1940 U.S. Federal Census of Somers Point, Atlantic, New Jersey

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Jersey > Atlantic County > 1940 Census of Somers Point

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbeyAlise Bborn about 1879
AbeyHarry born about 1873
AdamsElizabeth born about 1925
AdamsEllen born about 1920
AdamsEthel born about 1923
AdamsJean born about 1936
AdamsJoseph born about 1864
AdamsPhoebe born about 1892
AdamsRalph born about 1890
AdamsSadie born about 1900
AdamsWalter born about 1919
AdamsWilliam born about 1867
AdamsonDolly Bborn about 1933
AdamsonEdward born about 1925
AdamsonHalbert born about 1923
AdamsonJames Aborn about 1895
AdamsonJames Gborn about 1921
AdamsonMargaret born about 1903
AddiscottClaire born about 1885
AddiscottHerbert born about 1885
AdelizziCharles born about 1911
AdelizziCharles Jr born about 1939
AdelizziCharlotte born about 1911
AdlerEstella Mborn about 1915
AdlerRev Frankborn about 1902
AhlersCarrie born about 1885
AllenGeorge born about 1907
AllenVirginia born about 1920
AndersonErva born about 1872
AndersonSamuel born about 1937
AndrewsAlbin born about 1886
AnherHerman born about 1881
AnherJohn born about 1889
AnkenerCarl Fborn about 1902
AnkenerHelen born about 1901
AnnesleyMichael born about 1860
AnnesleyRachel born about 1861
AnthonyEmma born about 1889
AnthonySamuel born about 1870
AppellaA Somersborn about 1874
AppellaStella Pborn about 1874
ArnoldAnna Mborn about 1862
ArpinoEmily born about 1893
ArpinoFred born about 1926
ArpinoJames Mborn about 1897
ArpinoMichael born about 1924
ArpinoVirginia born about 1928
ArrisonElsie born about 1874
ArtmanMichael born about 1865
AshbridgeSallie born about 1864
AspinallNancy born about 1908
AthertonLillian Eborn about 1888
AthertonWilliam Mborn about 1891
AtkinsonAlonzo born about 1873
AtkinsonElizabeth born about 1869
AvisBertram born about 1935
AvisFrederick born about 1901
AvisFrederick born about 1925
AvisGeorgiana born about 1931
AvisJane born about 1902
AvisJane born about 1926
AvisJoseph born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachlerJohn born about 1921
BakerBetty born about 1935
BakerClarence born about 1927
BakerMarion born about 1922
BakerP T Royborn about 1925
BaldtAllen born about 1904
BaldtFlorence born about 1916
BaldtJoyce born about 1939
BaldwinEdith born about 1875
BaldwinErnest born about 1874
BallietAugustus born about 1888
BallietAugustus Jr born about 1924
BallietJean born about 1893
BallietJeanne born about 1921
BallietNuma born about 1922
BallietRaymond born about 1893
BalsleyDonald born about 1908
BalsleyEsther born about 1915
BalsleyGenevieve born about 1886
BalsleyGeorge born about 1875
BalsleyJon Aborn about 1929
BalsleyJoy born about 1938
BalsleyJudith born about 1936
BanholzerBeatrice born about 1870
BarberArthur born about 1898
BarberVerda born about 1909
BarnesCharles Eborn about 1901
BarrettChester born about 1881
BarrettJoan born about 1931
BarrettMilton born about 1913
BarrettNorman born about 1927
BarrettPhillip born about 1907
BarrettRose born about 1907
BartonBessie Dborn about 1876
BartonFlorence born about 1892
BartonGeorge Hborn about 1870
BartonWilliam born about 1893
BattenDoris born about 1912
BattenKathryn born about 1938
BattenWalter born about 1909
BaytoffMary Catherineborn about 1934
BecheGranville born about 1901
BecheThomas born about 1926
BelcherEdwin born about 1925
BelcherRuth born about 1897
BellKatie born about 1889
BennerEleanor born about 1913
BennerHarriet born about 1889
BennerRonald born about 1889
BennerSamuel born about 1917
BergerRhotrude born about 1918
BessanAlbert born about 1899
BessanAnna born about 1900
BickingsEverett born about 1880
BickingsHarold born about 1918
BlackmanAlvina born about 1898
BlackmanMark born about 1898
BladdCarl Aborn about 1863
BladdJustine Eborn about 1870
BogardDaniel born about 1939
BogardDorothy born about 1933
BogardEleanor born about 1927
BogardEmma born about 1907
BogardJoseph born about 1903
BogardJoseph born about 1925
BogardLillian born about 1936
BogardRoy born about 1929
BogieDorothy born about 1939
BogieJane born about 1937
BogieLucille born about 1918
BogieThomas born about 1916
BoherMyrtle born about 1905
BoherRobert born about 1901
BowenLaurence born about 1885
BowenLinda Rborn about 1885
BoyceCharles Bborn about 1876
BraddockJasse born about 1874
BraddockMary born about 1885
BradwayHoward born about 1912
BradwayHoward Jr born about 1938
BradwayRuth born about 1916
BravermanIrving born about 1912
BreckleyCordelia born about 1916
BreckleyFrank born about 1935
BreckleyRobert born about 1916
BrennerEmma born about 1873
BrennerFred Kborn about 1872
BreslinJosephine born about 1895
BrinkmanMary Bborn about 1886
BrinkmanOscar Fborn about 1871
BrittonDorothea born about 1908
BrittonElmer Eborn about 1905
BrittonWalter born about 1935
BroadwaterGladys Sborn about 1919
BroadwaterHerbert Eborn about 1893
BroadwaterL Bryceborn about 1926
BroadwaterLottie Lborn about 1893
BroadwaterMarjorie Vborn about 1923
BrochardDonald born about 1926
BrochardEthel born about 1885
BrochardHoward born about 1883
BrochardLewis born about 1915
BrochardPaul born about 1911
BrooksAnna born about 1896
BrooksCarolyn born about 1870
BrooksCarrie Fborn about 1866
BrooksFrances Fborn about 1882
BrooksFrank Cborn about 1878
BrooksGeorge Cborn about 1865
BrooksMargaret born about 1906
BrooksMargaret born about 1928
BrooksRussell born about 1892
BrooksRussell born about 1934
BrooksRuth born about 1923
BrooksWilliam Sborn about 1858
BroschardEdwin Fborn about 1938
BroschardEileen Rborn about 1940
BroschardHoward Bborn about 1909
BroschardHoward Eborn about 1935
BroschardLe Roy W Roy Wborn about 1937
BroschardRalph Eborn about 1939
BroschardRuth born about 1914
BroschardShirley Aborn about 1932
BrownAmos born about 1885
BrownBertha born about 1918
BrownClara Wborn about 1938
BrownConnie born about 1939
BrownEarl Hborn about 1890
BrownEarl H Jrborn about 1913
BrownEdith born about 1918
BrownElizabeth born about 1882
BrownEstella born about 1892
BrownEthel born about 1914
BrownFred born about 1883
BrownHarry born about 1914
BrownHelen Marieborn about 1936
BrownHelene born about 1920
BrownMartha Mborn about 1895
BrownPearl born about 1885
BrownWinfield Eborn about 1906
BuckleyNorma born about 1928
BurkeAlsine born about 1935
BurkeJoan born about 1933
BurkeJoseph born about 1928
BurkeMarguerite born about 1933
BurkeMarie born about 1904
BurkeMarie Tborn about 1930
BushErnest Cborn about 1892
BushEthel Rborn about 1894
BushMabel born about 1923
ButterworthAnne Oborn about 1895
ButterworthJames born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CajkaGrace Mrs born about 1890
CameronClarence born about 1911
CameronConstance born about 1939
CameronVivian born about 1916
CampbellFrank born about 1875
CampbellFrank Mborn about 1939
CampbellJuna born about 1922
CampbellMaurice born about 1919
CarnellDavid born about 1878
CarnellHarriet born about 1885
CarrGrace born about 1933
CarrLuna born about 1866
CarrVirginia born about 1913
CarrWilliam born about 1935
CarrWilliam Eborn about 1909
CarrollSherman Tborn about 1866
CartyAnna Lborn about 1936
CartyClara born about 1879
CartyDonald born about 1939
CartyElmer born about 1914
CartyJoan born about 1938
CartyJohn born about 1939
CartyMadeline born about 1916
CassidyJannie born about 1874
CassidyThomas Tborn about 1866
CerrutiJudith born about 1940
