1940 U.S. Federal Census of Tuckerton, Ocean, New Jersey

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New Jersey > Ocean County > 1940 Census of Tuckerton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderJacob Pborn about 1873
AllenAddie born about 1886
AllenAlbert Jborn about 1904
AllenAlvin Tborn about 1900
AllenAnna born about 1906
AllenBelford Jborn about 1910
AllenCarlina Hborn about 1898
AllenCarline Sborn about 1925
AllenCarroll Eborn about 1896
AllenCharles Fborn about 1922
AllenEffie Hborn about 1893
AllenElizabeth Aborn about 1872
AllenGeorge Tborn about 1924
AllenHoward born about 1888
AllenJames Wborn about 1928
AllenJohn Sborn about 1931
AllenLeah Aborn about 1912
AllenLottie Mborn about 1906
AllenMargaret Eborn about 1873
AllenMattie Jborn about 1927
AllenNancy Rborn about 1934
AllenOscar born about 1883
AllenRaymond Wborn about 1927
AllenSamuel Bborn about 1893
AllenSerena Aborn about 1905
AllenThomas Eborn about 1930
AllenVivian Fborn about 1900
AllenWalter S 3rdborn about 1932
AllenWalter S Jrborn about 1899
AllenWilliam Bborn about 1926
AllonDorothy Lborn about 1940
AllonJofferson Tborn about 1912
AllonSarah Mborn about 1914
AmatoCallie Lborn about 1921
AndersonLidie Aborn about 1876
AndrewsCatherine born about 1872
AndrewsLaura born about 1867
AndrewsThomas Eborn about 1875
ApplegateKenneth Lborn about 1937
ApplegateMyrtle Eborn about 1919
AtkinsonCarl E Jrborn about 1931
AtkinsonCarle Sr born about 1910
AtkinsonChester born about 1896
AtkinsonChester Bborn about 1927
AtkinsonEdith Eborn about 1894
AtkinsonEmma Eborn about 1897
AtkinsonNelson born about 1919
AtkinsonRoxanna born about 1883
AtkinsonWalter born about 1874
AtkinsonWarner born about 1893
AustinStanley Hborn about 1903

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B Surnames

BakerMary Rborn about 1865
BallHester born about 1901
BallJohn Wborn about 1937
BallL Georgeborn about 1927
BallLiflegeo born about 1897
BallMargaret Mborn about 1929
BallRobert Lborn about 1931
BartlettCarrie Fborn about 1884
BartlettEdna born about 1917
BartlettJ Henryborn about 1862
BartlettJane Wborn about 1853
BartlettLeslie Gborn about 1896
BartlettRuth born about 1919
BatchellerHarrison Eborn about 1920
BatchellerHarrison Wborn about 1894
BatchellerMary Eborn about 1894
BeadeMary Iborn about 1870
BeckerAnna Mborn about 1875
BeckerLouis Wborn about 1877
BeloffBertha born about 1910
BeloffBertha Mborn about 1929
BeloffFrederick Gborn about 1904
BeloffFrederick Wborn about 1935
BennettCharles Lborn about 1915
BennettElizabeth born about 1892
BennettJosiah Nborn about 1877
BerryC Virginiaborn about 1918
BerryClara Jborn about 1933
BerryJoan Rborn about 1935
BerryP Claytonborn about 1910
BerryP Clayton Jrborn about 1939
BerryRachel Gborn about 1918
BirdHelen Iborn about 1916
BirdJames born about 1884
BirdJames Tborn about 1872
BirdMay Gborn about 1883
BirdSophie born about 1873
BishopArlene Cborn about 1940
BishopGeorge Aborn about 1858
BishopGeorge Jr born about 1875
BishopHarold Gborn about 1908
BishopHarrietta Wborn about 1859
BishopJames Wborn about 1899
BishopJames W Jrborn about 1926
BishopJoan Cborn about 1933
BishopJoan Mborn about 1939
BishopMarie Cborn about 1918
BishopMartina Tborn about 1906
BishopWilliam Mborn about 1906
BlackmanEmma born about 1871
BlackmanLeonard Tborn about 1872
BlackmanSarah Eborn about 1860
BladingAlice Eborn about 1895
BladingFreeman Aborn about 1895
BowenClarence Gborn about 1881
BowenFlorence Gborn about 1882
BowenLois Aborn about 1921
BoydWayne Sborn about 1918
BozarthDorothy Cborn about 1910
BozarthJanet Lborn about 1928
BradwayJohn Wborn about 1907
BradwayJohn W Jrborn about 1933
BradwayJoseph Fborn about 1936
BradwayMarguerete Wborn about 1911
BreckenbridgeBessie Eborn about 1893
BreckenbridgeFred Kborn about 1916
BreckenbridgeJohn Mborn about 1888
BrownAda Wborn about 1883
BrownAlice Mborn about 1877
BrownFred Rborn about 1894
BrownGrace Eborn about 1904
BrownJohn Hborn about 1869
BrownJoseph Hborn about 1874
BrownMabel Aborn about 1874
BrownWilliam born about 1900
BrownWinfred Aborn about 1921
BunnellFred N Jrborn about 1908
BunnellMildred Cborn about 1909
BunnellMildred Cborn about 1933
BurtonElizabeth born about 1871
BurtonGloria Jborn about 1928
BurtonHelen born about 1900
BurtonJoseph Cborn about 1866
BurtonSamuel Sborn about 1895
ButlerMarie born about 1878

