryJames born about 1929
PetersAnna born about 1910
PetersAnne born about 1937
PetersWalter born about 1910
PetersWalter Jr born about 1932
PettesGeorge born about 1895
PhillipsSusan born about 1856
PicanAlexander born about 1882
PicanBlanche born about 1898
PierceBruce born about 1934
PierceLouis born about 1899
PierceThomas born about 1865
PierceVerna born about 1908
PiersonAlbert Dborn about 1907
PreiceNorwood born about 1879
PreiceSusan born about 1880
PreisedaneCharles Aborn about 1927
PreisedaneIsabel Cborn about 1894
PreisedaneJohn born about 1894
PreisedaneJohn Jr born about 1920
PreisendanzFredrick born about 1870
PreisendanzMinnie born about 1873
PriceWalter born about 1875
PulleyHarley born about 1918
PulleyRobert born about 1916
PurnellAnna born about 1888
PurnellAnna born about 1915
PurnellDorothy born about 1909
PurnellJean born about 1926
PurnellJoseph born about 1883
PurnellMelvin born about 1920
PurnellRussell born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RawlingsSamule born about 1905
RayboldWilliam born about 1888
ReaghEdward born about 1939
ReaghOrville born about 1913
ReaghOrville Jr born about 1935
ReaghPaul born about 1935
ReaghPauline born about 1915
ReahardAlice Kborn about 1913
ReahardAlice Mborn about 1882
ReahardDavid Tborn about 1878
ReahardGrace born about 1932
ReahardHattie Mborn about 1917
ReahardMary born about 1913
ReahardRaymond born about 1933
ReahardRobert born about 1935
ReamesBlanche born about 1885
ReamesEdna Mborn about 1927
ReamesWalter Aborn about 1922
ReamesWilliam Jr born about 1924
ReidAgnes born about 1889
ReidJ Wilsonborn about 1928
ReidJames born about 1919
ReidJohn born about 1892
ReidJohn Mborn about 1921
ReidMadeline born about 1917
ReifJohn born about 1900
ReifThelma born about 1903
ReviersEva born about 1883
RidewayElizabeth born about 1884
RidewayHarry born about 1884
RobinsonAlfred born about 1880
RobinsonAnna Maeborn about 1916
RobinsonCharles Kborn about 1916
RobinsonDorothy born about 1929
RobinsonEdith born about 1923
RobinsonElizabeth born about 1937
RobinsonFlorence born about 1886
RobinsonHarry Lborn about 1900
RobinsonHarry Jr born about 1935
RobinsonIda Marieborn about 1889
RobinsonMargaret born about 1905
RobinsonWilliam born about 1886
RodgersCharles born about 1914
RodgersKathleen born about 1914
RodgersKathleen Lborn about 1938
RodmanJean born about 1928
RodmanLillian born about 1896
RodmanSamuel born about 1897
RodmanVelma born about 1923
RodmanWilliam born about 1920
RolstonAndrew born about 1918
RolstonCatherine born about 1937
RolstonMargaret born about 1917
RonbeHelen born about 1894
RonbeHerman born about 1901
RonbeMildred born about 1928
RonbePriscilla born about 1869
RossCalvin Aborn about 1940
RossJames Aborn about 1935
RossJohn Eborn about 1937
RossRalph Aborn about 1914
RossVianna born about 1914
RowandAntoinette born about 1888
RowandMarhsall born about 1921
RowandMarshall born about 1887
RowlandBarbara born about 1933
RowlandCeleste born about 1911
RowlandDoris born about 1930
RowlandMarshall born about 1907
RowlandRichard born about 1931
RowlandRobert born about 1938
RulanCharles born about 1869
RulanFanny born about 1873
RushElsie born about 1901
RussellAnne born about 1939
RussellAnnie born about 1919
RussellCarolyn born about 1909
RussellJames born about 1916
RussellLester born about 1897
RussellMargaret born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaddlerAllice Mayborn about 1916
SaddlerAnna Mborn about 1917
SaddlerCharles Aborn about 1914
SaddlerHarry born about 1912
SaddlerHarry Jborn about 1939
SaddlerJulia Mayborn about 1938
SandersGeorge born about 1877
SandersLucy born about 1884
SandersWilliam born about 1934