CerrutiJules born about 1913
CerrutiMary born about 1915
CerrutiSuzanne born about 1936
ChamberlainCharlotte born about 1901
ChamberlainEdith born about 1930
ChamberlainFrancis Rborn about 1891
ChampionCelia born about 1878
ChampionDavid born about 1937
ChampionDorothy born about 1911
ChampionFrancis born about 1909
ChampionJoseph born about 1932
ChampionOtto born about 1872
ChapmanEmilia born about 1879
ChapmanFred born about 1904
ChapmanFred Jr born about 1926
ChapmanHenry born about 1875
ChapmanTeresa born about 1900
CharlesJosephine born about 1880
CheesemanNorman born about 1929
ChenoworthArthur born about 1886
ChenoworthMary born about 1886
ChurchErnest born about 1891
ClarkCarleton born about 1909
ClarkDonald born about 1929
ClarkHarry born about 1893
ClarkHerschel born about 1922
ClarkLaurence Bowenborn about 1933
ClarkMary Bowenborn about 1911
ClarkMaude born about 1900
ClarkPaul born about 1921
ClarkSadie born about 1910
ClarkWilliam born about 1933
ClarkeAddie born about 1876
ClevengerArtie born about 1864
ClintonElsie Mborn about 1905
ClintonJocelyn born about 1927
ClintonJoseph born about 1928
ClobesJohn born about 1870
ClymerAnna born about 1918
CobbJarvis born about 1880
CofkaAndrew born about 1897
ColburnAda born about 1890
ColburnWilliam born about 1892
CollinsEdward born about 1897
CollinsGertrude Gborn about 1899
CollinsJane Tborn about 1844
CollinsMorris Jborn about 1899
CollinsRobert born about 1893
ComptonElla Vborn about 1868
ConoverAlice Mrs born about 1879
ConoverCharles Eborn about 1910
ConoverCharles Eborn about 1934
ConoverDelilah born about 1913
ConoverDorothy born about 1913
ConoverElizabeth born about 1907
ConoverForest Sborn about 1893
ConoverHelen Mborn about 1902
ConoverJeanne born about 1930
ConoverJoanna born about 1872
ConoverJosephine born about 1877
ConoverLeslie born about 1913
ConoverLeslie Jr born about 1939
ConoverRobert born about 1903
ConoverRobert Dborn about 1928
ConwayHannah born about 1880
ConwayJoseph born about 1880
CookEdwin born about 1881
CookFrancis born about 1878
CookJane Eborn about 1885
CookMyrtle Mborn about 1890
CorwellJohn Aborn about 1897
CorwellWalter born about 1926
CorwellWilliam born about 1922
CorwellWinifred born about 1900
CoulsonLouise born about 1882
CowleyEllen Mborn about 1925
CowleyMary Eborn about 1891
CowleyMary Tborn about 1917
CowleyWilliam Cborn about 1881
CraddockJewell born about 1899
CraddockJewell born about 1939
CraddockMargaret born about 1910
CramerAdela born about 1895
CramerAlbert Pborn about 1887
CramerBenjamin born about 1914
CramerDonald born about 1933
CramerJohanna born about 1878
CramerMarie born about 1919
CramerWillard born about 1915
CraneHelen born about 1922
CraneLewis Kborn about 1901
CraneRebecca born about 1905
CrawfordJean born about 1935
CrawfordLouise born about 1906
CrawfordRobert born about 1899
CrissyAnn Emilyborn about 1868
CurrenMary born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabbsCharles Rborn about 1892
DabbsMargurite born about 1890
DareMabel born about 1868
DavisSamuel born about 1878
DawsonEdna born about 1914
DawsonEmma born about 1874
DawsonFrancis born about 1898
DaytonElizabeth born about 1916
DaytonHenry born about 1939
DaytonRichard Sborn about 1938
DaytonWalter born about 1910
DaytonWalter Wborn about 1937
DeanJeanette born about 1884
DefesAlfred born about 1924
DefesAnita born about 1922
DefesDominic born about 1919
DefesFrank born about 1900
DefesMadeline born about 1918
DefesMellie born about 1899
DehavenCarroll Sborn about 1939
DehavenEugenia born about 1880
DehavenHugh Bborn about 1910
DehavenLouis born about 1878
DehavenMary Eborn about 1911
DeverEdward born about 1939
DeverEdward Gborn about 1912
DeverWanda born about 1917
DevereLillie Mrs born about 1879
DevineDaniel born about 1926
DevlinIda born about 1893
DevlinJames born about 1871
DevlinMargaret born about 1875
DevlinWilliam born about 1887
DietherAmanda Mborn about 1877
DietherLewis born about 1867
DilksLinwood born about 1920
DiorioEmma born about 1885
DiorioFrederick born about 1885
DiorioFrederick Jr born about 1920
DiorioJoseph born about 1922
DissingerHerminna born about 1910
DissingerIda born about 1878
DissingerMilton born about 1911
DixGrace born about 1917
DixHelen Mborn about 1887
DoughertyJoan born about 1939
DoughertyJohn born about 1868
DoughertyLaurence born about 1937
DoughertyMargaret born about 1883
DoughertyMarion Cborn about 1865
DoughtyEarl Leeborn about 1938
DoughtyElvy born about 1862
DoughtyHazel born about 1916
DoughtyRalph Kborn about 1935
DoughtyWilliam born about 1873
DownsClara born about 1870
DuboisDelbert Cborn about 1876
DuboisLillian Rborn about 1877
DuchameAnna born about 1925
DuchameElizabeth born about 1924
DuchamePeter born about 1926
DuchameThelma born about 1927
DukeMargaret born about 1898
DukeMargaret Mborn about 1928
DunbarAlbert born about 1877
DunbarIda born about 1882
DunstanRuth born about 1917
DurginAnnie Pborn about 1877
DurginCharles Hborn about 1878
DysonBessie born about 1904
DysonCatherine born about 1926
DysonHerbert born about 1896
DysonShirley born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EckertAnna born about 1899
EckhardtEdna Gborn about 1927
EckhardtHenry Gborn about 1923
EckhardtHenry Tborn about 1891
EckhardtJ Elizaborn about 1895
EckhardtMiriam Jborn about 1936
EckhardtShirley Mborn about 1931
EckhardtWilliam Rborn about 1924
EdgeWillimina born about 1854
EdwardsAnna born about 1884
EdwardsJohn born about 1886
EdwardsJohn born about 1915
EdwardsLillian born about 1922
EdwardsRobert born about 1926
EdwardsThomas born about 1919
EdwellArthur born about 1917
EdwellHarry born about 1877
EdwellTheresa born about 1876
EliasonAnna born about 1890
EliasonCarolyn born about 1925
EliasonEdmund born about 1889
EliasonEdmund Tborn about 1920
EliasonSylvia born about 1927
EliasonThomas born about 1934
EllingsworthIda Vborn about 1857
EllisEdna born about 1909
EllisErnest born about 1906
EllisErnest born about 1938
EllisJean born about 1928
EllisJoan born about 1932
EllisKatherine born about 1906
EllisMarguirete born about 1930
EllisWilliam Hborn about 1905
EllisYvonne born about 1928
ElwellAnna born about 1916
ElwellHarry born about 1912
ElwellHarry born about 1939
EppleCarl born about 1900
EppleLina born about 1906
EppleWilliam born about 1927
ErwinDoris Cborn about 1875
ErwinWilliam Gborn about 1871
EvansCharles born about 1885
EvansGeorge born about 1869
EvansMargaret born about 1886
EvansRobert born about 1925
EvansRuth born about 1895
EvansonHarry born about 1909
EvansonHarry Tborn about 1936
EvansonMay born about 1910
EveringHenry born about 1928
EveringMildred born about 1911
EveringTeddy born about 1935
EveringWilliam born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FacemireCharles Hborn about 1872
FallmanAllen born about 1874
FallmanGeorgia born about 1874
FarmerAlbert Cborn about 1900
FarmerAlberta born about 1933
FarmerElla Sborn about 1883
FarmerGeorge Aborn about 1877
FarmerGloria born about 1925
FarmerPatricia born about 1929
FarmerRosanne born about 1927
FarmerRose born about 1898
FarrellDrussilla born about 1870
FayFrancis Aborn about 1920
FehleMargaret born about 1903
FehleRudolph born about 1903
FehleWilliam born about 1924
FenderConnie born about 1896
FenderElla Mborn about 1902
FenderHazel born about 1927
FenskeClyde born about 1936
FenskeDonald born about 1930
FenskeEdward born about 1928