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C Surnames

CaepeAlota Bborn about 1937
CaepeL Berniceborn about 1913
CaepeLouis Mborn about 1902
CaepeLouis M Jrborn about 1932
CaneCharles Bborn about 1926
CaneEdna Mayborn about 1904
CaneMargaret Aborn about 1933
CaneMargaret Cborn about 1864
CaneShirley Mborn about 1929
CaneWilliam Jborn about 1890
CardRuth born about 1897
CarmonaEdmundo born about 1904
CavileerElizabeth Fborn about 1934
CavileerFlorence Eborn about 1913
CavileerGe Idaborn about 1936
CavileerRichard Fborn about 1913
CavileerRichard F Jrborn about 1938
CertezKatherine Eborn about 1904
ChilcoteClara Bborn about 1925
ChilcoteDavid Sborn about 1903
ChilcoteJenavce Bborn about 1907
ChilcoteWanda Mborn about 1927
ChireonFlorence Mborn about 1896
ChireonMartin Dborn about 1894
ChireonWilliam Pborn about 1922
ClevelandFred Hborn about 1862
ClintonJ Wallaceborn about 1860
CoaleDavis born about 1904
CoaleEva Cborn about 1907
CoaleJoan Cborn about 1937
CoaleRuth Aborn about 1870
ColonaE Russelborn about 1927
ColonaElwood D Jrborn about 1924
ColonaEmma Dborn about 1902
ColonaEward Dborn about 1903
ColonaIda Vborn about 1925
ColonaLawrence Jborn about 1938
ConoverEdward born about 1847
ConoverFranklin born about 1916
ConoverJoanna born about 1872
CookAda born about 1889
CormonaL Robertborn about 1898
CormonaMarion born about 1900
CormonaMarion Pborn about 1930
CormonaRobert Jborn about 1923
CoutneyBertram Rborn about 1929
CoutneyMarion Sborn about 1901
CoutneyRalph Cborn about 1898
CowperthwaiteDouglas Wborn about 1921
CowperthwaiteMyrtle Lborn about 1892
CowperthwaiteThomas Jborn about 1864
CoxFlorence Lborn about 1890
CoxHarry born about 1877
CoxLena Mborn about 1888
CoxWilliam Hborn about 1879
CozAlda Eborn about 1924
CozCarroll Cborn about 1912
CozLillian Eborn about 1889
CozLillian Mborn about 1915
CramerDorothy Mborn about 1918
CrammerJoan Mborn about 1936
CrammerLester Mborn about 1908
CrammerThomas Mborn about 1938
CrammerVerna Mborn about 1915
CraneHarri Bborn about 1890
CraneHarvey Pborn about 1894
CraneHoward Eborn about 1886
CraneMerritt Wborn about 1888
CraneOrville Wborn about 1885
CranmarDoris Jborn about 1933
CranmarLillian Fborn about 1901
CranmarMargaret Aborn about 1931
CranmarNorma C Jrborn about 1934
CranmarNorma Rborn about 1917
CranmerAnnie Sborn about 1864
CranmerArnold Nborn about 1939
CranmerBella Aborn about 1902
CranmerBetty Mborn about 1929
CranmerC Eugeneborn about 1915
CranmerCharles Jr born about 1940
CranmerEdith Mborn about 1937
CranmerEthel Mborn about 1926
CranmerEvelyn Pborn about 1911
CranmerFlorence Nborn about 1907
CranmerHarold Fborn about 1908
CranmerHelen Mborn about 1917
CranmerHelen Mborn about 1932
CranmerJames Hborn about 1931
CranmerJohn Wborn about 1929
CranmerNelson Fborn about 1921
CranmerNorman Cborn about 1899
CranmerShirley Jborn about 1934
CranmerWelbert Tborn about 1899
CraufordCatherine born about 1859
CreanMargaret Lborn about 1927
CreanRobert Jr born about 1921
CreanRobert Sr born about 1887
CreanWilliam born about 1925
CrowleyAdele Fborn about 1893
CrowleyAlferd Mborn about 1887
CrowleyGerold Bborn about 1925
CrowleyHarold Cborn about 1915
CrowleyHarold Mborn about 1885
CrowleyLila Aborn about 1932
CullenJames Hborn about 1874
CullenJames H Jrborn about 1920
CullenNicholas Sborn about 1900

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D Surnames

DannellyFrances Pborn about 1916
DannellyRobert Bborn about 1939
DannellyRobert Wborn about 1912
DavisAnna Pborn about 1892
DavisR Janeborn about 1929
DaytonAllie Lborn about 1870
DaytonBenjamin Cborn about 1868
DeboyAlbert Sr born about 1876
DeboyAlbert Sr born about 1903
DeboyElmer born about 1905
DeboyGeorge born about 1921
DennisAnna born about 1870
DennisMary Eborn about 1910
DennisonHoward born about 1917
DickinsonCharles Eborn about 1890
DickinsonLouise Dborn about 1903
DingesAlbert Lborn about 1880
DingesElmer Wborn about 1870
DormanCharles Fborn about 1869
DormanClara Mborn about 1887
DormanHarry Jborn about 1898
DormanMaude born about 1898
DouglasBernard Wborn about 1908
DouglasMargaret Eborn about 1904
DownsChester born about 1900
DownsChester Jr born about 1924
DownsDouglas Oborn about 1926
DownsR Harryborn about 1887
DownsRhea Fborn about 1902
DriscollAlbert Lborn about 1921
DriscollAnn Eborn about 1910
DriscollBertha Mborn about 1881
DriscollCharlotte born about 1901
DriscollChester Bborn about 1888
DriscollEdward Tborn about 1891
DriscollEva Hborn about 1892
DriscollGeorge born about 1879
DriscollHarold born about 1902
DriscollHarry Lborn about 1873
DriscollHouston Dborn about 1864
DriscollLottie born about 1885
DriscollLouise born about 1920
DriscollRuben Hborn about 1897
DriscollRudolph Bborn about 1909
DriscollRudolph Sborn about 1932
DriscollSylvia Eborn about 1900
DriscollUlyses Gborn about 1865
DunsffDonald Mborn about 1939
DunsffElise Mborn about 1914
DunsffPatricia Annborn about 1937
DurbyIda Fborn about 1872
DurbyOrlando Rborn about 1867

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E Surnames

ElwellCharles Lborn about 1913
ElwellJoseph Hborn about 1939
ElwellVirginia Bborn about 1919
EngelderElsie Vborn about 1921
EngelderErnest Eborn about 1897
EngelderHerbert Oborn about 1924
EngelderMargaret born about 1897
EntwistleJ Laurenceborn about 1910
EntwistleJulia Mborn about 1888
EntwistleSelena Eborn about 1912
EntwistleWalter Aborn about 1883
EshlemanAnn Mborn about 1931
EshlemanE Elizabethborn about 1923
EshlemanEdwin Aborn about 1929
EshlemanGerald Jborn about 1892
EshlemanGeraldine Fborn about 1925
EshlemanStella Dborn about 1896

