1940 U.S. Federal Census of River Edge, Bergen, New Jersey

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Jersey > Bergen County > 1940 Census of River Edge

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckermanAlfred born about 1884
AckermanAlfred Aborn about 1921
AckermanEllen born about 1926
AckermanMabel born about 1896
AckermanMary born about 1920
AckermanRobert born about 1928
AckumanJulia Wborn about 1915
AdlerAdelaide Mborn about 1906
AdlerWalter Aborn about 1907
AgnerAnn born about 1928
AgnerLucy born about 1905
AgnerMary Louborn about 1930
AgnerPaul born about 1902
AgnerPaul Jr born about 1938
AhlertFrieda born about 1899
AhlertHenry born about 1899
AhlertNorma born about 1935
AhlertRichard born about 1925
AjasAlexander born about 1902
AjasHelen Gborn about 1906
AlbersRose born about 1866
AlbertChristina born about 1877
AlbertHenry born about 1875
AlbrecktBlanche born about 1896
AlbrecktJohn born about 1898
AlemyJohn born about 1917
AlemySarah born about 1916
AlexanderGordon Pborn about 1911
AlexanderMary Katherineborn about 1939
AlexanderViolet Gborn about 1909
AlfisDolores born about 1931
AlfisJennie born about 1917
AlfisJohn born about 1911
AlfisMarie born about 1924
AlfisMarie Aborn about 1893
AlfisMichael born about 1891
AlfisMichael Jr born about 1923
AlfisPhillip born about 1928
AlfisSalvatore born about 1915
AllenDoris Lborn about 1919
AllenFlorence Lborn about 1894
AllenMildred Lborn about 1916
AllenWilliam Pborn about 1889
AlnackFrances Mborn about 1910
AlnackFred born about 1910
AmoreseAngie born about 1928
AmoreseCharles born about 1937
AmoreseMary Instborn about 1907
AmoreseNicholas born about 1901
AndersonCarl Eborn about 1899
AndersonGladys Cborn about 1905
AndersonGloria Eborn about 1926
AndersonJulian Bborn about 1897
AndersonJune Lborn about 1928
AndersonNorma Mborn about 1923
AndersonNorma Rborn about 1900
AndersonPatricia Lborn about 1938
AndioniFrances born about 1864
AndreAlexander born about 1889
AndreJulieth born about 1924
AndreMadeline born about 1921
AndreMary born about 1891
AndresonElizabeth born about 1898
AndresonEvelyn born about 1928
AndresonFrederick born about 1938
AndresonJames born about 1918
AndresonJames Aborn about 1897
AndresonWarren born about 1922
AndreusConstance born about 1927
AndreusConstance Sborn about 1900
AndreusRichard born about 1930
AndreusWilfred born about 1924
AntesMary Rborn about 1899
AntesPhilip Jborn about 1897
AnthonyAnn born about 1859
ApplemanGloria Jborn about 1926
ApplemanKenneth Aborn about 1921
ApplemanLeon born about 1897
ApplemanSara Cborn about 1897
ArcherAida born about 1871
ArcherMuriel Eborn about 1897
ArmaniniAldo born about 1920
ArmstrongEdith born about 1888
AsperWalter born about 1913
AtsattJames born about 1890
AtsattJohn born about 1925
AtsattPhilip born about 1929
AtsattRhea born about 1890
AustinEldyn Fborn about 1911
AustinEunice born about 1906
AustinGeorgina born about 1913
AustinWilliam Jr born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabinoMary born about 1910
BabinoSalvatore born about 1906
BaconAmy Lborn about 1877
BaconJ Hydonborn about 1909
BacquetAmy Tborn about 1912
BacquetEugene Aborn about 1911
BadiniClaudia born about 1923
BadiniClotilda born about 1897
BadiniFrank born about 1917
BadiniMario born about 1918
BainJohn born about 1903
BakerRose born about 1884
BamesAnna born about 1904
BamesEugene born about 1929
BamesGeorge born about 1905
BamesGeorge Jr born about 1934
BarnwellBarbara born about 1937
BarnwellDorothy Mborn about 1914
BarnwellFrank Jborn about 1911
BarryCona born about 1862
BarryGeraldine born about 1921
BarryHilda Wborn about 1890
BarryWilliam Fborn about 1889
BarteldMabel Cborn about 1901
BarteldWalter Mborn about 1900
BarteldWalter Pborn about 1934
BarthenAdrienne born about 1927
BarthenJacqueline born about 1925
BarthenKatherine born about 1890
BarthenTheodore born about 1890
BaryThomas born about 1917
BattistaBeatrice born about 1917
BattistaFrank born about 1892
BattistaMarie born about 1892
BeattJames born about 1925
BechtelAdah Lborn about 1881
BeckVallerie born about 1904
BeckerAnna born about 1878
BeckerArthur born about 1924
BeckerJohn born about 1923
BeckerMildred born about 1927
BeckerOtto born about 1893
BeckmanIris Gborn about 1910
BeckmanWesley Hborn about 1908
BeckwithBarbara born about 1926
BeckwithBruce Wborn about 1930
BeckwithElizabeth born about 1902
BeckwithHarry Wborn about 1902
BeeserBetty Leeborn about 1934
BeeserJudy born about 1939
BeeserRose born about 1912
BeeserW Rossborn about 1937
BeeserWilliam Sborn about 1904
BeggsCarlton Gborn about 1900
BeggsMadeline Cborn about 1911
BehanAudrey born about 1908
BehanJames Wborn about 1902
BehrArthur born about 1911
BehrCatherine born about 1883
BehrFrances born about 1918
BehrPeter Mborn about 1883
BekaylaElaine born about 1938
BekaylaHazel Vborn about 1915
BekaylaMichael born about 1914
BellAlexaand Mborn about 1894
BellEdith born about 1891
BenewayCarol born about 1934
BenewayFrederick born about 1906
BenewayJosephine born about 1907
BennekemperMargaret born about 1900
BennekemperRalph Wborn about 1924
BennekemperWilliam born about 1896
BennekemperWilliam born about 1926
BennettEvelyn Dborn about 1911
BennettGeorge Rborn about 1907
BentleyBertha Bborn about 1871
BentleyE Mborn about 1875
BentleyMary Cborn about 1876
BergAnna born about 1874
BernardCaroline Bborn about 1916
BernardEstell born about 1892
BernardLouis Sborn about 1915
BernardStanley Jborn about 1892
BertheasClaude Hborn about 1922
BertheasEleanor born about 1895
BertheasEleanor Cborn about 1928
BertheasJohn Aborn about 1917
BertheasJohn Jborn about 1891
BettsThomas born about 1876
BetzInes born about 1906
BetzLaurence Gborn about 1904
BetzPeter Aborn about 1936
BetzThomas Jborn about 1934
BeyerEdward Sborn about 1890
BeyerJanet born about 1922
BeyerJoan born about 1928
BeyerJoyce born about 1933
BeyerMartha Eborn about 1901
BiancoJohn Bborn about 1897
BiancoLaura Mborn about 1905
BickertHerbert born about 1908
BickertViolet born about 1907
BiedingerJohanna born about 1906
BiedingerMarion born about 1932
BinskeJohn Bborn about 1872
BinskeJohn Hborn about 1897
BinskeLena born about 1873
BinskeNancy born about 1899
BinskeRichard Wborn about 1931
BinskeRuth Rborn about 1917
BisignanoAdriana Cborn about 1909
BisignanoWilliam Aborn about 1900
BlackAnn Ruthborn about 1930
BlackDavid Nborn about 1894
BlackLillian Rborn about 1896
BlackwellAdele born about 1915
BlackwellThomas born about 1912
BlaieDorothy Eborn about 1911
BlaieMyers Hborn about 1874
BlaieSarah Jborn about 1876
BlankenhoinCharles born about 1875
BlankenhornFred born about 1911
BlankenhornFred Jr born about 1935
BlankenhornJoan born about 1939
BlankenhornMildred born about 1917
BlanseltMarjorie born about 1907
BlautCharles born about 1915
BlautCharlotte born about 1919
BlauveltAura born about 1881
BlestHoward born about 1905
BlestMildred born about 1909
BlestPhyllis born about 1937
BlumeElizabeth born about 1917
BlumeHarold born about 1914
BlumePatricia born about 1940
BluteAnna Mborn about 1896
BluteDorothy Aborn about 1923
BluteWilliam Fborn about 1893
BnansonDavid Eborn about 1895
BnansonRuth Mborn about 1902
BogertAlbert Zborn about 1865
BogertAlice Hborn about 1867
BogertAllan born about 1936
BogertAnna born about 1905
BogertCharles Hborn about 1868
BogertElizabeth born about 1899
BogertEmilie born about 1904
BogertEthel Dborn about 1905
BogertHamilton born about 1916
BogertHoward born about 1916
BogertNellie born about 1905
BogertReginald born about 1904
BogertRoger born about 1938
BogertSarah Gborn about 1872
BogertWilliam Jborn about 1934
BogertWilliam Mborn about 1903
BoggsCarol born about 1938
BoggsClifton born about 1905
BoggsFlorence born about 1904
BoggsJoanne born about 1932
BollenbackerRuth born about 1910
BonafieldDolores Mborn about 1915
BonafieldHarley born about 1912
BormDavid born about 1934
BormGunter born about 1907
BormMargarete born about 1907
BorofotoMary born about 1888
BorofotoMichael born about 1898
BostwickAnn Seelyborn about 1940
BostwickHerbert Cborn about 1913
BostwickJeannette born about 1909
BoukerBarbara Annborn about 1937
BoukerBenjamin Tborn about 1906
BoukerLillian Mborn about 1915
BowerBurton Rborn about 1869
BoydDavid Aborn about 1939
BoydEvelyn born about 1908
BoydGeorge Jborn about 1914
BoydGeorge Tborn about 1938
BramerCarl born about 1898
BramerLucy born about 1905
BrandtMatilda born about 1869
BrattMabel born about 1891
BrattRalph born about 1893
BreaultAnna born about 1900
BreaultLawrence born about 1897
BreaultWilliam born about 1926
BreemanMary born about 1878
BreemanWilliam born about 1863
BrickBeatrice born about 1913
BrickEdward Jborn about 1907
BrickJohn Aborn about 1855
BrookeMarion Gborn about 1918
BrooksJulia born about 1876
BrooksWalter born about 1875
BrophyBeverly born about 1921
BrophyFrances Cborn about 1885
BrophyFrances Tborn about 1922
BrophyJames A Jrborn about 1920
BrophyJames Hborn about 1876
BrophyJohn Jborn about 1917
BroskieFrank born about 1893
BrownAllan Eborn about 1932
BrownElsie Hborn about 1885
BrownFlorence Eborn about 1906
BrownGordon Hborn about 1913
BrownJames Mborn about 1929
BrownJames Pborn about 1901
BrownMary Mborn about 1874
BrownWarren Aborn about 1904
BrownWilliam Jborn about 1939
BrownWilliam Sborn about 1872
BruckhorstAugustus born about 1899
BruckhorstAugustus Jborn about 1933
BruckhorstGerard Aborn about 1923
BruckhorstLorette born about 1899
BruelCarolyn born about 1901
BruelLafayette born about 1901
BrunnuhoffHarry Rborn about 1891
BrunsEvelyn Eborn about 1908
BrunsHarry Cborn about 1909
BuchananCatherine born about 1901
BuchananCharles born about 1868
BuchananKenneth born about 1897
BuckwellHarold born about 1904
BuckwellMildred born about 1905
BuckwellWilliam born about 1929
BuelPauline born about 1868
BukerAgusta born about 1903
BukerGladys born about 1924
BukerGodhey Pborn about 1893
BukerMarie born about 1922
BukerPhillip born about 1921
BuklerRose born about 1859
BultmanDorothy born about 1912
BultmanWilliam Gborn about 1905
BumeeBlanche born about 1919
BumeeConstance born about 1888
BumeeGeorge born about 1884
BurkeJames born about 1939
BurkeJohn born about 1935
BurkeMargaret born about 1906
BurkeMargaret born about 1934
BurkeSylvester born about 1902
BurkholderEdward Kborn about 1933
BurnellAldine born about 1909
BurnellCarleton born about 1905
BurnellJudith born about 1936
BurnellSusan born about 1939
BushCarrie Gborn about 1876
BushDonald Wborn about 1923
BushDoris Aborn about 1938
BushEdgar Rborn about 1907
BushIrene born about 1899
BushJohn Kborn about 1929
BushLillian born about 1908
BushMartha born about 1903
BushRalph Wborn about 1873
BushWillis Rborn about 1899
ButtenbaumHarold born about 1912
ButtenbaumRaymond born about 1939
ButtenbaumRose born about 1912
ButterEdwin Dborn about 1876
ButterHoward Pborn about 1881
ButterJanie born about 1915