FenskeFrederick born about 1879
FenskeJean born about 1926
FenskeMadolyn born about 1904
FenskeRobert born about 1933
FenskeRose born about 1879
FifeildJoseph born about 1928
FifeildNorma born about 1927
FitzpatrickAnthony born about 1919
FitzpatrickBartholomew born about 1893
FitzpatrickBartholomew born about 1924
FitzpatrickCatherine born about 1931
FitzpatrickClara born about 1936
FitzpatrickEdward born about 1892
FitzpatrickEdward born about 1921
FitzpatrickFrancis born about 1925
FitzpatrickHelen born about 1901
FitzpatrickJames born about 1926
FitzpatrickMarjorie born about 1936
FitzpatrickMary born about 1894
FitzpatrickMary born about 1924
FitzpatrickPaul born about 1929
FitzpatrickRichard born about 1927
FitzpatrickRuth born about 1938
FitzpatrickWarren born about 1928
FitzpatrickWilliam born about 1930
FoggA Rborn about 1890
FoggEleanore Anneborn about 1929
FoggEleanore Rborn about 1888
FoggJohn Rainborn about 1924
FoggMary Cborn about 1918
ForceFrank born about 1894
ForceMinnie Jborn about 1869
ForceWilliam Wborn about 1868
FordAlbert born about 1879
FordArthur born about 1893
FordArthur Iii born about 1939
FordArthur Jr born about 1916
FordBarbara born about 1937
FordBetty born about 1918
FordDoris born about 1919
FordHannah born about 1872
FordHarry Aborn about 1922
FordMargaret born about 1895
FordThomas born about 1934
ForemanAlbert Jborn about 1897
ForemanElsie Jborn about 1925
ForemanJulia born about 1901
FoxBenjamin Hborn about 1925
FoxElla born about 1875
FoxGeorge Hborn about 1925
FoxMabel born about 1900
FoxMadison born about 1898
FoxMadison Jr born about 1923
FoxRaymond born about 1895
FrazerCharles born about 1899
FrazerMinnie born about 1886
FrechMary Lborn about 1867
FrenchCarolyn born about 1929
FrenchHorace born about 1906
FrenchLeroy born about 1931
FrenchLouis born about 1926
FrenchPearl born about 1910
FrenchShirley born about 1933
FriesCarol born about 1917
FriesJohn Pborn about 1938
FriesJohn Jr born about 1915
FritschAvis born about 1931
FritschClaire born about 1926
FritschDoris born about 1924
FritschIda born about 1897
FritschMartin born about 1894
FugeeAgnes Kborn about 1904
FugeeEdward Hborn about 1923
FugeeRobert Tborn about 1928
FugeeTheodore Cborn about 1901
FugeeTheodore C Jrborn about 1921

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G Surnames

GallusCharles born about 1909
GallusCharles born about 1928
GallusFrances born about 1933
GallusFrank born about 1905
GallusMay born about 1894
GardnerDonald born about 1936
GardnerGeraldine born about 1934
GardnerHerbert born about 1904
GardnerHerbert Jr born about 1928
GardnerIsabelle born about 1911
GarguloAnthony born about 1892
GarhartAndrew Eborn about 1901
GarhartBeatrice born about 1932
GarhartElizabeth born about 1901
GarhartErnest born about 1935
GarhartGloria born about 1929
GarhartWilliam born about 1933
GarityJean born about 1901
GarrettJames Aborn about 1917
GarrettJames A Jrborn about 1939
GarrettLaura born about 1919
GarrisonCarlos born about 1889
GarrisonHelen Pborn about 1870
GarrisonLulu Bborn about 1884
GarrisonMarian born about 1919
GarrisonRoy born about 1895
GarrisonSophie born about 1895
GarrisonWillard Eborn about 1893
GaskillBarbara Tborn about 1937
GaskillElizabeth born about 1892
GaskillJoan Eborn about 1939
GaskillJohn born about 1874
GaskillJoseph Cborn about 1936
GaskillLaura born about 1923
GaskillLouisa born about 1913
GaskillMary born about 1883
GaskillMary born about 1911
GaskillOliver born about 1914
GaskillRobert born about 1917
GaskillSamuel born about 1910
GaskillTheresa born about 1938
GaskillWilliam born about 1921
GaskillWilliam Eborn about 1891
GaskillWilliam Hborn about 1888
GemmiFrederick born about 1882
GeretyGeorge born about 1921
GeretyGrace born about 1922
GeretyJack born about 1930
GeretyJoseph born about 1894
GeretyJoseph born about 1925
GeretyMarie Jborn about 1896
GiffordEsther born about 1908
GiffordJanice born about 1939
GiffordVictor born about 1909
GilbertMarcella born about 1892
GilbertNancy born about 1921
GilbertWilliam born about 1894
GilveyWilhelmina born about 1866
Glanding born about 1883
GlandingJames born about 1882
GloverEdwin Gborn about 1915
GodreyElizabeth Uborn about 1898
GodreyGeorge born about 1927
GodreyWilliam Mborn about 1896
GollGeorge born about 1871
GollLouise born about 1881
GrahamBertha born about 1909
GrahamDonald born about 1930
GrahamEarl born about 1910
GrahamEarl born about 1928
GrahamHarold born about 1929
GrahamJack born about 1937
GrahamJean Annborn about 1933
GrahamMildred born about 1932
GrahamPauline born about 1938
GrayBateman Mborn about 1892
GrayCharles born about 1923
GrayHelen Sborn about 1886
GrayMary born about 1889
GrayRobert born about 1921
GraySadie born about 1867
GrayWoodrow born about 1913
GreenDavid born about 1878
GreenNaomi born about 1877
GreisBernice born about 1914
GreisDorothy Eborn about 1919
GreisFrank born about 1878
GreisGeorge Wborn about 1912
GreisMarie born about 1884
GreisMarvin Hborn about 1909
GroossAgnes Mrs born about 1863

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H Surnames

HaferDorothy born about 1908
HaferJoan born about 1933
HaferJustice born about 1903
HagenbrickerElizabeth born about 1926
HagenbrickerEsther born about 1905
HagenbrickerEsther Rborn about 1927
HagenbrickerRichard born about 1903
HainesHoward born about 1911
HainesJohn born about 1905
HainesMary born about 1870
HaireMargaret born about 1871
HaleyEdwina born about 1924
HaleyShirley born about 1927
HamanHoward born about 1933
HamptonFlorence born about 1910
HamptonJohn Wborn about 1908
HandJesse Hborn about 1883
HandKathryn Fborn about 1889
HandPearl born about 1898
HandRobert born about 1880
HandRobert born about 1939
HanwellArthur Pborn about 1882
HanwellArthur Pborn about 1926
HanwellDora born about 1890
HarbisonBenjamin Fborn about 1859
HarbisonWalter born about 1885
HarlanJoseph Mborn about 1900
HarrisMalcolm born about 1916
HarrisMargaret Bborn about 1891
HartA Gertrudeborn about 1905
HartCharles born about 1879
HartEdna born about 1916
HartElla born about 1867
HartFrank born about 1866
HartFrank Hborn about 1903
HartKathryn born about 1888
HartLawrence born about 1880
HartleyJames born about 1885
HauflerFlorence born about 1892
HauflerHarry born about 1888
HawnElaine born about 1932
HawnFrank born about 1910
HawnGrace born about 1909
HawnHelene born about 1935
HayesBetty Jborn about 1923
HayesGeorge Jborn about 1897
HayesGeorge Wborn about 1921
HayesLucy Sborn about 1900
HayesRichard born about 1931
HayesRoberta Hborn about 1925
HazeltonAnna Gborn about 1906
HazeltonJames Pborn about 1917
HeckertEdna born about 1916
HeckertSarah born about 1886
HeilandTed born about 1924
HeimElizabeth born about 1897
HeimFrederick born about 1900
HeimJulius born about 1928
HeimSophie born about 1926
HendersonEileen born about 1935
HendersonEleanor born about 1915
HendersonGeorge born about 1886
HendersonJoan born about 1937
HendersonNorman born about 1902
HendersonRobert born about 1939
HendersonRuth born about 1885
HenningHenry Pborn about 1901
HenryLouis Eborn about 1931
HeraEdwin Rborn about 1873
HerbertMarion born about 1897
HerbertMarion born about 1928
HerbertOrlando born about 1894
HerbertRichard born about 1923
HerbertRobert born about 1926
HerringtonAda born about 1903
HerringtonAnna born about 1933
HerringtonEdward born about 1929
HerringtonEmma born about 1923
HerringtonHelen born about 1931