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F Surnames

FalkinAnna born about 1880
FalkinEdward Nborn about 1876
FalkinEdward Tborn about 1917
FalkinburgAlice Tborn about 1915
FalkinburgCalvin E Srborn about 1866
FalkinburgEleanor Fborn about 1921
FalkinburgErnest Aborn about 1914
FalkinburgErnest Wborn about 1938
FalkinburgFlorence Dborn about 1885
FalkinburgJane Eborn about 1870
FalkinburgJoseph Eborn about 1886
FalkinburgMarion born about 1866
FalkinburgMary Aborn about 1914
FalkinburgOlive Gborn about 1882
FalkinburgRalph Hborn about 1885
FalkinburgSarah Pborn about 1865
FalkinburgWilliam Jborn about 1864
FalkingburgCalvin 2nd born about 1918
FalkingburgCarmelle born about 1915
FarrowDorothy Rborn about 1914
FarrowJewel Aborn about 1937
FarrowJohn Aborn about 1935
FasanoIda Mborn about 1898
FasanoLawrence born about 1891
FasanoLawrence Jr born about 1932
FatzieAddie born about 1890
FemmerDoris Wborn about 1902
FemmerNorman Fborn about 1897
FennerDavis Leonborn about 1892
FennerImogean born about 1893
FennerReba born about 1919
FicarraJohn born about 1897
FicarraLena born about 1895
FisherBerry Eborn about 1933
FisherFloyd Fborn about 1910
FiskeHorace Aborn about 1873
FordAndrew Lborn about 1875
FordHarvey Cborn about 1882
FordHilda born about 1890
ForsterAme Fborn about 1884
ForsterThomas Wborn about 1915
FoxDoris born about 1925
FoxEileen born about 1926
FrazierFrank Vborn about 1873
FrazierHannah Lborn about 1878
FrazierLydia Wborn about 1875
FrazierNeven Bborn about 1875
FrommerLois Jborn about 1924
FrommerPaul Rborn about 1922
FultonKatherine Wborn about 1872

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G Surnames

GaleChester Mborn about 1891
GaleClarence born about 1910
GaleDoris Dborn about 1922
GaleEleanore Mborn about 1894
GaleHannah born about 1885
GaleHarvey Eborn about 1868
GaleHerman born about 1909
GaleHickman born about 1910
GaleJohn Hborn about 1924
GaleMary born about 1915
GaleMatilda born about 1865
GaleMena Aborn about 1926
GaleRachel Bborn about 1874
GaleW Harveyborn about 1894
GaleWilliam Hborn about 1880
GarrisonLydia Eborn about 1872
GaskillC Catherineborn about 1932
GaskillHarold Eborn about 1878
GaskillHarriet born about 1923
GaskillHelen Aborn about 1884
GaskillHenry Mborn about 1916
GaskillLaura Gborn about 1873
GaskillM Emmaborn about 1900
GaskillMarianna born about 1919
GaskillMary born about 1900
GaskillPercy born about 1887
GaskillWilber born about 1894
GehrElias Mborn about 1879
GehrRebekan Eborn about 1877
GerberAbram Rborn about 1882
GerberBeatrice born about 1916
GerberHerman Mborn about 1910
GerberLena born about 1897
GerberLipman Sborn about 1888
GerberNorman Pborn about 1905
GerberRebecca Tborn about 1858
GerberRebecca Wborn about 1875
GerberReuben Aborn about 1870
GerberSarah born about 1900
GiffardAnn Fborn about 1889
GiffordBess Dborn about 1917
GiffordRae Fborn about 1939
GilbertSamuel Lborn about 1906
GilbertThomas Sborn about 1879
GillinghanAnna Mborn about 1866
GoldbergerAlbert born about 1911
GoldbergerAlbert Sborn about 1936
GoldbergerEilene Jborn about 1939
GoldbergerHelen Rborn about 1911
GoldbergerRichard Bborn about 1939
GoleC Eugeneborn about 1866
GoochLydia born about 1885
GrafAnna Rborn about 1906
GrafArchie born about 1876
GrafDoris Eborn about 1928
GrafLester Mborn about 1929
GrafRobert Aborn about 1898
GrafRobert A Jrborn about 1925
GrahamAnna Mborn about 1938
GrahamCharles Hborn about 1903
GrahamCharles H Jrborn about 1922
GrahamDorothy Mborn about 1928
GrahamFlorence Eborn about 1904
GrahamFrances Cborn about 1909
GrahamMargaret Aborn about 1933
GrahamN Francesborn about 1930
GrahamRoy Eborn about 1906
GrahamShirley Jborn about 1937
GrantAdell Gborn about 1916
GrantGeorge Tborn about 1903
GrantGeorge Wborn about 1859
GrantIda Fborn about 1868
GrantRobert Wborn about 1907
GraysonMildred Mborn about 1918
GraysonRichard Mborn about 1915
GraysonRichard M Jrborn about 1936
GraysonThomas Eborn about 1938
GreenLenora Iborn about 1901
GreenNorma Eborn about 1930
GreenRobert Cborn about 1890
GreenRobert Jborn about 1927
GuttschallFlorences Mborn about 1917

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H Surnames

HandEdward Wborn about 1902
HandEdward W Jrborn about 1924
HandJames Hborn about 1931
HandMinnie Vborn about 1904
HarnerArvilla Vborn about 1875
HarnerCarrie Lborn about 1871
HarnerElla Wborn about 1858
HarnerEthel Mborn about 1894
HarnerGladys Eborn about 1901
HarnerHorace Oborn about 1868
HarnerJ Nelsonborn about 1902
HarnerJane Eborn about 1933
HarnerJeannette Rborn about 1933
HarnerLeah Aborn about 1931
HazlettEdith Mborn about 1912
HazlettPhyllis born about 1930
HeinrichccJoseph Wborn about 1905
HeinrichccKatherine Jborn about 1937
HeinrichccMarie Aborn about 1914
HeinrichsAlva Mborn about 1924
HeinrichsAlvin Mborn about 1929
HeinrichsBerta Aborn about 1933
HeinrichsElise Fborn about 1925
HeinrichsElsie Mborn about 1906
HeinrichsEveritt N Jrborn about 1909
HeinrichsFrances Mborn about 1901
HeinrichsHerbert Dborn about 1927
HeinrichsRoseanna born about 1932
HeinrichsRussell Tborn about 1937
HeinricksEdward N Srborn about 1872
HeinricksMinnie Pborn about 1875
HernerJames born about 1883
HewittC Robertborn about 1938
HewittCarl Eborn about 1913
HewittM Oliviaborn about 1917
HickmanCatherine Mborn about 1922
HickmanCharles Oborn about 1916
HickmanEsther Hborn about 1898
HickmanGeorge Oborn about 1896
HickmanJohn Hborn about 1918
HickmanMary Eborn about 1865
HilamanAddie Bborn about 1876
HilamanAlbert Lborn about 1876
HilamanCharles Wborn about 1938
HilamanIrma Lborn about 1920
HilamanLeroy Sborn about 1903
HollawayCarroll Jborn about 1939
HollawayClaude Rborn about 1937
HollawayMargaret Kborn about 1917
HollawayWilliam Rborn about 1917
HomanBenjamin born about 1873
HomanJosephine born about 1877
HomerJulius born about 1897
HomerMary Eborn about 1901
HornerAmelia born about 1884
HornerCharles Mborn about 1883
HornerElla Cborn about 1862
HornerGarwood born about 1871
HornerJames Wborn about 1898
HornerNettie born about 1899
HuberE Ruthborn about 1912
HuberRaymond Rborn about 1907
HuberRaymond R Jrborn about 1929
HughesLila born about 1900
HughesPaul Bborn about 1902
HulsartJ Josephborn about 1923
HulsartRobert Mborn about 1928

