1940 U.S. Federal Census of Norwood, Bergen, New Jersey

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Jersey > Bergen County > 1940 Census of Norwood

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlexander born about 1927
AdamsCatharine Bborn about 1895
AdamsJames M Jrborn about 1895
AlesiJoseph born about 1876
AlesiJosephine born about 1879
AlesiMargaret Lborn about 1914
AllenGrace Eborn about 1905
AllenJanet born about 1936
AllenJohn Jborn about 1921
AllenMary born about 1878
AlosioCarol born about 1930
AlosioDonald born about 1935
AlosioDoris born about 1926
AlosioJean born about 1925
AlosioMartha born about 1903
AlosioThomas born about 1903
AmelunxenAnna born about 1872
AmelunxenLouis born about 1876
AmicucciLouis born about 1932
AmicucciMarie born about 1903
AmicucciNicholas born about 1906
AmicucciTerranc born about 1934
AmicucciVincent born about 1933
AnezevinoAlfonso born about 1890
AnezevinoAnna born about 1920
AnezevinoGrace born about 1933
AnezevinoJohn born about 1927
AnezevinoPhilamena born about 1892
AnuttiFrank born about 1868
AnuttiLucy born about 1870
AnzevinoAnthony born about 1915
ApplebyBertram Gborn about 1895
ApplebyErna Jborn about 1904
ArnnAlbert Aborn about 1881
ArnnAnna Lborn about 1877
AscoleseAnna born about 1936
AscoleseClara born about 1911
AscoleseDominick born about 1910
AscoleseJohn Pborn about 1939
AscoleseJoseph born about 1935
AscoleseMildred born about 1932
AuchorAgustus born about 1877
AuchorJoanna born about 1901
AuchorRaymond born about 1897
AustinAmy born about 1879
AustinBlanche Bborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaasSophie born about 1857
BadulaLewis born about 1896
BadulaMarian born about 1895
BagnoliDonald Lborn about 1938
BagnoliEmile Aborn about 1910
BagnoliLouis Fborn about 1900
BagnoliMabel born about 1870
BagnoliOlinto born about 1866
BassermanAlice Eborn about 1904
BassermanGeorge Jborn about 1894
BassermanReynold Jborn about 1915
BattagliaFrank born about 1893
BattagliaFrank Jr born about 1935
BattagliaLouise born about 1927
BattagliaMartha Lborn about 1924
BattagliaMary born about 1904
BaudischBernard born about 1896
BaudischBernard born about 1928
BaudischMuriel born about 1921
BaudischRose born about 1898
BaudischRuth born about 1924
BaumJohn Aborn about 1878
BaumMartha born about 1880
BayemArthur born about 1920
BayemClement born about 1895
BayemGrace born about 1897
BayemWalter born about 1924
BeachWilliam born about 1887
BeahmAnna born about 1921
BeahmEdward born about 1917
BeahmEugene born about 1911
BeahmJenny born about 1874
BeahmJulia born about 1907
BeahmMicheal Mborn about 1871
BeattieDonald Aborn about 1931
BeattieEvylyn Mborn about 1902
BeattieJames Fborn about 1901
BeattieMargaret Aborn about 1933
BeattieThomas Aborn about 1927
BeckerEmma born about 1903
BeckerFlorence born about 1928
BeckerSavan born about 1902
BeckerUrsula born about 1925
BeerElsie Nborn about 1896
BeerHollis Fborn about 1893
BelizzeDelia Cborn about 1915
BelizzeDolores Mborn about 1929
BelizzeDominick Tborn about 1920
BelizzeElaine Mborn about 1925
BelizzePeter Pborn about 1916
BelizzeSusan Fborn about 1890
BelizzeVincent Jborn about 1885
BellMargarett born about 1906
BellinElsa Gborn about 1890
BellinJanet Gborn about 1910
BellinRonald Mborn about 1912
BenaquistaFanny born about 1906
BenaquistaJeanette born about 1931
BenaquistaLouis born about 1904
BenaquistaLouis born about 1930
BentelBertha born about 1894
BentelBertha Aborn about 1928
BentelCecilia Lborn about 1929
BentelFrank Gborn about 1924
BentelVincent born about 1916
BentelWilliam born about 1895
BentelWilliam Cborn about 1922
BenvenutoJenny born about 1903
BenvenutoLouis born about 1925
BenvenutoMargaret born about 1923
BenvenutoPasquale born about 1892
BenvenutoSamuel born about 1927
BerdellEmma born about 1887
BerdellLawrence born about 1887
BerdellRobert born about 1920
BergAnna born about 1900
BergmannChristina born about 1915
BernadellaJoseph born about 1882
BernadellaJoseph Jr born about 1909
BernadellaLawrence born about 1914
BernadellaMarie born about 1924
BernadellaMary born about 1887
BernadellaMary born about 1918
BernadellaPatricia born about 1939
BerryAnna Tborn about 1929
BerryCharles Cborn about 1905
BerryCharles Tborn about 1926
BerryChristopher Aborn about 1905
BerryJames born about 1930
BerryJames Wborn about 1910
BerryJohn Fborn about 1911
BerryJoseph Eborn about 1913
BerryLillian Aborn about 1904
BerryMary Eborn about 1875
BerryThomas born about 1928
BettigaBruno born about 1912
BettigaMary born about 1913
BevaletJune born about 1929
BevaletKatheryn born about 1908
BevaletLucille born about 1930
BevaletMarcel Eborn about 1903
BevaletMarcelle born about 1931
BevaletRobert born about 1927
BischofAlbert Kborn about 1928
BischofBertha Cborn about 1885
BischofGrace Lborn about 1915
BischofJohn Dborn about 1886
BischofJohn Jr born about 1918
BischofLouis C Dborn about 1935
BischofLouis Lborn about 1912
BlandinoAnthony born about 1907
BlandinoBlanche born about 1923
BlandinoCharles born about 1919
BlandinoCharles Cborn about 1932
BlandinoJoseph Jborn about 1929
BlandinoMarie born about 1910
BoardPearl born about 1893
BobishDorothy born about 1913
BobishMicheal born about 1911
BobishRichard Mborn about 1935
BobishRobert Wborn about 1936
BocchinoBarbara Aborn about 1940
BocchinoCharles born about 1930
BocchinoFrank born about 1929
BocchinoJoseph born about 1931
BocchinoMarion born about 1906
BocchinoMichael born about 1906
BocchinoMichael born about 1928
BogartAnn Eborn about 1918
BogartCharles M Jrborn about 1917
BogliettiClara born about 1897
BogliettiFrank born about 1893
BollogniniBarbara Gborn about 1940
BollogniniCharles born about 1881
BollogniniJean born about 1917
BollogniniJoseph born about 1910
BollogniniMabel Mborn about 1916
BollogniniMarina born about 1894
BorrillDorothy born about 1935
BorrillMary Aborn about 1901
BorrillThomas born about 1898
BorrillThomas born about 1931
BortleAnna Cborn about 1867
BortleJeanne Mborn about 1922
BortleJennie Bborn about 1892
BortleWebster Eborn about 1868
BortleWebster Eborn about 1891
BrewsterAgusta born about 1910
BrewsterEdward born about 1908
BrooksBertha born about 1912
BrownCharlotte Wborn about 1877
BrownEarle Wborn about 1886
BrownJacqueline Aborn about 1921
BrownJane born about 1903
BrownJane born about 1931
BrownJohn Cborn about 1904
BrownPatricia born about 1929
BrownWinfred Kborn about 1925
BrummerH Arthurborn about 1932
BrummerH Arthyrborn about 1899
BrummerRose born about 1903
BruttomesoAngelo born about 1907
BruttomesoCorine born about 1931
BruttomesoLucille born about 1934
BruttomesoMary born about 1907
BuccoloAngelo born about 1918
BuccoloJoseph born about 1912
BuccoloJulia born about 1914
BuccoloMary born about 1872
BuccoloPatsey born about 1906
BuhlerGeorge J Jrborn about 1922
BuhlerGeorge J Srborn about 1892
BuhlerGilbert born about 1929
BuhlerHelen born about 1926
BuhlerMargaret born about 1934
BunceCaroline born about 1938
BunceDaniel born about 1921
BunceDorothy Aborn about 1937
BunceJanet born about 1935
BunceJoan born about 1934
BunceLawrence born about 1885
BunceMartha born about 1917
BunceRichard born about 1921
BunceRobert born about 1914
BuonoJoseph born about 1904
BuonoJoseph born about 1937
BuonoSally born about 1914
BurgdorferDavid born about 1871
BurgdorferDonald born about 1934
BurgdorferEmma born about 1908
BurgdorferJohn born about 1898