HerringtonKenneth born about 1926
HerringtonMargaret born about 1928
HerringtonPaul born about 1940
HerringtonWilliam born about 1903
HerringtonWilliam born about 1925
HertzThomas Wborn about 1893
HichmanCalvin born about 1929
HichmanDorothy born about 1907
HichmanJohn born about 1935
HichmanJohn Earlborn about 1906
HicksonEdward born about 1887
HicksonFrances born about 1895
HicksonRobert born about 1918
HigbeeEdna born about 1908
HigbeeHarrey Pborn about 1904
HigbeeJanet Mborn about 1939
HigginsJames Eborn about 1925
HigginsJames Jborn about 1890
HigginsJoseph Hborn about 1872
HigginsMargaret born about 1877
HigginsMargaret Mborn about 1928
HigginsNellie Mborn about 1890
HigginsPatrick born about 1931
HigheeClara born about 1890
HigheeTida born about 1864
HillEdgar Tborn about 1878
HillJohn Fborn about 1850
HillMargaret Tborn about 1881
HitchinsWalter Wborn about 1891
HoganEva born about 1895
HoganRussell born about 1920
HoganWarren born about 1926
HollinHazel born about 1874
HolzerRichard Bborn about 1934
HolzerRuth born about 1905
HolzerWalter Gborn about 1904
HolzerWalter Hborn about 1929
HoppeBessie Eborn about 1891
HoppeHerman Jborn about 1895
HoppkinsClara born about 1883
HoppkinsHerman born about 1877
HortonJohn H Jrborn about 1910
HortonMargaret born about 1908
HortonMargaret Tborn about 1935
HowardDonald born about 1937
HowardDorothea born about 1908
HowardDorothea Wborn about 1932
HowardJohn born about 1940
HowardTheodore born about 1935
HowardWilliam Cborn about 1903
HowardWilliam C Jrborn about 1930
HudsonGeorge born about 1901
HudsonGeorge born about 1937
HudsonRobert born about 1938
HudsonRose born about 1917
HulmasterJoseph born about 1889
HulmasterMary Cborn about 1868
HuntAugust Oborn about 1875
HuntChristine born about 1877
HutchisonMargaret born about 1874
HyattElizabeth Vborn about 1930
HyattGeorge Rborn about 1920
HyattMargaret Mborn about 1899
HyattMargaret Mborn about 1923
HyattRobert Hborn about 1922
HyattWilberta Jborn about 1938
HyattWilmer Jborn about 1938
HydeDaisy born about 1913
HydeFrederick born about 1902
HydeFrederick Jr born about 1932
HydeGeorge born about 1872
HydeGeorge born about 1905
HydeMartha Aliceborn about 1879
HydeRaymond Sborn about 1908

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I Surnames

IngersollBeverley born about 1937
IngersollCharlotte born about 1918
IngersollGeraldine born about 1939
IngersollLewis born about 1917
IngersollNorman born about 1923
IrelandJosephine born about 1874
IsardFlorence born about 1908
IsardJames born about 1933
IsardJoyce born about 1930
IsardLois born about 1927
IsardWilbert born about 1907
IsardWilbert Sr born about 1878

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J Surnames

JamisonWilliam born about 1891
JeffriesMargaret born about 1900
JeffriesMulford Mborn about 1902
JewellJohn born about 1884
JewellLola born about 1874
JohnsonAlice born about 1904
JohnsonBarbara born about 1884
JohnsonBarnt born about 1907
JohnsonBarnt Sr born about 1874
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1933
JohnsonBessie born about 1890
JohnsonBessie born about 1906
JohnsonCatherine born about 1928
JohnsonCinderella born about 1866
JohnsonDrusilla born about 1864
JohnsonEleanor born about 1888
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1903
JohnsonEsther Dborn about 1918
JohnsonGeorge born about 1927
JohnsonGeorge Wborn about 1903
JohnsonHarry born about 1886
JohnsonHarry born about 1927
JohnsonLeonard born about 1921
JohnsonLillian born about 1875
JohnsonLucy born about 1926
JohnsonMarjorie Sborn about 1896
JohnsonMatthew born about 1864
JohnsonRobert born about 1924
JohnsonWalter Tborn about 1884
JohnsonWilliam born about 1919
JonesCharles born about 1895
JonesCharles born about 1923
JonesIrma born about 1929
JonesJessie born about 1923
JonesMarion born about 1921
JonesMary born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeemerDavis born about 1889
KeemerMary Eborn about 1889
KeesThyrza born about 1902
KeesWilliam Jborn about 1902
KeesWilliam Jr born about 1923
KellerKathryn born about 1870
KernaMary Aborn about 1870
KerrFrances born about 1874
KerrMabel born about 1880
KerrThomas Hborn about 1876
KillerFlorence born about 1909
KinsingAlma M Srborn about 1912
KinsingEmil Eborn about 1887
KinsingKatherine Jborn about 1886
KisselbackDorothy born about 1900
KisselbackDorothy born about 1929
KisselbackGrace born about 1923
KochJohn Gborn about 1878
KochLorraine Aborn about 1886
KolenskyJoseph born about 1927
KolenskyMarie born about 1925
KolenskySophia born about 1896
KorbEdward Wborn about 1887
KrenFlora born about 1881
KrengerFred born about 1881
KrenzHarry born about 1907
KrenzJosephine born about 1880
KrenzJune born about 1938
KrenzMargaret born about 1912
KrummBertha born about 1908
KrummBetty born about 1932
KrummWilliam born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaffeyGeorge born about 1879
LaffeyLena born about 1879
LamberdAlbert born about 1892
LamberdCleophas born about 1919
LamberdNancy born about 1899
LampEdward born about 1908
LandAlfred born about 1915
LandHerbert Tborn about 1919
LandWilliam born about 1913
LarneyCharles born about 1920
LashleyZebiah born about 1871
LatimerFlorence born about 1888
LatimerThomas born about 1882
LaveryCaroline born about 1865
LeachDelmar born about 1914
LeachHelen born about 1924
LeachJames born about 1925
LeachWinifred born about 1889
LearEdward born about 1867
LeeClara born about 1910
LeeClaus Lborn about 1906
LeeGeorge born about 1863
LeeLurelda Rborn about 1933
LeedsElizabeth born about 1885
LeedsMark born about 1877
LeedsNettie Cborn about 1881
LeesPhoebe born about 1893
LeesWesley born about 1937
LeibyGordon Aborn about 1897
LemmleJulia born about 1885
LeppAlexander born about 1895
LeppBessina born about 1925
LeppEleanor born about 1918
LeppLeonard born about 1933
LeppNatalina born about 1898
LeppRaymond born about 1930
LeverIrene born about 1881
LewisBenjamin born about 1880
LewisCharles Mborn about 1890
LewisElevia born about 1896
LewisHarry born about 1885
LewisIsabelle born about 1919
LewisJessie born about 1917
LewisMelvin born about 1915
LewisNancy Eborn about 1939
LewisPearl born about 1893
LewisRobert born about 1915
LewisRoy Sborn about 1892
LichnerMatilda Oborn about 1883
LichnerSamuel born about 1875
LingoAdolph born about 1895
LingoW Vborn about 1905
LintonEdna Dborn about 1882
LongoEarl born about 1915
LongoKathryn born about 1917
LongoMargaret born about 1887
LoperRobert born about 1915
LoperRuth born about 1916
LoveLeonore Sborn about 1906
LoveMarion born about 1908
LoveWinfield Wborn about 1909
LovelandAlice Dborn about 1898
LovelandJames Kborn about 1895
LovelandJohn Jborn about 1922
LuchenbachGeorge Hborn about 1874
LuchenbachMartha Cborn about 1876
LudwigAlbert born about 1910
LudwigBarbara Aborn about 1937
LudwigDorothy Eborn about 1919
LuebbertFlorence born about 1880
LuebbertJoseph born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackeyTemperance Aborn about 1857
MadaraErnest born about 1902
MaddenChristian born about 1928
MaddenEmily born about 1889
MaennerAgnes born about 1908
MaennerCharles born about 1904
MaennerJoseph born about 1926
MaennerJoseph Fborn about 1902
MaennerMary born about 1938
MaennerWilliam born about 1930
MainLaura born about 1891
MainMorgan Bborn about 1888
MaloneFrank born about 1894
MaloneHelen born about 1904
MaloneMarie born about 1930