ByersDorace Mborn about 1933
ByersJoseph Nborn about 1892
ByersRudolph Fborn about 1894
ByingtonMayme Eborn about 1872
ByingtonUz born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadmesBerniece born about 1908
CadmesRaymond born about 1905
CadmesRaymond Jborn about 1933
CadmesRobert born about 1934
CalecaAnthony born about 1926
CalecaJohn born about 1929
CalecaJoseph born about 1899
CalecaJoseph born about 1935
CalecaTheresa born about 1905
CalecaVincent born about 1937
CampbellHarry Aborn about 1882
CampbellHarry Aborn about 1910
CampbellMargaret Mborn about 1887
CampbellMary Cborn about 1908
CampbellMary Mborn about 1940
CanderrestGerald born about 1884
CanderrestMartha born about 1886
CanzoneriA Hililborn about 1911
CanzoneriDorothy born about 1912
CanzoneriThomas Jborn about 1938
CarlsonAnna born about 1871
CarlsonBessie born about 1899
CarlsonDorothy born about 1927
CarlsonFred Hborn about 1899
CarlsonRichard born about 1925
CarneyAlice Mborn about 1901
CarneyEdward Aborn about 1886
CarneyLeonard Jborn about 1911
CarpenterH Eborn about 1879
CarrollAnna Jborn about 1882
CarrollPatrick Fborn about 1919
CarrollRita Cborn about 1918
CarrollWilliam Jborn about 1872
CaseyBessie Aborn about 1897
CaseyWilliam Jborn about 1896
CernescoChristina born about 1888
CernescoVlad born about 1884
ChapmanHelen born about 1928
ChapmanJosephine born about 1882
ChapmanRalph born about 1904
ChapmanWalter Eborn about 1872
ChapmannCharles born about 1904
ChapmannCharles Jr born about 1928
ChapmannIrene born about 1904
ChapmannIrene born about 1930
CharlesBarbara Eborn about 1938
CharlesEvelyn Cborn about 1910
CharlesJeanne Eborn about 1935
CharlesJohn Cborn about 1909
CheneyGeorge Dborn about 1900
CheneyGeorge Jborn about 1931
CheneyNamoni born about 1898
ChristianHildegard born about 1904
ChristianMavel born about 1903
ChristianRichard born about 1938
ChristianoMarie born about 1878
ChristiansFred Wmborn about 1912
ChristiansonCharles born about 1905
ChristiansonMarie born about 1906
ChurchillMabel born about 1874
CirinoAntonio born about 1908
CirinoEdith born about 1914
CirinoFrank born about 1881
CirinoFrank born about 1934
CirinoMary born about 1889
CirinoMichael born about 1927
CirinoTiffaney born about 1918
CirroAlbert born about 1928
CirroCarlo born about 1885
CirroCharles born about 1932
CirroDorothy Aborn about 1933
CirroFannie born about 1899
CirroHugo Mborn about 1922
ClarkAlexander born about 1888
ClarkAllan born about 1929
ClarkAnne born about 1899
ClarkCurtis born about 1930
ClarkDoris born about 1930
ClarkHelen Mborn about 1874
ClarkMildred born about 1905
ClarkNancy born about 1927
ClarkRobert born about 1903
ClarkRobert born about 1924
ClarkStafford born about 1926
ClarkVera born about 1900
ClarkWarrin Lborn about 1869
ClarkWilliam born about 1900
ClarkWilliam Jr born about 1933
ClaryLois Mborn about 1903
ClaryWilliam Pborn about 1909
ClaryWilliam Pborn about 1937
ClausenJames Hborn about 1913
ClausenJulia Mborn about 1914
ClaytonDaniel born about 1909
ClaytonVirginia born about 1914
ClinchBertha born about 1876
ClinchCourtnay born about 1908
ClinchMaxine born about 1904
ClinchRobert Hborn about 1863
ClmsteadLorraine born about 1894
ClmsteadMary Eborn about 1924
ClmsteadRosseter born about 1894
CoeGwendolyn born about 1905
CoeJane Bborn about 1933
CoeLivingston born about 1906
CoeRobert Lborn about 1939
CoesfeldAlbert born about 1921
CoesfeldMina born about 1877
CoesfeldWilliam born about 1869
CoesfeldWilliam born about 1900
ColaneEdith born about 1889
ColaneHarry Lborn about 1885
ColbyCharles Jr born about 1936
ColbyCharles Sr born about 1911
ColbyHelen born about 1913
ConfortiAlbert born about 1918
ConfortiBernard born about 1882
ConfortiHelen born about 1915
ConfortiJohn born about 1920
ConfortiTheresa born about 1897
ConklinFlorence Tborn about 1900
ConklinThomas Jborn about 1900
ConnayFrank born about 1902
ConnayFrank Jr born about 1933
ConnayMildred born about 1903
ConnolyHelen born about 1873
ConnorAnn born about 1931
ConnorIrene born about 1909
ConnorLawrence Sborn about 1908
ConnorsAnn Mborn about 1909
ConnorsFrank Aborn about 1907
ConoverEtta Cborn about 1873
ConquestJessie born about 1856
ConroyElizabeth born about 1905
ConroyJames born about 1906
CookeGeorge born about 1898
CookeGeorge Eborn about 1928
CookeHoward Eborn about 1931
CookeIsabel born about 1900
CooperHarriette born about 1896
CordesFrieda born about 1904
CordesJohn born about 1899
CordesRobert born about 1931
CourtrightDorothy Mborn about 1897
CourtrightNancy Mborn about 1931
CourtrightRalph Wborn about 1903
CoviAnna born about 1898
CoviLeana born about 1860
CoviLouis Jborn about 1890
CoviMarion born about 1925
CoviRaymond born about 1922
CrandellEdith Vborn about 1917
CrandellEverett Mborn about 1915
CraneDouglas born about 1923
CraneFlorence born about 1899
CraneGeorge Bborn about 1897
CraneStuart Dborn about 1921
CreganJohn born about 1914
CreganMargaret born about 1912
CreutzburgAlbert Lborn about 1882
CreutzburgCecelia born about 1885
CummimgsGeorge Nborn about 1870
CummimgsLillian born about 1880
CummingWilliam born about 1920
CunburstErnest born about 1905
CunburstHannah born about 1904
CunningsBarbara Rborn about 1935
CunningsLydia Rborn about 1907
CunningsNikitas Gborn about 1908
CurtisAnnie Eborn about 1892
CurtisEdgar C Srborn about 1894
CurtisEdgar O Jrborn about 1920
CurtisJean Eborn about 1923
CutesHelene born about 1915
CutesRobert born about 1911
CyifaJohn born about 1912
CyifaMary born about 1911
CyifaMary born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DalimAgnes born about 1912
DalimCrawford Leeborn about 1913
DanielCharles Pborn about 1893
DanielEthel Mborn about 1901
DarlingBertha born about 1903
DarlingEdna born about 1885
DarlingJohn born about 1885
DarlingRobert born about 1920
DavisAnna born about 1900
DavisC Jessieborn about 1890
DavisDorothy Mborn about 1915
DavisEthelind Mborn about 1900
DavisEvelyn Bborn about 1904
DavisFrances born about 1906
DavisGeorge St Vborn about 1902
DavisHollie Mborn about 1898
DavisJohn Aborn about 1922
DavisJohn Jeffersonborn about 1940
DavisLaurence born about 1900
DavisLloyd Fennborn about 1916
DavisMarion born about 1924
DavisPeter born about 1939
DavisRichard born about 1925
DavisW Sheltonborn about 1914
DavisWilliam Sborn about 1888
DavisWilliam Sborn about 1937
DayCarol born about 1929
DayDiane born about 1932
DayDonald born about 1896
DayElsie born about 1910
DeaneDanny born about 1922
DeaneFrank Eborn about 1920
DeaneMartha Hborn about 1895
DeaneRay Eborn about 1895
DeangeloCharles born about 1916
DeangeloMarion born about 1919
DeckerFordyce born about 1911
DeckerLouise Eborn about 1914
DeclumLeon Aborn about 1900
DeclumLillian born about 1902
DeftulaEdward born about 1920
DeftulaFrank born about 1899
DeftulaMae born about 1900
DeitrickAlbert born about 1897
DeitrickAnna born about 1901
DeitrickRobert born about 1935
DeklerkFlorence born about 1903
DeklerkJames born about 1925
DeklerkThomas Cborn about 1937
DekoeyerCornelues born about 1911
DekoeyerDonald born about 1938
DekoeyerIda born about 1913
DemarestDudley Eborn about 1909
DemarestGrace Mborn about 1886
DemarestJohn Hborn about 1873
DemarestWarren Eborn about 1886
DenardDonald Vborn about 1932
DenardJeffrey born about 1903
DenardJeffrey Mborn about 1932
DenardMary born about 1909
DennistonChristina born about 1897
DennistonFrances born about 1917
DennistonMarion born about 1926
DennistonWilliam born about 1892
DennistonWilliam born about 1919
DenzlerJulhette born about 1912
DenzlerRosalie Annborn about 1939
DenzlerWilliam Pborn about 1913
DepicayaClara born about 1865
DepicayaJulian born about 1895
DepuyCarl Wborn about 1911
DepuyGrace Mborn about 1915
DepuyKeith born about 1912
DepuyLucille Eborn about 1911
DepuyRobert Wborn about 1937
DevanAgnes born about 1900
DevanDorothy born about 1924
DevineJoseph Hborn about 1907
DevineMary Lborn about 1907
DevineRichard Jborn about 1936
DevoeCarolyn born about 1884
DevoeCornelius born about 1852
DevoeDemerest born about 1884
DewhurstGrace Eborn about 1894
DewhurstJohn Eborn about 1919
DewhurstWilliam born about 1892
DiaugustineCarmella born about 1887
DiaugustineCharles born about 1916
DickelAlfred born about 1916
DickelAnne born about 1913
DickelDiane born about 1939
DickelHarry born about 1904
DickelHarry Kborn about 1939
DickelKatherine born about 1917
DickelWilliam Fborn about 1939
DicksonCaroline born about 1871
DicksonDavid Cborn about 1863
DieterAnna born about 1890
DieterKarl born about 1887
DietrichMarguerite Mborn about 1908
DietrichMary Ethelborn about 1938
DietrichWilliam Rborn about 1909
DietzeCharles Wborn about 1879
DietzeIda born about 1886
DinseEstelle born about 1902
DinseHerman born about 1901
DinseRuth born about 1932
DipietroJennie born about 1919
DipietroLena born about 1890
DipietroMichael born about 1915
DobbinsCaroline born about 1889
DobbinsFredrick Eborn about 1897
DombiererJohn born about 1897
DombiererOrdilla born about 1893
DonaldsonJ A Wborn about 1889
DorothyDorothy born about 1906
DorothyGarfield born about 1906
DoubledayEdward Fborn about 1907
DoubledayMary Carnollborn about 1908
DowellAngela born about 1898
DowellJohn born about 1892
DownsOtis Hborn about 1881
DraconEunice Cborn about 1908
DraconJoseph Fborn about 1854
DraconPatricia Aborn about 1938
DraconVernon Hborn about 1895
DregnundAlice born about 1867
DremerWilliam Raymondborn about 1905
DrydenIda Maeborn about 1911
DrydenJames Lborn about 1911
DuncanAnabel born about 1889
DuncanWarren Hborn about 1883
DunganAlma Tborn about 1906
DunganRobert Wborn about 1902
DunhamJean Cborn about 1920
DunhamJohn Aborn about 1925
DunhamMargaret born about 1898
DunnFlorence Mborn about 1891
DunnIrving Mborn about 1891
DunnIrving Mborn about 1919
DunnM Jeanborn about 1931
DunnRita Ednaborn about 1934
DuskeEileen born about 1929
DuskeMarie born about 1906
DuvalCharles Cborn about 1861
DwyerCharles Bborn about 1895
DwyerDonald Cborn about 1930
DwyerElsa Vborn about 1905
DwyerMarion Jborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarleDaniel born about 1885
EarleDanile Jr born about 1915
EarleElizabeth Gborn about 1925
EarleEnestine born about 1890
EarleRuth Cborn about 1916
EasterbrookBlanche born about 1871
EasterbrookEdwin Fborn about 1902
EasterbrookEdwin F Jrborn about 1928
EasterbrookLois Bborn about 1932
EasterbrookOlive Gborn about 1905
EckertHelen born about 1887
EckertWalter Jborn about 1913
EckertWilliam Rborn about 1911
EganBobby Jborn about 1937
EganHelen Mborn about 1912
EganJoseph Fborn about 1899
EhiteAgnes born about 1885
EhiteThomas born about 1921
EickeraverAlfred born about 1908
EickeraverBarbara born about 1940
EickeraverViolet born about 1909
EilertsCarol born about 1939
EilertsEarl born about 1914
EilertsEthel born about 1915
EldridgeJohn Rborn about 1893
EldridgeLouis Eborn about 1932
EldridgeMarie Gborn about 1893
EmanuelRuth Vborn about 1917