BurgdorferKathryn born about 1939
BurgdorferRichard born about 1930
BurgherDavid Eborn about 1876
BurgherEdith Bborn about 1913
BurgherJeanette Fborn about 1910
BurguiereElinor born about 1930
BurguiereHenry born about 1898
BurguiereIda born about 1900
BurkeWilhelm Hborn about 1903
BurnettBeatrice born about 1908
BurnettHoward born about 1931
BurnsDonald Eborn about 1939
BurnsEugene Lborn about 1928
BurnsEvelyn Mborn about 1918
BurnsJoseph Aborn about 1895
BurnsJoseph A Jrborn about 1923
BurnsMae Rborn about 1896
BurnsMaureen Eborn about 1933
BurnsRita Mborn about 1921
BustanobyAudre born about 1931
BustanobyJacques born about 1902
BustanobyJeanne born about 1927
BustanobyMarian born about 1900
BustanobyNanette born about 1922
BustanobyRaymond born about 1900
BustanobyRuth born about 1903
ByamElinor Hborn about 1911
ByamGug Rborn about 1908
ByamNancy born about 1940
ByerOscar born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalahanCharlotte Mborn about 1920
CalahanHarry Cborn about 1888
CalahanHarry Cborn about 1925
CalahanJohn Cborn about 1923
CalahanMaria Tborn about 1893
CalahanWalter A Pborn about 1928
CamponazanaLuigi born about 1891
CamponazanaRose born about 1923
CamponazanaVirginia born about 1921
CaponeCarol born about 1936
CaponeCharles born about 1900
CaponeCharles born about 1933
CaponeHelen born about 1911
CaponeJerome born about 1929
CaponeShirely born about 1935
CareyAudrey born about 1919
CareyCaroline born about 1883
CareyEdward born about 1927
CarusoAugust born about 1933
CarusoCarlo born about 1931
CarusoConcheta born about 1908
CarusoJoseph born about 1907
CarusoTheresa born about 1938
CasteloniaCora Mborn about 1901
CasteloniaDemeres born about 1897
CatenaPeter born about 1895
CatenaViolet born about 1900
CaugheyKatherine born about 1909
CaugheyPatricia born about 1935
CaugheyRobert born about 1906
CaugheyRobert Wborn about 1934
CavaliereAgnes born about 1890
CavaliereAlice born about 1920
CavaliereFrank born about 1915
CavaliereJohn born about 1920
CavaliereJoseph born about 1912
CavaliereNathianiel born about 1922
CerbasiAngelina born about 1922
CerbasiGeorge born about 1936
CerbasiJohn born about 1937
CerbasiJoseph born about 1896
CerbasiJoseph born about 1926
CerbasiMary born about 1901
CerbasiMary born about 1932
CerbasiNicholas born about 1920
CerbasiRocco born about 1928
CerbasiThea born about 1930
CerbasiVincent born about 1929
ChadwickDorothy born about 1914
ChadwickDouglas born about 1912
ChadwickIda Aborn about 1938
CheneyCharles born about 1902
CheneyCharles Rborn about 1936
CheneyFlorence born about 1906
CheneyJean born about 1933
ChifulioArthur born about 1935
ChifulioJames born about 1901
ChifulioJoseph born about 1914
ChifulioMary born about 1861
ChifulioOlga born about 1906
ChifulioRobert born about 1939
ChristiensonEdgar born about 1872
ChristiensonMargaret born about 1878
ClairEdward Pborn about 1902
ClairHenry born about 1910
ClairMadeline born about 1909
ClairMary born about 1872
ClairMicheal born about 1935
ClairNancy Aborn about 1939
ClarkArthur born about 1923
ClarkCharles Fborn about 1902
ClarkGrace born about 1929
ClarkJean born about 1928
ClarkLillian Cborn about 1898
ClarkMay born about 1928
ClarkMay Eborn about 1896
ClarkRobert born about 1922
ClarkWarren born about 1927
ClarkWilliam born about 1895
ClarkWilliam born about 1918
CoffinDonald Pborn about 1932
CoffinDorothy born about 1938
CoffinJohn Jborn about 1906
CoffinJohn Pborn about 1936
CoffinViolet born about 1908
CollinsArvilla Fborn about 1914
CollinsJohn Aborn about 1909
CollinsMarianne Aborn about 1940
CollinsMary born about 1888
ConeysCatherine born about 1921
ConeysMary born about 1884
ConeysWilliam born about 1881
ConeysWilliam born about 1923
ConnollyStephen Jborn about 1908
ConnollyViola born about 1907
ContiCarlos born about 1917
ContiEmma born about 1919
ContiJoseph born about 1913
ContiLouise born about 1892
ContiMary born about 1915
ContiZepherino born about 1924
CoombesEmilie born about 1882
CoombesWilliam Aborn about 1879
CordaniEugene born about 1902
CordaniEugene born about 1926
CordaniMarie born about 1903
CortMarie Eborn about 1887
CorvinoAdelina born about 1901
CorvinoAngelina born about 1930
CorvinoAngelo born about 1885
CorvinoElinor born about 1922
CorvinoGloria born about 1927
CorvinoMargerite born about 1929
CorvinoThelma born about 1932
CostnerMartha Jborn about 1857
CramerWilson Eborn about 1901
CrestaEttoe born about 1921
CrestaMary born about 1928
CrombieFred born about 1894
CurleyMargurite born about 1905
CurleyMargurite born about 1932
CurleyWilliam born about 1900
CurranElizabeth born about 1874
CurranTheodore Vborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DackermanBertha born about 1911
DackermanHenry born about 1881
DackermanMary Lborn about 1884
DackermanWalter born about 1909
DanielsonMinnie born about 1866
DawClara Lborn about 1911
DawHarry born about 1907
DawHarry Rborn about 1930
DawJames Wborn about 1939
DawMildred Lborn about 1932
DeahmElsa Mborn about 1903
DeahmJoseph Jborn about 1898
DeahmRichard Eborn about 1931
DeahmWilliam Jborn about 1928
DeangelisArthur born about 1911
DeangelisMildred born about 1910
DebainEthel born about 1891
DegroatAlice born about 1921
DegroatGertrude Mborn about 1939
DegroatStanford Hborn about 1938
DelongisAmelia born about 1892
DelongisAnne born about 1910
DelongisAnthony born about 1911
DelongisFrances born about 1917
DelongisJulia born about 1920
DelongisLouise born about 1913
DelongisLouise born about 1939
DelongisNicholas born about 1908
DelongisPatrick born about 1936
DelongisRose born about 1914
DelongisVincent born about 1915
DeluchAnthony born about 1888
DeluchCarmela born about 1892
DelunetHenrietta born about 1868
DemargoAnthony Nborn about 1889
DemargoAnthony Jr born about 1925
DemargoFlorence born about 1937
DemargoJulia born about 1917
DemargoMary Eborn about 1891
DemargoVincent born about 1913
DemderFrank Aborn about 1887
DemderHerbert born about 1915
DemderKate Lborn about 1885
DemerestClifton born about 1887
DemerestIda born about 1922
DemerestMinnie Fborn about 1887
DemerestRuth Fborn about 1928
DemorestRuth born about 1912
DepalmaAnna born about 1929
DepalmaCarmela born about 1891
DepalmaCatherine born about 1916
DepalmaDavid born about 1919
DepalmaJames born about 1881
DepalmaJames born about 1921
DepalmaMarina born about 1925
DepalmaPeter born about 1914
DerevereFrank Wborn about 1887
DerevereMarie Lborn about 1897
DerlinJoseph born about 1938
DiamoAngelo born about 1881
DiamoMadeline born about 1886
DickieAlexander Kborn about 1896
DickieBarbara born about 1919
DickieElinor born about 1929
DickieJames born about 1925
DickieMary born about 1896
DickieMuriel born about 1927
DieffenbachAnna Lborn about 1896
DieffenbachJoan born about 1891
DoerflerCharlotte Lborn about 1903
DoerflerHelen Cborn about 1922
DoerflerJoseph Gborn about 1899
DoltArthur Hborn about 1913
DoltEdward born about 1914
DoltHenrietta born about 1888
DoltHenry Arthurborn about 1889
DonahueElenor born about 1933
DonahueFlorence Nborn about 1898
DonahueKathleen Mborn about 1931
DonahueRobert born about 1935
DonahueWilliam Aborn about 1898
DonnellDoris born about 1918
DonnellHortense born about 1877
DuboisMillard Gborn about 1907
DuboisMillard Jr born about 1939
DuboisMinna born about 1910
DuffinMargaret born about 1879
DuffinMildred born about 1911
DuffinWalter born about 1902
DunneMay born about 1846

