1940 U.S. Federal Census of Montgomery, Somerset, New Jersey

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Jersey > Somerset County > 1940 Census of Montgomery

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbenschoenMabel born about 1892
AbramsMinnie Rborn about 1892
AbramsSamuel born about 1876
AbriolaVincent born about 1924
AbruzzeseNancy born about 1922
AcquadroTeresa born about 1910
AdamsElizabeth born about 1921
AdamsErnest born about 1915
AdamsGeorge born about 1914
AdamsGeorge born about 1923
AdamsMarybelle born about 1894
AdamsMarybelle born about 1923
AdamsR Kborn about 1886
AdamsR K Jborn about 1920
AdamsVirginia born about 1922
AdlerLeon born about 1860
AgillioCarmena born about 1893
AhlersEmmy born about 1890
AhlstromAlma born about 1877
AhlstromSolomon born about 1869
AlbertAlice Bborn about 1902
AlbertRobert Jborn about 1902
AldrichLillian born about 1901
AlexanderAdele born about 1933
AlexanderWilliam born about 1913
AlfanoCatherine born about 1912
AlfonsinJohn born about 1876
AllardMaximillian born about 1918
AllenCarl born about 1926
AllenCharles born about 1897
AllenClara born about 1911
AllenDonald born about 1935
AllenEdwin born about 1909
AllenFranklin born about 1933
AllenGenevieve born about 1929
AllenGeorge born about 1882
AllenGloria born about 1931
AllenJames born about 1904
AllenLavina born about 1931
AllenMargery born about 1929
AllenMary born about 1923
AllenPhoebe born about 1890
AllenRobert born about 1921
AllenRobert born about 1925
AllisonArthur born about 1917
AllshouseWm born about 1885
AlonzoJoseph born about 1914
AlphonsaMary born about 1884
AlspaughAnna born about 1884
AltonArthur born about 1918
AmermanIrving born about 1902
AmthorEdgar born about 1909
AndersonBetty born about 1926
AndersonDorothy born about 1927
AndersonElizabeth born about 1905
AndersonEmma born about 1877
AndersonHarry Tborn about 1891
AndersonHelen born about 1930
AndersonJohn born about 1894
AndersonRuth born about 1911
AndersonWalter born about 1898
AndersonWilliam born about 1917
AndroskyGeorge born about 1913
AnmeratoJames born about 1897
ApgarEmma born about 1878
ApplegateGertrude born about 1927
ApplegateJoseph born about 1893
ApplegateMabel born about 1893
AraccoAngelo born about 1889
AraccoGene born about 1921
AraccoGeorge born about 1922
AraccoSophia born about 1893
ArcolukMary born about 1890
ArcuriAnthony born about 1921
ArmstrongElinor born about 1930
ArringtonGrace born about 1901
AshAlmira Tborn about 1880
AspdenIrving born about 1915
AtbogastJulia born about 1916
AtcofArthur born about 1938
AtcofEdward born about 1934
AtcofFlorence born about 1902
AtcofHelen born about 1937
AtcofNahabet born about 1895
AtkinsWillie Maeborn about 1906
AuslandsMeyer born about 1856
AustEdward Jborn about 1918
AutenreithHoward born about 1921
AveryMarie born about 1915
AyersCharlie Andrewborn about 1902
AyresPeter born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabulaSophie born about 1919
BaconWilbert born about 1908
BaderHerta born about 1899
BaderPaul born about 1893
BaderPaul Jborn about 1936
BaggaCaroll born about 1921
BahrenburgChas C Jrborn about 1906
BahrenburgDoris Aborn about 1932
BahrenburgEdna born about 1910
BahrenburgFred Rborn about 1930
BahrenburgMargaret Eborn about 1935
BailinsonRose born about 1920
BaillIsrael born about 1919
BainFlorence born about 1902
BairdCharles born about 1873
BairdSarah born about 1884
BaisteyLeighton born about 1904
BajanowskiAnna born about 1900
BajanowskiJoseph born about 1887
BakaStephen born about 1924
BakerIda Rayborn about 1895
BakerWilliam born about 1921
BakleyAnna born about 1886
BaldwinMuriel born about 1916
BallGeorge born about 1888
BallWalter born about 1878
BalmerAnna born about 1903
BalmerGordon born about 1921
BalmerLe Compte born about 1937
BalmerWilliam born about 1932
BalmerWilliam Bborn about 1894
BankerLaura born about 1907
BankerLois born about 1930
BaptistEdna born about 1909
BaranowskaLottie born about 1921
BarbourHelene born about 1932
BarcalowHattie born about 1874
BargenBertha born about 1876
BargenHarry born about 1875
BarkowskyJoe born about 1905
BarnardFrank R Srborn about 1929
BarnesRuth born about 1897
BarnettRobert born about 1905
BarnwellMargaret born about 1879
BaronLanny born about 1861
BaroneAlexander born about 1888
BarrettJames born about 1887
BartonGertrude born about 1905
BartonJoseph born about 1906
BartonMicheal born about 1914
BashawWilliam Jr born about 1925
BasillBarbara born about 1937
BasillJohn born about 1890
BasillJohn born about 1935
BasillLouise born about 1913
BasistaLaura born about 1924
BassoneSalvators born about 1923
BastasMarjorie born about 1917
BatesAlfred Jborn about 1883
BatesAmna born about 1906
BatesKathryn Cborn about 1895
BatesMargery born about
BatesReginald born about 1896
BattanGeorge born about 1894
BauerPaul born about 1892
BaukalisVasilios born about 1895
BaumPeter Jr born about 1917
BaumeisterEvelyn born about 1905
BayerJoseph born about 1920
BeamsMarion born about 1910
BearintAnnetta Fborn about 1883
BearintSamuel Bborn about 1872
BeaumanBertram born about 1901
BechErances born about 1901
BechtoldEdward born about 1898
BechtoldEleanor born about 1925
BechtoldEmilia born about 1908
BechtoldRuth born about 1922
BeckMarguerite born about 1911
BeckTheresa born about 1929
BeckerThelme born about 1924
BeckettJohn born about 1910
BeckleyErnest born about 1913
BecktoldEdward born about 1898
BecktoldEleanor born about 1925
BecktoldEmilia born about 1908
BecktoldRuth born about 1922
BegenyCatherine born about 1913
BehrAnne born about 1897
BehrPearl born about 1926
BehrerdWalter born about 1899
BeihlAnna born about 1919
BeihlEthel born about 1919
BeihlFrank born about 1888
BeihlRose Eborn about 1900
BellisAnn Aborn about 1849
BelzOtto born about 1910
BenderAbram born about 1898
BenderIsaac born about 1930
BenderJerome born about 1936
BenderSadie born about 1905
BenezianoAnthony born about 1914
BenjaminConstance born about 1937
BenjaminJesamine born about 1913
BenjaminJohn born about 1908
BenjaminOscar born about 1914
BenjaminRose born about 1895
BennettHarriet born about 1885
BennettReginal born about 1886
BennettTheodore born about 1924
BensonDorothy Scottyborn about 1911
BensonLarry Eborn about 1908
BentleyMary born about 1901
BentzWilliam born about 1883
BergMary born about 1907
BergenWesley born about 1901
BergerAdeline born about 1880
BergerBryan born about 1919
BergerEdward born about 1913
BergerEmma born about 1923
BergerKatherine born about 1922
BergerMartha born about 1923
BerkoKlara born about 1866
BernardBettie born about 1936
BernardElla born about 1906
BernardErgiel born about 1934
BernardFrances born about 1937
BernardJakie born about 1907
BernardJakie born about 1908
BernardJoseph born about 1904
BerntsenBernard born about 1921
BerryCharles born about 1912
BeuscherRena born about 1896
BigleyHoney born about 1859
BilgerJoseph born about 1918
BirchWilliam born about 1900
BischoffGeorge born about 1890
BisherLucinda Bborn about 1901
BishopElsie born about 1908
BiverCarrie born about 1894
BivocSophie born about 1900
BizzaroAldo born about 1919
BlackMeredith born about 1917
BlackWilliam born about 1922
BlackwellJohn Hborn about 1888
BlackwoodElwood born about 1879
BlackwoodMary born about 1883
BlakleyBessie Leeborn about 1906
BlancoMary born about 1924
BlizzardMuriel born about 1898
BlochDavid born about 1908
BlockCecelia born about 1906
BlockIda born about 1910
BlockMortimer born about 1876
BlumeChristine born about 1895
BlumetteFlora born about 1920
BluseClement born about 1923
BoachMatilda born about 1861
BodineMargaret born about 1896
BoehringerHerbert born about 1881
BogarthBedella born about 1877
BogeeElwood Mborn about 1909
BoiseFrederic W Jrborn about 1909
BoiseMarian Sborn about 1913
BoleyClay born about 1907
BoleyMarvin Dborn about 1909
BoleyMildred Eborn about 1920
BoleyStella born about 1919
BolginuiRenzo born about 1917
BollerMildred born about 1908
BollingerWalter born about 1901
BolmerDorothy born about 1923
BolmerEdith born about 1892
BolmerEdith Sborn about 1919
BolmerJane Marieborn about 1928
BolmerLulu born about 1920
BolmerThayer born about 1886
BolyardLester born about 1910
BonosoroEdward born about 1919
BootrossEmil born about 1919
BorakAlexander born about 1887
BorkowskiCecelia born about 1917
BossingerMargaret born about 1888
BossingerWilliam born about 1888
BowersAda born about 1881
BowersWallace born about 1930
BrackenMary Ellenborn about 1881
BradburnHedwig Tborn about 1920
BradburnJoseph Hborn about 1909
BraddickEarl Jborn about 1937
BraddickJessie born about 1908
BraddickRose Marieborn about 1914
BraddickWayne Jborn about 1939
BradleyMary born about 1878
BradyCatherine born about 1907
BradyMary born about 1887
BrandtEmil born about 1906
BrannaganCatherine born about 1933
BransonVida born about 1878
BrayLucy born about 1897
BredeHelen born about 1905
BredeJenny born about 1878
BreedingLouise born about 1870
BreitenbachArthur born about 1913
BreitensteinJoel born about 1902
BrennerEllis born about 1889
BriestHarry born about 1907
BriggsRichard born about 1932
BriscoeMichael born about 1886
BroadwaterCharles born about 1904
BroadwayHerbert born about 1929
BroadwayHouston born about 1937
BroadwayJames born about 1931
BroadwayJohacie Leeborn about 1925
BroadwayJohn born about 1891
BroadwayJohn born about 1936
BroadwayJossie born about 1905
BroadwayLee born about 1932
BroadwayLina Mayborn about 1934
BroadwayRomus born about 1939
BrokawBertha born about 1893
BrokawCora born about 1870
BrokawIra born about 1893
BromelyJames born about 1902
BrookeElaine born about 1926
BrookeJane Sborn about 1889
BrooksAlma born about 1900
BrooksIra born about 1917
BrooksSamuel born about 1892
BrooksWilliam born about 1921
BrophyCatharine born about 1892
BrophyJames Aborn about 1884
BrophyMargaret born about 1925
BrophyMary Aborn about 1891
BrophyThomas born about 1917
BrosiusElsie born about 1925
BroughJulia born about 1893
BrowerEdmond born about 1896
BrownAbraham born about 1905
BrownAdelaide born about 1906
BrownAnna born about 1896
BrownDorothy born about 1920
BrownEllen Maeborn about 1939
BrownEtta Maeborn about 1915
BrownEugene born about 1904
BrownFrank born about 1911
BrownGrace born about 1873
BrownHoward born about 1924
BrownIrving Sborn about 1885
BrownLena born about 1899
BrownMary Ethelborn about 1904
BrownMyrtle born about 1905
BrownWalton born about 1915
BrownWilliam Hborn about 1878
BrownWilretta born about 1896
BrozozowskaFrank born about 1926
BruggerFrank born about 1891
BrumbachHarry born about 1908
BrunoFrancesco born about 1872
BrunoGadine born about 1888
BuccieAnthony born about 1915
BuccieEdward born about 1931
BuccieEllen born about 1924
BuccieMaria born about 1893
BuccieMario born about 1929
BuccieRachael born about 1913
BuccieRocco born about 1889
BuccieSarah born about 1922
BuccieWilliam born about 1920
BuchanonHephzidell born about 1880
BucheirAnna Mayborn about 1911
BuckbeeSadie born about 1871
BuckleSallie born about 1894
BuckleyRobert born about 1923
BuckowskiChester born about 1919
BuhagerAnthony born about 1928
BulloPatrick born about 1923
BullockElizabeth Annaborn about 1888
BuntonHarry born about 1918
BurchakStanley born about 1917
BurdEdwin Jborn about 1923
BurdgeDorothy born about 1923
BurdgePearl born about 1898
BurdickBeth born about 1923
BurgerWilliam born about 1918
BurkeJoseph born about 1922
BurkeMary born about 1893
BurnamMarilyn born about 1923
BurnsHelen born about 1869
BurnsWallace born about 1917
BurrClifford born about 1894
BurrEdwin Cborn about 1901
BurrowsHenriette born about 1881
BusciottPeter born about 1921
BushBlossom born about 1916
BushOscar born about 1906
BushThomas Jr born about 1902
ButchMay born about 1888
ButlerArthur Jborn about 1906
ButlerLily born about 1910
ButlerMary born about 1873
BuzaJohn born about 1875
ByrdSaunders born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadwellRuth born about 1919
CainAldona born about 1908
CainEdgar born about 1908
CainEdgar Wborn about 1877
CainHarold Lborn about 1910
CainHelen born about 1909
CainNanncy born about 1939
CainPatricia born about 1935
CairrocckiMary born about 1926
CaivanoBarbara born about 1933
CaivanoBarbara born about 1939
CaivanoJoseph born about 1918
CaivanoMinnie born about 1891
CaivanoRobert born about 1924
CaivanoViola born about 1922
CalabroSalvatore born about 1919
CalhounPauline born about 1921
CalhounWiley born about 1911
CallowayFlorence born about 1891
CammarataFrank born about 1890
CampGeorge Jr born about 1931
CampbellDouglas born about 1940
CampbellDuncan born about 1897