EngelAnnie Eborn about 1888
EngelGeorge Jborn about 1888
EngelGeorge Pborn about 1915
EngelschjonH Williamborn about 1907
EngelschjonRuth born about 1914
EngstromEdith Aborn about 1896
EngstromErnest Aborn about 1891
EngstromJune Eborn about 1921
EngstromVirginia Eborn about 1926
ErcolinoAnthony born about 1921
ErcolinoAntoinetta born about 1888
ErcolinoFrank born about 1887
ErcolinoSusie Gborn about 1925
ErnestAlbert Cborn about 1882
ErnestBertha Cborn about 1880
ErnstJane born about 1899
ErnstMary Jborn about 1924
ErnstRichard Fborn about 1891
ErnstRichard Jborn about 1928
ErnstSiena Annborn about 1935
ErustEdith Rborn about 1917
EskaJ Gordonborn about 1904
EskaJeannette Bborn about 1910
EskelHerman born about 1892
EskelSusan born about 1892
EspositosCarmela born about 1914
EspositosMichael Pborn about 1915
EspositosMichael P Jrborn about 1939
EssigEthel born about 1899
EssigHarold Wborn about 1900
EssigHarold Wborn about 1931
EssigVeronica born about 1919
EvansAlbina born about 1902
EvansAlice born about 1936
EvansRobert born about 1901
EvansRobert born about 1933
EversonCharollett Gborn about 1888
EversonFredrick born about 1873
EversonJames Hborn about 1866
EversonTheresa born about 1879

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F Surnames

FamiltonJeanne Aborn about 1931
FamiltonMarie Fborn about 1906
FamiltonMorris Vborn about 1893
FanellMargaret born about 1893
FanellWilliam Hborn about 1891
FeaseAbbah born about 1904
FeaseKenneth born about 1931
FeaseMildred born about 1904
FeildsAlfred born about 1904
FeildsGrace born about 1901
FelerJulius Lborn about 1893
FelerMabel Gborn about 1899
FelisElizabeth Wborn about 1877
FelisHarold Wborn about 1882
FelixAina born about 1894
FelterGarrett born about 1911
FelterHelen Eborn about 1905
FelterJoanna Hborn about 1937
FelterLe Roy Aborn about 1890
FeltnerJustine born about 1885
FerbeeBeatrice born about 1901
FerbeeMartin born about 1900
FerbeeMartin Jr born about 1928
FerbeeRobert born about 1930
FerbeeWilliam born about 1937
FergursonEthel born about 1890
FerhuneMabel Mborn about 1877
FerryClayton Bborn about 1875
FioreAnn born about 1926
FioreCharles Pborn about 1895
FioreMargaret Fborn about 1901
FioreVincent Rborn about 1920
FishAnne Eborn about 1939
FishGlayds born about 1912
FishW Richardborn about 1914
FlanniganCatherine Gborn about 1903
FlanniganJohn Cborn about 1901
FlemingAlbert born about 1883
FlemingAmelia born about 1882
FlemingElmer born about 1896
FlemingFrances born about 1865
FlemingLillian born about 1900
FlemingLouise born about 1916
FlemingWilliam born about 1911
FluzelMary born about 1878
FogartyMary born about 1932
FornoffFannie born about 1900
FornoffJune born about 1922
FornoffQuentin born about 1929
FornoffTheordor born about 1898
FornoffTheordor Jr born about 1921
FosterDorothy Cborn about 1908
FosterFrank Dborn about 1904
FosterLee born about 1929
FrankAlice born about 1918
FrankAnne born about 1936
FrankBarbara Dborn about 1917
FrankBonnie Rborn about 1923
FrankCarl born about 1913
FrankClaire born about 1917
FrankDouglas Leeborn about 1940
FrankEdward Gborn about 1922
FrankElcy born about 1899
FrankElizabeth Mborn about 1893
FrankHelen Eborn about 1919
FrankLe Roy born about 1915
FrankWilliam born about 1888
FrankWilliam born about 1895
FrankWilliam Aborn about 1922
FrankWilliam Jr born about 1921
FrankeLouis Vborn about 1894
FrankeMarie Hborn about 1902
FrankeSidney Jborn about 1922
FreemanGeorge Fosterborn about 1896
FrenchSusan born about 1919
FreyerBernice born about 1890
FreyerGeorge born about 1920
FreyerHerman A Jrborn about 1922
FreyerHerman A Srborn about 1891
FreynetLouise born about 1930
FrickeAgnes Eborn about 1883
FrickeHenry born about 1877
FrostRay born about 1912
FruchtnichtAlma Mborn about 1908
FruchtnichtGeorge Aborn about 1872
FruchtnichtHerman Wborn about 1902
FrudgenEvelyn Mborn about 1915
FrudgenReginald Eborn about 1912
FrudgenReginald Jr born about 1938
FrylinckEdith born about 1902
FrylinckMerle born about 1938
FrylinckMuriel born about 1932
FrylinckWilfred born about 1902
FultonCornelius born about 1895
FultonCornelius Jr born about 1922
FultonGrace born about 1897
FultonGrace Eborn about 1924
FultonPaul born about 1932
FurlongFrancis born about 1900
FurlongGladys born about 1904
FurlongGloria born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabberKatherine born about 1905
GabberMinnie born about 1876
GabberMiriam born about 1902
GademanLaura born about 1861
GaithJessie born about 1864
GambutiBarbara Annborn about 1935
GambutiLouise Vborn about 1913
GambutiPhillip Rborn about 1908
GambutiRobert Georgeborn about 1937
GareltsonAline born about 1927
GareltsonKathleen Fborn about 1898
GareltsonOtis Fborn about 1890
GareltsonRichard born about 1921
GartnerAlfred born about 1902
GartnerHelen born about 1908
GartonHarry Dborn about 1894
GartonLydia Cborn about 1895
GeatesMary Jborn about 1918
GedeonEmma born about 1902
GedeonJohn born about 1900
GedeonRudolph born about 1932
GehlmanKathryn Lborn about 1897
GehlmanKathryn Mborn about 1926
GehlmanReinhold Jborn about 1896
GeilerAmbrose Fborn about 1907
GeilerClara born about 1910
GeilerVictor Fborn about 1935
GeislerArleen Aborn about 1929
GeislerCarl born about 1934
GeisslerChristina born about 1897
GeisslerJoseph born about 1898
GeisslerJoseph Jr born about 1930
GeisslerMarion born about 1924
GeisslerRichard born about 1932
GeisslerRobert born about 1921
GeorgeAnne Iborn about 1906
GeorgeAudrey Cborn about 1935
GeorgeKenneth Bborn about 1900
GeorgeKenneth B Jrborn about 1933
GeorgeLois Aborn about 1931
GeorgiaCharles Aborn about 1919
GeorgiaEmma Mborn about 1900
GerahtyEva born about 1906
GerahtyJames born about 1905
GerichBurnice born about 1934
GerichCatherine born about 1903
GerichJeanette born about 1930
GerichLester born about 1904
GiegoireJohn born about 1902
GiegoireMargaret born about 1901
GienowMathilda born about 1877
GienowWilliam born about 1875
GiffordHorace born about 1911
GiffordRuth born about 1913
GilbertCardelia Vborn about 1891
GilbertEarle Fborn about 1890
GilbertEarle Sborn about 1929
GilbertThomas Mborn about 1925
GillanDennis born about 1939
GillanJohn Jborn about 1910
GillanMargaret Rborn about 1906
GittlesohnDeborah born about 1937
GittlesohnIsadore born about 1907
GittlesohnRegina born about 1911
GlasbrennerJohn born about 1894
GlasbrennerJustine born about 1869
GlenJohn born about 1875
GlulardiAnthony born about 1896
GlulardiEugenia born about 1869
GlulardiLoretta born about 1902
GodshalkCatherine born about 1897
GodshalkChester born about 1894
GodshalkDoris born about 1926
GodshalkJean born about 1927
GoekhyGene born about 1934
GoekhyRuth born about 1894
GoekhyWalter born about 1887
GoganEdwin born about 1931
GoganEdwin Jborn about 1905
GoganSadie Hborn about 1905
GoganViolet Sborn about 1927
GolangerAdelaide born about 1896
GolangerAdelaide born about 1923
GolangerHelen born about 1923
GolangerJohn born about 1891
GolangerJohn Jr born about 1920
GoodmanHeneretta born about 1872
GoodmanJames Hborn about 1896
GoodmanRena born about 1905
GoodwinMorton born about 1895
GoodwinSarah born about 1895
GordenDorothy born about 1910
GordenGerald Aborn about 1938
GordenWilliam Oborn about 1908
GraceBridget born about 1872
GraeterAgnes born about 1907
GraeterErick Lborn about 1896
GraeterGertrude Lborn about 1886
GraeterHelen Hborn about 1939
GrafMargaret Kborn about 1903
GraterJames Aborn about 1886
GraterSarah Mborn about 1891
GreeneAlice born about 1901
GreeneHarry Sborn about 1898
GreeneIsabel born about 1934
GreenquistGrace Mborn about 1914
GreenquistHelge Eborn about 1905
GreenquistRobert born about 1939
GreenwoodKristine born about 1886
GreenwoodWilliam Cborn about 1881
GriffinElizabeth born about 1923
GriffinFrancis Jborn about 1910
GriffinIrene born about 1891
GriffinIrene born about 1910
GriffinWilliam born about 1890
GrinnellBarbara born about 1924
GrinnellBertha born about 1891
GrinnellBradford born about 1922
GrinnellErnest born about 1892
GromanAnna born about 1898
GromanKarolina born about 1876
GuardBeatrice born about 1909
GuardHarold born about 1903
GuardWhitney born about 1935
GulbestadtGuta Lborn about 1935
GulbestadtLyda born about 1906
GulbestadtPaul Eborn about 1899
GundesonLouise born about 1905
GundesonVictor born about 1907
GundlingBessie born about 1884
GundlingClaire born about 1936
GundlingEileen born about 1934
GundlingKatherine born about 1905
GundlingLouis Cborn about 1905
GundlingRalph born about 1929
GundyAlbert Vborn about 1896
GundyAnna born about 1893
GundyElizabeth born about 1868
GundyJohn born about 1933
GundyRoy born about 1930
GuntherAlfred born about 1900
GuntherAllan born about 1927
GuntherJulia born about 1904
GuntherRonald born about 1935
GuntherVirginia born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasFlonette born about 1928
HaasFlorence born about 1900
HaasMayette born about 1928
HaasRichard Eborn about 1898
HadleyBeatrice born about 1899
HadleyHarlan Aborn about 1899
HadleyNorman born about 1932
HadleyVernon Hborn about 1918
HalenAndrew Iborn about 1905
HalenMary Jborn about 1910
HalenRichard born about 1936
HallawellJohn born about 1886
HallawellMary born about 1886
HallbergEdwin born about 1896
HallbergEdwin Jr born about 1928
HallbergFrank Rborn about 1935
HallbergIrene Rborn about 1900
HallbergStephen Jborn about 1932
HallwellMarion Mborn about 1892
HallwellRobert born about 1881
HallwellRobert G Jrborn about 1922
HalsteadAnnie Hborn about 1859
HalsteadMarcell born about 1854
HammerIda Maeborn about 1918
HammerJoseph Pborn about 1905
HammerJoseph P Jrborn about 1939
HanlinCyrus Allstonborn about 1904
HanlinEdna Kborn about 1907
HanlinJoyce Vailborn about 1939
HargestGeorge born about 1907
HargestLois born about 1916
HarittGuy born about 1935
HarittHelen born about 1900
HarittHugh born about 1900
HarittHugh Jr born about 1923
HarittRoberta born about 1931
HarrimanCharles born about 1885
HarrimanCharles Jr born about 1924
HarrimanGretchen born about 1888
HarrisFranklin Cborn about 1910
HarrisHelen Aborn about 1912
HarrisShirley Mborn about 1935
HartnettBelle born about 1882
HaseyCora born about 1865
HatchEmma Jborn about 1876
HatchFlo Jborn about 1881
HatchHerbert Lborn about 1877
HatchIda Mborn about 1885
HatchJean born about 1923
HatchWalter Jborn about 1894
HathwayAnna Gborn about 1884
HathwayLouis Wborn about 1887
HatmanJacob born about 1882
HatmanKatherine born about 1880
HausserDorothy born about 1927
HausserGertrude born about 1902
HausserPaul born about 1893
HausserRalph born about 1935
HawkinsEsther Gborn about 1910
HawkinsOwen born about 1910
HayesCarl born about 1912
HayesFlorence born about 1889
HayesJob born about 1892
HayesPhillip born about 1924
HayesRobert born about 1918
HaywardClara born about 1873
HaywardRobert Mborn about 1872
HealyAida born about 1892
HealyDaniel Wborn about 1890
HealyMajorie Rborn about 1918
HeaneyMargaret Mborn about 1918