SchafferCharles born about 1908
SchafferCharles Jr born about 1934
SchafferEva born about 1911
SchenekFlorence born about 1883
SchenekHenry born about 1882
SchermerAnna born about 1890
SchermerPaul born about 1885
SchlerGeorge born about 1878
SchlerViola born about 1879
SchliefferLellie born about 1869
SchmidtHelen born about 1911
SchmidtJosephine born about 1870
SchmidtJosephine born about 1891
SchmitzRobert born about 1879
SchmtzinoJoseph born about 1911
SchmtzinoMildred born about 1914
SchneiderHenrietta born about 1895
SchneiderJohn Hborn about 1888
SchofieldAnn Rborn about 1891
SchofieldBernard born about 1924
SchofieldEarl Bborn about 1917
ScottAlexander born about 1880
ScottAnna born about 1888
ScottGeorge born about 1872
ScottJoan born about 1928
ScottMabel born about 1905
ScottMarie born about 1931
ScottRichard born about 1903
SerpleeAheta born about 1940
SerpleeClifford born about 1913
SerpleeElizabeth born about 1919
ShaefferEdward born about 1913
ShaefferMargaret born about 1916
SheeteCharles Wborn about 1884
SheeteCharles Jr born about 1913
SheeteCora born about 1886
SherlockEvelyn born about 1923
SherlockEvelyn born about 1940
ShoemakerCharles born about 1918
ShoemakerLillian born about 1895
ShoemakerWalter born about 1893
ShowellDorena born about 1917
ShowellGwendolyn born about 1939
ShowellRuth Nborn about 1922
ShowellWinifred born about 1902
ShultzIva born about 1900
ShultzWilliam born about 1917
SibeskiLouis born about 1917
SimonsenArthur born about 1890
SimonsenEdith born about 1920
SimonsenMartha born about 1893
SimpsonJohn born about 1912
SimpsonMary born about 1917
SimpsonMary Eborn about 1939
SmellingBertha born about 1888
SmellingWilliam born about 1884
SmethamEmma born about 1862
SmithEmily born about 1889
SmithMargaret born about 1915
SmithMorris Lborn about 1934
SmithTamer born about 1904
SmithWilliam born about 1904
SmithWilliam Jr born about 1932
SpeakmanEthel born about 1911
SpeakmanEthel born about 1937
SpeakmanJanet born about 1932
SpeakmanMartha born about 1893
SpeakmanRalph born about 1912
SpeakmanRalph Jr born about 1933
SpeakmanThomas born about 1919
SpeakmanThomas born about 1939
SpeckJohn born about 1856
SpeckMary Gborn about 1868
SpengerElizabeth born about 1866
SpengerIsodor born about 1866
SpiegleAnna born about 1887
SpiegleDothory Mborn about 1914
SpiegleJohn Rborn about 1885
SpiegleJohn R Jrborn about 1912
SpiegleMildred born about 1915
SpiegleWilliam Jr born about 1906
SpieglerBlanch born about 1908
SpieglerEva Rborn about 1887
SpieglerEvelyne born about 1913
SpieglerWilliam Eborn about 1881
SpixWilliam born about 1868
SpottsJames R Jrborn about 1937
SpottsJames R Srborn about 1909
SpottsViola Eborn about 1911
SpregleNellie born about 1856
StaffordMary Iborn about 1866
StainebokHelen born about 1873
StatcherBurton born about 1902
StatcherBurton Gborn about 1936
StatcherElizabeth born about 1907
StatcherElizabeth Eborn about 1928
StatesCarolyn born about 1918
StatesClinton born about 1922
StatesEdna born about 1889
StatesEleanor born about 1917
StatesFrank Mborn about 1886
StatesIsabel born about 1911
StatesKenneth born about 1927
StatesLydda born about 1861
StatesMeredith born about 1916
SteitzAbbert born about 1913
SteitzAuthor born about 1937
SteitzNancy born about 1939
SteitzRuth born about 1918
StewartBeulah born about 1887
StewartCharles Lborn about 1874
StillAlice born about 1915
StillCarl Aborn about 1913
StitesBeatrice born about 1911
StitesFrancis born about 1911
StitesFrancis Jr born about 1936
StoddortCharles born about 1925
StoddortDaniel born about 1878
StoddortGeorge born about 1913
StonerDonald born about 1929
StonerElizabeth born about 1928