CampbellDuncan Jr born about 1935
CampbellElizabeth born about 1908
CampbellFrances Sborn about 1856
CandeloriVincent born about 1918
CaneGeorge born about 1918
CantrilHadley born about 1907
CantrilMavis born about 1909
CapozzoTony born about 1914
CappaccioGerard born about 1929
CarafoAndrew born about 1913
CarafoEunice born about 1921
CarafoEva born about 1891
CarafoJoseph born about 1918
CarafoJosephine born about 1915
CardoSusan born about 1916
CarlinElizabeth born about 1905
CarterJohn Pborn about 1919
CartyGwendolyn born about 1932
CarusoJoseph born about 1909
CarvallEdward born about 1922
CaseChester born about 1861
CaseyCatherine born about 1899
CashelDaniel born about 1870
CasinoBeatrice born about 1920
CasinoEdward born about 1915
CasneyNorma born about 1923
CassadyJames J Jrborn about 1912
CassellMary born about 1914
CasseraMiriam Pborn about 1914
CassidyGordon Cborn about 1922
CastellanoJohn born about 1928
CaswellHattie born about 1883
CatalanoEmanuel born about 1923
CavanaughAustin born about 1907
CebulaFrank born about 1923
CedolePeter born about 1910
CellamaraPatrick born about 1888
CerboneRalph born about 1900
CereghinoRuth born about 1924
CeroneRose born about 1908
CerrutiAdeline born about 1907
ChalfanteWalter born about 1891
ChambersJohn born about 1866
ChandlerEveritt born about 1919
ChandlerGloria born about 1899
ChapinJulia born about 1899
CharltonRobert born about 1890
ChenshawGeraldine born about 1918
ChenshawMarlene Lynneborn about 1939
ChenshawRussell born about 1915
CheripLewis born about 1913
ChesterFrancis born about 1899
ChesterHenry born about 1916
ChewSheldon Cborn about 1913
ChiarolanzioNunzio born about 1907
ChiddoAntounette born about 1928
ChimHerry Clayborn about 1875
ChinelloGuiseppi born about 1902
ChintalaMike born about 1904
ChirkoMichael born about 1927
ChrenElizabeth born about 1912
ChristCharles born about 1897
ChristiansonDitrof born about 1890
ChwastykAdele born about 1929
ChwastykAdolph born about 1926
ChwastykLeon born about 1888
ChwastykRoland born about 1920
ChwastykSofia born about 1890
ChwastykSteven born about 1922
ChwastykTheodore born about 1919
CiccarelliMary born about 1914
CirelliDaniel born about 1927
ClarkJohn born about 1905
ClarkMichael born about 1912
ClarkWillard R Jrborn about 1930
ClarkWilliam born about 1907
ClarksonJulian born about 1882
CleavengerEugene born about 1886
ClementKestelle born about 1874
ClementeFilomina born about 1926
ClenHelen Vborn about 1908
CliverViolet born about 1922
CliverWilliam born about 1905
CoatesHarold born about 1931
CoburnDorothy born about 1910
CoganGeorge born about 1896
CohenBella born about 1905
ColasantiDolores born about 1933
ColeJoseph born about 1906
ColeKenneth born about 1917
ColeLaura born about 1881
ColeNancy Janeborn about 1927
ColemanHelen Louiseborn about 1915
ColemanMargurite born about 1883
CollierDonald born about 1924
CollinsFrank born about 1885
ColuccioJoseph born about 1895
ComanderEdna born about 1908
ComerfordBlanche born about 1920
CondellDorothy born about 1930
CondonThos Eborn about 1898
ConeElmer Lborn about 1888
ConklinJames born about 1927
ConklinRussell born about 1914
ConlonJames born about 1889
ConnellEdna born about 1913
ConnellyCyrilla born about 1905
ConnelyCora born about 1928
ConnertClarence born about 1874
ConnettWilliam born about 1877
ConnollyAlan Lborn about 1888
ConnollyMarian born about 1917
ConoverC V L Jrborn about 1887
ConoverCharlotte Vborn about 1893
ConoverFlorence born about 1923
ConoverHoward born about 1886
ConoverKenneth born about 1925
ConoverNellie born about 1896
ConoverPhilip born about 1919
ConoverRachel born about 1882
ConradsonHarry Eborn about 1895
ConstursoDelia born about 1918
ContendiJoseph born about 1877
ContendiMarey born about 1883
CookClara born about 1903
CoombsFloyd born about 1903
CoonsHarry born about 1878
CoonsIrma born about 1875
CooperElsie born about 1905
CooperHarry Bborn about 1885
CooperMable born about 1899
CoorssenDeitrich born about 1904
CoorssenPauline born about
CoppoloMario born about 1923
CopsavidgeHuston born about 1870
CorneliusLouise born about 1891
CornellJoseph born about 1916
CortelyouAnnie born about 1863
CortelyouRobert Sborn about 1861
CosciaLena born about 1913
CosgroveHazel born about 1914
CottinghamRonald born about 1919
CottrellDoris born about 1912
CowardCharles Dborn about 1903
CoxLulu Brokanborn about 1896
CoxMargaret born about 1917
CoyleMary born about 1915
CoylesEdward born about 1926
CoylesGeorge born about 1890
CoylesLeo born about 1900
CoyneFrancis born about 1902
CraftAlfred born about 1932
CraftAnna born about 1866
CraftEverett born about 1926
CraftHerman born about 1899
CraftJohn born about 1889
CraftLoretta born about 1896
CraftingArthur born about 1909
CramerAnna born about 1909
CraneyAgnes born about 1895
CravenJoan born about 1934
CrawfordBernice born about 1937
CrawfordEmma Cborn about 1910
CrawfordFrank born about 1893
CrawfordFred born about 1900
CrawfordH Warrenborn about 1935
CrawfordJames Cborn about 1899
CrawfordJames Jr born about 1925
CrawfordKatherine born about 1908
CrawfordM Louiseborn about 1900
CrawfordMargaret Jborn about 1875
CrawfordMaria Iborn about 1897
CrawfordRobert Gborn about 1926
CrawfordRoger born about 1933
CrawfordViolet born about 1903
CrawfordVirginia born about 1930
CrawleyRuth born about 1919
CrayJefferson Jr born about 1872
CrayJerry ?born about 1884
CrisenteSusan born about 1922
CroninGeorge born about 1890
CrooganWilliam born about 1875
CroughterSamuel born about 1901
CrozierHattie Gleesonborn about 1881
CruseBenjamin born about 1877
CruserAbram Rborn about
CruserCarrie Bborn about 1881
CruserCharles born about 1906
CubberleyManning Rborn about 1904
CudworthDorothy born about 1919
CuffWesley born about 1900
CulverMollie born about 1881
CummingsJames born about 1886
CummingsMargaret born about 1916
CunninghamWilliam born about 1925
CurtisLouisa Mborn about 1870
CurtisMabel born about 1886
CurtisMaria born about 1895
CurtisRaymond born about 1895
CurvingtonRichard Jr born about 1929
CuzziCamillo born about 1909
CzarneckiIrene born about 1922
CzarneckiJosephine born about 1919
CzarneckiSteve born about 1915
CzarneckiWaltina born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahmsCarrie born about 1894
DaleyAnnette born about 1895
DamcidoMarie Cborn about 1926
DamicoJames born about 1931
DangeloAngela born about 1894
DangeloBambina born about 1929
DangeloLouis born about 1897
DangeloPatsy born about 1921
DanielsFredericke born about 1872
DanielsMilford born about 1917
DanitoloEdward born about 1925
DankeWilliam born about 1894
DanzerLouise born about 1898
DarcyDuncan born about 1886
DardisThomas born about 1903
DarressKatherine born about 1921
DaumHelen born about 1893
DavisAlbert born about 1891
DavisAlbert Jr born about 1919
DavisAlfred born about 1917
DavisAlfred born about 1918
DavisArthur born about 1926
DavisDoris born about 1931
DavisFrancis born about 1891
DavisMuriel born about 1928
DavisRonald born about 1939
DavisRuth born about 1919
DavisWalter born about 1876
DavisonDorothy born about 1922
DavisonNanette born about 1910
DayEddie born about 1903
DayFrances born about 1917
DayMahlon Eborn about 1905
DayRobert born about 1924
DayRosie born about 1907
DaykoWilliam born about 1914
DeanHorace born about 1889
DeanLouise born about 1901
DebrootHenry born about 1907
DechertEdith born about 1895
DeckerFrederick Aborn about 1893
DeconMark Hborn about 1894
DeeryEula Leeborn about 1909
DeeryVernon Lewisborn about 1911
DefeoGuatano born about
DefonsecaMarie born about 1901
DefresiaAntonio born about 1874
DegnanNellie born about 1896
DegraffHenry born about 1888
DegraffWalter born about 1925
DeherrAlbert born about 1919
DehockCarrie born about 1891
DehockEleanor born about 1919
DehockJohn born about 1921
DehockRalph born about 1926
DehockSidney born about 1888
DelahookeChester Bborn about 1902
DelahookeJanice born about 1930
DelahookeLarry born about 1935
DelahookeMyrna born about 1904
DelgessoCarmine born about 1927
DelucaAnthony born about 1903
DelucaClaudia born about 1939
DelucaMary born about 1909
DeluceKatherine born about 1893
DelzietVincent born about 1909
DemanyGoldie born about 1916
DemeoPatsey born about 1927
DemorestFlorence born about 1888
DemottCharlotte born about 1926
DempsterDorothy Clareborn about 1904
DemyonMichael born about 1889
DenightClara born about 1896
DepalmaMary born about 1925
DeparErnest born about 1880
DepascalJoseph born about 1879
DepompoJosephine born about 1906
DeputyAudrey born about 1921
DestefanoRosario born about 1919
DevlinTheresa born about 1913
DewDorothy born about 1910
DewarJohn born about 1920
DewolfBarney born about 1878
DiamondRobert born about 1919
DiamondWilliam born about 1902
DiangelantonioJoan born about 1930
DicaprioBenjamin born about 1909
DicaprioMargaret born about 1902
DicaprioNannette born about 1939
DicarroOrlando born about 1918
DichairaCarmela born about 1902
DiciuricoEmil born about 1916
DickensonPaul Mborn about 1921
DickertEdward born about 1888
DicolaLena born about 1887
DicolaTom born about 1875
DicredicoGloria born about 1929
DiemPhoebe born about 1914
DieserPhilip born about 1880
DietchSamuel born about 1898
DietrichDora born about 1898
DievViola born about 1917
DigiacomaMary born about 1905
DillinghamEvelyn born about 1921
DiltoCatherine born about 1924
DinardisHelen born about 1924
DipatruzioNicholas born about 1925
DisbrousJohn born about 1914
DishonAnne born about 1900
DitrolioEstevino born about 1904
DixonCaroline born about 1916
DixonDonald Cborn about 1917
DixonHattie born about 1880
DixonJohn born about 1911
DixonJohn Jr born about 1934
DixonJoseph born about 1883
DixonMabel M Oborn about 1881
DixonMary Eborn about 1919
DixonPeggy born about 1938
DixonTheodore born about 1875
DobbinsPeter born about 1915
DobkoskiAleck born about 1887
DonahueCharles Wborn about 1905
DonahueFrances born about 1907
DonehowerLola Eborn about 1890
DonnellonAlice born about 1921
DonovanJohn Pborn about 1907
DopkeAnna born about 1876
DoraPerry born about
DoreyMabel Lborn about 1890
DoreyStanley born about 1890
DoreyStanley Wborn about 1915
DorioRobert born about 1918
DornD Pborn about 1906
DornMamie born about 1910
DotyMaratha born about 1895
DoughertyChristopher born about 1886
DoughertyJames born about 1894
DowLouise born about 1893
DowdellGeorge born about 1915
DowlingLeila born about 1896
DoyleAlexander born about 1899
DoyleAnn born about 1908
DoyleDoris born about 1927
DoyleEthel born about 1890
DoyleGeorge born about 1881
DoyleHelen born about 1924
DoyleJames Jr born about 1880
DoyleMiriam born about 1925
DrakeAnn born about 1903
DrakeAudrey born about 1934
DrakeBarbara Janeborn about 1932
DrakeDavid born about 1939
DrakeDonald Rborn about 1932
DrakeEdith born about 1906
DrakeElmer born about 1904
DrakeEthel born about 1927
DrakeHandy born about 1894
DrakeHelen Aborn about 1897
DrakeHenry born about 1937
DrakeJohn Wborn about 1925
DrakeLester born about 1902
DrakeMargaretta born about 1907
DrakeRuth born about 1932
DrakeTheodore born about 1930
DrakeWilbur Gborn about 1899
DriftDonald born about 1937
DriftFrank born about 1870
DriftFrank born about 1903
DriftFred born about 1935
DriftHenry born about 1914
DriftJohn born about 1931
DriftJohn Eborn about 1907
DriftKatharine born about 1911
DriftKatharyn born about 1907
DriftRamnd born about 1939
DriftVictoria born about 1871
DrogonZizmond born about 1923
DrollasRose born about 1933
DrudikenMaude born about 1891
DrummondFlorence born about 1870
DryJoseph born about 1888
DudeneWilliam born about 1925
DuellElizabeth born about 1884
DuellGeorge Wborn about 1880
DuganCatherine born about 1910
DuganKatherine born about 1887
DunlapHall Sborn about 1909
DunlapHelen Aborn about 1939
DunlapJames Hborn about 1872
DunlapMyrtle Jborn about 1909
DunnJohn Pborn about 1924
DupreeAlice born about 1891
DupreeGeorge born about 1884
DurkinRose born about 1882
DurlingEdward born about 1910
DurlingEileen born about 1913
DurlingElinor born about 1939
DuryeeAnna born about 1876
DuryeeHenry born about 1871
DwojakowskiAnna born about 1909
DyeRalph born about 1926
DyerJohn Jr born about 1929
DzioWalter born about 1926

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E Surnames

EarlFrances born about 1900
EberhardtWilliam born about 1892
EcerlyMary born about 1895
EckmanMilton Jr born about 1920
EderCaroline born about 1868
EdlingAnma born about 1910
EdlingHerman born about 1880
EdlingMarie born about 1880
EdlingOtto born about 1910
EdlingWarren born about 1931
EdwardsLeonard born about 1877
EeelmanCornele born about 1929
EeelmanLois born about 1927