HeaneyMary Fborn about 1876
HeedeEleanor Cborn about 1913
HeedeWilliam Eborn about 1910
HeimJoseph born about 1878
HeimRosa born about 1882
HeinCarl born about 1906
HeinCusence born about 1910
HendricksonMary born about 1911
HendricksonPaul Jr born about 1939
HendricksonPaul Sr born about 1912
HenickAllan born about 1938
HenickBarbara born about 1936
HenickGeorge born about 1904
HenickHarriet born about 1905
HenickOwen born about 1932
HeonemanHerman born about 1912
HeonemanLiana born about 1912
HerbertAnna Jborn about 1885
HerbertWhitney F Srborn about 1879
HeringHarold Rborn about 1905
HeringLillian Mborn about 1887
HerrickDorothy born about 1905
HerrickEdwin Cborn about 1897
HerrickSnowdon born about 1930
HertlingBernard born about 1905
HertlingHelen born about 1908
HertlingRobert born about 1931
HessDoris born about 1933
HessEva born about 1899
HessNancy born about 1924
HessRaymond born about 1894
HigsonRobert Mborn about 1904
HillJacqueline Gborn about 1928
HillJacques Gborn about 1897
HillJacques Tborn about 1929
HillPatricia Aborn about 1925
HillVeronica Jborn about 1898
HillVeronica Jborn about 1926
HillsBertha born about 1881
HillsEdwin born about 1886
HillsEdwin Rborn about 1914
HockemierElizabeth born about 1889
HockemierThomas born about 1885
HodgeJohn born about 1860
HoefertEmma born about 1889
HoefertEmma Cborn about 1867
HoefertFrank Gborn about 1889
HoefertFrank Mborn about 1862
HoefertLillian born about 1919
HoegerElsie Eborn about 1895
HoegerGeorge Mborn about 1894
HofferAgnes born about 1908
HofferAndrew born about 1906
HofferCarrol born about 1934
HofferFlorence born about 1910
HofferHugh born about 1904
HofferKenneth born about 1933
HofferPhyllis born about 1931
HoffritzFred Gborn about 1893
HoffritzMarie born about 1889
HohnPaul born about 1911
HollberyArthur Rborn about 1898
HommelAlbert born about 1894
HommelGertrude born about 1899
HommelGunther born about 1923
HommelHarry born about 1925
HoppeArthur born about 1895
HoppeEdwin Aborn about 1923
HoppeEthel Mborn about 1921
HoppeFredrick Jborn about 1919
HoppeMargaret Jborn about 1894
HortonEffie Eborn about 1867
HortonGeorge Hborn about 1868
HoughtonChristina born about 1900
HoughtonHenry born about 1921
HoughtonJoseph born about 1918
HoughtonRobert born about 1894
HoustHazel Sborn about 1893
HoustJohn Rborn about 1860
HoustMina Lborn about 1863
HoustonGloria born about 1938
HoustonJames Wborn about 1876
HoweEdith Mborn about 1885
HoytAnna born about 1891
HoytJean born about 1926
HoytMary born about 1897
HoytNorma born about 1918
HoytRay born about 1883
HuksAlice born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramBarbra born about 1873
IuackbushAlonzo born about 1886
IuackbushIsaac born about 1882
IuackenbushC Suzetteborn about 1878
IuackenbushHarry Kborn about 1886
IversonBoula born about 1904
IversonMartha born about 1875
IzzoAnthony born about 1901
IzzoAnthony Jr born about 1932
IzzoJennie Vborn about 1902
IzzoRose born about 1878
IzzoRose Maryborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacobsHarry born about 1887
JacobsSidney born about 1886
JacodFrank born about 1901
JacodFrank born about 1931
JacodLouise Rborn about 1906
JacodRobert born about 1936
JaconiaBarbara born about 1939
JaconiaDonald born about 1911
JaconiaJennie born about 1910
JahnelEmma born about 1905
JahnelRoger born about 1933
JahnelWilliam born about 1905
JanesElizabeth born about 1876
JanesFrances Hborn about 1877
JanesRobert born about 1919
JanssenGeorge Wborn about 1913
JanssenJudith Annborn about 1934
JanssenWinifred born about 1916
JefferiesElizabeth Aborn about 1913
JefferiesJohn Hborn about 1910
JefferiesJohn H Jrborn about 1940
JeffreyHelen Mborn about 1912
JeffreyJean Annborn about 1940
JeffreyJohn born about 1912
JenkinsAlice Eborn about 1881
JenkinsStephan Lborn about 1882
JohnsonAda Pborn about 1900
JohnsonAlgot Aborn about 1896
JohnsonAlida Fborn about 1898
JohnsonAlida Lborn about 1927
JohnsonAmy Gborn about 1922
JohnsonEllen born about 1928
JohnsonFrieda born about 1900
JohnsonJane born about 1920
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1891
JohnsonLillian born about 1893
JohnsonNancy Eborn about 1927
JohnsonNoble Pborn about 1894
JohnsonRonald Gborn about 1890
JohnsonSven Jborn about 1922
JonesBertha born about 1881
JonesCharles born about 1913
JonesClarence born about 1908
JonesFrank born about 1876
JordonFrederick Jborn about 1886
JordonFrederick Jborn about 1919
JordonMary A Eborn about 1891
JordonVirginia Eborn about 1918
JunoHelen born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaanEdward born about 1894
KaanMildred Lborn about 1902
KaanNancy Leeborn about 1932
KaneRose born about 1885
KanzElizabeth born about 1892
KanzSheldon born about 1932
KanzWilliam born about 1889
KarmelAnthony Vborn about 1904
KarmelDoris Mborn about 1928
KarmelLouise born about 1905
KataRose born about 1930
KeelerCharles born about 1935
KeelerCharles Oborn about 1913
KeelerIrene Eborn about 1905
KeelerLe Roy Fborn about 1926
KeishJohn Cborn about 1912
KeishJohn Rborn about 1940
KeishMargaret born about 1916
KentFrank Lborn about 1846
KerlinDorsie born about 1908
KerlinDorsie born about 1938
KerlinMarie born about 1912
KerrJean Mborn about 1910
KerrJerome Fborn about 1897
KerrRichard born about 1935
KidwellFrank born about 1873
KiesowHarriet born about 1933
KiesowHenrietta born about 1927
KiesowViola born about 1903
KinderganHelen Mborn about 1922
KinderganJoseph Fborn about 1894
KinderganMaria Aborn about 1896
KingAnna Mborn about 1893
KingAnne born about 1898
KingCharles Hborn about 1889
KingCharlotte born about 1927
KingEdward Lborn about 1922
KingEugene born about 1915
KingFrances born about 1937
KingGrace born about 1924
KingLewis Aborn about 1891
KingLouis Aborn about 1893
KingMildred born about 1895
KingThelma born about 1923
KingWilliam Eborn about 1893
KingWilliam Jr born about 1939
KingmanElizabeth born about 1874
KingmanHerbert Rborn about 1875
KirchenheiterBruce Lborn about 1935
KirchenheiterDonald Bborn about 1932
KirchenheiterEmil Jborn about 1905
KirchenheiterRalph Aborn about 1939
KirchenheiterRuth Bborn about 1906
KiskadonC Grahamborn about 1924
KiskadonCharles Gborn about 1899
KiskadonEllen born about 1926
KiskadonMargaret born about 1903
KiskadonRobert Wborn about 1928
KiskadonWilliam Sborn about 1930
KleindeinsEmma born about 1903
KleindeinsRegina born about 1872
KlennerOtto born about 1875
KlennerSophie born about 1873
KlienHelene born about 1907
KlienPaul Eborn about 1897
KlienPriscilla born about 1939
KnechtAngeline Kborn about 1919
KnechtWilliam Eborn about 1911
KochAnna born about 1910
KochAnna Ruthborn about 1939
KochClaire born about 1926
KochEdwin Aborn about 1899
KochElenor born about 1917
KochFred born about 1911
KochGeorge Fborn about 1891
KochHenriette Dborn about 1890
KochLizeth born about 1900
KochRaymond born about 1913
KochRose born about 1915
KoenigCaroline born about 1895
KoenigEdmund born about 1908
KoenigEdmund Jr born about 1936
KoenigFlorence born about 1900
KoenigJohn born about 1875
KoenigKatherine born about 1899
KoenigMinnie Cborn about 1869
KoenigWilliam born about 1901
KoestnerBessie born about 1906
KoestnerHerbert born about 1903
KohlerAnna Mborn about 1894
KohlerOtto Hborn about 1892
KohlmanAnna born about 1897
KohlmanHarry Jr born about 1936
KoklerRobert Aborn about 1897
KoklerRobert Cborn about 1918
KoklerRuth Annaborn about 1926
KoklerRuth Iborn about 1900
KoklerThomas Bborn about 1920
KoklerWilliam Aborn about 1924
KookAnna Maeborn about 1909
KookArlene born about 1937
KookCharles Aborn about 1910
KookElizabeth Aborn about 1887
KookJohn born about 1907
KookJohn Hborn about 1876
KoppGeorge born about 1915
KoshAlbert Eborn about 1926
KoshCharles Rborn about 1920
KoshFrederick Lborn about 1915
KoshHelen Eborn about 1913
KoshJack Bborn about 1923
KoshJames Gborn about 1925
KoshSusan Cborn about 1911
KoshSylvia Lborn about 1890
KoshWilliam Eborn about 1917
KoshWilliam Hborn about 1890
KozlikJoseph born about 1902
KozlikJoseph Wborn about 1939
KozlikMarjorie born about 1918
KraftCharles Hborn about 1872
KraftHelen Bborn about 1877
KraghElizabeth born about 1875
KraisslAlice Lborn about 1906
KraisslAlice Vborn about 1931
KraisslAnna Mborn about 1870
KraisslCornelius Jborn about 1903
KraisslFrederick born about 1869
KraisslFrederick Jr born about 1900
KraisslJanet Lborn about 1932
KrauseEdna born about 1914
KrauseEwald born about 1914
KretchmanAlfred born about 1904
KretchmanIrene born about 1905
KreylingAnn Mborn about 1912
KreylingConrad Hborn about 1910
KriegAnthony born about 1911
KriegHelen born about 1915
KriepersPearl born about 1902
KroneBernice Mborn about 1927
KroneCecilia Mborn about 1903
KroneEllen Aborn about 1867
KroneHoward Cborn about 1901
KubielshiAntone born about 1866
KubielshiCharles born about 1898
KubielshiEleanor born about 1876
KuettAgusta born about 1900
KuettGilbert born about 1930
KuettGilbert Johnborn about 1901
KuettJohn born about 1926
KuhlmanBeatrice born about 1924
KuhlmanLina Gborn about 1862
KuhlmanMarie born about 1891
KuhlmanWilliam born about 1890
KuhnewEdward Gborn about 1932
KuhnewErnest Hborn about 1892
KuhnewHazel Vborn about 1922
KuhnewHazel Wborn about 1894
KukerAnna born about 1908
KukerLucie born about 1877
KultalahtiEmil born about 1889
KultalahtiOlga Aborn about 1899
KurzCatherine born about 1904
KurzCharles born about 1903
KushneDavid born about 1906
KushneDavid Jr born about 1939
KushneMeta born about 1912
KushneShirley born about 1935
KuznickJennie born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LadukeElizabeth born about 1932
LadukeEvaiste born about 1924
LadukeEveste born about 1900
LadukeRichard born about 1927
LadukeRobert born about 1929
LadukeRuth born about 1904
LafisceriAdelaide born about 1886
LagrotteriaAnthony Sborn about 1919
LagrotteriaAntonett born about 1925
LagrotteriaBettina born about 1923
LagrotteriaChristopher born about 1931
LagrotteriaFrank born about 1933
LagrotteriaGabrieal Tborn about 1921
LagrotteriaLouise born about 1935
LagrotteriaLuca born about 1928
LagrotteriaMargaret born about 1929
LagrotteriaSam Hborn about 1891
LagrotteriaSusie born about 1893
LairdJean born about 1913
LairdRobert Wborn about 1909
LairdRobert W Jrborn about 1933
LambJames Jborn about 1928
LambJoseph Jborn about 1904
LambMargaret Mborn about 1905
LambrechtAnna born about 1914
LambrechtRobert born about 1910
LangeAlbert Cborn about 1889
LangeAlbert C Jrborn about 1914
LangeDonald Lborn about 1919
LangeEdwin Fborn about 1927
LangeJune Hborn about 1917
LangeMartha Jborn about 1894
LarsonErland born about 1931
LarsonFredrick born about 1932
LarsonLaura Mborn about 1908
LarsonThomas born about 1933
LaugerMichael Hborn about 1866
LavachAnna Kborn about 1893
LavachEvelyn Eborn about 1917
LavachThomas Wborn about 1888
LawtonAndreas Fborn about 1914
LawtonBernard Lborn about 1918
LawtonGeorge Wborn about 1887