MaloneThomas born about 1928
MalteisElizabeth born about 1894
MalteisEzra Rborn about 1881
ManleyHoward born about 1896
ManleyLawrence born about 1933
ManleyLillian Lborn about 1876
ManleyMargaret born about 1899
MannAndrew Jborn about 1860
MannMiranda Rborn about 1859
MapesEleanor born about 1937
MapesErnest born about 1939
MapesGeorge born about 1870
MapesJoan born about 1933
MapesJulia born about 1906
MapesMary born about 1870
MarshAlice Mborn about 1884
MarshAlice Vborn about 1923
MarshLeonard Aborn about 1927
MarshRobert Tborn about 1919
MarshallCatherine born about 1923
MarshallClarence Lborn about 1872
MarshallFloyd born about 1898
MarshallMary Cborn about 1893
MarstellarAnna born about 1858
MartinEsther born about 1917
MartinEsther Eborn about 1938
MartinGeorge Hborn about 1870
MartinIsabel born about 1869
MartinJames Tborn about 1916
MartsEdmund Tborn about 1929
MartsElizabeth born about 1923
MartsElla Rborn about 1925
MartsEva born about 1901
MartsGeorge born about 1928
MartsHarvey born about 1901
MartsHarvey Jr born about 1925
MasonAndrew born about 1901
MasonElijah born about 1868
MasonLydia born about 1896
MasonSarah born about 1870
MatheysElizabeth Jborn about 1861
MatheysWalter Rborn about 1888
MathiasLouis Bborn about 1870
MathiasM Francesborn about 1870
MathisAnna born about 1844
MathisElizabeth born about 1894
MathisEzra Rborn about 1881
MathisFlorence born about 1900
MathisGilbert born about 1901
MathisMabel Vborn about 1896
MathisOrville born about 1917
MathisTillman Bborn about 1892
MathisWilliam Gborn about 1931
MawsonFrances Mborn about 1939
MawsonFrancis born about 1905
MawsonMildred born about 1921
MayFrancis born about 1901
MayJoseph Tborn about 1866
MayMarie born about 1868
McArdleAnne born about 1908
McArdleArthur born about 1906
McArdleBrian Hughborn about 1937
McArdleKevin Tborn about 1940
McArdleSean Arthurborn about 1938
McCauleyStella born about 1897
McCofferyTheresa born about 1876
McConnellCharles Rborn about 1885
McConnellMary Aborn about 1889
McConnellMary Jborn about 1927
McCormickWilliam born about 1869
McCraJames Hborn about 1872
McCueAgnes born about 1933
McCueEmma born about 1902
McCueGilbert born about 1924
McDowellCharles born about 1937
McDowellEdwin born about 1936
McDowellJohn born about 1932
McDowellKathryn born about 1909
McDowellKathryn born about 1928
McDowellMary born about 1933
McDowellPatricia born about 1939
McDowellRobert born about 1929
McDowellSamuel born about 1896
McDowellSamuel born about 1930
McFarlandAnna born about 1872
McFarlandDorothy born about 1921
McFarlandDorothy Mborn about 1935
McIlroyElizabeth born about 1862
McNallyCharles Fborn about 1890
McNallyJulia born about 1925
MedlockJohn born about 1894
MedlockMarie born about 1875
MedlockRonald born about 1933
MeenchDoris born about 1915
MeenchFred born about 1891
MeenchKathleen Tborn about 1939
MegronigleHarold Vborn about 1886
MegronigleMary Vborn about 1885
MeisleAnna born about 1881
MeisleMargaret born about 1856
MeisleMinnie born about 1872
MerchantCharles born about 1887
MeredithJames born about 1912
MerrillBarbara born about 1935
MerrillJames born about 1933
MerrillLeona born about 1907
MerrillRobert Aborn about 1907
MerrillRobert Jr born about 1931
MeskersAnna Mborn about 1925
MeskersCharles born about 1890
MeskersClara born about 1898
MeskersEmma born about 1917
MeskersFrances born about 1937
MeskersHarold born about 1923
MeskersTheodore born about 1916
MeyerJoanne born about 1938
MeyerJosephine born about 1908
MeyerTheodore Tborn about 1902
MiddletonMargaret born about 1874
MiddletonT Georgeborn about 1872
MillerAnnie born about 1901
MillerHenry Sborn about 1867
MillerHenry S Jrborn about 1904
MillerJohn born about 1881
MillerJohn G Jrborn about 1883
MillerLena Wborn about 1870
MillerLouise born about 1935
MillerPhillip born about 1928
MilliganAnnie born about 1865
MillsAlexander born about 1865
MillsLulu born about 1872
MilneAlbert Wborn about 1898
MilneInez Cborn about 1898
MilneKatherine Mborn about 1891
MilneRobert Mborn about 1890
MilneRuth Inezborn about 1926
MinkBarbara born about 1940
MinkCharles born about 1907
MinkClara born about 1871
MinkGottlich Eborn about 1870
MinkKathryn born about 1913
MixnerJack born about 1922
MixnerMary born about 1877
MixnerRose born about 1924
MixnerTheresa born about 1926
Monaghan born about 1903
MonaghanJames M 3rdborn about 1926
MonaghanJames M Jrborn about 1903
MooreJohn Mborn about 1872
MooreMartha born about 1877
MorrisEdward born about 1909
MorrisEdward Jborn about 1938
MorrisHelen born about 1910
MorrisNellie born about 1897
MorrisSidney born about 1934
MorrisonAline born about 1906
MorrisonBeverly born about 1935
MorrisonDoris born about 1932
MorrisonFrancis born about 1861
MorrisonMarion born about 1929
MorrisonPhyliss born about 1925
MorrisonRussell Eborn about 1904
MorrowClaire Vborn about 1925
MorrowDorothy Tborn about 1931
MorrowEmma born about 1899
MorrowViolet Mborn about 1928
MorrowWilliam Hborn about 1896
MorrowWilliam H Jrborn about 1933
MuellerAnna born about 1879
MulfordLois Joyceborn about 1940
MulfordParker born about 1912
MulfordRuth born about 1915
MulfordRuth Vborn about 1935
MurphyBertha born about 1909
MurphyKenneth Hborn about 1933
MurphyMargaret born about 1901
MurphyPatricia born about 1929
MusselmanElizabeth born about 1893
MutzerEmma Dborn about 1907
MutzerHerbert Gborn about 1925
MutzerWilbur Gborn about 1902
MyersBenjamin born about 1870
MyersFrederick born about 1897
MyersJoseph born about 1931
MyersMae born about 1899
MyersSara born about 1922
MyersWinnie born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeideFrank born about 1868
NeillAlice R Mrsborn about 1893
NeillThomas Pborn about 1925
NelsonHarry Tborn about 1902
NewAnna Maeborn about 1927
NewCatherine born about 1921
NewClarence born about 1905
NewJacob born about 1893
NewJacob Jr born about 1926
NewMargaret born about 1885
NewPauline born about 1931
NewSadie born about 1908
NicholasBetty Jborn about 1933
NicholasBlanche born about 1904
NicholasDonald born about 1931
NicholasGeorge born about 1895
NicholasJames born about 1930
NicholasMildred born about 1925
NicholsBethana born about 1933
NicholsByron born about 1919
NicholsByron born about 1939
NicholsDorothy born about 1921
NicholsHelena Aborn about 1908
NicholsMary Tborn about 1937
NicholsMyrtle Bborn about 1884
NicholsRobert Jborn about 1895
NickersonClaude born about 1897
NickersonClaude Lborn about 1923
NickersonEsther born about 1899
NickersonJeanne born about 1925
NirdlingerNellie born about 1896
NirdlingerP Aborn about 1888
NoonEffie born about 1870
NoonFred born about 1903
NoonRuth born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OberleCharles born about 1905
OberleCharles Tborn about 1881
OberleMabel born about 1902
OberleMatilda born about 1881
OlipkautGladys born about 1914
OlipkautVernon born about 1912
OliverAnn born about 1902
OliverElizabeth born about 1901
OliverElizabeth Mborn about 1923
OliverGeorge Wborn about 1925
OliverHenry born about 1904
OliverJohn Tborn about 1876
OliverJohn Tborn about 1905
OliverJohn T Jrborn about 1931
OliverMarjorie born about 1932
OliverMary Sborn about 1877
OliverThomas born about 1918
OneilEllen born about 1872
OramCharlotte born about 1905
OramCharlotte born about 1925
OramHenriette born about 1928
OramJohn born about 1932
OramPaul born about 1924
OrlandiCordella born about 1902
OrlandiFrances born about 1926