EeelmanMargaret born about 1897
EeelmanMargaret born about 1925
EeelmanWilliam born about 1893
EeelmanWilliam Jr born about 1923
EgerSarah born about 1919
EglanskiFrank born about 1917
EglanskiHelen born about 1924
EglanskiMargian born about 1889
EglanskiSella born about 1890
EglanskiVincent born about 1921
EhlkosGertrude born about 1901
EhlkosJames born about 1895
EhlkosMartha born about 1931
EickhoffJoseph born about 1892
ElfvinCarl born about 1868
ElfvinLydia born about 1879
ElfvinRussel born about 1908
EliaJoseph born about 1911
EllisAlbert born about 1912
EllisG Williamborn about 1894
EllisGrace born about 1916
EllisHubert born about 1931
EllisLaura born about 1897
ElmyMartha born about 1887
ElwoodGrover born about 1886
ElyAlice Vborn about 1872
ElyCharles born about 1924
ElyJohn born about 1933
ElyMinnie born about 1905
ElyRuth born about 1927
ElyWalter born about 1905
EmannClaire born about 1907
EmannHarry born about 1900
EmannMarian born about 1933
EmannRoss born about 1936
EmannRuth born about 1930
EmannWalter born about 1922
EmannWilliam born about 1922
EmkenCharles born about 1906
EmmonsHorace born about 1892
EmmonsRichard born about 1873
EmmonsWililam born about 1923
EngelKatherine born about 1885
EnglandDorothy born about 1915
EnglandHarry born about 1861
EnglandRhoda born about 1881
EnglandRichard born about 1910
EnglandSeth born about 1913
EntHattie born about 1883
EpiscopoVito born about 1931
ErdosRose Maryborn about 1914
EricksonMildred Cborn about 1920
ErkertFrederick born about 1913
EspositoCarmela born about 1906
EstelleA? born about 1915
EugeneAllen born about 1919
EvansHerbert H Jrborn about 1924
EvansJohn born about 1916
EvansJohn born about 1920
EvansJune Tborn about 1924
EvansMarion born about 1890
EverettPeter born about 1865
EverhamWilliam born about 1888
EwerReitta born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaberFlorence born about 1895
FabicFrank Jborn about 1922
FaganFlorence born about 1895
FaganJames J Jrborn about 1908
FalcoMary born about 1905
FalconerColumbo born about 1914
FalkenbergKingsley born about 1907
FallonFrancis born about 1905
FallonMary born about 1917
FarberJoseph born about 1904
FarinaSarah born about 1900
FarinellaMary born about 1900
FarleigFred born about 1926
FarleyGeorge born about 1908
FarleyGeorge born about 1931
FarleyJames born about 1919
FarleyMargaret born about 1908
FarleyPeggy born about 1929
FarrDaisy born about 1882
FarrarMarguerite born about 1902
FasaliusleyEllenor born about 1881
FasaliusleyStephen born about 1881
FauvozziAlice born about 1919
Featherston??? born about 1900
FeatherstonLillian born about 1903
FedoraEdward born about 1918
FedowitzLouis born about 1883
FedunPeter born about 1891
FedunRose born about 1904
FeiselCasimer born about 1925
FeldmanCharles born about 1904
FeldmannOttilie born about 1884
FenimoreEmma born about 1896
FenimoreJohn Cooperborn about 1915
FenkelBenjamin born about 1908
FenykJohn born about 1921
FenykMichael born about 1894
FenykSophie born about 1900
FenykSophie born about 1918
FenykWalter born about 1931
FerentinoAngelino born about 1900
FerggAnthony born about 1924
FerranteDaniel born about 1920
FerrisStella born about 1895
FerroneGennario born about 1917
FerroneTony Jr born about 1929
FetridgeMary born about 1899
FichanaAnna born about 1909
FickenFrances born about 1918
FickenJohn born about 1914
FilippoliNazarina born about 1915
FinchZetlia Dborn about 1907
FingermanHerman born about 1917
FinnelloAlfonse born about 1920
FinnertyAnna born about 1929
FinnieCharles Jr born about 1917
FirthFrank born about 1894
FirthJohn Fredborn about 1903
FisherAnna Mayborn about 1910
FisherCharles born about 1934
FisherClara born about 1920
FisherClarence born about 1911
FisherHarry born about 1861
FisherLillian born about 1917
FisherManning Bborn about 1917
FisherMathias Cborn about 1875
FisherMinnie Oborn about 1874
FisherOtis Cillfordborn about 1916
FitchJames born about 1929
FitzpatrickAloysius born about 1903
FlanniganMathew born about 1887
FleetJames Wborn about 1917
FlemingJulia born about 1894
FlemingWilliam born about 1888
FletcherOtto Hborn about 1870
FluggeAugust born about 1884
FlynnCatherine born about 1873
FlynnJack born about 1885
FlynnRichard Jr born about 1916
ForceEdwin Rborn about 1878
FordHannah born about 1898
FordThomas born about 1906
FordneyCharles born about 1923
ForesseMary born about 1893
FornoraDolores born about 1933
ForsytheWilliam born about 1879
ForteMary born about 1906
FosterEdna born about 1909
FosterEdward born about 1909
FosterEthel Eborn about 1920
FosterJames Aborn about 1911
FosterJosephine born about 1924
FosterWm Hborn about 1897
FowardAustin Wborn about 1896
FowardRuth Nborn about 1910
FowlerLawrence born about 1900
FoxNeal born about 1875
FrancioniFlorence born about 1909
FrankCurt born about 1920
FrankElizabeth born about 1922
FrankElsa born about 1898
FrankJohn born about 1898
FrankThomas born about 1900
FrankoliniLucy born about 1921
FraserDavid Bborn about 1931
FrazierJohn Tborn about 1891
FredaCarmela born about 1922
FredericksAdam born about 1885
FredericksLouis born about 1919
FreemanJulius born about 1886
FreerAnna Marieborn about 1919
FreundMatilda born about 1911
FriedlanderRay born about 1874
FriedmanAlex born about 1897
FriedmanBessie born about 1917
FriedmanBlanche born about 1930
FriedmanGerald born about 1932
FriedmanHanna born about 1860
FriedmanLouis born about 1885
FriedmanMarylyn born about 1929
FriedmanMax born about 1905
FriedmanRose born about 1897
FriedmanSaul born about 1912
FriedmanSylvia born about 1908
FriedmanYetta born about 1887
FrietagHarold born about 1920
FrohawkClarence born about 1908
FuchsAnnie born about 1894
FuerstRachel born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaffneyJames born about 1928
GaleSarah born about 1876
GalickAnna born about 1887
GalickClarance born about 1928
GalickGeorge born about 1890
GalickRalph born about 1924
GalickRobert born about 1930
GalickSteven born about 1917
GalickVincent born about 1924
GallagherMary Dborn about 1904
GalloJosephine born about 1920
GallottoPatsy born about 1909
GancarzEdward born about 1919
GannitelloMillie born about 1904
GanslerHannah born about 1875
GarattoniLouis born about 1915
GardnerFrank born about 1896
GardnerHattie born about 1907
GardnerWalter born about 1919
GarlandVeronica Rborn about 1891
GarnerCatherine born about 1923
GarretsonClaire born about 1901
GarretsonIda Aborn about 1868
GarrityGeorge born about 1912
GartonRobert born about 1917
GarzioJacinto born about 1921
GassRalph born about 1908
GauyhuMay Aborn about 1896
GavzyAnne Deeborn about 1931
GayerEugene born about 1922
GaziMikola born about 1900
GaziMikolas born about 1937
GearhartKatherine born about 1915
GearhartPeter born about 1913
GeddesEdward born about 1908
GehertyGeorge born about 1902
GehertyMary born about 1907
GeissberMary born about 1882
GeornaertAlbert born about 1925
GeracieJohn born about 1905
GerberLeon born about 1913
GerbinsJoseph born about 1908
GerhardRobert born about 1882
GerhardtJoseph born about 1898
GertlerWilliam born about 1904
GiardelloMary born about 1898
GiardenelliRose born about 1913
GibsonLulu born about 1910
GilbertJohn Wborn about 1901
GilghrestJ? born about 1897
GillPhyllis born about 1925
GillenEllen born about 1862
GilletteRuth born about 1934
GilletteWalter born about 1929
GilletteWarnie born about 1935
GilletteWilbur born about 1933
GilletteWilliam born about 1930
GillmanJesse Wborn about 1915
GilmoreMargaret born about 1920
GilottoneVirginia born about 1904
GinsburgAbe born about 1875
GitbersSarah born about 1918
GlankLillian born about 1913
GlankSamuel born about 1911
GlaserJane born about 1915
GlassmanOscar born about 1912
GlazerWilliam born about 1916
GleasonJohn born about 1900
GlembackiBertha born about 1926
GlembackiEdward born about 1932
GlembackiFrances born about 1905
GlembackiFrank born about 1893
GlembackiRegina born about 1924
GlembockiAlice born about 1911
GlembockiDorothy born about 1939
GlembockiFrank born about 1910
GlembockiFrank Jr born about 1937
GlembockiJoan born about 1940
GlemserCharles Jr born about 1916
GlickFrank born about 1926
GobhoPearl born about 1895
GobleMarjorie born about 1922
GodwinAdaline born about 1874
GoekeAnna born about 1928
GoekeHenry Hborn about 1862
GoekeJames Eborn about 1910
GoekeLeo born about 1908
GoekeMabel born about 1902
GoekeNoel born about 1938
GoekeRichard born about 1921
GoekeTheodore born about 1904
GoekeTheodore born about 1932
GoekeViola born about 1909
GoetitzJames born about 1890
GoffAlma Vborn about 1902
GoffElizabeth born about 1892
GoldbergSamuel born about 1912
GoldyCaroline born about 1924
GollupAlec born about 1928
GollupGeorge born about 1902
GollupGeorge born about 1930
GollupJulia born about 1938
GollupOphelia Mborn about 1900
GoodmanAlice born about 1917
GoodmanGeorge born about 1911
GorczynskiJoseph born about 1917
GorczynskiJoseph Jr born about 1939
GorczynskiJulia born about 1937
GorczynskiLucy born about 1917
GorczynskiWilliam born about 1940
GordinJoseph born about 1922
GordonMargaret born about 1904
GormanJames born about 1914
GoslinEmanuel born about 1869
GottfriedJoseph born about 1875
GottschalkMinnie born about 1871
GraeberAnna born about 1908
GraeberAnna born about 1939
GraeberCurly born about 1930
GraeberWilliam born about 1900
GrahamMorris Leroyborn about 1913
GrandjeanAugust born about 1875
GranmarkCarl born about 1916
GrantJames born about 1906
GrantRaymond Eborn about 1927
GraumannCharles born about 1905
GrausoMary born about 1915
GraverPatricia Eborn about 1914
GraverlyLewis born about 1905
GravesLydia born about 1874
GrawEdwin born about 1865
GrayJames born about 1912
GraysonCharles Gborn about 1920
GreachEmily born about 1906
GrearVida Dborn about 1880
GrebertGeorge born about 1909
GreenMary Kborn about 1915
GreenbergPaul born about 1923
GreenbergRosa born about 1904
GreenfeigFrances born about 1915
GreenfieldIra born about 1917
GreenwoodGrace Hborn about 1895
GreggoryGeorge born about 1888
GregoryOwen born about 1885
GreyJulia born about 1887
GrezelakJohn Jr born about 1911
GriggsDouglas Wborn about 1922
GriggsIrving born about 1917
GroganNellie Aborn about 1894
GromykoRose born about 1900
GronebergErnestine born about 1895
GroochowskiIrene born about 1927
GrossmanPeter born about 1897
GroszmannShirley Mborn about 1928
GroverBessie born about 1901
GroverFranklin born about 1929
GroverJacob born about 1897
GroverLaura born about 1912
GroverMae born about 1930
GroverMay born about 1920
GroverRobert born about 1938
GroverWilmer born about 1895
GroverWilmer Jr born about 1924
GrzymowskiFelixa born about 1906
GuarigliaFlorence born about 1899
GuertinDiomede born about 1901
GuertinGerald born about 1938
GuertinPatricia born about 1901
GuertinRichard born about 1930
GuertinYvonne born about 1933
GuidiNelli born about 1912
GuistoAmalia born about 1902
GumpperMirian born about 1909
GumpperThomas born about 1896
GutemannHerman born about 1895
GuyNellie born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasEunice born about 1910
HabartEmma born about 1898
HaeflerJosephine born about 1882
HafferMargaret born about 1913
HagamenClara Aborn about 1879
HagamenEllen Jborn about 1846
HagamenFrances Rborn about 1884
HagamenRobert born about 1922
HaglandAmund born about 1891
HahrRose born about 1883
HaidleFreda born about 1884
HaightClara born about 1878
HaightJohn Eborn about 1877
HaightNorma born about 1939
HaightNorman born about 1903
HaightWilliam Pborn about 1874
HainesDora Kborn about 1894
HainsBessie born about 1903
HairihanJoseph Rborn about 1912
HaleyArthur born about 1892
HallBernard born about 1909
HallEdward born about 1936
HallGrace born about 1906
HallJohn born about 1927
HallLeah born about 1882
HallRichard born about 1933
HallieMarietta born about 1886
HamburgWilliam born about 1914
HammondClaudia Jborn about 1908
HammondMaud born about 1921
HampsonFlorence born about 1900
HandNancy born about 1922
HandlerBernard born about 1925
HandlerCharles born about 1890
HandlerCharles born about 1922
HandlerJoe born about 1919
HandlerMary born about 1891
HandlerMary born about 1920
HandlerRichard born about 1929
HanleyJohn born about 1926
HansenMargaret born about 1917
HansonCyril born about 1903
HansonHenry born about 1895
HansonSadie born about 1895
HarbourtEleanor born about 1902
HardeyMargaret born about 1903
HardingAda born about 1910
HardyElizabeth born about 1930
HardyJohn Eborn about 1926
HarkerConrad born about 1918
HarkerJean born about 1923
HarmolinJennie born about 1902
HaroldBetty born about 1911
HarperWalter Dborn about 1904
