Clifton Genealogy (in Passaic County, NJ)

USA (1,380,571) > New Jersey (19,741) > Passaic County (1,008) > Clifton (57)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Clifton are also found through the Passaic County and New Jersey pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Marriage Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Clifton Birth Records

New Jersey, Episcopal Diocese of Newark Church Records, 1809-1816, 1825-1970 Ancestry online

Clifton Cemetery Records

Crest Haven Memorial Park Billion Graves online

Crest Haven Memorial Park Find a Grave online

East Ridgelawn Cemetery Find a Grave online

East Ridgelawn Cemetery Billion Graves online

King Solomon Memorial Park Find a Grave online

King Solomon Memorial Park Billion Graves online

Menorah Cemetery Find a Grave online

Vreeland Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clifton Church Records

First Lutheran Church records (in U.S. Evangelical Lutheran Church, Swedish American Church Records collection) Ancestry online

New Jersey, Episcopal Diocese of Newark Church Records, 1809-1816, 1825-1970 Ancestry online

Richfield Church, Christian Reformed, Clifton, N.J., 1825-1975 Ancestry online

Richfield Church, Christian Reformed, Clifton, N.J., 1825-1975 : a biography FamilySearch Library

Souvenir Book of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Golden Jubilee : 1905-1955 Ancestry online

Clifton City Directories

Filter By Year:

Clifton City Directory 1920 MyHeritage online

Clifton City Directory 1924 MyHeritage online

Clifton City Directory 1929 MyHeritage online

Clifton City Directory 1950 MyHeritage online

Clifton City Directory 1954 MyHeritage online

Clifton City Directory 1956 MyHeritage online

Clifton City Directory 1958 MyHeritage online

Clifton City Directory 1960 MyHeritage online

Clifton, NJ 1937, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Clifton, NJ 1956, 1958 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1927 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1937 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1946 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1948 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1952 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1956 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1958 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Clifton, New Jersey, City Directory, 1960 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Directory of Passaic, Garfield, Clifton, Wallington, Athenia, Allwood and Delawanna, New Jersey : a complete business directory FamilySearch Library

Passaic (New Jersey) city directories FamilySearch Library

Clifton Death Records

New Jersey, Episcopal Diocese of Newark Church Records, 1809-1816, 1825-1970 Ancestry online

Clifton Histories and Genealogies

Clifton Golden Jubilee, 1917-1967 Ancestry online

History of Passaic and its environs : historical-biographical FamilySearch Library

Clifton Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Clifton, Passaic County, New Jersey, 1935 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Clifton, Passaic County, New Jersey, 1935-1951 Library of Congress online

Clifton Marriage Records

New Jersey, Episcopal Diocese of Newark Church Records, 1809-1816, 1825-1970 Ancestry online

Clifton Newspapers and Obituaries

Clifton Journal 04/04/2008 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Clifton Journal 1999-2020 online

Clifton NJ Jewish Community News 1980-1985 Fulton History online

Offline Newspapers for Clifton

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Clifton Journal. (Clifton, N.J.) 1916-1976

Clifton Leader. (Clifton, N.J.) 1926-1949

Clifton News. (Clifton, N.J.) 1972-1976

Clifton Times. (Clifton, N.J.) 1910s-1940s

Forum. (Clifton, Nj) 2000s-Current

Morning Leader. (Clifton, N.J.) 1949-1950

Post Eagle. (Clifton, N.J.) 1962-Current

Clifton School Records

Clifton High School - Rotunda Yearbook (Clifton, NJ), 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1971 E Yearbook online

Clifton High School yearbook, 1919 (Jun), 1920 (Jun), 1921 (Jun), 1922 (Feb), 1922 (Jun), 1923 (Jun), 1923 (Feb), 1924 (Feb), 1925 (Feb), 1925 (Jun), 1926 (Feb), 1926 (Jun), 1927 (Feb), 1927 (Jun), 1928 (Jun), 1928 (Feb), 1929, 1929 (Jun), 1929 (Feb), 1930 (Feb), 1930 (Jun), 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Clifton High School yearbook, 1919 (Jun), 1920 (Jun), 1921 (Jun), 1922 (Feb), 1922 (Jun), 1923 (Jun), 1923 (Feb), 1924 (Feb), 1925 (Feb), 1925 (Jun), 1926 (Feb), 1926 (Jun), 1927 (Feb), 1927 (Jun), 1928 (Jun), 1928 (Feb), 1929, 1929 (Jun), 1929 (Feb), 1930 (Feb), 1930 (Jun), 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1980 Classmates online

Clifton High School yearbook, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1980 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Paul VI Regional High School yearbook, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1978 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Paul VI Regional High School yearbook, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1987, 1988 Classmates online

Paul VI Regional High School yearbooks, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1987, 1988 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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