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EckelkampMarie born about 1867
EckhartPauline born about 1870
EdwardsAlice born about 1919
EdwardsMildred born about 1901
EdwardsMildred born about 1927
EdwardsMuriel born about 1929
EdwardsThomas born about 1890
EdwardsThomas Jr born about 1926
EismanFrank born about 1870
EllingAlice Aborn about 1906
EllingHerman Wborn about 1909
EllingIda Kborn about 1876
EngersBetty Aborn about 1936
EngersGeorge born about 1939
EngersWilliam born about 1912
EngersWilliam born about 1937
ErbCarla born about 1933
ErbHenry born about 1892
ErbRuth born about 1898
EsserHenry born about 1872
EsserMinnie born about 1876

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F Surnames

FairfieldEleanor Nborn about 1927
FairfieldJeanette Hborn about 1935
FairfieldJeannett Mborn about 1903
FairfieldJohn Hborn about 1900
FairfieldMay Dborn about 1939
FalkensteinCharles born about 1914
FalkensteinGrace born about 1914
FalkensternDorothy born about 1921
FalkensternElizabeth born about 1883
FalkensternGeorge born about 1923
FalkensternHerbert born about 1880
FalkensternJohn born about 1918
FalkensternRobert born about 1919
FazekasJohn born about 1892
FazekasJulia born about 1897
FeinIrvine born about 1894
FeinJeane Rborn about 1922
FeinTessie Eborn about 1900
FeltrinAngelo born about 1889
FimbelEmil Fborn about 1883
FimbelLillian born about 1885
FimbelRita Mborn about 1918
FimbelWalter born about 1911
FleischmannArthur born about 1899
FleischmannArthur born about 1924
FleischmannCalvin born about 1928
FleischmannPauline born about 1901
FloodAlice born about 1897
FloodChristopher J Srborn about 1897
FloodChristopher Jr born about 1923
FloodFrank born about 1905
FosterJosephine born about 1890
FosterWalter born about 1886
FrankAdolph born about 1891
FraschFrederick Wborn about 1872
FraschMarie born about 1878
FrascoAnne born about 1920
FrascoCarmela born about 1883
FrascoDolores born about 1932
FrascoEmilie born about 1910
FrascoMargaret born about 1931
FrascoPaul Jborn about 1907
FrascoPaul Pborn about 1905
FrascoPeter Tborn about 1929
FrascoRobert born about 1933
FrascoRose born about 1913
FrascoSylvester born about 1915
FrascoThomas born about 1878
FrassaChristina born about 1916
FrassaGeorge born about 1912
FreezeAlice Jborn about 1885
FreezeHerbet born about 1894
FreezeMary born about 1877
FreezeRose born about 1898
FrielBernard Jborn about 1923
FritscheHerman born about 1920
FroscoAudrey Mborn about 1932
FroscoFlorence Mborn about 1909
FroscoJames Aborn about 1907
FroscoJames Aborn about 1929
FroscoJoan Aborn about 1935
FroscoRaymond Gborn about 1940