HarperWilmer Leeborn about 1881
HarrisonAmnie born about 1903
HarrisonArcher born about 1902
HarrisonArchie born about 1926
HarrisonBetsy born about 1928
HarrisonEleanor born about 1924
HarrisonJennie born about 1905
HarrisonLillie Mayborn about 1922
HarrisonNelson born about 1935
HarrisonOssie born about 1933
HarrisonOtis Cborn about 1902
HarrisonThadeus born about 1930
HarrisonWilliam born about 1939
HarronWilliam born about 1883
HarsYetta born about 1908
HartFred Jborn about 1880
HartWilliam Wborn about 1903
HartmanHarry born about 1891
HartmanHenrietta born about 1896
HarveyCharles born about 1913
HassfieldRaymond born about 1906
HatcherHenry born about 1930
HaumakerGeorge born about 1873
HawkinsJames born about 1932
HayesEva Lenaborn about 1897
HayesHoward born about 1924
HayesRobert born about 1916
HaynesCharles born about 1880
HaynesLawson Jr born about 1924
HaynessAlice Eborn about 1914
HaynessEdw Mborn about 1884
HaynessEdw M Jrborn about 1913
HaynessMary Eborn about 1885
HaynessSarah Eborn about 1871
HeinbockelHerman born about 1893
HeinsFlorence born about 1899
HeldtCharles born about 1907
HellerRuth born about 1934
HellrigelWilliam born about 1911
HelmstritRuth born about 1904
HempelIsabel born about 1911
HenryRay born about 1904
HenzelEdith born about 1901
HepworthKatherine born about 1913
HerderEthel born about 1903
HerderWillis born about 1893
HerrmannWilliam born about 1880
HertelLucy Mborn about 1878
HessAnna Bborn about 1903
HessMinnie born about 1873
HettelJennie born about 1909
HeulittWeston born about 1905
HeweyCatherine born about 1894
HewitsonNorma born about 1931
HewittJoseph born about 1925
HewittVernon born about 1898
HeynesAlice Ednaborn about 1914
HickeyPhillip born about 1911
HigginsAgnes born about 1906
HigginsBarbara born about 1930
HigginsCora Bborn about 1882
HigginsEdgar born about 1883
HigginsHanna Eborn about 1901
HigginsNettie born about 1871
HigginsRoy Leborn about 1896
HigginsVida born about 1891
HildbrantZetta born about 1889
HildebrantClara born about 1889
HillisSherwood born about 1907
HillmanPearl born about 1900
HillpotEdna born about 1908
HillpotWilliam born about 1881
HiltbrunnerJacob born about 1870
HilterMary born about 1905
HinsonErnest born about 1920
HirstHenry born about 1925
HiskeHerman born about 1897
HixsonJohnson Rborn about 1918
HoaglandHoward born about 1909
HoaglandJanet born about 1923
HoaglandJennie born about 1860
HoaglandLettie born about 1903
HoaglandLilly born about 1900
HoaglandMaribel born about 1927
HoaglandMyrtle born about 1914
HoaglandNorman born about 1913
HoaglandPaul born about 1886
HoaglandRaymond born about 1894
HobenCatherine born about 1866
HocksingVirginia born about 1920
HodgsonWilliam born about 1891
HodosEsther born about 1909
HoeffnerRichard born about 1908
HoephnerCarl born about 1915
HoephnerEmma born about 1882
HoephnerHeidi born about 1921
HoephnerHerbert born about 1924
HoephnerOswald born about 1872
HoephnerOswald Jr born about 1910
HoerlerHenry born about 1915
HoffHoward born about 1881
HoffmanCharles Lborn about 1914
HoffmanLena born about 1897
HolderKenneth born about 1924
HolicPaul born about 1907
HollyCaroline born about 1929
HollyEquilla born about 1904
HollywoodMatthew born about 1912
HolroydGeorge born about 1886
HomerWilliam born about 1907
HoodAlfred Jborn about 1901
HooperCecil born about 1920
HooperRaymond born about 1908
HopeEmilie Annaborn about 1899
HopkinsFranklin Jborn about 1902
HorlandBeatrice born about 1913
HorlandEphrian born about 1909
HorlandJames born about 1940
HorleRobert born about 1924
HorowitzHerman born about 1891
HotzGeorge born about 1909
HotzlhofferRose born about 1907
HoughBetty born about 1939
HoughDonald born about 1937
HoughMildred born about 1919
HoughSamuel born about 1903
HoughesErnest Wborn about 1902
HousmanBessie born about 1888
HowardNaomi born about 1913
HowellVernie born about 1881
HoyerGustavena born about 1881
HruczCatherine born about 1923
HudakMargaret born about 1913
HudsonElva Mayborn about 1910
HuffCarrie Jborn about 1879
HuffHelen Gborn about 1905
HughesAguillo born about 1936
HughesBettey born about 1884
HughesCharles born about 1891
HughesEllen born about 1930
HughesErnest Jr born about 1924
HughesFred born about 1881
HughesFred Jr born about 1921
HughesJohn born about 1926
HughesJosephine born about 1931
HughesMargaret born about 1938
HughesMary born about 1888
HughesMildred born about 1924
HughesP? born about 1903
HughesPearl born about 1908
HulickJessie born about 1862
HumistonLillian born about 1892
HumphriesCarrie Lborn about 1933
HuntHettie born about 1897
HurleyArthur born about 1914
HurleyFrances born about 1917
HurleyGertrude born about 1881
HurleyHerbert born about 1909
HurleyHilbert born about 1911
HurleyMargaret born about 1922
HurleyWilbur born about 1921
HusickJohn born about 1884
HuxhamGeorge Hborn about 1885
HyersDaniel born about 1899
HymanRosyln born about 1930
HyslopAlbert born about 1898
HyslopAlberta born about 1928
HyslopCaroline born about 1895
HyslopCarolyn born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IaconelliBiagio Eborn about 1928
IannoneClorinda born about 1906
IlariaTheresa born about 1907
IwetzJohn Bborn about 1865
IwetzLouis Jborn about 1911
IzrubinoNunzio born about 1914

J Surnames

JacksonHannah born about 1883
JacksonIrma born about 1898
JacksonMildred born about 1917
JacksonPhilip born about 1890
JacksonSadie born about 1886
JaegerJennie born about 1895
JahrlingWilhemina born about 1889
JamesAnna Cborn about 1892
JamesEdward born about 1928
JamesEdward Bborn about 1885
JamesEva born about 1920
JamesLeonard born about 1930
JamesMargaret born about 1910
JamesMary born about 1924
JamesMichael Bborn about 1886
JamesPatricia born about 1926
JamesWilliam born about 1890
JanofcikLawrence born about 1916
JansakEthel born about 1915
JantzElsie born about 1911
JanuzziAngelo born about 1903
JardinAdolph born about 1908
JaulloKatherine born about 1889
JeffersonDorothy born about 1911
JeffersonNorton born about 1909
JeffersonRobert born about 1922
JeffersonViolet born about 1883
JeffersonWalter born about 1878
JenningsEdward born about 1931
JensonJames born about 1903
JohnsMoses Hborn about 1878
JohnsonAdrian born about 1907
JohnsonAlada born about 1905
JohnsonAlfred born about 1927
JohnsonAlitha born about 1912
JohnsonBetty born about 1924
JohnsonClara born about 1866
JohnsonCornelius born about 1862
JohnsonDonald born about 1922
JohnsonEdward born about 1899
JohnsonElmer born about 1915
JohnsonEsther born about 1925
JohnsonEva Eborn about 1902
JohnsonHarold Cborn about 1900
JohnsonIda born about 1893
JohnsonIrene A Mborn about 1894
JohnsonJames born about 1923
JohnsonJohn born about 1936
JohnsonJohn born about 1938
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1899
JohnsonJoseph born about 1917
JohnsonJosephine born about 1899
JohnsonLillian born about 1888
JohnsonMaggie born about 1915
JohnsonMarion born about 1924
JohnsonMary born about 1868
JohnsonMaud born about 1885
JohnsonRaymond born about 1898
JohnsonSarah born about 1935
JohnsonStella Bborn about 1905
JohnsonTheodore born about 1893
JohnsonW Aborn about 1881
JohnsonWilliam A Jrborn about 1906
JohnstonClara born about 1921
JonesDorothy born about 1919
JonesFlorence born about 1878
JonesHelen born about 1900
JonesJames born about 1878
JonesJohn Bborn about 1891
JonesLillian Lborn about 1908
JonesMary born about 1878
JonesRichard born about 1928
JonesRobert Sborn about 1911
JonesVerona Wborn about 1913
JonesWilliam born about 1886
JordonAgness born about 1914
JordonCarrie born about 1875
JordonJoseph Jr born about 1896
JorgensenAxel born about 1919
JorgensonEva born about 1911
JosephJa? born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaczynowskiAnna born about 1892
KaczynowskiHelen born about 1928
KaczynowskiNickolas born about 1885
KaczynowskiStella born about 1917
KahleWilliam born about 1895
KaiserWilliam born about 1908
KaneCharles born about 1904
KaneDonald born about 1939
KaneDora born about 1910
KaneDora born about 1937
KaneGrace born about 1928
KaneJames born about 1904
KaneJames born about 1935
KaniaIrene born about 1921
KaplanSaul born about 1917
KarlingerRobert born about 1920
KaskEmma born about 1904
KaskJohn born about 1904
KaufmanAdele born about 1911
KaufmanErnest born about 1905
KaufmanOtto born about 1920
KaveleskyCatherine born about 1919
KayBertha born about 1884
KayElizabeth Jborn about 1888
KaysLawrence born about 1918
KeeEleanor born about 1911
KeenEleanor born about 1923
KeiferMargaret born about 1920
KeifferRussell born about 1921
KeighranEdward born about 1869
KeirEnos born about 1912
KelleyBarbara born about 1913
KelloggDoris born about 1894
KellyEdna born about 1918
KellyMargaret born about 1881
KellyRobert Fborn about 1911
KemenyElzabeth born about 1893
KennedyDorothy born about 1921
KennedyEvelyn born about 1924
KennedyFrederic born about 1879
KennedyHannah born about 1898
KennedyRichard born about 1929
KennedyWilliam Fborn about 1901
KennedyWilliam Hborn about 1873
KerrLucy born about 1897
KerriganThomas born about 1898
KertzJacob born about 1903
KesslerJames born about 1902
KesterkeNinnie born about 1899
KeyesJoseph Jborn about 1916
KindLorraine born about 1933
KingMyrtle born about 1903
KingsburyWinfred born about 1915
KingslandGeorge Jr born about 1911
KingsleyElizabeth born about 1902
KingsleyEthel born about 1898
KirkArthur born about 1905
KirkBertha born about 1908
KirkGeorge born about 1860
KirkGeorge born about 1912
KirkGeorge Rborn about 1933
KirkGrace born about 1908
KirkLaura born about 1932
KirkWilliam Mborn about 1902
KittelbergerSarah born about 1882
KlausJohn born about 1903
KleberElla born about 1888
KleberHerman born about 1888
KleinbachMyrtle born about 1891
KleinschmidtBetty born about 1925
KleinschmidtLilly born about 1900
KleinschmidtRobert born about 1923
KlickNazary born about 1893
KlineClarence born about 1902
KlineEvelyn born about 1909
KlinowskyAnnie born about 1907
KlomburgAnna born about 1873
KlotzRowland born about 1917
KlugeHarold born about 1894
KlugeMelane born about 1899
KneerEdna born about 1906
KniesBertha born about 1886
KniesMildred Aborn about 1910
KniesVictor born about 1880
KnowlesEvelyn born about 1909
KnowlesWilliam born about 1901
KockAndrew born about 1908
KoerkelMuriel born about 1915
KohnHarry born about 1898
KolbAnna born about 1893
KommouckefskyJoseph born about 1916
KondasMargaret born about 1906
KoorieMargaret born about 1928
KopaneeChristina born about 1904
KorchJohn born about 1912
KorchWinfield born about 1920
KoretzskyBenjamin born about 1934
KorffEmil born about 1898
KornblattGeorge born about 1903
KorthAugust born about 1907
KossBessie born about 1896
KossackCasmir born about 1906
KostrebaKatie born about 1913
KotenbeutelWalter born about 1926
KovakcsikPeter born about 1888
KoverDorothy born about 1897
KoverJohn born about 1919
KowalikJoseph born about 1915
KowalskieBruno born about 1911
KozenickFrances born about 1860
KozenickJoseph Fborn about 1893
KozenikMary born about 1891
KozenikStephen born about 1887
KramerGertrude born about 1905
KramerHugo born about 1890
KratsonStanley born about 1909
KrausEdward Gborn about 1917
KrausWilliam born about 1922
KrauseRuth born about 1909
KrienskiBarbara born about 1895
KropienwickiChester born about 1916
KrystaponisAnthony born about 1930
KrystaponisAnthony Jborn about 1902
KrystaponisCatherine born about 1875
KrystaponisDorothy born about 1929
KrystaponisEdward born about 1905
KrystaponisJoseph born about 1900
KrystaponisLouis born about 1875
KrystaponisTessie born about 1904
KuhlthauAubrey born about 1885
KuhnMarjorie born about 1926
KuhnWilliam Jborn about 1904
KuhnWilliam Kborn about 1889
KulbackyBenjamin born about 1894
KutnerIsadore born about 1915
KuzelJohn born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabawClarence Jborn about 1882
LabawMary born about 1887
LabawMary Eborn about 1882
LabawWilliam born about 1911
LaboniechJohn born about 1922
LaceyEdward Gborn about 1930
LafleurBeatrice born about 1928
LafleurCharles born about 1924
LafleurDorothy born about 1921
LafleurEdward born about 1939
LafleurElizabeth born about 1901
LafleurEugene born about 1923
LafleurFrank born about 1894
LafleurFrank born about 1919
LafleurRuth born about 1935
LafloodFannie born about 1910
LafloodFannie born about 1931
LafloodFlorence born about 1931
LafloodJoseph born about 1901
LafloodShirley Annborn about 1936
LagattutaMary born about 1909
LakeCorenna Maeborn about 1899
LalakFrank Jtborn about 1914
LambertCroydon born about 1883
LambertGeo Bborn about 1914
LamourWillis born about 1926