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I Surnames

IrelandElizabeth Cborn about 1862
IrelandStanley Aborn about 1894
IronsElizabeth Bborn about 1894
IronsGeorge Gborn about 1893
IronsGeorge G Jrborn about 1933

J Surnames

JamesCora Mborn about 1895
JamesThomas Rborn about 1893
JeffriesAdelaide Hborn about 1915
JeffriesEdward Sborn about 1913
JillsonAlfred Hborn about 1939
JillsonAlvin Aborn about 1908
JillsonArthur Hborn about 1939
JillsonClaire Lborn about 1927
JillsonEdna Mborn about 1919
JillsonSamuel Aborn about 1917
JillsonViolet Jborn about 1910
JoihnsonHoward Rborn about 1876
JoihnsonIda Mborn about 1905
JoihnsonLucy Gborn about 1876
JonasTheresa Bborn about 1874
JonesBlanche Mborn about 1891
JonesDela Rborn about 1901
JonesDoris Lborn about 1921
JonesEllen Mborn about 1875
JonesElwood born about 1879
JonesEtta born about 1867
JonesGeorge Wborn about 1866
JonesGrace Jborn about 1931
JonesH Willisborn about 1922
JonesHarry Oborn about 1897
JonesHayes born about 1862
JonesJoan Wborn about 1930
JonesJoseph Hborn about 1913
JonesKatherine Rborn about 1915
JonesLeola Sborn about 1889
JonesMae Bborn about 1883
JonesNina Mborn about 1875
JonesPhyllis Rborn about 1927
JonesRaymond born about 1885
JonesRaymond Hborn about 1910
JonesRaymond Jborn about 1940
JonesRobert T Mborn about 1916
JonesShirley Aborn about 1936
JonesWilbur Tborn about 1883
JonesWilliam Cborn about 1872

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K Surnames

KachurElizabeth born about 1884
KachurJames Kborn about 1884
KaneMichael Jborn about 1879
KanoBarbara Aborn about 1930
KanoDoris Lborn about 1932
KanoIrene Mborn about 1902
KanoLinda Rborn about 1934
KanoRobert Cborn about 1893
KaplerA William Jrborn about 1926
KaplerAdelaide Bborn about 1898
KaplerAmos Wborn about 1897
KaplerHenrietta Lborn about 1924
KaplerJohn Sborn about 1930
KelleyAnna Mborn about 1875
KelleyAnna Mborn about 1879
KelleyJ Wynneborn about 1880
KelleyJulia Aborn about 1872
KelleyReba Tborn about 1895
KelleyW Howardborn about 1867
KentElizabeth Cborn about 1888
KentWilliam Pborn about 1888
KerchnerEdward Cborn about 1874
KerchnerLeroy Jborn about 1912
KerchnerMary Cborn about 1878
KleinClara Bborn about 1908
KleinPatricia Jborn about 1938
KleinW Kennethborn about 1910
KohfeldtJean Kborn about 1927
KohfeldtKarl Eborn about 1894
KohfeldtMary Mborn about 1895
KohnowDorothy born about 1912
KohnowJ Stanleyborn about 1908
KolesnikOlga born about 1921
KoshCharles born about 1887
KoshWilliam born about 1889
KramerAndri Pborn about 1936
KramerAorcacc Eborn about 1921
KramerArthur Aborn about 1929
KramerCatherine Cborn about 1932
KramerElizabeth Fborn about 1907
KramerFrank born about 1903
KramerFrederick Hborn about 1931
KramerKenneth Fborn about 1928
KramerLois Vborn about 1934
KramerMargaret Hborn about 1939
KramerRichard Dborn about 1938
KramerRobert Cborn about 1937
KramerRussell Oborn about 1914
KromH Imogeneborn about 1904
KrovitAlice born about 1892
KrovitBarce born about 1892
KrovitDelcie Sborn about 1913
KumpfAlice Cborn about 1894
KumpfCharles Hborn about 1919
KumpfHannah Cborn about 1880
KumpfHenry Bborn about 1878
KumpfWilliam Bborn about 1885

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L Surnames

LamelErma Aborn about 1906
LaneLyda born about 1870
LaydonWilliam Rborn about 1879
LaytonSara Eborn about 1892
LeachGeorgia born about 1875
LeachRobert Bborn about 1910
LeekLydia born about 1856
LeekMarion born about 1897
LeifriedSamuel Wborn about 1913
LeifriedSamuel W Jrborn about 1939
LeifriedStella Mborn about 1917
LippincottEffie Bborn about 1893
LippincottEzra B Jrborn about 1923
LippincottGeorge Sborn about 1912
LippincottHarvey Fborn about 1927
LippincottJennie born about 1857
LippincottJoseph Eborn about 1915
LippincottMyrtle Aborn about 1916
LippincottShirley Aborn about 1937
LippmanAbram born about 1896
LouxJohn Sborn about 1934
LouxM Catherineborn about 1904
LouxMarcia Tborn about 1936
LouxSylvester Hborn about 1900
LovelandBertram Jborn about 1912
LovelandRonald Oborn about 1935
LovelandThelma Aborn about 1915
LudwigJulia born about 1881
LudwigLucy Aborn about 1894
LukerAnne Sborn about 1931
LukerAnnie Lborn about 1897
LukerCaleb Bborn about 1866
LukerDorothy Lborn about 1928
LukerElmer Eborn about 1924
LukerGerald Dborn about 1922
LukerMarietta born about 1926
LukerPauline Mborn about 1920
LukerThomas Sborn about 1898
LutterDoris Mborn about 1927
LutzCharles Aborn about 1910
LutzLoretta born about 1912
LynchWilliam born about 1919