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G Surnames

GalwayMina Iborn about 1897
GalwayPatricia born about 1928
GalwayVirginia Aborn about 1922
GalwayWilliam Jborn about 1892
GarrishGeorgian Wborn about 1939
GarrishGrace Jborn about 1917
GarrishHenry Wborn about 1918
GausenEdna born about 1902
GausenHans born about 1895
GeesChristian born about 1894
GeesChristine born about 1926
GeesLillian born about 1900
GelosoPaul born about 1895
GeuchonAlice Rborn about 1895
GeuchonHenry Wborn about 1870
GilbertCharles born about 1891
GilbertHattie born about 1891
GillenMarie born about 1891
GillenWilliam born about 1892
GilletteGeorge Mborn about 1893
GingnasFreda born about 1879
GingnasUlric born about 1875
GiovinazzoFrances born about 1914
GiovinazzoFrank born about 1916
GiovinazzoFrank born about 1937
GiovinazzoLaura born about 1875
GiovinazzoLaura born about 1925
GiovinazzoRocco born about 1934
GiovinazzoSalvatore born about 1908
GiovinazzoSamuel born about 1907
GizziAnthony born about 1932
GizziEllen born about 1911
GizziFelicia born about 1891
GizziJames born about 1918
GizziJoseph born about 1881
GoldinGussie born about 1884
GoldinHelen born about 1920
GoldinNathan Lborn about 1876
GonnovuelMathew born about 1912
GoratHarold born about 1891
GoratMargaret born about 1934
GoratMartha born about 1905
GrafingJohanna Mborn about 1906
GrafingJohn Aborn about 1906
GraifChristina Bborn about 1887
GraifClara Bborn about 1915
GraifMax Rborn about 1891
GraifMax Wborn about 1917
GreeleyJoseph Aborn about 1892
GreeleyLetitia born about 1893
GreeneBeatrice Nborn about 1904
GreeneGregory Hborn about 1904
GreeneHarry F Jrborn about 1917
GreeneHarry F Srborn about 1890
GreeneMargery Eborn about 1922
GreeneRuth Hborn about 1894
GulliksenGrace Dborn about 1900
GulliksenHarry Bborn about 1901
GuntherEdna Mborn about 1902
GuntherElaine Dborn about 1933
GuntherGeorge born about 1894
GuntherGloria Eborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HaakeAdele Gborn about 1929
HaakeAlbert born about 1884
HaakeAlbert Rborn about 1923
HaakeArthur born about 1923
HaakeCharles Gborn about 1921
HaakeFrederick Hborn about 1915
HaakeIda born about 1887
HaakeMarie Eborn about 1926
HaakeMeta Mborn about 1883
HaakeRichard Aborn about 1911
HaakeTheodore Aborn about 1918
HagermanGeorge born about 1910
HagermanGeorge Jr born about 1934
HagermanLouise born about 1913
HagermanRobert born about 1936
HaneAlfred Hborn about 1888
HaneJaunita Lborn about 1898
HaneMargaret Aborn about 1933
HanemanCarl born about 1879
HanemanLillian Sborn about 1881
HansenAlice Mborn about 1921
HansenFred born about 1902
HansenNorma Eborn about 1924
HansenStella Eborn about 1902
HanserEmily Mborn about 1898
HanserRobert Cborn about 1920
HanserWalther Oborn about 1890
HanserWalther Tborn about 1917
HarraBertha Mborn about 1875
HarraGeorge Wborn about 1870
HarraMeta Wborn about 1873
HarrisAma Eborn about 1900
HarrisEdwin Aborn about 1936
HarrisHenry Wborn about 1898
HasenstabAnnelotte born about 1915
HasenstabFrank born about 1901
HasenstabHelen born about 1936
HasenstabJoseph born about 1907
HasenstabJoseph born about 1939
HasenstabMinnie born about 1877
HasenstabPeter born about 1913
HasenstabWilliam born about 1920
HaversteinOtto Dborn about 1889
HaversteinOtto H Jrborn about 1925
HaversteinTheresa born about 1892
HawkesEdith born about 1922
HayesOrville born about 1911
HayhoeLawrence Lborn about 1914
HaynesCrofford born about 1887
HaynesRegina born about 1889
HeckertMary born about 1875
HedwigSteinauer Eborn about 1905
HelmanMary Lborn about 1938
HendersonAlice Dborn about 1903
HendersonAlice Vborn about 1928
HendersonBarabara born about 1934
HendersonJames Dborn about 1937
HendersonMary born about 1872
HendersonWallace Eborn about 1903
HendersonWallace Jr born about 1930
HenshawAlice Fborn about 1890
HenshawFredericka born about 1864
HenshawGeorge Fborn about 1889
HenshawGeorge F Jrborn about 1924
HenshawGloria Fborn about 1922
HerlesHelen Eborn about 1918
HerlesHerman Jborn about 1909
HerringAlice Jborn about 1909
HerringEdmund Mborn about 1910
HerringEva Cborn about 1873
HerringFrank born about 1892
HerringGeraldine born about 1908
HerringJoseph born about 1898
HerringJoseph D Jrborn about 1934
HerringMarie born about 1897
HerringMarvin born about 1922
HerringRoger Lborn about 1939
HerringStephen Aborn about 1884
HerringVirginia born about 1925
HerringWilliard Aborn about 1908
HerschelLouis born about 1904
HerschmamEva Hborn about 1863
HerschmamTheodore Dborn about 1858
HeusleinCharles Fborn about 1933
HeusleinDora born about 1877
HeusleinTheresa Jborn about 1905
HeusleinWilliam Aborn about 1905
HeusleinWilliam Cborn about 1931
HicksBetty born about 1927
HicksGrace born about 1930
HicksGray born about 1901
HicksJohn Rborn about 1889
HicksRobert born about 1925
HigdonIda born about 1915
HigdonJohn Wborn about 1904
HigdonPaul born about 1909
HigdonPaul Jr born about 1935
HigdonRachel born about 1914
HindEdith born about 1905
HindMarsh born about 1905
HiserKuner born about 1853
HittElla Lborn about 1889
HittIone Wborn about 1913
HittWillard Hborn about 1913
HoffmannElise born about 1907
HoffmannHarry born about 1907
HolahanCatherine Jborn about 1898
HolahanEdward Jborn about 1919
HolahanEileen born about 1929
HolahanFrancis born about 1931
HolahanJames Aborn about 1897
HolahanJulia Mborn about 1930
HolahanLawrance Wborn about 1925
HolahanLillian Eborn about 1899
HolahanMary Aborn about 1891
HolahanMary Eborn about 1922
HolahanWilliam Lborn about 1914
HuefnerLillian Mborn about 1905
HuefnerRegine born about 1865

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I Surnames

IfrateBernard born about 1910
IfrateBernardine born about 1939
IfrateEugene born about 1936
IfrateMary born about 1914
IngalloGeorge born about 1875
IngalloLouise born about 1887
IrvingJohn born about 1870