LampeCharles born about 1915
LampilSue born about 1913
LampzJacob Williamborn about 1872
LanceAlice born about 1889
LanceRaymond Eborn about 1896
LandereJeanette born about 1895
LandrineMary born about 1896
LandwehrErnest born about 1913
LandwehrErnest Jr born about 1935
LandwehrEsther born about 1919
LandwehrHelen born about 1915
LandwehrJohn born about 1890
LandwehrLois born about 1937
LaneDorothy Pborn about 1913
LaneRuth Vidaborn about 1900
LangOlge born about 1901
LangRobert born about 1911
LangsMaelvina born about 1876
LantzMary born about 1907
LapointRaymond born about 1934
LarsenIngrid born about 1908
LarsonRobert born about 1913
LarueEdna born about 1900
LatouretteAnna born about 1861
LaudenbergerHarry born about 1885
LaughlinMarika born about 1933
LaurenceBenjamin born about 1915
LaurenceRoberta born about 1915
LautonElizabeth born about 1896
LavaieArlene born about 1933
LavaieFred born about 1912
LavaieFred born about 1936
LavaieGene born about 1935
LavaieGladys born about 1916
LavaieRichard born about 1938
LavargnaJerry born about 1924
LavenderAnita born about 1925
LavereFrances Jr born about 1940
LawrenceEleanor born about 1910
LawrenceGertrude born about 1901
LawsonAlice born about 1915
LawsonEdward born about 1897
LawsonRuth born about 1911
LawtonEdward born about 1904
LawyerAnna born about 1913
LawyerEdgar born about 1907
LaytonAlfred born about 1871
LaytonElizabeth born about 1917
LearnEdith born about 1902
LearyEdward Jborn about 1914
LeaverClyde Lborn about 1905
LechnerHans born about 1905
LeddenEdith born about 1912
LeeEdward born about 1910
LeeHarold born about 1913
LeeMargaret born about 1904
LeeRaymond Vborn about 1921
LeeWilliam born about 1917
LeeseMary born about 1890
LegmuxGaston born about 1890
LeichliterHarold born about 1919
LeisnerMartha born about 1901
LeisnerWilliam born about 1901
LemningtonMildred born about 1890
LemningtonRuben born about 1888
LemoreEdward born about 1922
LentzWilliam T Jrborn about 1905
LeonardJustin born about 1909
LeonardLagrand born about 1900
LeonardMargaret born about 1910
LeonardOlive born about 1905
LeonardPauline born about 1926
LeoneEdith born about 1910
LeoneJoseph born about 1924
LeporeCarmine born about 1921
LeporeLena born about 1935
LepowitzWilliam born about 1913
LepowskiAlex born about 1892
LepowskiMary born about 1892
LepowskiStanley born about 1918
LepowskiVincent born about 1921
LeslierEdith born about 1911
LetfordCharles born about 1903
LetourmeauJanet born about 1868
LevereFrances born about 1914
LevereGeorge born about 1921
LevereViolet born about 1912
LevineRose born about 1912
LevyHenrietta born about 1866
LewisAlbert born about 1901
LewisArthur Wmborn about 1865
LewisClara born about 1908
LewisClarence born about 1921
LewisClaude born about 1925
LewisEdward born about 1939
LewisEugene born about 1900
LewisFrancess born about 1906
LewisGladys born about 1917
LewisPatricia born about 1935
LewisPaul born about 1915
LewisPeter born about 1938
LewisWilda born about 1927
LickWanda born about 1926
LiggonsJohn born about 1888
LiguoriArnold born about 1923
LitbiloMary born about 1886
LitwinJulia born about 1921
LochrieJames born about 1909
LockeMary born about 1910
LoftenGolena born about 1924
LoganCatherine born about 1884
LoganWalter Hborn about 1909
LonerganGerard born about 1931
LongAmanda born about 1913
LongCharlie born about 1895
LongLovey born about 1895
LoperCharles Tborn about 1904
LorangerEdward born about 1912
LoseyCharlotte born about 1935
LoseyClarance born about 1909
LoseyClarance Fborn about 1937
LoseyFlorence born about 1939
LoseyMay born about 1913
LounsburyGrace Mborn about 1891
LouryElvera born about 1902
LouryJoseph born about 1901
LoveringJohn born about 1872
LovettAlice born about 1926
LowzRobert born about 1906
LubasAdele born about 1928
LubasAdolph born about 1919
LubasEdwin born about 1927
LubasFrank born about 1915
LubasHenry born about 1926
LubasJohn born about 1885
LubasMary born about 1890
LubasStanley born about 1924
LubbinJean Dorisborn about 1929
LucasBernice born about 1933
LucikaMichael born about 1891
LuckerAnna born about 1914
LudlamLida born about 1870
LudwigEmma born about 1876
LudwigHenry born about 1876
LundellCharles Jborn about 1893
LupoJoseph Jr born about 1929
LutesCamilla born about 1903
LutzCatharine born about 1919
LutzElmer Jborn about 1889
LutzElmer J Jrborn about 1922
LutzJohn born about 1926
LutzSidney born about 1928
LyonsAlphonzo born about 1901
LyonsFrances born about 1915
LyonsLawrence born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaccarrollJoseph born about 1898
MacdonaldAllan Rborn about 1865
MacdonaldMary born about 1867
MacfarlandCharles born about 1899
MacgregorStephen born about 1870
MacksoudNazlek born about 1908
MacomberHazel born about 1891
MaddenAstrid born about 1908
MaddenMarie born about 1912
MagasmanLaura born about 1898
MaguireFrances Mborn about 1909
MahonJohn born about 1901
MahoneyElizabeth born about 1897
MaireAlexander born about 1911
MajeskiJohn born about 1935
MajeskiJoseph born about 1897
MajeskiWalter born about 1937
MajeskiWilma born about 1906
MajorWalter born about 1919
MakaFrances born about 1922
MalekJoseph born about 1912
MalkoAlex born about 1921
MalkoAnnie born about 1929
MalkoBuddy born about 1924
MalkoCatherine born about 1938
MalkoElcho born about 1892
MalkoFred born about 1927
MalkoHelen born about 1920
MalkoMichael born about 1916
MalkoMolly born about 1892
MalkoRussell born about 1923
MalkoSophia born about 1932
MalkoSteve born about 1917
MaloneyWinifred born about 1911
MalseedBenjamin born about 1894
ManagerJoseph born about 1923
MandelstamAlexander born about 1879
ManjelitzAndrew born about 1890
ManloveJoseph born about 1925
MannOlive born about 1915
MannersBlanche born about 1851
ManogueJames born about 1895
ManoguePeggy born about 1905
ManypennyRebecca born about 1879
MaressaAntonette born about 1914
MarinaroPeter born about 1922
MaringMary Louiseborn about 1901
MarinielloJoseph born about 1892
MarkLillian born about 1876
MarkeMargaret born about 1919
MarkhamJoseph born about 1884
MarleyWilliam Jborn about 1922
MarschnerBruno born about 1890
MarshallHenry born about 1895
MartinAndrew born about 1903
MartinHelen Bborn about 1869
MartinRalph Eborn about 1927
MartinWilliam born about 1929
MartinezManuel born about 1929
MartoneDaniel born about 1903
MartzAnna born about 1907
MartzJoseph born about 1903
MartzJoseph Jr born about 1934
MartzJulia born about 1931
MasonBertha born about 1893
MasonHarry Wborn about 1893
MassariAngelina born about 1928
MastersonJohn Jborn about 1867
MastrangeloRachael born about 1883
MatherFrank Wborn about 1901
MathewsAda Mborn about 1906
MathewsChas Hborn about 1906
MathewsWilliam Hborn about 1929
MatternFred K Jborn about 1909
MatthewsMargaret born about 1878
MattieJames born about 1897
MattieJames born about 1919
MaugeriSara born about 1924
MaurchMargaret born about 1901
MaurerStephen born about 1919
MaxaJohn born about 1885
MaxeyRobert born about 1898
MaxeyRose born about 1876
MaxsonBertha Pborn about 1887
MayDorothy born about 1912
MayEverett born about 1910
MayEverett born about 1938
MazilloAngelina Sborn about 1921
MazurEdward born about 1922
MazurOlga born about 1927
MazurPaul born about 1891
MazurVictoria born about 1895
MazurWalter born about 1920
MazzaSusie born about 1912
McAllisterJoseph born about 1922
McCabeAlice born about 1925
McCarthyDaniel born about 1918
McCarthyJoseph born about 1899
McClearyAugustus born about 1900
McClellanAlbert born about 1902
McClowMary born about 1892
McCormackWilliam born about 1868
McCormickArthur born about 1927
McCreadyCharlotte born about 1895
McCulloughMargaret born about 1910
McDermottMary born about 1896
McDonaldJames born about 1899
McDonaldMary born about 1925
McDonaldWilliam Jborn about 1886
McDonnellKatherine born about 1919
McDowellTheresa born about 1900
McElweeAlbert born about 1910
McFarlandSarah born about 1912
McGauleyMary born about 1907
McGeeGloria born about 1925
McGladeCatherine born about 1925
McGuireThomas born about 1863
McGuireThomas born about 1923
McHughMary born about 1931
McKeanHazel born about 1904
McKeeFred'k Wmborn about 1930
McKeeverEva born about 1901
McKeeverMichael born about 1890
McKennaFrances Aborn about 1925
McKennaPatrick born about 1872
McKeonGertrude born about 1881
McKnightWilliam born about 1922
McLaughlinEtta born about 1918
McLaughlinFrank born about 1907
McLaughlinWilliam born about 1915
McMenaminBernard Jborn about 1917
McNeilKate born about 1897
McNeilLillian born about 1900
McQuillanAlexander Jborn about 1881
MeadNorman born about 1905
MearaLulu born about 1898
MechlerClara born about 1896
MedlonGeorge Gborn about 1891
MeekFlorence born about 1912
MeekFloy Cborn about 1938
MeekFloyd born about 1906
MeekS? born about 1936
MeirGrace born about 1897
MekeelMary Eborn about 1907
MelickLawrence born about 1883
MelinaThomas born about 1918
MellinsBridget born about 1910
MelloIda born about 1910
MellorElizabeth Cborn about 1864
MellorWilliam Sborn about 1917
MeloneFerdinand born about 1914
MendlinWilliam born about 1917
MenowHugh Aborn about 1871
MergottFrances born about 1888
MerrittHaywood born about 1921
MertzHarry born about 1918
MessengerErnest born about 1911
MessinaGrace born about 1921
MessinaJosephine born about 1909
MessinaJosephine born about 1917
MessinaMichael born about 1924
MessinaPaul born about 1924
MessinaSanta born about 1892
MetzgerEdna born about 1918
MeyerBeatrice born about 1902
MeyerBernice born about 1906
MeyerElizabeth born about 1906
MeyerLilliam born about 1906
MeyersArthur born about 1924
MeyersHenry born about 1880
MichaelsonWalter born about 1903
MichalowskiIsadore born about 1916
MiddletonHoward born about 1894
MiddletonNorman born about 1912
MikalasAnna born about 1915
MikasAlexander born about 1920
MikasMichael born about 1888
MildonFlorence born about 1891
MilesLawrence born about 1913
MilesMichael born about 1913
MileskeStella born about 1918
MillerAmy born about 1905
MillerBarbara Annborn about 1938
MillerDonald born about 1909
MillerFranklin born about 1930
MillerGeorge born about 1913
MillerHerbert born about 1919
MillerJean born about 1898
MillerJohn Bborn about 1881
MillerJoseph born about 1884
MillerLouis born about 1919
MillerMaxine Wborn about 1912
MillerMay born about 1898
MillerPaul born about 1931
MillerPaulene born about 1916
MillerStanley born about 1917
MillerThelma A Kborn about 1918
MillerThomas born about 1894
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1879
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1904
MillerWilliam H Jrborn about 1939
MilletEmanuel born about 1919
MinorAlbert Masonborn about 1922
MischankoTibor born about 1910
MitchellHenry Wborn about 1888
MitchellRalph Aborn about 1890
MittmanSophie born about 1881
MlynarzMichael born about 1870
MoggeAnna born about 1878
MohrWilliam Jr born about 1908
MollinnixElaine born about 1904
MollinnixPark born about 1892
MolnarStephen born about 1898
MonackC Allenborn about 1907
MonaghanCatherine born about 1884
MontagnaRobert born about 1931
MontagueBenjamin born about 1882
MontagueBenjamin born about 1907
MontaniRobert born about 1920
MontraySylvia born about 1928
MontroseThomas born about 1883
MooneyKatherine born about 1896
MooreBernard born about 1917
MooreDavid born about 1929
MooreEdward born about 1856
MooreFlorence born about 1927
MooreFlorence Wborn about 1901
MooreJohnson Bborn about 1902
MooreRobert born about 1930
MooreThomas Gborn about 1905
MooreWilliam born about 1934
MoraldiTherese born about 1905
MoranBridget Annborn about 1868
MoranWilliam Lborn about 1875
MoranWilliam # 3 born about 1898
MorganGladys born about 1912
MorolloMarie born about 1904
MoroneseCarmine born about 1918
MorrellEugene Bborn about 1917
MorrisElsie born about 1902
MorrisFrances born about 1889
MorrisPauline born about 1902
MorrisonWilliam Jborn about 1917
MortonLillian born about 1887
MortonMary born about 1899
MortonReta Wborn about 1897
MoserCecilia born about 1926
MosherAbram born about 1855
MosierRalph Sborn about 1909
MotlaszStefania born about 1906
MowreyRalph Aborn about 1912
MoyleBennett Cborn about 1899
MuccigrossoElvira born about 1924
MuchaCharles born about 1913
MuensterGertrude born about 1903
MuheyWilliam Pborn about 1898
MullenMary born about 1883
MullerSylvia born about 1905
MullerWilliam born about 1877
MuraEdward Williamborn about 1904
MurdyHenrietta born about 1906
MurphyDavid Mborn about 1929
MurphyJoseph born about 1888
MurphyLillian Mborn about 1875
MurrayAlice born about 1885
MurrayElizabeth born about 1924
MurrayElizabeth Aborn about 1903