StonerHarry born about 1905
StonerJanet born about 1932
StonerMay born about 1908
StonerMay born about 1939
StorepJennie Mborn about 1867
StorepWilbur born about 1860
StosenburgCharles born about 1908
StosenburgMargaret born about 1905
StosenburgMary Lborn about 1933
StosenburgRuth Mborn about 1940
StrangClaire Jborn about 1926
StrangEmerson born about 1898
StrangHarold E Jrborn about 1924
StrangJosephine born about 1899
StrangMary Janeborn about 1922
StratridgeNellie born about 1881
StratridgeRobert born about 1882
StroehleAnna born about 1886
StroehleDaniel born about 1913
StroehleEmily born about 1917
StroehleJohn born about 1911
StroehleJoseph born about 1923
StroehleLeo born about 1882
StroehlePeggy Annborn about 1936
SupleeAlva born about 1886
SupleeClementine born about 1870
SupleeHarry Aborn about 1870
SupleeWalter born about 1878
SurranBarbara born about 1939
SurranFranklin born about 1937
SurranHenry born about 1909
SurranLarara born about 1889
SurranRobert Wborn about 1912
SurranVeronica born about 1916
SurranWilliam Gborn about 1914
SurranWilliam Hborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorEdward born about 1898
TaylorJane born about 1926
TaylorMartha born about 1904
TaylorMildred born about 1900
TaylorRandsulf born about 1927
TaylorShirley born about 1928
TerrellAddie born about 1917
ThomasAlfred born about 1910
ThomasMarie born about 1915
ThompsonAsher born about 1874
ThompsonAustin born about 1891
ThompsonJoseph born about 1893
ThompsonMarie born about 1883
ThompsonMarion born about 1900
ThompsonNancy born about 1894
TowneWilliam born about 1865
TravickAnna born about 1904
TravickJames born about 1922
TravickMary born about 1925
TravickThomas born about 1903
TroupAlbert born about 1897
TroupMarion born about 1902
TroupMarion born about 1937
TroutCatherine Eborn about 1916
TroutClinton born about 1872
TroutEvelyne Bborn about 1919
TroutJames Nborn about 1902
TroutKathryn born about 1875
TrouyGeorge born about 1882
TuckerElaine born about 1924
TuckerGladys born about 1901
TuckerMarion born about 1923
TuckerMorton born about 1898
TurnerIra born about 1905
TurnerIrving born about 1885
TurnerKathryne born about 1912
TurnerLeah born about 1884
TurnerMarguerite born about 1921
TurnerPatricia born about 1939
TurnerThomas born about 1909
TurnerVirginia born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UffmannBessie born about 1888
UffmannWilliam born about 1885
UnterbrinkDavid born about 1935
UnterbrinkMargaret born about 1905
UnterbrinkNellie born about 1924
UnterbrinkRobert born about 1939
UnterbrinkWalter born about 1897
UnterbrinkWalter born about 1929
UrlleanoDothery born about 1921
UrlleanoFlorence born about 1901
UrlleanoRobert born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaduroAlfred born about 1907
VaduroAlice born about 1910
VaduroAnthony born about 1923
VaduroJoseph born about 1924
VaduroLaura born about 1883
VaduroSam born about 1875

W Surnames

WadeJohn Fborn about 1868
WadeSusie born about 1889
WalshAnna born about 1870
WalshHarry born about 1865
WaltenCatherine born about 1906
WaltenDavid Wborn about 1935
WaltenNorman born about 1907
WaltenNorman born about 1930
WaltonBertha born about 1918
WaltonEdward born about 1875
WaltonEdward born about 1913
WaltonEdward born about 1938
WaltonGerture born about 1878
WaltonMarion born about 1940
WarrenEunice born about 1866
WarrenNelson born about 1856
WashburnAlice born about 1900
WashburnJohn born about 1880
WatkinsGeorge born about 1875
WatkinsGeorge Rborn about 1903
WatkinsVirginia born about 1885
WatsonCharles born about 1881
WatsonDaisy born about 1884
WatsonFrank Hborn about 1869
WatsonJohn born about 1864