J Surnames

JacobsCharles born about 1872
JacobsGrace born about 1921
JacobsMary Eborn about 1882
JacobsRobert born about 1917
JardineArthur born about 1900
JardineGenevieve born about 1904
JardineGenevieve born about 1932
JardineMarjorey born about 1930
JohmanLora born about 1890
JohmanPauline born about 1910
JohnsonBernice born about 1924
JohnsonEssen born about 1901
JohnsonHorace Mborn about 1895
JohnsonHorace M Jrborn about 1927
JohnsonKaren born about 1902
JohnsonSalome Mborn about 1901
JohnstoneMuriel Sborn about 1907
JohnstoneRobert Aborn about 1906
JohnstoneRobert A Jrborn about 1937
JonesAlice born about 1915
JonesCatherine Kborn about 1878
JonesHorace Eborn about 1864
JonesWalter born about 1905
JordanEmilie Bborn about 1917
JordanJoseph born about 1914

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K Surnames

KailleMary born about 1887
KellmanAndrew born about 1916
KeoughMaybelle Gborn about 1877
KielyAgatha Mborn about 1886
KielyEileen Tborn about 1916
KielyElizabeth Mborn about 1928
KielyJoan Mborn about 1926
KielyKatherine Fborn about 1921
KielyMargaret Mborn about 1923
KielyMaurice Fborn about 1879
KielyRose Aborn about 1919
KielyTheresa Jborn about 1917
KielyThomas Jborn about 1911
KiermayierJohn Cborn about 1861
KimballGahell Jborn about 1902
KirkwoodDonald Aborn about 1936
KirkwoodMary Eborn about 1914
KirkwoodThomas Eborn about 1904
KleeCharles Aborn about 1911
KleeGenevieve Fborn about 1912
KlineJohanna born about 1895
KlineMatilda Kborn about 1918
KnappClarence born about 1904
KnappMarie born about 1901
KnappMarie born about 1940
KnollHarry born about 1933
KnollJohanna born about 1894
KoberAnna Fborn about 1879
KoberClement Jborn about 1910
KoberEileen born about 1914
KoberHarvey Eborn about 1910
KoberJohn born about 1908
KoberJohn Jr born about 1939
KoehlerElizabeth born about 1891
KoehlerHerman born about 1917
KoehlerWilliam born about 1891
KoltowichAlexander born about 1925
KoltowichAnna born about 1904
KoltowichJacob born about 1895
KrinkeClaire born about 1928
KrinkeHerman Wborn about 1895
KrinkeRuth born about 1925
KrinkeWilhelmina born about 1894
KrossWalter Eborn about 1907
KuehnapfelAlbert born about 1928
KuehnapfelClara born about 1907
KuhnAnita Mborn about 1937
KuhnEmma Mborn about 1908
KuhnGeorge Fborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LandesAugust born about 1862
LandesEmilie born about 1859
LandesHerman born about 1899
LangOtto Lborn about 1898
LanzanaAlfino born about 1924
LanzanaElizabeth born about 1916
LanzanaFrank born about 1873
LanzanaFrank born about 1932
LanzanaFrank born about 1939
LanzanaFrank born about 1940
LanzanaFrank Bborn about 1913
LanzanaJoseph born about 1911
LanzanaMary born about 1879
LanzanaMatilda born about 1910
LanzanaPhilomena born about 1916
LanzanaThomas born about 1906
LanzanaThomas Jr born about 1939
LapataAnna born about 1903
LapataEmilio born about 1887
LapataIrene born about 1925
LapataRose born about 1921
LasherCharles Hborn about 1908
LasherDorothy born about 1940
LasherDorothy Gborn about 1918
LasherPauline born about 1934
LasherRose Mborn about 1932
LeapJoseph Nborn about 1904
LeapVerda Nborn about 1906
LearsonClara Cborn about 1920
LearsonFrancis born about 1916
LeiningerAudrey born about 1930
LeiningerEdith born about 1921
LeiningerErma born about 1898
LeiningerViola born about 1919
LeiningerWilliam born about 1894
LeiningerWilliam born about 1926
LeonardCatherine born about 1890
LevyEdward Sborn about 1902
LevyElizabeth Cborn about 1911
LevyEstelle born about 1875
LevyWilliam Eborn about 1937
LewisEarl born about 1932
LewisEarl Wborn about 1905
LewisGertrude born about 1909
LewisGertrude born about 1932
LiemanFrederick Cborn about 1869
LiemanLillian born about 1892
LimaFrank born about 1908
LimaMario born about 1910
LimaMary born about 1911
LinsinAdele born about 1904
LinsinCarl born about 1888
LinsinCarl Jborn about 1927
LinsinDavid Fborn about 1925
LloydFrank born about 1897
LloydJudson born about 1935
LloydJulia born about 1907
LoennickerAugust Gborn about 1900
LoennickerChristine Lborn about 1900
LoennickerDolores Jborn about 1929
LoennickerJohn Jborn about 1927
LohrerHerman born about 1886
LohrerHilda born about 1896
LoidlBernice Lborn about 1895
LoidlJacob born about 1887
LombardMary born about 1921
LommatzschFreda born about 1901
LommatzschMartin born about 1900
LommatzschVirginia born about 1928
LonzeriEmilia born about 1904
LonzeriGloria born about 1927
LonzeriLouis born about 1922
LonzeriWilliam born about 1895
LovettBertram Jborn about 1910
LovettMary Aborn about 1922
LovettWilliam Pborn about 1873
LowrAnna born about 1899
LowrCarol Aborn about 1924
LowrHerbert Gborn about 1896
LowrTheodore Hborn about 1932
LuckAnna born about 1898
LuckLudwig born about 1887
LuckLudwig Jborn about 1926
LuckMaria Vborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachinanoAngelo born about 1931
MachinanoJoseph Aborn about 1898
MachinanoKatie born about 1902
MachinanoMario born about 1934
MachinanoMary born about 1937
MachinanoThomas born about 1928
MackeySarah Aborn about 1860
MageeBetty Jborn about 1927
MageeLillian born about 1901
MageeLois born about 1928
MageeWilliam born about 1898
MaglianoJoseph born about 1910
MaglianoMary born about 1920
MaglianoMicheal born about 1876
MaglianoMicheal Jr born about 1923
MaglianoRose born about 1886
MahlerFrank born about 1939
MallBertha Iborn about 1890
MallJohn Bborn about 1919
MallJohn Cborn about 1892
MallWalter Jborn about 1916
MalloyGeorge born about 1895
MalloyKathleen born about 1925
MalloyLawrence born about 1923
MalloyMadeleine born about 1896
MaloAllcide born about 1883
MaloGrace born about 1883
MantheyCatherine born about 1905
MantheyHarold born about 1931
MantheyMarjorie born about 1924
MarinoAngel born about 1895
MarinoAngelo born about 1932
MarinoAnna born about 1900
MarinoFrank born about 1924
MarinoFred born about 1922
MarinoMarie born about 1920
MartenotGeorge Lborn about 1904
MartenotGeorge Lborn about 1933
MartenotHelen Lborn about 1934
MartenotJean Fborn about 1930
MartenotJohn Wborn about 1938
MartenotMary Cborn about 1906
MartenotMary Cborn about 1928
MartinBarbara born about 1938
MartinClaude Rborn about 1882