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M Surnames

MacklandSarah born about 1866
MargerumFrancis Mborn about 1923
MargerumHelen Aborn about 1922
MargerumIda Mborn about 1895
MarshallAdelbert Iborn about 1887
MarshallAlvida born about 1888
MarshallBessie Mborn about 1885
MarshallCloud Eborn about 1872
MarshallEdna Wborn about 1909
MarshallGeorge Rborn about 1874
MarshallGrace Lborn about 1888
MarshallHannah born about 1884
MarshallHomer Gborn about 1890
MarshallJane Wborn about 1937
MarshallJay Bborn about 1882
MarshallJoseph Wborn about 1906
MarshallJoseph W Jrborn about 1934
MarshallMamie born about 1882
MarshallMargaret born about 1905
MarshallMartha Mborn about 1874
MarshallPhyllis Sborn about 1927
MarshallSamuel born about 1866
MarshallWilliam born about 1875
MarterJennie Hborn about 1883
MaseLuigi born about 1888
MassenaEdith Lborn about 1914
MassenaWilliam Aborn about 1934
MassenaWilliam Tborn about 1905
MathisAudrey Hborn about 1917
MathisBenjamin Wborn about 1860
MathisCharles Mborn about 1915
MathisChristina born about 1901
MathisCira born about 1884
MathisDaniel Sborn about 1866
MathisDoris Mborn about 1907
MathisDoris Mborn about 1930
MathisE Mossborn about 1885
MathisEdith Pborn about 1912
MathisEdna Vborn about 1891
MathisEdward Aborn about 1916
MathisElmer Pborn about 1902
MathisElton Sborn about 1902
MathisEtna Pborn about 1903
MathisFanny Mborn about 1896
MathisFrank Hborn about 1897
MathisHarvey born about 1876
MathisHelen Eborn about 1939
MathisHelen Mborn about 1910
MathisHenellie born about 1876
MathisHettie born about 1882
MathisJefferson Cborn about 1932
MathisJoseph Bborn about 1890
MathisLeon Hborn about 1925
MathisLida Hborn about 1892
MathisLydia Lborn about 1886
MathisMarguerite Mborn about 1912
MathisMarjorie Iborn about 1922
MathisMary Eborn about 1888
MathisMary Eborn about 1917
MathisMary Lborn about 1939
MathisNellie born about 1867
MathisOrdinor Dborn about 1907
MathisRonald Dborn about 1934
MathisS Floydborn about 1879
MathisVirginia Cborn about 1918
MathisWilliam Hborn about 1899
MattMary Lborn about 1917
MaxwellElsie Lborn about 1938
MaxwellLemuel Hborn about 1884
MaxwellM Ettaborn about 1887
MaxwellMarietta born about 1907
MaxwellNorma Rborn about 1923
McCanneyLola Dborn about 1933
McCanneyMary Mborn about 1910
McCanneyWillis Aborn about 1901
McConomyJoseph Hborn about 1869
McConomySally Yborn about 1872
McCoyGeorge Fborn about 1934
McCoyGrover Cborn about 1885
McCrystalDorothy born about 1914
McDerittDoris born about 1926
McDerittGlendora born about 1900
McDerittWilliam Jborn about 1900
McDonaldJames Cborn about 1906
McDonaldJames C Jrborn about 1939
McDonaldJulia born about 1914
McDonielsMary Aborn about 1872
McDonielsThomas Bborn about 1873
McKearnanBernard born about 1882
McKearnanLouella born about 1888
McMenerA Rebeccaborn about 1905
McMenerArthur Rborn about 1930
McMenerCharles Jborn about 1925
McMenerG Warnerborn about 1927
McMenerGeorge Tborn about 1899
McMenerRichard Mborn about 1932
MeersandArlene Mborn about 1929
MeersandArnold Wborn about 1885
MeersandDoris Mborn about 1930
MeersandIrwin Aborn about 1933
MeersandLewis Lborn about 1934
MeersandMary Cborn about 1906
MetrioleBarbara Lborn about 1925
MichelsElizabeth born about 1909
MichelsLeon born about 1903
MichelsShirley Aborn about 1933
MidgenNellie born about 1919
MidgenPaul Rborn about 1938
MidgettAnnie Eborn about 1906
MidgettBoyd Jr born about 1927
MorayHerman Rborn about 1885
MorayJulia Pborn about 1889
MorayLeonard Hborn about 1909
MorayLorraine Oborn about 1910
MorayRueben Rborn about 1927
MorcyDoris born about 1920
MorcyEverett Vborn about 1917
MorcyFrank Eborn about 1914
MorcyRebecca born about 1917
MorecraftSamuel born about 1880
MoreheadElizabeth born about 1913
MoreheadGeorge Rborn about 1911
MoreheadMarilyn born about 1938
MoreyC Williamborn about 1934
MoreyDoris Fborn about 1893
MoreyDorothy Eborn about 1906
MoreyErnest Vborn about 1890
MoreyFrank Aborn about 1902
MoreyFrank Kborn about 1931
MoreyHarold Eborn about 1894
MoreyHarold E Jrborn about 1926
MoreyJosephine Eborn about 1904
MoreyMabelle Cborn about 1916
MoreyMartha Lborn about 1930
MoreyMary Eborn about 1924
MoreyRuben born about 1857
MoreyRulut born about 1862
MoreyVirginia Mborn about 1927
MorrisJulia Eborn about 1858
MorrisWilliam Aborn about 1855
MottAnna Aborn about 1880
MottBella born about 1921
MottBessie born about 1885
MottC Warrenborn about 1904
MottDoris Jborn about 1927
MottDuane Fborn about 1914
MottElarich born about 1878
MottElizabeth born about 1909
MottFlorence Vborn about 1881
MottGeorge A Srborn about 1870
MottGeorge Wborn about 1871
MottHelen Bborn about 1870
MottJoel Mborn about 1880