LawtonGeorge W Jrborn about 1912
LawtonHerbert Lborn about 1927
LawtonLouise Fborn about 1888
LawtonTheodore Fborn about 1920
LeachDwight Eborn about 1904
LeachHelen Kborn about 1903
LeakeAustin born about 1880
LeakeAustin 3rdborn about 1931
LeakeAustin Jr born about 1905
LeakeEleanor born about 1919
LeakeMabel born about 1881
LeakeMartin Cborn about 1934
LeakeMeryl Cborn about 1905
LechnerEdith born about 1917
LechnerRalph born about 1910
LeebushEllen born about 1921
LefflerHans born about 1905
LefflerHerbert born about 1938
LefflerKathie born about 1905
LefflerWilliam born about 1933
LelineAlbert born about 1900
LelineKatherine Mborn about 1904
LempkeCaryl born about 1924
LempkeFlorence born about 1897
LempkeWilliam Aborn about 1880
LempkeWilliam Jr born about 1930
LeonardBruce Gborn about 1934
LeonardHazel born about 1903
LeonardHelen born about 1907
LeonardJohn born about 1905
LeonardJohn Jborn about 1931
LeonardJohn R Jrborn about 1929
LeonardJohn R Srborn about 1901
LepageLeoni born about 1910
LepageNicholas born about 1906
LepioEdith Aborn about 1898
LepioJames Wborn about 1923
LepioLouis Aborn about 1893
LepioLouis Wborn about 1931
LeroyIrene born about 1912
LeroyMarcel born about 1911
LewanaskyEtoile Lborn about 1898
LewanaskyRuth Mborn about 1928
LewanaskyVirginia Eborn about 1922
LightEmily Uborn about 1906
LightLucy Mborn about 1876
LightSarah Wborn about 1910
LightWilliam Uborn about 1907
LindenAnna born about 1895
LindstadtIola born about 1921
LindstromEdward born about 1891
LindstromJosephine born about 1891
LindstromMildred Jborn about 1926
LindstromRay Eborn about 1921
LinexGloria born about 1928
LinexGrace born about 1922
LinexHarry born about 1926
LinexMuriel born about 1920
LinexWilliam born about 1930
LinskiFrank born about 1882
LinskiJohn born about 1881
LinskiJosephine born about 1916
LinskiKatherine born about 1892
LinskiMary born about 1857
LinskiMichael born about 1853
LippencottArthur born about 1925
LippencottCarol born about 1930
LippencottEthel born about 1896
LippencottHarold born about 1892
LippencottHarold Jr born about 1918
LippencottRobert born about 1923
LippencottWalter born about 1932
LivitskiAnna Fborn about 1893
LivitskiFrances born about 1919
LivitskiFrank Jborn about 1889
LivitskiFrank Jr born about 1926
LivitskiJoseph born about 1922
LivitskiLucy born about 1924
LivitskiVirginia born about 1915
LobdellCarrie Lborn about 1877
LocarniCecilia born about 1908
LocarniJohn born about 1936
LocarniRaymond born about 1933
LocarniWilliam born about 1909
LoebElla Dborn about 1886
LoebMarjorie Fborn about 1911
LoganCatherine Hborn about 1900
LoganMartin Jborn about 1886
LommelFreida born about 1869
LouinsteinReva born about 1918
LouinsteinWilliam born about 1913
LouinsteinWilliam Jr born about 1940
LoweKatherine born about 1925
LundellDavid born about 1939
LundellEverat born about 1916
LundellMarie born about 1918
LurigBertha born about 1884
LurigHenry born about 1871
LylerFrank Hborn about 1885
LylerLyne Eborn about 1890
LylerRichard Mborn about 1918
LyonGrace Sborn about 1909
LyonLe Roy Fborn about 1901
LyonRossmore Dborn about 1937
LyonsCarlota born about 1898
LyonsJohn Jborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldAida Cborn about 1870
MacdonaldDorothy born about 1908
MacdonaldGeorge born about 1908
MackhamElsie Lborn about 1888
MackhamJoan born about 1919
MackhamThomas born about 1884
MackhamThomas Hborn about 1916
MacneilErol Bborn about 1900
MacneilGertrude Cborn about 1925
MacneilLillian Hborn about 1904
MacriJane born about 1939
MacriRobert Aborn about 1909
MacriSally Mborn about 1908
MaeshallAda Eborn about 1887
MaeshallHenry Iborn about 1883
MahonBernard born about 1893
MahonBernard born about 1922
MahonElinor born about 1919
MahonJoyce born about 1930
MahonMargaret born about 1895
MaikutAnna born about 1872
MaikutJohn born about 1870
MakerDaniel Jborn about 1892
MakerDaniel Jr born about 1918
MakerGrace Mborn about 1921
MakerJames born about 1938
MakerJames Vborn about 1908
MakerMargaret Mborn about 1909
MakerMary born about 1895
MakerMichael born about 1939
MaklerE Doraborn about 1901
MaklerEdward born about 1901
MaklerMarjorie born about 1930
MaklerPaul Eborn about 1926
MalcolmAgnes born about 1880
MalcolmRufus Iborn about 1880
MalloyEdna born about 1905
MalloyThomas born about 1901
MaluganiAnita born about 1918
MaluganiArthur born about 1884
MaluganiIda born about 1887
ManeckAnna Mborn about 1889
ManeckErnest Mborn about 1887
ManeckM Margaretborn about 1923
ManganHelen born about 1913
ManganMargaret born about 1869
ManganRobert born about 1914
ManicardiLouise born about 1908
ManicardiNicholas Fborn about 1910
MannAnnie born about 1872
MannArthur born about 1892
MannGrace born about 1897
MannMartin born about 1869
MannMartins born about 1902
MarguartJohn Rborn about 1899
MarguartMary born about 1896
MarguartOlivia born about 1936
MarionLilly Pborn about 1877
MaroldaAmadie born about 1903
MaroldaEdward born about 1931
MaroldaJune born about 1934
MaroldaMary born about 1912
MarshallAlice Mborn about 1874
MarshallJames born about 1865
MartensenAnita Lborn about 1899
MartensenBarbara Lborn about 1930
MartensenCarl Hborn about 1899
MartensenCarl Wborn about 1927
MartensenPeter Richardborn about 1934
MartinMary born about 1858
MartinWilliam E Jrborn about 1922
MartinWilliam E Srborn about 1869
MarvinEdward born about 1924
MarvinGeorge born about 1895
MarvinGeorge Jr born about 1921
MarvinJessie born about 1903
MaryEdwin Pborn about 1923
MaryErna born about 1894
MaryFloria born about 1918
MaryPhilipp Rborn about 1884
MautzEmily born about 1879
MautzErnest born about 1879
MaxwellMary born about 1878
MayerEthel born about 1905
MayerFrances Eborn about 1888
MayerJohn born about 1900
MayerJohn Fborn about 1888
MazzoilAngeline born about 1877
MazzoilEdward Mborn about 1902
MazzoilMadeline Mborn about 1902
McAdamsBurly born about 1918
McAdamsThelma born about 1897
McAdamsVearl born about 1895
McArdleGladys Vborn about 1903
McArdleJohn Fborn about 1899
McArdleJohn Fborn about 1927
McArdleJoseph Mborn about 1927
McArdleNorma Sborn about 1923
McBeanBruce born about 1929
McBeanCaroline born about 1910
McBeanWilliam born about 1903
McBurneyAdeline born about 1913
McBurneyJames born about 1910
McCarthyEllen Mborn about 1939
McCarthyMargaret Hborn about 1917
McCarthyRobert Bborn about 1915
McCeackerGeorge born about 1896
McCeackerHelen born about 1900
McCeackerJoan born about 1927
McCleanJohn born about 1889
McCleanJulia born about 1889
McCleanRuth born about 1916
McDonaldAlbert born about 1929
McDonaldAlbert Dborn about 1899
McDonaldBarbara Annborn about 1935
McDonaldGertrude Vborn about 1902
McDonaldPatricia Jborn about 1932
McDonoughAnna born about 1882
McDougallAnn born about 1880
McEwanAnnie Wborn about 1876
McEwanDaisey Cborn about 1887
McEwanFrancis Mborn about 1913
McEwanGail born about 1913
McEwanMargaret born about 1912
McEwanThomas born about 1916
McEwanWilliam Wborn about 1877
McEwenDorothy Jborn about 1930
McEwenHarry Gborn about 1925
McEwenIda Iborn about 1893
McEwenJames Aborn about 1915
McEwenJames Hborn about 1891
McEwenMildred Eborn about 1921
McFiggansAlexander born about 1900
McFiggansHelen born about 1912
McFiggansRobert born about 1935
McGeadyAnne born about 1898
McGeadyDonald born about 1926
McGeadyDorothy born about 1926
McGeadyRobert born about 1923
McGeadyRoy Fborn about 1895
McGeadyRoy F Jrborn about 1922
McGeeCharles born about 1886
McGeeElizabeth born about 1894
McGillEdward born about 1914
McGillJosephine born about 1889
McGrathAnna Mborn about 1907
McGrathAnna Mayborn about 1928
McGrathPete Jborn about 1898
McGrathPeter born about 1898
McGrathRose Mborn about 1898
McGrathRose Mborn about 1899
McGrathThomas Fborn about 1896
McGratnJames born about 1905
McGratnJames Jborn about 1933
McGratnMuriel born about 1907
McGratnMuriel Pborn about 1929
McGrattyAlfred born about 1872
McGrattyBeatrice born about 1884
McGrattyCelia born about 1908
McLesterFlorence Eborn about 1884
McLesterJohn Eborn about 1887
McLesterJohn Hborn about 1918
McSherryIsabelle born about 1903
McSherryJean born about 1931
McSherryThomas born about 1902
McTaggartPeter Sborn about 1909
McTaggarteEthel Fborn about 1917
MeadArthur Fborn about 1906
MeadJoyce Annborn about 1936
MeadLillian Sborn about 1906
MeadLuella Dborn about 1876
MeadPaul Aborn about 1933
MeadeElsie Tborn about 1880
MeadeJames born about 1882
MeekoDouglas Lborn about 1927
MeekoJohn born about 1937
MeekoMaria Pborn about 1903
MeekoShirley Iborn about 1925
MeekoToney Cborn about 1898
MeisseVictor born about 1891
MenkeEdith Eborn about 1917
MenkeErnest Eborn about 1912
MeschkeHarry Aborn about 1899
MeschkeSybil Dborn about 1902
MesdeBeatrice Pearlborn about 1937
MesdeCharlotte Pborn about 1904
MesdeG Dwightborn about 1906
MesdeKenneth Dborn about 1933
MetylerAugust born about 1859
MetylerWhelemina born about 1866
MetzelMay Lborn about 1894
MetzelWilliam born about 1894
MeyerDorothea born about 1900
MeyerJohn born about 1898
MeyerJohn Aborn about 1928
MeyerRoger born about 1934
MillarGeorge born about 1911
MillarMima born about 1908
MillerAlice Mborn about 1923
MillerAugust born about 1904
MillerCharles Eborn about 1894
MillerClare born about 1899
MillerDavid Rborn about 1940
MillerDonald Wborn about 1911
MillerDorothy Lborn about 1906
MillerElizabeth born about 1894
MillerElsie born about 1913
MillerEmil born about 1906
MillerFloyd Rborn about 1916
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1901
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1933
MillerJune Oborn about 1915
MillerPauline Eborn about 1897
MillerRalph born about 1883
MillerRichard Cborn about 1939
MillerRose born about 1909
MillerRoss Pborn about 1888
MillerRuth born about 1910
MillsJames Pborn about 1895
MillsJames P Jrborn about 1928
MillsMargery Eborn about 1923
MillsMarguerite born about 1899
MiltonerAndrew born about 1907
MiltonerDonald born about 1939
MiltonerEmily born about 1908
MistroffWilliam born about 1914
MitchellElizabeth born about 1880
MitchellMoris born about 1917
MitchellShirley born about 1921
MitressJohn born about 1909
MoffatJohn Hborn about 1895
MoffatJohn Jr born about 1930
MoffatLaura Vborn about 1900
MoffatLouis born about 1929
MoffattVirginia born about 1881
MoffattWilliam Hborn about 1875
MoffertMarie born about 1905
MoffertRobert born about 1895
MonahanAmanda born about 1929
MoneyCaroline Fborn about 1874
MooreLouis born about 1875
MooreMary born about 1884
MoorerAustin Cborn about 1894
MoorerEva born about 1898
MoranMargaret born about 1855
MoreMary Aborn about 1891
MorganAnne Kborn about 1934
MorganMartin Sborn about 1910
MorganMary Bborn about 1910
MorianFrieda born about 1877
MorianJohn Fborn about 1876
MorkishMammie born about 1885
MorrisElizabeth Bborn about 1870
MorrisonDavid born about 1936
MorrisonNorman born about 1894
MorrisonRuth born about 1895
MorrisseyAlice Mborn about 1923