OrlandiWilfred born about 1899
OrlandiWilfred Jr born about 1923
OrrMay born about 1868
OrrThomas born about 1867
OsborneMary born about 1870
OversCatherine Aborn about 1938
OversEthel born about 1899
OversGeorge Nborn about 1936
OversJoseph Cborn about 1897
OversJoseph C Jrborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PancoarlAlice Mrs born about 1888
PancoarlEdwin Rborn about 1918
PancoarlWilliam Dborn about 1892
ParsonsGeorge Fborn about 1900
ParsonsGladys Lborn about 1902
PatmerWalter born about 1871
PatonMary Wborn about 1892
PatrickLaura born about 1885
PattersonBetty Jborn about 1925
PattersonDonald Rborn about 1919
PattersonJohn Gborn about 1898
PattersonMargaret born about 1900
PattersonMary Lborn about 1923
PearsonElizabeth Iborn about 1865
PennJesse Rborn about 1887
PennLouise born about 1882
PerkinsGeorge Jr born about 1884
PerkinsGeorge Sr born about 1855
PerkinsLaura born about 1897
PerkinsRaymond Fborn about 1889
PerkinsRose Rborn about 1887
PerkinsWalter born about 1898
PerryWilliam born about 1927
PharazynBertha born about 1896
PharazynCharles born about 1896
PharazynWilbur born about 1892
PiersonCharles born about 1895
PiersonEdele born about 1899
PiersonElsie born about 1924
PiersonLois born about 1924
PiersonMira born about 1901
PinderHarry born about 1914
PinderViolet born about 1918
PitmanCharles Gborn about 1861
PitmanMary Eborn about 1863
PotterCharles Hborn about 1930
PotterCharles Wborn about 1903
PottersCatherine Cborn about 1863
PottersCharles Jborn about 1864
PottsAlfred Eborn about 1902
PottsAndrew born about 1905
PottsAndrew Jr born about 1931
PottsEdward born about 1939
PottsFreda born about 1900
PottsG Robertborn about 1932
PottsGeorge Rborn about 1898
PottsJames Rborn about 1928
PottsLorelei Gborn about 1930
PottsMarion Sborn about 1898
PottsNancy Aborn about 1934
PottsThelma Eborn about 1910
PowellMadeline born about 1913
PowellMargaret Eborn about 1933
PowellRobert born about 1924
PrangleyBessie born about 1895
PrangleyLida born about 1895
PrattBarry born about 1922
PrattEdgar born about 1890
PrattEmma born about 1893
PrattFlorence Eborn about 1866
PrattHenry Eborn about 1861
PrattLillie born about 1924
PrattMargaret born about 1896
PrattRoland born about 1894
PrattRoland Jr born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuigleyMinnie born about 1860

R Surnames

RaincsukBetty Janesborn about 1934
RaincsukCarolyn Maeborn about 1927
RaincsukMarie Mborn about 1900
RaincsukRobert Fborn about 1924
RaincsukRobert Hborn about 1899
RaincsukWilliam Tborn about 1932
RalstonEstelle Zborn about 1900
RalstonMargaret Mborn about 1874
RaschEdward born about 1923
RaschHelen born about 1899
RaschJune born about 1924
RaschRobert born about 1932
RaschWilliam born about 1936
RayEleanor born about 1894
RaySamuel born about 1876
ReaderFlorence born about 1922
ReaderMae Wborn about 1904
ReaderWilliam Jborn about 1905
ReamerRaymond born about 1914
RedmondJane born about 1918
RedmondJohn born about 1916
RedmondJohn born about 1939
ReedAgnes Eborn about 1878
ReedCatherine born about 1893
ReedDavid born about 1880
ReedJoseph Wborn about 1879
ReedJudith born about 1923
ReedMae born about 1903
ReevesCalvin born about 1927
ReevesCharles born about 1894
ReevesJoanna born about 1901
ReevesSamuel born about 1922
RhodesCharles born about 1852
RingChristine born about 1910
RisleyAllan born about 1919
RisleyDorothy born about 1921
RisleyLaura born about 1923
RisslerLyle born about 1879
RisslerMary born about 1871
RitchieJohn Eborn about 1872
RitchieLouise born about 1879
RitzAustin born about 1906
RitzJoan born about 1932
RitzRita born about 1931
RitzSamuel born about 1925
RitzVeronica born about 1910
RitzWilliam born about 1935
RobertsGeorge born about 1918
RobertsJoseph born about 1922
RobinsonDavid born about 1870
RobinsonGertrude born about 1870
RodanElizabeth born about 1878
RoffCharles born about 1921
RoffEdward born about 1928
RoffGeorge born about 1919
RoffHoward born about 1919
RoffJames born about 1922
RoffPatrick born about 1894
RoffRita born about 1926
RossPeggy born about 1931
RothwellEdward born about 1880
RothwellMary Eborn about 1860
RounerLewis Jborn about 1893
RounerLulu born about 1895
RubyArvada born about 1914
RubyHarry born about 1914
RumfordMary born about 1891
RyanDavid Cborn about 1940
RyanGeorge W Jrborn about 1906
RyanJoan Pborn about 1931
RyanPearl Mborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaarGeorge Wborn about 1863
SaarinenEdith born about 1915
SaarinenPatricia Oborn about 1940
SaarinenW Victorborn about 1911
SaburnA Walterborn about 1923
SaburnAlexander born about 1887
SaburnMary born about 1898
SaburnVirginia born about 1919
SackerAlthea born about 1920
SackerArthur born about 1912
SackerBarbara born about 1937
SackerBeatrice born about 1938
SackerBertha born about 1918
SackerMary Aborn about 1937
SackerWilliam born about 1919
SalherMason Kborn about 1911
SalherMeta Mborn about 1866
SampsonBarbara Hborn about 1939
SampsonJanet born about 1918
SampsonMarie Rborn about 1917
SampsonRobert Tborn about 1915
SauerCaroline born about 1857
SaurmanClara Rborn about 1870
SaylorCharles born about 1902
SaylorCharlotte born about 1932
SaylorEleanor born about 1925
SaylorElizabeth born about 1930
SaylorEsther born about 1928
SaylorHenry Jborn about 1893
SaylorJessie born about 1928
SaylorJohn Hborn about 1903
SaylorJohn Hborn about 1927
SaylorJoseph born about 1886
SaylorLillian born about 1938
SaylorMary born about 1907
SaylorMary Iborn about 1865
SaylorSarah born about 1909
SchickKatherine born about 1880
SchmittCatherine born about 1930
SchmittJoseph born about 1922
SchmittMargaret born about 1892
SchneiderClaire born about 1901
SchneiderEdwin born about 1926
SchneiderElaine born about 1928
SchneiderGeorge Cborn about 1899
SchneiderTilly born about 1923
ScolaAndrew Cborn about 1922
ScolaJohn Bborn about 1923
ScolaLouise Lborn about 1904
ScottAlison born about 1910
ScottClaire born about 1933
ScottClara born about 1902
ScottEarl born about 1901
ScottEarl Jr born about 1924
ScottEvelyn born about 1920
ScottMargaret born about 1880
ScottWalter born about 1869
ScullEleanora born about 1898
ScullElsie Jborn about 1893
ScullElsie Jborn about 1924
ScullFlorence born about 1865
ScullFlorence Mborn about 1895
ScullHoward Tborn about 1892
ScullJames Eborn about 1882
ScullJames Giffordborn about 1871
ScullMark born about 1923
ScullMartha Dborn about 1882
ScullMary Lborn about 1928
ScullWilliam Bborn about 1889
SearfossAlpheus born about 1915
SearfossArthur born about 1895
SearfossByron born about 1933
SearfossEugene born about 1920
SearfossFlorence born about 1896
SearfossFrank born about 1923
SearfossJune born about 1936
SearfossRichard born about 1931
SeeleyFlorence Mborn about 1886
SellersAlice Tborn about 1856
SelvagnHerman born about 1904
SelvagnMary born about 1914
SelvagnWilliam born about 1937
SelveiraClara born about 1868
SelveiraSarah born about 1866
SemonAlma M Jrborn about 1937
ShafferCora born about 1875
ShafferHoward born about 1914
ShafferLeah Mborn about 1895
ShafferMarshall born about 1914
ShafferMary Eborn about 1913
ShafferMinnie born about 1920
ShafferPatricia Aborn about 1939
ShafferPhyliss Cborn about 1931
ShafferRobert Nborn about 1907
ShafferRoger Wborn about 1937
ShafferWilber Tborn about 1905
ShafferWilliam born about 1917
ShannonMary born about 1862
SharkeyMary born about 1881
ShearfAlberta born about 1929