MottJoseph Eborn about 1891
MottLincoln Cborn about 1925
MottLouise born about 1889
MottM Bettyborn about 1926
MottMadaleine Cborn about 1910
MottNettie Lborn about 1894
MottRaymond E ?born about 1923
MottRaymond Fborn about 1894
MottVernon Wborn about 1918
MunzerLouis Fborn about 1906
MyersLinda Sborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NichterleinFred Pborn about 1884
NichterleinLois Eborn about 1923
NichterleinMabel Hborn about 1886
NoeAlice born about 1913
NoeDonald Cborn about 1936
NoeJ Lliftonborn about 1930
NoeMarion Hborn about 1933
NoosFrances Aborn about 1910
NoosI Leenborn about 1939
NoosNellie Eborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OneillDaniel born about 1903
OneillDaniel Jr born about 1927
OneillEdna Cborn about 1908
OneillJohn born about 1929
OneillJune Eborn about 1925
OneillRobert Gborn about 1932
OppelFrank Aborn about 1875
OppelJeannette Mborn about 1895
OtisG Sterlingborn about 1897
OtisHannah born about 1863
OtisJ Sabinborn about 1890
OtisLinda Cborn about 1895
OtisMary born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackerEmma Mborn about 1860
PackerMiriam Lborn about 1901
ParkerAnna born about 1906
ParkerAnna Eborn about 1921
ParkerAnna Lborn about 1904
ParkerCalvin Eborn about 1868
ParkerCalvin Wborn about 1924
ParkerCarrie born about 1893
ParkerDonellca Rborn about 1928
ParkerE Richardborn about 1872
ParkerFrederick Mborn about 1888
ParkerGeorge Wborn about 1907
ParkerHannah Aborn about 1868
ParkerHayes Mborn about 1898
ParkerHelen Nborn about 1926
ParkerJames W Jrborn about 1899
ParkerJoseph Rborn about 1883
ParkerLaura born about 1930
ParkerLaura Sborn about 1864
ParkerLida Lborn about 1894
ParkerMarion Jborn about 1931
ParkerMelville Cborn about 1897
ParkerOscar Jborn about 1888
ParkerRebecca Cborn about 1871
ParkerS Bartonborn about 1866
ParkerSarah Eborn about 1893
ParkerSondra Lborn about 1935
ParkerThomas Sborn about 1928
ParkerViolet Mayborn about 1895
ParkerWilber Cborn about 1861
ParkersonJeanette Mborn about 1934
ParsonsE Walter Srborn about 1899
ParsonsEbe Wborn about 1885
ParsonsJack Nborn about 1928
ParsonsSally Mborn about 1878
ParsonsSarah Fborn about 1899
PaulJulia born about 1870
PaulineDaniel Rborn about 1915
PaulineLoye born about 1914
PaulineRosie Eborn about 1917
PearceEdith Eborn about 1928
PearceElorence Cborn about 1896
PepplerGwendoline born about 1889
PepplerHarry Aborn about 1876
PepplerRichard Bborn about 1922
PepplerWarren Wborn about 1925
PepplerWynne Kborn about 1924
PerryDavid born about 1918
PharoA Reedborn about 1924
PharoAlbert born about 1924
PharoAlferd Jborn about 1917
PharoArchie born about 1861
PharoArchie Pborn about 1890
PharoChester Bborn about 1899
PharoDorothy Cborn about 1917
PharoEthel Hborn about 1895
PharoFranklin Aborn about 1914
PharoHarvey Eborn about 1867
PharoHelen Eborn about 1927
PharoJ Robertborn about 1937
PharoJennie Nborn about 1912
PharoJennie Sborn about 1901
PharoJoseph Wborn about 1920
PharoLawrence Rborn about 1940
PharoLillie Mborn about 1892
PharoMaude Eborn about 1885
PharoNatalie Kborn about 1928
PharoNorman Wborn about 1919
PharoOlivia Fborn about 1863
PharoRalph Lborn about 1914
PharoRobert Fborn about 1913
PharoRobert Rborn about 1926
PharoTimothy Fborn about 1882
PharoTimothy Fborn about 1929
PharoW Ralstonborn about 1893
PharoW Ralston Jrborn about 1922
PharoWalter Eborn about 1923
PhillipsAlbert Bborn about 1891
PiperJohn Rborn about 1896
PiperMaude Iborn about 1883
PolkJohn Wborn about 1866
PonsFernando Bborn about 1900
PonsFernando B Jrborn about 1923
PonsLolita born about 1900
PriceAnna Rborn about 1898
PriceEleanore Bborn about 1894
PriceEmma Lborn about 1858
PriceFlorence Eborn about 1888
PriceGranville M Jrborn about 1924
PriceGreanhille Mborn about 1891
PrizerEdwin Fborn about 1928
PrizerWilliam Eborn about 1927
PullenAddie Aborn about 1889
PullenAmy Eborn about 1888
PullenBrazilla born about 1859
PullenCharles Rborn about 1889
PullenElizabeth Dborn about 1861
PullenElkenny born about 1907
PullenElkenny born about 1929
PullenElsie Mborn about 1908
PullenGrace Lborn about 1919
PullenJoseph Rborn about 1925
PullenLeonard Rborn about 1927
PullenSarah Eborn about 1866
PurkerDorothy Lborn about 1924
PurkerEmma Lborn about 1920
PurkerHarold Rborn about 1916
PurkerMargaret Rborn about 1927
PurkerMary Aborn about 1891
PurkerMary Eborn about 1919
PurkerRanddph Sr born about 1888
PurkerRandolph Jr born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnComfort born about 1884
QuinnEvelyn born about 1923
QuinnGeorge born about 1870
QuinnGeorge Lborn about 1921
QuinnHattie born about 1876
QuinnHenry Mborn about 1883
QuinnWinfield born about 1912