MorrisseyHelen born about 1901
MorrisseyJames Eborn about 1921
MorrisseyJames Jborn about 1897
MorrisseyJoseph Pborn about 1881
MorrisseyMary Eborn about 1898
MorrisseyRaymond Fborn about 1927
MorseCatherine born about 1872
MorseJames born about 1878
MoseaLouisa born about 1874
MoseaWalter born about 1907
MulreanGladys Aborn about 1898
MulreanJames Hborn about 1888
MunayEdna born about 1905
MunierFannie Hborn about 1894
MunierHarriet Lborn about 1869
MunierRoland Cborn about 1893
MurphyAndrew born about 1887
MurphyAndrew Jborn about 1888
MurphyKatherine born about 1895
MurphyRita born about 1926
MurphyWilliam born about 1922
MurrayIrene Mborn about 1903
MurrayThomas Bborn about 1895
MurrayVirginia Fborn about 1925
MuzzioDerna born about 1912
MuzzioFrances born about 1933
MuzzioJoseph born about 1908
MuzzioMary born about 1936
MyerCalvin born about 1924
MyerDonald born about 1926
MyerGene born about 1929
MyerGladys born about 1897
MyerRudolf born about 1900
MyersAugustus Jborn about 1897
MyersBetty born about 1920
MyersHarry born about 1886
MyersHarry Cborn about 1922
MyersSandra born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaprstekAlice Aborn about 1919
NaprstekAnna born about 1895
NaprstekAnna born about 1898
NaprstekCharles born about 1900
NaprstekCharles Edwardborn about 1934
NaprstekDoris Rborn about 1934
NaprstekEdna Mborn about 1917
NaprstekFrank born about 1894
NaprstekGeorge Cborn about 1921
NaprstekHelen Eborn about 1910
NaprstekPhillis Annborn about 1930
NaprstekRobert Charlesborn about 1933
NaprstekVirginia Rborn about 1919
NaprstekWilliam Vborn about 1922
NaprstekWillian Vborn about 1887
NashCarol born about 1930
NashEdna born about 1910
NashJoseph born about 1910
NataloHarry born about 1899
NavaraBarbara born about 1866
NavaraBertha born about 1890
NavaraFrank born about 1893
NelsonEmily born about 1870
NelsonHarold Fborn about 1894
NelsonIvor Jborn about 1904
NelsonLily born about 1895
NelsonMarie Hborn about 1905
NelsonOlson born about 1859
NelsonRichard Iborn about 1933
NelsonThomas born about 1920
NelsonWilliam born about 1917
NesleyFrank Eborn about 1908
NesleyKathleen Bborn about 1913
NewhoffHelen born about 1891
NewhoffWilliam born about 1880
NewmanAlice Eborn about 1874
NewmanFrederick Cborn about 1873
NewmannErich born about 1922
NewmannGetrude born about 1920
NewtonAnna born about 1910
NewtonJames Lborn about 1912
NewtonNancy born about 1938
NoadMabel Fborn about 1883
NoadWalter Fborn about 1883
NobleGenevieve Aborn about 1898
NoblePatricia Aborn about 1928
NobleRussell Wborn about 1922
NobleWhitney Sborn about 1898
NollFrieda born about 1867
NollJoseph born about 1870
NowenskiElizabeth born about 1920
NowenskiTerresa born about 1939
NowenskiThaddius born about 1916
NuberAugust Cborn about 1894
NuberMary born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObirenElizabeth born about 1862
ObrienAnn born about 1905
ObrienClara born about 1912
ObrienElitilia born about 1938
ObrienElizabeth born about 1931
ObrienJohn born about 1892
ObrienJohn born about 1893
ObrienMary born about 1851
OconnellGeorge Jborn about 1895
OconnellGeorge J Jrborn about 1928
OconnellHelen Mborn about 1899
OconnorCharles Jborn about 1905
OconnorJo Annaborn about 1936
OconnorMary Annborn about 1906
OconnorMary Annborn about 1934
OconnorPatricia born about 1932
OerkeCarl born about 1898
OerkeCarl Nborn about 1930
OerkeElsie born about 1892
OffermanHenry Fborn about 1912
OffermanTheresa born about 1917
OgtAlfred Rborn about 1896
OgtAlfred Rborn about 1928
OgtClaire born about 1924
OgtElsie born about 1903
OgtGuy Lborn about 1929
OldmixonElizabeth born about 1891
OldmixonHoward born about 1922
OlsenElizabeth born about 1934
OlsenHelen born about 1906
OlsenOlaf born about 1896
OlsenRobert born about 1936
OlsenStephan born about 1914
OnkenFrederick Hborn about 1919
OwerFlorence born about 1904
OwerMorris Rborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackardFrederick Aborn about 1903
PackardMargaret born about 1906
PackardPenelope born about 1937
PaineBarbara Annborn about 1933
PaineCharles Jborn about 1907
PaineJoan Carolborn about 1932
PaineKatherine Dborn about 1911
PalmerBruce born about 1936
PalmerHarry born about 1906
PalmerMargaret born about 1912
PalomineLillia De Cborn about 1859
PalosoCharles Gborn about 1893
PalosoCharles G Jrborn about 1929
PalosoRose Kborn about 1900
PalosoStephen born about 1930
PankinsMary Eborn about 1900
PankinsPhyllis Mborn about 1926
PankinsRuth Eborn about 1912
PankinsWilliam Hborn about 1887
PankinsWilliam H Jrborn about 1916
ParisCatherine born about 1898
ParisCatherine Dborn about 1928
ParisRaymond born about 1895
ParisRaymond Jr born about 1924
ParisiPhyllis born about 1918
ParksCharles Cborn about 1888
ParksClementine born about 1891
ParksJohn H Jborn about 1920
ParsonsElizabeth born about 1878
ParsonsGeorge Wborn about 1877
PaskFlorence Mborn about 1888
PaskRufus born about 1882
PaxonElmo Tborn about 1872
PaxonMamie born about 1875
PayneAgnes Hborn about 1895
PayneFred Fborn about 1890
PearsonLevinia born about 1914
PearsonMarie born about 1938
PearsonPhillip born about 1909
PeckBarbara born about 1933
PeckLouis Rborn about 1908
PeckMinnie born about 1911
PeckWarren born about 1901
PecorellaBarbara born about 1934
PecorellaHelen born about 1912
PecorellaJoan born about 1933
PecorellaJoseph born about 1910
PedrettiJosephine born about 1859
PedrickAnn Mborn about 1913
PedrickBrenda Annborn about 1940
PedrickDavid Kborn about 1936
PedrickGail Lindaborn about 1938
PedrickRaymond Mborn about 1909
PedrickRaymond Jr born about 1934
PenyDorothy born about 1904
PenyFrank born about 1901
PenyGordon born about 1928
PenyLois born about 1933
PepeeLouise Fborn about 1898
PericanteLeonard Jborn about 1897
PericanteVeronica Mborn about 1896
PerroneFrank born about 1911
PerroneHelen born about 1918
PerroneRose Marieborn about 1940
PetersonBeatrice born about 1910
PetersonHarry Aborn about 1899
PetersonHarry J Jrborn about 1939
PetersonJoan born about 1930
PetersonJohn Pborn about 1892
PetersonMargaret born about 1924
PetersonMary Mborn about 1906
PetersonWilliam Hborn about 1907
PfeiferAugusta born about 1893
PfeiferWilliam Jborn about 1890
PflumLulu born about 1881
PflumWilliam Hborn about 1873
PfoserEsther Mborn about 1885
PfoserThomas Hborn about 1881
PfostAnna Mborn about 1877
PfostCarolyn born about 1928
PfostCatherine born about 1898
PfostCharles born about 1925
PfostErnestine born about 1864
PfostFrederick Cborn about 1867
PfostGustave born about 1897
PfostJessie Lborn about 1902
PfostLouise Mborn about 1910
PfostWalter Fborn about 1900
PhieferJohn born about 1923
PhieferJoyce born about 1927
PhilipsHelen born about 1923
PhillipDonald Fustborn about 1924
PhillipEdith born about 1884
PhillipJohn born about 1884
PieperEli born about 1876
PirkleFrank Ujborn about 1867
PirkleMary born about 1873
PlottElizabeth born about 1875
PlottJohn born about 1875
PoleszziAntonia born about 1939
PoleszziCarl born about 1915
PoleszziJennie born about 1913
PoleszziJohn born about 1884
PoleszziJohn born about 1938
PoleszziLucy born about 1936
PoleszziRoseta born about 1935
PontAlice born about 1898
PontClifford born about 1919
PonzanskiJoseph born about 1891
PoolJames born about 1893
PopiskeAgnes Mborn about 1877
PorterCharles Hborn about 1903
PorterTheresa Sborn about 1907
PorthJennie born about 1871
PorthJurina born about 1909
PorthJurina Cborn about 1938
PorthLouis born about 1905
PoyeClaudia Jborn about 1925
PoyeJohn born about 1899
PoyeJulia born about 1903
PoyePatricia Wborn about 1931
PrenticeFrederick Wborn about 1861
PriceDale born about 1938
PriceGloria Mborn about 1911
PriceHarry Jborn about 1903
PritchardCharles Cborn about 1880
PritchardDavid Dborn about 1905
PritchardDenise born about 1910
PritchardDoris born about 1928
PritchardEllen Dborn about 1880
PritchardJohn born about 1925
PritchardMargaret born about 1902
PritchardWilliam Rborn about 1896
PritchardWilliam Jr born about 1923
PrummGeraldine Rborn about 1938
PrummOtto Eborn about 1906
PrummViola Rborn about 1907
PuttenaarAnita Wborn about 1925
PuttenaarAnna born about 1897
PuttenaarChris Mborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RackelmanEdna Oborn about 1914
RackelmanFred Gborn about 1914
RadliffGeorge Nborn about 1896
RadliffLulu born about 1891
RandCathryn born about 1927
RandElla born about 1892
RandRichard born about 1892
RasnussenHelen Fborn about 1895
RasnussenMarguerite born about 1917
RasnussenThomas Hborn about 1913
RausenbergerMarion Laceyborn about 1939
RausenbergerWilfred born about 1901
RausenbergerWinifred born about 1909
ReardonAnna Kborn about 1897
ReardonJames Cborn about 1919
ReardonJames Fborn about 1891
ReardonMargaret born about 1870
ReccardFrieda born about 1898
RedmondHoward Tborn about 1904
RedmondJoan born about 1934
RedmondJohn born about 1932
RedmondMary born about 1901
ReichardFlorence born about 1898
ReichardJeanne born about 1924
ReichardRalph born about 1897
ReidLaura born about 1901
ReidMarion Lborn about 1927
ReidRobert born about 1900
ReineckeElsa Mborn about 1897
ReineckeHenry Cborn about 1890
ReisDorothy born about 1875
ReisJoseph Mborn about 1871
ReisnerElizabeth born about 1902
ReisnerLeonard born about 1902
ReisnerLeonard Jborn about 1925
ReisnerRuth born about 1928
ReneyBeulah born about 1911
ReneyJessie born about 1884
RenicciAnna born about 1875
RenicciJoseph born about 1910
ReynoldsHazel Cborn about 1909
ReynoldsRobert born about 1880
ReynoldsSherman Wborn about 1907
RichardsEileen born about 1903
RichardsWilliam born about 1894
RiegerAlbert born about 1917
RiegerMartha Eborn about 1876
RiegerWilliam born about 1920
RiesCharles Hborn about 1913
RiesHelen born about 1916
RiesPatricia born about 1939
RietzelHelen born about 1858
RingramAgnes Rborn about 1906
RingramRobert Sborn about 1908
RishGeorge born about 1933
RishLouise born about 1908
RishMary born about 1928
RitterMay Eborn about 1876
RobecoHarry Oborn about 1913
RobecoMildred Gborn about 1915
RobertsAnn born about 1935
RobertsFlorence born about 1905
RobertsLouis born about 1906
RobinsonDonald born about 1936
RobinsonEstell born about 1916
RobinsonGrandine born about 1908
RobinsonJoseph Aborn about 1930
RobyAlbert Eborn about 1880
RobyJeannee born about 1917
RobyMaryellen born about 1919
RobyRichard born about 1905
RobyRoger born about 1929
RoemerGrace born about 1908
RoemerJoseph born about 1907
RogersEvlyn born about 1906
RogersMortimer born about 1928
RogersPercy Aborn about 1899
RogersVirginia born about 1914
RogersWalter Sborn about 1897
RomanelliCharles born about 1909
RomanelliHarriet born about 1909
RookEugene Rborn about 1886
RookHarold Eborn about 1932
RookHattie Lborn about 1897
RookHerbert Eborn about 1927
RookRobert Eborn about 1921
RoscoeElsie Mborn about 1885
RoscoeJohn Gborn about 1884
RosemanEmma Fborn about 1866
RossElla born about 1861
RotheRichard born about 1872