ShearfFrank born about 1873
ShearfMary Bborn about 1873
SheenMiss born about 1875
ShemelaJoseph Sr born about 1867
ShensBelle born about 1896
ShensJohn Hborn about 1888
ShieldsAllen born about 1906
ShieldsAnne born about 1917
ShieldsDavid Cborn about 1916
ShieldsHarriet born about 1920
ShieldsPatricia born about 1939
ShieldsSuzanne born about 1938
ShriverFrederick Wborn about 1900
ShumanGiola born about 1910
ShumanJohn H 3rdborn about 1934
ShumanJohn H Jrborn about 1912
ShumanJohn H Srborn about 1884
ShumanRobert born about 1938
SimonsBernice born about 1878
SimpkinsCarl Nborn about 1902
SimpkinsDaniel born about 1891
SimpkinsMaude Wborn about 1906
SimpkinsRoxanna born about 1874
SimpsonWilliam Dborn about 1875
SkyrmEdward born about 1865
SlavinskiFrances born about 1892
SloanLila born about 1896
SmithAlbert Jborn about 1888
SmithAlfred born about 1920
SmithAnne born about 1894
SmithBertha Tborn about 1877
SmithBetty Lborn about 1922
SmithBruce born about 1939
SmithCatherine born about 1893
SmithCatherine born about 1901
SmithCatherine Mborn about 1886
SmithCealie born about 1885
SmithCecil born about 1902
SmithCharles born about 1915
SmithCharlotte born about 1919
SmithClara born about 1910
SmithDavid Dborn about 1870
SmithDavid Iborn about 1898
SmithDennie born about 1892
SmithDoris born about 1927
SmithDorothy born about 1926
SmithEarl Thomasborn about 1938
SmithEdith born about 1910
SmithEdward born about 1919
SmithEdwin Tborn about 1891
SmithElea born about 1889
SmithElizabeth born about 1909
SmithElsie born about 1917
SmithEnoch born about 1911
SmithEvelyn born about 1924
SmithFlorence Sborn about 1922
SmithFrancis Aborn about 1911
SmithGeorge born about 1905
SmithGeorge Nborn about 1873
SmithGeorge Williamborn about 1929
SmithHalbert born about 1894
SmithHalbert Jr born about 1924
SmithHarry born about 1904
SmithHelen born about 1900
SmithHobert born about 1897
SmithJames born about 1926
SmithJames Aborn about 1925
SmithJean born about 1928
SmithJohn Pborn about 1862
SmithLewis born about 1902
SmithLois born about 1923
SmithMargarete born about 1916
SmithMary born about 1908
SmithMary Aborn about 1877
SmithNancy born about 1932
SmithNevin born about 1912
SmithRaymond born about 1890
SmithRaymond born about 1934
SmithRita Eborn about 1928
SmithRobert born about 1929
SmithRussell born about 1898
SmithRussell Jr born about 1925
SmithSally born about 1873
SmithSophie Aborn about 1878
SmithWalter Aborn about 1878
SmithWilliam born about 1856
SmithWilliam born about 1878
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1918
SmithZelene born about 1869
SomerAndrew born about 1892
SomerRuth born about 1893
SomersCornelia born about 1887
SomersHarry born about 1915
SomersLucien born about 1872
SomersMaude born about 1905
SomersMildred born about 1920
SomersPhillip Gborn about 1857
SomersRose Marieborn about 1938
SonderschaferGloria born about 1928
SonderschaferThelma born about 1909
SonderschaferThelma Gborn about 1926
SoohClarence Aborn about 1875
SoohGeorge Rborn about 1932
SookAlice born about 1903
SookWalter born about 1923
SooleyAmanda Sborn about 1890
SooleyF Tborn about 1890
SooleyJoan Marieborn about 1933
SooleyRobert born about 1922
SooyEllsworth born about 1871
SooyEmma born about 1914
SooyErnest Wborn about 1895
SooyHelena Vborn about 1870
SooyHomec born about 1910
SooyJohn Mborn about 1861
SoperDorothy born about 1913
SoperEdith born about 1886
SoperFranklin born about 1884
SoperKenneth born about 1911
SoperNelson born about 1933
SouderEdna born about 1888
SouderElizabeth born about 1929
SouderPearl born about 1888
SouderSamuel Bborn about 1886
SouderWilloughby born about 1890
SouderWilloughby Rborn about 1921
SowersHarry Fborn about 1892
SowersLevi Aborn about 1936
SowersWinifred born about 1896
SpenceCarrie born about 1923
SpenceClinton born about 1931
SpenceElsie born about 1904
SpenceSamuel born about 1894
SpenceSamuel Jr born about 1926
SpitzAmy born about 1915
SpitzAnna born about 1906
SpitzChristian Jborn about 1901
SpitzEdward Gborn about 1929
SpitzEvelyn Mborn about 1921
SpitzEvelyn Pborn about 1905
SpitzGeorge born about 1900
SpitzJohn born about 1911
SpitzJohn Gborn about 1925
SpitzLillian born about 1907
SpitzLillian born about 1925
SpitzMagdalene born about 1877
SpitzPaul born about 1912
SpitzVirginia Mborn about 1924
SpringerAgnes Eborn about 1875
SpringerThomas Bborn about 1871
StaderMary born about 1884
StanhopeDora born about 1889
StanhopeHerbert born about 1879
StarrySarah Aborn about 1886
SteelmanAlice born about 1894
SteelmanAnna born about 1893
SteelmanArchie born about 1886
SteelmanCalvin born about 1900
SteelmanCatherine born about 1927
SteelmanCharles born about 1931
SteelmanDaniel born about 1895
SteelmanDaniel born about 1925
SteelmanEliza born about 1897
SteelmanElvira born about 1866
SteelmanEugene born about 1889
SteelmanGertrude born about 1913
SteelmanGordon born about 1923
SteelmanHeen born about 1924
SteelmanIona Pborn about 1890
SteelmanIrene born about 1913
SteelmanJanet born about 1936
SteelmanJob Hborn about 1873
SteelmanJohn born about 1927
SteelmanJohn Mborn about 1896
SteelmanJulia born about 1902
SteelmanMary born about 1921
SteelmanMary born about 1932
SteelmanNan born about 1897
SteelmanNancy born about 1929
SteelmanRushton born about 1910
SteelmanShirely born about 1934
SteelmanWilberta born about 1914
SteelmanWilliam born about 1913
SteelmanWilliam born about 1918
SteinMatthew born about 1907
StephensonAlva born about 1891
StephensonEmily born about 1921
StephensonNorman born about 1889
StephensonNorman Jr born about 1929
StevensonWinfield Wborn about 1885
StevensonWinifred born about 1900
StevensonWinifred born about 1919
StewartRuth Bborn about 1867
StewartWilliam Lborn about 1867
StocktonDora Fborn about 1875
StokesFrank born about 1871
StoneJohn Tborn about 1882
StoneLucy born about 1892
StoppCharles born about 1897
StoppElsie born about 1895
StowmanJames Mborn about 1870
StowmanJane born about 1926
StowmanKathryn born about 1900
StowmanMaude born about 1910
StowmanRonald born about 1903
StrangElizabeth born about 1881
StrangJohn born about 1876
StraussMary born about 1866
StretchAlbert born about 1866
StretchAlbert Jborn about 1890
StretchAlbert Jr born about 1915
StretchAnna Mborn about 1890
StretchBoyden born about 1936
StretchFlorence born about 1893
StretchFlorence Hborn about 1920
StretchFrancis born about 1893
StretchFrank born about 1895
StretchJean born about 1939
StretchMyrtle born about 1907
StretchNorma Iborn about 1923
StretchRobert born about 1910
StretchRuby born about 1910
StretchThomas born about 1935
StretchWalter born about 1908
StretchWilliam Jborn about 1893
StrongNettie Mborn about 1864
StrongWalter Mervynborn about 1885
StroupWalter born about 1919
StroupWilliam born about 1863
StucheyCora born about 1921
SuherBarbara born about 1935
SuherCharles born about 1904
SuherCharlote born about 1936
SuherEdna born about 1909
SullivanAnna born about 1905
SullivanAnna Jborn about 1902
SullivanEllen Nborn about 1923
SullivanGarrett Sborn about 1897
SullivanHarry Jborn about 1931
SullivanHelen born about 1935
SullivanJames born about 1931
SullivanJames Gborn about 1928
SullivanJohn Wborn about 1922
SullivanLucy born about 1937
SullivanMary born about 1933
SullivanNancy born about 1936
SullivanRegina born about 1939
SullivanTheresa born about 1928
SullivanThomas born about 1929
SullivanThomas Mborn about 1898