MartinElla Mborn about 1903
MartinJohn Jborn about 1931
MartinKenneth Hborn about 1924
MartinPatricia born about 1938
MartinWilliam Rborn about 1926
MartineAnnette born about 1901
MartineIsabel born about 1924
MartiniCleland born about 1928
MartiniFrank born about 1897
MartiniJoseph born about 1932
MartiniNicholas born about 1907
MartiniRose born about 1911
MartiniTheresa born about 1901
MartiniVincent Fborn about 1922
MayFerdinand Jborn about 1898
MayFrank born about 1868
MayJacob Oborn about 1897
MayRose Pborn about 1892
McClainBarbara Gborn about 1939
McClainDorothy Gborn about 1913
McClainJohn Bborn about 1911
McCollamAlberta Eborn about 1916
McCollamDoris Mborn about 1939
McCollamHoward Aborn about 1909
McCombEdwin born about 1900
McCombGrace born about 1911
McCombMargaret born about 1863
McDonaldJoseph born about 1896
McDonaldOdette born about 1907
McDonaldWilliam born about 1936
McElroyAntoinette born about 1907
McElroyJohn born about 1897
McGovernAnnie Tborn about 1878
McGovernEdward Jborn about 1881
McNeelyAgnes Lborn about 1890
McNeelyWilliam Hborn about 1888
MeahrCharles born about 1873
MeahrLena born about 1880
MeekHelen Oborn about 1910
MeekKeneth Sborn about 1939
MeekStanley Gborn about 1908
MeyerBarbara born about 1877
MeyerHenry born about 1867
MillerArthur Tborn about 1885
MillerEvylyn Kborn about 1918
MillerGrace Aborn about 1894
MillerGrace Eborn about 1920
MillerJohn Jborn about 1923
MillerMargaret born about 1880
MillerMichael born about 1914
MillerRichard Eborn about 1876
MillsAgnes Eborn about 1903
MillsClarence Cborn about 1894
MillsClarence Eborn about 1925
MillsDorothy Aborn about 1923
MillsEthel Tborn about 1896
MillsFlorence Vborn about 1928
MillsLeslie born about 1881
MillsPercy Hborn about 1896
MillsRuth Pborn about 1919
MongDorothea Gborn about 1936
MongDorothea Pborn about 1907
MongMona born about 1935
MongOlaf Cborn about 1903
MongPaul Gborn about 1938
MongWayne Oborn about 1939
MorelAdolph born about 1879
MorelGabrielle born about 1895
MorelloCharles born about 1911
MorelloElizabeth born about 1913
MorelloFrances Mborn about 1919
MorelloJoseph Mborn about 1882
MorelloMaria born about 1885
MoreyElizabeth born about 1870
MorrelAlice born about 1911
MorrelJohn Pborn about 1939
MorrelRaymond born about 1911
MorrisAnna Mborn about 1896
MorrisArthur Jborn about 1896
MorrisCarol Annborn about 1938
MorseCharles born about 1904
MorseKatherine born about 1909
MorseNanette born about 1929
MoserDorothy born about 1916
MoserWilliam born about 1914
MunickGeorgiana born about 1910
MunickJoan born about 1930
MunickPeter born about 1904
MunickPeter Jr born about 1935
MunickRonald born about 1938
MurbergLillian Bborn about 1880
MurbergStanley born about 1913
MurbergThelma born about 1915
MurdockJohn Dborn about 1937
MurdockJohn Eborn about 1903
MurdockRuth born about 1908
MurrayCatherine Mborn about 1905
MurrayEllen born about 1940
MurrayKatherine born about 1939
MurrayMichael Lborn about 1937
MurrayMyles Aborn about 1935
MurrayWilliam Wborn about 1905
MutzeRegine born about 1918
MyersMargaret born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NallyGladys born about 1894
NallyJessie born about 1926
NallyJohn born about 1931
NallyLorretta born about 1929
NallyMarcela born about 1918
NallyRichard born about 1894
NallyRichard Cborn about 1924
NeckerCharles born about 1902
NeckerLouise Mborn about 1902
NeckermanEileen born about 1933
NeckermanJoan born about 1936
NeckermanPauline born about 1905
NeckermanWilliam born about 1901
NeckermanWilliam born about 1931
NewkirkMartha born about 1910
NolanElizabeth born about 1856
NolanThomas Fborn about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakesAlois born about 1905
OakesHazel born about 1907
OakesLouise born about 1867
OakesPeter born about 1875
ObrienJoseph Dborn about 1916
ObrienJoseph Dborn about 1939
ObrienMary Aborn about 1939
ObrienMary Rborn about 1918
OchseWilliam Tborn about 1905
OhearnCatherine born about 1937
OhearnClement Fborn about 1902
OhearnJulia Lborn about 1905
OhearnRobert Cborn about 1932
OliverJames Wborn about 1863
OriezLois born about 1896
OriezLouis born about 1906
OshaugnessyElizabeth born about 1925
OshaugnessyFlorence born about 1900
OttingerJoseph born about 1919
OttingerLouis born about 1923
OttingerMary born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PakeElle Mborn about 1880
PakeJohn Dborn about 1886
PalletteDorothy Eborn about 1899
PallmanAlbert Aborn about 1899
PallmanAlbert Dborn about 1869
PallmanPauline born about 1874
PalmaEdith born about 1932
PalmaFrank born about 1898
PalmaJosephine born about 1904
PapistAgnes born about 1872
PapistFrank born about 1881
ParlatoEllen Cborn about 1898
ParlatoRalph Jborn about 1902
ParlimentClifford Wborn about 1910
ParlimentMildred Hborn about 1911
ParlimentThomas Hborn about 1939
ParmeseAnna born about 1918
ParmeseAugie born about 1923
ParmeseJames born about 1925
ParmesePatsey born about 1912
ParrMargaret born about 1905
ParrNancy Lborn about 1937
ParrPerry born about 1898
PatersonErwin Cborn about 1903
PayneHerbert Cborn about 1887
PayneLillian Bborn about 1886
PeareEugene born about 1883
PeareEugene born about 1919
PeareGeorgie Oborn about 1885
PennerRobert born about 1916
PennerRuth Eborn about 1895
PennerRuth Eborn about 1922
PetersJohn Cborn about 1875
PetersLouise Fborn about 1879
PoisalClara born about 1879
PoisalSigmund born about 1875
PolhemusAgnes born about 1893
PolhemusRussell Eborn about 1888
PollockMinnie born about 1864
PopeArthur born about 1890
PopeElizabeth born about 1896
PopeLillian born about 1924
PostCarro born about 1924
PostEdna born about 1938
PostEthel born about 1905
PostHerman born about 1930
PostMarie born about 1927
PostMilton born about 1881
PowellEdwina born about 1912
PowellJoan born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuackenbushAlice Eborn about 1910
QuackenbushAnna born about 1883
QuackenbushEverett born about 1934
QuackenbushMildred Sborn about 1906
QuackenbushNaekin Oborn about 1904
QuackenbushRalph born about 1933
QuackenbushSylvia born about 1910
QuackenbushWalter born about 1880
QuillHarold Pborn about 1903
QuillLillian Nborn about 1904