MurrayGladys Fborn about 1876
MurrayHenry born about 1910
MurrayJohn born about 1915
MurrayRobert born about 1918
MustardCharles born about 1878
MyersJohn Tborn about 1907
MylesDaisy Mayborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaftalisSidney born about 1912
NagelFrank born about 1885
NangleClara born about 1895
NangleJohn born about 1895
NapurskaStanislawa born about 1917
NaputanoMichael Jr born about 1929
NashMadeline born about 1903
NassoRocco born about 1922
NattressJosephine born about 1904
NeaborJean born about 1931
NealVictor Kborn about 1910
NegroMarian born about 1931
NeilHelen born about 1936
NeilJames born about 1937
NeilJohn born about 1939
NeilJoseph born about 1898
NeilKatherine born about 1909
NeilLaura born about 1931
NeilRuth born about 1931
NelsonBonnie born about 1909
NelsonHelena born about 1869
NemesJoseph born about 1898
NemesJoseph born about 1927
NemesKatharyn born about 1902
NemesLoretta born about 1929
NemesRobert born about 1933
NesperiaLorenzo born about 1913
NeubertAugust Rborn about 1896
NevilleVirginia born about 1922
NevinsDorothy born about 1916
NevinsMary born about 1880
NewellVera Aborn about 1909
NewmanJulia born about 1906
NewmanOrlando born about 1898
NewmanWilliam born about 1914
NicholasJohn born about 1915
NichtbergerSylvia born about 1932
NickasPaul born about 1929
NickasonRuth born about 1918
NilsonHelen Mborn about 1915
NoellPrescott born about 1895
NordhouseAttilia born about 1852
NormanFrank born about 1881
NortonHarry born about 1907
NortonMargarette born about 1911
NorvaizJohn Aborn about 1911
NorwitzJulius born about 1907
NothsteinEmma Aborn about 1879
NothsteinGeo Wborn about 1874
NourseCharlotte born about 1909
NugentMargaret born about 1843
NystromBruce born about 1939
NystromChristine born about 1929
NystromDoris born about 1906
NystromJoel Jr born about 1931
NystromJoseph born about 1903
NystromRobert born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakesMabel born about 1875
OakleyDora Hborn about 1915
ObrienAnne born about 1917
ObrienAnne Carolborn about 1939
ObrienCharles Russellborn about 1910
ObrienFlorence Aborn about 1884
ObrienJames Fborn about 1878
ObrienRobert born about 1926
OchsnerElizabeth born about 1922
OconnerMargaret born about 1931
OdellDoris born about 1927
OdomJean born about 1928
OdonnellBridget born about 1884
OechslerAnnie born about 1868
OhlwilerElizabeth born about 1918
OlearyLillian born about 1892
OleniaczFrank born about 1919
OliveriAugustino born about 1903
OlivierAnna born about 1926
OlivierGasper born about 1901
OlivierGrace born about 1936
OlivierJennie born about 1922
OlivierJoseph born about 1933
OlivierMargarett born about 1928
OlivierMary born about 1897
OlivierSam born about 1921
OneillCatherine born about 1903
OneillCatherine born about 1910
OneillEmanuel born about 1914
OpieCarrie born about 1868
OpieCharles born about 1863
OpieLouis Eborn about 1869
OpieMary Aborn about 1880
OpieWife born about 1862
OrelandoEmilia born about 1932
OrensteinShirley born about 1922
OrganasEmma born about 1920
OroszJulia born about 1918
OrourkeThomas born about 1897
OrrDorothy Pborn about 1907
OrrEleanor Eborn about 1874
OrrHarold born about 1900
OrrHenry Fborn about 1914
OrrJohn Wborn about 1907
OrrJohn W Jrborn about 1939
OrthCharles born about 1915
OsbunFrancis born about 1933
OscarVincent born about 1910
OsinskiWalter born about 1919
OslerJessie born about 1912
OssiHenry born about 1913
OwenFlora born about 1908
OwenNancy born about 1938
OwenWilliam born about 1905
OwensHelen born about 1910
OwensJohn born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackardRobert born about 1913
PackmanFrederic Wborn about 1895
PackmanHazel Bborn about 1895
PadgettAlbert born about 1904
PadgettAlbert born about 1937
PadgettFloyd born about 1936
PadgettRilla born about 1907
PadgettRilla born about 1932
Padowlski??? born about 1893
PadowlskiJulia born about 1892
PageClifford Gborn about 1929
PagiousMamie born about 1876
PalaganoJames born about 1923
PallayHelen born about 1922
PalumboCanio born about 1881
PanekGertrude born about 1917
PanekJames born about 1938
PanekJohn born about 1915
PanekJohn born about 1937
PanszewiczStella born about 1912
ParberTheresa born about 1896
PardeeEugene born about 1902
PardeePatricia born about 1902
PardeePhillip born about 1937
ParkerEstella born about 1894
ParkerHarold born about 1896
ParkerWilliam Jr born about 1910
ParrArthur born about 1912
ParrArthur born about 1921
PaschalGeorge born about 1905
PaschalJeamette born about 1935
PaschalJohanna born about 1910
PaschalJohanna born about 1938
PaschalJohn born about 1936
PaschalMary Annborn about 1934
PaslucciLucy born about 1923
PassFloyd born about 1919
PastCharles born about 1922
PasternakAndrew born about 1887
PastorelloRachel born about 1925
PatellaLawrence born about 1917
PattersonDorothy born about 1914
PattersonEthel Bborn about 1890
PauloviczMichael born about 1918
PaulsPaul born about 1914
PawcinskiWalter born about 1895
PaycorM Gertrudeborn about 1906
PayneAda Lborn about 1878
PayneJames born about 1913
PeacockWallace born about 1915
PearsonArthur born about 1881
PearsonBilly born about 1937
PearsonEthel Dborn about 1909
PearsonHarold Aborn about 1904
PearsonLaura born about 1938
PearsonRose born about 1908
PechardJohn born about 1899
PeckRuth born about 1919
PedutoLena born about 1911
PeeleJoann born about 1930
PelcherMary born about 1922
PelnyhowskiEdward born about 1915
PelnyhowskiKunegunda born about 1888
PelnyhowskiTony born about 1885
PenderAlbert born about 1892
PennLoretta born about 1918
PennerClara Cborn about 1885
PenningeAnn born about 1939
PenningeBarbara born about 1935
PenningeJean born about 1933
PenningeJosena born about 1907
PenningeMarion born about 1914
PepperJoseph born about 1926
PerkinsHazel born about 1901
PerkinsHerbert born about 1912
PerkowskiCatherine born about 1912
PernaMicheal born about 1916
PernaMillie born about 1917
PernaOtillo born about 1921
PerrillaNicholas born about 1877
PerrineRobert born about 1898
PerryCharles born about 1847
PerryDorothy Mayborn about 1921
PerssonEric Rborn about 1901
PeterchalkJoseph born about 1923
PetersHarold Wborn about 1910
PetersJohanna born about 1895
PetersonEdna born about 1900
PetersonWallace Eborn about 1894
PetraccoDominick born about 1869
PetrickCurtis born about 1933
PetrickErnest born about 1871
PettitNelson born about 1903
PettreilloArthur born about 1901
PfeiferRose born about 1893
PfeilElsie born about 1905
PhillipsFrank Aborn about 1889
PhillipsFred born about 1888
PhillipsJackson born about 1912
PhillipsNellie born about 1883
PicininiMary born about 1923
PiemantiseVictoria born about 1926
PierceVernon born about 1918
PietersMarie born about 1917
PiggottJohn Hborn about 1914
PigottAlbert born about 1896
PigottAlbert W Jrborn about 1928
PigottBetty born about 1924
PigottOlga Hborn about 1897
PikeBertha born about 1890
PilletteJames Eborn about 1879
PineJohn Jr born about 1930
PinterAugust born about 1891
PinterHenry born about 1919
PisciottaJoseph born about 1914
PittmanJoe born about 1893
PlaceEdith born about 1903
PlatzDoris born about 1914
PlatzEdward born about 1885
PlatzEdward Jr born about 1927
PlatzJessie born about 1885
PloreGeorge born about 1921
PlumbDorothy born about 1895
PodellaAugust born about 1893
PoinsettIrene Lborn about 1894
PointonAnne born about 1911
PolTheresa born about 1912
PolacekJoseph born about 1915
PolantAlice born about 1910
PolhamusGeorge Rborn about 1934
PollockMargaret Nborn about 1911
PondReuben Bborn about 1875
PooleyGloria born about 1927
PooleyGrace Aborn about 1889
PooleyPhilip Aborn about 1885
PopeJohn born about 1881
PortocarreroJuanita born about 1905
PostEdward born about 1927
PosterivoCarmine born about 1930
PovilanskiAnna born about 1914
PowersMary born about 1885
PraunerCharles Jr born about 1929
PreenClaude born about 1914
PremockSteve born about 1890
PresseyGrace born about 1893
PressyClive born about 1911
PressyErma born about 1910
PrinsenAdolph born about 1885
ProcopioCatherine born about 1921
ProctorThomas born about 1906
ProkopioJoseph born about 1894
ProuseArthur born about 1903
ProutyMary Lborn about 1868
ProvostGladys born about 1927
PryorAnnie born about 1904
PullenClifford Wborn about 1907
PullenDan Cborn about 1937
PullenDorothy Cborn about 1907
PurcaroAntoinette born about 1931
PurdyMildred born about 1910
PusterlaAngelo born about 1915
PusterlaMario born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuilterFrancess born about 1919
QuinnAnna born about 1904
QuinnMiles Jborn about 1912

R Surnames

RabbittJohn born about 1867
RadcliffeAlbert born about 1901
RadwozsicElias born about 1881
RainearSamuel born about 1917
RakentineMarietta born about 1903
RamellaLuciano born about 1913
RandazzoMary born about 1923
RanieriErnest born about 1916
RapelyeRobert Vborn about 1884
RasmusEdward born about 1900
RasmussenMargaret born about 1917
RavenHubert born about 1869
RavenMattie born about 1899
RaymondBlanche born about 1927
RaymondDoris born about 1929
RaymondElizabeth born about 1900
RaymondHenry born about 1896
RaymondHenry Jr born about 1933
RaymondMarion born about 1930
RaymondStanley born about 1909
RaymondWalter born about 1926
RaynerEmma born about 1897
ReJosephine born about 1914
ReaThomas born about 1923
RedfordKate born about 1875
ReedEdwin born about 1936
ReedEllen born about 1939
ReedHazel born about 1908
ReedJackson born about 1912
ReedMathilda born about 1892
ReedNorman born about 1918
ReedRichard born about 1933
ReedWilliam born about 1896
ReedWilliam Hborn about 1930
ReevesEdna Mborn about 1906
ReidnerBetty born about 1907
ReidnerCarol Annborn about 1938
ReidnerWalter born about 1908
ReiserEva born about 1870
RemleyDoretta born about 1918
RennichFrank born about 1916
RenshawFrank born about 1920
RenzOthelia born about 1919
ReuterEmma Mborn about 1902
ReynoldAnnita born about 1880
ReynoldJohn born about 1880
ReynoldsLeo born about 1914
ReynoldsLeona born about 1905
RibobondoVincent born about 1890
RiceEdward born about 1917
RichAngelina born about 1922
RichAnna born about 1890
RichFrank born about 1892
RichJoseph born about 1893
RichardArlie born about 1912
RichardsCharles G Jrborn about 1864
RichardsonEd born about 1890
RichardsonVincent born about 1911
RichtermanPauline born about 1922
RiesterMargaret born about 1909
RikerEdward born about 1906
RikerSarah born about 1886
RimaineRoberta born about 1920
RiskeAlbert born about 1932
RobertsJeanette born about 1889
RobinsonAnna born about 1858
RobinsonAnna born about 1921
RobinsonDonad born about 1924
RobinsonElizabeth born about 1925
RobinsonIda born about 1892
RobinsonJoseph born about 1888
RobinsonJoseph born about 1919
RobinsonMary born about 1910
RobinsonNancy born about 1893
RobinsonWilliam Hborn about 1916
RobocheckJoseph born about 1887
RobovetykyJohn born about 1885
RocknakDonald born about 1932
RocknakFrank born about 1907
RocknakIrma Rborn about 1909
RocknakRichard born about 1935
RockwellFrederick Bborn about 1877
RodmerJames born about 1913
RogersMartha born about 1892
RogersRaymond born about 1901
RohrbachCatherine born about 1886
RojefskiHenry born about 1907
RommelLena born about 1877
RonowitzAdam born about 1911
RosdeitcherMinnie born about 1901
RosenJohn born about 1929
RosenbergCharles born about 1915
RosenbergDavid Jborn about 1891
RosenbergDora born about 1892
RosenbergDorothy born about 1924
RosenbergHelen born about 1925
RosenbergJames born about 1926
RosenbergJean born about 1934
RosenbergRichard born about 1932
RosenbergRobert born about 1922
RosenbergRuth born about 1920
RosenteurMinnie born about 1897
RossBetsy born about 1928
RossMarie born about 1884
RossThomas born about 1888
RossiJoseph born about 1907
RothAnna born about 1928
RoughgardenJohn born about 1907
RoulandClifford born about 1903
RoweCab born about 1897
RowlandSylvia born about 1905
RoxbyElizabeth born about 1881
RuggHarry born about 1916
RuggeriPauline born about 1903
RuggieroJohn born about 1924
RunyonAlberta born about 1930
RunyonBarbara born about 1928
RunyonGilbert born about 1898
RunyonHerbert born about 1926
RunyonJoyce born about 1929
RunyonNancy born about 1931
RunyonSally born about 1933
RunyonSarah born about 1898
RunyonVirginia born about 1924
RussikJoseph born about 1871
RussoAntonio born about 1890
RussoMichael born about 1923
RutkowitzAbraham born about 1926
RutterCora Annaborn about 1921
RutterSarah Lborn about 1875
RuttlerJosephine born about 1883
RyanAloysius born about 1908
RyanDaniel born about 1896
RyanElizabeth born about 1901
RyanMary Leeborn about 1925
RyanMichael Jborn about 1892