SumnerAndrew Jborn about 1910
SumnerClara Pborn about 1881
SumnerRichard born about 1908
SuttonLouis born about 1918
SuttonPhyllis born about 1924
SvellingViolet born about 1917
SwedenMargaret born about 1935
SwedenRichard born about 1933
SwedenRuth born about 1914
SwedenWalter born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaggartJessie Aborn about 1898
TaggartLillian born about 1933
TallmanAllen born about 1905
TallmanKatherine born about 1908
TallmanLouis born about 1903
TalmanArthur born about 1909
TalmanMargaret Tborn about 1939
TalmanMatilda born about 1919
TammyRussell born about 1923
TashleyBeatrice born about 1938
TashleyDorothy born about 1928
TashleyElnora Tborn about 1897
TashleyEthel born about 1908
TashleyMark Kborn about 1903
TashleyMark K Jrborn about 1926
TaylorSara born about 1880
TaylorWilliam born about 1875
TervisHerbert born about 1866
TervisMary Jborn about 1866
TervisWilliam born about 1863
ThompsonAndrew born about 1888
ThompsonBertha born about 1876
ThompsonDorothy Jborn about 1919
ThompsonEdna Nborn about 1879
ThompsonGeorge born about 1901
ThompsonGeorge born about 1923
ThompsonJames Aborn about 1880
ThompsonLois born about 1924
ThompsonM Alidaborn about 1859
ThompsonMargaurite born about 1908
ThompsonMarilyn born about 1939
ThompsonMathilda Dborn about 1895
ThompsonRichard Sborn about 1890
ThornAnna born about 1900
ThurlowIsabel Pborn about 1904
ThurlowMilton Cborn about 1904
ThurlowMilton C Jrborn about 1928
ThurlowRuth Mborn about 1925
TittlerJacob born about 1852
ToderCarrie born about 1882
ToderElizabeth Bborn about 1874
ToderWilliam Hborn about 1902
TogerFay Anneborn about 1933
TogerJohn born about 1939
TogerJosephine born about 1914
TogerLewis born about 1911
TogerLewis born about 1935
TogerWilliam Tborn about 1940
TotoroAntoinette born about 1912
TotoroFreda born about 1939
TotoroGenevieve born about 1939
TotoroJoseph born about 1912
TownendElizabeth born about 1920
TownendJoseph born about 1886
TownendMarion Cborn about 1893
TownendMarion Rborn about 1923
TownendWilliam Hborn about 1918
TrautenbergAlvin born about 1911
TrautenbergHerbert born about 1903
TrautenbergIrene born about 1917
TressureMaudd born about 1895
TroescherEmma born about 1887
TroescherFrank Cborn about 1885
TroescherLouisa born about 1922
TuckerAnna Eborn about 1876
TurnerInez born about 1853
TurverEli born about 1905
TurverEthel born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanderhoffEdwin born about 1917
VanderhoffHelena born about 1889
VanderhoffLemuel born about 1890
VanderhoffMilton born about 1921
VernerElla Maeborn about 1927
VernerElsie born about 1907
VernerKenneth born about 1904
VinduzerCatherine born about 1881
VinduzerWilliam born about 1865
VoorkeesElizabeth born about 1892
VoorkeesFloyd born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerRaymond Lborn about 1936
WahlAmbrose born about 1908
WahlJoseph Pborn about 1888
WaldeAdolph born about 1864
WaldeAugusta born about 1873
WalkerBlanche born about 1889
WalkerFrances born about 1926
WalkerFrank Hborn about 1888
WalkerS E Drborn about 1854
WallaceDorothy born about 1903
WallaceDorothy Aborn about 1928
WallaceHulings born about 1899
WallaceJonathan born about 1901
WallaceJonathan Jr born about 1936
WallaceMargaret born about 1926
WallaceMarion born about 1915
WallaceMattie born about 1904
WallaceRobert born about 1917
WallaceWilliam born about 1929
WannerAnnie born about 1882
WannerWilliam born about 1872
WarrenFrances Eborn about 1880
WarrenJohn Hborn about 1876
WarringtonCharles born about 1878
WarringtonCharles Jr born about 1920
WarringtonDavid born about 1918
WarringtonHannah born about 1886
WatersJohn Sborn about 1857
WatkinsHarvey Tborn about 1872
WatsonEthel born about 1889
WatsonMaurice born about 1891
WattsJoseph Mborn about 1884
WattsJrene born about 1883
WeardHerman born about 1870
WebbBetty born about 1928
WebbGrace born about 1906
WebbMarion born about 1900
WebbRaymond born about 1900
WebbRoland Mborn about 1908
WebbWilliam born about 1934
WeberGeorge Wborn about 1907
WeberJoan born about 1934
WeberMarilyn born about 1939
WeberMildred born about 1906
WeeklandDelarose born about 1910
WeintraibbJoseph born about 1902
WeintraibbRae born about 1906
WeisserElinore born about 1904
WentzAlbert born about 1882
WentzellEdna Mborn about 1884
WentzellWilliam born about 1882
WescoatViolet born about 1917
WescottEdward born about 1935
WescottFrank born about 1932
WescottLora born about 1929
WescottMabel born about 1929
WescottMae born about 1906
WescottWalter born about 1934
WescottWilliam Sborn about 1938
WestcottAlbert born about 1917
WestcottElizabeth born about 1940
WestcottMary born about 1939
WestcottMyrtle born about 1918
WesterfieldClarence born about 1908
WhiteCarrie born about 1893
WhiteIda Mborn about 1888
WhiteJames Arthurborn about 1881
WhiteJean Eborn about 1908
WhiteR Rostenborn about 1902
WilkinsCarrie Fborn about 1891
WilkinsJoseph Wborn about 1893
WilkinsonMary Aborn about 1882
WilkinsonWalter Mborn about 1879
WillardJohn born about 1869
WilliamsAlice born about 1902
WilliamsEmma born about 1863
WilliamsJ Rossborn about 1896
WilliamsWalter Sborn about 1891
WilliamsonJohn born about 1891
WilliamsonMargaret born about 1892
WilsonAlberta born about 1923
WilsonArtman born about 1931
WilsonDoris born about 1925
WilsonElla born about 1906
WilsonEllwood born about 1901
WilsonEllwood born about 1927
WilsonEmily born about 1904
WilsonEmily Mborn about 1935
WilsonGerald born about 1936
WilsonJeanette born about 1938
WilsonJune born about 1935
WilsonLawrence born about 1927
WilsonMarilyn born about 1932
WilsonMildred born about 1925
WilsonRaymond born about 1902
WilsonRuth born about 1906
WilsonStanley born about 1906
WilsonVirginia born about 1929
WilsonWarren born about 1922
WolfCharles Wborn about 1888
WolfEsther born about 1889
WolfGrace born about 1912
WoodAnne born about 1912
WoodGloria Aborn about 1933
WoodJames born about 1910
WoodJames Eborn about 1864
WoodMary born about 1866
WoodRobert born about 1891
WoodShirley Mborn about 1939
WoodValen born about 1911
WoodViolet born about 1889
WoodWilliam born about 1872
WoodburnAnna Eborn about 1863
WoodburnEugene born about 1925
WoodburnJane Pborn about 1929
WoodburnJoetta born about 1902
WoodburnJohn 3rd born about 1921
WoodburnJohn Jr born about 1896
WoodburnJoseph born about 1901
WoodburnJoseph Jborn about 1926
WoodburnLinda born about 1932
WoodburnMargaret born about 1930
WoodburnPriscilla born about 1908
WoodburnRobert born about 1924
WoodburnRuth born about 1931
WoolbertHarry born about 1896
WoolbertLeon born about 1904
WoolbertMargaret born about 1930
WoolbertStella born about 1932
WoolbertVella born about 1911
WoolbertWilliam born about 1934
WorthingtonElva born about 1917
WorthingtonJanet born about 1934
WorthingtonRobert born about 1914
WorthingtonRuth born about 1911
WorthingtonVirginia born about 1917
WorthingtonWilliam born about 1886
WrightAlbert born about 1936
WrightElla Mborn about 1922
WrightHerter Aborn about 1892
WrightHoward born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZellnerEmma born about 1931
ZellnerGertrude born about 1906
ZellnerMarion born about 1936
ZellnerRaymond born about 1906
ZenakMichael born about 1930
ZenakMillie Cborn about 1906
ZenakWilliam born about 1904
ZuesyAdele born about 1872
ZuesyJules born about 1870

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