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R Surnames

RaitaccoAngelo born about 1894
RaitaccoJenny born about 1926
RaitaccoJoseph born about 1924
RaitaccoMarie born about 1897
ReedGladys born about 1899
ReedLouise born about 1927
ReedRobert born about 1893
RehillAnne born about 1939
RehillJohn Jborn about 1907
RehillMary born about 1916
RehillWilliam Aborn about 1915
ReichenbachGenevieve Fborn about 1889
ReichenbachJulia Mborn about 1918
ResnickAlfred born about 1906
ResnickBeverly born about 1928
ResnickEthel born about 1908
ResnickFiath born about 1933
ResnickThelma born about 1931
RiceElizabeth Jborn about 1934
RiceHarold Tborn about 1904
RiceMary Eborn about 1902
RicklefsOlive born about 1890
RicklefsRudolph Gborn about 1895
RiliayGilbert born about 1898
RinschlerAton Cborn about 1914
RinschlerMarie Eborn about 1917
RippeyBette Anneborn about 1935
RippeyEthel Gborn about 1900
RippeyRobert Sborn about 1897
RippeyRobert S Jrborn about 1923
RobertsMargaret born about 1870
RondinaraDominick born about 1917
RondinaraMargaret born about 1922
RondinaraMary born about 1892
RondinaraPeter born about 1920
RondinaraWilliam born about 1915
RothElizabeth born about 1915
RothErnest born about 1904
RothMargerite born about 1936
RothenbergBernard Nborn about 1919
RothenbergHarry born about 1889
RothenbergRichard Lborn about 1931
RothmanDiane born about 1922
RothmanFreda born about 1881
RothmanLillian born about 1905
RothmanSamuel born about 1916
RothsleinEsther born about 1885
RothsleinFannie Mborn about 1914
RothsleinHarry born about 1885
RovereEtore born about 1891
RovereGloria born about 1927
RoverePeriana born about 1894
RuhlaCarl born about 1927
RuppAnna born about 1915
RuppGeorge born about 1911
RuppHarold born about 1924
RuppJoyce born about 1939
RuppKate born about 1891
RuppValentine born about 1926
RuppWilliam born about 1887
RuthJay Vborn about 1919
RuthLois Hborn about 1940
RuthPauline Aborn about 1919
RutherfordCatherine born about 1907
RutherfordMarinne born about 1939
RutherfordWalter born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SacmannoAnna born about 1902
SacmannoDominick born about 1893
SacmannoHelen born about 1921
SacmannoPatsy born about 1923
SalavinaFrances born about 1844
SavereseLouis born about 1933
SavidgeBertha Eborn about 1899
SavidgeCarol Fborn about 1933
SavidgeCynthia born about 1936
SavidgeJohn Fosterborn about 1899
SavidgeJohn Hborn about 1931
ScaglinoneAngelo born about 1929
ScaglinoneConcetta born about 1926
ScaglinoneDominick born about 1916
ScaglinoneJoseph born about 1924
ScaglinoneMinnie born about 1920
ScaglinonePhilip born about 1919
ScaglinoneRose born about 1922
ScaglinoneTheresa born about 1900
SchalarialCarrie born about 1862
SchmidtSophie born about 1863
SchneiderEdwina born about 1903
SchonoverJane born about 1896
SchoonmakerE Haroldborn about 1897
SchoonmakerFreda Hborn about 1901
SchraederHenry born about 1871
SchroederCharles Eborn about 1871
SchulmanFlorence born about 1917
SchulmanLeon born about 1913
SchultzGertrude born about 1885
SchultzPhyllis Mborn about 1928
SchultzTheodore born about 1910
SchulzGeorge born about 1897
SchwerbJohn born about 1876
ScottBarry Aborn about 1936
ScottDonald Hborn about 1903
ScottEdna Aborn about 1910
ScottFlorence born about 1911
ScottJoan born about 1929
ScottW Austinborn about 1901
SemendingerAmelia born about 1870
SemendingerAugust born about 1906
SemendingerDavid born about 1939
SemendingerPaul born about 1939
SemendingerRuth born about 1906
SertiIrene born about 1889
SertiVictor born about 1894
ShawBarabara born about 1922
ShawEffie Cborn about 1892
ShawJohn Wborn about 1892
ShusmanJulia born about 1874
SieveriJeanette Mborn about 1939
SieveriMary Jborn about 1914
SieveriMayo Eborn about 1909
SilengoModesto born about 1885
SkinnerHelen Gborn about 1892
SkinnerWalter Eborn about 1888
SkinnerWalter E Jrborn about 1915
SloatDaisy born about 1869
SloatJoseph born about 1878
SloatMyrtle born about 1887
SloatWilliam born about 1927
SloughRose Mayborn about 1917
SlusemanAudrey Lborn about 1923
SlusemanHarriet Cborn about 1924
SlusemanHarry Hborn about 1896
SlusemanLillian born about 1900
SmallAlice Eborn about 1886
SmallFred Aborn about 1883
SmallFrederick Aborn about 1906
SmithDonald born about 1905
SmithHelen born about 1900
SnyderBertha Lborn about 1888
SpauldingEthel Aborn about 1905
SpauldingEthel Lborn about 1930
SpauldingRalph Cborn about 1901
SpearAlbert Dborn about 1906
SpearAnne Eborn about 1913
SpeckElizabeth born about 1873
SpeckJulius born about 1872
SpeckOliver born about 1903
SpeckTheodore born about 1880
SpiderCarol born about 1931
SpiderFrank Cborn about 1891
SpiderJanette born about 1929
SpiderMarie Jborn about 1896
SpieotaAngelo born about 1877
SpieotaJosephie born about 1873
SpilleKathryn Lborn about 1887
SposaAgust born about 1908
SposaAgust born about 1929
SposaAnna born about 1911
SposaAnthony born about 1905
SposaBiaggio born about 1876
SposaCarmella born about 1886
SposaChristina born about 1919
SposaCornelia born about 1911
SposaFrances born about 1873
SposaFrank born about 1870
SposaJames Vborn about 1898
SposaJoseph born about 1874
SposaJoseph born about 1926
SposaJoseph Eborn about 1917
SposaJosephine born about 1904
SposaJune born about 1933
SposaLucille born about 1934
SposaMarie born about 1877
SposaMarie born about 1923
SposaPatricia born about 1937
SposaRobert born about 1938
SposaThomas born about 1909
SposaVincent born about 1927
SposaWilliam born about 1921
SposaWilliam born about 1931
SposaWilliam born about 1932
StalleEloise born about 1883
StalleEvelyn born about 1917
StalleGeorge born about 1914
StalterFlorence born about 1922
SteinauerCarrie born about 1870
SteinauerHerbert born about 1898
StenzigHenry born about 1874
StewartBradford born about 1909
StewartJane born about 1910
StewartJohn Jborn about 1932
StraubArthur Mborn about 1912
StraubBernice Mborn about 1930
StraubMartha Eborn about 1896
StraubMartin born about 1866
StraubMuriel Mborn about 1918
StraubWilliam Aborn about 1895
StrussAnna born about 1910
StrussBarbara born about 1939
StrussKate born about 1889
StrussLouis born about 1898
StrussLouis born about 1936
StrussLouis Jr born about 1912
StrussSophie born about 1910
SummerlinJune Fborn about 1928
SurlesAdelaide born about 1909
SurlesFrederick born about 1909
SurlesFrederick Wborn about 1933
SweeneyBarry Jborn about 1930
SweeneyFlorence Tborn about 1897
SweeneyJames Pborn about 1892
SweeneyMyles Fborn about 1922

