1940 U.S. Federal Census of Monmouth Beach, Monmouth, New Jersey

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Jersey > Monmouth County > 1940 Census of Monmouth Beach

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AckerBlanche born about 1875
AckerEdward Oborn about 1894
AckerJohn Bborn about 1872
AckerMarion born about 1891
AndersonCharles Eborn about 1867
AndersonHulde born about 1871
AndersonJohn born about 1868
AndersonPaul Jborn about 1910
ArcherCharles Eborn about 1899
ArcherCharles Hborn about 1875
ArcherEdmund born about 1930
ArcherFlorence born about 1891
ArcherJohn Lborn about 1886
ArcherMarion born about 1918

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B Surnames

BeattieFrank born about 1888
BeattieMaud Bborn about 1890
BeckerJulia born about 1874
BeckerMartin born about 1884
BennettElla born about 1882
BennettHelen born about 1882
BenoistAlberts born about 1919
BenoistAlice born about 1887
BenoistAndre born about 1879
BerryBarbara born about 1935
BerryBenjamin Bborn about 1901
BerryEmma born about 1907
BerryJoan born about 1937
BerryMuriel born about 1930
BerryPatricia born about 1931
BestereaNicholas born about 1897
BettsClara born about 1912
BettsDolores born about 1938
BettsJesse born about 1875
BettsJessie born about 1911
BettsMary born about 1886
BettsVernon born about 1915
BolandAlice born about 1884
BolandHenry born about 1882
BolandJohn born about 1917
BolandMary born about 1915
BowdenBarbara born about 1940
BowdenHenry Cborn about 1918
BowdenLawrence born about 1930
BowdenLillie born about 1900
BowdenLula born about 1923
BowdenNorwood born about 1934
BowlerRobert Aborn about 1891
BowlerVance Pborn about 1898
BownerGenevie born about 1897
BownerWalter Sborn about 1895
BoyleGeorge Gborn about 1908
BoyleMildred Eborn about 1876
BoyleRuth Tborn about 1910
BradleyGregory born about 1873
BradleyMargaret born about 1873
BrandleyBruce Aborn about 1933
BrandleyCarol born about 1940
BrandleyLaura Aborn about 1909
BrandleyWilliam Fborn about 1902
BrazasAnna born about 1913
BrazasJohn Cborn about 1907
BrazasMargaret born about 1938
BremerBeverley born about 1922
BremerCharles born about 1897
BremerDorothy Aborn about 1897
BrenchleyAustin born about 1882
BrenchleyDorothy born about 1926
BrenchleyElizabeth born about 1883
BrowerLillian born about 1905
BroyceAdele born about 1931
BroyceAudrey born about 1928
BroyceMae born about 1903
BurchamBetty born about 1932
BurchamDula born about 1906
BurchamJessie Bborn about 1893
BurchamJessie Jr born about 1939
BurnsBarbara born about 1910
BurnsJohn born about 1865
BurnsJohn born about 1898
BurnsMary Aborn about 1870
BurnsMichael Jborn about 1862
BurnsRobert Jborn about 1913
BurrowsMary born about 1875

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C Surnames

CableHelen born about 1910
CableJoseph Wborn about 1912
CamptonFrank born about 1877
CannonEileen born about 1928
CannonJohn Jborn about 1893
CannonJohn Jr born about 1930
CannonKatherine born about 1935
CannonMary born about 1897
CarhartAlma born about 1901
CarhartGeorge Mborn about 1933
CarhartHarold Vborn about 1902
CarhartMary Aborn about 1863
CarhartMary Lborn about 1926
CarhartMary Tborn about 1902
CarhartWilliam born about 1900
CarhartWilliam Pborn about 1926
CarlsenAlfred born about 1890
CleasonMina born about 1895
CleasonPeter born about 1884
ColemanLouisa born about 1895
CongdonMargaret born about 1918
CongdonPatricia born about 1939
CongdonStephen Hborn about 1916
CongdonStephen Jr born about 1936
CookClarence Bborn about 1916
CookFred Hborn about 1880
CookJohn born about 1872
CooperPerrine Jborn about 1875
CooperSamuel born about 1875
CrimaldiChristine born about 1910
CrimaldiJohn born about 1930
CrimaldiNicholas born about 1937
CrimaldiPhilip born about 1897
CrimaldiPhilip Jr born about 1933
CuacileoAdeline born about 1915
CuacileoAngelina born about 1940
CuacileoFrank born about 1933
CuacileoJoseph born about 1891
CuacileoRose born about 1934