WatsonMarharey born about 1853
WatsonMarion born about 1907
WeberGranville born about 1898
WeberMary Hborn about 1878
WeigeitMary Aborn about 1881
WeigeitWalter born about 1882
WeiserAlma born about 1914
WeiserBill born about 1936
WeiserClara born about 1923
WeiserFlorence born about 1898
WeiserMillicent born about 1931
WeiserRuth born about 1896
WeiserRuth Rborn about 1917
WeiserVirginia born about 1925
WeiserWebster born about 1895
WeiserWebster born about 1915
WeiserWm Hborn about 1898
WernerFlorence born about 1921
WernerHarry born about 1898
WernerHilda born about 1895
WernerLillian born about 1888
WernerPeter born about 1918
WilindElesnor born about 1908
WilindHarry born about 1903
WilindHarry Jr born about 1929
WilindJoyce born about 1939
WilindWillima born about 1876
WilkinsonElma born about 1892
WilkinsonElna born about 1920
WilkinsonFlorence Lborn about 1932
WilkinsonGeorge born about 1887
WilkinsonGeorge Tborn about 1912
WilkinsonMorgan Lborn about 1929
WilkinsonRouland Nborn about 1914
WilliamCarl born about 1913
WilliamsCarl born about 1913
WilliamsCarroll born about 1900
WilliamsEleanor born about 1931
WilliamsGeorge born about 1905
WilliamsHelen born about 1918
WilliamsHerbert born about 1914
WilliamsIda born about 1910
WilliamsIrene born about 1899
WilliamsJohn born about 1908
WilliamsLeon born about 1933
WilliamsMargaret born about 1877
WilliamsPatricia born about 1920
WilliamsRoger born about 1937
WilliamsWilliam born about 1898
WilsonCatherine born about 1877
WilsonCharles Lborn about 1912
WilsonElizabeth born about 1934
WilsonFlorence born about 1892
WilsonHarry born about 1887
WilsonHarry born about 1907
WilsonHelen born about 1909
WilsonHelena born about 1915
WilsonKatherine born about 1890
WilsonOrie Edithborn about 1921
WilsonRobert Lborn about 1918
WilsonWilliam born about 1877
WinnemoreElmera born about 1902
WinnemoreRuth born about 1923
WinnemoreShirley born about 1925
WinterbollemJaney born about 1896
WinterbollemMary born about 1894
WinterbottenA Jborn about 1891
WinterbottenBetty born about 1926
WinterbottenC born about 1885
WinterbottenClifton Jborn about 1923
WinterbottenEdward born about 1884
WinterbottenElizabeth born about 1891
WinterbottenMarion born about 1923
WinterbottenMary born about 1891
WittakerAnna born about 1876
WolohonElizabeth born about 1861
WolohonHarry Bborn about 1861
WoodCharles born about 1873
WoodElmer born about 1909
WoodFlorence born about 1895
WoodForrest born about 1930
WoodGrace born about 1909
WoodHarriet born about 1879
WoodLellie born about 1873
WoodworthGeorge born about 1913
WoodworthIsabella born about 1872
WoodworthJohn born about 1912
WoodworthJohn born about 1928
WoodworthSamuel born about 1914
WrightAlberta born about 1901
WrightElinze born about 1928
WrightElla Maeborn about 1927
WrightJean born about 1938
WrightJoan born about 1938
WrightJohn born about 1896
WrightJohn born about 1923
WrightLaura Wborn about 1894
WrightLillian born about 1936
WrightMartha born about 1933
WrightRussell Eborn about 1920
WrightTressie born about 1925
WrightWilliam Eborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YochCharles born about 1900
YochElsie born about 1894

Z Surnames

ZaneAnna born about 1911
ZaneHoward born about 1915
ZangAlexander born about 1872
ZangChettena born about 1876
ZimmermanEvelyn born about 1925
ZimmermanFlorence born about 1932
ZimmermanHenry born about 1873
ZimmermanHenry Jr born about 1898
ZimmermanJoan born about 1929
ZimmermanJohn born about 1931
ZimmermanLovada born about 1898
ZimmermanPetrasa born about 1873
ZimmermanPhilip born about 1923
ZimmermanRobert born about 1927

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