RyanRoy born about 1928
RyanWilliam born about 1895
RysdykeEdward born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaboyAgnes born about 1898
SackerNina born about 1912
SackmanHelen born about 1913
SadowskiJean born about 1918
SaffordGeorge Sborn about 1872
SaffordMaggie Aborn about 1883
SagerElsie Mayborn about 1911
SagerMargery born about 1901
SalvatoreEnose born about 1918
SalyHelen born about 1920
SalzanoCora Kborn about 1900
SamsonArchie born about 1917
SannitArthur Jr born about 1924
SanwaldGenevieve born about 1907
SatorStephen born about 1919
SaumsBarbara born about 1931
SaumsClarance born about 1900
SaumsClaudia born about 1907
SaumsClaudia born about 1926
SaumsClifford born about 1903
SaumsGloria born about 1930
SaumsGwendolyn born about 1937
SaumsMildred born about 1906
SaumsPatricia born about 1932
SaumsRobert born about 1924
SaundersHarold Wborn about 1914
SauterEmil born about 1900
SavageMargaret born about 1903
SavageMaurice born about 1887
SavegJohn Bborn about 1916
SawyerEnid Bborn about 1894
SawyerThelma born about 1905
SaxenThomas born about 1917
SaxtonBetty born about 1927
ScaranoBenny Jr born about 1931
ScardilliRosalie born about 1918
ScarlettWilliam born about 1862
ScarponeJeanette born about 1920
ScarryRegina born about 1927
ScattaruggioAmelia born about 1912
SchadeRuth Aborn about 1907
SchaefferAnn born about 1901
SchappachGertrude born about 1919
SchappachLudwig born about 1896
SchappachMinna born about 1896
ScharfAmelia born about 1882
ScharfCarolyn born about 1910
ScharfNina born about 1912
ScharfSusie born about 1915
ScheiryBob born about 1939
ScheiryJohn born about 1913
ScheiryMarion born about 1937
ScheiryMary born about 1918
SchenckCharles born about 1887
SchenckMargarett born about 1872
SchenckRandolp born about 1871
SchlutterCharles born about 1885
SchmeitzerBerthold born about 1930
SchmeitzerEva born about 1935
SchmeitzerFelix born about 1928
SchmeitzerJohanna born about 1902
SchmeitzerSiegfried born about 1900
SchmidtWilliam born about 1921
SchmittLillian born about 1910
SchneiderCecelia born about 1897
SchneiderFrank born about 1886
SchnetkowskiMary born about 1905
SchoenbrannFrank born about 1909
SchofieldLavina born about 1899
SchompLouisa born about 1880
SchreckElla Norahborn about 1902
SchuldeFred born about 1892
SchultzWilliam born about 1886
SchurrRobert born about 1910
SchusterSarah born about 1876
SchuylerJohn born about 1914
SchwartzLeo born about 1903
SchweigerDora born about 1903
SchweigerJoseph born about 1908
SconteJosephine born about 1902
ScottElmer Aborn about 1871
ScottGertrude Eborn about 1877
ScottMichael born about 1915
ScottWilliam Wborn about 1904
ScozzaroMary born about 1921
ScrimentiMichael born about 1914
ScullionAnna born about 1892
ScullyHarold born about 1900
SczewiczAnna born about 1886
SealsJennie born about 1871
SealsWinnie Mborn about 1898
SearLeslie Lborn about 1901
SechlerMae born about 1899
SegraveEdward born about 1890
SeitzEthel born about 1921
SellickDe Witt born about 1899
SeloverJohn born about 1923
SerraFrances born about 1892
ServanGloria Eborn about 1924
SeufertMary born about 1904
SextonLetitia born about 1909
SeyerJean Aborn about 1925
SeyfarthC Edwardborn about 1939
SeyfarthCharles born about 1912
SeyfarthDora born about 1925
SeyfarthDorothy born about 1914
SeyfarthJacob born about 1878
SeyfarthMathilde born about 1883
ShaneFrancis born about 1905
ShankeyEdward born about 1924
SharpJesse Wborn about 1912
SharpJohn Fborn about 1906
SharpSylvester born about 1881
SheaAlice born about 1898
SheetsMargaret born about 1905
SheltonJulia born about 1896
ShelvayJames born about 1905
ShephardBeatrice born about 1929
ShephardFieda born about 1907
ShephardRobert born about 1931
ShephardSamuel born about 1893
SherbitskyPaul born about 1892
SherlinFrank born about 1920
ShinkelBrenda Louborn about 1934
ShinkelGrace born about 1905
ShinkelLarry born about 1937
ShinkelLawrence born about 1904
ShinkelRita Clairborn about 1929
ShinkelRosemary born about 1926
ShinnElizabeth born about 1865
ShortMary born about 1891
ShuelerCharles born about 1939
ShuelerJane born about 1915
ShuelerJohn born about 1909
ShuelerMichael born about 1937
ShusterMary Elizborn about 1921
SietJennie born about 1915
SilpathIrene born about 1913
SilverHarry born about 1924
SimioneDominick born about 1906
SimmelArnold born about 1938
SimmelCornelius born about 1935
SimmelHenricka born about 1902
SimmelHenry born about 1933
SimmelJohn born about 1899
SimmelJohn Jr born about 1929
SimpsonGeorge born about 1883
SinayMargaret born about 1887
SinopoliVito born about 1875
SirshchikMorris born about 1898
SiscoDavid born about 1889
SkenckSamuel born about 1867
SkidmoreMarion born about 1912
SkillemanA Dixborn about 1916
SkillemanElva born about 1888
SkillemanFred Tborn about 1881
SkillemanHarold born about 1918
SkillemanThomas born about 1912
SkillmanBeatrice born about 1916
SkillmanFred Tborn about 1939
SkillmanGeorge born about 1890
SkillmanGeorge Jr born about 1930
SkillmanJane born about 1920
SkillmanRachael born about 1895
SkillmanSara Jborn about 1870
SkinnerGeorge Jr born about 1920
SkorupskiStella born about 1914
SkurkayGeorge born about 1893
SlackHazel born about 1924
SlackerDaisy Bborn about 1908
SlaterHerbert born about 1883
SlibonJohn born about 1878
SlikerNora Mborn about 1896
SlimoskiJohn born about 1911
SlovenskiStephen born about 1880
SloverAbram born about 1903
SloverAbram Jr born about 1938
SloverEnoch born about 1871
SloverEnoch Jr born about 1911
SloverHarry born about 1899
SloverHarry born about 1929
SloverHelen born about 1908
SloverIrving born about 1909
SloverMargaret born about 1926
SloverMary born about 1876
SloverMary born about 1928
SloverVirginia born about 1930
SlowDorothy born about 1907
SluismanPeter born about 1889
SlusserLuther born about 1906
SmalleyAnna born about 1874
SmalleyEdward born about 1873
SmallwoodWilliam born about 1877
SmithAlice born about 1884
SmithClarinda born about 1865
SmithDaisy born about 1875
SmithDaniel Cborn about 1923
SmithDoris born about 1928
SmithEdward born about 1920
SmithEileen born about 1928
SmithEliza born about 1874
SmithEmma born about 1882
SmithErnest born about 1888
SmithGeorge born about 1870
SmithGeorge Tborn about 1906
SmithIrving H Rjborn about 1903
SmithJohn Lborn about 1893
SmithJoseph Jr born about 1916
SmithMargaret born about 1893
SmithMelville born about 1913
SmithMimnie Lborn about 1905
SmithMinnie born about 1917
SmithOlive born about 1898
SmithRose born about 1904
SmithRussell born about 1887
SnookRobert born about 1920
SnyderLoretta born about 1882
SnyderWilliam born about 1908
SnyderWilliam Aborn about 1894
SoffellCharles born about 1908
SohnsElsie born about 1911
SokalskiHelen born about 1913
SomersRachel born about 1891
SommerockMatilda born about 1896
SooyStella born about 1875
SorgentoVincent born about 1911
SosnowskiFelix born about 1914
SouthardSarah born about 1884
SozioMary born about 1906
SpaldoAmelia born about 1908
SpaldoJohn Lborn about 1911
SpellmanElizabeth born about 1908
SpenceMariam Hayesborn about 1903
SpiegelSarah born about 1899
SpinningMabel born about 1927
SpitzenbergCatherine born about 1905
SproatRussell born about 1899
StaatsAda Hborn about 1900
StaatsBobby born about 1928
StaatsCharles Aborn about 1892
StaatsDonald born about 1910
StaatsDoris born about 1924
StaatsF Lloyd Jrborn about 1926
StaatsFred born about 1871
StaatsHarry born about 1903
StaatsHazel born about 1924
StaatsIrene born about 1902
StaatsJohn born about 1866
StaatsJohn Ryneerborn about 1931
StaatsJulia born about 1891
StaatsMargaret Annborn about 1935
StaatsMary born about 1870
StaatsMathilda born about 1872
StaatsMildred born about 1876
StaatsNeva born about 1920
StaatsPeter born about 1919
StaatsSarah born about 1858
StaatsShirley born about 1926
StaatsVincent born about 1919
StaatsWlater born about 1873
StaleyChristian born about 1890
StanskyAlbert born about 1935
StanskyEdna born about 1920
StanskyFrank born about 1922
StanskyIrene born about 1924
StanskyJoseph born about 1918
StanskyWalter born about 1891
StanskyWalter born about 1932
StanskyWilma born about 1900
StantonJohn born about 1915
StapletonLeo Jr born about 1926
StardirdJeanette born about 1884
StarrRobert born about 1911
StaskivegClara born about 1902
StaskivegDorothy born about 1928
StaskivegMary born about 1934
StaskivegNick born about 1902
StaskivegRaymond born about 1931
StathamJohn born about 1881
StaubBertha born about 1884
SteedGeorge born about 1898
SteelmanSarah born about 1901
SteeseJohn M Jrborn about 1919
StefanczykHenry born about 1917
SteffordFrank born about 1919
StegeKenneth born about 1906
SteinitzMortiz born about 1881
StengelJohn born about 1917
StephenWilliam Hborn about 1889
StettinerAndrew born about 1895
StettinerAndrew born about 1927
StettinerNena born about 1892
StevensGrace born about 1915
SteverAnna born about 1872
SthenDave born about 1908
SthennMaria born about 1915
StichMatilda born about 1872
StillmanAnna Eborn about 1894
StillmanLe Roy born about 1891
StillmanLe Roy Jr born about 1920
StillmanWilliam born about 1847
StillwellClarence born about 1890
StillwellKatherine Dborn about 1892
StillwellRalph born about 1924
StiykerSadie Mborn about 1916
StoneKatherine born about 1925
StorkDoris born about 1933
StormsRichard born about 1891
StottArlene born about 1933
StottArthur born about 1902
StottMarian born about 1908
StottNorman born about 1934
StotzFlorence born about 1911
StrappJames born about 1905
StricksoMary born about 1873
StrubelAmrbose born about 1908
StrykerAlva born about 1928
StrykerArlene born about 1927
StrykerElizabeth born about 1886
StrykerHelen born about 1902
StrykerJacob Gborn about 1875
StrykerJessie Cborn about 1883
StrykerMarie born about 1926
StrykerMrs John born about 1877
StrykerParvin born about 1921
StrykerParvin Sr born about 1888
StrykerRobert Rborn about 1902
StuartAlice born about 1926
StueberHelen born about 1903
StumpfVincent Gborn about 1910
SturisJannette born about 1875
StutzCharles born about 1885
SucheckCharles born about 1914
SuchockiEdward Jr born about 1924
SuiterMarion born about 1928
SullivanCarl Lettaborn about 1868
SullivanCharles born about 1865
SullivanKatherine born about 1883
SummersCharles born about 1916
SummersSadie born about 1923
SummersWilfred born about 1922
SutenCarmello born about 1876
SutphinAlice born about 1917
SutphinHoward born about 1913
SutphinKathleen born about 1939
SutterCharles born about 1915
SuttonArthur born about 1908
SuttonAudrey born about 1938
SuttonCharles born about 1880
SuttonDonald born about 1936
SuttonDorothea born about 1917
SuttonEva born about 1889
SuttonFrank born about 1913
SwansonJames Gborn about 1891
SwansonWilliam born about 1888
SwantonSchuyler born about 1855
SweeneyThomas born about 1917
SweetmanGertrude born about 1898
SwensonMinnie born about 1882
SwiderStanley born about 1907
SwiftJulia born about 1896
SwingerJohn born about 1901
SyderMike born about 1884
SzczechAnthony born about 1913
SzczechFrances born about 1892
SzczechJenny born about 1918
SzczechJohn born about 1886
SzczechJoseph born about 1916
SzczechMary Annborn about 1924
SzeglinJoseph born about 1905
SzotFrank born about 1889
SzucsWilliam born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TamberineCharles born about 1874
TanzilloFrances born about 1913
TaubertWalter Eborn about 1885
TaylorAlvin Rborn about 1938
TaylorEdith Bborn about 1899
TaylorEvelyn born about 1913
TaylorLois born about 1929
TaylorMadeline born about 1919
TaylorMary Eborn about 1913
TaylorRaymond Lborn about 1910
TedfordWilliam born about 1901
TerhuneAugustus born about 1874
TerhuneBenjamin born about 1902
TerhuneCora born about 1879
TerhuneElmer born about 1900
TerhuneEmma born about 1868
TerhuneFrances born about 1923
TerhuneH Dewittborn about 1862
TerhuneHelen born about 1908
TerhuneIrving born about 1904
TerhuneIsabel born about 1884
TerhuneMagey born about 1919
TerhuneMamy Fborn about 1912
TerhuneMary born about 1880
TerhunePeter born about 1869
TerhuneWalter born about 1913
TerhuneWalter Eborn about 1913
TerhuneWilliam born about 1917
TerrachinoAndrew born about 1932
TerrachinoCamille born about 1938
TerrachinoCaroline born about 1935
TerrachinoJames born about 1900
TerrachinoJames born about 1934
TerrachinoJohn born about 1896
TerrachinoRose born about 1901
TerrachinoRose Maeborn about 1911
TeskeJohn born about 1866
TeskePaula born about 1907
TeskieJohn born about 1932
TheckerDorothy Mborn about 1896
ThiesonFlora born about 1889
ThomasAgness born about 1905
ThomasFrederick born about 1925
ThomasKenneth born about 1932