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D Surnames

DanielsLillian born about 1873
DavidsonCharles born about 1890
DavidsonEdward born about 1931
DavidsonElizabeth born about 1896
DavidsonFred born about 1922
DavidsonJames born about 1933
DavidsonMary born about 1925
DaviesJohn Wborn about 1894
DaviesLena born about 1890
DayEmily born about 1919
DayGary Pborn about 1933
DayJames Wborn about 1918
DayLucy born about 1911
DayNorman born about 1937
DillonGertrude born about 1890
DonellyElizabeth born about 1862
DonellyJohn born about 1887
DonellyMary born about 1880
DonellyThomas born about 1885
DorseyMargaret born about 1861
DunlapCharles born about 1895
DunlapEdward born about 1924
DunlapMary born about 1898
DunlapWilliam born about 1923

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E Surnames

EarleCatherine born about 1858
EbanJohn Tborn about 1868
EnnisAlfred Jborn about 1898
EnnisBeatrice born about 1902
EnnisMona born about 1935
EnnisSheila born about 1931
EricksonMiriam born about 1860

F Surnames

FaganMargaret born about 1886
FinchConstance born about 1902
FinchNelson born about 1900
FitcherMary born about 1864
FosterBarbara born about 1916
FosterCarmen Lborn about 1911

G Surnames

GaarderDorothy born about 1912
GaarderRonald Dborn about 1904
GantJames born about 1915
GantLouise born about 1892
GantOran Jborn about 1888
GaskellDorothy born about 1915
GaskellFrank Lborn about 1915
GaskellFrank Jr born about 1936
GillisMacadam born about 1911
GormlyDorothy born about 1909
GormlyJames Lborn about 1902
GormlyRichard born about 1930
GrahamElsie born about 1898
GrahamRobert born about 1894
GrahamVirginia born about 1922
GuilanoRobert born about 1890
GuilanoRose born about 1892

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H Surnames

HallAscher born about 1880
HalliganRobert born about 1926
HannekenMary Cborn about 1906
HannekenTerry born about 1939
HansenWilliam born about 1915
HarleyAnn Cborn about 1936
HarleyHarry Sborn about 1901
HarleyMarion born about 1912
HarrisEdward born about 1885
HarrisMary born about 1888
HedleyWilliam born about 1880
HeitzmanJennie born about 1882
HeitzmanWilliam born about 1880
HennesseyCatherine born about 1907
HennesseyJohn Cborn about 1902
HoffmanAlvin born about 1875
HoldenEdward born about 1865
HoldenEdward Jr born about 1933
HoldenMary born about 1865
HoldenMarylin born about 1939
HolgersonVictoria born about 1888
HornbastelCharles Jborn about 1875
HornbastelCharles Iii born about 1937
HornbastelCharles Jr born about 1907
HornbastelElizabeth born about 1898
HornbastelElizabeth Ii born about 1932
HornbastelLouise born about 1910
HornbastelMary born about 1877
HornerBenjamin born about 1863
HornerClara born about 1876
HornerClarence born about 1892
HornerClarence Nborn about 1898
HornerClarence Jr born about 1920
HornerDorothy born about 1914
HornerEdward born about 1937
HornerElisa born about 1886
HornerElizabeth born about 1923
HornerEvalyn born about 1933
HornerFrank born about 1881
HornerFred Lborn about 1900
HornerJohn born about 1855
HornerKatherine born about 1908
HornerLofton born about 1853
HornerMary born about 1898
HornerMinnie born about 1895
HornerNathaniel born about 1871
HornerRobert born about 1933
HornerWilliam born about 1930
HornerWilliam Hborn about 1915
HuylarGrace born about 1878
HuylarWilliam born about 1909

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I Surnames

IrelandGrace Fborn about 1887
IrelandHarvey Wborn about 1922
IrelandHugh born about 1926
IrelandJames Bborn about 1930
IrelandKatherine born about 1908
IrelandLavinia born about 1902
IrelandMary born about 1880
IrelandPriscilla born about 1922
IrelandWilliam Eborn about 1902