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T Surnames

TadielloAngie born about 1914
TadielloAttillio born about 1917
TadielloCarol born about 1940
TadielloCarolina born about 1884
TadielloEdward born about 1914
TadielloGeorge born about 1915
TadielloLouis born about 1906
TallmanWilliam born about 1877
TaskaAnton Vborn about 1886
TaskaClara born about 1885
TaskaFred born about 1927
TaskaJohn born about 1915
TellierFernand Fborn about 1894
TellierFreda born about 1895
TellierJoan born about 1934
TellierReene born about 1931
TermeerErnest born about 1891
TermeerLorene born about 1922
TermeerLorne born about 1899
ThielHarriet born about 1921
ThomClara Fborn about 1862
ThomanMicheal born about 1875
ThomasLora born about 1916
ThomasMartin born about 1912
TimmBernice born about 1935
TimmClair born about 1932
TimmEdward Jborn about 1939
TimmFlorence born about 1911
TimmJoan born about 1933
TimmJohn born about 1908
TogatoMarie born about 1857
TolleyHenry Iborn about 1890
TolleySophie born about 1897
TomlinsonJames born about 1931
TomlinsonJoseph Rborn about 1906
TomlinsonRichard born about 1928
TomlinsonVirginia born about 1909
TongesEdward Rborn about 1896
TongesMary born about 1884
TuckerArthur Rborn about 1889
TuckerLillian Sborn about 1902

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U Surnames

UnoldAnna Kborn about 1870
UnoldCatherine born about 1931
UrnBallegovien John Tborn about 1910
UrsoRosalie Cborn about 1901
UrsoSalvatore Rborn about 1898
UrsoThomas Sborn about 1939

V Surnames

VanvalenAnna born about 1911
VanvalenCharles Jborn about 1911
VanvalenJoan born about 1939
VedigiAndrew born about 1894
VedigiClara born about 1897
VelseyCharles born about 1874
VelseyEvylyn born about 1880
VerbeystDorothy born about 1906
VerbeystJoan born about 1933
VerbeystJohn born about 1937
VerbeystMarcia born about 1936
VerbeystMartin born about 1906
VermilyeaChester born about 1920
VermilyeaHoward born about 1889
VermilyeaJosephine born about 1890
VermilyeaRussell born about 1910
VersageCatherine Mborn about 1899
VersageFrank Aborn about 1895
VersageFrank A Jrborn about 1918
VersageMarion Cborn about 1920
VersagePeter Cborn about 1917
VicariPhilip born about 1896
VienFrank born about 1879
VienMary Aborn about 1877
ViolaBernard born about 1918
ViolaMatilda born about 1917
VoglerAngelo born about 1890
VoglerAntonette born about 1875
VoglerAurelia born about 1922
VoglerDominick born about 1909
VoglerDominick born about 1918
VoglerLucille born about 1938
VoglerMary born about 1899
VoglerMary born about 1910
VoglerRichard born about 1930
VooslerMarion Lborn about 1924
VosslerGeorge Aborn about 1928
VosslerGeorge Fborn about 1889
VosslerLouise born about 1894
VosslerPauline born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerEdward Wborn about 1921
WagnerHelen Mborn about 1926
WaiteCatherine born about 1881
WaiteWilliam born about 1875
WalterAdolph born about 1864
WalterBarbara born about 1864
WaltherAlma Kborn about 1936
WaltherCatherine Gborn about 1906
WaltherGertrude Lborn about 1928
WaltherHans Aborn about 1903
WaltherJoan Iborn about 1931
WaltherPaul Aborn about 1939
WamserHarriet Zborn about 1898
WamserIrene Dborn about 1923
WamserWilliam Jborn about 1897
WidmerMargaret born about 1899
WidmerRoy born about 1936
WidmerWalter born about 1897
WidmerWalter born about 1934
WilliamsCarri born about 1892
WilliamsFranklyn born about 1919
WilliamsGeorge born about 1886
WilliamsGeorge born about 1897
WillisEdith Eborn about 1920
WiltonBertram born about 1897
WinifreyLandy born about 1900
WinifreyRuby born about 1894
WoikeFlorence Bborn about 1908
WoikeRichard born about 1907
WoikeRichard Jr born about 1932
WolfAlfred born about 1888
WolfAlfred Jr born about 1918
WolfAmelia born about 1892
WolfDorothy born about 1921
WoodinGeorge born about 1882
WoodinMary born about 1884
WorwitzHarry born about 1914
WorwitzHarry Jr born about 1936
WorwitzLucille born about 1915
WorwitzRobert born about 1939
WustrowEdward born about 1892
WustrowHelen born about 1891
WustrowHelen born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YerburyEmma born about 1875
YerburyFrank born about 1880

Z Surnames

ZaratamesoFrancis born about 1926
ZaratamesoGladys born about 1915
ZaratamesoVincent born about 1903
ZaratamesoVincent born about 1924
ZinkeAnna Mborn about 1885
ZintelAndrew Wborn about 1907
ZintelLena Mborn about 1874
ZoellerAnna Mborn about 1895
ZoellerJoseph Tborn about 1888
ZoellerRobert Jborn about 1915

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