RothgabCharles born about 1930
RothgabEdna born about 1905
RothgabGuy born about 1892
RottDonald Gborn about 1937
RottMargaret born about 1908
RottOtto born about 1906
RottRobert Jborn about 1933
RoweDelos Jborn about 1879
RoweDonald born about 1913
RoweElizabeth born about 1882
RowellArthur born about 1873
RubyArthur born about 1887
RubyElizabeth born about 1891
RuckmickJosephine born about 1865
RuffFrank born about 1885
RuffRose born about 1887
RuffWilliam Jborn about 1910
RushworthJohn born about 1907
RushworthLaurette born about 1914
RushworthRobert born about 1938
RussellAnne born about 1910
RussellWayne born about 1909
RustCharles born about 1892
RustWinifred born about 1902
RyanGrace Mborn about 1913
RyanJames J Jrborn about 1921
RyanJames J Srborn about 1875
RyanJennie Fborn about 1885
RyanJohn Jborn about 1916
RyanJulia born about 1922
RyanVirginia Gborn about 1939
RyanWilliam born about 1904
RyanWilliam Mborn about 1935
RyanWilliam Rborn about 1918
RyonsLawrence Rborn about 1915
RyonsMarie born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SachanJohn Cborn about 1910
SachanMary Cborn about 1911
SachottHerman Eborn about 1896
SalerinoCarol Annborn about 1939
SalerinoCatherine born about 1910
SalerinoSalvatore born about 1907
SalsbergLouise born about 1904
SalsbergSidney born about 1904
SaluteArden born about 1937
SaluteCarolyn born about 1916
SaluteTheordor Jr born about 1939
SaluteTheordor Sr born about 1911
SapanaraBertha Hborn about 1891
SapanaraDorothy Jborn about 1913
SapanaraFrank born about 1891
SapanaraHarold Pborn about 1912
SapanaraWilbur Jborn about 1918
SaylesGrace Aborn about 1918
SaylesJames Eborn about 1903
ScannellKatherine born about 1877
SchaeferBarbara Aborn about 1934
SchaeferEsther Aborn about 1906
SchaeferHenry Jborn about 1906
SchaefferKenneth Bborn about 1926
SchaefferRuth Cborn about 1902
SchaefferWilliam Bborn about 1892
SchalGeorge Rborn about 1911
SchalNancy Bborn about 1911
SchappertAlphonse Jborn about 1895
SchappertAlphonse Jborn about 1929
SchappertEmma Fborn about 1896
SchappertJohn Tborn about 1927
SchappertJoseph Aborn about 1925
ScheehanDolores born about 1906
ScheehanDolores born about 1937
ScheehanMarilyn born about 1939
ScheehanRobert born about 1929
ScheehanTimothy Jborn about 1907
ScheffoldDorothy Eborn about 1919
ScheffoldFannie Tborn about 1893
ScheffoldJoseph Wborn about 1893
ScheffoldJoyce Eborn about 1925
SchermanlornBessie born about 1886
SchermanlornJohn born about 1885
SchermanlornJohn Bborn about 1924
ScheverConrad born about 1908
ScheverLucy born about 1911
SchimekConstantino born about 1895
SchimekMatilda born about 1858
SchmidlingCharles born about 1896
SchmidlingCharles Jborn about 1922
SchmidlingEdith born about 1895
SchmidlingEire Jborn about 1924
SchmidlingJohn Jborn about 1923
SchmidtAnna Mborn about 1892
SchmidtCarol Eborn about 1938
SchmidtCatherine born about 1901
SchmidtErnest Hborn about 1901
SchmidtRobert Eborn about 1892
SchmidtSarah Mborn about 1893
SchmittElizabeth born about 1866
SchneiderEdward Iborn about 1912
SchneiderJohn Gborn about 1886
SchneiderMarguerite born about 1895
SchneiderMarie Nborn about 1888
SchneiderMartha born about 1932
SchneiderPaul born about 1892
SchneiderPauline born about 1926
SchoeberleinDorothy born about 1911
SchoeberleinDorothy Gborn about 1935
SchoeberleinJohn born about 1906
SchoewbaechlerCharles Fborn about 1922
SchoewbaechlerCharles Gborn about 1902
SchoewbaechlerDorothy born about 1924
SchoewbaechlerEmma Iborn about 1897
SchortonHelen born about 1902
SchortonWilliam born about 1901
SchroederEdwin Fborn about 1908
SchroederHelen born about 1911
SchubertFloyd born about 1927
SchubertHoward born about 1924
SchubertJoseph born about 1895
SchubertMay born about 1896
SchultesDe Witt born about 1902
SchultesDorothy born about 1904
SchultesJohn born about 1932
SchultesPeter born about 1935
SchultzCharles born about 1906
SchultzHelen Cborn about 1903
SchultzMaud Iborn about 1904
SchultzPatricia Tborn about 1938
SchultzWilliam Hborn about 1902
SchultzeAlice born about 1908
SchultzeJane born about 1931
SchultzeWilliam born about 1901
SchwartzEdward born about 1911
SchwartzFrank born about 1880
SchwartzMary born about 1880
SchwarzGordon born about 1930
SchwarzJean born about 1933
SchwarzRose Bborn about 1907
SchwarzRudolph Gborn about 1905
SchwatAdele Mborn about 1920
SchwatGeorge Cborn about 1891
SchwatMargaret born about 1894
SchwatTruth Annborn about 1924
SchwobelAlice born about 1905
SchwobelDorothy born about 1932
SchwobelEdwin born about 1901
SchwobelEthel born about 1937
SchwobelGeorge born about 1862
ScottElzana born about 1919
ScudderAudry born about 1930
ScudderBenjamin Cborn about 1906
ScudderClifford born about 1904
ScudderDorothy born about 1901
ScudderJune Dborn about 1907
ScudderShirley born about 1939
SeemanJohn Aborn about 1905
SeemanJohn Aborn about 1936
SeemanMargaret Jborn about 1905
SeitzClara born about 1878
SeitzEmma born about 1880
SeitzJohn born about 1848
SeitzLena born about 1877
SelkinghausGeorge born about 1878
SelkinghausLouise born about 1880
SelleckEdward Bborn about 1891
SelleckMary Eborn about 1900
SelleckRuth Aborn about 1919
SelleckV Joanborn about 1928
SelleckW Warrenborn about 1925
SewardCatherine Jborn about 1890
SewardWilliam Aborn about 1887
SextonJanet Lborn about 1933
SfreddoDella Lborn about 1935
SfreddoJohn born about 1906
SfreddoNorma Tborn about 1924
SfreddoRoma Mborn about 1927
SfreddoRose Tborn about 1905
ShankLouise born about 1919
ShankWilliam Eborn about 1915
ShankWilliam Eborn about 1940
ShaskanFrancis born about 1940
ShaskanGeorge Aborn about 1936
ShaskanMarion Gborn about 1907
ShaskanPaul Nborn about 1906
ShaskanPaul Oborn about 1934
ShaumontCarrie born about 1871
SheekyJeremiah born about 1914
SheekyMarjorie born about 1916
SheekyMarsia born about 1938
SheekyWilliam born about 1940
SheldonDonoran Rborn about 1939
SheldonFlorence Aborn about 1920
SheldonLeonard born about 1917
ShermanMyrtle Aborn about 1904
ShermanThomas Wborn about 1903
ShermanThomas W Jrborn about 1930
ShookEmma Ruthborn about 1905
ShookHerbert Eborn about 1904
ShookHerbert Eborn about 1930
ShookJames born about 1933
ShookJoann born about 1936
ShookRobert born about 1931
ShookRuth Elizabethborn about 1929
ShultisCarol Jborn about 1934
ShultisDoris Nborn about 1930
ShultisNancy born about 1909
ShultisNorman Dborn about 1900
ShultisRichard Nborn about 1939
ShumardPauline born about 1898
ShumwayDouglas born about 1929
ShumwayGeorge born about 1902
ShumwayJudith born about 1939
ShumwayLou born about 1910
ShumwaySandra born about 1936
SicusAnna Cborn about 1907
SicusReginald born about 1932
SicusVictor born about 1898
SietzHerman born about 1911
SietzJennie born about 1912
SietzMarylin born about 1937
SietzRobert born about 1933
SilbergFrances Bborn about 1918
SilbergMichael born about 1914
SillsIrvin born about 1913
SillsLa Salle born about 1916
SimmonsGrace Elizabethborn about 1898
SimmonsJohn Martinborn about 1906
SimonetVernon born about 1916
SimpsonAlice Jborn about 1901
SimpsonJacqueline Aborn about 1924
SimpsonJacques Rborn about 1922
SimpsonJames born about 1891
SineAnnie born about 1872
SingerDaisey born about 1883
SlavinAnna born about 1912
SlavinLouise born about 1937
SlavinRoslyn born about 1935
SlavinWalter born about 1933
SlearyAnna born about 1895
SlearyKate born about 1871
SlearyWilliam born about 1870
SmelbakerHarry born about 1915
SmelbakerJean born about 1914
Smith born about
SmithAnn Cborn about 1911
SmithArthur born about 1910
SmithCecile Canborn about 1904
SmithCecile Canborn about 1930
SmithCharles Canborn about 1927
SmithCharles Jr born about 1905
SmithDorothy born about 1910
SmithEdna born about 1911
SmithElfrieda born about 1915
SmithElizabeth born about 1934
SmithEmma born about 1895
SmithEva Fborn about 1895
SmithEverett born about 1909
SmithFlorence born about 1908
SmithGertrude born about 1918
SmithIsabel Sborn about 1918
SmithJ Haroldborn about 1884
SmithJohn born about 1901
SmithJohn born about 1907
SmithMargaret born about 1938
SmithMarjorie born about 1919
SmithRichard Wborn about 1893
SmithRobert born about 1926
SmithRobert born about 1937
SmithRobert Kborn about 1890
SmithSam Rborn about 1911
SmithSamuel Bborn about 1871
SmithSarah Bborn about 1881
SmithTillie born about 1883
SmockWilliam Cborn about 1867
SmoddyAdele born about 1897
SmoddyJoseph Rborn about 1897
SmoddyJoseph Rborn about 1922
SnelAnna born about 1875
SnelJohnna Cborn about 1905
SnelMartin born about 1875
SnelMartin born about 1907
SoffelJean born about 1939
SoffelJohn born about 1902
SoffelMarguerita born about 1918
SohninPalmyre born about 1870
SoleyGrace born about 1887
SouthardEmanuel Bborn about 1873
SouthardGertrude Aborn about 1876
SpellmanGeorge Fborn about 1894
SpellmanGeorge F Jrborn about 1933
SpellmanMarie born about 1930
SpellmanMarie Bborn about 1904
SpragueHarry Pborn about 1866
SpragueLillie Wborn about 1879
StaibHarold born about 1890
StaibHerman born about 1910
StaibNellie born about 1872
StaibTheresa born about 1890
StanerHelen born about 1911
StanerKenneth born about 1914
StangeEmile born about 1863
StangeMary born about 1862
StapletonCarmelita born about 1908
StapletonCarmelita born about 1929
StapletonRobert born about 1906
StapletonRobert Jr born about 1933
SteinckeFlorence Eborn about 1900
SteinckeJohn Jacobborn about 1897
SteinckeJohn Jacob Jrborn about 1920
SteinerAlice born about 1898
SteinerMax born about 1904
SteinhardtFrances born about 1920
SteinhardtHenry Mborn about 1900
StellingLouis born about 1896
StellingMargaret born about 1867
StenssingElmer born about 1913
StenssingFrances born about 1894
StenssingGeorge born about 1890
StenssingRuth born about 1922
StewartClement born about 1900
StewartClement Jr born about 1938
StewartLouise born about 1910
StgeorgeMadeleine born about 1911
StgeorgeMadgeline born about 1875
StonerAnn Lborn about 1928
StonerLucille Eborn about 1903
StooksHelen Mborn about 1906
StooksJohn Cborn about 1904
StooksJohn C Jrborn about 1928
StooksRobert Sborn about 1933
StowElla born about 1874
StrachElsie born about 1924
StrachEmma born about 1881
StrachOtto born about 1875
StruckGreta born about 1901
StruckHelmuth born about 1928
StruckHenry born about 1901
StruckHenry Jr born about 1926
StunerHoward Mborn about 1914
StunerMary Mborn about 1871
SundheimerIda born about 1887
SundheimerMargaret born about 1917
SundheimerMartin born about 1881
SunkenbergEmma born about 1899
SunkenbergFredrick born about 1895
SunkenbergGrace born about 1923
SunkenbergWalter born about 1920
SwanBenjamin Dborn about 1932
SwanCalvin Hborn about 1928
SwanGuy Cborn about 1889
SwanGuy C Jrborn about 1924
SwanNellie Dborn about 1889
SweetJanet born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TanninenJohn Mborn about 1900
TanninenJohn Wborn about 1931
TanninenMary Jborn about 1906
TeelGrace Mborn about 1891
TeelJohn Cborn about 1891
TeffeauHelen born about 1913