J Surnames

JaegerEthel born about 1880
JohnsonAbram Oborn about 1878
JohnsonAlbert born about 1885
JohnsonAlfred born about 1880
JohnsonAlfred born about 1913
JohnsonAlice born about 1888
JohnsonAnna born about 1887
JohnsonBetty born about 1928
JohnsonBridget born about 1875
JohnsonCharles born about 1885
JohnsonDorothy born about 1915
JohnsonEarsun Bborn about 1886
JohnsonElias born about 1877
JohnsonFrank Mborn about 1875
JohnsonGeorge born about 1908
JohnsonGeorge Aborn about 1928
JohnsonGreta born about 1930
JohnsonLillie born about 1888
JohnsonLillie born about 1910
JohnsonMaude Wborn about 1878
JohnsonRobert born about 1940
JohnsonRuth born about 1895
JohnsonSidney Bborn about 1915
JohnsonTillie born about 1882
JohnsonVivian Cborn about 1920
JohnsonWilliam born about 1932
JohnsonYanma born about 1890
JonasonVivian born about 1901
JonesElizabeth born about 1897
JonesHoward born about 1930
JonesJohn born about 1890
JonesJohn Jr born about 1929

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K Surnames

KingCharles Wborn about 1865
KinslerJohn born about 1890
KinslerJoseph born about 1930
KinslerKatherine born about 1896
KinslerMargaret born about 1923
KittellHelen born about 1891
KittellWilliam Hborn about 1922
KockEdward born about 1922
KockGerard born about 1924
KockMary born about 1886
KockWilliam born about 1890
KockWilliam Jr born about 1919
KrippendorfCharles Jborn about 1872
KrippendorfLillian born about 1879

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L Surnames

LambertsonAlfred born about 1934
LambertsonFlorence born about 1896
LambertsonFrances born about 1929
LambertsonRuth born about 1923
LambertsonSydney born about 1896
LambertsonSydney Jr born about 1921
LeporattiAlfred born about 1873
LeporattiNorma born about 1926
LeporattiRoberta born about 1898
LeutholdPaul Wborn about 1908
LewisCatherine born about 1936
LewisNell born about 1913
LinsoEthel born about 1899
LinsoWebster born about 1892
LitgowJames born about 1870
LockwoodAnna Sborn about 1916
LockwoodArthur Nborn about 1887
LockwoodArthur Jr born about 1925
LockwoodBetty born about 1934
LockwoodEileen born about 1939
LockwoodElizabeth born about 1938
LockwoodFrancis born about 1894
LockwoodHerbert born about 1907
LockwoodMargaret born about 1917
LockwoodMary born about 1882
LockwoodNelson born about 1883
LockwoodNelson Jr born about 1911
LockwoodRuby born about 1929
LudwigDorothy Cborn about 1907
LudwigJohn Tborn about 1906

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M Surnames

MadsemPeter born about 1897
MalayDorothy born about 1914
ManerAnn born about 1879
ManerJames Aborn about 1918
ManeyAnna Elizabethborn about 1913
ManeyGeorge Vborn about 1910
MarshHelen Jborn about 1904
MarshHerbert born about 1904
MarshHoward born about 1933
MarshWilliam Hborn about 1927
MartiAlbert born about 1901
MartinClarence born about 1936
MartinDoris born about 1912
MartinEthel born about 1905
MartinGeorge born about 1934
MartinMaria born about 1932
MartinRoy Fborn about 1907
MathewsonHarry born about 1873
MathewsonLetitia born about 1876
MausserCatherine born about 1867
McDanielCharles Nborn about 1907
McDanielCharles Jr born about 1932
McDanielDella born about 1905
McDanielEdith born about 1871
McDanielHenrietta born about 1884
McDanielMary born about 1909
McDanielNelson Rborn about 1877
McDanielRichard born about 1903
McDanielRosa born about 1925
McDuffeeEdward Aborn about 1871
McDuffeeElizabeth born about 1882
McWoodJohn born about 1880
McWoodNellie born about 1891
MetcalfWilliam Tborn about 1876
MeyersHannah born about 1870
MeyersWilliam Jborn about 1871
MicschoAnton Fborn about 1875
MicschoFlorence born about 1888
MicschoRobert born about 1911
MihmAimee born about 1892
MihmBertha born about 1898
MihmCarl born about 1897
MihmCharles Henryborn about 1920
MihmGeorge Vborn about 1920
MihmHenry Gborn about 1899
MihmMarion born about 1903
MihmRose born about 1868
MihmWalter Wborn about 1926
MilesElla born about 1890
MillerAnita born about 1919
MillerAudrey born about 1934
MillerCarlton born about 1923
MillerDorothy born about 1917
MillerHarriet born about 1892
MillerIra born about 1926
MillerJeanne born about 1929
MillerJohn born about 1923
MillerJohn Bborn about 1935
MillerJosephine born about 1891
MillerLucy born about 1904
MillerMarjorie born about 1919
MillerWalter born about 1888
MoneyAgnes born about 1916
MorrisAgnes born about 1889
MorrisAileen born about 1922
MorrisErma born about 1900
MorrisFrancis Bborn about 1893
MorrisJessie Kborn about 1872
MorrisJessie K Jrborn about 1896
MorrisNora born about 1919
MurrayMarshall born about 1902
MurrayMary Eborn about 1885