R Surnames

RabeNolia Wborn about 1879
RasellErnest Mborn about 1911
RasellRalph Lborn about 1906
ReevesDavid Lborn about 1939
ReevesGeorge Dborn about 1920
ReevesMildred Tborn about 1921
ReidCarol Aborn about 1939
ReidMarion Rborn about 1919
ReschEthel born about 1897
ReschL Williamborn about 1929
ReschLewis Lborn about 1897
ReschMargaret Mborn about 1927
ReschThomas Jborn about 1930
RichardsonRobert born about 1929
RiderAnna Dborn about 1874
RiderFlorence Sborn about 1883
RiderIda Mborn about 1892
RiderLeon Sborn about 1894
RiderMargery born about 1922
RiderMarion Eborn about 1920
RiderPaul born about 1894
RiderRose Eborn about 1862
RiderStella Cborn about 1923
RiderThomas born about 1876
RiderVera born about 1894
RidgwayJ Judsonborn about 1872
RidgwayMarrie born about 1876
RisleyE Lewisborn about 1930
RisleyEdith Mborn about 1923
RisleyEthel Mborn about 1888
RisleyOsbala born about 1893
RocheskeyB Eibenborn about 1935
RocheskeyBernice Lborn about 1924
RocheskeyDonald Aborn about 1939
RocheskeyJanis Nborn about 1927
RocheskeyL Leonaborn about 1902
RoseberryJames Wborn about 1909
RosellAlbert Lborn about 1927
RosellC Wilberborn about 1913
RosellGrsta born about 1893
RosellHarry Cborn about 1891
RosellHoward Gborn about 1932
RosellLola Hborn about 1921
RosellRonald Bborn about 1938
RosellThomas Rborn about 1915
RosenbergerHelen born about 1905
RosenbergerWarren Sborn about 1903
RosenholmJohn Dborn about 1913
RosenholmR Rudolphborn about 1901
RoyAraen Sborn about 1931
RoyFred Lborn about 1906
RoyJames Bborn about 1938
RoyMary Eborn about 1910
RulonAlbert born about 1900
RulonAlbert Sborn about 1926
RulonAnna Nborn about 1902
RulonCatherine Cborn about 1924
RulonHarry born about 1898
RulonHarry Jr born about 1929
RulonMary Aborn about 1901
RusseNorma Mborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SackasJacqueline Mborn about 1937
SackasMary born about 1909
SackasStephen born about 1907
SadlerJean Sborn about 1907
SadlerRobert Sborn about 1933
SadlerWilliam Sborn about 1909
SappCornelia Eborn about 1887
SappMargaret Cborn about 1890
SappWalter Lborn about 1878
ScamanCarl Jborn about 1929
ScamanEdith Mborn about 1908
ScamanJoyce Eborn about 1932
ScamanVirginia born about 1868
ScelfoAlferd Jborn about 1907
ScelfoAnn Fborn about 1912
ScelfoMary Annborn about 1938
SchmidtRaymond born about 1908
SchneiderClinton Dborn about 1938
SchneiderClinton Rborn about 1911
SchneiderMae Fborn about 1914
SchuckJohn Tborn about 1911
ScottAnnie Eborn about 1870
SeamanAllen Lborn about 1875
SeamanCarole born about 1938
SeamanElizabeth born about 1908
SeamanFrancis Fborn about 1904
SeamanNewall Fborn about 1880
SeamanRachel born about 1881
SeamanStanley Hborn about 1908
SeamanStanley Hborn about 1937
SeamanThelma Eborn about 1909
SeeberJean Gborn about 1933
ShardsJohn born about 1868
ShepherdAdelhead Hborn about 1872
ShepherdGeorge Wborn about 1866
ShieldsHannah Bborn about 1883
ShieldsWilliam born about 1877
ShirnAgnes born about 1905
ShirnJ Howardborn about 1899
ShivensDoris born about 1918
ShoucdsSerena born about 1855
SimonsA Gorbinborn about 1938
SimonsDavis Aborn about 1908
SimonsIrma Mborn about 1913
SimonsMargaret Aborn about 1936
SimpkinsEthel born about 1900
SimpkinsFranklin Wborn about 1898
SimpkinsFranklin W Jrborn about 1921
SimpkinsMargaret Iborn about 1920
SimpkinsVernon Wborn about 1924
SmithAdelaide Eborn about 1917
SmithC Alvinborn about 1910
SmithC Harryborn about 1880
SmithCarrol Aborn about 1940
SmithCharles Wborn about 1912
SmithCharles W Jrborn about 1939
SmithClaude born about 1882
SmithDavid Cborn about 1938
SmithDorothea Rborn about 1905
SmithDorothea Rborn about 1926
SmithEmma Lborn about 1889
SmithFannie born about 1870
SmithFrances Eborn about 1930
SmithFrancis Jborn about 1895
SmithG Everittborn about 1904
SmithG Everitt Jrborn about 1928
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1886
SmithGeorge Lborn about 1913
SmithGordon Aborn about 1933
SmithGrace Mborn about 1905
SmithHarold Wborn about 1920
SmithHoward Jborn about 1888
SmithIrene Rborn about 1888
SmithIve born about 1874
SmithJeanne Lborn about 1927
SmithJessie Lborn about 1881
SmithJohn Cborn about 1904
SmithJoseph Dborn about 1873
SmithJoseph Pborn about 1876
SmithLeona Kborn about 1922
SmithLewis Aborn about 1939
SmithLewis Sborn about 1921
SmithMabel born about 1912
SmithMamie born about 1889
SmithMargaret Pborn about 1876
SmithMargery Eborn about 1911
SmithMattie Sborn about 1885
SmithRachel Pborn about 1887
SmithRae Bborn about 1915
SmithRalph Pborn about 1886
SmithRuth Fborn about 1929
SmithS Ernestborn about 1909
SmithShirley Aborn about 1926
SmithStella born about 1876
SmithWashington Iborn about 1871
SmithWilliam Dborn about 1876
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1930
SmithWilliam Pborn about 1863
SoomanElwell Lborn about 1901
SooyJ Cliffordborn about 1904
SooyJ Clifford Jrborn about 1930
SooyMartha born about 1910
SooyWilliam Aborn about 1936
SpackmanEthel born about 1883
SparrowDorothy Sborn about 1914
SpeckArthur Hborn about 1932
SpeckArthur Wborn about 1910
SpeckBlanche Lborn about 1891
SpeckEdward Lborn about 1918
SpeckM Elizabethborn about 1912
SpeckMarion Iborn about 1911
SpeckRonald Aborn about 1939
SpencerPaul Vborn about 1915
SpencerRuth Vborn about 1915
SpengerIda Lborn about 1878
SpengerJohn Hborn about 1869
SpiveyJames Oborn about 1931
SpiveyJohn Lborn about 1907
SpiveyLillian Mborn about 1907
SpockLewis Lborn about 1939
SpockLewis Oborn about 1914
SpockMargaret Cborn about 1916
SpraggCharles Lborn about 1910
SpraggCharlotte Mborn about 1939
SpraggElizabeth born about 1870
SpraggElizabeth Eborn about 1915
SpraggFord Craborn about 1882
SpraggJohn Nborn about 1898
SpraggJohn N Jrborn about 1932
SpraggLewis Cborn about 1879
SpraggLillie born about 1884
SpraggPhillip Rborn about 1862
SpraggRuth Eborn about 1903
SpraggSamuel Aborn about 1926
SpraggSarah Jborn about 1865
SpragueBarbara Aborn about 1936
SpragueJoel Hborn about 1862
SpragueLina Aborn about 1867
SpragueLydia Sborn about 1873
SpragueMary Aborn about 1879
SpragueMildred Mborn about 1912
SpragueRaymond Bborn about 1887
SpragueW Albertborn about 1874
SpragueWatson Eborn about 1911
SprayueEdward Wborn about 1895
SprayueEthel Sborn about 1898
StaalmanFred Wborn about 1896
StaalmanGladys E3born about 1903
StanhopeFlorence Lborn about 1915
StaversEthelyn Aborn about 1911
StaversFranklin Hborn about 1939
StaversJ Claudeborn about 1880
StaversJoseph C Jrborn about 1931
SteelmanAddie born about 1896
SteelmanCharles born about 1892
SteelmanClarence Cborn about 1928
SteelmanDelsy born about 1936
SteelmanEmily Eborn about 1926
SteelmanEthel Sborn about 1934
SteelmanJonie Wborn about 1928
SteelmanJulie Fborn about 1860
SteelmanLaura Cborn about 1931
SteelmanLillian Rborn about 1927
SteelmanMary Jborn about 1932
SteinhauerGearry Aborn about 1939
SteinhauerJohn Gborn about 1881
SteinhauerMargaret Mborn about 1886
SteinhauerPaul Wborn about 1917
SteinhauerVirginia Mborn about 1920
SternsHorace Cborn about 1905
SternsVirginia born about 1933
SternsWilheminia born about 1911
StevenCharles Fborn about 1885
StevenSussanna born about 1888
StevensAlferd Cborn about 1916
StevensAnna Rborn about 1921
StevensH Randolborn about 1914
StevensPatricia Cborn about 1918
StevensPatricia Eborn about 1940
StevensRaymond Aborn about 1891
StilesA Marthaborn about 1923
StilesAlbert born about 1869
StilesBessie Mborn about 1903
StilesEdward born about 1881
StilesElvina Eborn about 1900
StilesForest Dehborn about 1932
StilesIvan Le Rborn about 1933
StilesJames Eborn about 1879
StilesLeon Hborn about 1894
StilesLeon H Jr4born about 1925
StilesMartha Tborn about 1904
StilesRalph Jborn about 1899
StilesRalph J Jrborn about 1929
StilesRebecca Cborn about 1921
StilesSarah Eborn about 1893
StilesSarah Sborn about 1927
StilesWilliam Rborn about 1928
StokesBetty Kborn about 1925
StokesEva Bborn about 1901
StokesJanice Hborn about 1939
StokesRonald Hborn about 1932
StokesShirley Jborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorHurley born about 1938
TaylorMargaret born about 1917
TaylorRobert Tborn about 1936
TaylorSarah Jborn about 1865
TealMary Aborn about 1861
TeasdaleC Vincentborn about 1913
TeasdaleCharles Eborn about 1876
TeasdaleNeva Eborn about 1877
TorrellNicholas Aborn about 1907
ToyMargery Eborn about 1924
ToyMary Eborn about 1901
ToyRobert Hborn about 1895
ToyRobert H Jrborn about 1928
TruexAdele Vborn about 1928
TruexHubert Lborn about 1888
TruexSussanna born about 1865
TruexVerna Vborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandornClarence Jborn about 1894
VandornF Douglasborn about 1931
VandornMae Mborn about 1899
VangaasbeekEmma born about 1921
VanhornS Emmaborn about 1864
VortigernSamuel Wborn about 1860