TeffeauJune born about 1937
TeffeauLouis born about 1939
TeffeauNorman born about 1911
TenhoffGeorgia born about 1858
TernyeiElizabeth born about 1909
TernyeiStephen born about 1908
ThackstonAlfred born about 1903
ThackstonAlfred Jr born about 1928
ThackstonBarbara Jborn about 1931
ThackstonClarene born about 1909
ThackstonJanet Cborn about 1934
ThackstonMarion Jborn about 1937
ThackstonWillard Cborn about 1929
ThibonCharlotte Eborn about 1908
ThibonRobert Kborn about 1938
ThibonThomas Rborn about 1907
ThomaAlice born about 1911
ThomaHenry born about 1912
ThomaNancy born about 1939
ThomasKathleen born about 1912
ThomasManuel born about 1902
ThomasManuel Jr born about 1934
ThompsonCharles born about 1911
ThompsonCharles Eborn about 1929
ThompsonDonald Bborn about 1934
ThompsonEdward Gborn about 1907
ThompsonEric Eborn about 1901
ThompsonJames Gborn about 1927
ThompsonJane born about 1939
ThompsonJohn Fborn about 1896
ThompsonJohn F Jrborn about 1922
ThompsonJosephine Aborn about 1909
ThompsonLillian born about 1914
ThompsonLouise born about 1873
ThompsonMargaret Cborn about 1912
ThompsonMargaret Jborn about 1920
ThompsonNona Bborn about 1901
ThompsonRobert Eborn about 1930
ThornAnna born about 1886
ThornEdith born about 1925
ThornGeorge born about 1888
TilfordLouise Cborn about 1909
TilfordWilliam Lborn about 1899
TillackGerhard born about 1904
TillackMarie born about 1907
TillackRalph born about 1935
TillackRuth born about 1927
TimmermanHelen Fborn about 1901
TimmermanThomas Aborn about 1891
TimpsonElizabeth Bborn about 1895
TimpsonHarold Cborn about 1892
TimpsonMarion Eborn about 1922
TimpsonMary Aborn about 1863
TimpsonMary Eborn about 1891
TimpsonRobert Bborn about 1919
TosaFlorence Mborn about 1891
TosaSidney Jborn about 1887
TraphagenBertha Nborn about 1898
TraphagenElbert Rborn about 1903
TraphagenJane born about 1928
TrenchLena born about 1860
TripidoLouis born about 1910
TripidoLouis born about 1938
TripidoTheresa born about 1912
TrostMarie Aborn about 1927
TrostMarie Tborn about 1896
TrostRobert Wborn about 1893
TrostRobert W Jrborn about 1923
TrudnerAdeline born about 1878
TrudnerDietrich born about 1879
TrzeciakAlexander born about 1925
TrzeciakAntonette born about 1923
TrzeciakBenjamin born about 1917
TrzeciakCharlotte Eborn about 1916
TrzeciakLotte Jborn about 1897
TrzeciakWanda born about 1921
TuckerElsie Kborn about 1895
TuckerHoward Eborn about 1919
TuckerMildred Aborn about 1922
TuckerWalter Tborn about 1892
TuedervlietMildred born about 1916
TuedervlietWilliam born about 1911
TuedervlietWilliam Jr born about 1939
TurchGertrude born about 1892
TurchLouis born about 1889
TurnbullLouis Lborn about 1909
TurnbullMadelyn Rborn about 1913
TurnerAlice born about 1939
TurnerElizabeth born about 1926
TurnerNellie born about 1909
TurnerPatricia born about 1936
TynesAnthony born about 1907
TynesAnthony born about 1939
TynesRoberta born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UllnickAlreita born about 1903
UllnickAndrew born about 1902
UllnickAndrew Jr born about 1927
UllnickDoris born about 1928
UllnickFrank Mborn about 1932
UllnickHarold born about 1895
UllnickHenny G Jrborn about 1928
UllnickMartha born about 1903
UlrichHenry born about 1888
UlrichLouise born about 1889
UlrichPaul Gborn about 1920
UrbanConstance born about 1923
UrbanJohn born about 1893
UrbanJohn Jborn about 1924
UrbanRose born about 1897
UrbanRosemary born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VachrisAngela born about 1875
VachrisAnthony Fborn about 1867
ValdesterAdele born about 1897
ValdesterDante born about 1894
ValletteHelen born about 1904
ValletteSterret born about 1890
VandeebukAnna born about 1883
VandeebukClifford Hborn about 1916
VandeebukHarry Bborn about 1876
VanderbechJames Bborn about 1883
VanduschootBeatrice born about 1897
VanduschootRudolph born about 1895
VanhuntWilliam born about 1873
VanloanAudrey born about 1918
VanloanErnia Mborn about 1877
VanloanHarry Pborn about 1866
VanloanWilliam Lborn about 1910
VanrossunoJohn Bborn about 1892
VanrossunoMary Lborn about 1897
VetterAllan Jborn about 1936
VetterFrank Tborn about 1934
VetterJoseph Cborn about 1871
VetterJoseph Jborn about 1895
VetterJulia born about 1884
VetterMarion Cborn about 1907
VetterRuth born about 1908
VetterWilliam born about 1868
VictorCarrie Mborn about 1880
VixAugust Sr born about 1893
VogtAnna born about 1872
VoollussAnne born about 1880
VoollussHenry Gborn about 1910
VoorhisFrances born about 1912
VoorhisWilliam born about 1940
VoorhisWilliam Lborn about 1893
VorhisCatherine born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaitLoraine born about 1933
WakefieldAnn born about 1886
WakefieldJohn Eborn about 1885
WaldmanMary Lborn about 1867
WaldronMary born about 1869
WalkerBetty Janeborn about 1933
WalkerJane Hborn about 1905
WalkerMary Kborn about 1927
WalkerWilliam Jborn about 1904
WalkerWilliam Jborn about 1935
WalkiusEstelle born about 1921
WalkupBertha born about 1905
WalkupRobert born about 1901
WalluceBertha born about 1880
WalluceWilliam Hborn about 1885
WalshCharles Eborn about 1889
WalshFrank Jborn about 1883
WalshFrank Kborn about 1927
WalshLillian Fborn about 1890
WalshMatilda Yborn about 1887
WannemakerDorothy born about 1913
WannemakerLois born about 1936
WannemakerRobert born about 1909
WannerDoris born about 1917
WannerFrancis born about 1914
WannerFrancis born about 1939
WardAnne Wborn about 1903
WardPatricia Aborn about 1936
WardRussell Aborn about 1905
WardeEllen Pborn about 1939
WardeEllen Tborn about 1906
WardeGerard Fborn about 1906
WarrenJean born about 1917
WarrenMargaret born about 1937
WarrenMargaret Eborn about 1897
WarrenRichard born about 1918
WarrenRichard Sborn about 1896
WarrenRobert Aborn about 1922
WarrenRussell Lborn about 1933
WatsonJane Mborn about 1928
WatsonJeannie Mborn about 1894
WatsonJohn born about 1863
WattAdelle born about 1909
WattHoward Aborn about 1899
WattsArthur born about 1866
WattsEliza Jborn about 1871
WattsMargaret Rborn about 1902
WattsRay born about 1901
WeilbackerDorothy born about 1908
WeilbackerHoward born about 1933
WeilbackerThomas born about 1931
WeirJ Franklinborn about 1933
WeissEdward born about 1908
WeissLillie born about 1885
WeissLouis born about 1883
WeissMaybelle born about 1924
WeissMilton born about 1917
WeissStella born about 1887
WeissSylvia born about 1916
WeissWilliam Hborn about 1877
WelteringEmma May Vanborn about 1910
WelteringJoseph Vanborn about 1910
WerctFred born about 1905
WerctMarion born about 1908
WerctRoy born about 1931
WernerAnna born about 1879
WernerEugen born about 1877
WesterfieldGeorgene Fborn about 1913
WesterfieldMay Hborn about 1886
WheelerJanet born about 1900
WheelerJanet Eborn about 1926
WheelerLloyd Aborn about 1898
WheelerLloyd A Jrborn about 1929
WhelenAnna born about 1931
WhiteheadBetty Louiseborn about 1926
WhiteheadEdna born about 1887
WhiteheadEdward born about 1887
WhitmondtElizabeth born about 1910
WhitmondtJohn born about 1906
WhitmondtRichard born about 1934
WhitmondtRobert born about 1935
WhittakerBeatrice Eborn about 1897
WhittakerChester Rborn about 1903
WhittakerHannah born about 1869
WhittakerHenry Jborn about 1892
WhittakerIrene born about 1906
WhittakerJoseph born about 1860
WhittakerRobert born about 1928
WhittakerWilliam born about 1937
WiebiesekHenry born about 1898
WiebiesekMary Hborn about 1938
WiebiesekTheresa born about 1899
WikanderAlice Hborn about 1913
WikanderPaul Fborn about 1909
WilahanFrances born about 1899
WilahanFrances born about 1931
WilahanWalter born about 1899
WilahanWalter Jr born about 1933
WilleKay born about 1900
WilleLouis born about 1878
WilleLouise Mborn about 1915
WilleMarie Lborn about 1879
WilleWalter Rborn about 1920
WilliamsDorothea Jborn about 1893
WilliamsGeorge born about 1893
WilliamsGeorge born about 1919
WilliamsKenneth born about 1922
WilliamsKenneth Nborn about 1932
WilliamsLena born about 1905
WilliamsLouis Aborn about 1888
WilliamsLouuis Rborn about 1915
WilliamsLulu Mborn about 1894
WilliamsTheodore Cborn about 1885
WilmotJack born about 1917
WilmotMabel born about 1889
WilmotRoss born about 1885
WiltmanFrieda born about 1910
WiltmanMartin born about 1907
WinantHelen Jborn about 1906
WinantMary Louborn about 1939
WinantMilton born about 1906
WingateAlthea born about 1916
WingateJoseph born about 1916
WintersFrances Mborn about 1928
WintersHelen Jborn about 1922
WintersPauline Aborn about 1896
WintersPeter Jborn about 1896
WisslerDorothy born about 1934
WisslerFrances born about 1880
WisslerHelen born about 1903
WisslerJohn Gborn about 1902
WisslerJohn Jacobborn about 1879
WisslerLouis born about 1905
WisslerLydia born about 1909
WisslerMarylon born about 1937
WittisCharles born about 1901
WittisCharles Jr born about 1932
WittisDorothy born about 1907
WittisJoan born about 1933
WittisPaul born about 1935
WolynickEmma born about 1908
WolynickFrank born about 1907
WolynickGale born about 1935
WoodMarilyn Annborn about 1937
WoodRuth Jeanborn about 1933
WoodRuth Lborn about 1912
WoodVernon Fborn about 1909
WoodsCarlotta Rborn about 1901
WoodsCharles Fborn about 1937
WoodsHelen born about 1927
WoodsJohn Hborn about 1899
WoodsJohn Hborn about 1931
WoodsRuth Eborn about 1933
WoodwardEuphemia born about 1891
WoodwardWilliam born about 1891
WrathallFrances born about 1908
WrathallLeishman born about 1902
WrathallRichard born about 1936
WythesH Aborn about 1891
WythesKeith Wborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoheFrank born about 1904
YoheJoan born about 1931
YoheLillian born about 1905
YoheLois born about 1934
YostKathrin born about 1908
YostLight born about 1908
YouakimAlbert Pborn about 1925
YouakimDaniel Pborn about 1918
YouakimPearl born about 1924
YouakimPeter Eborn about 1891
YouakimPeter Pborn about 1921
YouakimSophie Sborn about 1921
YouakimWilliam Pborn about 1915
YoungHenry born about 1850
YoyolcyskiAdam born about 1927
YoyolcyskiHelen born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZabriskieHarold Bborn about 1911
ZabriskieJ Pellborn about 1872
ZabriskieJane born about 1916
ZabriskieJessie Fborn about 1873
ZabriskieRosamond born about 1874
ZachgoBernhard born about 1892
ZachgoCaroline born about 1901
ZachgoCaroline born about 1926
ZachgoCharlott born about 1883
ZachgoDoris born about 1929
ZachgoEdward born about 1905
ZachgoFred born about 1865
ZachgoKatherine born about 1907
ZauzaredliFrank born about 1907
ZeltonEdna born about 1920
ZeltonJohn born about 1908
ZensonEmma born about 1864
ZinserEleanore born about 1893
ZinserElwood born about 1932
ZinserGerard born about 1928
ZinserRheinhold born about 1898
ZinserWilliam born about 1935
ZixAugust Jr born about 1920
ZixLena born about 1893
ZurheideCharles born about 1891
ZurheideElla born about 1889
ZurheideHelen born about 1924
ZurheideRuth born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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