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N Surnames

NelsonBen born about 1880
NelsonIrene born about 1916
NelsonJohn born about 1923
NetzeLouis born about 1860
NetzeRosa Leeborn about 1877
NichollsJack Vborn about 1912
NichollsLottie born about 1884
NichollsRalph Tborn about 1918
NichollsThomaas Eborn about 1882

O Surnames

OsterkornFrederick born about 1934
OsterkornJoyce born about 1935
OsullivanaMona born about 1904
OustermanDorothy born about 1920
OustermanHazel born about 1894
OustermanWilliam born about 1885
OustermanWilliam Jr born about 1925

P Surnames

PauneHelen born about 1907
PercivalMabelle born about 1881
PetersonAllan Jborn about 1939
PetersonAnnie born about 1893
PetersonCharles born about 1878
PetersonDolores born about 1934
PetersonDorothy born about 1912
PetersonDorothy born about 1916
PetersonEdward born about 1914
PetersonEdwin Oborn about 1913
PetersonEsther born about 1916
PetersonHarold born about 1910
PetersonHarold Wborn about 1917
PetersonHilma born about 1886
PetersonJohn born about 1916
PetersonJune born about 1933
PetersonMary born about 1888
PetersonMary born about 1915
PetersonMay born about 1926
PetersonOscar born about 1884
PetersonPeter born about 1885
PetersonPeter born about 1887
PetersonPeter Jr born about 1912
PetersonRagnar born about 1913
PetersonRagner born about 1912
PetersonWilliam born about 1911
PhilipsAugusta born about 1877
PhilipsFrederick Wborn about 1867
PouzencPaul born about 1894
PouzencPaul Jr born about 1935
PouzencPaula Roseborn about 1933
PouzencRose born about 1906

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R Surnames

RankkoSanna born about 1892
ReidTennie born about 1857
RenalsAnna born about 1904
RenalsJohn born about 1893
RenalsJohn Jr born about 1928
RenalsPalminia born about 1926
RobbinsBessie Lborn about 1878
RobertsJoan born about 1939
RobertsMary born about 1916
RoeMary born about 1890
RoeWalter born about 1892
RoeWalter Eborn about 1915
RoeWilliam born about 1930
RogersBenjamin born about 1921
RosenDaniel born about 1905
RosenDon born about 1933
RosenDorothy born about 1908
RosenRobert born about 1932
RowanEdward Wborn about 1914
RowanElizabeth born about 1925
RowanMary Aborn about 1911
RowanMary Cborn about 1894
RussomanoLillian born about 1905
RussomanoLora born about 1928
RussomanoLouise born about 1937
RussomanoRicko born about 1888
RyanAudrey born about 1932
RyanClementine born about 1901
RyanJohn Pborn about 1901
RyanKathleen born about 1931
RyanMarian born about 1924
RyanPatricia born about 1926