W Surnames

WackChristina Cborn about 1907
WackLewis Lborn about 1908
WackRobert L Sborn about 1939
WaltherMax Eborn about 1913
WaltherSara Mborn about 1917
WaltonEdna Vborn about 1881
WaltonIrwin Hborn about 1874
WaltonJames Wborn about 1937
WaltonLillian Mborn about 1913
WaltonRobert Rborn about 1907
WaltonRobert R Jrborn about 1933
WardBarbara Jborn about 1934
WardDonald Aborn about 1929
WardJanice Lborn about 1936
WardJohn Aborn about 1906
WardL Myrtleborn about 1906
WardRodmar Lborn about 1931
WarrenBeatrice Mborn about 1912
WarrenWalter Jr born about 1937
WebbCharles Hborn about 1895
WebbEdna Sborn about 1901
WebbElva Mborn about 1895
WebbJohn H Jrborn about 1899
WebbJohn Oborn about 1939
WebbRuth Lborn about 1900
WeberFred born about 1887
WebsterMary Eborn about 1873
WebsterRobert Rborn about 1870
WedellPeter Lborn about 1871
WeingarthAlmira Aborn about 1871
WeingarthHerman Hborn about 1872
WellsHannah Lborn about 1856
WenigarthJohn Iborn about 1857
WesterveltElla Mborn about 1880
WetmoreKent Cborn about 1904
WetmoreKent C Jrborn about 1930
WetmoreMarjorie Hborn about 1909
WetmoreOscar Wborn about 1931
WhealsonC Leslieborn about 1931
WhealsonEba Cborn about 1891
WhealsonEugene Eborn about 1923
WhealsonGerald Fborn about 1922
WhealsonLila Rborn about 1896
WheblcyCharles Sborn about 1865
WhiteAdelbert Mborn about 1887
WhiteAlveraca born about 1898
WhiteMary Rborn about 1873
WilliamsWilliam Hborn about 1865
WinburyClara Mborn about 1930
WinburyEthel born about 1907
WintermuteJoseph Eborn about 1869
WittwerAnna Mborn about 1916
WittwerErnest Dborn about 1935
WittwerErnest Eborn about 1901
WittwerJanet Bborn about 1938
WittwerPeter Fborn about 1940
WolleonFran Sr born about 1884
WolleonFrank Tborn about 1890
WolleonThomas born about 1864
WoodCharles Wborn about 1939
WoodConstance Mborn about 1939
WoodGlendora born about 1921
WoodbridgeAnna Eborn about 1877
WorkFrances Pborn about 1894
WrightMary Cborn about 1904
WrightWalter Wborn about 1906
WroyoMargaret born about 1873
WyckoffBarbara Jborn about 1929
WyckoffE Robertborn about 1928
WyckoffHattie born about 1903
WyckoffIda Jborn about 1926
WyckoffJohn Eborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanFred born about 1871

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