ThomasLewis born about 1901
ThomasMary Lborn about 1890
ThomasRalph born about 1889
ThomasRobert born about 1911
ThomasRudolph born about 1897
ThompsonAlfred born about 1919
ThompsonChester born about 1916
ThompsonEarl born about 1922
ThompsonMary born about 1920
ThompsonRose Maryborn about 1932
ThompsonSara Nborn about 1888
ThompsonStephen born about 1868
ThompsonThomas Eborn about 1901
ThomsMargaret born about 1910
ThomsonElizabeth born about 1894
ThomsonMarie born about 1905
ThorntonMary Fborn about 1908
ThumlertCharles born about 1917
TindallCharles born about 1915
TindallGenevieve born about 1918
TindallGeorge born about 1919
TindallJohn Lborn about 1885
TindallJoseph born about 1924
TindallMartin born about 1911
TindallMary born about 1882
TippingTeddy born about 1920
TitoneAnthony born about 1929
TitusEmma born about 1898
TitusJoseph born about 1897
TofaroElizabeth born about 1918
TollaksenLouise born about 1895
TollaksenRaymond born about 1916
TompkinsFrank born about 1885
TompkinsNellie born about 1873
ToppMabel Jborn about 1928
TorelaJoe born about 1873
TorelaJoe born about 1913
TorelaJulia born about 1880
TorelaJulia born about 1920
TortMaud born about 1897
TothDavid born about 1939
TothElizabeth born about 1933
TothFrank born about 1927
TothHelen born about 1923
TothJoseph born about 1936
TothKlara born about 1917
TothLester born about 1888
TothLester born about 1919
TothMary born about 1896
TotterAlbert born about 1906
TotterJo Annborn about 1935
TotterLilly born about 1908
TotterNorma born about 1931
TotterRoger born about 1933
ToulonGeorge born about 1892
ToulonMarguerte born about 1892
ToyeFrancis born about 1931
ToyeMargaret born about 1906
TrasikCharles born about 1876
TrasikCharles born about 1931
TrasikDaniel born about 1921
TrasikDavid born about 1902
TrasikEdward born about 1937
TrasikElsie born about 1925
TrasikEmily born about 1890
TrasikFlorence born about 1929
TrasikGeorge born about 1927
TrasikHelen born about 1935
TrasikMariana born about 1900
TraunerCarlton Gborn about 1920
TrautmanWilliam born about 1881
TreadwayJames born about 1910
TrebilcockBlanche born about 1901
TremontAnna born about 1928
TrippoCamillo born about 1919
TrobacGeorge born about 1898
TrobacJohn born about 1923
TrobacKate born about 1892
TrueEdith born about 1925
TrueMay born about 1895
TrueRobert born about 1920
TrueScudder born about 1892
TrueloveLee Edwborn about 1909
TrueloveLillian Bborn about 1911
TrugliaIsaia born about 1926
TuckerAaron born about 1921
TulenkoMary born about 1905
TulkoBridget born about 1910
TumpheyLidia born about 1929
TylerJohn born about 1912
TylerLouis Hborn about 1914
TysenFrederick Cborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UhrlasAnna born about 1884
UpdikeGertrude born about 1915
UpdykeMrs born about 1860
UpdykeRachel born about 1858
UreelandDorothy born about 1921

V Surnames

ValentMary born about 1909
VallerMaud Aborn about 1884
VanarelliEleanor born about 1925
VandamCatherine born about 1881
VandermarkFlorence born about 1904
VandermarkHelen born about 1910
VandermarkMyrtle born about 1911
VandermarkPercy born about 1916
VandermarkPeter born about 1872
VanderveerLydia born about 1870
VanderveerMae born about 1904
VanderwendeCora born about 1893
VandornDella born about 1890
VandornDudley born about 1884
VandornJean born about 1930
VandornLloyd born about 1918
VandornMartin Lborn about 1889
VanfleetEarl born about 1892
VanfleetEmily born about 1890
VanfleetRobert born about 1923
VanhanValda born about 1924
VanhiseSadie born about 1895
VanhoutenFred Jr born about 1917
VanhuysCharles Henryborn about 1904
VanlieuRichard born about 1909
VannessAlice born about 1875
VansettersEdward born about 1925
VansettersGarret born about 1919
VansettersJulia born about 1892
VansettersSteven born about 1879
VanthunnJennie born about 1869
VantolaJoseph born about 1925
VanzandtAlbert born about 1888
VanzandtAnn Vborn about 1938
VanzandtAnna Mborn about 1875
VanzandtEdgar Lborn about 1929
VanzandtElizabeth Aborn about 1926
VanzandtFrances born about 1872
VanzandtHelen Bborn about 1892
VanzandtJ Percyborn about 1895
VanzandtJohn Pborn about 1924
VanzandtKatherine born about 1874
VanzandtNancy Hborn about 1900
VanzandtWilliam Cborn about 1939
VarganoJohn born about 1888
VarganoVincent born about 1909
VargencikPaul born about 1916
VaughanAvis born about 1882
VaughanDavid born about 1885
VavrinAlbert born about 1918
VavrinMary born about 1870
VelardoErnest born about 1912
VelivisStephie born about 1910
VeresLester born about 1913
VernieroTessie born about 1902
VetriFrank born about 1916
VetteseEdward born about 1916
ViandGeorge born about 1904
VickersMarion born about 1910
VieleElmer born about 1908
VilesDoris born about 1933
VilesEarl born about 1934
VilesHenry born about 1930
VilesLillian Yborn about 1910
VilesPhillip Sborn about 1909
VirtueElsie born about 1894
VirtueForrest born about 1892
VirtueVirginia born about 1920
ViscoTony born about 1912
ViscontiWilliam born about 1910
VitielloTessie born about 1919
VolkRuth born about 1929
VolowRose born about 1909
VoorheesAnnie born about 1868
VoorheesArthur born about 1896
VoorheesEdna born about 1892
VoorheesElton born about 1922
VoorheesEmma born about 1873
VoorheesFrances born about 1915
VoorheesFred born about 1889
VoorheesJackson born about 1914
VoorheesJaques Wborn about 1883
VoorheesLillian Jborn about 1882
VoorheesRuth born about 1924
VoorheesStanley born about 1921
VoorheesStewart born about 1909
VornehnHoward born about 1925
VosgutCatharine born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddelClarissa born about 1919
WadzukRose born about 1913
WagnerElsie born about 1925
WalchekJohn born about 1889
WaldronEdwin born about 1867
WaldronSarah born about 1925
WalkerCarl born about 1920
WalkerEthel born about 1889
WalkerGeorge born about 1900
WalkerGeorgette born about 1933
WalkerJune born about 1913
WalkerKathleen born about 1914
WalkerMary born about 1874
WalkerPatricia born about 1938
WalkerShirley born about 1936
WallerMary born about 1899
WaltersGertrude born about 1904
WaltersLouis born about 1901
WalthalRose born about 1903
WaltherTheresa Aborn about 1872
WanskiCarol born about 1917
WardMattie born about 1884
WarenczakStephen born about 1902
WarmkeLizzie born about 1854
WarnerLilian born about 1899
WarshawHyman born about 1900
WarshopskyKate born about 1896
WaterfieldWilliam born about 1877
WatsoJane Porterborn about 1871
WatsonHarry born about 1885
WeaverVictor born about 1925
WeberlingMinnie born about 1881
WeeksLouise born about 1881
WeidenbachCatherine born about 1895
WeiderspahnLucy born about 1908
WeidlAnna born about 1884
WeidlAnna born about 1920
WeidlCarl born about 1914
WeidlErnest born about 1924
WeidlHans born about 1913
WeidlHenry born about 1916
WeidlJulius born about 1911
WeidlWilliam born about 1915
WeilandFannie born about 1883
WeinekFanny born about 1885
WeiseAnna Marieborn about 1919
WeismanPaul Oborn about 1905
WeissArnold born about 1920
WeissFrank born about 1918
WeissGladys born about 1901
WeissJohn born about 1913
WeissStella born about 1925
WeissenbergerJane born about 1935
WeissenbergerJohn born about 1914
WeissenbergerSusan born about 1914
WeissenbergerSusan born about 1933
WellerWilliam born about 1900
WellsCharles Wborn about 1904
WellsThomas Jborn about 1920
WestMary Eborn about 1879
WestMary Tborn about 1897
WestWilmer born about 1888
WesterveltClarence born about 1881
WesterveltDorothy born about 1918
WesterveltElmer born about 1886
WesterveltJennie born about 1867
WesterveltMabel born about 1882
WheelerMyrtle born about 1883
WhidbeeCharles born about 1888
WhitakerDick born about 1893
WhiteElizabet Aborn about 1899
WhiteFrederick born about 1919
WhiteKatherine born about 1878
WhiteWilliam born about 1933
WhitedSarah Eborn about 1865
WhiteheadAnna born about 1901
WhiteheadRichard born about 1916
WhitehedLotta born about 1887
WhitenackElizabeth Iborn about 1871
WhitenackGeorge Aborn about 1912
WhitenackIrving born about 1893
WhitlowJames Eborn about 1889
WhitlowJennie born about 1897
WhitneyEugenie born about 1897
WhittakerLillie born about 1895
WhittamCharles born about 1892
WieaschendorffOtto born about 1865
WiederholdtOscar Cborn about 1866
WiedwaldRonald born about 1917
WieliczkyJoseph born about 1887
WigginsFrank Bborn about 1914
WigoCarrie born about 1877
WilcoxGlenna born about 1915
WileyCharles born about 1921
WilinskiMary born about 1922
WilkesRobert Bborn about 1921
WilkinsMargaret born about 1897
WilletsPatty born about 1902
WilliamsEdward born about 1912
WilliamsEdwin born about 1925
WilliamsFred born about 1882
WilliamsJohn born about 1935
WilliamsMarie born about 1897
WilliamsMary born about 1912
WilliamsMary born about 1933
WilliamsRobert born about 1921
WilliamsWilliam born about 1917
WilliesJohn born about 1880
WillisHenry born about 1860
WillisSarah Eborn about 1920
WillnerCarl Eborn about 1921
WillsonJeanette born about 1894
WillsonRandall born about 1884
WilmanGladys Eborn about 1908
WilsonDouglas Wborn about 1923
WilsonEleanor born about 1911
WilsonHenry Wborn about 1920
WilsonJane born about 1891
WilsonMortimer born about 1887
WilsonMortimer Jr born about 1919
WilsonNathalie born about 1892
WilsonStanley Jr born about 1924
WiltAugusta Hborn about 1911
WinarskyNathan born about 1892
WinbergJohnana Aborn about 1877
WindasDoris born about 1928
WindasEdna born about 1900
WindasThomas born about 1886
WinklerIrene born about 1906
WintersAnna born about 1877
WintersBlanche born about 1923
WintersMildred born about 1915
WiremanCatherine born about 1883
WirthFrederick Jr born about 1913
WirthJoseph born about 1919
WisniewskiJosephine born about 1912
WiteAnna born about 1881
WittEdward Mborn about 1908
WoelpperCharles born about 1896
WolfAlbert born about 1893
WolffBessie born about 1889
WolinitzAbrahm born about 1885
WoloszynowiczC Hborn about 1903
WoloszynowiczEtienne born about 1908
WoloszynowiczLawrence born about 1929
WolrothElizabeth Pborn about 1895
WoltmannHenry born about 1896
WoodAnnie born about 1901
WoodJessie Roseborn about 1906
WoodLillian born about 1917
WoodardHenrietta born about 1887
WoodruffCharles born about 1870
WoodsTheresa Mborn about 1865
WoolleyJames born about 1926
WorrellBertha Eborn about 1909
WorrellStanley born about 1904
WrightDoris born about 1909
WrightSeymour Bborn about 1896
WychePercy born about 1898
WyckoffDonald born about 1909
WyckoffDonald Jr born about 1933
WyckoffGeorgiana born about 1921
WyckoffHazel born about 1908
WyckoffJames born about 1884
WyckoffLouis born about 1884
WyckoffLouis Jr born about 1922
WyckoffPhyllis born about 1938
WyckoffRichard born about 1935
WyckoffSidonia born about
WyckoffThomas born about 1923
WycoffClaiton born about 1903
WycoffGeorgiana born about 1868
WycoffHelen born about 1917
WycoffLillie born about 1883
WycoffRaymond born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanickAgnes born about 1907
YantzEvelyn born about 1889
YantzGeorge born about 1890
YantzGeorge born about 1912
YantzJohn born about 1911
YantzMargaret born about 1872
YantzRaymond born about 1914
YarcesenWasil born about 1924
YatesAlmeda born about 1911
YatesFrank born about 1915
YeagerCatherine born about 1905
YeankJames born about 1929
YonkerEthelyn born about 1927
YoungAlexander born about 1892
YoungBill born about 1894
YoungCarrie born about 1895
YoungGeorge born about 1900
YoungHelen Bborn about 1891
YoungJohn Cborn about 1849
YoungRaymond born about 1891
YuenglingDorothy Vborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZaboAgnes born about 1924
ZaboAnna born about 1891
ZaboEdward born about 1921
ZaboJohn born about 1916
ZaboJohne born about 1887
ZaboMargaret born about 1917
ZaboRose born about 1923
ZahacRose born about 1883
ZaleckiZygmunt born about 1897
ZapanskyCarrie born about 1904
ZdwagenskiChester born about 1912
ZepfMartin born about 1926
ZickwolfWilliam born about 1932
ZidAnna born about 1882
ZidAnna born about 1917
ZidCharles born about 1881
ZidCharles born about 1910
ZigarelliIrma born about 1923
ZimmermanMarie born about 1852
ZimmermanRichard born about 1932
ZimmermanRobert born about 1929
ZimmermanRobert born about 1930
ZimmermanRobert Cborn about 1883
ZimmermanVirginia born about 1900
ZimmermanWilliam born about 1916
ZimmermanWilliam Jr born about 1910
ZinnWilliam born about 1894
ZinslerFrances born about 1878
ZonJoe born about 1912
ZuahlAnna born about 1892
ZulaufJane born about 1885
ZummoDominick born about 1898
ZutterCharles born about 1899
ZwolskiIrene born about 1924
ZynzelenskiWilliam born about 1917

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