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S Surnames

SalvarosiaAngelina born about 1883
SayreEdna Lborn about 1886
SayreHoward Cborn about 1884
SchulzCharles Eborn about 1937
SchulzCharles Gborn about 1912
SchulzJohn Aborn about 1939
SchulzMartha born about 1914
SchumacherDorothy born about 1920
SchumacherEdward born about 1894
SchumacherEdward born about 1916
SchumacherHarold born about 1938
SchumacherHelen born about 1926
SchumacherMabel born about 1898
SchumacherMarion born about 1920
SchumacherMarion born about 1933
SchumacherMarvin born about 1922
SeeleEdward Tborn about 1893
SeeleHelen Mborn about 1920
SeeleMary born about 1928
SeeleSarah born about 1895
SeipleBernard born about 1895
SeipleMildred born about 1898
SelleckLillian born about 1890
SheridanNora Tborn about 1880
SheridanPeter Hborn about 1876
SlaterClaire born about 1922
SlaterDorothy born about 1924
SmithCarolyn born about 1886
SmithEdward born about 1890
SmithEdward Rborn about 1897
SmithFlorence born about 1911
SmithFrancis Rborn about 1900
SmithGeo Nborn about 1905
SmithHarvey born about 1936
SmithKenneth born about 1925
SmithMadeline born about 1919
SmithMiles born about 1923
StangelandSamuel born about 1908
SteelCatherine born about 1874
StolpeWilhelm born about 1870
SunsenLouis born about 1906
SvenholmHerman born about 1892
SwansonEmil born about 1890
SweeneyEdward born about 1895
SweeneyMarguerite born about 1912
SwensenTony born about 1880
SyvaneyEdward born about 1939
SyvaneyGilbert born about 1907
SyvaneyMaria born about 1910

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T Surnames

ThomasAntoinette born about 1904
ThomasAudrey born about 1927
ThomasBarbara born about 1930
ThomasBetty Janeborn about 1926
ThomasCarol born about 1936
ThomasJacqueline born about 1931
ThomasMirian born about 1934
ThomasNathalie born about 1935
ThomasWilliam Gborn about 1905
ThomasWilliam Gborn about 1932
ToberFrank born about 1911
ToberLillian born about 1913
ToberLorraine born about 1936
TocciMary born about 1880

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V Surnames

VanbruntEmmett born about 1893
VanbruntFlora born about 1894
VanbruntFrancis born about 1931
VanbruntFrank Eborn about 1863
VanbruntMabel born about 1880
VanbruntRobert Eborn about 1913
VanbruntZeph born about 1872
VreelandGertrude born about 1900
VreelandHarold Wborn about 1896

W Surnames

WalshFrank born about 1904
WalshMabel born about 1907
WardellAimee born about 1897
WardellHarold born about 1915
WardellMarion born about 1918
WeberAnna born about 1869
WeberFrank born about 1875
WeitzClifford Bborn about 1888
WeitzFlorence Aborn about 1891
WestAlice born about 1890
WestCarlton born about 1927
WestEarnest Lborn about 1890
WestEdward born about 1923
WestEligsa Bordenborn about 1875
WestEva Jborn about 1881
WestHarry Cborn about 1889
WestHugh Hborn about 1878
WestJuliet born about 1876
WestJune born about 1921
WestLaunia born about 1856
WestMary born about 1862
WestRichard born about 1880
WestSarah born about 1881
WestShirley born about 1937
WestSusie born about 1898
WestWinfield born about 1918
WheatMary born about 1898
WheatRobert born about 1893
WheelerAnna Cborn about 1887
WheelerJohn Aborn about 1883
WhiteHenry Sborn about 1913
WhiteJennie born about 1870
WhiteJohn Hborn about 1870
WilderspinAudrey Eborn about 1920
WilderspinJean Mborn about 1917
WilderspinSarah born about 1887
WilderspinTom born about 1889
WilsonFred born about 1933
WilsonHarry born about 1902
WilsonJames born about 1932
WilsonMartha born about 1905
WoodLawrence Rborn about 1908
WoodMarie Fborn about 1919
WoodNellie born about 1886
WoodRichard Lborn about 1869
WoodRobert Fborn about 1914
WoolleyAnnastasia born about 1891
WoolleyBeulah born about 1871
WoolleyCecilia born about 1893
WoolleyEdwin Jborn about 1918
WoolleyHarry Cborn about 1925
WoolleyHarry Jborn about 1902
WoolleyJeannette born about 1919
WoolleyLeona born about 1928
WoolleyMorgan born about 1889
WoolleyNicholas Fborn about 1887
WoolleyNicholas F Jrborn about 1917
WoolleyPatricia born about 1914
WoolleyRose born about 1905

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Y Surnames

YaleEarnest born about 1913
YaleElizabeth born about 1914
YaleEthel born about 1891
YaleRynear Hborn about 1907
YoomansMario born about 1902
YoomansVincent born about 1900

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